THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY. JANUARY 8. 1903. 13 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPAYY, r . 722 N. Y. Life Bid. TeL 49. These Properties Must Be Sold. Prices Are Reduced To Sell Them. PERFECT TITLE. t T-li Pierce Bt., 4 room. yxSlV, feet, t M4I1 Jftrkson St., 4 room. 3T.X124 feet; well located. tJ.non 3417 Jackson Bt., 8 room. 33x124 (t ll,5W-2J Blondo Bt.. corner. 13114 feci; large 2-etory ic-room house, mm about . tVJ"V; fine view; a great anap. .. 850 1222 B. 17th St.. rmn, modern ex. cept furnace, nw plumbing, sever, water, gas; lot 5l."o feet; nice Ioch- lion. Il.TW-ijra) Park Are., i-atory and baaement. room a, and one 8-ronm cottage; lot 6fx1M feet; on car line; paving and permanent walk paid; big anap. 21.800 f'orner loth and Arhor, neat R-roora Cottage, porcelain bath, aewer. water, gas. lot 6xl27 feet; very choice. SM04 24 N. Wh. 30x140 feet, Inrg 10-room house, all modern; Rood repair. 12,800 2518 Cuming, 5 room, lot "4x124 feet, paving; paid; lot alone worth more money. I2.0OO 934 N. 77th Ave., 7 roms, new nickel plumbing;, hot and cold water, bath, all newly papered and painted, barn, fin shade, lot 424x125 feet. 124001212 8. 17th, good neat. S-room house, fine repair, nicely arranged, close In, walking dlatance. 17.150 230 Hamilton, new 6-room houae, porcelain bath, modern except, fur nace, let 40x100 feet; easy terms.' 12,400 1M Locust, neat 4-room 2-story house, furnace, sewer, water, gas, bath; must go this week. 82,500 2623 Maple, large 2-story S-roora house all modern, furnace, good shade, barn, fine repair. $3 00 MO N. 27th Ave., large 10-room houae, all newly painted and papered inside and out, new plumbing, large barn, lot 62x125 feet, good shade; good plane for large family; make easy term; cash offer for less considered; look at this. $6,000-610 S 25th Ave., lot 62 H. full depth to alley; large 10-room modern house, toilet and lavatory on first floor, com . plete bath on second floor; good barn. FOR SALE! One of the best Quar ter Sections of improved land in Douglas Coun ty. Fair improvements. 2Va miles from railway station. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. RE WORTH LOOKING AT. 1712 So. 9th Bt., good cottage & rooms and fine lot; bargain at $1,350. 2800 Bo. 20th St.. house and excellent lot, paved street; 21.200. 2414 A St.. So. Omaha, good 6-room. houae and fine lot; $1.4oO. ... 192 So. 34th St., 7 rooms, fine lot, paved treet: 12.000. , , Clifton Hill. 8 rooms, bam; choice location and cheap at 22,500. So. 10th. near Dorcas, excellent 6-room, house and fine lot. 13,300. N. W. Cor. 19th and Clark, two houses, large lot, bargain; 83.500. 242 So. 16th. house of 10 rooms. 2 large lota; sure to Increase In value; eastern owner desires to sell. 1218 Caas St., the location Is fine, the house Is In good repair, the plumbing and fur nace are new, the price is low, but your offer will be considered. 210 Pacific St., 8 rooms, oak interior, all new plumbing; a choice location and wortn every penny oi et.ouu LOTS1 LOTS1 LOTS1 W are selling them. VV. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1330 Farnam Street RE 29 8 Pavne Investment Company. - j - 1704 Canton at.. 4-room cottage, city wute., south front 2900, easy terms. 3819 Parker at., 7 rooms, city water, ,laxge lot 41.000, easy terms. 21.M4 4-room cottage, lot 37 feet frontage, on 38th between Dodge and Farnam. which the owners are very anxious to sell and want an offer. 42t Cuming St., 8 rooms, city water and gaa; good barn; easy terms. 837 fl. fad st., room, walking dlatance. Price, II, W0; easy terms 2324 Cuming at., lot 40x138, aouth front, on a paved street and on two car lines; a strictly modern. 6-room houae. nearly new. The owner Is going to leave the city and must sell. Price, 23.300. 2303 Lincoln blvd.. strictly modern. 8-room houae. north front; fine location: must be soldL See It and make ua an offer. 2818-2K20 Leavenworth St., rentals 147.60 per month. Price, 24,000, All special taxes paid. Vacant Northwest comer of 27th ave. and Web ster, 80x150, suitable for subdivision. loo-ft. frontage on Hanscom park; great bargain, at 31 800. 100-ft. east frontage on S. 16th at., which extends through to 17th, not far from the Her Grand hotel. Price, 221.600. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. T. Ufa Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE 140 8 H A New Maple St. Home H Between 20th and 21st Streets A new t-room modem house, just com pleted, has reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, 3 large, bed rooms wjth large cloeeta and bath room on second floor; also stairs to the attic; has hot and cold water on every floor and basement; ail first -class plumbing, and fur nace, gas and electric lights, large ce mented cellar, outside cellar entrance, fine Imatlun. If sold by Feb. 1st, price 23,3b0. Hastings & Heyden. ' 16004 Farnam St., (Ground Floor.) Open evening, from 8 to lu. DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM Little over an hour's gxtve from Onaha P. O. Two mllea north of Benson. All ' under cultivation. Small house. Price, for ; immadiata sale tR Hl- Vid. F. U WE AD, 1S24 Don?). St. RE I BAROAINS. W ACRF9 SOI THWKST. II .. 40 ACRES NEAR FLORENCE, S.&uO. h ACKKn MILITARY ROAD. M.4.W. TO 1.KA8E 30 Al'REtl IMPROVED. M47 PIKRCE. 