Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    . Tin OMAHA DAILY r.HEK : TUESDAY, VA NUA15 i' 3. '1005.
.? v-r?z? :".
We commence our great Annual January Sale', and we shall take pride in making it one of the greatest in our business career. The greatest reductions of the year
are announced, and these, together with the seasonable, choice and desirable class of merchandise which will be sold, and the values that will be given, will linger
n your memory long after this old location is forgotten. .
Our Great Annual January Linen Sale Begins
Table Damask
All our 11.75 Bleached Satin Damask, In
thin dale 11.10 per yard.
All our II. W Bleached Satin Damask, In
thin sale tl.'O per yard.
All our II. CO Ulnached Satin Damask, In
thin S3le 175 cper yard.
All our ft. M Silver Bleached Damask, In
this sale 11.00 per yard.
All our 11.00 Sliver P.leaehed Damask, tn
this sale 75o per yard.
All our TBa Silver Bleached Damask,
this sale 4ac per yard. ,
Table Cloths
All our fl.75 Bleached Table Cloths, In
this sale 11.00 each.
All our 12.25 Bleached Table Cloth tn
this sale t 3 each. , , v
All our 12.78 Bleached Table Cloths, In
this sale 11 .9S each.
All our 1.U Bleached Table Cloths, In
this tale 11.38 each.
All our 13.00 Blnchcd Table Cloths, In
this sale J2.2S each.
All our 13.25 Bleached Table Cloths, In
this salo 12.:!) each.
All our 13.75 Hloached Table Cloths, In
this salt l:. S3 ench.
All our 11.73 Bleached Table Cloths. In
this su'o each.
All our r..M Bleached T&'-ilo Cloths, In
this salo ll.fD eat h.
All our Ji'.CO Bleached Table Cloths, In
this salo c;u'h.
Bleached Napkins
All our 12.25 Bleached Napkins, In tb'.s
Sale IJ.CK per dozen.
All our 12.75 Bleached Napkins, In this
sale fi ds per dozen.
All our 13.00 Blenched Napkins, In this
sale 2.00 per dozen.
All our 1.25 Blcddied Napkins, In this
Dale $2.38 pel dozen.
All our 14.00 Bleached Napkins, In this
S;ilo $2.75 per dozen.
All our ti.00 Bleached Ncpklna, In this
alo $3.!)5 per dozen.
All our. $4.50 Bleached Napkins, in this
sale $3.3.
Al! our $4.75 Bleached Napkins, in this
sale 13.M.
A special lot ot John 8. Brown & Sons'
$4.00 5-8 Napkins, In this salo $2.76 per dos.
100 dozen of John 8. Brown & Sons' $8.50
3-4 Napkins, In this sale $5.00v)ter dozen.
Special Sale of Men's Underwear
Three lines of our regular
stock, Tuesday at January clear
ing prices.
Fine Camel's hair mixture, good winter
weight, shirts and drawers, well finished
throughout, a good value at $1.00, special
clearing price C9o each.
Natural wool, and cotton mixed, heavy
winter weight, shirts and drawers a good,
well made garment regular price 75c In
this great sale 4S3 'each.' ' ' "
Blue ribbed fleece cotton, nice winter
weight, shirts and drawers, well finished
throughout regular price 60c January
clearing prjee 39o each.
We especially invite you to attend in person as it will be
impossible to fill mail orders on account of the rapidly changing
stocks during this great sale.
crs that the tender would be received by
them In good part.
Early today two Russian torpedo launches
arrived at Che Foo and there were then
seven Japanese torpedo boat destroyers in
the harbor. Later In the morning four of
the destroyers departed.
