10 TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1004. t T'llflM'Tr"1 ft Thursday Special Bargains As upcclal lndaopmrnlf to hrppfr ntxer Chrlftma we offer most OniiHiinl bargain. We tmrijrly recommend tliese njwIaU to visitors In Omaha. Tliese are rare bargains and special for today. Ladies $10 Cloaks at $4.98 Txng and short winter coats all new gtylps warm and heavy materials many coats and satin lined all are dura ble and desirable coats A Oft worth f 10, at, each !' U Ladies' $12.50 Cloaks at $6.99 Very fine coats in the new long and short styles up-to-date colors and style fea tures prettily trimmed long coats made in tourist styles regu- OR: lar $12.50 quality, at JO Two Fur Scarf Specials Long fox scarfs with tails, ' also blended mink scarfs. . . Big variety of fine long scarfs, extra full, brush tails, at.;. .. . LADIES' HEAVY GOLF SKIRTS AT $2.98 Smart walking skirts in new mannish mixtures QQ pleated effects heavy weight for winter. atU 3.98 .8.98 Alen's Heavy Gloves Heavy warm, wool and fleece lined gloves Just what yon want this weather lots of kinds pick them out, at, per pair 25c-35c-50c Men's and Boys' Sweaters If you are outdoors this weather you need a good warm sweater they beat the heaviest shirt for warmth many styles and colors, at W.oO down to l:C3 SSSLBLZSsB 98( Boys' all wool sweaters plain and fancy at 49c Men's. Young Men's, Boys $10 Ulsters $2.50 Long, extra heavy Ulsters, with big "Zero" Collar, in sizes up to 36 a big :r.ir.tf...$2.50 Men's $15 Ulsters at $5 All sizes men's fine warm ulsters regularly fl C - worth $15, at... ..4) J Men's Fur Lined Coats Coats lined with fur, plush and astrakhan long and short styles all at re duced prices. mvadBBimat FOR SAL! S ' " t , r -i Bids will be received until Jan. 1, 1905, at 1. L Brandeis 6 Sons' office for the following buildings to be torn down and removed: The triple four-story Barton flat buitdlng on Douglas street idioinlng Y. ill C A. Building. 1 , The double three-story Dufrene flat building on Douglas street adlolning the Barton flats. ) The two-story brick Horbach residence, corner Douglas and iJth street., . Bids will be received for any one building or all three. ALL BUILDINGS TO BE TORN DOWN AND REMOVED WITHIN DAYS AFTER BIDS ARE ACCEPTED. 3C KEYSTONE ....OUR LBADINQ 50FT COAL.... Beat rni(ruu and Arkansas Anthracite. ALIa O HADES SOFT COAL, BUST GRADES BOILER COAL G0SS-JOHNSON BROS. COAL & SUPPLY CO., 1519 FARKAM ST. PHONE 1307 Sale of Dr Jaegers . Underwear, etc., etc, I Ave dont believe It wise to carry goods over from one season to another. The first loss la the best loss. That's why we are Belling at reduced prices. All our stock of Pr. Jaeger's celebrated Sani tary Woolen Underwear, la two-piece suits, at Just oue-balf former pries. . . Cotton Vests. fleece lined, regular price 60c, now 35o and 25c. Whit, or aray all wool vests, formerly sold for 11.60, now 7oc. . '. " mm Ladles' part wool Union Suits, si sea 4 and (, . . former prtoe U sale, pries (Uc ' All ouf Pressed Dells. T41et Seta, Woes. Hoxea, Handkerchief Glove; CoIIhx and Cuff Boxes, band Mirrors,- Calendars and Mutch Kecoivers ' at one-half former prices. . Children's Coats, were 110 75, now T.60 tT.OO now H6o; MOO now U.S7; 00 now .50l .7S now U.tQ. . Buch pile reductions .on surh trustworthy merotianfll eurht to brlns us ill patronage, of every thinking shopper, - feattr. anticipate , -, I J -.,...' .1 MRS; J. BENSON; 2U SA Street U I i 1 II I 1 1 I II II 1 1.. wd- Omaha Weather Fair Thursday: rising temperature. 