Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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7. 1005.
" " ' I
Citj Attornsj Lambrt it Preparing
Amendments to Charter.
Advocates Single rabllratloa of fllf
Ordlnanera laetead of lz
Tlmri, aa la Stw the
Cltjr Attorney Lambert Is working- on
Dumber of amendment to the city char
ter. "Ttu-oe amendment," Raid Mr. Lam
bert last evening, "pertain to a few of the
cumbersome working futures of tha char
ter. One feature Is the uriisual tmmint of
detail to be gone through In the calling of
a special mc-etir.g of the. city council. A
It la now.' there la too much red tap about
the calling of surh meetings, and I thin
about half of the performance could be
done away with and at the time not
Injure the property owners In the least."
Another proposed chance Is In regard to lmpro-ements. These petitions are
o regulated now that It takes a long time
and a lot of work to get a petition prop
erly presented. Some of the tape will be
cut off these petitions if the city attorney
has hla way. Another feature Is the adver
tising of ordinances. Mr. Lambert con
tends tha city ordinances are being pub
lished six times where one time Is suffi
cient. He proposes In his amendment to the
charter to cut the cost of advertising ordi
nances down oiv-balf. Last year the pub
lication of ordinances coat the city some
thing like $5,000. Lamlert declares half of
this sum will pay for the work providing
the charter may be so amended as to print
only the misdemeanor ordinances six times
and Improvement ordinances once. Other
ordinances, r e declare?, need not be printed.
Kutelle Will Install.
This evening members of post No. 2,
Grand Army of the Republic, will meet at
Masonic hall for the Installation of officers.
Judge Lee EMelie of Omaha will conduct
the Installation ceremonies. Officers of the
Woman' Relief corps will also be In
sulted. The installation will be public and
friends of the vetorana of the civil war
are Invited to attend.
Week of Prayer Cloaee.
Tha week of prayer closing tonight has
been observed by the Protestant churches
In 8outh Omaha. At all the churches there
has been a fairly good attendance every
evening. The topics of the sermons were
arranged by tha evangelical alliance, and
to these subjects the preachers mostly con
fined their remarks. Tonight's topic at the
U In kalr. IfCry r 01tmehd. It cu hr
ttoftd to IU aMtmral color without Ujury tost
ff tw p by pvlktKn of ill
Imperial Hair Regenerator
THE STANDARD HAIR COLOMBO. It Is N.nrl.M. Any shad. producceU Coler
U.t, n.1 UNfc A r r L I L A nun LAkll
gAtluM HS. Samel. ( yu coloitd tt.
lBawtalCkakMfi.U.!j .1SI SUNew It
Sherman Dnif Co.. Kth A Doit Bti.
Ttiut ItL-a n.r.thr 11 t a ma lr jnro
rt ill made by u lu the same old J
way and are today the bost Stock-
lugs for Hoys or Uirla' School
4as it Mtut At s a. i.n ( au..Ii O
TttaVle. DiC U VVni -arrv. Js gr VTWVal
size 6c more This la less tlian you
can afford to mike them your
self. We have other good Woolen
Hose at 2oc and &c. which are good
bargains. Our yarn department la
the verr best In the west.
Beada us usual.
322 So. 16th St., Om.ha..
Sola agenta for Pictorial Review
Hit Hi KNOLlstf
avt. I uiuu bui a
"araa kriluu.u ui llta.
. r year lri.i r m4 4. la
In Bi i far aaaataral
aiM.-ara tagamataUoao.
lrulatioat tr aii .TaUira,,
cf hcbii ataatSraaaa,
rialM. aa4 sat tuna
f . I of aalMauaa.
ffTI aJS m, sirgtata.
T Mi la ii iihi
f W ) sraal. iaai4. laf
-jTLJ or txKiiia si 7a
' BP aaiaatM aaaa a imadj
M Uuwim4 ug
So. g mm m MrMttw.
m tvut Cut mi Ca
churches will be "Our Country." There
has beer, special music at these meetings
during the week and It Is stated that much
good has been done by the holding of these
Beekner still Held.
