Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Ax minster
27x60- a'.l i;w
pattern. at
in all widths
fancy Shoe
ST rr,
89c, SI .25
are caper to rive you cvciy assistance in our power in your Christmas buying. You receive every help that a
store with perfect organization can give you. Christmas buying is rendered dovlly eay in this great store where space is ample, aisles are wide and goods are spread attractively before your eyes jor quick- selection
We ask vou to l indly do your slipping as early in the morning as convenient. The crowd will be smaller and you will receive belter attention The arrival of belated shipments of Christmas goods has brought a sharp cut in
prices, and for Saturday we will clear many holiday lines at special prices.
- h ruf i i i i hi i i fi i i i r i i
Ifdf .Fur Scarf .
& 3.98 Jm
1 ' N
fL- for Xtn lec- ,
oratioas, etc., J
1& at special J'rYf
71? 1LI-UU 0Ot'gi
Beautiful Firs for Christmas
A rrettv fur piece is well adapted to Christmas pift purpose.
We hare secured tbe entire surplus stock- of the Western
Fur Company of Omaha at ae amazing bargain price and ar e
enabled to make wonderful fur offer right in the midst of
holiday season.
Ladle' $6 Fur Scarf at $2.98-Single sable fox eiarN with
two brush tall, brook mink scarfs cluster,
Coney scarf with cord, etc.. $6 values,
Ladle' $18 5carfs at $8.9S-Xewest ideas in fur scarfs, -;xtra
fine full piece, pray wolf, sable and Isabella fox, Q DO
pray fox. etc.. Western Fur Ca. priced them at 115 U
Ladies' $20 Fur Scarfs Scores of the roost popul
selected furs, trimmed with, cards ana tails,
Ladies' $22.50 Quality Fur carls Specially beautiful Chris-
mas pifts, the highest grade and scarcest turn,
every scarf beautifully fashioned extra full,
cord and tail trimmed, at
A Pretty Present for Christina. is b,
" Dainty White Apron- 25c
trfs, ;xtra
itiful Chris-
Ladies Wool and Silk Waists
st vie
Pretty Waists, in all the latest shades, ilt:n ilr
tucked and pleated silk waists for hou&u .'.til t veil
ing wear, nne stylish wool waists, at
Ladles' beautiful sample
Hilk Petticiwts. hlnrk
and nil colors, worth $12,
Ladies Cravenette Coat made in the very la'et
belled backs, collarless effects
very stunning for street wear
at -
Ladies' If, 50 qual
ity Silk Petticoat
2.98 i
Calldrea'e Wlnlrr Coats
What twttr-r gift
ould m given?
Regular (J quality.
Chlldrra'a Wlattr
Latest Juvenile
stvles. Intt-t cloth and
all colors, worth $12.50
1 10 .Ik
Good Shoes the best Xmas Gift of all
. On Sale on the First Floor Mow.
Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoes
for Men a.nd Women.
The jrrvTitost favor you cau do for pornon whose feet burt is
to pive th-tu a inir of Ir. I!-d Cufshion Sho. Thee fho-s have
all the fctyle of the finest Mhkh In the world and at tbe Ranie time
will cure every ill n f oot is heir to. Five thousand pwple in Omaha wear
anl rectituuiend them.
The Br&ndeis $3 Special Shoes
For Men and Women.
The next Ix'st shoe for men and women is our $.1.00 special. There
are over a hundred differeut styles to 'lioose from and we warrant
every iair. It is the I test W-'W fhoe in Anierica.
Ladies' All Silk Hosiery
A gift to delight every lover of pretty thinps
to wear all silk h'se in plain Rembrant
rib and sil embroidered also many all
over lace effects elegant designs specially
priced at
Ladies' Fine Kid Oloves A gift that every
woman cares f r the hiphest quality street
dress gloves all latest T f f ffA r
ehades aU JU'?Ai
A Special Sale of Handkerchiefs Saturday
Great bargain square tilled with
ladies' aDd men's toilet cases
suitable for gifts, the sets are of
ebony, rosewood, ivory, sterling
silver, porcelain, stag, silver
mounted. Manicure sets, comb,
brush and mirror sets, military
brush sets, etc. all at most un
usual bargain prices for the holi-davs.
