12 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlsesaeat far eslsssas will be takes, aalll IS am. for taa vaalac edit lea aaa aatll a. lot the amii( aad Saariay adllJoa. State 1 l-Um a word rut lasertloni l a word thereafter. Nvtblag; takes for lee taaa VOo for too Mrs! laser. loa. These asWer tlsesseats aiaet be raa esaseeotlvely. Advertisers, or reejsestlss; a fcered check, eaa have aaawera ad dressed ta a aaailtered letter la ear of Tbo Bee. Aaawera aa addressed will be delivered oa rraeatetlua al eaeek. MISCELLANEOUS THE VAN SANT School of Shorthand and Typewriting 716-17-18 New York Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Tha Van Bant School la a specialty achool of etenography and office praciicc U teaches the bent system o( shorthui.d l devised. It la the system used by Mr. c j. telyou. who wa private secretary to the last three presidents of the United States. It la the system In which Frank E. Hurt regularly reported. Phillip Brooks, the moet rapid speaking pulpit orutor America ever produced. The system la iilniple, easily learned and lias greater speed and legibility than any other ahorthand system. The Van 8ant system of touch typewriting wit dtvled lor this school, and became so populnr thut more thun a quarters of a mil lion coplia of the lessons have been aoid. Writers of the Van Bant system of touch typewriting from the Vun Hunt school huva been employed by all the great expositions held since 1S9X, Including the Paris Exposl tlon and the LouUUna Purchase Exposition. No experiments are made upon students with new uud untried systems. A Ulal week free. Monty fur unexpired time refunded If students lire not per fectly satlhlled, or fur uny reuaon wish to leave the achool. Well educated persons of so"d habits may enter the achool at anytime. Individual in structions to all. Former studunta are tilling the best posi tions, from amanuenses to court reporter. The school bus a lu:jsu patronage In sten ographic work, and many students have more than earned tuition while unending the achool. No other school In tho coun try can give students so much actual prac tice orao much money fur what they do. KJU 8 TRY KELLY'S TOW EL SUPPLY. Tel. 35:10. PRESSORIUM KaniTf CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 622 Pianos for Rent, C 0-14.(0 New 1'ianos. li.gn grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. IVitteld Piano Company, lull l-'urnain. Telephone 7UL Open evenings. R 524 KAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. , R-ei ANTI-monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. 177U. R-626 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS 'lei. 10. 'l.'Oi jJoug. Otuana move ttep. V ks. U-627 P. MELCHOIR, machine works. Kith and Howard. R-628 SPECIAL attention given architects' plans and specifications; contractors should In vestigate. Lew Wcntworlh, 611 Paxton black. R-M996 J7 OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and aafca. Q. Andreen, prop., 102 S. loth Bt. R-M166 5 P. C. YEAR From $joO to $5,000 loans oil leul estate at i PER CENT PER YEAR. All good louns - Wanted. Call or write and get my li tem. W. Lk Eastuiun, 1U Farnuin, Omuha. R-Mil3 D. W. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER. Two 'phones, 1966 and L2873. R M99t M7 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. 211 SOUTH 11TH. TEL. 264. We trust everybody. Flannels and colored goods laundered at our rlak. R M172 J23 MECHANICAL draughting, tracing and blue printing; map making a specialty; work guaranteed. J. Emery Lester, 430 Puxtou block, Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 1798. R-943 COLLINS PtANC CO., wholesale and re tail musical instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged, 1U 8. lith at., umu na. ft MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's Engllsn Pennyroyal PUla are the beat; aate, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. LADIES When In-need, send for free trial of our never-falling remedy; reliet quick and safe. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wig. DR. W. HUTCHINSON. Specialist o women and children; So years' practice. Office, 22u6 Cuming. Realdenca telephone. 3M; offlca, m; LADIES treated auuoasafuly by mall; write, today, stating how long sup pressed. Dr. Brliiey, 12 Stale bt., Chi cago, i LADIES Avoid trouble by using "Perfect rrotector;" no exposure; particular 10c llvjr Sun Medical Co,, 310 Uounipln Ave., Minneapolis, Minu. 172 8x LADIES In trouble guaranteed aafe and sura renin; no exposure; particulars loo. Sun Medical Co., 31U IWuneplu Ave., Minneapolis,. Minn, im ox LADIES, SfiOO reward If our remedy falls to relieve delayed period. No pain, opera- ' lion or danger. Safe relief $3. Particulars free- Woman's Private Institute, Dept. ) i, ik jjeamorn si., i nicago. sua ax rX)R WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator haa brought happlneaa to hundreds of anxloua wuiiien. nu juiii, iiu iwiivr, iiu inierier ence with work; relief in I to 6 days. We Lave never known ot a single rallure. Mall orders promptly filled. Price. LL DR. R. U. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., R. 7, 4 Adams St., Chicago. j03 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irreguiantiea or women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Addreaa, with stamp. Dr. Pries, lttiy Dodge Hi, umana. v PHIVATH home during confinement: be. biea adopted. Tha Clood Samaritan Sani tarium, J- 1st ave., council niuns, la. Tel. 774. PRIVATU home during confinement; ba- tiles uoaraea ana aoopiea. airs, uaraeu. 