Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Wbt&t, Con and OtU Mrku Today Art
Ciusitlly Qaitt.
Cor Rates Kail Mar -
Tce4-tialf and Foreign
Corn Demand Very
OMAHA Jan. 5, 1!5.
Tha market! were dull today. May wheat
opened at 11 14V the close Wednesday hav
ing been at S The rlt crowd feared It
had got In a dangerous place and tried to
ell ail at one time, causing a drop cf V
Tha fact, however, the eastern crowd
showed no sign of dumping Its large hold
ing cauned the bulls to feci thevy could
safely pick up part of what they had Bold,
and this brought the market back to $11
It weakened again later In the at anion. The
foreign markets were all down Unfitly, tlte
reason being freer Indian oflriiiigs. A
Buenos Ayren cable gave the averages yield
for the province at twelve? bushels nn acre,
which was below general expectation.
The wheat strength in Minneapolis hclperl
the Chicago market. Minneapolis was 2c
above, while Wednesday It wan only l'c
higher. Minneapolis is ii consuming mar
ket and tha grain in wanted there for con
sumption. In the Minneapolis receipts for
the day were fifty-three cars of Canadian
wheat. The shipments were 81, 000 bushels
and the flour 57,0)0 barrels. Two hundred
and twenty-tive cars were ordered out of
store, the report being It goes to country
millers. Thirty thousand barrels of flour
wars aold to the southwest. Minneapolis
reporta a sharp advance in the price of low
grade wheat on the sample? tables. The
Northwestern Miller glevs the flour pro
duction as Pdi.liO barrels, against Pi6.255 for
last year. The decrease from bust week la
due to most c.f the mills being closed for
two days the first of the week. Tho foreign
demand for flour Is dull. The primary re
ceipts of wheat are fau.injO bushels, against
HM.OOO last year. The shipments are 27i,ol
bushels, against 305,000 lust year.
The eastern roads may not advance the
eastern rates, as has been the talk. The
rates now are high enough to make a
good proposition of gulf shipments and
the advance will be that much more ad
vantage to the gulf and the southeast.
The advance may be held off for a few
weeks. The gulf demand Just now seems
to be tha poorest of the season. Nothing
la doing In cargoes. The holders of the
long corn seen to be growing tired ofN
holding their burdens aud are selling a
little of It. The primary receipts of corn
are 1,154,000 bushels, against 44. on) for last
year. The shipment are 64,00o bushels,
against 885,000 lust year. The quality of
the corn received t high. St. 'Louis re
porta cash corn soiling there lyyo under
the May. The May corn wus very quiet,
ranging only from We to N and the
July 44 Vic to 44T. . The opening waa
stronger than the close.
The demand for oats seemed better to
day. The receipts have been lighter and
the prices seemingly as low as they will
get for some time. There sejemed a desire
to buy a large amount around 31Vi cents.
German advices place tho rye crop at
800.000 bushels above the crop of last year.
Omaha Caah Sales';
Wheat No. 4 spring, 1 car, 60 lbs., 91c.
Oats Standard. 1 car. Mlba., 2fc
Rye No. 2, 1 car, 72c.
Onaha Caah Market.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.04ii 1.0. ; No. S
hard, $1.08: No. 4 hard, H5cii$l.01; No. 8
spring, $1.06; No. 4 spring. 96c; no grada, 87c.
- CORN No. 2. 3tSc; No. 8, Scle; No. 4,
3tVc; No. 2 yellow, SKVfcc; No. 3 yellow,
38a)o; No. 2 white, ItVAo; No 3 white, 34C
OATS No. 2 mixed. 2Sc; No. 3 mixed,
274c; No. 4 mixed, 2y,c; No. 2 white. 2tc;
No. 3 white, 2Mo; No. 4 white, 27y.Ci2c;
standard, 2t)c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 17 2S 61
Kansas City ....1M .'111 . s
Minneapolis ,....200
Duluth llif
St. Louis . , 81' 54 13
Omaha 42 130 6
ttnotatlons of tha Hay. on Various
tf Commodities.
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.-FLOL'R-Recelpts,
21.321. Mils.; exports, 15,672 bull).; market
Arm but dull; Minnesota patents,
85.86g4i.20; Minnesota baker,' $4-40(r4.75; win
ter patents, i5.60rr6.N6; winter straights, 15.25
ii6.40; winter extras. 8H.rt.Vfi4.3u; winter low
grades, 8U.456H.10. Rye flour, steady; fair to
good. $4. 4041 4.70; choice to fancy, 4.7&fa6.00.
CORNMEAL Steudy: tine white and yel
low, 1. 30; coarse, $1.13iil.l4; kiln dried,
RYE-Nominal; f. o. b. western, 75o.
BARLEY Dull: feeding, 44c, c. 1. f.. New
York; malting. 4WU62C, c I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, IB,) bu.; exports,
7,808 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2 red,
$1.21'. elevator; No. 2 red. $1.224, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 81.26V4. f.
o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1.10,
f. o. b. afloat. Early lu the day wheat
acted firm, although dull, being Influenced
by an abundance of bull news from the
northwest, but after midday rased off
under rumors that bulls were st-llinr in
nicagn, ann clotted partly lower. May,
$1.15yj'1.1R 16-16, closed at $1.15V4; July,
i.wi-4, ciosea at ii.u.'t..
Receipts. 78.475 bu.: exnorts. se-
690 bu; futures, 40,000 spot. Spot market
easy; so. z, Ddvc, elevator, anil olfte, r. 0.
b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 514c; No. 2 white,
61,c. Option market Inactive and weaker
with the. west, closing (i for tho net
lower: May, RiKifSO 11-lrtc, cloned at 50c.
OATS Receipts, 18.(Kio bu.; exports, 175
bu. Spot market sstud; mixed, 28 to 32
pounds, 37'c; natural white, 30 to 32
jMOunds, S7H"cr;4c; clipped white, 36 to 40
pounds, Jwiijmc.
HAY Dull: shipping, rnxfjAlc; good to
choice. 77'4'&80c.
HOPS-Firm; 1903, SW.aic; olds, 14c; Pa
cific coast, ll'iilSijc.
HIDES Firm; lalveston, SO fo 25 lbs
18e; California. 21 to 2ft lbs., l!c; Texas, dry
24 to 8) Ins.. J44c
LEATHER gulet; acid. 2Pfi2Xc.
PROVISIONS Beef, ateadv; family $11 00
tt 12.00; mess, $a.iii.60; beef hams, $22 0()'f
23.00; packet. 8lo.SiKnU.00: city extra India
mesa, $14.floirdl4.oO. Cut meats, quiet: nick led
nicagn, a
(' $1.15Vd'1.1R
690 bu: fu
bellies, $t.75"7.00: trickled shoulders Ik.
plrtled hams. $9.00. Lard dull; western
steamed. 87.00; refined quiet: continent
$7.1: compound, $.VonC(i5.o5JI Pork. quiet
short cleur. $13.75(ij 16.00; mess, $13.00fe 16 oo'
TAlOYV Easier; city, 4t.e; country!
BUTTER Firm; street price, extra
creamery. Sfj2"JVc: official prices, cream
ery, common to extra, 19429c; held i't 2i
27c; state dairy, common to extra. 17u27c'
renovated, common to extru. 15i21V4c; westl
ern Imitation creamery, common to choice.
CHEESE Strong; atate, full cream, small
culored and white, fancy. K'c; fine, ll.e
late made, colored and white, poor to choice'
Mktill'tc: large, colored and while
12c; fine. U'fillHc; lute made, colored and' '
wnue. poor lo cnoiee, J4'(j lie.
1XJOS Kteady: western fancy selected
2Sc; western firsts. ,r.
0c: fowls. 13c; tinkers. U'lflV. Dressed
unlet; western chickens. Iridic; fowls, llffl
12c; fnrkevs. ItifilHc.
POl'LTRT Alive. Arm: western chickens
10c; fowls. 12c; turkeys. ' U'filHc. Dressed
Irregular; Western chickens lift 13c; fowls'
ItsffUiic; turUeys, 15alSc.
fresh. at mark; wertern. fresh, 31c at J
CHEEPK Firmer; New Tork full creams
fiincv. lJ'&ISc; choice. 13il4c; fair to good,
Keatares ef the Tradtag aad Closing;
Prices t)4ar of Trade.
CHICAGO. Jan. 8 Iowei cable, coupled
w-lth prospects of a good crop of winter
wheat, offset a bullish situation as to flour
todav and caused a weak finish in the
whfit market. Final quotations on May
wheat were off fiSc. Corn also Is down
UV. tst show a loss of Vic and pro
visions nvfi-nv-. '
The wheat market opened firm with May
up a shade to fa,o. at $1.14(1.14V The
cash situation in the northwest wm the
principal cause of the early strength.
