V THK OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIU'HSDAY. JAXfARY 12. IMS. t i ( ( i GRAIN ANB fRODLCE MAKRET loow it Htj aid Geiernl tad Mtioi Much te Wioter Wheat. EAST MAY BE SELLING ITS LONG LINE tor SalBmeats l.aiirr Than Hr ported tor Inst Wrrk-Mtrkt( Shone MrnB tndrrtone -)u Livelier. UMAWA. Jan. 11. 4. "Tli heavy giifMl snow in the best thing that has happened in"e the winter wheat wns planted." Mid a local main man who has held rather poor Idea of the chances of the next crop, "fp to the present time have hart v ry little snow "ver the i-ntlre winter wheat belt there haa IWn pr.ictii ally a drouth. The plant nr thest- reasons has hurt to fine extr.-ine cold without much vitality and I fear with considerable rtmp Now we have a tine, heavy miuw over the greater part of the belt, from up In the Dakota south through Kansas ann east over the Ohio vaihy. It will go tar toward saving the crop arid will at leant Mve anv furlhiT damage." The wle men are dtvliicil in uplnlon as to wh'ther or not the WhH uticct longs have sold part of thfir big line. It was gen erally behaved Tuesday afternoon thu easterners, particularly .lohn V. Hate.. had liquidated wit 4.'ii).nni hwhes during Mon day and Tuesday. Thl Idea is not so gen eral today and In mafiv well Inform, d i Ir- lea it ia thought no meat part or the hold ing ha been disposed r.f. The Wall street ana; baa shown It could piinifh the bears and haa shaken off norm- iinilcwirahlo i,m pany. It la thought for tm present, they ar content with scalping operations on a very large scale with lliicuiatloiis of 5 or rents. The market today looked like a decline. t opened liv the Muv at the. losing figure of Tuesdav $l.lt4. and at one time advanced to $1,174. but tiv noon It had gradually settled down to $1,144. Later it rallied somewhat, going to 4. The July ranged from TO40 to Vtr. The primary rcceipta ate 452.f"J bushels. gainst Kl.onti bushels last vcnr. Chicago had eight cars of wheat and Duluth six cars. Minneapolis got half of receipts for the unw day last year and Winnipeg got .14 cars only, 2u of which wnM low grade. Kansas City, St. Louis nnd Omaha receipts were comparatively bettor t hull the north ern. The Minneapolis stdeks have declined cuo.ixyi bushels for four days. The smnll re ceipts make probable n big dcicase In the primary Monday. St. Louis wires bids are ri ctlved there from North Carolina mills for good milling . wheat. Puluth reports ale of Ave loads Manitoba low grade wheat for Liverpool. Complaints ore re ported from New England of poor (imillty of flour being received, lluslncss will be ruined. It Is said, if better wheat ia not ued. Newport New report today the shipment from there of 7i)oi". bushel corn lust week. . This makes over l.'nn.eoo bushels reported hipped from American port during the . week. The export demand Is. however, light Just now. The movement in the east Is also light, but that west of the Missis sippi I fair. The market began to display a strong undertone thl morning and there was a large covering by shorts. The mar ket, while showing an upward tendance, ad vanced but a little. The rinsing price, how ever, was the high point of the day. Oats showed a larger deerenKn In the visi ble than had liocn expected by the profes sionals, showing n good consumptive de mand. Tills led to n fair buying. Omaha t:li Market. .' WHEAT Nt-. 2 hard, Il.OtWfl.fx: No. 3 hard. PNcfil.OI: No. 4 hard, 9cVaSc; No. 3 spring, $1.07. COKN-No. 2, 3S4e; No. 3. 3Se; No. 4. 374c; no grade. 33 -o Wo ; No. 2 yellow. 3S-?r:; . No. 3 yellow. 3Sc; No. 2 white, 34c; No. r S white. 3c. OATS No. 2 mixed, :8c: No. S mixed, ?74c; No. 4 mixed, 2nV4c; No. 2 white. 29c; No. 8 white, 2c; No. 4 white, 27'&2Sc; standard, 2:!4c. Carlot Receipts., Wheat. C'urn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Duluth Ht. Louis .... Winnipeg .... Omaha 8 1S4 . 47 24t . i . 05 . 34 . 20 34 34 S3 59 I'rleea In Minneapolis. The following table shows the range of prices In Mlnneapnllu ua reported by "Ed wards, Wood ; Co. : " Open. High. Low. Cloe. Wheat .' May LlTHi l.W l.WSi 1.17H July i 1.1R 1.151 1.14(- 1.15' tieptember .... 9:iVil I i 9ai Ciraln Markets K.laowhere. Clohlng prices of grain today and Tues 4lky at the murkets named were aa follows: CHICAGO. Wheat May .... July X.'orn May .... July ..... Wheat May .... July Corn May July Wheat Jly uly Cyrn Itay .... July ..... Wheat May July ..... Wheat May July Wheat May July . , . Today. Tuesday. 1.17 WlA 44-SB 4o',B 41-SH 46?kl KANSAS CITY. 1.06'i IWil 42'i 42' , 4-SU ST. iouia. 1.I8' 116 VB 4:1 a 1.1ft B 42Tj 434 MINNEAPOLIS. 1.1?: 1.17'i I.IV.B 1-i'o'i UULUTH. 1.17 1.17'i 1.1.".',!. 15 I.15a NEW YUKK. .. l.lrt'i .. l.WI'n l.ltl'i MW V O It hi il'. KKAI, MARKET Uaatatluns of Ike Day uu Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Jan. It KLOl'R-Keceipts, 2y.U40 bids.; export. .6. 1 In bbis. Market was iirm with fair liupiiry; winter patents, 5.o0 u6.4; winter slruigiitH, i.i.jiii.tii; Minne aota patents, $..Mitti.3;i; winter extras, i4.M); Mliinoaotit tiakers', H.Ji;t,5; winter low grade. $j.4.'.'(4.10. Ityv tluur, ilrni; fair to good, $4.401114 iUi choice to fancy, Hi (jj.iiO. lliickwlicat Hour, dull; -'.oO per 1"0 10. CORNMEAL Easy ; fine white and yel low, Jl .b; course, new, Jl.lwul.ll. kllu dried, ji.).!0. KYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 75c asked. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 44ci c. I f. New York; malting. 4iu2c, c. i. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 7,H bu. Spot market Irregular; No. 2 led, l.li',; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, ti l-'1. ' o. b. utloat. Optiona were wl austalued up to midday on light receipt, bull support and covering, but wcakuned under a disappointing caah altu- tlon, stop losses aeliing partly rumored for Wa.ll street account, and heavy allow all oVfV the west. The close wus irregular at a, prtlal Ho decrease; Jut) , l.ua'o I cloned 4U.03',. CORN Rtpt, MStM bu. exports, G4,4 bu. Spot market hteudy; No, 2. 64c, nom inal, elevator, and 52c, t. o. b. utlout; No. 2 yellow, 62'io; Ni 2 white. 52'4c. Option market was negl)cted. but steady at the west, closing net unchanged; May, joVtt1 au'tc closed oMc. OATH Kaceipta, 37. Sun bu ; exports, 4.&2S bu. BixJt market barely steady; mixed, 2tt to S3 los., 3Vjxi'i liutural white, 30 to 32 lb., 37h33ke'; clipped white, 3t to 38 lbs., J4M141C HAY Firm; shipping, V'q'c : good to choice, HW7Vc. HOllS-KIrm; slate, common to choice, 1!4, 2Wi37c; 1S. SoftSSc; olds, 14c; Pucille coast, 2UJ0c. 1UU1. 3u33c; olds, 14tt 17c. HIDES Virm; Galveaton, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 2R lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, M to SO lbs., 14V- LEATHER-Klrm; acid, 24fj2ne. t I'KOV 1B1U. neer. sieauy; ramuy, u uo 12. vO: mess, vmv oo; oeer naips, .'.' .uS 1.50; packet. 115.cpotlu0; city extra India lies. I4.6(Ql0'. Col meats, steady; pick ld bellies. I Iti.754j7.00; plcklud hmil,lii s, i.li'V,: pickled iiama, i 7.rtU "i. Lard, rlim; western steamed, 7.U5; letined. steady; con tinent, t7 1: Mouth American. f7o; com pound. tH.nH'irf.uu. folk. iulri; family, tl4 n(jl4 M; short clear, II3. W.uO, mesa, $12 7.V(JI3 i TALLOW Quiet; city, 4'e: country, 4i 4'4)C KICK Quiet ; domestic, fair to extra. 