Russian officers, who have reached Che
Foo related that the fort Arthur garrison
was completely worn out by five days of
continuous fighting, that the supply of
food wai almost exhausted and that the
limit of reslstn',.e had been reached when
I Clearance
Boys' Shirts and Blouses, that
sold ji to $1.0O- P
on sale at J DC
Army Legjtlinj8 lu leather Cfl
wonb tl.oo, at JUC
Sweaters, worth $1.75, slzost y C
2 to 8 years, now ls9
Sweaters for larger boys 7 to 18.
years, were fl.5u '100
A few Boys Suits that f (P
sold up to (3.50, now .. l,JD
Suits and Overcoats worth 5.00
on salo now. 2 95
Suits and Overcoats worth up to
ftl.OO on sale now, ! AP
at JJD
Suits and Overcoats worth up
to I8.50 on sale 5 00
All our 7Hc Brown Crash, in this sale
3&e per yard.
AH our l"c Brown Crash, In this sale
'Mo per yard.
All our 15c Bleached Heavy Crash, In
this sale 12c per yard.
All our Kc Checked Toweling, In this
salo 7c per yard.
2ni) dozen Bleached Wash Cloths, In this
sale lVsC each.
Bleached Doylies
All our 10c Bleached Fringed Doylies, In
this sale 5c each.
All our 6c Bleached Fringed Doylies, In
(Ms sale 3c each.
Hemstitched Table Cloths
All our $1.76 Hemstitched Table Cloths,
In this sale S8c each.
All our $1.S6 Hemstitched Table Ctoths,
In this sale $1.10 each. ' f
All our $2.00 Hemstitched Table Cloths,
tn this sale $1.29 each.
At Just . Half Price
All our real handmade Cluny
Lace and Chinese Grass Linen
Centerpieces, Scarfs, Lunch
Cloths, Trays, Doylies, Plate
Dovlies Prices are now cut in
All our $!!.C0 Cluny Lace Scarfs, tn this
sail $7.50 each.
All our $12.00 Cluny Lace Scarfs, tn this
salo $0.00 each.
All our $10.00 Cluny Lace Centers, In
this sale $5.00 each.
All our $5.00 Cluny Lace Centers, tn this
sale $2.50 each.
All our $0.00 Cluny Lace Centers, in this
sale $3.00 each.
All our $1.75 Cluny Lace Doylies, tn this
salo 88c each.
All our $1.60 Cluny Lace Doylies, in this
sale 75c each.
All our $1.00 Cluny Lace Doylies, In this
sale 50c each.
AH our 85c Cluny Lace Doylies, In this
sale 43o each.
All our $10.00 Chinese Center Fieces, In
this sale $5.00 each.
Knitted Goods .
Several lines of Knitted Skirts
are included in this great sale.
Heavy fleeced cotton Knitted Skirts that
have sold at $1.26, Tuesday 79c each.
Pretty Outing Flannel Skirts that sold
at 60c, Tuesday 30c each.
Cotton Knitted Skirts that sold at 60c
and good values, Tuesday 39c each.
Children's Caps
sWa have a small line of children's gray
Angora Caps, sirs 2 only, that have sold
at 11.35 and $1.50, Tuesday 79c each.
Fancy Silk Bonnets, good colors, nicely
trimmed, at the following reductions:
J3.75 Bonnets, Tuesday J1.98 each.
12.75 Bonnets, Tuesday J 1.49 each.
11.75 Bonnets, Tuesday 98c each.
$1.60 Bonnets, Tuesday 8Sc each.
General Stoessel mads his offer of capitu
lation. Terms of Surrender Signed.
TOKIO, Jan. 4. Morning. The Russian
and Japanese commissioners appointed to
arrange the terms of the capitulation of
the Russian forces at Port Arthur signed
the compact of surrender at 9:45 o'clock
last night.
The text of General Nogt's telegram an
nouncing the capitulation of the Russian
forces at Port Arthur is as follows:
The plenipotentiaries of both parties con
eluded their negotiations today at 4:30
SeJe 1
Commences Tuesday
Morning 8 O'clock.
While getting bargains for your
self don't overlook the boys and
girls. No other store begins to
oiler such inducements in young
IM-oplcs' wear as does this one.
Underwear and Fleeced Cotton
Shirts and l'uuts, 19c
Shirts and runts In wool, Jg
Bonnets at greutly reduced prices.
