Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Ehort Ear to Caver and Dc tabir Wheat
oi Up.
V.a,,rmoas Ihlpmratt of (ra-Nniiti
a ad Elftiltr laeajwaleal ta
the Raalaeas Oats t an.
ttaae Dal I.
OMAHA. Dec. ZD. l9o4
The December wheel la costing the
shorts real money today. Chicago op. ned
11.09. but the buying by the short
iJ brought It tip to II 11 by no .n. The
market had no other strong feature except
this demand. The May option advanced
under the Influence of the December
"'"'"gth toward the close, going bark
Wheat was depressed and under pressure
In antbipation of large Argentine ship
ments, but the later strength came from
the knowledge the offerings were by re
sellers. The rlroomhall estimate of wheat
afloat show a decree's of . 1 !.'". The
lower cab lea did not affect American mar
ket much and the domestic market con
trols. Broomhall'a foreign report hiw
wheat proaperta In the I'nited Kingdom
are food, with talk of Increased acreage.
In t ranee heavy raina have come w hen
tioi wanted and the crop looks Irregular.
Oerman conditions are said to be excellent.
Italian and Spanish conditions have Im
proved and Hjngary la satisfactory. Run
alan crops look well, but need snow, and
Chile reports prospect very poor owing to
t'o much rain. Winona reports sixty-one
elevators In South Dakota and thirty
even In Minneapolis received only 1.700 Ono
bnahela. The farmers would b apt to sell
at this time also because needing the
money. The strong feature of the market
Is the concentrated holdings of large Inter
ests, the popular Idea being this Is respon
sible for the strength In December in a
desire to control the cash situation.
CORN-The last day or two lias seen sn
Immense business In corn. The western
roads were unable to furnish car to take
out the com sold east and south. The at
ern roads could not forward It from Chi
cago to the seaboard. Every Important
riort cleared cargoes and more was cleared,
t Is estimated, Monday than for any two
weeks during si months preceding, tt Is
estimated 1. 500,001) cars have been sold to
Ro to Chicago this month and next. Ne
raska, southern Iowa, Illinois. Missouri
and Kansas are sending, according to rt
perta, something; like g.uOO.OOO to gulf porta.
Home Chicago elevators have been unable
to accommodate corn delivered them on
December options end have had to sell It
on the sample table. Drying houses are
busy turning out contract stuff for De
cember delivery.
OATS The market continues dull, but
rather firm on small business. The situa
tion Is likely not to Improve until the visi
ble supply has bee a eaten Into by dally
Oasaba Cash Prices.
, WHEAT No. hard, ll.Oiai ; No. I
bard. MsjcSCl.Ol; No. 4 hard. Sewc; So. J
spring, $1.08; no grade, 87o.
CORN-No. 2. 39c; No. . 38 V; No. 4.
ITtr38c; no grade, 33647c: No, 2 yellow.
39c; No. a yellow. 3c; No. 2 white, 29c;
No. I white, I8c.
OAT8 No. 2 mixed. 2Se; No. 2 mixed. J7c;
No. 4 mixed, 2o; No, 2 white. 29c; No. 2
white 28c; No. 4 white, 27&2c; stand
ard, &Hc
Omaha Cash Sales.
WHEAT 1 car No. 2 hard. 7 lbs..
Il.ol; 1 car No. 8 hard. K lbs.. siVic; 1
car No. 4 hHnl, 53V4 lbs., 94c; 1 car No. 1
hard, 504, lbs., 89c; 1 car no grade, 48 lbs..
87o; 1 car No. 2 hard, 66 lbs., fl.02; 1 car
No. 2 hard, 66 lbs., 11.01; 1 car No. 4 hard,
4s1, lbs., 92c.
CORN 2 cars No. 2 mixed, SSttc; 1 car
No. 3 yellow, 39o.
OATS 1 car No. 3 mixed, 2SH lbs., 28c.
Carlot Receipts,
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 35 90S 98
Minneapolis 4S1
Duluth 317
Kansas City 153 281 8
Ht. Louia 51 7 M
Omaha 51 1CMJ 8
Grata Markets Elsewhere.
Closing prices at the following markets
today and Saturday were:
December May
V heat
May July
May Wheat
May July
May July
May July
May July
Today. Monday.
.. 1.10. . 1 10 B
.. 1 11 A
6 B
.. 1.01'Vi
96 U
43 B
1.12'B 1.12
Anotatloaa of the Day Varloas
NEW YORK. Dec. 30-FLOUR-Receipts,
29,930 bbl.; exports. 1.857 Mils.; market,
quiet and unchanged; Minnesota pat
ents, l5.HVuti.10;; Minnesota bakers, $4.40'$
4 73; winter patents. $5.85; winter straights,
$5.25(86.40; winter extras, t3.SMi4.3o; winter
low grades, I3464M.10. Rys flour, steady;
fair to good, 84.4tstt4.70: choice to fancy,
14 7&436 O0. Buckwheat Hour, steady. I2.10W
OORNMEAL-Steady- Abe white and yel
low. 11 30431.36; coarse, $1.2431.26; kiln dried,
Kl E Nominal.
BAHYEY jutet; feeding. 44c. c. I f..
New York; malting. 44Ciolc. c. I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, JS.uoii bu. ; murKet
srsly steady; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator;
No. 2 red. $1.17. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1
northern, Duluth, $1 22V f. o. b. afloat: No.
1 hard. Mnnlloba. nominal, f. o. b. afloat.
Options: The early wheat market etis
talned a bad break because of disappoint
ing Liverpool cablou and liberal northwest
receipts. letter it partly recovered, with a
scare of December shorts at Chicago, hut
eventually weakened again under the
liquidation, being unsettled at VV net
loss. May. $1 10 15-lfcfil 12 11-1. closed ll.12';
July. $livjvyl. closed $1.17'4; December.
I1.17,fll .1SU. closed 9I.I7T-.
CORN Reeclnts. kx.160 bu.; exports. 17.4C8
bu.: spot market easy; No. 2, 55V. ele
vator, and 63c. I. ii. b. afloat: No. 2 yel
low, 53o- No. 2 white, 53ic; option .market
was again neglected In New York, closing
pettly o net lower. May closed, 51
December. 64flMc, closed 54c.
OATS Receipts. H.'S4 bu. : spot market
dull; mixed oats, 26 to .12 lbs . 34i3Wtc ;
nalaral white. 30 to 32 lbs.. "MJ37c; clipped
white. M to 40 lbs. 37Sf39c.
HAY Quiet; shipping. sVdtc; good to
choice. 77iut5c.
HOPS uile ; stole, common to hcoice,
1104 crop, 237c: 1903 crop. 3ofi33c; oldsv 14c;
I'aclflc coast, 1904 crop, 29t&3tk-; 180$ crop,
J'rtiSSc; olds. 14ll7c.
HIDES Steady; Oslveston. SO to 26 lbs.,
lie; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas drr,
:'4 tt ) lbs MSo. '
LEATHER Firm: acid, 24J2tic
PRtlVlBIONS Reef, firm; family. $11.00
171200; mess. $at90: beef hares $2J Ootf packet, HO.Wit 11.00; city, extra India
mess. 114 5.-0 1 50. Cut meats, dolt; plrkletl
bellies. $7.2&47.76; pickled shotildera $4.75;
pickled hams. $0. Lard, steady: western
steamed. $7 25: refined quiet: continent.
17. tf: South American, $8; compound $A 124
titW. Pork, steady; family. $14.6Ot15.00;
short clear. $1175u 1&50; mess. $11013.75.
TAlJiOW Quiet; city. 4e; country, 44
RICE Htm; domestic, fair to extra, 2fl.
ir: Japan, nominal.
BCTTV.R Weak- sirsst price extra creani
eiv. t4trlc. Offlci prlcea: Creamery,
common to extra, tMc; held, common to
j r-i, I9ifi24c; slate dairy, oommou to extra.
'"'T-KSE rirmt state full cream. .small.
" pttniber, colored and white, fancy, lie;
..!, late made, poor to choice, SV(Sllc;
fate, large, September, colored and white,
faaoy. Ue: state, late made. rolired. good
( choice. 10tl'c: stste. late made, white,
fancy. liAtc: stste. poor to prime, tffluc
LOG 8 Dull; Western raucy seise ted. 28c;
western average beat. 27c.
POl'LTRY Alive, easy; western chbk
cr.s. 9c; fowls. !V: turkeys, WA13c.
Dressed, weak: western chickens, lotjotljc:
fowls. KAllc; turkeys. 15l8c.
luledo Herd Market. '
.iiIKIO O D !0.-8EED-Clovr.
, t- si" iM-cemher. $76: February, $8 00;
Mmv1', $'.. rnine alsike. $s ir.'",. Prime
ti iii'ihy. $..
llalatU Orala- Market.
Dt l.fTH. Dec. .-VHKaT-To arrive:
No. 1 ntti'i hern al fi'il. . i. 2 northern.
l WS. On irsik: to. I norlhem, $1WV; j
No 2 northern. $1 Wi; Decembtr, r.."'.;
May. II !-
OATH lo arrive and on track. 29c
Keatarea ef the Tradlag aad Cleslas;
Prlcea Board ef Trade.
