TITE OMAITA DAILY DEE: MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1903. SPECIAL NOTICES AimtUrn'ntt for m rolomaa -vlll takes aatll la " rmlai edition and antll ! - tke Brnla aaa Ssadnr dltlo. Rates 1 1-ge word Bret Inaertloni le a word thereafter. othl taken for lea thaa XO for tke llrst Inser. Hon. Tkesa ada-ertlaemeata maat he raa eonaecntlTcly. Advertisers, kr reajnestlnaj a tiered check, eaa kae " dressed to a aanabered letter la care of The Bee. Aaawere ao addressee will ka delivered oa presentstlon el eheck. MISCELLANEOUS 190? Winter Term of -Boyles College Opens Monday, January 2d. ausineas, fhorthand 'and Typewriting; Normal, English. Civil Service and Teleg raphy Courses. Day and Nlgnt. Send for catalogues today. H. B. Boyles. Pres. 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha. Nb. ii 4 1 1 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3M. xi 3io PRESSORIUM r!S'd R Mill CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent R 3(8 IP YOU waut to buy, sell or rent property, borow money, sU note or account, call at R. J, N. Y. Lllo. Tel. 133. Glover & Son. R 3S0 Pianos for Rent, $3.00 $400. New pianos. High grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. Perheld Piano Company, 1611 Farnam. Telephone .ul. Open evenings. K 383 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Douglas. . R 384 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbnge Co., 6:1 N. 10th. Tel. 1T7U. K-3So STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. IkiO. liuT Doug. Omaita Stove R P j,;-' P. MELCHOlR. machine works, 13th and Howard. R-38S ELSASSER & BR1CE, machine and gen eral repair works, 317 S. 12th St. Tel. 1477. R-M656 J 2 SPECIAL attention given architects' plans and speciflcatlona; contractors should In vestigate. Lew Weutworth, 618 Paxton block. R MW6 J7 OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe clnlty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen, prop., 102 8. Iflth St. R M150 5 P.C. YEAR From $5i0 to $5.noo loans on real estate at 5 PER CENT PER. YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or write and get my sys tem. W. L. Eustmun, 1108 Farnam, Omaha. R M713 D. W. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER. Two 'phones, 1966 and L2N73. R-M993 MT CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. 211 SOUTH 11TH. TEL. 264. We trust everybody. Flannels and colored gooda laundered at our risk. R M172 J22 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR oALE. new and second-hand billiard skid pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. 8end for catalogue. Drunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 S. lUth St., Omaha. Q M429 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Clilcugo Furnltuiu Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. . Q-392 SN D-H AND aafe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far nam. Q 393 A r-t i : i c 1 1 i - n ii ciecurcai oupLwebai a Dargain V a liuve atom u l eel vo stranded electric light cabld ana cne iuu ampere, knife snitch. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bee building, Omaha, i .. - QM ' ! SECOND-HAND " STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE ll UU Wallll X Laisuil i...Mtau. call and look over the following supplies: ' !.i,-inuh JeOKiti s U.obe vulvva. 1.6-lnch Gate valve. 1.8-iin'h Austin liurizonal separator. ' 1 4-Inch Austin vertical separator. i t H. P. hoilxontal engine. These have been takn out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. 11. Bridges, engineer. Bee build ing, Omaha. j TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR UOlLlkKb FOR tJALE. Two boilers, )u0 home power, which have been used out six years, iruue tH iirebut steel, triple riveted but and snap joints, .uisuiaiicu company purr.iits ol pressure of 12j pounds. They are now in use and gn be seen at boiler house, rear of Be tiding. Can be delivered at onct. 11 or address W. li. Bridges, engi neer, Bee building, Omaha. y Msuj 100 KINDS of Mlnetal Water. Sherman Ift McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 394 ' ' H. P. ENGINE. We have one six-horse power horizontal engine. Ttie engine hat never been used. Will sell It for about one-half price. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building., y 113 SHOWCASE, new design. CIS Paxton bile W Mxi J. FOR RALE, several scholarships In a tlrsl class standard school in Outuhu, compris ing complete course In buslnesi, short hand aud typewriting. Inquire at Lee offloc. W-863 , CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. 1'. Ii Plulbln, ltKJO Farnam, 'phone 7tit VI MUo3 SHOW CASES Edholm. jeweler, 107 N. 16th W 191 , WE RENT sewing mschlnes 76c week. We repair all makes of machines. Sec ond hand machines $5 to $10. Neb. 1 Cycle Co.. Tel. 1663, Corner 15th and Harney. y 336 , CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long nr timbers, cypress fence lath, 3-ply whllebasswood. 901 Douglas. Q 391 FOR SALE Bids will be received until January 14, 19id, at J. L. BrunUels & Sons' office, lor the following buildings, J.o be torn down and removed: The triple four-story Barton flat building, on Douglas streot, adjoining the Y. M. C. A. building. The double three-story Dufrene flat build ing, on Douglas street, adjoining the Bar ton flats. Thu two-story brick Horbach residence, on corner 17 Wi and Douglas streets. Bids will be received lor any one building or for all three. ' All buildings to be torn down snd removed within, forty-rive days after bids are ac cepted. VI 437 12 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. W Pulleys, from In. to 48 in. In dUmeter. t Countershafts complete. 