George Beekner is still being held In the
detention ward at the city Jell awaiting
some action on the part of the county at
torney. Late Friday afternoon Chief
Brlggs called up the couaty attorney and
asked for Information on the subject. He
stated to Judge Blabaugh that tha boy's
parents were anxious to secure his re
lease on bail. The county attorney told
Chief Briggs that no complaint against the
boy had been dTawn. but that some steps
would be taken In the matter today. He
further directed that the boy -te kept In
the detention flcpartment until com
plaint had been filed.
t Klsfelder Serving Notices.
Detective Elsfclder Is rervlng ofllelnl
notices on those who had filed damage
claims against the city and the claims
rejected. It Is In accordance with law
that notice must be served on each clairrl
ant In order that an appeal from the
action of the city council to the courts
may be taken If so desired. In every In
stance where stilts are filed In the district
court the city Is prepared to carry the
same to the supreme court In case of an
adverse decision in the lower court.
Magic City Goaslp.
W. 8. Williams. Fllteenth and Z streets,
reports the birth of a son.
Mrs. T. B. Scott haa gone to Iowa for
a few daye to visit relatives.
A son was born yesterday to Mr. and
Mrs. M. K. Smith, Twentieth and J streets.
Rev. L. If. Biggs of Omaha will occupy
the pulpit at the Baptist church on Sun
day murnlng.
Friday's slump In the live stock receipts
caused a decrease to be shown on cattle,
hi hs and sheep.
Andy Knight, buyer of the Omaha Pack
ing company, returned yesterday from a
trlD to California.
Robert Stoddard Is on the sick list, be
ing confined to his home with a severe
cold and sore throat.
Miss Julia Johnson Is at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. M. A. Martin, while undergo
ing treatment for a broken arm.
The fire and police hoard sold three
horses yesterday for 25u. One of the
horses was taken away at once, leaving
two until the board can aecure new horses.
Barney Cahier was bound over to the
district court yesterday by Judge King
for breaking Into the saloon operated by
Mike Sexton at Twenty-eighth and j
streets. In default of the o00 bonds the
prisoner was taken to the county Jail.
Two Regiments V. V. I', and One Circle
L G. A. R. Meet In Joint
Red Men'a hall In the Continental block
was thronged last night with members of
Shlloh and Vlcksburg regiments. Union
Veteran's union, and Circle No. 11, Ladles
of the Grand Army of the Republic, to wit
ness the public Joint installation of the offi
cers of the three organisations.
Major General D. M. Haverly, command
ing the Nebraska' brigade, Union Veteran's
union, was tha Installing officer for these
organizations, and Mrs. Julia Price, past
president of the Ladles of the Grand Army
of the Republic of the state of Nebraska,
Installed the officers of this latter order.
The ceremonies were full of Impressive
Interest and following them an enjoyable
program waa given. The first number was
a recitation by Miss Leah Jonea. Then
came a song, "Annie Laurie," by Miss
Cecil Ellett. A dialect recitation followed
by Mrs. Camilla Ellett, which waa suc
ceeded by a piano duet by the Misses Flor
ence Price and Cornelia Butler. Comrade
Mcintosh followed with a' couple of songs,
with guitar accompaniment. All of the
numbers were encored and all were excep
tionally well rendered.
After the program had concluded refresh
ments of sandwiches, beans, pickles, coffee
and cake were served In abundance, and
then came an hour of social enjoyment.
Announcements of the Theaters.
At tbe Boyd thla afternoon Misa Roselle
Knott will be seen twice In her very suc
cessful production of the pretty comedy,
"Cousin Kate." On Sunday afternoon and
evening two performances of George Ade's
fine musical comedy, "Peggy from Paris,"
will be given. This Is the note of protest
sounded by Ada against certain conditions
that prevail In small American communi
ties, and like the general work of the gifted
author, it goes atralght to the mark. Tha
engagement la for tha one day only.
