THE OMAHA DAILY BEEl WEDNESDAY. .TAMWRY 4. IPO!. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET icuatrj Bud Nver to Hate Bet So Cltirtd of Good Wheat. ARGUMENT FOR FUTURE HIGH MARKET tronn Markets I p aad Amrrlm Mlghtl? WeakerCorn Demand lack for th Present Oafs tontlnae Hell. OMAHA. Jan. 3, 16. The year closed with May wheat at i lt aril Juiy wheat at l.M- ami tne rash wheat all the way t,j Ji 14 iMlnr.t-Mpulis ior tin- wees, snows au in ''' , bushels and la the ou.y large stock of hlgn grade wheat In the 4-ourvtry. 'the recipts nave snown a sharp uecrease in tne last uw uajs and It Is uie- intra they will he email iur in.- next six month It ik said In some Martera ine I mtcd States has never befn a cleaned up of good wh'St nt this period i trie year as It la now Minneapolis is snipping lo almost every state south and east, according to a prominent (ram man toere. Minneapolis una more one-third or the visinie of country. It the high prices which have prevailed during tne last montns lid not tiring out the wheat from first hand and tiom the speculators nothing lower In the future will be likely to do no. It la confidently predicted by iho leaders in the liuil Interest the name huh price may bo expected tor the next sia montns. I he fact that the Wall atreet hunch ha purchased In I hlcago twice tne amount of contract wheat fur May delivery that la available has led to u yery nervoua mar ket. The- condalotia are auch congestion In (Aused hy very moderate buying by scat tered Interest. The market la in danger of growing very one-sfuej and la very dangerous lo thu abort seller. The near apt 10 go to the mote remote dell,-, cries and everyone la trading small All of the foreign market closed some what higher today. The decrease In Rus sian and Argentina ahlpmeuts was given as tha reason. Arm rlcan markets were some what off. probably due to a mistake In the figures giving Port Arthur and Knit Wil liams an Increase in stocks of J.Tno.oio, whereas It should have been 20.1.40". Kan sas City received for four days i.V4.o.) bush ela of wheat, ngatnst for two disys of the sume period luat year !'i0,o.iii bushels. Jiroorhhall places the world a shipments of breadstuff for the week past nt 6,.T.n) bushels. lO.tK.OOO the ween la-fore and s.tws, " bushels last year. The continental countries took of this In wheat 2,!VMi bushels, against 4.43,000 bushels last week and 2.8.'4.0i) bushels last eur. It was re ported Jones estimated per cent of the wheat was farmers- hands. This la considered very small. Chicago opened at 31.15 on the May wheat, tho close or Sat urday having been 11.14 V The mnrktt advanced to 11.15 and then fell nway to SI. 13V but by noon rallied to $1.14, There was nothing doing In the Jul). Corn Is dull and without much Interest beyond a professional scalping market. The east and torelgn demand is satisfied for the minute. The roads have snipped all that could be sent forward before the change In rate. Farmers are now selling more freely. Tho July went off during the session from 45V.O to 44V- Those who bought the oats at 35c he. caus they wire relatively, cheaper than other grain ran away from tho delivery aft a il . TM market Is dull. Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 3 hard. 1 cur. K lbs., ll.M; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 54 lbs.. 11.01: No. 4 hard. , 4D lbs., hoc; No. 4 spring. 1 cur, 6J lbs , Mc; no grade, 1 car, 4TV4 Ilia., 87c. . . ...... . i.v, u, a , hi, v"T ., .c. WHEAT No. i hard Jl.ij4wl.08; No. 3 no graae Mtffw; No. z yellow. 3te; No. 3 yellow. 38o; No. z white, 3c; No. 3 white, OATS No. 2 mixed, 28c; No. 3 mixed, ITV'i No. 4 mixed, ZKic; No. 2 white, sic; No. 3 white. 2(c; No. 4 white, 27V&J&C; standard, 3sc. Omaha Cash Prices. 4 arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 74 781 107 Minneapolis 624 .. Duluth 64 St. Louts 86 64 6 Omaha 40 128 10 Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing til ices of grain todav and Satur day at the markets named were as follows. i i CHICAOO. Wheat Today. Sat'y. May 1.14 B 1.14,B July . Mil 98t Corn May 44V4 45'4jB July 45 A 45SA KANSAS CITY. Wheat May 1.04B l-04i July 9o' 9u, Coriw Mey 41 41 July 41 42' , 8T. LOUIS. Wheat May 1.17'i l.VnM July 96VA 06 A Corn. Mav 42 43, July 43V. MINNEAPOUS. Wheat May ....... l.ln 1.16 July - 1.12', 1.03i " DL'LUTH. Tt'k.At May 1.15 1.06B NEW YORK. Wheat May 1 14', MM, July 1.02 1.03 KW YOHK HENKRAL, M ATtKET 4.ootatlons of the May on .Varlooa Commodities. NEW YORK, Jan. 3. FlaOl'R Receipts. iW.l bbls.; exports, 11.616 bbls.; market dull but steady; Minnesota patents, J5kMpS.20; Minnesota bakers,' J4.4ma4.ia; win ter patents, Ju.5KftB.85; winter straights, J5.a iMAai: winter extras. t3.K6rfi4.:U: winter low- grades, $3.4DQ4.iO. Ry flour, steady; fair to goon, 4.xtM. u; cnoicw iu luiicy, n.iu'uu.wi. CORNMEAIv Steady: tine white and yel low,; coarse, II. 13fcl. 14; kiln dried, J.'w3.U. RYE Nominal. n ARI.KY Dull: feeding. 44c, r. I. f., New York; malting. 46i62o. c. I. f , Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 121, 3"9 hu. Spot mar ket firm; No. 2 ted, nominal elevator and 11 SI I. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 1.A' t O. D. SUOU.I, nil. A IIU1U AlUllliuiM. 11.10 f. o. b. afloat. Options opened higher on bullish weekly foreign statistics and strong Liverpool cuhlea,- tullowed by reac tlons under the liberal Increase l:i visible aupplv figures and Importunt selling west. On subsequent reports of a good northwest ' cash demand and better bull support the market rallied again, but finally broke tinder liquidation, dosing wV net lower. Mav. 11. 14 9-ltWi 1.1V closed ut Jl.14; July, II )t:rl ffl'.. cloned nt II O-l. CORN Receipts. 391.200 bu.t exports. 404. M2 bu. Spot market easy; No. 2, 54VjC ele vntnr and 63a f. o. b. a flout: No. 2 yellow. H3c; No. S white, 63c. Option market was Inactive here all day and eaxier with tne west, closing s,o net lower, oiuy ciosea at 1ATS Receints. 32.000 bu t exports. 450 bu. tspot market nrm; mixed. M to 32 ins., JTHc; nstursl white, 30 to 32 lls . tH43sc; dinned while. 36 to 40 Mm.. 3ti c. HAY Firm ; shipping, tfnjjrioc; good to choice. i7Hl""c. HOPS Steady. 1903, 804133c; olds, 14c; Ta cine const. 14uil644c. HIDES Firm. Qalveston, 20 to 25 pounds. lc; .-aiirornia, u to pounds. 19c; Texas, dry, S to 30 pounds, 14'c. leather. Arm: acid. 24'JC. PhOVieiONS-Beef. stesdy; family. Illoo tn.W); mesa, as wnvon; peer nanis, J22.0IV(( 23.00; packet. S10.VKt U.00; city extra India mess. 14. Xxp 14.6i. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. Jti.76iaT.26; pickled hams. c. Lard, steady: western steamed. 7.; re lined. quiet; rontlnent, J7.2U: compound. Jo.Ooift 'ilij. nim, Dareiy steany; snort cltur, 13 T5al6 0: mess. Jl3.00inl5.tiiK TALUJW Dull; city, 4c; country, 4H f'e- RCTTER Strong; street price, extra oreemery, SS.'qHc: official price, creamerv, common to extra. lKq.1U-; held. 2042;c; state nsiry, common 10 extra, ttxiijuc: renovated, common to extra. 14r.'lc: western factorv. common to choice, HiilTc; western Imitation creamerv, common to choice. i,t22c. CHEESE 8trong; state full crram, small, colored and white, fancy. 