81.25U. UJ00 FOR 11U-14 N. 1TTH ST.; gOxlto. PAVING PAID; RENTAL, 8J"4.uO TF-ARLV. N. b. corner xrrn and webster. I0S.U4, PAVING PAID. B1UHTL.V. K.buu. JOiiN N. sRENZEil. OPP. OLD P Q. 2C&-37 ( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE NO BACK TAXES. VACANT f 20032x142 feet south front, on Cass, b tween Xtd and 34th; snap. f l"i 3"Tlo. on Elm bet. 14th and 15th. $ 2Vr-S. K. cor .d and Franklin 42x127 ft. ( 21V-SOTirS ft.. X. W. err. 36th and Cass. I 22, 4Cx!Ji feet, went front on 4"th, third lot south of Cuming; lies fine. t 250 22x127 f;et, south front on Cuming, M feet went of 29lh. paving paid. Jfio -42xl6 feet, west front on 26th, be tween Maple and Rlnney. )):) fii'x3 feet, east front on 35th. 230 feet north of Davenport. f 3o ;xll8 feet, south front on Onk, ex tended between inton and lsth. $ ii-x 127 feet, north front on Blondo. 120 feet west of 25th; fine. 23V0 5"xl3 feet, west front on 31th. 200 feet north of Davenport. $ 175 60x127 feet. N. W. cor 36th and De catur t 425-Sex 132 feet. 8 E. cor. Beward and Military Ave., on car line, pavii g paia; or 137a for tne Inside lot; big bargain. 4i 50x140 feet, south front on Bancroft between 14th and 15th; fine, t 4042x31)0 feet, north front on California, 110 feet west of 22d. sso 7il4) ft., S. E. cor. 21st and Jackson. I 60047x146 feel, 1st and Jackson, joining above. f 400 43x1.) feet, N. E. cor. 21st and Elm. t 70048x125 feet, west front on 14th, 100 feet north of Dorcas; big snap, f 76044x134 feet, east front on 4oth, near Burt, paving paid; choice, t SSO-6XXU3 feet, N. W. cor. 22d and Pop pleton Ave., paving paid; snap. INVESTMENTS 84,000-2117 and HI Ixard. lot 86x132 feet, two good 5-room cottages and two 8 room cottages In rear; all renting for 241 per month; never vacant; streets paved and paid; close in; a good pay ing proposition; It Is cheap. 14,500 Four choice 6-room modern cottages, with 30x127 feet to each. 2 blocks from 24th St. car line; Shlnn's add.; rent ing for PM per year; bargain. RE Payne, Bostwick & Co., SIXTH FLOOR, N. T. LIFE. SK3 N. 24th St., brand new 7-room house, with hard oil finish, hot and cold water, nickel plated plumbing, large bed rooms and bath room and sewing room, fine cel lar, gas and electric light, paved street, all special taxes paid. Price 23,00u; reasonable terms. 40 Charles St., owner of this property Is compelled to leave city on account of III health and must sell their home before leaving; houae contains nine rooms, with two toilet rooms, gas. polished floors, hot and cold water, almost ww, hot water heating plant, good barn, with work shop, 60-foot lot. with fine Iswn and shrubherv, large shade trees; have reduced tha price to S2.9UO for quick sale. 807 N. 43d St., 8 room oil finished, gas and bath, toilet, wash bowl, cellar, cistern, screens, stoim sash, fine shade, In good re pair, lot 60x132; too cheap to name price; some one is going to get a bargain In this property. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor. N. Y. Life Bid. RE-138 S H 10 or 20 Acres H $110 an Acre Northwest of Florence, not rough or stump land, but a fine, rich level piece. J One Acre Pieces West of Miller Park 1175. 2300 and 2260, listed for quick sale; will sell separately or together. Open Monday evenings from 8 to 10. Hastings & Heyden, lCObft Farnam St., (Ground Floor.) RE 133 8 SHOLES-ARMSTRONG COMPANY. 722 N. Y. Life. Tsl. 4. Three brick stores, flats above, paying 2 per month, paved street, central location, encumbered for 24.000; trade equity for mall cottage. Three brick stores with fiats above, paved street, good and improving location, renting for 290 per month; all clear; trade for clear land of equal value. 12-room modern brick residence, fine loca tion; let 100x137 fee, paved street; mort gaged for 86.000; trade equity for land and assume some 8-room frame dwelling, comer lot, 132 feet square on Boulevard; all clear; trade for land. Brick block, three stores and flats above, paying 276 per month rent; encumbered for 3J0; trade equity for good land In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG COMPANY. RB-137 I TWO DESIRABLE HOUSES , ON NORTH 19TH BOULEVARD. 26,600 for 1426 and 1428 N. 19th st. No. 1424 Is a six-room house, all modern except fur nace, with cemented cellar, 100-bbL cistern and barn; will rent for 226 00 per month. No. 1428 la a 7-room houae, strictly modern and up-to-date In every way, built only two vears ae-o bv owner for a home, never rented, but ought to rent for 233.00 per month. Both houses are In first-class con dition and within easy walking distance. Lot. 80x140 feet. Will sell separately If de sired. George & Co., 1601 Farnam. RE 246 8 A BARGAIN. s6 acres, three miles of Council Bluffs; elaborate Improvements, eonalattng of two two good corn cribs; granary; abeds; mill and tank; fine water system; one acre in grapes and 800 bearing fruit trees; bo acrea fine laying and 35 acrea rolling land. Price for thirty days, W per acre. 180 acres, well Improved; excellent soil and fine laying land, within a few miles of Gretna. A great bargain at 276 per acre. 480 acres fine laying and good producing land, four mllea of Miller, Buffalo county; 340 cultivated; has on It over 26.000 worth of Improvements. Price for short time, 225 per acre. 220 acrea. three miles of Woodbine: fine table land; fair Improvements; must be sold. Price, 255 per acre. 80 acres, within 8 miles of St. Paul; land good; well Improved. Price, 227.50 per acre. 140 acres In Sherman county, Ave miles ef town; 80 acrea farmed; fair Improve ments: good siill. A snsp at 11.600. JOHN B. HANSEN, ta N. Y. Life, Omaha. 