THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: HAT UK DAY. DECEMBER 24. 190i. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET hart Iitmit in Dscembtf Whttt Herlj EliminaWd. . -. . , NORTHWEST WHEAT DANGEFOVJSt? LOW t'srm Ksperts te Make a Record, mm t argeea RiMtH ts All Porta, larladlag Japs, Uktrk i a Sew Market. OMAHA, Dec. 21. 1!M rrom the action of the market it would aeem aa though the short Interest In De cember wheat ha been almost eliminated. Thursday tha market started very strong, but soon flattened out. a It became evi dent the demand waa aa xtnall aa It was Insistent. Tha opening thl morning waa 'lightly stronger than the close of Thurs day and thn efforts of th ahorta to gat tha wheat caased a rapid advance from tl.10 o 1 but the market by noon had returned to Ha level of 11.10. Tha May and July wera unaffected and srlthi. out feature. Tha rahlea were weak, principally under tha Influence of larger Argentine ' shipments. The Argentine threshing ha begun In the northern pro ving and the grain la reported to he medium. - The market there la eaay under lark of export demand. The wheat visi ble la 1,104, 000 bushels, compared with 704.000 bushels for la year. Italian csbles give the preliminary government estimate or the wheat crop aa 1(0,400,000 bushels, aa against 179,2on,000 huahela last year. Chi 'ago Thursday received 153,000 bushels of wheat and sent out 73.000 bushel. Tha receipts from the northweat are of poor quality and the Thursday inspections at Mlnneapolla ahow the largeat per cent of unmlllable wheat ao far thla year. Jullua llarnes of Duluth la quoted aa aaylng the , northwest la dangerously low. He con-Hldr-ra the United Btatea will thla year Im port from 16,000,000 to 26,000,000 bushels of wheat. Ibarra Importatjona are not pos sible under the preaent condition and tha market will have to make a aharp ad vance. The corn market shows there la a con siderable short Interest among the recelv. Ing houses and elevstors. Corn bulla talk of the largeat exporting year In a long period. Chicago Thursday sold to the gulf porta JfiO.000 bushels. Philadelphia reporta Its ship capacity of 1.000.000 bushels a month taken for December and for a large part of January. It la rumored In New York been aold (or shipments from Pugct sound and Chicago that 825 cera of enru have to Japan. Thla la causing Interest, as the Orient has not been a consumer of Ameri csn corn. Argentine shipments of corn to Uverpool are a little larger than last week and reporta from there would seem to Indicate conditions are not ao bad. The Argentlne'a vlnibla atock Is 2.4OH.0U0 bushels, agatnat 1,280,000 bushels last year. There la little eaatern movement In oats. It la explained that the eaat waa loaded up with oata earlier In the season from Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and elaewhare and la not now In need of further shipments. There la little foreign demand for American oata, notwithstanding the fine quality of the crop. Tha Russian oata are better and the crop of 1.138.000,000 la 300,000 bushels In excess of the crop of 190). Omaha Cash Prlees. WHEAT No. 3 hard. Il.03fil.0R; No. I hard. I1.0S: No. 4 hard, HOcGtl.OO; No. 3 spring, $1.04; no grade. 8c. CORN No. 2, tile; No. , 88c; No. 4. 371j37c: no grade. 33f37e: No. ! yellow, 38c; No. 3 yellow, 38c: No. 2 white, 39o; No. white, 88c. ' OATS No. 2 sliced. 28c: No. 3 mixed. 37c; No. 4 mixed. 2c; No. 3 white. 2Sc; No. I white. c; No. 4 white, 27b28c; standard, 28c. Ontahu C'aah Sales. Wheat No. 8 hard. 1 car. 67 lbs., SI .02; 1 car, 66 lbs., $1.02; 1 car no grade, 46 lbs., 8e, . . - Carlot Recelpta. - Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 28 48 H Kansas City 62 Minneapolis 463 Duluth 161 Bt. Loula 49 Omaha -3 Grain Narken Elsewhere. Closing nricea of grain today ThurHday at the marketa named were a roiiows: CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Thure'y. December 1.1 1.10 ...;:::;ic::xv!:v:: I, . 48 H 45B 45t,H KANSAS CITY. 81 163 nnd December May July 48B 45A 46?,A ST. LOUIS. 1.03 98 424 1.14 95 l.(2 . 89 42 : 46 MINNEAPOLIS. I.i3i 1.12 DULUTH. i.i4n 66 43'i 43 A 1.13 111'. NEW YORK. 1.13 1.12 1.13 1.03 1.12 1.02 Wheat May ' .. . July ... Corn May ... Wheat- May ... July ... Corn May .... July .... Wheat May ... July ..... Wheat May ... Wheat May ... July ... SEW YORK UUXEHAL ' MARKET Qaotatloas of the Uay on Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK. Dec 3.-FLOUR-Rece4pts, 19,882 bbls.; exports, 19.992 bbls. The market waa quiet and steady; Minnesota pat enta, $3.9fi0.10; Mluneeiota bakers. ti Vii 4.75; winter putvntw, $5. si; winter stralghta, $6.K9.40; winter extras. $3.664.30; winter l'w grades, $3.4514.10. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, S4.4org4.70: chuloe to fancy. $4.7536.00. Buckwheat flour, quiet, ' $2.10 2.. CORNMEA L Steady ; line white and yel low. I19KBL36; coarse, $1.24yi.2; kiln dried. $2.fiS.10. RYK-Nomlnal. BARLEY Cjulet; feeding. 44c, c I. f.. New York; melting, 44361c. c. 1. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT ReciilptH, Hi,0il bit. Spot market Irregular; No. 3 red, nominal, elevator. $1.18 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.13. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.10. t. a. b, afloat. Option opened barely teady and for a time aoted a little coft under hear pressure, nilVylng later on re ports of rain In the Argentine and cold wave west, and holding firm for the bal ance of the day. lju piicee Bhowed V net advance. May.' tl.!'-!Vs&'l.lMt. closed $1.13; July. $1.0VirBa. tl.ed $1.03; De cember, closed 31118. CORN Rece hit V, 123.A25 bu; exports, ltirt, 14S bu. ' Spot jharket linn: No. 3, 6Msc, num. 1 rial, elevator, and 6uc, f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellowt ' 63o; No. 2 white. 54c. Oplloii market waa steady on bull support at the t.-AH ... hail llftl Ipail n. r..utur np cloetliB- c net hltfher: May. 51U&51 7-ltic. clnoed 51 Vo; December, clojted ikic. . OATS Reoetpta. ho.'jO bu. : exports, 8.973 bu. Spot market steady: mixed outs. 24 to 3 h.. 3ti;n-; natural white, 30 to 32 lbn., :Stl$7c; rllped white. i to 40 lbs., 38 W40C. HAY Dull: shipping. 4jCcV good to choice, 77(6e.' , HOPS full: stute, ' common to choice, t!04 crop. WrtZ7ci 1903 crop. Srx!i33; o1d. 14c: I'aclfla coaat, 1904 crop, KkflJ-". VA crop, 3vrt33 olda. 14S17c. HIDES Quiet; Ualveetun. JO to ffi ba., INc; California. 21 to 26 lb., lc; Texas dry, 24 to 3o !)... J4Ue. . . LEATHER Ffrm; acid. i403!. I'ROViaiONS Beef, steady; family, $11. OA 12.0n; mess. $9UVH B0: beef hams. $22.00(8 a.i); packet. lio.jiHfill.OO; city, extra India mess, $14 Joti ltl fill. Cut tneataw quiet; pickled lielllas, ti.'.btul.Ui; pickled shoulders. $b.T5: pickled hams, $9.00. Ird. quiet; western ..e-med. reJinod. aiesdy; continent, $7.fi8.0O: South American, py.Ou: compound. $a.l2tfS.50. VorK. latrely steady: fatnllv, tMu.JiH Vi;' (hurt tloar $11. 7:1i lo.60: ma, $13.001176. .. . . . TAUX)V-$lteadr. eity..4c; country. 4 dec tuCE KiMii: eloniesticV fair to extra. 