r NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MOTOR COMPANY IS SUED Property Owners at Masawa Want Dam agi for Closing of Street StQUa OF SUPREME COURT BECISION rialntlffa Aturl Tbele Baalaeaa Han . Been. Damaged aad Property le nreclatea br tke Closing- If) of tke Street. As a sequel to tha supreme court re fusing the- motor company a rehearing In what la known aa the Manawa fence case the company has been made defendant In three damage suits begun In the district court yesterday by owners of property at Manawa: The parties seeking damages are W. H. Beck, James 8. Chrismah and George W. Rohards and Mrs. kmma' Ballon De- . Fret. They were the plaintiffs In the origi nal suit brought to compel the motor com- pany to open tip certain public streets In Manawa which It had fenced and enclosed . In Its reaurt. Their claims for damages are based on the grounds that the cloning of the public street In, Question had depre ciated the Value of their property. t' W. H. Beck asks IS.Ofln damuges, Chris man and Ftobnrdsln their joint suit demand 110,1)00, while Mrs. ' Emma Hallou DePret, - for herself and the hei's of her deceased ' husband. W.' J I. ttaliou, claims $:,. W. II. Ballon -died since the original suit against the motor company was begun and r. his widow married again. ( tate of . ttanlel Clancy, deceased. has brought suit against the Mason City & , Fort Dodge railroad for $15,000 damages, for the deah of Clancy, who received v fatal Injuries October 27, 190S. while work ing as a brakemati at McClelland. At the last t;rm..of. court the suit brought by Hc.slo Harris against the Great Western railroad for., Clancy's death was taken from the " Jury,- It being shown that the line at the time of Clancy's death was being operated by the Mason City A Fort Dodge road and. that the Qrat Western liart not taken t over. Following the diwml sal of the former suit C. A. Tlbblta of this city was appointed administrator for' the pur pose of bringing another ault. J. Muilon Stevens, who wltli Fire Chief Nicholson, was thrown from the latter's buggy while driving to a fire on the night of October 17 lust, through running Into a mound of -dirt left on South First street - by the Oi company, has brought suit for 11,000 against the Cltliens' Gas and Elec trlo company. . . Mm. Mary L. Klrley asks for a divorce from, fatrlok" Klrley, to whom ' she was mafrled in this city . June 4, 1901. She charges him with oruel and Inhuman treat ment of her and asks that she be given I 10 a month-; temporary and $503 permanent alimony. Omaha Man In Troable. V. R.; Lytle, a, young man whose home la In Omaba. is In a Deck of trouble and will spend Christmas In the city Jail here unlets his friends" come to his assistance. His .Christmas dinner will not consist of -turkey- and other delicacies, but will be plain bread and water. Lytic was arrested about 1 o'clock Fri day morning after he had smashed In the - front door pt IU-nry LapldiMs' pawn shop, on Broadway. Lytle, It appears, who came to this aide of' the river Thursday night to see . the - slghtay ran short of money ' and In order to replenish his finances de ckled to pawn his overcoat, the night be ing warm and he not being aware of the approaching cold snap. Lapldlus had re tired to rest and, falling to arouse him. Lytle smashed In the gloss of the door. This succeeded In arousing Lapldlus, who opened the door and quickly laid Lytle out with a'vlB-oroua kick In the stomach. This put Lytle hora da combat until an officer arrived and escorted him to the city jail. In police , court yesterday morning Lytic waa. held, to the grand Jury for breaking Irt tha door and wa fined ISO and costs In addition' to disturbing the peace. Judge Bcott ordered that .he .be held at the. city Jail and -dieted exclusively on bread and water until the fine and costs are' paid. This is not the first time the young man has been in trouble here. Quite recently ho was arrested while attempting- to cash ' a.: check which he had drawn on a local bank and in which he . had no account. - As he failed to cash the' check, he waa released after spending- a day or so In the city Jail. ' He is said to belong to a respectable family In Omaha. Christmas for Poor Children. At the. Dclong industrial achools thl aft ernoon the children will be provided with ' refreshments in honor of Christmas. The Avenue F- school will meet at p. in. and the Broadway school at ?:90 p. m. Manager . Lemen of the Christian home extends an invitation to the public to at tend the" Christmas exercises this evening at the home, which' will be held In the chapel. ... ( ..'