Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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ttavls f 11 drugs.
Iefrert' classes fit
Btockrt sella carpets.
Duncan sell the bt srhoil shoes.
Nigh, school at Western Iowa collfsre
Domesttle rooktns;. 83 North Mala street.
Prs. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl street.
ronen does the beat reralrtnc. 23 Main.
For rent, modern bouse. 73 Siatn avenue.
protect your stock ('ora a tor in; buy
bonrda cheap from C. Hater.
Elegant selection or Xmss pictures and
framrs. Bora lea. 2U 8. Main.
Cigars for Ctiristmaa presents at Morgan
at Dickey's drug store. 142 Broadway.
Fancy mirrors, alngla and triplicate, at
Morgan LMckey'a drug store. 112 B way.
Discount sale on framed pictures for
Christmas gitta. Alexander a Sa Broadway.
Morgan as Klein, upholsterers and mat
treaa maJtera. moved to 1 8. Main. Tel. U6.
The Brotherhood of American YeorrnTi
will meet this evening In regular session
for the election of otncera.
If you want a nice aweet or suur wins
for Christmas dinner 'phone CXIar-Wil,
J. O. Moabacher Co., Council Bluffs.
Nels Jensen, a well known brick mason
and contractor, is suffering from a fracture
of his right leg. received during a friendly
- scuttle Wednesday.
The remains of Kdward Hatton. who died
Wednesday evening at St. Bernard s hos-
f ltal. were taken yesterday to Corning, la.,
or burial.
Missouri oak dry cord wood. $6 a cord;
cobs. 11.75 per load: ahell bark hickory, 17
per cord, delivered. William Welch, 1
North Main. Telephone 1.3.
William II. Gilbert of Omaha and Iluse
Jl Rooney of South Omaha and Charles f.
J- Bnfefdt of Persia, la., and Anna Kt
or fortsmoutn, Ja., were mari-ieu m tnis
city yesterday by Justice Ouren.
T. II. Bchulta of Mlnden, against whom
Information charging him with being In
sane was filed Wednesday by E. . Kun
dd. was discharged yesterday by the com
missioners, after a hearing.
' Chief of Police Richmond yesterday filed
an Information charging Charles U. Town
send, the amateur detective, with being
Insane. Ills case wlil probably be Inves
tigated by the commissioners today.
Buy battlns of C. Hater, stop up the
cracks and save feed.
William Peterson, an old man who ekes
out a living by collecting Junk and who
la said to have lived alone at 1?1 Avenue
H. waa reported to the police late last
night as being critically 111 and with but
Blight chances for his living through the
night. J
Bergeant Nela Nelson won out at the sec
ond competitive drill of the High school
cadets yesterday afternoon, this making
the second time that he has carried off
the gold medal presented by the faculty of
the school. If lie succeeds In winning the
third time In succession be will be en
title! to retain it.
The annual shoot of the Bluff City dun
club yesterday attracted about 130 sports
men to the grounds at the east side of the
river. The first prise, a dressed deer, was
divided between John Oliver, J. E. Wallace,
Henry Deetkln and C. Lyon of Qlenwood.
Heveral hundred turkeys, gee and ducks
were also given ns prises. The live buck
deer, weighing 360 pounds, wns awarded
.o Peter Ixrenson cf the Kiel hotel.
The funeral of the late Robert W.
Sweeney will he held this afternoon at 3:30
o'clock from the residence of his dauRhter,
Mrs. A. W. Hnber, 213 Kast Pierce street,
and Interment will be In Walnut Hill ceme
tery. The services at the house will be
rondttcted bv Rev. James O'May, pastor of
Broadway Mefliodlst church. At the grave
Bluff City Masonic lodge, of which deceased
was a member, will have charge of the
e, services. The members or tne lodge are re
quested to meet at Masonio temple at t
rn rm Honrs!r4e Candy
Is te beat always ti bu;'. We make all of
our card? and know It Is good. Purity
2nd Kitchen, 64 Broadway.
Rooms and cafe. Ogden hotel.
Palm and Fra Sale
One-third leas than they have ever been
sold for. Do not miss this opportunity.
Plumbing and heating. Bliby at Bon.
