THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TTKSIUY. DECK.Ml.KK 20. 1004. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Grain Virkttt Etr?whre Ftatarelcn tid Very Dull. WHEAT AND C8ARSE GRAINS STEADY Imrtr Inftfiit In World' Llhle Rains In laalla an l.nrral anna la Amrrlr-n Hrftk la t orn. OMAHA. Dr.. 1r.. The grain mirkei of ihe I'liiteil "talis were peculiarly dull today. Nothing was apparent on the arirfaoe In any of the speculative center anil nothing new ap peared to hrcalr the rrpnt trend fif mun business. i)c! hi (train companies ' I'r"""! themselves at a los to ipmnnwr a .!iillr dav hfl showed some strength, but till ws perhaps due m i ar-l v to lack of offer. There were few 11 jnrn, large or small. Tlia large Increase In tlia world a visible. 1 SOO.Oiai buhea. caused a slaeknca In tha market. I.lvarponl opappd 'id owT than Saturday, hut gaine.l strength enough to tinc itd higher. Tha World' shipment for tha M1( wara l4n.ii buhcl. against .? ' bushels for tlia previous week, and lA.40f.rnn bushels Isat year. Agr. India, cables to announce a moat opportune tain for tha central and united province. Tha light snow In tha Ohio vallry. Ullnola. Tows and elsewhere- hava bettered tlia win ter wheat prospect. Tha receipts from tha southwest ara lighter, hut from tha north thay hava been annrmom. Minneapolis, however, reporis country mnvamant now very light and North Dakn.a grain la prartirally In In tha Minneapolis receipt today ightv-one cum wereCanadian wheat, which tends to corrohorata tha reports of light movement from first hands In Minna, apolla. Tlia rnnrkat at present la governed by lha new of tha day, the receipts anil the milling demand. The corn movement through tha Omaha market continual heavy, but moat of It la already aolil aouth and doea not come on to the floor for aale. The world a ship ment for the past weak were 3.7H2.rl bushel, against 15.6.01X1 huhel for tho preceding weak, and 8.084.0) luisliels for tne aamo period of last year. The receipts In all tho hlg markets are rathar liberal and the demand continue good. Chicago was off a little from tlia Saturday close. The hreak traders hava anticipated has not arrived, and friends of corn are Klightly more confident of a stronger market. The shorts hava n it forced the corn below 44r yet and ara losing patience. The nati market Is flat. Sieculators keep the large stock In mind and do not look for an advance. Omaha (ash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $I.0!'I.M: No. 3, hard. :cfttl.ol; No. 4 hard, 90c; No. 3 prlng. tl.Ki; no grada, S6 . CO KN No. 3. ac: No. :t. 3H4r; No. 4, STitf 37V grade. 33iii.Hk-; No. 2 yellow. S9v; No. 3 yellow. SSHe.-No. 2 white, ac; No. 4 white. SS-.i: OAT8-.No. 2 mixed. No. 3 mixed, 27c; No 4 mixed. itk", No. '.' white. 29c; No. 3 whit. aic; No 4 white, 27'ac; standard, 28c. Omaba 4 ash Males. Wheat One car No. 2, M lbs.. tl.tM: 1 car Ho. 3 hard, 11.01; 1 car No. 4 hard, 90c; 1 car no grade, Hc. Oata Two curs No. 3 while, 3!c. Hurley One c;ir No. 4. S4c. Itye One car No. 3. fi8c. Cntiot receipts In Omaha were: Wheat. ."2 cu; im. 1H0 cars, oats. 20 cars, Chl o.g . i.reipts: Wheat, 40 cars; corn, l.ui riuM uf.i. IM curs. luAiit Market niaetrnere. Clcairg prices at tha following market! today and Saturday were: CHICAGO. Cloie Wheat Today. Hal'day. I member 1.10 B 1.09',. May Ml A l.HH, July !'4A 9H Corn December 4"iT 4.M4 May 4iVA 4o, July 454 45", KANSAS CITV. Wheat May 1.02 1.01, July INI Corn Ala y 42 4.' July 4-"i ST. LOl'lS. Wheat May ..' 1.13iA 1.12V Juijr...... ...... ...... ibH 1 Corn alajr 43 13 42Ti MINNEAIOLIS. Wheat May 1.124 J.124 July 1.121, 1.11 DL'IA-'TH. , Vhiat- May ' 1.124 M2'4 NEW YORK. Wheat May 1.12 1.124 July 1.0. ( 1.02-' KBW YORK MORAL. MARKET (luotatloni of the Day on Varloaa Cnmmodltlea. NEW YORK, Dec. 19.-FI.OVR-Reeelpt. 4.12i bbla.: exnorta. B.H70 bills.: market. dull and feaiurelnss; Minnesota pat nta, tu.taVaCIO;; Minnesota bakers, 4 io; winter patents, $5.86; winter straight!, $i.26&f.40; winter extras, .l.tKiS4.30; winter low grades, !3.4.Vii4.IO. Rve (lour, steady; fair to good, 14 404.70; choice to fancy, 4.7B'u9.00. Buckwheat flour, Bteady. .l(n. 2.20. t.'ONNMKAle Steady; fine white, and yel low. ll .b 1.33; coarse, fl.24t1.2; kiln dried. 12. mm 3. 10. RV K-NomltiHl. B A RI.KY Steady; feeding. 44Vc, c. 1. f.. New York: malting, 44i6lc, c. I. f Buffalo. WHKAT Hecelpta. 