OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 100.K i . CENSUS BLANKS ALL OUT issesitri Bsosivs Iiatrnctiom Itgtriing Ferftratnee of Thtir Da .its. DLI MAN MURDERW AT PLEASANT PLAIN Bageae Waterbury of Des Moines One of Roh Hldere Jeleeteil to Ride with President at Inaaa-nratlon. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DEB MOINES, la., Jan. 6. (Special. )-The . xecutlve council today sent out the last 01 :he schedules and blanks for the taking or ;h census ef the state. These blanks will have reached the county auditors by Mon day at the latest and the work of taking the state census will then be In full swing. Many of the counties have already begun work. Some of the auditors cal'.rd the a- . ssnrs together December 31 and Instructed them In the work of taking the assessments ind gntherlng the census figures. The counties In some Instances began work this v.eek. Ulnnks were sent to such counties first, and It Is expected that all will lie at .vork by week after next. Over half of the 'ounty auditors will hold the meetings of ilia assessors tomorrow to Instruct them In ihe wnrk. Borne will hold the meetings Monday and the rest will hold their meet ings a week from tomorrow. The secretar f the executive council will also send per sonal letters to every assessor In the state, -o that If the auditors forget anything the etter will cover It. The recommendation Is Oso being made to the county auditors to :irn In their reports as fast as a sufficient -umber have been gathered to be worth 'vhlle. In this way the executive council ill be able to know If the work Is not olng done properly and cun return the schedules for correction. Pleasant Plain Murder, A murder was committed at Pleasant Main last night. Christian Wolmsdorf, an id man 75 years old, was found dead by his 'ife on her return from doing the chores. "an Rhepperd, a man of poor reputation, has been arrested for tho deed. It Is Maimed that Mr. and Mrs. 'Wolmsdorf were ot on the most pleasant terms for som Mme recently. Mrs. .Wolmsdorf clnlms she "iw a stranger enter the house. Soon after -he went to the house nnd saw Shepperd 'inning from It. On entering she found 'Volmsdorf dead. The nxe was found In Its 'oeustomed place, but very bloody. Con- Idershle mystery surrounds the affair and f Is not unlikely that Mrs. 'Wolmsdorf will ;i!so be arrested. To Ride with President. Eugene Waterbury, who was with Roose- elt In the charge up San Juan hill, has 'fen Invited to be one of the fifty Rough 'llders In the president's bodyguard nt the i-nugural. The bodyguard Is to be made up "f fifty from the company nearest tho presl ""nt when he wns at the head of tho Rough IMder regiment. Eugene Waterbury was a -ember of the company and has been In- !ted by Colonel I.ewellyn, the New Mexico "nicer In charge of enlisting the squad to not as one of the guard. Investigate Charges. Hon. John Cownle, representing the State 'oard of Control, leaves tonight for Daven port, where Inquiry will be made Into the 'induct of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, a ate Institution managed by Frank J. Ses- Ions. The Interest which the board thus 'nnlfests Is the result of complaints made 1 'iat Inmates have been submitted to cruel nd Inhuman treatment and that as a re 'tlt ho less than seven boys have broken -way from the institution and sought lib erty within a week. ' Court Arenas Again. Joseph Clarke of Ln Salle, Warren ' ounty, was slugged on Court avenue In i!iis city and robbed of all his money last ' Ight. Clarke had come to the city to urchase goods for his general store in A Salle. He was found wandering back ef the Grant Club building, several blocks from the scene of his assault. He admits e!n- Intoxicated. At the police station ho stated that he had been on Coitrt avenue l the evening and entered some saloon, lie remembers being hit over the head1 and Vnew nothing after that till he woke up In the police station. Clarke Is a pros reroua merchant of La Salle and hasn't cent left of the several hundred dollars ':at he brought to the city for the pur rose of buying a stock of goods. Railroad Increases Force. For the third time In three months the fork Island has Increased Its force nt