1 ai: OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1004. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Rtora Will Otitis Injiiry rts tht ' - ' Wtotsr Whstt wHEAT MOVEMENT DECREASED BY STORM i Ka4era Heldera leiatlaac in ara aa Oat ball, bat Lata Streactk Beeaase f tha Starsa. OMAHA. Dec. 28, 1W4. "This storm will not Injure winter wheat In Nebi-ask.-" said A. b. Jsqutth. "Cold wtyee like thi are the regular thin In lia atata and no winter killing la to be pe!iel. The cold weather came on grad ually, to thm no damage could have ben done. Tha prospect lor the winter wheat la, r think, good.'' 'Winter wnt hurt? No." raid J. K. Van Dorn. "Wulte the contrary. The wheat needs moisture, so that the norm la a rood thine through the whole belt. No win ter killing whl result from It." Sunderland 4t lpdlke tha only (rain limine which had a wire working this morning, and It was a limited aervlce. The Grain exchange wire was dead, 't la hoped i he wire may be In .working condition for . Thursday. The billiard hss helped the bull aide nf wheat. It hue stopped tha already email movement from tha country in the north west and In addition Impede shipping. The buvers are plenty and the teller scarce. The receipt In the northwest are railed. In somaj quarters, alarmingly amall compared wlih last year. Minneapolis and Duluth during the holiday accumulated HI car while for the name period of llslg tha re relpta were 1.915 ears. The Minneapolis de. , mand for low grade ha none p from . 4 to $ cent since Friday, and Mlnneapolli . report the ale of No. 1 northern to an Ohio miller for 1.24ty. "We are having difficulty In selllngoor miller the better grade, said W. Tem merman of Minneapolis. "They want the off grade wheat and are buying thnt . readily. Th- mixing houses, which are turning out a good No. 3 wheat, are sell ing all they ran put nut. The miller themselves are not mixers and aome of our wheat which I sold to Kansas Pity 1 ' mixed there and brought, bach later by ' Minneapolis miller." The risible today l: What. 39.713.000 bu.; rorn. 7.2o,00n bu.: oat. 23.S72.ono tin.- Omaha atnek of grain are: Wheat. 347.506 bu.; corn. 127.0D2 bu.: oata. 21H,KJ bu. Omaha stocks of contract wheat are: Merrlam A Holmqulet, 4.9U8 bu.; L'nlon elevator. lO.OiW hu. The asstent bolder of the big long In terest are thought to have bought more wheat Tuesday. The market will go tip. It I predicted, until they begin to unload. Chicago opened at 11.13 for the December, which waa the closing quotation. The mari ket gained Vc. The May opened at $1.14. ie under the Tuesday clnae. Later It ead off a cent and 'by noon returned to fl 13V The July Magged from the opening at V,a to 87ac. Corn waa firm but not active. The torrri decreaaed the country movement and In rreaaed the consumption. The heavy ac cumulation over the holiday deterred buy ers. The strength of wheat helped the coarse grain. a . Omaha Cash Sale. WHEAT-No. Ihard. 1 car, 67 lb.. $1.0JV4. ' OATS No. 3 mixed, t car. lit lbs , Jq. Omaha Caata Market. WHEAT-No. 2 hard. l1.U4ffll.08; No. 2 hard, H.Km.OVi No. 4 hud., 91j!7c; No. 3 ,. spring, $1.05. . CORN No. 2. 31Ho: No. 3. 3Wjc; No. 4, n WH3r: no grade, ;a.H7c; No. 2 yellow. 87Hc; No. 8 yellow. 37Hc; No. 2 white. . 3SAc; No. 3 white, 3'ic. OATS No. 1 mixed. 2Kc; No. 3 mixed, 2714c; No. 4 mixed, 26isc: No. 2 whit. DVa'-; No. 3 white, 2c; No. 4 white, 28c; stund ard, 28Tic Carlo! Receipts. TVheat. Corn. Oata. 31 564 U ...... ..1M 28 :il 21 237 17 . 113 13 Chicago , Minneapolis tit. Louts Duluth Omaha, (HICAUO URAI AU PROVISIONS Keatarea of tha Tradlac and t'loalac Prleea aa Board of Trade. CH1CAOO. Dec. 28. Prospects of an enormoua Argentina crop 'outweighed, ap parently, all other considerations In the wheat pit here today. The reault wa u weak market May wheat closing H'iu down. Corn Is off 'inc. Oata and pro visions are About unchanged. The wheat "mnV-ket was weoar'at the atart. lntluencvd by lower prices at Liver lool many of yesterday's buera wfre lib eral sellers when trading b.gan. Wltn only a 'moderate' demand, Inltinl nuotntion ' xhnwed locs, May being off Hfo lo Vcr Sc at $1.14n i Additional felling i on developed upon receipt of a cablegram from Argentina by n local commla,on house claiming that the crop wa In ex cellent condition end that tuilnmcnt will begin In about four week. A a r?eult th market became atlll weaker, May gradu ally declining to Thero was also aome selling occasioned by the heavy fall of snow which, It waa claimed, wou.d greatly lieneflt growing wheat. Weakmas ut Minne apolis wa another fuctof thai contrloutej lo the decline here Two or three proml. ent long old treely during the latter part ot th day. Offerings were readily taken by Mhort. and In consequence part of the early loss win regained, but the prevail ing undertone wus one of weakness. Final quotation on Mny were ut $1 14. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 81.1'nj bu. Primary receipts (Ineomp.cte) were 370, bu.. compared with l.l'ti.lm bu. a year ao. The rirlbH supply Increased 1.133.MIO bu. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipt of 3X4 cars, agalnat t&i car Ihsi week and 633 cars a year agi. Under heavy selling pressure from east ern eperuiators trie corn market waa weak, the entire day. - The selling waa Imaed on weakness abroad dur. In part to Continued liberal shipments from Argentina. An lu cres of i.iKt)Aa hu. In the amount on passuge also hHd a ileprrxslng eftVel. Miy opened a ahade to So lower itt 4644i4SH' t) 4tS". and off to 4n'c and closed at 46e. lAcaI receipt were S54 cars, with thr of contract grade. Trading In oats wa of smHll volume, business being mainly of u scalping char acter. May opened a shado lower ut 3IV(t illHc, sold off to 81V and closed at Klc. i J-ocally, receipts were o car. , Considering an advance In the price of i hoga at the yards the provision market wa rather weak. Bull trader were dis appointed at the Indifference displayed toward the small receipts of hogs, and aa a result, there was some selling of amall lines. At the cloe Muy pork waa off a shade at 112 151 12.87t. lurd wit down 2'tc at $7.107.121,. Ribs were 2Wnvi0' lower at K.70. Kstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, ill care; com, 3U cars; oule, 33 car; liog. 20.'iu head. The leading future ranged a follow: Art)clc. Open. High. Low. C1oae.ye'y. 1 134; 1 12. I 14 V 1 134 1 124, 1 13 : l 14 i 1 14-4 984fit 9944 1 1 I 464 464 4h4 4.M; 4 40411' ! I 24; i4l 31. - :nv H 464 45-4 4641) 4 464.1 46 294';29414 Ji'-i is 314; Si 314 31414 31414 1 13 674( 1J to 11 9241 U Ml 12 65 I 12 674 12 874: 1J 874 I 874; TJ24I ( fi 4. . I 8 724 6 K24 7 074i I 424! 674. t So 1 7 124: 6 46 ' t 70 6 874 I 15 474 71 Not 1 'hIi quotations were as follow: - FLOL'RSieady; wliitor patent, $5,104 f6.20; straight. $404)5110: spring pat ent. $& 0u4j6.So; atraight. $4 5Oi4.0; baker . $2 TlxiiJ .80. WIIBAT-No. $ spring. $l.(4j l.lti: No. 3 spring, tl.taajl.b!; No. I red, $1 16441 174. CORS-No. . 4oVc: Nifc. t yellow. 454 OATS-Nu, 2. 4c? No. I white, J)4 RYK-No. 2. 7J4c. BARLEY tloud feeding. S7c; fair to choice malting, 41c. SEEDS No I flax. $1.17; No. 1 noithweat. em. Il l Prime timothy. 82.7:4. Clover. -.Mrsrt rrade. $12.76. PHOVI810NRPork. nitaia. Per bbl.. $11 V" 4u. Ird. per lot IN... a. ft. Short rib eidaa iltMtaei. $ 1244JA374; ,hort clear atdea (boxed). 3..'41I 7S Receipts and shipments for the day were aa tolluwe: Recelota Shipments Flour, buls X3.2UU . w h Wheat. I hi 1i'7.mm Col li, bu l.SJ2.1iu 416 a Oata, bu v. .. I1l6.hu 176.M4) H. bu ' t.jt.j barley, bu ......... 