TITE OMAnA DAILY TIEE: TnURSDAT. JANUARY ll, 100.V JO On ThursdayLlQjH 15) A tr mm BoRC Greatest toNS Fur Sa,e I An Immense Purchase of Ladies Fur Scarfs Our eastern buyer secured an extraordinary bargain. He bought the entire stock ot furs from a large eastern house that was anxious to sell for cash. This lucky stroke of bus iness enables us to offer, High Clixss Fur Scarfs At the Lowest Prices You Ever Knew. Black Electric Seal Cluster Scarfs. with six tails, worth l, at Black French Coney Cluster Scarfs, OQ with 6 tails, regular $1.60 value, at Blended Brook Mink, Natural Opossum, Electric Seal and Coney Cluster Scarfs also- zaza scarfs, squirrel lined, f CA regular (2.60 values, at l$f Natural Brook Mink Zuza styles and squir rel lined black Coney d-ubie scarfs with cords, Isabella and Sable Coucy and single fox scarfs, regular $3.50 Qfi and $4 values, at It JO Extra Lone Double Black and Isabella Coney Scarfs, Hrook Mink, Canadian Marten, Stone Marten, etc. reg- QQ ular (5 scarfs, at . O Isabella Austrian Opossum extra long wun cords and double blended Brook Minks, with cords, regular 7 scarfs, at Single and Double Fox Best Quality. $12.50 Scarfs at 6.98 $15-$17.50 Scarfa at... 9.98 $19-$25 Scarfs at.... 12.50 9z Isabella Canadian Marten Long double scarfs, also single and donble Fox Scarfs regular ten dollars value, Jt QQ TUJ at. Men's Overcoats Our finest, warmest and most durable overcoats offering during clearing sale at Extraordinary Reductions Your choice of all of our well made, up-to-date winter over coats that have been selling at $10.00 and $12.50-an Q amazing clearing sale O bargain will go ai w L-'W- Our high grade, hand tailored over- feiPfiH coats that have been selling up to $17.50 your choice dur ing this great clearing sale, at , All the men's overcoats that are worth $7. 50 to 8. 50 your choice in basement Sii i GREAT CORSET BARGAIN Odd lota of corsets that are actually worth $1.00 each In all sizes, short and long styles white, grays and blacks, at, each J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS .3.98 I Scarfs of H 1 1 HSTCis-.ijr im io m m 19c BOSTON STORE. POWER LOSES CASE AGAIN Sheriff Oat 7iT Thousaid Dellan Paid ' Deputies for Servioti. .AW 10ES NOT WARRANT THE PAYMENT Moral Obligation. Htiti on Board of (Dantr Commissioners, bat No Lrsal M ay of Meet Ins Dill la Foand. Jberlff John Power has lost out on his .ppeal from the action of the county com missioners In disallowing his bill for a de Sclancy of S,3f- In the fund for paying his deputies. Judge Redlck, in a decision ren dered Wednesday morning, held there la no statute under which the bill ot the iherlll can be allowed. The court, In rendering decision, said '.hat M felt there was a moral duty resting jn the Board of County Commissioner that authorised the expense to pay the iherlll's bill. In not doing so a great moral ind legal Injustice had been done the sheriff, because he had, it appeared, been promised by the commissioners that at least the salary of Ms chief deputy would be paid by the county. Later, when the commissioners found that there was no warrant In law authorizing them to redeem tha promise they had made, they refused to make up the. deficiency In the sheriff's deputy fund frrnn the county treasury. It was from this derision of the county board that Mr. Power had appealed to the dis trict court. Falling there, he will now ap peal to the supreme court In order to have the matter settled once for all. The county board has for years been In the habit, it seems, of authorizing the sheriff to employ a certain number of de puties. Of late years the fees of the oRlce have not been sufficient to pay the salaries of all these deputies. Sheriff Power did not feel like discharging the whole force, and what he stated the circumstances to the county cemmisHionera they assured him, tie says, that they would take care of any reasonable deficiency. On looking up the laws, no authority could be found for the allowance t money