2T4j (bn'e; Japuii, nominal. Bt'TTER Steady ; street price. etra creumeo. i'JU Ofrtclal prices, cream er v, common to extra, lWilfftc; creamery, held, conin on to extra. 21ii27c; state dairy, common to extra. 15i22c; weatein factory, common to choice, 14iUc; wlein Imlta lloii creamery, ooiiwuuv to choice, Uj'.'Jc. EOUti titrong; witeru fancy tclocted, UP ; western averag" hest. . CHEEK Strong ; sl..te. full cream, Muall. cniorcd and white, fancy, l.,li ; hue. , li'e made. loloK'd and white, pnoi in tujlv., , laist coli'ied and white, fsncy. 12; fine, ll'ill'ic; lats made col ored s-nd white, poor ro- choteev Senile. HOl'LTR Y AH-e. steady; western chick ens, ll'c; fnwis. lxy; tirkes. I:tl4e. Pressed, ttrm; western rht'-kens, HSytic; towls. JHil2c, turkeys. lSlc. IMKAt.O on.i Afl l'ROIMU Featarea at tke Tradlac aad ( losing; Prices a Board of Trade, CIMCAOO, Jan. IV Continued small re ceipts formed the greater Influence today In the wheat market. After a nervous ses sion the nintket closed- trrm, with May delivery showing awftatftV of 'ftSc. Con sad oats are nra'ettuklfy unchanged. lTo vlslons are n shade lower to 7'4- higher. Ixiwer ciibles, with rain nnd snow south west, caused an easy tone In wheat at the opening. Msv was unchanged to '. lower at -I.IVI1.1V Helling was quite liners! at the start and Mny declined to li.in't. More delib'-rstlon. however, upon conditions in the fnlted State convinced many tinders thst higher prices for wheat were probable. Receipts in the northwest today showed a liberal decrease; compared with last week and a year ago. In addi tion t lie? total primary receipts were almost M per cent less than the corresponding day last year. Stocks at Minneapolis made a decrease of 4i.noi) bu. In four days. A number of large commission houses soon became fairly good buyers and as n result prices advancd. The ease with- which the market rallied, however, was more the result of a kick of offerings, the. purchas ing of 2.S.IMI bu. being the signal for n letup In the selling. Short were moderate buyers on the upturn. The high point on May for the day was reached at I1.17V1 I 17V I'rofit-taklng fur a prominent holder. loiinweci by cpiite general selling on the part of the put traders, caused rt sharp reaction. May declining to Sl.l4j. Weak ness of the St. Louis market had much to lo with the rlecllnn here. Purlng the last half hour of trading the greater purt of the less was regained on renewed covering by hurts. TTie market closed firm with May at H.17if1.17'n. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 12J.EH0 bu. rrimary re ceipts were 4n2.3oO hu., otupari-d with 141. iVm a yesr ago. Minneapolis, tniluth and Chlcngo reported receipts of IHu cars, as agalnM 622 last week and 5o5 a year ago. Smaller local and primary receipts had a steadying effect on the corn tnnrket. Trading was very quiet. The market was a trlh easier at the start, us a result of lower cables, but a fair demand from com mission house created a firmer undertone. May opened unchanged to n shade lower at 4ll5'(?44'Sc, sold up to 44Tc und closed at 4 IV'e44c. Local receipts were 14 ears, none of contract grade. In Rjnipathy with the firmness of other grains, the oais market was steady. Light offerings here and In toe country had a strengthening Influence., ' May openel a shade higher to ',c lower at 31ti31V. sold up to 31V- and closett't 31Hc. Local receipts were 51 cars. .- . Early In the day sentiment In the pro visions market was comparatively bearish, owing to weakness of hogs at the yards, loiter a firm tone developed on a fair (iemand from shorts. At the close May pork was up "He. nt $12.45. May lard wus off a shade at tti.82,'Q".so and ribs were up 5c at $tf.6'o(i.ii7V4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars; corn, 223 cars; oats, 38 cars; hogs, 40.0'TU head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Clo.se.l Yes y. Wheat May July Corn Jan. Muv July Oats Jan. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May July Ribs Jan. May July I lltHi-Tk, f!V( I 41 V 1 1T, Wl K'l 9!" I I I 41H 41'4ft:, 414 44', 44'i'((', 44s. 41 S 44 !44,Ml-V i'.ifKi 45V4. 45' ,fi U ; U 43ii U 3"'l 31'. 31V I 12 20 12 62'.3 3il'l 31'.! 314"i- nav,, ?!: 31', I : l :iH 314 12 afi 12 57i 6 2i 85 6 ltd 3T 2H K774 31 4: 314- I 12 324' 12 20 12 324 1 12 MS 12 50 I li till ! i "' li 3741 6 W I 75 I 11 IK) 6 85 6 37U ti 674 8U ti U ti 80 90 I 6 374 6 674 6 75 ti I'll) ti 8o 6 W B S74' 674i 6 80 No. 2. , Cash quotations were as follows: KLOl'K Steidy; winter patents, $5 l(Vg 5.2u: straights. J4.80'u 5.0c: spring patents, $5."oi8.50; straights, $4. 504.90; bakers, $2.70 WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1.12'&l.lti; No. 3, ll.02fll.15; No. 2 red. $1.18ft 1.204- CORN-N t, 43c- No. 2 yellow, 43o. OATS No. 2. 30'c; No. 2 white, 32324c; No. 3 white, 304fir314c. . HVE-Kn.2, Veo.. BARLEY Oood feeding, 36S7c; fair to choice malting, 41&47P. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.16; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.23; prime timothy, $2.80; clover, con tract grade, $13.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.38 12.40;. lard, per HX lbs., $ti.iW; short ribs sides I loose), $H.1244i".25; short clear sides (boxed). $ti.50(f(6.'-24. Receipts and shipments for the day were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, hhls 41.40D , 31.HU0 Wheat, bu 57,01 44.500 Corn, hu 5t2.900 12,04) Oats, bu :.' 342,000 137,800 Rye. hu 11.4oo 21.900 Barley, bu 144.400 31.700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries. llVpiMc; dulrtes, 134fc24e. Eggs, Iirm; at mark, cases included, aiJSic; firsts, 254c; extras, 294c. Cheese, steady; lKftlie. !4. I.oula Grain and Provisions. ST. IXICIS. Jan. 1L WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, $t.l8;t; track. $1.I8W 1.19; May, $I.184$1.18H; July, 9641596V; No. i hard, $1,1141.13. CORN-Firm; No. S cash, 43c; track, 444c; May, 43&4S4c; July, 434e. OATS Firm: No. 2 caah. Sic; track, 32c; May, 81V-: No. 2 white. 324c, FLOl'R Firm; red winter patehts, $5.40 ft 6. 50; special brands. $5 tioftS.To; extra fancy, $5.00(i5.1.ri; clear. $4.55f8 4.70. SEEI Timothy, nominal nt I2.0O&2.4O. COHNMEAISteady at $2.40. BRAN Lull, easy; sucked, east track, 86 ti S7c. HAY-Dull; timothy, $8.0ti 13.00; prairie, $6.OH''g!.50. IRON COTTON TIES-9:ic. BAOOINO 7'kC IIF;MP TWINE 64c PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; Jobbing, $11,324. old; new. $12,574. Lard, unchanged; prime uteam, $0.35. Dry Bait meats ( boxed , steady; extra shorts, $ii.624; clear ribs, $1,874; short clears, $7. Bacon (boxedi, steady; extra shorts, $7.50; clear ribs, $7,624, short clear, $7,874. POULTRY Steady; chickens, I040; springs, 104c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 11c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Firm: creamery. IS'nSoV: dairy, ISfn'Soc. EOU8 Higher at 24c, case count. Recel.ts. Hhipniepts. Flour, bhls S.rtoo I5,tm Wheat, bu J5. Corn, hu 3t.ti 57.