'Phone 3431 RE-287 8 Sweet & Best W offer for th next 10 days a T-room house, east front, on 24th, near ,Ami ave.; flue lot; permanent walks; tree; beat of location; near school, church, grocery, etc. The property should bring 22.000, but is priced to sell so be sure and see us about It. IT MI ST BE SOLD. PRICK ONLY 81.80O. Just this One Thought Don't forget that we have an exceptionally fine Hat of new, modern houses. IK) N'T FAIL TO SEE C8 IF YOU INTEND BUYINO. SWEET BEST. (12 N Y. Life. RE M 8 TeL 1472. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam Street. Phon 7W. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 23.750 for M0 N. Uth st., rooms and large reception hall, strictly modern, new, never occupied, well built, fine lot, 63x140 feet, easy terms, walking distance. 22.600 for 4bl4 Grand ave., about 1H acres highly Improved, with good ti-room house, barns, chicken house, eta; 1 acre In all kinds of beating fruit, balance garden. Only four blocks to good acnool ana church. 21 000 for 1117 8. (th St.. 1-story frame store building, renting for $10.00 per month; suit able for bakery buslnees; easy term. DESIRABLE BllLUING LOTS FOR SALE IXMTATED IN ALA, PARTS OF this err r. re 2448 MODERN COTTAGE A nice modern cottage of Ave roe ma In ex cellent repair; porcelain bath, gas. all modern except furnace, near Sherman ave. and Corby. Price tl.7'. OI terms. Investigate. GARVIN BROS, 1604 FARNAM ST. RE 242 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BOULEVARD TERRACE. 8. W. Cor. Poppleton and 3ith Sta. You can buy nothing sightly In Hanscom Park district for less than 22.&0. Why hesitate to buy one of thee lots when we Hre offering them from 250 to 2l.?? Vo are Just two blocks west of Park and our lots are ss sightly as any thing In the park district. BE.M1S PARK. Facing the Boulevard on a lot 5Tx) Is a very well built 7-room hou.' with recep tion hall, stairwav and living room. In cluding floors finished In oak. Inglenook b and mantel, elan-irate rombtna tion hxturrs. living rex m 16x23. other room tf f Kd six, cerr nted cellar, goid futn ice. renamed walks This lot ii none f jour straight up-nnd-d jwiv off lirs, but lies very well. 81.'") cash will take this, bale ace on time. HANDY TO CAR BARN. On Ames avenu". two blocks from 24th street. Is a 5-room house, m-ith gas, water. b"t water heat, cemented cellar, permanent walk, paved street, barn, shed, for only tl.Haj. This is a bargain and wil! o quick. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Two 7-room liousrs, modern except fur nace, one new the r.ther In tine condition, located on a coiner two blfck" from 24th street car line on I'lifnk avenue. The lot Is So feet and has room for an other house. This propTty will always rent. Owner rontemplntes leaving the city and will sell cheap. Let us show you the property, as we want an offer. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, 17C2 Farnam St. RE 247 2 DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM Little over an hour's drive from Omaha P. O. Two miles north of Benson. All under cultivation. Small house. Price, for immediate sale, 275 per acre. Might di vide. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St RE 309 8 H Do You Want H a Farm? 110 acres, Jefferson Co., 100 acres under cul tivation, 10 acres pasture; 6-room bouse, bam; fenced; chicken house; 300 bushels of peaches raised Inst year. Price, 25.000; mortgaged for 21.3"). Will trade equity for Omaha Improved; must be clear. Hastings & Heyden, 1609V Farnam St. 'Phone 1006. RE 2t4 8 COTTAGE HOME FOR 32.0OO, has S rooms, aouth front, sightly, barn, lots of fruit, two lots, on a corner, de lightful, see it. LOTS IN SHAPE TO Bl'ILD ON, At prices ranging from 3300 to 3750 each and in various parts of the city and sold to be paid for as soon as your house Is finished. RESIDENCE 27,000. 76 feet front, with line shade, 10-room house, modern, costing 2ti.500. See loca tion. 6u4 South 2Sth street, and submit offer. ACREAGE. 10 to 20 acres, Benson, at 2100 8 to 15 acres, near Ruser's, at.. $125 10 acres, east of Ruser's, at. ...t-'Q 6 acres. In Florence, at t-0 40 acres, Cedar county 2 30 Il'O aeres. 10 miles east, at 8 30 DAVID C. PATTERSON, 1623 FARNAM. RE 274 8 I HAVE S4.000 to Invest In Omaha real eMate improved or unimproved. If you have anything to submit that is cheap, I will gladly con sider 1U Address P M, care this paper. RE 268 8 INDIAN LANDS A fine agricultural landa as can be found In the world, for sals In the Indian Territory. Buy now. Get In on the ground floor. Sure crops, cheap fuel, good water, short winters, good titles, easy payments. FRISCO IMMIGRATION ASS N. Room 14, Union Depot, Kansas city. Mo. , RE M975 12 FOR SALE 1.W0 acres finest pasture land In county, well watered, lots of timbr; for a Is at a bargain if taken before Feb. 1. Writ or call on J. C. MeCJav. Fair bury. Neb. RE-M997 .x SMALL cottage within m blocks of the cat. barn at 24th and Vinton street; 2850: ensy terms; renting now fur 2W. Walter Breen, 4M. Karbaoh .block. RE 2b8 8 ACREAGE. 1 acre. Hyde Park. 2150. 1 acre. Brighton, 2176. 4 acres near Central Park, 21.100. F. D. WEAD, la24 Douglas St. RE 316 8 WITHIN three blocks of Wth and Jack son 1 am authorized to oner a tract con tainlnv nesrlv half an acre with a good large house for 27,000. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas st. mi FOR SALE. A fine deciduous fruit ranch of 20 acres, a short dlstanoe from one of the finest can neries In southern California. For fur ther particulars, address G. H. Wlllson, R. D. 1. Ontario, Cal. RE 238 8x OKLAHOMA LAND BARGAIN. 160 acres of first-class land 2V, miles from good town. 116 acrea cultivated. riouse, barn and other outbuildings; good well and live springs; rental value, 3-'.25 per acre cash. Bcnooi on rarm. si.uo per acre, very cheap. Address 8 2, Bee. RE 281 8 A BIG SNAP. ' 80 acres land five miles south of Ains worth. In Brown county. Neb.; 80 acres In cultivation, eight-room house, barn, sheds and granaries; good soil. iz.u per acre. S L Bee. RE-2S2 8 160-ACRE FARM. 10 miles southwest of South Omaha, good . 7-riwm 1-storv frame house, large 2-story barn, corn crib, granary and other build ings, improvements wortn t-.sw. r-rice 310.000 If sold before January 16. George & Company, lMl Farnam St., Omaha. RE 8S7 11 SMALL FARMS FOR SALE AT A BARQAIN. . 4SH acres one mile south of Plattsmouth consisting of a fair house, barns, corn el-lbs, well, orchard and other outbuild ings; all under cultivation; gooa sou, rou In but not rough. Price. 22.. E2 acres 7 mllea from Plattsmouth; new brick house, barn, well, plenty of email fruit, god soil. Price. 22.200. Thes are two bargains for someone. CORONA LIVE STOCK AND INVEST MENT CO.. Plattsmouth, Neb. RE 323 8 CHAS.Xilt;nrrlC-.n fn U. S. Bk. Bh U. 8. Bk. Bldg. M II UliaillJVII vt imt KloOr. RE 662 FOR SALE One not of 31.800. due In on year, secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing C per cent Interest, payable aenii-annuaily r also one note for ll.OoO. due on or before three yeara. Interest at 8 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely sale ana given uy respectaDie paruea. Address the owner, S Ji. Bee office. RE M 153 FOR SALE 340-acr. well Improved farm In Wheeler county. Neb. Price, xo.uuu. For further particular write Ben An derson, Spalding, ."Net). K MMi ivx BOULEVARD LOTS We hav but a few lots left fronting south on Boulevard at 2Mb and Cass st. City maintains a park in front of your lot and keeps your street In perfect condition without cost to vou. These lots are on grade and will be surrounded by attractive now nome. mces, v, sow ana Just think of these prices on a boulevard. cioee in: N. P. DODGE CO., 1814 Farnam street. RE-248 T H Hanscom Park Bargain H 7 rooms, all modern, one block from Park and oar line, close to Hanscom Park and school. Price. 82.4U0; very easy term. New Home Easy Payments titti rinh. balance tJ6 a month and Inter est, for 4-room modern hous In Bluff View sddltton, near 16th and Plnkney; built by 4ay labor, on full lot; price, One Acre. 51.400 with 7-room house and considerable fruit. V mile from Leaven worm bt. car line. Hastings & Heyden, lSUtH Farnam St. 'phone l. RE 134 8 IF YOP wst to buy. el:, rent, borrow miney. sell notes or account, tan at Jl. , H, 1..UII.. none w, uiuver m con. Rii Mt22 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Houses! Houses! Houses! Another Sale of Housesl A 12-room house. A 2-story frame. 50 by 30 (good for barn or storage). A S-room cottage and an 8-room house. These houses are numbered 111-112-11.1-114 and 113. and are on the south slope of the Great Western ftelxht yards, directly west of luth st. viaduct, and must he sold and moved at once. If interested call on or telephone me on lion day. First come, first served. THOS. M CAGCE. 15 Dodg St. Tel. 41 RE-226 3 TRT Landreen s Antiseptic Hair Tonic. i 11 THh TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 80,000 homes ot farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to Bell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small type or 22.52 per Inch If setln large type. FARMS FOR. SALE GREAT BARGAINS 80 acres fine lying land, within one mile of Calhoun, new -room nouse, new Darns, sheds, cribs and other new outbuildings. This can be sold for a short time at t0 soo36 ier acre. acres. 13 miles N. W. of Omaha: good lying land, good soil, fair buildings. A ooil deal ut S56 ner acre. 160 acres fine lying land, well Improved, 3 miles of Valley, north; yearly rent, o per acre. Price for short time. 2!0 per acre. For full particulars and list of farms In lowa, eDraska and Kansas, write me. JOHN B. HANSEN 821 N. Y. Life. Omaha 'Phone 3432. M9b3 8 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years tune. Land Kept. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." RE-6S5 FARMS FOR SALE 1,520 acrea of best improved farm land in Boone county, Nebraska, about 100 miles west of Omaha, near St. Edward9, on the U. P. R. R.; will sell in small larras of 160 acres each, from $47.50 to fcw.uO per acre, according to improvements; this land Is practically all under cultivation; has five sets good improvements, is all fenced and cross-fenced, over 2u0 acres fall wheat and ie and some alfalfa. If sold before February 1st, pos session will be given March 1st. Terms, about one-fourth canh, balance ten years at t'i per cent annual Interest. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. 766 8 TIMBER, coal and farm lands, south and southwest; locations for industries; maga zine free. Jo A. Parker, Louisville. Ky. 158 8x OUR SPECIALTY. Farm lands for sale or exchange in all parts of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota. Compton-Watu Co.. &35 Paxton Blk. 272 8 25,000.00 WIL TAKE 5,920 acres 6 mllea south of Bangor, . u. ; see tis about this quick. Compton-Watu Co., bii Paxton block. 