A SMOKIISG JACKET A man likes , x
to feel well dressed In his home without the snuc'y i y
flttlnp IkisIik-ss suit Imy hltn one of these pretty ii-V-' ? 'is
moderate priced smoking jackets made in all the 1"
latest pattern handsomely niade Saturday ffap!i '" yTTV
All our Smoking k Cft All our Smok- C M -l'Jl'&XiJ?Zi -
Jacket, that B I ing Jackets, aV 1 i it J ) (V
have been sell- value up to U I tll-' lA-V-l i-' fa .
ing at So. at.... 112.50, at VT J wM tHy
A BATH ROBE Or Lounging Robe thVvKr
is something thnt serves an every day purpose rAvy-' Si JiY i( vthJfA?
with a man no nmn's w ardroie Is eoniplete with- j y j '-$jijJ .
out one be will appreciate a nice one A AQ v LT'K
for Christmas we offer a great as- lit i 7 U 1 iH't VrVLV
sfirtment worth $S..V. at v x, J pT- YV
CKher style. InclnJing tbe sw ellest QO ff P C ' X 3
h.ungiug rolies, at OtlfO'lD
t Fancy Gift v !
M.r. 1 c. J A
t? pet them for a gift something he would fj p
M appreciate n.ju quinif (in iunutir, m "
'0 aT,' . ,V at, pair '
Vt 13 Silk Suspender, at $1.50 U Silk Suspenders, at $100
I l imi wr u itr-vi a l s a r 1
rt-lfSA gift in scoe of the very latest atterns a fine QO.
V t fl muffler Saturdav. at .....-OC
All our 3 muffler, at $ 1.50 All our 15 mufflers, t $2.50
r m . m
beauties, at t to sSt
Christmas Candies
In the Arcade
Just the candy you war.t for Christmas at re
duced wioes.
Fairy M lnvi pound...
Palled Keiinut ound
Mixed Candy, Ik! pound 3 pounds for...
Chocolate lrops. pound ..
Frtkrn Mixed Candy, pound
Frrnrh Mixed Candy fit, pound
Hon Ton Mixed Candy, pound .,
T-enlth Mixed Catulv. pound
Fine Chocolate Creams, assorted flavors, H 25c
Bead Chains, S yards on a chain, assorted
colors, at &c
Christmas Perfumes
In the Arcade
5ic Ferfumes in bulk, 10 odors, at, ox...
l(ic I'erfume In fancy bottle
15c Perfume In fancy box at
25c Perfume in fancy box at
flf.n unrt iif Pprfum In fancv lox
Fancy Box Ferfumes at Sc, .i8, and up
to H .KH.
Christmas Ciftars by the box 12 for 4fc
S for 9bc
100 Visitin? or Business Cards at 39c A Nice Gift
fh Kufcv and Emerald Enpraved -Ola
rra.- . -. . J . - ' t
ssware makes a pretty gift many pieces. Tour name
A Rug Mkes ax Splendid Present
A gift like tbi will be used and ap
preciated every day any house
keeper finds a fine new rug a most
welcome present on Christmas morn
ing. Fine AxtninLster Rug 36x"2, specially
desirable patterns make
splendid gilt,
Imitation Oriental Rugs-
36x72, worth 15.00, at
Wilton Rugs-3Cx63, handsome C CA
oriental patterns, at JiJU
All wool Smyrna Rugs both CA
bides alike, 26x54, au 1,JU
Champion Sweeper, at 1.69
Siandard Sweeper, at ...2.00
Grand Hapid Cyco bearing 2.60
What better thing could you buy for
bits, the kind that any niusiclan ciin play
combination offer for Saturduy only:
Teasing and Sb? Was From 1 J
jHMouri e ei"tPiuy is -
Ringing them TOT
Five of W. C. Fowell's Instrumental hits
Gondolier. Roll of Thun- 1 sj H
der, starry Flag, I olan- V.
the and Troubadour W J
Three pretty wnlttes Northern Lights,
Blue I tanulie Waves 1 9 II p
and Festival Hall . f
Waltzes (for J'
a Christmas present? The very latest nong
at sight and everybody can sing. I lead this
Always la
Blue Bell, and the ans
swer. Come Home Sol
dier Boy in Blue
Two leautlful Child Songs
ay and Little Boy
From Lonesome
A Bunch of Bags, Satisfied, St.
