Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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    tfie omatta daily m:n: Tuesday, .tanuary 10. 100.-.
Fractk 'Will E Stopped if Impltmtnt
Dealtn 8icceed in Opposition.
Delegates la City from MMdl West
Representing; Jumbfr of the
Leaalns; Dealers of
i Thl Section.
Tha Nebraska ami Western Iowa Imple
ment and Vehicle Dealers' association at
tha three days' convention which opens at
W this morning In the Auditorium Is to
make a aland against the selling of imple
manU and vehicles at retail by Jobbers
tod manufacturers. This will be the more
Important matter for consideration during
the convention. A atrong conference com
mute has been selected, with William
Kroetter of Stewart, Neb., as chairman,
. and tha retailers are determined to get an
agreement from the Jobbers.
"I do not anticipate much of a fight,"
sajd a member of the committee, "becauas
soma of the largest houses have agreed to
ous proposition. The National Harvester
company. In other words the trust, has
agreed, and others also. We have had
to deal with very bad conditions In the past
which were a great Injury to us in our bus
iness Tha Jobbers would sell single car
riage and that sort of thing at Jobbing
plicae. This practice practically has ruined
mora than one dealer. We are going to
have an arrangement with tho Jobbers
that no more retailing shall be done by
Three Days' Session.
The session will last during Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. The morning of
the first day will be given up to committee
meetings In the Auditorium offices. In the
afternoon the formal opening ceremony
takes place on the Auditorium stage. This
begins at 2. Mayor M cores was to have
made an address of welcome, but someone
will have to be substituted for him owing
to Ms absence from the city. President it.
H. Freeland will reply for the association.
Ed L. Culver, secretary and treasurer of
the association, will give a financial state
ment showing the proceedings of the asso
ciation and Its condition. The National
Manufacturers will have a delegate here,
who wJI make an address on behalf of that
association, and President T. 8. Wiles of
the Natioaal Federation of Implement
Dealers will be here from Wichita and will
make an address.'
A reception follows In the evening and
will open the convention socially. There is
to be military music. Arthur P. Karhach
Is chairman of the reception committee and
Prank Simpson, W. D. Drummond and D.
I Holmes will assist 1b tha reception. For
receiving committee for the wlvea and
daughters of the dealers have been selected
Mrs. D. Lw Holmes, Mrs. J. J. DeJarnette,
Mrs. C. EJ. Hathaway and Mrs. 8. D. Mor
gan. '.!
Exhibits Being? Installed.
The exhibitors are busy installing their
hows on the Auditorium floor. The vehicle
how will be like the world's fairs in not
being quit ready when the opening day
comes, but by Tuesday afternoon it is
thought a fine show will greet the eye of
the dealers. Those jobbers and manufac
turers in the city who have fine show rooms
themselves are not making a display as a
rule at the Auditorium, but others have out
a nice collection of their products. In addi
tion to all varieties of vehicles are various
Implements and other agricultural - para
phernalia. .
Those who are placing their exhibits are:
Parry Manufacturing company, Indianapo
lis; LInlnger & Metcalf, Omaha; Challenge
Windmill company, Batavla, 111; Ely & Co..
Omaha; Dempster Mill Manufacturing com
pany, Omaha; J. I. Case, Racine; Vermont
Farm 'Manufacturing company, Bellows
Falls, Vt.; W. J Broatch, Omaha; Manson
Campbell . company, Detroit; W. 8. Shlnn.
Lincoln; Meyer Carriage Manufacturing
company, Ldgonier, Ind.j E. Children &
Bona, Council Bluffs; Lem Wentworth,
Omaha; I Berg Car company, Dallas City;
le Laval Separator company; A. Roberts;
the Incandescent Light company; D. M.
Sechler Car company, Mollne, and tho
Baum Iron company, Omaha.
Hasi Arrested In Resort Charged with
Theft at the Paxton
! Hotel.