for such a pur pose, and, us the ommlstdoners feared they would be liable on their bonds, nothing was done to help out the sheriff, who now finds himself shy to the tune of over ffi.OuO, paid out on a promise that could not be re deemed. At the afternoon sealon of the Board of County Comlslonera yesterday the lists of names prepared by the different members of tike board for Jury purposes were pre sented and referred. BENSON SALOONS TO CLOSE Co art Isaacs Order to taspend the Operation of the Thirst Storos Temporarily. Judge Troup has issued an .alternative writ of mandamus commanding the board of trustees of the town of Benson to recall the liquor licenses Issued to Ed H. Welch. John Borenson and William Huntslnger. and to close the saloons pending a decision on the writ. They are also commanded to reduce to writing and transmit to the dis trict court the evidence taken and all the proceedings had in the case in which Ilar j 9. Orove was relator, whereby it was sought to prevent the Issuance of licenses to the parties named. The hearing of the alternative writ of mandamus is set for 2 p. m. Thursday, January 12, Laoe Cartalns. Don't miss the opportunity to buy lace curtains cheap at Orchard & Wilhelm Car pet Co. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending Wednes day noon: , lilrtha-E. D. Otto, 4719 North Fortieth, boy. Deaths John Christiansen, 2204 North Twenty-seventh, 10: Eunice R. Webster, 110 North Twenty-fourth, 64.' , Marriage Licenses, The following marriage licenses were is sued up to noun, January 11: Name and residence. Age. Frank Matelka, Booth Omaha 27 Fanny Holub, Omaha 24 John H. Peyton, Omaha 33 Daisy A. Simmons. Pacific Junction, la.. 23 18-K. Wedding 'Rings. Edholm, Jeweler. SALE STARTS Thursday, January 12th 8:45 a. m. Having bought the entire stock of the Blnswangcr Clothing Co., 1002 and 1004 Milwaukee avenue, Chicago, at 47c on the dollar, the same has - been shipped to Omaha, and will be placed on sale on the second floor of the premises 1619-1521 Doug las street, at prices that will beat any other sale ever held anywhere. For in stance, men's suits that Blnswanger sold for 15.00, our price $2.35, for coat, pants and vest. Knee pants 15c. Men's overcoats that Blnswanger sold for $3.75, our price 11.48. Furv lined duck coats 11.98. Boys' corduroy suits $1.48. Men's extra strong everyday punts, 69c. Men's corduroy pants, black, also drab, 96c. For the same price we offer worsted and heavy wool cheviot pants. Men's late style cof fee brown suits $2.90. Men's double-breasted corduroy suits $3.90. Extra heavy wool suits $4.90. Young men's cassimere lined ulsters 12 98. Odd coats 99c. Men's heavy blue beaver overcoats $2.90. Men's fur coats $A90, worth $14.00. Men's chinchilla coats and vests $2.90. Astrakhan coats and vests with quilted lining $1.90. Children's double-breasted suits 98c. Children's, boys' and men's caps, your unrestricted pick, 12c, worth up to 50c. Men's blanket lined duck coats 69c. Men's elegant sweaters 2c. Extra heavy fleeced lined underwear, the 60c kind, sale price 25c. Leather work gloves 15c and 25c. Drees gloves 48c. Police suspenders 9c. The finest suspend ers that Blnswanger sold for 75c are 25c. All bow ties, worth up to 25c, your choice one nickel. Bilk string ties, 9c. lOo hand kerchiefs, Sc Men'a 10c Rock ford hose, 6c. Fancy hose, worth up to I6c, your pick. 9c. Wool hose also 9c. All kinds of shirts 25c, including Jersey shirts. Choice of Blnswanger finest pants $1.90. Choice of his finest suits 190. Choice out; of Bins wangers finest overcoats I7.J0, worth up to $18.00. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., ISI9-ISZI DOUGUS ST. L, .a iii slum ii i e5 TxiE TAILOR W. a JERREM5, President. 