1ft THE OMAITA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 8. 1905. JAPS NOW SEER VLADIVOSTOK Each ii Declaration ef leant T. Iaenj i, Wko I top in Omgh. MIKADO WANTS NO PEACE JUST YET laslste hlpplnB tsar Tharnaealy While at the Job Vlaltar Mill Sot Reveal Hla Mlssloa. Soma mystery attends the visit to thl clly of Count T. Inongi, a Japanese who It rgistred at the Taxton. Count Inongl ad mit he la here In the Interest of his gov ernment, but In what capacity he declines to aay. When pressed for the reason of his visit he simply emtie and says In Harvard college English: "That's enough for you, my boy. Take some other tack and I'll try to answer your questions. To be frank with you, I will say that one of my mis sions hers Is business connected with the government of Japan, but the government nf Jspan is qulto anxious not to have that business marie public, at least at this time. "I cam here from New York and was there when the news came of the fall of I'ort Arthur. Naturally, the Japanese In this country are Jubilant over the victory, but they made no demonstration In the east. The result Is what we have antici pated, but we did not believe It would be delayed so long. It has cost a great deal of life and treasure, but Japan was pre pared for the sacrifice." "Do you think Japai will now listen to overtures of peace from a friendly coun try?" "No, I am sure It would not. Japan does not want peace Just now. It does not want peace until Russia Is thoroughly whipped and whipped so bndly that It will stay whipped. To end the war now by means of arbitration would simply mean another war Just as soon ss Russia could prepare for It. We have the means now to continue the war for a year longer and we propose to continue It until Russia Is willing to withdraw from Manchuria and stay out. We don't want Manchuria, hut we don't propose to let Russia have It." "What will be the next move of Japan?" Vladivostok Comes Nest. "To take Vladivostok. Tort Arthur shuts put Russia from the sea; Vladivostok will shut out the czar by land." "Russia talks of putting more men In the field and promises to crush the Japanese armies In spite of Port Arthur." "How does It propose to do It? We nave Tort Arthur; we have Mukden; we will have Vladivostok. It can't fight us by nee, because It has no fleet now worthy the name. Japan has nothing to fear from the Baltlo fleet. Every base of supplies is practically In the bands at the Japanese. How is Russia going to put men in the Held? How is It going to feed them after It gets them there? In the field we are now on equal footing. By sea Russia is at disadvantage. "Russia knows the war must be fought out. It knows it Is not the Intention of Japan to give up the war until we have removed the Muscovite peril from Man churia. That is what we started out to'do, Russia counts on geographical size for strength to crush Japan. Russia seemingly cannot grasp the Idea that the largest foe la not always the strongest foe. Japan Is mall In size, but it Is large In resources. It is large In bravery. Japanese soldiers Dght for practically the same reasons that American soldiers fight that is, they are Inspired by patriotism and love tyr the country. We love our emperor, but we love our country more. "Russia's generals have laid out a bril liant campaign; they have made few mis takes. Our generals cannot make any mis takes. There are no court-martials for Japanese soldiers who make mistakes. Per sonal honor and the customs of the coun try demand that an officer who has erred laves his country the trouble of a court- martial. He enters the field a dead man. He never leaves it unless covertj with glory." NEW PETIT JURY IS DRAWN Ust elect for the