42,000 bu.; exports, 16.6W bu.; spot market, firm; No. 2 red. nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, (1.18 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, I1.22H4 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manltolw, nominal, f. o. b. ad nut- Options were strong. Smallcr world'a shipments and northwest receipts caused early atrenrth In wheat today, the prloa 4MlvanolnaT, unchecked by the large viaibl aupply dncreaae. RealiElng dnvrl oued after midday and tha close of the market waa Irregular at 'iKVc advance. May cloaeil 11.12; July, ll.02T.03H. closed nt 11.03; December, 1 .17,'u 1 1H, closed at i'(')RN Racalnls, 2H2.726 bu. ; exports, .'4.930 bu.; spot market, easy; No. 2 nom inal elevator and 63o f. o. b. a float: No. 2 yellow, S31ic No. 3 white. 634c. option market waa dull all day and about ateady with wheat, closing net unchanged. May closed at 61 Ho; December, 6Sc. cloaed &,". OATS Receipts, 111.6(0 bu.; exports, 3.076 bu.; spot market, Arm: mixed oata giitf 32 lb., 344'aw6V; natural white, 31132 His., 3itf.7c: clipped white, 3i40 lbs., 37Vn3ftVi'. II AY-Julet ; shipping, 0diic; good to choice. 774iM!. HOPS Quiet; slate, common to choice, ISO crop, 2011370: Hm crop,; olds, 14o; Taclflo coast, 1904 crop, 2&a3c; 1!3 crop, 3o$33c; olds. 144U7c. HIDES Quiet: Galveitnn, 20 to X lbs., Mo; California, 21 to 2 lbs., lc; Texal dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 14 We. I.KATHER Firm; acid. 24t(2fic. 1 an 1 V 04,U4 K 1 Itllll. inillWJi f 1I.IV S 12.00; mess, p 0f(il 60; beef haras. tlt.Wtg SO; racket. I10.ix,ril.00: city, extra India meas, (14.60(916.60. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bailies. 7 3Sj7.7o; pickled ahoulder. 16.76; pickled hunt, t&. lard, dull; western pickled hams, 19. I.ard. quiet; western steamed, $7.20; refined, ateady; continent, 17.20; South American, $3; compound. 16 124 t6U. Pork, steady; family, $H5offl5 00; short clear, 111 7&o 14.60: mess, $13 0013.76. TALLOW teady; city, 4c; country, 4 Cc. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, !4Q t"sc: J"Pa". nominal. BUTTKR Weak: itreet price extra cream ery, 2SfcuJe. Official prlcee: Creamery, common to extra, 120 16c; held, common to extra, U4?24!; state dairy, common to extra, 16to CHEESE Firm; Itata full cream, imall, September, colored and white, fancy, lie; state, late made, poor to choice, iWOUo; atata, large, September, colored and wlilte. fancy, UVc: state, lata made, colored, good to choir. 10eioC; atata, late made, whlta, ttney.WM:; atata, poor to prime, $810c. BUOS-Weak; western fancy selected, 31 tjS'c: western, average best. 2DOWV-. POrLTRT-Allve. dull: western chickens. 11c; towla, HHc; turkaya, 1213c: dressed, quiet; western chickens, 104'jlic; fowls, HVc, Vlslala Sapply at Grata. NEW YORK, Dec. 19 The visible supply of grain Deoentbar 17. compiled by the New York Produce Exohange, la aa follows: Wheat, (.6ti.0u bushels; Increase, 1.4T7,00) tniariala. Curtt, 6 55.0U bushels; Increase, TO4.0UO bushels. Oata, 24.lW.0uO bushels; de. crease. 12.0UO bushela. Rve, l.lttf.uuo buh ebs; Inoreaaa 173,0x0 bushels. Barley, 7,1 lii, OuO buebeli; Increaa. l.ltKM) bushels. Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Deo. 1.-"WH EAT Dull: No. 1 portharn. II IS-tTl 14; No. S northern, C 6tn Oss; May. $111, RYE Ho lower; No. 1, TVie. 60c. fORN-Btaady: No. I, ttt'c; May. 45'4 I Dalatk firalw Market. Tin.TJTH. Dec, 19,-WHEAT-To irrlve: I orthern, $1.101 I northern. tl 041,. On trsrk- No. 1 northern. $110: No 2 northern. $1."4; lcinl-r. $11". Mav 11 i:. OATS To arrive and on tark. 2c. t HK tt.O .RM AMI rROlIO 1 eatare of the Traalaa anal lo.lag CHICAOO. Dec. 'l Decreased receipts In tha northwest formed the principal rea son for a firm wheat msrk-t hare today. At tha lose May wheat ehowd .1 giiin of Corn is up !,. tnt re un changed. I'rovMnns are !in r-.7l'r. The wheat market hnfd gruteet atrcngtli ao..n after tlia opening. On good dam.'ind from commission houses and local' shorts sentiment at the atart was bullish. Initial niiotutlons cn My were y 'c higher, at II lom 11. The main cause of tne urgent demand was a sharp falling off in receipts in tha nnrthwel Another ftor that entered Into the situation, how ever, whs a decrease In the amount on passage, together with a d"rease In world s shipments. A noticeable feature of the Matiaths of tha world s movement was the smaHitaea of shipments from Rusrt Advices from Minneapolis told of s good demand for cash wheat. With nfferlrgs light rrtces sdvanced still further unill May sold up to $1.11. For a time the market held firm, the strength twlrg ap parently due more to a scarcity of offer ings than to any great demand. Bullish refiorts concerning tbe condition of the wheat crop in Kunsv helped to support prices. Itte