The matinee and night performances to
day will bring the Vaudeville bill for thla
week at the Orpheum to a close and the
curtain will rise at 8:15 sharp, ten minutes
earlier than usual. Next week, com
mencing Sunday matinee, Captain Webb's
seals and sea Hons will be one of the head
line attractions. These remarkable am
phibians do a variety of "stunts." Mr.
and Mra. Mark Murphy will present their
new comedy sketch by Joe Flyn, entitled,
"The Coal Strike." James H. Cullen will
provide song and story. Irene Franklin,
the dainty comedienne, will sing. Ford
and Wilson, known as the "Two Jacks,"
are blackface alngtng and dancing come
dians. A refined and versatile musical act
will be contributed by the three Keltona.
Mllo and Madison perform feata of heavy
weight lifting and balancing and the kino
drome will show "The Moonshiner," a sen
sational moving picture.
J. 1 Brandela e Sons Anonnce the
Moat Essraordluary Clearance
. ft Dress Goods for Mon
day, Jaunary 0.
We announce the greatest sale of dress
goods In years. In order to clear away our
stock at once we will offer on Monday 12.00
and SJ.00 dress goods at 60c yard.
All" the 11.00 dress goefds at 25c yard. All
the 75c and toe dress goods at 26c yard, etc.
See the great display In the window and
look for fuller particulars of sale Monday,
January I. J. L. BHANDK1S SONS.
Kew Orleans and Heiarn 3 1 .50.
On January 4 and Illinois Central rail
road will sell round trip ticket to New
Orleans at rate of 13160, good for return
until January 28. Stop-overs allowed In
both directions.
Particulars at 1408 Faxnam street
District Passenger AgtnL
PETERSON Julius JL, January I, 1MB,
aged ;6 ears.
Funeral services will be held from resi
dence of hia father, Edward Peterson. &a
' Pierce street. Sunday. January s, at l w
p. m. iiiiermant trorest uD cemetery.
Friends Invited.
deceased Is survived by his wife. Mrs.
Katie Peterson, and son, father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peterson; one brother
Chris A. Peterson of Omaha; two aistera,
Mra. Annie Christeneen of Seattle, Wash.,
and Mrs. Sena Aldlnger of Council Bluffs,
t'Ol. K Louisa B.. wife of Martin O. Cole,
mother of Mrs. Ella J. Sjuires. at 11:15
p. in., Friday, January i. Mua, at the age
of 74 year a.
The death occurred at the family resi
dence, 3f4 Harney street. The date snd
place of the funeral service will be an
nounced later.
FKANK Mrm. Fannie, at tha residence of
her son. Samuel Frank. 611 South Twenty-ninth
avenue, aged 70 years.
Funeral notice later. Cincinnati paqiers
phase copy.
SPOOR-Mra. N. W.. January 4, 1906. at St.
lul. Mo.
Funeral Sunday, January . at 1:80 p. nv,
from reaideiice of her daughter, Mrs. T. J.
Kugvra. LU Pnxk aveoua.
"I until Kate nl the Boyd.
Hubert Henry Davles' very pretty comedy
is one that doesn't tire, even In repetition.
It has a human touch, such aa few aeem
to be able to achieve that Is, it shows a
side of life that Is not very often exposed
to Inspection. The deeper emotions are the
continual subject for. one class of writers
and the lighter and more superficial for an
other; but Davles has tapptd the Interme
diate vein that discloses the real man and
the real woman. It Is the pretty contract
between different naturea that gives
'X'ou1n Kate" Its distinctive Individuality
and makes It one of the few really delicious
modern dmedies.
Mies Roselle Knott Is presenting this for
her second season's venture as a star, and
is achieving much success In the title role.
She has a decided capacity for the expres
sion of the lighter moods of the part, and
some of her more penous scenes are in
vested with a tenderness that Is very effec
tive. It is rather difficult for Miss Knott
to be merely sober, and what part of her
character demands this treatment suffers
accordingly. Just at present she is afpar
ently suffering from a cold that givea her
voice an unpleasant twang.