CHICAGO. Dec. ?0 Weakness of the
Liverpool grain market was the main
cause of lower prlcea today in the wheat
pit here today. At the close May wheat was
ofl -V. Corn Is down lc. Oala and pro
visions are practical v unchanged.
The greatest weakness in the wheat mar
kct was manifested at the Immediate open
ing. I'nder the Inflifenee of a sharp break
in prices at Liverpool Initial flotations here
showed substantial losses, the May option
being off sttV at $l.lVall'-1V At the
start snorts took advantage of the tower
prtcea and covered freely. Congested con
ditions of the Decemlier delivery caused a
quick advance In the price of that option,
other months rising In svmpathy. The re
vival of bullish sentiment was aided by
small receipts in the southweat, St. Louis
and Kansas City today receiving only 97.00
bushels of wheat, compared with 54it
bushels a jear ago. Another influence that
helped to rallv prit es was Ura'lstreet s
visible supply statement, which showed a
decrease of 2.271.U") bushels In the world s
available stocks, whereas the correspond
ing week a year ago the decrease was only
7o-.'j bushels. On the upturn May sold up
to $1 11
Resllxing sales caused another reaction
late In the dav and the market closed easy.
Final quotations on May were at $1 1"V
Clearances of wheat and flour were eoual
to 4S.6HU busheis. Primary receipts were
752.4 bushels, compared with l.OTo.'jO
bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth
and Chicago reported receipts of s6 cars,
against TTJ cars last week and 518 cars
year ago.
Influenced bv lower cables ana continued
favorable weather, the corn markets
showed weakness during the oulre session.
The break In wheat prices nl'o hud a de
pressing effect. Offerings we free at the
start, cash houses being the principal sel
lers. Ruylng by shorts had a slesdying ef
fect. May opened Wflc lower at 45&45c,
sold up to 451,'fj4o'Sc and closed at 45'.-.
Local receipts were 9s) cars, with 11 of con
tract grade.
The feature of trading In oats was the
selling of December. As a result that op
tion was easier, but distant deliveries held
steady. The volume of trading was light.
Mav opened a shade lower to n shade
higher at 31V; to 31S sold up to 81V ani
closed at Sle. Local receipts were 98 cars.
Provisions w-ere a trifle easier earlier In
the session as a result of a small decline
In prices at the yards Sentiment later
became firmer on a fair demand from pack
ers. At the close May pork and lard were
each up 2V t $12.96 and $7.15 respectively.
Ribs were unchanged at $rt 77"ivo
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
88 cara; corn. 41S cars; oats. 47 cars; hogs,
40iO head
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. High. I Low. Close. ;Ye"y.
' Jan.
May Lard
Jan. May
Jan. May
1 09, 1 11H
1 OH4l
1 I0H1
l wh!
1 1041
1 10
1 11
61 09K
1 He, 1 11
fl 10S1
97i-l,' 9SHI
97H asviti v, asHC-H
4M4U-46I 44
. 4514
4 1 47.H
4.i"4' 4n4
2 '29i4
45 c-V45t4t4
45 1
29 2T4
31 31trV.
12 5 12 60
12 60
12 92H
7 It)
31 1,
12 2H
13 674
12 2H
6 874
7 L"4
6 50
12 97H;
12 87H
6 85
7 10
12 9
6 o
7 li
( m
6 90
7 15
6 80
6 77m
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Eaey; winter patents, $,.in9
$.20; stralghta, $4.806 0O: spring patent-.
$4.9fg5.&0- straights, $4.S4 90: bakers, $2.70
WHEAT No. 2 spring. $l fS1.15; No. 3.
96c.i41.10; No. 2 red. $1. 12 1 14Vi.
CORN No. ?. 464tW4c; No. 2 yellow, 4&&
OATS--No. 2. t0-c; No. 3 white, SOVlKWic;
No. 8 white, 29V31,4.
RYE No. 2, 73c.
BARLEY Good reeatna. 27igJSc: fair to
choice malting;, 4T&48C.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.17; No. 1 northwest
ern. $1.23"4; clover, contract grade, $12.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $11 35
611.45. Lard, ner H) lbs., KS5. Short ribs
aides (loose), $6.2Svtf6.50. Short clear sides
(boxed), $6.2V5-75.
Reeelprs. Shipments
Fleur, bbls l,ooi 13.500
tl-hnut ho KOm 48 7011
Corn, bu 1.185.500
Oats, bu Hs.onO 128.W
Rye, bu a.0"0 2.100
Barley, bu 304.100 26.6J
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, litfSKc:
dairies, ltVo c. Eggs weak at mark, cases
Included, 1k22c; firsts, 22c; prime firsts,
24c; extras, 26c. Cheese steady, lVg2c.
St. Low Is Grain aad Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Dec 20. WH-AT Higher;
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.13; track,
$1.15; May, J1.1JV July, 95T4c; No. 2 hard,
CORN-Hlgher: No. 2 cash. 42ic; track,
43V;$44c; December, 42c; May, 43'&43Hc.
OATS Dull; No. 2 cash, S"c; track, 3oc;
December, 30c: May, 31c; No. 2 white, 42c.
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $5.Z5
5.40; special brands), $56ofi5 60; extra
fancy, $4-8u84.90; clear. $4.1544 40.
SEED Timothy, steady at $..oi82.4u.
CORN MEAL Steady at $2.40.
BRAN Flm; sacked, east track. 9oc.
HAY Dull and steady; timothy, $S.0my
18.00; prairie, $ti.vsr 50.
BAOOINtl 7'c.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
f 11.60. Lard, unchanged: prime steam. K.'h.
ry salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts,
$rt.75; clear rlbe, tl-iZW. short clear. $7 374.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra short. $7.62;
clear rtlie, $7.874; short clear. $8 12.
POULTRY Slow; chickens. 640; springs,
ko; turkeys, lie; ducks 94c; geese, 7c.
BUTTER Creamery. 28c; dairy, 17 23c
EtlOS 8teady; 24c, case count.
Kecelnts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 8.000 K000
Wheat, bu 62.0K) o3.vn0
Corn, bu &8.0n 4ti,0u
Outs, bu 67,1100 47.UUO
Kaasas City Uralai and Provisions.
December. $1.02; May. $1 034: July. 4
89V: cash. No. 3 hard. Sl.i&jul.OK; No. 3,
$1.0243 1.M; No. 4. 9Ocf$1.01; No. 2 red, $1.U8;
No. 3. $104'al 06; No. 4. 9?ci$1.01.
BUTTER Creamery. 21''o23c; dairy, 17c.
CORN Steady ; December. 4oc; May,
42V; July. 42V; ca?h. No. 2 mixed. 41V'
42c; No. 1 41(u41V: No. 3 white, 4 lf) 4 .V;
No. 3. 41g4mc
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white, 31 ( 31 He; No. 2
mixed. 4i31c.
HAY Steady, choice timothy, $.niT5;
choice prairie, $7.7." .
RYE-8tedy. 72c.
BUTTER . ream-rv. 21ft23c: dairy. 17c.
EOG8 Lower ; Missouri and Kansas
new No. 3 whltewood cases Included. 24c;
case count. 23c; cases returned, 'y lass.
Rece'uts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 28.(0)
( orn, bu 72,m tS.i)
Oats, bu 9.UM
Available snnply of Crnln.
NEW YORK. Dec. 20. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
Bradstreets show the following chiuiges in
available supplies as compared with last
account :
Wheat United States and Canada, east
of the Rockies. Increase 1.396.Gui bu. ; afloat,
for and In Europe, decrease. 3.2U0.0OO bu.;
total supply, decrease. 1.8ut.iKD bu.
Corn l nlted States und Canada, east
of the Rockies, increase, 2.207.U) bu.
Oats United States and Caimda. east of
the Rockies, decrease. 3-tl.Mm bu.
The leading Increases reported this week
are 346,uou bu. In Manitoba elevators;
104,000 bu. In Chicago private elevators:
144.0 bu. at Portland. Me.; 76. OU) bu. at
Coteau. and 76.000 bu. at port Huron.
The leading decrease include an esti
mate of 6oU.aO bu. at the northwestern in
terior elevators; 141.000 bu. at Cleveland:
216.000 bu. at Rochester, and dO.OuO bu. at
Steady; fair demand: extra western cr earn
ers, rec; extra, nearby prints. 31c.
EOUS Weak: fren nearby. 30d at mark;
fresh western, 296 3uc at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
fancy, 12o; New York full creams, choice,
114L; New York full creams, fair to
good. lltHllc.
Liverpool Grata Market. j
nomlnul; futures, sternly; December, nomi
nal; March. 7s ld: May, U ld
CORN Spot. American mixrd. new.
steady at 4s 8d: American mixed, old. firm
at 4a lid: futures, quiet; Jauusry, 4a 3d;
March. 4s a. .
