TIIE OMAIIA DAILY PEE: PrXDAT. JANUARY 8. 1005. nr. n When Brandeis' Cut Prices It means that goods are selling at immense reductions. Our regular prices always repre sent the very lowest figure at which merchan dise can be sold at a profit even when goods are bought for cash under the most fortunate conditions and in the greatest quantities. In our annual clearing sales we cut deep into our regular bargain prices. Not a trifling reduc tion on a few lines, but a big sweeping sacri fice on everything. wmm SALE m Annrir?r ALL OUR WINTER GOODS MUST GO NOW NOTHING IS SPARED IN THIS GREAT SACRIFICE STAPLE GOODS AND SPECIAL LINES ALIKE ARE PRICED REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE. A Half Million Dollar Stock of new, fresh Winter Goods will be sold at once at amazing bargains. Our rigid policy de mands that all winter goods go before the season wanes. We positively will carry over no goods from one season to another. Wc have been left with an unusually heavy stock and we will shatter all bargain records in clearing everything away now. Out they go at prices cut below the profit line. GRAND CLEARANCE OF DRESS GOODS Astonishing Reductions on High Class Dress Fabrics-to bs Sold Without Regard to Cost or Former Selling Price. S2.50 and S3 DRESS GOODS at 50c YD. C As the greatest feature of our grand clearing sale we offer for Monday all the highest grade imported dress patterns worth up to $3 a yard at Hue a yard these bcuutlful Roods have bcon nnmlrpd in the winnow ny thousands here are chiffon and' pastel broadcloths, silk voiles and eollennes, silk and wool cropes, crepe do I'arls, Panamas and etnmlnes, Scotch nnd Knglish tailor cloths, shirt waist suitings, cheviots, heavy coat cloths, Sicilians nnd mohairs. In blacks and all colors, plaids and checks On Bijr Bargain Square Monday every yard a bunraln at, yard - .. 76c and SI Dress Goods at 25c Yard All the 75c Imported silk and wool voiles that have been displayed In our windows thousands of yards of every shade of goods rose, sky, nlle, reseda, llack, cream, heliotrope and cardinal also all the finest French Flannels and Waistlngs, thnt have sold up to $1.00 a yard at, a yard - yard at iue a yard 50 25 YARD for all the 75c and i 50c, up-to-date dress goods Scotch i and mnoy worsteds, mohairs, tailor 2Rc. cloths, Panama, cheviots, etc. suitings of every color. IN MAIN DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT YARD fordouble width wool g suitings all the 15c fancy Fancy voiles, silk melange VQlms, black and white r m effects, sold up $1,75 7 Sp yd-at, yd.. JJ 50-inch Sicilians, brown,! Fancy mohairs, marVad-ar We Ch' yard.... JJ etc., at, yd... me- 49c Great Clearing Sale of Silks As a very special clearing sale bargain for Monday in onr silk department we offer 5000 yards of black and colored silks fancy shirt waist silks plaid silks black dress taffetas, black rustling taffetas black peau de soies and Louisenes they must all be closed out before our new spring silks arrive Monday we sell them at less than wholesale price. 69c Black Taffeta, a 29c Yard 1,200 yards of full yard wide black taffeta, that never before retailed for less than 69c a yard .11 i Dargain square, per yard, Clearing Sale of Draperies $7.5,0 Lace Curtains at $1.98 Pair Tomorrow we clear out about 500 pairs of lace curtains of which we only have one, two or three pairs of a kind. They are in corded Point de Arab curtains, French Net curtains, Domestic Hnissels Net curtains. Imported Nottingham curtains, .etc. The;o regularly sold up to $7.50 per pair; we are going to sell them at $1.98 per pair in this clearing sale Monday. As the best goes first, we recommend an early choice. 