TTTE OMATTA DAILY PEE: STTXDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1904. 8 II MONDAY WILL BE HOLIDAY Est Add by Matt Baiineu and ffioinl Me for Geltbratiag Christmas. TW9 BIG STORES WILL REMAIN OPEN City ! Coantjr dad Federal Offlcee Mill Keep Their Doors Closed lid ! Rot Work. Omaha will be a closed city Monday. That Is, with a few notable exceptions tha bulns houses of the metropolis will keep their floors cloned durlxiu the day which has been appointed as the substitute for the Sunday Christina. The Commercial club some time ago made inquiry among the Jobbers, manufacturers, commission houses and retailers, and the general opinion seemed to be the business places should close for the day. Among the big retail houses, Thomas Kliputrlck & Co., Thompson, Bo Id en & Co., the Dennett stores and most of the others will be closed for the entire day. On the other hand, J. L. ilrandtls & Sons, and liayden Bros, will be open the whole day. We have had an exceptlonul holiday trade," said Robert Cowell of Kilpatrick's. ' Several days ago we pussed the mark of our total for Ix-cember trade In preceding years the rest Is all velvets The weather lias been so exception.! Ily fine shoppers have been able to be out every day, and the shops are getting the advantage. We feel we can a flu id to close." All the Jobbing houses practically have signified their indention of closing for Mon day. They have no particular Incentive for keeping open, as no belated Christmas shopper will be wanting to rush in and buy a hurried gift to mall to some one who had unexpectedly sent a present. The manufacturing houses also will generally observe the day and the operatives will have a chance to tune a little extra recrea tion. The banks all have up their notices of closing Mond iy. The county ofllces. with' the exception of the county treasurer, and all the city offices will be closed. The offices In the headquarters of the I'nlon Pacific and the IJurlington will be closed the entire day and the city ticket ofllces will be shut up at noon. t'nclo Sam Takes Rest. While there Is no federal statute that recognizes a holiday, the federal offices will generally be closed Monday and no public business will be tnuiarted. This applies to the offices of the United States circuit court, district court, custodian's office, weather bureau, commissioner's court, pen sion examiner's and immigrant Inspector's offices and Internal revenue departments. There will be but two carrier deliveries from the postofflce Monday morning and one delivery in the residence district. The office will close at 10:30 a. m. for the day. The money order office will not be opened at all Monday. Christmas day the post office will be open as usual on Sundays, from 11:30 a. m. to 12:30, noon. At the army building Monday will be recognized as a holiday and the building will be closed for public business all day. The same rule will be observed on the Monday following, New Tear's day. BIG CATCH FOR MAN ASLEEP Vie MeCarty Is Seen Making; Counter, felts niKht I'nder Nose of Blissful Dreamer. Charles D. Townsend, who is accredited with seeing things Invisible to the optics of ordinary humanity, came very near creating a sensation about the' federal building yesterday morning by his supposed discovery of the distinguished counter feiter, Vlo McCarty, In the very act of making and circulating spurious coin of the realm right under the very eyes of the authorities whose duties specifically are to prevent Just such little irregularities. Mr. Townsend wrote a note and hurried with It to the federal building, the letter contain ing this startling Information: Captain John Webb, United States Secret Service Agent, Omaha: Come to UW Doug las street, quick. Vic McCartey is here A has been at his old business Pausing Coun- !i?r, ZlteA, "K,ed coln" he ' P to his old Tricks Agin. In his Room NOS3. Yours afect. CHAS. D. TOWNSEND. 