.. Arrested for asaknltlna; Child. Ed Farrell was arrested last evening on . complaint of Charles' Johnson, a farmer of Garner township who charged htm with ' attempting a ( criminal assault on hjs 12- 7s LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE! TO WATER WORKS CON , TRACTORS-WATER WOKKS BY8TE11. Sealed proposals will be received by the chairman and Village Board of Osceola, Neb , up to 8 o clock p. m., of December 24. 1904, for furnishing machinery, material and labor for the construction of a water works system for the Village of Osceola, Neb ; the machinery and material to be furnished are as follows: 1. Sinking one 10 ill. well about 200 ft deep. . Erecting one brick pumping station complete. . I. Furnishing one IS h. p. gasoline en gine. . Furnishing one deep well power pump. 4. Furnishing and erecting one steel tank on steel tower, or Furnishing and erecting one steel stand ?e. complete. i. Furnlahlna- and laying between threa and four miles ot water mains with hy drants. Valves, etc.. Complete, all to b done in accordance with the plana and specifications . -adopted by the . Board of Truateua. A certified check of 10 per cent (but not over tl,OM.00 of amount of bid. must ac company eacn proposal. - The plana and apecltioattons are on (lie and may be seen at the trice of the Vil lage Clerk. Osceola, or at the office of M. A. Earl. 116 First National Dank feldg., Chicago, 1H. The light is reserved to reject any or all bids. - KUENU LUliDEN. ' Chairman Board Trustees. FRANK? t. M1LL8, Village Clerk. M. A. EARL. Consulting Euklnerr. . - Llidllt LKQAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Office of Lee-Giass-Andreeaen Hardware Company, Omaha, Neb., Dec. u, ln No ll oe is hereby given to the stockholders of the Lee-Olaas-Andreesen UaMware com pany tnat the annual meeting of the stock holders of the company will be held at tha offices ot the said company, comer of Sth and Harney streets, ui the city of Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, Jan. Is. A. D.. 1. at t o'clock p. m.. for the purpoae of electing a board of directors fo. the company to wrvt during the ensuinar GHr, and to transact such other business aa may be preaeuied at such meeting W. U. 0LAB3. SeCXilarK. BLUFFS year-old daughter Lulu. Farrell was em ployed by Johnson and during the absence of the latter. Is said to have entered the child's bedroom, but waa prevented from accomplishing his purpose by the mother, who had been aroused by the girl's screams. Farrell claims he had been d'lnk Ing and was not responsible. Justice Out en, before whom the Information was filed, committed Farrell to the county jail In default of 12,000 bond. COMIM.AISS OF TAT FERRETS Eaat End People Say They Art) Pnt to Seedless Expense. Attorney Frank Shlnn of Corson appeared beforo tho Board of County Supervisors at Its session yesterday and raised objections to certain methods pursued by Floener A Schleicher, the firm of tax ferrets now working under contract In Pottawattamie county. Mr. Shlnn complained that resi dents In the east end of the county had been served with notices requiring them to come to Council Bluffs to be examined as to property allegod to have been omitted or concealed from taxation. In a number of - cases, Mr. Shlnn stated, these parties had been to considerable expense paying railroad fare and employing an attorney, not to mention loss of time, and tho In vestigation had shown that they did not owe the taxes as claimed by the tax ferrets. Attorney Shlnn said he believed the board should look into the matter and see to It that the tax ferrets be more careful in the future and not put persons to needless ex pense. The supervisors- listened patiently to the Cnrson sttorney, but decided It was outside of their province to interfere in the matter. The auditor was instructed to advertise for bids from physicians for the pauper practice In Kane, Garner and Lewis town ships and at the poor farm. This action of the board Is in direct opposition to the reso lution adopted at the recent annual meeting of the Pottawattamie County Medical so ciety decrying the custom of competitive bids for such work. In connection with the same matter the board decided that in case of any paupers In the county, except In Garner, Kane and Lewis townships, and those at the poor farm, needing medical at tendance the township authorities will be required to immediately notify the super visor In tho district of such case.. The auditor was also instructed to adver tise for bids for the county bridge work. The contract at