Misses' Jacket and Skirt Suits
that sold up to $10 f ff
now 3UU
Girl's Coats small slws,
Girl's Coats, worth up to I f f
$7.50 on sale at . )
Girl's and Misses Coats that sold
up to $10.00 on C AA
sale at J.UU
Girl's and Misses Coats soma
worth up to $18.00, none worth
less tlwu $16.00 now CIA
ou sale at A1U
In Our Present Location f
Will begin on Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. We promise you Omaha has never seen such
extraordinary bargains as will be given during this wondrous sale. Do not confound this sale
with the 3G5 so-called sales held every day in the year. We have in stock 600 Coats every gar
ment new some in velvet a few fur lined Coats hundreds of swell mixed cloths Kersey
Coats, in plain black, castor, brown and tan .all styles of the new Covert Coats. Do not miss
the chances of being here early on Tuesday morning, and do not forget that it does not take long
to sell COO Coats at our sale. We shall pnly quote a few prices, as space will not permit us to
give you more than an idea of the wonderful bargains.
We have 0 lionutlful Squirrel Fur Coats In RIourp and soml-flttptl stylos some natural color gome Wonderl.
These Coats are the reigning favorites in New York toduy, and are worth from $150.00 to $17o.OO our Clearing Sale
price $7.").k each.
We have 4 full length Rlaek Velvet Coats, Redlnjrote style, very chic regular price $C0 clearing sale price $.'50.
Handsome Velvet Coats, 45 inches long, beautifully lined our regular price $.o.OO clearing pale price $23.00.
3 Broadtail Velvet Iilouse Coats regular price $:i3.00 clearing sale price $17.r0.
1 most beautiful Fur Lined Coat the outside Is mude of handsome rep silk, the lining is the very Ivst Sil
berian squirrel with the tips of the tails on every skin the regular price of this coat Is $75 clearing salo price $37.50.
1 rich and very elegant Broadtail Velvet Coat in brown, 45 inches long and loftse. This Is one of the most
handsome cloaks we lmve ever seen. The regular price of this coat is $75 sale price $37.50.
All of our $40.00 beautiful Cloth Coats at $20.00.
All our $30.00 handsome Cloth Coats ot $15.00.
All our $25.00 new and stylish Coats at $12.50.
lito Coats In brown, black nnd enstor colors, 43 inches long, half fitted backs, In beautiful Jersey cloth
regular $15.00 coats sale price $7.50.
AI)out 10 Coats in the very newest and most stylish mannish mixtures regularly sold at $20.00, $22.50
Bale price $10.00 nnd $11.23.
About 75 Coats, 27 inches long, fitted bucks, loose backs nnd half fitted backs $15.00 Coats at $7.50, $10.00
Coats nt $3.00.
All our beaut iul Rain Coats at One-half Trice $40.00 Coats, $20.00; $30.00 Coats, $13.00; $20.00 Coats, $10 00;
$18.00 Coats, $0.00.
NOTICE Nothing but Coats will be sold on Tuesday In our Cloak Department,
made day by day in regard to Furs, Suits, Wnlsts, Skirts and Children's Coats.
During this Immense salo positively no goods w ill be altered or exchanged.
Muslin Underwear
Our great January Sale of
Muslin Underwear starts Tues
day morning.' The greatest val
ues ever offered will be here at
that time.
CIIEMISli-Nalnsook embroidery trimmed
skirts, finished with ruffle
At 8Sc, reduced from J1.60.
At 75c, reduced from $1.25.
At $1.25. reduced from $1.75 and $2.00.
At $1.75, reduced from $2.25 and $2.50.
At $2 36, reduced from $.1.26.
At $3.25, reduced from $1.50.
At $3.75, reduced from $5.00.
Corset Covers
Nainsook, India linen, trimmed with
tucks, la?e embroidery and hemstitching,
full fronts.
At 35c, reduced from 60c and 65c.
At 50c, reduced from 76c.