(t Outs, bu 59,000 27,000 Kansas Clly Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 11. WHEAT Dull to weak; May. $L0tvi1.07; July, HUMrPiKV-; cash. No. 2 hard, $l.o8'all0; No. 3. $1.Wa 1. (',,; No. 4, 99o&$1.05; No. 2 red. $I.12!.1; No. 3. $1.09'Bl ll; No. 4, 99ctfl$t,nJ; receipts, 32 cars. CORN Firm: May, 42V ': July. 42-Sc; cah, No. 2 mixed. 42c; No. 3, 41fg42c; No. 3 white. 42i&42Hc; No. 8. 414i. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white, 314032c; No. 3 mixed. 3Uc. , ,.,. . . , HAY Steady, choice timothy, $9.004 t.Su: choice prnlrle, $7.50. RYE Steady, 75'. KOUS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whitewood Included, 25c; case count. 24c; cases returned. 4 less. BUTTER Creamery, 23-a27c; dairy. 19c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu Jj.... 25.tiO i8.0ie Corn, bu 9,flnn 43.200 Oats, bu 9,Ciu 2.OU0 Minneapolis Grain llarket. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 11. WH EAT Mav, $117mi.l7: July. $1,154; September, 934c; No. 1 hard, $1.18S: No. 1 northern. $l.lu: No. 2 northern, $1 .12.. FLOL'R Firm: patents, $i.50ift.0: second patents, $.3uiiii 40; first clears, $4.15tt.So; second clears, $2.t42 70. BRAN In bulk, $14.00. r , Liverpool Grain. Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. lt.-WHEAT-Snot. nominal: futures, quint: March, Ts Id; May, 7 ,d: July, 7s 4d. . . . CORN Spot. American mixed, new, easy. 4s 14d; American mixed, old, quiet, 4s lid; futures, steady; March, 4s Id; May, 4s 14d. Mllwsskee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 11. WH EAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern. $l.!t.iM; No. t northern $1.1041.14; May, $1.17al 17',. KARl?t;Y-SteaUyi No. X Mfoic; sample. S74i61c. CORN ',c up; No. 3, 12'4j43c; May, 44c. Dalalk Grain Market. IM LCTH. Jan. U.-WHEAT-To arrivn: No. 1 northern. $1 16: No. 2 northern. ai. On track: No. 1 northern. $1 IS; No. j northern. $1.08; May, $1.17; July, $1154; Sep. ti mber. 95' i . Peoria Mnrkrl. Pi:oRIA Jan. .11 CORN-H gher; No. $. ti'.ii i No. i ilVjc; no gtade. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Marktt it Dull aad Icctiv, witk Valnai Near Tnidy Nigh;' a Larel. TRADERS ARE AWAITING DEVELOPMENTS Proposed l.enlslallon Affectlan Inter state Commerre nnd Poor Outlook for Winter Wheat (anse Hesitation, NEW YORK. Jan. 11 Sin h market as there was lor stocks today was restricted to testing iiperntions by proti sslonals In attempts to olsinvcr th trend of the mar ket. 1'he attempts were unsuccessful ior the simple reason that the market lud no trend. Them was a coiiditl.in 01 htnargy with prices very near to last night's Rve. The undertone is tniilenia hly lirni and such testing opeiatlons hs the pmlesslonal ope ratora venture upon are indicative of a spirit of hopefulness for higher prices, 'lhus for several days past the eorly trans actions have Irt'en light I. living orders with following r cessions, when the dtsnpMtiit iug fact Is develop. -d that traders ste ahmr in the market. This stagnant condition of slier illation Is a surprise to those w ho looked lor active dealings with the January congestion of money s ipply and the effort to 11 mi explanation for it points to various surmists. The natural accumulation of moncv in New York Is modified to some extent bv the outgo of gold and next week's require ment of $l'i.0v.'n for the return of gov ernment deposits is sul'ject to considera tion. But the almost piethorlc condition of the money market and the low interest rstes prevailing make this an Improbable explanation for the neglected speculation. The unprecedented rush of depositors at the local savings bank this week Is of fered s part explanation of the diver sion of investment funds, the attraction being the advance In the Interest rate to depositors offered by many of the banks. Then there Is some distrust or the level to which prices had h.-en pushed in antici pation of the January movement nnd skepticism as to the wisdom of speculative nttempt to lift the price level higher. There have been dividend resumptions and in creases which gave color to rumors of similar action In other cases. But on the other hand, some of these rumors have proved in founded, notahlv bv the main tenance of the regular dividend rates bv the c entral R.illroad of New Jersey anil the I nlon Pacltlc. There is a verv free discussion of the alleged practice of over certlficatlon of checks for stock market operations and this discussion Is kept stim ulated by legal proceedings in progress. Jhese proceeding have a bad effect on stock market sentiment. The legislative proposals nt Washington and poor reports from winter wheat crop are continuing Influences for conservatism today a movements cmII for slight special mention. Southern Pacific was affected ty explanation of the announcements of Its refunding plan. The local tractions were Influenced further by the belief of some LT, n.T ,1''ve'"l''",;h h fiectlng Intercom Rapid Transit. The rise of a few special 'Jrh' indeterminate tone of the market uncharged up to the closing. I he movement of bond nrlces was irreg - r.i. tn7"'' W1,y !1 Wfl1 diffused activity M)ur.,r mrTk';!- , T,',al Sillv!- rmr value. $3,840.01X1. United States 2 s declined i per rent on call ' Quotations 011 the New York Stock ex cliMiigc ranged 11s follows: Mchlsnr, SiUes.lllgh.Low Close. Atchison pfd (,'irt loor; pmii Atlantic Coast Lin,... BaLlm'oM yjk'- '' 1T a"""1"" leucine l.:H 133:1. 1.1J-, 133 ciurai or iv. j 4,10 owe ,,,,17 Chesapeake & Ohio! 1.31,1 s 4.-V a,-, 4-'S 42 83 X) . iiicago s Alton 'no 4-1 Chicago & A. pfd.... In) s; Chicago Jt. W n mi Chicniro V i- " " rr ' Chicago, M. ft St'.'p! 'ii'.:V) 173'. i7;ii -' h cago T. & T mm) hts pJ ,,V ch,c"fcTi,T-,,'r'!' xm .. ....: ht. Louis to Colorado & So ua ( oj" Colo. & go. 1st pfd.. 300 5i.4 5.nw Colo. & 80 2.1 pfd.. 100 suij 36 35U Ielaware & Hudson pu Delaware. L. A W 3;),-. Denver R. 1; ,tnn i "Vi" , Denver ft R. G. pfd.. KOfl M4 s S'i ',r'" 18.700 rsrf, :4 3:14 Erie 1st nfd. ' o-i t-t. --i? 2m) 7Si Erie 2d pfd Hocking Vallev ... 1.2C ) tiiu Hocking Val pfd...., "'. """ 1 (134 Illinois Central , tj.300 15y,4 15M jpsV, Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd "" 551 K. C. Southern 100 28i "iai -Mil K. C. Southern pfd.. ) fi.14 6.31 7 Ki, Louisville & Nash... 1.900 no HniJ I40U Manhattan L 18,300 170'i li4 G9i. Metropolitan Sec 2.800 77 75 7i;t". Metropolitan St. Hy.. 17.100 117 115a. 117lT Mexican Central ti.HOO Si7 3'Vi 'M! Minn. & St. L . . f.o M.. St. P. & 8. 8. M. . 20 8914 894 89U do pfd J41J Missouri Pacific 4,:0 10rtN, l(;'i icmi; M.. K. & T 2.f) 31V 314 mal Pi., iv. 4- 1 . prd 2.500 34 63 63 N. R. R. of M. pfd.. 4,."i00 43a, 4Lm' 42'k N. V. Central l.Tioo 144 1I3U 1434 N. V., O. & W tji) 41 1; 41 40'i Norfolk & W 79 7!) 79 Norfolk & W. pfd so ' Pennsylvania 11,200 137'. l::7a, 1:1714 P.. C. C. & St. 1 100 77':. 77'4 77 Reading 13,!) 82'J .81'; 8u; Reading 1st pfd SO SI", . SI; . ia Reading 2d pfd ' 83'? Rock Island Co 6.R00 3)r: 3iaj . Rock Island Co. pfd 84 St. L. 8. K. 2d pfd... 800 71 70 70'i Ht. Louis S. W Sco 23' i 24 St. Louis S. W. pfd.. 7' 58 571 57 Southern Pacific n.noO Otii !'