3211 Charles. Tel. A nu. WO PATENTS H. A. STURQIES, registered attorney; pat vents, trade marks, oopyrlghta, no fee un less successful. Ut N. Y. Life, Omaha. M73 DON'T GET A PATENT until you know how. My experience and advica In patent matters free. Address J. Emery Lcslrr, uu raxion imocx. umana. Neb. AMERICAN Engineering Co., mechanical and patent experts. Working drawings, tracings and blue prints. Advhe free, to Be bldg. -M270 1S PIANOS FOR SALE A HIGH GRADE Royal Upright piano, tiaed 3 months, cost for sale at ljO. Ksy terms If desired. Omaha Furniture Oarpet Co, bet ecu 12ifc and 13th ro JTgrnam street. -&0 WANTED MALE HELP 1905 Winter Term of Boyles College IS NOW OPEN! YET IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER. Business, ShortlunJ and Type writing; Normal, English, Civil Ser vice and Telegraphy course. DAY AND NIGHT. Send for cat;rlo;jue today. H. B. BOYLES, Pres. 18th and Harney Sts. OMAHA, NEB. MEN TO I.KAH.N burner trade; free rail road fare upon our tailure to convince ci of tills ucing li.e utbT and omy re liable, iuoh. uct.iul baiuei college In tne L nlted biates. Wine lor caiao.gue today. Westvtu Baioers Institute, Uuiana, Neb. B 645 WANTED K011 U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied unmarried mm, between ages of -1 and citizen of Lulled States, of good charac ter ui.d temperiitc tin bus, who speak, read and write l.iig.lHh. 1-or information upp , to ltecruillng Oltlcer, Uih and Douglas i sts., omaliu; i.iucoin. Neb,, or bioux ii, ; la. MOLEU8 Hnrhcr Collige, lJenver. Colo., teaches the barber troUe In b weeks and Kuaruuiced positions. Special terms. Write. B M528 JlBx I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores und doctors. Kuleut, 701 N. Y. !. B 417 WANTED Men to sell i;trden se?ds (t the farnier.s; write me for terms at once; big w.igi-s c:tn be made. Addrjss O. P. Conk lin, Seedaiuun. Red U;ik, In. 14 M1U SOLICITORS, either sex. every town. Whcaton-U alker, w4 Bee bldg. B-MliTO WANTED, by wholesale liquor house, two tlrst-cluss experienced salesmen to sell re tail trade In Nebraska. Address P 33. Bee. B 865 It WANTED, men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes by our method; constant practice: expert Instructions; board and tools proviled. Join now and complete for spring rush. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas st. B-MK65 8x MAN under 35 to prepare for coming rail way mail clerk examination. Many good appointments. See C. S. Scranton, 410 Bee building, after 2 p. m. B MS5S 8x A-l STENOGRAPHER; must have good education; good salary. Address tv M, Bee. B--911 FIRST - CLASS HEAD BOOKKEEPER WANTED, In 'a largo retail mercantile house; good salary paid to the right man; state positions held and length of time in each position. Address P is. Bee. B-93S 7 WANTED Salesman in calico department. Apply J. I Branueis & suns. u hu i WANTED, two bright. Intelligent boys for work in railroad ornce. Addresti P 61, Bee. . B M68 WANTED Boy 15 or 16 yrars of age for oince work. Address f au, isee. B M968 8x AN OLD LINE LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY DESIRES TO EMPLOY A FIRST CLASS AGENCY MANAGER OF EX PERIENCE ON SALARY. SATISFAC TORY REFERENCES REQUIRED, SHOWING EXPERIENCE AND ABIL ITY' FOR THE POSITION. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 1044. OMAHA. B-877 10 WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tacK signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., luO Oakland Bank building-, Chicago, 111. B-Mlftt hx GOOD, live solicitor every town In Ne braska and Iowa; will .guarantee xioo month and expenses to hustlers; eight hour day. Address 1816 N. 18th st. B-M104 8x SALESMAN, man experienced with grocery trade or omana to sen a wiueiy adver tised grocer's specialty. Apply to W. D. Waller, January 10. Grand hotel. B M107 7x ELECTRIC light plants, water works and power plants built; approved projects financed. R. S. Ashe, 2610 Humboldt st, Denver, Colo. R WANTED Physician, graduated and reg istered in Nebraska, to travel wttn big medicine show; experience unnecessary; state age, college, etc. Address 11. E. Merkel, Seward, Neb. B 224 8x WANTED Amateur photographers to fur nish photographs ror our newspapers ana magaslnes; opportunity to earn steady In come. Art Dept.. The National Press As sociation, Washington, D. C. B 223 8x PRESIDENT ROO8EVELT8 election In sures an Increase in civil service ap pointments. Those Intending to take the next examination should send to the Co lumbian Correspondence College.. Wash ington. D. C, and secure Its tree civil service announcement, containing dates, salaries, places for holding examinations and questions recently used by the rov rnment. B MAN to travel; references required; salary $21 per week; expenses advanced. J. 8. Zlegler A Co., 323 Dearborn St., Chicago. B MEN WANTED to sell full lino of hardy fruit and ornamental .trees. Work full or part time as you prefer. Pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Fort Madison, la. B CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted everywhere; permanent position; good pay. American Union, Ponliac building, Chicago. B 211 8x WANTED. 