News from Minneapolis was quite bullish,
a claim being made that 1, ).'") bu. of
wheat had been ordered taken out of store
to go to outside mills. In addition It was
reported, that elevator stocks there yes
terday Increased 12t.W bu. Reports of the
excellent condition of winter wheat in the
I'nlted States gave encouragement to bear
traders. Many of the rlt traders were,
apiwrently, bewildered by the conflicting
teports and remained Inert. As a result the
volume of trading wsb rather small durlr,
the first part of the day. Later the market
became more active, and a firmer tone de
veloped. The strength at Minneapolis
caused some anxiety among local shorts,
who covered quite freely, forcing up the
price of the May delivery to $1.15'fc. During
the last hour of trading, however, all of
the advance was lost on profit-taking. May
sold oft to $1.14'4. The market closed al
most at the lowest point, with May at
$1.14:14. Clearances of wheat and flour were
ennui to S9.OH0 bu. Primary receipts were
D64.7W) bu., compared with 653. 7t bu. a year
ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re
ported receipts of 832 cars, against 151 carl
last week and 373 cars a year ago.
Throughout the entire session the corn
market was subjected to liberal selling by
commission bouses. Inoreaaed local re
ceipts and an absence of export demand
were the chief causes of the selling pres
sure. Shorts wcro the principal buyers.
The market was weak throughout. Mny
opened a shade to VsU'vc lower, at 41Vlff:
44 So and sold off to 44'c, at which figure
It closed. Local receipts were 2M cars,
with four of contract grade
Heavy liquidation of the May delivery
by local longs characterized trading In oats.
Shorts were fulr buyers, but the demand
was not sufficient to absorb the offerings.
In consequence the msrket was decldlly
weak. .May opened unchanged to a shade
lower at 31HH31Vc to 3iv4c, sold off to 3oic
and closec) at the lowest point. Local re
ceipts were 61 cars.
Provisions were weak as a result of re
newed liquidation by local holders. The
Increase In contract stocks was again the
principal factor. The close on May pork
was down H312Hc, at 812.50fJ12.62V4. I-ard
waa off at $6.80; ribs were 2,,Vu6c
lower, at $6.670660.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
64 cars; corn, 471 cars; oats, 64 curs; hogs,
30,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles. Open. High.l Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I
May 1 14i 1 Ui
1 14'j 1 15V, 1 14H 1 14H! 1 144
July mi 9S"4 S8',l WHl 9&H
Corn II
Jan. 41H 41V4 4lV41Vi6Hl 414
May 44Va 44VflVi 44,1 44s;44Vo H
July 44Vj7 44V4I44V4'&I 44",
Jan. 29 29', 2!li 29W 2t
May Smft-' 3ivt 8o 31 i
July 31Vi&V 31iVi t CIV
Pork I
Jan. 12 12H 12 IS 12 10 12 IS 12 22S
May 13 62V 12 66 12 60 12 52i 12 62V,
Lard 1 I I
Jan. 574 6 57H 55 66 I 6 62V4
May 6 87H 6 90 I 6 80 6 K'.W 6 8T',j
July 95 8961890 690
Ribs- I I - I
Jan. 6 824 6 324 6 274 6 30 I 6 35
May 6 634 6 66 6 674 6 60 I 6 624
July ..6 75 6 75 6 70 6 724!
No. 2.
FLOUR Soft winter. Arm; other grades,
easy; winter patents, $5.10frfi.2Q; straights,
$4.80t)'6.00; spring patents, $5.005:50;
straights, t4.6tXa4.90; bakers', $3.70(i3.W.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1.104fl.l5; No. 3,
98c$i$1.12; No. 2 rect, $1.161.19.
CORN No. 2, 42c; No. 2 yellow. 42c.
OAT8 No. 2. 2Sc: No. 2 white, 314
324": No. 8 white, S04f314c.
RYE No. 2, 75o.
BARLEY Good feeding. 3637c; fair to
choice malting, 414c. ;
SEED No. 1 flax, $1.15; No. 1 northwest!
em, $1,224- Prime timothy, $2.T74. Clover,
contract grade, $12.75.
PRO VISIONS Mess pork, per bhl.. $12,124
12.25 lard, per 100 Ins., $6.55; short ribs
sides (loose). rt 124ft6.374; Bhort clcnr sides
(boxed), $6.fsr6.6?4.
Receipts and shipments for the day were
is follows:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 62,700 30.000
Wheat, bu 121.000 67.2U)
Corn, bu 83 1,8110 370.600
Oats, bu 224.800 202,700
Rye, bu 8,000 2.700
Barley, bu 195,600 40,200
On tha Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firm; creameries, 17(j2i;
dulrlea, 16(8240. Eggs steady; at mark,
cases Inluded, 2S24c; firsts, 24c; prime
firsts, 26c; extras, 28c. Cheese steady, 11(0
Kansas City Grata) aad Provisions.
to lc higher; May, $1,064; Julv, 90'y; cash,
No. S hurd. $1.07c1.0 ; No. 3. $1.061.074;
No. 4, 98cHi$1.05; No. 2 red. $1. 1001.12; No. 3.
$1.06ftl.09; No. 4, $l.Vgl.04; receipts. 60 cars.
CORN Steady; January, 404c; May, 41c;
July. 41tj4Hic; cash. No. 2 mixed, 42c; No.
3. 42c: No. 2 white. 42c; No. 3, 41,t.
OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 314(&34c; No.
2 mixed. Sic.
HAY Steady; timothy, $H.0Oy3JO; choice
prairie. 87.6oti8.0O.
RYE Steady at 74c.
EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas,
new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 22c
per case, count, 204c per dosen;
cases returned. 4c per dosen less.
R UTTER Creamery, 234j.27c: dairy, 19c.
" . Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 50,000 4x,ooo
Corn, bu 35.200 64,000
Oats, bu 6,000 lj.ouo
Milwaukee Uralai Market.
northern. 8116; No. 2 northern, tl.OMi'1.12;
May, $1.14a. v ...
RYE Quiet: No. 1, 7980c.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 53c; sample, 3S
t'OltX-'.i lower;. No. 3. 42l4j424c; May,
St. Lotala Grain and Proviainna.
ST. LOl'IS. Jan. B.-WHEAT-Weak: No
J red. cash, elevator. $1 177t,; track. $1 pi
Mav. $1.17,; July, k&Vttc; No. 2 hard!
CORN-Lower: No.'J cash. 4Srs track. 44
44Vc; May. 424c; July, 43c.
OATS Lower; No. 3 caah, 31c; track
SJ'.c; May, 314c; No. 2 white. 34c.
FIXICR Hlrudy ; red winter patents. $5.60
tfj.T0; spec lal grades, $5.7y(i5.(5; extru
fsnrv. 4"..josi.20; clear. $4 5614 .70.
SEED Timothy, nominal. $2.004j2.45.
COHNM EAL Steadv at 2-l
BRAN Easy; sacked, enst track, 87ttelc,
HAY Firm; tlmothv, Ih.oOij IXOo; prairie.
HAtiOINa-7 e. '
HEMP TWINE-6'ic. ' '.
PRtJVIBIONH Pork. lowei'i lobbing.
$'115. old; $1126 new. l,nrd, unchanged;
Prime stc-iilt, $6.31. Drv salt meat, ateadv;
boxed, extra shorts, W.73. clear rib. $7.0tl;
shirt clears. $7 .124. llacpa. stetlv; boxed,
extra shorts, 87.87'v; clear ribs, 87.75, short
clear. 8sci.
POCLTRY Cm hungi iiT i hh kens. St.e;
springs. s4c; turkeys. 13c; ducks, 94.-;
geese. 7.
HI 'Ti r.RFh m; creamerv, l'ii2c; duli y.
lf.'.r.'Sc. '
EtJGt Bteady at r-. case count.
Recclnts. ShlDinents.
llour, bbls ... .ia IX.ik i
Wheat, bu ;..S1.ii rm.tuct
dm, bu. 54. :ui.iai
(its. bu I4.i -:;,tKv
Pbiladelpbla Prodsrt Market.
Finn, higher: extia n-rn crc.iinery.
2 K-i irH tieiibv prliits. flje.
LCiij!j-l";i 111, 'od deiinmd; uearhy
Minneapolis Grain Market.
$1.104; July, $1,134; September. WSc; No ' i
hard. tl.lW: No. 1 northern, $1.H; No. 2
northern, tl.104.
FI.OFR First patents, $6.3O(ei!.40: second
patents, $6.10Si6.24: first dears. $4.1514.35:
second clearsi $2.rt(W(i2.70.
BRAN Bulk, $14 75. i
Hal a til Grain Market.
Dl'Ll 'TH, Mlnn... Jan. S.-WHICAT-To
arrive. No, 1 northern. $1.H4: No. 1, north
ern, tl.064; on track. No. 1 jiortharn. tl.l3T,;
No. S ttcrthern, tl.Otf,; May, tl.154; Sep
tember. Stc.
OATS To arrive and on track, 2SJV.
I lverpool Grain Market. '
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 8. - WHEAT r Spot,
nominal. Futures, quiet; Mar h. 7sid
Mav. 7a,d; July. 7s 4d. '
CORN Spot, raay; American mixed, new,
l44d; American mixed, old, 4s Id. Fu
tures, quiet; March. 4sl',d; May, 4s 14d.