. Southern Pacltlc pfd. 3.4f) llv4 litii. llT Southern Railway .. Set) :Vi'5 34".J 35 80. Railway pfd ,io" !;a-4 Wi4 Siiij, Texas & pacific :mi :ir,i4 :ir,i, 34a.. T., tit. L. & W 'VA 3ii'i 3iiU 30 T St. L. & W. pfd.. 100 64 54 . liia; Tnlon Pacific S3ki 115r, H4t 115V, I'nlon Pacific pfd Wabasli 700 214 21V 21i Wabash pfd 42 Wheeling & L. K . . . . l'x) 1S'4 lH't IN', Wlsconaln Central 211,- Wis. Central pfd 45 " Adams Kxpress 231I American Kxpress .: 212 1'nited Slates Ex VM Wells-Fai go Kxpress 233 Amal. Copper 40,ili 74S 713 71' American C. & V 100 3:i :wt Amer C. F. pfd if.' Amer. Cotton Oil 5o0 3V :!5', 35 Amer. Cotton Oil prd loo Of. S5 S4 American Ice 7"0 t!'i H American Ice pfd 200 3H - 36r'i 37 Amer. Linseed Oil 15 A. Linseed Oil pfd 37 Amer. Locomotive .. 300 35 35 35 Locomotive pid 104 Amer. 8. & R 12m S24 814 81; Amer. 8. & R. pfd... 800 11L''i 112 112 Amer. Sugar Refine. 2,3oo 142'i 141 14l; Am. Tobacco pfd ctf 7od ft4 S4 ftii Anaconda Mining Co. 1.0"0 112", 1074 lit Brooklvn Rapid Tr.. 10..'s HIS , 1 Colorado F. & 1 1.3") 4'i4 Consolidated C.as .... l.:'.oo 197 1 Corn Products -"0 21 21 21 Corn Products pfd... 10O 78 78 7Bi Distillers' Securities. 200 374 37'i 374 General F.lectrlc 1W li 14 International Paper.. 1.4(0 234 22' 23 Int. Paiier pfd 800 77T, 77 77 International Pump.. 700 30 87 ;I8 Int. Pump pfd 86 National Lead 0 25ai 24", 214 North American loo Pacltlc Mall 45 Veonle' Gas 3O0 Pi4 106',, Jini-i, Pressed Steel Car Pressed 8. C pfd.... Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel Republic SteH pfd... Rubber Goods Rubber Goods pfd... Tennessee C. Si I I'. S. Leather I'. 8. leather pfd.... lT. 8. Realty 1'. 8. Rublier IT. 8. Rubber pfd.... I'. . Steel I- H Steel nfd 3K f,.Kl 90 89", sSa 4"0 240 2:S 23S 400 lta. Hi 164 pio 84 tiS'.j 84 611O 27 4 27 2H54 100 96 5 94 ;oh 15.900 144 134 134 .3' 1014 1014 1014 78 2.700 3S4 s: 374 1,51)0 1014 1004 101, 14,li 294 24 24 19, 10) 9.'4 92 S24 Vlr.-Caro. Chemical on) :i4 :is :iu V .f ' Clieinleal ufd.. ' l'i 1'i K Westinghouse lilec... 3 18"4 I804 1K0 Western I'nlon 924 92- 92i Total sales for the day, Si.8o0 shares. New York Mining Stocks. NK.W YORK. Jan. 11. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Aitami Con Alius Pre- Druniwii'li fon .. I'mnM'H'ii Tunnl (on. 11. A Vs.. Hum Hllr Iron Silvr ...... Lalvlll ton ... . 10 Little hlf ' i Onlrlo a.lo Oplilr ISO PhiMlilx 9 ViiiiMi ;i S,vac 4a sierra Ncv.1i .r.t Small Hopes :S Sluniisra IjQ . . u . . 211 .. .. I ..17b . SlK) .. t I'reaaar) statenteut. WASHINGTON. Jan. 11 Today s state ment of the treasury balance In 4 lie general fund, exclusive of the $150.otJ.oi gold re serve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash bulnnce. $143,284,571: gold. $70. ?72,3. Hauk l learlugs. OMAHA. Jan. II.-Bank clearing 1 vn tiutis to rhow a rm,i kaide lricrece over last year. For Weoinnlnv they, are $1,471 IJ5 .'8. Kni ih H'oc tis last .mr, tin y were $l,27o.' kS. The tic reuses shown by the clearing house are in a measure due to the fart that more business Is being dene in OmRha this year and also to the fact that the grsln collections from the country -correspondents' shew big Increase since the establishment of the grain ex change. It shows that considerable grsln Is being shipped Into Omaha and the city is getting the benefit 'er York Mener Market. NEW YciRK. Jan 11 MOXKY-On call, steady. 2S24 rer cent: closing bid. 2 pr cent; offered at $4 per cent. Time loans, steady, sixty days', 24 per rent; ninety davs . 3 per cent; six months' "4 per cent. PRIMK MERCANTILE PA PER 4'(i 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong st de cline, with actual business In bankers' Mils at $4.874Wr4.8756 for demand slid at $1 SioMi 4 8510 for sixtv-dsy bills. Posted rates. $4.85''ii4V. Commercial bills. $4,8444 54. SILVER Bar. M4c; Mexicnn dollars. 474c BONDS Government, easy; railroad. Ir regular. The following are the quotations en stocks and bonds: f. 8. rrt :i. rft- . l"" tpn . tfs ! do roupon I'lCS I. N unl. C l' J to . ret HUH Minhntin . . 4 . t'T do roupon K44 tin. 1 eii'ral 4s '' 00 ne In. rg 151 1 ilo 1t tni- S i do coiip.n Ill Minn. St. L. 4 " -1.. eld Is, reg IOS'4 M . K. T. 4 I""1 do roopon ..tef4 do Sf "d Am Toharro 4. ,tfi, 73 N R. R. of M. e. 4S. t'4 d.i .. nf ill' V. T C s J';t ....!' Alrbleoa cn. 4S ....ICM4 V. J f s As lt do 4 IMS No. Pscltlr in I'' Atlantic r. L. 4 1"1S do s Hsl. Ohio 4 I04S S. V". c C I"J do .Tr AT. ,0 S. L. rM. 4 f'1 Central of t;a. na ...lM'-l Venn. ronv. 3's 14 do 1st inc- ft Ksadlnt n. la Mi do 2d inc 71 I A 1. M. ' 11S he. Ohio 4' . t(H f 1. r. ft- ' hliago A A. ,1,.. "'.St. U S. W. e. 4s... "" I" , B Q n. 4a.... Mo, Sfaboard . L 4. .. H C . II I. P. 4 .... So. Partn 4 do vol. it H'i So Rail l"4 C'CC & et. L. t 4a . lei-, Teiaa P 1 1!"S I'hleato Ter. 4s S7 T., ft L W. 4a. M'l Colo Mid 4e. 744 fslim Pscltle 4 m Colo. & So 4a Vi I do conv 4a US1! Cuha oa. rtfa 14i I' S. Sieel !d 6 " P. R O. 4a 10014 Uabah la 11' Piatlllera' ft-,: As.... 79 do dh. B 7' Krle prior Hen 4. . .l'Kl'4, "W'nrtern V1. 4a do (rn. 4a l, W. & U B 4a W't r. W. D c H...I H i wis. Central 4s I4 lloihlna; Val. 4', ...K Bid. Boston BOSTON, Jan. cent: time .onns, closing of stocks Airhlaoti adj. 4s do 4a Mpx. Central 4a Stock Market. II. Cull loans. I'Vot per 3VB44 per cent Official ami nonas: . !' Waatlna; rommon .Itilli'Adventure . 74 Allouaa . 7 A ma I gams ted . Ii' AmarU an Zlnr ... .'2 Atlatilie .17:. ;Bintham IMS "Csl. lle.la.... .141 (Canlannlal . :3 'Copper Hance .... . 84 . . :t . 74 .. 15 . 17 . .i:o, at: . 2i'i . S9 4 14", . 1 . ll '' . 2 . I0 . 12a ll s i?Ka . ' . .'S 1C1 . A-l . . :'3- . 10., . K . r . At'-hliMin do pfd Itoaton ct- AMiany.. PoKlon 4r Maina Hoaron Klavaied .... Kltrhliurt pfd Misli-m Cantral .... N. V., N. H. II.. Per Marouette t'nion Paeln Amer. Arte. Cham.. do pfd Amer. Pnau. Tuba... Amer. Sutar do pfd S0?V Paly Wat . w, llomlnlon f oal ... 1IF.S Pranklln . WS 'Orani . I Hal Koval . 4HAtaaa. Mlnint .141H MlrhUan . UIMi M..h .lCd'j Mont. i. & C . Ts Old pomlnlon .... . M'iC)K'eol . I84;t'srret .2i (Qulniv Amer. T T Amer. Woolen do pfd Pomlnlon 1. S.. Kdlron Klrc- lllu... tlenaral Kleitrlr ... Ma se. ICIiK'trlc do pfil Maaa. (laa t'nltad fruit Lulled Shue .Marh.. do pfd I. S. Staal do pfd Bid. .lH4iShannon l:u, .Tamarar-k .... Trinity V. f. Mining. f. Oil 1 tah Victoria Winona Wolverine .... 54 los ': :.; London stock Market. LONDON, Jun. 11. Closing quotations on storks and bonds: Conaola, money ... NT-It N. V. Central HI'i do aocount S -l Norfolk & W l'a Anaeonda. bc do pfd 9.1 AO-hlaon 89'a Ontario W 4JH do pfd le;p, Pennsylvania 7n- Baltimore V Ohio K'Ha. Rsml .Mlnea ll'a C anadian Patlfln ... .18 Reading 414 Chen, cfc Ohio ......... 441 do lt pM 47 Chliago Ct W 21 du 2d pfd 41 c, M. St. P 1T7 ISoutliern Hallvay ... at llellaera I i do ptd lnrer At R. O .! iSnuthai-n Pailflc 1 do pfd Tic j'l nlon Pacini: 117;t trie .-... 40H1 do pfd Sio, do lat pfd 794C. 8. Steal S"', do 2d pfd t I do pfd 9I llllnola Central ...... 13,( Wahaah 22 Uiuta. & N'anh 144 do pfd 44 M., K. & T .UiSpanlah 4 8.1'i SILVER Bar. steady, '.TK-lHd per ounce. MONEY IV"- per tient. The rata ot discount .In the open market for short bills is -4.. per cent; for three months' bills. AftSlHtf per cent. Foreign naHcinl. lXJNlKJN.- Jan. . 