THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE: SATURDAY. DECEMREK 24, 1004. o ) i LAST RIND ACT RILLS HER laralid Mother Baits Ckt for Daughter and Iiertion FroTei Fatal. POOR GIRL LEFT IN PITIFUL PLIGHT IVIlheet Safllrleat Mraas Tmg W omi Coafreateel la a Task at Latin A war Mother's Bad 7. Ona of th saddest stories la be told dur l the Tule-tlda aeaaon In umaha was r-Mtfd Thursday afternoon by Miss Nona Krwser at the undertaking- rooms of Brimr Dor ranee, where the body of VV sari's mother awaits interment. Oie girl had supported her Invalid mother or several years. Thursday Miss Bowker was It years of ae and Wednesday night the mother, whose name waa Mrs. Belle Russell, insisted on making a cake for her daughter and only child. The girl, knowing the weak condition of her mother, remon strated with her, but it was unavailing. Mrs. Russell was afflicted with nervous prostration for five years and the effort of Wednesday night proved too much, so the doctor said. Mrs. Rusoell's second husband left ber some months ago and his whereabouts are not known. It has taken all the girl's earnings to provide for herself and mother. Mlsa Bowker broke down Thursday after noon when ahe told several reporters she did not know how she would be able to ' bury her mother. Bhe has an uncle In Iowa, but he has telegraphed that his home has been visited with affliction and he Is In no condition to offer assistance. Coming as It did on her birthday an niversary, within a few days of Christmas, the bereaved girl feels she has lost all she had in the world through the death of her mother. It was suggested to her that If the matter was made known through the newspapers there would be some charitably Inclined persons who would be glad to help a devoted daughter bury her mother and at the same time cheer her In her hour of sorrow. Mis Bowker has worked for soma time at the Model Steam laundry and Is spoken of as a good, hard working girl. She lives at 1811 Lake street. 0 at inn 1 io)jixi4"i7SY -j , isuu mir - t rr n'fni "'TJ MEN'S GLOVES Onr "Nebraska" spfH-lalkld, In which we plve yon $1.2T ralu also several leading make whose nam-j are 6,u!te familiar to alL , See our "Dedal lino DRESS SUIT CASES The finest snlt caes which a man or woman can carry are here from the modest I 7 C I. I C HH .urn of LtD 10 13.UU Our special, a crnulne cowhide leather rnso built on n steel frame, 1ms brass looks and catches, C Cft linen HneJ protected leather corners, at.... JiJU Ckristmas Gift Perplexities Dispelled Mere Quickly and economically. Gift things aplenty for all. If you want some thing for man or boy, you'll find it here. If for a woman or girl, it is here. The displays are inspiring. They promote real Christmas enthusiasm. EIGHT LITTLE O.XKS DESTITUTES CnMArea Left Motherless mud wltk I aval Id Father. ' Eight little children, brothers and elsterst the eldest but U years of age., the youngest a few months, motherlras, homeless, pen niless and with an Invalid father unable to turn a hand for their sake this Is one of the causes which prompted Rev. A- W. Clark of the Omaha Child's Saving Institute to appeal for public aid through The Bee and other local papers. "Within a few hours after the appeal was made," said Mr. Clark, "I received one $16 check, another 5 check and sub stantial promlsen of additional aid. We feel certain the good people of Omaha who have so nobly helped care for auch cases of destitution, will come to the rescue in the present ease Just Ss they always have done." The eight little ones Just committed to the care and protection of Mr. Clark and his oorps of assistants at the home, rep resent one of the saddost cases that has ever come to their attention. The eldest Is a girl. Their mother died a short time ago, taking to the grave with her the ninth little one horn to this destitute household. The father lies a helpless Invalid la care of other charitable people, unable to respond. In the slightest . degree to the pressing and pitiable needs of his children. The matter came to the attention of Mr. Clark and It waa but a short time before he had the little ones at the Institute. Mr. Clark had a photograph taken of the children In a group. The eldest, the girl 1 occupies a chair, holding the babe of a few months, a. chubby little tot, on her knee and the other brothers and slaters are standing closely