Detectives Patullo and McDonuld have
arrested Fred Spauldlng on the charge of
burglary,, It la nlleged Spauldlng entered
room H at the Paxton hotel and stole a
watch, mileage book and $10, the property
of O. L, Vincent of Wyoming. Spauldlng
was apprehended Just as he was about to
teal some articles at 814 Dodge street while
Inmates vera asleep, It Is stated.
, ' Marriage Licensee,
IToUowlng are the marriage licenses is
sued up to noon January, 9:
Name and Residence. a.
Barley H. Boyd, Omaha i
Agnes J. Hulsman, Bouth Omaha!! 23
2S?.r5AAI)ontth.ue' Jr- 8outh Omaha!!! 12
JPdUh Andrew, Omaha Jj
John Kelly. Emmetsburg, la
Iicy Lynch, Omaha !!!'.!!!:!! 27
Vere Qunckenbush, Omaha .. 21
Bertha--Caatle. South Omaha ...!',!!!!!!! 19
IMT, Wedding Rings. Edholra. Jeweler.
Mjrrn-DHlon Drug Co., Druggists at
16lu.and Farnam streets, have a lib
eral free .offer. Mr. Myers, having
thoroughly satisfied himself as to the
merits of Paracampli, First Aid to the
Injured, states that aJl you need to do
la to deposit 25o with Myers-Dillon
Drur Co. and get a bottle of Para
caauih. Use as directed. If you are
not aaUtifled return the bottle and uet
your money back. Tunica tuph cures
Burns, Braids, Cuts, Wound Bruises.
Bora Feet, 801 Toe. Sore Nose, Sore
Hands, Sore Face, rnracninpb heals
Uleer. Sores and Swelling I'liratauipli
rivm ease to tired hands and weary and
blistered feet I'arm-aniph cures Pains,
Pimple and Skin Troubles, nig nasty
blotches go away when you use I'nra
rampb. - Money back If you are not satisfied-
Paracampli cures Neuralgia
and Rheumatic Swelling Cures bleed
ing and Itchlnx piles. Pnrncamph stops
itching.' - Too get relief at once. Para
campli Is good in cases of swelling and
1st aumatlons and absolutely prevents
daajsrroua blood poison. Don't hesitate.
Dont arrwN. (Jet a bottle of Para
cmiipa today. Keep It In tha bouse.
Yea. a household necessity Is Inrn
caimph. You need It Just when
ytn dorit expect. Yen can a! wars
get your xuoney back If you are flis
aarlsfled. To yoti suffer from a
cold in the head, pnln In the
chest, ringing In the earsH Use Para
caraph Retnetnber you can deposit
2fc with Mjers-Dlllon Drug Co, at
10th and Karon m street., and get a
bottle of Pararatuph, ;et It today.
Paracampli Is made by a big Ken
tucky company. The Parncauipb Com
pany, incorporated for fttno.uio, with
refwrMU, Duu's, . Bradstreet's or any
. Or la Celss
lAxattv Ttromo gululna, the world-wide
J Hi d and Orlp remedy, removes the causa.
?a!l for fha full name and look fur signa
ture stf B. W. drove. Jbc.
Clearing J
Sale of T
Fresh new goods are brought forward every day for this marvel
ous clearance. The bargains are the talk of Omaha, The clearing gala
prices are deep cuts Into our regular bargain prices.
$2.50 . $3 Dress
New lots of highest grade imported dresa goods chif
fon and pastel broadcloth, silk voile and eoliennes,
silk and wool crepe?, crepe de Paris,
Panamas and etamiues, Scotch and Eng
lish tailor suitings, Sicilians and mohairs, black and
all colors, plaids and checks immense bargain square
at, er yard
75c and $1.00 Dress
7rc quality Imported silk and wool
slinde. rone, sky. nile, reseda. Muck,
and cardinal nlwt the finest French
walstins, that hare Fold a.s high an
a yard, at, u yard
$1.50 Bonnet Taffetas at 98c &. Yard
The celebrated Bonnet black taffeta the very best in
the world probably the only chance this season to
buy this unexcelled silk, that regularly sell at
1.511 a yard, at, per yard ,
75c Silk at 4 5c Yard Fancy silks in small neat designs and a
large variety of colors, thirt waist silns also remnants of
regular 1'to quality tatf.'las, bargain square, at, yard
Great Clearing Sale of Bed Spreads
73c White Hemmed Spreads, AQn
at, each
11.25 White and Colored T'Sc
Fringed Spreads, at. each ,u
tl.fin U'liltn Hemmed Hnreatls. nQ.