41The demand- for money was quiet, In ,4bo murket today and there vat a fulr supply. Discount were quiet but firm. Orlerafora" on the Stock ex change mostly wera- rneeriui anu were hugely occupied with the carry-over. The nductlun of the cierman bank rate was well received' and the record output of gold in the Transvaal was ' made a bull point. Consols hardened. Americans partly re coveredfrom an opening decline and con tinued firm and inactive at rather above parity. Prices closed steady. Orand Trunk weakened on disappointing returns. For eigners were firm. Russians advancing on continental support. Japanese were rather dull at Hrst. nut closed strong. Imperial Japanese government li of 19u4 were quoted nt 9s. BERLIN. Jan. 11; Prices on the bourse today were, depressed on account of the coal strike. PARIS. Jan. 11. Prices on the bourse totlay were Irregular, but at the close the tone was stronger. RuhsIhii imperial 4s were quoted at i.fw and Russians bonds of 1:104 at Sue). Cotton Market. NK.W YORK, Jan.' 11. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 7.15c; mid dling gulf, 7.40c; sales, none. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 11. COTTON Market steady. Sales. S.KS0 bales; ordinary, 4;S.o: good ordinary, i 11-Itic: low middling. G 7tSc: middling, 6'c; good middling. 74c; middling fair, iio. Receipts, li.uoo bales: stock. 4.17.437 bales. LIVERPOOL. Jan. .11. COTTON Spot, good business done: prices. 4418 points lower. American middling fair, 4.17d; good nilildllng. 3.:hI; middling, 3.i7d: low mid dling, 3 65d; good ordinary. 3.61d; ordinary, 3.55d. The sales were 12.00.' bales, of which 3..ri0i) hals were ' for sneculatlon, and In cluded 11.400 bales of American. Receipts, 21.000 bales, Including U.400 bales of Ameri can. Futures opened easier and closed steady. American middling good ordinary, January. 3. Hod; January and February, 3t5d; February nnd March. 3.6d; March and April, 3.71d; April and May, 3.7.V1; May and June, 3.7Rd: June and July, 3.80,1; July and August, 3S3d; August and Heptemlnr, .S5d; September and October, 3.86d; Octn Is r and November, 3?7d. ST LOI I8. Jan. ll.-COTTON-Dull. un changed: middling. 7iv: sales. 1 bale: re ceipt. 500 bales; Shipments, 55 bales; stock, 40,ii77 balis Metal Market. NKW YORK. Jail. 11. -M ETA US-The Ixindon tin market, ruled firmer, following the recent declines, and recovered a part of the loss, closing at 131 Ts lid for spot and at 131 for futures. l,oially the market, which had declined In connec tion with Lon don, also steadied, closing ut 121). liSSfi 29.31. Copper was higher In London, with apot closing at 118 7a 6d and futures at ii8 15. Locally-the market Is without change. Dealers generally report a good demand and firm prices. Lake Is quoted at 115.374 tti 15.50. as a rule, though some dealers name slightly lower figures, while electrolytic Is held at I15.124'ul5.2u. casting at H4.8747J 15.124. Lead was easier at 12 17s 6d In London, but remained firm at J4.8rtrti41.70 In the local market. Spoiler unchanged nt 25 2a tid In London and at $ii 15(7 6.25 In the local market, the Inside price being more or less nominal. Iron closed at 64s 9d In Glasgow nnd 49s 74d In Mlddleabnrotigh. Locally iron was unchanged: No. 1 foundry, run them, 17.5mi4l7.95: No. i foundry, north ern, 117.50; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, 17.75j 18.00. HT. LOl'Itl. Jan. ll.-M ETA 1.8 Lead, steady, tl.52', i 4.ti24- Srt-ltcr, strong, pi. 124. - Wool Market. BOSTON, Jan. 11 WOOL There is a strong market for wool, with trails quiet because of the small offerings. Lurge and mull mills have been buying, but not In large lots. The most Important move ments have been In Delaine wools and the closing nut of some Montanas. The trading In territory wool lias been dis tributed with prices maintained. Pulled wools are steady. Foreign grades are firm. Territory and Idaho Fine, ltiHjjIDc; heavy fine, liflic; fine medium. Ih4ijlc; medium. '2!tc; lotr medium. ZVaOc. Wyo-mlng-rFlne, 174ulK4o; heavy fine, lfictjltic.; fine medium, 1.4lTl&4o; medium, 234;i24e; low medium, J3(j4c. I'tah and Nevada Fine, 17J'18c; heavy fine, 1iV!c; fine me dium, 174i'lSc; medium. fcfciSc; low me. dlum, 231124c. Dakota Fine. lKIAc; fine medium. IMilfk-; medium, 23c?i24e; low me. dlum, 3Stn24c. Montana Fine choice. 2l1j: 22c; fine average. lli&JWo; fine medium, choice, 21tl22i ; average, llaic; staple, 22 f(23c; medium choice, 2trAc; average, 21 42'. HI'. IXH'IS, Jan. 11 .WOOL Nominal! medium grades combing and clothing. 2.I' 2c; llglit fine. I(fd224c; heavy fine, 14lc-; tub washed, .27i441c. . , ' Toledo need Market. ' TOl.F.DO O.. Jan. 1l.-SKEDS-Cl,icii i ash and .lanuar; 17 9u: Februry. 17. di; Mdrch !' en. prime Itike, t uit, prime tiniuthy, 11. j0. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Frioei to All Sorts f Offerings turTsr a Sharp Dealir.e. HOGS A BIG NICKEL LOWER AND BRISK ArrUala Iot and Market Late, arltk Bayers Indifferent nnd All (ondltlnns Aaalnst the Seller at lards. SOCT11 OMAHA. Jan. 11. !'. Receipts were: 4'sttl. Official Monday .i.oM Olfl. I it 1 Tuesdsv Ofllclal Vrdnesdav J.om ll"g. 8hep. J.7H4 S.WS S ..") tl 1 4 a 1!.:iH 17. 1W "Olitl ?'.1-"-' 4.78! l.7 i iri.twi 2R 4: 1 p;.7; 31.772 TO PATE. 1 nree cmvs tins week . l-'.S'i Same days In t week 7 :4.1 Name days week before.. 4 41 Pume three weeks nSo... H.ime fiiur weeks ago 1S.F.P4 Same days l ist year l'i.173 RKCEIPTS FOR THK THAI oe ioiinwing table shows tne receipi. cattle. h,,Kr fln, nhcep Bt nouth iimabn for the year to date, with comparison with lust .viiir: ipjfi. !14. 1'c. Cottle ; ' 7n7 i.Vft!l Hogs 6n!nKl f.Kw I.'J Sheep 4,i.iJl 5,fci W.iU The following table shows the nversge price of hogs n t Houth Omahs for the last severnl days, with comparisons: Dtei04. iwTt-i'Wi.inuo.isa.iisM: 4 f'4l 4 ) 01: K li! 4 77' S W' S 2' 4 791 S 94, S n 4 all 4 Oil 1 H 4 W 4 02) it o I 4 04( i SJ 4 Ml 1-47 4 6041 I 0S1 04, 4 444 4 34! I tt ( 4 fc.V, 4 381 I 111 4 3841 4 46, 6 Ul 0C 4 414, 4i :J I I 4 4iSI 4 Mi,: 4 64 Ml e 19 4 B9 4 111 1 69 4 k-l 4 0l 3 44 4 96i 4 21. 4 77 4 14 I 48 I) 44' 6 uti; 4 M, 3W, (i 221 4 til If M 1 4 66 I 4 614, 4 t-l 6 35, S I ll J 4 t0 I 3 61 l!sil.,lDH ,1M! j iri, l IV a K7 4 47 1905. 4 ;(9 4 434 4 414 4 4o'4 4 45 4 50 4 til 4 tiJi H L'a 0 30i 1904. ,1.'4 SlieuU. ; 4 til, tl 371 6 I'll I 6 30, 0 HI, 4 9, 4 29' S 67 6 02 4 27 3 44 J 04 4 37 3 17 4 oil 3 4S 5 On; I 3 42 3 06: 4 34, 3 14 4 3' 3 45 5 2 11 4 3., 3 01 u 23 4 41 3 56 4 77; 4 6S 4 Mi 4 o 4 i 4 tC I t W "K . 6 34 6 -I (1 3! ! 0 09 ti 4W 6 (0 G 4c ti 15, 6 40, ti i4 I 04 4 53! Indicates Sunday. Indicates holidiy. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by enrh roiiJ was: i aitie.nogs.no p it ses. C. M. & St. P. Ry Wabash Missouri IMcltlc Ry... r. P. system C. N. V. Ry V. K. M. V. R. R .... C. St. P M. & O. Ry.. B. M. Ry C. R. I. & V. Ry.. cast C R. 1. & P.. west. .. Illinois Central Chicago Great. Vetivrn Dee. Dec. 20 I Dec. 31 1 Dec. 'a... Dec. 23... Dec. 24 ... 1 Dec. 25... Dec. Dec. i7... Jan. I. ... 1 Dec. 23... 