144.JU t ll.Taj On the' Prtalue exchange today Ibf but ler mal kt waa lU-iai treantailas. 17nr; dalrisa. tu4c. Frfs, strong; at mark, cc- Included. litdiJi-; flrat. 22c: prim niet. "4c; txtra. 2ic. plwesa steady to nrnt. lit lia v. - 1 nvldth Grain warket. 'l l.l'TII, Icc. 28.-WHEAT-T0 arrive: . I. II 144; No. t, 1 16. on track: No. Wheat I D.-c. I 1 13 May ,1 14'i4 m July 19944 T corn I l)-. I ;t4 May 464bK July J 45', Oats I Dec. J :!, May 3144 July 314 fork Jan. II H May I 12 924' Lard I I Jan. C8.1 Mv 7U4': Ulh.- I ' 1 Jan. I 424I May K4! 1 northern. O 12; Ka. 3 northern, tl .'; De cember. SI l-'W; May. II 14. OATS To arrive end on trsHe. Hc.- SEW YORK, . CiGISRJIL M (RKRT distllhai Ik' tlay.i oa , t arloaa ( oaaraadllles. NEW TOftK.' T)ee. 2.-FIXlt R Re elpts, JR.a : mpoMs, I B bbl. The mar ket held higher hut trade wss quiet: Min nesota patents. IS f4)! J: Mtnneseta bakers, I4 40f4 7s; winter patents. I5.S6; . winter tralght. I6 1S.SW40; winter extras. W.V 4 K: winter low rade. 13 4ni4.ltl. Rye flour, quiet; fair to (ml, I4.4tan-4.i0: chclce to fancy. 4 7J36 00. But km heal flour, dull. CoRNMKAIy Steady: fin white and yel low. . vf1.36; coarse. $1.291.2; kiln dned, $-!) J 10 BARLFT Dull : feeling. 4',c. c. 1. f. New York; malting. 44i1r. c. I. f. Huffalo. WHEAT Receipt a, !.0n bu. Spot markwt Irrea-ular; No. 2 red. nominal, elevator, and I1.2. f. n. b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth. II 24i. f- o. h. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. $1.0. f. o. b. afloat. Options. In response to easier Liverpool cable, where strength had been expected, and a bearish visible supply statement, broke 1c a bushel today. Bull support wss larking and dispatcher aid a leading Chlcsgn elevator house had old through broker. Near the close prices rallied slightly on covering, but still left off S?c net lower: May, H.11fil.Pt, closed II 14: Julv. 11 OVql iWi. dosed 11.(3',; December, n.ai'fi!.21H. closed 11.20V CORN Receipts, l7.)n0 hu. Spot market easy; No. 2, Mc, nominal, elevator, and 53c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 53-v4c; No. 1 white. 54c. Option quiet and Irregular with a downward tendency, following wheat, and closed partly c pet lower; May. 6161H:, closed MN-: December closed s6Vc. OATB---Recetpts, M.o") hu. K:ot msrket firm; mixed oata, 2b to 32 lbs.. JMtV'i natural white. 3d to 32 Ilia.. X7ijj3fic; cliped rhlte, K to 40 lb. V'tfvc. HAT-Khpv: shipping, t)60c; good to choice. T7HSSne. HOP8 Quiet; state, common to choice, 1!(4 crop, 2st37c; 1909 crop. 3fJi33c: olds. 14c; PadAo coast, 1904 crop, 29ic; 1903 crop, 30 fj3c: olda. 144c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 1o; California, fl to 25 lbs., 19c; Texa dry, 24 to 30 lbs. 144o. l.KATHKR Firm; acid. 7VaX: PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $11 no 4i 12.09; mesa. $9.0iilJ.50: beef ham, HWit a.W, pack-t. llO.SKall.0lt; city extra India mess. $14aflHt1$M. Cut meat, dull; pickled Weilles. $ii 7fi?7.6c: nickeled ahoulders. 36.75; pickled hams. $.0u. Lard, -quiet; western steamed, $7.20; refined, djll: continent, $7.25 4il.no; South American, $7.f0: compound, $5.1216.60. Pork, quiet; family, $14 H.S0; short clear $13.75ll.6tl: mess, $13lv!J 13.76. TALLOW Viulet; city, 4c; country, 4"i fir. RICB--Firm: domestic, -fair to extra, 2V( o'.c; Japan, nominal. BL'TTKR Very firm: street price, extra creamery, 27428c. Official price: Cream, ery, common to extra, 17iji27c; state, dairy, common to extra, lt26c; western, imita tion creamery. 1622c. CHEESE Steady; Now York full creams, fancy, 12V4o; choice, lldlSHc; fair to good, li12c. EOaS Lower; Western fancy selected, 2dc: western average beat, 25c. POl'LTRY Alive. Arm; western chick ens, luc; fowls, lltyc; turkeys. 12fal3e. Dressed, firm; western chickens. 10il2c; fowlc, 10i'l7llc; turkeys. lSQlitc. t. Loal Grain and Provisions. ST. LOl.'IS. Dec. 28.-WHEAT-Lowei ; No. 3 red cash, elevator. $1.1; track, $1.1'4 1 1SH; May, I1.1it; July, 96Sc; No. 2 hard. $1.12i. ' CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. c; track, 44V: December, 42Vfec; May. 43c. OATS Strong; cash, higher; No. 2 cash. 3Ho; track; SICl No. 2 while, 33c; Decem ber. 30c: May. ante FLOI'R Firm, without much change; red winter patents. $6.3vW5.50; extras, $4.50 ftS.Oi); clear. $4.8Mi4.50. SEEDS Timothy, nominal. $2.0Kfi2.4n. CtJRNMRAI Steady at $2.40. BRAN Firm: sacked, rust, track. St'e. HAY Dull; timothy, $7.0.ifl!13.(N; prairie, $0.0V3.6'i. IRON COTTON TIE8-93c. BAOOINO 7'ic. HEMP TWINE SVtc. PROVISIONS Pork lower: lobbing. $ll.Si. Lard lower; prime steam, $t52Vk. Dry "alt meats lower: boxod extra shorts. fti.Mi; clear ribs, $7.00; short clears, $7.1214. POL'LTRY Firm; chickens. Sc; springs, lo; turkey, 4c; ducks, 9v; gese, t;v. BfTTER Firm: creamery, !0i2S,4c; dalr-. 16j:3c. - . EdGS Steady nl 20c, case count. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbl..... Wheat, bu... . Corn, bu Oats. bu... ...... ...46,000 2 000 -JS.ISKI .,...32.00" ...;.2$,lXW 1"i.ti0:i ll,HtM) 8',OIO Kansas City Grain and Provlslona. KVNSAS CITY. Dec. IS. WHEAT Steady; December. tl.04H: May. 11.044; July. 90c; cash. No. 2 ruird. tl.0Mll.08; No. 8. $1.06(81.0!; No. 4, 86cJ$1.03: receipts, 23 car. CORN Steady; December, 41c; May, 424e; July. 4!c; cah. No. 2 mixed. 42c; No. 3, 4Vc: No.;? white, 42c; No. 3. 414c OATS Steady; No. 2 white.- 314c; No. 2 mixed, 31c. HAY-.Timothy,' $S.W& 10.00; pruirle. 7.7rift 8.01. RYE Steady at Tor. . EOQS Firm: MUannrl and Kansas, new whltewood cases Included, 23o per dosen; case count, 21o per dosen; cases returned, V.c per drxen less. BI TTER Creamery, 3123c: dairy. 17c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1S.400 ' 45.1'K) Coin, bu Sl.timi V2.&t0 Oats, bu 2.KO MmO Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec, 28.-BLTTER-Flrm: print 1c higher; extra western creamery. 2$4tf39c: extra nearby nrlnts. rius steady ; ncaruy fresh. 300 at murk; westrn fresh. 29'o30c at mark. . CHEESE New York full creams, fiincv. 12,c: New Yak full crfanis. choice, ll.f 12c: New York full crnms. fair to good, Ut?114c. Visible Supply ut Grain. NEW YORK. Dec. 28 -The visible up nlv of arrain Sal Urdu . December 24. is as f follow: Wheat. 39 718.000 bu.. Increase, 1.133 'HiO bu. Corn. T .208.000 hu.; Increase. l.S4.(Oo bu. Oats. 23.672.O00 bu.; decrease. 617.000 bu. Rye. 2,110,000 Int.: deciense. o6,o) hu. Parley,- 6,Sfo.OOO bu.; decrease. 266.000 bu. llluaespolls Uraln Market. MINNKAPOLI8. Dec. 28-WHEAT-Muv, 81.164: July. $1.14: No. 1 hard, 11.14-V No. 1 norihein. U.124; No. 2 northern. $1,064. FLOVR First oatenls, $6.1nu6,20: second patent. $5.9t4i6eO: first cleurs, $4,1564.36; second clear 12 .TWi'J.hi. ' BRAN In bulk. 16.26. I.lvarnaal Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. Sk.-WHEAT-Spot. nominal: future, dull: December, nominal; March. 7s 4d; May. 7a 4d. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, new, 4 7d: AnieiiCMn. mixed, old. 4s V4d. Fu tures, quiet; JJaJnJuary, 4a 34d; March, 4a 4- ' - Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAPKKE. Dec. 28.-WHKAT-DulI; N. 1 northern. 11.15- May, $1,134. RYF.-Dull: No. 1. T74c BARLKY Dull; No. 2. 53c; cample, 37(9 Mr. CORN Easy; No. 3. 4.3iH34'': May, 454c Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Dec. 21. SEEDS Clnvr. rash and Deremlier. $7.96: February, $7.h"4; March. $80:4. Prime alalke. $x.(6. Prime timothy, $1.30. 