William Corbett makes a good Heath
Desmond, but rather reverses the order, for
he shows to better advantage In his seri
ousness than In his efforts at being merely
airy. In the Introductory scene with Kato
Curtis he gives one the impression that
he is doing what he does because It is pre
scribed by the directions for the part,
rather than because It ia the natural act of
a merry-hearted, unconventional man. It
may be atavistic, but Rev. James Bartlett
lr the hands of II. Howard Smith reminds
one Irresistibly of the Presbyterian min
ister who appeared at Muldoon's house on
the morning of the picnic, and If he were
to announce In his sepulchral tones, "I
have come to attend the christening," one
would not be surprised. If Mr. Smith would
only give the matter a little thought he
would realise that It la comedy and not
farce he is playing, and that young min
isters may be very earnest, and even offen
sively bigoted, ind still eat heartily, and
that one may look clerical without looking
funereal. Even a locum tenens Is entitled
to smile and talk rationally at times. Miss
King's Amy Spencer shows an Intelligent
effort to make the part what It ought to be.
The audience at the opening performance
of the comedy at the Boyd last night was
not large, but It waa well entertained.
'Cousin Kate" will be repeated at a mati
nee this afternoon and again this evening.
Bryant Stole Tools.
Charles Bryant, who has been rooming
at the Nebraska house, was arrested last
evening while trying to dispose of some
carpenters' tools at the pawn shop of John
Corby at 4 South Tenth street, by De
tectives Drummy and Maloney. He ad
mitted that he had stolen them from a
tool house in East Omaha and that they
belonged to Pete Klausen, but that he did
not know where Klausen lived. The offi
cers at the station could not find anybody
by that name In the Omaha directory
and so have come to the conclusion that
Klausen lives In East Omaha. And they
Successful Catarrh Specialist
Read these questions carefully, an
swer them yes or no and send them
with the Free Medical Advice Coupon.
Dr. Sproule will study them thorough
ly and write you In regard to your
case, without Its costing you a cent.
Ii your throat rmw?
Do you inez often?
U your brcith foul?
Are your or watery T
Do you take cold eailly?
la your com stopped up?
Doee your noee feel full?
Do you kare to (pit ottn?
Do crusta form lu your nose?
Are you worse In damp weather?
Do you blow your noee a good deal?
Are you loaloi your sense ot smell?
Does your mouth taste bad mornings?
Do you have pains arroaa your forehead?
Do you hare a dull feeling In your head?
Do ynG have to clear your throat on rising?
Is there a tickling sensation In your throat?
Do you Data aa unpleasant discharge from
the nose?
Does the mucus drop Intto your throat front
the noes?
Answer the questions re
made out for you. wrrto your
name and address plainly on
the dotted lines In the Free
Medical Adrlos Coupon, cut
them both out and mall them
to me aa aoon as possible.
'Twill coat you nothing and
will give you the most valu
able Information. Address
Catarrh Sp claltat 5fROULB
Ioa lose any time. Do It nowl
AM m. r
On every day of the year and on every through .
train of the day there is travel to the CoaBt.
The Burlington main lines to Denver, Kan
sas City and Billings, Montana, form a con
spicuous part of through routes to the coast,
fiend for Burlington publications on Cali
fornia and how to reach it, both in through
standard or through tourist sleepers.
J, B.RETIOLOS, City PisseDger Agin), 1502 Finn SI., Cmahi.
would like very much for him to come
to the statim tomorrow and file a crr
plalnt against Ctiarl Hryant for stealing
the tools. He was booked ss a suspicions
rhararter and will be held for s f-w das
lending the filing of a complaint.
Promoters Already at Work for an
Exhibition to Be Given Seat
One of the large eventa scheduled to be
held In the Auditorium next summer Is a
pure food exhibit to be under the Joint aus
pices of the Nebraska Retail Merchants'
association and the Omaha Retail Grocers'
association. The exhibit Is to be given fix
ten days, from August 14 to 14, and bids
fair, judging from present indications, to
eclipse any previous event of a slmliar na
ture ever held in Omaha. .