273 8 820 ACRES 215.000. This Is second bench Platte bottom land, of fine quality and close to the county seat; will consider Omaha property for part. DAVID C. PATTERSON, Patterson block. 274 2 SHOLES-ARMSTRONG COMPANY. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. 560 acres, handsomely Improved, adjoining good town, Buffalo county; this Is all good land and a bargain at 222.50 per acre. 640 acres, the best Improved section In N. E. Kansas; improvements cost over 214, 00; we sell this at a great big bar gains. Price, 2'i0 per acre. Thla farm Is -a fortune to any man. 490 acres, Dawson county, 6 miles from Lexington; very fine Improvements; 320 acres of the best land In the county. Price, 312.000. 40 acres, fair Improvements, good land; this is eusy driving distance of Omaha and Is a snap for party wanting small country place; price. 25,500. 160 acrea of the beat hay land In tha state. Joins good hipping print; clear of all encumbrance. Price. 2"-'5 per acre; want to trade for good Omaha cottage. 8HOLES-ARMSTRONO COMPANY. 136 8 FARM FOR RENT 70 acres six miles N. W. city 23 per acre. 60 acres three miles west of city, 4-room house, near car line 25 rer acre. GEORGE 6 CO.. 1001 FARNAM ST. 766 8 DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM Little over an hour's drive from Omaha P. O. Two miles north of Benson. All under cultivation. Small house. Price, for Immediate sale, 276 per acre. Might di vide. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Doughs St -810 8 FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade sewing machine or type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 15 th and Harney. Z-54 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ad In and you will soon gel It. Z-SS3 PIANO for horse. Perfield, pianos, 1611 Far. z-fo la TO EXCHANGE 83.0U0 stock of new hard ware, subject to 2760, which can run on year, for a residence In Omaha of equal value. Will aasum encumbrance on the residence. Our party wiints a residence for a home, and now is your time to turn your property into a new hardware stock direct from the wholesale house east. Address Crabtree ft Crabtree, 222 N. V. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Z-27 8 TO TRADE Fine grocery atore and meat market, doing large business, for good farm land or ranch. Address P. 67. Bee. Z 277 8x 24o-ACRli8. Harrison county, Iowa; price, 20U.0U: ail tine level productive land. (40 acres, eastern part Holt county; $16 per acre. Clear. l acres. Harrison county, Iowa; price, 2al; Incumbrance. flS.OuO. 192u acres, Custer county, Nebraska, 212 per acre; clear. 160 acres. Dawson county; fin imp., 240; Incumbrance, 22.8U). 240. central Neb.; price, 860; Imp. and cul tivated; clear. 2560 acres, luO mllea west of Mo, liver, north Neb.; $15 per acre; to trad for CTHE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. 1st Nat. Bank Bldg , Omaha. Neb SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN 8ANT S school, 717 N. Y. Life. FOR RENT HOUSES GET Landreen s Antiseptic Hair Tonic. D457 14 7736 a lfTH ST 7 rooms, modern. 2J1 54. &. 1. Sullivan. 33 8. lath SL D 6 FOR RENT 8-room house; all modern ex cept furnace; 7i N. 'lh Bu; 218. C. M. bach man, 436 Paxton block. D 563 120 N. 25TU. 2 rooms, modern, 235.6U D-666 UOUSEd. Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk, D 67 iTnilCP O. P- Davi Co.. 5-J8 Bee bldg. HUUOtJ in ail parts of the cltvTTie THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, mve and store H. H goods. Storehouse. 11.0-24 N. li'th. Office, 1511H Farnam. Tel. 1S6. D- WE MOVE pianos, Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. 14u9. OHio. 1713 W ebster St. D670 uni ICCC In all part of the city. R. C. I1UUJLJ peter & Co.. Bee Building. D-57i PAYNE-DOSTWICK CO.. choice house. 6U1-O03 New Yo'k Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-S72 HOUSES for rent In all rrts of th city. THE BY RON REED CO., 212 8. 14th St. D 130 8 McCauley Express Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 616 8. 16th. Tei. 1464. D-574 People's Ex. Co. hauls trunks. 'Phone 42t2, D-M168 J22 DESIRABLE 7-room houae with large barn, lawn and shade trees: close in; 1-5 per month. Richard C. Patterson, 1224 Far nam. D Mi81 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modem conveniences; steam heat. 218 North 17th street: 245 in summer 857 In winter. Apply to H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge street. D-tOf 4-ROOM flat, 311. 960 N. 27th St. D M965 8x FOUR-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th D M105 FOR RENT or sale, modern eight-room house. No. 2570 Poppleton ave. Inquire at Ziu6 Poppleton ave. D 121 t HOUSES FOR RENT. 1405 Jackson. 6 rooms, bath. 2-2. 222i Douglas. 8 rooms, new brick, (jO. 844 Park ave., 6-r. cottage. 220. 837 South 2d. 7 rooms, barn. 215 lj"9 Corby, 8-r. cottage, bath, 31. 2321 South lMh, rooms, 212. 1214 South 17th, 5 rooms, 311 3423 Mason, 5-r. cottage. I'O. S.0'1 Parker. 6-r. cottuge, 210. ltf Ames ave., 6 rooms, 39. 2518 N. 31st, 4 rooms, 27. OARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D 241 8 2303 LEAVENWORTH, S ROOMS, 218.00. 120 N. 25TH, 8 ROOMS, MODERN. 235. '. D M23S. 14 HOUSES, 2 rooms and up. also INSUR ANCE. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. D- 2548 Rees St., 4 rooms 310.00 1222 So. 27th St.. 6 rooms IS. 00 940 No. 27th Ave., 10 rooms, modem... 