409-211 South 16th 8W. Did We Get Your Order? FEW more day and Mcoll'p " SU ck Reducing; Prices will bo a ran 1 rL Omaha Weather Report Thursday Snow ssr B matter of history. fjUNDREDS of shrewd and econom-- leal buyers have availed them selves during the past week of tbl tempting- opportunity to have gar ments made to order, at about cost of material and making. YOU must see the fabrics to appre elate the price; you must fael of their excellent quality- and also see the workmanship aud trimmings that we put Into the garments. V ANY men after examining the quality of the cloth Inspecting the workmanship and trimmings seem puzzled at the very low price. HERE'S no secret about It! It's simply Nlcoll's way of cleaning up the surplus stock the odds and ends that accumulate during a busy season's trade. 'THERE'S mighty little profit In It for us but In return we gain many hundred new friends whose pat ronage remains with us permanently. npHE assortment Is still liberal and you'll pick from the best If you pick now. 209-211 Soutb 15tb St Main Thoroughfare to tha Lewis and Clark Exposition In 1803 rla the union pacific This route traverses the heart of the great Northwest with its boundless resources, (It you 200 miles slong the matchless Columbia River aad a trip to Portland and Northwest WITHOUT CHANOK THROUGH TRAINS DAILY Equipped with Pall man Palace Cars, Pullman Tour ist Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, etc., etc taqulre ,. CITT TICKET OFFICE. U24 FARNAM ST. PHONE (It. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Bwt Aarrlcaltaral Waeklr, Half-Price Sale Dress Goods All at Every item in this sal nt lmlf-prioe. fin-inch ITmno Cloth that sold nt $l..V 54-lnch English Melton that koM at $l..V 40-Inch Flaked Camel's Hair that sold nt $1.50 54-inch Tailor Checks thnt sold nt $l.."rt tifiiini i rt ill ii jm mm iim ii mat r mi ni c I 4Much English Chevrons that oM at f 1.50 Q yard 75c fiO-lnch Tufted Velours that sold nt $2.00 at 50-lnch Flaked Matalesne that noi l nt $2.0 54-Inch Waterproof Covert thnt sold at $'2.00 54-Iuch English Kerne.vs that sold at $2.l"J 98c a yard 8c 59c 3c CLEAN-IT PALE OF FI.ANNELS AI1 of our ISo and 2."c Flannels, in Persian and French Flannel designs, go Thursday at, ywrd SPECIAL SALE OF COMFOKTS- All of our heavy, extra heavy, dark quilted Ped Comforts that sold for S!c and !Se, Thursday, each SPECIAL EMimoiOEKY SALE Thousand of pieces of pretty Embroidery Edges and Insertions, worth up to 3oc yard, Thursday, yeard, 12! jo, 10c, .V- and WHITE INDIA LINONS 2t pieces of White India Linon, sheer and heavy quality, 30 Inches wide, worth to 2.V yd.. Thursday, yard, l.V, 12i.c and... lUi P.AIUJAIN CIRCLE SALE OF SHAWLS, MAIN FLOOll, TIH UsnAV. Our entire slock of single, double and Heaver Shawls, Scotch Plaids, in light nnd dark Tartans, brown and gray checks, plaids and phiin centers, black lamb's wool aud cashmere. Hlne-lo nlma-u. marked .. for Rie . Double Phawls. marKea ... tor.-.w-o" Plntcle RkiwK marked $4.ie, for.. J'.'. 75 Single Hh:iwls. marked M.5i fur....;:", HIiikI" Shawls, marked It.T.'i, for.. .$.'1.75 Double Shawls, mnrki rt $'.' r'5. fur... $!.!"! Double Shawls, murkod $l.uo, fur.. .$2.4 Double Shawls, markod $6 30, for. ..$4.73 A WARM NIGHTY One hundred dozen Ladies' Outing Finn ti" 1 Nlirht (towns, worth ooo to Toe, at BLACK SATEEN I'NDEKSKIRTS Three great drives on the bar gain circle, main floor, Thursday: $1.10 Skirts for 75j ?1-25 sklrta for 89c $1.50 Skirts for , 1.10 Clearing Sale on Knitted Leggings Infants' White Legging Drawers, regular $1.25 quality, at, pnir...90o Children's Black Leggings, 40c quality, at 25o Children's Bed and White Leggings, li'c quality, nt, pair 40c Ladles' Black Leggings. 75c quality, at, pair 50o ladles' Heavv KibU'd Wool Hose, black, regular 40c quality, pair.. 25o Clearing Sale Ladles' Fleece Lined Vests nnd Drawers, colors white, ecru and gray, sizes 4 to SI, values up to 50c a garment 25C 40c STOVES! STOVES!! iSaV One hundred ($10) Stamps ;rJ Heater V The name tells you Ju !VQ Healer on the market. ill with any Perfection OH 4,68 s what It Is. It's the only perfect OH Fifty ($5) Oreen-Trading Stamps with any Gas Heater, JIC " Ci 1 7S onH While they last. tt. .i anns ininih. Miar nn all Heatlne Stoves, other V.