The question cf pure food being one of
the subjects at present uppermost In the
American mind, thes food shows are' be
coming much in vogue throughout the
country. They not only serve to bring the
manufacturer and consumer in close touih
but they go a long way In the matter of
educating the housewife In the preparation
of certain foods, and also In the serving
of the same articles.
These pure food shows are entertaining
and Instructive. In many large cities they
are becoming annual eventa, an much so as
the horse shows, musical festivals and
other events.
One of the features of the show to be
given here In August will appeal particu
larly to the women, this feature being the
free daily demonstrations, with the distri
bution of samples to all. Then there will
also be distributions of prepared foods and
other articles used In the commissary de
partment of every home. A woman will
be able to attend the show and get the price
of admission back In samples, to say noth
ing of the entertainment and instruction
she will receive.
Local retail dealers and Jobbers are look
ing forward with much interest to the
show. Even at this early date Interest
Is being worked up by the promoters, so
that when the .lext dog days are here It
will only be necessary for Manager Glllnn
to swing wide open hia gates at the Audi
torium. It Is announced that many of the
most prominent manufacturers of staple
articles and pure and prepared foods will
be represented at the show.
Marriage License.
Following are the marriage licenses Is
sued up to noon January 6:
Name and Residence. Age.
Ellas T. Smith. Kansas City, Mo 33
Mamie B. Newton, Kansas City, Mo 2i
Carl, South Omaha 41
Caroline Katzlaff, South Omaha 4t
Arthur L. Benshof, Elliott, la 21
Katherlne Mandel, Elliott, la 20
Edmond H. Murray, Omaha 28
Luclle Whitney, Chicago 27
Frank O. Olsen, South Omaha 60
Amanda S. Johnson, Omaha 3)
George W. Cox, Adair, la 64
Cora A. Marr, Anita. Ia 47
George E. Tager, Omaha 26
Mayme Kurd, Omaha 24
1S-K. Wedding Rings. Edholm, Jeweler.
Stonecypher prints, 131T Howard. Tel. 1310.
Don't suffer with Catarrh any longer!
Don't let It destroy your happiness
your health your very life Itself.
Don't waste any more tlme energy
money, in trying to conquer It with
worthless nostrums.
Don't think It can't be vanquished
lust because you have not sought help
in the right place.
Write to me at once and learn how it
can be cured. Not merely for a day, a
week, or a year but permanently. Let
me explain my new scientific method
of treatment, discovered by myself
used only by myself.
Catarrh Is more than an annoying
trouble more than an unclean dlBexse
more than a brief ailment. It's the
advance guard of Consumption. If you
don't check it, it's bound to become
Consumption. It has opened the door
of death for thousands. Take it in
band now before It's too late.
I'll gladly diagnose your case and
five you free consultation and advice.
I shall not cost you a cent
Let me show you what I'll do for you
entirely without charge. Thousands
have accepted this offer today they
are free from Catarrh. You've nothing
to loss and everything to gain. Just
for the anklng you'll receive the benefit
of my nineteen years of experience
my Important new discoveries my
vast knowledge of tha disease.
M.41-.I Catarrh Specialist KPROtlLE, ti Trsde
mCUItJI Bulldlns. Boston, will you klndlr send
mi. entirely free of charge, your advice
auiikc vuuyun m regard to tn. cur. 01 l alarm.
Pacific Coast
The First Installment of Reduced Prices
Is Given oil This Page
We are not going to carry over winter merchandise to next
season not if cutting off a big portion of the price will induce
you to give us cash for them. The money we can use the
goods you can use. Read the prices, closing out prices, then
come and get your share of the good things starting today at 8
Reduced Prices on Women's Muslin Underwear
120 Joz(n covers, gowns and
drawers, all full cut and per
fectly finished with luce or em
broidery trimmings, lilgu or
low neck kowus, r-.'gularly soli
at oOc and 75c, at 31e.