present held by the Canton Bridge company will expire April 1, 1905. The claim of J2no of Attorney F. A. Turner of Avoca for defending Lewis Smith, a negro charged with murder, was compro mised for $100, thus making $180 in all that he received for such services. The board adjourned until the regular session In January. Schools Close for Holidays. The city schools closed yesterday after noon for the Christmas vacation and the pupils will have a holiday until Monday, January 9. Christmas exercises were held In all of tho kindergartens. At the high school the pupils of the Bloomer school en Joyed the presentation of the Christmas story by means of stereoptlcon views. At the Second avenue and Pierce street schools the exercises were general, while in all the Other buildings separate programs were given in each schoolroom. At the high school, following the presentation of the Christmas story, the Delta Tau and Phllo raathlan societies gave a Joint open pro gram. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee December 23 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: James A. Current and wife to Mary A. St. John, lot 10, block S, Bayliss & Palmer's addition, w. d $ 800 Sarah V. B. Rohrer and husband to Martin Blndsler, lot 12, block 14, Mill addition, w. d S00 Two transfers, total $1,100 MINOR MENTION. Davis sells drugs. - Leffert's glasses fit. Htockert sells carpets ' Duncan sells the best school shoes. Night school at Western Iowa college. Domestic cooking, $3 North Main street. . Drs. Woodbury, dentists. 30 Pearl street. . Duncan does the best repairing. 23 Main. For rent, modern house. 723 Sixth avenue. Water color novelties, burnt wood and leather. Alexander's. Framed pictures-for Christmas gifts. Alexander's, 333 Broadway. Elegant selection or xmas pictures and frames. Borwick, 211 S. Main. Cigar for' Christmas presents at Morgan & Dickey's drug store, Ui Broadway. Fancy mirrors, single and triplicate, at Morgan & Dickey's drug store. IU B'way. Dlscoun-. sale on framed pictures for Christmas gifts. Alexander's 333 Broadway. Morgan Ac Klein, upholsterers and mat tress makera. moved to IV S. Main. Tel. 64s. If you want to get a house pattern that la up-to-date at tue right price call on C. Hafer. - The public library will be closed Monday and Mrs. Dalley, the librarian, and her assistants will enjoy a holiday. If you want a uice sweet or sour wine for Christmas dinner 'phone Ceuar-tKtil, J. Q. Mosbacher Co., Council Bluffs. A niarrluge license was issued yester day to Klcnard L. Karbuuh, aged 21, and Irene Tempiar, aged ao, both of Omaha. Sheriff Canning ami family will leave tli lb morning tor Denver, Coio., to spend Christmas with Mrs. Canning s parents. Missouri oak dry coruwood. $d a cord: cobs, XI. id per louu, shell burn lilcKory. l pur curd, delivered. YVllnuiu Welch, lb Nurth Main. Telephone 12a. Uuy itoitn wua ai remed last evening on a warrant irom Justice ouren s court. He is c-hbi-ged wun tnreateiiing to annihilate his wile with an axe. He gave bull and will have a hearing this morning. Fred Brandt, an insane patient who e cupeu lioiu bi. Jsernuru s Hospital Thurs day nlgnt, was louud yeuteruay morning by the police at the Union t'acmc traumti uepul, where he hud stayed all night. Bert Ross tiled an Information yesterday in the superior court ctiurging Mrs. Murine buge wua presenting a revolver at him ana threatening to hhool him. it is said Uoss objected to hla wife spending the evening inuisday with Mrs. I'age ana went to the tatters house to take his wite away, when mis. buge drew a revolver and ordered him out of the house. Mrs. buge is to nave a Hearing la ponce court tins morning. William Peterson, the old man wh6 was reported to the police Tnurauay night ns being sick 111 a sliuck at 1012 Avenue 11, wneie he lived alone, waa taken to Mercy hospital yesterday by Rev. Henry De Lung, tlie county autnorltles Having lulled to do anything for him. it developed that Pe teuton was formerly an inmate of the new county poor farm and wua extremely insubordinate and created much trouble among the other paupers there. Not be ing allowed to nave his own way, he left the -place suddenly one duy and returned io the city. Charles 1). Townsend. the would-be Sher lock Holmes, had a hearing yesterday be fore th comnilFsionera on insanity, vv'hile the board deckled that the man Was not sane. It waa of the opinion he was harm lens and decided to turn him louse. He was accordingly released on his own recog nisance to appear befure the board again this morning, which It la nut expecteu he will do. It he dues by chance show up ugiln the board will send him tu bf. Ber nard's hospital. The authorities, however are anxiuus to get rid of him and not have him as a charge on the county. f lab Electa Offleera. MISSOURI VALLEV, la., Dec. 23. (Spe cial.) A reorganisation meeting of . the Men's club of the Presbyterian church was held last night and t la follow fug officer were elected: President, Dr.