15c and 20c Curtain Swiss at 74c Yard We also offer our entire stock of curtain swiss. They are in full pieces, not remnants, in figures, dots and strips, regular prices on these goods are 15c and 20c, to morrow your choice at, per yard. . . .' 12c and 15c Silkoliuc at 6c Yard We also offer Monday our entire stock of fancy silkolincs. These are regular 12c and 15c goods; to make room for nn entirely new spring line we offer you your choice of silkolincs at, per yard Cretonnes, Denims, Etc., at 10c Yard Your choice of our entire stock of cretonnes, demint. tickings, etc., In 1.98 1 Our 7k fact our entire stock of cotton draperies. The regular prices are up to 2oc per yardr tomorrow you can take your choice at, per yard 6c 10c Great Clearing Sale in Blanket Dept. 98 5Q All the balance of the stock of fine silk and French sateen comforts, filled with best down and with pure lamb's wool, at greatly r6duced prices to clear them all out. All the balance of our stock of fancy bath robe blankets most of these previously sold at $5.00 ench -they are strictly all wool and go at, ench. All of the balance of our fine pure geese feather pillows that were 93.60 each there) are no better pillows than these made they will now go at, per pair has all on at, 23 75c Silks at 45c Yard 2, 500 yards of fancy silks, mostly in small neat designs, and a splendid array of colorings these silks are taken from our regular 75c, 89c and $1.00 lines of shirt waist silks, all this season's I ra p effects also remnants of our regular 75c aualitv II W V taffetas, from 3 to 15 yard lengths, all on one big r-.P $1.50 Bonnet Taffetas at 98c Yard Regular $1.50 quality black Bonnet celebrated taffeta, TK ff thb best in the world our many customers who like VL) this superb taffeta, will have their only chance to buy U flj) it this season at, a yard - OUR ANNUAL LINEN SALE Finest two-yard wide table damnsk, Including celebrated round thread, original sliver bleached and extra heavy run bleached double natln damask. worth up to $2.U0 yard, at, yard Extra fine two-yard wide full bleached satin damask, sold up to $1.50 yard, at, yard . 72-Inch bleached and silver bleachnd all linen table damask, worth up to 11.23 yard, at, yard 1.10 93c 69c Extra quality all pure linen table ilamuxk, bleached and sliver bleached, that sold up to $1.00 yard, at, yard Two yard wide all linen cream dunvtsk, 62-lnch all linen silver bleached duinask, worth 66c yard, at, yard Full bleached and half bleached table damask, worth 4oc yard, at. y.ird 59c 39c 25c 20-Inch full kins, at. aozen VERY SPECIAL NAPKIN BARGAINS bleached 75c nap. Full bleached 18 and 20-lnch nap- I Extra heavy 24-Inch German sll AClr' I kins II.Do quality, 4 fill I vpr bleached napkins, f Ifl , I at. dozen I. VIM worth t2.W. at. dozen.. I.OV Extra fine full bleached all linen f f( I fa extra fine full bleached all linen r f,C size Scotch napkins, at, dozen I.Uir Scotch and Irish napkins, at. dozen.... tJ BIG REDUCTION ON PATTERN TABLE CLOIHS $1.60 hemstitched cloths 75c $2.50 hemstitched' cloths' J 2Q $2 hemmed and hemstitched cloths QSC $:i hemstitched cloths j Qg $5 hem'stl'tched' cloths' g Qg $4.50 patteni'tabiecloths g 5Q $5 patVern 'tab'lecioths 2 QQ Towels Doylies Lunch Cloths Tray Cloths Scarfs $C pattern tablecloths at $7 pattern tablecloths at $S pattern tablecloths at $9 pattern tablecloths at tlO pattern tablecloths at ...350 .. .3 98 ,..4 50 ...5 98 6.98 (12 pattern tablecloths 8 98 Napkins to match these pattern table cloths at proportionate cut in price. Large size 10c huck tow- s, els. sliKhtly imperfect Extra large Blze 15c huck, dam ask and Turkish t(r towels at ,uk Fine lot of damask and huck towels, worth up to lOn 40c at IW Five-cent Turkish wash cloths at lc lflc all linen round and square fringed doylies En at ,JW 25c all linen round and square fringed doylies IOC 40c scarfs nnd lunch and ICir tray cloths at -w Fifty-cent sample lunch Oin and tray cloths at t-w Seventy-five cent scarfs, lunch and tray cloths 3Qc $1.00 scarfs, lunch and tray S'tot.h8. 