1120 Doug. et. Omaha. An investigation of Mr. Townsend's alarming hallucination developed the fact that he had but enjoyed an unusually sound nap. O'OrlrSi's New Oyster and Grill Room Opened. Tha grand opening of J. P. O'Brien's new oyster and grill room at 1116 Farniim st. yesterday was a big success, fully 2W peo ple, comprised of the representative busi ness men of Omaha, ate the sumptuous dinner provided by the new proprietor. The Buttlnsky club, headed by the Inimit able Dave O'Brien with au "Irish turkey," was a prominent feature of the occasion. This new cafe, which Is moderate In price and conducted In a first-class manner, bids fair to be one of the most popular resorts In Omaha. The bar In connection with the cafe Is one of the best In the city. We note with pleasure that the product of a home Institution, the Stors Brewing Co., is on Up and in this regard it Is not out of place to state that the Stori Brewing Co. is fast acquiring the reputation of brewing the best beer a the Transinlssls Ippi state. Closed. W desire to announce that our store will be closed all day Monday. Dec. 2. Orchard 4c Wllhelra Carpet Co. Painters, Not lee I All members of No. lot are requested to be present Monday night, Deo. as. Business Of importance. CHAS. PENNEXi, Secretary. Holiday Rates Via tha Missouri pacific to points In Ar kansas, Kunaaa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Mlsouri, etc. Very low rates for round trip. On sal Deo. H 26. M and U, 14; Jan. 1. U06. Limit for return Jan i. IX. For Information, tickets, stc, call or address City Ticket Offices, southeast corner 16th and Varnam sts., Omaha, Neb. THOMAS W. GODFREY, Passenger Tloket Agent Important Chans; Tlaao By Rock Island system effective Sunday, December K, 1M, en and after which dit train now leAvlng Omaha aastbound at 111:01, noon, dally except Sunday, will 1m vs at U:16 a. m., except Sunday, and train now loavlog Omaha' westbound at 6:16 p. m., doily, will leav it 1:11 p, m. dally. F. f. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. Thrah sleeper Prom Ksnsaa City to Hot Springs, Ark., without chang via Missouri Pacino and Iron Mountain rout. Leaving Kanaaa City at noon, arriving In the Springs next morn tig. For full information address any ugvtit of the company or city offlcsa. south. tn ft corner 1Mb. and Faruam sts., Omaha, Men. THOS. F. OODFRET. Fasaenasr and Ticket Agent. Electii reading lamps Orchard Wil li rt in Yale Ole club at Boyd's, December 21. 1HC Wdding Kings. Kdliolm. Jeweler. Have Root print It. gtonec) phr prints, UuT Howard, Tel. 1210. Applications for Loans Solicited from owners of well located, productive funns, at low rates of interest by the 1 Bankers Reserve Life Company of Omaha, Nebraska. Money ready at all times for investment in high grade bonds and first mortgage (securities. ' The development of new territory during the incoming year will require additions to the agency staff. Reliable men may obtain terms and particulars by addressing, a H. R0BIS0N, President. I WE THANK Y 0 U 1 1 E J i - mm DSSr. T-fl r-C b. - I lore Open londay To accommodate out-of-town trade taking advantage of Excursion Rates to Omaha we will be open Monday. j Following is a Communication from the Com ! mercial Club of Omaha: Railroad Rates for Teacher's Meeting Referring to the coming meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers' Association in Omaha December 28, 129 and 30, following are the railroad rates: One Fare for Round Trip (plus 50c) ; From All Points in State of Nebraska Tickets will be sold Dec. 25, 2G, 27 and 2S good to return to January 4, inclusive. The State Teachers' Association alone means 2,000 or more delegates. We extend to nil our best wishes for ; A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR .1. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Boston Store. Importers Of Western Distributors 111 Q M 11 N IIS. ReichenberSmith Co. lilnill UI1U0 Wholesale Jewelers out n (Largest In tba West.) ill",' Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry. Etc. Chapped Hands Kxihn's Glycerole of Roses FOR SALE AT KUHN'S DRUO STORE. 