12c; fine, 11V-; late made, colored and white, fair to choice, l"'311c: larse colored and white funcv llo; fine, ll-tfll1,!': late made, colored and white, poor to choice, 84luc. EUUSBteady : western fancy aelected, I84 -. western tlrals. 27c. POl'I.TRY Alive, firm; western chickens. 10c; fowls, lie; turkey, 1 2u 1.144c: dressed, easier; weetern chickens. l."olic; foals. lOii lie; turkeys, UiilSc. Liverpool r.rala Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan 3. - WHEAT - Spot, luminal; March, 7sl(Hl; May. is'd; Julv, s Kd. CORN Hnot. quiet; American mixed, tisw, 4sSSd: Amenean mixed, old, ts lo'.d. Futures, steady; March, 4.-;4d. lay, 4s Td. , sjlaaeapalls Grain Warkrl. MINNEAPOLIS. ,l;.n 3. WHEAT .May. P li , July, l l.';, tieptciiititi, ftc, Nu, 1 hard. II 1SS: No. 1 northern. ll.US; No. 2 northern, Jl." 4. r'LOl'R First patents. HlXS;.3n: second patents. :ifte: a,rt dears. l4 1.Vg4.3a. second clears. HRA N Bulk. 114. TV iMirAtio t.Rtn a?iij rRoiio Featares of the Trsdlsg and tlosln Prlees oa Board ef Traae. CHICAOO. Jan. 3 Cnconfirmed reports of an ex'fsslve Increase In the visible sup ply formed the basis of a break of l'c In the price of May wheat. There was a reaction, but the market cloved essy, with May (C off, compared with Saturdays figures. Corn is down SV'- Oats show V Ions. Provisions uncharged. The greatest strength of the wheat mar ket was at the Immediate opening. Initial quotations In Mny delivery showed a gain of j'uc at ll.lVal.ln,. The principal soit.-ce of strength lay In the, weekly sta tistics. World's shipments were S.Son.ouo bu. smaller than for the previous Week. Fur thermore, the quantity on ocean passage decreased 2.7TK.(0 bu. The demiind. how ever, was quickly satisfied, several large holders being free sellers. There was con siderable selling by houses with St Loul connections. This selling was partly at tributed to the excellent condition of the winter wheat crop, as shown In a report of a Cincinnati trade journal. Iter In the day a rumor that the visible supplies had Increased nearly 3.000.000 bu. caused a decided commotion in the pit. For a time offerings were much In excess of the demand. The result was a sharp break in prlees. May dropping to II.13'-,. Official figures, however, fnlled to confirm the sen sstionsl report, the Increase being esti mated at only 9el.0 bu. The market re covered a portion of lose in consequence of fair buying brought on by the more bullish aspect of the statistics. The undertone whs further strengthened by reports from Min neapolis stating that flour was In good de mand there. The market, however, closed eay, with May at Jl.H. Clearances of wheat and flour w-era equal to 112.500 bu. Primary receipts were 8TO.7O0 bu., compared with 2.289.000 fiti. a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of BR2 cars, against last week and (ISO a year ago. In consequence of the bearish character of weekly statistics the corn market ex hibited considerable weakness Trading was fairly active, but offerings were too liberal for the demand. Several prominent commission houses were free sellers. The visible supply Increased 1.369,000 bu.. and world's shipments were large. Strength of wheat was an early factor. May opened a shade to V higher at 46V to 464ti'4o,c and sold off to 4414c, where It closed. Local receipts were 71 cars, .wl tit C of contract grade. ' ' The decline In corn had a depressing ef fect on the oats market, prices showing a slight loss, notwithstanding a considerable decrease In the visible supply. Trsdlng was very quiet. Msy opened a shade higher at Hlc. sold off to 2W". elosed at 3lU'ai ulHe. Local receipts were 107 cars. Considering a decline of loc In prices of hogs, the provisions market displayed mod erate firmness. The volume of business, however, wss extremely small and the prices showed only slight fluctuations. At the close Mav pork and lard were un changed at J12.S0 and I7.0."aa7.0i respec tively. Ribs were h. shade lower. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 59 cars; corn, 6ij cars; ostt, Ifi cars; hogs, 14.(0 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. lllgh.l Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat rec. Mav July Com 1 'ec. Jan. May Julv Oats Dec. Jan. Mav July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Ribs Jan. May 1 1.1 1 hVoU 1 15, 1 1.1V 1 14 I 1 14, 9fcVVj WJ'i I '42' 4 41V 44H 45',if'4 45 I 45--i 41H 42V 41', 45',4(i(S:45',ifjVi 45V5V4T.V&V 44., ti 29 'j 29',! 2a! 2M, JIM SISi 31V3WnS31VrN, 31HI 31,l 31V 31V 31. 12 45 12 45 12 92H 12 40 12 77V 6 T7V 7 02Vi I 37V 70 12 40 II 12 80 I 1 : 40 : so 12 77H 6 90 6 SO 77V V4 7 05 I 7 05 7 02, 7 07V fi 37V 6 70 I fi 45 6 75 6 40 ti 70 .fi 424 72 No. 3. . Cash quotations were as follows: FLOL'R Firm; winter patents. J5.10f (16.20; straights. $4.KhQ5.0O; spring pat ents. J5.ow35.60; straights, J4.GO4.90; bakers', J2. 713.80. WHIOAT-No. 3 spring. Jl IOSI.16; No. S, 9ci1.12; No. 2 red. Jl.l&V81.1liV CORN No. 2. 42V; No. 2 yellow, 42V.-' OATS No. 3. 2"ic; No. S white, Sla32c; No. 3 white, 3vVtia2o. , RYE No. 2. 75c. ' BARLEY Good feeding. 3637c; fair' to choice malting, 41iS4l,o. SEED No. 1 flax, J1.15: No. 1 northwest ern. J1.22H; elorer, contract grade, J12.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. J12.40 12.46. Short ribs sides (loose). JIU2V&6.37V Short clear sides (boxed). Jft.(2VS$6.75. Receipts and shipments tor the day were a follows: j Recilpre. Shipments Flour, bbls 5.400 8, too Wheat, bu 28.iO 41.900 Corn, bu 393,fi(i0 357,700 Oats, bu 71.100 1H4,0ij0 Rye, bu 2,000 Barley: bu C4.000 20.300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries. 17&2Xc; dairies. 134c. Eggs, Arm; at mark, cases Included. 20iiC4c; prime firsts, 2Uc; extras, 2jic-. Cheese, steadyv 114jl2c - St. I.oals Urala aaw Prarrlaloaa. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 3. WHEAT Lower; cash. J1.17H: on track, J1.1H41.19; May, II. 17V July, 95V; No. 2 hard. J1.121.13. CORN Lower; cash, 43c; on track, 43Va 44c; M:iy. 42c; July, 43Vic OATS Firm; cash, 31 V: On track, 82V; May. 31V; No. 2 white, 33V- FLOL'K Dull; red winter patents, JS.flOfql 5.70: sneclal brands, 15.755.85; extra fancy, J5.0UgS.20; clear, J4.554.70. SEED Timothy, steady. J2.GO4.25. CORNMEAL Steady, 12.40. BKAN Dull, easy; sacked, east track. 90c. HAY Strong; timothy, t.Wa3.i0; prai rie, 16.(10.50. IRON COTTON TIES-930. BAlKlINa 7 V- HEMP TWINE 6V. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, III. 30. laird, unchanged; prime steamed, 16.45. Bacon, steady; clear ribs, 17 6:'!;,; short clear, 18.00. POULTRY yulet; chickens, 8c; springs, 9c; turkeys, 14c: ducks, (V: geese, Sc. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 21tf28VS dairy, 15(&23c. EGOS Higher at 22c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 11. woo lO.onO WheHt, bu ,,! Corn, bu 65.0UO 33,000 Outs, bu '. 66.0UO 32.0CK) Kansas Cltr Gralai aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. S.-WJIEAT-Market steady; May. J1.04H: July. 90V- Cash: No. 2 hard. J1.07V No. 3. Jl.uMrl.WV No. 4. 98cr J106; No. 2 red, J1.10S1.12; No. 3. Jl.0tkfil.09; No. 4. Jl.w&l.t6. tORN Market higher; May. 41V July. 414i41'4c. Cash: No. 3 mixed, 41ii4lV: No. 3. 