10 Feet 1 7-16-ln. shafting, with couplings and hangers. 10 Feet 1 15-16-iu. shafting, with couplings snd nsngeis, together with about 3uu feet of belting from S to t In. These are all in flrat-class condition. W. li. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. Q-Ul vOH SALE Thoroughbred Barred Ply mouth Kock cockerels. 4210 Ames Ave. VI M665 2x OLD8 GASOLINE ENGINE and pumpers are reliable. Several slightly used engines ' cheap. Dept. C. 1116 Furnoin su Q-MS07 7 FOR SALE, good Garland, medium site, hard coal stove. 1718 Mason. Q-M779 tx 16-KEY B flat clarionet; also Colt's "New Pocket" revolver. Address P 28, Omaiia Bee. Q MK36 Zx WANTED TO BUY HHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 832 N. Y. Life, pays highest price tor books. Tel. 3o3. N (19 WANTED To buy. vacant lot. In south western pari of city, give locution and PI let. Audi ess P 13, Omaha Bee. N-U770 7 WANTED MALE HELP Winter Term OF THE Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas. Opens Monda) morning. January I. New clashes In all department. Send for cata logue at once. B-3 WANTED FOR U. B. ARM Y Able-T.ortted unmarried men, between ages of 21 and Ji, cliliens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who apeak, read and writ English. For Information ppl.v to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City. la. B M29 MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Weoiern Barbers' Institute. Omaha, Neb. B 399 MOLER8 Barber College, Denver. Colo., teaches the barber trade In 8 weeks and guarantees positions. Special terms. Write. B M528 J16X I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores and doctors. Knlest, 701 N. Y. L. B 417 TELEGRAPH department open In Decem ber. IJoylea College. B M80l GOOD sil irird j sitlon for active man who has $S,(o to Inves' In well established manufacturing business. Address P. O. Bnx 464. Lincoln, Neb. B M293 Jan 3 WANTED, men to sell garden seeds to the farmers; write me for terms at once; big wages can be made. Address O. P. Conk lin. Seedsman, Red Oak, la. B Ml 13 IF YOU are In need of a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT. 923 N. Y. Life. B 906 J4 WANTED Bookkeepers, stenographers, of fice clerks, store clerks, draftsmen, sales men, high-class mechanics. Write Stan dard Information Company, Phoenix Building, Minneapolis, Minn. B M473 4x WANTED, compositors at once; don't wait to write; come; satisfactory wages: Ne braska Newspaper Union, York, Neb. B MSS1 2x SOLICITORS, either sex, every t6wn. Wheaton-Walker, 604 Bee bldg. B M670 WANTED 260 yards of plastering done, by iwirty of known responsibility. Apply Mon day morning at !4 N. Y. IJfe Bldg. B-MS11 2 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl for general housework; tamiiy or South 40th family of two. C. C. Montgomery, 513 .C M154 80 GIRLS, Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C-4W USE Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. . C 468 J14 WANTED, two young ladles of good ad dress and appearance to canvass families for a food product. Address P 2". Hec. C MS21 i WANTED SITUATION SITUATION, by experienced pharmacist In Iowa, competent to manage; A-l ref erences. Address C. C. Held, Early, la. A-M4u0 lx YOUNG man, strictly temperate, 6 years' road experience. Is open lor offers; bond furnished If desired. Address O 03, lice. A-M455 lx TWO young ladles desire to work for board and room while attending college. Address Boyles Business Co.leg A-fl.'3 31 SITUATION wanted, bv stenographer; young man IK: willing, all around worker; reasonable salary. Address P 9. Bee. A-M633 2x WANTED Situation, by a respectable col ored man and wife, to cook, attend fur nace, etc.; wife chamber maid, etc. Ad dress P 12, Bee. A 756 lx POSITION by young widow as housekeeper In a first-class hotel; competent to take charge of any department. P 21, P.ee. A-M674 3x A POSITION as private teacher of a deaf child. P 19. Bee. A M075 8x BUSINESS CHANCES SPEND the winter In Cuba; money making propositions awaiting northern eneigy and a, little money. Round trip tickets, 377. SO, good to June 1st, IMi. Cuttle ralalng nets 38 to 55 per cent; fruit and vegetables) make growers wealthy. October to May produces best garden truck. Rleliesit land In the world. C. R. Glover Ac Son, main floor, N. Y. Life, Omaha. 'Phone 133. Y 7(i8 I DO YOU want to buy, sell, rent or ex change your property or business, borrow money quick? See CompUiii-Wutts Co., 53a Paxton block. Y Mu27 USE Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. Y 155 J 14 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange your property or business quick tee J. II. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phono L 2270. Y 4o2 FOR SALE Bids will be received until January 14, 19u5, al J. L. Brandels & Sons' i like, for the following buildings, to be torn down and removed: The triple four-story Barton flat building, on Douglas street, adjoining the Y. M. C. A. building. The double, three-story Dufrene flat build ing, on Douglas street, adjoining the Bar ton flats. The two-story brick Horbach residence, on corner 17th and Douglas streets. Bids will be received for any one building or for all three. All buildings to be torn down and removed within forty-five days after bids are ac cepted. Y-438 12 ATTORNEYS, everywhere, if you have an account, note or claim of any kind against fterson, firm or corporation we can settle l for you. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. main floor N. Y. Life. Phono 133. Y-105 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of bualnesa. Y 4u6 SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y W7 NEWSPAPER for snle; good Missouri town of l.Oet); no opposition; fine opening. Ad dress K 30, care Bee. Y M125 LAUNDRY Jl.SOO. Good opporiunit y : good reasons' for sell ing. Address Room 1, U. S. Bank Bldg. Y loo FOR SALE, a splendid paying hardware and Implement bu Iness in southeastern Nebraska; goud and umplo reasons for selling; would take a good feu larm as part payment In south central Nebrriska. It will pay you to look this up. Address O 62. care of Bee. Y M 135 BLACKSMITH shop, tools and lot for Bale; doing good business. Louis Blum, Mur doek. Neb. Y-M449 3x GROCERY and meat market, old estab lished money maker; cause of selling, owner wants to retire. Address P 6, Bee. Y-629 WANTED Location In Bwedlsh Lutheran settlement for a $4.oti shoe and clothing stock; also Swedish young man to take half or part Interest. Address P 7. Ben. Y-627 6 A DOCTOR will relinquish a good location for practice In southeastern Nebraska. Investigate at once. Address P 29, care Bee Y-MH44 7x FOR SALE Blacksmith shop. 18th nnd Cuming st. Apply Mrs. Shields, 1611 Elm street. YM842 MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly P.egulator hat brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief In I to t days. We have never known of a single (allure Mall orders promptly filled. Price. $1 R. 87, 84 Adams St.. Chicago. -454' DR. PRIES treats successruly all diseases snd Irregularities of women, from ,inr cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp. Dr. Pries, till Dodge tit.. Omaha. -4U PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Ban. in num. ; ist ave . council Blurts, is. Tel. 774. -l PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies boarded nnd ad rtd. Airs. Gard-ll, Cbarlos. TeL A W. LA During tlio rear 1904 Tho Hoe published 325.726 lines of Sunday paid want nds. It published n total of 882.098 lines of Daily aud Sunday paid want ads. This is a very sub stantial gain over 190.1. It is also several thousand lines more paid want ads than was printed by any other Oinn'iri paper. The Dee prints the most paid want ads. Deo want ads give the best returns. -V trial will convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. RQlAL HOTEL. European, 16th Chicago. E 4u DEWEY. European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 4i0 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine room, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open "W?' E HI HOUSEKEEPING Three or four very de sirable, partly furnished rooms: bath and gas; references required. 2426 St. Mrf are. E 412 MIDLAND hotel. 16th and Chicago: steara heated; medium prlre; cafe In connection. FURNII1HED and unfurnished, all parts of city. Room 8. N. Y. Life. E-414 WE furnish rooms complete cheaper and better than any one In Omaha. Terms: worm, ii per weea; aw, worm, week. Om:iha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th, on Farnam St. E 8T 1 NICELY furnished frort room, quiet, good location: gentleman preferred. 1921 Dodge. 'Phone SlSt. E M58ft LARGE, pleasant front room; modern; 'phone. IK! Douglas. E M524 LARGE, well furnished room, modern. 706 S. 18th st E Mitt NEWLY furntsned rooms, modern. 2J10 Webster. Tel. L3218. E M30 MODERN furnished rooms; best location. 113 8. 20th. K--Mia DESIRABLE rooms, first-class location, walking distance. 2124 Farnam. E vrti SOUTH front parlor. 2')24 St. Mnry's ;ive. E-M131 H.nn to 12.00 per week, 422 S. lMh St.. one block south cf court house. E M15S HOT WATER HEATED rooms, nlshed. 315 No. 17th. E NICELY furnished front room, with board; furnace heat;-modern; suitable for two young ladles; reasonable. 61s So. lUth St. F Ml2 2x NICELY furnished srtenm hentrd rooms. 1721 Dodge. 'Phone B2294. E M5o5 lx WELL furnished, strictly modern. 1911 Davenport. Tel. 1769. E M506 1 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern. 113 So. 24th t. E M513 3x THREE rooms for light housekeeping, mod ern and convenient. 2-11 Douglas. E M513 3x TWO adjoining rooms, suitable for four working girls; 34 per week. 1H17 Chi cago. E-Mf.lo 1 ROOMS, 1906 Cnpltol ave. E M634 4x NICE warm rooms; strictly modern. 2213 Jones St. E-MH49 3x WELL furnished steam heated rooms; reasonable. 523 N. 20th. E M615 2x NICELY furnished, well heated rooms. 811 S. 21st st. E MtM'i 3x ONE suite of looms suitable for four gen tlemen. 1822 Chicago. Tel. 4040. E-M6I0 3 WELL furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 1712 Davenport. E M 611 2x WELL furnished front room with all mod ern conveniences. 1919 Dodge st. E MS22 3x NICELY furnished room, modern. 