1 Dec. 30.. Dec. vl... Jan. 2.... Jan. 3.... Jan. 4.... Jan. n.... Jan. ( Jan. 7 Jan. 8.... Jan. i i Jhii, 111... Jan. 11... :l S 1X 44 U 7 25 24 15 1" 2 20 16 5 12 in 1 6 4 4 5 4 112 l: 19 Total receipts..... The disposition of the day's receipts as follows, each buyer purchasing was the number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co Swift nnd Company Cudahy Pucking Co Armour & Co Vansant Co Carey Ai Benton , oilman & Co McCrearv & Clark V. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzinger I.. K. Husi Wolf & Mil man Mike Haggerty Sol Degun J. B. Root & Co Hull.i & Kline Other buyers 3:15 i.7s2 4i;o lo5 2.24ii 'Wit 63:1 2.7',5 l.Ttil 27!) 1.821 22i 17 17 42 133 122 73 124 :i.i 13 4 5 1 204 4oil Total 2.342 8.414 3.58:! CATTLE Weather c-onditlotua were very unfavorable to the movement of stock and trains were much delayed by the storm. The run was only fair, but nt the best the market was slow owing to the late nrrlval of trains. Buyers were very laje In getting to work nnd were decidedly indifferent. Bids were InOrrr rn nruntlnullv M-ori Inlna unit the market all around dull ' and weak. Prfcea on desirable steers were usually quoted a good dime lower and the movement was slow at the decline. A further decline was also noted In the market for cows and heifers and trade In that line Was also very slow and weak. j Ordinary to fnlr grades were again a dime 1 . , 1. "i . Weather conditions were unfavorable to the market for stock cattle and trading In that direction wns slow and unsatisfactory. The few cattle so'd went at lower prices and the market all around was very lull. BEEF STEERS. Io. 7. . . It... 4... ... 3... 14... i... 7... 7... t... AV. Pr. Ho. Av Pt. .. 734 3 Bo s S 75 8" 126T COWS ! SO 11 5 2 1.1 ! 1150 i 75 4 4n 4 40 t ss 5 40 tr, 97P, COWS AND HEIFERS. S7l) 1 to 10 9:1.' 3 111 t1t.1i' r.f-ta BOO 7r "21 2 60 S f,0 J Ml 1 540 u .1 rt BULLS. SO', I jiill 3 Oil : 11 3 J5 3 65 630 STOCK CALVES. USD t 10 7 . 40 STOCK COWS AND UEIFERS tn : ir 1. 504 m 7t t ih 1 1040 a 4n t;o 3 ao 11 io.'i s tr, CALVES. ion 5 so 1 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. J .. ., 00 L'O t4 1 4(1 1 S0 3 00 6 72t 40 i rnss 3 00 t 1 4; 3 CO l!i fj 740 3 ul HOGS Liberal receipts nt all markets, a lower provision trade and lower markets east were bear features that enabled buy ers to force a sharp decline In prices at tills market. Closing prices Tuesday were lower and a still further decline is noted today. Heavy weathtr caused late arrival of trains and this also gave a slow appearance to the trade. Opening bl,U and sales ut $4.55''d4.60 were a good nickel lower than veeterday's average trade, at which hiisls the bulk of the trading was done. Sales' of desirable welglits were at J4.5M4.574. with lighter grades and mixed packing hogs at I4.50cci4.55. Trading was fairly brisk ut the priors, but the market wan carried hue owing to slow arrival of trains. Free buy ing later Improved the trade slightly and prices after the Hrst round were only a trWe under yesterday. Tops reached J4.66. only 24c below yesterday No. Av. all. Pr. No Av. ah rr. 4 67', 4 57', 4 Mi, 4 S71, 4 67 ' 4 67', 4 67', 4 r.7't 4 r.7, 4 57', 4 67b 4 574 4 f,7' 4 (7, 4 67 '41 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 t'l 4 til 4 til t to 4 to 4 to 4 til 4 60 4 til 4 to 4 til 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to t 12 , t 2Vlj. 4 42',. 4 42', 4 t2' 4 to tl... "... M... !t. . . M... 7 71 . . . 7... Ct... K3... HI... tr,... :. .. -t. .. 60... TJ... fcO... 41... fit... f7... ao. . . u... 14... 41... 14... St... fit. . . tl... "... 47... .'.(! .. ... St.. 7J... ... fl... tl... 41... ... It... ...lit ....!! ,...!I7 ....11m ....14 t,l . ...1S4 . ..:"-( 240 2:c6 ....:i7 ,...2W ...2i7 ....nt ....sso ....t7 ....tti ,...w ... .14 ... .542 ,...2o ....2ilt ...S3t ....S4t ...141 ...aol ...J7S ....128 ...l:'4 ...21t ....Mt ...2tt ...113 ... .21 4 10 4 fill 4 llh 4 ah 4 524 4 fio 4 mi 4 M 4 Fir. 4 oA 4 5i 4 t.'i 4 (II 4 fri 4 tt 4 ot 4 65 4 t(, 4 tr, 4 t 4 (..', 4 M 4 lif, 4 ti 4 hi 4 67', 4 57:, 4 571, 4 67-, 4 67', 4 tlVi 4 7'., 4 171, 4 67', 4 tt ', 4 171, 4 T, 4 67', 4 t7J 4 lit, 4 67', r.2. 4 7t.. 2. M. ti. 74. no.. 17.. t.i., 60. 74. 71., 1.1. , J. ft. li. :u. 41.. 77., li. H. 64.. 42., ti t(l. to. tt.. 70., ts.. 4T., 47., to.. 47., 41 67. 41. ....2:14 ...I'M ...2:'4 . . .;it . ..27t ,...2112 ...27t ...:4i ...240 ...lti . ..J4i ...275 ...2 .. .245 ....! ....170 ... .27 , . . . 25 ...2t ,..S3 ...nt ...J7I 215 ...213 ...X'.S ...320 . ..S75 ...I7 ...116 ...i7 ... ...241 ...M ...o: ...41u ...37.1 ...tt .. 2tl , . . . 4t ...360 if) 1?0 til to to 40 240 au to 200 an 40 ....I'l too . ...334 SHEEP In spite of the storm, with a possible blocking of eastern roads, the sheep buyers were all out In good season looking for supplies. At the opening of (he market there were only ten cars In sight, with as many more reported back on be lated trains. With light offerings ateliers were inclined to ask pretty stiff prices, while buyers were disposed to be a little cautions owing to the fact that Chicago early wired a break there of irvni5c The result was that the market' hem was not quite so active as on ojun days and still the eaily arrivals for tile . n)ot part changed hands In very good season ut prion that were not raatcria'ly different from yesterday, on the good kinds at least. Quotations tor ted stock; Good to choice yearlings, kK.5ocati.o0; fair to euud ear 1'iigs. to OO05.M1; gotid lu c he Ice wethers. fe.Oo'n-5.25: fair to gtxid wellieis. $4 .Mini; good lo choice ewes, $4,404)1.75: fair to good ewex. $4.uiB4.2a: common I" fair ewes. $3.50 ft 19". gend to choice lambs, . oo-W.io: t.Ir tu gor.,1 ismbs. $i u"tf 00; feeder yearlings', tl.cV'tf j.iaj, fteder wetucn, $4 2.'y40, Ireder wea C Kff3.7. feeder Ismbs. In 40flo TS. No. Av. Fr. 2-i western awes , V 2..1 w -u 1 11 clipped ewes . 1"1 4 i w. siern c l'pred ewes I' 4 cut 21S western clipped ewes I"9 4 4'i .z:n western ewes "5 4 ' 2J5 western es 1 4 73 S western ewes 4 7i 4f western vearlings and weth- ets 2 native lambs 91 .ID HICMiO I.IU: 4TCH h MtllhKT Cattle and Howe l.oas er heei tron I, a in he steady. CHl'AOO. Jan. 11 -CATTI.K-Recelpts. .V.iaai h.ad. Market lofil.V lor.ee. (Jo.hI to prime steers. l5.Aiii.3.i; mnr to medium. l.7c.V4i)- stockcrs slid feeders. K.2Ml4.'; cows. 11. -514 4i, helf. rs. tt "t'..i; canners. ll.Sttt ; bulls, .'iaj4 25; calvrs. :i.'4o,.-v I Ic JK-Receipts, li!.'"' bend; estimated for tomorrow, 3n.'i M.irkn. S(jr lower. Mixid nnd but. hers. 4 .V,t4 7.'; g'exl to clmiic heavy. I4.7tii4 V: r'Uigh heavy. Jl 1 ib4 mi; light. 14 35(14. bulk of sales. Il.n.n 4 -"4 SHEEP AND LAMPS - Receipts. 22. '' head. Market for sheep, st route; Is nibs, st. adv. 4 4-x-mI to c hoice wethers. .'.)"."": fair to choice mixed. HKrt.'.O": western she, p. $1 2,V,ii.0; native Ismbs. SM caen ,.,.,; western lunilis. .).7."1c7.fV Kansas 4 'It r Mve Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Jan 11 -CATTLE- Re ceipts), :,.'o bead, inclinlir.g 1' head soutti crns; best steers l"c lower, others steailv. ihi.i.v t-xporl and dressed beef steel s. Il.'i.vrf 5 U; fair t,j good, .,...'so4.75; western feu steer, l!.50fr5 i. stin kers and feedcir. 2.7 1i3.; southern steers. S3 .5Ha 4 73: southern cows, tJ.iae4 :i x: native cows, SI .7ifr 4.: 1111 llve h. Ifers. 12.5041 1.5"; bulls. 12.25t? I cmIis. S3.tt1t4l.rA Hoc ;s - Receipts. 