together. The whole presents a vivid picture of distressing pathos and constitutes an irresistible ap peal to the charitable side of any person's life. "We shall keep the little ones and do the best for them we possibly can," said Mr. Clark. PITiriX CASE OP DESTITUTION Mother with Five Children I'aable to Work Left Wlthoat Hosbaad. Only 27 years old, but the mother of five children, the oldest of whom Is 10 and the KICK A! JDS C R E A T.1 Baby's Awful Suffering from -.?v Eczema Ccisld Kot Hold Her, Ska Tore Her Faca and Anns. Cutlcura Saved Jfer Ufa. So HjjrSays- VTfcsvtny little girl was six month 1d,.se hi ecxema. We had nsed coM creams and all kinds of remedies, . bet nothing did her any good. In fart, ha kept gettlug wore. I ns4 to wrap her hands op, and when Z srooid dress her, I had to pat her on the table fori could not hold her. Sh would kirk and scream, and wha aha could, be would tear har fice and arms almost to pieces.' I used four boxes of Cutlcura Ointment, two cakes of Cutl cura SoSy, end Rare her the Cutlcura Keaolvent, and she waa cured, and I see no traces of the humour left. I can truthfully say that they have saved her life, and any on suffering as she did, I should sdrlM them to glvs Cutlcura a . , fair trial." MRS. O. A. CONKAD. Lis bon, N. H.. Fob. f, 188. 1 Five years later, Tti., Tab. S3, 1903, Mrs. Conrad writosi . "It Is with pleasur that I eaa Inform yoa that the curs has been per maoent as It Is now six years slnos sna was cured, and there has beea bo return of the disease since, and I have advised a lot of friends to nso the Cutlcura Remedies In all diseases of tha kin." losUotAlicf and refreshing aleep for skin-tortured babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers. In warm hatha with Cutlsura Soap and gentle anointings with Cutlcura Olutmeot, the great akin curs aud purest of emollients, to be followed In sever caaea by mild doses of Cutlcura Resolvent. This Is tha purest, sweetest, most speedy, per aasnent and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning, blending, scaly, crusted and pimply kin and scalp bumonrs, scxema, rashes and Irritations. , Wd IknWal a w)4. frtml SlnNt. Sts, r. km t wyliM I u.u4 rv. Mr m, ,J ml U. .!(, JO. . tmr Ms. Ufc-tmt L.4u. S C fcartaf a. 1 Puta. da la N"a 1 Ioum. IU I .lav S- . rwM, 0 S Caaaa. (mm . Sata fragnil.n as- sa4 4ys " t Sua kM." WHY NOT THE GIFT OF A MAN'S SUIT OR OVERCOAT? Nothing could express to a greater degree your sincere regard than to present "him" with a suit or overcoat And if you would have it the best sterling quality for money expended, see to it that a "Nebraska Label" identifies it. You can pay as modest a sum as $10; on up until you reach $35'. You have a choice of a large variety of high grade fabrics in selecting what you know will con form with his personal desires as to fabric and pattern. i Hats for Men Our great variety of f2 hnts. which equal the avernpe $3 value, should be of Interest nil proportions colors Mocks. Our opera hat gives more than ordinary satisfaction, Its silk la of the best Its springs are guaranteed J"A and Imported, ail proportions, Oa JVF at We sell a fine silk hat 5 00 Men's and boys' tps, 35e, 45c, 150 Men's Seal Caps at special prices, $3.50 M-50 8 75 Men's House Coats and Lounging Robes Give him a house coat or robe, plan for his comfort, he'll ap preciate it A house coat or robe Is the gift of thousht- . fulness. It's very easily bought here as we've 1 f Cfl splendid sorts at f3.50, $4.75, $5.75. $6.00, fT.OO and 1U.JU Hobes at fl.00. 52.00, $3.00. $4.90. $0.00 7 Oil and tJ9 Men's Neckwear Our holiday display of Neckwear embraces all the leading shapes In a great variety of special f C Aft C 1 fabrics and patterns, from v lU pA SPECIALMen's large folded English squares, tying as ascots or four-ln-hands, of extra fine quality silk. In all neat JC. and fancy colored effects worth 75c tomorrow at TTaJl BOYS' SUITS s OVERCOATS GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES They are certainly most desirable and practica.1 as gifts. Observe the follow ing reductions then come early and make your selection. $6.00 Boys' Suits for $a00 Sizes 4 to 16 years Suits made of the very finest (posi tively none better made) Scotch chev iots and cassimeres, the finest of workmanship, the finest of trim mings and the best of styles, that sold up to .G -all small lots be ginning