Toledo see Marker.
TOLEDO. Jan. 5.-EED-Clm'er. cash
and January, i; Fehruar)-. ttt.05: MaiTh.
$ lo; prime s'slke. $8.06; prime timothy, $1.30.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Jan. S-CORN-Lower; No. 8,
42c; No. 4. 41c; no grade. 394c.
tills and Itoala.
NEW YORK. Jan; 5 OILS Cottonseed
weak. 21;i22e. petroleum, easy; reflned
New York. $7 50; Philadelphia and Balti
more. $7.45: Kama In hulk, $1.55 Turpentine,
steadv. C3f?i534c.
ROSIN Firm; strained, coiatnon to good.
I. 8241 2 86. "
SAVANNAH. On.. Jan. 5 -OILS-Tui pen
tine, firm. Rosin, firm: A. P., C, $2.50; D
E. $2.60. F. O. $2,774: H. $3; I. $3.36; WW
OIL CITY. Jun. J.-OII Credit balances.
$1.45; certitlcute. no bid; shipments. 113,717
bbls.; average, 68.716 bhls. ; runs, 1, 146 bbls;
average, 36 to bhls; shipments, Lima. '.St..
ttti Ubu.: average, 46.414 bbls.; riin, Limn
i.318 bbls.; average. 47.314.
Knaar and Mulaaaes.
NEW YORK, Jan. 8. Hl'U A R Raw, firm;
relllK'd. tlrm; No. 6. 6.26c: No. 7. 6c;
No. 8. ( flc1; No. . i.ffu ; No. lo. ic; No
II.; No. 12. 185c; No. 13. 4 75c; No. 11
4 70c; confectioners' A. 5.7c; mould A. 6Stc;
cuCosf. 5"ic: crushed. 6.55c; powdered.
59.V: uranulated. 5 5c; c ubes. 6 loc.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 6. -Sl'DAR-Mar-ket
steiidy; open kettle. 8fi4c; open kettle
centrifugal. 4fmc: whites.
4 1-16 ; ellows. 44ij4 IS-ISc ; records. gn
4 6-Pk'. .. .
Mol.ASSEP-uulrt:. cipcii kettle. 15'n28c;
crutrtfugal, 7'ol8'. Syrup, steady, 230.5c.
Marktt It Irregular and Ltvtl of Valttt
Shifu Many Times.
There Is a Might Reaction from the
Mlmnlatlnn I aased by Fall nf
Port Arthar and ferarl
, Ilea Decision. '
NEW YORK. Jan. 3. There was little life
left In the node market today and the sen
timent, as expressed in the movement, was
thoroughly uncertain. The fluctuations were
constant and the level of the market shifted
manv tlmea from an average higher than
lat "night to a low. r one. Dealings were
small and were attributed almost alto
gether to professional sources. It was the
common remark that there Was no evidence
of public participation In the market. 1 he
expected Jatiuarv Invc stmsnt demand failed
to develop and the fear was thus engen
dered that whatever buying was to be ex
pected on this acc ount had been Included In
the December movement, which was at
tributed at the time to a demand from
dealers for the purpose of stocking up for
the January Investment demand.
The feeble downward movements, which
alternated with the Indifferent advances,
were supposed to be due to short se lling by
traders to a large extent, such as Is the
consequence almost Invariably of a dull ami
halting period In the buying of stocks.
There was some natural reaction from the
stimulation caused by the fall of Port
Arthur and the Northern Securities decision
and the tone of the discussion both here
and abroad was much less hopeful of a
prompt peace as the result of the surrender
of Oenrral Stoessel. Rumors of prospective
railroad combinations and absorptions still
attracted attention and the admitted Inten
tion of President Cassatt of the Pennsyl
vania to enter the New Haven directory and
tho general belief In additional representa
tion for the Standard oil Interest on the
New York Central directory were calcu
lated to keep alive this discussion. Rut
there was less confidence In the universal
tendency of these prospective changes to
harmonize the railroad situation as a whole
and the possibility was canvassed of new
rivalries being awakened Instead. New
Haven's recent extension of Influence Into
the northern trunk line held. If accepted as
having a Pennsvlvanla inspiration, would
suggest a shifting of the long established
balance In that field. The possibility cf the
expected Northwestern railway develop
ments tending to a similar outcome may
also be considered. Some effect is produced
on sentiment by the rather censorious dis
cussion of some recent episodes In the mak
ing cf bank loans for stock market pur
poses, which have come to light In the
process of liquidation. The criticism of
fered by the New York state controller In
his annual report of some banking and
tryst company methods are given additional
force bv such incurrences. Further en
gagements of gold for export added to the
Influence of that factor. Money, however,
continued extremely easy and served as a
safeguard against any pressure upon the
stock market. Tho general Hat was sus
tained also bv a number of points of posi
tive strength. Amalgamated Copper had
the benellt of a further advance In the
price of the metal. The coalers responded
to the reports of excellent conditions In the
anthracite trade. This last group proved
the mainstay of the market and It was the
strong advnnce In the Erles that made the
closing steady. Rumors of nn early divi
dend for Erie second preferred accompanied
the rise.
The bond market was very' broad, but the
movement of prices somewhat Irregular.
Total sales, par value. $3,420,000. I'nlted
States bonds were nil unchanged on call.
Quotations on the New York Stock ex
change were as follows:
Sales. Hlsh. Low. Close.
Atchison W S
h .Tim 1.200 114 11 101
Atlantic Coast Line.. 30 124-4, 124 lijH
y,vr awn w
1,200 4 W WVa
2,301 1314 1324 l-"2"
910 IVi r.-
3.70 49
Baltimore &. Ohio
do Pfd
Canadian Pad tic...
Central of N. J
Chesapeuke & Ohio.
Chicago &. Alton
,1.. CH
Chicago tit! Western.. 1,90
Chicago N. vv
e-t m B. u, O
Chicago Term. & T. .. . 3.90
do ptd
C. C C. & St. L.,..
Colo. Southern
do 1st pfd .'.
do 2d pfd
Delaware Hudson..
D., L. & W.. exdiv
Denver & Rio Grande
on a. ao-v 207
7.900 1744 173 173a
84 74 S4
18 . 18 IS
91 914 914
234 23 234
61 iav 61
ii .:);-. :u;t Si.u
1,100 1H44 JKI4 1W '
400 34u 34U 31
., 400
. 1.4O0
1 .HO 79
4.500 1204 120
20.900 244 23
''206 9o" 9i-
8.110 1074
. 3.30 74
!l94o6 139"
2.20 '4
1.700 lli
4.0110 354
l.fjoo 97
110 3i.4
ino 544
00 ' '
do nfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pro
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illinois Central
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern
do pfd
Louis. & Nashville...
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Met. St. Ry
Mexican Central
Minn. & St. Louis....
M , St. P. & 8. S. M.
do pfd
Missouri Pacific
M . K. & T
do pfd
N. R. H. of Meg. pfd
N. Y. Central
N. Y.. O. & W
Norfolk & Western..
do pfd
P., C. C. & St. L
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Rock island Co
do pfd
St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd.
St. Louis S. W
do pfd
Southern Pacific
do pfd
Southern Rullway ...
do pfd ,.
Texas &. Pacific
T.. St. L. & W
do pfd
I'nlon Paelnc
do pfd
Wa hash
do pfd
W. & L. E
Wisconsin Central ...
do pfd
Adams Ex
American Ex
I'nlted States Ex
Wctlls-Fai'go Ex
Amul. Copper
Am. Car & Foundry.
do plu
Am. Cotton Oil
do pfd
Am. Ice
do pfd :.
Am. Linseed Oil
do pfd
Am. Locomotive
Am famelt Refna.. 2.9m) K
do nfd 1"' 113
Am. Sugar Rcfng 4.loo 143
Am. Tobacco, pfd cert 1510 94
Anaconda At. Co..
Brooklyn R. T
Colo. Fuel & Iron...
Consolidated (ias
Corn Products
do pfd
Distillers" Securities
General Electric
International Paper.
do pfd .
International Pump.
do pfd
National Lead
North American ....
Paclile Mail
People's Gas
Pressed Steel Car.,..
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car
Republic Steel
do pfd
Rnhlier Goods
do pfd
Tenn. Coal iron..
V. 8. Leather
do p'd
V. S. Realty
I. 8. Rubber
do pfd
C 8. Steel
da nfd
Ve.-Cs'ollns Clum..
do nfd
Vestlnghotise Elec.
Western I nlon .
4.20O 157H l 16''4
300 65 65 55
2,900 294 284 24
l.fiflO 534 624 2-
2 510 140V 1394 1314
2,90 1W4 166 i;4
41 4
146 -
11 Kin 14i;i. 184V 145
j.ikki -v
794 79
1.384 134
1154 1154
344 3r4
X.SoO 1154 4144 H41i
;ll !W H1 Si.
;i 211
. !)