12,it head: market opened weak and closed strong: top U 7T'. luitk of sales, t4.5tiii4.724; heavy. ?4 ;iV "4: packers. t4 ..i.iftf4.724: pigs and lights, H.iarn '" SHEEP AND l.AMHS -Rec epts. 3."i head; market steadv; native lambs. t 7.25: native wethers. $4 77,"K..75; native fed ewes. 14 .2Mf5.irt; western lambs. ICiiifiT 2; western yenrllngn t5 5"'ii'i 50; western sheet., tl.25; stockvrs and feeders. t2.5tKV44.jo. t. I.onls Lite Mni'k Market. ST. I.Ol'IS. Jan. 11. CATTLE Kecrlpts. 4.ii head. Including " bead Texans; mar ket slow anil a shade lower; native ship ping and export steers. t5 laiiti.'"': dreamed beef nnd butcher steers, t4.isfn5.4n; steers under l.'.ico lbs.. HI 50ti5.i'; stockers and feed ers. S3.ir?i4.:: cows and helleis. t2.2oti4.7A; can ners. tl.7.V(2.2o; bulls. t2.fi 4 on: rnlven. 12 5iciH.75: Texans and Indian steeis. (3.251 4.t); cOws and hetfers. tC.mfu.l On. IICMIS Receipts. 15.0UO held; market lower: pigs and lights, tn.75l74.5n; packers. t45o?i'4.70; butchers and best heavy. t.Vrit 4.). SHEEP AND l.AMHS-Recelpts. 2.5iO head; market sternly to strong and active; native muttons, ttorvij 4'i: lambs. S5 ,fi'rj7.:!5; culls and bucks. t20nfj4 25; stockers. t2.C(f 31m. Texans. 13.005. no. etr York Mve Stock Mnrkei. NEW YORK. Jan. 11-BKEVE8-Re-ceipts. 1.507 head; market active and higher; native steers. 4.5orrfii.2o: hulls, 2. 75ft 4 2ft; cows. tl.55fr3.H5. Cables, steady. Exports. 45 head heep and 2.500 quarters of beef; none tomorrow. CALVES Receipts. 859 head: market full and teady; ' veals, t5.rnti9.5t): Hght. 3t 4.50; yearlings and common barnyards. $1.7 j iii3.i3; westerns, $4.8iWr5.00. Dressed, firm: cltv dressed veals, 9til4c: country dressed. lh'r22c. HOC IS Receipts, 95:1 head: market steiidv; giMid state, K 25. SHEEP AND LA M BS Rece'pt. 5.W1 head; market for sheep strong; lamlis. M'it 15c- higher: sheep, t4.tnatrfi.75; few choice ewes. $,;; culls. tl.ofKi3.ftu; lambs. t7.5if'is..'a; 1 dec k very clloii. tx .So; culls. $tl. St. Joseph l ive Mtoi-k Market. CT tnaeiiu !,, 1 C ITTI l' III.. ...I..- ell 'l,...'.l ... .. ,!... ui,.u.l... n,l,.a.- t:!.!.!.); cows and heifers, tl.iu-i4.40; Block ers and feeders, $2. TDfr 4 .25. IKK4S Receipts. 8.il head: mnrket rteady to atrong: I'ght. tl.45'i(4.i'iO; medium and heavy, l.55((4.774- hllt-KI' A!U l.A.MHti Itecelpls. I. MRU head; market sternly; native lambs, 17.40; rcrtern yearlings. $01o; ewes, t. Slonx tlly Live Stock Market. SIOFX CITY. Ia.. Jan. 10.-(Speclul Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts. 2,000 head; market, pic lower; beeves. $3.5hccj6 00; cows, bulls and mixed, t2.2Mi3.5ti; stockers and feeders. $2.604j3.5il: calves and yearlings. $2.2513.25. HOC IB Receipts. 9.000 head : market, 10c lower; selling at t4.40cit4.Go; bulk of sales, $4.454.80. t stock In lghi. Receipts of live Stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha Kloux City ... Kansas Ou st. Louis ... St. Joseph Chicago Totals ...... 2.00O 7.MI 4,800 2,i) 5.0W) 4.0HO 2.014 30,000 ft. it 12,0m) 15.i) H.Dtil 4.1.0UI1 3,500 2.500 1,9) 22,000 .45.014 95,7til 34,780 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EClCS-Candled stock, 23824c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, Do; roosters, 5c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, He; geese, TvjKe; spring chickens, Sc. . DRESSED I'OULTRY Turkeys. 17f(718c: duckfi, lO'crllc; geese, DC((10c; chickens, 1iki lc4c; roosters, 6c. Bl'TTER Packing stock. IWIc; choice to fancy dairy, 17i& 19c ; creamery, 24fj2ti4c; fu'icy prints. 27c. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, 7c; pike, Sc; perch, ic; bluetisli, l-'c; whlteflhh, 10c: salmon, 13c; redonapper, lie; lobster (green), 30c; lobster (boiled), 33c; bullheads. 11c: catfish, 14c; black bass. 26c: halibut, 12c; crappies,. 12c; buffalo, 7c; white bass, 11c; frog legs, per doz., 25c. BRAN Per ton. tlO.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. Jb.ou; No. 2, KM; medium. $5.50: coarse, 16.00. Rye straw, $5.60. These prices are lor hay of good color and quality. OYHTERS-New York counts, per can. 45c; extra selects, per can. 3Wc ; standards, i.er can, 3oc; bulk (standards), per gal., 1 60; buk (extra selects), per gal., $1.76; bulk (New York counts), per gal., $1.90. TROPICAL Fill' 1 IB. ORANGES California Lediand navels, all sises. t2. "16!. 00: choice navels, t2.S0U2.7e; California awedlings, all sies, I2 d)(i2 25. LEMONS Calif orniu rancy, It'tb. BOO and 300. I3.75''g4.0i.'; choice, $3.25ti 3.50. DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs.. $2.00; Hallowd'en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 54'fl6c. F1US California, per 10-lb. carton, lap f5c; imported bmyriia. 4-crown, 134c; 5 crown. 14c; 7-ciown, ldc: fancy importeU (washed). In 1-IL-. pkgsi Kiflhc; California, per case of 34 pkgs., 2.2T BANANAS Per medium sliad bunch, $2 00 jiS.fiO; jumbos, J2.75W3.Bn. ORAPE FRLIT-Pcr boic of 54 to b4,'5.0o t5.50. FRITI'rs. APPLES Home-grown Jnnathaiii, per bb;., ta.2i; Ben Davi. $7.25; New York Kings, $3.25; New Vork Oreenings, $2.60; New Vcilc pi Id wins, $2.75: Colorado Jona than. A', 75: W,ne Saps, per bn. box. $1.60. PEARS t'lah. Colorado aim California, fall varieties, per box, $1.5(Vul.7o. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Be!! and Bugle, per bbl , io.55; Wirconsin Bell and Cherry and Jersjys. per bbl . 17.76; per box, $2.75. GRAPES-lmported IVrnlagas, per keg, $.(iiya4).fo. TANGERINES Florlclg or California, per 4-Ucx, $2.60. VROETABLES. POTA10E3 Home-grown. In sacks, pet bu., 40c; Colornno, per bu Wa. Tl.KMPS Old, $er bu.. 40c; Canada ruta bagas, pet lo., lC. CARPOTS-Old. per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPS-Old. per bu.. 40c. BEETS Old, per bu.. ouc NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.86j2.0O ONIONS Home-grown, red, In sacks, per bu., $1,00; Span:!., pe crate, $2.00; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c: white, per lb., t'ie- CrCt'MBERS I'er doi.. $?.0OciJ2.25. ' TOMATOEb California, per 4-basket CABBAGE Tfolls'nd seed, per r... i4e. SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln dried, per bbl.. $2.60 CELERY Per do4 . 26U50c; California, 46c. RADISHES Hothouse, per dog.. 45c. ONIONS New, southern, per dog., 4Jc. M ISC EI LANEOLB. HAUER KRAUT-WUconain, per keg, $2.60. CIDER New York, per bbl., $5 30; per 4 bbl.. $3 25. CHEESE-Wlsconsln Twins, full cream, 124(ijl3c; Wisconsin foung America. 13c; block Swlas. new. lie; old. lixi17c; Wlacjon. sin brick, !c; Wisconsin llmburger, 13c:. HIDES No I green. 7c: No green, c: No. 1 salted, 4a; No. '.' salted, 74c; No, 1 ven I calf. Cc; No. 2 veal calf. 7c; dry salted. 40l4c; sheep eelts, 2tcSll0o; liorse hiues. $1 6-3 11O. Nl'TS Walnuts,' No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., 1-; No. 3 soft shell, per lb.. 12c; No. i hard shell, per )b.. 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted eanuta, per lb., ; Chili walnuts, per lb., I '."a 1.14c; almonds, soft shell, per 111 , 17.-; bun) kliell. per lb.. 15c; chestnuts, per lb.. 12441 15c; new black walnuts, per bu . 