15TH AND DOUGLAS. A wise Christinas will be a happy Christmas, Why not give your Bon or daughter a bank book as a present? It will teach them to economize and per haps place them on the road to wealth and prosperity If they keeD adding to their savings. $1.00 will open an account with the OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASS'N 1T04 FA H NAM ST., BEB BI.Dtt. Q. W. Loomis. Pre. Q. M. Natlnger, Sec. Lowest Holiday Rates Via "Tha Horth. wasters Line" To all system points In Iowa. Illinois, Wis consin, Michigan, Minnesota, tha Dakota, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Round trip rats one and one-third (are east of Missouri river and to points on C, St. P., M. at O. In Nebraska and on fare plus to cents west, on sals Dm H, 28. M, U. Jan. 1 and I Good until Jan. 1 City Ofllces, H01-14M Farnaro St. Union Blatlon, Webster Street Station. Mounn Calvary Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar! The sevents nth annual observance of Christmas gieeilng will bo held at our asylum on Monday, December M. It, at 10 o'clock a. m. AU Knights Templar and their ladles are courteously Invited to be present. JOHN K. SIMPSON, Commander. EBEN K. LONG), Recorder. Did you ever eat Kopp MoUasea Sat InettsT Try them. 1308 Farnain. Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats; ladles' suits, skirts, millinery, etc.; cavli or credit. People's Store, Itiih ess amain. (las and electric- table lamps make a! eeptble C'hrtaimHS presents. Nebraska Klecuio Co., Uia and ttaniey. The Best of Everything snmenmrnmrnBaasnsnmrnnsnenl THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO Please See Local Columns for Extraordinary Holiday Rates Tleket Offleei 1 Ml. 1403 FAR NAM STREET, OMAHA. TatoshMM S14-eei DEPUTV STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCI0TTL D. V. S. CITY VKTK H I A H I A K. Office and Infirmary, 28th and Jaasua Bta. OMAHA, KtM. ' Telephone bt. We thank EVERYBODY for their patronage and their interest during the merriest selling Christmas tide in Omaha's history. Those old-time Bennett Customers i w ho have stuck for years and years by the Bennett store ' must share an espeyiol satisfaction with ourselres and our heads of departments when we tell them that during the past -week we have had the greatest daily sales, ever recorded since The Bennett Store (now the biggest retail business in Nebraska) had its humble beginuing twenty- ' seven years ago. .' . We Close All Day Monday "We want our sales-people .to rest, up after their -arduous week." They have done nobly. Xo orps of sales people ever showed -more eagerness to please the buying public. They deserve their holiday. VYe believe our eus . tomers will willingly support us in letting them have it. Tuesday Morning We Open Up Bright and Early far Business ' The cleaning-up sales at sacrificed "prices will then begin. Odds and ends from Christmas stocks. must be? cut out preparatory to inventory. NEBRASKA STATE TEACHERS' CONVENTION will then be in session. We are sure the teachers and their friends will appreciate our inability to entertain them Monday because of oiir desire' to give our army of em ploves the needed rest which they have so HONESTLY EARNED. . We give nil the teachers and their friends a very special invitation to visit us. And Again Wednes day is Red Letler Day Bring your book or books and get Ten Green Trading Stamps ($1.00) to each book you bring. ' .Watch Monday evening's papers for special sab's. I Mosf Compet Slock of Men's 0 Boys' Clothing In If West. EtWDBS Most complete Stock of Men's & Boys' Clothing In the Wtsl. Pre-lnvcntor) Clothing Sale mmm ;;,v-3ii :'5.H l 55 and $18 Hand-Tailored Suits at $10.00 and $12.50 The tlrgant quality, the stlNh lrdhM. uallty of our hand-tailored suits, nre well known throughout the wcot, and t.e suits offered Siturday at 110.00 and !u. o, are fully up to the standard of extcll iue. Made of strictly all wool fabrics. In t ie very latest styles and colors, they oft,-r you the greatest opportunity of the sea son for economical clothes buying l,"..oo and 11S00 vnlues , Cfll at 112.60 and JIU.UvJ 515 and $18 Hand-Tailored Over coats at $10 and $12.50 IOng or medium length, with or without bolt. In fancy brown or gray mixtures, oxford gray and plain colors every :ar ment hand-tailored throughout by skilled workmen, with splendid