MilMsnkes Grain Markrt. j
K'.k 1 nonliein il l'4il 14: Va -J rtrthr,i
$1 oMil.': May. II l".
BARLEY Dull. No. 2, 42c: samiile. :ri'
CORN-Sleady; No. 1. 4-ti43c; May,
Penrln Grain Market.
PEORIA. 111. Dc Ju-COP.X-Kteaay:
Ku. I, 4ic, No. 4. 4-'c: no raj;. 41u
Market i Narrow and Dill, with Pric
Btroagar. .
tall Lean Hale eems le 8a Instead
ef stiffen as the End mt the ear
tppronrhra Foreign Ex
change Kasy.
NEW YORK. Deo. -The strength In
today's dull market was due to the very
light offerings of stocks. The du.lneea was
rally profound at times. The total lor tne
day, although only about oOD.'s" shares,
conveys no adequate. Idea of thla dullness,
as the business, small as It was. was
Inrgelv concentrated In a few active shares.
The operators on a large ecaie who have
made the great markets of the recent pat
seemed to have withdrawn with common
consent and left the dealings to a smaller,
but still professional class. There is a
pretty general agreement that revived ac
tivity Is not to be looked for until after
the holidiiv period.
The call loan rate seems to sag Instead
of to stiffen as the end of the year ap
proaches and little Is done at as high as
3 per cent. Ians are made on time for
periods up to six months at SH snd S per
cent and there Is only n languid demand
even at those rates. Pressure continues
on our gold supplv and also upon that of
Ixindon. the average being In favor of Mer
lin. A sequence of liond offering- of vary
lug nmounts and degrees continues to make
tts appearance and to be taken eff the mar
ket with apparent readiness. This prob
ably serves to explain partly the diversion
of operations from the stock market, and
with the general agreement In the proba
bility of dull trading until after the new
vear give numerous expressions of confi
dence In higher pries when the market
does become active again. Thtse expres
sions of confidence Influence the small
buying such as was In evidence todsy.
Attention is alert also to discover signs of
antlcipatorv Investment buying, which It is
an old tradition to look for in Wall street
during December. Tills is expected to
come from capitalists who will receive
dividends and Interest at the first of the
year and who see an advantage In securing
their desired holdings before others are
Seeking the same ends. Buying of nigh
grade stocks on realizing at thla period Is
certain to be set down to this source and
Is often effective In dissetnlnatllng a com
fortable feeling of substantial Investment
confidence amongst operators.
There was some realizing In the United
States Steel stocks on the additional ad
vances in prices of products. Southern
Pacific moved in response to rumors of a
coming dividend. Foreign exchange wss.
easier, but New York exchange at Chicago
receded to near par. Oalns were not fully
sustained, but the closing was firm.
Bonds were Arm. Total sales, par value,
United States bonds were unchanged on
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
Sales.Hlgh. Low. Close.
Atchison too 65 64 85
do pfd .I" 2.300 10B4 103 103
Baltimore & Ohio 9,1'H 100 99T4 1
do Pfd fr"''
Canadian Pacific 1.500 131 l$o 1
Central of N. J 7oo ISO 1W) 19"
Chesapeake A Ohio... 1.4 4S4 48 4
Chicago & Alton 1.40 43 43 43
do pfd "8
ChlcuKo Ot. Western. 2.800 22 22 22
Chicago & N. W l.'"0 2o8 3 37
C. M. & St. P 9.900 170 1
do pld 1!2
Chicago Turn. & T... WO 11 11
do pfd 1.310 22 22 22
C. C', C. tit St. L i"0 91 9t"i
Colo. Southern W 23 23 23
do 1st pfd 1.9" ! 8
do 2d pfd 1. ") : S .36
Delaware & Hudson.. 6.0UO 1! l!5 1S.
D. . L. & W 330
Denver & Rio Grande W0 31 31 314
do pfd 1.9"0 mt 88 8K.4
Erie 16.2' 37 37 37
do 1st pfd 4.t 75 74 75
do 2d pfd Z. 5ti M ,
Hocking Valley 9"
do pfd 4i.) 93 92 92
Illinois Central 1.2O0 155 154 ln4
Iowa Central 3u0 29 28
do pfd 8 6 56
K. C. Southern 300 29 28
do pfd ' 52 i3 53
Ixuis. & Nashville.... 2.4iO 14i 140 14--
Manhattan L 100 13 Hi3 l'B
Met. Securities 1.700 80 79 79
Met. St. Ry 6.W0 1V, itJ 121
Mexican Central 1.100 21 20 . 20
Minn. St. Louis
M . St. P. & S. 8. M... 1,0110 90 90 90
do pfd 2O0 14 14 14ti
Missouri Pacific 5.!0 l' 108 los
M.. K. & T "0 31 30 30
do pfd 200 3 62 62
N. R. R. of Mex. pfd 40
N. Y. Central 27.000 142 14o 141
Norfolk & Western... 7.5W 79 78 79
do pfd -
Ontario Western. .. 1.9U0 44 43 43
Pennsvlvanlii 42.100 137 1 137
P.. C' C. St. L 7i
Reading "" 79 78 78
do 1st pfd 9" 9" 89
do Id pfd 200 81 81 81
Rock Island Co 7.600 33 32 33
do pfd 60 84 83 83
St. L. S F. 2d pfd.. SO, 7 67 87
Bt. Louis S. W 400 26 24 21
do pfd 67
8. Pacific 64.700 64 1 64
do pfd 2.70 118 118 118
S. Railway 35 34 $4
do pfd D 6 1
Texas ac Pacific luO $4 $4 84
T St L. W 30 JW 35 3f
do pfd 500 53 62 53 ,
union facinc . w ihh aw iiu-
do pfd 1.4U0 96 95 96
Wabarh 300 22 22 22
do Pfd 100 43 43 41
W. & L. E 100 19 19 18
Wisconsin Central 21
do pfd 400 46 45 45
Adams Ex 230
American Ex 100 200 34) hm
United States Ex 119
Wells-Fargo Ex 237
Amal. Copper 17.40 88 0; 7
Am. Car Foundry. .10.100 35 33 35
do pfd 1.2"0 93 93 93
Am. Cottbn Oil 100 SH 36 S
do pfd Hi
Am. Ice 7(0 6 6 6
do pfd 50 38 38 38
Am. Linseed Oil 15
do pfd 37
Am. Locomotive S.w 3 33 34
do pfd wo lo- pi." 10M
Am. Smelt. Refng. .17 82
79 81
do nfd 113 113 113
Am. Sugar Refng 7.5J 141 14s 141
Anaconda M. Co lot
Brooklvn R. T 2.9i 61 61 6u
Colo. Fuel A Iron 1.6U0 4t; 46 4;
Consolidated Gas r 2ol 2ul 2ol
Corn Products l.ouO 21 21 2lv
do pfd lit) 79 79 79
Distillers' Securities. . 4.) 88 37 37
General Electric 4i) 1) 1S 186
International Paper... 1.5") 25 26 24
do pfd 3t 78 77 77
Inter. Pump, cxdlv 3i
do pfd 8ft
National Lead 4oO 23 23 23
North American in;
Pacific Mall 4t0 43 42 43
People's Gus l.HtW 17 10C 107
Pressed Steel Car 6D 39 ;v 39
do pfd 100 9i 90 9h
Pullman Palace Car 234
Republic Steel M0 lti 16 lt!
do pfd 7) 08 fix m
Rubber Goods 3) 26 T6 lti
do pfd l'i 94 94 94
Tenn. Coal A Iron 4 l 72 71 71
U. S. Leather ?9.0i 14 13 14
do pfd IO.omJ 11 S 101 iH4,
U. 8. Realty & Imp., loo 8o 80 79
I'. 8. Rubber 32
do pfd fan) 94 93 8:(
I. 8 Steel 13 a( 29 29
do nfd 40.100 2 9z
Westinghouse Elec... 800 183 jid ' lsil
Western Union 700 ' ti 92
Total sales for the day. 508.200 shares.
Roaton Stork Market.
BOSTON. Dec. 20. Call loans. 84U per
rent; time loans, 406 per cent. Official
closing of stocks and bonds:
Atchlaon a-) 4a HV W"eln coalman ... M
do 4a ioi AdTontura ..
Mai i antral 4a 74 iAIIouaa
Atchlaoa ttH Amalsainated
do fd ! Atlantic i
Boston A Albaar !' Blnfhata 14 s
Boston Main ITi'S Cal. Hacla ...440
Boston r.isvatrd IUS rnuaaial .. u
Fuohburs pfd ls Cooper Rang tt
naii'in i fnm i.t mo 11
N V . N H A H...1M alnilalos foal 44
Pro Marqiiotla 14 Kraaklln M
I oloa Paclli' llu llrancr
Aaiar. Arie. t'hatn .1 ll Royal la
do pld . k4 Uaaa Mining s
Atuar. Tuba... (S Ml. hlaas
Aiuar. Sugar WIS Mohaak 4s
do p'd !, Una C. V S
Aniar. T 4 T 14 oj DumialoB S
Auiar. Woolau : V o.ania ta
st '. Parns . , :
rtoiiilniu' I AS .. 'ts t'ulncjt lux
liiliFon Klatrir IMu..ia: iianuon bt
Uovaral El.-trlc tfc- Tau,arak . Ill
ldM K',trlc 14 Tr,i Itr t
' r'd ;- 1 s tainias. 4
IM 17 r Oil.... II.
t ones' Pnm
1"7 I I
'i 44
I nltaa s...a Mrh ... St
do a'4 .......... IV
I il s-, .,h.rlo
oo aid :s
Ask. tl. Bid.