in the day sentiment hei am. somewhat easier on profit taking and on Selling brought out hv a considerable In crease In the visible supply. The weekly report of a Cincinnati trade journal w;is also construed as being slightly bearUh. According to this authority the snows nnd rainp of the past week hava afforded the wheal crop partial relief from the pre vailing drouth. While the ground Is still drv, existing conditions on the whole were chilnvd to la quite favnrabl". After a reaction to $1.1nfi!.10t the May option closed at $1.11. a fairly firm undertone be ing manifested at the finish Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to Krt.Srtt iiuahels. The amount on passage decreased S.Mu.taat bushels, while the visible supply Increased l.tTl.onu bushel!". I'rmary re ceipts were l.trtS.unn bushels, compared with 1.6'Ot.SiA bushels a year sn. Minneapolis. Duluth und Chicago reported receipts, of 71 care, against 1.182 cars last week and '.7 cars n year ago. Considering tha enormous total receipts the corn-market had a fairly firm tone. The volume of buslneeai was comparatively light. A feature of the trading was the approximate equality In value of the May and December deliveries The strength of wheat was the Influence that offset tha effect of liberal local receipts. May opened unchanged to c lower, at 4fVa4fc. so'il tipto 4."i'a 4Tic and dosed nt 46o. Ixical receipts were I.1124 cars, 4 of contract grade A ateadv tone prevailed In the oats mar ket. Trading was almost entirely IocmI nnd wiia largely of a scalping character. May opened unchanged to c. lower, at 31 c to 31i3tc, sold up to 31c and clotted at 31i31c. Local receipts were iM cars. Provisions were firm throughout the en tire aeaaion. Owing to decreasing receipts of hogs sentiment was Inclined to bulliiJi neaa. Hrokera were fair purchaaers of lard At the close May iork was up 10c. at $12.92. Lard and rlba were each higher, at $7.12. and $ti.77ti.80. re spectively. Ketlmaled receipts fbr tomorrow: Wheat. 64 cars: corn, 937 cara; oats, 110 care, hogs, 3u.noi bead. The leading future! ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. I High. I Ixw I Cloxa Sat J Wheat Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oats Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lanl Jan. May Ribs Jan. May I I i 1 1 I 1 lofj i 1 1 11 I 9a'nH; 1,1 j 1 11 9S! 1 10 1 10 1 Ul 1 10 111(1 10 9'j1!i'5i S1 tr.! .' f-'x 46 I 4r, 45 45 4r'r(t 45V3 V I I 29 ( 29 31 31(ri 31 31, 31. 31 12 67! 12 57j 12 47 I I I 45a! 40 1 I 4;i -.'u , t5.l t-'Si 31SI I 31i 31, 31l 12 'J! 12 I 12 m 12 S5 6 63 12 K6 12 92; 12 62 I 37 I 7 15 I ft 60 1 6 'SO I 0 85 7 10 6 87 12 6 90 7 07 6 45 75 1 lo 1 ' 4T' 75 I 47 6 6 76 I I) .SO No. 2. Caih quotations were us follows: KLOl'R Eaay; winter patents. $.-.irHg 6.20; straights. $4.8o$6.0i: apring patents; straights, 4.6i"JJ4 90; hakera. 12.70 WHEAT No.' 2 sH-lng. $1.0M1.U; No, 3. 95c tT1.10; No. 2 Ted. $l.lSt1.14. t CORN No. 2, I61i4tic; No. 2 yellow. 45 il4Sc. OAT8 No. 2. 29o; No. 2 white, SOVSrflttc; No. 8 white, 29&31c. RYE No. 2, 74c. BARLEY Good fceiTing, J7t(3c; fair to choice malting. 41348c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.17: No. 1 northwest ern, $1.24; prime timothy, $2.72; clover, contract grade. $12.75. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, par bhl.. $11. .WT) 11.40. Lard, per 100 lbs., $ .82. Short ribs sides r loose). $ti.26jf6.5U Short clear sides (boxed), $.62ii6.75. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, hhls 10.900 lfi.ono Wheat, bu 64,t 3u.3uO Corn, bu f '.9,2no 242. Oats, bu 101. duo Hii.noo Rve. Im 6.0011 ti.500 Barley, bu 4.300 16,w On the Produce exchange today tha but ler market waa ateady; creameries, l&2t"c: dairies. Itift22i'. Eggs, easy, at mark, caaea Included. IHto; firsts. fflc; prime firsts, 26c; extras, 27c. Cheese, steady, 1K&12C. M. I.oala Gralat and Provisions. 8T. LOt'lS. Dec. 19.-WHEAT-Hlgher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1.12; track, $1.15; May, $1.13M)L13; July, 95V; No. 2 hard. $1.101.12. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 42c: track, 43&43p; iJecemlwr, 42c; May. 4.W43e. OATS-Firm; No. 2 ciisli. Wh-; track. 30o; December, 3"c; May, 3lc: No. while. 32c. VA H'R Steady; renl winter patents, $5.206.35; ppeclitl brand, $5.46;t6.6o; extra fancy, $4.7014.80; clenr, $4.15(4.4o. ' SEED Timothy, steady at $2.io4f 3.40. CORN MEAL Bteady at $2.40. BRAN Scarce and firm; sacked, eaat track. 