Reduced Prices
Boys' suits that sold
up to f 4, beginning
Reduced Prices on Odds and Ends of Warm. Slippers
All on bargiin tables in shoe department children's warm velvet house
uiinnwrj uirrta fi to 2; also sizA9 3 and 4 in ladies', to close, at
...j...., T
Misses' Odds and Ends
in lace and button patent
leather, also dongola kid,
that sold up to $2, ESr)n
while they last at
Special Candy Sale
Finest Chocolates, per pound box 4oc
Klnest Caramels, per pound box Sue
Fine Mixed Candy, per pound box I.c
The Best Fruit Tablets, per pound 2ac
We. make all our own Candy and guarantee it to b
equal to the VEKV BEST and always fresh and pure.
JACOB K0PP, The Csndy Man,
&a I
Hi f X l
I The real test of Coal Is "ZERO."
I I Hera are some "zero" qualities: '
nutTDnieE1 tvinr &r or $
Our automatic scrtent fake T"" ;: . , " " 1 X j Cj0
I out dust and dirt and put ' ''L. ' '-.'I kTK3
Kss-rvc Mlli Hint. Mill II ;l mm
V V I L- 1 E.J I VII I
DOUBLE DAILT SERVICE, with new 10-foot Aeetylana daa
lifhled Pullman Chair Car a (aeata frc.J un nlaht trains and
fullman high-back scat Coaches on day train, between Kanea.
City and Bl. Joseph, Mo ; Hiawatha, Seneca. Maryavllla, Kan.,
Falrbury, Falrtleld. Hasting "d Ortni Island. Neb.
Connection road at Kansas City tor all point East. South
and West.
At Grand !s!nd direct connection arc made with Union Paclflo
fast train (or California and tl.. Paclflo Northwest.
Snn nnciT
. Wli HUOl 1 1
K dozen fine qtmllty of cam
bric and long cloth gown, cov
ers and drawers, neatly trimmed
in dainty luces and embroider
ies, perfectly cut ami slinped.
regularly sold at S"c, $l.t"J and
fl.i-'o, at r.iv.
on Boys' Strictly High Grade -Suits
Boys' knee
sold up to $1,
(all size?) beginning
Ladies Warm Slippers
in black, brown, blue
and purple, all odds and
ends, worth up AQn
to 1.25, at.... vJt
130.-S FAR AM ST.
5 Vr-O S
general pass, agent.
Best Coal. f f'mmJ- f'wmi jl f"t 1 i
00 dozen liigu grade underwear In
gowns, covers, skirts and draw
ers, made of line long cloth and
cambric, Ixtiutifully trimmed
with Mtest styles of laces and
embroideries, garments made to
sell at f 1. 1.2o to at Sc.
pants that
Odds and Ends Men's
' Shoes, sizes 6. and 7,
width A and B, that sold
at 13.00, $3.60 and ff
M.00. while they I I III
laat, at w
We have firmly established our
$3.50 pants with our customers by
givlDg them a pant of $5.00 value.
Bo we have added a new line
of ?5.(i0 pants, which we guaran
tee to be equal to any $8.00 pants
made elsewhere. We Invite you
lo call and get samples and com
pare quality and rrlces.
Any suit In the house. Including
blue and black, at
$ 17.50 and $22.50
Made in Omaha by Omaha's Best
Grand Pants Co.
20S N. 16th Street.
5' "c-r-.
I Let's Get Together I
Our leader CRESCENT will Just $
suit you. We Lave several oar of 2
genuine Rook Spring- coal on jj
track. Also Iianna, Walnut Block Q
and ail the leading brands.
f Let us Lave your next coal order.
(J) .--(e)
I South Omaha. Ice!
I Coal Company. I
if) Asjdltorlusa Corner, Pboaea, (t:
i' 16th Howard Sts. 4SV873 f'
$ t
for Menstrual Suppression .M
ael la Omaha br Shermaa A Mi-Coao.ll Drua re.
Mall enter. tll4. Trsae .ussUeo. i a bea, saae N.