- George W. Colt; vice president, P. E. Robinson; secre tary, H. W. Uamblet treasurer, J. J. Amen. Bills were audited amounting to $tiou and funds were on band to balance them. " ' TF1E OMAIIA TAXES PILING IP T09 FAST Civic FedtratisD Famed to Look After Municipal Taxation. SHERWIN TO BE NEXT CHIEF JUSTICE Pardon Secretary Is Looking; Into the Petition of George Barrier, the Clinton Bnralar, Who Wants a Pardon. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, Dec. 23. (Speclal.)-A newly organised Des Moines Civic league has started out to raise a fund with which to take a hand In city politics and to keep watch on municipal affairs. The league has a number of substantial business men at its head, with I. E. Tone as president and J. L. Carey as treasurer. An appeal waa Issued today for funds to carry on the work. It Is proposed that an agent be employed to keep watch on municipal affairs, and to keep the people Informed as to what is being done with the fund and to work for reduction of the enormous city debt and the city tax levies. In a statement preparedly the officers the fol lowing summary la made as to the pres ent condition of the city finances: Greater Des Moines In 1S90 (the year of annexation) had no Indebtedness, each mu nicipality entering into the consolidation assuming its own Indebtedness under .the provls.ons of the consolidation act. In side of six years the city hud accumulated In outstanding warrants a. floating debt of $456,i(K an average of $75.0) each year of which $395,000 were funded Into bonds of is:x, mi and 1X, and have already cost In Interest $118,400. All this Indebtedness has been accumu lated because of allowing current ex penses to exceed current revenues. The system which has produced this result Is f generally Illegal and certainly unbusinees lke. lies Moines' levy for munlclpnl purposes gradually Increased until it reached, In 1SI03, 87.8 mills. The taxable value In ISIti, under the method of assessment then In force, was $1 475,280, and In 19n3 It was $l6,t4t.0t, showing an Increase of over 75 per cent In the levy with a shrinkage of but about 6 per cent In the taxable value of all property ussessed. During the lust nve years, with a tax levy aggregating over 36 mills, the cur rent expenses for city purposes have ex ceeded the Income in an annual amount aggregating about $2n0.no0, which is paid by the levying of a Judgment fund .tax, ranging from 2 to 3Vi mills annually. . New Chief Justice. It has been decided that John C. Sher win of Mason City will be the chief Jus tice of Iowa next year, commencing with the January term on the 10th of the month. Sherwin Is the member of the court who would have become chief Justice under the law before the adoption of the biennial amendment. The Judge whose term next expires Is made the chief Jus tice under the Iowa law, but since the adoption of the biennial amendment the terms of Judges Sherwin and Weaver will expire at the same time. The Judges, how ever, have decided that they shall continue to rotate the chief Justiceship for the pres ent on the old plan. The next term of court begins --January 10 and the subse quent periods of the term will commence February 7, March 7 and April 4. Looking Into Barrier Case. B. W. Garrett, pardon secretary for the state at the present time, returned today from Clinton, where he spent some time Investigating the case of George Burrler, who is applying to the governor for ex ecutive clemency. It appears that his ap peal Is more strongly backed than Is usual and that he finds very little opposition at Clinton, to the parole. Governor. Cummins has never taken the matter up, as jet and will not do so for some time. Burrler Is servirlg time for robberies at Clinton and he bases his claim to clemency on the ground that he turned state's evidence and has assisted the state greatly. Head of Horticultural Department. The Board of Trustees of the State col lege at Ames has closed with Prof. S. A. Beach of New York to come to Iowa and become head of the horticultural depart ment at Ames. Prof. Beach will also be, come head of the State experiment work In horticulture and the development ot fruits and the State Horticultural