TI1K OMAHA DAILY BKK: THirKSOAV, l)KCKMnKK 22. 1904. 7 (.RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET blj'irii Ht to Go Up for Decembt1 Wheat and Com. WHEAT SHOWS REMARKABLE STRENGTH K.atlmate of nr(hwrt Million. hrtl Rail Argentine eT 4 ar lt nation Wnnf-flali , Are Flat. OMAHA. Dec. U, 19"4 December ht and corn axe up and doing. It would appear the snort lounn 1s having hard -ime getting to axaii for delivery snd that the long tree Is lioldlng It a little above their headn. The December opened at Chicago at 61.11, which was fce shove the Tuesday close. Esrly In the session there seemed an unlimited amount for aale at ll-llVi. while the market wss firm at "ae. Later the continued de mand rsrrled the market up aa high as II.U'L, and there seemed little to be got at that figure. Omaha quotation sdvanod from 1 02 to 11.03V. The May gained from J1.027 to ).04r, wrilch waa proportionately aster than Chlrago strengthened. The Chicago cash rorn situation etrengthene-t up. the December, after opening r below Tuesday's close, advanced lvc. Omaha December made a net gain of Ho, ending a point above the Tuesdsy close. No former year, It la remarked, lie ehown a wheat record It at like the present, where, the market advanced Doe or V'f. above the early July price In sixty daya nod thon failed to break more than onc ihlid of the extreme advance In the follow ing four niontha. What haa ahown great strength In fac of having to take I6.(i.0i bushels from the Pacific, coaat e.nd l.ooo,0i bushels from Canada. Rollln H. Smith of Minneapolis SMtlmatea the northwestern crop of milling wheal at 10S,000.orJ buahela. He places the crop at 150.0no.0oo buahela. takes away 13,000. 0W buahela for aeed. cut put 6 per cent aa bad, and further reduces Ma totaj by IW.OiHi.oriO buahela becauae KX.uoO. OH) buaheln of the crop graded three or worse and haa that much less flour produc ing rapacity. The northwest country move ment la eaJd to be light and house with connections In that part were good buy eia In Chicago today. Rumors from Argen tine aay the optimistic news la not war ranted. There la en id to be mat and blight, and froet In the northern provinces. The final government estimate of all crop" - acreage, production and farm values, will be Issued December CORN Receipts have been lesa than ex pected. The car situation la growing daily more serious. It la Impeding the movement of corn from the west and also of corn acid to the seaboard for export. The siilo of corn from first hands la aleo being stopped, as no much trouble Is being experienced In forwurdlng what has already been sold. OATH The receipt for today are about one-third standard. The speculative Inter nal In flat and the fluctuations continue to be made by the pit scalpers. No outside Interest la manifest and nothing la In sight to bring the market out of Its rut. The range In prlcea for Omaha specula tive markets follows: High. Low. Close. Yea'y. Pec . .1.(8 1.03 1.02 R l.fi4 1.0C May ..1.02?4 1.04' 102TB 1.041, 1.02V lorn Dec ..40 41 40 40VA 3S"4 Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, ll.02fil.0B: No. I hard. 9fiotfj1.01; No. 4 hard. 8!ii94c; No. 3 spring, 31.03. CORN No. 2. S9'fcc: No. 3, W.c; No. 4, KnpgkVtc; no grade, 33u37e; No. 2 yellow. 3IHc: No. 3 yellow, 3Vo; No. 2 white, 89',ac; No. 3 white, 3VV4o. OATS No. 2 mixed, 2Sc; No. 3 mixed, 27c; No. 4 mixed, 2t(c; No. 2 white, 29c; No. 3 white, 28 Vic; No. 4 white, 27V's2Rc; stand ard, 28ijC. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 20 345 4rt Kansas City 67 1ZJ I Minneapolis 338 St. Uluts 48 35 41 Duluth 191 Winnipeg; 144 Omaha 2 6M 6 Qrala Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices at the following markets today and Tuesday were: CHICAUO. Close Wheat December Today. Tuesd'y. ov. May July . 1.11 "" Corn December May ..... July Wheat May July Wheat May July Corn May July Wheat May July Whaat May Wheat May July 4VB 4iB 4HA 4nV,B 4iH KANBA8 CITT. I.OS14 aov 1.02V, Ma ST. LOUIS. 1.14V, l.l:iS H&T, 43 43 43, 4J! MINNEAPOLIS. 1.13'i 1.12 V, 1.12V, 1.11T, DULUTH. 1.13 1.12'i NEW YORK. ... 1.1.H, ... 1.03 i.i2; l.tt!'s MiW YORK (iKMGHAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Yarlona Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. 21 FLOUR Receipts, lb.lt,' bbls.; exports, 15,9!i bbls. ; markst tiulet and steady; Minnesota pat ents, tu.9frtjii.10;; Minnesota bakers, l4.4txtf 4.75: winter patents, $5.Ko; winter straights. .V 26ign.40; winter extras, $3.6684.30; winter low grades, 33.45ift4.10. Rye Hour, quiet; fair to good, $4.4Ot4.70: choice to fancy, 14 754(6.00. Buckwheat Hour, quiet, 2.1iwj' " ?ORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low. H.3ojl.3i; coarse, 31.24-31. 2; kiln dried, J2.9ikB3.1U. R 1 E Nominal. . BARLEY tjulet: feeding, 44Vc, c. I. f.. New York: malting, 444?61c, c. 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 17,000 bu. Spat, firm; No. 2 red. nominal elevator: No. 1 northern, lmluth, 1.23M f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. A stronger tune took poaseanlon of wheat today, reflect ing, steadier Loudon cables, small northwest receipts and reports of rust and froat dam age In Argentina. Prices advanced a cent on covering and closed firm, V,foT,c net higher; May, 11.12 S-ltMil.U 3-1K; cloned ut II U'; July. 11 O.'Val.iU', ; closed at tl.iu; Dcoember, tl.lh'dl l.H'; dosed at $1.1MV- CORN Receipts, Kl.iX bu.; exports, 39.321 bu. Hpot, steaov; No 2, ib'io elevator and M4c f. o. h. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 52Ve; No. 3 white, 53'V'. Options market waa alow again, but genetHlly stronger with wheat, especially December, which closed I'c up against He rise on May; May, 51V"lNc; closed at &lc; December, 64iii66c; closed at fiiic. OATS Receipts, 8.000 bu.; exports. 7.480 ru. Root, dull; mixed oats, 2t to 32 Ilia.. ;it Vui'-tc; natural white, :) to 32 lbs.. 9 37c; clipped white, 3tl tu 40 Ihs.. 37Hiu'Vjc. HAY Quiet; aliipplug, 'iti5c; good to choice, 77fci6e. HOI'S wulet; state, common to hcoice. 1904 crop, 2tKl37c: 1903 crop, ItO'fjiHc; olds, 14c; l'arlflo coast. 1904 crop, ISXUiici IM crop, 34J3c: olda, 14i 17c. II1DR8 Quiet: Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs, IKc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to M It!,.. l4Wc. I.KATHKR Firm; sold. 4'ii2tSc. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family. tll.W il2i; meaa, $9.C0fM: Iwef hams. I2 (lOijl 2J.60. packet. I10.5o)11.00: city, extra India mesa. 14 ft(lt 5'V . V ut nieuts, dull: plcKlei bellies. I7.254i7.75; "plcUled shoulders. ftl.Tfi. pickled hstns. 49 l.ird. sieudy; western teamed, 37, 2i; refined, steady; continent, 37 10; South American, tS; compound. 35.12V, iB.M. Potk. easy; family. 114.0041 lo.OO; short clear, tl3.75DHl ftO; mens, 13(HiH 13.76. TAl.lAJW Quieti city, 4c; country, 4S fHc. RiCE Firm: domestic, fulr to extra, Ptt lV,c; Japan, nominal. BTTTER Weak - street price extra cream ery. S&tfatvv. Official prices: Creamery, common to extra, 22Hj2k:; held, common to eMi.i. 19j24c; stale dairy, common to extra. 