Special Sale
For ten days we
will conduct a Pre
Inventory Sale and
offer our entire stock
of fine pianos at a
off our regular cash
, We have the fin
est line of Piano
Scarfs,- Stools and
Music Rolls, and are
putting in another
entire catalogue of
10 cent music, which
gives us the largest
stock. of sheet music
and books in middle
America. ,
335 Broadway
Where Tha Organ ' Stands
Upon Ttia Building
, vmmmm
28 PEARL ST.rHO""'
l4y Attendant If Desired.
Two f the Ciurcket Start Off witk Exsr
cisss This ETiniuf.
Asanas; Mast Rotable tiataerlags Wilt
Be Thnsa of Christina Home. Ie
l.oii Missions and General
Dodge's Treat a C nllaren.
The first of the Christmas celebrations by
the different church Sunday schools of the
city will teke place this evening when the
young people of the Broadway Methodist
and First Presbyterian churches will have
their yuletlde eierclsea. At the Broadway
church, "Santa Claus' Workshop." will be,
the theme of the entertainment to he given
by the pupils of the Sunday school. The
platform will be set to represent the work
shop of old Santa Claua, who will be there
in rerson, and at the close of the play will
distribute the gifts among tha young folks.
At the First Presbyterian church there
will be a Chrlstmaa tree, with exercises
by the primary department and a program
of musical numbers and recitations.
Saturday evening the following Sunday
schools will hava their celebrations: First
Christian church, cantata, "Christmas at
Grandpa's"; Second Presbyterian church,
German Methodist and German Evangel
ical churches. Christmas trees with appro
priate exercises by the young people; Fifth
Avenue Methodist church, Christmas pro
gram by children.
The Seventh Pay Adventists will havs a
Christmas program of carols, recitations
and other exercises at the Gunn school
house, which will be given under the di
rection of Miss Iearl Greening.
Next Monday evening there will be the
following entertainments: First Congrega
tional church, Chrlstmaa tree and exercises;
Latter Day Saints, Christmas tree and pro
gram ; Union Christian, Christmas tree,
program and distribution of gifts; Swedish
Lutheran, program by Sunday school and
distribution of gifts; Swedish Baptist, Sun
day school, Christmas treat; Woodbury
Avenue Sunday school, cantata, "Tha
Christmas King"; First Baptist, program
by Sunday school and cantata, "Old Krlss
Next Wednesday evening the children of
the Sunday schools of St. Paul's Episcopal
church and All Saints' chapel will have
their Chrlstmaa party and treat at Royal
Arcanum hall. There will be a program
of songs and recitations under the leader
ship of Miss Gretzer and Miss DeHaven.
Tha Sunday school of St. John's English
Lutheran church will not have lis Christ
mas entertslnment until Friday evening of
next week, when the young folks will give
the play. "Sunta Claus at Home, or the
Chrlstmaa Excursion."
At Christian Home.
The children of tha Christian home will
have thtlr Christmas celebration tomorrow
evening, when the exercises will consist of
the rendition of the cantata, "Old Fash
ioned Santa Claus." There will also be
wand and hoop drills by the member of
tha gymnasium classes, under tha direc
tion of Miss Florence Denny, followed by
a program of songs and recitations. Mon
day afternoon the children will hava a
Christmas tree and the annual distribu
tion of gifts will be made.
The annual Christmas treat and enter
tainment provided by General G. M. Dodge
the children of old soldiers will be li-id
this year on next Wednesday in tha armory
of the Dodge Light guards, when there will
be an appropriate program and the usual
distribution of fruit and candles for tha lit
tle folks.
At the Iowa School for the Deaf the
Christmas exercises will be held tomorrow
evening In the chapel of the Institution and
will be under the direction of Miss Mao
Dill. Every pupil will receive some suit
able gift, as is the usual custom of Super
intendent Rothert. There will be a large
Christmas tree, which will be placed In the
dining hall and on Monday evening there
will be tha annual Christmas party and
The children of Rev. Henry DeLong't
two mission schools will hava their Chrlst
maa treats next week. On Friday the
children of tha Broadway mission will
have their treat and each will receive a
present There will be appropriate exer
cises. A similar program will ba carried
out Saturday afternoon at the Avenue F
mission school. There will be big Christ
mas trees at both schools.