society will pay him part of his salary. He succeeds Prof. Price, who went to the Ohio Agri cultural college to become dtan. It Is planned to do a great deal of extra work In Iowa the next few years In the effort to develop new fruits. Insurance Companies at Law. A new and interesting point is involved In a suit commenced here by the Atla In surance company, an English corporation, against the Atlas Insurance company of Des Moines, to restrain the latter from doing business under that name. The English company has an American agency and lays claim to a copyright on the name. The Des Moinea company la an old one and has been doing business for a number of years, but has lately prepared to greatly Increase its capital. The question of the right of a foreign company to have ex clusive use of a name In tv s kind, of business has not before been us ed. Killing; over Disputed Account.. 8IGOURNEY, la., Deo. 23f (Special.) In a dispute over an old account John Martin shot and instantly killed Arthur Lynch this morning. The trouble arose over an account for work done for Lynch by Martin and the latter's sawmill near Fremont west of Hayesvllle. The shooting took place at the sawmill. Farmers' Institute Dates. WOODBINE. la.. Dec. 23.-(Special.) Tho next annual session of tha Harrison County Farm era' Institute will be held at Wood bine on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Save $20 on your trip to o o o o o o o o You can save almost twenty dolhtrg on the trip to California by going "tourist." The teats In the Tourist Bleeping Car are upholstered In rattan in stead of plush, but you gee aa much and have All the essential comforts. Our illustrated 'folder "Across the Continent in a Tourist SJeeper" contains a complete map de i scribes the cars, cost, varied routes, etc., and tells ' why the Itock Inland runs more tourist cars to Cali fornia than any other line. Let us send you the folder and help you plan the trip. s o o a 41 DAILY REE: SATURDAY. February 2!, 23 and 24. These three days wilt be replete with varied attractions for fhe farmer. A long arid Interesting pro gram Is in preparation. Alleaed Gsikeiiler Is Canght. ONAWA, la., Dec. 23. (Special.) C. A. Moss, formerly a resident of Onawa, waa arretted by Sheriff Ed Rawllngs near Al- toona, Kan., ftecember JO, and brought to Onawa and lodged In the Mcnona county Jail In default of $1,000 bonds. He was In dicted by the last Monona county grand Jury for larceny by embeiilement. There are also two other Indictments pending against Moss, in one of which ha is al leged to have committed forgery. Moss lived In Onawa for some years and was eigaged In various occupations, one of which was selling stock food for the Iowa Stock Food company. He formerly lived at Loveland. la, and at one time waa a dep uty sheriff of Pottawattamie county, Iowa. He was one of the candidates for the dem ocratic nomination for sheriff in Monona county a few yearn ago and figured some what In local politics. He removed from Onawa come time ago, and when arrested was engaged In selling medicines in south eastern Kansas. The Indictments are likely to be tried at the January, 1906, term of court. i Woodbine Ledges Elect. WOODBINE, la.. Dec. 2S.-(Speclal.) Seven Woodbine lodge elections have re sulted as follows: Daughters of Rebekah Noble grand, Mrs. G. S. Roundy; vice grand, Mrs. C. J. Shnr etl; secretary, Bessie Donaldson; treasurer, Mrs. J. Ulddings; financial secretary, Mrs. O. H. Maffere. Ancient Order of United Workmen M. W., J. R. Supper; recorder, G. It. Benedict; foreman, William Beverness; overseer, Frank Bennett; receiver, C. W. Reed; F., Arnold Bennett; guide, C. Pelance; O. W., C. J. Tuttle; I. W., W. H. TutUe. Modern Woodmen of America Venerable consul, G. M. ISourd; W. A., C. R. Stout; clerk. I-wls Haas; hanker, G. N. Young; escort, E. Meffard; sentry, M. M. Vinlng; watch, H. A. Humpnrey. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons W. M., J. W. Grimes; S. W., C. M. Hansen; J. W O. C. Duvall; secretary, 8. C. Eskel man; treasurer, Dr. J. Giddinga. Independent Order of Odd Fellows Noble grand. G. B. Rlgg; vice grand, J. C. Arnold; secretary, E. R. Heflln; treasurer. Lewis Haas; captain, A. C. Torrey; lieutenant, E. Meffard; enxign, J. C. Arnold: clerk, F. M. Rugg; accountant, D. M. Kinnis; S.'W., C. I. Shorett; J. W.. William Beverness; scribe, H. A. Humphrey. Two Accidents at Creston. CRESTON, la., Dec 23. (Special.) While attempting to move a piano In the Congre gational church R, McMaster, the Janitor, lost his hold on the Instrument, which be came overbalanced