41V841V; No. 2 while, 42c; No. 3, 41V- OATS Market steady: No. 2 white, 31U1 31V: No. 2 mixed, 3o4jti31c. HAY Bteady ; choice timothy, J8.50(9 00, choice prairie, 7.7T8.0O. RYE Steady, 7Vu76c. EUOS Weak; Mlsaoiirl and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 22c; case count, 3iV; csai-s returned, V less. BUTTER Creamery, 23w27e; dairy. 19c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 13H.900 23.30 Corn, bu luLJui Sa.Li Oats, bu oq.imj 9,o) Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 3 BUTTER Firm; good demand; extra western cream cry. 2tV: extra nearby prints, 32c. EGGS Steady; fair demand: nearby, fresh, 32c at mark; western fresh, firm at mark. CHEESE Firm; full creams, fancy, 12c; full creams, choice. UVfeUc; full creams, fair to goid, 11011V Visible Happlr of Grain. NEW YORK. Jan. 6. The visible supply of grain Saturday. December 31, as com piled by the New York Produce exchange, la as follows: Wheat, bit., an Increase of 901.000. Corn, t.67u.OuO bu., an increase of 3.7H9.im0. Oats, 2K'-.0l bu., a decrease of tdf.ouu. Rye. 1.9W.KI0 bu., a decrease of 127 tss. Barley, .90,000 bu.. an increase of btt.OuO. Milwaakee Uraln Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. s.-WHKAT-Dull; No. 1 norrJhern, l,H(u!15: No. northern, J) iiiU4il.ll: May. Jl 14'1.14Mi. RYK-kc higher; No. 1, 79V. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2. Uc; sample, 37 J5lc. CORN V lower; No. S, 42&4:;c; May, 44 V- ' llalath t.raln Market. DULUTH. Jan. S-WHKAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern. II 13; No. 3 northern. Jl.tM. On trak: No. 1 northern. 1113; No. 2 northern. W.i. May. II 15. OATS To arrive and on track, 29V- 'leledo Peed Market. TOLEDO. Jan 3. SEED Clover, cash sud January, 17. February. JS: March, fxo"; pilme alnlke, Jiil6; prime timothy. J1.:A . Peoria Market. PEORIA. Jan l-Ct RN -l-.w ei ; No, J, til, .No. 1 4,'c; no grade, SVQtlc. XEWY0R1 STOCKS AND BINDS rail of Port Arthtr Canes an Advaic in Prica, Which is Met bj Liquidation. SECURITIES DECISION CAUSES SECOND RISE A anon nee men t that lltlaatlnn Will Re Prolonaed Indefinitely tend lp Ml Mocks nelated to Northern C ompany. NEW YORK. 3 Developnients of unexpected Importance confronted the stock market on its opening for the new years business this morning The fall of Port Arthur and the decision In the Northern Securities cases have long been awaited as vents of prime Importance hv those opei -utlng In stocks 1 he moderate etftct to day is easily explainable from the fact that these events were long anticipated. There wus some rather wide fluctuations during the morning, hut the moderate proportions of the dealings warned those sliailng in them that they were not In a large com pany and the market settbd down toward the latter part of the day to :i uclter tone. There was wme disposition to .ittrinute thla effect to a widoly heralded . event, namely, the resumption of the campaign by published udvertlscment ngalnft the pi Ices of stocks. There was not, in fact, any very palpable evidence ot the dire effects on the mnrkets by thin mornings proclamation. But there wa some dreHd of the occur rence of auch events, which had Its part In deterring operator? from active dealings. The action of the Berlin market yesterday and of the Iondon mrkt this morning was given 11s an Intimation of what might be expected from the fall of Tort Arthur. The london murket showed some positive encouragement, which was due to an as mimption that the reduction of the fort reus would tend to hasten the end of the war. Thus Insured from harm on that ac count, prices here started upwards In pur suance of the belief fii a large January de mand for securities. Active realizing met the advance and hod about wiped out the gains, when the Northern Securities decis ion wan announced. The speculative public has been educated to a belief that htigo railroad projects had been formed which were only waiting for thta decision In order to take effect and possibly change the railroad map of the country by new combinations and absorp tlon designed to effect the purposes of the Northern Securities merger in other ways. It haji been nrnumed that the refusal to continue the Injunction would have the ef fect of permitting nn Immediate distribu tion of the company's assets luid would thus precipitate the supposed alternative projects Immediately. It was promptly learned to dav that the delay in delivering the man date of the court and the stay on the sp peal which was determined upon would prolong the litigation Indefinitely. All the stocks related in any way to the Northern Securities shot up on the announcement, St. Paul touching 175-V Union Pacific llt4 and Southern Puclllc 0oV They fell back from that level and it was not until the final dealings that they were marktd up again to about the best. The sudden rise in Amal gamated Copper to above 74, with evidence of some confusion amongst the shorts In the stock, was the motive of the late rally which made the closing strong Routine newa of tlit duy waa all favorable to val ues. The pressure of railroad traffic was r.nn.tiul in I aVrflM nf CHOitf'ltV full ntotiev worked easier during the day a lid supplies were abundant. There was a broad market for bonds ot higher prices. Total sales, pur value, Jti. OL'O.oOO. United Statee 2s, registered, declined 4 point and 2s, coupon, advanced 4 point on call. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Clone. Atchison lo.9"o ' Ki K7", xxij do pfd 1.3O0 I'M-, ioot. Atlantic Coast Line. 4"W 124 ZHn Baltimore A Ohio 40.100 1W 105 do pfd Canadian Pacific .... 4.0ik 1X1 tj 133's Central of N. J 4' llHi lini Ches. & Ohio 1.600 49 4X1, Chicago & Alton .... 9"0 43'i 42 do pfd 2"0 SX 821., Chicago Great West. 13.300 2-'!, 224 C. & N. W 700 20Vi 20S ('., M. & St. P 39.4O0 1755, 172 Chicago T. & T 1,400 12 11 do pfd 4' 22 21 124 105 V 954 13.14 liNI 4X4 424 814 234 2f4 17,, 21 91 . 23. 624 36 184 S 34l 31 84 39-4 V, 664 904 91 156', 30 nfi 28 524 141 165 79 1204 224 51 ! 1464 107 .324 6:14 394 8114 92 l.HHi 77 80 91 844 36 834 71 25 584 66 1154 35 ' 964 35 3, 544 1164 97 21. 43 19 45 236 2ii9 119 233 74 34-H 94I 36 94 37 154 37 854 103 824 113 1434 934 109 614 47i 198 21 774 39 187 224 76 384 87 244 I'm 474 1"74 384 9o 237 !. 714 27 96 714 13 H il 76 3:1 98', i 9.14 384 Vl 179 C, C, C. & St. L.. Colorado Southern .. 200 23H do 1st pfd 500 62V, 23H 61V do 2d ptd Del. A Hurtxon 700 1 186V, D.. L. 4TW D. & R. G do pfd 600 KH Erie 54.700 , do 1st pfd 5.4(10 71., do 2d pfd 2,400 67 Hocking Valley 300 "V4 do pfd MO 924 Illinois Central 3,900 157 Iowa Central r 2o0 3i do pfd 200 BV K. C. Southern : 28 do pfd 600 52, Irfiulsvllle & Nash... 2.100 141V Manhattun L 9"0 1K5A, Met. Securities 1.7"0 794 Met. St. Ry 4.300 12m Mexican Central .... 3.400 224 Minn. A St. Louis M.. 8t. P. & 8. Ste. M. 200 91 do pfd 8i4 37, 754 55-4 m 92i 1364 304 5fi" 28 52 1394 li'.u 79 12o'. 22 90" ioi" 41 794 Missouri Pacific 7.1O0 M.. K. & T 200 do pfd 2.3(JO N. R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Ceneral 3.100 N. Y., O. & W 1.900 107, 324 64 41 v4 80', Norfolk & WcKtrrn.. 8.50O do pfd Pennsylvania P. C. C. &. St. L Heading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co.... 44.900 1394 i:ia 2V"oo 7U0 GOO .29.3IJO 6"U. 92 85 374 84 714 '584 664 116 36 97 ;!54 36 544 116 974 22 43 194 2-"I 454 Tl'4 92 85 3H'4 84 71 574 64ai 1154 X 97 354 3tl4 64 114-i, 974 21 4 43 lh 214 454 do pfd St. L. & 8. F 2d pfd. 200 2"S St. L. w. W do ptd Southern Paciilc . 