90c. HAY Fairly active; timothy, fH.OO13.0O; prairie, $n.00rq9.5o. IRON COTTON TIES 83cv BAGGINtl 7c. HEMP TWINE c. PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing, $11.65. ljtird, higher; prime steam, 1-i.u). lirv suit meats steady; boxed extra shorls, $0.75; clear rila, $7.12:.short dears, $7.37. Bacon. eUwdy; boxed extra shorts. $7.62; clear ribs, $7.87; short clear, $8.U. POI'LTHY lwer; chickens. c: springs 7c; turkeys. 12c; ducks, 9c; geese, c. BlTTKR-8leady; creamery, 2ig2Sc; dairy. 154) 23c. EGGS Steady at ?4c. caae count. Tteer.tH. Shipments Flour, bbla II.0.10 14.00) Wheat, bu 95.(i 49.0ml Corn, bu Ktf.Oui SS.Oiio Oata, bu 42.11110 17,0u0 Kansas City Graja and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dee. 19.-WH EAT-l'n-chntiged to lc higher; December. $1.02; May. $1.02ftl.03; Julv, 90o. Cash: .No. !.' h.ird. $1 04jfl.o: No. 1 $1. latitat; No. 4. cft$l.i; No. J red, $1.07tll.(i; No. 8. Sl.Mffl.tM; No. 4. CORN Bteady to lower; December, 40c; May, 42c; July. 42c. Cash: No. 2 nilxe.l, 4lVc; No. 3. 414 41 1; No. t white. 41ity 42c; No. 3, 4lti41o OATS-Higlier; No. 3 white. 31&'J!o: No. 2 mixed. 3oc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.SO$10.0o; choice prairie. $8 75'89.00. MI'TTEH Creamery. lr2Jc' dalrv. 17c. EGGS Bteady to weak: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2, whttewood cases In cluded, 26c; easel returned, 23c; case count, l,gc lower. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu 16.) 24.)) Corn, bu 130.4OII . (3 2 Oati, bu 13.000 11,00.) Philadelphia Proanre Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 19-Bl'TTER-Un. changed: western creamery, 26c; extra near by prints, 81c. EGGS Quiet, but titeady: nearby fresh. 30c, at mark; western fresh, . 29430c, at mark. CHEESE-Firm; fair demand; New York full irraina. fumy. 12c; New York full creams, choice. llVjl2c: New York full creams, fair to good, HQUc. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 19 WH EAT De cember, 11.10: May. $1.12.U1.1K; July. $1.12 &l.r-'; No. 1 hard, $1.12; No. 1 northern. $1.10: No. 2 northern. $1 05. FLOCK First patents. $5 MifiCOo: second patents. $5 7o6.8o; first clears, $4 lotjl 35; second clears, J.?ii2.fco. Liverpool Grain and Protlslons. LIVERPOOL, De-. i9. WHEAT-Spot, nominal: futures. eay; lnnember, nominal; March. 7iJd; Miy. 7 2d. I'liHN Sot. American mixed, new, ready. 4itd: Amerhan mixed, old. firm. 4s lid Futures, steady; January, 4s4d; March, 4i 3d. Toledo geed Market. TOLEDO. Ihu-. 1 HEED-Clover, ri.h and December. $7 92'.; Fcbruarv. I77i.. March. $o.'; prime oUlk. S8.02U: prime timothy, $1 So. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Mirket Tails lata t Holiday Kut tod it Orntrally Iictie. AMALGAMATED COrftri THE FEATURE There la an F.arl lllse. bat n Drop Prices steel tnrperatlon Again 1 p. NEW YORK. Dec l'V-The flick market fell Into a holiday tut today. Beyond that fait there Is little to chronicle, i here was a brief recovery In the early dealings ftom the dee.lno which Was In tone wnen the market timed on Saturday, but tresh ec c. ntn ity on tl.i- p. 1 1 't A ,.kiiii:iii Cop per was the signal for a subsidence of In terest and a mining of prices, as on Satur- The movement In Amalgamated t opper was not violent, but the quick response of the n st of the market to Its slight demon stration was a testimony of the state of the terrorism In which an element Is held by the threat of this stock's action. The ad vance, which waa Interrupted by the In timidating effect of the break In Amalga mated Copper, was not resumed with sny force or confidence afterward, although the copper stock Itself steadied and lecsme quiet without further disturbing manifests lions. Trrn rise was led most conspicuously by the Cnlted States Steel stocks, and manv reports were in circulation of the prosperous condition of affairs of the cor poratimi at present Among these wss an sxortinn that It had been determined to raise the prices for steel platen, bars and structural materlnl, the amount of the ad vance being alone uncertain. The Pennsyl vania group of railroad stocks made lis al most invariable response to news of steel trade conditions and to reports of traffic officials to the effect that the congestion of III commodities connected with the steel trade was so grest as to threaten car short ages on tha eastern railroad lines affected. Reports nf railroad truffle from other sec tions were almost equally favorable and the day's returns of gross earnings for railroads for the second week of Deoemlier showed good uniform Increases throughout tho country. The expansion of the movement of corn to market Is especially notable and helpful to railroads In the corn territory The bunk statement