tomorrow, ou sale for JJ J $4.00 Boys' Suits for $2.00 Sizes 4 to 16 years Suits made of high grade strictly all wool cheviots and cassimeies all seams reinforced and double stitched, guaranteed never to rip fit per fectly sold up to $4 all small lots tomorrow and as long 'I AA as they last for A33 $5 Boys' Overcoats for $3.50 Sizes 7 to 16 years Overcoats made of high grade chev iots, in plain gray, olive or fancy Scotch patterns, the new long, man nish cut, with on without BELT well made and trimmed throughout, fit guaranteed, made to sell for $3.00 Z C A tomorrow Jj3 $4 Boys Overcoats for $2.50 Sizes 7 to 16 years Made of plain Oxford gray, olive or blue cheviots, plain loose, long cut made expressly for durability made to sell for $4.00 tomorrow SPECIAL at 2.50 Suspenders No matter how delicate they may seem r how elaborate they may be decorated, all are of practical usefulness. You can pay as high as "$3 for a pair of embroidered silk ones, with elegant sterling mountings, but WE HAVE TWO SPECIALS A silk, of solid or fancy colorings, In an iOs Individual box, at - -- tW Also a fancy webbing suspender In a separate box at 25 c Handkerchiefs for Men We're boxed 6 white hemstitched handkerchiefs, neatly embroidered, any Initial, for rOp, 75c, $1.00 secures the finest of silk handkerchiefs, plain or with initials. 50c Men's and Ladies' Slippers for Xmas Always Make Useful Presents Men's black Kid Opera Slippers, hand f AA f jf r trimmed, at I.UIM.Z J-I.J U Men's Wine Kid, Everett style, 100 Men's Black and Tnn Vicl Kid Slijipers, 150 1 90 Ladles' Brown and Black Felt Toilet Slippers, also f Black Fur Trimmed Juliets, at ; IUC youngest a few days old, lying helplee and sick In bed, Mrs. James Nelson had to lis ten for twenty-four hour to her children's cry for bread. Sho was married when a little girl, but her devotion and sacrifice for her husband srere doomed -to rja peculiar harvest. When she was taken etc her husband deserted her and with stony heart turned bis back upon the little family. About two weeks ag-o word was received from Denver that the faithless husband had died there. The mother ook in washings and in this way managed to support her family until her baby was born a few days ago. She could not work then and gradually pro visions were consumed, until Wednesday the children were earing flour and water baked in a miserable little cook stove. A neighbor called the attention of the Bureau of Associated Charities to the circumstances and the case was investigated by Superin tendent Morris, who provided for the tem porary relief of the family. SHOES Bt'SISESS O PACIFIC COAST Eaerajetle St. Loots House Compl(l irrsasenesti for Strong; Cam palca la This Fertile Field. The Peters Shoe company of St. Louis Is 6n the lookout for a number of A-l shoe salesmen with established trade on the Pa cific coast preliminary to undertaking an energetic campaign In the coast states. The Peters Shoe company la one of the younger concerns of St. Louis which has risen to the first rank in a vury few years and cow claims to make more fine shoes than any other house In the west, operating four large factories. This concern received a grand prise on ita product at the World's fair, as well as a gold medal on the model factory In the manufactures building. Bon-bons. Omaha Candy Kitchen. Sterling silver. Frenser, liHh and Dodge. Issportaat Chisf ft Time By Rock Island system effective Sunday, December 26, 19u4, on and after which date train now leaving Omaha eastbound at 12:01, noon, dally except Sunday, will leave at 11:16 a. m., except Bunday, and train now leaving Omtha westbound at 5:15 p. m., dally, will leave at 4:15 p. m. dally. F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. Lowest Holiday Rates Via "The North, westera Llae" To all system points In Iowa. Illinois, Wis coniln, Michigan,' Minnesota, the Dakota. Nebraska and Wyoming. Round trip rate one and one-third fare esst of Missouri river and to points on C, St P., M. A O. In Nebraska aud one furs plus CO oents rest, on sale Dec. 24. 15. 2, 31, Jan. 1 and t Good until Jan. 4. City Offices, 1401-1403 Famam St.,' TJnlon Station, Webster Street Station. Holiday Hates Via the Missouri Pacific to points in Ar kansas. Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas. Missouri, etc. Very low rstes for round trip. On sale Dec. 24, 25, 26 snd tl, 1904; Jan. 1, 190S. Limit for return Jan. 4. 