1.500 .53.700 , MO . 8. ' . 300 . 700 . loo . 0 211.200 . 300 . 1,200 tfio M . MO do pfd Southern do Dfd Railway Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. A W do pfd Union Pacific .. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling Wisconsin A L E. Central do pfd Adams Expdess Amer. Ex. Co.. U. S. Ex Co.... Wells-Forgo Ex Amal. Copper . L1K Co.. lmj 210 210 Co. 100 7M l.oi.) 70ii lay 235 744 344 94 a4 235 7iV, 34 944 364 "64 Amer. Csr. A F. do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil . do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive do Dfd woo 64 .. 2.600 35 4 34 Amer. S. A R 4.0on do pfd loo Amer. Sugar Ref S.60O 824 113 1434 93 1K4 614 474 198 211, 7S 39 1S7H 23 774 81 , 113 142 924 108 61 46U 1974 2'4 78 :ww 187-, 23 764 Am. Tobacco pfd. ct. 1,400 Anaconda Mining .. 7i Wrooklyn Rap. T... 8.9H Colo. F. A 1 6,200 Consolidated Gas ... 2, loo Corn I'roducts 2' do tiH 2"0 DlHtilfers' S"cur. ... l,t General Elec 6 International Paper.. 8110 do pfd 4'M International Pump do pfd lw 874 374 National Lead North American .... 6110 Pacific Mall 7.5nO People's Gas i,7 Pressed Stetl Car do pfd ion Pullman Palace Car. loo Republic Steel CoO do pfd 5oit Rubber Goods 400 do pfd Tenn. C. A 1 2.800 U. 8. Leather 3.1m do pfd 3.400 U. S. ly V. S. Rubber loo do pfd . S) U. 8. Steel 54.2K do pfd 66.6u Virginia-Carolina I'll. 3t do pfd 4iji Westltifhouse Elec... I'O Westtrii Union 2.9oO Total sales for the day. li(2 KM 45 107 'ioai 237 164 714 27 70 13. 107 1 9i'-V 237 174 714 n -7i4 it 1024 90 :tci. 39 loB 10M4 '.iji4 99 29 924 37T hw 182 ISO 95 93 94 o7,I00 shares. er York Mining Stot-ks. NEW YORK, Jan. 3.-Ths following are the iloKlng nuotallon- on mining storks: A la inn Cuu .A ' III t hl( AH. Tf. naarl j7j Br Dhlr i, Brunswli k Cou 9 H8ouU fl'iinatiy-k Tuiiusl .... I FotiMl 20 (-on. Cal- & A 1 8aag 4 Horn llvr ...irl 810ns Nflvd, 4;, Iron Sllrcr :oo small liupa, :i LadTlll Con t BCiDdard lio (Id for Eorone. NEW VORK. Jau. 3.-Lszard Freres an. mm rices this sfU-moon that tlu-y will take i:tl In gold ftom the ubtjeauiy to morrow foi shipment abroad statewent of Bank of t.ermsay. . BERLIN. Jun. S.-The wetkly statement of tho Imperial iJank ul Uciuiiiny hos th following charges: Cssh In hand, de crease.! ss.Kjn.nftf'm; treasury notes, de cressed 1.7Joofm; oth'-r securities. In creased 197.7oim; n-ites in clrculs th n. In creased 257,64.0" m. is York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jen 3-M(NKY-on call, steadv St 24tit4 Per cent; closing. 3 per cent; offered st 34 T'r cent; time loans, firmer: sixty days snd ninety days. 4 pet ren': six months. 34"94 per cent. PRIME MERCANTII E PAPF.R-4ni4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, closed firmer, with S"tusl betnes In bankers' hill, st 84 Vfi4.a5 for demand snd at J4 s4foi4.8470 fr IM-day bills; posted rates. 4.6iii4 8; commercial bills. J4.M SILVER Bar. 81V": Mexlcau dollars. 4Rc. BONDS Government, irregular; railroad, firm. The following re the quotations on stocks and bonds: V. S. ref. 2. res... I"' 1 ! la pan . -tf, ... io rnupnn hHH 4 N nnl. .. Manhattan I 4 l"4 1 1 n'ral 4 .HV He tat ise .!"" Mlnn. St. L. 4 .l'4IM . K 4k T 4 'no 3a. r, .... An ennpon 4i naw 4a, reg t.i 74', . '.'. . 7 .ti-S (In loiipnn (o old 4a. ref (In coupon Am. Tubaccn 4a, ctla tfn ta. rlfa Atrhlann sen. 4a... dn a,!). 4a Atlantic (' I,. 4a Hal Ohio 4 do Central nf Oa. i-a (In lat im- ln t Tl'4 N. R. R. of M c. 4' M tl(" N. T. f. 3',a. It '.! J. C X. . 4'No. Ps-'lfie 1M I do 10.141N. W. i . 4a . . . M-'0. S. L. rft. . ti:o,Pnn. rwiv. S'ta. .1.1.1 'a ll44 . ,7 .101", 7'. . fUV, .1"! ti irtt,1in (an. ( an 2d Inc 73H,8t. U I. M. r. Pa.. 117 "('h. 4V Ohl, 4(,a..l( St. U S. V. I ta 4 Chl.agn A A ,.. (KUtlRt. U 9. W. .. 4.... II 4 C. R. A Q. n. 4a... f ISasboa-d A. I,. 4a . . . S C. R. I. - P. 4a ... SIVSn. rfli- 4a Mli do rol. it HS. Rallw St 117 m-. 4V PI L. I. 4a.. Id Taxaa P. la l.Di Chli agn Tar. 4a. SH T , St. Ia. . at... M 7S Ifnlon Pclf).- 4a 10T. V jo mnr. 4, 114.4, tn-'S f S. Stael M ia Sjv, c, Wabaah la ll4 7S dn dh. B imii, tl titers I1. 4t )', !' W . A U K. 4a 4 10t'4 'Wit. Ontral 4a 4 com Mid. At Colo. A 80. 4a Cuba, Sa. rtfa D. A R O 4 ttalllem a.-. . Kria prior Man 4a. do ga.n. 4a F. W. ft t). C. la.. Ho. king Vsl. 4i, a IMS 1 Ex-interefct. Bid. Boston stock Market. BOSTON. Jan. 3. Csll loans. 3'o4 per cent; time loans, 34io per cent. OrnuiMl closing of stocks AtNilKon dj. 4, do 4a Max. Central 4a Atrhlaon d prrt Boaton oV Alhanr pnatnn A Malna Ronton ElaTalad .... t-'lfrhbiirg pfd Meslcan Central .... N. Y.. N. H. A H . Para Marquette Vnlon Paclfle A mar. Arg. Chant.. do pfd Amer. Tnau. Tube... Amer. Sugar do pfd and bonds: . 4 Wearing, common . .. M .HU' Advantur, ' ,. 71 Allou in . . IH Amalsamatad 7:14 .too7, American Zlnr .rJ." .t:.4 Atlantlr 174 . ITS Bingham' -H'i . 1."H4 Tal. A He. la (V,n .141 centennial ill, . 114 Topper Range .1M Paly West U, . 74 Pomtnton Coal 41 .ltS Franklin IS . ?u Grsarr t . M lala Rovalr i7', . 11, Maaa. Mining a U2 Mohawk M'i .1.1(1 Mont. C. A C 8 .14714 old nonunion SK'i . tSH Oacanla trt', . i Parrot -.', . II Qulni-T Hu .34 Hhannon tr7, .lsa Tamarack . . . r.'o . 11'., Trinity is , 4 V. 8. Mining ;t . :u c. s. on it .lOAIa C'ah 42'a . tum Victoria ...v ( . lSlw'ln"ua 12 . so4 Wolverine loll . MS1 Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do prd finmtnlon I. AV 8.... F.diann Electric- lllu. Ceneral Kle-trle .... Mans. Flccirle do pfd Maaff. Oaa I nltad Fruit t'nltrd shoe Marb... do pfd f. S. Bleal do pfd Bid. "Asked. London Mock Market. 1 LONDON". Jan. 3 Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: ConaoK money... M 11-11 X, Y. Central do account !' Norfolk t- W Anacnnil, rf'a do pfd ... Atchlaon SI'a Ontario A W. H6'i -' M IS', 71 ' "S 41 47 41 :wi a do ptd lun'i Pannarlvanl, Ball (more A Ohio. ... K4 Rand Mine Canadian Pa, tne .H iRradlng I haa. A Ohio.. Chicago Ot. W. C M. A St. P . 6w4f dn 1st pfd . il'ji dn L'd pfd 17'4 SoTith.-ni Hallway I"Meera H I do pfd Denver A R. O it Southern Pacific do pfd 7a Itnton Pacific ... Eria 3a dn pfd do lat pfd V n r. S. Slael do Sd pfd f.7 do pfd Illinois Central ll',Wahah laoula. & Naah 14 I do pfd M., K. A T U'4'paniah 4, February. 1I4 HO', .11", St! 21 44 9t f 1LVER Bar. quiet; i. 5-lhd per ounce. M ON E Y 1 44r L' per cent. The rate of discount in the ipen market for short bills la SS-liMiZa per cenl; for three months' bills, 1'4 per cent. Foreign Financial. PARIS. Jan. 3. The tone oh the Bourse today was very firm The capitulation of Port Arthur did not produce any unfavor able Impression, Russians tending upward and the market cloalng uouyant. RIo Tln tos gained 2if. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 80.96 and Russian bonds of IS 4 at 5o9. The private rate of discount was 1" per cent. LONDON, Jan. 3. Money was In large supply today owing to the release of Inter est dividends and the maturing of treasury bills. Discounts were sympathetically eas ier. Btocks opened houyant on the Port Arthur news and the abundance of money, but closed quiet and below the best quota tions of the day. Consols started higher and reacted at the close. Americans hard ened after the receipt of New York's open ing prices on arbitrage buying and fair out side support and closed firm. There was good all round buying nf Japanese securi ties, presumably largely for Japan. Im perial Japanese government 6s of 1S04 were quoted at 97. BERLIN, Jan. 3. Prices on the bourse today were unchanged. - Russian bonds rose 4- Treasury ftatenient. WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. Todays state ment of the treasury balance, exclusive ot the JloO.Otio.OOO gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash bal ance, Jll,02.tiJj9; gold, J79.on4.313. Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. S. WOOLA firm tone characterises the wool market, while there Is a fair amount of buying considering the small stock of wool available. The trade consists almost entirely of lots for piecing nut larger purchases previously made. That high values are to be maintained on both wool and wool goods seems assured, as all the available supply In slight has been bought at high prices. Territory wools are firm and pulled grades steady. Foreign wools run the same. Quotations: Terri toryIdaho, flue, lS44F(lc; heavy fine. IWr 17c; fine medium, IK4ttlBc; -medium, 215a-; low medium, 23(Jf:'4c. Wyoming Fine, 174 lK4c; heavy fine, l&ijltic; fine medium, 174 (nlH'c; medium, a'q'-'4c; low medium, He. I'tah and Nevada Fine. 17&loc; heavy fine, HVai6c; fine medium, 174'618c; medium. Z'.'ti'JSf ; low medium, 23ty24c. Dakota Fine. IWiUV; tine medium, lSral9c: medium, L'31i H4c; low medium. ZVtfUc. Montana Fine, choice, 111a:!3e; fine average, lnff-JOc; line me dium, choice, 2KJ22c; average, lutiiuc; staple, l!J4i33c; medium choice, VSHRc. , ST. LOI I8. Jan. 3. WOO!-8teady : me dium giades. combing and clothing. :':Mi -'!; light tine. lHfr'Jl'c; heavy fine, ltVJSc; tub washed, :7'41c. " Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 3 -METAIaS-Tbere was a had break In the London tin market, casli closing at 133 -'8 d and futures at 131 10s. Locally the(niarket was easier, In sympathy, with spot quoted at JJA.frxjt 29.07V, generally, although some dealers were asking as high as 129.25. Copper was higher ugaiu in Ixindon. with spot closing at rM I2n 6d and futures at S 1m (ftf Locally there was no change, lake being hunted at Jl.VUV,ti 16.25. electrolytic at JlS.on 615.36 and casting at JI4.n74(j 14.87Vf. A good business Is reported under way and the tone of the market Is firm. Iafftd was higher In London, cloalng at 12 ls ftri. Locally prices were unchanged, ranging from 14. HO to J4.70. Spelter was quoted at 25 6s In Iaoudon and at IS lwid.16 locally. Iron wus a little higher abroad, closing at K4s In Glasgow and at Sis tld In Middlesborougli. l.ocally the market Is firm, with some parties asking full outside prices, while other business Is said to be well within the quoted range. No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at 112.10112.56. No. 1 southern and No. I southern soft foundry at J17.7o4i 18.00. ST. laOl'vjD. Jan. 8. METALS- fesd. stfjudy. J4.624lU4-0. Spelter, strong, Jd.uav,. 4 oaTee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. J. COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at an advance of 104)15 points In response to firmer European cables and reixirts that the failure of a large Brazilian house had been due to In abllitv to rill contracts made for delivery of actual coffee. After the opening the. markat sagged off under realising and In sympathy with the reactionary tendency of tha French market. After cuttles down the net gain to a matter of about 1 points the market toward the close rallied again on renewed support and was finally steady, net 5 to 10 points higher. Sales were re ported of kti.OuO bags. Including Januarv at 7.7'K-: March, 7.t"ii7.Mc: April. i.Hk-; Mav. a liVnJ"c; June, s A'ii.3oc: July. I. JSfi3 4'-; SeptcmlKr, .aja).r6; October. Jo&c; Novem ber, 3.70c. Spot, steady; RIo. No. 7. 4c. agar aad Malasaea. NEW YORK, Jan. 3.-81 (JAR-Has. steady. Refined, firm 7 No. . S.2fic; No. 7. i 2ue: No. . 4.S&e; No. , 5.06c: No. 10. Jc; No. 11. 4.9c; No. It 45c; No. 13. 47.V-; No. 14. 4.70c; confectioners' A. B.JOc: mould A. J. as-; cut loaf, ti.&tVc: crushed. i.ioc: powdered, boc: granulated. XSoc: cii!h. dim-. NEW ORLEANS Jan. S. SI "OA R Firm . white clarified. 4 li-lh6c: open kettle. V.4'u 4'.c; open kettle, centrifugal, 4a4a'-; cen trlfugal whites. 4 13-liiti 44c; ellon. 444f 4.e: aSH-ondg. lVtf.. MOI APH KB- Unlet; open kettle, K'tJc, .ilitl Ifujal, 74( 1-V. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattl SeceipU Light, Qmalitj Common aad Pricei Gentraliy Suad. H03S SHOWED SME IMPROVEMENT More Moderate Receipts nf Sheep aad Lambs and While There Was n Quotable t hsnae In Prices Tra dinar Ha More Active. SOl'TH OMAHA. Jan. 3. i:VV Receipts were: t attle. Hogs. Hheeu Orrlcial Mu.idav -9-1 ti.J-lT 11. '.'13 OfT1i Ttiesriiiv - 5i tj.t"0 3.IWI Two days this week... 1.79.1 12.C 14.MJ Same davs last week :. 3.M4 1.311 Hlitte days we k lief ore.. 7.1-' 13.s!7 13.M1 Same three weeks am... 111.4.5 !.:'' Vi.'i Same four weess ago... ..'.' K.SdS Snme d:tvs last e.11 12.AK RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the rrcelpts ul came, hogs and sheep at South Omaha lor the year to date with i-otnparlsona: 1)5. 11-04. inc. I't'c Cattle 4,j 1.5KI 3. 232 Hogs :Mt 11.43" l.."i' fchecp M.S13 4. Stl !' ol I li lohowii g tao;c aiiowt ti avtrng-r price of Ik gs at South t'maha tor the l.ial several uay, with tcompanaons: Dt j 1304. ilug. 11902. !l9ul.:190.illi9 19S- wee 19. Dec. BO. lec. 21 ec. 22. Lec. a. Uec. it., L'ec. 25. Dec. 2tl. Oec. Dec. 29., 4 & 4, i ". 3 08 u tf ll 2', " I 6 3fi, ' 44, H 12 ,; :i k.m 3 :s 1 T0l 3 S4; 3 31 a is.'! - 1 4 44 4 34 4 384, 4 39j 4 iS'i 4 4-i 4 41-, 4 4. 1 a , a. : 4 424 4 641 4 Dl- 1 a r- 1 a i t V 6 M, 4 Bl 4 01! i it I 4 SOI 4 02 3 ' U 06 I 4 o4, 2 b OJI t l ' , ' at 5 19 4 K9 4 Ul 3 M 1, ., 4 s ! 4 u. , :. 44 6 261 4 771 4 HI 3 48 b ; i 4 14, 3 4A ti M 4 90, 1 3 bi A'ec. ;fo.. 1, 1 1 vi 1 4 61H 4 li2 4 47 , 4 62 1 3-'., 'i 2A Dec. 21., 1WU. ili4. 1 4 M 4 39 1 4 til 4 434! 19ij3.,1 ;l2 il9"l. lP00.1f99. Jan. 1... Jan. 2.. Jan. 3.. tf 33 8 37. 6 30. 6 221 4 !"o 4 21. ti 22i 4 s. 4 33, 3 6c ti 19 4 96 4 29 3 ui a lnll, iatc Kiinai, Indicates holiday. Tha ,ifl,ll r,i,mt.a. ,.f fit Stuck brought In today by each road wns: 1 iittic nogs, snccp.11 i s. ".. M A Kl I1 1)1 It I it W'ahnh II 1 1 1 l 1 2 3.. Missnuri Pacific 3 t nion I'm inc svstiin 20 C. N. W 3 F.. E. M V 27 C.. Kt. P.. M. 0 4 B. & M 27 3 li 2 1 C, K. I. & P., cast... 14 C. H. 1. r P.. west... 3 Illinois central 1 Total receipts 121 I'd 14 2 The disposition of the days receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of Inud indicated: Cattle. Hos. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 320 o4H n;4 Swlit and Conipam 411 1.3,i ;.93R Cudahy Packing Co 739 1.97., l.UHi Armour. A Co 4"tf l.ti.17 l,iil Cudahy, from Sioux City l.otfo Vansant A Co 42 Caiey Benton 43 I.obnian & Co M Hill Hunlxinger x H.imilton & Rothschild.. 4 Wolf M, 1111, in ti4 Sam Wert lielnier 2S Mike Huggerty 7 J. li. Root Co 112 Bulla & Kline 47 F. i T 200 Other buvei-s 429 .... 4"0 Totals. .. 