Traanr StaiPawesl.
WAKHlXtiTOX. I'e- - .-TmIivs alate-
rr- i .,. irn irni.-r, . io the gen-
:..i iuiid, U .; .tvO.lfW gulj
reserve n the division of redmpton show:
Available cash balance. $1 3. ;VI77 . goij.
Kerr lerk Money Market.
NEW TOP.K. De.-. 2" MONK T On call,
steadv st :flt per cent, closing bid. 2
per cent; offered. 8 pet" ft Time loans
easy and dull; sixty days. ninMv davs anl
six months, 3 13 per cent
per cent.
actual huslnss in bankers bl la at $4 STVrfi
4 8740 for demand and at $4 84v?4 M70 for
slxtv-dar bills; posted rates. $4.85 and
$4. commercial bills. $4At
SILVER Bar. 51c; Mexican dollars. 48c.
BONDS Government, steady; rallrosd.
The following are the quotations on
atccka and bonds:
V. 6. rf. la, rt ...104s) inh.r r. 1 4t . l'
4o coupoa .
.lws lentral s
o li inc :ih
lo4 "Minn A St I. 4 ITS
e is, rsg
4o cupel
8a sew 4a, rg..
4 emipaa
4 014 4a. rag ..
4o eupoa
Arrhieon sea. 4t .
do 4J 4a
Atlantic r. L. it.
Hal A Ohio it ...
central ot C,a. i.
i 1st Inc
Din. a Ohio 4i
cse-aau A lf
r . H A u n. 4..
V M . K. a T. 4a
1I I do 2a
lotA N. R R of M .
lsj x y r. ( is.
!S . J r 4a. . .
44 No. f'aclflc 4a .. .
. 8fl
. 1l
. 1.1
.. :s
. .l'"4
. lo?
. n
a. ss
. . ITS
. . 4
. 4
. -llfw
. .uS
. !,
.. t2V
.. ?
.. ts
M'al do it
. X
. ti
. i
N A W. r. 4a.. . .
0 S L par
'Pens con. Is
Reading ten 4....
8t L I M e b
St. LAS F. f
st 1, S w. la
Seaboard A. L 4a
so. Pacific 4a
lo. KMllstT it
Teiaa A P la
T . St L, W 4a
t'nloa Pa. iflc 4a . . .
do foar 4a
1" Steel M li ..
Waboah la
do deb. R
W l H. 4a
1. MS P. f 4..lln
C. a M w. c. 7a. . .114
C. R 1. P. 4a.... ss
do cnl & sa
Tec A 8t. t,. ( 4i .mi',
Chlcafn Tar 4a 4S
ton. Tobacco 4a 71
Tnlo. A So. 4a 11 14
i a n. a. 4s in
Srla rior Ilea 4a 11S
4o gan 4a 91 '
F. W. D. f. la...l(l7
Hnrtins Val. 4a. ...lim
L Jt N tint. 4a ... . 103S
Hid. Jffered.
Wla. Central 4a.
Colo Fuel r. Sa. atfa. US
London Stork Market.
I.ONDON, Iec. 20. Closing quotations on
stocks and bonds:
Cononlo. money ..
do account
do prd
Baltimore A Ohio
Canadian PartnV
rn.a. Ohio
Otilcaao Ot. W
I.. M A St. P ..
Peevee R. f). . .
do pfd
do 1 at pfd
do 14 P'd
Illinois Cantral ..
Loula. A N'aah
M 1-1!N V fentral 1444
I 13-14. Norfolk A W
tSl do pfd
... ',lnlarlo w 44a
...loSS'P'nnailranla "OS
.. .li-2 Hand Mlnaa II S
, ...lt4S,Hadlii 4 4
... 4S do lat pfd 4.i
... 8 do :d pfd 41
. ..174'9outhem RallwlT ... US
...II I do pfd tW'4
... tlH'Sontham Pa-ISc .f
... tSifntnn Parlc 1 1S
MS do pfd ITS
... "4ar. 8 Steol J
... MS I do pfd M't
...llls,Whaah li't
...144 do pfd 44 s
M , K. A T
1 , l 1 i-JIH l-l, ,1
Jiwispanurt 4a
SILVER Bar. steady. 2S'd per ounce
MONEY 24i3 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short hills Is 2 15-1603 per cent; for three
months' bills. 3 per cent.
SfK York Mining Storks.
NEW YORK, Dec. 20. The following are
the closing quotations on mining slocks:
Adama Cos
Branawfck oa .
Comet or k Tunpol
(on. t'al 4V Va.
Horn SI I tot
Iron tltlTor
LMdrlllo Cos ...
. K I.tttl Chlet S
. 40 Ontario ITS
. It ojhtr
. Pkeenll I
. Potost
.1X9 Aavace la
15i Slorra Nevada Jt
.ln Small Hopes
. I Standard ton
ForelaTn Flnanrtal.
LONDON, Dec. 20. Money was scarcer
In the market today owing to the outflow
for holiday purposes. Discounts were
harder. Bar gold was In strong demand
for Germany and recent arrivals of the
metal were bought for export. On the
Stock exchange there was an exceedingly
slack but undecided tendency. Consols re
ceded owing to the dearnesa of money, but
recovered at the close. Americans opened
irregular, many stocks being below parity.
They Improved a fraction and closed quietly
and steady. Imperial Japanese government
6 of 1904 were quoted at 96.
BERLIN. Dec. 20. Trading on the bourse
today was quiet. American were higher.
PARIS. Dec. 20. ITIce on the bourse to
day were firm. Russian imperial 4a were
quoted at 91.80 and Russian bonds of 1:j4
at 5" -2.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Dec. 20-WOOI-The little le
mand for wool now In evidence In the wool
market la principally for lots of scoured
wool, especially B supers and wools of that
grade. Prices are steady. The general
opinion Is that the available supply of
domestic wool In the market here is less
than one-half that on hand last year. Ter
ritory wools are quiet and pulled grades
are steady. The markof Is firm for for
eign wools. ' Quotations: Territory, Idaho
Hue, 18ttl9c: havy fine, 16vtf17c; fine me
dium, lNft'19c; medium, 22ftZ3c; low me
dium. S'o24c. Wyoming, tine, 17'al8c;
heavy fine, 15416c; fine medium. 17'ul8c;
medium, 2.WJ4c; low medium. 23ti24c. Utah
and Nevada, Jtne, KftlSc; heavy fine. Wi
16c; tine medium, 1718c; medium. 2-"a3c,
low medium, 23iS24c. Dakota, line. 184119c;
fine medium. 18a 19c; medium, 23'fi24c; low
medium. 234? 24c. Montana. One, choice. 21T
22c; One, average, l'a2oc; tine medium,
cvholce, 21fj22c; average, 191j20c: staple, 2.'(4
23c: choice, 23t,25c; average, 2T'g22c.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 20.-WOOL-Market.
steady; medium grades combing and cloth
ing. 2S1j29c; light fine. 184f22t' heavy tine,
14t18c; tub washed. 27 ,31c.
Mrial Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 20.-METALS Tin had
a very severe break in the London market,
as a result, ho It was said, of Increasing
offerings and speculative manipulation.
Spot closed at 131 10s and futures at tl-J
list. Locally the market was weak in sym
pathy with the foreign decline and closed
at $28. 70 29. 26. Copper waa unchanged at
68 for spot and 66 7s 6d for futures In
the London market. Locally the market
Is quiet and without quotable change.
Lake uh held at tl4.7S31o 12; electrolytic
at $14.7515.00 and casting at $M.5ai4 76.
Lead was unchanged at $4.tio4i4.7o In the
New York market, while In London there
was a slight decline with spot quoted at
12 12s 6d. Spelter aim waa unchanged
at $5. 76416.87 In the local market, and l'iwer
at 24 15a In London. Iron closed st 52s 31
in Olaagow and at 48a 6d In Mlddlesboro.
Locally Iron was firm; No. 1 foundry,
northern; No. 1 foundry, southern, ami
No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, are quoted
at $l".'(jl7.76; No. 2 foundry, northern.
$16. 5t M& 17.25.
Hilar and Molaaaea.
NEW YORK. Dec. 20. SUGAR Raw,
firm; fair refined, 4c; centrifugal. 96 teat.
4c; molasses sugar. 4c; refined firm;
No. 6, 6.05c; No. 7, 7c; No. 8. 4 9tc; No. 9.
4.86c; No. 10. 4.80c; N. 11. 4.70c; No. 12.