, 1.400
'. "21 Vi
2.910 354
110 14
.. 1,5 loH-4 lag
61 '
33' 4
1134 1144
6,to 474
2.') 17
7oo 21
loo 78
:on 39i;
:oo I!";
ii 224
t 2.50 2-,ti
, , li) 1014
. l.i 14
. 1.5il 1074
. sm) 3x14
. 300 no;
. 900
1 9o
7o 274
45 .
3'pei 11". 1"4 WK
.!.( CI , 7!lii
.64 -oi
.. l.'xx
too )K1l', Jfii)
Total s.iles, for the day. 67.4iO share.
Hank of Kngland Ktateinrut..
LONDON. Jun Tile we. kly Htat.-Tnent
of the Bank uf England kIiuwm the follow
ing cliuugev: Total reserve, iucreuse. C77.:.
nm. circulation. Increase. 404.i(i; bullion,
Increase, C'l.lL',:Vi: other securities. In
crease. t;'i5C(; other deposits, increase.
;i.lJ'.. public deposits. Increase, 43.21-1 -ami;
rotes resr 1 . Incrense. 4 72 issc; govern
ment seinrltiek. IncieHse. 4.msi.iw( The
propcrtion .it th.' bunk reserco to ll.ililil
this week l :i4.l4 per cfutUai week ll
37.71 per cent.
Trrtiarr htaleaient.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 5. Todays state
ment of thv treasury balamc-s in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the lisoononro gold
reserve in the division of redemption,
snows: Available cash. $116,287,039: gold.
t77. 927.831.
iew Urk Money Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. S MONEY On call:
Market steadv at 2i24 per cent; closing
bid. 2: r-flVred at !4- Time loans: Market
easy and dull; sixty and nlrtety days. 8
34 per cent; six months. S41134.
per cent.
actual business In bankets bills at $4 8711
4 8720 for demand and at t4.84"tJ 4 4n for
slxtv-dav hills; posted rates, $4 854 nd
$4 8'; commercial bills. $4 144.
SILVLR Har. t4c: Mexlcsn dollars.
HONDS Government, steady; railroad, ir
regular. The following ore the quotations on
stocks and bonds:
I. 8. rf tn. roc..
do coupon
dn 3s, reg
do coupon
do new 4t, rvs...
dn coupon
do old 4 res. . .
do coupon
Am. Tohacco 4t, ct!
do (,
At' hiFcn sn. 4. . .
do adj. 4
Atlantic. C. L. 4..
Ual. Otilo tt
do Sa
Central of ua. fx..
do 1st In-'
do !! I'll-
( h- & Ohio 4 .
I'hlcato k A S,
C . H. .- Q n. 41..
I'.. H I. f. 4..
de col.
ccc. A St 1.. 1.
Chlrago Ter. 4t.
loto. Mid 4 ...
( olo. So. 4l..
Cuhn Tin, ctta....
I) K. CI. 4s..
tOitlllera See
liHSbapan . ctfa.. .
.liKW I.. N snl. 4a.
.li'! Manhattan r. s 4a...H"
. .1.'r Ma. C entral 4
. .l do let Ine M
...lj Minn. St. L. 4l... "
. liKS M . K. T. 4 W"'
..10H do la Mt
ilS N. R. It. of M. (. 4f. 2
..iiei N. Y. r. lt lin'4
..105H X J ' S Ss tt4
.. 4H No. PaHfl. 4a 1"S
..tom do S 774,
. .! N. 4V W. r. 4 15
.. MJv o 8. L rfd. 4a trTVi
..H3ii pnn. ronr. aa HJ
.. M Readlns gen. 4 lot
.. 73H St. L I 34. c. Sa .lHH
..It t. I.. 9. r. It. 4a. '
.. HI 81. L. s. W. c. 4 ... n
roVS-a board A I.. 4f
I; So. fa. 18c 4a
9T't.o. I'.ailwaT !....
4s. .K'lH Texan it P la ...
.... M it . Ft. I.. W. (
.. . . ". 'I' Pacifl.- 4 .
.... Si '4' do rone 4
...inn, V. H. Steel !4 .'. ..
inw-, Wabaah Ii
,a... ;-l do deb. 11
Krtc prior lien 4 lO1 "eitern "M 4a...
d.. gen 4a 914 XV. L. K. 4a....
F. W. aV r. r It ...1M n'l. Central 4t. ...
Hoiking Vsl.,'
. . . .
... K
. . 11
. ..U04j
a . HI
...114 V
. .. Ck4,
. .. 4
... SI
cent: time loans,
closing of stocks
Atrhlenn adj. 4t
do 4a
Met. Central 4a
At' liiaon
do pfd
noston & Alhanr -.
Boston & Maine
B""tno Klenated ....
Fltchburr, pfd
Mext'in Central
N. Y.. N. H. H..
Pere Marquette
trnlon Pacific
Amer. Arsa. Chem..
do pfd
Amar. Pneu. Tube.
Amer. sugar
do pfd
Amer. T. A T
Amer. Woolen
do pfd
Dominion I. a 9
Kdlaon Flee. lu..
Cienernl Klectrlc ...
Maaa. Klectrte
do pf
Main. Oaa
I'nlted Fruit
I'nlted Shoe Mach...
do ptd
V S. Steel
dn pfd
Bid. "Asked.
stock Market.
o c an loans, -q.i'j
24t?44 per cent. OfTl
and bond:
. 14
. 74
. 7V
. 7
. JO
. M
. ft
. n
. -:S
. 13CJ
. ill
Weatlng. common
American Zinc ...
( ll. & Heels
copper Range
Paly Weal
Dominion Coal ...
lale Itnvala
Maaa. Mining
Mont. . C
old Isimlnton ....
. ana,f. a. Mining...
.l(iiijl'. 8. Oil
.', t'tah
. ill 4 Victoria
. as Wlneni
. f! Wolverine
. tt
. 4i
. Jn4
. 73 ;4
. M'i
. IT'l,
. n4
. .
. at
. iii
. rt
. ss
. Iii'i
. s;4
. 4.
. !
. ,
. 11
. 4:
. a
. 13
London Stock Market.
LONDON, Jan. 6. Closing quotations of
stocks and bonds:
Conaola. money S V '. Y. Central....
. II 13-16 Norfolk & W
SH do pfd
904 Ontario ft W
..log Hand Mines
..l.UH Reading
..60 do lat pfd
.. 244 t" 2d pfd
..171 Southern Railway
.. 17Ti! o P'4
. . 12 ! Southern Pacific .
,. 71 t'Dlou Pacific ....
40-4 do pfd
do account ...
do pM ....
nalllmor Ohio
Canadian Pacific .
Chea. It Ohio
Chicago t:t. W
C. M. St. P..
Denver A R. Q...
do pfd
do lat pfd.....
do Id pfd
Illlnnla Central ...
Loula. a- N'aah...
M.. K. A T
... 78r
... to,
. 321,
V. R. Steel...
do pfd ....
do pfd ....
Spanllh 4 ...
. 81 4j
. 95
. 42
. 71
. 114
. 41
. 47
. 43
. 34".
. ;9
. s
. 224
. 44
. I9H
SILVER Bar. quiet, 27 15-lttd per ounce.
MUMiY-lYoH per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is 24 per cent; for three
months' bills. 2,g2 7-16 per cent.
ttr York Mining; Stocks.
NEW YORK, Jan. 5. -The following are
a 1 lrtlhn- Ajunlatlftna nn m I tn i i at- u t rxrtli- st
;..). to
Adams I'm
Alio .
Hrunawlck con .......
Comatock Tunnel ....
Con. fal. aV Va !
Horn Silver ISO
Iron Silver 200
Leadville Cob t
lt tie Chief
. . !0 toptilr
Sierra Nevada .
Small Hopes
... 4)
... 40
... 2(1
Foreign Financial,
LONDON, Jan. 6. Money was In quiet
demand and Increased supply In the mar
ket today, idseounts were maintained. The
tone on the Stock exchange waa undecided
and prices were Irregular. Consols wera
easier at first and rallied later. Home rails
hardened. Americans opened with a de
pressed and uncertain tone In sympathy
with Wall street, moved Irregularly and
became fairly steady at parity, despite oc
casional profit-taking. I'nlon Paciti was
purchased on rumors of an Increase!, divi
dend. The market closed dull. Russians
were maintained on continental repur
chases. Imperial Japanese government is
of 1WM Worn quoted at 74. Kaffirs oc
casionally were easier on continental sell
ing. HERLIN, Jan. B. The tone on the bourse
todav was rather depressed.
PARIS. Jan. 6. Prices on the bourse
today opened irregular, but subsequently
Improved and closed with an upward ten
dency. Imperial Russian 44 were quoted at
00.20 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 500.
Bank of France tltatenient.
PARIS. Jan. 5. The weekly statement of
the Bank of France shows the following
changes: Notes in circulation. Increase,
lS4.SnO.00f: treasury accounts current, de
crease. 2R.5tiO,onnf; gold In hand, decrease,
6.725.000f ; bills discounted. Increase. 8.826.t0f ;
silver In hand decrease, 5.000.0fltif.
Metal Market.