2118 Chi cago Bt. E MS23 3x NICE warm rooms; 1702 Davenport. reasonablr; elnso In. E M S24 3x ' NICELY furnished, strictly modern room; 4o9 S. 26th ave. E-MS24 3x WEL furnished room; everything modern. 1909 Capitol ave. E M824 3x THREE well furnished. steam hentel rooms; housekeeping. 2234 Farn-im. Flat 6 E-MS15 3x WELL furnished room; everything modern, furnace heat. 216 N. 19th st. E-MS16 3x STRICTLY modern rooms; cl"se In. Doilge st. E MS17 3X NICELY furnished front room; modern; walking distance. 1231 Farnam E MSI 3x ROOMMATE WANTED Young man of good character would like a roommate to share sunny east front room with alcove; everything modern. 2658 Douelis st. E MS IS 2x NICELY furnished Douglas. room, modern. 2221 E-MS13 4 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F 413 METROPOLITAN restaurant, regular meals i5c; meals to order. 13-1 Douglas, Tel. A426. F-M560 J2 THE SH ELTON. 26th and Dodge, Ideal home for the winter, pleasant rooms, strictly modern, home cooking; reason able F-376 LARGE ROOM, with small room adjoin ing; very best of hoard, refined location, modern. 'Phone F 3204, 527 Park nvi F-825 lx $2.60 UP; single meals inc. 1K13 Hodge. F M738 Jan 18 '05 WANTED Young man as roommate; good location; modern conveniences; walking distance and on car line; rotes reason able. 'Phone 1208. F M43 2x FOR RENT Nicely furnished east front warm room; furnace heat: good hoard; modern; telephone, etc. 620 Ho. l!Mh st. F M4S1 2x NICE south room with board, adjoining alcove. 2418 Cass. Tel. A199I. F-M504 lx WELL furnished front room with board; everything modern. 301 So. 24th. F-M50S Sx TWO nicely furnished rooms, with board, t4.5l a week; modern house. 2215 Cali fornia. F M769 2 NICE front room with board; modern. 120 No. 26th. F M 509 1 ONE nice, warm front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 2323 Harney. F M511 THE ROBE. 2030 Harney st., nice, warm rooms, good board; rates reason .hi". F 191 8x BOARD In private family for two young men; every convenience; modern. 2r,:9 Seward. F 6J lx NICELY furnished rooms and eood board; family style: 615 N. 23d. F M648 3x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with boird; private family; home cooking. 429 R. 24th. F-.M6I7 3x BOARD bv day or week. 118 N. 18th. "The Duddcn.' F- M644 3x ROOMS and board. $5 per week; $18 per month. 2"10 Webster. F-M642 2 WARM comfprtahle rooms and tioard; home cooking. 628 8. 19th ft F-M648 lx RfiOMR and hoard: wll furnished, good location; cheap. 1811 Chicago; home dik ing. F-MR19 ?x WF'.L furnished rooms and wood board. 2018 Dodge. F-M820 3x DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Mlaa biurdy. Phone A-27o. Ml'W JS MRS. M. E. GARCEAl'. now St 32"8 Hher mau ave. Tel. Red 484. MI71 J 13 Mrs. A. W. Smith, reasonable, :ir, Cali fornia. -M372 J13 FANCY embroidering. tit N. 17th. Mist N. Anderson, . -MT J J13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HNew Modern 6-Room LI House 5300 Cash, 11 and monthly ravments of S2o a month and Interest, In Bluff View Addition, east of 16th St., corncrit'g Kountie Place, close to car line, built by day's labor. Price, $2,.W. Hastings & Heyden, 1609' Farnam St. (Ground Floor ) RE M 630 3 A. P. TUKEY & SON AN INVESTMENT IN ACRES As an Investment nothing better could be found than the 15 ai res we are advertis ing on 36th and Grand ave., Just three blocks north of the Ames ave. car line. RE-M796 2 i TEN LOTS With 6 rooms and barn, on N. 16th St., S blocks from car; easy payments; $1,6). F. D. WEAD, 1524 DouglRP. RE 87 1 IF YOU want to buy. sell, rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at R I N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Ulover Son. RE M4i TRY Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic Rtt I69-J-14 13,500 WILL BUY a beautiful borne In Knuntze Place, full lot. south front, good barn, street paved, house newly painted and papered; everything modern THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg RE-MO Williamson CSJio RE-424 FOR SALE, 4-room cottage, out houses; seventeen head of hugs, cow, calf and farming Implements; bargain; southwest corner 44tlf and L sts., South Omaha. KE M,80 2x HOUSE and barn and 2 acres northeast of Krug Park, with some fruit; 31.100 for all cash. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. . RE 821 FOR SALE Large lot one block from 24th and Anus; 2 cur lines, 3300 cash. Box 1J6, Omaha. , KE M776 2x WE CAN sell you lands along the 'Missouri Pacific Ry. In Nebraska, Kansas and Ar kansas at Inside figures. C. R. Giover & Son, main lloor N. Y. Life, Omaha. 'Phone 133. RE 703 FOR SALE One note of $1,800. cue In one year, secured by lirst mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $l,6oo, due on or before three years, interest at 6 per cent. payable semiannually, secured by first mortgage on good properly. Both are nbxilutelv safe and given by respectable parties Address the owner, S 25, Boe office. RE-M453 FOR SALE Two modern, brick houses. 7 rooms each; will rent for $40. Price, $2,500, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. P.oom 1 New York Life bldg. RE-424 PATTERSON'S OFFERING LOTS. 3th and Webster Military Ave, paved 25th and Ieavenworth 2oth and Oak, South 2oth and others Just as cheap. ACREAGE. B acres, Florence, near motor 5 acres, Ben.son, near motor 10 acres. Benson j $ 20 acres, Beinnon. . . i 3. In acres near Rtiser's.. 1 17 nores near- Riiser-s.