Tnn OMAHA DAILY J1EE: TIIfKSDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1004. SHEEP FAMINE IS FEARED VoaUaa Kiger Telli of Dingtert that Iare Befallsn Hit BaiioHi. VISIT TO OMAHA RECALLS OLD TIMES From Blara Farm In Keatarkr n WJfr Wkn Boy to Wild West and Carres Fort an. "Net year the country will face almost a sheep famihe unless present conditions undergo a remarkable change." This statement was made by J. O. Miller, a wealthy stock raiser Cf ttllllnsr", Mont., who Is stopping at the Millard hotel. Mr. Miller is spending a few days In Kebrsska for the purpose of Investing money In lands suitable for sheep gracing. This U the first time he has been In Omaha In seventeen years and his last visit to tho city was un der rather patheMo circumstances. lie left his home In Kentucky when he was a boy of 17. He was an orphan and had been living with an uncle, who did not throw many obstacles In the way of his going. Ills uncle gave htm two $30 bills before he left. ' "I had $3 that I had earned and saved." said Mr. Mil lor, "and while I did not know where I was going, I had no regret at leav ing home, as my life there was not a happy one. I had some schooling, but my clothes were so poor and ragged that the other boys would not play with me. Their treat, ment of me used to fill my boyish heart with bitterness and I often made up my mind that some day my time would come. There was one well-dressed boy In the en tire school who waa very kind to me. He shared his things with me and the only happy recollections I have of thoe days l this boy'a kindness to me. Goes Farther West. "I reached Omaha and here I bought a uiv jiiiiiugi snip train. 11 coal me WO and I had left. I finally worked my way up Into Montana, where I got work as a ranchman. I did not drink nor smoks like the other young fellows I met, but I saved my money. I had a purpose In doing so. I wanted to go back to Ken tucky some time and did not want to go baok empty-handed. Well, I finally began to Invest in fat stock myself. I made and lost money, but gradually I accumulated a fortune. "Four years ago I went back home. There had been changes, a great many changes. I met a great many of the old schoolmates, but I could buy and sell most of them and not notice It In my bask account. When they found I was rich, boys that I had forgotten came up and made themselves known. It's all over now, but that visit gave me more satis faction than anything else In all these years. The most pleasant feature of the entire trip, however, was the fact that I was able to meet the boy who was my only playmate in youth. I put him on his feet and started him In business. Drawback la Sheep Business. "I have edvoted all my time to sheep raising and I own my range lands. It Is getlng so that a man has td own his land, as government ranges are getting smaller and smaller every year. This partly ac counts for the present shortage. If you will notice, the sheep market has been high with the exception of a short slump a few days ago. The weather has been against us for ths last two wlntsrs and thousands of sheep have been killed by the cold. Fortunes havs been swept away almost In a night. I have a neighbor who, last , winter, had 175,000 worth of sheep-destroyed. ;."lt was all he had ex cept his house and lot. Feed also Is getting more expensive and this Is one of the reasons I am down here to leak for winter feeding grounds. Screenings that we used toRuy at the mills In Mil waukee have been going steadily unwarda until they are almost too expensive to buy And they have been gradually Improv ing thoir machinery, so that the screenings are largely dust You can't raise sheep on dust. "My coming down here I can get corn and alfalfa at a low figure. I raise a good deal of alfalfa myself, but not enough. Then I have been growing a great deal of alfalfa to seed. This year I got $"53 an acre for it. High priced feed, short ranges and severe weather are factors that are shortening the supply and unless things change there won't be many sheep In an other year. Attracted by the high prices of sheep and low prices for cattle some of the cattlemen are