At 69c, reduced from S5c. (
At 75c, reduced from $1.00.
At 98o, reduced from $1.28 and $1.60.
At $1.25, reduced from $1.75 and $2.00.
At $1.50, reduced from $2.25.
At $1.98. reduced from $2.50, $2.75, $3.00.
At $2.60, reduced from $3.25, $3.50, $3.75.
At $3.25, reduced from $4.50.
At $4.98, reduced from $6.50.
ThOM F-3 ON. fiELD EN .CO.
Y. M. C. A. Building:, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts."
o'clock. The Russian commissioners ac
cept on the whole the conditions stipulated
by us and consented to capitulate. The
document has been prepared and signa
tures tire nod being attlxed. Simultaneously,
with the conclusion of i.egotlutiins both
armies suspended hostilities. It is expected
that the Japanese army will enter the city
ot 1'ort, Arthur tomorrow.
Stoesae-l'a Utter ot Surrender.
General Nogi reports as follows:
"At 5 In the afternoon, January 1, the
enemy's bearer of a flag of truce came Into
the first line of our position , south of
Shushlnying and handed a letter to our
oltlcers. The same reached me at 9 o'clock
at night. The letter U as follows:
" 'Judging by the general condition of the
whole line of hostile positions held by you.
I find further resistance at I'ort Arthur
useless, and for the purpose of preventing
needless sacrifice of lives I propose to hold
negotiations with reference to cupltulatlon.
Should you consent to the same you will
please appoint commissioners for discussing
the order and conditions regarding ca
pitulation and also appoint a place for such
commissioners to meet the Bamt appointed
by me. '
" 'I take this opportunity to convey to
your excellency assurances of my respect
(Signed) " 'STOESSKIV
"Shortly after dawn today I will dlsputch
our bearer of a flag of truce with the fol
lowing reply addressed to Stoessel:
" '1 have the honor to reply to your pro
posal to hold negotiations regarding the
conditions and order of capitulation. For
this purpose I have appointed as commis
sioner Major General IJichl, chief of staff
of our army, lie will be accompanied by
some staff officers and civil officials. They
will meet your commissioners January 2,
noon, at Shushlnying. The commissioners
of both partits will be empowered to sign
a convention for the capitulation, without
waiting for ratification, and the same
to take immediate effect. Authorization
for such plenary powers shall be signed
by the highest officer cf both the nego
tiating parties and the same shall be ex
changed by the respective commissioners.
" 'I avail myself of this oportunity to
convey to your excellency ass.irances of
my respect. (Signed) NOGI.' "
Rusalaus Destroy Ships.
A despatch from the Japanese army
before i'ort Arthur received at nuon today
"The enemy's forces occupying Keekwan
mountain and 'Q' fort, following an ex
plosion at 12:30 this morning, opened a' uJ
den and tierce rifle fire which suddenly
stonped. Our scouts were despatched ta
the scene and immediately afterwards
found th enemy evacuating these places.
Our forces Immediately occupied these two
farts i and alao the heights known as 'M'
snd 'N', south of the forts. This morning
almost all the enemy's ships, large and small
were blown up In the entrance and Inside
the harbor. Our offensive movements have
been suspended pending the negotiations"
Toklo is widely joyous . over General
Nogl's telegram announcing thut General
Stoeescl bud a letter- relating to the
surrender of fort Arthur. Newsboys cry
ing extras were Ui measagers who carried
Last and Greatest
Gowns of Cambric, Nainsook.
Trimmings of embroidery, lace
and hemstitching high or low
neck, long or short sleeves.
Ot 50c, reduced from 76c and 85c
At 75c, reduced from $1.00.
At 98c, reduced from $1.26 and $1.60.
At $1.25, reduced from $1.75 and $2.00.
At $1.75, reduced from $2.25, $2.50 and $2.73.
At $2.00. reduced from $3.00.
At $2.25, reduced from $3.25, $3.50.
At $2.75, reduced from $4.00, $4.60.