10 men in each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples snd cir culars of our goods. Salary, $76 per month. $3 per day for expenses. Kuhl nian Co., Dept. E. 4. Atlas black. Chicago. B 201 $x WANTED, competent bookkeeper; state sge. experience and salary expected. Address P 62, Bee offloe. B M260 WANTED Person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary $6, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star building. Chicago. B 175 8x WE WIIX, make you a present of $100.00. give you a splendid suit of clothes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free and pay you a aalary of isSOO per month and all traveling expenses to take orders for ths greatest and most reliable Mirtralt house In the world. All this' will be uaranteed. Address R. D. Martel. Iwpt. b. Chicago, III. B 176 8x WANTED Iocal and traveling representa tives; salaried positions; state which de sired. Address Kel-Bro Mercantile Co.. 60 Wabash, Chicago. B 174 8x DETECTIVES, every locality; good salary; experience unnecessary. Interstate De tective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis B-144 8x EXPERIENCED salesman, or physician not practicing, to sell to doctors; also one for central Nebraska. Established tra1e; itermanent; remunerative. P. O. Box stf, 'hiladelpttla. " B 146 8x WANTED Everywhere, men willing to distribute samples, tack signs, etc.. at til daily: permanent: no canvassing. lontluenlal Distributing Benice. Chi cago. UIM WANTED MALE HELP THE WINTER TERM of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEUE, ITT II and DOUGLAS STB.. IS NOW OPEN. STUDENTS ENTER EVERY DAY. MORE NEW CLASSES MONDAY MORN ING IN A 1.1. DEPARTMENTS. IT IS JUST THE TIME TO ENTER. The winter term has opened most ausp.c lotmly. There has been a large number of new ntudento enter all department. The Omaha Commercial Collego la now the busi est plare In Omaha. The cissies in the Huslnens Department. Shorthand, Typewrit ing and Telegraphy are largely attended and the work H growing most Interesting. No institution In the country la doing better or moro thorough work than la now being done. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS Day and evening scssionx are now be.ne held. If you cannot attend the Day School, by all means attend the Night School. MOB HER SHORTHAND. Any person desiring to become a atenogra pher should investigate Moeher Shorthand. It never pays to experiment with new and untried systems. Mosher Shorthind has past the experimental stage and you run no risk In learning It. Cheap systems are ccm Ing upon the market every day and those who are persuaded to learn them are pay ing dearly for the experiment. We are al ways glad to compare systems and to dem onstrate the superiority of the Mosher sys tem. PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT. A public entertainment will be given Fri day night. January 13. It will consist of music bv the College Orchestra and Char acter Sketches anj Recitations by Prof. I Ritchie. It will pay you to be present. CATALOGUE Free to any address. ROHRBOUGH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. N AGENTS nnd managers wanted every where; exclusive tirrltory. "One dollar , a year protects you." We Issue more accident and sickness policies) than nny other similar company In the world, be cause we Issue the most popular and cheapest Insurance written; new plan; 11 a year pays for $500 policy; no assess ments or dues; other amounts in pro portion. Death benefit; weekly Indemnity; specific indemnity for loss of limbs or eyesight: free medical attendance; many other original and popular featurea. Is sued to either sex without regard to no tlonalltv, color or occupation. All claims proniptiv and liberally settled; insurance assets, . 50o.iio0. Reliable representatives wanted everywhere; good- territory still open; liberal, permanent-contract to ca pable agents; previous experience not necessary. International Co., 131 Broad way. N. Y. B 162 8x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Prepare now for spring rush. Positions guaranteed. Few weeks completes. Hoard and tools provided. Can nearly earn ex penses before finishing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. B M163 13x WE PAT $18 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce Poultry Compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. B 184 8x WANTED Two neatly dressed solicitors; must be able to approach business people. Hart, 401-402 N. Y. Life. B-M278 10 POSITION GUARANTEED. BEFORE MAKING APPLICATION WITH ANT AGENCY YOU HAD BET TER CONSULT HART. THE EXPERT. HE GUARANTEES YOU A POSITION. PARTIES LIVING IN THE CITY. APPLI CATION WILL BE GOOD THRTY DAYS ONLY, AND PARTIES LIVING OUT OF CITY APPLICATION WILL NOT BE TAKEN FOR LESS THAN SIXTY DAYS. I AM THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS, HIGH GRADE AGENCY IN OMAHA. YOUR MONEY IS CHEERFULLY REFUNDED TO YOU IN CASE I DO NOT GET YOU A POSITION. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. STICK TO THE PARTY WHO GUARANTEES. ... 1 want: 2 real estate salesmen, $20.00 and one-third commission. 1 drug salesman (Nebraska), salary. 2 traveling meat salesmen. 6 stock food salesmen. 1 drug manager. $260 monthly. 6 life and accident Inauranue men. 1 buggy salesman. 1 expert hat salesman. S typewriter salesmen. 10 solicitors, 60 per cent commission. 2 traveling salesmen (skirts), $75 00. 