2.97ti 6.91S 6.213 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were sur prisingly light at all points this morning owing 110 doubt in a lurge meaaurv to tin way In which packers pounded prices the latter part of last week and also 011 Mon day of thla week. The receipts at South Omaha. Chicago and Kansas City combined nmnunted to only about 13.0no head, which shows to what extent shippers ure holding back their cattle. Not only were the receipts very light this morning, hut the quality at this point waa also wry inferior. In fact, there was not a choice load of beef steers In the yards. The market cojld not be quoted uny more than steady on the kinds of fered, with trading rather alow. Pack ers all claimed, however, to be anxious for desirable gradis. and such kinds would perhaps have sold a little stronger. The trains were very late In arriving this morning and that delayed the market to quite an extent, so that the day was well advanced before a clearance was made. There wa.- a little more life to the cow market this morning than was noticed yes terday and sales were made all th? way from barely steady to as much as a dime higher. The- market yesterday was, of course, very uneven, and the same was true today, so that some sales looked much better than others. On the average the market could not be quoted more than steady to strong. Bulls, veal calves snd stags sold to fully as good advantage as they did yesterday. There was quite a demand for stockers and feeders, and speculators picked up quite a few of the warmed up cattle of good quality at prices that looked a lit tle stronger. Anything that had not been on corn also sold to a little better advan tage where the quality was at all good. Common cattle of all kinds sold about steady. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. ti: Av. IT. 1 14H0 3 0 !0 124S 4 115 II 11-21 3 81 21 1110 4 10 11 1063 M U UK 4 lit It 972 1 HO 1 into 4 IS 44 105U 3 to I l(i:,0 4 25 II ls4 S 90 20 1111 4 30 1 120U 4 (10 STEERS AND COWS. 24 120S 1 06 17 1 1 1 t i DO U 1037 3 70 COWS. 1 720 1 70 B son 2 r, t 700 1 75 4o Ml I 4.1 I 0tl 1 "S 2 1040 2 v 3 "3 2 0" I Ult) 2 to 2 1010 i (Kl 10 974 1 tr, 1 170 2 On Kl 1097 2 U 1 470 t Oil .7 M, 27,', I 4 2 0" 2 107S 2 75 2 101(1 2 0) 10 1011 2 7.' 4 1030 2 15 19 131 2 TS 2 1116 2 20 1 n.,o 2 7S 1 9S0 2 2.4 1 1050 2 7S 11 1042 2 2-7 1 1050 I 75 5 lO'JI 2 19 nun 2 IS 17 944 2 3i 14 11175 2 1 KKlO 2 31 Ti 1144 2 - 21 "99 2 4" 15 HITI 3 an 4 900 2 4(1 14 11 18 t to 0 1008 2 48 II 101.1 2 90 1 7K 2 Rfl II 9D9 an 2 IK 2 .".0 3 Iltt 2 to t 974 i ill I mo a nn 17 978 2 50 II mo 3 ;S IS l(Ki2 2 SO JO ni j ;5 II 915 2 0 1 1090 i a 3 10.VI 2 i HEIFERS. 2 r-45 2 CO 22 791 2 7i0 . ( 110 ! 30 i BULLS. 1 , 710 t 00 1 in,) ; VI 1 1540 2 28 1 limi 2 90 1 1S50 2 30 1 800 3 00 1 lilO 2 50 CALVES. 1 220 3 00 1 150 8 28 3 201. 4 1 loo 6 as 1 10 4 60 1 120 i 50 1 100 I 25 1 510 6 50 1 1O0 5 2:. I.... 220 6 74 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 50 3 00 2! 723 I 10 J 520 3 00 20 7 1 ,1 1 790 on 28 171 3 CO 2 920 I 00 ft p.lrj 3 C8 2 IT" 3 10 1 M1 S jy I 195 I 16 7 161 3 "1 15 7t 3 M 12 141 I 70 1 7:i7 3 60 10 111(0 1 m I Kj 3 50 10 & j 10 1 710 I 60 II 7a it in 1 76:1 3 65 19 1034 3 IS 4 9.M 3 55 21 97" 3 is 11 1"I2 3 SO 2. .4 114(1 4 It" II. Boyer Sou-Neb. 34 steers. 1 cow .1I7IJ .1 0 . 960 3 00 4 feeders. 832 3 TS HOOS There was only a fair run of hogs here this morning, so that, although Chicago had 3S.0H0 heud. with light weights weak and others steady, the market here Improved a little. At the opening prices were generally ZWate higher than yes terday. The bulk or the sale went from 14.40 to 14 46. with a top at 34-&0- Trading was fairly active and It was not lung be fore most of the early arrivals were dis posed of, but so many nf the trains wer late that tho market was delayed to quite an t-xtunt The middle of the Market seemed to be the strongest of the day. when the prices paid were mostly He higher. Toward the close the market weakened, and about noon several loads arrived and they sold mostly at $4.40, with the choicer loads at 14 42',. In some cases packers bid as low as 14.374 for coarse, heavy hogs. Most everything changed hands shortly after being un loaded. Representative sales: No. A. Sti. W u. av. no. Pr ! 19 ... 4 J7', M 115 200 4 4!', 12 272 IV 4 40 5 291 ... 4 U 1 ' a" 4 4" 45 2a 4" (:'. 71 25U ltd 4 W ii :U MS 4 42i, 71 2 . . 4 4" 72 224 ... 4 41', 54 Ut 2"0 4 40 U 244 120 4 42", 52 340 ... 4 4 12. ; ... 4 42', 1 90 320 4 4H ' 89 Jfl . . 4 421, 44 244 A tu Ki 2M 329 4 4iS 10 244 90 4 40 234 ... 4 45 II .'4a 40 4 4" 7a 24 12" 4 45 14 1W ... 4 4(, 67 2!'J 2i 4 4.". 54 27 40 4 t" 64 2.7 ... 44:. 60 MS . 4 ) 27;. ... 4 4:, ii l'0 12 4 4" 2 4 1 4 4 , 70 M 10 I 4 6a 171, 4n 4 ti 59 T.:.ti ItS 4 4.", -.'Ml 40 4 45 i. lai 4 4-", in HI-. ... 4 1., 61 ... 4 U., 74 H7 ... 4 , M JT7 lafl 4 4-S 2" 4 45 M . . I.'S " 4 4?'. ; " 4" 4 4 I 2 V. M 4 4. ' 4.1 . ... JV ... I 45 tu . . .;-V2 2S 4 4.', 79 2 . . 4 4'. n :-n 1 7; J:7 4 4 II ,:( 40 4 42' 7n .I! I'll 4 14 . . . .. , 54 284 '. . 4 45 4. 27 .' 4 42 , : ?4 ... 4 (.. -.4 2M . I 42s) 7 .- !K . . 4 4-. i"-....... . ? an 4 4i, 55 . 12 . . 4 45 I :v9 1IW 4 4: , ai 241 an 4 s t 2.4 l 4 421, 54 2l V 4 4 391 14 4 4:'S (0 4 4.1 4V I'.'- . 4 4?w, 2t ,4 ... 1 4:, II 744 n 4 4f. 15 224 ... 4 45 14 277 an Hit, 4 no ... 4 45 56 ':4 I2 4 41 54 821 ... 4 IS 88 271 tn 4 4f' Id 241 ,.4 45 55 .Ill 4 42S 65 .114 . . 4 47'4 2.M ... 4 4i' 71 S5J :e I 471, 7.. f 2'"' 4 4-.-', 79 .r 10 4 47'a 71 241 2M 4 42', 17 22 ... 4 Se 71 245 40 4 42'tj IJ 2413 40 4 5" SJ 294 .. 4 44i SHEEP There was s moderete run of sheen and lambs here this morning and as quite a huge laTcentnge of the stuff unsold yesterday had been forwarded the markst this meriting wss In better rendition. Pack era took hold with more life snd the mar ket could he call'-d fairly active and steady at esterdays decline. Most of the early arrivals snd those carried over from yes tetday sold In gol season, though some of ihe commoner kinds were a trifle slow Wethers snd yearlings mixed sold ss high ss lo.rto. native ewes 14 .Jo. western ewes 14. 3-' snd larrttjw in .u0. There Is nothing nw to he sold of the feeder sltnstlon. as there Is sufficient de nial, d to take everything that Is being of fered. - , ' Quntstlons ! r fed Stock: (loixl to choh'e yearling. K.Mflti.QO: fair to good year llnirs. Vi .4Kvp5.fA: good to choice wethers, tj.lsfii Of.; fair to good wethers. t4.jC-V15: gooq to choice ewe. 34 iiO; fslr to good r wss, 4 001,4 50: common to fslr ewes. f3 5) fli t'; good to choice lambs. S07.P: fair tq good lsmts. IH.OiWS.r-0: feeder vesrllng4. $4.4"r4 c,: fder wethers. 34. 254.30; feder ew. Hjrtffass; feeder lambs, t.ii 75 Representative isles: No. Aver. Price. 1 western buck 19" 4 ii 7 western owes iaj 4 23 4 western ewes 95, 4 ai 4tf wesnern ewes 133 4 60 4aj west, yr-arllngs and wethers. 