linings and trim mings tlie ov-reoat bargain Cff tl of the reason at U2.M and ... kPIV.UU BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH ING AT HALF. HOYS' RKEFERB Just th thing fof skailng, coasting and general outdoor wear high storm collars, Q! ages 6 to 16 years at -'f BOYS' KNEE PANT8 SUITS In double breasted style, ages to 16 Ott years at HOYS' I.ONO OVERCOATS, In ages 6 to 14 years, In neat oxford gray, o ull wool materials at J1.00 ROYS' KNEE PANT8 special at Copyright I 904 bf Hsrt Schaffnrr fi Ms' ...50c BOYS' LONG PANTS SUlTS-extra spa. cial values, Saturday, 'I eik at 15.00 and O.OU rot Be THS' TX1NO OVERCOATS well and stylishly made, cut In good, 'lQi erviceable fabrics great values at 15.00 and Jsj HAYDEf3 BROS. The Bennett Compani VsastaaucaEt; is me Chafing-dish - There is a. Difference in Coal Perhaps you have been using- a SOFT, DIRTY, CLINK ERY COAL that burns out quickly and gives little or no heat, wasting- your money and worrying the life out of you. Our Monarch CoaJ is a hard, clea", olinkerless coal; lasts a long time and makes an intensely hot fir . It will save you money and stop vour worrying LUMP, $6.50. NUT, $6.00. Give it & Trial. Once a customer, always a customer. C. B. HAVENS CO., iZHSSg" Drex L Shoeman Sends everybody, everywhere a joyous ..CHRISTMAS GREETING . If the shoes or slippers Santa Claus brought you from our store are not your else bring them In and we 11 fit a pair to your feet. 1,4 r filtf Wi I Droxsl ShOB Co. p. T I 1419 FARNAK STREET, Ilf V M ASIC FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. I it 1WMeftr MaasaBj!B5BaBB' f0i IfaB'dySL I W . I I M M'S'Nr aa rtUT if emnd 1 School Shoes Tou can find the school ' shoes you're looking for at this store. You will find girls' and boys' hoes at this store thst are made , to fit easy and comfortable; thut are made to- look neat and nice, and that are made to wear long and well. You will - ffnd salesmen tit this store who know how to properly fit the f-et of any boy or girl. You will And at this Hture thut prices are right as well as the . shoes and fit; and nowhere else can you get such values lu school shoes us our specials at S1.50 a $2.00 n?YtfinEca J 11 ft I1H , ISldDodgeSk-i With sincere thanks to our friends who have been so liberal, in their pa'ronage with us. we wish all A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year A SNAP! $2,500.00 Winton Touring Car, 1903 model; run less than 5,000 miles; thoroughly overhauled and refinished, practically as good as new. If interested, write at once Peavey Elevator Company, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. u Q Save $20 on your trip to California You can nave almost twenty dollars on the trip to California by going "tourist" The seats in the Touriat Bleeping Car are upholstered In rattan In stead of plush, but you see as much and have all the esHcnilul comforts. Our illustrated folder "Across the Continent In a Tourist Sleeper" contains a complete map de scrlbes the cars, cost, varied routes, etc., and tells . why the Itock Island runs more tourist cars to Cali fornia than any other line. Let us send you the folder and help you plan the trip. F. P, RUTOFORD, D. P. A., 1323 mm sr., oiuki. keb. lu Piles Cured WITHOUT AN OPERATION A. written guarantee given In every osse treated by VH. MAXWELL, tH i bee bld.,- Omaha. VRIRILOQI ISM. Uirfl to erat tb flguret. Mtnd Red. ins. ItMdlns Sal.d Mmic. lDd.ptid cut Slat Willing. Kit. Villi today. I'll Ull X" " ' ll m issipa. Ur. 4'. It. U-Voll. (U Utteslsr Street, Foit Worth Texas. GRAND ISLAND ROUTE )OUBI.E DAILY SERVICE, with new 80-foot Aretylrn Gns llKhled rullnian Chulr Cars (seats free) en night iriiinj nnd "hullriiun Mkh-back seat Coaches on diy trains. Ix-tween Kmih.ii City and bt. Joseph, Mo ; Hiawatha, Kem-cn. M.irysvUle, Kan., Falrbury, Falrnela, Hustlns und Urand Island, Nab. Connections made at Kansas City (or all points Eust, Bouth and West. At Grand Island direct connections sre made with Union I'aclllo fust trains for California aud the facillo Northwest. SM ARQiT GENERtl- pass. AGENT. . Ul. HUOIIi ST. JOSEPH. MISSOURI - ' mm I; .1 1