2i $!.: Japan, nominal. BUTTER k'lrm; street price, extra creamery, J7(j27ktc. Oftlclal prices: Cream ery, common to extra. lTiiCTi ; held, conr,. mon to etra. '.ih24V; kt'ute dairy, crm mon to extra. liuic; western Imitation creamery, lwnilo. KOUS Dull: weatern fancy selected. Sc; western averitge best. 27c. CHEESE Firm: state full oraam, amall. September, colored nnd white,, lie; state, late made, poor to choice, SVtSUu; state, large, September, colored nnd while, fancy, Uc: stale, late land, coloc.4, good to cholue. lo'l"Vc; state. Ute made, whlta, tancv UiUc: stste. poor to prime, C$luo. I'OL'Il'RT-Allve. easy; tteatarn chtck eue. i-; fowl. loc; turke-ya, 15ifjl4c. lraed. weak; tiUrn chickens. 1o0iyc; fowls. 10011c; turkeys. Hlc. Philadelphia Pradur Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. ' 23. RITr.R S f'lrni; good demand: extrw lfrti reani erv. extra nearby prints. 81c. KOOS Slendv nearbv fres'i, 'JOc. at mark; e'crn fresh. SWi;if at macti. HKESE-Un. hsimed; New York full vieama, fan, Uc, New utk full cresm. choice. llKfJlJc: New Yik creams, fair to good. luailVtc. full CHICAfiU CiRAlX AD pROlIOS f'eatarea ef the Tradlag aad (losing Prices an Board el Trade. CHICAGO. Dec. U. Covering by ahorta, Ireartrv to the Chrlelmsa receea. caus-d strength in whct today May wheat closed tuV up. Corn snd oats eacM snow a gain of V' Pro visions a re unchanged to c hlaher. opening sentiment In the wheat pit waa rather bearish and Initial prices were a trifle lower. Mav wan unchanged to ac down at $1 llSftl HH After touching 11 UN the prl of May declined to $1 ll'tl 1W on selling by pit tradera. The early heaviness waa due largely to an eaaier tone at Liver pool and to fairly liberal recelpta In the northwest. The volume of business was extremely small from the start. Through out the entire session holiday dullness pre vailed. During the last part of the day official forecast of a cold wave In the went and northwest started fair buying by ahorta. The result was a firm upward movement of rrlces. The atretigth was well main tained throughout the remiilnder of the session. May advanced to $1.I2V Cloelng quotations were $1.12fjl.UH. Clenrnnces of wheat and flour were equal to 133.) bushels. Ex-pnrts for the week, as shown by Hradstreet s, were 1.0W.O00 buxhrls. Pri mary receipts were 739.200 bushel com pared with n. holiday last nr. Minneapolis Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 031 cars, against 5S3 last week. An Improved export demand was the main factor responsible for a firm tone In the corn markets. Early In the day sentiment whs rather bearish aa a result of liberal receipts. An easier tone at Liverpool also had a depressing effect. Shorts were mod erate buyers later In the session, causing a firm undertone. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at 45c to 46V4SV sold between 46c and 4SSC and closd at 4nc. Local receipts were 4K9 cars, with 3 of con tract grade. A steady tone prevailed In the oata mar ket the entire soselon. Trading was ex tremely quiet. Mav opened unchanged to a shade lower at 31:U4o to 31c. sold be tween 31c and 31c and closed at 31c. Local receipts were W cars. Provisions were steady on a prnctlcally llfelesa market. At the close May pork was unchanged at $12.S74. I-ard waa tip 2c at $7 121ji.13. Rlba were 5c higher at $K.72ft .75. - Estimated recelpta for Tuesday: Wheat. i0 cars: corn, 1.076 care; oats, l; cars; hogs (tomorrow!, 18.000 head; hog (Mondav), Oui head. The leading future ranged aa follows: Artlcle. Open. High. Low. CIoee.Yr y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oats Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Ribs Jan. May 1 11 1 12! 1 10 1 10 111.-! 1 12, Ul4-'l124-' ,i n lw'dHi 48 j 4ti'i 4; 48' 2W.I 29'2S'4'8i $l'i,31S' 1 10 1 11 9ti 4n 4S 13 62 12 85 M 7 10 6 40 12 57 12 13 87l 13 31l 3Vhl 77 46.46'a I 314 31V, 2!l 81 31 I 87 7 15 47: 76 I 6 fc- 1 074 12 B7 12 87! 8 87 l io 12 ,iS 12 7 . a 7 12 139 8 474! 8 424 8 t I 75 I 8 70 - No. t. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patent, $5.10) 6.20; straights. $4.80-q:6.0o: spring pat ents, $5.(h(&.6o; straights, $4.504.90; bakers', $2.7003.80. WHEAT No. 3 aprlng. tl.084il.15; No. 3. 88ci$112; No. 2 red. $1 13ftl.l5. CORN No. 2, 4fi(?58c; No. 3 yellow, 4 646Sc OATS No. 2, 2cj No. 2 white, 33c; No. t white, 44ilc, RYK No. 2, 73c. i BARLEY Good feeding, 35638c; fair to choice; malting, 41(5 48c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.16; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.28. Timothy, prime, $2.72, Clover, contract grade $12.7$. PROVISIONS Moss pork, per .bbl., $11.35 011.45. Lord, per W lbs., $.S24. Short rlba sldea floose), $ti.l2'gS.37; ahort clear aides (boxed), $B.24fi.7S. Recelpta and shipments for the day were aa follow: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla aB.tiOO 35,000 Wheat, bu fcl.OOO 73, loo Corn, bu 564.4H0 2S5.7U0 Oata, bu 13C.300 IKO.loO Rye. bu , 6.000 4,smo Barley, bu .100,100 8.100 On the Produce exchange todav the but ter market was firm; creameries, 1627c; dallies. 164322c. Ekks. easv: at mark, ruvi htncludd, . 17T21o; Hrats, 2tc; prime flrsta c; exiraa, znc. (jneeae, aieaay, linjlic. . M. Iyls Orailm aad Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Dec 23. WHEAT Higher; No. 3 red. cash, elevator. $1,144; track, $1.14ai.l6: May. $1.14&l.i4; July, 96c; No. JTiard, CORN Firm; No. 2 cash, 43c: track, 43(W 44c; December, 42c; May, 4:14c OATS Firm; No. 2 caah, 30u; track, 31c; December, 30c; May, 314f31c; No. 2 while, 32c. FLOUR Steady. Red winter patents, $6.25 05.40; special brands, $5.50i'a5.ti0; extra fancy, $4.8014.90; clear. $4. 1584.46. SEEI Timothy, nominal; $2.0002.40. CORNMEAL Steady ; $2.40. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. 90c. HAY Dull; timothy, . $8.00613.00; prairie, $G.0il9.B0. IRON COTTONTIEB 83c. BAOOINO Vie. HEMP TWINE 8. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, $11.80. Lard, unchanged; prime ateam, $ii.uo. Dry salted meats, steady; boxed extra shorta, $8.75; clear' ribs, $7.12; short clears, $7,374. Bacon, eteady; boxed extra short, $7,624; clear ribs, $7.87: short clear, $8,124. POULTRY Turkeys higher: chickens, 7c; springe, 7c; turkey 12c; duclcs, 9c; geese, 6C. MUTTER Firm; creamery, 30tj28c: dairy. 15f!28c. EGOS 81ow at 22c, case count. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbla : 7,000 14.000 Wheat, bu TO.onti 43,mh Corn, bu ,.12,CKN 69,0o0 Oata, bu. 12.000 41.1100 There will be no market Saturday and Monday. Kaasaa City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 23. WH EAT Higher; December, $1.03; May, $l.o3'yu 1.03H: July, 9o(i90c; caah. No. 2 hard, $1.04((1.07; No. 3, $1.0251.04; No. 4, 3cj$1.02: No. 2 red. $1.08iirl.09; No. 3, $1.06; No. 4, 96c0 $1.01; recelpta, 63 cars CORN Firm: December, 41c: May, 42ff 42,o : July, 42'jc; caah, No. 2 mixed. 41 o; No. 3. 41 c; No. 3 white, 41c; No. 3. 