FeOral Ceart Darlagr the Terms at LI a eel au A lUt of federal petit Jurors has been drawn by District Court Clerk R. C Hoyt and Jury Commissioner Tilden for the term of the United States courts to con vene at Lincoln, Monday, January 11 The Jurors are directed to report Tuesday, Jan uary 17, at a. m. The Omaha men In the list are: R. B. Wallace, Brown block; Alex Buohanan, 1021 Twenty-ninth avenue; Martin Dunham, James Hyland, 1411 Cum ing street. This is the remainder of the list: Frank Abbott, Burnham; David Barry, Wahoo; M. P. Brown, Papflllon; Frank A. Clarke, Bellevue; Robert Clayburn, Mon roe; C. .Carter, Fullerton; Robert 1 Downing, Ueysses; George W. Downer, Arapahoe; John H. Dantlae, Auburn; Wil liam Eby, Ianham; Elmer Tracy, Clarks; Walter Foss, Aurora- John Hlnselwood, Fullerton: Edward II. Haredeen, Lyons; Hugh Hughes, Columbus: Charles F. Harpham, IJncoln; J. R. Hay ward, Ash land; David M. Kayton, Bell wood; James C. Miller, Springfield; J. M. Maher, Fre mont, R. F. D. No. 1; William T. Meador, Herman; Isaac Noyes, Waterloo; Henry E. Neff. Plainvlew; George W. Park. Oak dale; John A. Power, Humboldt; W. H. Reader, York; George H. Sands, Grand Island; Martin L. Shumway, Lyons; Henry F. Tallmadge, Geneva; Edward Turner, Plymouth; Kraser Troxel, Clay Center; T. A. Taylor, Cosad; Frederick R. Woolley, Seward; John L. Wert, Edholm. William Whit ford, Arlington; Mark W. Woods, Lincoln. TAXES C0MEINBIG BUNCHES Nlne-ty Per Teat of This Year's Re ceipts Collected Darin a; Period of Eight Moatbs. City Treasurer Hennings has compiled the following statement, which shows the amount of personal taxes collected during L1901 with the various years on which these taxes appl'ed. The flgareo show that WH ! per cent of the 1904 taxes were collected during eight months, something unprece dented In the annals of the city treasurer's office, Mr. Hennings states. He also says each year of his Incumbency has shown a larger percentage of collections than the previous year, this being the result of a vigorous effort to collect the taxes. The collections fof 1904 are: Year. Net. 1904 S377.92M0 t.tns.iJ Notice. All members of Ak-Sar-Ben lodge S2S, A. O. t W., are requested to meet at their . hall, 17th and Vinton sts., at 1 p. m. sharp Sunday, January 8th, to attend the funeral Of our late brother, J. T. Peterson, who will be buried from his late residence, 603 Pierce street. All sister lodges invltedgto attend. M. P. SHANAHAN, Recorder. E. NICHOLS, M. W. federal Court Notes There being no cases ready for trial In either of the federal courts yesterday, the jury has been excused until 9 a. m. Monday. Ihs February term of the United Statea courts will convene In this city February . Judge Carland of Sioux Falls. S. D., will assist Judge Munger during the term. Edward Dempsey, a striker, was found Suilty Friday evening In the United States (.strict court of committing an assault upon Max Knapp, a strike breaker. He was remanded to Jail for sentence. It has Anally been decided by Judge Munger to hold the January term of court at Lincoln, beginning Monday, January 16, as at first Intended. The petit jury for the Lincoln term was drawn this morning. The De Laval Separator company of Maine has brought suit against the Ne braska and Iowa Creamery company for K.Ws.Sl. It Is a suit on account for com missions and purchase of separators from the date of the last account, January 19, 1U04. Thecaaes of H. J. Haufflalre and John Cushlng, Indicted for conducting a lottery at South Omaha, is set for trial Monday next. The accused reside in South Omaha and were Indicted at the last term of the federal grand Jury for violation of the federal lottery laws. James DeGauy and Berl