2 registered pharmacists, 10 crew managers. HART, 401 AND 402 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. B-280 8 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Send for free catalogue and compare our terms and advantages with others. Amer ican Barber College, cor. li'Ui and Douglas sts. B-312 hx WANTED Three solicitors or collectors; good opening. R. R. Langley, 211 Thurs ton hotel, Sunday p. m., or after tf p. ra. next week. B 313 8x WANTED A first class blacksmith for wagon and carriage work; none but first class man need apply. P. J. Karbach & Sous, 13lh and Howard, Omaha. B-301 8 WANTED First class head bookkeeper. In a large retail mercantile house; good sal ary paid to rl:ht man; state positions held, length of time In each place ana salary expected. Address S. 9. Bee. B M300 g IT IS NOT practical to advertise our com plete list of vacancies. We do wish sales mensalesmen who are SALESMEN. The calls are greater than we can supply. Besides salesmen we can place Good Accountant, A-l penman. Manager for Gen'l Mdse Store. Boy, two years in high school. Good Electrician. Cigar Salesman. ' Dry Goods Clerk. Rate and Revision Clerk. Silk Salesman. Call or write for complete list. WtSTKH.N KEF, HU, tl ASS XM, New York Life bldg., Omaha. B-294 I EXPERIENCED TRAVELING ' SALESMEN May be obtained on short notice by calling on ths WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N, $44 New York Life Bldg. B-327 8x RELIABLE COLLECTORS Are easy to secure by telephoning 4283. WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N, HO N. Y. Life Bldg. B 328 8x WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 G1RI.S, Canadian offloe, lith and Doriice, C 646 USE Landreen'a Antiseptic HalrTonlc WANTED, ladles to learn halrdreaalng manicuring or facial massage. Oraduaies earn from i) to sio neesiy. ia.ii earn wagta while learning. imu or write, Moler College, 19u2 Douglas St. C-M866 Kx WANTED, an experienced crockery sales woman. Apply ui rariiam, k. is- i WANTED A lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm of $i'i.u capital; salary ti.uri per year ana ex penses, paid weekly. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha, Neo. WANTED, competent bookkeeper; slats age, experience sno salary eiprcinu. Address r K, es omce, vm-is WANTED FEMALE HELP NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE A. C. Ong, A. M , LI B., Pres. A. J. Lowry, Prln. 17TH AND HARNEY STS. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN Never in the history of the institution have we had a hrlnhter looking, more en thusiastic body of new students than those wh'i have enrolled with us at this oikmiiiih of our winter term. All the departments are rapidly filling up. This lare increasv is owing not to extensive advertising, but to the high standing the school enjoys anil the meritorious work done for the students In past years. Our records show a large per cent of students In attendance have come through the Inftjence of those who have formerly attended. When young eo ple return each winter till their course !s finished, and when they bring their friends with them. It certainly means that the work of the school Is highly satisfactory. We have as many as six coming In from Otve town ' POSITIONS FOR OUR GRADUATES Such is our growing reputation for assist ing our graduates to positions that we have a score of business firms who depend upon tut for their help. Three calls from one hrm lust wttk. Each of these pay $45 per month and a srkr.uid chance for advancement. Business men well know what to expect of a student from the N. B. C. If you are seeking a school that has every facility for hlgh-ciasa work, a school that will qualify you to make a success in 111 e. then investigate the above Institution and you will find a school of merit, backed by the leading business men of the city. Come and Join the new classes Monday. Kr.M EM HER, every student entering for a full term Is given free of charge a year's membership In the Y. M. C. A., valued at $10, or a year's membership in the Y. W. C. A. Apply for catalogue. C 276 8 COMPETENT girl for general housework. DID B. U. C-.MifjU S GIRL for general housework. o3S Park ave. C MIU0 1JX GOOD girl. 1024 Park avenue. c an 16 x WANTED Fifty experienced overa'l and jumper makers. Apply at once to Byrne & Hammer D. G. Co., factory, 1-th and Howard sts. C US 8 WANTED a girl for general housework. Apply at 2606 Poppleton ave. C 122 SCHOOL FOR CUTTING, FITTING AND DESIGNING LADIES' GARMENTS -Anyone wishing to learn a perfect sys tem of cutting, fitting and designing Indies' garments, please apply at the Bon Ton Tailoring Co.; reasonable prices. We also cut patterns. 1416 Faruam st. 'Phono 6138. , C COPYISTS wanted, writing at home; $25 per iou letters sent us; stsmpert addressed en velope. Continental Wholesale Co.. Dept. 7, St. Louis, Mo. C 204 8x LADIES having fancy work to sell, em- nroiaerles, Battenhergr, drawnwork. Also to do order work. Stamped envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago. C-197 8x LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we lurnisn an materials and ay rrom $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 189 8X $20.00 and expenses paid each week to ln- Qies as aistnct managers to distribute goods and make collections; experience not necessary. Addressed envelope for reply. Woman's Dept., 52 Dearborn, Chicago. C 181 8x WOMEN to sew at home. $9.00 per week; materials sent everywhere free; steady j work; plain sewing only. Send addressed iui uii put Licunirs. o. r. . Al., - Uu Pont. Philadelphia, Pa. C 157 8x LADIES We teach hair dressing, manl- cuniiK or racial massage in short time; splendid pay to graduates; busy season now; positions guaranteed. Call or write, Moler College, 102 Douglas St. O M1G4 13x LADIES, $25 thousand copying short letters ai nome. material sent FREE every where. Send stamped addressed envelope for copy of letter and full particulars. Eastern Co., 817 Heed Building. Philadel phia, Pa. C 148 8x LADY assistant for branch office; estnb- usnen nusiness; sis paiu weekly; no In vestment required; position permanent; previous experience not essential. Ad dress Branch Superintendent, :;26 Dear born, Chicago. C 178 8x EARN $10 weekly copying letters at home. Ben a stamped envelope for particulars. A. P. Wynkoop, Durango, Colo. C 146 Sx WANTED, experienced preparers nnd matters, also apprentices In millinery de partment Hayden Bros. Apply Tuesday a. m. to Mrs. Knowlton, Mgr., 2nd floor. C M252 8x WANTED, first-class laundress to take nome iamuy work. Apply after U o clock 2240 Landon Court, 4th house from corner of S. 24th st C-M203 WANTED Girl for general housework In sman ramuy; wages o per week. Apply J248 S. 7th ave. C-M127 10x CLERK, speaking German. Glove Saleslady. r"kkeener and Stenrwrnnher Call or write for list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N, New York Life bldg., Omaha. C 296 8 SUPERFLUOUS hair removed at your mine, new meioou. jure. Mevenage, hair and scalp specialist, 2218 Chlcaeo st. 