1 Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dec. 2$.-CORN-Juoted higher; No. 3. 424c; No. 4. 414c; no grado. 40c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 28. COTTON - The sensational decline In cotton waa continued today aa a result ef aggressive bear press ure Immediately preceding the publication of tha glnnera report at midday, after which there wa heavy liquidation and fur ther pressure, so that the downward ten dency s continued, with the mirket finally barely steady at the lowest point of the session and every active option on tha list selling well below the 7-cent mark, with the near months around 64c. LIVERPOOL. Dec 2S.-COTTON-8pot In Increased demand, prices 14 points lower; American middling fair. 4 2fid; good mid dling, 4.02d: middling. 3.92d; low middling, laud: good ordinary. 3.66d: oidlnary. 3 MM. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. K COTTON Eaay; sale. $.000 bales; ordinary. 44c; good ordinary. 7 4-16c: low middling. I 3-16c: mid dling. 4c: good middling, 64c; middling fair. TSc. Receipt. 16.468 bales; stock. 440, $72 bales. ST. LOC1S. Dec. 28. COTTON Eay. 40 lower; middling. 7c. Hale, none; receipts, 1 300 bale; shipments, 1,13 bales; stock, 33, 664 bale. t aar aad Molasses. ' NEW YORK. tHc. 28.-Sl'UAR-Raw. Steady; fair refined. 44c; centrifugal, M teat, 44c; molasses auaar, 4'c; refined, firm: No, . .16u; No. 7. i.Wcf No. 8, tc; No. $. 4-aV : -No. 3, i9tw: Nu. 11. 4.8uc: No. 12. 4 7S ; No. II, 4 66c: No. ki. 4 60c; confection era A. tH remould A. tluo; cut loaf. 46o; crushed. 6.4i ; poadered, i tjc; granulated. .78r: cubes. r. NEW ORLEANS. De.-. 28. HI 'OAR Firm: white clarified. 4 18-lwoSr: ot-n kettle. 34to 4r; open kettle, i-eutrifugal. 4ilSi-; ren Irifugai whites. 4 13-li44n-; Selluwa 4'v$ 44', i-ond. 3444c. MOLASSES O Jiei : eii kettle. IVnlllr; rejitrlfngl, 7l', Svfip, Kteadj, v -".. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Hrkeii Again Pll, with All Value Slightly Higher. LOW GRADE INDUSTkIaLS ARE IN DEMAND Price Advaare an the Relief that There Will fie iinm Itemand for ecarltlee After the Klrat of the tear. NEW YORK. Dec. 2.-The same dull rising market and the same largely profes sional tnare In the dealings were in evi dence saain on the Stock exchange itxiny. The rtocss which were pl ked for advance were much less Influential on sent.nunt ny their movemenls than were the hlHO-graue MaiiOaiu siocks which were conspicuous yesterday ano still snowed ev.aenre of realltlng touay. Ihls was notably true H New York Central, the strength of whicn lntued confidence Into the whole market yesterday. Ixw-grade Industriat stocks came forward Into notice today. Newa was unltormly favorable to value and tne extrnordlnai y case of money afforded mean for embarking In stock market com mitments. But the dimensions of the day business Is sufficiently convincing that there waa no widespread Interest in the market. There Is a general belief that the lift Ing of price Is due' In some degree to tha desire among great financial Institution to help out that Item In their annual state ments which is entitled "market vain of securities held." There Is no doubt of the scarcity of stocks offering at present, so that the procet of marking up price 1 conducted at a minimum oi the expense In volved In absorbing offering's on the ad vance. The faith is widely held that an active demand for securities will be revived with the release of funds In January and It la supposed that present holdings- of stock are anxious to see price at a point protltable for themselves when this ex pected demand awakens. Advance from these causes are Justly atrlbuted to some what narrow professional factors rather than to a broad market demand for securi ties, but they are significant of the under lying strength of market conditions never theless, without which the professional tac tics would be unavailing to move price. The Interest manifested In the industrial today waa tdlmulated by the color of trade advices, especially from departments of the Iron and tee trade. Railroad buying wa the most eonsplcuou factor and dealt es pecially with bridge matters, steel rails, freight cars, locomotives and In fact all forms of railroad equipment. Amalgamated Copper responded to a fresh advance In crude copper and to a. revival of the Eu ropean demand for the metal. Refined unbars were advanced. The cotton market reflected the growing conviction that the governntent' estimates of an unprece dented yield of that crop are warranted, a fact that may have Its naturally beneficial effect on stocks modified by the reflected effect of speculative lussea In cotton. Much Importance waa attached to the relief by the breaking of the drouth from some seri ous restrictions on Industrial acttvt'y. A new high-record price for Northern Securi ties on (he curb was a feature in the day. The market closed quite active and firm. Bonds were firm: totnl soles, par value, $0,136,000. I'nlted State bonds were un changed on cat. The following were the quotation on the New York 8tock exchange: SHles.Hlall.Low.Close. Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pacific . . Central of N. J. . . Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago & Alton do pfd 15.7HO K7 j K7H Ml 10114 3.6)0 101H .3.l lOlVi W-i 300 9i HT.M, .. 9,KI 133 Ml 1 132 l!l 4S.-H, 42 Kl 22H 2nT ini 1N2-V 125 132 1S9 W-j 42V 81 2ifi 1724 lSi 124 23 rtl 3'.J 024 .. 2.HO0 .. l.H"0 4HT4. 4:t 22 ,'ioo Chicago (Jt. Western. 9.101 Chicago A N. W 30 2i C. M. & St. P lrt.) 1724 do nfd Sou 11 Chicugo Term. AT... mm do pfd 1.300 C C. C. c 81. L Ml Colo. Southern l. do 1st pfd i do 2d pfd Ml 23 91 23' II2V !il 23H 37i 37, Delnware A Hudson.. 5.0 1874 l4Vt 3 3; i., u. at w ioo 33:1 Denver & Rio Grande l 32. 314 SI "4 2ZN 10 nou iS"i4 in 664 2KV, 53 141 do pfd. cxdlv 500 86ti 37t 7R4 s4 , 374 74V 641 Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois' Central Iowa Central ......... do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & Nashville... Manhattan I, Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Centrul Minn. & St. L 1.501) 4.200 Mo "300 92 914 no 1664 ir,s no . 2X4.. 34 MM ut4 191 634 -Oef AO no 2S; 63 T.300 141 140 VOW 1634 1644 MK 2.300 1214 12o2 lilU 6.600 21-4 204 i'H 66 M.. l.ioO VP-i 8H4 o 300 H7!ll 3474. 1474 .....12.300 1074 106 1074 M.. St. P. & B. S do pfd , Missouri Pacific . M.. K. & T do nfd i.ifr. o. oi rt-'B 1.300 63'i k! d-U 63 ''4 63 N. R. R. of Mex nfd. 100 40 41) iilJ 40 N. Y. Central 14.W0 1464 1444 1144 Jjorfolk & Western... 4.9o) . 794 79 794 do nfd 'Jito H4 94 93 Ontario Air Western... 2. Tort 11 a Pennsylvania 46.400 134 P.. C. C. & St. L 100 77 Reading 68.500 794 do lHt pfd ).( 914 do 2d pfd 3.000 84 4 Rock Island Co SO.ikiO 374 do pfd 3,000 8.'4 St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd :" 44 137', 77 784 91 824 36I ' 844 K14 1384 77 T!4 91 814 364 KIT, 67 i5 574 4154 IK14 354 B04 364 364 St. Louis S. W loo ' do pfd 301) Southern Pacilic 21.1(H) 264 i84 34 do pfd 3.3i) 11914 11x4 oouiueiii xisnway ....u.oo oo1 .14 do nfd 97 97 Texas & Paclllc T.. St. L. et AV do pfd Villon Puclflc do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & L. E Wisconsin Central . do pfd Adams Ex American Ex fnlted States Ex.... Well-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd ,. Am. Ice ..f, do pfd Am. Linseed Oil..'... do ifd Am. Locomotive do pfd 3.300 ?00 600 44,000 1.1(10 N00 2U0 200 I.801) 800 .... 