49c $1.50 scarfs, lunch and Cn tray cloths at WW $1.75 scarfs, lunch and OA" tray cloths at VOw Grand Clearing Sale in Basement One Big Table of Plain White and Fancy Tinted Baby E Flannel, regular 15c per yard, to close out, goes at One Big Table of Various Kinds of Prints, at A p per yard.. s One Big Table Everett Classic A -Gingham Per yard V One Big Counter of all Kinds of Yarns in all colors, Zephyrs, Saxonys, Floss, etc., most of them worth 2c 15o, all go at per ekein , One h'xi Table of all Kinds of Out ing Flannels Regular price of these up to 15c per yard, light and dark colors, all go at per yard One Big Table of all Kinds of Sofa. Cushion Tops In burlap, ticking and tapestry, regular prices A 25c aud 50o, all go at each IlC Specials at White Goods Counter Monday Two Big Bargains in 40-inch Lawns At per JQ and J2( j A Very Fine Quality of Nam- QOp sook At per bolt, .UU A Special Good Value in a Well Known Brand of Long Cloth-12 yard J Cp hnltfl nt ner holt 1 x BANKRUPT MILLINERY STOCK Bought by Us at Such an Astonishing Reduction and Goes At Less Than Half Their Original Cost All the $3. 50 Trimmed Hats from the Bankrupt Stock Guaranteed made last (all trimmed with velvets, ancy feathers and ribbons, at All the $7.5 Trimmed Hats from the Bankrupt Stock -Elaborately trimmed with ribbons, flowers and fancy feath ers, go at '. All the tlO and $15 Pattern Hats from the Bankrupt fttock-ExquUite creations, elab orately trimmed with ostrich plumes, flow ers, ornaments, etc, at $2.00 Street Hats at 25c All the up-to-date street bats from the bankrupt Ptock that sold at 12.00 on sale third floor, at Ostrich Plumes On 3d floor, your choice of all the finest plumes, worth up to 12.60. . n 2M $5 25c 25c-49c-98c Clearance of Ladies9 Cloaks-Furs-Suits 9.50 ?s? Ladles' Stunning; Long; Coats All this season's stylish effects, newest colors many lined throughout prettily trimmed and worth up to $20- at, each. Ladles' Short and Long Coats In all sizes and many new M CHQ styles good warm, well made cloaks for winter wear sold B 'Q regularly up to $12 60 each at m v BIG SPFCIALS IN LADIES' FUR SCARFS Single Fox Scarfs with long brush tails all well selected furs f QQ Sable and Isabella fox actually worth 9i and $5 each, at. 1J3 Ladies' $25 Deuble Fox Scarfs, at Our New Line of Imported and Dom estic Dimities is now on ealo at special prices. A 40-inch White Batiste Well worth 35c per yard, goes Qp ou Monday only, at per yd 12.50 Ladies' S20 Double Fox Scarfs, Q Qg Lb d Irs' 115 Double Fox Scarfs, g CLEARING SALE LADIES'' SUITS Ladies' $50 Tailor-Made Suits, at v. Ladles' $30 Tailor-Maile Suits, at Ladles' $25 Tailor-Made Suits, at Ladies' $15 Tailor-Made Suits, at 7.50 IN THE BASEMENT ACin I Ladies' 50c Brown Sateen Waists, 1(r J I sliKhtly Imperfect, at IUV Ladles' 12 Golf Skirts, Q8C Ladles' Silk Waists New pleated effects, all colors, worth up to $4, at. Ladles' Outing Flannel Klmonas and Night Clowns -Sold regularly up to a few weeks ago at $1.50 dur ing this sale Children's II Eiderdown Coats, at BIG CLEARING SALE OF LACES An immense assortment of fine French and English torchona and French Valenciennes Laces all widths and many match seta these are