and fell on him. Inflict ing serious injuries. Mr. McMaster's leg was torn open and his side bruised. Had It not been for a blackboard which broke the fall It is probable that he would have lost his life. Rev. I. S. Lavely, pastor of the Lincoln chapel, had his arm broken by being thrown to the ground by a frisky colt which he was leading. Mr. Lavely waa taken to Mercy hospital, where his injury was dressed. Bonrdmnn la Not Disbarred. MARSHALLTOWN, Is., Dec. 23. (Special Telegram.) Judge Platf of Waterloo today dismissed the disbarment case brought against C. H. E. Boardman, a prominent attorney of this city, by F, W. Armstrong. Armstrong sought to have Boardman de barred for changing the record in the case of B. Lanxa against the LeGrand Quarry company, and the Judge held that while the act was irregular It did not warrant de barment, and that Armstrong wa acutated by motives of revenge aid malice. Engine Fireman Injured. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Dec. 23,-(Speclal.) Leo Byers, son of Alderman Byera of this place, sustained an Injured back In a pe culiar manner at Bennett today. He. Is firing an engine and when the coal chute was opened to fill the tender he saw that he was going to be caught In the aval anche of coal, and Jumped thirty feet to the ground, with the above result. He Is now In St. Luke's hospital, with every hope of his permanent recovery. Typhoid Fever at Coda Haplds. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Dec. 23. (Special.) There seems to be an epidemic of typhoid fever In this city. There are now several cases in the hospital and almost every physician In the city has one or two cases under his care. There have been four deatha in the last two weeks from that dis ease. The city bacteriologist has advised that all water be boiled before using, though he Insists that there Is no typhoid germs in that he ha analysed. Accident to Woman Proves Fatal. . CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Dec. 23. -(Special.) Mra Fannie Polensy, who wa caught by a Milwaukee switch engine and both arms so badly crushed that amputation waa nec essary, could not withstand the shock of the operation and died in the hospital today. She was picking up cobe along the track when the switch engine bunted some cars Into her. The coroner investigated . the case and held the train crew blameless. Election Contest Decided. CRESTON, la., Dec. 23. (Special. ) J. O. Boring and G, W. Smith of Lorlmor, who have been contesting the election for. the position of township trustee for New Hope township, have been given a decision by the Board of Supervisors. The board de cided in favor of Mr. Smith, who was elected on the returns, on the grounds that Mr. Boring waa a day late In filing his ob jection, the time allowed being twenty days, F. P. RUTHERFORD, D, P. 1333 mm ST., 0UH, IEB. DECEMRER 24. 1904. and Mr. Boring not filing objection ntil the twentr-firat day. Enalneer Breaks leg. CRESTON. Ia.. Dec. 2S.-(Special.)-Engl-rteer J. C. Jackson of the steam shovel gang had his leg broken while operating the derrick In moving a small turntable. The chain broke, permitting the derrick to fall on Mr. Jackson's leg. The Omaha Candy Kitchen sells the best. CODY BANDIT IS IDENTIFIED Man In Basin Jail Paid by Witnesses to Robbery to Re the One Wanted. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 2J.-Robert Ir win, arrested near Basin, Wyo., and now In the Basin Jail, has been positively Identified as one of the two bandits who attempted a robbery of the Cody bank and killed Cashier I. O. Middaugh cn November 1. The Identification Is made by men who witnessed the attack on the bank. Aas Light for Mitchell. MITCHELL, S. D., Dec. 23.-(Speclal.)-The Mitchell Gas company has Just com pleted Its plant and has turned the gas Into Its main. The plant and mains were com pleted In an Incredibly short time, over six miles of mains and the building being finished within a period of two months. It represents an expenditure of I26.0fto. The city council has contracted to ue twenty five lamps for street lighting. - which are now In operation, and twenty-five more will be Installed In the spring, which, with the sixteen arc lights, will make Mitchell ohe of the best lighted cltits In the state. Building nt Fort Meade. FORT MEADE. 