at VOW
TABLE DAMASK BARGAIN An extraordinary offer of pure
linen full bleached Irish satin table damask, absolutely
worth 60c yard while It lasts, at,
Silk and Cot- Steel Pins Whale Hone Caroline Dress
ton Belt- per paper! Casing, Z Stays, all A
ing. yd..-5-C at 1C 'U'.V colors, setfC
Ladies and Child- Jf fj (P f ff Remnants of
t'ho? 0 T H II u K Silk and Cot-
Hose Support- UU Kjf I i VlJ iU 1 ton Elastic,
. i I M rnouf?h for
Sy Pin ttraYl g"""H
Bniid, allsizes, 2c &0
boltat..2 dozen... .-V paper.... v a bolt
Glove Wash JOOflM DEI,. Steel Shears
Gang Accused of ProloBgei and Systematic
JV ork is Broken.
Secret Service Otllclal I'nder Thief
Canada and with Aid of Po
ller Lands Five of
the Suspects.
' J. C. Vlzsard of the fnlon Pacific secret
service believes he has succeeded In breaking-
up a gang of car thieves that has
been operating in tho company's yards.
Five men already are in Jail and Mr.
Vizrard is on the track of others. The
lust arrest was made Sunday evening,
when Tat Carroll was locked up. The
other men were arrested Friday. They
are said to be part of an organized gang
that has been robbing cars systematically
for months, but not until a few daya ugo
could a clue be obtained to the perpe
trators of the thefts.
Freight cars loaded with sugar, flour
and similar commodities have been broken
Into with startling regularity and the con
tents were removed in wholesale lots. It
Is known that some of the cheap
restaurants were getting supplies In this
way, but no evidence could be found
against the suspects.
Thursday a car loaded with sugar was
switched into the yards near Fourteenth
and Nicholas streets. During the night
the car was broken Into and live bags of
stigar, each weighing 100 pounds, were re
moved. The matter was reported to Wil
liam Canada, chief of the Union Pacific
secret service, and Mr. Vlzxard was as
signed to the tank of running down the
Pair of Mittens Only Cine.
The only rltie to the criminals was a pair
of large mittens which one of the men left
In the car. Mi. Vlzxard put these on and
wore them to one of the haunts of the sus
pected thieves. A pal of the latter saw
them and said his friend had a pair Just
like them. Two hours later his friend was
In Jail. On the suspect's coat was even
some of the lint which had come off tha
bag. Subsequently the detective recovered
two bags of the stolen sugar. The men
had become frightened and thrown It Into
the street near the scene of the robbery.
Sunday night, It Is charged, Curroll was
seen trying to make away with a Lag of
sugar which it is supposed had been hid
den near the scene of the burglary. The
police were notified and the man was ar
rested. With the aid of Officers Ferris and
Dunn Mr. VUsard had arrested three other
men suspected of being mixed up In the
car robberies and he expects to land the
whole gang in Jail.
The plan of the thieves was to entsr cars
loaded with flour, sugar, coffee, canned
goods and other commodities that could
easily be disposed of at the restaurants.
The goods were sold for a small part of
their value, but the thieves did a land office
Dispatch frosa Home, Brlsslaa Money.
Sernres Release of I nsnphls.
tleated Yonna Man.
A. W. Van Doran. 9 years of age, a
stranger In a strange town,, says he never
befcre realised the full meaning of the
trlts saying, "getting money from heme."