Bernard. French Seople, were again taken before United tatea Commissioner Anderson to answer for being in this country for Immoral our- poses, heir arrest hav been made at Hie Instance of Immigrant Inamtctor w H L. Eager. Owing to the delay in the ar rival of further Instructions now enroute from New York bearing upon the case, the hearing wss adjourned until Monday morn ing next. In the meanwhile Bernard's ball was Increased from S&00 to ll.OuO. The woman's ball remains at 1600. The two have now been under arrest and In Jail t&r about tnp days. Neither of them being able to furnish ball they were again re manded to Jail for further hearing. Oas anfl electric fixtures, wholesale and retail. Nebraska Electric Co., 13th and Harnev 8ts Have Root print It Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon j unwary i Ilirths Peter Csnpllk. 1718 South Twenty- Fourteenth, girl. first. hoy; boy; Peter Thompson, S3M Franklin. Christopher Pullman, 1451 South Deaths Hurry Jackson. Doualaa rnuntv hospital. 62; Cornelius Callahan, 1"07 North Seventeenth, Kl; Baby McCali, North Seventeenth; Baby Ctark. 2718 Bancroft. WAIT Don't buy a dollar's worth of Clothing, Furnishing Ooods, etc., until Thursday, January 12, at 8:46 a. m. That's the time set for the opening of the biggest slaughter sale ever held anywhere. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 151-15a Douglas Street, Omaha, having purchased the entire stock of the lllnswanger Clothing Co., lOOJ-luoi Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, at 47 cents on the dollar, lias shipped same to Omaha, Neb., and where It will be offered for sale at retail. 8 tie takes place 151S-lia Douglas Street. Second Floor. No one will be al lowed on litis Hour except Mnployes until Thursday, January 12, t 1:46 a. m. For full particulars regarding prices, etc., watch Wednesday evening papers. , 1903 190J 1M1 1900 1899 1S98 1W7 vm 1896 1894 1898 1.M6.75 1,326.18 792.14 649.60 410.38 453.31 821.07 298.94 236.97 196.16 1892 1 198.40 1891 1890 81.24 81.30 Interest, t 469.33 467.13 386.61 49.11 397.74 883.01 291.89 377.52 294.59 320.84 28.1.64 266.25 284.08 125.72 138.13 Totals 1389.238.26 COLBY CASE WILL GO $4,831.51 OVER Clean Cash Assets amounting to Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars are now held by the Bankers Reserve Life Company OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA, showing the remarkable rate of gain during 190 of 75 PER CENT. A Ten Million Dollar Company The agency staff of this progressive Company will be largely Increased during the next few months. For particulars concerning a money-making agency, call on or address, B. H. R0BIS0N, - President. Former AdJataat General of State May Not Bo Tried (or Sev eral Months. The November term of the federal courts for this district will end Saturday. Jan uary 14. . It Is now deemed probable the trial of General Colby for alleged embez zlement of public funds while adjutant general of the state'will go over until the I Fehmarv lrm nr nmhahlv lata, T i I . - - . aca.ca. v ,a the purpose of his attorney, T. J. Ma honey, to employ an expert accountant gen eral during Colby's term, as an offset to the examinations made by Expert Ac countant Wiggins, employed by the state and upon whose examinations the indict ments against General Colby were found. There Are Lots of People Who won't ue any kind of coal but ours, because tliey are satisfied and happy- Quite a serious question, and one you should look into. Its fun to use our MONARCH COAL i Clean, makes a bot fire and few ashes. t)on't miss Uie fun using It and the satisfaction of saving- money. You will need coal soon, so why not try "Monarch?" LUMP. $6.50 NUT, $6.00 One a customer, always a customer. C. B. HAVENS a CO.. i2AH3& Did you ever eat Kopp's Molasses Sat InettsT Try them. 1308 Far nam. Men'e, boys' children's clothing:, hats, ladles' cults, skirts, millinery, etc.: cash or credit. People's Store 16th and Farnam. Marriage Licensee. The following marriage licenses were Is sued up to noon January 6: Name and Residence. Age. Bert Wood, Omaha si Anna M. Burmester, Omaha 27 William H. G. Walsh, Omaha. 