97 i w .1 western lambs i 10 41 western ewes liiO 4 3,i JMt western Is nibs Ot 10 11 western lambs tst ti lo 133 western Ismbs ti,' ti 10 2 western lambs ti.1 10 399 western lambs tit ii 35 47 native lambs 92 6 Si) 273 western lambs no fio 3W) western l imbs to HO 19 western ctnl ewes v 3 ( ' western cull ewes so 3 v h nntlve cull ewes lot 3 2& 3 western ewes Pat 4 10 1"7 western ewes 9.S 4 hi 479 Western ewes 94 4 10 23R western ewes , 92 4 b' 130 western ewes W 4 10 40t western feeder ewes I 4 25 40 western ewes 109 4 25 h native cull lambs 72 5 on 13 western lambs 9 6 00 B native wet hers 17S fi M 2 western clipped lambs TS R JO 1 western clipped jamb 7o i 50 410 western hinihs tf lo 158 western lambs tftl S 10 CIIICAf.O l.VE STOCK M A.R K KT Cattle Stead y Hogs antl Sbeep troag Lambs Higher. CHICAOO. Jan. 3. CATTLE Receipts. J.otirt head, flood to prime steers, .i..1o'&tf.25; poor to medium. S3.T(tJ&.35: stockers and feeders, 12.30414.011; cows. I1.2n'l 4. In; heifers, $2.0(Kf(5,ftOi cuiiliers, 11.252.40; hulls, 2.0"'i 4.00: calves. $3 IK(j7.(i. HOOS Receipt s, 34.0ia) head; estimated to morrow. 39.OJ0 head. Market steady, closed st rong: mixed and butchers', I4.3n4i .'ill; good to etiolco heavy, 34.i;5fi4.T.1; rough hmvy. 31 4o4i4.Hn; light. S4.3ncrrl.tfO; bulk of sales, 4 S((7 SHEEP AMI LAMMH-Recelpts, l.i.Otll head. Market for liecp strong. Innilis 10c higher: good to choice wethers. $4.9fi(it3.i;o; fair to choli'o mixed. $3.7.Va 4.W; western sheep, 13 5iKii.-,.ii: native lambs, 35.505.rii; western lambp. $5.50116.90. .ew York Live flock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 3.-UKEVES Receipt. l.iait head. Market steady; dressed beef slow at 7ti9",ic per lb.; choice, 9c. Cables quoted live cuttle higher at )0'(il2-Vic per lb., dressed weight; sheep steady at 12Sil3c; lambs, 14f(fl4c, dressed weight. Exports, 9t head cattle, 2,050 head sheep and 3 J0 quarter of beef. CALVES Receipts. T3 head. Market was steady with prime stock firm; no barnyard or western calves offered; veals, $5.B(t9.oO; city dressed veal, steady at 9t13e er lb.; country dressed, ttfilOtyc. HOOS Receipts, 1.159 head. Market nom inally strady; no sales reported. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 73 head. Market for sheep quiet, lambs full steady; sheep, $4.tKm4.26 (no good sheep o.Teredj; culls. 32.50; lambs, !7.25-j7.R0. Ut. I. on Is Live Mock Market. ST. LOCIS. Jan. 3. CATTLE Receipts, 4. i mi head. Including l.Boo Texans; market slow, steady; native shipping and export steers. 3,.0U(r'6.fir, the top for fancy grades: dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.00(frt(.0rt; steers under 1.000 lbs.. IS.OcfrS.OO; stockers and feeders. $2.0ifi3.35; cows and heifers, $2.2iV&4.2u, with fancv heifers up to 34.73; canners. 11.7512.00; bulls. 32.10133.35; calves, 3.0oS.5X); Texas and Indian steers. $2.5010 4.55; rows and helfsis. $1.76C()M.7t. HOOS Receipts. 10,500 head; weak to 5c lower: pigs and lights. $3.7574.20; packers. 4.44j(&"4.S; butchers snd best heavy. $4.55! 4.6'i. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 12.000 head: market Arm. Ksnl5c hlglier: native muttons. 12.154.25: lambs. $5.25'ii7.0fl; culls and bucks. $2 2.V4 5o; stockers. $2,1813.25; Texans. aVt.oOfiu.oO. Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS C1TV. Jan. 3. CATTLE Re ceipts, .300 head: steadv to 10c higher; choice exiiott and dressed beef steers, $5.00 Sitf.OO; fair to good. 33.755.00: western fed steers. $3.75fi6.25; stockers and feeders. $2.75 44.00; southern steers. $3.00cp4.50: southern cows. $2.O0a3.25: native cows, $1.7Mf4.oO: na tive heifers. X2.5ofj4.50: hulls, 2.25ffl4.(i: calves. $3.OiKh6.50. HOOS Receipts. 12.0i head: steady: top. 34 ttO; bulk of sales. $4 25(64.55; heavy, 34.55'if 4.60: puckers. H.4XU4M: pigs and light,-33.7T-6T4.4o. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipt s. 3 RoO bead; market steady: native lainlis. $5.51 Kit 7 00: native wethers. $4.2IVfl5.60: native ewes, $1.00106.0'): western lambs. $5.60ij6.7i; west ern varllngs. K.OrXriS 16: western sheep, $4.00 ffjS.OO; stockers and feeders, $2.5CKijil.50. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 3. CATTLE Receints. 952 head: stesdv lo easv: natives. t3.SAitrn.50: cows and betters, $1.75fi4.50; stockers and feeders. 75 4.00. HOOS Receipts. 4.792 heed: steadv to lie higher: light, I4.fi4.60; medium and heavy, $4 .4U4l4.HO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receints. 5.95(! Iiead: market steady to easy; western lambs. $7.00. Ions CKrillve Stock Market. SIOCX C1TT. .Ian. 3.-f Rnec.lal Tele-gram.l-CATTLE-Recelnls. ttoo head: mar ket stronger- beeves, $3.5ni6.00: cows, hulls snd mixed. $2.2iVd3.50: stockers and feeders, $2.75tX.0; cal es and yearlings. $2 25li3 9. HOOS Receipts. X.m head: market 5c higher, gelling at Hl; bulk, $4.3Va4.. stock la siakt. The following table show the receipts nf live stock nt the six principal western mar kets yesterday: Cuttle. I loss. Sheen. South Omaha 2.5oo rt.aio Sioux Cltv laiai 3.(ai Kansas City i:.3nft Smii St. Louis 4.(io 10.50" 12.HII fit. Joseph 952 4 79-: i.ft-tf Chicago 3.(J0( 94.000 15.000 Totals 13.352 M,i2 39.45(1 Caitlvn Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 3.-COTTON -Falrlv active and generally Hi hit. with llnal prices at tho ton notch of the dav and the tone firm. The niarkt-t was finally firm at a net advance of HHti4 points, or about 42145 , 1 1 1 1 above the lowest prices of last week. Sales were estimated at about 300.000 hales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 3 COTTON Finn: sules. 54oO hales- ordinary, 4'c: good ordinary. 5 7-ltfc- middling. G4c; good mid dling. 67c; middlinar fair. 7,t.; receipts II 1'7 tmles: stock. 453 152 hales. ST. laOI'IS. Ja. 3 -COTTON-Ouiet: mid dling. 6'c; sales, 107 bales: receints. none; shipments, none; stock. 37.0HT holes LIVERPOOL. Jan 3.-COTTONSot In fair den"d; prtc 6 no(tits higher: Ameri can mlddbng fair 4.17d: iiH nilde"'" 3f3d; m'ddling. -td; low mlddllna. 3.7ld good ordlnarv. $ 57d: rrrttne ry. s.41d. Thai sales of the day were lOoO hsles. of which 1.5i were for snecnlr-tion and export, and Included 7.6J0 American. Oils aad Heala. OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan. 3 -Olla-Credit bul uucea, $1.53: certlflchtes not quoted; ship ments. Jununrv 1 and !. 93.329 Idtls. ; aver age. 4015 bids.; runs, December 30 and 31, :'13.U73 bbls.; average, 75 287 bbls.; runs, January 1, 22 257 bbls.; shipments. Lima, January 1 Hiid ". 7 1 . 14ai bbls.: runs. Lima. Ieceinlter 30 and 31. l(J0.2ri bbls.-, average. 59)417 bbls.; runs. Lliiiu, January 1, 3o,0tfo bbls. SAVANNAH, Ua . Jan. 3 TERPENTINE Sleadv. ROSIN Steady: A. U. C. p and E. $'.55; F. 12 7,4,2 72',: ti. $;.77i,ii 2 So. H. $ .2'.ii2 3; I. $-!.; N. $4.tf0; W. O.. t4S; W. W .. $.',.13. HreadstatTs at l.lieral. UVEp.PoOla 3 -Followlna are tie Hocks vt brcadaluflM lu Lh eipuol: Flour, j MAai ssrks: wheat, r li'.oot centsls; coin, 4." OMAHA nhOI,l'.44U MAMHKT. tanallt loa ol Trade anal Qaalatlnna staple aad r'anejr Praat .. EOtJS Curdled stm k. 23c. LIVE H( LT1U Hens. SSc; roosters, oc; tuihejs. l;jc; dinks, a-, ,c; spring chlrMeu. S-. DRESSED POCITRr-Turkys. 1VJ17c. ducks, lio: geese, 3'tc; Chickens. iMls't; tocter. He. Ft'TTER-Parklng- strsk. !-; tkel.e ti fancy dairy, l.ijlin; creamery, itfl-ir'a;, Is'm v t rims. ?7c. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout. 1c; pkkerei. 7c; pike, 9c; perch. '( : hluensi.. lie; whlteflvh. IV-: salmon. 13c: redan spire;, 11c; lobster tgreenr. See: lobster -aeaoiled', 33c; bullheads. 11c; cattish. 14c; black bass. If; halibut. l?c, crarples. 