.Van Doran was arrested Bunday oa tho
charge of lielng a suspicious character,
but rrornptly was discharged by the polio
mug sirate wheu lis showed a telegram
suiting he bad been sent money from his
nuithur tluu he mlgkt buy a. ticket back
to the old bme. Whuu .Jib . handud tint
lur&'iuge up the police Judgj to read,
tliurti wus a dife susplcluo uf a tear lu t ho
young man's cms, and when lis curufully
tuldad the tslegntphle nUaalvt aad rwphuad
HVI W?6f7r sale of
Goods at 50c yd
Goods at 25c Yard
voiles, yards and yards of every
cream, heliotrope
Annuel and
one dollar,
12.25 White Frlnpod Spreads,
1 49
13.50 White Fringed Satin Mar- QQ
sellles Spreads, at, each '
$5 White Heal Marseilles O (IQ
Kringtd Spreads, at, each.
it In his pocket he took a second glance
in his pocket to make sure the good news
had been securely placed.
Van Uoran was arrested while trying to
pawn his overcoat, so he might buy a
meal, he afterward declared, although at
the time of the arrest he was so un
skilled in the ways of the world that he
was uitable to disarm the suspicion that
his actions had aroused.
"It is homeward bound for me,'1 said
Van Doran as he started out of the court
loans Woman Sues for Five Thou
sand Dollars for Belnar
Kate Olrtle, by her next friend, Frank
Glrtle, has filed in district court an
amended petition In her suit against the
Bemls Otraha Hag company and John W.
Stone, in which she as-ks for 5,000 dam
ages for personal Injuries.
The amended petition sets forth that Miss
Girtle was visiting a girl friend at the
Bemls factory, although not an employe
there. Stone, the foreman, objected to the
time her friend was devoting to plaintiff,
and after repeated attempts to break up
the conversation by calling to his employe
to quit talking and" go to work, he threw
a bucket of water from the sixth floor,
where he was stnndlng, onto the two girls,
who were on a landing on the fourth floor.
Plaintiff alleges that most of the water
struck her on the head with such force
as to Incapacitate her from labor for six
months. While her salary was only $2t
per month, she believes the Injury she
suffered from the Impact of the water en
titles her to the amount of damages
All Departments Resume Work oa
Schedule Time After fhrUt
nin Vacation.
Superintendent Davidson of the publlo
schools reports he cleaned off all the black
boards and sharpened the pencils, so that
the schools opened on schedule time yes
terday after the Christmas vacation. The
tire at the Lake school, which placed one
of the rooms out of commission for awhile,
worked no particular hardship at that
school, as there was a spare room In the
annex. This room Is now being utilized,
in round numbers about 16, Out) children are
now in attendance In the public schools.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have been
reported to the Board of Health during the
forty-eight hours ending Monday noun:
Births Fred Driver, Thirteenth and
Washington, girl; John Ennis. 141! North
Twenty-third, boy; John Kruml, 315 Wil
liam, girl; Henry Olsen, 14u3 South Fifty
first, girl; David Thomas, 2:34 North
Twenty-seventh, boy; John Bell, VH6 North
Twenty-first, girl; Joseph Sunelo, Fourth
and Harney, girl; William Burrtll, 3015 Sew
ard, boy; Joseph Charonicky, 2401 Castellar,
Dath Mrs. Fannie Frank, fill South
Twenty-ninth avenue, "0; Hugh McAlplne,
8U Joseph's hospital, 12.
Or. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purines the breath.
Used by peopls of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Very convenient for tourists.
p))lLll k
I I m
Lsi w m m m
j. Omiha Weather Report Tuesday Fair.
Inventory Sales Still on at Dennett's
Not all sales adver
tised in Sunday's pa
pers are continued
Tuesday The sen
sations in Dry
Ladies Suits
Cloaks H Furs
at Half Off.
Goods and Clothing Sections will hold
good while the goods last, and no greater
money saving chances ever came your
way. Read the Sunday ad again and come Tuesday.
Special Green Trading Stamp Extras in all departments.
YVt(lnesl;iy morning wo stnrt
cur immense sale of embroideries,
thirty-live thousand ynnls, finest,
baby nets,- ll:i iitliurn. SwJs and
Nainsook edses fliid insertions.
Values jironter n,,,n niiythinR
hitherto attempted, varieties Inrjrer
than can ba found elsewhere West
of Chicago.