34 Belle Bmlth, Omaha 20 Ellas T. Smith, Kansas City, Mo 33 Mamie B. Newton. Kansas City, Mo 27 1S-K. Wedding Kings. Edholm, Jeweler. Stonecypher prints, uirt Howard. Tel. 1310i YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE If you send your GARMENTS, laces or other articles to us, to be CLEANED or DYED. :: SGHMOLLER & MUELLER 1313 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEBRASKA THE ONLY ONE PRICE PIANO HOUSE IN NEBRASKA WHICH WAY? Suppose a salettninn asks you to pny f400 for a piano that Is marked $iUK) and you offer $;tH, and after consulting the "old niHu" you arc informed, with various excuses, that although your ofTor Is actual iiwt (?) we'll make the deal tills time. I0 YOU HKUKVK IT AU.'! No, of course- not no one do-. Tlit! facts at-p your neighbor may have paid $73 less or per haps flOt) more limn you for the very oanie Instrument. lo you know the cost of a piano? No. Con you beat the sulcs inan? No. HI T YOU CAN" BEAT THE SYSTEM. THIS WAY Come to a piuno store where every piano is plainly marked a guaranteed price no more no less no guess work for you . or the salesman. Oct n "Stelnway," or a "Steger." an "Eniersou," "Md'hail," "Hard Illan,, "Stork," "Heed & Sons," 'A- B. Chase," -.Mueller," or. any of the standard makes we sell with a WKITTEX OUAU ANTEE ON THICK. If you like this way you'll see us. We have a couple very extra piano bargains to offer this week new sample pianos beautiful mahogany case all hardwood construction, ini.mited steel music wire, .best American felts, sweet musical tone, price ouly 1 168 a saving of $8:! with out question. $5 monthly pay- ments accepted. Pianos moved, I tuned or repaired at lowest rates with prompt aud reliable service. Witch Papers tor Wonderful Furniture Value Next Week. . 00 tt'M'InrtirfMP MV WltM THI RELIABLE S TO It K. Attend Our Great Lace Sale Monday Great January Clearing Sale of Men's and Boys' Winter Weight Clothing TELEPHONE 1625 ! We Employ Only the Most Competent Help. Our Work Is Riht and Our Prices Are Rijht. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS Council Bluff. Ave. A aad 26th St. Tel. 310. . 319 South Fifteenth St Tel. 1521. IVe Have Heard All Kinds of Compliments from men who wear our clothe?, and ' ALL SORTS OF COMPLAINTS from men who do not WHAT SHALL IT BE WITH YOU COMPLIMENT OR COMPLAINT ? Dresher Bros. 1515 Farnam St, Tel. 1857 OPEN EVENINC8 Too Busy Making Clothes to Close. Fourteen Years Same Location Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DENTIST 'PHONE 1756 The most sensatlve nerves removed with out pain. A Continued Story. ' The Omaha Dru combine, referred ta In our laat ad., waa a part and under the Jurisdiction of the National Association of tetall DrutKlsts (N. A. K. . At the dictation of the president of the Omaha combination, we were placed on the CUT Ok'K list by this N. A. R. D. This means that we were BLACK. LUSTED and reported to every ' wholesale and manufacturing drux house In this country, aa an aggressive cutter. They tried this scheme for several months and Anally got tired and quit and we were again ALLOWED to buy goods In an open market. After a while this combination of pre tenders concluded thry had their SYSTEM ivrrrcted, and again we were placed on the TT OFF list. A committee