4.85c: No. 13, 4 55c: No. 14. 4.50c; confec
tioners A. 5.60c; mould A. ic; cut loaf.
6c; crushed. 6.35c; powdered. 6.75c; gran
ulated, 6 65c: cubes. 6.70c
MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans, oj en
kettle, good to choice. .i37c.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 20.-SUOAR-Mar-ket
steady; white clariiier. -i -.ifllc: open
kMtle. 3ti4c; open kettle, centrifugal. 4
64c; centrirugHl whites, 4 13-16c; yellows,
4yi4e; seconds. 3t4'ac.
Cotton MrUet.
market closed quiet. 20 points lower; mid
dling uplands. 7.7oc; middling gulf. 7.5c;
sales. 44 bales.
Easy; sales. .6ut bales; ordinary, 4 12-lnV-;
good ordinary. c; low middling-. 6c;
good middling. 79-ltSc; middling- fulr, 8 116c;
tecripts, 1975 tialeo; stock, 419 4' 6 hales.
market Quiet: prices 4 points, lower; Amer
ican middling fulr. 4.47d; good mlJiIliiiK.
4 33d; middling. 4 13d: low middling. 4"Ui:
good tirdlnary, 3.87d: onllnarv. 3.71d. The
sales of the day were 5.00O hales.
HT. LOUIS. lec. 2u. COTTON Quiet. c
lower; middling, 7c: sales. 16 hairs: re
ceipts, 4i bales; shipments. 4:3 bale;
stock. 33,963 bales
Kvaporateal Apples aaal Dried Frails.
AF1'LK8 Market is steadily held with de
mand Improving somewliat. Common are
quoted at 34$4V,c; prime at lVn4V'; choice
at tyi-tj1 fancy at t(i4i4c,
are selling In small lots, but the under
tone Is easy with quotations ranging from
2c to c, according to grade. Apricots
remain firm and unchanged. Choice Hie
?uoted at 10c; extra, choice at luwllc;
ancy. HStrlic I'eacliev are In moderate
lobbing demand with desirable sizes scarce.
Choice are quoted at (V; extra choice at
10Valoe; fancy. lmtJUc
OI!s aad Hoaln.
OIL CITT, Die. 10. OIL-Credlt bslatitea.
II. &0: certificates no bid; shipments, t9. 6i
bbls.; average. 7.9i7 bl?a.; runs, tlMH this.;
average, 88,1311 bbls ; shipments. Lima. f
43 bbls.; average, 67.31) bll,.; runs Lima.
21.483 bbls: M.tiS bbls.; averag-, 5ti nn9 Ibis
Firm. nK-.
ROSIN-Firm: A. B. C. K. F, $2 jo O
fl.": H. 82.73HiS.75: K. 84 hi; m. 3t.3o N.
II .50; N. t4.. W. W., IS 15
4 oCes Msrlet.
NF.W VORK. Iec. 30 . COFFKK-Fu-tures
show greater activity Unco the l.i
l.ulk movement of last apring. The loarkf
wa finally steady wltli Janujrv net li
point and all ether months M point
higher. Sales a ere reported of lCS&o bags,
in. riding January. 3 6.f7 0c; Marrli ,7
j7jo; April. 7ii4c; 8pteniber, ii'q
li.': October, iio; N'ovemhrr. 8 4'p.ii
H'o firr- Ko 7 Invoice, 8V'; m'ld C'fdova.
h4t lU
Beit Beef Steer Btroitj. Others Slew, Cewi
Soaiidenbly Higher.
Beat sheen and Lambs Ibont steady,
bat short f ed and t antnann Klnals
Were rtather Slow with Feel
Intl Weak. Feealera Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. De an. 19o4
Receipts were. f":it:le. Hcgs. Sheep.
Official Monday 3.870 $.& 8 70'
Official Titeadav 3. S 10 4tW 2.51$
Two davs this week ... 9.-8 13.!" 11.221
Same davs last week . . 1" 42" 13 .2 12. "82
Siime week before 8..I.17 17. H 8.K9S
S.ime three w eeks ago . 9 417 13.376 15 S
Same four weeks ego... 17."26 17 6 26 277
Same davs last ear 4 Ml l!.1 10.6
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the yeer to date, with comparisons with
last year:
1914 ltifl. Inc. Dec.
Cuttle 92S.815 1.0M.312 124.497
Hogs 2.231. 5-i 2.1J.s7. .31
Sheep 1, 737.59'' 1.82 SCaS ctt
The fellow lug table jii.. .v. lilt averags
price of hogs at South Omahu for the Lial
several days, with comparisons:
Data. I 1904 I19Q1. 11902 .UQt. lW.iiJJ.psa$.
Dec. ...
Dec. I...
Dec 3. . .
Dec. 4....
Deo. 6....
pec 7....
Dec, ....
Dec. ...,
Dec. 10...
Dec. 11...
Dec. 12..
Dec. 13..
Dec. 14..
Dec. 15..
Dec. li.. .
I'ec 17..
Dec. 4..
Deo. lx..
Dec. 20..
i 4 T4
4 48;
4 47-,
4 41'
4 39
4 36 ,
4 '
4 31)
4 3!
4 36
4 $21
4 41,
4 43
4 37'
4 32
4 33
4 46
4 47'
4 45!
4 to ;
4 2S
4 36
4 2c
I 4 t$
i 0R
6 It
6 121
t 07!
6 12!
6 96
5 98
6 09
6 16,
r. to
$ 6
b v
t 92,
e ot
6 'C
6 13
6 14,
6 16.
6 21 1
4 64 i 2 28
4 68, 3 81!
4 771 8 80i 3 JT
4 84 $ Ml t 3S
4 81 ! 3 1' 2
4 78! I S3' $ SO
' I 3 l 2 2
4 8T,' I 3 31
4 S2, $ 92
4 77 3 9T. 8 37
4 81 3 INS, $ 39
4 s $ 96 3 S
' 4 tt.
I 4 II I
4 '
I 4 3"
.1 4 41.
I 4 45i
'. 4 5"
4 84
1 o 3 1.
6 26;
4 Oil 3 30
i a .''
:l u ' 3 28
3 94 3 28
8 2n
t i '
S ft
4 83.
4 ...
1 '."
I 79;
Indicates Sunnav
The official number of cars of stock
bruught in today by eat h toad was:
cattfe.l togs. Sheep. Horses.
C. M A St. P 3 23 1
Wabash 3
Missouri Pacific ..... 2 1
Union Pacific 31 24 11
C. N. W 4 ii
F.. E. r M. V 43 1
C. 8t. P. M. & O.... ." l" ' 1
B. A M Ry .16 21
C. H. & Q 7 7
K. C. & St. J 4
C. R. I. & r. ea-t . 14 H 6 I
C. R. I. At P.. west.. 10 1 .. i,
Illinois Certral 5
Chicago G. W 5
Total receipts ....136 161 26 1
The disposition of the day h receipts wss
as follows, each buyer purchasing tli num
ber of head indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omana Packing Co 229 1,.1J
Swltt and Coinp.uiy .' ;atl 2.o"si I.0H2
Cuilahy Packing l u 6i5 2.7o 754
Armour & Co 7o7 3,0(2 i'.K)
do Sioux City 7"9 ....
Yansant or Co 115 ....
Carey A Benton i.tti
l.ohniHii at Co ;t:t .... ....
McCreury & Clark 2
W. I. Stephen 1 ;"
Mill or Huiitzlngcr 21
Huston At Co 1
Hamilton & HothsclUld.. 47
1. F. Hu-x 11
Wolf Murnan'
Mike Huggerty 21
J. II. Root Co 17
Bulla & Kline 1
Ager Packing Co 124
Other buyers 361 2,29
Total 3.1:12 10.473 4 13
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were again
very light this morning, so that the supplies
for the two days this week are considera
bly short of the same, day of hint week,
but as compared with the same days of last
yrar there Is quite tin increase us will be
seen from the table above.
There was quite a sprinkling of cornfed
steers Included In the offerings and the
quality was rather inferior, most of the
steers having been on feed but a compara
tively short time. Packers bought up the
more desirable bunches at steady prices and
I in some cases tne kinds tnat Just suited
them may have been a trifle stronger. The'
common and warmed-up kinds. though,
I were slow sale and were certainly no more
I than steady. It was rather late before a
clearance was made, as several of tho trains
were slow in arriving.
There were not enough western range
I cattle in the yiirds to attract attention.
The cow market showed considerable Im-
rovement. Buyers all seemed to be anx-
ous for supplba and the belter grades in
particular were active and higher. Such
1 kinds. In fact, are right al 25c higher for
J the two days, which takes them nearly buck
I to where they were before tho break last
I week. The medium kinds and canners sro
also higher, the advance probably amounted
to lOstjik', but they are not back lo where
they were before the decline of last week.
I Mart all of the cows were disposed of In
I good season, aa there were none too many
on hand to meet the requirements of the
I trade.
Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold at
fullv steady prices.