16i?ie. CHEKSE Firm: stats full crsam. small. September, colored and whit, farcv, 12c; state, late made, poor to choice. vllo, stais, large, September, colored and white, fancy, lic: state, late made, colored, good to cholcr. U(l",c; state, late made, white, fancy. 10Hc; state, poor to prime, MIlOc. KH18 Dull: western fancy selected, I8c; Western sverage best, 27. , POL'LTRY Alive, steady: western chick ens, 9c; fowls, luv,c; turkevs. U'ui:tc. PrcaHmt. steadier: weitern chUken, l'.VfJ lue; fowls, 11c; turkeys, lift 18c. Minneapolis tiraia Market. MINNEAPOM8. Iec. !1. WHEAT De cember 1109V,: May 31 13V; July. tM:S' l.l!'i. No. 1 hard. II 13; No. 1 northern, II 11; No. 3 northern, IU. KDGl'R First patents. IS tS'ui!.u6: sec ond patents. i.7it;5 li.); first clears, H Kxat ii, second clears. I2.7ui"2.ii. Blt.VN In bulk. llB.."". I.lyeroool Grata Market. U VRimiot.. Dec SJ.-W HKAT-iot. "'. (uluj'sa, u.ult; iecembei, . itoiiv Icsl: .far'Mry, 7sl4jd: Msn h. 7s ISd IOHN-foot, steadrj Aniertr4n mixed, new. 4s7Vd: American mixed oM. 4a letyt. Knt'irea, steadv; December, tnUtt; March, ts ?Hd ttllCAt.O t;Hn AMI rROlIO f 4) Featarea of the Tra4las: aaa t loalaaj rrieea on Board of Trade. CIHCA'IO, Dec. t:.-Pmall primary re ceipts In the t'nlted states was one of the rHH'um of a strong wheat market here todiy. Crrp damage report" from Argen tina aided In the upturn At the close Mny wheat wna up l,f. Corn shows a g!u of V. Oats are up Va'V. Provisions afe tjft The wheat market at the opening wn somewhat Irregular, the May option teln a shude higher to ',c lower at II 1o to ll.1S For it moment offerings were slightly in excess of demand. Almost Im mediately, however, sentiment changed and It became difTl'-ult to get responses to bids. The result wua a quick advance In price. Liverpool advices were of a benrlsh tenor. Quotations on future deliveries at the time of opening here were from ' to So lower. The apparent reason for the decline was favorable news received there ftotn Ai gen tins, together with offerings of Argentine wheat at 3c decline. As an offset to these advices a local commission house had n cablegram from a Chicago crop expert, now In Argentina, giving a much less favorable account of that country's crop. The cUlm was made by thie authority that with 2.000,000 more acres seeded to wheat this year sppenrances Indicated that the total yield would he somewhat smaller than last year's. l.ter In the session the market was further strengthened by a liberal de crease In primary receipts arrivals today being only shout one-hnlf as compared with those of the corresponding day a year ago. Shortly before the close Mav reached the highest point of the day at $1.12. The market closed strong, with May at $1.114. Clearances of wheat snd flour were equal to 57.700 bushels. Primary receipts were 4.fti0 bushels, compared with 1.299.100 a year ago. Minneapolis. Dniuth and Chi cago reported receipts of 535 cars, against 570 cara last week and 567 a year ago. The corn market was strong, partly In sympathy with wheat and partly because of much smaller receipts than estimated. Reports of a lively shipping demund also strengthened speculative prices. Bhorta were the heat biusrs. Mav opened r to t ?vic higher at tBe to 45'f4r.Hc. sold up to 45Hc and closed at the highest point, local receipts were 345 cars, with i cf contract grade. Strength of wheat and corn whs the main cause of a Arm oats market. Trading was exceedingly quiet and largely of a local character. Mar opened unchanged at 31 1c, sold up to 314jc snd closed nt 31-S1f31ie. Local receipts were 4. cars. Provisions were a trifle easier as a result Of libera.! re ceipts of hogs Trading waa almost at a standstill. At tne close May pork wns on at H2.J2V. tjtro was a snaoe lower in $7.12147.15. Ribs were down 2&6c at 'i.7o. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 32 cars: corn, 536 cars; oats. 71 cars; hogs, 34.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows; Artlcles.l Open. HlghLowTTciose. Yes' jr. Wheat Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oats Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Ribs Jan. May 111 I1 nsi 1 1 13SI 1 11 1 1 13k 1 HH, 1 12 9St, 1 10s I 1 11V 1 9!"4) 98Hr WlV't1, I 1 ;! 451471V Wl 31 1,41 S 31'! 47 45H! 45?,; I 29il 31 'i 31 V 4.1V ''. i 45; 45, 4SH.4wVrV I I 291,! 291,! 31 V SVl4i 3i,! ai-T,! 4i 4nVi 45V, 29 31 V4 .1 12 R7V4 12 00 12 95 12 67V4J 12 57 12 87V,! i 92V 12 K2V, 12 90 6 85 7 12V, 11 9a n 90 7 15 6 50 ti 80 90 7 15 e 35 7 10 90 715 45 75 6 47H n 45 47HI 75 6 7i No. 2. Cash ouotntlons were as follows: FLOI'R Barely steadv; winter patents, $6,104)6.20; straights. $4.8of(ifi.OO; spring pat ents. $4.U46.W; straights. 4.fiili4.9u; bakers, $2. 70 3 SO. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $1.081,1.15; No. 3. Scn$i.i2: No. t red. n.nmi.iti. CORN No. i, 46Vi(a,47Hc; No. 2 yellow, 4HVJ Ci4C OATS No. 2. 30,c: No. 2 white, 31V4;tlc; No. 3 white, 2Vi'p304C. RYE No. 3, 73c. BARLEY Good feeCTng. 37438c; fair to choice malting. 4148c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, H.lfi; No. 1 northwest ern. I1.23V4; prime timothy, $2,724; clover, contract grade. $12.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $11.90 611.45. Lard, oer 100 lbs.v $6.85. Short ribs sides (loose), " $G.2f4j6.50. Short clear sides (boxed), $6.62Vx6.76. Recelprs. Shipments. Flour, bbls 42,fiO0 61.500 Wheat, bu.... 122.000 70.7'iO Corn, bu 973.900 H,200 Osts, bu 221.600 99.200 Rye. bu 9.0o 1,100 Barley, bu 166,300 14,500 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries. 1tW2c: dairies, 1622c. Eggs, easier; cases Included, 19fi22c: firsts, ??c: prime firsts, 24c; extra, 26c. Cheese, HCIIo. St. Loots Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 21. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. Cash, elevator, 11.14V,; track, $1.15: May, $1.14(8'1-14V,; July, 96v4c. CORN Higher; No. rash. 43c; track, 44c; December, 43c; May, 43e. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, Soc: track, SOAic; December, 30a; May, Wftc; No. 2 white, J2Vie. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $5.25 fi&.Mi; special brands, $5.507 5.60; extra fancy, $4.80a4.90? clear. $4.16&4.48. SEED Timothy, nominal at $2.0O1i'Z40. CORN MEAL Steady at $2.40. BRAN Flm; sacked, east truck. 90c. HAY Steady; timothy, Ix.OtKf 13.00; prairie, $6.ooff9 60. IRON COTTON TIES 93c. BAOGINO 7V4C. HEMP TWINE-M,o. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing. $11.60. Lard, unchanged; prlmu steam, tn.b-'i. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $ti.76; clear ribs, $7.12V; short clears, $7.37H Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. $7,624; clear ribs. $7.87V: short clear. $H.12H. POULTRY Slow; chickens, 6V,c; springs. 7V4c: turkeys, 12c; ducks, 9V.c: geese, 7r. BUTTER Steady; creamery, ftM& 29c : dairy. 15i2c. EOGS Steady, 24c. cae count. Rccel' is. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 15.000 Wheat, bu 49,OoO 47,000 Corn, bit 85,000 44.00i Oats, bu 42,000 48.OHO Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 21 WHEAT HlKher: December. 