Ijondon tin market was firm aud higher,
with spot closing at 132 7s (id and f .itures
at 4:1.11 17s d. Ixcally prices were also ad
vanced, with the market reported firm, al
though business did not seem particularly
active. Spot is quoted at $29. 05(& 29.25. Cop
per also was firmer abroad, closing at tN
12s 6d for spot and G9 for futures. Locally
the market shows a firm tone. Lake Is
quoted at $15.374'M 15.50: electrolytic. $1500
'i; 15.25; casting-. $14.75(6.15.124. In some
cases It Is said that lake can he secured
at slight concessions from the above prlc.
but ordinary business would probably fall
within the quoted range. Lead was 2s l.lil
higher at l:i2s6d In London. locally the
market continues firm, with quotations
holding around $4.70Vf 1.80. Spelter closed at
15s 5d In Tendon. Locally the market is
firm at $fi.l0to-cj.20, tho Inside price being
more or less nominal. Iron was more or
less unchanged at Olasgnw. while Midd'es
borough waa a shade lower at 5s 6d. Ii
callv the mirket la oiiict: No. 1 foundry
northern. $t7.15il7 :"; No. 2 foundry 110-th-ern.
fi7.Otxi4i7.50: No. 1 foundry sou-hem
end No. 1 foundry southern soft, $17.75cT
RT I.OI IS T,i. 5 -METAI.K -Lcail.
tc irtv at $4 524'4.t0. Snclter. tlrm tit
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Jan. 5. WOOL A firm tone
characterises the wool market, while there
Is a fair amount of buying considering the
small stock of wool available. The trade
consists almost entirely of lots for piecing
out larger purchases previously made.
That high values are to be maintained on
both wool and wool goods seems assured,
as all the available supply In sight has
been bought at high prices. Territory wools
are Him and pulled grades steady. Foreign
wools run the same. Quotations: Terri
toryIdaho, line. Ih'dilftc-; heavy fine. Wm
17c: line medium. 184fjlSc; medium. 2-'tjv2:ic:
low medium, 23ti24c. Wyoming Fine. 174
?i1n4c; heavy fine. IK'S 16c; tine medium, 174
i(il!ji-: medium. 22'o24c: low medium. ts(
24c. I't.ih and Nevada Fine, 17"uloc; heavy
Pre. 15ilHc; fine medium. I74'"18c; medium,
224i23ct; low medium. 23vi24c. Dakota Fine.
Dili 19c; fine medium. lSdiltc: medium. 2.Vi
J4c: low medium. tit:'4c. Montana Fine,
choice, 21 tittle: fine average. IK'nSuc; fine me
dium, choice, 21i22c; average, lkdjiox;
tnle. 22'it'te; medium choice, 23fi26c.
RT. Ia'M'18. Jan. 5-WOOL-Bteadv: me
d'um grades, conihlng and clothing. 23'fi29c;
light flue. 1 sua 224c; heavy fine, 14ilc; tub
washed, 27 '3 41c.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 5. COFFEE Market
for futures waa ateady at unchuugeU prices
at an advance" of a points, in response, to
steudy European cablet and "smaller re
ceipts at primary ports. Sales were re
ported of 4K.7&0 h.cgs. Including Januurv at
7.70c;' March. 7.Ks: May. 8.20c-; July. t.tiVii
8.40.-; Se ptember, 8.tfi'fi8 ); Teccmler, .75
jhkic. Spot, sti-tdy; No. 7 Hlo. t4c
The world's Isible suiailv of ( offer on
January 1 V given as 1 3, Ml )!! bags. In
eluding the Rreinen lo k of bags,
whh h la figured in tha visible for the hrgt
time this month. Allowances should he
made for thia when comparing with 1 4.00.
73o bags Hi" vl-lble 011 tei ember 1. and
H!i the U.757.7tt bags rcix.i tcU on Jailu
i 1 lft-4.
Not Eisngh Cuttlt) t Mt Desi.nd aid
Fricet Ruled High...
Active Demand for Fat lieei and
Laanhs and with Moderate Herelnta
gteady to gtrong Prices Were
raid. Feeders Pally steady.
Sdl'TH OMAHA. Jan. 3. 19o5.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
OftlciHl Mo.idsy l.a 11. Ml J
Official Tuesdav 2.S7 8 971 2.:tlt
Omnnl Wedlicadav 2.172 7.XI o.W
Offlclal Thursday' 1.15 .2w S.jno
Four davs this week... 8.4i3 3541 231:2
Same dace last week. .. ii.147 7.-2 3 '!
Same davs week before.. 11. '. 3.77 ll.Wl
Same three weeks ago. ..14.748 ::'3.5V. 22 9o:l
Same four weeks ago 15.451 41.02 17.1ti.
Same nas last year 14.313 30.445 3.2-N
The following table shows the receipts
for the year to c'ate of cattle, hogs and
sheep, with comparison with last year:
1 no-, iM. Inc. Pee.
Cattle 4:! 9.i 527
'' 25 841 21.112 1.72S .....
Sheep 23.;22 24.832 I-1-"
The following table shows th averag
price of hegs at South omaha tor the
several days, with comparison:
Pats I lM. 1!0JI. llSWC.rlstri'. !19i0. ilSSS- 1"S.
4 rs.41 i N a.i Pi 4 771 s r S
4 6041 I o Otl 6 04 4 79! t Wi S M
4 44 4 4 34 I 061 4 til 4 01 3 i
4 t84; 4 SO 6 16 ' 4 80 4 0! 3 34
4 384, 4 451 18; I 0t " I "l
0 I '.I 4 Mi. - I " '
Dec. 19..
Pec. 20. ..I
Pec. 21...
Pec. 22...
Dec. 23...
Dec. 24...
T'ec. 25...
I'ec. it...
Dec. 29... I
Dec. :n..
Dec. 31...
Jan. 1....
Jan. I....
Jan. 3
Jan. 4
Jan. 6 I
4 414. 4 47
I 4 4241 4 54: 6 381 6 19 4 W 4 111 I 50
4 51-.I. f 44 a M 4 go 4 t 44
I 4 65 1 4 61! I t 16! 4 771 4 14 8 48
4 5141 4 5.'' 1 5' 6 ;15! 4 11, J
4 47 I 4 62 '1 251 t 4 90 1 I 3 61
1905. I1POI. 'inn .'19D2 .'191. 190O.!1899.
4 M ' U .11! I 221 4 9n: 4 21
4 .19 1 4 ! 8 37' ii : 4 4 :n 1 ...
4 434: I 6 3ti 6 19 4 96 4 9 3 57
4 41 4 4 771 ti 29 5 12 ' 4 27 It 41
4 4U'-t 4 fiSi t; 28: I 5 04i 4 37 i 3 47
Indicates Sundav.
" Indicates holiday
The offloial number cf enrs of stock
brought in today by each roiid was:
Cattle Hogs. Sli p. Il'ses.
C M. ft St. P. Ry ... 2 1 .. 1
Missouri Pacific Ry... 3 5
I. P. system 4 11 9
C. ft N. W. Ry 5 2
F., E. ft M. V. R. R . 12 21
C, St. P.. M. & O. . . . 4 ti 1
H. M. Ry 11 19 6
C, H. ft Q. Ry 4 5
C. R. I. ft P.. east... 5 4
Illinois Central Rv.... a 1
Chicago Clt. W. Ry... 1 1
Total receipts .... 54 78 16 1
The disposition of the days receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Hors. Sheep.
Omaha Parking Co 220
Swift and Company 242
Cudahj Packing Co 271
Armour ft Co 211
Vansant ft Co 1
Lobman & Co 72
W. I. Stephen 9
Hill 6.1
Hamilton ft Rothschild... 7
L. F. Huss 11
Wolf ft Murnan 48
Sam Wertheinier 11
Mike Haggertv 11
J. B. Root ft Co 84
Bulla 21
McCrane ft Carey 24
Other buyers 60
Totals 1.373 6.174 4.066
CATTLE Receipts or cattle Were again
extremely light, which makes the supply
for the four duyo this week only aoout
half as large us lor the same, days of laal
year. Tho demand seemed to be of quite
liberal proportions and as a result trad
ing ruled active, with prices on anything
at all desirable considerably higher.
There were quite a few beef ateers in
cluued In the receipts, but none of them
were what, would be called choice. Pack
ers, though, had to have fresh suiplles,
and as a result the market ruled active and
mostly 10c higher on the better grades,
with common kinds strong. Everything in
sight was disposed of at an early hour. All
of the decline of Monday has now been re
gained and more, too, so that present
prices are a. little higher than those in
torco at the close of last week.
The cow market was also active and
prices were unevenly higher. The general
market on the better grades could safely
bo quoted a dime higher and some sales
showed even a greater advance than that.
Common stuff, however, was not partic
ularly active and not much better In price.
The (.a me as with beef steers, the market
is now a little higher than It was last
Friday, all of the loss of Monday having
been regained aud a little besides.
Bulls sold to better advantage) than they
did yesterday and are a little higher than
at the close of laat week. Veal calves also
commanded good, strong prices.