The demand for stockcm und feeders was
brisk, and as receipts were not nt all exces
sive, the market on anything at all desira
ble ruled active and strong. Common kinds
did not show any noticeable v'hange. Rrp
rcaentatlve sales:
No. A. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 751 1 00 41 1114 4 10
1 711 it 21. 1 1440 4 10
7 42 3 20 14 M7 4 IS
1 1..40 3 25 11 ,.1I1S 4 2S
S 14.' 1 4 20 into 4 So
3 : 3 50 22 1173 4 15
1 14"l J 15 2 14n0 4 5.,
II 141 75 8 1317 4 10
11 12SS 1 10 22 1240 4 15
2 1275 4 Ml 24 1S 4 Kl
WV5 4 no 2.1 1121 4 15
1 10S2 4 oil 14 1214 4 15
21 101 4 05 2 mi no
11 1014 4 05 21 1421 S 25
1 1 197 4 05 31 oS 8 14
II looi 1 ts) 13 1171 4 44
1 101 4 00 i
1 754 1 OS 1 1210 I 10
1 !.. 1 Ml 1 110 J l
J 20 1 45 1 1120 1 0
i I.'2 1 75 1 111 I lo
7 44 1 75 7 Ml 2 U
1 ltmo 1 '1 1 1021 J 7o
11 1022 1 75 17 aim J 70
2 lulu 1 41 ! U6:i J 15
13 831 1 S" 11 817 I In
lo 1024 2 00 14 a, t 14
1 1074 2 00 14 75 1 10
3 121 t ! I0SS SJt
1 '." 1 00 1 ijo i is
f 12'. ! ' 1 .40 1 III
4 75 2 10 2 ITS j fl
2 1010 2 15 1 11M 2,10
1 1140 2 15 2X 1024 J fx,
7 717 2 10 1 1130 1 au
1 1170 I 25 3 11J,, 1 00
5 1111 2 26 4 1107 2 IW
1 2 It'. 4 M.I 3 00
3 1"I0 2 25 lo 1041 J uo
1 10.10 1 15 I Ill 1 00
2 2 25 :s 1240 Id
I ll2 1 25 2.1 1000 1 IS
1 10H 2 10 5 im 1 to
1 1110 t :.5 I 1430 .1 0
1 7 3 40 8 1272 3 to
1 Il'"' Si" i IIIW tli
12 Iiw 2 5"
1 8.13 1 50 14 lutS I 00
5 174 1 15 5 101 2 li
II Ml 2 10 11 144 I lo
" m 'hkifLks.
4 S45 1 21 1 440 2 40
1 550 2 25 4 553 u
t 100 I 25 744 I o
4 7l 2 25 1 171 8 IS
1 ns S4"bilV.s. ,m 5,5
1 M10 2 25 1... 1500 J 10
1 12W t 25 140 1 to
1 15"i 2 35 I 1271 I 75
I IW 2 S.1. 2 401 i 15
I U7o 2 4. 2 4K I to
1 141 2 4o 1 llao 1 bo
1 IH5.I S 40 1 law 1 00
1 1030 ! 5'. I 17. J 10
1 112.. J 10 1 mi 1 u
1 151" IH 1 Ills I J.'.
1SJ2 2 Jo 1 140 3 50
1 17"0 2 I IT. 1 at.
1 430 1 tl 1 lit 4 So
1 310 ) 2 14U 4 73
1 b I So 120 I Mi
t It 4 25
4 475 t 25 5 ; Ii:
2 7 1 25 14 1s 1 S
1 Iltf I li 1 loao I So
1 ,. Ill 3 2o 5 55
11 7lt 3 84 . 7i 3 4',
Ill 1 )i
14 null 1111 8 15 I bull 1720 3 10
17 cows 1124 3 9 1 buil Ita.vl ; So
2 cowa !. 'i 9o 2 bulla ll.u 2 4.1
2 cowa I"8U 1 7i 2 beliera.. 7'J1 2 15
I cow 92 1 60
3 feeders.. Soti 3 lit 3 heifers., tiai 2 40
( feeders.. 69n I Ci ,2 steers... 795 2 74
McPhee A. Mullen Colo
1 cow 76i 18a lt't. rr. ... s7 V 2 40
J i Cows M4 I 80 i steers rn 2 to
18 toi l 813 1 A lkl.rl ..Kj J tij
J cowa loot 21 17 cowa XM 1 l
1 cow l4u I to 1 cow lu 3 10
1 steer !i ill'' 19 cows Its' 2 .
ti steers... . .a 3 75 I cow 97i 35
I steers.. ..1'23 lis) 4 cows.. . . .Io4o lot
$ as s$ steers
i ft steers.
$ K 2 mixed
8 i 1 hull.. ..
T lxvell-Wyo
. 11
. .1.100
. LT8
.. 840
. . st
.. 9SI
.. wo
. . 940
. I'M
. M
.. 6J0
.. 7ia
.. 960
3 P
1 t
2 10
1 80
2 40
2 50
2 so
2 '
t 60
3 40
$ 4-1
S sr.
8 !S
S 8T.
S 4"
2 75
3 cows.
. 78
It" 4.1
. 8-.,7
. 71"
. 9
. 975
. 9O0
. ro
. 73S
t feeders.
2 feeders.
4 feeders
1 feeder..
1 cow
26 cows
i cows....
87 cows.
1 cow
3 cowa. .
2 row . . .
$ feeders.
( feeders.
$ SI
3 Ttt
; rows . .
1 cow
1 cow ...
4 cowa...
( cows. ..
15 rows . .
1 cow ...
2 cow s. . .
1 cow . .
9 cows . .
1 bull ...
4 bulls...
I feeder
1 feeder.
1 feeder.
1 feeder
42 feeder
1 feeder.
11 feeders
2 feeders
$ 4i
1 78
2 60
2 oi
2 jn
1 75
2 -x.
2 St
3 SI
3 40
S 7.1
S on
8 26
$ 35
4 feeders. .!;
2 feeders . 1110
t feeders . .14.
2 feeders.. 73f.
2 feeders. 10.
1 feeder... low
18 feeders. 913
HOUS Quite
s libers I run of
reported here this morning end st otlur
markets as well, and aa a result packers
tlinjght they would get their supplies rot a
little less money They started in fiere bid
ding a shade lower snd a few suits wete
made early rn th t basis. It was not l"tig.
however, befora It whs apparent that pack
ers and shippers nil bad liberal orders snd
consequently sl"smcn held on snd trad'ng
soon became active, with prices stesdy with
yesterday. It took but a stiort time for
nesirly all the earlv arrivals to change
hands. The bulk ef the sales went tlgnt
around $1 50. The choicer loads went at
84.k4f4.S5. with the commoner ones from
$4 47 down. About the middle of the fore,
noon quite a string of hog arrived, ard as
packers hsd their more urgent orders filled
the late srrlva's bail a tendency to wenken
the market and bids were about like they
weie at the opening, or a shade lower.
Salesmen, though, wanted steady prices. s
that for a time little business was trans
acted. The situation, however did not Improve
and the extreme close wss slow and weak
to 2 lower, tbe late sales being laraely
nt $4 47. with the choicer loads st $4..i.
Representative sales:
7 steer ...1"
1 Steer 92'
S steers VM
. Sk Pr. Nj. at Sk rr.
Ml tli IS in t4 4 40
120 4 4 71 244 4l 4 Ik.
Kt I IS t t4T K I
120 4 4S (i 2.4 ... 4 511
0 4 47a 71 174 4 :"
Jim 4 47 'a n.; 2 lit. 4 I"
... 4 47i, i jm 12" 4 in
120 4 47', 4 2I 4 10
m 4 47', ii r: i" 4 :
:. 4 47V, 12 JIT ... 4 SO
120 4 47V, II :4 4 I
... 4 47', II 211 4 4 SO
el 4 41k, Tl 241 1JO 4 1"
. . . 4 47k, M t K' 4 M
110 4 47', M 2TI . IM
2n.l 4 4T, 10 J- 111 I Ml
44 I tIS 14 241 40 4 Kl
. . 4 47V, 71 171 II" i Ui
240 4 47V, 24 247 I 4 tsl
1 4 47 v, II .11 0 4 V
40 4 4lv, 40 Oi 10 4 aO
J I U Ml 24 8 IH
i4t) 4 VO 314 . . 4 tHl
... 4 il 10 ... 4 l
... 4 40 U 271 10 IM
... IH 41 170 . . 4 W
SO I a 14 271 im 4 4"
l;o 4 .VI M I: 4 a
X. 4 40 4 '-' K. 4 fH'
40 4 (h. II 20 S IM
M 11.1 i 40 I Ul
W lit II inu ... 4M
0 4 50 4 242 tW 4 10
110 4 io u li ... 4 SO
140 4 10 II 104 140 4 I"
2"0 4 So 4f. 294 ... 4 SO
40 ll 77 21 lit) IK
m I It. 72 112 40 4 So
M 4 So tl 110 ... 4 K
. . 4 SO 17 121 111 4 So
a 4 So 71 11 ... 4 SO
40 4 So Sol ... 4 S
... 4 So :. 24.. ... 4 S2i
SO 4 So 7'i 2.l ... 4 51V,
Hi 4 50 Is 212 40 4 lr,
120 4 Sl 7 2- fi 4 S2 v,
H 4 50 47 434 ... 4 52 1,
... 4 50 IS 204 If) 4 52",
IK) 4 90 at 271 40 4 nl'a
... 4 io 4 24 10 4 S2Vj
110 4 SO M 211 ... 4 itv,
HO 4 M in S"l at. 4 iJ',
200 4 50 5 211 ... 4 2v,
10 4 a 72 IM I2V 4 S2,
110 4 SO ... 4 S2',
... 4 50 oS 2S1 8a) 4 52 v,
... 4 So HI 247 0 4 52V,
200 4 S'i 77 24s SO 4 51',
. . 4 So . 25 10 4 32V,
o 4 Su 17 11.1 ... 4 l:v,
... 4 SO HI' 22S ... 4 52 v,
200 I So 5 221 ) 4 SS
... 4 0 71 114 ... 4 55
... 4 SO 17 212 ... 4 55
40 4 So 14 244 ... 4 51
Mn 4 40 75 222 . . 4 So
There was another liberal run
la ..