35.00 li20 So. 10th St., 6-room flat 8.o 122 So. 10th, 6-room flat .0 7U0 So. 27th St., 3-room flat 9.00 N. P. DODGE & CO., 1814 Farnam St. D M266 10 HOUSES furnished complete on easy pay ments. The largest stock In Omaha. Terms, 325.00 worth, 2100 per week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., be tween 12th and 13th on Farnam street. D-257 8 FOR RENT. " 4012 Seward St., 8 rooms and barn 231. 813 S. 34th St.. 8 rooms, new. modem 230. 1314 S. 29th ave., 8-room, modern flat 337.50, 22to California. 8 rooms, modern, new, gas range, shades 245. 3224 Cuming St., 7 rooms, modern 230. 911 S. 31st St., 6 rooms, modem plumb ing 220. 211 8. 2th ave.. 5 rooms 216. 28th and Dewey ave.. 7-rdom flats 222.30. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. D 139 8 FOR RENT! : " Two very desirable brick houses Just com pleted, thoroughly modern; special induce ment to good tenants; West Farnam dis trict. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. 14th st. D 129 8 WE MOVK PIANOS. Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. 1496. Office, 1713 Webster. D670 FOR RENT. 1111 N. 18th st.. 7-room cottage, modern except furnace, 222.60 per month. George & Co., 1601 Farnam. D 246 U FIVE r. cottage; city water In house; 37, Walter Breen, 416 Karbaoh block. D-287 1 FOR RENT Desirable five-room flat, cen trally located. Address P. O. Box 8,9, Omaha, Neb. DM 8x 40 21st and Howard, new 8-r. houae. 35 j22 Farnam, 8-room, modem. S'l 207 N. 23d, 8-room, modern. 153424 Franklin st., 6-room, modern. - ' R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Bee Building. D 304 t FOR RENT First floor of new, modern house for housekeeping, or two fine suites on second tloor; splendid neighborhood; close to business section. Add reus S. 10, Bee. D M299 10 ON GEORGIA AVE. " Beautiful home of eight rooms, all mod ern, east front, natural shade and hot water heat, for only 837.50 per month, at 832 a 29th sL Payne, Bostwick Co., 6U1-3 N. Y. L. bldg. D 293 8 NOW'S YOUR CHANCE. ' Wa will make big inducements to tenants on any of the following houses: 3034 S. 18th St., warm, 8-r. brick, city water, close to S. O. car 28. 938 N. 23d t., 6 r., city water, sewer, easy walking distance only 316. 2219 S. 29th St.. swell 6-r., new, strictly modem apartment, on car line only 22o. 2715 Parker st., choice, bran new, 6-r. home, paved street, etc. 827.50. 510 So. 35th ave., 6-r., city water, sewer, nice condition, only 316. 1546 8. 27th St., 7-r., strictly modern house, nearly new and close to East Side Park car 827 50. 502 S. 35th ave. 8-r., ail modern, nice con ditiononly 830. 13o9 8. 26th. 8-r., all modern, with barn. Owner Instructs to cut price from 327.50 to 320. Must be rented at once. 2410 Seward, 8-r., all modem except fur naceonly 220; suitable for two families. 803 8 27th. 8-r., strictly modern, and eusy walking distance only 235. Payne, Bostwick & Co., REAL ESTATE, LOAN8. INSURANCE. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D 293 8 FREE RENT. " In West Farnam district 'till February 1: two strictly modern, up-to-date. 815 and oO house at 38th and Farnam street, with laundry, blliard room, tile bath room, etc. Must be rented at once. Pavne, Bostwick & Co., 601-3 N. Y. L. bldg. D 291 8 )Ia A 11188V VI J m VV ir.nv sja iivubT, 1 1 U we have quite a Mat vacant; from $6 00 a - art Mnn K 17 T . tOi (U iUVUllli SY AS. I U , 1 itV Douglas st. D 318 6 1026 8. 36TH ST., 6 rooms; city water and gas; keys next door. R. C. Peters Co. D 325 8 LOST LOST Small open-faced, gold watch; large "M" engraved on back; black fob. Re ward if returned to U22 Cuming street. LOSI-M901 lis LOST Chatelaine watch and M. W. A. fob. Finder return to Edith Oleson, Nat l Bis cuit Co., 1J02 Jackson. Reward. Lost 117 8s LOST, brlndle bull pup; nose, four feet and tip of tail white; wear spike collar; reas onable reward. Telephone 762. Lost 324 11 x FLORISTS HEfS A SWOBODA. 1418 Farnam. C II Ad. EDERER. 30th and Bristol. Tel. 1706. -877 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Tel. 13 -7j ALFRF.O DON AG HUE. JR., 1807 Farnani. 111, 143J FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE New and second-hnnd billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds, ensT payments. Send for catalogue. Prunswlck-Baike-Colicuder, 4C7 S l'th Pt., Omaha. Q-M429 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 DoMxe. Tel. 2020. Q-67J 2ND-HAND Safe cheap. Derlght. Ills Far nam. vi 50 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We nave about v ,ei v- stranded e....uu light cable and one ampere knife switch. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Lee Bii'hilng. Omaha. J 63 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE K uu want a bargain in siejni inline caU and look over tne following supplies: 2 6-inch Jenkin s globe vaive. 16-Inch gate valve. l.s-iucn Austin nortiontai separator. 1 4-liK-h Austin vertical separator. 14 H. P. horlxontal engine. These have been taken out on account ot changes in our steam plant and are in god condition. Address Bee Burning Co.. or see W. II. Bridges, eugiiioer. Bee build ing, Otnaha. y 6ii TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILfcKS FOR SALE. Two boilers. l'Xt-hurse power, which have been used but six years, made of firebox steel, tripie rivited butt and strap Joints, insurance company permits of pressure of 1-6 pounds They are now In use and can be seen at boiler house, rear of Bee building. Can be delivered at once. Call or address W. II. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building. Omaha W Mifctf 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman 4 McConiieU Drug Co., Omaha W ol H. P. ENGINE. We have one aix-horse power horisontal engine. The engine has never been used. Will sell It for about one-half price. W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. Q-U2 FOR SALE, a 2300 piano, practically new, at a very reasonable price. Kear flat, ia floor. Davidge block. Call Saturday after noun and Sunday. Q M904 8 FOR SALE Complete meat market fix tures nearly new 2475; must go at once. Box J, Madison. Neb. w M9t6 fx FOR SALE, a new steam Locomobile; cheap for cash; latest model; owner going to Europe. Address P 53, Bee. Q-M9G1 12 FURNITURE, carpets, stoves and every thing for housekeeping on eatty payments. The largest stock In Omaha. Omaha Fur niture 6t Carpet Co., between 12th and Uth on Farnam street. y 269 8 SHOWCASE new design. 618 Paxton blk. FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first- class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course la business, utiurl hiir.d and typewriting. Inquire at Hce office. y 852 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. hi. Pblibln, lauo Farnam. Phone 7M. y-62 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines. Suc ond hand machines, 25 to 810. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1063, corner 15th and Har ney, y 6bU CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypress tence lain, i-piy wniie uaeswoou. 901 Douglas. y 6t4 FOR SALE Bids will be received until January 14, 19u5. at J. L. Brandels A Sons' office for the following buildings, to bo torn down and removed. The triple four-story Burton Mat building, on Douglas street, adjoining the Y. M. C. A. building. The double three-story Dufrene fiat build ing, on Douglas street, adjoining the Bar ton flats. The two-story brick Horbach residence, on corner 17th and Douglas streets. Bids will be received for any one building or for all three. All buildings to be torn down and removed within forty-five days after bids are ac cepted, y 437 12 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 30 Pulleys, from 6 In. to 48 In. In diameter, 8 Countershafts complete. 90 Feet 1 7-16 In. shafting, with couplings and hangers. 40 Feet 1 15-16-ln. shafting, with couplings and hangers, together with about 300 feet of belting from 3 to 6 In. These are all In first-class condition. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bes building. y-112 OLDS OASOLINE ENGINE and pumper are reliable. Several slightly used engine cheap. Dept. C, 1116 Farnam st. Q-M807 7 GOOD HAY, 27. 26. We will deliver good hay from now until Saturday. Jan. 14. at 27.26 per ton; reason, we are overstocked; have also a large supply of coal. Try us. The Partrldge-Shelly-Thomson Co. office 1609 Farnam; phone 38i7. Yard 26th - and Martha; 'phdne A-1410. Q M992 9x FOR SALE A young Jersey cow, at 8918 No. 23d st. Q-182 2x A SECOND-HAND set Nebraska supreme Court law reports. Address Box 28, Ansley. Neb. Q 233 8 FOR SALE 3 grade Jerseys, fresh. 84th and Manderson. Q M231 12x FOR SALE J H. P. gasoline engine; also meat chopper; a hnrqraln. Connecticut Pie Co., 24th and Grant. Q M235 22.500 STOCK of Jewelrv and fixtures for sale cheap for cash. H. A. Gross. Syra cuse, Neb. Q 208 6x A 1904 city directory; also map of Omaha. Address 8 4. Bee office. Q 283 8 ANY ONE looking for a good paving boarding house In first class running oraer, run ot people, aaateas p H4. nee. Q-261 kx TYPEWRITER for sale; New Century; high-grade machine; good condition. Ad dress P 68. Bee office. Q M248 lOx FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room house; rent cheap. Address P 61, Bee. Q M1CT x FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FINE 8376 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, 3126; open pneumatic runabout, 360. Drum, mond, 18th tnd Harney. P 642 NEW sample buggies and farm wagon for sale cheap. Andersen-Mlllard Co.. 1516 Capitol Avt. P 121 21 GOOD carriage, runabout wagon and har ness, cheap. Johnson Danforth. S. W, cor. 10th and Jones Sts. P M46S HAVE YOU A HORSE? To Introduce our Plxlne Vet. Remedies we will mall our valuable Horse Book free: It tells all about lameness and other horse ailments; how to detect, locate and cure them: write ror It. Plxlne Chemlcnl Co. Vet. Dept. 12, Troy. N. Y. P 212 8x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES l 810 OFFICE In The Bee building carries with it all ths conveniences and advan tages in the way of heat, light. Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A 310 office is now va cant. Call at once. R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee building. 1823 3-STORY and basement brick building, lOKi Farnam, 22x100, hydraulic elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat l Bank building. 1556 IF A GOOD light la needed, we ran show you a north front office on the fifth floor, a splendid room, at the moderate price of 24). R. C. Peters A Co., (round llnor. Bee building. 1-822 FOR RENT, at 916 Farnam at., over 6.0u0 square feet of floor space: can be used for storage or light manufacturing: will rent all or part at a reasonable figure. 'Phone 2702. I 697 A VERY desirable office In the First Nat'l Bank bldg. Apply to Walter M. Carter, superintendent. 