-wsw' ruui iiuirn . 1 1 .-1 1 . . " . ' 1 1 ' " ' than above THURSDAY ONLY mail orders received up to Friday noon. Thursday SHOE SALE 320. pairs of Ladies' Fur Trimmed Juliettes and Crochet -Nippers, all colors, all sizes, fiQft worth U50, ?1.23 and $1,00 now O fTwenty( $2.txi) Oreen Trading Stamps. 180 pairs Mf's Black Felt Borneo, with leather soles, former 7Qf price $1.50, now Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. 128 pairs Ladies' Felt Slippers, worth 50c, now ... Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. 39c 200 pairs Men's Box Calf nnd Vici Kid Goodyear Welt Bluchers, Q'Z former price $3.00, now 1JJ Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. The Best Boys' aud Girls' Shoes Made at vi ' ,11 IU Sleds DEEP CUT IN PRICES 2.25 Black Boauty Sled 1. 75 $1.38 Boys' Sled 98c 83c Boys' Sled 68c G8c Boys' Sled.... 48c GIRLS' SLEIGHS $2.25 Sleich,.1.75 8DC DIHlgUB go XWtrXF, at- ouc . PVUrftVi 1 weniy f-iiraureen euch sled or sleigh. swt&?m i 3 31 lUCjiaaatji Bennett's Grocery. H'f adquarters for all good, pure, fresh table supplies for least money. Forty ($4) Green Trading Btumps with threu lbs. Ilnist Java and 1 nrt Mocha Coffee 1VJ Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps or with pound tea UOV. Twenty ($i) Green Trading Stamps with Aluminum Coffee 1c Maker "ft Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps Jy. with pt. bottle Snlder's C'atMup.. v Five (W)c) Green Trading Stamps can Rex l.ye " Five (r0c) Green Trading Stamps Op with can Wagner String Heaps. , Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps tjf with can Atkinson's Cocoa "v Ralxlns, new, pound 8c Currants, cleaned, pound 10c Preserves, pure, assorted, Jar 10c California Prunes, pound 6o CANDIES. Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with one pound Dlzle Molasses J(r Kisses uw CLOTHING, CLOTHING Three More Days One Half Price on All Suits and Overcoats $5.00 Suits and Overcoats 2.50 $7.50 Suits and Overcoats 3.75 $10.00 Suits and Overcoats 5.00 $12.50 Suits and Overcoats 6.25 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats 7.50 $18.00 Suits and Overcoats. 9.00; $20.00 Suits and Overcoats.. 10.00 $22.50 Suits and Overcoats 11.25 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats 12.50 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats 15.00 Stouts, Slims, Extra Sizes, Double and Slnjlo Breasted blacks and blues-everyihioz In Suits and Overcoats In the house. Work Coab, $3.00 1 CH ones IsJU Boys' Top Coats and Beefera, sizes 3 to 8, 7 J? 1.50 ones t Dl 12.50 ones 1.25 Boys' Beefers, 8 to 16 years, $5.00 ones 250 Children's Overcoats, 2 to 6, f6.00 'Villi ones at sUU SKE TIIESE. AUour $3.95 Boys' Huits, one- f QO l.silf e Dniil-le Shawls, marked $10), fnr-.I'iSo Heaver Shawls, marked $1 " f"r...$l S Heaver Shawls, marked $3.5i, fnr...$2.3i H.-aver Shawls, marked $4. 60, for.. .$1. IS Heaver Shawls, marked .9 for. ..J4 .Jj Hrnver Shawls, marked $H.0. fur...$R.iD WONDERFUL rUHNITUHE VALUES. KWDEK THE AELI4BLK ITOHE. WONDERFUL FURNITURE VALUES. Great Sale of L G. Doup Furniture. SAMTT.BS ANXnt NCKD IN THURSDAY. SEE THESE BARGAINS fl'KS DAY EVENING FATERS CONTINUBJ WONDERFUL Coat and Suit Values mir (Mrk and Suit Puyer haa Just r. turneil from New York, bringing with him KI.KVKN Hl'NI'RED NEW COATS, se cured at his own pricey K to 4-lncl Inngtlis, In great variety of latest styles and best colors and fstirlos, nearly all satin lined thr.'URhout-AI.L. OO AT OXE-HAL Tt) ONK-THIRI) THEIR VALl'E In ou Kfit January i-lenring sale., t s.O( foHts $;! ia I $15. no Cnsts at....$ 7.M $li' t'lvsis .s ,i $. i. ;tiK and $13.75 Coats $! .V $:00 Coats Bt..$12 M Sno WOMEN'S Sl ITS-In the very newest styles xnd tx-st materials, must be closed out within the ni t ten days; one-half ti one-third their value buys them. $15 00 Sl'ITS t..$'. 50 t-0 BflTA st.fl.SO $J6.00 SflTS nt $I0."0 3.000 SKIRTS at prices that, quality con sidered, camml he duplicated In the city. Don't fsil to e them. JS.On SKIRTS AT ...