354 364 644 1124 . !7 524 344 364 64 534 m4 1124 434 434 4.31,1 194 224 464 236 2"5 119 2H7 694 354 3Tj 374 " ,i1'4 36 15.4 38 r4 io4 si 4 224 224 464 454 100 243 2l:i 67 344 94 37 "'fi''. 36 .56.100 7(1 . 9.600 . 7o0 . 3.5O0 364 94 374 4 364 . 3(0 ..18.400 364 344 103 81 4 I (Ml JfMI Am. Smelt. & Refng.. 7.9il j 121' Am. Sugar Refug 9.3n0 1434 1424 1414 Anaconda M. Co.. ann jris i no pta Hrooklvn R. T 5.5uO 61 4 4SV. 614 14 Colo. Fuel Ac Iron 22( 464 4M; n44 21K 774 Consolidated (Jus..... Corn Products do nfd nisti'.lers- Securities. Oeneral Electric 8,0ii(l 2034 201 I 21 V4 VP. 2i 1.11)1 'V1 404 3914 404 loo 1NKW is.;u ls.-.il International Paper... do pfd Interna tional Pump... do pfd National Lead North American Paclllc Mail 3.600 244 2314 !4U 400 76 38 " . T3U 1014 43 K'74 l 904 j 174 7(14 T1 14V in4 m X4 9M ,100 864 804 'ion i' ' I01 1(10 4''V. 4?4 lo7 "4 90 ? 6 . H4 , People's On Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Renubllr Steer do pfd Robber Goods do pfd 2.2"0 107 !.)) ' 601 loa , 4 oo J. HO 1.700 80 ?-. 174 704 Tern. Coal & Iron. I.'. 8. I eat her do pfd I". . Realty I'. 8. Rubber do pfd 17. S. Seel do nM ... 8 o ' tin ( '"714 . ..20 Fort JSli 14K .11i0 J0?14 jni; 100 TSM .in; 9;t4 304 04 7w: ... 600 . . . 700 ...63 9o0 .1 SUA f4 :iut4 .51 Too 14 ot West hou-e Fir. exdlv 1 o Id"! Western l'nlon 1 ( i 11t4 lffl 924 924 Total sale for the day, 838 200 shares London Stock Market. LONDON. Dec. 28 -Cloaint quotation on atocks and bonds: Consoll. Biossy ... Mt-II(N. T. CsntrsI da ikouiiI US.Nurfalli 4 W Antrsrd rS do p(4 At hiun ' Oiiisrlo W 4a (4 Par)ivD PKltlmar 4V thlo....l4 Rsi.4 Minn t snsdltn Psclgr IM Rxding H'4 . IIH . W' . US . 44 ' . ii H . M14 . IWVt 11444 i s i4 . k4 ( hu. A Oh la . Si in t pM to M ,0) n gautrsrn HllmT . !'. 4e pot Boulbcrn Ptle ... . H'i Lioon PsclBe . S pti : ' t'. g. Mlwl 6 Co (.11 .li WUli 44 1 lo r , . Sisulflh 4 ....... rhi-(o at. w c , M 4V t. r PcBxri IMiivsr R. 0 4a std . da 1st pfd.. dv :d ptd . ItUuolt Caalrsl luis. O Nsah. VI.. K. dt T Hit IN KV-I'UkiX ner , m jslLVER Par. tiuict. :4d per ounce. The rate of discount in the open market for short bill la 24 'u 2 13-16 per cent; fur three mouthy bill, 2 11-iiit.' per rent. , - .. - .- t- Treaanry Mtirnril, , .. WASIIINtJTON. Dec. .'k.-Today's aia tr im nt of tlie treasury balances In the gen era I fund, exclusive of 11,,. i r41.noo.110 gnld r-erv in lite dixlslon or redemption, k '.. . . - 4. -r-,. , ' . 4- .:..'-..-, :". shows: Avsllshl csh balance, $lfl.S4. 47J; gold. $0.500: Hew VorH oney Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 28 MONEY" -On call, steady t 14$ per rent; closing bid. 8 per cent: offered at 3 psr rnt: tltn loan. ey: s4xty davs and ninety day. 8134 per cent; sit mnnthe, 84'9S4 per cent; prime, mercun. tile paper. 44 per cent. ST Kit LI NO EXOIANOE Firm, with -t iin I buslners in bankers' Mils st 14 73rff 4 872i for domsnd and $4 4h 4 8486 for sixty dar bills: posted fatxt. $4,864 and 14 88; commeretwl bills. 8444. SILVER Bar, 614; Mexican dollnrs, 4S4c. BONDS Government, steady;, railroad, fair. The following are the quotations on stork and bonds: V. 8. ref. t. rg....I(4Vl(u hints r. 4a do revpns nn. ( rural t ... IMWtl dn 1 Inc imt Mlnn. St. L 4. li0M . K. T. 4t... lJi.V1 "do Jo . 77 . sm . ;' .lot . u do is, r... do roil son do rw 4. re.. do roupon do old 4s, rg .. do coupon Atrhlsnn n. 4s... do sd 4 Atlsndr C. L. .. Bit. Ohio .... do IWs !S K. R. R. of SI 4. K 1MH v. T. C. 14l l"lt .ion y. J. r. . ns im . MH 'Xd. Pi-ltle 4 1".'4 .tnd't do .1 r.H ...WJ a w. c. 4 ini ... Ut (. S U 41 pr....104W, ...111 Penn. four. xs 11CV ... tlli'ttrcdln sen. 4 Control of O. M do lt tne Ch Ohio 4'1. 1"! I I. M. r S .llt t hloio a A. JS L. r. f 4s. 'S a tv n n. 4o....i,nw. I., a W. i. c. M. A I P. 1 4. lit I'gtsboord A. U 1. V. N. W. c. 7s...124'4i8'. Pl.-UV! 4 C, R. I A P 4l MSi " Rsllwsr do ol hi M!4T P. Is rrr. si. L 4..ltS'T.. at. 1.. w. 4 Chlco Tef. 4 ll'slon PlrlHc 4 Con. Tohst-eo 411 74'"'4l do ccm. 4s t'olo. a So. 4 fii V 1'. 8 terl Id (-. . I 4t R. O. 41 103H,i Whsh 1 Krlo prior boa 4a 101 f dn dt. n do tn. 4a :s''W. U E. 4a.... T w. a D. C. la.... Kid! Wis. Ontral 4 irnrkln Vol. 4lta....lU IColo. Fuel c Ka ... L N. unl. 4a 1044 Bid. . 4 . 94H U0 .llli . as .0S .u;s . Ki .11 471 . . K.'T. Boston Stock Market. R08TON, Dec. 28 -Call loans. 3t)4 per cent; time loans, ii1h per cent. Official closing of stock and bonds Atehlaoa sdl. 4a (4 Weatlntf. common .. to .. .. 19V4 .. ! ... 11 .. 1" .. o4 . .4 V, .. liH .. .. lir' .. an .. n .. r.Mi .. .. . .. 10V .. -il, .. S4 .. 27 .. 94 .. 27 ..110 .. M ..11 .. 1i)t4 .. K4 .. 11 .. 4i'4 .. 12 ..lot do 4a 101, Canlral 4a 75 Au-hrsis 1714 do pfd lot Boaton Alh.nr....l4 ; Advenl'irs Allouas '. . Amalgamated An.erlcsi. Zlnr ... Atlantic R'aton 4V MHlna 17". jHlrsham Roaloa Kleatd 154 f'al. A Herts. ... ntrhbur pfd 141 'CVnUnnlnl : Mexican Caiitral ..... 20 Cppst Psnce ... N Y., N. H. H....l7yTaly Waal Pare Marquette T' Di minion Coal . l'nlon Paclllc ........ .1U1 Franklin Amer. Aria. Them... 3l4tiiar.ry do pfd .1 Itt't lata Ri yala ...... "Amrr. Pnau. Tuba.. 44 Maaa. Minis ... A mar. Sugar HI MMUjan do pfd M Vr.l4k Amr. T. A T 14414'Mnnt. r. a C... Amar. Woolan .... do pfd Dominion I. Kdlcun Else. Illu.. Ornaral Elaclrlr .. Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Mane, tiaa t'l Had Fruit I'nltad 9ho Mach. do ptd V. 8. Bi eel , . do pfd Bid. Asked. , S14 Old rinmlnlnn ... . M I'Onfola . 17Hjfarrot .365 iQulnry .11.4 IHhanron 13Mj Tamarack . 54 I Trinity . 3 VV. 8. Mining.. .17 IT. 8. Oil . &8Vt lah . SIS Vlr-torl . la iWU ona . MS Wolwrlnt .... I s York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec 28-The following are the cioalng quotations on mining stock: Adami Con TO o I (He Chief t A lies 1 Breece Ilrut swkk Con tmtarln Ophir phoenix Poteel HAae era Nevada Small Hrtpea .. flandard ..S7J ..4r. la Connaock Tunnel Con. I'al. V 175 Horn sliver . . .I.') hoc Sliver !' Lcadrllle Cod t Offered. -4- Foreign Financial. 1X3NDON, Dec. 28. Money wa In much request In the market today on the ap proach of the year-end. Discounts were quiet on the firmness of continental ex changes. Prlcea on the Stock exchange were firm and had a hardening tendency, but trading waa Inactive. Consols were strong, In expectation of cheaper money. Home rails were cheerful. Americana opened steady nt parity and the move ments, wero fractional dnd Irregular. After ward stocks were huoyant. though the operations were restricted to professionals. The market closed wlrri a good tone. Rio Tlntns hardened. In sympathy with copper. BERLIN, Dec. 28. Prices on the Bourse today were Irregular t and business wa light. KARI8, Dec. 28. The tone on the Bourse today, wa Arm, Russian imperial 4s were quoted at 90.60 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 600.00. ' ' 7- . , Wool Market. BOSTON, Dec. 28.-JWOOL Despite the fact that the wool tnarlo-t remains quiet the supply of unsold material avullable. has seldom been so small as at present. Some of the largest houses practically are sold out of domestic wool, and ore carrying moderate stocks. It is estimated that tlm rlrat of the. year will see the supply reduced to 26,000.000 pounds. There I a good de mand for territory woola. Pulled wool are firm and quiet and foreign grades are steadt. Quotations: Kentucky. Indlann, etc. 4 and 4-blood. 81r32c. Territory Idaho fine. 1841x19c: heavy fine. IOJjI.c; fine medium. 184(fjl9c: medium, 22fi23c; low me dium. 2324c. Wyoming Fine, 174S184ci hetu-y fine, liiglOc; fine medium. HlSe; me. dlum. 23ft24c; low medium. 