1222 8 STORES FOR RENT. Bo. 27th St 3 713 So. I7th St io. 00 N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1614 Fartism St. I-MM7 10 DESIRABLE MODERN OFFICES single or ensulte: all decorated; heat and Janitor service furnished: fine location. C. 8 NAT'L BANK BLDO. Chas. E. Williamson Co., . Ground Flour, U. a Nat'l Bank W ( rVTONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY ' WE LOAN ON ; i Furniture, llanos. Live Stock. , Salaries. ' ' WE GIVE 1 Rest Rstea, Easy 1'armenta, yulet Service, Any Time. WE WANT Your Business If cu Ever Borrow Money. OMAHA MORTGAOF. IX3AN CO.. 11! Hoard of Trade Bldg. Tel. I.K. (Established 192.) 206 8. Kth ft, X-608 LOANS made on sll kinds of chattel e curitles, -also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call cn us If In need of MONET. ' PHOENIX CREDIT CO., ' 633 Paxton Block. X-sOT bOWEN'S MONEY Easv to get on furniture, pianos, horses, cows. Jewelry, or on your plain note, if steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. , The J. Ar Hutton Co LOANS ON 8AI-A IUVjJ AND CHATTELS, 614-51 Paatoa Black. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLJD and others without security; easy pay menta; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, Room 714, V. Y. laf. X618 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; htf usual rates. Dr. Prebbe now, room 214. at 2u9 8. 15tA felt. Tsl. B-fc4 SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS. Dt-l.TlRI.E rRlCIHT CO.. 307-8 PAXTON BLOCK. 'PUONE 14U. A. 1 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horse. Duff (J-reen Loan Co., Barker block- X 612 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 8. 18, X 414 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STA LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-G15 SEE FULLER. 426 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-418 CHATTEL; salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 15t4 Farnam St. X 617 SALARY and collateral loans. Temp let on. 212 Bee Bldg. X-618 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co. W-636 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. K. ... . ... . . 1 1 T .. l- DIJ.. rnl 1 c,u i nomas, r iibi i mum .um. . . , W-36 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas VJ WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. W--538 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co- W 529 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. Lowest rates. w ox LOWEST rates on dty property: 6 per cent on farms In sastern Nebraska Bemla, Paxton block. W-631 WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 823 N. V Life, pays highest price fur books. Tel. 3030. N 660 WANTED To buy, vacant lot. In outh- estern part or city, give location ana price. .duress x is, urn ana oee. N-M77C U WANTED.- to buy. second-hand brick ma chine, must be cheap and in good order. Address Lock Box 81. Exeter, Neb. MaHo 10 200 CHAIRS, suitable for hall; must be good and cheap. J. T. Engelhardt . ("hap man. Neb. N-M967 12 WANTED, to buy or rent, a small boarding house or rooming house; must be cen trally located and hav modern eon venlences. Address P 56, care Bee omde. N M207 9X WANTED To buy two pool nd ona billiard table. Henry Christiansen. Shelby, la., general delivery. N M314 14x CASH for trackage lot In wholesale dlstrlot, F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. N 315 8 WANTED TO RENT WE CAN rent your houses. Compton Watta Co., 535 Paxton block. 'Phone 3uuB. K M WANTED, room and board by the month for a refined and Intelligent couple, pri vate family preferred; state location, con venience and price; best of references furnished. Address P 42. Bee. K-M919 WANTED, to rent furnished office cen trnlly located. Address P 66. car Be office. K M208 in WANTED By young married coup!, room and board In strictly private family) everything must be first class. Address 8. 8, Bee office. K 294 ix WANTED By a young business man and wife, two or three well furnished mod em rooms, with board: prefer private family; willing to pay good price for suit able accommodations. Address Room 534, Paxton block, city. K 319 8x WANTED to rent, a furnished house ot? flat: must have modern conveniences, bath, etc. Address, giving data, loca tion, price, eto. P M, Be office. K-M205 fx. PRINTING PRINTlNfl HIGH-GRADE WORK. . i ViJirVrx Crounse Block, Comer of LYNGSTADltith Bt. and Capitol Avs. KRAMER A CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS, 1106-08 Douglas St To de liver work when promised Is oar hohby, 468 J. M. SIRPLES8, reliable printer; estab lished 12 year. 20 a 13th 8t. Omaha. ' 559 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. US N Y.Ufe bldg. Tel.lf.t4, MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phye siclan; office, Douglas block. Tel. 23K. 421 DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous disease. 612 N. Y. Life. -623 Huntington A Stratton. 832 N. T. Life. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phons A-I76d. aaiw s MRS. M. E. OARfEAl'. now at 82 Blur, man ave. Tel. Red 4M. MS71 13 MRS. A.'W. SMITH, reasonable, 2"16 Cali fornia. -M372 13 FANCY embroidering. '220 N. 17th. Mis N. Anderson, M373 U BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. When You Write' to Advertisers rsmereber It only takes an extra stroks (wo of ths pen to mention ths taoi that 74 aw ths ad. In Ths Baa,