At $3.98, reduced from $5.00, $6.00.
At $5.00, reduced from $7.50.
At $6.60, reduced from $10.50.
At $8.60. reduced from $12.60.
One beautiful three-piece suit of muslin
underwear, trimmed with Point da Paris
lace former price $18.00 Tuesday wa will
sell this suit at $9.00.
Of Cambric,' Nainsook, India
Linen, lace find embroidery
At 60c, reduced from 85c and 75c
At 75c, reduced from $1.25, $1.00.
At 98c, reduced from $1.50, $1.75.
the news to the holiday crowds in the
streets. The people grabbed the papers
and repeated the cries. Thus was the news
carried throughout the city and within a
few minutes the firing of aerial bombs and
daylight rockets began In various parts of
the city. Bands appeared and a score of
small processions formed and surged through
the principal streets. Japan has paid a
heavy price for the Russian fortress. The
prospect of its early possession cheered the
people as no other event of the war has
done. The emperor's New Year reception
and audience to the army and navy officers
and civil officials continued this morning.
The news from Port Arthur gave additional
cheer to the general exchange of con
gratulations Torpedo Ilaats Disarm.
CUP KOO, Jun. 2. (6:30 p. m.) The Rus
sians who arrived here from Port Arthur
on the torpedo boats now admit that Gen
eral kUoessel hoisted the white flag yes
terday (Sunday) and suggested that lie-
gotlutions be opened for the surrender of 1
the fortress.
6 p. m. The Russian torpedo boats
Skory, Stratnl, Vlastnl and Sendlty, now In
port, have been disarmed and the Japanese
destroyers which followed them in have
left the harbor. It la reported here that
there are 15, COO sick and wounded at Port
Arthur and that 6,0u0 able-bodied convales
cents man the forts.
A dispatch received here from Tslngtau,
dated 6 o'clock In the evening, says that
the Rust'lan destroyers Smlrll and Boikl
and a merchantman with $00 soldiers on
board have Just arrived there.
It Is reported that the Hussians destroyed
the two forts near the railway at Port
Arthur, because of a shortage of men and
ammunition. .
3:30 p. m. Three Japanese torpedo boat
destroyers, after entering the harbor and
making a demonstration, Joined other Japa
nese warships waiting outside. The opinion
Is -general that Interesting developments are
likely to occur tonight.
Noon Captain Kartow. commanding the
torpedo boat destroyer Vlastnl, which put
Into this harbor this morning from Port
Arthur says the Japanese expected to enter
Port Arthur Tuesday.
The Russians yesterday blew up two of
their own forts near the railway and com
pleted the destruction of the cruiser Bayan.
Port Arthur Is described by later arrivals
as a living hell. The hospitals are said to
be nearly all destroyed.
The Japanese protected cruiser . Aklt
suahima snd the torpedo boat destroyers
Asashlo, Yuglrl and Shlrakumd ars guard
ing the harbor tonight.
It Is now believed that there will be no
lias bssa SsM by Million ot Knthm for thslr ,
etUldron wiilla Teeiulus fur war kit If rul 1
i It suutius) Uia ohlld, tlx gains. fclUyl 1
i sit .ln. ouiws w-laa euUtiu and Is tli kaNtl
, vemedj fordirrhj.
.1lwAwJl':'-1yt C?T.A ???'--
Announcements will be
At $1.60, reduced from $2.00. $2.26.
At $1.78. reduced from $2.50, $2.76.
At $2.25, reduced from $3.25, $3.50, $3.76.
At $3.00. reduced from $4.50.
At $3.50, reduced from $5.00.
Cambric, deep flounces, fin
ished with lace or embroidery.
At 75c, reduced from $1.00.
At 98c, reduced from $1.60.
At $1.26, reduced from $1.75.
At $1.50, reduced from $2.00, $2.28.
At $1.98, reduced from $2.50.
At $2.26, reduced from $3.00.
At $8.00, reduced from $12.00.
At $8.60. reduced from $12.50.