Tickle, Oneonta, and ) fanr
Bit O Blarney ,
go at ) IBI
:: !!:;25c
't. Louis
SEVEN BIG HITS for $1.00 Coax Me (sequel to Teasing), Elita Simp-
kiua. You're ns Welcome as the Flowers In May, In Old Ireland Meet Me f
There, My Indian (Jueen, By the Iear Old Delaware, and tbe I (III
Housing TNro-Strp, La Moua sW
DANCE FOLIOS A Rne Collection of New Dance Music at 3fc
New Line of fluslc Rolls and Music 3tand for Christmas.
flity Olerk Oompilsi Oonsoil'f Work at
Board f Equalization.
H-part Uvea Cli Coaictl, Tbts
to City Atlrsiey Eaalaieer,
1'hri M ill Cvmxe
. Orjlasirn,
'i record of the work of the council sitting-
a board of equalixatlon December
1-14 was oompleted yesterday by City Clera
Ulllin. It will be necessary for the city at
torney to draft seven special ordinances
and these to be passed lfore the work of
the Hoard of Equalization will become ef
fective. Must of , the work of the board
pertained to sidewalks. It was shown by
reports of the city engineer that nineteen
permanent sidewalks were laid by the city
tin account of psoperty owneri neglectlnr to
follow the' ordinance These nineteen
walks cost (U4 and the cost will be taxed
against the property. Investigating the
laying of two plank Walks was quite a
piece of work, as about 150 walka had to b
laJd by the city. The records show thesa
walks cost about K each. The cost of
thefc will be taxed to abutting property.
This report of the Board of Equalixatlon
will first o to the city council and be re
ferred to the city attorney and city engi
neer. IT rooi the findings In this report the
necessary ordinances levying the special
laxe will ! drawn. After the passage and
publication of these special ordinances tbe
taxes become delinquent in fif t3 days. If
not paid within that time the cost is as
sessed up ugalnst the property.
In many of the permanent sidewalk cases
considered by the board the ownera of the
property are non-residerlts end no utlention
was puid to notices sent by mail by the city
clerk. In the two plunk walks ' various
reaBotis were given . for not laying the
walks, but the cost will be taxed Just the
name as in the cases of permanent walks.
othlnar Itniaac Here.
Business men in Jouth Omaha complained
yesterday that there was not the usual holi
day trade. Two reasons ure given. One is
the extension of the street car lines, which
takes customers direct to Omulia, and the
other Is the lack of money on the part of
the hundreds of packing house employes.
The strike during the summer is being felt
now more ihan at any time since ojeratlons
were resumed at the plants.
Receipts of live stock
fighting among themselves. Friday morn
ing there was a fight over a gambling
game, so It is reported, and the result is
that one Jap Is in the "city hospital with a
fractured skull, having been hit with a
hatchet. Ir. Koutsky, city physician, de
clares the injury is not a serious one. A
complaint was filed in police court yester
day against a couple of Japs who were sup
posed to be mixed up in the fuss, but later
on the complaint was withdrawn and the
police lost interest at once. The Japs now
here came to South Omaha during the
strike and secured work at the Omaha and
Cudahy plants. Since their arrival here
thty have lived by themselves to a great
extent and do not mingle with other labor
ers at the plants. There seems to be a
feeling here that If the Japs want to fight
it out among themselves, let them go It.
Manic City Goasip.
The public Hehoola closed yesterday for
the holiday vacation.
George McBride Is home frrm the went
and! spend the hol.days with his family.
b'ranlr Hcl.... 1 i i i . . i
harl, flr, ofT . , , 1 'Tru, IK in me City
nave ia.ien on to Mail, ehnrer'ri fiVi .
such an extent on account of the holiday Mrs. George I-arks will leave Tuesday for
season that there wast no slaughtering at i Los Angele?, Chi., to sjiend the winter'with
Armour's yesterday and only an hour and n"r husband.
a half at Cudahy'a. The Omaha and Swift ! i ?erl,wa", mplaint yesterday and
i j i . "'St night about the city hall baildinx nut
plants worked only a short time. At. aver- b.'lng properly heated.
age for the butchers at the packing houses j The South Onwha postofflce will be open
hub wre la iwemy-aeven ana a nair nours. V" nunuaj noui m a. m. unui p. m.
Those employed at the big packing, plants
seem to have very little money , to spend
this Christmas and consequently the mer
chants notice the falling off in trade.