- Improved 3 6 acres near Hnnsofim park 2. DAVID C. PATTERSON, 1623 FAUNA ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I will sell at public sale, at the east door of the court house, on January 7, 1905. at 10 o'clock a. m.. the west y, of the northeast Vt nnd the fast of the northwest of Sec. 23, T. 16, R. 12, being a part of the Benjamin Bates estate, and about three miles west of Florence. Inquire of G. A. Mngnev, 36 N. Y. IJfe bldg. II. L. ANDERSON, Administrator. RE-6S3 WANT offer on 3-rpom house and lot, S. 8th near Bancroft. F, D. WEAD, 1524 DougluR ' RE 827 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY , FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers tand stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of lartr to sell at a reasonable uric- you will rtnd a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement a small 3 cent per word In email type ut $2 52 per Inch I' et In lures tvpe FARMS FOR SALE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' lime. Land Dept. V. P. R. K. Co.. Omaha. Neb. Dept. "A." BE-423 FARMS FOR SALE 1,520 ncres of best Improved farm land In Boone county, Nebraska, about 100 miles wt of Omaha, r.eiir St. Edwards, on the U. 1. R. R. ; will Hell In smull farms of 160 acrca each, from $37.50 to $55.00 per acre, according to improvements; thla land la practically all under cultivation; has five sets good improvements. Ih all fenced and cross-fenced, over 200 acres fall wheat and rye and some alfalfa. If sold before February 1st, poa nesalon will be given March 1st. Terms, about one-fourth cash, balance ten years at per cent annual interest. GEORGE t COMPANY, 1601 Farnam 8t., Omaha, Neb. 766 8 WHY pay $50 to $100 for land in eastern Ne braska, when we can sell you Just as good In eastern Kansas for $20 to $357 C. R. Glover & Son. muin lloor N. Y. Life, Omaha. 'Phone 133. 767 1G0 ACRES. Ness county. Kansas; 7-room house, good barn, never falling springs, some natlvo timber, family orchard, 40 ucres rich bottom land, 80 acres rich up land, flno wheat, corn and alfalfa soil MUST BE SOLD. $1,500. C. R. Glover & Sou, main floor N. Y. Life, Omaha. -766 FARM FOR RENT 70 acres six miles N. W. clty-$3 per acre. 60 acres three miles west of city, 4-room house, near car line $5 per acre. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. 765 8 PRINTING PPIMTIN'r, HIGH-GRADE WORK. 1 KllNlllMJ crounse Block. Corner of LYNGSTAD lth St. and Capitol Ave. 497 KRAMER & CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS, 1106-08 Douglas St. To de liver wjrk when promised is our hobby. 468 J. M. 8IRPLESS, reliable printer: estab lished 12 years. V S. 13th St., Omaha. 459 FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 463 CHAS. EDERER. Reasonable. 30th and Bristol. Tel. 1795. M92 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Bend for price list of cut flowers and plants A r FRED PONAGHUR JR.. 16"7 Farnam. Tel. r44a WANTED TO BORROW WANTED to borrow 'at 7 per cent $vm. on rent paying ivaidence property In South Onmha; sec urity ample: home money pre ferred. Addrest P 14. Be. M4M FOR RENT HOUSES GET Landrctn's Antiseptic Hair Tonic D 457 J -14 J72 8. UTH ST 7 rooms, modern, $:"2.50. E. J. Sullivan, 323 S. 13th St. D 4J FOR RENT- room house; all modern ex cept Liruace; uti N. 'ih St.; 114. C. M, Bachman. 436 Paxton Uuck. D 5.4 120 N. 25T1I, I rooms, modern, S3.S.00. D-Mllt HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait, Batker Block. D 4.7 HfllKF?, " all parts of the city. The IIUUOCJ 0 r jjavU COi jyj, l)ldr D 4:'8 FOR RENT, -room house. In first-class condition, with large lot; convenient to car line. 116. 1(53 N. 26th su D-Mn5 A HOME on Blnney st., 10-tOom house, to desirable party; 40 per month. Telephone B2627. D 430 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Omce, 1511 S Farnam. Tel. 15u. D Ci WE MOVE plnnos. Magrrd Van & Btor age Co. Tel. 146s. Office 1713 Webster St. D 433 Hnt IQPQ " Prt of the city. R. C UUUOCJ peters at. Co., Bee Building D 433 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses. 601 -C03 New York Life Bldg. Phone 1'H. D 43 I-ROOM cottage. 1530 S. 28th st. Clark Powell, 1516 Capitol ave. 'Phone 921. D-M49S McCauley Express Co. for moving, storaee, baggage delivery. 515 6. Kin. Tel. 1454. D C People's Ex. Co. hauls trunks. 'Phone 4262. D M168 J22 3-ROOM house: 18 per month. 1819 N. 2ttu. D-216 LIST houss with us; wc can rent them. Compton-Watts Co., 635 Paxton blk. D M316 TO LET, furnished 5 rooms of R-rnom mod ern house for the winter; located near Hifih school. W. Farnam Smith Co.. lU-'O Farnam St. D 654 2 3320 M ANDERSON, fi-room cottage, 10; 2721 Dodge, 4-room cottage, 39; "tV.'T Hamil ton, 6 rooms, f!3; S. W. cor. 36th and Dodge, 9 rooms, new, modern, brick, $42.50. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D-M688 2 HOUSES. 940 N. 27th ave., 10 rooms, all modern.. $35. 00 934 N. 27th ave, 7 rooms 18. on 2515 Hamilton, 10 rooms, city water 25.00 3320 Hamilton, 6 rooms, modern except furnaco 20.00 12i2 S. 27th, 6 rooms, modern except furnace 18.00 FLATS. 709-713 S. 27th ave., 3 rooms" each, each. $10. 00 1920S. 10th, 6 rooms, city water 8. on IHi'J 8. 10th. 6 rooms, city water 8. on Withnell block. 2 steam hfated rooms.. 2).0) N. 1'. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. D-M783 3 DESIRABLE 7-room house with largo barn, lawn nnd phado trees; close In; $25 per i month. Richard C. Patterson, 1224 F-ir-nam. D M",81 FIVE-ROOM house, city water and ris. 917 So. 26th uvc. D M812 2x WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms and houses. P.oom 3. N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glova' & Son. K-41V WANTED, to rent, at once furnished1 house, cottage or flat; modern; 6 or 8 rooms; for family of 3; no children. Ad dress M 8. Shofer, 402 First Nut. Bank Ilidg. Tel 2535. K MR37 WANTED, n furnished room with or with out board, In vicinity of Park nvenue and Mason street. Please state terms. Ad dress P 11. Bee. K-65a 2x WANTED Well equipped dining room to rent. P 20, care Bee. K M673 3x WANTED, place for student to work for board and room. Address Omaha Com mercial College or telephone 1289. K-MS29 3x WANTED By a young couple, three un furnished heated rooms for light house kef ping; not over $15.00. Address P 20, Bee. K MS49 4x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY WE LOAN ON Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock. Salaries, WE GIVK Best Rates. Easy Payment. Quiet Service, Any time, WE WANT , Your Business If You Ever Borrow Money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229b. (Established 1832.) 306 S. 16th St, X 466 LOANS made on all Kinds of chattel se curities, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Rervlre. Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 631 Paxton Block. X 4S BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, Jewelry, or on your pluin note, if . tt iadily employed. 7U3 N. Y. Life bldg. X liil The J. A. Hutton Co. LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS. 614-516 Paxton Block. X-M563 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE a.ul others without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tulinan, Room 714, N. X. Life. X-470 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.: half usual rates. Dr. Preb. benow, room 214 at 2uV S. 15th St. Tel, B-264. X-471 SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANd. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 807-t PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE I41L X 473 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co.. 1 Barker block. X 471 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed 313 a). 13th. X 474 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. ' , X-471 BEE FULLER. 425 Paxton block, for loant on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam st. X 477 SALARY and collateral loans. Temnletnn, 112 Bee Bldg. X-473 PATENTS H. A. STURGES. registered attorney; patents, trade marks, copyrights; no tue unless auccesaful. 517 N. Y. Life bhlg -M739 J. EMERY LESTER, Patents and patent law, mechanical draughting and blue priming. Suite 4.1' , Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 17W(. M 814 J31 LAW AND COLLECT IONS E. F. MOKEARTY. Attorney, 437 paxton. Tel. A 2633. 460 JOHN M M ACFAKI.AND, New York Lift Bldg., rooms 3o4 mid 319. Tel. 1552. 401 PERSONAL GREATEST PIANO VALUES liV THE CITY. Every one fully ,'iaranteed. Economically disposed piano buyers can find the great est bargains of hgh grade Instruments In the city at the waxerooms of Schmoller ft Mueller. These Instruments have been taken In exchange for our hand made Mueller piano which Is fllr guaranteed for twenty years and offered at absolute cost of production. Gilbert upright, good condition. ... $ " New York upright, mahogany casS ' "5 Arlon cottage upright ,...$loS Cabinet grand upright, almost new '-112 Also a number of slightly used StelnwrVy, Weber, Chlckerlng and other high graoS upright pianos. Terms to suit buyers, The Schmoller ft Mueller guarantee goes with each Instrument. Pianos tuned, moved, repaired, stored and exchanged. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1313 Farnam Street. Telephone 1625. U PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King. e6 N. 16th, Tel. 3659. C 108 J 19 06 DRAWING and painting from life. Cases - - VtM., 1W1 ffWUKlU, , UUIU , . V L-447 YOUNG lady In black at Orpheum. Tues day evening, who noticed young man second row b.n k. Address P. 17. care Bee. .... ,,.11,1 iiiiitirni U M4;6 31 X PRESSORIUM f'J4 Masq., theatrical costumes. Sack, 3318 8. 20th U 419 J13x LARSON ft JOHNSON cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnum. Tel. B2118. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n IS THERE a sincere man of means and position who would appreciate the friend ship of a refined, attractive woman of .10, of good social position In small town.' Object, matrimony; no trlllers; refer ences exchanged. P. 1, care Bee. PHONE 701 and your piano; $3 Farnam. i man will call and tune Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 U 460 THEATRICAL masq, costumes. Lb-hen, 1410-13 Howard. U M461 "VIA VI," way to health. $50 Bee "j, THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth, ing; In fact s.ivthlng you do not peed; we collect, repair and sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phons 4135 and wagon will sail. U 6U OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Rmg923' MRS. GEORGE K. DILLER of 94 Church street, New Brunswick, N. J., wishes ad dress of Dr. or Mrs. F. N. Seeley. U M476 31x MAGNPTIP treatment ft baths Mme. IKlrtvjJX C 1 1 V- Smith, 118 N. 15, 2 fl. R.J t HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Massneon cures middle-ear trouble. Acoustlcon aids the hearing at glasses do the eye. Hutchison Acoustic Co., N. Y. UU Bid. 