the Valley Junction shops. The last order is for fifty men and these will be put on as fist as they csn be found. Tho order calls for eighteen machinists, ten bollermttkers, l no blacksmiths and twenty helpers. For ii time there was a report that the road vould abandon Its Valley Junction shops and the order Is gratifying to the peo ple of that village. After Riant -of-Way. Frank S. Cummins, civil engineer a ml a I'. Chamberlain, right-of-way agent for the l iterurban railway here, are at work In V e territory between Westover and ranger, west of this city to determine i 'io right-of-way between those two points The rest of the route for tho road has been rranged for. It is expected there will ! . no difficulty In obtaining the rlght-of-x-'.y between the two points. Contracts i r the construction thus far let have been ..bout completed and no further contracts ill be let till spring. MaasflEananf Railroad Man Dies Suddenly CKDAK . RAPIDS. I., Jan. 6.-Speelnl V.icgranO-Mlchnel Mlnton, an employe "f the Rock Island round house, was found lead In the pit under un engine that he Via gone to wipe today. He was found i.i fifteen minutes after his death, as u ;r .ng of men came on nt that time nnd ho had been seen to go under the engine l-iat before the change. Ho was lying on his back with a piece of wa.Me clasped lii his hand. He was. apparently, In ex ' -llent health Just before his death and 07 Ghlrardelli's Ground Chocolate is not only a delicious drink, but it is un surpassed for the making of cake, pastry and candy. It is the perfect combination of sweetness and purity. More convenient and economical than cake tfaiotblato. MIMIC tllll Omaha Weather Report Saturday Fair Bennett's Great Grocery Headquarters for the Best Groceries at Lowest Prices A TOMATO AND CORN SPECIAL. Saturday uniy. 5 Champion Tomatoes . B-V? i I. X. L. Corn "c $1.S Fifty (lo.fO) Green Trading Stamps. Fnrtv (Sl.nci Oreen Trading Stamps with thi'ee pounds finest Java and Mocha coflee u Thirty ($:.00 )Green Trading Stamps with pound lea IC Ten ill.O") Green Trading Stamps with quiirter pound can pure ground black pepper -c Twenty i$:X' Oreen Trading Stamps with package Nabisco -c Twenty (IJCi) Green Trading Stamps with package Festlnoa 25c Ten tfl.uoi Green Trading Stamps with one pound package imported Sul tanas 18e Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with three packages Bennett's Capitol mincemeat Ten SI .Chi Green Trading Stamps with can Imported sardines U4o Ten (Jl.001 Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol baking powder 24c Ten J1.00 Green Trading Stamps with with two packages Bennett's Capitol oats ...i -Oc Ten (Jl.wi Ure:i Trailing Stamps with two packiig-.j Bennett's Capitol wheat -Oc Te.i (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with eight bars Bennett's Bargain soap.Sc T'llrty (1.1 CO) Green Trading Stamps with gallon Jug catsup .-"c Ten (II .( I Oreen Trading Ktanips with dofen dill pickles l-'c Twenty -'.) Green Trading Stamps with pound full cream New York cheese IMc Ten (Jl.WJ) Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond 8. fruits :se HERE YOt ARE SEK THE BI'NCH OF THEM: Three hundred and ten stamps over ten pages of your book HI. no worth, with that little order that don't amount to ti.90. FINEST LINE DHIKlJ FIU'ITS. California raisins, pound Sc Cleaned currants, pound 10c CANDIES Twenty (12.00) Green Trsding Stamps with box Bennett's Special Choco late Creams 25c Mixed candy, pound.. Gum drops, pound ...10c ...luc CIGARS Surburg's Golden Scepter smoking to bacco, one pound $1.14 One-half pound fc Three nnd one-third ounces 3oc Farmers' Twist, for smoking or chew lug. 6 plugs 2sc Bull Horn Havana cigar clippings, pound package 18c Four (40c) Green Trading Stamps. Saturday, our first Saturday in 1905, First Saturday in thi Phenomenal Inventory-Clearance Sale offers many inducements to the buyer who must make a dollar go the longest stretch. This Is a sale in which a dime doos the work of a quarter a sale In which gK)(ls are sold at prices In most cases Just half what the price should lie. It's a unique sale. It's n sample of Hennett hustle. It's u sale of seasonable wantft-nch department ofTorlnj: Its generous quoto. We