41c. OATS-Flrm; No. 3 white, 31tj32c; No. 2 mixed. S1c. RVE Steady, $7.i5. HAY Steady: choice timothv, $.0t"fi9.75; prairie, $7.754j8.0O. BI TTER Creamery, 21tf'.3c; dulry, 17c. EOOS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 21c;' caae count, 2"4c; cnem returned, 4c lees. - Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ..42.4HA - 32.0.0 Corn, bu i;2.8on -42.4i0 Oata, bu, 1,0"0 ' 8,0ix) Mlaaeapnlla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec, 23-VVHEAT-De-rembcr. $1.14; May, $1.13ra 1.13; Julv. $1.12; September, $1.10; No. 1 hard. $1 14'-; No. 1 nurthern, $1.11: No. 2 northern, $1.06. FLOUR First pateiUs, $5.i.(k); second patents, $5. 70415.80; first clears, $I.1"...H 3"; second clears, $2.7tii2.8u. BRAN In bulk. $15.25. ' Mtlnaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. a. WHEAT Dull; No. 1 northern, tl.13ijjfl.18; No. 2 northern. $l.nnfil.u7: Mav, $1.12. RVE Easy; No. 1. 7777c. ' ' BARLEY Steady ; No. 2. 52c; sample. 38 661c. CORN Steady; No. 3. 43((43cj May, 45c. Liverpool Crais Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 23. WHKAT-Spot. nominal: futures, steady; Derrmbir. nom inal; March. Ts I Vd: May. 7s ld. CORN hot, American mixed, new. dull, 4a 7d; American mixed, old, steady, 4s 10., Futures, quiet; January, 43V; March, 4s 2d. Uulath Gratb Market. DULUTH. Minn.. Dec. 23. WH EAT To arrive. Ne. 1 northern.; No. 2 north ern. tl 04l4: on track, No. 1 northern, tl.lfl',; No. 2 northern. $1.04; Itecember, tl.luv May, $U3t1.13J . Tolrde Meed Market. TOLEDO. O.. I. 23 SEEDS-Clover. cash and December, $7.124; February $7,974; March, t 02. Prime ulslke. $4.05. prime tliuuthy, $1.30. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trading Listless kid Amounts to Absolut Idleitis for Loij Intsr? tls. MARKET HAS A STRONG UNDERTONE Dallnesa ( oatlnaea t p to the ( losing. Which la riris-Mnser Kaey, nlth Few llrmamli for ( all ! . NEW YORK. lec. 23. There was little In today's stock market to call for com ment. The llatlesaness of amounted to ahuolnte lillenr-ss for long Intervals. The attendance was meager from the Hist and many members left the floor duiing the sesKinn on account of the hopelessness of any awakening of Interest. Even the usjal evcnlng-up of contracts over the holiday Interval seemed to have been largely at tended to during yesterday's session. Aside from the profound dullness, the principal feature of lh market was Ita strong under tone. There was no yielding tendency at any lime and the slow hardening process established a number of fair advances. Such contracts as remained to be rloe?d up were evidently on the short side and the rising tendency was generally attrib uted to covering of these. News waa of little Importance and Its Influence was not dlsoernahle It; the movement. The tibial forecasts of the week's cur rency movement with the Interior Indi cated sufficient receipts to offset the gol 1 exrorts and Huhtreaxury reii'Ureme'its and establish a rath gain of about $2.i nn.oon. ini changes In the lonn Item nt tnls time are problematical, but there has been no sign of anv such stock markit liquidation ns that which caused last weeks large loan contraction. The state of the moncv market effectually quiets all Interests In showing of hank statement at this time. Money is difficult to place on call and the tenders on time am growing more and more lenient regarding collntiral. Loans for six months are made on all industrial collateral at about the same rates as on the usual mixed collateral. The outward movement of gold falls to Hrouse interest In view of this condition of the money market. The amount to be disbursed on January 1 in dividend and Interest l computed to be larger than ever before on that date. The week's exnorls of coin show the first svmptoms of actual revival In lhat trade, the total having risen to I.mH.WI hu., compared with 4.'.3.713 bu. last week. This week's total Is, In fact, the largest for the corresponding week In four years. The wheat outgo continues insignificant com pared with that of former years in the re cent 4ast. News of the breaking of the drouth In the western Pennsylvania region was received with patisfac'Hn. Reports of railroad earnings made funher good show ings. The dull strength of the market continued up to the closing, which was firm. Total soles of bondx, par value, $2,. 785,000. The following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sa 1 es. 1 1 1 g h . Ix w ,C lose. 500 7.1(10 l.fVll) 600 100 "sno .) "300 lt 6.300 88 :w 74 M 90 154 29 -28' 52 lSIVi 87 3; .3-4 54 90 153 . 28 138 79 l!) 58 1 147 105 30 61 78 40 ...16.300 136 135 31,800 - 7s" 76 34 85 32 84 .1o0 400 S.3H0 24 57 f.2 Atchison 1,100 K5-V 85 do pfd 700 lol, loo Baltimore & Ohio 2,300 !)! 9!' do pfd loo 9fi 95 Canadian Pacific M VM 12!t Central of N. J loo i: 1! Chesapeake & Ohio... 1.3u0 4x 47 Chicago & Alton 900 43 42 do pfd Chlcugo Ot. Weatern. 1.H00 22 21 Chicago & N. W () 2o4 2"2 C M. & St. P 6,:oo itsi' los1. do pfd Chicago Term. & T do pfd 100 22 22 C, C, C. & Bt. L Colo. Southern l.Sno 23 22 do 1st pfd 2, nun t'.u 511 do 2d pfd 3ii4 86 Delaware & Hudson.. 2u0 1WV, 186 D. . L. 4 W Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & NaHhvlllt;.... Manhattan L 200 163 K'1 jiet. nccurities .., w iii. Met. St. Ry.. exdtv.... l.loo 120 Mexican Central ...-LSuO 2u, Mlim. & St. IAJuIb.T '.'..' 1- 58 M.. St. P. & B. S. M.. 200 89 do pfd 200 147V Missouri Pacific ...... 3.500 106 M.. K. & T and 30 do pfd lot) . 62 N. R. R. of Mex. Dfd N. Y. Central 8.100 142 140 NorroiK 4fc western do pfd ." Ontario & Western.... l.ii Pennsylvania. P.. C. C, oc St. U Reading do 1st pra do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 40.200 do pfd 2,600 Bt. & a. r. 2d prd St. Loula S. W do pfd Southern Pacific .... do pfd Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd UnU Pacific do pfd 7oO 96 Wabash 200 21 do pfd 300 43 W. & L. E Wisconsin Central .... loo , 21 do pfd 100 45 Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper ........ Am. Car & Foundry do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. ice do pfd Am. Linseed OH .... do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd J Am. Smelt. & Refng do pfd Am. Sugnr Refug Anacotida M. Co Brooklvn R. T Colo. Fuel . Iron... Consolidated Gaa 1.300 196 194 i.orn frooucTs do ufd. exdlv Distillers' Securities... 5i 37 General Electric Suit IKS International Paper... RuO ?4 do pfd 200 77 InteriiHtloual Pump ' do pfd Natlonnl Lead '. North "ierlcan Pacific Mll lun 4'' People' Gas 7u0 1m", Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pul'roon fnlitce Car Republic Steel 100 16 do nfd ' . . Robbe" Goods Ion 26 do pfd ; Tppn. Coal A Iron 1.e 7'H I". 8. ' eather 1 i VIt do pfd U. . Beattv Ac Imp. I 8. P ubber " yn: do p'd mi pit; 4 pi U 8. eel w v ; n m; do nfd 31 8" -Vi, Biv. A'ettp(.hoiise Elec...-. "VV Jflt JVA 1'U, Western Union 2rn 92U 9 Total enles for the day. 188.700 shares. 24 57 63N, 8uo 118'4 118X . 2. loo 81 33 . 200 97 97 . UNI 34 31 . 36 35i . 100 53 53 53 .12.8i 11( 109 110 85Si lol 99 95 129 191) 47 42 7S 22-4 2i 4 169 1S1 12 231 flo 36 186 32 30 87 36'J 74'4 MVi 91 94 153 28 55 28 52 l: H21 79 119 :ovJ 58 89 H7 105 30 61 39 142 78 93 39 136 75 90 81 34 85 67 24 56 63 118 34 96 34'. 