'Phons 1 TRANGER in city deslrea the acquaint ant-o f refined yoting lady not over -io ftlilPt lif .r.ifirl Inrib-intr and fltvllsh. P- U 25; 22. tj i Vlav7Q SW U M47S Six l tl I C HIT TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONBMl WANTED Physician In salaried position as medical adviser to sanitarium out or city; also opportunity to build up outside practice. Address o 60, care Bee. U M440 2x TRUSSES made snd fitted to men, women and children. 1408 Farnam BU THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. ACCORDION and ilJNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING BUTTONS Send for price list and Samples. THb GOLDMAN Pl.tATING CO.. 200 Douglas Ulocit TeL 1936 U-44i YOUNG man who was noticed by blonde young lady wearing red nat, Wednesday, between 3 and 4 p. m., in trout or bunk on Farnam st. Is exceedingly desirous of luaking her acquaintance. Address P. 40, Bee office. U M479 31 X TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 720 8. 13th, U-446 DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes ties ior glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. Leading Opticians, 1408 Furnam. U 44 TRY Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. U 456-J-14 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 811 Ramge blk. U-428 J 25 30 v hear from young lady school teacher who can devote two or three evenings a week to Instructions In some special branches. P. 10, care Dally Bee. U M480 31x YOUNG man with excellent position wishes to correspond with young lady with a view of early marriage, iviusi De ot rep- utaoio cnaracier, una musician prererreu. Address P 2, Bee. U M4W lx OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of paste' for all purposes. Tel. A-2652. 2210 Cuming. Established 16&8. VI AVI A wholesome, rational home treat ment: Invaluable In all Inflammation and displacements. Send for booklets. 350 Bee blug., omana. u eis i A WEALTHY and attractive maiden wants without delay kind husband to relieve her of business cares. No objection to honor able, capable poor man. Address Cook. 67 Flournoy, Lnicago. u iou ix SCOTT'S DIGESTIVE TA BLETS Guaran teed by Kuhn & Co., 16th ft Douglas Sts. U M666 31 SEWING in families by experienced dress maker; first-class references. P 26. Bee office. U-M787 2x GENTLEMAN, stranger In city, wishes to meet respectaDle young laoy witn musi cal or literary talent. Object, friendship; matrimony if suited. Address P i4. Bee. I '782 lx LADIE8 to do piece work at their homes; we tornlsli all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 726 lx MARRYWealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 217, Tekonsho, Mich. U 724 lx WEALTHY retired gentlemnn, unencum bered, seeks aprTeclatlve wife. Address Mrs Cole 1714 Cla-stnut, Room S'16. Phila delphia, Pa. 1 -690 lx GENEROUS PROFESSIONAL MAN. worth $50,000. desires deserving, Industri ous wife; money no object. Ad tre Mr. C 67 Clark St., Chicago, 111. U 731 lx ATTRACTIVE WIDOW, very wealthy, wants, Immediately, good, honest hos bnnd. Address Aetna, Oneonta, bl lg.. Chi cago. 111. U-730 lx PLAIN, kindly btiKlnes man, aged 43, wealthy. LARGE INCOME, wants a sood wife. Address Curran, 1242 Wabash, Chicago. U-72S lx SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts snd moles permanently removed bv electricity; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. BIO bargains In new pianos; 4 or 6 sample pianos direct from factory at factory prices. J. 8 Cameron, 106 N. 16th at. Phono L-1K68; U-7S3 1 DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, society and atage. TeL1Jl MOKAND'B mld-wlnter terra for adult hegliinora will open on Friday, January t. le ssons Tuesday and Frldiy. 8 p. m Suve $2 by L ining the first of the term soicest guarunieed Chlldrn meet Sst urrtay, 8 p. in Private lesions dally Always open; Sundays I to 6 p. m. Call 15th and Hurney, or tel. 1041. M 19s m SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Masonic Temples Cor. Iflth A Capitol Ave. CAPITAL LODGE NO. 3. A. F. ft A. M Regular business meeting ": Monday evening, January 2. KSItitlTfl OP PYTIIItl. NEBRASKA LODGE NO 1. K. of r.-Rc-ulur meeting Monday evening. 7 So. Myrtle hall. 15th and Douglas sts. Visitors wel come. A. R Anderson. C. C. Roy A. Dodge. K. R. and 8. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE in The Bee building carries with it all the conveniences and advan Mgea In the way of heat, light. Janitor sorylce. all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 office Is now vs- cantV Call at once. H. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1831 l-STORT iNJid basement brick building, 100$ Farnam. .''Jxliio, hydraulic elevator, suit, able for wholesale or mnnufacturlug sit First Nat l Bank building. 1437 IF A GOOD light Is needed ws can show you a north front oflt.e . . i , Mir tilth tloor, a splendid room, st the modera's pries of $20. R. C. Peters at Co., ground floor. Bee building. I 33 FOR RECr At !16 Famsm t.rover S.CM equare feet of flour spxce: can be used for storage or light manufacturing: will rent all or part at a reasonable flgor. 