know you are Interested you have already shown you appreciate the advantages the hie money-saving advantages that sttind out like sore thumbs in this nnnnnl Inventory sale. Kead the bargains in this nd and come with a slim or a fat purse to the store Saturday. ' A Crockery Caler act for Saturday 10O piece Soiui-I"rirce'iain Dinner Sets, nice golt) tilled-iu decoiu tions, f,,ld hanJles. and Uuolis. splendid values at $Ul. 7 OO for Saturday .O CJ llavilaml & (Vs White Hanson Tea (.'tips and Saucers, 25 C i i ; vi : "tim'i :s--TTrr A' to ti i i: ;ui:i;n tkaimno stamps un all whitk china Toll PKCnKATlM!. Pinucrwnre not luiiudi'd. lilack English Tea Pots, nice mined decorations, three sizes. 4Mc. U!Sc and JC l'irty ($5) Green Tmdlng Stamps. Popular Colonial Pattern of Tunil lers. regular $1.0 values Qfl, Monday only JuC Fifty (?.") Green Trading Stamps. No. 2 Rochester or No. 2 Electric Lamp Chimneys, each DC Heavv Hrass Lamp Rumors, No. 1 or No. 2. r each Jt Watch Repairing Bring your troublesome watch to our hospital treat ment right priced right. MAIN FLOOR. Art Bargains for Saturday... 4,000 foot Iiemnant Moulding for ev ery style of picture, sold Saturday at a heavy discount. WITH DOUBLE GHEEN TRADING STAMPS UP TILL NOON. Pyrography Money Savers rt. $1.00 bulbs UC Christy Panels, stamped r regular 8.'c 0C Artist Materials, Artist Materials We're Headquarters. Jappaned Box Water JL(n Colors ... tUC Sjieclal Whatman Water Color J Paper, good size SECOND FLOOR. Meats, Meats Omaha's Leading Market Vic i i2i 25c 25c Everything Guaranteed, Quality the Best, Prices the Lowest. Pork Loin, at Pork Shoulder Hoast, ff 1 at O2C Pork Chops, 3 lbs. for ! Spare ltibs, 4 lbs. for CHICKENS Frpsh Dressed Koost- 7 ers, at 2C FRESH LEAF LARD FIFTEEN POUNDS f (( FOK ...I,UU Hams! Hams!! 4.000 pounds of Cudahay's Choice Selected Hums, Diamond C. Brand, btl hnma. Kvery one guar anteed sugar cured and well trimmed, average 10 pounds K 124c Fifty ($5) Green Trading Stamps with each ham. Delicatessen Section Our 53rd Department All kinds of home-made Sausages, cooked meats, sausage purest and best made. To introduce oar new sec tion, we will give Double Green Trading Stamps with All Purchases made in it Saturday. .New Encland Pressed Hum, Export Pork Sausage, Export Frankfurters, Hungarian Pork Sausage, amok. ed or freah. Jellied rigs Feet, Tongue Sauknge, Meckrlhurger Mettnnrat, Draumachnrelger Liver Sausage, Schwrltaer Liver Keaae, Mortadella In Rladdera, Smoked Spare niba, I'ollalied Suae, Smoked Rolled Tongue. i Saturday Inventory Clearance in Dry Goods Section LADIES' FUR COATS ASTRAKHAN COATS MAItKED 37.50 PA at. ASTRAKHAN COATS MAItKED $47.50 ASTUAKIIAN COATS MAItKED 57.50 . 2 5Q NEAH SEAL COATS MAItKED 50.00 30 00 NEAK SEAL BOX COAT MAItKED 72.50 yj NEAK SEAL AND MINK COAT MAItKED Z f 58.50 at Jowl NEAK SEAL AND BEAVEI! COATS Marked Z1 E( 02,50 at jj i JU NEAK SEAL AND MAItTEN COATS Marked ZJ PA 00.00 at ...Ji.DY) CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' CLOAKS Full length, all sizes, beaver, kersey, zibeline and mixtures black, tan, red, brown, navy and fancy prices Z Q C 9.90 to 5.00 divided into two lots $4.95 and. .JljD LADIES FLEECED Wit APPEItS Now tliej:go T C prices were 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 all at. .'V; 3C LADIES' KIMONAS AND SACQUES Our om- 'ZQ plete stock in four lots $1.48. 95c, 69c and. . .... LADIES' VESTS AND DltAWEItS Heavy soft 'ZQ fleece, fine rib, 05c quality at . ?C Special Clearing Sale of Fine Comforts All bur fine 2.25 and 2.50 Bed Comforts made of the finest materials, tilled with the finest white cotton IOC extra large sizes special for Saturday,' eacti V . .'