11.0314: May, !l.u3Vi IM: July, .4r904o: cash. No. 2 hard, $1.04il.07; No. 3, $1.02'((1.0)V,: No. 4. 95ciil.(U. Receipts, 65 cara. CORN Steady; Deccnil)er. 40,'ij4ii3c; May. 42Vc; July, 4!,4''; canht No. 2 mixed, 41 'U 41 to': No. 3. 41V4iSllV,c; No. 2 white, 41V4c: No. 3. 41fj414c OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 31Vic: No. 2 mixed. 31c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.001? 9. 75; Choice prulrle. $7.75&8.U0. RYK Steady at 75o. V:Gt; 8 Higher; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 22c; case count, 2oVc; cajfes returned, to" less. BUTTER Creamery, 21,i2Sc; dairy, 17c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, btt 52.rt ,15.itiO Corn, bu 82.4KI 75.200 Oats, bu ." 11,000 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Dec. 21. WH EAT Higher: No. 1 northern. $1 l,Tol.l5; No. 2 northern. $1.05ti1 u9; May, l.ll'(il.ir,. RYE No. 1 77V,c. I BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 62c; sample, I StMifiOf. CORN Steady; No. 3, 439434c; May. 45,c Philadelphia Produce .Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 21. BUTTER Firm and o higher: extra western cream ery, 2c44t2c; extra nearby prints. 31c. Eggs quiet and steady; nearby fresh, 90c at mark: western fresh, 29'(i3t;c at mark. CHEESE Firm; good demand, New York full creams fancy. 12V; .holce, HStil2'c. Iluluth Gralt, Market. DUIA.'TH. Minn.. Dec. 21. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. $1.10: No. 2 north ern, $1.04: on track. No. 1 noi-thern, $1.10; No. 3 northern. $1.04; December. 11.10; May, $1 13. OATS To arrive and on track, 2BV,c. Toledo Seed Market. Toledo, o., Dec sleidy; March, $8,611. 21.-8EED-Clover, Prime aUtlke, $8.05. Prime timothy, ti.w. V Peoria Grain Msrket. PEORIA. lec. Jl.-CORN-Sleady; 4Jc; No. 4, 42c: no grade, 41c. No, 3, lvporated Apples and Dried Kralts. NEW YORK, Dec. 21 EVAPORATED API'LES Market firm; prime at 44u4c. t'liolcr at 5ljjVc and fancy at p4c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FHl l 1 8-Prunes were attracting some attention with coast advices describing u firm .attitude among holders. Spot quotations locally reuse from 2t5c, sccordlng to grade, for Call, f 01 nla trult. while. Oregon run 'as high as V Apricots are Mltliout change, ruling hi 111 mi light offerings with choice quoted at lac: extra choice, lo'itillc. and fancy at IIVttl l5c. Peachi-s are til in at 9Vo fir choice. loHiUprVtu for extra choke and l't I2u (or Juc. NEWYORKSTOCKS AND BONDS Mrket ii lull nd HfJ, with Early Pricei at a High Leftl. VALUES TURN ABRUPTLY DOWNWARD Recommendation that Companies En gaged In Interstate tommerre Be Required to Take Oat Urease l asses I neaalnes. NEW YORK. Deo. 21 . The s.rong upward movement ot prices of stocks cn dull trad ing, which became striking yesterday, was continued fir brlet period only this morning. The movement st first seemed to run out simply and a lethargic condition developed. Tnen prices turned abruptly downwards. Hhsrp declines were scored on s considerably larger volume of busi ness than at any time during the previous day's advance. The coincidence of acceler ated downward movement with the appear ance in Wall street of printed almtracts of the report of the commissioner of corpo rations gave color to the supposition that the weakness was Induced by the contents of the report. The recommendation In favor of federal licenses to permit corpo rations to engage In Interstate commerce seemed to revive all the apprehensions felt In the financial district on this subject ever s.nce the publication of the president's message. When the subject has receded into the background as a market factor, or seemed to do so. It has been because of iuotatlon of authorities throwing' doubt upon the likelihood of action by congress In line with the recommendstlnns. This waa the sttltude yesterday on the occasion of the appearance of the Interstate Com merce commission report, which did not Interfere with the uplifting of the market on the very meager buying. Today's reaction was also due to a feel ing of skepticism over the substantial nature of yesterday's advance. The doubt waa fostered by some tat her clear evidences today of a resumption of pool and manipu lative tactics 011 the part of prominent leaders of the late advance to the heights from which such costly declines were made. The cost of that decline has not paseed from the memory of the victims and the current stork market la still undoubtedly affected by the shock to confidence induced by the drop. There was a suspicion that the movement might be In the nature of an admonliloti against the Injudicious attempts to attend speculative commitments and force the level of prices st an tinprnpl tious tune and that It wss nlded with that view by some of the great hanking and financial Interests. The nlanner of some selling was clearly Intended to con vey the Impression of such operations, but whether with the connivance of the inter ests supposed to he acting wns left to the usual suspicious conlecture of the trading public. The news of the day was not very significant and was not much regarded. The busv hum of Christmas trade In the retail districts gives warning that the holi day requirements for cash will have to be estimated with other factors In the year's end money market. With the railing of the last sleamer which can reach foreign markets with re mittances before the first of the year the exchange market went to pieces and flat tened out to an almost nominal basis. This Is corroborntlve of the v'ew that the outgo of gold has been designed for the purposes of "window Mresslna bv foreign financial Institutions for their annual showing of resources. Iist prices of stocks were not generally the lowest of the day. but tho gains made yesterday were mostly wiped out and the closing tone was eus. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, $3,200, 000. United States new fours registered de clined 14 per cent on call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Sulns.Hlgh. Low. Close. Atchison do preferred . . . Baltimore & Ohio .16.51 11 MS 85Vfc 900 ins-, 103' l"3V4j .19,400 100 98', 9 95C do preferred Canadian Pacific Cen. of New Jersey.. Chesapeake A Ohio... Chicago & Alton do preferred Chi. Oreat Western... Chi. & Northwestern. 200 ' WJ 2.500 1.11 600 191 2,300 4Hi 400 43V 4I206 22H 129V, 13IM, liK) J1? 471 474 43', IN 22 22V, 207V, 204 169 l9i 182V4 181 12 200 21 Ut Chi., Mil. & St. Paul.. 18,500 17U, do preferred iw -I'-v Chi. Term. Trans.. do preferred C. C, C. & St. I-ouls Colorado Southern .. do first preferred .. do second preferred. 40) 900 700 soo 22 91 4 23 "4 6!H 36, 21 hi 89 22i 6U V, 35 V, 185 330 30 38 36 74 644 89 90V, 22", 69V, 364 186 . 330 31 83 36 V, 74 64V, 600 Delaware & Hudson.. 1,7(10 1874 Del., Lack. & Western 300 JM0 Den. & Rio Grande.. 200 31V, do preferred ou Erie 13,100 do first preferred.... 3,9uo do second preferred. 200 374 75 V 544 Hocking Valloy do preferred Illinois' Central Iowa Central do preferred Kan. City Southern ., do preferred Louisville & Naah Manhattan I.. Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry... Mexican Central Minn. & St. Louis... M , St. P. & S. Ste. M 300 2,400 100 2i ' 200 1,200 934 93 92i lob IM 29V4 &6V4 24 2!04 56 28 V, 28i 55 62V? 5244 62 7.600 141 V. l:4 1394 100 16HV Pt.ii.. p,- 6,700 80', 7S4 784 6,800 1224 121 V4 1-'14 6,500 20, 204 100 68 57 854 146- do preferred Missouri Pacific .19,400 1094 1074 14 M., K. T 1,100 314 do preferred 1,200 634 N. R. R. of Mex., )fd. " 41 New York Central ...11,3oo 142 Norfolk & Western .. 3,700 79 do preferred Ontario & Western. . . . 2.600 44 Pennsylvania 28.700 138 P.. C C. & St. Louis, loo 78 Reading 60,900 794 do first -preferred ... WW 90 do second preferred, ion 814 Rock Island Co 22.400 344 do preferred 1,000 8K4 St. L. & S. V., 2d pfd. 100 67 4 St. L. Southwestern.. 900 244 do preferred 100 67 Southern, Paclflc 48,8o0 f4 30-; 304 63 40 40 i:i 140 774 78-4 92 434 434 i;i64 1SU4 76 75 774 904 814 33V, 84'i 674 24 57 7.4 90 814 334 844 664 24 65 63 624 ao preierreu Southern Railway ... do preferred Texas & Pacific .... Tol.. St L. & West. 1.700 118V 1184 II84 9,100 H54 334 344 700 900 W D 97 964 34 354 534 964 34 354 53 110 214 211 424 184 21V, 444 34 364 64 do prererroa Union Pacific 300 ..62,8'W 1114 lu4 do preferred - Wabash do preferred Wheel. I-We Erie 100 22 100 600 22 434 424 -2tl" 45 Wisconsin Central .... 100 22 do preferred 3(W 4u Adams t.x American Ex. ... United States Ex. 2S6 2094 204 119 237 200 209 Wells-Fargo Ex Amalgamated Copper. 72,000 Am. Car A Foundry. HO.ooo do preferred I.61W American Cotton OIL. 2.3'W do preferred American Ice 600 do preferred l.two 684 364 934 37 '64 38 644 334 924 36, "tin 374 664 34 924 364 95 64 374 164 37 34Vi 1024 804 113 1414 Am. Linseed Oil do preferred American Locomotive 7,6iW 35 do preferred floo 103 Am. Smelt. & Re ring. 4,700 814 do preferred KO 11.H4 Am. Sugar Refining. . .29,500 14:14 334 1021 804 1134 140 914 Anaconda Mining Co.. 100 984 394 454 Brook. Rapid Translt.13.900 K14 Colo, fuel ac iron.. Consolidated Gas. ... Corn Pnsluets do preferred Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper . do -eferred International Pump.. do preferred National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car .. 7.(00 464 45 .26.101) 2vl4 114 19icV 2.DOO 21 ' 3V, Dint 1.7'W 794 784 374 16 24 774 784 3( 184 f4 7 39 85 234 100 414 106 :4 894 233 SuO 38 1.000 186 W 244 200 77, 3,100 244 234 "506 '434 '424 4w 1074 1"64 l.tsW e , 904 284 do preferred 300 90 Pullman Palace Car.. .. Republic Steel 900 do preferred 600 Rubber Goods 1.100 do preferred 300 Tenn. Coal & Iron.... 7.7o) I". 8. Irtther 14.600 16. 694 264 94 724 144 16 16 64 684 26V4 264 94 934 64 704 134 144 do preferred . 1014 1004 10 U. S. Realty A Imp. W s04 ) 7$ V. 8. Rubber 214 do preferred 34 93 93 United States Steel... 63. soft i 284 2K4 do preferred 113,500 934 91 914 Weetlnghouse Elec... l.loO lxiZ 1x14 im Western Union 400 934 924 2V4 Total sales for the day. 848.100 shares. Its York Mining; Storks. NEW YORK. Dec. 21 The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adtnia Tun ... to ILIUIs Chltt .... I ....I7i . . . . tuu U .... 10 .... 14 .... 34 15 ...t A lie Hrrc HruruwU-k Tun .. Comaloik TumMl Cm. i'l. a V.. Horn SiIvh Irun Silver iidvllte Con ... . Offered. . " Oiiurlo . 1 ))hlr . Phoul, t Palo) nu ( Hlarr, S'avads Small llnp( .. I ii4i,4ard Foreign Financial. IX)NDON. Dec. a. Monev waa in strong ikmand in the market today. Discounts were a shade caster, om lng to the improve mnt In continental exchangee, which were auso affected by the ntti of the coming Influx of gold from Inula and Egypt. Oerators on the Stock Exchange a ere In holiday humor and there was little pie tenae of business. Consols were Arm. Americans opened quietly steady at abv.it parity, with nuuthero Pacing tUe fvatme. Stocks hsrdoned Ister snd closed firm. Japanese were cheerful, lmperlsl Jspane government 6s of 19"4 were quoted st i4 BERLIN. Dec. II The changes' on the Bourse todsy were of little Importsnee. PARI". Iec. 21. Price on the Bourse to il nv were weak and trading wa Inactive. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at snd Russian bonds of 19i4 st 5ol The prl vete rate of discount waa 24?24 per cent. ew York Mouef Market. NE WYORK. Tec. 21. MONEY on call, steadv st 24i3 per cent, dosing bid, 24 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, essv snd dull; sixty days, ninety dss and six months. 3Wtf34 VT CPn, PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 443 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak. with sct'isl business in bsnkers' bills st $4716 for demand snd st $4 3450 for sixty-day bills: posted rates, $454 and $483; com mercial bills. $4.84',. SILVER Bar, S14c; Mexican dollars. 4f4c BOND- Government, steady; railroad, hea vy. TTe following are the quotations on stocks and bonds: V. s. raf. s. r....l44'l.. X. tint 4 1MH so eouson ..104 -Mftnnaoan r. s aa..i ..104H Vet. Central 4a 74 . .104V4 So lat Ire I4 ..Wi M . K. AT. 4a Pl, So ta. raf So coupon se saw 4a, rag. tin roupon do eld 4a. rag.. do coupon Afrhtsna sea. 4a do adl. 4a Ailanilr c L 4a Sal Ohio 4a... do .IVta Tent ml of Oa (. lat-V. " : ...1H V H R. of M. e. 4a t'4 . ..lot N. V. f. S H lm ...l"tS N. 1 (' g. U ... 4 No Pa-I8r 4a li' ... .to n ...ll X. W. c. 4a I'm ... Kl jo. 8 L. 4a par... 1"4 ...;il Pann. enr.t. t4 tot, ... '.'- Raadlnc san 4a do lm Inc Oiaa. A Ohio 4V ..ln;H9. L. At. M e fi. tl" i-hoajo a A. aa.. It St. U a . T. f(. 4 lS r.. B A 0 a. ....H'( St. L. 9. W. la IS C. M A 9. P. ( 4a .UO Saabnarl A. U 4a.... MV, C. A N. W. e. Ts ie igi. Famine 4a 4 f.. R. I. A T. 4a ... .,',. Ra:l7 ta llS'-a do rol. (a H Tana A P. t 114 frr S. L. g 4 .1"HT. 9 I. W a... ! Ctiltato Tar. 4a ,.,, I'nl.m Pa. Iftv 4....1"V4 Con. Tobacco 4a i I do conv. 4a I V fnlo. ft So. 4a ........ wV'. '1 D A R. 0. 4a Ii! ,Wahah la 1174 Erla prior lien 4a...Im do dab. B a:1. do ten 4a 1W. ,. r.. 4a M', P. W. A D. '. la...l07VWla. I antral 4s S2V. Hm klng Val 4Sa. . . .lUVU"Ho. Furl c. tr ir.'a Bid. Offered. Boston Stork Market. BOSTON, Dec. 21. Call loans. 34'til4 per rent: time loans, 4$5 per cent. Olflclal rinsing or stocks ana oonai: Atrhlann adj. 4a do 4a Mai. central 4a AOhlaon do pfd Hoaton A Albanjr.. Itnatnn A Maine.... Boaton Klavated ... Plt. hhurs PM Mealran Central .... N T . N. H. H . Pars Marguatte .. t'nlon Parlftc Amor. Ara. Cham. do pfd Amar. Pneu. Tuba Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amor. Woolen do pfd Dominion f. A 9... Kdlaon Kief. Illu. Maaa. Klectrlc do pfd Maaa Oaa I nltad Krult t'nltad fho Marti... do pfd U S. Steal do pfd Bid. Asked. MV Waatirg romnlnn Advanture Atlouas Ama.icamatei Aniirlcan Zlnr ... .t In :t l- Hlnxhtm al A Hr.-t renlaiinlal f'nppfr Hansa .... Ialv Want lio.nlnloti Coal . ;'ranklln . ti . ."-4 . 17' ' . 1! - :'V . .t . :t . p, . us . M . 11)4 . ii . . i4j . 4 . H . .' . i . jip, .lofi . H .11 . '"a . !44 . II . 411. 'i 114 .104 tni'4. 7 .PH .ti .;"ii v .14 . . 7 .1111 . Jl . M . 14IS .!' .14111. . .'"H . MV, . 