At $9.00, reduced from $13.60.
At $1.00 each, reduced from $7.00, $5.00
and $3.50. The quantity Is not large and
sizes are missing, so we drop the price to
send them out quickly. The models are
perfect In shape, boned with genuine whale
bone. They are made of fancy silk ma
terials, fancy embroidered batistes, dainty
and shapely.
At 60c each, reduced from $1.00 and $1.60
standard makes and assortment of sizes
is fair each one a bargain Tuesday 60c
trouble ns the Russians are seemingly
sincere In the disarmament of their de
stroyers. Wlren Saves Destroyers.
Besides the vessels mentioned. It was
loarned later in the day the torpedo boat
destroyers Bmirli and Bolkl and a trans
port left Port Arthur last' night, the latter
carrying 800 wounded soldleis and, accord
ing to a despatch from Tslngtau succeeded
In reaching that port The departure of
the ships was decided upon at the council
of war at which It was determined to
negotiate for a surrender of the fortress.
Rear Admiral Wiren asked General Stoes
sel's permission to save the destroyers, etc.,
which was readily granted. The des
troyers, the transport and the launch crept
out of thf harbor between 4 and 11 last
night without encountering the Japanese.
It was determined to disarm the four des
troyers which lashed themselves together.
In the absence of a Chinese warship the
commissioner of customs took charge of
tna Russian craft
The latter ordered the
crews of the torpedo boat destroyers and a
number of Invalid Russian soldiers who
were on board of them to go to the Chinese
fort where quarters for them are available.
Tonight the customs men and details from
tho HuardshlD are Dreventlns- forelirnnrn '
from going on board the Russian vessels. TAMATIVE, Madagascar, Jan. 2.-Vice
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. I -General Admlrl Hojestvensky's division of the Rus
Stoessel in a dispatch to Emperor Nicholas tian Becond PacJnc "".""dron. consisting of
confirms the previous reports that Major
General Kondratenko, commander ot the
Seventh East Siberian Rifle brigade, was
killed December 15.
Fighting; Near Mukdea.
MUKDEN, Jan. J. A heavy cannonade
and rifle fire commenced on ths Russian
ccnte early this morning and continued
during the day. It is reported her that
the Japanese attacked In an iffort to trrck
ths center, but were drive i back vith
great loss.
Delaware) Republicans Fall to Reach
Agreement Over Oraantsa
lloa of Legislator.
DOVER, Del., Jan. I. Conference com
mittees were appointed tonight by the war
ring republican factions caucusslng on ths
eve of the meeting of the Delaware legis
lature In biennial session. Two-thirds of
ths sixteen legislative offices were sgailn
given the nine regular republicans by ths
twenty-two union or Addlcks republican
members of the legislature, the latter de
siring to choose ss their two first nomina
tions the president of ths senste and the
speaker of ths house.
The regulars' conference committee sim
ply received the renewed proposition, ths
same offered and rejected st last week's
extraordinary session and returned to their
caucus. , i
The committee representing the Addlcks
republicans returned to the union caucus, ,
and both sides waited for coiniter propoal-
tlons, but none muterlullsed up to mid-1
night, lb. unionist, can muster seven I
Great January Sale
This great event will be up
permost in the public mind for
days to come. During this great
sale it will not be "how much
can we get for them," but "what
price will sell them the quick
est." Of first .importance, there
is not a yard of old or shopworn
goods in the lot. All this sea
son's handsomest fabrics, and
those who come early will have
excellent choosing, as in a great
many cases there Is only a single
dress length in a piece. We
quote just a few prices.
Handsome Paon Finished Suiting, good
w-jlght, nicely finished, Just the material
for youngsters' school dresses, In navy,
brown, hunters' green, garnets regular 60c
quality In this sale 29c a yard.
Silk Finished Shepards' Check Novelty,
one of this season's most beautiful fabrics,
l-lch silk finish, In brown, blue and gray
check, 66 In. regular $1.75 quality In this
ale 9Sc a yard.