Tha members of the Flower mission will,
following their usual custom, distribute
Christmas dinners among a number of poor
families and on Saturday will have their
annual Chrlstmaa tree for a limited number
of young children. Each member will
bring at least two children to the Christ
mas tree festivities and aa there are
twenty-flve young women belonging to the
mission, this means that at least fifty lit
tle ones will be made happy by them.
Judge Green Concludes Work and
Leaves for His Homo.
With tha disposition of a few minor mat
ters Judge Oreen yesterday morning ad
journed the December term of district court
and left In tha afternoon for his hpme In
Audubon. The next term of court will be
convened January 6, with Judge A. B.
Thomell presiding.
J. W. Wilson, who appealed from a fine
of $35 and costs Imposed on him for assault
ing II. Sokaloff and wife and was again
convicted In tha district court, was sen
tenced by Judge Green to pay a fine or t30
and costs. In passing sentenoe Judge Green
stated that but for the tact that the de
fendant was a poor man ha would hava
been inclined to line him tha limit 1100.
The motion on the part of tha plaintiff
In tha damage suit of Guy Bourlclus against
the motor company for a new trial was
argued and overruled.
Following the refusal of the Board of
County Supervisors to consider his claim
until tha January session Attorney F. A.
Turner yesterday began suit against Potta
wattamie county for 1300 for services ren
dered In conducting tha case of Lewis
Smith, colored, charged with murder, be
fore tha supreme court, ha having been
assigned to defend Smith by order of tha
presiding Judge.
Tha petition In tha suit of Fire Chief
Nicholson against the Citizens' Qas and
Electric Company was filed yesterday.
Chief Nicholson asks 15,000 damsges and
an additional 50 for what ha clalma to hava
expended for medicine. On the night o(
September 17 Nicholson and his driver were
thrown from their buggy while responding
to a firs alarm by driving Into a mound of
dirt, alleged' to have been left unprotected
on First street by tha defendant company.
Mrs. Anna Reaction has begun suit for di
yoroe from Charles J. Bcanlon, alleging de
sertion. She also asks for $1,000 permanent
and f3a a month temporary alimony.
Mrs. Carrie Jensen asks for a divorce
from L. P. Jensen, to whom sits was mar
ried In Neola In December, 1887. She makes
statutory charges and aaka to be awarded
the custody of their Ave minor children and
that tha title to their property In Neola ba
decreed In her.
Mrs. Kata Olsen' seeks a divorce from
Max tin Olson, to whom she waa married
Your opportunity to buy from the sample Hue
of H. F. Hahn Co., the largest wholesale jewel
ers in the United States, lasts but two days
more. Scores of beautiful presents left, which
must be closed out. You positively save from
20 to 25 per cent by availing yourself of this
extraordinary opportunity.
The stamp of newness,
originality and artistic merit
is in evidence on all goods at
'No such values have ever
been shown in the West be
fore, and the great selling
testifies to the truth of this
On solid gold brooch pins,
lace pins, collar pins, etc.
On ladies' and gentlemen's
solid gold set rings.
On hand painted china.
On chains, fobs, scarf pins
and lockets.
On mantel clocks, parlor
clocks and bedroom clocks.
On silver plated tea sets.
Remember, that with every dollar
will receive a coupon entitling you to
receive tree. Christmas Eve., a diamond
, -
glass dish a solid gold watch one dozen sterling silver
OR WRITE FOR IT. 20 per cent off on Fancy Combs.
407 Rrnadwav 'Phone L608. Jeweler and Optician. Council Bluffs
July 27, 1904. She alleges that shortly after
the marriage her husband attempted to
shoot her and would have succeeded but for
the Interference of neighbors. Since then
the life she has led. she avers, has been
too strenuous and she would prefer to be
come a single woman again.
Deputy Sheriff W. A. Groneweg, on be
half of himself, J. C. Baker. J. B. Long and
Ed Canning, who were also deputies from
January 1. 19U0. to January 1. 1902, and
whose claims have been assigned to him,
has brought sult against Pottawattamie
county to recover 1170.22, this representing
the portion of their salaries during that
period which remains unpaid. Before the
law fixing the salary of the sheriff and his
deputies was amended the county board
had sn agreement with the then sheriff,
U B. Cousins, that the salaries to a certain
amount were to be paid out of the fees
and earnings collected by tha office. Dep
uty Groneweg asserts that sufficient was
collected within the time stated to meet all
the salaries.