working Into the sheep business as fast as they can, but It Is difficult to get sheep." Cut Glass. Frenxer, 15th and Dodge. HOTEL SYNDICATE FORMED Johnson Company Controls Thurston and Will Have Two In Nebraska City, The Johnson Hotel company has filed articles of Incorporation, the object being to carry on a general hotel basinets, with a paid up ' oapltal of 150,000. Henry D. Johnson, Richard W. Wright and George C. Johnson are the Incorporates. H. D. Johnson Is the proprietor of the Thurston hotel. Besides Oils the new company will YVheii Santa Claus Comes Sutter ur Swaxxhaart will be diaap pointed K you liavvn 't selected a pair CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS From Prexel's big holiday stock. Fur trimmed llonuxw in rsd, green ay id black, 11.00 up. For women and children. Carriage boots for $3 50 to g 00. For the soulely women. Romeo and Operas; black and tan, (1 (jo to li lt. For nit-n. Felt soled shoes and slippers, 11.00 up. For the older folks. Drexol Shoe Go. . 1419 FARNAM STREET, 0Tj'i Up-1t-Bifi Sbos Rons ABU FOR Ol'R FREE CATALOG UK. control the Watson and Grand Parlfle hotels at Nebraska City, and deals are pending, for the acquirement of other property of the same kind both In end out of Omaha. NEW FIVE-STORY WAREHOUSE Fire Proof trartsrt Contemplated ky American Radiator Company on Bonth Tentk Street. The American Radiator company may put up a $45,000 warehouse in Omaha. The matter has been under consideration by th head officers of the corporation and cor respondence has been paislng between Manager Charles Curry of the local house and the superior officials at headquarters. It Is understood here definite conclusions will be reached In about two weeks. The American Radiator company now has offices at 417 South Fifteenth street, but owns no warehouse In the city. The com pany uses a building In Council Bluffo and rents a portion of the building In Omahn on Nicholas street occupied by Magaret, Stephens A Davis. These houses, for va rious reasons, are Inconvenient and do not properly accommodate the business of the corporation whloh Is handled through the Omaha office. According to officers of the company, the building contemplated will be a modem fireproof warehouse, which probably wtll be located on South Tenth street at about Nos. 411 snd 413, south across the alley from the Brunswlck-Balke-Collander com pany. The location gives trackage on the Burlington and the Northwestern and Is for this reason desirable. It Is now cov ered with small buildings of no particular value. The new building. If decided on, will be 46x132 feet in area and five stories high and will be built with the least possi ble amount of wood. Watches. Frenxer, 16th and Dodge. OLD CASE OFJVIDER STREET Opposition Develops to tho Storm' Flan of Broadening Xorth Twenty-First. Opposition has developed to a plan of the Stors Brewing company to have Twenty first street between Burt and Izard nar rowed from 130 feet to ninety-two feet, or by a strip fourteen feet from the property line on each side of the thoroughfare, all for the purpose of rendering the northeast corner at Twenty-first and Cuming streets more convenient for the location of a new saloon building. Borne time ago the council passed an ordinance vacating the fourteen-foot strips and directing the appralaing board to esti mate the value of the street which is to be sold to the adjoining property owners. The report was made Tuesday night and fixes the value at from $4 to 17 a lineal foot, or in proportion to the assessments made by the city tax commissioners. The section of Twenty-first st-eet which It is proposed to narrow is wider than the street on either side and since 18S2 has been an official hay, grain and produce market, with scales, and Is so used up to the present to a small extent, it is said. The Stors company tried to get the con cession price before, but was refused by the council for this reason. The present controversy Is based on the probable expense and Inconvenience that will be thrown upon the Interested property owners aside from the Storz company. City Comptroller Lobeck and others are active