75'nHoc; clit llliark blckory nuts, per bu., $1.75; huge ili kory nuts, per bu.. 11.5" till Markets. t ill. cTTV, Jan. II - rIL- -Credit halluces. $1.4ii; cernncaii a, no bid. Hiipmenta i.i vf 4 bhls. sversge 73 31:1 ISMs ; run. . hb'.s average t7..l hhls.: shipments. Lima. l "" bhls . average 5A.742 bids ; runs. LttiiM. 5."-'. avrrsg" 52.so4 btils ItnsnX- Firm. A. H. C. I2..V); D. I2...5: A. ;.; e. r.'t.i. 7n. F. t: Ti'ii.' 7.4. c;. 2': II. .t ,fcn p': I. M.: K. I4.'1, M. 4.jc; n. 4 ;;: wo. .; w. Bar and Mnlassra. NEW YORK. Jsn 11 81 OAR -R. strong; fair refining. 44c: centritugs 1. M test. 5e: molasses sugar. 4'ri . Rennet, firm: No. S. I nch-. No. 7. 5'. No . 5. bs , No. 9. fV13o; No. In. 5 .liV; No 11. V; No. li 4 95i ; No. 1.1. I .V: X,. It 4k'; infe Holi er' A JSOc; mould A .M-; cut loaf,h.; crushed. fit-V: isiwdered. oi5c. granulated, 5 ; cubes. f.. Mi "LASSES- Firm: Nits Orleans, open kettle, good to 1 h, ice, :t;Kc. NKW OKI. FANS. .inn 11 l"ftAP. -Strong: open kittle. 3til4c: centr'loual. 4'44i ; centrltusal whites. t .1-1 ; yelions. 4:VoV'-aC : sceoods. ;C4'.41I Mi H .ASSKR-cjulet .- open kettle. 1'j2c. centt itcgal. Ill Inc: syrup. strad. 25'i.Mi'. loffreCMarket. NKW YORK. Jan. 11 -COFFEE Maiket for future opemd stead at decline oi 5 points, the osse he1nr in response to dla sppolut'iiK KiimpcHn cables and continued unlet In the JobnbiK domain! for spot cof f -e. During the middle session th mar ket was dull sin! about steady on Ms Ini tial level, bit turned much more cti and whs very weak In the lust bslf hour when there was heavy lonildstlon. The close was buret steady at n decline of bit 15 points Sabs were reported of 92.5" bsgs Iniluibng .lanuarv st 7.'!iV: March, 7 7Wi7ni : Julv, R.21N-; September, s 4"W .Vic; December. "?is.7,e. Spot market, quiet; No. 7 Rio. .V,c. Krspnrsteil tipples and Hrled Krnlte. NEW YORK. .Inn. U.-EVAPyMIATEIM A1TLE8 -Show lncreHei1 llrmnese. with prices a shade hlsher In seme Instances; oinmon 4i oi : prime. ,,',T'e; cnoice, -ri V: fancy. ''i , I'l HIKI)' FHI'ITS Primes are s ttrscting : little more attention for .lobbing l"ts ami rule tirm, with quotations ranging from :e to 54 c for Callfoniln grades, while Oregon run up to Hc for the larger sizes. Apricots ore being taken slowlv. with most ordert gr-tng to the lower grides: choice, 94fil"c; exits choice. lois'nllc: fancy, IJWI5-. Peaches are In light supply on spot sic! flrmlv luld with choice at 94c: extra choice. I0i.'il"c: fancy, l1H.VI2c. Whisky Mnrke. PEORl.V. Jan. 11.-WH1SK Y-Dlstlllers-flnifhcd goods on basis of tl.23 for hlsll -l- s ST. I.Ol'IS. Jan. 11 -WHISKV-Stendy, on basis of II 25 for spirit. CINCINNATI. Jan. 11 -WHISKT-Fln-lshed good lower oil basis of tl.23. Plilladelpliln I'roclnce Market. kl.fc-.mtl& t tl .tTTTl.-f I M I I..11 T.l ri I l.A, .litll. II. I'l it:.i Firm, good demand; extra wcetern cicam- erv. :ii-: extra neamy prints. ;bc. EOOS Firm. good demand: nearby, fresh, 32c at mark; wetern, fresh. 31c at mark. CHEESE 1'nchanged: New York full ctenme. fancy. 124iil2',c; New York full creams, choice. 1144112c: New Y'nrV full creams, fair to good. 1Ki114'"- knows "nothing ofThi- war Recently Arrlted Russians Are Sur prised to Hear that Japan la Flabllag. ABERDEEN. S P.. Jan. 11 (8pe laj.) A startling exhibition of the dense Igno rance prevailing in Russia waa given hy a, family of comparatively well-to-do Rus sian w ho have Just ai rived In Aberdeen from the csnr's dominion to take up their residence. When their relatives, who have been In America for some year, anxiously inquired concerning the progress! of the was with Japan, the now arrivals were aston ished, and stoutly declared that there 1 no war. They asserted that the csar had been adding recruits to his army during the last year or two, but denied that their country was at wnr with any nation. Yankton Will Flabt for Fair. YANKTON, S. D.. Jan. 11 (Special.) The Yankton State Fair association held Its annual meeting of stockholders at the rooms of the Business Men's club last evening. There was a strong attendance and great Interest wns manifested in the affaire of the association. The local as sociation will make an aggressive cam paign to retuin the at ate fair la thl city. Two years ago the legislature lore ted ft at Huron and the efforts of the Yankton as sociation will be directed toward securing the repeal of this law. The meeting wus attended by many business men outside of the association und by many cit liens Inter ested in the retention of the fair. The as sociation elected the following officers for the year: President, C. P. Edmunds; vice president, Ellas Madole; secretary. Walter B. Dean; treasurer, Michael Magnef. Farmer Killed by I.oa, . STV'RGIS. 8 D Jan n. (Special Tele gram.) John Spllker, son of Herman Spllker. living three miles went, of Sturgis, was killed yeeterday. He and two of his brothers were rkidding logs In the timber when one got away, stnrtlng down hill. Sllker started to run. hut was knocked down by the log, which rolled over him. killing him Instantly. There were severs I cuts about his head und Ills body waa badly bruised. He was about 24 years old. Murder and Xulrlde In 4 hlcaao. CHICAGO. Jan. 11. With a pistol and ra xor John Miller, a cook, killed hut wife and Infant daughter, Annie, todsy, ' totally wounded another daughter, Martin, 24 years old, and then, after shooting himself In the 'breast, cut his own throat. Jealousy is belie ved by the police to have boerl the cause of Hit tragedy. Miller Is still alive. Fatal Kxploslon on Krle Hoad. CLEVELAND. Jan. 11. -The boilers of a locomotive attached to the east bound fast express train on the Erie road blew up while standing nt the Crestnn (O.) station today, killing the engineer, Frederic k Keller, and Fireman Halflck. and fatally Injuring Joseph Newman, who was riding In the engine cab. ' ''' ', J ... ' - !. II ixj JL-J REAL KM TATE TRASSKKH. Deeds tiled for record January 11. as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust compuny, bonded abstracter, loll FHrnam street, for'Tlie Pee: R. H. Brown et at. to J. H. Klggs, pari lot 10, block 10, Waterloo .'. $ 5u Hester J. George and husbout) to J. If. Kiggs, same 25 J. D. Taylor et al. to same. oie . 1'aj H. Hlckson and wife (14 W. Wright, part lot li. block 1. C. . Maync'a 1st add l.ivi F. K. lAickwood and-wife to W. Wright, lot 4. block 2. same 4"U B. L. McEldon to . W. L. Murray, nw'i 11-14-10, and other lnud 1 T. W. Paxton and Wife to Otto Mul ler, part lot 11, block (- South Omaha '. t Otto Muller and wlfa to George at Co., purt lot 11, XAoric W.- Hotttlt Omaha I Vf. T. Urahara to Ncaa, E. Musgravo. lot 11. block 9, Meyers, Richards aV Tilden'a add 3) W. D. Kleetead to W. X. Klestead, lots 4 and 6. block 4, Bmlthfleld 4tn C. B. Keller and wife to Caasel Realty company, part tax lot It. U-15-13 1 National Bank of Commerce, to Caus al I Realty company, same 2,'jiO E Kountse Real Estate company to W. King, lot 4, block 1. E. Kcuntie reserve 12. 0l C. P. Cay and wife to Omuha Grain Terminals, lot 1, block 4, Oberne & Hoalr-k'a 3A Edwards -Wood Go- (Incorporated ) Hani Office: Fifth aad Robarts Streets ST. PAUL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us raaek Onlce, llO-lll Board $ Trade Bid.. Ontaka. IXefe. TeUakone Mick 212-214 Exchange HMg.. South Omaha. Btll Phone ii. Indesendent 'PhoM ft