'Phone 2702. 1 67 STORES FOR RENT. 709-713 8. 27th ave $10 00 1P22 8. 10th t a 09 N. P. DODGE ft CO.. 1614 Farnam 8t. I- M7S4 3 DESK ROOM, with telephone, stenm heat, ground floor. 515 So. 6th I MS5Sx M9NELJ.PL0MALlESmE WANTED Oty loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W M74S FARM and city loans; lowest rates W 1L Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel, I644 W 47 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1520 Douglai W 480 WANTED City leans and warants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St W 481 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. . W 483 GARVIN BROS , 1604 Farnam. Lowest rates. V 4hJ LOWE8T rates on city property; 6 per cent on farms In eastern Nebraska. Remla. Paxton block. W 4111 LOST LOST Young black and white setter dog; reward for return. G. H. Pritchett, 1614 Farnam st. Ist MtSti 2 LOST, near Poppleton and Twenty-ninth, kuiu ueiios. r inucr piense pnono t -10,8. LOST Small gold pin. between 28th nnd nuu Him iHiiinmio. itewara rnr return to Dr. Oifford, 407 Karhach block. Lost MH 16 3 LOST Gold locket, with two diamonds on sine, it. vy. r. engravei on hack. Reward for return to Bee bldg. Lost M847 3x FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FINE $376 pneumatic Stnnhope. nearlv new $125; open pneumatic runabout, $00. Drum mond, ISth and Harney. P 438 NEW sample buggies and farm wagons for sale cheap. Andersen-MUlurd Co.. 16l Capitol Ave. P 121 31 GOOD carriage, runabout wagon and har ness, cheap. Johnson ft Danforth, 8. W cor. 10th and Jones sts. P M4S8 NEW piano to trade for driving horsei pacer preferred. J. S. Cameron. 106 No, 15th; P-MS09 FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade sewing machine or type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. Z IS9 IF YOU do not find what you want in this column put an ad in and you will soon get it. z S83 PIANO for horse. Perfleld, pianos. 1B1I Far. Z 680 Jaais WILL exchange piano for good roller top desk. J. S. Cameron, 106 No. 15th st. Z-M810 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 615 N.Y.LIfe bldg. Tel. lftfi 486 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Osteopathy phy. siclan; ofllce. Douglas block. Tel. 2t23. till DR. FARWELL. specialty nervous disease. 612 N. Y. Life. Huntington ft Stratton. 832 N. Y. Life. 864 CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER, scientific palmist, 715 N. 23d. 8421 COLORED woman for general housework; permanent place tor responsible jiersoii. 4!24 Davenport St. S M8322x SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. ' 408 POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read dally by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.; Foreign malls for the week ending De cember 31, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) st the General Puslottlce as fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS close ons hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcels-Post malls for Germany close at. 5 p. m. January 2, per s. s. Kaiser Wll helm tier Grosse; January 6, per s. s. Pre toria, and January , per s. s. C&ssuL Regular snd Supplementary malls close st Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton street) half hour later than clos ing time shown ceiow, (except that Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Mails. TUESDAY (3).-At 6:80 a. m. for EUROPE!, Iier a. s. Kaiser Wllhelm dor Grosse, via 'lvmouth. Cherbourg und Bremen. WEDNESDAY (41 At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Vlncenso Florlo imsll must be directed "per s. s. VI11 cenro Florlo"); at 11 a. m. for NOR WAY PARCEIJ1-POST MAILS, per s. s. Oscar I. (regular mall fijr Denmark must be dlrectd "ier s. s. Om ar ll.". THURSDAY (6) At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. I. a Champagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Champagne"!, FRIDAY (6) At 2:3o a. m. for IRELAND, per s. s. Cedrlc, via Uueenstown (mall for other parts of Europe must be di rected "per s. s. Cedrlc ); at 7 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Cano plc, from Bjston. SATURDAY (7) At 8:30 a. m. for IRE LAND, per s. s. Ivernla, via Queens town (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. Ivernla ); at 4 a. m. for NAPLES CITY and GENOA CITY, per s. s. Deutschland (mall for other parts of Italy must be. directed "per s. s. Deutschland"); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Philadel phia, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. Malls for Sooth an! Central America, West Indira, Etc. WEDNESDAY (4) At 8 a. m. for ARGEN TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Brookwood (mall must be directed "per s. a. Brookwood '); at 8:30 a. m. (sup plementary lo;3o a. m.) for NICARAGUA (except East Coast), HONDURAS (ex cept East Coast), SALVADOR. PAN AMA. CANAL .ONE, CAUCA DEPART. MENT OF COLOMBIA, ECUADOR. PERU, BOLIVIA and CHILI, per a. s. Allianca, via Colon (mall tor Guatemala must ue airecien per a. s. iiianca 1, r at 9 30 a. m. (spph-mentarv loMn a. m ) for JNAGUA, HAITI. HASTA MARTA , anil other places In MAOliA LENA DKP'T, COLOMBIA, per a. s. Klsndrla (mall for Petit Uosve snd Aux Cayeg must be directed "tier a. s. Flandrla"); at 10 a. in. fur HAITI, per fc kflam V) 4.