36 96 21 43 96 21 12 19 SH 236 21 a 118 237 65 31 921 34 93 6H .37 15 37 33 H'J 8il 1I3V, 141 100 60 .44 2oi; 24 i 76 85 :'; Hi H 1i: 3si; IW ?34 16 t;? 71 14 2.70O 101 101 l'"i a 16.100 1,200 loo 'ioo 101) 700 200 4.8UO 100 5.400 2 000 2,700 66 34-H 93 36 "6 38 33t 103 80 114 142 . tVi 4i 65 34 92q 36 " 38 33 Vj 102 80 114 111 '59 44 i 1SI ?4 77 l.i 16 26 70" 14 available cash balances of $12$.y.?3X: gold. $83.&,23. ntlF. OF A""HITF.D RiK Clearings mt the Great Casasaerrlal f enters mt Coaatry. NEW YORK. Dee. The following tabs?, emptied by Hradstreet. ahowa the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week enoerl December 22. with the per centage of Increase and decrease as cm-pared-with th4 corresponding week last year: , C3TIES. Clearing.! Inc. ! Dec I New York Chicago Biton Philadelphia St. Ijouia Pittsburg Pan Francisco .... Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City Nem- Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis '. Detroit lonl.vtlle OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Huffalo Indianapolis ....... St. Paul Loa Angeles ....... St. Joseph .....'. Denver Columbus .-. Memphis Seattle Richmond Washington ....... Savannah Albany Portland. Ore Fort Worth Toledo. O Salt Ike City Peoria Atlanta Rochu-ter T.. Hartford Nashville IV Moines Spokane, Wash.... Tncoma Grsnd Rapids New Haven Dayton Norfolk Springfield. Mass.. Worcester Portland, Me Augusta, Ga Toiieka Pious City Syracuse Evanavllle Birmingham Wilmington, Del... Knoxvllle Davenport Little Rock Wllkesharre Fall River Macon Wheeling, W. Va. Wichita Akrom ' Chattanooga Sjuingfleid. Ill Kalamasoo, Mich. Youngstown Helena Lexington Fargo. N. D New Bedford Canton. O..... Jacksonville. Fla.. Lowell Chester. Pa..". Orensburg, Pa Rock ford. 111.. Blnghamton Springfield. O Bloomlngton. III... Qulncy. Ill Sioux Falls. S. D. Mansfield. O Decatur, 111 Jacksonville, III... Fremont. Neb HouHton tOalveston . ... ICharleston. 8. C. Cedar Rapids Total. U. S...., Outside N. Y... ..I I ..I ..I ..,$1,828. 29ii. 430i 1.615.173' 141.25.1. 952! 128.761.241 1 8l.4TS.97l' 45. 927.4ai 80.951184, 25.570. 368 1 84.873 TOO' 33. 111. 713 24 9 .8.4 K . 14.CI4.73:! 20.153 524 ll.KWl.JS4 11.827.775' V27.f4: .?9i,17 . 7.821. 5i0 .7!.583 6.419.513. 7.036 7121 Sot f4' 5 918 816 tf.3?2 246. 4.577. frnoj 6.IW.1.272! 4.4li.03ii 8.041. 834i 4 431 018' 4.949.410!. 4.30.S2i; 4.199 762' 5.229.116 3.2S4.128' 4.469 179! 3.7"9.267l 3.837.348i., 3.:!74.72 2.73?. 9 8' ' 3.192.872' 2.330,091 i 2.WR.497I 3 270.261' l.!"4.8'. 2,t'C").403 1.757.738' 1,88.565' 1.4 8 5241 1,244.5751 1.777.28 LTSI.2'9'. 1.153 732.. 1.367,205 1.4 5.47l! 1.147.469 . , 1.4ll.7oi: . 796.S70.. 1.182 u4'. 1.031.731!. 6.9,16 . L tnOJ91 . 795.3E9, 88. 801 1 625. 20 . 890.7731 ' 832.573 862.106; 6!7.6.8'. 1.032.5501 531.158! 6l,718. ' 662,470 491, 0u0,. 2S.158I 449,1031 429.9271.. 316 f. 6473i)l 44S.3'I 391,945. 424.341 3.30,344 . 21.380 . 189.2S7 . 364 228 254.921 234,975 13.652.4691. 13.816.0110 1,434.1811. 329,3691. 46'. 12 2 . 1 ) . 13.01. 19 4 . 10.2 . 12 8 . 15 8 . 21 . 3 6 .6 17.0. 12.41. 16.8 . 21.5 . M.S'. .6,. 12.4 . 5.5,. 19. 8. 39 IS .4 . 87.2!. 19'. 14 4 . 15.!!. 11.8 . ....1 25.8'. 4.1 3 . 7.8 . 13. S'. 14.7 . ...I 43.2'. 2i.l!. 25.11. 8.4 . 98 .11. 32.7!. a.v. 16'. ....I 14.4 . 3i 5 . 28.01. 1 1 2.1 . 2.1'. 13.0j. i'.ii. I 10 5 9.0'. 9,. 28.0i. 6.81. "21. 18.8!. .... 29.31. 3.4 21.2 ii 22 4 24.7 3.7 "4!2 35. 5.3 34 9 40.6 16 0 14.4 "i.i 19.41 2.5 17.1 42.01 81.6 35.2 8.6 14.5 14.3 12.7 "i.i 2.7 18.1 15.3 i.o $2,577,771.3111 952,480,8811 29.21 11.2; CANADA. Montreal Toronti Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebeo Vancouver. B. C Hamilton London, Ont St. John, B. B Victoria. B. C 22.i56,433l 21,J9.0 19.8! 50.4' 8.283 86-li 41.81 . .5.3Hl.5o2i , 12.3 1.500.8281. 1.!7.0'3I . .t.32.7.064 xOjH6,t7l 1,146 746' . .561.542 0.6'. . 1 1.8'.. 21.9'.. 2.1.8.. 16.21.. 4.4 .. 1.4 Totals, Canada... $ 64.263.850 20.5'. Not Included in totaM because containing other Item than clearings. Not Included In. totals 'became of no comparisons for last year. ew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-MONEY-On call, steady, 2?i4 per cent, closing bid at offered at 2i per cent. Time loans, easy; 60 days, 90 days and 6 months, 8ft3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE TAPER 44 'Sterling exchange steady; with actual business In banker' bills at $4.5716 $4.8720 fur demand and at $4.8460jj4.846o lor 00-day bills; posted rates, $4.85 and $1.88; commercial bllla, $4.84". SILVER Bar, . 60c; Mexican dollars, 48Vc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. The following are the quotation oil stocks and bonds: U. 8. ref. 2s, reg..W4'Man. c. g. 4s 106 do coupon 14 Mex. Central 4s.. 76 do 3a reg 104i do 1st inc 22 do coupon 104.M. & St. L. 4a.... 96 do new 4s, reg..l9V M., K. & T. 4s. ...100 do coupon 130 do 2a 85 do old 4a. reK...105iN. R R. of M. c 4a 81 do coupon 10t,;N. Y. C. g 3a...lil Atcn. gen. ta icv'in. j. u. g. do adj. 4a 94 No. Pacific 4s... Atluntlo C. L. 4s.. l') I do 3a B. & O. 4a 103 N. & W. c. 4a.. do 3a W O. B. U 4a aV p. Cen. of Ga. &a...H0'Penn conv, 3a. do 1st Inc 93 1 Reading g. 4s... C. A O. 4a 107 S. L.&I. M. c 6a.. 116 C. ft A. 8l,s 82V, H. I 4tS. F. fg 4a. 8! .105 . 76S .101 ..14 ,.lt)2 ..102 C B. ft O. n. 4a..l0V8i. U 8. W. Is. C. M.ftS. P. g 4s..lll Seaboard A. U 4a 84 C AN. W. c. 7a. .129 80. Pacific 4s 94 C. R. 1. P, 4a.. i 'o. Kauway do. col. 5s 94,Texas ft P. la. ...119 CCC.&S. L. g 4s..l01,T.. 8. L. ft W. 4s. 83 Chicago Ter, 4a.. .85 Lnloit Pacjflo 4a. .106 Con: Tobacco 4a., 74 do conv. 4s llo Colo, ft So. 4s.... 93 IT. S. Steel 2d 5a.. 92 D. & R. G. 4s. ...102 Wabash Is 117 Erie p. 1. 4s 102 dn deb. B 64 do gen. 4s 92 W. ft L. E. 4a.... 94 F. W.&D. C. la. .107 Wle. Central 4a... 9 Hock. Val. 4a...lll1, Colo. F. c. 6s 84 L. ft N. unl. 4s. .103' Bid. Peortu Urala Market.,.,,. PEORIA. III.. Dec. S3.CX)RNlaer; No. 3, 42c; No. 4. 41c; no grade, 4oc. Oils aad Haala. OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec. 23.-OI ll'redlt bal ances, 15a; certificate, no bid. Shlpiixntk, (7.961 bbla.: average. 78.548 bbla.: runs. K4. 615 bbla; average, 89.078 bbla. Shipments, Lima, 56.324 bbl.; average. 67.496 bbls.: runs, Lima, 71 714 bbls.; average, 67,9ju bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. I ( . , 23.- TURPENTINE- Hi m at 5tc. RoSlN-Klrni: A. K C and D t.'X.'i:, 2.7: F. U. H, 1. U25: K. I4.0f.; M. $4 30, N. $4 to. WtJ, $4 76; WW, Boston gtoek Market. BOSTON. Dec. 23 -Call loanar cent; time loans. 3445 per cent closing of stocks and bonds: Afchlaon adj. 4a.. 9 Adventure do 4s 101 Allouex Max. Central 4s.. 75 Amalgamated ... Atchison 6.1", Anier Zinc do pfd lot Atlantic BoHton ft Al 253 Hlnghain Beaton ft Me 170 cal. ft Hecla... . -nosion tie iM-f, v.unienniai iN. Y. N. H.ftH 196 Copper Range ... Pere Marquette.. Daly West Unlqn 1'acinc ....110-, iiomlnton Coal. Am. Arge. C'lieui. 21 Franklin ,. do pfd 86 Gran. -y Am. Pneu. Tube 5'4 IhIc Royals Amer. Suger 141 Maaa. Mining ., do pfd 138 Michigan Amer. T. ft T.... 146, Mohawk Amer. Woolen ... 