Jape FiKht iain Thfuiarlrra.
The Japunese employed at the Cudahy
and Oniahu packing houxea who have
rented the Haskell house at Thirty-seventh
and N streets for headquarters, seem to be
j I You can pay more and It'll havewV :i I
fill iff PC a great ucai mure iu uupntaic mc vz r I r 1 1 r!
Ml H
f excellence of Banquet Hall Clears at
10 cents. A Nendine of natural strengths
J f Havana crown tobacco hat gives a soft
even richly flavored satisfying cigar.
fmokt aac If It u1 Wchar lhaa Its arice lacs tht mea b aaauallr caa-
BuniJDiUlaM af Baaf Hall Cigar ara awfullr BlaMkca.
Yer labacco Staler hat 'tmJO cent
ALLEN BEOS. CO. i m. foster o coj,
Naw YarS
on Sunday frnn
in order to accommodate the nubile
Mi-'-s Bertie Ferguson, Twenty-fifth and Q
strtel, leaves toaay for Kiowa, Kan., to
vlwt friends for a couple of weeks.
Prof, and Mrs. George Concannon are
now in charge of the baths at the Kolov
ratt k spring. Twenty-first und S streets.
J. P. Bailey, state secretary of the Young
Wen s Christian association, will epak to
mm at the Sunday afternoon meeting here.
Carnation council No. 114, Knights end
Ladles of Security, will give an oyster sup
per and sociul at Woodman hah oil Nw
Years Eve.
James Nicholas died at bis home, js
street, yesterday morning. Funeral ar
rangements will be announced as soon as
r lwtlve arrive.
The Knights of Pythias lodges here have
received word of the death ol W. B. Mor
ton at port Hadlock, Wash. Mr. Morion
wax formerly in the ice business in South
V. G. Meeleus, who moved to a f.rrn
near Fulton, Mo., this fall, writes friend
here that he is getting settled. He speaks
highly of the country around Fulton and
of the prosperous condition of the people.
Uarraetle St. L-eai Hour Completlag
irruirnriti lor Strong Cam
palga la This Fertile Firld.
The Peters Shoe company of St. Louis Is
on the lookout for a number of A-l shoe
salesmen with established trade on the Pa
cific coast preliminary to undertaking an
energetic campaign in the coast suites. The
Peters Shoe compa-ny is one of the younger
concerns of St. Louis which has risen to
the first rank in a very few years and now
claims to make more fine shoes than any
other house in the west, operating four
large factories. This concern received a
grand prtxe on Jta product at the World's
fair, as well a a gold medal on the model
factory in the manufactures building.
Wain I ft. a Us Shot, Wins the Thlrfl
Race at U Aaaelea.
LOS ANGELES, Dec. S. Waswift. Tea
ger s big chestnut horse, showed some of
MS speed exhibited at Ascot last year,
when he hung up the track record of liW
ior the mile wit-h 1:24 poundB up. by win
ning the third ruce today trom i-'ilipe Lugo
ana Kenilwortn. Vaswilt was almost over
looked in the betung. He drilled from
i to 1 to 8 to 1 in the books, while Kenl.
worth was played from 'i to J to 8 to 6.
Waswift tooa command at the head of the
stretch and won easily. Three favorites
took lirst money. Weather clear and track
fast. Kesults:
First race, five furlongs: Andvari won,
Anona second, Sinyeado third, 'lime: l:i.
Second race. Slauson course: Happy
Chappy won. Hersain aecotid. Foxy Grand
pa third. Time: 1:12.
Third race, six furlongs; Waswift won,
Felipe Lugo second, Kenilworth third.
Time: 1:14V
Fourth race, five furlongs: D'Escuento
won, Oxford second, Sportsman third.
Time: lMUVj.
Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Heather Honey won, Akela Becond, Eva G
third. Time: 1 :5H.
Sixth race, Slauson course: Rodolfo won.
Great Eastern second. Jardln lc Paris
third. Time: :13.
SAN FKANC1SCO, Dee. 21. Results at
Otk and:
First race. Futurity course: Edgecllffe
(K to 'i) won, Salable 1 to li second. Handy
Bill (4 to 1 1 third. Time: 1:18.
Second race, six furlongs: Albemarle
won. Lady Kent second, fcnerwood third.
Time: 1:15.
Third race, six furlongs: Dr. Leggo won.