'Phone 4433. U 330 8x WANTED Olrl to do housework In family or iwo. Apply L'SM No. 18th st. Sunday afternoon. C M329 8x WANTED SITUATION FIRST-CLASS electrician wants position. Aaarees f -to. tsee. A 815 7x AN experienced stenographer desires posi tion; references. Address P 6'), Bee. A-M265 lOx SITUATION wanted by stenographer; young man, 18: willing, all around worker; reaaonablo salary. Address P 8 Je. A-MJ41 9x YOUNG MAN desires place to work for vuaiu im , uuiii wime aiieiiuinir college. Address) Boyles College. Tel. 1!4. A-M13I 9 WANTED Position by responsible man, coaching or care of horses preferred. Ad dress 8. 6. care of Bee. A2M 8x AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Ths Underwriters' Fire Extin guishers for the protection of homes, hos pitals, theaters, hotels, schools, factories, etc; Indorsed by 41 boards of underwrit ers; In use In all the departments of the U. 8. government; over $1,000,000 worth have been sold; weekly output now over 4u0 extinguishers; representatives wanted; references required. Knight & Thomas, Incorporated, Boston, Mass. J M996 7x EIGHTY MILLION pieces advertising mat ter tor distribution in 1!I6; contracts ready; men wanted everywhere; stamp brings particulars. Write quick If you wsnt position. National Advertising Bureau. 12 East 42d St.. New York. J BIG MONEY In squabs: tner- sell for $2 to . $6 a down: cheaply raised in only four weeks; write for our free book sbout this rich industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., tn Atlantic Ave., Boston. Mass. J OUR PLAN for starling beginners in profit able Mall-Order Business Is very success full. We sre pioneers In this Held. Some we started three months sgo receive 100 letters dally and are making big money. Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup. ply Co.. Kansas City. Mo. J AOENT8. $75 per month and expenses to sell advertising ntgns to merchants and manufacturers. St. Louis Sign Co., St. Louis, Mo. J- - WANTF.D. agents, men slid women: steady work, big profits Write for free samples. II. A. Kuiix, 21ul Franklin ave., Bt Louis, Mo. J WANTED AGENTS AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting glasses: Mg profits; our 24-page free ye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place. Jackson, Mich. J AGENTS wanted. Sell our $1 bottle Barsa parilla for 3nc; best seller; per cent profit. Write today for terms and terri tory. F. R- Greene, 11a Lake St., Chicago. WE PAY $18 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce pou'try compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64. Parsons. Kan. J AGENTS. $10.00 day. "Novelty Show CArds." "Window Display Signs," "Mer chants' Price Tickets." Something new. I.eTO varieties. Catalogue free. National Advertising Co., Dept. 14o7 Ave A. New York. J-210 8x PORTRAIT agents, find nut about our high grade guaranteed work, lowest prices, prompt shipments. Heetluger Art Co., Chicago. J IKS Sx AGENTS wanted to sell blah grade office special ties, essential to every office. Im mense profits nhd excellent opportunity to establish permanent trade. Men with rig also wanted for country trade. Harper St Co., Camden, N. J. J 200 8x CANVASSERS for l.idles' suits snd skirts to measure, profitably handled by tailors, milliners and dressmakers. Free outfit. Write Perfection Ladies' Tailoring Co., ISO Van Buren St., Dept. L, Chicago. I I J 199 8X ' GENERAL agents making big money, em ploying boys and girls, selling greatest seller ever offered ladles; practically no Investment. A. L. Mott, 417 Dearborn St., Chicago. J 202 hx WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal offer; $u dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 209 '8x AGENTS (men or women) every city to sell the new White Flame Heat and Light Gas Burners; best seller ever; In homes, offices, etc.; small price, good profit. 2wh Century Mfg. Co., 19 Wnr ren St., New York. J 149 8x AGENTS on salary or commission. The greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys it on sight: 2X to 500 per cent profit; one ngvnt's sales amounted to $620 In elx davs; another $32 In tno hcurs. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 16. La Crosse, Wis. J-162 8x FREE sample to agents; self-lighting pocket Inmp: size of pencil; takes the place of kerosene lamps, candles and , matches; credit given; rnpld Seller; see ing' believing; send stamp. Premier Mfir. Co., Dept 67, 32 Park Place. New York. J 154 Sx AGENTS Be a mixer; put up and sell pol ishes, soups, perfumes, flavoring extracts, toilet nnd proprietary preparations, con fectionery, etc.; we have processes for all; lists free. Wheaton A Co., formula specialists, 44 Gill Si., New Bedford. Mass. J 161 8x "I FEEL like a millionaire, writes one agent. New; demand, quick sales. Farm ers' Account Book Co., Newton. la. J-190 Sx $13.40 DAILY, agents selling nam Shell Pearls, all double beauties: frross1 assorted colors; prepaid $1; dozen, 26c; sample, 10c. Pnclflc Shell Co., 1U) N. Broadway. Los Angeles', Cal. J 143 8x LADY agents making less than $"5 weekly should write for catalogue and terms: we . start you In business and make you Inde pendent: outfit prepaid. Women's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. J 142 8x AN agent, either sex, In each town, to sell high grade shirtwaist materials and ladles' suitings by the yard. It Is a money-maker for the agent. Try It. Di rect Cloth Co., 2623 Olive St., St. Louis, Ma J 147 8x $75 WEEKLY and expenses ensllv made, writing life, health nnd accident Insur ance; experience unnece!arv. Writs Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis, Mo. J-166 8x SOAP' AGENTS Big 7-bar box soap, 11 cents. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. J 169 8x AGENTS Read in dark; name plates, signs, numbers; 200 per cent profit: sam-t-'-s free. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, 111. J-170 8X AGENTS Drop everything and sell won der waterproof shoe polish; it's a winner; two full-sized bottles free. Wonder Shoe Polish Co., Dept. 4. Chicago. J-167 8x $500 PER MONTH and $20 per week for traveling expenses may seem big money to you, but It can and Is being made selling; my patent for making smokeless gun nnd blasting powder at 8 cents per pound; it can be made In any kitchen without any machinery; you can travel ell over the world and make more money than you ever dreamed of before. Be ware of fakes advertising a smokeless powder. I am the Inventor and hold the patents. t want a general agent In ach state at once, to travel and appoint agents. Particulars free. J. A. Stransky, Box 500, Pukwana, 8. D. J 178 8x WANTED SALESMEN SALESMEN wanted by a leading manufac turer to sell their goodB to the retail trade; this position offers permanent em ployment and exceptional advantages to men of ability; can be handled as a side line. Box 2, Lemunt. Illinois. M 994 8x CAN use two or three good salesmen who are willing to work hard; specialty busl nets; want men capable of earning $200 to $300 per month; call Monday afternoon and evening at Her Grand hotel. H. B. Marshall. M-996 8 HIGH-CLASS Encyclopedia salesmen can find a remunerative proposition with a $50.00 weekly auurantco by applying at once to F. D. Mayer, St. Louis, Mo. 234 Sx A FEW capable salesmen, staple line with strong Inducements. Somethingr entirely new. High commission, with expenses advanced. Permanent. Sales Manager, 25 W. Atwater St., Detroit, Mich. WANTED, salesmen to sell attractive prop osition to general trade, season 1905. Can easily earn $3.'JU0 net. Lock Box 87. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 196 8x TRAVELING salesman by old house. Staple line for Nebraska. Year contract to right man. Drawer "S," Chicago. 194 8x . WANTED, reliable persons everywhere willing to do a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. Write Southern Advertising and Distributing Co., Baltimore, Md. 221 8x WE are enlarging our selling force for 1806 and can use one good specialty salesman In Nebraska; only cnpuble and experi enced men need a;iplv. Frank R Jen nings & Co., Detroit, Mich. 215 Sx "SALESMEN of all lines of business (splendid sine nnei, 10 t u our aaveriiH loir f ins. 75 different styles, newest, bit est patterns, Just the thing customers want. We pay the largest commissions. Manv of our men give their entire time to our line and make from $75.00 to $125.00 every week; guaranteed best side line ever onereo; write pruinpuy wnn reference. Commissions ld promptly. The Uebhart Company, Cincinnati. Ohio. Uii-kx SALESMEN wanted; heads I win. tails you lose. The story or a private ining. A fortune In It for specialty salesmen. Address quick. Box 417. Iowa City, la. WANTED, by manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles and flavoring extracts salesman to fill vacancy In Nebraska. Address P 63, Bee. -179 8x SALESMEN Two, one for Kansas; stand ard line; good oienlng for right party; itermanent; references required. Box 10t3. St. Louis, Mo. ' 156 Sx WANTED Experienced men to sell our patented and copyrighted advertising fans, the most attractive, novel and best ellers in the market. Samples now ready, larire comnilion. prompt settle- , ments. Write for Information and glvs reference. United Status Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O. 160 8x SI HE line traveling men can make t'A to $50 per week currying side line of most up-to-date advertising fans of our ex clusive and special designs. Season now opening. Applv at once. The Kemper Thorn ts Co., Fan Dept., Sta. H., Cncln natl. O. 169 tx WANTED Everywhere, people to copy letters at home spare time and return to us: good pay; materials sent free; no n.aiiinir (if cu ii vu ssi us.' Enclose ad dressed envelop fur particulars amf wares pay. Uuarsnt CO,, iJeni Philadelphia, Pa. 15 $x WANTED SALESMEN EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen : two exceptionally good positions open for 19H6 by large Cleveland Jobbing house; salesmanship, energy and business ability wfll make the position permanent; gen eral mercantile trade; high commission with $35 weekly. W. 8. Flnley Co.. CO Prospect St., Cleveland. Ohio. 151 8x CAPABLE salesmen to cover Neb. with staple line: high commissions with ad vance of $100 monthly: permanent posi tion to r1ht man. jess H. Smith Ov, Detroit. Mich. 159 8x SKILFUL SCHEME SALESMAN Retailer wins out a no is piesso; onice or nwi s"f sl'lon; nothing equal to It: $:i) per week can be made; can be used as a very profitable side line; samples light Snd furnished on references; correspondence confidential. Address Box 3T.6. Clilcagn. 