New Mixed Suitings good, strong, heavy
cloth In blue mix, brown mix, garnet mix
never sold for less than 60c In this sals
29c a yard.
Mixed Novelty Suiting, In an Invisible
hair stripe effect, with here and there a
tiny dot of bright color, 62 In. regular
$1.76 quality In thin sale $1.25.
Camel's Hair Suiting garnet, navy, olive
green, In the new silk finish regular 75c
quality In this sale 39c a yard.
Handsome Frosted Novelty, In pretty
shades of brown, blue, green, helco regu
lar $1.00 quality In this sale 69c.
Illuminated Camel's Hair Suiting, 46
Inches, very stylish and exclusive regular
$1.00 quality In this sale 69a a yard.
Flecked Novelty Suiting two shades only
silver gray and oxford 56 Inches regular
$1.76 quality In this sale 98c a yard.
Imported Novelty Suitings pretty line of
styles to choose fronv-regular $1.75 and
$2.25 quality In this sale 98o a yard.
Invisible Checked Suiting, handsome silk
luster. In this sale 89c a yard.
Parisian Novelty Suiting Hers Is what
Is left of the beautiful fabric you have ad
mired so much now they, too, iruit go-
January Clearing Sale in
Imported "Velutine" Flannels
Regular 36c quality in beautiful Persian
styles, for wrappers and Klmonas reduced
to 26c per yard.
All of our 12io Outing Flannels at 10c
per yard.
All of our 75c French Flannels at 69c yard.
All of our 85c Flannel Walstlngs at 59c
per yard.
All of our 15c Flannel Suitings at 10c
per yard.
A lot of 10c, 12c end 16o Flannelettes
at 6c per yard.
January Clearing Sale on all
Blankets and Comforters
at greatly reduced prices.
$16.60 Down Quilts at $10.98 each.
$11.00 Down Quilts at $6.98 each.
We especially invite you to attend in person as it will be
impossible to fill mail orders on account of the rapidly changing
stocks during this great sale.
votes In the senate, two short of an elec
tion majority, and fifteen In the houss,
three short. The deadlock which must fol
low until a radical change In the situation
sccurs before morning will show the same
test of strength and the same five vote
short of the election next week of J. Ed
ward Addlcka, the union candidate for
United States senator.
Both caucuses adjourned for the night
without reaching an agreement on the dis
pute over the division of offices.
A Gnaranted Cure for Plies.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding
piles. Your druggist will refund money If
PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure 'you In 8
to 14 days. 60c.
Warship's Roller Damnsred.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. t-The delay In
the Russian cruisers Ixumrud snd Oiig ;
leaving Sude bay, Island of Crete, is ex- I
plained by the admiralty as being due to
the necessity for effecting repairs of their
boilers The ships are new and started on
their voyage to the Mediterranean prac
tically in the nature of a trial trip, but It
is said that ths defects developed are not
of a serious nature.
RoJestTensky Off MUsgsieo
five battleships, three cruisers, the trans
ports Kamschatka and Anadyr and the
hospital ship Orel, anchored In the road
stead of Bt. Marie today. Ths dispatch
boat Llbau afterwards visited Tamatlve to
The best hair tonic on ths market at any
price. Cures dandruff and all scalp dis
eases, stops falling hair and actually makes
the hair grow. Guaranteed not to darken
blonde hair. Mail orders not filled unless
5c extra is enclosed with price.
At Druggists, 15, 40 and T5 Cants
Your druggist will secure it for you if you
deposit the pries witb your order.
Drug Sales Co.. Tblrairo, General Sales Agents
For ibis locally by
F'lr m?.
calfo Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 7l?:
24th and N Sts.. South Omaha. 'Phons Nu I
f 6ln Ae' an. Mai" CounL'1 u I
"".Tb.utel " "Unrm ln Ub,rJ
BEE. JAN. t, 1
of Dress Goods and Silks
regular $3.00 quality In this sale $1.79.