44 ...
14. .
46 .
... . 2
... .145
. ...
.... rn.
.... in
.... t4
.... !
I . . . I.ln
. . .7.240
27 J
. . . . . 2M
4. ..
4 .
37 .
I i! .
74 .
I 77...
I! .
' 74...
I 44 ..
t "')...
j 4...
M .
! M...
41 ...
M ..
7S ..
4. ..
K ..
II ..
.'. , .
1 sr....
of sheep here today for the time of year
I and the feeling was rather weak on all
t kinds. Some of the more desirable grades
I or both sheep and lambs sold af iust about
J steady prices, but when it came to the
. common to medium kinds the market wss
1 slow and a little lower. Packera did not
, seem to care. In fact, wl-ether they got the
warmed-up kinds or not. That being the
J situation, it was rather late before a clear
I ance was made. Some Mexican wethers
. and yearling sold as high as fo.40 and
i native lambs brought
tvuire a tew reeder were Included In ;n
offerings, and while good stuff sold readily
at sleady prices, common kinds were slow
and weak.
Quotations for fed slock: Good to choice
yearlings. 82.5oij5.40: fair to good year
lingw. Jti.00a6.2o; good to choice wethers,
4.9tva;.l5: fair to god wethers. $4fxV&4.9u;
good to choice ewes. I4.15u4.36; fair to good
ewes. 83.90Ca4.15; common to fair ewes,
$3.5otii3.!)0: good to choice lambs. Vi.0.J(ii.5".i;
fair to good lambs. to.Trit'.uO: feeder year
lings, ti Zb'li.V); feeder wether. 84.15414 4";
feeder ewes. It aMiS 6; feeder lambs, lo.OO'fj
Sit. Representative sales:
7 native ewea
125 western cull feeder iambs
7 native cull ewes
Ill native feeder cull lambs..
2 So
2 30
3 00
3 25
3 60
3 75
3 75
3 76
4 00
4 10
4 50
6 no
5 25
5 25
6 CO
6 60
2 75
3 75
f DC
4 00
4 titl
4 0
4 NO
4 i.i
fi 00
5 4o
8 Oil
8 00
ti pi
8 3.1
5 40
t) native gnats
1 native
22 native
bucks and ewes...
1 native buck
35 native cull lambs
140 native ewes
1 native cllped wethers
8 native cull lambs
3 native wethers
117 native lambs 69
IS native ewes I8n
2t western cull ewes 94
133 western ewes 1n2
2 Montana grass ewta 1i5
310 Montana grass wethers 110
33 Montana grass wethers 117
li Montana grass wethers 9S
324) Montana grass wethers low
111 western feeder lambs 48
Jlti native yearlings 79
499 Mexican yearlings and weth
ers 91
1 native lamb 70
7 native lambs ttti
141 western feeder lambs 77
3 native lambs 113
61 native lamb? al
484 western feeder lambs 71
Cattle Sleady Hogs. Sheep aad l.ainba
Steady to Lower.
CHICAOO. Dec. 20. -CATTLE Receipts,
.toil head; steady; good to prim..
steers. Iti.On'al.d): poor to medium. 83.761
kV9o; stockers and feeders, !2.0ofi4.1S: cows,
I.OOti4.20: heifers, II .75-54.75; canners, 11.00
r3 3f. bulls. I2.ooji4.o0; calves. I3.erniiil.60.
HOGS Receipt a. 36. "i head; market
steady to 5c lower; mixed and butchers.
tt.4oi4.ti6: good to cholc'i hi Ivy. 4 tl44.72'.4,
rough heavy. 14.861 4. fiO; light. 84.3014.5.;
It. Ik of sales. H 500t4 tli
SHEEP AND LAMP.S-Recelpt. 22.100
head; sheep weak to l"c lower: lambs jo.i
loc lower; good to choice withers. 14. 40'u.
5.00; fair to choice mixed. I3.5y.j4 60; west
ern sheep. 3.t)j5.15; native lambs. t.2Mf
1.75; western lambs, $5. 5. Cut! 86.
ev lork live Stuck Market.
ceipts. 1.181 bead; nothing doing: market
feeling sleady; drciied beef In fair demand;
native sides, common to choice, 7'a I1' lb.;
Christmas beef. ltUllc; cablea quotetl live
cattle firm; refrigerator beef higher, at
HiyJjlOc; exports today, 8H0 cattle and 4!)
quarters of beef.
v CALVES Receipts. 294 head: veals, firm
to 26c higher; Ixtrnyar.l culves. steady to
strong; veals, 0'. tfj9.25; barnvard calves,
$3.00; westerns, I3 00(fi4 26; city dressed veala,
firm. iktISHc; country dressed, 7'ofllc;
dressed barnyard and fed. fatic.
SHEEP AND IAMBS- Receipts, 1.942
head: market for shep about steadv; for
lambs. 104jl6c off: sheep. 3.504ro0, culls.
I2.froft3.00; lambs. 8.267.1?'sj; general s.iles.
8 toijfi 80; no Canada lambs.
HOGS Receipts, 3.812 head; murLet,
aieady; good medium state hog. 16 iv. s
few choice light, 16.85
St. Joseph Lle Stuck Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Vtc. JO.-CATTI.E-Re-celpts,
3.ul7 head: marktt slow, sttady to
shade lower; nstlves, H 7y&-j.!u; cowa and
helfera. 11.75434. 3n; stockera and feeders,
12 6038 ).
HlXlb Receipts. 12.55 le-d: market
steady to 6c lower; light. I4.3uti4.i0; mrdiiim
and heavy, 14 4.'4-l.7u.
head, lambs 1 it lie Ion r, ahecp steady;
lainb. 6 3645 40, wethtrs. tlXS. City I. lie ttovk Market.
SIOl'X CITY. la. Dec. 3U.-(Bp'lal
gram. 1 CATTLE Receipts. ISO bead
Alrket steady; Blockers slow; beeves H 5o
li U); cows, bulla snd r.ilxed. t! 2&a's.b. ;
stocktis and feeders. .'.75iw. calvea and
)earlinir. I.'. 26ci 3 .26. 6.500 head. Market weak,
selling at t -q4 .; bulk. I4.464 47.
kiaui Illy t.lve tluk Market.
rlpts. ! h.-ad. Includli ar Si southerns;
market etendy iv hlgn"; 1 1. I.e e.
port sod ditsei beef slaera, lii.8o'.
fair to good. Uin',': ,111 fnd stxtra
libtoi-io. atockera st,d f-dera. I; 4j l iu;
s.utiicru stevts, t.b-i'ji. southern cows,
17M1.: native cws. 81 T54 JV Bath
heifers, C 9fT4.oi; bulls. 82.4r4 00; calves.
... i 8
Ht iS-Re cipt.. 7'' h.-a.l loarVet.
Steadv to r .t.'i ; plas l"tl.K- lower; top,
34 7t; bulk of sj-les. 4 4.1i4: heavy. 84
44 7t: .ickrs. Jt i-474.; p gs and llgb.s.
I H JilV
bead; market str.l . naive lambs. 8S..4i
jt: native wett'cis. 84 hut 3 ; native ewc
Msi'Vnt"; w. stern lambs, m . '!.; west
ern yearlings. M. 7StAt4 western sbep,
(I.76V4 74, suc kers an l feelers. 12 j.a4.av.
It. I.oaia Live 9tock Market.
ST L4Tl"li. Ic. LM.-CATTI.l Receipts.
4.KII head, including la Texatis; market
stea.1v; ratlve shipping snd expert steers.
8S(ai,v with titrs fane. 7cotl8rt:
riresafd l eef an l butt her ste-rs. I4mtj.7S;
steers tin.b-r !.' lbs. $3 .a.jjo o..; st-kers
ami f..f.1.Ts. $2 ."n i.'i, tts and belters
I 3414 ..Vi; canners. $1.SojJi; bulls. tl t4
3 3a. calves. 32 fasn Si; Texas and Indian
steers. fc!; cows and helfeis. 81
4)3 ..