In the effort to have the proceedings set aside. Rich Jewelry. Frenxer, 16th and Dodge. DRIVER HURT IN RUNAWAY Teamster gaiters Senoas Injuries from Horses Helms; Beared by ua Antomeblle. Charles Taulsen, driver for P. J. Creedon A Sons, general contractors at 2120 Cali fornia street. Is lying at his home, 2513 M street, South Omaha, suffering from a contusion of the skull, several bodily and. It is feared, internal injuries which may prove more serious than Is now apparent. His oonrti'.on Is the r-nilt of being dragged ssveral blocks by his team, which was frightened Into a runaway by an auto mobile driven by De Roy Austin, 2S13 South Seventeenth street. Paulsen was attended by Dr. D. A. Foote. The accident happened at Fortieth and Cuming yesterday morning. Austin was driving north with his auto and, passing Paulsen, who Wat driving two horses haul ing a heavy - load of lumber, frightened the horses. They got the better of their driver, who was - thrown to the ground, and, unable to recover himself from the entanglement of the reins, was dragged for several blocks. It was at first feared death would ensue. Austin, In the excite ment and his eagerness to get his machine out of the way, steered' it into the curb, damaging it materially, but escaping him self without injury.. Electric reading lamps Qreard & WU helm. Holiday Low Hates. To accommodate holiday travelers the Union Pacific has placed in effect a rate of one fare plus 60 cents for the round trip. Dates of sale December 24, 26, 26, 31 and January 1 and 2, with final return limit January 4. Inquire of City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam street. 'Phone 31t. Diamonds. Frenxer, 15th and Dodge. Throngh Sleeper From Kansas City to Hot Springs, Ark., without change via Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain route. Leaving Kansas City at noon, arriving in the Springs next morn ing. For full information address any agent of the company or city offices, south east corner 16th and Farnam sts., Omaha, Neb. THOS. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent. 1N-K. Wedding Rings. Kdholm. Jeweler. Lowest Holiday Rates Via "The North. western Line" To all system points In Iowa, Illinois, Wis consin, Michigan, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Nebraska and Wyoming. Round trip rate one and one-third fare east of Missouri river and to points on C, Bt. P., M. A O. In Nebraska and one ' fare plus 60 cents west, on sale Dec. 24, 25, St, 31', Jan. 1 and I. Good until Jan. 4. City Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam St., Union Station, Webster Street Station. Sterling Toilet Bets. Frenxer, 15 ft Dodge. See Harrison 4k Morton's special Wednes day real estate bargains In today's paper. Mortality statistics. : The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board oMleallh dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Wednesday: Births Axel KlnJell, 3002 South Thirty ninth, girl; Jay Griffin, 2j14 Marry, boy; J. Peterson, 1K1T Lake, boy: John 4iubldiler, Twelfth and Xa.vs.ri, girl: Peter J. Mean der, 3t23 Cass, boy; A. Hansen. 2ti25 t urn, ing, girl; Chrlt Peterson. 6outh Forty first, boy; James Wood, 911 S uth Kleventh, girl; John Urewhsm, Fourth street and Knox avenue, girl. Deaths Ueorga Stoddard, Fortieth and Puppleton Hvm, 64; Ruby Iluksum, 111 North Twelfth. 24. Bar Assoelatlua fcirrta. A committee of the Omaha Bar Associa tion mot yesterday at Commercial dub and decided no special quarterly mentlng wuulj t called, but that the program which was to have been given last week should be saved until the annual meeting- about the middle of the month of January. Other routine business waa considered. The Ne braska Bar association Is te have Its an nuiil meeting in this city during the second wok of January. LETTER OF LAW ENFORCED Hstarj tiiied far Affixing Jurat in 1b stnc af Witless. M MATTER THAT HE KNEW THE PARTIES Regardless of Ko Bad Motive or Re salt Official Who Merely Ac- . commodates Friend Is I dieted and Fined. Jesse F. Beaver, a real estate and In surance agent and notary public of Her trice, was fined $75 In the United Btnt ( district court for affixing his Jurat to a, pension affidavit In the esse of one Vi;i Maker of B?atrlre, when he had not per sonally se-n the witnesses sign the affi davit, although they were personally known to him and he was familiar with their signatures. The case Is a peculiar one In the fact that It Indicates the Inflexibility of the pension laws relating to all affiants ap pearing In person before the official who attests to the affidavit. In this case Mr. Beaver simply affixed his Jurat as a no tary public to the affidavit of two wit nesses in suriport of the application of Staker, having been positively Informed by the pension attorney, W. L. Oxmnn, that he hud Just come from the witnesses nnd that they wore unable to appear be fore him personally at the tlmo. Beaver knew both of the witnesses and was fa miliar with their signatures, and simply affixed his jurat as an accommodation to the pensioner. Beaver Is Indicted. At a subsequent special examination of the case by a pension examiner from Washington the two witnesses, while ac knowledging their signatures, admitted they had not made them In person be fore the notary public. Beaver conse quently was Indicted by the federal grand Jury at Its November session and was brought here Tuesday by Deputy Marshal James AUlan on a capias to plead In the case. Mr. Beaver pleaded guilty, but stated In extenuation that he was morally certain of the signatures of the affiants and 'had made his Jurat as a matter of accommoda tion to the two witnesses, who were unable at the time to appear before him as re quired by the explicit letter of the law. Judge Munger was of the opinion that Mr, Beaver had not Intentionally violated if REMOVAL SALE Before we move we've got to reduce the stocks it's got to go We're not going to wait till Jatv uary, but right now; Holiday week. 10 Per Cent Discount On Neckwear, Stiff Bosom Shirts, Kid Gloves. $1.50 Negligee Shirts $1.00 t-.w anu ouhih 91. v 20 Per Cent Discount On Bath Robes, Night Robes, Fancy. Vests, Underwear. Albert Cabn Men's Furnisher Shirt Maker 219 South 14th St. This Word Chans Quality. rry tne experiment or Duying a nne dox of the famous candle and chocolates. Sold of Chicago prices by MYERS-DILLON DRUQ CO., 16th and Farnam Sts- TIMELY TIPS HERE ARE Gillette Safety Razors Henckel's Emperor Razor, $2 eaCh fr-rKr your money away on cheap affairs. Then we have lower priced good Raxors. Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Scissor Sets Table Cutlery, Carvers, for CPDni I C A W i For 3 w IV J 1 S- 5. 5 Pocket Knives., pearl handled scissor knives. Combination hunting knives . Don t miss our Pocket Knife Sale. Remember every one guaranteed. Sale lasts only for the Holly-Day trade. Tool Cabinets ? The aft or best MANUAL TRAINING TOOLS Kemember, the rush for HuLLY-DAV your seleotion now. JAS. MORTON & ..lopp's Candy Sale.. SPECIAL GUT PRICES THURSDAY and FRIDAY Finest Chocolate Creams, pov lb, only 44e Kluest Cream Boa-Boas, je lb, only,,.,..,,..,.., 4to Best t'nrnjnels In tba city, r lb, only V.1c French Mixed, per lb, only iimm,,.19o Finest Fsnlt Tablets, per lb, only.,., ....a Tattles, nil flavors, per lb, only , .....Ifta , Hlnek WaJant Taffy, per lb, only sefto Tperlal Mixed t'audy, lOo lbs for Fine Mixed randy, at, per lb , sts Remember, there are no better gnods In Omaha, We make them ourselves. We know they are good and ubsolulely pure. We have no extra expense, con sequently these low prices. These spsiiul prices are for Thursday and Friday only. If you can't corns, 'phone your order unci we wilt hold It for you. J. KOPP, The 1303 Farnam St. the spirit of the law, but he had no other f recourse than to arax tho minimum pen alty, which Mr. Beaver promptly paid. Mr. Beaver said: "I have had 375 worth of experience that I shall never forget, and realise the fact that even a friendly act is sometimes) a very costly affair." BIG TIME FORJJLD YALEITES Coming of Olee t Ink M ill Be Fol lowed by Dnnre and Dinner. The coming of the Talo Glee club next week means more than merely the concert at Boyd s theater, though that will be a treat, of course. Following the club's con x i