of Saturday wss con sidered as giving assurance of exemption from stringency over the year end. but the conservative tone developed In the trading mav he traced to money market considera tions. It Is felt that the present assurance of quiet In tha money market has only been secured bv the withdrawal of commit ments to the stock market, which was by the recent shaking out of weak holdings. The time Is not considered propitious for Immediately tying up these resources again. The vearlv requirements remain to be met and the current of gold Is still outward. Demand was strong for exchange for Wednesday's steamers, that being the last ship available to meet obligations In Lon don before January 1. It Is not to be for- f often moreover, that the withdrawal of lO.OOO.noo of government deposits la to be met by January 15. Prices slipped hack during the day to about where they left off on Saturday, and the closing was heavy. The aale of a 100-ehare lot of Chicago. Burlington Quincy at the record price of 226 was an Incident of tha day In connec tion with reports of an extra dividend dis tribution. Tula stock hns only nppeared on the tape nt long Intervals and for sales of small lots wince the Joint purchase by Northern Pacific and Great Northern. Bonds were firm. Total sales, pur value. $2.t40.oir. Cnlted States 1ande were un changed on call. Tho following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Sales 11 lull. Low. Close. Atchison . 6.KIK) Nfl's Mi Md do pfd Baltimore A Ohio do pfd . 2.200 103 . la.fliio ioo; 100 103 1(10 95 10 189 48 43 78 Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western Chicago N. W C. M. A St. Paul ... C, M. & St. Paul.... Chicago T. A T do pfd C . C. C. A St. I Colorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware A Hudson. Delaware L. A- W... Denver A R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2.1 pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd JjoulsvUle A Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Minn. A St. Iouls.... M . St. P. A S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri K. A T do pfd N. R. R. of Men . pfd New York Central.. Norfolk A Western.. do pfd Out rio A Western .. Pennsylvania P., C. C. A St. Loull. Roading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Kock Island Co do pfd 81. L. A S. F., 2d pfd St. Louis A B. W do pfd Southern Pacific .... do pfd Southern Railway.... 6J pfd Texas A Pacific Toledo. St. I. & W.. do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wiibnsh do pfd Wheeling A L. E ... Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Mexican Central AiIhiiis American Cnlted Statea Wells-Fargo 2.70O 1304 130 3.600 3.6) 48 44 48 42 1.O11O 100 2'; 2116 9.800 170 W9 17x IS.' 300 4.3H0 ;!9oo 1.1100 31 12 21 12 88 23 57 35 23 68 35 22 68 35 ,1o0 8t 15 185 .... 330 31 88 l.onn 18.500 1.W0 1.100 100 88 37 75 M 91 88 3H 74 66 91 3 1 74 65 VI 200 92 92 9: 2.900 156 164 164 a 55 28 300 29 63 29 900 53 3.8HO 141 140 140 2110 103 103 1KI 5. til 10 80 71', 23,700 123 121 '800 89 89 " 79 122 89 140 .200 108 1I8 11 1.3(10 400 31 3 30', t3 62 83 40 14(1 78 92 43 137 77 7 89 81 324 83 rw 24 67 3.IMIO 140 140 13,100 79 78 1.100 44 43 61,2110 137 13t 17,200 200 78 90 32 83 90 33" $4 11.2(8) 700 300 67 67 6.100 83 2 18.100 118 117 118 4,001 ;u Ji'- .n 1(8) 9H 34, iai'4 34 34 .... 35 54 53 2,1(41 100 64 26.100 110 110 110 Wi 700 700 300 'ioo 2,300 22 43 18 44 21 21 43 18 44 21 43 18 21 44 21 238 S 118 237 7 32 92 35 94 8 38 16 37 33 102 Amal. Copper 52.8O0 v 33 92 31 .; 32 92 35 "ft'" 38 Amer. Car Foundry.. 3,000 do Dfd 200 Amer. Cotton Oil.... 1.000 do pfd American Ice 4.400 do pfd 1.200 Amer. Linseed Ool do pfd 39 Amer. locomotive do pfd Amer. S. A R do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref. AtiHconda Min. Co. Brooklyn R. T 1 4O0 33 33 6.000 80 79 9 2110 113 113 113 6.000 141 140 14l 100 10.700 1 69 00 Colorado Ftiel A Iron . 40 -th 46 201 2dl Consolidated Hal.,,. 2.300 2lr' Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. 1.000 21 21 21 78 urn 79 79 100 7 37 37 General Electric 2O0 180 188 185 liitnriiatlunal Paper. C.611O 26 .1.. ...1 w. 24 77'J 24 at iiu piu International Pump, do Pfd 201) 77 39 85 National I.ed 300 23 23 23 North American ... Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car,, do Dfd 200 101 101 KiO 400 44 43 41 2,700 107 108 108 3814 89 134 Pullman Palace Car. 16 26 93 iT 101 80 32 tt s 92 188 93 Total sales for tha day, 6o70 ihurea. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Dec. It Money was In good lhiu;ry In the market today In consequence of the call for $7.