3 Convention Visitors Invited to nmke Omaha's Greatest Store Their Headquarters. Teachers will find a .arm welcome, and we request that they make themselves known to our floor managers or heads of departments. Buyers out In the state have an opportunity of reaching Omaha on half-fare (plus FiOc) railroad rates from all points of the Btate. Not the least Important, object Of making a visit ahotild be to at tend the big convention anles now m at Bennett's. Our stocks must be materially reduced prior to Inventory. This Is In reality a pre-Iu-ventory sale. Prices shivered all along the line. Coiweatioiv Bargain Sales in the Dry Goods Department. ' Ladies' Walking Skirts, heavy winter . weights, regular prices, fl.50, $o.OO, fo.50, ?.00; on Thursday Qft in two lots, about 100 each, at 2.93 and IsaO FUR SCARFS Two great offers, one hundred Sable and ' . Brown Opossum Scarfs, long tails, worth Z CI C . from $7.50 to $9.00, at ?4.93 and. OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS An immense CH' display at ?1.19, 9oc, 75c, COc and JUt lVDIES' WAISTS All our fine wool and waisting waists, and a lot of black and fancy silk waists, , 7C worth from ?5.50 to $7.50, at J J Dress Goods Sale $1, $1.50 $2 Dress Goods Thursday, 75c Embraced in this sale will be all the, odd pieces and broken lines, blacks and colors; all will be sold regardless of cost or value at one price for Thursday. Kfin1 Ponnn Kui lnrra n-ni41i f 1 Or?, ' iuvu hui 1.11 ' 1 AM at ' p. t ! l. o..:i:, ak n nn . I Hii at UflUVU OUlLlUgC, Will IU f.VV. 44-inch Fancy Voiles, worth 1.50... 44-inch Granite Cloth, worth $1.25.. Taugill Brocades and 25 other styles Silk Attractions for Thursday at 59c Over one hundred styles of plain and fancy silks, in cluding fancy Messelines, New Foulards, Soft Finish Taffe tas, Lousines and Crepe de Chines.- N This is a collection of silks worth up to CO $1.50 per yard, all at. C LADIES' UNION SUITS Natural grey, silky fleece. .Onita or straight' front, our $1.50 quality, 1 AO Thursday at......... IU U LADIES' CASHMERE IIOSE Fine quality, worth 25c pair, Thursday three pairs for.., TOWELS A Thursday surprise Linen Huck, bleached, 18x38 inches, our 20c quality, - f r tiU one price Thursday Only, at 75c 50c at Turkish Blpnchpd and nnhlpaohpd. 22t4K Inchps. our 25c quality, at A $2.00 DRESS FOR $1.00 TIIURSDAY Fine fancy flan nelette, handsome patterns, worth 20c per ;AA yard, ten yards for. ...leilv Skates! Skates! Skates! The right weather baa come and the big sale of skates Is on. Barney & Berry Skates, pair, $5.00 to 50c B. & B. stand for the highest grade skate that ever hit ice Boys' Skates, nickel-plated, per pair .98c Boys' Skates, polished steel, per pair ,50c Girls' Skates, straps over toes, per pair. , . ,85c Girls' Skates, toe clamps, per pair. ,. 1.24 Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps EXTRA on BlI Barney & Berry's skates sold Thursday. Sporting Goods section, main floor and hardware section, basement ""''SBBBaSBa Shoes for Lady Teachers The Dorothy Dodd Shoe is an advanced styfe Shoe The idea perfected in it is to avoid the grotesque and conspicuous and bring out that quiet elegance which belongs to the well-groomed and high-bred woman. The Dorothy Dodd Shoe is a select shoe without being high-priced. It appeals to the particular woman who has to count the cost. It Is an Ideal lady teacher's shoe. All styles, all sizes, all leathers, all fitted with eye lets that do not wear brassy. Shoes $3.50 and $3.00 Oxfords $2.50 and $3.00 VISITING TEACHERS , ar especially Invited to glva doss , . attention to our . . Jewelry and Silverware, Art and Pyrorfraphy, Books and Stationery Sections Tbers are Items In each of these sections of the utmost moment' to teachers in their work, and we have specially priced the aoods to Justify this biff convention sale. - The Ta.ba.rd Inn Library ' You buy a book- late copyright book -published at $1.60. Our price $1. IS It carries with It a lifetime member ship f rd 1 entitllnff you to a contlnu- ' ' yi ous ' excbase of books on payment f exchange fe of bx Ton can exchange the book nv. Where throughout the -t-'nltrri Statis. It Is the vleunest-cut book prnr(vJUoo ever laid befure the retttiiuff public. , Duek. Stall Male fltwr. Girocery. Kb' better values are offered than In our famous grocery. Twenty ($;.0O) Green Trading Stamps with pound package OO Bennett s Capitol Coffee s-OC Twenty (U.W). Green Trading Stamps with pound a i Tea, 4oC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with three packages Lniou Bnups IOC Twenty (U.W) Green Trading Stamps with package - - ' Nabisco S.9C Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with package o e Festlnos SaOC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with two packages Dr. - " frlce's od aOC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Btanips with three packagHe Uennett's OS. Capitol Mincemeat aSOC Thirty ($800) Green Trading Stamps wlih quart can Franco- American Soup ,...3C Teo ($1 .00) Green Trading Stamps with two pounds s Japan Kice ,t.I4C - Candy. Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pnu4 box Bennett's OS. bpecittl Chooolate Creams alOU WOMEN'S WELT SOLE SHOES Box clf. Ideal kid Vplour calf. Vicl kid. I'atent kid. laco and button Blu- I cher and regular cut atll at one price 1 $3.00 By carrying so many different kinds of nhoeB we ore able to sell thorn at a lower price than If we carried but one style. We ran give a better selection of stock and better workmanehlp In our $3.00 shoe than you will find In Omaha. Your money back every time If you're not satisfied. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAU STREET, , Omaha's Up-li-Di'i Shos Hojjj ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. I HOME MADE iSTOCKINGS Third Oil of the Crtll Prt-lnvtnforj Salt llL TRK KKLlABLE ITORB. . Third Day of the Great Pre-lnientory Sale Women's Coats and Suits at Half Price Three thousand Mich grade garment to which no description can do full Juatlo When we eay half price we emphatically mean hlf price. Every Garment A a ked in Plain Figures. Exactly Half. It's Yours for In justice to yourself you should see these magnificent bargains before buying. All our $5.00 Woipen'i at. Coats, 2.50 All our $S.OO Women's Coats, Q) All $12.5l Kersey Coats, 6klnner O. mitin lined, at U.aSO All our $16.00 Foggy from Paris Coats. In Kerseys and fine mixtures, J gfj All our $.0.00 Coats a great assortment Pklnner satin lined. 10.00 $:.".oi fur trimmed Lady Curson 0 ef Coats, at ,l,u All $30.00 fur lined Coats. 15.00 Your Choice of Any Ladies' Suit In the House at Half. AlltlS.00 Tailor Suits, 7.50 8.75 All $19.50 Tailor Suits, at AIMBO Tsllor Suits, 1475 All our finest costumes at half to one third prlee. . Manufacturer's Stock Skirt Sate Continues Thursday. Just like mother used to make are still made by us In the same old way and are tortuy the bent Stock ings made for Boys' or Girls' schooli wear, size 0 cost 4c a pair; each size 5c more This Is less than you can afford to make thoiu yourwtlf. We have other good Woolen Hose at 25c and 35c, which are good bar gains. Our yarn department id the very best In the west Beads as usual. f JOS. F. BILZ, 322 So. 16th St., Omaha, i Sole Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. $3.W Skirts, a i WOO Skirts. at $7.95 Sklrta, at FROM 8 TILL a-Ladles Wrappers, at From 8 TILL 9:30 Women's Breakfast Shawls, at 1.98 .2.50 3.98 $8.00 and $10.00 skirts. at. Hnndsome Voile Skirts, $10.00 and. $10 00 and $12.00 Walking Skirts, 0,98 at $12.00. ,4.98 7.50 Morning Hour Specials. OtSo. i FROM $ 30 TILL :90 Women" . . 