8. D., Dec. 23. (Special.) Rus.ell & Walker, the contractors who were awarded the construction of the double barracks and double captains' quarters at this post, have started excavation for the last named structures. Work will bo pushed during the winter as far as possible. Considering that nine new buildings are to be erected, and that the water works sys tem, Including the big reservoir. Is to be compieieu, n is saie 10 say mat next sea- I on at Fort Meade will be a busy one along construction lines. Xmaa gift candy. Omaha Candy Kitchen. Burglar Confesses Crime. HURON. 8. D.. Dec. 23.-(Speclal.)-Glm- J mell's store at Cavour was looted by bur glars a few nights since, and on Tuesday a young man named William Wiley, who says his home Is near Madison, 8. D., was arrested near that place and when ac. ' cuscd of the crime confessed and asked , m ULaaBL - .A. .A. fljs $ THE HONOR OF THE GRAND PRIZE AT THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION HAS BEEN AWARDED Hunter IWhisKey! FOR THE HIGHEST ORDER OF MERIT IN ALL THE ELEMENTS OF A PERFECT WHISKEY SoM st all ftrtlftH eafi an by Jobbers, Wg. LiNiUiH a KO.N.BtUlmora.ad. lillll. i lit I I I MP! ruiiUiiMl!ay W - Ik. itf viaRjllSSOUR and IRON The Thermal, Radio-active waters of Jlot Springs, Arkansas, will be rendered con veniently accessible by the new train Bervice over the Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route. Leaving Kansas CJty at noon and arriving at the Springs next morning. Returning train leaves the Springs at 7 p. m., arriving Kansas City next afternoon. For pamphlet, time tables, etc., call or address, II. O. TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass. Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Missouri, or to be brought back for punishment. He ta no- in Jail here awaiting action of the state's attorney at the fitting of court on January a. I i Irrigation Ditch Asanred. BTVRGIS. S. D.. Dee. 23. (Special.) The south side project of the Belle Fourche Ir- There is no clement of speculation in the quality of Old Uiderooi Rye V l v ' It is good beyond compare. CHAS DENNEHY & COMPANY. Chicago. Ik, I A SNAP! I KM I H $2,500.00 Winton Touring Car, 1003 model; run lees than 5,000 miles; thoroughly overhauled and. reflnlshed, practically as good as new. If interested, write at once Peavey Elevator Company, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. I !l ! doctors for um I WE CURE and CURE QUICK We Don't Patch Up-We Curo Quickly, Safely and Thoroughly. Are you Buffering from any hidden drains, weaknesses or private dls?asesT If so why not be cured? Why noc win back the vim, vigor and vitality lost? The spark of sexual vitality seldjm dies out. It Is often weakened. Impaired, temporarily absent or frequently disappointing, but seldom dies, and it can be renewed. The secretions can be rtawakened, vitality restored, and the func tions again made normal. Just the lime as a wilting flower can be revived bjr suriRhlne and water. We have been the direct means of restoring thousands , of amicteu sufferers to complete and perfect health Years of practical experi ence, thousards of dollars si-ent In researches and an Immense practice have enabled us to evolve a svaiein of treatment that s speedy, safe and certain cure. The change In thousands of ews Is simply marvelous. Blighted lives. . blasted hopes, weakened systems, debilitated and alrophied organs and ner vous wrecks are perfectly restored by our system of treatment. If you will . give us the opportunity we will prove to you our skill and ability of Curing you of your allmerts. Give this matter your earnest thought and considera tion, as your future health and happiness may depend upon the course -you pursue at this time. Wa cure quickly, safely and thoroughly: " ... Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. Nervo-Sexua! DeblUt Impo-. tency,;B!o3J Poison (Syphilii). Waste ; In, Urine, : . Rectal and Urinary Diseases, """" and all diseases and weaknesses of men - due to inheritance, evil habits, ex .cesses, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases;- , rand II TaTinN fDFF If you cannot call, write jfor symptom blank. lvOUI.IAIIU!AI I HLL office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to X only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St.. Bet 13th and 14th Sta., o'raaha, Nii . h DEO TBJUD S1WIGE BETWEEN Kansas City, Mo Coffeyville, Little Rock and Hot Springs, Arlt. PACIFIC (MOUNTAIN CITY TICKET OFFICE, Southeast Corner Fifteenth and' Farnam, OMAHA, NCR tl -uil-.j- mil,' i " 'i .' . a rlsation scheme r amurrd. Less than l.Onfl acre are lacking to mnkf up the required total, and these will be secured before tha close of the rwit Tfk. Tha assurance) that this area! Irrta-ntton scheme la to be come a reality Is a matter of great Import anc to a wide are of terrltArjr. BALMY ROUTE