The few Blockers and feeders Included In
the receipts met with ready request at
steady to strong prices. The demand, how
ever, is principally for the belter grades,
so that common stuff is more or leas neg
lected, representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. ;o. Av. Pr.
J 720 J 00 I XT la
1 710 J Ml 15 Kill 4 00
13 1 40 7...., 1147 4 HI
S Mil 3 ti i ir.5 4 U
I ma 3 mi tt lt'U 4 3.1
t, 68 S K t20 4 60
14 X52 4 00 1 hHO (10
i ll:4 4 35
1 11411 I ti Dill 40
11 SOI 2 10 .
ti r-itu.
1 , , , K.0 S no 1 400 j el
1" 740 a 10 10 ui t u
I m J 4 117; 1 m
1 4W J la 1 ISO I 0(1
a 077 1 ill 3 1'W. 3 !;
I CO 3 t,0 2 10S 1 44
' "bull's: ,0,u 1
, nn t 00 1 K'sn 2 is
l" 1 1 10 i! 3D ! 1310 : .-,
1 lWO I ul S 1:150 I 0
1" into : a 1 1190 3 00
l' I0TO 1 35 1.. 1.170 i ml
1 15'W l 40 1 IMA I 00
1 1H t M 1 1SS0 I (Ml
1 100 S 40 1 Kc.iO I 00
1 1410 t 1 1 1730 3 00
1 1290 t 4 , 1 lpoo 1 00
1 1770 t i 1 1.1(H) 3 (Hi
1 110 2 75 1 14) 1 Oil
1 14'.0 2 75 4 1M2 j -,
1 1341) 2 7b 1 Ulil) 3 i
i' 1530 1 Wi
1 70 I 10 I It.-. 5 00
1 2(l 3 11 t KO i 26
I 24i 4 00 1 2iK) 5 25
1 10 4 Oil 2 136 5 ti
1 110 6 00 1 urn i 10
1 140 6 10 1 ICO ( 00
1 7M 1 26 9.i ; -,
y 810 1 f 14 92 2 Ca
1 8(10 1 75 19 KMl J 65
4 867 1 75 S7 930 J e6
1 ,. 40 1 75 1 HMO -2 70
5 720 1 ". 7 K117 ; 70
1 940 1 10 1 iWmi 2 75
Iul5 I W) II :4T 2 7il
IS MO I " 11 r, 2 7i
1 loco t 00 I ....iinhi 2 t;
3 ll t 00 11 f.... w, t ;s
2 lOO."' 2 00 lu I11JS 2 7.-1
I 4.. ..1120 3 lu 21 IPki "
9H0 2 Id II 9TJ 2 to
2 1060 . I 10 18 1U.-.S 2
a 940 2 lu 3 k3 2 0
i 923 : Id 2 lluo 1 N5
1 IMiu 2 9 804 2 85
4 940 2 20 I lino 2 9u
I '. t"U 2 21 20 990 3 00
1 900 t 25 .7 lull 3 oil
1 1C80 t 2". 9 1012 I 00
1 ......1040 2 25 14. 942 3
2 , 970 2 2 7 1U35 3 00
3 11''0 2 ;' 3 lluj 3 9.)
( 971 3 30 I 11 ' 1 (m
4 9V 2 St, . 3 iota 3 00
4 1087 2 Si 11 1153 3 05
10 97 2 35 1 1110 3 10
11 til ili 1 1114 3 lo
11 1000 3 40 I U30 3 13
1 2h 40 i 190 3 20
t 12U0 I 40 1 1050 3 25
17 110 2 45 1 1060 3 25
i 930 2 10 1 710 3 25
1 9;:i t Ki 7 i(,:i7 1 25
3 IMI i 30 1 1160 8 25
1 170 3 50 14 kit;, 3
1 , 10TO 3 50 1 1310 3
!... 981 2 50 3 ma ; 35
I ISlM I lu 12 Km 3 3 40
I lOi'O 3 60 I ;.',u 3 45
1 DO I lu 3 118 I lo
1 t lo I k ...IK" i l
13 1040 2 . '. '
3 466 8 3 a 212 J
1 : I 35 14 il5 3 JO
3 I I 75 1 97u 3 ss
3 1 1.1 2 75 11 US 14:.
2 9 4 I 00 1 8ki 2 in
1 4 3 i i9 ?:, 3 u
1 I tat 3 770 lii
2 110 I on 3 770 ) 6,1
12U0 I in II 961 3 t't
4 75r 3 Hi 4 6i 3 an
4 127 12" It Ill I til
6 144 i'l 4 . . id;.-, 3 (.,
13 727 3 . a 964 17"
1 2 I a.,-, 1 7,1
1 710 I Zf. 2 ;7 3 ti,
I ,. Ul J 6 : 3 78
5 7"! 13" 8 i 1 3 1,1,
II Ml 3 ' 21. 7?7 3 lei
H.OO8- Receipts of hogs were very light
t this point today, god with a m mill de
mand the market showed some Improve,
ment. The general market was Just ab'iit
steadv with yesterday morning, or lully
2'iC higher than yesterday's late market.
The bulk of tho sales went at It 4.i and
$4.474. with a top at 14.65. All the early ar
rivals! were shortly disposed of. but sev
eral cf the trains were late, which de
la(d the elost? to quite sn extent. When
the late trains liegan to arrive packers
tried to bear the market a little, owlrg In
weaker provisions and also to the fact that
Chicago wss quoted closing lower, but the
demand seemed to be good enough to
make most of the late hogs sell lu .lust
shout the same notches as those that came
In early In the day.
About noon a few cars arrived and the
feeling was Ihen rather weak and some
sales were a shade owt There were still
a few cars back at the noon hour. Repre
sentative sales:
No. At. Bh f-t. No. Av. SR. Pr.
ti 231 12V 4 4 21 172 ... 4 47
11 r.9 ... 4 OS 270 ... 4 47',
11 M ... 4 10 61 24 SO 4 41 'j
51 140 . . 4 M 81 22S M 4 47',
64 20 4 4-" a 26 10 4 471,
73 271 110 4 42'a 5' 4 47 HI
M r.O . 4 4.'. (W : IH 4 47i,
33 220 40 4 4S 4 m S 4 47 v
77 212 ... 4 4'. 1 ... 4 4i,
83 22 110 4 4. 50 4 14)0 4 47'
w IM ... 4 46 M 271 240 4 47',
tw 2ts 11) 44:. : ssi 120 4 47
71 219 24" 4 45 73 24! 40 4 47.
4 235 ... 4 45 67 218 . . 4 17't
72 -N.7 i 4 45 2 241 2'") 4 47 t
289 ... 4 45 4) 24 !2t 4 47',
36 Ml in 4 41 at 249 40 4 4.',
55 Si ... 4 46 171 1W I 4.',
53 351 240 4 45 II 211 IV 4 47-,
17 .,7 80 4 4ft 71 211 120 4 4!,
74 271 40 4 48 4i 219 ... 4 471,
6a :t.7 120 4 45 ll 371 ... 4 4;i
I" IM 12V 4 45 76 214 40 4 47',
16 fit ... t l 59 . . 262 16" 4 47s
U 47 ... 4 41 262 120 4 471,
55 ? ... 448 I 4 90 4 4T ,
40 253 ... 4 45 61 273 ... 4 47',
3 255 4'i 4 45 19 244) 14 4 47',
62 .299 90 I,U 17 241 8(1 I I'll
M :c.l . . 4 47', 67 24I 40 4 47',
I 271 80 4 41', 70 220 60 4 47,
60 ran no 4 47i 114 40 4 47i,
6" t 24H 4 471, 6 27 ... 4 In
49 :l '8 1211 4 471, 88 SM ... 4 60
3nr, in 4471, 47 .168 ... 4 5"
3" 28(1 110 4 47, 41 .'lii4 ... 4 611
50 252 2oo 4 47 , I" M ... 4 50
37 271 ... 4471, txi -TCI 120 4 5"
"4 864 8u 4 4i, .'5 319 ... 4 1..
SHEEP There was a small run of sheep
and lambs at all points this morning, atnl
with a good demand the market here rule;l
active and steady to strong on all (bslrable
grades. If anything the better grades of
l.imhs showed more strength than sneep.
Buyers were all out, early and everything
that would do to kill was soon out of tirsi.
hands, choice grades were rather scarce
and in tact there was nothing strictly
prime on sale. The top on lambs was U4n
ami 1 lu top on ewes 14 Mi.
Thero were qulie a few feeders included
In the receipts, but they sold readily at
what looked like good, steady prices.
Quotations tor ted stock: Good to choice
yearlings, S..rKKif ti.00; fair to good year
lings. Mi.(0a.v0; good to 1 hoice ether,
T.tiuS.2j: fair to good wethers. $4.7;iti.i.';
good to choice ewes, 34. 2.".4i4. .'(); fair to good
ewes, J4.00(i4.23; common to fair ewes. U.60
Kl3.i; good to 'h ilce lambs. e 50iH.7r.; fair
to good lamhs. 3.0iei.;l; feeder yearlings,
f feeder wethers, $4.'J'a'4.eo; Jecder
ewev iU2r.C3.tK); lecder lamlm, lMty6. 7i.