30, Mont. C. ft C... do pfd 91 Old Dominion .. Dominion 1. & 8. lT'iiacSnla L.',l I .... n L'l 111,1 ",Vt IJ . . . Mien. EWctric ... 183 Jiilncv . I'JS Shannon SUt per Olftclal Mass. Electric do fd Mass. aGs United Fruit 18 61 11 115 61. 23 6H 11 tin ... 10 ... 4'J ... 25 . 8 9-16 ... 9 ... 48 ... 91 ...26 ...105 8 London Stock Market. LONDON. Dec. 23. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Consols money 88 1-16 N. Y. Central.. do account .. 88 8-18 Norfolk ft W... Anaconda 5 do pfd Atchison 87 Ontario ft W... do pfd 106 Pennsylvania . Bal. ft Ohh 101 Rand Mines ... Canadian Pacific. 133 Reading Ches. ft Ohio 4K ! do 1st pfd... Chicago Gt. W... 22Vi do 2d pfd... C. M. ft St. P. ...172 So. Railway ... DeBeera 18 do pfd D. ft R. 0 30 So. Paclllc do pfd 89 Union Pacific . Erie 87i do pfd do 1st Dfd 76 iU. 8. Steel do 2d pfd 56 I do pfd 53 Illinois Central ..157 Wabash 22 Loula. ft Nash... .142' do pfd 43 M.. K. ft T.. ...... fl Spanish 4s 89-i, SILVER Bar. quiet, 28 ll-16d per ounce. MONEY 2&3 per cent. The rate of discount In Ihe open market for ehcrt bllla Is 315-16ift3 per cent; for three months' bills. 21'3 per cent. .143 . 80 . 91 . . 69 . 11 . 39 . 46 . 41 . 31 . 99 . 64 .112 . UB :9 Kew York Mlnlag Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. i3.-The following are 1IIV I IUSIIIS iiuuibuuii. v,, (tiiitig SIOCIVB Adams ton . in,.. on Breece 18 Brunswick Con .. 10 Comstock Tunnel 8 Con. Cal. ft Va...14 1 norn nnver 1' mcim ev,(j Iron Sliver 190 Small Hopes Leadvllle Con ... 2 Standard .. Offered. Little Oiler Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Pot Is! Savage Sierra Nevada iTaniaraxk ........11 8 Trinltv 107V I' 8. Mining. United S. Mach.. 14 17. 8. Oil.. do pld !. I ti U. 8. Stel. 28 WinoiiH do pfd til-. Wolverine . Wel all ee com.. W Hiit. "Asked. .. 23 .. iC .. 414 .11 ..104 Trrasnrr vtitrmei-. WASHINGTON. I H-i . 2i 'J'ml iv' Msle nieiit of the treasury leluixee '- e gen eral fund, rxcliieivn of $15 ' aolil raaerv In Uis dllkiou of leden.v alioaa E ,..375 ..360 .. a . . 13 .. 17 ..40 .. 24 ..300 Forelga Ftaaaelal. LONDON, Dec. 23. Money was In contin ued demand In the market today and tha supplies were Increased through borrowings frutn tho Bank of England. Dlrcount were disposed lu weaken owing to the alreiiKth of Berlin exchange and the fall In the price of bar gold. Buluea on the Block exchange waa virtually suspended today until December 27, when the settlement be gins. The attendance waa unusually amall. Consols recovered from a temporary re lavse. Americans at the opening reflected Wail rtrert'a tethack. 1 allied to a fi action above partly, with trading very light anu 1 luiied quiet. Japaueee were firm.. Imperial Japuee government of lisn Here quoteu at 98 5a. operator were buy alth the pie Itminnnes of the csny-oer. MERLIN. Due. M Alflri I. an, on the Bou se today lost half a point In g dull market. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ytry f w Cattle Armed aid fried Htld About Steady. . HOGS SOLD STEADY TO STRONG with Wklrh te Make Test mt ,alaea, bat All Klaels t)eted Higher This a Week SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 23. 1o4. : At noon th -re were still ae"eral loads In first hands. Representative saies: Receipts aere. Offlc:i Monday Ofticlal Tuesday..., Official V ednewlay Official Thuredav . Official Friday Cattle. Hogs. Sheer 3.5- 10.49 11 463 13.310 7.600 46.370 39.733 49.532 47.698 I 699 28.324 t.702 5.9J4 l.& Five days this week... .12 177 Same dare last week ... .21.211 Same days week before.. 17.673 Same three weeks ago. ..19.7-3 Same four weeks ago 34.197 '.c.. in run j n p. 1 r.An iu The following table shows the recelpta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparisons with last year: 19114. 19US. Inc. D4-e Cattle 1O4.064 1.059.427 125.363 H"gs 2 26:.8 it's!. 978 79,990 Sheep 1.747.460 1.838,908 M.448 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the Isat aeveral days, with comparison-: Date. 1904. 19oTTwTnil. ; 1900. ! 1899. 11898. 4 47),, 4 41 I4 3S 4 3e I 4 28 4 11! s 4 454 4 11 4 38 t ti 4 454 1 1 4 &,. 4 50',, 4 44, 4 38, 4 384! 4 3S 6 01 1 32 4 U 4 4H 6 14. 4 431 8 221 4 371 t 24' ff 17, 4 27 4 82 4 33 4 4b t 4 6 07 (06 l 08 4 49 6 96 I thl 4 45 4 401 4 28 4 85 4 1, 4 09 S 16 23 1 8 lol 4 a-H 6 01, ; 6 osi 4 S4 I 4 39' 6 16 4 45, 6 18' ll f 62' 05, t Ot! O01 .11 13 8 Hi ( Is S 21 211 t Ml 6 34, 26! 6 11 04; 6 00; 4 &3I I 4 64 4 8 4 4 84 4 81 4 78 4 85 4 82 4 77 4 tl 4 86 4 84 I 741 t It t 7 t 3 i 3 2 3 111 3 8ftf 3 J7 l4t tM 1 HI t 83 t to Dec. .. Dec. 3... Dec. 3.. Dec. 4..., Dec 5..., Dec. I... Dec 7... tec. 8... Dee. 9... Dec. 10... Dec. 11.., Dec. 12... Dec. 13.. Dec. 14.. Dec. 15.., Dec. li... Dec 17... Dec. is.. Dec. 19.. lec. 20.., Dec. 21.. Dec. 22.. Iec. 23.. Indicate Sunday. The official number o' ' car of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cuttle. lfofiR. H'scs. t .. M. t. f. Ky -. 1lasourl taelne Ri- 4 83, 4 lit, t 77' 4 73; 4 811 I 4 80 6 06 I 1 29 3 10 t A 3 XI a on 1 I tlil 1 31 1 961 1 31 S H I 31 3 tv 3 ii 4 01 t tv I 3 2i 3 9l 3 21 3 28 4 .C 3 34 3 37 3 9 3 94 4 01 4 02 4 04 1 nion raciiir ffmcni ...... C. ft N. W. Ry F.. E. ft M. V. R. R C, St. P.M. ft O. Ry n. or At. ity C, B. ft Q. Ry... K. C. ft St. J... C, R. I. ft P. Ry east C, R. I. ft P. Ry., west Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Weatern ........ ie5 1 11 i 31 8 1 2 2 126 recelpta waa Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, 230 263 90 192 3 63 6 2 12 1 43 6 22 960 1.627 1.675 2.373 996 ' 313 217 Total recelpta 38 Tit. . I 1 4 . . ... .,.. a follows, each bilker purchasing the num wri 01 hi nu jiiuicaieu Buyers. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour A I Cudahy Pck. Co" 8." City! Armour co., hioux city Carey ft Benton f... Lnbman A Co :. McCreary ft Carey W. I. Stephen Hill Hamilton ft Rothschild,. L. P. Husx ;. Mlk Ilnggertv J. B. Root ft Co S. & S 513 Other buyers 131 Totals 1,063 8.395 217 CATTLE There were so few cattle hero this morning that It could scarcely- be said, that a test of the market waa made. In fact the cattle yards had much the ap pearanoe of a Saturday, Moat of the Bluff that did arrive waa of common quality. Tha few steers oil sale today brought about steady prices. For the week prtcea have shown aome Improvement over the close of last week, the advance amounting to lt620c. Most of the strength has been On the fair to good kinds, though even the common kinds have shown some advance. There have been no strictly choice cattle on sale this week, ho that a tent of the market on that kind has not been made. From the way packers bought the better grades that were on eale It would look aa though choice cattle would also have sold higher than they did a week ago. While the market Is higher than at the low point last week, prices are still a little lower than they were two weeks ago. A few ahipmenta of western, cattle arrive from time to time, but not enough have been on sale to give much of an Idea of values. Moat