15c Flannelette Sacquea, at.. FROM 9:30 TILL 10:JO-$T.00 Klderdown Kobes, at 1.48 Great Sale of Children's Coats Saturday. Special Notion Sale Just before Inventory we will hold the greatest sale of Notions ever held In Omaha Pearl Buttons. per dozen Nickel Nursery Pins, best quality, S dozen for 2tO-yard Machine Thread. per spool..., , lc lc lOOyards Beldlng Bros. Sewing gg 15c Tack Pullers, at The Big Flour Sale to Stock Reducing 8-lb. Sack High Tatent Minnesota Flour, for this sale only, per sack.... 18 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for 10 Harp Best Laundry Soap 10 lbs. Good Japan Rice for 6 lbs. Hreakfttst Oatmeal $ lbs. Fancy Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Bar ley or Farina 3 lbs. hand picked Navy Beans Toilet Soap, per bar j Aic Velveteen Skirt Binding, per yard Adamantine Pins, 3 papers fur 2fe Needle Books, at Ladles', Children's and Misses. Hose Sup porters regular 10c, 15c and ftc quality nil go in hub Fair, at, pair .2ic .. 2c 4ic be Continued One More Day. Sale Prior to Inventory. .7c $1.40 $1.00 ,.2bC ,.10C '.10c .10c 2VsC lfi-os. cans Evaporated Cream 1-lb. cans asr.orted Soups Largo California Prunes, per lb Choice California Peai-hea, per lb California MuscatM Halwlns, per lb... Large Sweet Navel Oranges, per do.. Fresh, Crlep Gingersnaps, per lb SPECIAL. Malta Vita. Force, Egg-O-See, Xoello, etc., per pkg....t v .3o ...6o ...So ..130 .tVsO HAYDEW BROS. The 'Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO Please See Local Columns for Extraordinary Holiday Rates Tloket Offloei 1 Ml .1403 FARNAM STREET,! OMAHA.' If you start a wagon down hill it goes by itself, but if you want it to go up hill you must keep a pushin' it is the same way with your business. i Advertising is the greatest "pushin"' force at the busi ness man's command. v!J Jr5 i n We are still "butting around" (or business. HARD COAL fall sizes)... $11.00 8PADRA, ARK., (grate) $60 BONANZA, ARK., (lump) 160 ROCK SlJRINOB. (lump and nut). 70 CHEROKEE, KAN., (lump) 6.M CHEROKEE, KAN., (nut) i And all the other kinds at reason able prices. CENTRAL COAL & COKE CO. 15th and Harney. V- f 'Phones ira-iaee-iTU. j V TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ' v- 0ir Om IkeJIaa- f eas, ' TO THE TOW & .....S7.40 WE IRE SELLIHQ COIL Rock Springs Hanna, nu, SG.90 Pennsylvania Anthracite . . . . Sll.00 Arkansas Anthracite S8.5Q ALSO HAVE ALL THE CHEAPER GRADES QZ IZARD ST.a TEUJ2a.Oa7e5j 1 V GRAND ISLAND ROUTE jSOUBLB DAILT SERVICE, with new 10-foot Acetylene Gas lighted Pullman Chair Cars (peats free) on night trains and Pullman blab-back seat Coaches on day trains, between Kansas City snd Bt. JoHeph, Mo i Hiawatha, Seneca, llarysvUle, Kan., Falrbury, Pah-held, Uastins and Grand Island, Nob. Connections ma4e at Kansas City Xor all points East, South and VV'est. , ( At Grand Island direct connections are made with Unlos) facln , tast trains (or CalKurnia and lbs Pacing Northwest, , , . , S nn nriciT gekeral , pass, agent. . Uli : ilUOl 1 a : ST. JOSEPH. ' MISSOURI I - . ' V mm iii.iniiM Hi ii il . II. -- s 4 V Walker A4K