. . . !) All our very fine 2.75, 3.00 and 3.25 Bed Comforts noth ing finer, extra large special for Saturday, 2 50 All our neavy Comforts, Worth up to 1.19 Satur- J day, each JQ All our Children's Crib Comforters, worth up to 49c Saturday, each JC Wool Blankets, worth 8.50 to 4.50 Saturday, Z PA only $5.00 and. J3U GOLF GLOVES Al a Pair VoT ln(,ieH aUil olilhlren all our Imported Golf Oir, Gloves, worth up to 0."io u pnlr C Saturday, pair , . . DC A A TiCn a Pa ur ,inu h,P0,',e,, (Jolf GJovps for Iadifs and tJv a A all children, worth up to 75c pair Saturday, pulr J DC DOUBLE GHEEN TRADING STAMI'S OX ALL (JOLF tiLOVES. Saturday Shoe Sale Men's (Dr. Packard's) Cushion Sole vici kid and kid lined, hand sewed shoes, up-to-date styles, 5.00 J A A values for Men's patent pony colt, balmo rals, bluchers and button shoes newest Wall Street drop toe, young men's shoes, A. (( 5.00 shoes for vU The best working shoes for men, soft leather, double shoes, seamless cut, bellows tongue, union made, lace or congress, all guaranteed, at 2.00 Galvanized Tubs Galvanized Buckets Big Inventory sale In the Hardware Section Saturday only. No 3 best quality Galvanized Tubs, at No. 2 best quality Galvanized Tubs, at No. 1 best quality Galvanized Tubs, at Thirty (S.'MtOl Green Trading with any of the above. Ten-quart Galvanized Bucket, at Twelve-quart Galvanized Bucket, at , Fouiteen-quart Galvanized Bucket, at Ten ($1.00) Green Trading with any of the above. Al Waffle Irons, at Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Saturday. 72c 64c 56c Stamps I9c 22c 24c Stamps 74c Stamps A SensaitionaJ Half-Price Sale tfffB-il-liltt a paiMWi Men's, Yoin Mens Boys and Children's Suits and Overcoats Only Men's Sizes, 32 to 50 Young Men's Sizes, 20 to 36 . Boys', 10 to 20 years Children's, 3 to 16 years Brokaw Bros.' World Famed Hand Tailored Clothing. Hirsh-Wickwire . Co.'s Renowned Suits and Overcoats. Bennett's Special Suits and Overcoats $20 $15 12.50 7.50 6.25 4.25 3.75 2.50 Children's Suits Latest Styles 3.75 3.47 2.98 2.48 1.98 1.68 .1.48 1 98c ..75c 50c 40.00 IJrokaw Uros.' Suits or Overcoats, in this half-price sale '. 30.00 Ilirsh-Wickwire's Suits or Overcoats, in this half-price sale 25.00 Ilirsh-Wickwire's and Bennett's Special Suits or Overcoats, in this half price sale 15.00 Ilirsh-Wickwire's and Dennett's Special Suits or Overcoats, in this half-price sale 12.50 Dennett's Special Suits or Overcoats, in this half-price sale 8.50 Bennett's Speciaf Suits or Overcoats, in this half-price sale 7.50 Bennett's Special Suits or Overcoats, in this half-price sale 5.00 Bennett's Special Suits or Overcoats, in this half-price sale What we sold for Seven-fifty, yours for t What we sold for Six-ninety-five, yours for '. What we sold for Five-ninety-five, yours for What we sold for Four-ninety-five, yours for What we sold for Three-ninety-five, yours for What we sold for Three-forty-five, yours for What ve sold for Two-ninety-five, yours for What we sold for One-ninety-flve, yours for What we sold for One-fifty, yours for What we sold for One Dollar, yours for Sale starts Saturday, A. M., and will continue for seven days only. We must reduce our clothing stock by 35,000.00. THE EARLY BIRD GETS TIE WORM! KAUFMAN'S ORCHESTRA ON THE NEW BAND STAND SATURDAY EVENING 7:30 TO 10:00- nriTiiiM'im miumammiimiiiimikvaamaa CORNET SOLO BY DR. A. D. LAIRD. j.ikod with the boys In the hnp about the cold weather. He wan not known, to have been affl'ctid with heart diocave. The ooornor is Invpstlftatlns his death. Secret Arrrt Reported. BROOKI.1NK. la., Jan. 6.-A secrtt ar rest Is believed to have been made in the mysterious murder of Hermit Reed, who was shot to death and robbed at the threshold of his hermitage. Bloodhounds followed a trail loading from the hut to a point one-half mile north and there i-Hiled around a dwelling. They were then taken from the trail and officers reused to hur.t further for the slayers. It Is believed that the murderers were fumiliur with the grounds. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Tear Opens with Email Stocks ia thi Hand of Dealers. W. C. T. V. to Meet. MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. Jan. 6 Spe cial.) The regular monthly meeting of the local chapter cf the Women's Christian Temperance union will be held tomorrow afternoon at J:30 at tho home of Mrs. Idl B. Wise on Third street. The following women will partlcipato In tin program: Mrs. Augusta Livingston, Mrs. W. H. Hamilton, Mis. Irene Taylor, Mrs. J. H. Beverliige and Mrs. Dollle Burgess. Team Goes Through lee. ON'AWA, la.. Jan. 6. (Special Telegram.) William McKay of Turin, while crossing the Missouri river on the Ice at the Decatur and Onawa crossing today with a double rig broke through and was rescued with great aifllculiy. His feet became entangled in the relim and only prompt usslstunce f ived his life. The team was drowned. Ward llenles Repot t. SIOl'X CITY, la.. Jan. 6.