23B24c. Utah and Nevada Fine, 17(jn8c: heavv fine. 22'ii 23c. Dakota Fine, 18t719r; medium fine. I8t 19c; low medium. 23'(24o. Montana Fine choice, 21i 22c : fine average, 19ui0o; fine me. dlum choice. 213;2e; average, 19ifj20c: staple, 22i23c: medium Choice, f.tifiioc. ST. LOl'IS. Dec. 28. WOOLe-Qulet : me dlum grades, combing and clothing. ZW&lB-; light line. 18iq224c; heavy fine, 144118c; washed,. 27(&41c. Metal .Market. NEW YORK. Dec. Sfl.-MKTALS There was another sharp advance In the London tin market with spot closing at 138 Ids and fnturex at 184. The New York nuc-. ket waa somnwhut Irregular, but aerterallv steady with spot quoted at I29.36'829.5U. Cop per was firm aguln- in London with spot closlna; at 4:67 16m and futures at 68 Is 6d. Locally the market continues firm and. whl'o some ptrtles are still quoting 15c for lake, the general ranee of prices Is as follows; Lake. $15.124 16.26: electrolytic. $14,75416.25: casting nt 814. 6of 14.8714. Lend wus unchanged ut $4.60ffi4.7u In the locul market, while In London the price wa" a little higher at 12 15m. Speller was firm at 16.0016.124 In" New York and 24 17s Rd In lindon. Iron closed at 63s 6d in Ulnar: gow and at 60s 4d In Middlesboro. Uicnlly Iron continues firm; No. 1 foundry, -northern, is) reported unchanged at $17.2617.71, but No. 2 foundry, pert hern, is a little hither . on the inside trice, ranging from $17.0 Kfi 17.25, while southern grades nre quoted at 117.75-flnt for No. 1 foundry and Nrt. I foundev souther" soft. ST. LOt'18. Tec. 28. METALS Le.sd. steady at $4 5.'4ii4.60: spelter, higher at $6. Oils . and Roaln. NEW YORK. Dec. IS. -OILS-Cottonseed, easy: prime yellow. 234424c. Petroleum, easy: refined, New York. $7 66; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.60: Philadelphia and Bal timore. In bulk. $4.70. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, $2.8ure'2.k'.'V4. OIL CITY. Dec. 28.-OIL8 Credit bal ance. $1.66: certificate, no bid; shipment. 60.201 bbls. ; average. 76.7J6 bills.; run. 89.394 bbls.; average. 88.730 bbl ; shipments, Lima, 66.662 bbl.: average, 67.1C0 bill.; run. Lima, not reported. , SAVANNAH. Dec. 28. OILS Turpentine. Mendy. 6V.K- Roain.' firm; A.r B. C, I, K, 12.6'H: K. 82.824; V. fc.874: O. $2,724: II. $.'8-'4; K. 14; M. $4.30; N. $4.6o;.WO. $4.85; WW, $6.16. Kraporated Apple and Dried Frait. NKW' YORK. Dec, 28 EVAPORATED APPLES Market la quiet and without change., Common are quoted ut 34fr44c; prime at 441H4C! choice at 5ft64c; fancy at 6(&Tc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS-Prune. according to mall advices, are very firmly held on the roast, In some cases above a parity with local spot quotation. This naturally Impart a firm undertone to the mirket here, but quotations atttl range from 24(5Vo. according to arada. ADricota are dull at the moment, but holders show confidence and ask full nrlces. Choice are quoted at hf: extra choice at lOVrtJllo; fancv at imil5i:, Peaches also are quiet, but firmly heki. With choice quoted at 9Wi: extra cliolce at 141040; fancy at 1149 13c. - Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 28-COKKEE-Market for futures opened steady at an advance of &&10 points. In response to better Euro pean cables, while Bradlian advices showed moderate receipt and unchanged primary markets. The market finally closed steady, net unchanaed to 6 points loner. Slei were- reported of 120.82U bar, including February at 7.70c: March. 7,of't8.eOc: Mv. 8.1048.rV: July. 8. 251,8. 35c. Spot, steady; No. 7, Rio. 84c. ( -J 1 1 - Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK.. Dec. 28.-DRY GOOD-Tfi further declliw in raw cot tun n the an nuuru'cnrMiiit of the glnnera' rtpnrt ha ra1 niore or leaa effect on buvers In the dry goods maikct. but llttls alieia'lun of sull er' Ides has taken place although It Is admitted an gultlmate readjui-trr" nl must talaa plica. Th aelj-sald cond'dtlia of many Una . makes - rW seMer very re, lui'lant to chanae his quotations. ( g-.,-pTlTe7-AT;..eo. NEW YORK. De4 . 28 -AH grades of re, fiitd sugar were advsm-ei in cenls a hue- Had n,ond tonar. OMAHA LIVF4 STOCK MAftlET Rtctipta f ill Kinds ef Stock Apia Eitrtmly Ligkt. CATTLE SOLD A LITTLE STRONGER Has; Market Advanced II 1-M to A fonts aad with ttmlT One tar of keep aa Kale o Teat of Price VFa Mado. . 1 SOl'TH OMAHA. lec. 28. 19K4 Receipi were: Cattle. Hogs. Uheep. Official Mondav 1,44 M7 691 Official Tuesdav 1.2- l.-7 l:l Official Wednesday 1.625 1.248 Three days this week.. 4.124 1.7r: 1.1"7 Same davs last week ... 8 980 2n.4n 19-5 Sam days week bef, re.. 15.694 'si. .:& Same three weeks ago. ..11.663 2:.61 14..'45 Same four Weeks sg 1 14.72;) 28.(89 17.32 Same days last veer .9ii 2;. 791 17.90H RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipt or cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha lor the year lo date with comparisons: . 1904. 19i3. Inc. Dec Cattle 9.4.446 ' 1.041 J1 114,(8 H" 2.274.-78 J.toi.013 n.865 Sh'',',P 1.74S.909 1.847.3 9.73- The following table show the average price of hogs at South omaha for tha lt several days, with comparison: Pate I 1904. 19n3.l90J.18ul.;i9uo.,l&'.il',9 Bsc. i., c. t. Dec. $.. Dec. 4... Dec. 6... Dec. ... Dec 7... Deo. I... Dec. .., Dec. 10.. Dec. 11.. Dec. 12.. Dec. 13.. Dec. 14., Dc. 16.. Dec. 1., Dec 17.. l.'ec. 18.. Dec. 19.. Dec. 30.. Dec. 21.. Dec. 22. Dec. 13. . Dec. 14.. Dec. 26. . Dec. 26., Icc. Ier. 28.. ! 2H! 4l 4 474, 4 36 081 4 $8 I 08 4 4). t 14. 4 431 221 I IKI i: t or; 6 08! 06! 4 (31 I 4 641 4 8 ' 4 77; 841 4 811 3 74, t 2 8 Til 8 8 j 3 2 3 111 3 DO' 9 !7 8 88! I H 3 Ml I 28 3 Ml 3 30 3 901 8 29 a I 3 31 9 Kl . 3 961 8 37 1 1)61 8 84 8 981 3 33 3 8oi 3 27 4 01 I 80 a I 3 2 3 981 3 9? I " 24 3 941 3 23 4 Oil 3 32 4 021 3 34 4 04 3 37 ,3 4 1 a ilk.' 4 171 8 14 4 4 So 1 4 284. n 4 821 8 07 4 71 4 81 41 4 3S4I 4 33! I IM 8 11 4 46; 12! 13 1 4 $0! 4 821 4 771 I 471 8 08, 4 49i 5 96: I B 81 4 451 f 4 40: 6 09; 4 28 8 161 4 36 8 231 4 27, 6 In) 4 301 6 (i ! 081 4 34r i 4 at, 6 lfii 4 45 6 18 4 47' 8 i7 aa j ra 4 G4! 36! H 44 , 4 6T ! 8 111 c li 4 4.141 4 41 I 4 8841 4 384 4 in. 8 211 6 1QI 4 811 4 Mi I 4 84i 8 26 4 46'ii 6 841 4 83! I 4 6.'4. 4 60 U. I I 26 I 73, IV 8 04' 4 ": 4 79 4 8l! 4 4441 4 384, 4 384i 8 061 4 80 8 06 1 in I 6 19, fi 26 4l, I a 1 I 4 4241 4 Mm I 4 884 ; 4 4' a 1 4 89, 4 8 4 T7' 4 111 4 0' 4 14 3 .I" 14 S 48 Indicates Sunday. Indicate holiday. The official number of slock brojght today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh' Wabash 2 I Missouri Put-. Hy 1 l'nlon Pacific system 13 8 C. N. W. Ry 6 2 V.. K. A M. V. R. R.i 9 1 C. H. I. A P.. e.-st I 2 . C R. I. & P., west .. 1 Total receipt 1. 