171 Sx SALESMAN at once, experienced, selling patent m'dlclne to dealers: established house; references required. Box 6S5 Chi cago. US WANTED Salesman: call at S Board of Trade Monday; a first-class proposition. M-256 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTfcl., Eur.ipcan, Pith & Chicago. E ivt DEWEY. Enrol ran hotel, 13th snd Fsrnam. E-519 VIENNA HOTEL, mil Farnum; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, prlat- dining r.; open-nights. E-650 IK U'SE KEEPING Three or four very de sirable, partlv furnished rooms; bath and gas; references required. 2426 St. Mary's Ave. E 651 SOUTH front rarlor. 2024 St. Mary's Ave. E M131 $10 to $2.00 per week, 422 8. 18th St., one block south of court house. E M158 FURNISHED rooms with or without koard; private family. 2539 California. E S57 S MARRIED COUPLE, or two young men, can obtain nice room and boird. modern, by calling at 627 Park ave.; 'phone F-:24. F-915 LARGE, front room, suitable for' three gentlemen: walking distance; modern; gentlemen only. 1712 Capitol ave. E-913 7x NICELY furnlnhed. large or single, rooms; modern, close in, 'phone. 220 North 19th. E-914 7x HOT WATER H FA TED rooms: well fur nished. 315 N. 17th. E 937 hx ROOMS. 19o6 Capitol ave. E-M917 9x FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, Steam heat. 2234 Farnam. Flat 9. E-M307 10X MODERN elegantly furnished front room for rent, reasonable If taken Bt once; easy walking distance. 620 N. 1th s. E M3oB lOx FURNISHED roums. 1821 Leavenworth st. E-M932 8x TWO furnished rooms at 723 8. 17th St.; gentlemen preferred. E M897 8x NEATLY furnished warm rooms; close to postofllce; 1610 Ds veil port. E 983 8x EXCELLENT modern room for two. gas, bsth, hot snd cold water; reasonable; call at once. 1714 Douglas. E M320 lOx FURNI8HED rooms; well heated; 2201 Douglas. ' E 9S4 8x WANTED Roommate' by young man. References exchanged. 2418 CasB. 'Phone A-1964. E 45 8x BRIGHT steam-heated rooms, furnished or unfurnished; board or not; fine bath and other accommodations; reasonable. 24U2 St. Marys avenue. E 966 Sx NICELY furnished room, modern. 2221 Douglas. B 988 8 . S ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, for light housekeeping. ' $20 North 36th. ' E 9fJ 7x ROOMS furnished In the latest style 26 per cent cheaper than all competitors. Terms, $26.00, Worth, $1.00 per week. Omaha Furniture A Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam street. E 258 8 ELEGANT front rooms: steam heat, bath, gas. Flat 6, Davldge Blk., 18th and Far nam. , .' ' K-980 SMALL, well furnished, steam-heated room. 1623 Douglas. Q-3U2 ELEGANTLY furnished warm ' rooms, strictly modern. 2310 Webster. Tel. L-3218. .. BJ M991 6x FOR RENT Two modern, furnished rooms at 2114 J, South Omaha; gentlemen pre ferred. KM290 1OX. A LOVELY new and first-class home. Just being fitted up; rooms furnished to suit occupant; on Park ave., 815. E M99S 8x TWO furnished front rooms, well heated; light housekeeping allowed; all modern. . 4$ N. 19th st. E-M102 9X SUITE of furnished rooms for light house keeping;; also single room. 1805 Chicago st. E Mioa tx FURNISHED single room , for rent for $2.00 per week. 1707 California. EMU3 lox LARGE front room, modern, good location; also use of 'phone; room is suitable for two or three. 620 N. 19th. E M114 lOx LARGE front room for light housekeeping. Reasonable. 1901 California, E M116 lOx FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; modern; heated house. $16 N.- -oth- E M108 lOx LARGE front room, nicely furnished; heat, modern. 616 K. 19th. E-M109 10X TWO nnatlv furnished rooms, modern, fur nace and electric light, private family; rent reasonable; . gentlemen preferred. 1921 St. Mary's Ave. E238 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE THE 8H ELTON, 25th and Dodge, Ideal home for the winter; pleasant room, strictly modern, home cooking; reason able. $3.50 UP; slngls meals 16c. 1619 PSj, Jg ONE single room, also good" board, $3.60 a week. 2328 Harney. F-821 lOx THE ROSE. 2030 Harney St., nlcs. warm rooms, good board; rates reaaonable FURNISHED room, with board; suitable for one or two gentlemen; modern; steam heal 2215 Farnam. F-9B8 8x BOARD AND ROOM. To ladv. room and board; elegant modern Mnf private, ftth and Leavenworth sts. Address 8. 6, Bee. F-28& Ix ROOM AND BOARD. Wanted to share room with young man attending school: elegant, modern flat, 29th and Lea venworti; private. Address 8. 16, Bee office. F 286 8x TWO nicely fvirnlshed rooms, single or en suite, modern; also board. 21'" CMri. F-MU1 10X BOARD and room for two; gentlemen pre ferred. Board bv the week can also be obtained. 116 N. 26th street. F MU0 lOx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR unfurnished rooms, reasonable. 614 N. 17th. O Mill lOx WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow at 7 per cent $600. on rent paying residence property In South Omaha; security smnls: horns money pre ferred. Address P 14, Bee. Mts4 WANTED, to borrow. $2,000 to $20,000. for one to three years. a T per rent Interest. Will assign tnnrl gages on Nebraska farms as security, snd submit security to cash ier of any bank In Omaha for approval. P 18, care Bea. M M F2 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. K. MOREARTY. Attorney, 4S7 Paxton. Tel. A 2638. 11 JOHN M MACFARI.AND. New York Life Bldg.. rooms 04 and Us. Tel. UU, PERSONAL FIFTEEN HIGH-GRADE SQUARE PIANOS AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES. Every one fully guaranteed. Cable Sons. McCammon. Oablcr. Steck. Jewel t. Dunham. Story A Camp. llali. t A Cumston. Vose 4k Suns. Hardman and Others. Thcoe Instruments are worth from $75 1 H $1.". but to close them out quickly w offer them at prices ranging from t-3 to $'). cash or time pavments, cartage free, but boxing and shipping extra. Write or call at onca and get one of these unprecedented bar gains. Schmoller & Muelle r, THE ONLY ONE PRICE PIANO HOUSB IN OMAHA. 