high grade laces from our regular stock and were never before offered at such a huge bargain hundred of desir able Btyls, actually worth as high as 15c yard, at EMBROIDERY CLEARANCE n our regular stocu ana were never 2k3c-5c Fine lots of embroideries in medium and wide widths up to 18 Inches many are suitable for skirt flounclnRS and for corset covers; they are all fresh and new and are worth as high as 39c yard at yard 1 2c All the Fine Dress Trimmings Odds and ends of our immense stock, worth as hlh as lioc a yard- all go at, yard Ladies' Corsets short and medium lengths plain and fancy girdles, als many line satin tape girdles special 'Zt during this clearing sale, at, J I each Ladles,' Men's and Children' Hosiery In fast black and fancy colors, fine and heavy ribbed, all sizes, worth up to 25o a pair, at, pair Lsdics' dolf Qloves Plain and plaid elrects all sizes, the correct street gloves for winter wear, at, pair I2V2C 1 and plaid rrect street 25c-39c Trices that are bound to clear them all out in one day not a cut of a few rents to make them appear cheap, but, iu many instances, half of what the goods could be bought for before the holidays, and in some instances even less than that. Our desire is to oion up every season with a spick and span new fresh, stock of blankets. We are sure that after this sale there will be but very few left. $5 White Wool Blankets at $1.98 Pair In one big lot we put all the white wool blankets, iu 11-4 size, that we previously sold as high as !fT).00 per pair they all go, at, per pair , $6 and $10 Blankets at $3.50 a Pair On one big table we put all of the strictly all wool white, plaid and fancy check blankets, all the plain gray, tan, and scarlet blankets in fact, every pair of blankets in the hoxise that previously sold from $5 to ?10 per pair they go at, per pair 1.50 1 2.50 One big table of single cotton blankets go at, each 19c Sheet Music Bargains Vocal and Instrumental Hits By the Dear Old Delaware, Teasing, In Old Ireland Meet Me There, Iilue Bell, Anheuser Busch, My Indian Queen, Gondolier, I Would If I Could but I Can't, She Was from Missouri. Vocal and Instrumental Hits f Satisfied, Bit o' Blarney, Northern Lights Waltz, Oneonta, Uncas, Circus Parade, Little Boy from Lonesome Street, Coax Me, 7 C n 1 Z3 I Eliza Simpkins THIS SII1:i;T MUSIC FOB 5c A COPY Beautiful Blue Danube ' Black Hawk Waltzes Silvery Waves La Paloma Palm Branches, and a great many others in prettily colored covers,. .. . Postage ou each copy lc. .imnnMP.nc5 f iVV f i fell j 5c HUGE CLOTHING CLEARANCE Big Special Clothing Clearance Offer Choice of all our Men's S7.50 and $8.50 Overcoats in plain blacks, oxfords and fancy mixtures, . on-sale in basement., Choice of all our Men's S8.50, SIO and SI 2. SO Suits and ; Overcoats during this sale at. If"1 Choice of all our Men's Suits and Overcoats, worth as : high as $17. CO each, at , 3.75 $5 20 Reduction on all the Rogers, Peet & Go's Clothing best ready-to-wear suits and overcoats in America. Clearing Sale In Carpet Department All Wool Art Squaresall drop patterns of our be?t all wool art squares, in sizes 3x3 and 3x3 i go at, each Linoleum all the rmnants of linoleum, go daring this clearing sale worth up to 85c TlkC vnrd , ' j Cocoa Door Mats Bize 14x24 a big clear ing sale bargain jq Best Union Carpet a regular 45c value clearing sale price, a yd 29c Straw Matting clear, ing sale price, per &15c-19c25c 100 VISITING OR BUSINESS CARDS at 39c. All the latest styles of type made iu a few minutes in the Arcade card case free. BOHEMIAN ENGRAVED GLASSWARE. Very pretty and decorative your name engraved free in the Arcade. -1