of the OMAHA GANG called upon the whole salers and demanded their books to learn If iioaalhle. whether or not some of the retuil lrugglnu were not buying more goods than they really ought to. and thus suruilyina- us. THEY DICTATKn to THESE WHOLESALERS THK AMOUNT OF GOOT8 WHICH THEY WOULD BE ALLOWED TO SELL TO EACH OMAHA DRUGGIST? Poes any Omaha druggist dure to deny this statement T To be con tinued. We are still rutting prices, tut ask you to read this story, 'cause Its true. CUT PRICE DRUQ V103E E T. TATEB, Prop. 16th and Chicago Sis., Omaha, 'Phones Tl? and W: 24th and N Sts., South Omaha 'Phone No. 1: tlh Ave. and Main Bt . -'.i' ell Bluffs, 'Phone Wa. All goods delivered i la either olty absolutely tre? ' Teeth Extracted With out Pain. FlIllBfs 80c up Crown $2.50 up Bridge Work 2. 50 up Plates $2.00 ud r - 7s: I Loose teeth made olid. Written Quaraotee BEE WANT PRODUCE I SOilAEFEIVS ARE YOU SATISFIED with the shoes you've been buying tor your girls? The busiest department In our store Is our misses' and children's. Only one reason the quality we are giving for the money give perfect satisfaction. Our trade Increases every day on our misses' and chldren's plump kid and box calf school shoe button or lace. Child's slses. 84 to 11. SI. 50. Mlsaes' slses, 11 H to 2. $2 .00. Women's slsw. 2 to 6. f J.60. These last with low heels. Drexel Slioa Go. DON'T WORRY about lost opportunities make ap your mind to save a little erery week start the New Year well. Opes mm account with as and save a little every week. Whea old age comes you will net be peuulless or unprovided for. We pay per eeat oa deposit aecoaats. Omaha Loan & Building Association 1704 Farnam. Bee BulMlng. O. W. Loom Is. Pres. O. M. Nattlnger. Sec'y 1419 FARIAV STREET. Omaha's llp-!i-li:r Sboi Hiist I Hereby Announce.., That I have left O. K. SeUofl -Id's as cutter, fitter and foreman of ladles' de partment, and opened an eataliliMhuieut as a blifb class ladles' tailor and fur rier. IJre can be found nil the latent styles and deHlgna In ladles' tailoring- all work fully guaranteed. Prices reason able Kldlnv habits a specialty. BOX-TON" TAILORING CO., 1410 Farnam Street Phone 0138. L. Kieeter, Trop. FRY'S CUSHION SOLE SHOE FOR. MEN Is solid comfort to the wearer. If thf bottoms of your feet are sore and cal loused, just try a pair and be con vinced how much easier it is to walk. The only remedy for tired feet. Fry's Cushion Sole .ck $4.00 A PA IH. FRY SHOE CQ Mill I in in KMNIII YARNS The yarn market is very high and 2 all yarns have advanced 35 per cent. A Notwithstanding the rise of wool we J are going to continue to sell the yarns S at the old prices. J Our best German yarn, 26c skein; best Suxony, 9c skein, 3 for 25c; 4 or 8-fold Gerrhuntown Zephyr, 10c a skein; plain large skeins 15c each; domestic Saxony, 6a a skein. These are the old prices1 and one should not hesitate to buy at once as prices are bound to go up. Hosiery and beads as usual. I JOS. F. BILZ.1 322 So. 16th St.. Omaha.. Bee Want Ads Produce Results for Menstrual Suppression rr. PEN-TAN-GOT old Is Omaha br Bhormsa A MoConssll Drug Co. tuil erssrs aiua. Tredt supplle. t s box; I fcoios w. UKHUTT STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. S. C1TV VICTKRIJIAHIaW. Office and Infirmary, ath and Mason Eta OMAHA. NEU Telephone t3. 8TTLI8H SUITS AT 17.50. Single or double breasted. In best fabrics and newest patterns, dark, medium or Hunt shades, splendidly tailored, nicely finished regular $10 and 7 ftll $12.50 alues at a.