12c; buffalo, 7c; white buss. 11c; frog legs, per doi , 2oc. HKAN-Per Ion. Ili.uo. HA Y Pi Ice quoted bv f'matia Wliclesl Dealers' assticliiiion : (Icice No 1 upland. $1.50: No. 2. $h 00; medium. $.W: , cosre. $ii (. Re straw, $5 50. There prices are lor hay of good color and qusllt. OYSTERS-New York conms. per cn, 45c; extra selects, per can, Sc; standards, ter can. 3"e. bulk fstsndards). per r' . fi to; bu'k textts selects!, per gal.. $l.7o; bulk t.Ner Y'ork ccnintsi. per gsl , $1.90. TROPICAL FRl'ITS ORANGES-4'allforiii.4 Rediand navelg. 'l r-lies. $2 iVii3.0ti; choice navels. 32 S"VS174; Callfornls seedlings, all sues. $-''Xf2. Li:M(NS-Callfornla fancy. $A75J 300 aad $', $:l 75-14 'JO; choice, $S 2-Vd3 5ft. DATES - Per box of 30-IK pkgs., $-,.'J; Halloween. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., JWtftfo. F1US Californls. per 10-Uv carton, .'sit S5c: lmportd Smvrns. 4-crown, L2Hc; I crowu, 14c; 7-crown, itfc: lancy Imported (washed!, in l-ll- tkgs. lGfilSc; California, per rase of ;Uj pkgs., 2.2f BANANAS-Per medium sized bunch. I20 fj250. jitmboe. $jro.i3.W. . JRAPE FRt lT-Per boa: or 54 td 84. $jC4) 63.50. FRUITS APrLES Home-grow n Jonathan, per bbl.. $3.?S; Ben Davis. $2.25: New York Kings. 33 25; Now York Oreenlngn. $2 tfO; New Yolk 14 Id wilts, $; Colorado Jona thans. 75 Wine Sas. per bu. box. 31 50. J'EAPS-rtah. Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box ll.Jiwrl 7R. CRA N HEIt HIES Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per hid, 34.50: Wisconsin Hell and Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl. $7.73; per boa, $2.75. ORAPES-Imported Malagas, per keg, ttf-tusn 50. TANUER1 N ES Florida or California, per 1,-btx. $2.50. V'-U7UTABLEaJ. POTATOES - Home-grown. In sacks, per bu.. 40c: Colorado, per hu.. HOc. TI'RNIPS Old. per bu., 40c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb . 1c trARPOTS-01d. per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPS Old. per bu.. 40c. MEETS- Old. per hu., 5oc. NAVY BEANS Per bu . $1.9MJ!.f ONIONS Home-grown, red. In sacks p bit.. $1.00; Spanish, iier crste, $2 00; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; white, per lb., 2V,c. Ci'l'l'M RERS Per dos.. $2.0Oia.2J. TOMATOES Calitotnia, per 4-basket crate, TI 2r. r'ABHAtlla-Holland seed, per lb.. 1',c. SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln drt4L per bbl.. $2.50. CELERY Per dog., SGIJaOc; Callforttia, 45c. RADISHES Hothouse, per dog., 4ISc. ONIONS -New. southern, per dot , 4Ha. TI'RNIPS New, southern, per del.. 4641. MEETS. New. southern, per doi., 46c. PARSLEY New. per doi.. 46c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAl'ER KHACT Wisconsin, per keg, $2.o('. t'llrER New Y'ork, per bbl., $5 20; ptr bbl.. $3 25. CHEESE Wisconsin Twins, full cream. L'lajti'Klc: Wisconsin Young America. 13c; block Si. new. 15c; old. ldTjlTe; Wiscon sin bri- k, 14c; Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. NI'TS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., lie; hard shell, per lb., 13c: No. 2 aoft shell, tier lb., 12c; No. 2 hard ,holl, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per IK, 12c; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., "c; roasted peanut" per !h., fc: Chill walnuts, per In.. 12113'c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per IK. loc; chestnuts, per lb, 12v4il5c; new black walnut, per bu., 75ff90c; shcllbark hickory nuts, per bu., $15; huge hickory nuts, per bu.. $1 .60. HIDES No. 1 green. 7c; No. ? green. 6c: No. 1 salted, 8ic; No. 2 salted, "He: No. I veal calf. 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 7c: dry salted, fftltc; sheep pells, 25cf$1.0O; horse hides, $1.60fi3.00. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is quiet; common. V$ 4c; prime, 4V; choice, oHflSH-: fancy, Wfi7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS Prunes, quiet snd unchanged. California fruit ranges from 2c to bc. according to grade, while Oregon prunes run as high us 6a on the larger sises. Apricots are without change, being quiet but steady; choice. 94 4310c; extra choice, ltWyfflK': fancy, 12T15fl. Peaches also are quiet, but with little offer ings. Quotations are firm; choice. 9'oj extra choice. loVflo?c; fancy. UW&M2e. Ulamonda Will Be Higher. NEW Y'ORK. Jan. II.Local diamond dealers have been advised of an advance of S per cent In the cost of rough atones, making a total of 45 per opnt Increase since (901. The raise has lreen made by the selling syndicate, with headquarters In Ixinrlon. which Is estimated to control !K per cent of the world's output. Falling off of output In South Africa Is the cause at tributed. Horsemen at Chicago. CHICAOO. Jan. 3. Horsemen from nearly everv turf center of tha middle west sssemb'ed !,ere today to participate. In dis cussion ut the Western Jockey club meet ing. The ouestion of interest was a re quest for such a revision of racing dates for 19( as to permit a rearrangement of the schedule at Hot Springs nd New Or leans and at other courses. IIKAIa E9JTATK TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record January 3 as fur nished bv the Midland Ouarantee snd Trust company, bonded abstracter, ltfl4 Farnam streot, for The Bee: Christine Jencon to W. A. Welch, lot 2. 3 and 4. bl.K-k 1. Millard ..$ tWO Elisabeth A. Jordan to Llzsla A. Scott, lot 1. block 2, Hawthorne ...... 1 Barbara Blnha and husband to J. Hlahu, Jr., lot , block 11, 1st add, to South Omaha y) E H. Roberts to Emails Roberts, lot 13. block 134. South Omaha 1 laewlon lnd Co. to J. W. Hamilton et si. trustees, blocks 243 and 241. Florence :; Ida Anderson and husband to E. H. Knberts. lot 1. block 4. South Omaha 4.000 Mary E. Htlcknev and husband to Harriet L. ShUk. lots IS to, 22. ln cluslve, block 19. West Side J7S Efflo J. Oossord and husband to F. D. Wead. lot 14. block 4. Ambler Place. 24) O It. Gilbert and wife to E. If. Farmaley. lot 28. vVgverly's add........ 1 C. R. Durreuent to Maud F. Durren-. cut. lot 5. block 1. Maxwells 2d add . 1 South Omaha Investment Co. to K, R. , Leigh, lot 11. block 3. McOavock tr O'Koefe's add a..., tW) P. W. Kauffman and wife to A. Har mon, lot 6. block 13, Briggs Place.... SM Minnie Steen ct a) to C. Steen, und. 3-50 n'i. ne'i sec. 4-14-11 3.1W Moilie Stern to C. Steen. und. St same. 1,050 B. It. Hastings and wife to W. V. Pearson, lot 23. block 11. Omaha View JOO O. Dewev and wlfo to Margaret F. Evans, west 35 feet lot 3 and all of lot 9. Axford's add 3,500 Sarah L. Karr and husband to J. H. Hamilton, lot 2, block i. Idlaw lld. . . . 'Vi (Incorporated.) ilaln Offica: Fifth and Robarta Straata ST. PAUL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to Us Braaeh Olllee, 310-333 Beard of Trade ldg., Oaaaka, Flab. Teleakaa g14. 313-214 Exchange ldg.. South Omaha. Bell 'Phone 31C. Indsoandant Phoaa 1 The Merchants' National Bank of Omaha, Ntb. U 1 RiaaaJaarr Capital and Surplu. SiOf.OO riANK MlilKKV. rns. urut tt. catkiw. f 1ANI T. aaMltTON. A w. Uatajiar. Baaagae aoaasnti art task Isskan. torpor tioaa, traae i4 isdlaUMit ss UaassMe tarns a. Foealga Bianss taaaiat u4 aoll, i t . Lanara s eraiii lasuag, aallakl la gU Sana et tao woriS. ' InUraat sail sa Traaa Oartiaaslaas as? Fianaaa. ISoilaulena aaaaals iireispllr sag lanaiaaii alal Wa raajuest aaa a aa