a dance will be given at Chambers c idemy by the graduates of Yale residing in Omaha and the next day at noon lunch eon will be given at the Omaha club, which, by Invitation, 600 men will be asked to attend. The alumni of old Kll counta on a big time for this series of events. It may not be generally known what the glee club does with the funds of Its special trips over the country, but this money Is devoted to a laudable cause. A fund Is thereby maintained for the use of the poorer students cf the Institutions who are not able to buy books. On one of these tours 'the glee club makes from 23,000 to 310,000, It Is sold, so that the poor student fund can be substantially maintained. THREE WEN TOJE PROMOTED Official Changes Decided on by Ne braska Telephone Company for January First. The Nebraska Telephone company will put Into effect neveral official changes Jan uary 1. Henry T. Coe, present auditor, re tires and is succeeded by W. A. Tlxley, now assistant and acting auditor. B. F. Griffith will be promoted from assistant treasurer to cashier. Lawrence Blinker goes from the position of bookkeeper to that of assist ant treasurer, succeeding Mr. Griffith. 18-K. Wedding Rings. Eilholm, Jeweler, KRS. wirslow's SOOTHIMQ SYRUP he been oaed by Millions of Mothers for their eblHlrvn wblle Teething for ow Fifty m 11 psln. cores wind colic, and 1 the txnt vsmeilyfor dlarrbxra. t l a. I CAN HIP ANY SHIRT BUT CAHN'S 7fi .IvMLf ij$t m I'M A FEW: Will shave any beard. A boy can use them, 12 blades. 24 shaving edges. tES 400 shaves, Per set '"-' OA MB ROAST STEAK the little folks, to the larger ones for fO0t power for larger boys. Never before have we shown such an Im mense variety of patterns. All prices from 26c unward to the finest Sterling silver and largest line ever shown here, Just the for the man of the house or his son. some other man's son. Nothing but the tools In them. Your Tfuu hiin.wanU' shopping is on. Don't delay. SON CO. 1511 Dodge Street Candy Man. Telephone 4272 Make H nnnssnnsaHsSlBHSaSannBnMBB WApsAsl t&M likiMj 1 Our Huge Sale of Women's Furs Continued Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Fur Coats, Fur Scarfs, Fur Muffs and Chil dren's Furs, Make most appreciative Xmas presents for women. Here is a grand opportunity to buy furs at Jewelry on CREDIT OMAHA CLOTHING COMPANY 1316 FARNAM ST. i All the best Makes such as Elgin, Waltham and Hampden move ments. ..$1.00 A WEEK.. FOR A FINE LADIES' OR GENTLBnENS WATCH CALL ANU fc.EE US. CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS ...O N CREDI T... EASY TERMS TO ALL HOLIDAY LOW RATES To accomodate holi day travel a rate of one fare plus 50 cents for the round trip has been placed in effect by the UNION PACIFIC Pates of sale, Decem ber 24, 25, 20. 31 and January 1 and 2, with final return limit January 4. Inquire of CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 Farnam St. Phone 3(6 DEPUTY BTATB VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY ARI1. Office and Infirmary, 2Mb and Mason Bis. OMAHA, VX.U. 'Xtltbuoe tiS. 1 1 D (f fT fi TO THE TOW WE ARE SELLING COAL Rock Springs fep ...$7.40 Hanna, S6.90 Pennsylvania Anthracite . . . Sll.00 Arkansas Anthracite S8.5Q ALSO HAVE ALL THE CHEAPER GRADES 192 IZARD ST. AW If you wish to pick from the whole world of wortliy watcliew you cau do bo here. Over 5K) cases In stock", also movements made by all the leading watch companies. A notable Having on each of them. Our large buying and close gelling puts us beyond all fair competition. Our fresh goods and prompt attention seems to please folks. T. L. COMBS lb CO. JEWELERS fc OPTICIANS 1620 DOUGLAS STREET, OMAHA There is sl Difference in Coal Perhaps you have been using a SOFT, DIRTY, CLINK ERY COAL that burns out quickly and gives little or no heat, wasting your money and worrying the life out of you. Our Monarch CoeJ Is a hard, clean, clinkerless coal; lasts a long time and makes an intensely hot nra. It will save you money and stop your worrying LUMP, $6.50. NUT, $6.00. Give it a Trial. Once a customer, always a customer. c. b. havens a great saving. a ate he ..WITHOUT END... a co., 6th Straat 825.