Sea Air second, Amuskoday third. Time:
1 J4.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Honiton
won, McGrane second, Judge third. Time:
1:27 Mi.
Fifth race, one mile: Dora I won. The
Cure second, The Lieutenant third. Time:
Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards:
Nigtette won. Leila s;orid, Bed Cross
Nu-se third. Time: 1 :44V
NEW ORLEANS, lx-c. IS. Results:
First race, seven furlongs: Si.ssle won,
Giiseonne second. Fruit third. Time: 1 :L"K.
Second race, six furlongs: Little Jack
Horner won. Miladiluve second. Sadduc.coa
i third. Time: 1:14V
I Third race, one mile and an eighth: Ladv
Fonso won. Always Faithful second, Gigan
tic third. Time: 1:67.
Fourth race, handicap, six furlongs: Dick
Bernard won, PYontenac cecond. A tan la
third. Time; 1:13.
Fifth race, seiling, one mile and a quar
ter: Brooklyn won. Bessie McCarthy sec
ond. Homestead third. Time: 2:(IHV
Sixth race, one mile: Jack Greenberg
won. St. Tammany second, Ahula tiiird.
Time: 1:42s.
With the bowlera.
On the Omaha Bow ling association alley
last evening for a small wager and a large
Christmas gift Huntington and Potter de
feated Banks and Zimmerman In a threa-
fame context. They would like to htiar
rom some of the other crack bowlers of
the city. Afier winning lat evening's con
test they wish to meet anv and all i.n'i.n
I Who think liiey can bowl. 'J'tie acorea:
r-irsi. becond. Third. Total.
Huntington m
roller 21S
Give useful present. Nothing better to
give than a pretty ploce of furniture, no
matter whether far parents, brother, sister,
lady or gentleman friend. You'll find suita
ble ones at Orchard a. Wiihelm Carpet Co.
Totkla ....
The tiest
Kitchen. 10
No. lGth St.
Omaha Candy
Halloa? I -aw Kataa.
To accommodate holiday travelers the
I'nk.a paclne has placed In effect a rate
of one far plus 60 cents for tha round
trip. Dates of sale Iecember 14. S. 36, B
and January l and t, with final return limit
January i. Inquire of City Ticket Office,
IZM Famam street. Phone Hi.
Electric reading lamp Orchard ft
helm, -
Baakrt Ball at V. M. t . A.
The Five O'Clocks and Noon Classen of
the Young Men a Christian asmx-ia tion
played a very fast game of buskei bail on
J hujday e-ening. resulted in a victory for
Uie former by a score of 40 tu 2b Grau s
foal throwing was the feature of the gume
1 he lineup:
rive o (.locks. Position. Nnm, muo
I aioa Paeiae Ofllrlala and Wives Be
tarn from Visit ta Soat ae-a
After an absence of three weeks in the
land of flowers, music and sunshine George
E. Abbott, city passenger and ticket agent,
arJ Albert K. Cutis, traveling passenger
agent for the I'nlon Pacific, have returned
from their trip to Mexico. Messrs. Abbott
and Curts were accompanied by their
wives. They describe the visit to the cltie
of Mexico like a visit to another world.
"What impressed us most," said Mrs.
Abbott yesterday, "were the vast number
J of churches and magnificent cathedrals.
I The poorer classes are dominated by a re
ligious spirit that finds expression in these
beautiful structures.
"Mexico City has a good system of elec
tric street cars, but in the other towns they
use mules. Sometimes they are hltdhed up
three abreast and often they are driven
tandem. The forward mule usually sol
diers and lets his companion pull the car.
Most of the time he is kicking his heels in
the air. People there have no conception of
haste. If you get on a street car it may get
under way right along or you may have to
wait an hour. When the driver gets good
and ready you start.
"The department stores of the north are
unknown In Mexico and a woman there
doea not know the pleasure of going shop
ping as she does In the north. They have
stalls there and only one class of goods is
kept at a stall. When they see a foreigner
they double the price, and If you see any
thing you want you make the best price
you can.
"We saw a bull fight while we were there.
Eight horses and eight bulls were killed.
A bull fight is a sport that an American
want to see once, but he does not care to
go the second time. Ten thousand people
were there, and they acted Just a we sea
them do here at the ball games. Entire
families go, taking with them the little
children. In the box next to us sat a party
of Mexicans who made sport of the
blanched face of one of the men with us.