Trices from 7."c a yard down to
llcmeinber the sale opciis Wednes
day morning. Wntch Tuesday
evening papers for full particulars.
See our big window display of
these attractive nud desirable
"Take It away,, take It away. You're
another, there', ho coal as good as
If you like to heat your house
quick, and keep it cozy and wnnu,
you should burn BONANZA SEMI
$3.r0 per ton less than hard coal
and will burn tiatlsfaetory iu stoves
as well us furnace.
15th and Harney. "Phones 1221-1695-4718.
Omaha Attsrnsy Ordersi by Oomrt ta f ro
duci Bath F. Winch'g Testament.
Elmer E. Thomas and Alfred J.
Norman Have Copies, but bay
They Cannot Locate
the Original.
Alfred J. Norman tola in Judge Vlnson
haler's county court his story of how he
came Into possession of the last will and
testament of Seth F. Winch, how long
he had tho same In his possession and
when and where he last saw It.
In answer to questions by Attorney
Ksiley, who represented Mrs. Miranda J.
Steen In her suit against Mr. Norman
and Elmer E. Thomas. In which she al
leges they have illegal possession of a
certain will made by Mr. Winch, her first
husband, Mr. Norman said Mrs. Steen (at
that time Mrs. Winch) brought the will to
him at his home in lxigan, la., on Christ
mas day, 1897, an asked him to keep it.
He testilled that she told him she had
stolen It from her husband because she.
did not want It to get into tha hands of
any lawyer who might make her trouble.
Ho took the document, as lie was acting
as tho agent for the Winches in Iowa,
and sealed it up. 'Afterward he broke tho
seal and showed the will to two attorneys
in Logan, as an evidence that he was not
engaged In a conspiracy to conceal it.
Norman said the will remained In his
possession ull the time until certuln pro
ceedings were Instituted against Mrs.
Winch before the grand Jury of Douglas
county, in the latter part of 1901. He was
summoned before the grand jury and sur
rendered the will to lis pot.srtalon. The
next he saw of it was u day or two after
ward In the oftics of Mr. Thomas, where
it was lying on a dtk.
Assistant County Attorney.
Thomas was at that time assistant county
attorney, working with the grand Jury, and
as such officer he had taken possession of
the will when the grand Jury was through
with It. After seeing It on Thomas' dek
Mr. Norman had never again seen the will
and testified he did not bother his head
about It, Just as he had never tiled it be
cause Winch, after making the will, had
detded to his wife ail the property be
queathed by the will.
Thomas followed Normitn as a witness.
He admitted the will had been produced In
the grand Jury room and bad been la his
possesulon as stated by Mr. Norman. He
had thought he gave It back to Norman,
but It was possible the document might
still be In his files among other papers tuat
bud accumulated during his service in the
county attorney's office. He had searched
far It heretofore however, without finding
Jutl VuwoaLjJer Instructed I'houus to
Men's, Boys and
Children's Suits
and Overcoats at
Half Price.
Dennett's Great
3,fmn pounds Thre frown London
l.aver Raisins, pound lftc
Tea (M.Ut') Ureen Trading Stamps with
each pound.
Hundreds of pounds of loose Muscatel
ltalslns, two crown, pound So
Five tSoci (Jreen Trading Stamps.
Twenty (j-'.OOi Ureen Trading Stnmps
with pound Wm. Baker's Premium
Chocolate 3'ic
Twenty-($2jflU) Green Trading Stamps
with hall -pound can Win. Bakers
Cocoa 24c
Ten ( Green Trading Stamps with
can Imported Sardines 12'-,"
Five Oic) Green Trading Stamps with
can Rex He
Five (into) Green Trading Stamps with
can Wagner White Wax String
Beans 8c
Five (".00 Green Trading Stamps with
can Atkinson's Cocoa 12c
Ten ($1.0) Green Trading Stamps with
pound package Imported Sultana
Raisins ISc
Ten (111.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with
Jar filled with Candy, assorted.... 10c
Felt Shoes and
The warmest shoe ever worn Just
the thing for the motorman, driver or
anyone who must be out In all kinds
of weather.