9uV. For Information, tickets, etc., call or address City Ticket Offices, southeast corner 16th and Farnam sts., Omaha, Neb. . THOMAS F. GODFREY, Passenger Ticket Agent Tale Glee club at Boyd's, December 28. Thrssis Sleeper From Ksnsas City to Hot 8prlngs, Ark., without change via Missouri Paclflo .-and Iron Mountain route. Leaving Kansas City at noon, arriving In the Springs next morn ing. For full Informstion address any agent of the company or city offices? .south east corner 15th and Fartiam sts., 'Omaha. Htb. THOS. F. GODFREY. Passeager and Ticket Agent Xmas gift candy. Omaha Cani)y Kitchen. uir.D. YQCNG Milton Relnhold, sged t years t months 11 days, only awn of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Young. December 2X 1H. Funeral Saturday afternoon at t o'clock from family rrstdmoe. h ikiuia FifUeutlt Ueek TlenlS Invited, . . , "All the world loves, a lover," and he is doubly welcome when he brings ' V occo Soft and Creamy Centers. Delicate Flavors, Dainty Boxc Packed and sealed in our Spotless Candy Factory. Sold everywhere in 10c, 30c and 60c boxes. Omaha Candy Co., Omaha, Neb. aSaaSaSaaaSBBsaaaaaaaaaa j Jewelry! Onimoil Shoes S3.50 and S2.50 lOO NEW STYLES ALL THE BEST LEATHERS IT'S UP TO YOU TO BUY THE BEST Wo Spare No Pat as er Expense to Have tha Beet Shoes for Mea aaa Boys. Xot How Cheap, Bet How Good MAKER TO WEARER. A eoatploto llae of Mea's Christmas Uppers. v U c?o.i3e,ot3eet. CREDIT OMAHA CLOTHING COMPANY 1316 FARNAM ST. All the best Makes such ss Elfin, Waltham and Hampden move mcnts. ,.$l.o6 A WEEK.. FOR A FINE LADIES' OR QENTLEHEN'S WATCH CALL, AND S.EE VS. CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS ...ON CREDIT... EASY TERMS TO ALL wmwmmmmmmmwmwmwmmmwmmBwmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TWELVE MILLION PACKAGES SOLD LAST YEAR iNONE SUCHMINCE MEAT ! I lo 2-Ple 10o Packages tlft List of Valuable Premiums. fSS,S Ess sss sas sal ass Bal Sal aat sss avi BBS awn MB sen aas san sas saa mm aJ STATIONERY BOOKS Coatatearlas; Tharsdar all prices roaaced oa Faacy hrUtatas Boii of Stationery. Bla eat. Books at 'Cat Prices. All 15c, SOc, a So Toy Booksat lOc. Caleaoara, Flctarea, Diaries for 10OS. t Wateraaaa'a Ideal foaatala Poas. Uto k week. BARKALOW BROS, M Wblle we hare no connection wltH the "But-ln-skjr Club" wa ara 'neYertheJeas alwsys buttlnf around for business and will appreciate anything you can THROW our way. That la In the way of busiactts. Central Coal & Coke Co., HTM AND HARNEY.' PHONES 1221-16954718. A PERFECT CHRISTMAS DINNER. We have nil the materials for a perfect dinuer the choicest goods that money can buy. Young and tender tur keys, ducks and geese, oysters that are clean and select, fish and game of every kind, Cape Cod cranberries, celery that is crisp white and nut flavored, queen olives, Jonathan apples, Malaga grapes and every fruit that the market affords. Veribest Mocha and Java Coffee, A. B. C. Pure Gold Japan Tea, A. B. C. Java, and Mocha. Coffee, A. B. C Canned June Peas, A. B. C. Canned Wax Beans, A. B. C. Canned Ten a'oes, A. B. C. Canned Beets, A. B. C Canned Sweet Corn, A. B. C Canned Cherries, A. B. C. Canned Peaches, A. B. C. Canned Apricots, A. B. C. Canned Pineapple, Nuts from every climate. Cheese of finest quality and that will satisfy the most discriminating. See us about your dinner. WILKE & MITCHELL, 40th and Farnam Streeta. OUR TRADE DEMANDS GOOD GOODS AND WE KEEP TnEM. You can find at our store everything for the Christmas dinner, from the tender turkey to the rich cranberry sauce. W. D. Edwards & Co. 36th and Farnam Street. SSKt Kvhn's Glycerole of Roses rOR SALE AT KUHN'S DRUQ STORE. 16TH AND DOUGLAS. YKMTRlLoqt ISM. Lrn to eprt lb A(tira, Mint Sfti Ir.i. loading Scales MaaMaaa. ludaaauS- nkfrStul Writing. Elc. Wrlta today. I'll 1 1 II C. lull you how It'a all dnoa. Sai4 aLamaa C , . m, . Nil, IU Waetler Street. Fort Worm Thu. J You Must Have Bread I For your Christmas Dlnnsr Nothing could ba flnr than Otto Wagner's World Famous HARD ROLLS AND Whole Wheat BREAD Telephone 1698 17th and Leavenworth Sts. No Christmas Is quite complete without a bos of Kiplinger's Fine Havana Cigars A good dinner la alwsys made better by one of Kip's nrari, and a bo of them as a aift will mace any man sorry that Christ- mas cornea HUT ONCE a year. 0. D. Kiplinger 1223 Farnam Street