-E. K. Ward, general manager for the Great Northern Railway company, denies the repo. t that hi would succeed Fred A. IJt l:i in, general manager of the Burlington linen tu'xt of the Missouri river, v. lute resignation will take effect January 10. Ilunur for Oltauiwa !ua. .NEW YORK, Jan. 6.-W. 8. iu:sell of Ottumwa, la., today was elected presi dent of the American Plymouth Rock club. GROSS EARNINGS OF RAILWAYS INCREASING Storms Delay 'Ira Hie, but Increase iu Water Supply Causes Aetlvlty in Several l.lues Condition of Wheat Improves. NEW YORK, Jan. 6.-Dun s Weekly Re view of Trade tomorrow will say: Aside from some hesitation at the south, owing to the recent fall In tho price of col Ion, business conditions are favorable and optimistic sentiments are evidenced by extensive preparations for active trade. As annual reports uppear It Is tound thai the closing months of 1:) made a much better exhibit than the ttrt half, which scans the new year with smaller stocks of good:! in the hands of dealers, assuring liberal con tracts In the near future tor replenishing supplies. A few minor labor controversies havu arisen, but the Fall River mills are more active, and In most branches of man ufacture there is a steady decrease in the proportion of Idle machinery, one promi nent producer of woolen goods reporting Do per cent of all plants In operation, titorms have again caused temporary delay to traffic, but the ample water supply Is a beneficent Influence, more than orlsetiing any difficulty to transportation. The ag gregate gross earnings of the rallrad In Kectnilier were i i per cent larger than In the same month of liMl. Winter wheat conditions have Improved and the partial recovery in cotton may prevent the threat ented curtailment of acreage. Buyeis are arriving In the leu ding markets, und In an other wc-ek liberal orders for spriug deliv ery will be pi. it . IHspatches from other elites are general.. encouraging. As Inventories and repairs me completed the various department of the iron and Bteol Industry steadily extend operations, and lh sentiment is In striking cnntrat to the conservatism that prevailed a year ubu. New business Is gradually coming forward the need of consumers being felt In all sections of the market, while production is no longer retarded by adverse weather. Ample water ha restored full output at coke oven., removing the fuel difficulty and also facilitating transportation. The mar ket howa little evidence of Inrtntlon or JlifltltU dooUIUous, a wore wholesome tone pervading Ihe industry than at any recent date. Minor metals developed some irregu larity, owing to annual statistics of supply, but the consumption of coal Is very heavy, necetsitatiiiK full operation of practically ull collieries. A di elded change in the tone of country hides lifted the price of buffs to 10 cents and offerings were limited. Other grades of domestic hides are quiet. Leather 1 itulet, though steady. Footwear factories lire busy on orders for early spring deliv ery und low stocks In the hands of jobbers and retailers prove continued activity. Prices are firmly held. As prices of cotton goods have not declined In proportion to the fall In raw material buyers are not Increasing purchases In the primary mar kets for cotton goods. Low stocks explain the steadiness and the position of the mills was strengthened by the partial recovery In the cotton market. Worsteds led In the opening rales of heavy weights, but all di visions of woolen goods are strong. Failures tor the week numbered IM In the T'nlied Status, against tiW last year, and 3 in Ctinndu, compared with 37 a year ago. nil A USTII KKT'S 1IKVIKW OP TRADE Seasonable Quiet Rules the Jobblng Trnde at I'reaeat. NEW YORK, Jan. 6 Brndstreet's tomor row will Bay: Seasonable quiet rules distribution at pres ent. Consideration of last year's favorable results and preparations for what Is con fidently hoped to be a prosperous year's trade engrosses wholesalers and Jobbers, fold weather, however, makes for a fair retail trade In winter goods, and