All felt with felt soles felt tops
with leather soles high toes and
low tops $1.50 to J3.00 six different
styles to select from.
We also have a full line of warm
felt shoes for women for house or out
door wear.
Drexel Shoe Co.
Omaha's Ih-lt-Bati Shot House
I Hereby
That I have left O. K. Seofleld's a
rtittcr, fitter nnd foreman of ladies' de
pnrtine.nt, and opened an establishment
ns n hlKh class ladles' tailor and fur
rier. Here can be found all the latest
styles and designs in ladies' tailoring
all work fully jruarnnteed. Trices rea
sonableHiding habits a specialty.
1416 Farnuiu Street,
riione 5138. L. Kneeter, Trop.
make a further search at once and to bring
tho will Into court if he could find it.
Mr. Thomas reported later that ha could
not find the will. Judge Vlnsonhaler then
ordered him to bring his copy Into court
and entered an . order discharging Mr.
Thomas from further attendance in the
In the petition filed by Mrs. Steen at the
time the suit was entered she accused
Norman and Thomas of Jointly conspiring
to retain In their possession unlawfully a
will made by her husband bequeathing to
her certain property which, in a suit
brought by the other heirs," the county
court held she was not legally possessed
of and which she was ordered to sur
render. Krdrral Court, Notes.
Charles Kovar of Schuyler has managed
to get himself into serious trouble through
opening a pofctuittce lock box In that city
belonging to some one else and taking
therefrom a package containing a pair of
slliierH. A warrant was sworn out for thu
arrest of Kover before I'nlted States Com-
mishloner Anderson ana lie will be brought
to Omaha for hearing. The case was
worked up by rostoftice Inspector Moore.
Edward Dempsey, a striker, recently con
victed of aseaulllng a strike breaker, has
been sentenced to forty days' Imprisonment
In the Douglas county Jail. John Earsen
and Louts iiolt, convicted of similar of
fenses, were sentenced to twenty days' Ini-
firlHunment each In the Douglas county
ull. Charles Eeamtng, convicted of boot
egging. was given a sentence of sixty
d.i' Imprisonment In the Dougtus county
Jail and to pay a fine uf UjK.
Discharges In Uaakraptrr.
The following discharges In bankruptcy
wore grunted by Judge Monger In tha
United Blates district court vssterday:
Joiija flluclair, Hartltigton. Neb.; EbwIs
j Kuller and William Urown, both of
North Plutte. Neb., and Ed Mullrlng and
Fred 11. M'.llrlng. as Individuals and as
the firm lit Aluujjtis iirvs. of ALUaiice,
Furniture Sale
For Ad.
Ivtr Olftrti
Continues Tuesday, January Wlh.
All kinds nnd descriptions of I.are In
Omaha. Fine Torchons, Heavy Torchons,
Orientals, i'lauens, All-Overs, all go at worth 5c, at yard 1o
Laces worth lue. at. yard 2'c
ljic es worth lie, at,' yard So
Laces worth SV, st, yard 6c
Lnces worth -Sc. at, yard 5e
$-.tH) Laces in great variety, at, yard
2Hc for Kmhroiderles worth 5c.
Be for Embroideries worth 10c.
"4e for Embroideries worth l."c.
l"c for Embroideries worth ;V.
1-Vi'" for Embroideries worth -jo.
Sole agents for the Zion City Laces.
Pearl Button Salethe Greatest Ever Held in Omaha
All size IVarl Buttons, (All 10c and 15c Pearl Buttons, it
down fc' dozen $C
6c quality I'earl Huttor.s, 01r All and c fancy Pearl lint tons'.'
dozen 8k dozen ,...."C
Furnishing Goods Bargains
nt, pair
8WEATKRS 300 dozen fine Wool and
Heavy Cotton Sweaters, for men nnd
buys, worth up to $1.00 OfS.r
choice 4ft
From iO Til! U A. M.