&u0,(M of the last Japanese Iwan now fulling due Discounts were lairdrr. Prices on the Stock exchange wera falily firm and trading was Inactive. It la not anticipated that ihere will be much husincaa trmiiucted for the week apart fruiu the closing up of engagements. 4'on sols closed easy. Americana opened dull and rut her below parity. The operations wera unlniportuut. letter prices rallied slightly and the market closed asslar. Im perial Japaiieia government i, uf 1904 were quoted at 95. BERLIN, Dec. 19-pihei on the bourse today were unchanged. PARIS. Ico. ).-I'll,. es on the houtse to day had an iinwaaq tendency. Interna tionals Russians excepted. advanced. trench lenits w buoysnt lllt report! that the government liitcmleil h, pnalaona the lut rod uc'.lou ti u, jduyumd lucwiut tax Republic Steel 16 18 rio pfiU. 6"0 68 tat Rubber Goods 400 27 20 do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron ... 1400 7J 70 U. 8. leather S3 400 14 1 do pfd 10,7()0 101 101 C. 8. Realty 81 80 U. 8. Rubber 4 9i 32 32 do pfd 7() 94 93 IT. 8. Steel 73.4"0 80 29 do pfd 70.100 93 92 Weatlnghouae Elec. 1.4(a) 183 183 Western I'ulun 3n0 94 (3 Nil Russisn Imperial s w--a quoted at 91.9l and Russian bonds of ll't at '!. ew York Money Market. NEW Y(RK. Dec. 19.-MtNEY Vi ,i;, steady at 2u2 per -: nwet. 2 per cent; closing bid and offered, 2 per cent; tlm loans, varv enay: sixty rlata. ninety dav and six months 3li3 r'" cent PRIME MERCANTILE rAPER-4fifi4 per rent. STERLING EXCHANGK-Firm. with Irtual business In bankers' till s at l S7otJ 4 87SO for demand and at $ M.Mi4 H'.0 for slxtr-dav bills; posted rates. 4.8f and $4 88; comemrcial Mil". $4.84 SILVER Bar. lc; Mexican dollars. 4o BONDS-Governmcnt. ste.nly; railroad, firm. The following are the quotation! on cck and bonds: IT t. rf. Is. reg....84tt'vnhattn e t 4- .I4 do eup lt" 1 n'rai tp .. .. 1 1 1 Itoy' 4ti tpt Inf 75 1044 Minn. SI I. lJe M K T. 4 toe's 111 I 'do ? . i tstH'N 1 R. t M f. 4 t'S IMtj N V. I' t S' tat :.. J V. t & i' Hit ' Pi l8- I0i.i l"o (to tr tiSN. W iv .. 101 SSi:0 S. t.. 4 tir. . let 111 Penn. iftnr y 1P?'4 :4 1 neanma '"'H 4ft is. rt da cnupan 60 la 4i. rtf.. In eoupan 4a ft4 4. r .. ! rowpan Atchlann sen. 4. de ad 4s Ailanllr 1". L 4 Hil. a Ohio 4 . do S rantral of Os. t dO lwt 'HP Chea Ohio 4S I A. 3S tn7U si U I M ll' ! St. b. S I f S I .. H. Q inovt st L. S W la '. M AS P. 4 lio C. A N W c. 7s...l? C H. 1. A P 4l.... ' do rol. t M rcr. A I.. ( 4a .101i l"hli(o Tar. 4a ( in. Tohsrro a T4 Colo. A So. 4a e't PARC a m;4 trla prior Hen 4a l'? do gen. 4i S1H P. W,'. II. t. t07t Hording Vil. 4Ha ...tin, L. A N tinl 4a int Offeretl. Bid. Seaboard A 1.. at So, Pa. 18. 4a ... 80 Oallsav Ra . Tatta A P la i;i T . Si I. A W 4a. n t'nlnn Tt ifl-' 4a IMt do rent 4a ... f 8 Stael !d 5a Wahaah ! do dah. n W I., r 4a... Wla. ( antral 4a Colo. Fuel r. .Sa . 111", . m .117 . :t . M . . .t'4 Rnaton Stork Market. BOSTON. Dec. 19 Call loans. .14i4per cent; time loans, 4tri per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon adj. 4a a.t Waal tni. common . 4 :,,x . 7 1 . 14 ' av.11 4 . of.1 . 12 . . 114 .''a . :m . . a . 4' 4? . ID . 2 . ! .105 .nt . i" . !t . 41 . 4 V, ' .11'4 do 4a IMS Adrentura 'ih Allnuai r.S'Amalgamated .... lin'a Amaru an 7.lnr .. JSI 1 Atlantic , 17 iHlnthani IM Cal. A Ma. la I.19H rantannial Max rantral 4a.. Atrhlaon do pfd Pnaton A AlOanr. Hcwton A Main ftiaton Klerated Plirhhuri prd ... ataairsn t antral 1 Topper Ha nr. a .... N T.. N H A H.. 1J7S Hair Waal Tare Marqiialte -Dominion Coal 1 nlon I'ai iflc Amar. Arse. Cham do pfd Amar. Pnau. Tuhe Amar. Suar do pfd Amar. T. T Amar. Woolen .... do pfd .110 Pranklln . ?n lilram-y . 84 'Isle Rorala . HMaaa Mlnlnt . .14A,.MIrhlan .13 pMohaak Ita IMont C. A l'.. . II Old Dominion . . Itttliiaraola Pomlnlon 1. a a.. 1 Parrot Kdlaon Pla- lllu...;iit kiutniy Canaral Klaetrli- . ISB shannon IMaaa. Klailrlo do pfd Maaa. Uaa t nud Fruit t niied Shoe Mai h. do pfd V. H. Sleal do pfd Asked. . lXSiTamaraelt . M Trlnll . .17 t . S. Minim . .10 if. . Oil . M I (ah . .It I Victoria . Winona . aalWolrarlna l.nndan Stock Unrkel. LONDON. Dec. 19. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Conaola, monay ... HS I-I4IN V. Central 141 .s 4S lOV, 11 4i4 4fi 41 .15 t at 11.1 7 30 : 22 44 l do aecount I-1 Norfolk W. .. S do pM .... . . 7VOmarlo A W. . l06V4jPnn,lvanla ..imH Hand Mlnaa .. Anaconda Alihlann . do pfd Ilalllmors A Ohio Canadian Pactnc ( lira. V (Ihlu . . Chlcano fit. W... C. M. A St. P.. Ilallaara 1) R. (! do pfd Krle do tat pfd do td pfd Illlnola ("antral .. Loula. A Naah... M . K. T 1.14 14, Heading .. 