this, with necessary replenishment, of broken stocks. Induces a fulr reassoi ting demand at lead ing centers. Buttressing the expectations of a satisfactory spring trade to come are the fair volume of orders already booked in leading Hues of diy goods, shoes, cloth ing and kindred articles and tho generally small stocks reported carried In final dis tributors' hands. Western Jobbers' stocks are reported lu to 30 per cent smaller than a year ago st this date, and tills fact, counted with die knowledge lhat Ihe com ing three and six months' business will ; compare with a reduced volume a year ago, leads to the belief that comparisons from now on will fa or the present year. other femures coming to hand suggestive I of favorable interpretation are the activity j In many lines of industrial effort, notably ! lion and steel and lis many side lines. A ! cloud on the Industrial uctlvlly In Mew Kngland Is, however, the stagnation in tho bituminous rool trade growing out of the car short ige lu that section. Congestion on the railways Is not confined to this sec tion entirely, foal, coke, lumber, ore and grain trades note the presence of this as a disturbing element In the central west, south, southwest and uvrlhwvsU Decem ber gross rallwny earnings promise to show a g.iln of at least 8 per cent nnd to close the year litit with a slight gain over liR'3. hitherto the best recorded. The whisky market shows Increased activity and strength at leading markets. Tho strength of Iron and steel prices. If anything, out runs demand, which, though quieter, still exceeds other years at this period In the volume of new business coming to hand. Hardware is nulling seasonably well and a larse business is looked for. Huilriiiiir I material Is slower, in keeping with weather I conditions. Tin la lower and coffee Is not so active. Anthrnclto coal Is helped by cold weather. Bituminous coal Is strong at recent advances, but the question of deliveries on account of car congestion Is a problem, particularly In New Kngland. Business failures for the week ending January 5 number L'ti2. sgalnst 2ii.s Inst week, 312 In the like week in 1904. 33i in wa, 346 In mi and ST2 in 1901. In Canada failures for the week number IS, as against - last week and 40 In this week a year ago. Wheat, including flour, exports for tho week ending January 6, aggregate 4.411.917 hu., against 9K1.140 bu. last week. 3..'iO!i.324 bu. this week last year, 6,uS.l int. In 19i3 and 3.6H7.710 bu. In ISol. From July 1 to date the exports aggregate 3il.170.?i4 bu., against k:iUi'!i bu. last year, 134,165,176 bu. In VMQ and HS.TSJ-.Kto bu. In 19nl. ! Corn exports for the week are tho largest ! since March, l!tf. and uggregate 8.(A.533 bu., against 1.52,342 bu. last week. 1.249.599 bu. a year ago, ;.86,IS1 bu. In 1902 and 136.873 bu. In KX'l. From July 1 to date the exports of corn aggregate lR.SVi.iw'J bu., against 29.t73.'6 bu In 19o3. 13,619.318 bu. In i.02 and 19.463,415 bu. In liKJl. OFFER BRYAN COLLEGE PLACE Trustees of Illinois College Will I rge Him to Aeeept Tres tdenejr. JACKSONVILLE, 111.. Jan. .-(8peclal Telegram The trustees of Illlonls college, from which Bryan was graduated in 1881, have decided to urge him to accept the presidency of the Institution In place of C W. Bornea, resigned. It Is believed that he will acept In a short time when he comes to deliver lectures here along economic lines. Trustee M. F. I'unl.ip read a letter from Mr. Bryun embodying his views on tho sit uation snd the boa-U Is satisfied that its most distinguished alumnus will accept. William Brown, with whom Mr. Bryan first read law, Is on the board, Vv NoIrthwesT J j WITHOUT CHANGE j I UfJIOfJ PACIFIC This route given you 200 miles along V the matchless Columbia River. J This line will bo the Main Theretiflhfare te the f f Lewie and Clark Expesltlon, 1005 1 II Two Through Trains Daily I I With Accommodations for all Classen I I 1 of Passengers I I SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TIME Inquire at J Sy Cits- Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam It. f S Tkos StO. S J. TWELVE MILLION PACKAGES SOLD LAST YEAR - NONESUCHMINCE MEAT! f la 2-Pla 10c Packages with List of Valuable Premiums. iXX"" -1 L "" " aJl