UNDERWEAR Extra heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, for boys and
girls, worth 25c to 35c choice for one hour per garment
Special Sale on 36 -
No. 400-12 yards
No. fiiKt 12 yards
Tearing Out Grocery Stockroom s,ock ' Sold Regarditss of cost
B-pound pall Fruit Jelly 12c
5 pounds Hreakfast Oatme;il 0e
Cnolco Jnpan Rice, 3 pounds for 10c
Hand picked Navy Beans, lb 3Vsc
Sapnllo, bar if
1'earllne. package 2c
(inld Dust, package 15c
10 bars best Laundry Soap 5c
yuart can Oolden Table Syrup 7"to
3-pound can solid packed Tomatoes.... Bo
3-pound can Apples Rc
3-pound can Boston Bnked Beans 7'4e
L'-pound can Sweet Sugar Corn 7c
2-pound can fancy Wax, String or Lima
Beans Be
2-pound can Early June Sifted Peas.... 7He
Kiln Dried Cornmeal, lb- t lc
Untold Wealth
in the West
Numberless new farms countless new homes
are the attainments of western colonist industry
in 1904.
Hundreds of thousands of acres of valuable
lands open to settlement and investment. Look
at this region yourself, choose, and begin not
next month or next Fall but MOW.
Homeseekers' low rates, one fare plus two
dollars for round trip West and Northwest, via tha
Union Pacific
every first and third Tuesday of
FEBRUARY) To Western Kansas, Nebraska,
MARCH V Colorado, Montana, and points
APRIL ) I""-
PhHSlTo Oregon, Washington and
TO JUNE Northern Idaho.
Incluslva )
Straight to your destination via
Full information furnished upon request
Phone 318.
Steam Heated
Offices In
The Bee Building
$10.09, $15.00. $18.00 and $25.00
Rental Agents,
fini-ti v mi! t uF-nvirTT
lighted Pullman Chair Cars (seats free) on night trains and
Pullman high-back seat Cosches on day trains, between Kansas
City and Bt. Joseph, Mo ; Hiawatha, Seneca, Marysvllle, Kan.,
Falrbury, Fairfield, Hastings and Grand Island, Neb.
Connections mads at Kansas City for ail points East. South
and West. (
At Grand Is'and direct connections are mads with Union PaclOo
fast trains for California and the Pacific Northwest.
Snn nnoiT
. Mi HUOI 1 1
Particulars and
Prices on
Sale Laces
Ercr Offered
this greatest of all I-ace sales erer he-ld In
Zion Cltv Ibices. Venice Applique, al ,
one-half to one-fifth regular price.
L.'ici!. worth .T'V, nt, yard.,
l.aces worth ,V.c, nt. yard..
Lace worth Siv, at, yard..
Laces worth .'', at. yard...
Laces worth $1.iX, at. yard.
.. loo
.. i'xj
Embroidery Values
1."c for Efnhroldories worth !NV.
17Hc for Embroideries worth SSc.
2Sc for Kmbroldrrles worth 5V.
H.Sc fur Embroideries worth 7fv
4:c for Embroideries worth 11.00.
Save t percent by buying at our Lacs rept.
Extra heavy ribbed anil fleece lined,
worth 15c ami 25c your choice, Uln
per pair OJW
Inch English Long Cloth
No. 500-12 yards
No. 70012 yards
Condensed Mince Ment, pncknire Co
ic.iMi roam or im time least, pkg.... Ic
Michigan Evaporated Apples, lb f,o
Michigan Evaporated Peaches, lb 3'.fi
English Cleaned Currants, lh r,e.
Choice California Prunes, lb
3 bars Grandpa's Wonder Soap for Mo
Hi-pound can Breakfast Cocoa loo
The largest In the west.
Large Juicy Sweet Oranges, dnz
Large juicy Seedless Lemons, dog...
New Hallowe en Dates, lb
California Figs, pkg
SPKCIAI. New Colorado White
Clover Honey, per rack
... i;i
... K'o
... Bn
... to
Ground Floor,
Be Bid.
with naw so-foot Aoetylsns On- V"
general pass, agent,