Parisian Tufted Novelty, strictly high
class, In two shades red snd black, blue
and black regular $3.60 quality In this
sale SJc.
Novelty Checks In Suitings. 62 Inches,
dark, rich colore regular $1.00 quality In
this sale 69c a yard.
Two-Tone Worsted Cheviots, a moot
beautiful fabric, black, shaded with green,
black with red, etc. regular $1.60 quality
In this sale 98c a yard.
Frosted Novelty Suiting, fine Imported
suiting In Invisible check In the new frosted
effect regular $1.75 quality in this sals 490
a yard.
New Nub Novelty regular $1.76 In this
special sale 98c a yard.
New Mixed Suitings. 46 Inches, all wool,
new weave regular $1.00 quality In this
special sale 69c a yard.
Novelty Suitings In shirt 'waist suit ef
fects, light weight, turks, beautiful blue,
brown snd black, with a dainty whits
figure regular $1.00 quality In this sale C9o.
Black Paon Finished Suiting, handsome
silk finish, one of this season's newest
fabrics 60c quality l!io. 60o quality 29o,
75c quality 39c a yard.
January Clearing Sale of Silks
Not space enough to tell half
the news. The general clearing
will commence Tuesday morn
ing. You cannot afford to miss
visiting the silk department.
Make it a point to be here when
they go on sale at 8 a. m. Tues
day. Pretty Silks for Shirt Waist Suits, in two
and three color effects, In browns, blues
and green regular $1.00 and $1.26 quality
In thin clearing sale 69c a yard.
All Silk Satl.i Duchessc, beautiful fabric,
purely all silk, In all the evening shades
you will never get another opportunity to
buy a handsomo nil silk satin duchesse at
this price regular $1.00 quality as long as
they last 49c a yard.
Novelty Velvets All choice styles, for
watats and full suits navy, brown and
black, with a tiny dot of color scattered
here and there all this season's goods
never sold for less than 75c In this great
sale 35c a yard.
Our Flannel Department
$S.00 Down Quilts at $5.49 each.
$6.60 Down Quilts at $4.49 each.
$6.00 Robe Blankets at $4.25 each.
$4.50 Robe Blankets at $3.00 each.
$3.25 Robe Blankets at $2.25 each.
$2.75 Robe Blankets at $1.88 each.
$2.60 Robe Blankets at $1.79 each.
$1.26 Robe Blankets at 89o each.
60c Cotton Blankets at 39c a pair.
$1.25 Comforters at 79c each.
$5.00 Pendleton Gray Blankets at $3.2
a pair.
$6.00 California White Blankets $3.48 a
All Baby Crib Blankets at greatly re
duced prices.
$7.00 Indian Robes (Pendleton's) at $4.28
$4.00 Indian Robes at $2.50 each.
There are many other reductions that will
Interest you. A visit to our store will
certalrly pay you.
file dispatches. It will rejoin the division
this evening. The reports that ths
TtusHlan warships are In excellent condition
despite the severe storms they have en
countered. AMI SEMESTS.
TO.MUUt' AT hllo
In the Favorite Comedy
Wednesday. Thursday Mat. Wednesday
The Brilliant Comedy
Friday and Saturday COUSIN KATE.
I'HOVK 404.
Every Night Matinees Thurs., Sat., Sua.
Modern Vaudeville
8 Collnl-Clalrons, Alclde Cftpltalno, HIiiiib,
Blnns anil Kinnn, C'has. Ifonurd Fletcher,
Happy Jack (jarUner, Fox and Foxis,
Mitchell and I.ove and the Klnodromu.
rnitra iuc, itr.o, roc.
IV IV U VJprices 15-25-50-753
In Their Latest MuMcal Comedy Sure
Thurs!-J. II. Stoddurd In BONNIE nniAH
BUSH. Seats on sale at our usual prices.
Roller Skating
Every Day This Week
Afternoon, 2 to 5
Evening, 7:30 to 10:30
Admission. 10c
Calumet Coffee llouso