17 ..4 . It . M . r .107 . MtVa Orancv lata Kerala Mi Mlnlnn Mnhawk Mont. r. A C old Ilonilnlon .... Oneeola Porroi Wutnrv shannon Tamarack Trlnltv 1". S Mlnlns P. . oil Ptah Victoria Wlnnnn HVWolvrrlna London stork Market. IONDON. Dec. 21. Closing qtintiitlons on stocks and bonds: Consols, mnnav . . do account Anaconda Att-hlaon do pfd rtaltlmura A Ohio Canadian Pacific . IS. V. Cantral.. Norfolk A W... 14'i 1 ' as 4ba 7I4 II', 40S 454 414 u If do pfd 1 Ontario A W.,.. tun IPennaylranla .. .M Rand Mln . 1X4 Haadlng Chaa. A Ohio do lat pfd Chicago Ot. W U do ti pfd C. M A Bt. P 7li4 southarn Railway DaBaara UH do pfd Denvar A R. O n2iiFoiilharn Pi Iflc . 4 4 do pfd mV. t'nlon Paclflc Illk Erla atJ do pfd do lat pfd 77 1 1', ft. Staal MS do id pfd S74 do pfd r4 llllnnla Cantral 15J4 Wabaah riv, Loula. A Naah 14S4 do pfd 44 St.. K. A T It lltpanlah 4a SILVER Har, steady, d per ounce. MONEY 2'62i per cent. The rate or dlsooiint In the open market for short bills Is 2 16-l'gr3 per cent; for three months' bills, per Cent. Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. Dec, Ll.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive tf $1 50.HOii.00O g(Hd re serve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balanbe, ' $141,17,2b7; gold, $K5,378,336. Wool Market'. BOBTON. Dec. 21.-WOOL-The little de mand for wool now In evidence in the wool market Is principally for lots of scoured wool, especially B supers and wools of that grade. Prices are steady. The general opinion Is that the available supply of domestic wool In the market here Is less than one-half that on hand last year. Ter ritory wools are quiet and pulled grades are steady. The market la firm for for eign wools. Quotations: Territory. Idaho fine, lSMilOe; heavy fine, 1hf l7c; fine me dium, lSfflSc; medium, l'2i28c; low me dium. 23ra24c. Wyoming, fine, l?Hhl8Vc; heavy fine, IBlSc; fine medium. l'VwltiHc; medium, 23fc24c: low medium, 23&24o. Utah and Nevada, fine, 17'plHc; heavy fine, 16(tf 16c; fine medium, 17S'18c; medium, 2223o; low medium, 2Xtt2ie. Dakota, fine. 18al9o: fine medium, 18fM19c; medium. iSUc; low medium. SSitfiMe. Montana, fine, choice. 21! 22c; fine, average, iHHiihc: tine medium, cvholee, 21ft22c; average, 19 20c; staple, ai'ai 23c; choice, 23(g2bc; average, 21'&22c 8T. LOl'18. Dec. 21. WOOU-Steady : medium grades combing and clothing. 2.VU" 29c; light fine, lWi'22Vc; heavy line, I4"g18c; tub washed, 2iiMlc. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 21. Following yes terday's sensntional decline In tin at Lon don, today's cables reported a partial re covery, spot advancing 15s to 132 6s and futures 1 to 130 lea. Locally the mar ket was also steadier with spot quoted at $29.0ot&'29.26. London copper was unchanged at 66 for spot and 6ti 7s tal for futures. The local market was quiet with the gen eral range of prlcas as follows: Lake, $14.s7Wt'15.12Vs: electrolytic. $14.75 15. 12M,, and casting, $14. 6ofl 14.75. Lead declined 2s 6d In London with spot at 12 10s. The market here waa unchanged with spot at aiocu-t.ci. npeuer ruteo easier abroad, closing at 24 12s 8-1 and was unchanged locally ut $.754i'5.ll74i. Glasgow Iron was unchanged at 52s 3d; Mlddleaboruugh ad vanced to 4Xs 9d. New York Iron market was unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern, No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. $17.26j'17.75; No. 2 foundry northern, $18.25. 8T. LOL'19. Dec. 21.-METAL8-1 ad. steady, $4. 56 4.621. Spelter, steady, $f,.70f 5.76. Cotton M-rket. NEW YORK. Dec. ai.-COTTOX-Hpot closed quiet, 10 points lower; middling up lands, 7.60c; middling gulf, 7.Kc; sales, 25 NEW ORLEANS. Dc. 21 COTTON Easy; sales, 7,7ml bales; ordinary, 4 U-lfic; good ordinary, so; loa- middling, 6tc; mid dling, 7 8-18c; good middling, f 7-16c; mid dling, V: receipts, 19.33i) bales; stock, 4;tt.43 bales. LIVERPOOL, Dec. COTTON Hpot. moderate buaines done; market rulod 5 points lower; American middling, fair. 4.42d; good middling. 4.1dd; middling, 4.(d; low middling. S.9rtd; good ordinary, 3.8:d; ordinary, tfd. ST. IiriS, Dec. 21 COTTON Quiet; middling. 7Vc; sales, none; leceipts, ' bales; shipments, 156 bales; stock, J4..77 bales. sugar and Molasses. NEW ORI.KAN. Dec. 21-St'GAR-Mnr-ket firm: white clarified. 4 15-lnfjbc: open kettle, JPtQ 4VC : open kettle centrifugal, 44jti4Sc: centrifugal whiles. 4 13-ltic; yel lows. 4l4i4,c: neconds, 3ia4'c. MOIA8SB54 Markst quiet; open kettle 16(ij28c; centrifugal, lryfjlSc. Syrup sUady at 2u25c. NEW YORK. Dec. 218CGAR-Raw. firm; fair refined. 4V; rfntrlfuRal 96 test 44o; molssses sugar, 4'tc; refined Arm: No. 6, S.(i5c; No. 7. 7c: No. . 4 9nc' No 9 4.86c; No. 10, 4.0c; N.l. 11. 4.7tA-; No ' 1"' t.Sftc; No. 13. 4.55c: No. 14, 4 50c; confec tioners' A. S.Soe; mould A. 6c; cut loaf 6rtfc; crushed. 6.35c; pondered, 5. 75c- gran ulated, I .ic ; rubes, 6 7(c ' MOLAH8E8 Klrm ; New Orlftns. open kettle, good to choice, numeric. 1 Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 21.-DRY GOOD8 Market Is on a substantial basis and lit tle evidence of positive declines. The sttl tude of sellers Is toward the maintenance of prices and there seems to be little war rant fur any recession owing to the well sold condition of many kinds and the posi tion of manufacturers regarding cottMi Jobbers are doing a very restricted busi ness and little Interest Is likely to be evinced until after the first of the year. troaTee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. COFFEE Market for futures was a shade lea active than yesterdsy, but there was a continued good d'minil. chiefly from Wall street houses The market in the afternoon eased off and closed at a net decline of inlO points Bales were imported of l.frai h.g, including Januarv at $7 6oj7.i); Mr, I, $7 7Va7e April.. $7.titi7 96: May. $Mnni.U; July Id 16 ; fteptetuber. $8 ( Ui. and November, $1 5. B,iut market steady, No. 7 Rio, 8T,c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET C.tUt) Saciipu Api Vei Light end Pnoe Showed Ron Impmtiiitit. H06S EASED Cf t AriOUT A NICKEL Desirable tirades of I at fii nnd . I.assbs Commanded hont steady Prices and Rest Feeders Were Steady with Others (Hon, SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 21, 1!"4. Receipts were. . attle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3 r $.ol 9.7M txilcial Ttiesdav 3.31S lo.4W b.i.! Ofl'clsl Wednesday 1." 11.4 . Three days this week.. sme days last week 16.n94 fame days week before. 11. Same three weeks ago..i4.7.'9 fame four eexe ago. . .2c.9hJ Bame davs last year 6.115 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR jv.ri i..4et S?.s4 iS.iB.i .;i) 21.103 19 741 19 "J 14. 11 I7.3it 29.751 11,2 TO DAVE. The lollnwlng Mlilr shows the tecelpti Cattle, hogs snd sheep st South Omaha for the year to diite, with comparisons with Isst year: 19..1. li'3. Inc. Dec. Cattle 9ii.7'.'3 l.Owi.lK.1 lie.4i Hogs S.MJ.M. 2.1.J.o 74.98. Sheep 1.746,110 1,K.'1.6U " Th ichon.iia; utile i th' nersg price cf hogs at fcou';: omafta for the lest e.-eral days, with cc-mti Ison': Date. Vi04. it4i.Hi'! Uta.l$0$.la 4 W, Is CN I 4J I 14! l 1 ii t f oil s tat1 ltd 4 4:, 4 4 1 i4 2ij 4 34! 