Joseph Stiles, a -real estate dealer of Har
lan, la., has brought suit agalnat Squire &
Annis of this city for $400, claiming this
amount Is due him for commission In a
deu for 400 acres of land, for which be suc
ceeded In finding a purchaaer.
George A. Reickart has begun suit against
the Rock Island Railroad company asking
(700 damages for alleged overflow of twen
ty-one acres of his farm by reason of the
defendant company failing to maintain a
proper and sufficient waterway to carry off
surface water, aa It is alleged. It contracted
to do.
Engineer Innble to Bay About Help-
Ins; Improve the Creek.
W. II. Davlsson. principal assistant engi
neer of the Rock Island railroad, with
headquarters in Chicago, was In the city
yesterday in response to Mayor Macrae's
request that each railroad centering in the
city send Its engineer to Investigate and
devise some concerted plan for preventing
the periodical overflows of Indian creek.
In company with Mayor Macrae, Alder
man Younkerman, Weaver and Gilbert, Mr.
Davlsson made a tour of the creek and
particularly looked Into the condition pf his
company's bridges over It. Of tha three
bridgea owned by the Rock Island two
were found to be of sufficient height above
the creek to afford an ample waterway, but
the third will have to be raised about two
feet. Mr. Davlaaon informed the city offi
cials he was confident his company would
offer no objections to raising this bridge,
but as to his company sharing part of the
cost of deepening and widening the creek
bed, aa proposed by the mayor and city
council, he was not prepared to say. As to
this the company would determine after he
had filed hla report.
President Ramsey of the Wabash road
has written Mayor Macrae that hla com.
pany'a engineer will be here shortly and
that the Wabash will be perfectly willing
te do whatever the other roads agree to do.
Canes and Candy Beads
For the decoration, canes from 1 cent up.
Three yards of candy beads for t cents.
Purity Candy Kitchen, (46 Broadway.
Wilcos's Flower Store Is ths best plac
In tha city to buy Xmii presents. Every
body appreciates flowers. You should see
our display.
Hen I Kstate Transfers.
These traasfers were reported to The Bee
December ti by tha Title Guaranty and
Trust company i Council Bluffs:
Samuel Alexander and wife to J. A.
MrKeenmn. lot I, In Original plat lot
173, w. d 7. f (.000
Th omits kV Csssdy snd wife to John
K. Oarner. sV nV, 17-76-41. q. c. d.. 1
Frsnk Jone mid wif to Koala Cousu
(art aeW seW U-Ti-H. s. w. 0- M X4
20 Per Cent Off
on Cut Glass
On our beautiful line of um
brellas. 20 PER CENT OFF
vases & cologne bottles.
On all sterling silver, silver
plated and ebony toilet sets,
desk sets, manicure sets and
shaving sets.
On child's cup and napkin
On rosaries.
On ladies' hand bags.
On all sterling silver, al
mond, salad and fish sets.
Sheriff to A. W. Way. 'lots 3. 4, 6,
block 1. Highland Place add, s. d.... 107
Nels MlkkelHon and wife to Theodore
Nelson, lot 8. part lot 9, block 7,
Hayllss' 3d add. w. 5 528
Treasurer to Klvlna B. Larson, lot 8,
block 21. McGee's subdlv. t. d 10
John C. Kendull and wife to C. A.
Hamilton, lots 26, W, 28, J9. 31, Kerry
add, w. d 100
A. B. Walker to Jesse Walker, nVi wVi
ne4 swVi 6-75-3!), q. C. d 17
A. W. El.sworth to Fannv Ellsworth,
lot 24. block 11. McClelland, q. c. d.... 1
Ad1btrt Cook and wife to George W.
Collins, lot 4, In 4-76-44. w. d 2.00
Total ten transfers J9.012
Don't Do, Cheap
Candy for the children. Pure home-mndn
candy Is wholesome. Purity Candy Kitchen
sells nothing but pure candy. 148 B'way.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. A?e.