of them have been feedera and where they had any quility and welrht they sold at stronger prtcea. Beef cattU did not ahow much change. Most of the cattle that arrived today were cows. Anything desirable sold readily enough at ateady prices, but the common kinds, such as earners, were alow and weak. The light receipts of cow stuff ,th1e week, toaether with a fair demand, haa caused quite an Improvement In prleea. Anything selling from 12.25 up can safely be quoted 2mfi3oc higher than a week ago, which takea prices back to Just ahout where they were two weeks ago, or before the disastrous slump of lat week. Can nera have advanced somewhat, but they are still a little lower than they were be fore the break. Bulls, veal calves and stags all aold steady today and for tha week have not shown a great deal of change, as price, on that clasa did not suffer much decline two weeks ugo. There were only ' a few tockrs and feeders on- sale this morning and, the same as usual on a Friday, the feeling was weak. Choice heavy cattle are a little higher for the week, but common kinds are lower. Representative sales: BEEF STEEK8. No. Av. Pr. 6 955 3 35 957 3 40 1 1 2 1 21 25 6 4 3 2 n 1. 2 2.'."." 5 4 1 1 10 2 1 4 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 ..1060 3 76 ...1310 ... 810 ... 970 ... 915 ... 878 ... 910 ... 717 ...10OO ... 35 ... 8M ... 790 ... 968 ...1095 ...1135 ...832 ... 915 ...1050 . . . 1063 ... 970 ...1116 ... 956 ... 940 ...1037 ... 816 ...1040 .,.1178 ...1283 ... 580 ... 510 ... 800 ...1J50 ...1110 ...1150 ...1320 . . . 1260 ... 9 1 60 1 1 60 1 70 1 75 1 75 1 7.', 1 80 1 So 2 (HI 2 00 2 00 3 10 2 lo 2 10 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 35 2 4 HEIFERS 1 t 1 2 25 4.... BUL .S No. Av. 3..... 966 s...: ioi 10 1137 'U a. 1 1000 10 259 11 too 4 9116 12 971 17 87 " 947 2 950 963 12 ftiio 1 1290 2 Hot' 3 1150 IS.. ..'... ..'.1185 17 967 9 lofio 19 927 957 H 1014 3 986 4 1086 10 1117 6 1043 2 1160 1 1220 14 948 Pr. 4 00 4 00 4 05 2 50 2 50 2 55 1 tin 2 60 2 60 2 m 2 60 2 6u 2 65 2 6a 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 76 a 8 2 85 2 9o 3 90 ! 90 8 00 3 10 3 25 3 25 3 5o t 50 730 695 2 28 2 35 1 50 1 If) 3 25 2 35 2 30 2 35 2 40 1 ....1310 2 50 ....1480 2 75 ....1520 ....1610 . ...l;) ....liwo 2 75 2 to 1 ) i 60 .....1230 ....1060 320 8TA'8. 175 1 1 75 1 CALVES. 2 51 1 3 25 2 1 1 4 00 STOCK C4.LVE8. 390 S 40 2 280 2 50 3. V0 3 25 loo 3 25 PIO 1110 940 140 160 110 140 390 458 3 40 3 40 4 00 4 to I 00 t 25 STO''KK."S Av,, FEEDK H9. t 35 3 40 1 570 2 00 It 61 3 13 4 767 2 21 729 t 20 1 830 t ti 1C 785 3 y Nebraska. 36 cows 896 2 80 I cow 710 2 JJ HOUB The recelpta of hugs thla morning were more moderate and the market opened fairly active and steady to strong, as compared with yesterday's average. Trad ing was fulrly active and the bulk of the rally arrivals waa diaposad of before the middle of tne forenoon. Later In the day, however, less favorable reporta were re ceived from the other marketa. and be. sides tint provisions were lower, so that the close waa rather alow and weak. Soma of the trains were late In arriving and that also helped to delay the close. Tha bulk of the r.ocs went at 14.47' a and tt.00. Willi tne choicer loads Isrgely fioni t4 40 to 14. tt. tome pigs brought 11.10 and 14.10. When the late hogs arrived psckets be came vei y bearish and bid UM for them. Halej-men did nut like the Idea of taking oft that much aa a result, trading was slow. No. 91 .. 141.. 97... ... 57... 14... II... 1... 82... 72... 3!... 01.... 7.... $.... 58.... 59.... 86. , . , .... M 12 13 52.... 2.... 70.... 7.... 8... 57.... 58... 61... 51..., M.... 45..., 58. . . . 55..., 84.... 61.... 68..., 7..., 83.. At. ..Ill .. 93 Sh Pr. 4 l'l 4 2 4 30 Av. Pr. 4 4" .309 M 4 35 .28.1 IOO 4 In .308 120 4 36 .1,; ..278 Ml 8.1 4 15 2(0 4 35 40 4 V NO 4 ..291 lp) 4 S3 ..247 280 4 37 22A 29 .20d .266 .244 4 17 4 17 17 4 37 40 4 17 . 87, 41 72 40. 84 U 4 ru ta. 1o 4 17 H 71-. 411 4 37H 85 4 J, 14 .293 too 4 17 .1 10 4 37 .17t 160 4 174 .271 240 4 37 .271 40 4 17 .110 M .22" . .290 l?o 4 7 r.'4 mi 4 87 284 f 4 87 290 ... 4 37 80 4 37 40 4 37 no 4 87 40 4 27 2 I80 4 37 28 BO 4 87 No. to.. ... 9. . ...... .24 5? 813 7v 25 240 4 4o 1 1 2,6 32 263 13 193 87 261 M Jn9 l IVt 71 249 7 128 19 4 7.i..k.l7 178 289 Sh. Iki .8 IW 4 40 IJO 4 4 40 4 40 14 4 40 M0 4 4o IJO 4 4i 80 4 4o .. 4 40 80 4 4o 4 40 120 4 4" 80 4 40 120 4 4t ... 4 40 4 4o 4 40 4 40 120 4 4 140 4 40 .843 ..128 ,.!!? ..327 .289 ..325 .. .262 4 37 8il 4 37 80 4 37 4 4 37 .363 160 4 rrv ' 69 80 4 : 70. 72.. 72.. 66... 69.. 61.. 73... .35... ...271 80 4 17 ...259 2X1 49 20 4 87 6 4 37 4 37 11 240 . 218 120 4 37 212 120 4 17 so ...262 . . .255 .264 4 4o 4 40 4 40 83... IM... 86... W... 62... ... 81... 91... 61... 88... 72... M... 71... 38... 61... ,2... SS... 8... 88... 86... . . 320 4 40 ..,111 40 4 4 .-, 281 ... 4 4 ..243 ...274 SOS IJO 4 40 80 4 40 244 120 4 to 19 40 4 4o 40 4 4i 4) 4 2.10 200 4 40 192 ...282 .2X8 .224 .255 .231 .?.- .388 .244 .S7 .100 .298 .143 .258 .278 .3M .263 .338 .258 .257 .21 .2 .168 .234 40 4 40 180 4 to 180 4 40 180 4 40 80 4 40 V 4 40 ... 4 42 ... 4 42 4 42 4 42 40 4 42 40 4 42 ,.. 4 42 80 4 42 80 4 42 40 4 42 .. 4 42 .. 4 42 ,.. 4 45 ... 4 45 .. 4 45 SHEEP There were no fresh arrivals of shep and lambs thla morning, and conse qu :itly there was no lest of the marsr.. For the week recelpta have been quite lib eral for the time of year, there being an Increase over the same week of last year amounting to about 8.000 head. The de mand, though, has been fully equal to the supply and. aa a result, an active and stronger market has been experienced all the week. Closing prices on desirable grade may be aafely quoted 10fr25 higher than the close of laat week. From the way buyers acted today It was evident they were anxious for supplies thla morning and had anything good arrived the general opinion was that stronger prices would have been paid. rue rt.m.nH for feedera haa alao been fullv equal lo the supply and prices, 11 any thing, a little stronger than they were a week ago. Quota Hons for fed stork: Good to choice vearllnga. tn.2fwii6.60; fair to good year ling. t5.0iva6.25; good to choice wethers. fair to good wethers. 14.88iS4.90: good lo choice ewea. 141664. 40: fair to good ewes, common to fair ewes, t-i60fo-3.9o: gocd to choice lambs. !8.0KdO; fair to good lambs, t5.76a.00; feeder year lings. . t4.40tr4.46: feeder wethers. f4.4J0: feeder ewes. t3.2Mt 66; feeder lambs, ti OOfr 6 60. Representative as lea: No. Av. Pr. 217 western ewes 77 1 60 CHICAfiO 1,1 VK STOCK MARKET Cattle Ntroag and Higher Hoga Fly Cents lovrer aheep Strong. CHICAGO, Dec. 23. CATTLE Receipts, 2.000 head. Market strong to 10c higher. Oood to prime steers, !8.2otr6.60; poor to me dium, t3.4.Vfi5.9Q; etorkerB and feedera, t- ) 44.26; cows, tl.3MW.60; heifers. 12.005.50; canners. tl.35(S3.40; bulls. 12.004.10; calves, t3.50in6 60. HO 18 Recelpta, 26.000 head: estimated for tomorrow. 