17i 4 M 4 43 ( -4 06, 6 01 4 M S II 4 w; 4 394.I 4 37 4 I tv 3 37 ! 36 I 2 44! m 4 lb 4 3 I 061 4 81 4 7$ 3 si 1 4 4 IS 6 07 4 81v4: 4 33 : 4 04 $ Hi $ t ! 3 Ifl 6 11 4 St4j 4 4 6 12 13. 4 U 4 Si 4 7.1 4 81 4 Ml 4 84! 81 IW s :.. 3 37 $ :! 3 $1 lit! 3?? 4 Oil $ 10 it : It. is, e ia 4 4:lUi 1 491 I 9dl Hi 4 41 6 D8 6 21 4 Wi' : I a 4 3ftVi 4 40, 6 t! 4 41V 4 ': 6 lrii 6 2Bi 4 4S'i 4 3t 6 23 6 34; 4 31 1 h i, 4 4 3'Ji a '. V-, 4 DtXe I ! 6 OK! 6 C4 , 4 34' ! 6 06, 4 831 4 3 9' 4 VI 111 3 2$ 4 T9i 8 94 9 18 4 81 4 01 3 3 'J Indicates 8uiia.iv- The official nutnhef of csrs of sloca brought In today by each road was' l ailie. Iiogs.neeii. outi-rs. C. M. St. 1. Ry.. 13 Wabash Mo. Pacific Hy. U. P. System .. C. N. W. Ry. i 4 39 6 47 19 14 1 12 3 4 6 17 ...10 ... 8 14 ..14 V.. E. M. V. Ry 10 C, 8t. P., M. 0 13 B. & M. Ry 2 C, ft. & Q. Ky C, R. I. & P., ast.... 3 C, R. 1. P.. west Illinois Central 3 Chicago Ot. West 1 Total receipt. ...B7 The diHiiosltlon of the tinv's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. C Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour Co Armour & Co.. S. City. Vanaant A Co Carey & Benton Lobmar. & Co McCrearv & Clark W. I. Stephen Hill HuntsltiRer Hamilton & Rothschild L. F. Hues Mlk Haggnrty J. H. Root & Co S. & 8 Pittsburg Prow Co Other buyers Dec. Dec. I... Dec. ... Dec. 4.... Dto. 6.... I Dec. ....) ley 7....1 De?. I.... Deo. .... 1"C i... Deo. 11... Dec. J3... Dee. 13... De.'. 14... 1 15... De;. Ii... Deo ).'... ilf ", :... Doc. !...' Dec. 20. .. Dec. al... '.Is. Hogs. Sheep. 212 15'4 Sol 2.6!tH 117 419 3.MI4 1 3M 2,'IM i4 4.6 22 119 87 3 32 48 1!) 1H2 394 1.396 4.290 234 Total 2,094 11,397 6.410 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very light this morning at all points and as a r.anit the srenerai tendency of prices was upward. Trading at this point was quite active, so It was not long ticrore every thing In sight was disposed or. ' There were several cars of cornftd steers on the msrket, but none of them choice. Packers took hold fairly well of what was offered and paid steady to strong prlcea for them. As compared with the clone Of last week the market is now about Ktflae higher and In some cases the advance may be a little more than that. All of the loss of last week, however, has not been rf"fheTdw8s a brisk demand for cow stuff this morning and with limited offerings the market ruled active and higher on all grades. All kinds, except canners, are now fullv as high aa they were before the big slump of last week. Canners have ad ...nneri sa much ii s the better grades, but they sufferej so badly last week thst they I have not maae up an 01 inr uium, waa very active today and everything changed hands at an early hour. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold at good, strong prices. There were comparatively few stockers and feeders on sale, and. while the de mand was not as heavy as it has been st some times, owing to the near approach of Chrismas, when not many buyer can he expected, the market was active and stronger on all deslrabla grades. In many cases feeder buyers outbid packers on warmed-up cornfed. Representative rales: BEEF STEERS Ke. I... 10... 14.!. At. ..1014 ..1171 ..IIW . . 10HI) .. 7111 .. 7a . .114 .. ini ..16 ..lull . .100 Pr. 4 15 4 25 4 Hi 2 fto 1 fto 2 SO 7f. I 10 .1 Hi No. Ay. .. ISO . . 1 026 ..1070 .. 4! ..12HI ..1M6 . .I'm ..1074 ..1062 ..lift! Pr. I 71 3 to a 10 t 16 4 aft 1 to 4 00 4 on 4 1ft 4 .l 4 to 4 HI 2.. 3.. .. 1.. II. . .. 7.. (.. III. . I.. I an t ift n 76 .mm '.7. .111 STEERS AND COWS. .1021 4 mi COWS. 1 I 13 i. 7 1 M 1 I 1 I 1 1 t I 1 t '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 4 1 I 1 i.'.'.'.'.'.'. t 1 1 1 i" 14 14 t t 1 I 1" I 1 10 2 S 10 I 2 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. 170 . . laa .. ii .. 720 . . :'0 .. U .. 140 .. lit . . 10 .. Ml . . if"' . . IM . . IU ..:tvw . . mo .. lit . . V'' .. Mil . .!!' . . ISO .. .. HO .. 4hi .. t .. 70 . ,1i'4i ..lll0 ,. 4ftl .. 720 . . ,.102 . . 0 .. 720 . . Ml 1 2 ) 40 1 r.o 1 f 1 lift 1 4 1 it 1 l 1 7ft i '.5 1 1 I 7ft 1 Wl 1 0 2 'V' : or, t i" i i'i l in 1 10 2 i'l i is t M t .' 1 2') It V. 2 2u 1 2 2 21 I 2 t 2ft it : tft S 2 1 Ii ...121 ... 611 ...10 ... 773 ... lit ... 7J0 ...1!t0 ... 11 .. .lUri . . .104.1 ...ll'l ... lit ...122 ...loao ...1010 ...Hill ...1040 ... tT ... IJ ... 190 .. .11)21 ...1140 ...1000 ...1017 ...1)60 ...1110 ...1071 ...1014 ...lltl ... 140 ...1061 ...1070 ... 171 ... IW ...mil ...101.4 ...iiii. ...Ift ..llll ...mi ...lino 3 I i I t 40 I 40 I all I o 1 It I '. i 4 1 4 ft t Oft 1 nr. 2 a 1 1 I 7 t 7 1 7ft t to 2 tu i to t Ift t 16 t 0 t 00 I SO I On t Oil t SO I 10 I 10 t 14 I 1ft II I 1 t 1 a so 1 2 I 2 I ift t I I Ift I 40 3 0 1 aft I Ift I IKI 2 2 I to II.. I.. II.. i!! 14.'. 41.'. 11. . VI. '. ,...10'. 10J0 ,...1060 ....lOtt ,...1011 ....lovi 10ft! 3 Ju 1 a.' 2 15 If 4.1 I ft t to J ft. 1 ni COWS AND HEIFERS. .... .-. .... t4U 14. 147 f tc H LIFERS. .. tit .. 61 .. C .. 544 .. 77S .. 140 ,.1t0 .. IM . .1010 ..1340 .. 140 ..1120 ..IbaO ..1460 .. 270 .. 410 .. 114 .. 14 ,. 410 .. 1ft .. It .. It .. 100 1 I 00 I II t n 1 . 714 . lift .li'lft . mi . Ml 4.... t ft 2 in II iU'LI-S. 2 11 2 1:. i 4'i t t'l I 1 1 I to ...1140 ...1410 . . .1450 .. .10111 ...1000 ...1440 ...1272 ...1271 ... 17 ... Ifl ... ll. ... Ill ... Ill . .. 204 ... la ... I i'l t 71 3 7a t 71 2 16 t fl t 00 I 0 I M 4 26 4 to 4 7 40 t I DO t 2 f to : 40 1 1 to 11 CALVES. 1 to t a t to I 00 I ll t to 4 00 4 M 4 on STAGS. .1110 I is STOCK K KB) AND FEEDERS. tie I 2t 1. M0 t 2 t 2 I 2 t 2 1 ii I 40 I 41 I a I to 4 Ift I 7 I 7 I to . tao . 711 . 7X3 . 121 . ll'l . 7t . 140 . 1241 . 711 . 21 .ll'l . 74l 1 in I I t i I t 0l t 00 I Wl I M IKI I M I on 4 1 . 1 2.. i. 17. 7. I 44 2., 4. .. 7M .. 70 .. 441 .. 10 .. i;i .. 741 .. tl'l .. 7l .. 711 . . nwt .. 47 .. t'S 1 : It. IDAHO. 1 bull Jl t 16 2 iiws Io30 t 36 i 75 I 75 1 35 15 heifers.. 2 on 13 cows ....('76 n. woney meu. ( ster....127 $ as 1 cos 99.) 77 feeders. .1277 4 16 1 cow sv IKXJS There was a lioeral run of hogs reorttd this murnlng st all markets. and s a icsull packois were iih. ihe mat- ket here epened about ?l4c lower, but be. fore much business had been transacted the market neakened and sales were made a4yiSc lnir. Hv the time about half of the hogs had changed hands packers became stul more bearish snd warned to buy hogs nilc lower. Salesmen natiiMlly thought that wss tsklna off most too much, and as s result trading liecame slow. The bulk of the early sslea aert trom 14.46 to tl tTH with the choicer loans largely at $4 60 Later In the morning packers wanted tn huy the general run of hogs at $4 42ili4 45 and heavy packing grades at $4 Borne of the trains were late In arriving and that, to gether with the slow snd weak close, pre. vented an early cleeranee. The situation did not Improve any as the miming advanced and In fsrt It got wotse snvthlng. the close being Idf lower. The late sales were largely at $4 41 snd $4 42W. snd It took go"d hogs to bring the Utter price. At noon all but a few Iste arrivals were disposed of. Representative as! as: No A. et. Ms. At. ?. rr. 4 in n tn i 44 . 