Representative sales:
No. Aver. Price.
1 western buck 170 3 60
2 western ewea 210 4 50
2 western lambs 125 h 60
120 western lambs tsi t 35
418 western lambs 6 Jo
2 we stern cull ewes 93 2 oo
678 western ewes 76 3 50
1 western cull ewe !) 3 fio
11 western bucks 1SH 3 75
22 western clipped ewes 11H 3 90
3 western ewes 110 4 25
25 western ewes 80 4 25
311 western ewes 1( 4 35
397 Western feeder ewes 42 4 50
17 western feeder lambs 45 4 50
625 western feeder 'yearlings 85 4 85
640 western feeder yearlings 85 4 85
290 western feeder yearlings 85 4 85
15 western cull lambs 50 5 no
5 western wethers...'. HW 5 15
13 western wethers 87 5 40
77 western Item lis (11 6 00
25 native lambs 90 6 70
Cattle Tes to Fifteen Cents Higher,
Hoars I -o veer, Sheep Stead), Weak.
CHICAGO, Jan. 6 CATTLE Receipts.
7.000 head; quality poor. Market liMrlac
higher; good to prime steers. $.i.60li.ii0;
poor to medium, ll.falrciS&i; Blockers and
feeders, $2.4tic416; cows. I1.16Q4.50; heifers, 6. ill; canners. II. 361(2. 4; bulls, l-'.lU'a
4.00; calves, $3.0o7.00.
HOOH Receipts, 30,000 head. Market 1'$
10c lower; mixed and butchers, $4. 364 70;
good to choice heavy, f4.KO'o4.72x; rough
heavy, $4.3W4W; light, S4.30ij4.56; bulk vt
sales. 4. 46$ 4.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,000
head. Market for sheep, steady to weak;
for lambs, strong; good to choice wethers,
t4.ft.K(i6.50; fair to choice mixed, 14. 0074. 7fi;
western sheep, tt.oOiin.&n: native lambs, S6.50
tfi'7.50; western lambs, 15.76'd7.35.
Kansas Clly Lire NtocW Market.
ceipts, 3,500 bead, including luO southerns;
market steady to 10c higher; choice export
and dressed beef steers, $l.755.56; fair to
good, 13.5h0t4.76; western fed steers, la.otKf
b.25; stockcrs and feeders, 12. 75124.25; south
ern ateers, $.'I.OUfi4.60; southern oows, 2.(r
3 25; native cows, tl.7isfi4.0U; native heif
ers, $2.50tVj4.50; bulla, 2.5oi4.UO; calves, .3J0
HOGS Receipts. 9,700 head: market
steady to 6c lower; lop. 4.62H: bulk of
sales, 14 25(04.55; heavy, 4.55rU4 hji; puck
ers. J4.4irfiH.55; pigs and light, $3.uel.37i.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.800
head; market steady to strong; native
lamhs. 5..iOti7 00; native wethers. $4. 25115.50;
native ewes, M.OOtjo.Oo; western lambs,
$5.5.90; western yearlings. COOdjci.16;
western sheep, fl.00()j5.00; atCK kcrs and feed
ers, $:.aoii4.6o.
St. Losii Live f4tock Market.
ST. LOL'IS. Jan. 5. CATTLE Receipts,
I, 510 head, including 500 Texans; market
active and higher; shipping and 'export
steers, $6.ui.(i; dressed beef and butcher
steers, H.Wmi 0; steers under 1.000 pounds,
3.0tV(i-5.OO: storkers and feeders, 2.0(fj3.i3o:
cows and heifers. $2.25""H.6o; canners. $1.76
ti2.00: bulls. $2iK)in.3.0; calves, S:i.(lri4j.75;
Texas and Indian steers, $2.7514.66; cows
and heifers, $1.751 3.75.
II MJS Receipts, 8.000 bend; market
steady; pigH and lights, $3.7Gi4.40; pack
ers, $4.fKiq4.6.'i; butchers and best heavy,
8IIEEP AND LAM 144 Receipts, 2.)
head; market adive and steadv; native
muttons. $4.onli6.l5: luinbs. $4.0tl7 00; culls
ers, $2.5014.60; bulls, $2.50j 4.W); calves, $3.t)
Texans, 3.oijS.0o.
KevT York Live gtork .Market.
ceipts. 8to head; market quiet, mainly held
for Friday's trade; feeling steady. Bulls
sold at $1.1011.75.
CALVES Receipts. 714 bead; market
about steady; vi als. $.'i.(8)'ic9.25; lops, t!) in;
little calves. $.1.(fi4.0o; barnyard calves,
$3.iti'ii3.iO: no westerns Dressed calve,
strong; city dressed, $!tv"-0; dressed, $C.0J(u.
II. 00.
Hf.sUB Recei)ts. 6 609 head; market Arm;
good state boas. $.' 25.
SHEEP AND LAM KS Receipts, 4.23
head; sheep, steaely; lambs, 2uc higher.
Sheep. $;i..Vt5.10; export sheep. $5.70; cuils,
$3.C0vj3.25: lambs. 7.Wn8.2i; culls. $6.uo;
Canada lambs. $7.70.
(41. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 1,282 load; market strong to luc
higher; natives, $3 54io.l0: cows and heif
ers. $1.7or4.6o: stockers and feeders, $2.751f
HOGS Receipts. 7.U&0 bead: market
steady to 5c lower; light. $4. 25,f 4.51; me
dium and heavy. $4 3V4.60.
SHEEP AND LAMU8-Rc.cclpt.-i, 2.055
head; murkct strong to Pa' higher; lam lis,
middling. 'c; gnod lDldrtltrg. Tic; mid
dling fair 7V Re- elpts.' bales; stock.
4'2.S4 bale.4.
Coadltlot. ol Trade aad Daalatlaas
Staple aad Issey pradtsea.
EOf!8 4'andled stock. 23c.
L1K POI'l.TRY-Hens. Mi',r: roosters.
8c; turkere. I.VO 14-; ducks. Sd.V; gocse, ,v,
i spring chickens. 'c
DRESSED PorLTHY-Tiirkcys. lfjlV;
I ducks, loc; geese, 9c; chickens. 9t)!"ci
I roosters. Sc.
Bl'TTER Packing stock. lSc; choice to
fancy dairy, 17I9V; crawiaery. 442c;
U';( prints. 27c.
pickerel. 7c: pike. 9c: perch. i'c; blueflsli,
12c; v hltefUh. 10c; salmon, redsnsi.per,
11c; lolister (green!, JV; lobster (tsr.lladi,
3Jc; bullhead. 11c; cafflsh, 1K-; black bass,
!c: halibut, 12c; crsrples. 12c; buffalo, ci
white baas. 11c; frog legs, per do.. 2bo.
BRAN- Per Ion. $15 .00.
HAY-Prices quoted by clmsh Wholesale
Dealers' sssoclation : Choice No. 1 uplsn.1.
$i 60; No. 2. $) t'; medium. $6.60; cosrse,
$5d0. Rve straw, $5 60. Vbese prices are
tor hsy of good color and quality.
OYSTERS New York counis. per csn,
45c; extra selects, pet can. SUc; standard!,
rer csn. JOc; bulk (standards), per gah,
$1 6"t; bulk (extra selects), per gal., II-dl
bulk (New York counts), per gal., 11.90.
ORANGES- California Ledland navels all
sizes, $2.750 3.00; choice navels.;
California seedlings, all slies, 1100(,i'2 Ji.
LEMONS -California fancy. $2.75; W0 and
KM, !:t75tit.V; choice, $.1.2ft3 60.
DATES Per box of 3'Mh. pkgs.. I20J:
Hallowe'en. In 70-lb, Ixixee. per lb.. sHs.
FlCiS-Callfornla. per l-lb. carton,
Sic: Importid hmyrna. 4-crown. 124)C; h
rrown. 14c: "-crown. 16c: fancy Imported
(washed). In Mb pkgs. Unlive; California,
per case of W pkga.. 2.2f
BANANAS Per medium sised bunch. 20
t'2M; 1itmb(vs. $ , ....
ORAI'E FRL'IT Per boit of 64 to 64, IJ
APrLES-Home-grown .lonsttians, pet
bbl.. 125; Ben Davis. $2 25: New Tork
Kings. 13.25: New York Greenings. $-'o;
New York Hldv.ts, $2.75: Colorado Jnna
tlinn. 75 W.nSups. per bu. box. $1 60
PI'.AP.H-t'tah. Colorado and California,
fall varieties, per box. S1.571175.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Re!! anil
Bugle, per bbl , $8.50; Wisconsin Bell and
Cherry and Jers.'ys. per bbl . 17.76; per box.
2 75.
GRAPES-Impotted l.-aUgss. per keg.
$t.iii 60
TA NU ER1 NER Florida or California, per
i-bcx. $2.50.
V Ee i ET A H I ,KS.