A. W. Trimpe. Council Btuffs 25
Lena Baker. Council Bluffs 21
Martin B. Nelson. I'nderwood. Ta 21
Anna K. Hemmingsen. Council Bluffs 21
William H. Gilbert. Omaha 40
Rose Itooney, South Omaha 33
Nels P. Peterson, Ceresco. Neb 40
Johanne M. Jorgenson. Ceresco, Neb 5J
Charles F. Ronfeldt. Persia, la 37
Anna Eggers, Portsmouth, la 18
Wilcoi's Flower Store Is where you can
get an Xmaa present for a small amount of
money that Is sure to be appreciated.
Fanes' Boxes of Candy
At Purity Candy Kitchen, (46 Broadway.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 230; night, F667.
Pottawattamie-Harrison Scheme Or
dered Constructed.
MISSOURI VALLEV. la., Dec. 22. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The boards of supervis
ors of Pottawattamie and Harrison coun
ties met in joint session in the city hall
here today for the purpose of considering
the petitions for a drainage district cov
ering the western portion of the two coun
ties. Supervisor A. Edgecomb presided
over the meeting, assisted by Deputy Audi
tors O. W. Atkins and W. M. Fredericks.
On roll call the petitions were found to
be sufficient In form and signatures, and
that the drainage petitioned for was ne
cessary and conducive to the nubile health.
v At the afternoon session a long remon
strance was filed by L. C. Brown In be
half of certain objectors. Attorney Hlnes,
on behalf of the Northwestern railway, as
serted that his company was not opposing
the drainage proposition, but only asking
sufficient damages to cover the actual coat
of bridges and culverts made necessary by
the canals.
All objections being overruled the board
appointed C. W. Hunt of Harrison and
Ossler of Pottawattamie to aasesa the bene
fits of the proposed drainage to the adja
cent lands subject to overflow. The board
then adjourned to meet in Council Bluffs,
February 21, 1905. to receive the report of
these assevsors and take further action
In the Mrnona-Harrlson drainage project.
P. A. Sawyer and J. Z. Adams, represent
ing tha petitioners fur canals draining
parts of aforesaid counties, have succeeded
In submitting the full facts and objections
urged by Addison, Oliver and others against
said drainage In the case at bar styled
Ballah agalnat The Boards of Supervisors
of Harrison and Monona counties.' The
arguments are Intended to cover all ob
jections to the present drainage laws of
Iowa as affecting their legality and will be
submitted to Judge Wakefleld next week.
Whatever his decision tha caae will be ap
pealed to the aupreine court, whence Imme
diate action la expected for the purpose of
defining the status of the drainage laws of
luwa taat all drainage sfetttt nun; un-J
On silver plated table, des
sert and teaspoons and fan
cy pieces.
On cnndelabras and candle
On stationery, potery and
art goods.
On solid gold pens, pen hold
ers and fountain pens.
sterling silver spoons for
f 1.0() were $1.50.
All broken sets sterling
silver forks for $1.00 alue
$1.50 to ?2.00.
On all sterling silver novel
ties, including manicure
pieces, cologue bottles, soap
boxes, match boxes, scissors,
combs, trays, ink wells, blot
ters, pocket knives, etc.
cash purchase you
an opportunity to
ring: a rich cut-
der consideration may be proceeded with
uccording to law.
Robs His K to pi oyer.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. Dec. 22. (Special
Telegram.) A warant wns Issued from the
court of Justice W. M. Clark today for the
arrest of John Monroe for the theft of a
team of horses, harness, buggy and all the
other vuluables he could get hold of from
J. D. Siience, a farmer living near Clem
ents, this county, yesterday. Spence wiis
away at the time and the children were at
school, and upon returning they found the
house strewn with furniture and a trunk-
known to contain valuables broken open.
As soon as Spence returned a search wus
Instituted. The buggy was traced for a
few miles when tho trail waa lost. Monroe,
who was working for Spence and Is ac
cused ef the crime, Is a man about 22 years
of age. He la quite dark, has thick lips
and might be taken for a light mulatto.
He claimed to live in Kansas.
Jury Inable to Settle It.