4 4 It 177 lan 4 41 4 4 tit 4 , 4 4 i t:t . . ( n '4t T? t" . 4 4f. 4a 41 !; tn ta 4 4 71 It! 4 4 4 4 4l 17 11.5 4 4 4 4 4a i tin fci 4 41 4 41 II lis 4 4 4 4" S V 4 4;. 4 4n 14 lit iei 4 4 4n K m t 4 4 4 4 I) I I ' 4 4 4 4" M Ml IM 4 11 4 4c 71 !T 4 4 4B 4 e. M 4 4 4l it ITS IS 4 4 4 40 74 t:t 4.1 4 4S 4 ' M 2S in 4 4:. 4i, II J4 .4 4 4 4t, 44 IM 111 I 41 4 41', 41 1 IKI 4 41 4 US 4 17 4 4 4". 4 4!, a tn a 4 4 4 4?v M tl ... 4 4 4 41V, 54 Ill . 4 41 4 4JV, ' I7 10 4 4 4 41', 44 IM 4 4 4 4 4:s H4 1'l 4" 4 4 4 41 4 II 14 4 44 4 4J' 17 tan M 4 4a 4 V til K 4 4 4 4:i H Sl ... 4 471 4 42 51 M ... 4 47V, 4 42S II 4 411 4 411 K 11 4 471 4 tt H4 17 ... 4 471 4 4 II !U 4 471 4 4 14 117 ... 4 471 4 4-. 7 M ... 4 471 4 4e (4 242 ., 4 47', 4 4 71 201 H 4 47i, 4 4S M 274 it 4 471 4 71 47 11 4 47', 4 4 17 ... 4 47', 4 4 71 21 ... 4 471 4 4 71 .14 ... 4 471 t 4i Id IM ... 4 471, 4 4r. SI 3M 4 4 471 4 4e 7 t.:l Seil 4 471 4 4.i 71 .41 HI 4 471 4 4 71 Ill 4l 4 47, 4 IS TI tr ... 4 47i, 4 4ft 12 117 III 4 471 4 4n 14 M 12 4 471 I 4 M 221 4 471 4 4 221 120 4 47', 4 4ft . M tl IS 4 471 4 4ft Ml 2t 0 4 47', 4 4 H l' ... 4 n 4 44 II "l ... 4 t 4 45 2 211 ... 4 ft 4 4ft Id lift ... 4 4 46 IKI t7 ... 4 n 4 4ft 13 227 ... 4 10 4 4ft II ffl ... 4 ftO 4 4ft mt 40 4 I 4 4 77 101 ... Ill 1" . II... M .. .. .. W... 41... 4t .. It .. n .. 17... II... 41... HO... M .. I ... 71 .. t7... .. at... I. '... 71... ... 17... t... II. .. 54... ... 61 .4 . 7... It... II... It... .. .. ... .141 . rao in ,.4 ..'4 . tu ..tl . . . . ..174 ,.77 . 75 . .ni . " . . ,t v. . r .to . IM .tit ..III ..3 ..rti . m . m . 4.i . . 4 . .?. ..rt . wt . tIT .Ml .. ..mi .3:4 . . ..it . nn . JM ..KM . .21 . ;i ..:it . m . .22 . .MH .114 ..f)7 . .9.i ..27 ..la9 . Sft . tu ...Wl . .311) ..til ..IM ..S-17 . .UI7 ..Ml .347 ..IM . ..t4 ..!7I ..S37 ..10 ..;ir . .171 t... 4... .. . ... 1").. 71... 14... ... Ii... .. 7... 1... M... S7... 44 .. 41... 4 .. 71... HI... I... II.. . II... 10... II... ... 136.. II... 7... 71... W ... 4 4 SHfcKP-'Jhe supply of sheep and lambs this morning waa fairly liberal, but the demand for killers wss about equal to the supply snd Just about a steady market re. suited. Quite a llbersl proportion of the offerings consisted of feeders, so thst It wns not long before everything thst would do to kill wss disposed of. A string of lambs sold as high aa $4 So. Choice sneep were rather scarce. The demand for the better grades of feeder sheep and lambs waa In good shape snd prices held steady. A big string of about 1.700 lambs sold for $6.46. There were quite a few range sheep on sale that were not very good and buvers were a Utile slow to take hold of them. Quotations for fed stock: Hood to choice yearlings. $2.606.40: fair to good year ling, $6.0036.26; good to choice wethers, $4.Wafj.16; fair to god wethers. $4 65'ij4.90; good to choice ewes. $4.1u94.36; fair to good ewes. $3.9o84.15; common to fair ewes, $3.WK43.90; good to choice Ismbs. $6.00trt.M; fair to good lambs, $6.76ti.00; feeder year lings. $4.264.60; feeder wethers. $4.16tM.40; feeder ewes, $S.26'3 66; feeder lambs, $5.0ltr 6.60. Representative sales: No. 124 western feeder lambs 1 western yearling wether. 1691 Wyoming feeder lambs.. Av. Pr. 60 6 26 90 6 3f 64 b 46 71 6 06 73 6 73 6 26 73 6 26 73 2 00 M 3 00 4j 3 40 ! J 4 0) M 3 60 7.1 3 bO 73 4 40 m WMtern Ismbs western lambs u western lambs 188 western lambs 3 Wyoming cull feeder ewes. 10 western cull ewes 499 Wyoming feeder ewes 99 western ewes , 2H3 wnern feeder ewee v.... 1 western feeder ewes 220 western feeder wethers CHICACiO I.IVK STUCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Ten to FIN teen Cents Higher. CHICAGO, Dec. 21. CATTLE Receipts, lli.oio head, Including 200 westerns; market H'2fl5c higher; good to prime steers, $H.t ifT7.00; poor to medium, 43 MrVqtl.OO; stockers and feeder!, tJ.10ai4.2O; cows. $1.26ti4.4u; heifers, $2.Gn$5.m; canners, tl.2hfl2.ei; nulls. $2.0(j4.0O; caivee, $3.uOt(l.7o; western steere, $3.60iu6.00. HOGS-Rcoeipts. 46.0ft) head; estimated for tomorrow, 40.000 head; market 6Sl0o lower; mixed and butchers, $4.36a4.ti6; good to choice heavy, $4.55&4.7ti: rough heavy, $4,3044.46; light, $4.24.6ii; bulk of salex, $4.4t4.67tt. SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts, 17,1)00 head; market HrQl6c higher, good to choice wethers, $4.666 10; fair to choice mixed, $3.6fi4.50; western sheep, $3.5033.76; native Ismha, $4.50j9O; western lambs, $5.oft 6.60. Mew York Live stoek Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. REEVES Re ceipts, 1,19 head; market, firm and higher; native steers, $l.0nt.i.50: tops, $o.664j j.76; oxen and stags, ta 0.3. 46; ohoioe fat oxen, $5.00; bulls, 2.&0iffl.9o; few export bulls, $4.1634.20; cows, 1.3tvt3.1ii; few choice fat Ohio cows, $3.40; exports, X10 head of cattle and 2,700 quarters of beef; estimated to morrow, wo came. t'ALVEB Receipts. 1,146 head; vtals and calves, stesdy; veals. $S.00jj.a6; barnyard calves. $2.5t4ii.60; westerns. 3.2O4.t'0. HO18 Receipts, 6.906 head; market, firmer; gnod to prime state logs quoted at $5.0lK(j6.1&. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.734 head; market for sheen, slow to 26c lower; for lambs, firm; prime lambs, lOTjlio higher; sheep, S3.00tj4.sl: few choice. tSO); culls. $2.00; lambs. $0.3677.00; choice lots $7.13Htf 1..,), cutis, ao.w; c ansae ismna, .yo. Ut. l.oals I.lTe Kiock Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. H.-CATTLE-Recelpls, I.6li0 head, including 1.000 Texane: market slow, steady to a shade lower: native ship ping and export Steers, $6. dob. Co; dressed beer and butcher steers, W. "?. 7$; steers under l.ono lbs.. $3.00'fir6.0o; stockers and feeders, $2.0fs)i3.75; cowe and htdfera. $2.26w 4.60; canners. $1.6(k2.00; bulls. tJ.b0V4.eS; calves, $3.00r.60; Texas and Indlsn steers, $2.0H4'4.80: cows and heifers. $1 .MKdfl.OO. HotaS Receipts, 10,010 head; market fairly active and a shade lower; pigs and lights, I3.7611H.80; packers. $4.6nu4.60; butchers and best heavy, $4AK84.70. SHEEP AND LAMBB-Recelpts. 2,00(1 head: market stesdy to lugi5c higher; na tive mutton. $$.75yr4.i: Ismbs, tt.SMM So; culls and bucks, $2.(i4.26; stockers, j.'.OiVii 3.26; 'j'exsns, $3.0ifi4 00. Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Dec. II. CATTLE Re ceipt a, $.700 head, Including loo southerns; market steady to Ifio higher; choice export and dreaved beef steers, $5.0o4i4i.5i; fBlr to good, $3.5iti5.u0; western fed steers, $3,504 .60; stockers and feeders, $2.6fa4.10; south ern sheers, $2. Dug 4. 26; southern cows, $1.7t) S26; native cowa, $1.764.26; bulla, 2.0"t) 4 0ii; calvos. $3. Oil; 4 So. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; market weak to 5c lower; lop, $4.7i: bulk of sales, $4.$ r4.H0; heavy, $4.S6(4.tiVj: packers. $4.6041 4.66; iiIks and lights, tt.'ovaibii. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reoelpls. 