$!! $7.& SKIRTS AT $3 ! $10 AND $12 SKIRTS $f-'K OTHER SKIRTS at.. $7.50, $10.00 and $UJ.OO EARLY SHOPPING INDUCEMENTS FROM K TO 9 A. M. Flannelette Wrappers FROM 9 TU T. 10 A. M. Uluck Mercerised Underskirts at.. f FROM S:30 TIM, 9:9) A. M. ...J5c Women's Shoulder Shawls FROM 10 TII.I. 11 A. M. ...39o I $15 00 Double Fox Scarfs ...loa ..$T60 DECORATED TOILET SETS )vor hnndsonu'ly decorated 12-pleos Toilet Srts, ratiRitiir In price from f i'iO to iiL'.tH), will ne closea out in two lots at choice J4.50 and $.9S TEARING DOWN GROCERY PRICES Stock must te redticcd. regardless of cost, excavating for new building. l'ure Rye Flour, per sack BIV I he best Kiln Dried t ornme.il. per lb. lc 5 lbs. best Rolled Oats lc 3 lbs. good Japan Rli-e J . 3 lbs. Hand Ticked Navy Beans pic 3 lbs. the beat Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina 1c in bars best Laundry Soap ' 1 -lb. package Mince Meat 6e. Quart cans Onlden Table Syrup 7Vj : 14 gallon cans Oolden Table Syrup lnc 5-lb. palls pure Fruit Jelly 12c Gold Dust, package I'm' Pearlme, package 2c Yeast Foam, or On Time Yeast, package.lio SLAUGHTERING DRIED FRUIT PRICES 2- Crown Muscatel Raisins, per lb 3"o 3-Crown Muscatel RalxltiH, per lb ic 4- Crown Muscatel Raisins, per lb fiV.c Choice California Peaches, per lb Bo Fancy Crawford Peaches, per lb THfl F.tiKllsh Cleaned Currants, per lb Sa Fancy Grecian Cleaned Currants, per lb.To California Dried Grapes, per lb 'o Virginia Iti-d Raspberries, per lb i'3a Fancy California Apricots, per lb lo lj:) packag'-s Seeld Raisins, per pkff.. 64 SI.AUCRTERINU FRESH FRUIT PRICES Large, Juicy Sweet Oranges, per dn.. J2o I.nrgi, Juicy Seedless lemons, per doc-lOo California Figs, per package 4o Fancy Imported Cooking Figs, per lbTVa i Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart "VjO Nev Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack 10a Watch the pnpers for car of Fancy High land Navel Oranges, to arrive for Friday and Saturday sale. Everybody knows tha quality of our Highland Navel Oranges; there Is nothing finer grown and the pries In within reach of every person. HAVDER3 BROS. I Kinds mm ' rrices B ALDUFF'S .....Omaha Headquarters for Pure Candies I 1518 All of our candies are the product of our own manufacture and are absolutely pure and composed of the finest materials. .... TAKE HOME A BOX WITH YOU -20 Farnam. 'Phone 711. IT PAYS US TO DKAL square and to represent our coal JUST AS IT IS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO GIVE OUR TURE SPADRA ANTHRACITE COAL a trial. It is I'sppdiilly mlnirted for funiHcos nud beating Htoves iKiiltcs (inickly, reiulrcn littlo draft, Imrns frwly, ' lasts long, lias uo islate or ilinkerw, U siuokt'less aud wlU out goot .M.rs ton. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT SPADRA IS OK AN ALTOGETHER DIFFERENT CHARACTER, HARDER, J STRONGER AND CLEANER. THAN THE COAL SOLD IN THIS MARKET AS SEMI-ANTHRACITE. : J I C. B. HAVENS a CO., .SSHf-' BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS GRAND ISLAND ROUTE DOCBL15 nAIT-Y SERVICE, with nsw 80-foot Acetylena Oaa lighted Pullman Chair Cars (seats free) on night trains and jfullman high-back seat Coaches on day trains, between Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo ; Hiawatha. Seneca, Marysvllls, Kan., Falrbury, Falrtield, Hastings and Grand Island, Neb. Connections made at Kansas City for all points East, Boutb and West. At Grand IsWnd direct connections are made with Union Paolfle fast trains for California and the Pacific Northwest. 0 M nnQIT GENERAL PASS. AGENT, BF mmmu m m m m j VI, JUUbl 1 1 iiiiuvyuill s -' 1111 rv Ak for QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I a BEST BGC AUSP Yoj are NOT psylnft for bill boards, fence jialnllns;. elooka. Irt. deals, etc., tmt for Klaa ttuallly Havana Tnbarru, l-:ul ! Imported l laare. Hold dlrwt to tke reuller tjr R. Kit K HtCHt), ( IUAK CO., taxers, IT. lOH. i is Ii 'I