4i do lit pfd do 3d nfd .. :s ..174 .. 17 .. 114 .. 0 .. s .. 7 .. R7 ! ..144 goutharti Hallway do pfd Southern Pacific I'nlon Parlflc do pfd f. . Steal do cfd Wabaah do pfd 1 Spanlall 4a SILVER Bar firm. 20.d tier ounce. imti m xwnn per cent. The rate of discount In tlie open market for short bill! Is 1R-10 per cent; for three months' bills. I 15-lnVi3 per cent. New York Mlnlnar Stocks. NEW YORK. Deo. 19. The following are tne cioiing quotations on mining ciocki: Adama Ton Mills 4'hlaf . I Jf.0 .JW , I . It . tl . 40 . 24 .1111 Alice Rreece Hmnawlck con .. Comatork Tunnal t'on. Cal. A Va.. Horn Btlrar Iron Stlrar Leadvllle Con 0 Ontario ophlr Phoenix Potnal .'. . It . 14 . a .140 lii . 10 . I ityi laiarra Natada If mall Hoiiaa .. 'Standard Treasury Statement. WASIIIVUTOV IO T...l., . .1.1. 111 1-ti t .i t Ik. I..,,.,,.,. 1 ... !....-... 1 .. . 1. -. . .... ... ... . 1 r. r. va 1 j m.lC.111 Ill till- p 1 1 eral fund, exclusive of the $15o.( gold ei-fivn in tnf oivtainn nr renenrition, ShoWS' AvnllolllA ttah Krt1.w.j. tl IC lltU. gold, $K5,eH8,iy7. ' ' Me-tal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 19 M ETA LS The Tondon tin market wis easier bv about loaios. Willi spt.t at 13.1 Ida. and futures quoted at 130 10s. Iah hIIv the market was quint and a shade lower at $.'9.IVn29.ri). Copper was firm abroad with sixtt quoted at and futures at 66 7s tid. Ixk-hIIv Ihe market was without material change, from the conditions recently reported. De mands ao far aa can be learned is mod erate. I-ake Is quoted at $14,76115.1:'. electrolytic. $14.7t(& 15.00. and casting al $14 oOtuU rio. I.ead was unchanged at $4. flow 4.70 in tlia New York market, but was it little higher at 12 17s Ad In London, rlpel ter ruled slightly easier In the London mar ket, closing at D4 ITs 6d. while locally the prices remain unchanged at $ft.7IVu. 7. Iron closed at l: 6d In Glasgow and at 4Ss ld In Middlesborougli. lyocally Iron was slightly higher; No. 1 foundry northern. No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundrv southern soft are quoted at $l7.2.1sii7.7o; No. 2 foundry northern at $K.6oti 17.25. BT. leOl'IH, Dec. 19. MKTALH-ltead. steady at $; speller ateadv at $5.71. Cation Market. NEW YORK. Dec. l.-COTTON-Bpot closed qulel, 1.1 points lower; middling up lands. 7.90c; middling gulf. H.l.'ir. Sale", l.f-til bales. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 19. COTTON-8pot. In limited demand, prices 4 points higher; American middling fair. 4Sld; good mid dling, 4 87d; middling. 4 27d; low middling. 4.1(m1: good ordinary, 4. Old; ordinary. 8. hod. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 19. COTTON Bpot. easy. Hales, B.300 bales; ordinary. 6c; good ordinary, s6-1tic; low middling. 7 1-1Hc; middling. 7c; good middling. 7c; mid dling fair. 8c. Herelpls. 1S.1M bales; stock. 414 '"3 bales. 8T. LOI IS. Dec. 19 -COTTON-gulat, t,c lower; middling. 7Hc. Bales. 16 bales; re ceipts. t,uu bales; shipments, none; stock. 34,036 bales. suaar and Molasses. NEW YORK, Dec. 19 SI'GAR-Raw. firm; fair refined. 4c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4e; molasses augar. 4'ac; refined firm' No. , 5.05c; No. 7. 7c: No. 8. 4fl(ic; No 9 4 Hoc; No. 10. 4.0c; N.i. 11. 4.70c; No ' l'' 4..r)c: No. 13. 4.5oc: No. 14. 4.60c; confec tioner!' A, 5.50c : mould A. 6c: cut loaf, 6. 60c: crushed. A.35c; now derail, 5.75(; gran ulated. 6 tec: cubes, 5.70c MOLABHER Bteady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 304i37c. NEW ORLEANS. Dec 19. SI 'GAR Mar ket ateady: white chuifled, 4 15-irVu.V; open kettle, 31i4V.u: open kettle, centrifugal 4 (totsic: centrlfural whites. 4 13-lfic; yellows, 4Vh4c; seconds, 3y4Uc , MOLASSES Dull: open kettle, cenlrlfugal. 72fk Byrup. steady, SStdV. Cotfee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 19. COFFER Market for futures opened steady at an advance of MHO points and ruled very active. Later quotations slipped off a little from the best' but the tone waa good apparently, and continued buying by Wall street, cotton exchange houses and Europe held prices at a net gain of Mr 10 iiolnts, the market closing steady on that basis. Salps were reported of 239 260 bags, Including Decem ber at' 8.60c; January, 7 pofcj.ijiio; March 7.75c; Anrll T0c; Mav, .(Ki lone 8 1nc: July. 8 m ' Peotemher, 8.460' Spot' steady; No. 7 Rio. 8c. p Oils and Rvsln. OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec. If -Oi f Credit bal ances, $1 66; certificate!, no bid: shipments 138 99 bbli.; average. 754632 bbla ; rum' 115.910 bbla.; average. M 146 hbls ; shipments' Lima, 90.031 bbla ; average. 