2,lo0 twad; market steady: native lambs, $6.'Xko 6fi; native ethers, tH'tli'X; native ewee, $4.noijHai; western limit, $6 00t4i.36; West ern yearltngp, $4.7M)6o; western sheep, $X7Sit4.i5; stockers and feeders, $2.60tj4.eo. t. Josenh Lira mock Market. ST. JOBEPH. Dec. 31. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.867 head: slow and stesdy; natives, $3.6otpi.60; rows and heifers, $1.76tj4.25; stock ers, and feeders. $25043.90. HOO8 Receipts. 12,lii6 head: lower: light, $4 Y.&H tt; medium snd heavy, $4.4064. 7W 8HKEP AND LAMB8-Rm elpla, 66 htsd; steady; lambs, $tj. His City Live Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Dec. 1. (Special Tele grsm.l CATTLE Hecslpts, l,i0 head; market strong; stockers. sisadv; beeves H WVl.00; rows, bulls and mixed, $2 tf.i $.60; sliH-ker and felers, $2.763 l; calves and yearlings. $2,264)1 $6. , HOU8 Receipis. 10.000 head: market c lower, selling at $4.309160; bulk, $4.4d4a4.46. steek In light. Receipt of live stok at Ihe six principal western ctUes yasterday were as folios. a; Cattle. Hogs, gheep. South Omaha l.HaO 11 ! t.u 11 ! 10.0O) 11 ll lO.laaj l-.l.'. t"..'i0 Hlou city I.sai Kansas City S.4s Ity 3.2IU 2 '' 646 17.IM) St. Ixjiils St. Joseph .. Chicago Total .... . 2 wo . I.6A7 U.ujU .MM)'i lu.5i 17, $16 OH 4,11a. lini.t.stl.F. MlflKKT. toaalltlon of Trade anal Qnotatloas en Staple anal Faney PrnAnee. FOC.S -Can. lied stork, ac. I.IVK POI'LTRY-Hens. so; r.wiers, 5c: turkeys. 14c; ducks. If; geese. Mil. ; rptiits chickens. sv,c. DKFPfiFnt mri.TRT -Turke s. lK4VWf ducks, lie: geas'. 9r1"i-; hens, 9c: rprlng chickens. MiitiV"; roosters. 6" HI'TTKR-Pscklns st"fk. 16. : ch.tee tr funcy rlsiry. ITtilV; cresmery. r4tf'.'6 fsnry prints. i!7e. FKEFH KRo.F.X FISH -Trout. l'H pickerel, so; pik", lo , perch, 7c; bluedsh fie; whlteflsh. 1"V; salmon. 14c; 1 edsnappcr 11c; lobster tgreeni. loc: lohsti r Iboll di. V; bullheads. 11c; ratnh. 14c; black bssi" f; htllhut. hf; crai'j I s. I.'c; roe shsd II: buff sin. 7c; white bass. 11c; frog lets per do., 2.V. BRAN - Per ton. Il.i.mi. 1 1 A V Prices quoted bv Oman wlio)csi Dealers' sssoclatlon: choice No. 1 upland. 96 (); No. J. $; am medium. $6 60: coarse. ' $.vnn. Rye atrsw. 95 6o. These prices sre for hsy of gmid color snd quality. OT8TFR8 N w York counts, per can 4.V; rxtra selects, per can. 37c; standards, i er i an. Sic; bulk tstnndarjsi, rcf iral . II 36; bulk lextrs relectst, per gal., $1.76; bulk (New York Counts), ner gal . $2.i. CHRISTMAS DEtTORATlONS. CHRISTMAS TRKFJI t feet, per dox., $1.75; 6 to 7 feel, per dog . $2.Krt: 7 to I feet, per dot.. Hi 60; 9 to 11 feet, per del., $4 60. l-arg' school ami church purposes, each, $1 to $1 aO; fxxrx large. 16 to K feet, each. $2 to 6 EVEKUKKKN WRKATHIMl-ln colls ol 2l vnrrts. per coll. 3."c to 41. on W RF.ATH8 Magnolia and gahix wreaths, per dot., $1. X411.no; evergreen wreaths, per dot., $1 .fatt 1. 1 so; hollv wreaths, per dox.. $1 264jl.6o. HOLLY BRAXCHKS Per esse of 114x2x4 feet, shout 60 lbs.. $4 .V); per bbl.. $2. CO. IONO NF.F.DLK Pl.Nr-Per doa.. $20tJ 1.5. M1STLFTOK Mistletoe branches, per S lb. box, $1.26; per lb.. uc. TROPICAL FRl'lTS. ORANt.FS Florida, sixes 126. l.al. 176. Jon, 216 and 2.V). $2AHi"2 26; California Redlan.l navels, all sixes. $3.00; choice navels, $2.61) i 7S. LKAIOXS California fancy, $3.76: 300 anal Sv. $426; choice. $3.60. DATE8 Per box of 3ii-ll). pkgs.. $2: Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, per Hi.. 6MJV KRIH California. I'T l-lb. carton. Ib9 SV; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. 12'4)C: 6 cronn, 14c: 7-crown, 16c; fancy Imported twashedi. In 1 -Its pkgs. 16trlKc: California, per ess- of 36 pkgs.. $2 26. BANANAS Per mdlum sited hunrh. $2.i0 432.6H; Jumbos, $2 7l5 VI. tlRAt'K FRFIT l'er box of 64 to 64. $6 la) i.5". FRCITS. A PPLK8 Home-grown Jonathans, per bbl. $3 26; Ben Davis. $3.26; New York Kings. $3.28; New York Pippins, $2 75; New York Greenings. $2.60: New York Baldwins, $2.75; Colorado Jonathans, $1.05; Wine Baps, per bit. box. $1.60. PKARB l'th, Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box. $1.7662.116. CR AN HERRI E8 Wisconsin Rell ami Bugle, per bbl., $6.50; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jersevs. er bhl.. $7.76; per box, $2.76. GRAPES Imported Malagas, per keg, $6 Ooff 6 SO. T A N I ER INKS Florida or California, per 1-,-boX. $2.6n. VKOKTABLE8. POTATOES New home-grown. In sacks, per hit.. 40c; Colorado, per bu., 60c. Tl'RNIPS Per bu., 35c; Canada rutae ha gas. per lb., 1c. CARROTS Per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 40c. REK'1'8-Per bu.. 4ic. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1 96tf2.00. ONIONS Home-grown. In sacks, per btl., 9ocfil; Spanish, per crate, $2. cT'CFM HERS- Per dox.. $1.75t2.0O. TOMATOES California.. per 4-basket crale, t2.7Mi3.iNi. CA BB A Oh Holland seed, per lb.. 1V,c. SWEET POTATOES Ksnsas klln-drled, per bhl.. $2.2T. 8QCASH Home-grown, per dos.. 60c. CELERY Per dog., 2fV66(ic; California, 46c RADISH KS-Per dox.. 9flc. LETTrCE Hothouse. per d(( jjagjy. MI8CELLANEOC8. SACFRKRAl'T-Wlsconsln. per keg. CM. 'IDER New York, per bbl., $5.20; per hbl.. $3.26. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 13Hc; Wisconsin Toung America. 1.1c; block Swiss, tiew. 15c; old. 16&17c; Wisconsin brick 14c: Wisconsin llmhurger. 13c. Nl.'TS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard sheTI. per lb., ISc: No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 12c: No. t hsrrl shell, per lb.. 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c: small, per lb.. 10c: peanuts, per IK, 7c: toasted peanuts, ner lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12ffi1.VAc; nlmnnds. soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., limlnc; new black walnuts, per btt.. 75(tjr 90c; shellbsrk hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.50. REXl ESTATE TRANSFER!. Deeds filed for record December 21. aa fur nished to The Bee by the Midland Guar antee and Trust company, bonded ab stracter. 1614 Farnam street: Anna Hammenzlnd et al to Mary Pelts. mldH eV,of swi lti-16-12 t 1 D. V. Sholes Co. to Mary S. Atkins, lot 9. block 7. Poppleton park 3 Wllhelmlna Sheely to K R. Benson, lots $, 15 and 22. block 1, Orammercy park, and other land I.O11O Minnie Madsen and husband to K. Sweet, lot 61, Luke A Templeton. . . . 1.900 Mary DeCon to Edith H. Webb, lot 22, blo4k 13, and lot 24, block 17, Orchard Hill 1 Edith H. Webb to Bertha C. Plxton, lot 24 block 13. Orchard Hill 1 Sheriff to C. E. Williams, lot 1. block 12. Clifton Hill 734 Henry J. Schneider snd wife to F. W. Schneider, part lots 27 and 23, Kountse's 2d 1 Edwards - Wood Co- (Incorporated.) flaln Office: Fifth and Roberts Strsets ST. PAUL, rUNN. DIALERS IN Stocks. Grain. Provisions Ship Your OrnitT to Ua ranch Office, 110-111 Board of Tfaae BldaT., Omaka, Net). Telephone SB 14. 312-214 Exchange Bldg.. floath Omaha. Bell 'Phone 211 Independent 'Phono t. The 'Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO 1 Please Sec Local Columns for Extraordinary II W V at I Holiday mm Rates Tleket OffUei 1M1.140S FARNAM .Tit I IT, OMAHA. Talesajasae gt4aet