71) 2) The disposition of the day's receipts as follow, each buyer purchasing the n ber of head Indicated: 1 wa um- Buytrs. Cattle. Horses. Sh eep. Omaha Packing Co 22 Swlfl and Company 648 Cuduhy Packing Co 682 Armour A Company 482 Vansant A Co . IT 2"8 411) 4S5 93 Carey & Benton 54 Iibman ft Co 60 Hill & Son 63 H. F. Hamilton 14 L. K. Musi 19 Mike Haggerty 78 ... J. B. Root A Co 25 Other buyers 29 ... Total 2,314 1,083 93 CATTLE As was generally expected, re ceipts of cattle thi morning were very light, as will be seen fri.iu the table above. Wires were down between hero and Chicago and ns a result nothing was known about supplies at that point or the condition of the market. That, of course, had a ten dency to make local buyers rather cau tious. Quite a few corn fed steer Were Included In tha receipt this morning and seevral bunches were of good quality. Packers took hold quite freely of the more de sirable grades and paid good, strong prices for them. The commoner kinds, though, did not show any quotable chunge and. In fact; trading was not veryret!ve oi thorn. As compared with the close of last week, the market 011 desirable grade can he quoted right around a quarter higher. Some silee have looked a little better than that, while, on the other hand, some of the commoner grades have Improved hardly that much. A few bunches of western rangers ar rived, but they were of rather common quality mid there wa not enough of them to make a market. The cow market wus rather uneven. As a gencrul thing, though, prices could' be quoted strong, and some sales seemed to be quite a little higher, while others were no more than sttHiiy. A compared with the close of last week, prices show an advance of fully 10c to 15c. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold In much the same notches .they did yesterday. The Improved weather condition this morning helped out the msrket on stockeis und feeders. Very few wers In the yards, though, and they changed hands at n little stronger prlcea than have lioen offered for the lust two days. The demand, though, wus limited mostly to desirable grades. Representtlve sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A. Pr. No. . Av. 1'r. 1 SC" 1! M 62 .....ISM 4 1(1 1 i7o a jo .11 lwm 4 i 17 jisa 8 5.-. 4 :..i;its 4 j 11!" .1 14 S6 1114 4 30 1 1 1 io a si So. tm 4 4r. U 1148 3 70 JO 1 1DT t 10 pi i 80 r.7 riot 6 ;'0 STEERS AND COWS, j; 1Q47 i mi cows. 811) 1 n )... M4 j mt j..,: ato 1 75 1 loon 5 no 1 1U I V !. SMi Oi ; ,-,( 1 75 1 '. . JCSO 2 75 i &UI I 11 6 H2 V 7r. : 7() 1 mi 4 7 t r. r hi 1 mi 11 m 3 sti 4 rm 1 m i ' V iw s "I j ,. mo 1 00 s so t to 1 12H0 f HI 1 1I4K X to 1 7 1 10 i: ii,. 1 r ao ;f Ut J 10 I. inoo I 00 1.. 1040 S 10 14..... 1144 00 1 lllnH 2 18 IK 1(,( t m B M4 I tn .:. !'7I I 11 1 70 tU 73 I IB 1 MO lit t 1110 3 I 7 430 8 30 8 11J5 I so t 91 t Jo 64 1 121 3 20 104" 4 56 ,. 474 3 30 4 K7 40 1 ,KM 3 75 COWS AND HEIFERS. ii HEIFERS. .. 743 .. 610 .. U4 .. 447 .. 415 ..(. ..1140 ,.1W) ..119a .m:S 1 U 2. 45(1 ft 440 ft'i 1.1 Ml 2 ar I no 1 in 9 45 2 50 74 4. 4. 3 86 1 35 14.. .. .. 2. . I 54 BULLS. t 28 1. ... it', 1 2 50 1 3 75 STAGS. 1 76 1 CALVtiS. 3 85 ....10(0 ....1 120 !;.., 90 t 75 tin t no STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 170 40 2:1 743 t 50 1 8741 3 15 I (W 1 to 3 15 t 75 ,..747 35 I 8.1 It 741 14... 3 32., 1018 3 fi, 3 00 !'... 1011 3 40 3 10 .1111 a .100 . 815 14.! NKBSA3KA. 14 mixed.... 747 S 10 i mixed.... 670 1 bull 1370 3 bulls pts) 8 calves... 264 1 7 , 108 2 60 3 76 8 76 2 76 3 heifers.. 64:t s 1 calf. 110 ioo 26 6 feeders. 10 calves.. 16 cows..., 14 cow.... , 61)4 366 , 872 , 981 3 3u 39 cowa. I bull.. . 967 .1C40 t M 1 60 WYOMINO. T steers.... 822 3 26 16 steers.. ..1091 3 40 18 cows 963 1 76 ,11 cows 848 2 00 HOOS There wss ar.other extremely light run of hoga here this morning, only twenty csrs belnj reported. No messages were received from Chicago until a lute hour, but the market here advanced 2',,o to 6c. The bulk of the hogs sold nt 14.66, with one choice load of Berkshire, weighing 267 pound, selling for 14.66. Most everything was sold In good season, but the extreme close was rather slow. As compared with the close of last we.k the market Is now Just about 16o Higher, and. a compared with a year ago. It I about a nickel lower. In fact, prlcea are now at the lowest point they have been at this season of the. year alnce 1899. when Die average cost oni December 28 waa $411. The late sale that were inude lodsy were about Vc lower than the early ones, or at $4.624. HaUsmen naturally thought they ought tu get the rly 'prices for everything and as. a result (t wu rather lata befoie a complete clearance was made. Reurraicntatlve sales No. at. . '... 57... SI... 4... : a4. . . Av. IT. No. Av. ..274 ,. . tat ..IK .244 , 414 241. Hi. ,M XH) ) . -4-f. . 4M - ; 4 55 " t 4 15 " 4 fc . 4T . 4 M 14u 4 U :4 4 54 4 55 4 5 4 k 4 U 4 55 r,j... i (3. .. 54... 4 .. 74. .320 4 SHEKP There wss only one car of shceu reported thia morning, wnioii make th supply for the three da lid week only eigkt cars In. all. Not since the early daya of the sheep market hsre supplies been is light aa they have been this week, as sup plies were fr heavier during even tha worst period of the strike Isst summer. With only eight ears on the msrket In three das. it in of rnui Impossible to tell much about the trne situstlon except that psrkera are all srxlons for supplies and that they are paying good strong price for everything offered. The one csr this morning consisted of nstlre ewes and lamhs The ewe brought $4.6) and the lambs $.5. VJuntatlot for fed stork: Good to choice yearlings, IS.kfi$60; fair to good year ling, to.tfrs a, good to choice wethers, $4 9i$ 28; fair to good wethera. $4 4M 90; good to choice ewe. $4.16414 4c. flr to go-Mi ewes, $3.I044.15: common to flr ewes. $3 60(ff3.lo: gocd to choice lamb. $8 0096 60; fair to good lamhs. $i.76f 0O; feeds' vesr lings. $4 40h4AS: feeder wethers. $4.164 40; feeder ewes. $1 7tvr,j (g- feeder iambs, 86.000 8 fin. Represent stive sales: No. A v. 1 native buck ISO 66 native ewes 121 27 native lam be 80 Pr. 3 60 4 60 26 rillCAtiO I.IVK UTOCK M AH KET Good Demand far All ( lasses of 4oek wit a Prices Hlaaer. CHICAGO. Dec- 8 fATTLtl Receipts, lO.uon heed; market lo-ljl&c higher; good to ,rinie steers. $r .rui)4t .50; poor to medium. 90tfj.9O; sfockevs and feeders. $2.4,'d480, cows. $1504.!8: heifers. $2.2pf4; cannrs, $l.roh2.40; bulls, $2. lot; 4 10; calvea. $2.60ti 7.0". HOOS-Receipts today, in.ono head: estl mated for tomorrow. i8.oi bend; market Inc higher: mixed and butchers. $4 4'kTi 4.70; good to choice heavv. ll.rTWi 4.76: rough to heave. $4.gm.60; hulk of sales. $4 65. SHEEP 4ND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000 hesd; market for sheep 10c higher; lambs lOftiic higher; good to choice wethers, $2.8.1 13.36: fair to choice mixed. $3.7544.76; West ern sheep, $3.omf)t 6,!; native lamhs. $6.6(tf i.;S; westrn lambs. $j.t'67.10. New York Lire, gtoek Market. NEW YORK. Dec. !8.-BEKVES-He-celpts, 1.2(10 head; mnrket for good steTS steady; tliln cow firm tu Inc higher; ( i ,ers slow to 16c lower; native- steers. $t.ri85.06; westerns. $4.ti4.67Vi; oxen. $4 .50; hulls, $7.(Krff4.2J; cow. $1.60413.25; fat helf cts. I3.9J. ( utiles steady; live cattle ut Liverpool liHagUVic: at London, lift 12c, dressed weight; exports today, Kit cattle. 420 Sheep and 5.60O quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 700 head; market for ve:4ls stesdy; other calves dull; veals, $6.00 9.00; little (Hives. $4.00; bainynrd calves, l3lk"rt3.C5; westerns nominal; dressed calves steadv. HOU8 Re4elpts. 8.314 head: market feel ing firm: prime stale and Pennsylvania hogs. $6.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Ree1pt. l.rMt head; msrket for sheep slow; lamhs. l'tt 2,V lower; sheep. $3.)Vu".0O; wethefs. $6.36; premium wethers for export. $8.00: lambs. jti.SofjT.SO; few choice, $7.tt7.76; culls. $6.00. Kaasas City Lire .stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.MX) head; market for best steady to Inc lower: others steady to 10c higher; export and dressed steers, $6.00tf6.26; fair to good, IS.751j6.0o; western fed steers, $3.75 i6; sleeker and feeders. $2.6oi4.O0; soutli ern sleers, $3.