IHi I AT OES-Home-grown. In sacks, ptf
bu.. 4nc; Colorano, per bu.. 00c
TCHMl'S-Old. per bu.. 4c; Canada ruU
bagns. per lo.. U.
I A RFOTH Old. per bu.. 40r.
PARSNIPS Old. per bu.. 40c.
BEETS 4)ld. per bu., oK'.
NAVY' BEANS Pr bu.. $1.4T2.00
ONIONS Home-groWn. red, in sack, per
bu.. $1.00; Spanish. per crate. $20
Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; white, per lb.,
Cl'Cl.'M RHR3 Per do.. $2032.25.
TOMATOES California, per 4-baskt
crate, fi -r.
CAHHAC1B Holland seed, per lb., l4ji.
SWEET POTATOES Ksnsas kiln dried,
per bbl., $260.
CELERY Per do . 26'7joOc; California,
RADISHES Hothouse, per do.. 46c.
ONIONS -New, southern, per do., 453.
TI'RNIl'S -New. southern, per do.. 45(2.
HSKT8. New. southern, per dos., 46c.
PARSLEY New. per do.. 46c.
SALTER KRA I'T Wisconsin, per keg,
CIDER New York, per bbl., $6 20; per V4-
bbl.. $..
CHEESE Wisconsin Twins, full cream.
l2Vf13c; Wisconsin Young America. 13c;
block HwIrs. new. 15c; old. I6il7c; Wiscon
sin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmburger, 13c.
NL'TS Wulnut. No. I soft shells, nsw
rrop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb.. 13c
No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard
shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large. PT 11)., Uc;
small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., ;r,
ronati-d peanuts. ; ic; Cliiii walnuts,
tar lb., l.'-ijll'-ic; almonds, soft shell, per lb.,
17c; hard shell, per lb.. 15c; chestnuts, per
Lb.. 12V(,15c; new black walnuts, per bu.,
75'riSOr; shellliark hickory nuts, per bu.,
$1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.60.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c: No. 1 green, 6c:
No. 1 salted. 8c; No. 2 salted, 7r4c; J. 1
ven! cslf. 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 7c: dry salt'd,
gljltc; sheep pelts. 26c!$l 00; hors hiuv,
$l.tVt3 00.
Edwards - Wood Go-
riain 'Oiricc: Fifth and Robert Strgst
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grain to Us
Branch Office, 110-111 Board mt Trad
Bldg.. Omaha, Nab. Telephone SB 14.
212-214 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. ,
Bell 'Phone 211 Inderiendent 'Phons
li.lon Pacific.
Leave. Arrlvs.
Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:06 pin
Colorado & Calif. Kx...a 4:10 pm a 9:30 am
Calif. & Oregon Ex a 4:20 pm a 6:10 pm
North Platte Ixical a 7:60 am a 7:00 pm
Fast Mail a 8:60 am a 3:20 pm
Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:40 am
Beatrice Local b 4:30 pm b 1:30 pm
Chicago, Rock lalasid A Pacific.
Chicago Limited a 3:55 am
Chicago Daylight Local.b 7:00 am
Chicago Express bU:15 am
Dts Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm
Chlcag j Fast Express).. a 6:40 m
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am
Lincoln, Den. & West. a 1:30 ptn
Oklihoma & Tex. Ex.. .a 4:13 pm
Chicago Great Western.
St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm
St. Paul & Minn a 1:35 am
Chicago Limited a 4:60 pm
Chicago Express a 4:30 am
Chicago at Northwestern.
a 7 10 am
a 55 pm
a 6:15 pm
bll:60 am
a 1:20 pm
a 8:60 pm
6:06 pm
a)3:40 pm
a 7:16 am
s ti:S6 pin
slo.30 am
a 4:ui pra
Local Chicago
Daylight SI Pkul ..
Daylight Chicago ...
Limited Chicago ....
Local Carroll ........
East St Paul ...
Local Si'iux C. Ic tit.
East Mail
Chicago Express
Norfolk & Bonecteel..
Lincoln & Long Pine
Deadwood Lincoln .
Casper Ul Wyoming ..
...all:J0 am
...a 8:10 pm
...a 7:60 am
. ..a S.Ou pm
...a 8:26 pin
...a 4:t0 pm
...a k:i( pnt
P. b 4:oo pm
a 7:40 am
b 7:40 am
..a 2:50 pm
.d 2:50 pm
.b 2:50 pm
Sioux t lty the Block Market.
SIOCX CITY'. Jan. 3. Hpe lal Telegram.)
CATTLE Receipts. 700 head; market
ateadv; bene, $3. 500( 5. j; cows, bulls and
mixed, $2.20(113,50: stockers and fieders, $2.73
tftttKi: calves and yearlings. $2.253.25.
HUGH Receipts, 5,5oo head; maraet 5c
lower, selling at $4. 25'''. 60: bulk, $4.354i4.(.
Stock la Wight.
The following (a,Me ihowa the receipt of
live stock at the si principal western inar-
aeia) yesterday :
South Omaha
Sioux City ...
Kansas City ..
St. Iouls
St. Joseph ...I
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
l l)
....... 1.6(io
....... 7.10D
6.2iX) 3.500
.i 2.ifl
80-0 2.000
7.(0 2..o
86.4H0 23.355
YV a basil. ,
St, Loula Express
St. Louis Local (from
Council Blufts)
Shcnandual) Local (from
Council B!;:ft'
Missouri Pacific.
Mt. Louis Express
K. C. cfc St. L. Ex. ..
Illinois leutrsl.
Chicago Exprth
Ciilcugo Llinitad
Mlniii ac St Paul Ex
Minn. It Bt. Paul Ltd
Chicago. Milwaukee
Chicago Daylight Ex.
Ca morula -circaou t-x. .a 0.4S pm
Ovuriaud Limited a 8:M pm
lJf. m ac ukuuuji l.x. a i .ao am
8 80 am
10:00 pm
11:60 pin
.1J am
:$0 am
7:06 am
a 1:30 am
8 80 am
: 3i4S pm
10:35 ant
10:38 am
6:16 pm
615 pm
6:16 pm.
1:20 am
10:39 pm
2:30 pm
a 8:00 am'
a i.uO pin
a10:3t pm
a 8:06 sta
blo:36 pm
a 8:06 diu
V tt. Paul.
a i :66 am all :04 Dtn
7:36 im
6:30 pm
8:15 am
3:45 pir.
.a 9:30 am
.811:15 pra
..a 7:26 am
..a 7 .uo pm
,.b 7:26 am
.a 7:50 pin
a 3. Ill ag
tolloii Market.
NEW YfjRK. Jan. i COTTON-Spot
closed ciulei, ;5 iiolnts lower: middling up
lands. J.luc; middling gulf. 7.36t.; 7,u
moderate demand; prices 8 points lower
Ainnrlcan middling, fair. 4 17d; good mid
dling. .V.e3d, niidilling, 31d; low middling.
S!id; good ordinary, 3.55d: ordlnsrv. 3.S1I
Ths tales of the d:iy etre 7.C00 hales, of
n'hlch l.'o were for specula tlou and ex
port and Included S.tiiiO American: receipts,
15 OKI hales. Including l.l.Kci mom Iran
ST. LOl'IS. Jan. 5. t 'OITW -cjulel ; mid
dling. ii;c kales. ,in tili,; jeceipts, t.ia'J
bales: shipments, none; slock. 38.127 bales.
svies. 5. 460 hales; ordinary. 4Hr: good
ordinary, 6 11-ltic; low mlddlln-- 7-ldc;
Denver ct California .
Norlliwett Express ...
Nebruska points
Lincoln Fast mail
Et. Crook & Plaltsm th
Bellevuc at PUttsm'th
Bellevue at Pac. June.
Bellevue eic I'ac. June.
Denver Lbnltod
Cliicago Special
1'liii-s.uu Kxuress
I Chicago Elyar
Iowa Local
St. Louis Express
Kansas City ek Mt Joe.
Kansas I Ity 4k St. Joe.
Kansas City ti St. Joe.
.a 4 10 pm
.all lu pm
.a .6 am
. b 2:67 pm
b 2:53 pm
.a 7:60 pin
.a x so am
.al2:05 pm
.u 7:lo am
.a 4:00 pm
.a 8:06 pm
.a I 15 aiu
.a 4 15 pm
.all 45 pm
.a 8:15 am
.a 4.3 pm
a 3 30 pin
4 tj.'OS (i)i
a 7.40 um
ili.ii Ym
HO iu am
b 8:32 In
a i.H gin
a 8:68 pin
a 7:24 in
su.oo pa
U K ass
a $ tf am
6:08 pm
V4:M Phi WJ:40 m
Paal. Minneapolis aV
Mlaaonrl Psrlgc.
S'ehrsaka Local.
Weeping Water
Chicago, St.
O ma be.
Twin City Passenger . b 6 30 sin t . pm
SiO'ix t 'ity Passenger. . 2:00 pm 1'0 km
Oakland f.ocal b I 45 pm bl lOSni
a Daily b Daily except Sunday d Dill
txeept Salurd). Dully xcpt Monday,