18.000 head. Market 60 lower. Mixed and butchers, !4.16li 4 52; good to choice henry, 14.604 60; rough heavy, 14 36 ih4.4(; light, 14.0O(ij4.4O; I81 Ik of sales, 4.3W 4.46 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. t.OOO head. Market for sheep, strong; lambs, loc higher. Oood to choice wethers, 14.6iKii6.20; fair to choice mixed, t3.75ti'4.75; western sheep. t3.(0;6.1S: native lamtw. t5.UU6 HI; western sheep, t3.60iii6.16; native lambs, 1500 427.00; .western lambs, t5.1o6.75. tCaasas City Lite Stoek Market. KANSAS C1TV. Dec. 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,700 head. Including 700 southerns. Market ateady to strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, t6.oWQ6.eO: fair to good, 13.6ofu5.00; western fed steers. t3.BfMr3.5d; Mockers and feeders,, t2.0M 10; southern steera, 12,604.60; southern cows, tl.i51iS.25: native cows, tl.7fc4.26; native heifers, ,2.j0 6.00; bulla, tA604.00: calve. t3.004.2t. HOOS Receipts. 8,3ot head. Market Va steady to 6c lower: top. 14.67: bulk of sales, 14.30I&4.65; heavy. 14.604 67; pack ers. t4.4iKfi4.Se; pigs and lights, 13.7664.46. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,800 head. Market strong and active; native lambs, 15.00MV50: native wethers. t4.60H6.t5; native ewea. t4.0095.00; western lambs, 16.00 66.35; western yearlings, t4.504j6.6o; western sheep, t3.75'34.75; stockers and feeders, 12.50 j4.fu. St. Loals Mrs Htick Market. 8T. LOUIS. Dec. 28 CATTLE Receipts, 700 head. Including 300 Texans. Market was ateady to weak with scarcely enough of fered to make quotationa; native chipping and exiwirt rteers. 15.0O'u6.75; drersed beef and butcher steers. t4.0O4i8.On: steers under 1,000 Ihn.. 13.0035.00; stockers and feeders. 12.00jS.76: cows and heifers. $2.26t4.00; can nera. 11.5012.00; bulla, 12.004i8.75; calves, 12.50 fj.76; Texas and Indian steers, 12.0014.50; cows and heifers, tl. 75(5,1.25. HOOS Receipts. 8,fti0 head. Murket was weak: pigs snd lights, t3.7f4H.iiO; packers, t4.4ur4.5o; butchers and best heavy, t4.t8yg 4.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 60O head. Market active; native muttnna, t3.75ii4.90; lambs, t4.50fi.75; culls and bucks, 12.uooi4.00; Blockers, t.("32.75; Texans, 13.0ffj5.CU. Mt. Joaeoh Live Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Doc. 23. CATTLE Re ceipt. 375 head. Market steady; natives. t3.65ft5.40; cowa and heifers, tl.754i4.25; Block ers and feeders. 12.60f,3.90. HOOS Receipts. 6.880 head. Market was steady to n shade lower: light, t4.3CKfJ4.5o; medium and heavy, BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 19 head. Market firm; lambs. 1660; yearlings, 16 60. Ions City' Mrs Moek Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec. 22.-!Bpeulal Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta, aoo head; mar ket strong; stockers weak: beeves, t.1.5f,1t 8.00; cows, bulla and mixed, !2.2643.50; atockera and feedera, t2.75t3.6; calves and yearlings, t2.2"3.25. HOOS Receipts. 8.000 head: market easy, selling at I4.36HJ M5; bulk. t4.32tM.35. Sto4-k In 8lht. Receipt of live stock at the six prjnclpal western cities yesterday were as follows: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 971 7.600 Sioux City 'loo 6.000 Kansas City 2.7oO l.tflo St. Ixuila 700 K.utfi 600 Bt. Joseph 376 6,680 )!Ki Chicago 2,0") 25.000 t.fjiw Totals .7.346 57.580 7.598 4 ottoa Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-COTTON-8pot closed quiet: middling uplands. T.O'.c; nilJ dllng gulf.' 7.85c: salts. 1.100 balfs. LIVERPOOL. Dec. S3. COTTON Spot In limited demand: prices 4 points Ijwer; American middling fair. 4d; gool mid dling, ' 4. 14d; middling. 4.04; low mlddllnsr, .H: good ordinary. 3.76(1; ordinary, t.62d. The aales were t.OOO bales, of which l.oo) were for speculation and exnorl and n eluded 4.700 bales American. Recti Us, 3i. 000 bales, including 29,0m bales American. 8T. LOUIS, Dec. El.-COTTON Qulel ; unchangud: middling, 7 3-10c: sile, fo bales; receipts. tjnO bolts; rliipments, 810 balea. stock, 85.042 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 21.-COTTON-Qulrt; sales, 2.250 bales: ordinary. 4 II-J60; good ordinary, Ac; low rrlddl ns, C,c; m'd dlitig, 7 13-lc: good middling. 7-l6c; mid. dllng fair. 715-16c; receipts, 14.709 baha; atock. 414, 29 balea. Wool Market. BOSTON. Dee. 33-WCOI-Tha Commer. clal Bulletin tomorrow will say: Wool Is uuiet and firm. Tho only Important sale of the week Is fcou.010 pounds of Montana. Stocks ot territory Is much depleted and much of the business is In small lots at current prices. Fine lines continue firm at the prices asked by tha few holders. Hun. piles are arriving slowly and there will be big Importations early In the new vear. Contracting in tha wet continues. Ship, ments from Boston to date from Oaeember 11. Ivu3. according to the same authority are 54.0ne.t41 pounds, against 23" W.W2 pounds st ths same time last year. The receipts lo date are 3u7 619.665 pounds, asalnat (Ui, "pounds for the same period lust year, 111. imi:. vvi Kji Kumlmii: medium grades, combing and clothier '.Vi 29-: light flue. Iti2i;,lieivy fine, lltc; tub washed. MVUc. the forcing of business. After the Rolf day sesson. however. It Is anticipated Cat a considerable Increase In business shrwiM take place, and In view of such It Is nat ural that sellers should bold firmly to prices. . Oil It 4 WHOLMtlR M tRKCT, . gtaple aad Fancy Prodace. KOOS Cnndled stork, - 1.1 VH POl'LTRY Hens. 8c; reoMers. tc; turkeys. 14c: duck. 9c; geese. 1V: prlt) chickens. 8c. DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys. Hwilfe: ducks. 10c; geese. !ti9c; chlckena. ; roosters. 8c. . BUTTER -racking atock: 1jc: cholc t 1 fancy dairy. 17lc; creamer?. 24QM-; fsncv prints. 27c. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout. 10.; pickerel. 7c: pike. c: perch. 7c; bluflh. 12c; whlteflsh, 10c: salmon 13c: redsnpper, 11c; lobster (green). 2"c: lobster tboll'di, 30o; bullheads, 11c: catfl'h. 14c; black bas. K;; halibut, 12c: crapples, 12ct re shad. 11: buffalo. C; white biis, lie' frog legs, per dos , 38c. BRAN Per ton. tli.oo HAY Prtcea quoted bv Omaha Wholesale. Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. t50; No. 2. t00; medium. 15 60: coarse. t.0. Rre atraw. tS.SO. Thee prices- are for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, per 45c; extra selects, per csn. 17c; standard, per csn. 32c; bulk (standardsi, per gal. tl to; bulk (extra select!, per gal., tljli bulk (New York Ccmnta. per gal . t2.0t. , CHRtSTM AS DElTOR ATION8. y CHRISTMAS TREES .1 to t feet, per doa. 11.76: i to 1 feet, per do , 1260; 7 to t feet, per dog., 13 80; "9 to II feet, per dos , 14 SO. fftrge, school and church purposes, each, tl to tl.iC; extra large. IS to 30 feet, each. 12 to 15. EVERGREEN WREATHING In colla of 20 varda. per coll, 14c to tUW. t 1 WREATHS Magnolia and galas, wreath, per doi.. tl 2501 on; evergreen wreath. dot.. tt.26fil.kO; holly wTCth,'-fft-os.. tl.ZfVffl.60. . HOLLY BRANCHES Per esse of 24x2xt feet, about 50 lbs., 14 50; per bbl . 12 10. LONO NEEDLE PINKS-Pcr dos., t2 IT 1.50. , . MISTLETOE Mistletoe branches, per & lb. box. 11 26; per lb.. 8- TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, slses 128. 