("ji4.60: soutliern cows, $1.75 (18.25: native cows. Il.76'ci4 2T; native heif ers. $2.7665.00: bulls, $2.26iu4.00; calves, $3.) ti6.6(l. MOGS Receipts. 8,400 head: market strong to 6c higher; top. I4.87H; bulk of sales. $4.84i4.65; heavy. $4.5i4.6,H; packers, $1.45 tH Oi, pign and lights. t1.764l4.66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,r(0 head; nmrket strong: native lambs. $ViKr 8.50: native wethers, $4.60110.26: native ewes. $4.(4rt)4.7&: western lunihs, $6.(8H6.5ti; west ern vearlliiBS. 84.505.75: western sheep, $3.'.GS&.0n; Blockers and feeders, $2.&0t4.6O. St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOl'IS. Mo., Dec. 28. CATTLE Re ceipt, 2.5(10 head. Including 500 Tcxuna: markot strong and higher; native export steers. S5.orMif43.50; dressed bef and butchers' steers, $4.006.80; steers under l.oo pounds, $3.()fro.l): Blockers and feeders. $2.0fl(S8.75: cows nnd heifers. $2.264.01); canners, l.6m 2.00; bulls, $2.4o(ft3.50; calves. $4.0H4j1.25; Texas and Indian steers, $2.0064.60; cows and heifers. $1.7.Vg3.75. HOOS Receipts, 4.000 head; market 5c higher; pigs and light. $3.754.50; packers, $4.5o(fi4.66; butchers' and best heayy, $4.66r 4 76. ' SHEEP AND ' LAM BS Receipts, 1.200 head; market lOffiloo higher: native mut tons, $3.75fi5.n0: lambs, H.rskjW.OO: culls and bucks. $2.2iVa4.2o; stocker. $2.003.OO; Tex an, $3.0ii4i'j.0o. 84. Joseph Live "lock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Dec. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 1,220 head; market strong to 10c higher: natives, 13.7565.76; cows and htlf ers, 11.7514.36; stocker and feeders, $2.60 44.00. HOGS Receipts, 2.0U head: market steady to 5c higher; light, $4.50tY4.6o; me dium and heavy, $4. 65ft 4. 67 4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.218 head; market 15tY25c higher; Colorado lambs, $6.90; western yearlings, $5.90. Sloax City Live Stork Market. 8IOUX CITY. Dec. J8.-(8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 500 head; mar. ket steady; beeves. $3.50f6.0(); cows, bulls Hnd mixed.- $2.Utj3.50; Blockers and feeders, $2.75f,3.60; calvea and yearlings, $3.25(83.26. HOGS Receipts. 1.500 head; market strong, selling at $4.40fr4.65; bulk, $4.454.&0. Stock In tljrht. The following table shows the receipts of live stock at ihe six principal western mar kets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1.626 1.248 93 Sioux City 6(8) 1.50O Kansaa City 3.8(10 2.4,8) 2.6, K) St. Louis 2.500 4,(N8i I.30O St. Joseph l.iiai .',010 2.218 Chicago IO.OuO 10.000 10.000 Totals). 19,645 21,168 15,1111 OMAHA WHOLES A LK MARKBT. Coadltloa of Trade anil Qaotatloaa on Staple and Fancy Prod nee. KOfSS landled stock. 23c. LIVE POl'LTRY Hens, 7',c; roosters. 5c; turkeys. liVo; ducks, 8c; geese, ic; spring chickens. 8c, ' DRESSED PO t'LT R Y Turk y s, 15(&l7c; durks, 10c; geese, 8'-ic; chickens, 84lc; rtnisters, . . BL'TTKR Packing slock. 16ic; choice to fancy dairy, 17lc; creamery, 21H26,,; fancy prints, 27c. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, 7c: pike, 9c; perch. 7c; hluefisii, 12c; whlteflsh. loc; salmon, 13c; tedsnapper, 11c; lobster (green), 3(c; lobster (boiled), 33c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 26c; halibut, 13c; crappies, 12c: buffalo, 7c; white bass, lie; frog legs, per dog., 2oc. BRAN Per ton, $15.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Clolre No. 1 upland, $6.60; No.. 2. $6 00; medium. $6.60: coarse, $6.00. Rye straw, $5.50. These prices are lor hay of good color and quality. OYBTERS New York counts, per can. 46c; extra selects, per can, 3&c; standards, per can, 30c; bulk (standards), per gal.. $1.60; bulk (extra selects), per gal., $1.75; bulk (New York counts), per gal., $1.90. TROPICAL FRL1TS. ORANGES Florida, sixes 216 and 250, $2.00 4r2.2&;. California Redland navels, all sises, $3.00: choice navels. I2.6iku2.76. LEMONS-Callfornla fancy, $2.76; 300 and 360. $4.25: choice, $3.50. DATES Per liox of 31-lh. pkgs.. $2.00; Hallowe'en. In JO-lb. boxes, per lb.. .VVuBc.. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 75H S5c: Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12',ic; crown, 14ci 7-crown, 16c: fancy imported (watihedt, in 1-ib. pkga.t l&uUk-; California, per case of 86 pkgs., 12. i BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, $?.0U 6260: jumbos, $2.76'(r3.5u. GRAPH FRL'IT Per box of 64 to 64, $3.00 t5650. FRt'ItS. , APPLES Home-grown , Jonathans, per bbl.. $326: lien Davis. $2.26; New York Kings. $3.25; New York Pippins, $2.75; New York Greenings. $3.60; New York Laldwina, $2.76; Colorado Junuthana, $1.66; Wlno Saps, per bu. box, J1.&0. PEARS-l'tah. Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box, 31 5ii 1 76. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl , $8.60; WIscoiimIii Bell and Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl.. $7.75; per box, $2.75. GRAPES Impoi ted Malagas, per keg, $6.0tKO4.5O. TANGERINES Florida or California, per H-bcx, $2.60. M ISC ELLA NEOl'S. 8AUER KKAL'r Wisconsin, per keg, $2.60 ClDER-New York, per bbl.. $5 20; per ty. bbl., $71.26. CHEESE Wisconsin Twins, full cream. 12V: Wisconsin Young Ameilca, 13c; block Swiss, new. 15c; old. 16ul7c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wlaconsln llmhurger. 13c. Nl'TS Wahiuts, No. 1 sort shells, new crop, pr lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., lac; No. I soft shell, per lb.. 12c: No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., l.'c; small, per lb.. 10c; pautnuu. per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 6c; Chill Walnut, lor lb., 12u lS'lc; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, pel lb.. 16c; chestnuts, per lb., lpA16c; new black aalnutv, per bu., 764(901: shsllhark hickory nuts, per by., $1.75; large hickory nul. nr bu., 11.6c. VEGETABLES POTATOES HimiM. grown. In sacks, per bu.. 40c; Colorado, jm-i bu.. V0c. TURNIPS Per 6u.. 36(1 Canada ruta lisgas. la-r lb.. U'. CARROTS-Per bu . '. PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 41 x. BKETH Per bu., 4vc. NAVY BE AN 81 P-r Im.. i.I6j;'.uii. ' I TK KB Per dos.. $20u2.2i. O.NK 'NS-HOme-growiij led. In sacks, per lHt.,. 1 90vgll (; Spnl-li, per craie, 2. (hi; : white, per lb.. $1.7:-;- tn,. TOMATOES CalUi.fnla. pr 4-4fkct crate. ;.. C. MK.MIK-- Holland seed, per lb . 1',. SWEET POTATOES Kansss kiln drl d. per bbl . $2.26. B'H' ASH Home-grown. pT tl . 8h- CELERY Per del. 2RiS"c; California. 4.V. RADISHES Hothouse, jar do.. :io1'v; extra Isrgc. 9(V. I.KTTl CK Hothouse, per ilox., 4J.'4;; liead lettuce, per dos . $1 (iMil ST.. , TI'RNIPS-.Ncw. p.r dox.. tic. .. BFETS-N-W-. per dot.. 4.'e. ONIONS New. per dot . 4V. i'A RS LEY New. per dos.. 46c. liolal for Paris. NEW YORK, Deo. 2. I.aid Freres an noumed toduy an engagement of $V4i.cik1 gold bars for shipment to Paris tomortcw. The same firm has bespoken all the gold bars up to January 8. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI The following opinions will re officially im ported: 127o8. County of Logan against Mc.Klnley Iwinning Losn and 'Dust Company. Appeal from Logan. Reversed, llolcomb. C. j. 1. In a suit to foreclose a tax lien- on real estate snd to sell the land for the sat isfaction of the taxes found to lie due. a decree b.irring the equity of redemption only does not necessarily ' adiudlcate the riant nf redemption from tax sale. given by the statute or the constliuiluii. The statu tory right of redemption from lax sAle dif fers essentially from the equity of 'redemp tion proper. 