HH5 Receipts. lo.nt" head: market
stroi g: pigs and lights. H 7of4.il6;
steadv to ea-v; pig and lights. 13 ;Mr4 f.
-ekers. 84 s,4so: hutchers and best heav,
84.sin4 7'i
PlIrJKF AXI) LAMBS Ue.'eipts. 3,1
hen.l: market steadv: natives. IJNV
lambs. 84.;Mi.."4': culls and bucks. ti'Mt
4 S; stockers 12 ".r3 V; Texans, 83 .Otfio."
Stock la Slabt.
Receipts of live sto. k at the six principal
wea;t rn cities yesterday were aa follows.
catt'e. tioga. taneep.
Hotith Omaha 3 n.s
Sioux City !.
Kansas Citv 8.2.41
Ht. I.ouls 4.
St. Joseph 3.447
Chicago .0m
Totals 28.006 87, 150 14,299
"ondltloa of Trade anil Qantatlaas
tltasle sad Faster Pradaea.
EtltiR Candled stock. 25c.
LIsJ POL'LTRY Hens. V; roosters. c;
turkeys. 14c; ducks. 9c; geese. H9c; spring
chickens 8"4.c.
DRESSED I'OCLTR Y -Turkeys. 18tfl9c;
ducks, 11c; geese. Wl: hens 9c: spring
chickens, etiloc; roosters. Sc.
Ml'TTER-Ps.-king stock. I.V; choice t
fancy a..ry, 17JHrc; creamnry, iTJii-:; fsscy
i r.i t-c r,c.
KRF8H FROZEN FISH Trout 10-; Sic
erel. 8c;, lor- ter.-:.. tc; u.snm. 11c;
whitefiih, h. mmrr., :tc: redsnapptr, lie;
lobster (grisrii). ;.Jc; lobster (boi.ed). 10c;
oullheads. lie; catfliih. 14c; b'aek easa. 2tc;
halibut. 10c: rrapnlea. 12c; roa shad. II;
buffalo. 7c; whits bf. 11c; free; leg,. pr
dot. 26c.
RHAN Per ton. 115 09.
HAY Prices quoted b'- CimiAl Wholssala
resbri aisoclatlne Choice No. 1 -ipllnd,
Mjii; No. 2. K.oo; medium. 86.50; coarse. 15.08
Kvi straw. 86 50. The a prices are (or hay
of good color and qualttv.
OYSTERS New York counts, per can.
46c; extra eelects, per car", 47c; standards,
Fer can, 32c: bulk tslandard), oer gal.,
1.35; bulk textra eelecta). per gal. Il.ii;
bulk (New Yt rk tountii. per gaL. at 00
CHRISTMAS TREES- -3 to 6 feet par
dot., 11.73; 6 to 7 feet, per doi., 12 SO; 7 to
feet, per dot., 13.50; 9 to 11 feet, per dor.
14.60. Large school and churcr. purp . each
11 to 11.60; extia large, 15 to 20 test, each
12 to 15.
29 vards. ; see t- I"..
WREATHS Magnoila snd gslsg wreaifcs
per doi , 81 254?150; evergreen wresths, per
dux.. 11.2." jl iJ; holly wieaihv, ptr dos..
I1.2f1 50
HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of !4x!x4
feet, about II... Ji fcO' .r bbl., -' 00.
MISTLETOE MIst'eloe branches, per -lb.
box, II 25; per r , loo.
ORANGES Florldr 'lues 12. f:. 374
'.16 and Ss, 2.0t'i2 25; California Retllaiitl
navels, all sixes, 83.00; choice navels, 12.50
LEMONS California farcy. 12.7,; 300 and
l. 14 2S: choice. 13.50.
DATES Per bcx of lb. rks . 12 00;
Haliowi In 70 lb. be- per lb., 'tftc.
FIGS California, per 10-lh. carton. V9
85c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown. l2Sc; -crown.
14o; 7-crcwn. ltc; tansy imported
(warned). In 1-lb pkgs . ltaSlrc; California,
per case ot 38 pkgs.. 12.28
BANANAS Per medium-slsed bunch.
ia.f7i.50; Jumbos. 82 76T73.50.
ORAPE FRUIT Per box ot M tt k
APPLES Home-gtown Jonathans, par
bbl., 3 25: Ben Davis. 12.25: New York
Kings, 13.25; New York Pippins. 12.75: New
York Greenings. 12.80; New York Bald
wins. 12.76; Colorado Jonathans, 11. 88; Wins
Sups, per bu. box, 11.60
M PEAR8-rt.ih. Coiorsdo and California,
fall varieties, per box, ILTSCi-Ji
CRANBWKRIES vViscontun Bell and
Bugle, per bbl. I8 60; Wisconsin Bell
and Cherry and Jerseys, per bbt., I7-7S; psr
box. $2.75.
GRAPES-Imported Malagas, per k4g.
(fi r-i I4.
TANGERINES Florida or California, psr
4j box, 12.60.
POTATOES New horns grown. In sacks,
per bu., tic; Colorado, par bu., 80c.
TVKNIPo per bu., c; Canada ruta
bagaa. per lb., lc.
CARROTS Per bu.. 40e.
PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 40c.
BEETS Per bu.. 40c. . -
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. Il.96ffl.o0
ONIONS Home grown. In sacks, per bit,
Jucsjll.oo; Spanish, per crate, l!.ti.
CI'CI. MBKRS-Per dox , 1.76ff2 M.
TOMATOES California, par 4-balkol
rrae. 2.75'ri3.0O.
1 'A BRAGE Holland seed, per lb., lve.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln-dried,
per bbl.. 12.25.
SQUASH Home grown, per dox.. 60c.
CELERY Per dox.. 3S40c; California,
R.A DISHES Per dox., 90c.
LETTUCE Hot house, per doi., 40960c;
8AUER KRJt ul Wisconsin, per kag,
CIDER New "fork, per bbl., 13.20; per
bbl.. 25.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream.
nHc; Wisconsin Young America, lie; block
Swiss, new, 15c old, l&uT.c; Wisconsin
brick, it'--: Wisconsin limburger, 13c.
N era Walnuts, No. 1. soft shell, new
crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., lie:
No. 2. soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. I bsrit
shell, per lb.. 12c; pecans, large, per lb.,
12c; small, per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb., 7o;
roasted peanuts, per lb., lie; Chill walnuts,
per lb., 1213ix:; almonds, soft shell, per
lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., lie; chestnuts,
per lb., 12lJT5c; new black walnuts, per
ru . 7tiJ0c; sliellbark hickory nuts, per bu.,
11.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., 11.10.
Mlaaeapolls (iraln Market.
Il l",: May. II m: July. Il.lim
No. 1 hard. II. 1-",; No. 1 northern, 11. 10",;
No. 2 northern. 11.06.
FLOl'R First paten!. 15 90441. Ul; second,
patents. 6.7iriiO he; tlrst clears. l4.loQ4.3aii
second clears. I3.7tsfr2.k6.
RRAN-In bulk. 115.25.
lieecls filed for record liecomber 20 as fvH
nlshed by the Midland tbia.rat.tee and
Trust . company, bonded abstracter, 181
Fitrnam street, for The Kee:
First National Rank of Portsmouth
to Portsmouth Havings bank, hit 11,
block 1. okahoma Park ..I I
C. 11 Martin et al.. lo F. Zoioudek,
litia fe-t of block 18, B. E. Rogers'
addition l.Otl)
F A. Wead anil wife to Mary L. .
Stevens, w'-ti feet of e78 feet of lots
1 anil 2. 1.1. Mk 4. Potter Cob's
2d 1,300
Edwards -Wood Co.
ruin Office: Fifth and Roberts Streets
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grniti to Us
nraaek OOU-e. llu.lil Board mt Trad
flldg;.. Outaka. Nab. Telenhoas B414.
212-114 Exchsiige Uldg . South Omaha,
Bell 'Phone Ht. Independent Phone k
The Merchants
National Bank
of Omaha, (Vet.
U. V rsstiUKy
Capital and Suroiu. JtOO.OOO
rtAM Ml'lf MV. rria.
U"I18 D8AKE. Caikisr.
91481 I. R41ILT88 Ant. Cssslar.
Kaealva aertaaata al bnaia. aiaaari, crte
aiisai. krmf v.t4 Ia4.t4sa;i sa lavsrevie
Fr:(a girkania taouikt aal ao l
Lettera s4 rrtlit laauas. aiailaSI la all
Sana 4 tka var.a.
Istanai r' sa Tiaaa eertlfeetsa f raes4t.
Cjiiatiaai ala pntmpur m4 eaaaMaa.aulf,.
Wa aaisaal awraaiaalaaaa.
I0.4.1O 2.418
3, Ski
I1.7t 5.80.1
Oiai 2.ni4
12.560 1 H
3i.fA 22. "0