Then they criticised in cutting terms an
exhibition foot ball game that had tieen
played in the arena by Americans a few
weeks before. They looked upon the dis
embowelled animals in the arena with the
utmopt composure, but the foot ball game
they regarded as one of the most brutal
and disgraceful exihbltions that have ever
been given in the arena. They were up in
arms at the brutality of the Americans In
permitting such games."
Bon-bons. Omaha Canity Kitchen.
A Black Bear.
A genuine black bear la the leading
feature of tbe display in the shew window
at the Central market, Sixteenth and Har
ney streets. This bear was killed by the
famous rifle shot, Martin R-eum, a Wiscon
ainer. The Central Is making a great dis
play of choice meats, turkeys, ducks, geese,
etc., for Chrutmaa. Nothing like it ever
seen in Omaiia before. Cail and look at the
bear and then leave your order for your
Christmas meals-
Importaat Chaaae oi' Time
By Rock Island system effective Sunday.
December 26, U04, on and after which date
train now lenvlng Omaha east hound at
12:01, noon, dally except Sunday, will leave
at 11:16 a. m., except Sunday, and train now
leaving Omaha westbound at 6:16 p. m.,
daily, will leave at 4:16 p. m. dally.
We adm't of no ieers. Omaha Candy
Red Maa Csnes Ip White Krlshhar
Bnl Heanaa Goes tor
Deputy United States Marshal Homaa has
left for the Santee Indian agency to bring
down Henry Badan, white, and James
Smith, a Santee Indian, and lock them up
in the Douglas county jail for bootlegging
and fighting.
The two men were drunk and got Into a
fight Thursday, in which the Indian drew
a knife and proceeded to carve Badan up to
the Santee standard, of knife play, and it
looked for a while as If Badan's executors
were about to realise upon his life insur
ance. The Indian buing pretty well warmed
up, then attempted to burn an issued house
the kind of structures Issued by the gov
ernment to the Indians) and perpetrate
tither deviltries Incident to the Indians
when they have their fighting clothes on.
Superintendent Meaghy of the Santee
agency wires District Attorney Baxter to
send a marshal for both of the men. Hs
is holding Badan at the agency. The tele
gram does not state that the Indian lias yet
been arrested.
A warrant was Issued by United States
CommisHloner Anderson for Badan and
Smith Thursday evening and the prelimi
nary hearing will be held before Judgs
Chambers at Santee.
Oriental Rugs make elegant anil lasting
gifts. Bpeeinl sale now. Orchard & Wii
helm Carpet Co.
Sterling silver. Frenzer, l."th and DoSge.
Holiday Ksles
Via the Missouri pacific to point in An
kunsBS, Kansas, Nebraska. Oklahoma,
Texas, Missouri, etc. Very low rate
for round trip. On sale Dec. 4, 2E, M and
SI. 3W4; Jan. 1, 1906. Limit for return Jan.
4, 106. For Information, tick eta, etc., call
or address City Ticket Offices, southeast
corner 16th and Farnam st., Omaha. Neh,
Passenger Ticket Agent
Griffith Right Forward'
I'uinjui- Pugnt Guard
Krelle.... Center
Grau Left Forward
Coimon Left Guard ..
... .Marten
. ...Pax tun
Each la Ik Baee.
LACRi rSSE. WU., Dec 23. Congress
man J. J Ei rh cf this city haa mn .un-rd
his candidacy for I'm led S;tt, aeuiu, io
sjucued beiulor Quarlea
ar w El If
Bee our new store, Us -to. x
Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is a food and drink that
helps the health and pleases the palate.
Not only is it a valuable article of diet but its smooth,
delicious flavor and strengthening, refreshing qualities make it
the perfect drink to serve at all meals or on any occasion.
Children favor Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate because
it is the only drink they really like vhich is good for them
and imparts comfort and cheer.
For cakes end pastry, Gbirardelli's is indis
pensable to those who appreciate flavor and whole
somen ess.
It is superior to unsweetened chocolate because of
it's deliciousoess and perfect quality. '
Being packed in hermetically sealed cans it is
fresher, stronger and more delicious than any other
cocoa preparation.
CircraVL it made i California tt hrre in tale t doullt that
d oil utittr cocoa preparation coiubmed a j oof of tit peracuun.