-vr NOBBY OVERCOATS-Ixmg or medium lennth, In vicunas, beavers, kerseys and Irish frlese. In oxfordu, grays, blues, blacks, brnwns. regular $12.50 J Kit values Clearing sale price M Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats, $10 i Garments you cannot duplicate anywhere i use at me price, an tne inieHi styles, and very bet materials, guaranteeed , perfect in M, fuslliiHl and fihru the workmanship such as you will lu.d ou.y on the host grade of custom made gar- i ments worth from $15 to $1V Clearing sale price 'W-UU 1 $2 50 and $S.OO MEN'S PANTS, In all shn.lee. patterns and materials sale price ,,uu $7.50 Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, $5.00 Suits In ages from 14 to 1 years, over coats from 15 to 1 years, the greatrst assortment of stylish garments shown In Omaha suits both single and double breasted, overcoats long or medium length, with or without belt yon can not duplicate them elsewhere K Of) at our clearance sale price JtJJ BOYS KNEE PANTS St'ITS. In two piece, double breasted all wool nnct splendidly made, regular $.50 f C(J value, clearing sale price HOYS' OVERCOATS, In ages from to 11 vears, cut long and of oxford gray, Irish frieze, with good velvet collars, a regular $5.00 garment 2 O-l clearing sale price mn.rjxj IIOYS' REEFERS In neat oxford grays, with good, high storm collars regular KM values QC clearing sale price a OPTICAL DEPT. CORRECT VISION Easily obtained with ojr LUCDUM LENSES. Specially made, tor less money than ORDINARY CLASSES. Pi FEW MONEY SAVERS In Our Hardware and Housefurnishing Department No. S Copper Nickel Tea A nice Air Tight Oak Ilt-atcr. for $49 2-hole I-riiundry Stoves ...$2.95 0 inch Elbows 5c inch Pipo !Sc 2 la 'boxes Tooth Picks. . . .He Wire Photo Holders 5o 2 wire Coat Hangers 5c Fire Shovels Kettles 79c itetl Hrace Frame Huck Saw. at 47c Wood Frame Wringers. ...$1.10 Fine Parlor Broom 17Jc Barney & Berry Skates. .. .49c ( i al utilized Water Pails.... Kc HAVDEN BROS. 2E 1L PROF. O. A. MOUSE Director of tbo Department of Mask, of Jno. B. Stetson University, DeLand, Fh. WINS THE ANDDOLLAR - SLIPPERS Which wa csfrerad to to pane ataklM tha naarast con-act' aatknata em Um Total PaM AdmistiOftt to tba WORLD'S FAIR. PROF. NORSE'S ESTIMATE WAS 12.804, TOTAL PAID ADMISSIONS WERE 1804 M PETERS SHOE CO. THOOS MAKERS Of DUliQM BRAND SHOES ST. LOUIS r dias OH. WILKI iSON'i tYc, tAR, NOSE., THROAT CLINICS, Tel. B 3523. Croljhton Blook, 15th and Douglas, Omaha. Dally for Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafnp", Adenoids of ten cause of mouth breath ing unci deafness in children, Ill-shaped Noses, Chronic Sore Throat, Noiiralglss, Knlarged Tonsils. Growths In Nostrils, Polpypi, etc., Cleft Palate, HareMp, Running K.ire. Noises In Ears, Cross Eyes straightened by operation. Affections of Tear Ducts, Headache, due to eye or nasal or catarrhal causes. Affections of the Voice and Speech, irritable Coughs, stopped up nostrils, Hay Fever, I-a Grippe. Thene clinics are free to the poor 11 to 7 o'clock. Sundays. 9 to 12. No charge for ex amination of patients. Call and learn what can be done. Selected by the Government To carry tha United 8 tatea Overland Mail acroaa tha Conti nent on account of ita being tha beat and most direct line. UNION PACIFIC IS 199 Mils Shorter U tail Uk CH? 272 Miles Shorter to San rraaelte. 2(1 Miles Shorter to Portion Hour Quicker to Salt Uko City IS Hours Quicker to So FoMelooe U Homo Quicker to Peruana VIA OMAHA THAN ANY OTHER UNC ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS DAILY Inquire CITT TICKET OFFICE, IB FAPVAM BT. PHONE 111. Kukn's Glycerole of Roses FOR BALE AT KUHN'S DRUO BTORB. HTH AND DOUGLAS. Ask for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I i,,. 4ais. etc... but for Mae ttsslltr Httu Tub.rro, l-4t Al, to Imparted ll teress, Hold direct tw the retailer If K. K. MIC IS MKHO. CIUAH CO., Maaafla ST. LA)lll. X - 1