1M. lo. 2), 218 and 250, t2.0i)(i2 25: California Red land navels, all slses. li.oo; choice navel, 1260 &4.T5. ' LKMON8 California fancy. 12.75: too and . 14 25; choice. 13.50. DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkis.. tim; Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6i6c. FIOS -California, per 10-lb. carton, i5' t5-; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown,, Uc; 6 crown. 14c; i-crown. 18e; fancy Imported (washed). In l-lli pkgs.. 1618c; Calllornla. per case of 36 pkgs., 12 26. BANANAS Per m'Hiim eised hunch. tS.i 0.2.60; Jumbos, t2.7ofi3.50. GRAPE FRUIT Per box of tl-to 84, 15 W tjO.50. FRUITS. ATPLEB Home-grown Jonathans, per bbl.. 13.26: Ren Davis. 12 25- New. York Kings. 13.26: New York Pippins. iT; New York Oreenlngs. 12.60; New York Baldwins. 12 75: Co'orsdo Jonathans, tl-65; Wine Saps.i pep bu. box, tl.50. PEARS Utah. Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box. tl.754K2.26. ' CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl., 18.50; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jersey, per bbl., 17.75; per bqx, t2.7S. GHAPES-Imported Malagas, per keg... t6.0Ofi.50. TANGERINES Florida or California per -box, 12.50. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Nea- home-grown, In sacks, per bu., 40c; Colorado, per oil.. 60c. TURNIPS Per bu 35c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., 1c. ' (;AR ROTS Per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40c. BEETS Per bu.. 40c. t NAVY BEANS-Pef bu., tl .96'aS.OO. ONIONS Home-grown. In Backs, per bu.,. SOC&tl; Spanish, per crate. t2. Cl'Cl'MBKRS Per doa.. tl.7S02.iKI. TOMATOES Cullfornla. per 4-baakst rrste, t2.7tfit.00. . CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb.. lc. SWEET POTATOES Kansaa kiln-dried, per bbl.. $2.31. SQUASH Home-grown, per dos.. 50e. . CELERY Per dox.. 255-; California, 45c. , . , RADISHES-Perdo.,90c. ' ' LETTUCE Hothouse, per dos.. 4o60c.. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, oer kos. 12.50. CIDE It-New York, per bbl.. $5.20; per -bbl.. $3.25. . CHEESE Wisconsin '. twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block Swiss, new. 15c; old. 161317c: Wisconsin brick 14c: Wisconsin Ilmhurger.-l, ' NUTS Walnuts. No.-l 8oft shell, new crop;' per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb,, 13c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 12o: No. 2 hsnl shell, per lb.. 12c; pecans, large, per lb., lie; amall. per lb.. 10c; peanHts, per lb., 7c 1 roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c: "Chill walnut, per lb., 12fll8Vc; almonds, snft'shetl, per lb., 17c: hard shell, per lb.. 15c; heatnuta, per1 lb., 12'W15c; new black wslnuta. per bu., 75-7 90c: shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bit., $1.60. Me-tal Market. 1 ", NEW YORK. Dec 23.-METALS-Th txmdon tin market was somewhat irregular with spot at 133 5s. while futures con tinued firm and closed about loa higher at 132. Locally tha market was firm In ympathv with the eables. Spot Is quo'ed at 129.3o&tt.60. Copper wss dull and stad ly held In the local market, lake being quo ed at tl5.iiCKplo.U: electrnlvtio at the rtmn figure and casting at 114. 50q 14.75. The Ioh don market was higher, closing at. 68 7a 6d for apot and 66 16a 9d for futures. Lead closed at t4.U4.3u In N'- York, but waa A little higher, at 12 13s M In Imdon. Spelter waa unchanged at 24 12 8d In London and at 15.755.87 locallv. Iron was firm. No. 1 foundry northern, southern and southern soft, f 17 '5C17.7;. No. 2 foundry southern soft. $16.50iffli.25. BT. LOUIS. Dec. 2J.-MET AIS-Lead. ateady. at $4.52&4.62. Snelt-r strong, at $5.80 hid. . gagar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-8UUAR-.Raw. firm; fair refined. 4'4,c: centrffugal. M test, 4c; molasses sugar, 4c; refined Arm; No. 0. 6.05u; No. 7. 7c: No. 8. 4.9uc;, No. .. 4.85c; No. 10. 4.81V; N.i. It, 4.7jc; No. 12. 4.6oc: No. 13. 4.56c: No. )4. 4.60c; cnfex--tlnnora' A, 5.60c; mould A. 6c; cut loaf, ulated, 6.66c; cubes, ST7ikv . t,, MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 3o87c. , , NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 23. - SUGAR Firm: white clarified. 4 16-16 5c; open kel tle. 3t4ic: open kettle, centrifugal. 4 t(5c; centrifugal whites. 4 16-1844c;, yel lows. !?(; seconds, 34i4c. , MOLASaEfl-yulot; open kettle. . KtUSc; centrifugal, 18o. Syrup ateady at 20c. Evaporated Asplea mm Drleel K"-tHs. NEW YORK. Dec. 2$.-EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows steadiness; 'com mon sre quoted at 334c: prime, ,4W 4c; choice, 5t6c; fancy, ca7c, ,- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pruns4 are moving in hand, with spot quotations ranging from 2c to 54ic for California fruit. Peaches are firm. Choice are quoted, at c; extra choice. 10(&10e; fancy. 11V' 12c. Apricots are In practically the same position. Choice are quoted at 10c; extra choice, 10Hjllc; fancy, 11'uUe. Coffee Market. jA' ' NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-COFFEE Futurea opened stonily at an advance of 5 points In response to firmer European cables- The murket cloattd steady at unchanged prices to a decline of S points. Bales were re ported of 168.750 bags. Including January at 7.55ii7.65c: February. 7. 80c: March. 1 : I A rail. 8c; May. 8.1iu8.aiK': June. 1.25c; Julv, . 8.8548.40c; Heptemtx r, 8.6("ii80c. Spot Rio, i steady; No. 7, Invoice, tc. I" HEAL ESTATE THAKfPKB". Imports aud Krnurti. NEW YORK, Dee. 2S.T(,tal Imports of dry guols and general merchandise at the port of New York for the week ending to dsv were valued at 113.153 704. Exporta of apecle frm New York for the week were t:ol4.irtl gold, and $844. l silver. Imports of apecle at New York during the week were $4.k37 sliver uui $Vfj.8r7 gold, larr Uoosls Market. NEW YORK. Dec. a -DRY ' U)iH Buying is practically st s standstill for the time being and the seller, a well ts the buisr. seems to take little Interest in DEEDS filed for record December . as furnish by the Midland Guarantee and' Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1814 Fa ma in atree, for The Bee: A E. I Shugart to Mary T. Bhugart, ti ' lot 7. block 15. 81, Inn s add C. H. Brown to Anna Amu Hini. lot 3, -block 21. Carthage j;3 H. Oerken In II. Clausaen, part lot 1. block 13. Millard 3 Omaha Mercantile company to IUlu M. -Rohro. lot ), Call) Place 1 Pau'lne C. Hector and husband to Marv & nu,,l. ,iu l.,i. 1 1 in 11 1 1, hloi k :t8. 1st add to Corrla'an Place ! lift Omaha Realty Co. to Lucretla R. 8-. moiir. lot 21. block 1. Seymour add.... I Sheriff to Bmrs Brewing Co., lot i. . Waugh eV Weatertleld'a sub 340 Thomas Nelson Welch to Mabel C. Alli son, lots 4 and 6, Harrison Place-. 200, (Incorporated.) ruin Offlcri Fifth and Roberta Sirasti'i ST. PAUL, fllNN. . 0IALIRS.IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grnln to Us Braaekj Olttee. Ilu-lll Hesrd at Tras Bids;.. Osaaba. Reh. Telepaeas taig, 211-14 Exrhsnge Will. South Omaha. BtU J'hcais HA, ibdeessdant "fmomm k