1313 Furnara St. TeL 1626. V-S43 I PRIVATE home during confinement; bey hies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King. 60S N. 16th, Tel. 3559. U-10 Jll DRAWING and painting from Ufa. Caast Art Class. 15o4 Farnam, loon 4, rear. ' U S0 PRESSORIUM Clothes Prsased. 124 Farnam. Ke-l Masq. theatrical costumes. SaokMl 90t kv LARSON & JOHNSON, cut ratea to ail Points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B21U. Mem ber American Ticket Srskara Aas'n. U 691 EIGHT homeless children for adoption, in a family of eight little children, whoa mother recently died, there are thres sisters and five brothers. Hemes ars. wanted In the vicinity of Omaha, whers each sister can remain with at least ens brother. Inquire at Child Savin Insti tute, 18th and Ohio Sta. TeL 1991. U ITt 8x 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tuns your piano; $2. Parneld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. V 693 THEATRICAL masq. costumes. IJehan. 1410-12 Howard. U-684 "VIAVI," way to health. 850 Bee Bldg. U e?6 THE Salvation Armv solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fuel anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wxgnn will call. U-611 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramie Blk. L 696 M A f"lN P T tl treatment baths. Mme. MALliNC 1 1L BintUi. 118 N. 15, 1 A. R. 2. U-360 HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Massncon cures middle-ear trouble. Acoustlcon aids the hearing as glaives do the eye. Hutchison Acoustio Co., N. Y. Lite Bldg. 'Phono 1919. U-697 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530. U-69(1 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women and children. Ho8 Farnam 8L THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATINCj, RUCH1NG BUTTONS Send for price list and Samples. THB GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. 1936 U-600 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13tU. U-6ol DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines tLem; we test eyes free for gloatieu and guarantee satisfaction. THE 1L J. PEN FOLD CO., Leading Opticians, Mus Farnam. U-603 TRY Landrcen's Antlaeptio Hair Tonic U 456 J14 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge blk. U 428 J 15 SCOTT'S DIGESTIVE TABLETS Guaran teed by Kuhu & Co., 16th & Douglas Sis. U-M666 21 YOUNG lady pianist wants situation to travel with home talent or comedy com pany for remaining season. Addrsss P 46, Bee. U-MW4 7x F. WM. KKELLB Architect, 604 Bes bldg. Tel. 3096. U-M974 F6x WANTED Loan of $1,150 on residence, from private party. Address P 49. Bee. U-M969 10X A GENTLEMAN of SO wishes to meet woman of 26 to SO for amusement and re sults; stout parson prelerred. Address P 67. Bes. U-M990 8x SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts . and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Aliender, 423 N. Y. Life. Lv "" OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of paste for - all purposes. Tel A-2652. 221d Cuming. Established 18S8. U- WILL give vocal lessons in exchange fur sewing or other trails by a first-class teacher. Address P 66, Bee. U 232 8x MARRIAGE PAPER Prints photos and all addresses; 8 pages; 10c: correspond with out further expense. A. Stover, Drawer 667 B, Chicago, 111. U-222 Sx A WEALTHY and attractive maiden wants without delay kind husband to relieve her of business cares. No objection to hon orable, capable poor man. Address Cook, 91 Flournoy, Chicago. U 212 8x WEALTHY gentleman, unencumbered, seeks appreciative wife. Address Mrs. Colo, 606 Walnut, Room 7, Philadelphia. Pa. U 16$ 8x ATTRACTIVE widow, very wealthy, wants Immediately good, honest husband. Address Aetna, Oneonta Bldg., Chicago, 111. U 183 kx MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address l A. Horton, Dept 297, Tekonaha, Mloh. U-182 X LADY of 60. has $40,000; alone In the world, wnnts a good, companionable husband. Address Curran, 1242 Wabash, Chicago. U 181 Sx GENEROUS professional man, worth $50.. 0"0, desires deserving. Industrious wife. Monev no object. Address Mr. C. 01 Clark St., Chicago, 111. U 1S6 Sx CHURCH and hall decorations, floral de signs. A. Hooge, 351$ So. 20th Ave. 'Phone 4866. U 264 8x WKISKERARIUM. If you want your soap strainers pruned we will block them out in any pattern lip ticklers, fsntails. billy stoats or preacherlnos. Hair cuts of all kinds, from weolly willies to rlng-arund rosevs. Wash your ears without extra charge, HORNER'S WHISKERARIUM. Continental Cigar Store, 13Lh and Farnam. U-1S2 Sx BOT CHORI8TER8 wanted far Trlnltr cathedral choir, boys to It years old, having good voire snd musical natures. Applv to ths rhnlrmarter af the cathedral Mondays and Thursdays, 4 ta 6 o'clock. T' MS11 r DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, society and stage. Tsl. F1871. -676 MORAND'S mid-winter term fsr adult be ginners will open on Friday, January S. Lessons Tuesday and Friday, Sam. Save $2 by Joliun tbs Aral of the term; success guarsuteed. Children meet Bat- , urdty, S p. in. Private lessons dally. Always open: Sundays t to 6 p. m. Call 16th and Harney, or Tsl. 1041. -M198 J3 CLAIRVOYANTS QYLMER, somnific palmist, 716 N. ad S-618 YOUR FORTUNE told bv the most reliable clairvoyants: send birth dale, dime and stamp. Prof. Caji ss RuUlu. 49i N. Clara s)L, CbJcafu, ' m4'-"uu ft-Ui 1 j V