2. A atalutory right of redemption from ssle arf distinguished from the equity of re demption is usually self. executing, and 14 enjoy the benefit thereof no proceedings or dinarily are required to be had In tha courts to make such right effective. 3. Section 3. article Ix. of the constitution declares that "the right of redemption front all salea of real estate for the nonpayment of taxes tvr special iissessments of any char acter whatever shall exist In favor of own ers and persons Interested In suclv teal es tate for a pwrlod of not less than two years." nnd In the absence of statutory pro visions more definitely pointing nut tha mode by which redemption may be mane, these provisions are self -executing and se cure to all whose property as therein men tioned may be sold for nonpayment of taxee or apoi-ial assessments Ihe right of redemp tion from tsx ssle as therein provided. 4. The sule of lands for taxes contem plated by the constitutional provisions above mentioned refers to und embraces both administrative and Judicial sales. 6. The entiltv of redemption only being barred by the decree In the case at bar, the right to redeem from tax sale may ap- propnattly be raised by an objection to a motion to confirm a sale made In pursuanca or the decree. a. An absolute order of confirmation of a sale made In pursuance of a ilecree for the sale of hind for the satisfaction ol taxes over objections which deprives tha decree debtor of the right of redemption from tax sule given by the statute or tha constitution Is erroneous. 13J03. Union Paclllc Railway Company agAinst Wemlund, Administrator. Error from Dawajii. Reversed. Amos, C. 13400. Perrlne against Knights Templar snd Masons' Life Indemnity Company. Er ror from Jefferson. Former opinion ad hered to. Oldham. C. An appearance for the purpose of ob jecting to the Jurisdiction of the court of the subject matter of the action, whether by motion or formal pleading. Is a waiver of all objections to the jurisdiction of the court over the person of defendant, whether the defendant Intended aucti waiver or not. 13569. South Omaha against Hutllff. Error. Douglas. Affirmed, conditioned on tiling re mittitur for $3,(80. Oldham. C. 1. Under the Issuea Involved in this caae, held: Not error to omit from a general instruction on the measure nf damages any reference lo the social standing ot plain tiff's mother. 2. Instructions examined nnd field to not riermlt ft recovery for loss of earnings dur ng plalnUfT's minority,. 3. While the Carlyle and other mortuary tables, of accepted accuracy and In general use, are always properly admissible In evi dence for the purpoee of aiding a court or Jury In determining the probable ex pectancy of life, when such fact Is In Is sue, yet when admitted these mortuary tables are not blndln upon the aetlmata of the triers ot such fact. They may. with out such tables, make their own estimate from the age, health, habits, physical con dition and appearance of the person whosa expectancy Is at Issue. 4. Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Rail way company against McDowell. Nob.; 92 Northwest Reporter. 121, examined and distinguished. 6. In actions for personal Injuries It Is not necessary to apeclally aJluge every In direct Injury to each part of the body to lay the foundation for auch proof on tha trial: such proof may be admitted when, the Injury alleged la shown to have been the natural and proximate causa of the Injury proven. 6. when medical testimony Is relied upon to prove the cause or effect of a physical Injury. It seldom goes further than an opinion based on the experience of the witness and the general learning of the profession. Positive state ments of fact are seldom Indulged In by physicians when testifying as experts, and, yet this character of testimony is univer sally admitted by the courts of this coun try. 7. Actions of the trial court In the ex clusion nf evidence examined and held not prejudicial. 8. Award of damages examined and held excessive; but held, further, that such ex ceas rruty be cured by a nunlttltur of $3,0li from Uiejudgment of the lower court. 1.1691. Frontier Steam Laundry company against O'Connolly. Error. Douglus. Re versed. Letton, C. Sedgwick, J., dissent ing separately. 1. Whether a liability arising from the breach of a duty prescribed by statute or ordinance accrues for the benefit of in individual specially Injured thereby, or whether such liability is exclusively of a public character, depends uon the nature of the duty enjoined and the benefits to be. derived from Its performance. 2. An ordinance which requires the placing of fireproof shutters upon the win dows of brick buildings within a city Im poses a duly for the purpose of giving to the public protection against firs Which tha common law did not provide. 3. Where. In such city, one lfi In, posses sion of property as bailee and It Is de stroyed by fire which spread from another building through windows unprotected by fireproof shutters he Is not liahle for the value of such property, by reaaon of the fact that he owned the building and that no fireproof shutters were provided aa re quired by the ordinance. REAL ESTATE TRASFEB8. Deeds filed for record December 28. 1904, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee A Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee; . . J. 11. Evans and wife to W, Byles. , w. 40 feet of lot 8, block F, Lowes' add $ 300 Phoebe Ames et al. to H. W. Blvins, lot 11. block 116. Dundee Pliice 227 J. W. Schmltt and wife, to A. Schmltt, ' sV9 lot 6, block 347. South Omaha.... l,t4 V. Rvles tn A. H. Byles. lot 22. block 13. West End snd other land ', 1 The S. D. Mercer company to N. G. Nelson, lots I and 9, block 9, Wal nut Hill , 4"0 C. H. Stearns und Anna M. Stearns to W. M. Oould. lots 13 and 14, blockvW,. Omaha Heights 111 T. L. Rlngwalt nnd wife to Cora L. . Poguo. und-l e. SO feet aMr'tnt'll.r block 6. Purk Place 40 Mattia M. Friaiser to ,J. N. Frenser.'t part lots 15 and 16. block 2. Park 1'jMce and other landi ..i ..',. I 000 J. N. Premier to Mattl M. Frenxsr.-( part lot 5. block 1. Henry & Bliclton's add. and other land. .... .. a .-.'t.joi Mary Swoboda to J. Swoboda, lot 5.7,'. Sullivan's add.... v.. " 300 Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated.) ruin Office: Fifth and Roberts Strssts ST. PAtJI,. HINN. . y .: i ". . ''j- DEALERS 1M. '-,- ' Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Your Grnin tti'f Us Braaeb Office. Jlv-til Hoar T Trad Olda:.. Omaha. Me. Telephoaa W.J 4. 212-214 Exchsnge cthtg.. South Omska. Bell 'Phone 214 Independent- 'Phen $ LCGAL laOTKLr. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. .. :v Office of Lee-Gluss-Audieesen Hardware Company. Oiuuba, Nb.; Dm. IV J'Jv4. No tice Is hereby given to the stockholder of the Le-UiH.-Aiidreeaen Hur1sr coin pm;y tnt Ihe annual meeting of the stock holders or tt'S company will be tioid t tha olticea of thti ssid company, corner of Sth and Hartisy atresia, in the tUy oi Omaha, In the aial of Nchraka. on Tuesday, Jsu. 10. A. D . at 3 o'clorlf p. m '. fo fft purpose, of electing a beard of directors lyr Ihe company, to rve during tha euswli.g r. and to transact oi l) uthsr auainea a may lie oesented at u, h meeting. ... (Htjal r' ' U 3 LKK. r.'fc..tW$.' W. M 43LAS3, Secretary. ' Colorado ellow. per lb.. 2'4jC. t CCl'MPFRS Per dog t 1 ' i i ft' ill n i H '4 i! -I n u in 4 , j j -.-(4JT avia a ..r . 4r , .rf.-.Vs- As. J