WEBSTER CITY;. Ia., Dec. 22.-(SpeclXl
Telegram.) The Jury in the case against
County Superintendent of Schools L. N.
Grber, charged with an assault and but
tery with intent to do great bodily Injury
to City Superintendent L. H. Ford dis
agreed today after an eightcen-hour ses
sion. They stood six to six. The alleged
uHsuult occurred last May In the private
office of Prof. Ford, where Gerber hud
gone to Intervene in behalf of his son, who
was in the graduating clas, but had been
suspended. No one witnessed the assault
and for many days after Ford lay at the
point of death from a blow in the back
of the head. The case may not be re
tried. Train Crew Is Exonerated.
ONAWA, la., Dec. 21 (Special.) The
coroner's Jury today, after examining the
train crew of No. 36, which killed tho un
identliied man yesterday at the Ashton
croesing, brought in a verdict that the un
identified man was killed by being struck
by freight train No. 36, Northwestern rail
way, and exonerated the company and ita
employes from all liability. Nothing could
be faund to Identify the party and he waa
burled lie re today.
MeFarland Is Uonnd Over.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Dec. 22. (Special.)
Thomas MeFarland, who was arrested in
Chicago recently and brought back! here
for trial on the charge of embezzling $300
of the Foresters of America's money, waa
arraigned today. Ha waived examination
and waa held to the grand Jury in $560
bond. This ho failed to fumiah and was
sent to Jail.
Ensxlaeer Makes Fast Ran.
CRESTON, Ia., Dec. i-(Speclul.)-Fat
mall No. 8, with Engineer Dlffetibaugh of
Creston, made a run Tuesday evening
which has called forth comments' from
railroad circles. The train made up 114
mlnutea between Creston and the transfer,
and made the entire distance of 108 miles in
119 minutes.
Dedhaaa Hank la Closed.
SIOV'X CITY, Ia. Dec. 22--The Dedham
Savings bank of Dedham, la., has been
closed, and the president, J. O. Caton, who
left, ostensibly for funds, cannot be found.
He Is said to be short about J0.uO and the
bank has commenced suit against hlra for
the amount. The bank bad o.0uu ia de
posits. First Train an new Road.
ANAMOSA. Ia.. Dec. 22 (8petlal.-The
first train was run over the Chicago, Ana
mosa & Northern from here to Pralrlesburg
yesterday. The people of the latter burg
celebrated wKa a. taut( md ioscbea.
(f'iii J
....OF THE WEST....
Headquarters for
Holiday Shoppers
The general verdict is: Our prices
are the lowest and selection the best.
Special sale for Friday on Ebony Ster
ling Silver Mounted Toilet Articles. A
cut of 25 to 50 on all Ebony goods.
These goods are genuine Ebony not
Men's and Boys'
Military Brushes,
Files, Buffers,
Corn Knives,
Soap Boxes,
Tooth Brushes,
Nail Brushes,
Cloth Brushes,
Whisk Brooms,etc.
Our cut glass sale still continues and is
the wonder of Xmas purchasers, prices
less than one-half regular prices.
Hand-painted plates, heavy gold border.
worth $150, $2.00,
all for
Sterling Silver
Another big shipment just received. We
offer you exceptional value in this de
partment, also a full line of new French
grey patterns in plated ware, prices 25
less than elsewhere.
W. A.
340-342-344 Broadway, Co. Bluffs
' -"HI ' T-Ta-
Rapid Delivery Co.
We Guarantee Quick and Baft
Delivery of Hag-gage and I'srcela
Office Resilience
Phooe 8Z7. 'Pboo F74.
$2.50, &tl AA'
Western Iowa College
Enter Hew. Calaleame Free.
E. P. MILLER. Prsldnt.
fasoale Temple. 'Pnnne B14,
1 BaUblUb. 1UI.
Brosswar sd Mils Si. r riim1! Sks Star.
You i sa borrow ar aauMint ea cattla, kon,
k.uukoia fsrulturs or u th.u.1 Mtvrlir.
to tun borrow. r. ana lai.rMt raauc accorslnfir.
All couAfoatial. UjVmc iiim. OSV. uts
If SBU UU !., SBllUSaf fSBlBe U4 a .