67 3o bbls runs' Lima. 134 4H8 bbll. : average, 68 006 hbls SAVANNAH. On., Iec. 19 -TI'RPKN-TINB Firm, 4949".c. iln. flrn,- a o C. I . fcS RG; E. $2 67: F. 8' an; O 12 'tf'U.' H. 8J.78; I, $3.26; M. $4 So; WG, $4 75; WW' Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 19-DHY (iiaiDS Market continues firm arid little ronceaalon li being mode. Buyen are nperatlnr In 11 verv conservative way and are evidently waiting for a further decline, which the aold-up rendition of many llnea doea l ot seem to render prnhable. Fruit of the I.oom bleached his been advanced to 7c. Jobbari' Hot k-tiktng oparallons make t lie in small purchasers. ! Market.' NEW YORK. Dec. 19 -'( a )l Mai ket ftaody; domestic fleece. i'tOJCSr. ST. LOIIS. Dar. 19 Woni-Hfjadv; medium gradea. combing and clothing Vrf - ll.Kt .1 1 a A 'j-i ! , V . w m .7' - . .. ill.w. ' - 1 i." IIIIV, JfttlBH'; tub washed, TIU . OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cittle Bcipu Light nd All Dftirtblt Qtade$ Sold a Littl Stronger. HOGS MOSTLY FIVE CENTS HIGHER Demand for Sheen nnd lambs Not Wry trtlte nnd with Liberal R e relpta slow and Ten I.omer on All bnt Choicest tirades. SOl'TH OMAHA. IVr 19. 14 Receipts were: 'attic. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3.fc! 3 410 8 ti Same day last week .Yl! 3.6M 4 4..i fame flay week before.. 3 !-9 xft-' l.43 Same three weeks ago.. 6.!UW l 9.2.SU Kama tour wek ago 9.9th n.i 18.1' Same day last tear 2.S7I 5.133 4 ai RECEIPTS Ft THE YEAR TO DATE The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs a:nl sheep at South Omaha for the year lo date, with comparisons with last year: 1 '. !'3 Inc. IVc Cattle 9.'5.;4 1.S3.S12 127.6 Httga M'JI.iais 2.K2.:5 68. m Sheep 1.7J6.0S5 1,9M 91.9JI The fcllowing ttlile el'.cavs Ibe averiga price of hogs at South Omahu 'or the laat everal days, with comparliom: Data. 1 i$04. Il4. lira lf01. IK H II18W. Pec! Dec 1., J.. 4 63 J 74i I 34 8 TJi 3 3. 3 29 Dec a 3 $H 3 80. 3 57 8 941 t 36 Dec. 6... Dc. $... Dec 7... Peo. 8... Pec. ... Dec . In I . $ 39 $ 29 3 31 Dec. n! Dec. 12.. Dec. 13.. Dec. 14.. Dec. 1.1.. Dec. 16.. Dec 17.. Dec. lx,. Dec. 19.. Indicates Sunday. The official number of carl of stock brought in today by each road was: Ca itle.t logs Sheep. Horses. C. M. & St. P.... 3 "1 1 Mo. IMc. By C .. 1 I'nion Pac. svsteni 20 a .. C. N. W." R .. 1 i F.. IC. M. V... 16 12 11 '.. St., M. A 0 3 3 K at M. Ry 41 10 C B. y. Ry ... I 1 .. .. K. C. St. J 2 C.. R. I. P.. ea-t I 7 1 C. R. I. 1'., wrst 2ti .. .. Illinois central ... 2 6 .. ,. Chi. Gt. Wcelern 2 8 1.. Total receipts... 12s ,13 34 2 The fllannaltln.i .. t . I. - MMih,. a follows, each buyer purchasing tha num- ot-r ui fiettu inuicaieu: Buy era. Caltle. Hogs. Sheeo. oniaint I'ncking Co no t.i mo nwitt ami loinpaiiy 043 hi2 3.12 Cudiihy Pucklng Co 501 M 1,2 Armour & Company 3v 920 61.1 Cudahy Co., Kott Worth M ... . . Armour i Co., Soo cily ... 2i Vansaut Co il2 , ... Loliiuun & Co l.i Mccreary & Clnrk 2M( ... . . W. I. Hill ei Huntilngcr 63 Hualon Co 6 ... Hamilton 2jl ... L. K. M uar. :t Wolf & Miirnun ,..'.' 611 J. B. Root Ar Co 73 Bulla & Kline 10 Aver l'ltckinar f 'o Other buyers 422 ... 5.531 Totals 4.027 3.617 8.2S4 CATTLE There wan a verv llaht run of cattle here this morning and as all the pacKcra) were willing to take a few the mar ket ahowed some little Improvement. Buy ers staiird out in good and It was not long before everything In sight waa dli posed of. Cornted nicer were very icarce today and In tact there weie not enough on sale to make a test of the situation. The few that did arrive etild nt nrlcea that looked quite tl little higher and the general market could safely be limited strong to a dime nigner. ! rom Hie way packers acted It waa evident that had anything choice been on sole very satisfactory prlcea would have uccu paiu. There were aeveral cars of western! In the yards and a Hiring sold to killers for $4.0.1, w hich looked like a good, strong price. They were havfedn. Cows from the same shipment brought $3.16. Some commoner Kinds that ordinarily would have gone lo feeders sold to killers nt good, strong prices. There wns mote life to Ihe cow trade and anything at h 11 desirable changed hands freely at strong prices and some sales looked as much aa a dime higher, ("aimers did not ihow much of any Improvement, nut tney were easier to sell in tnat packers would bid on them whereas last Friday It waa almost Impossible to find a buyer. Most everything was sold in good season. Bulla, veal calves anil stags nlso aold readily nt fully nr good prices as were paid last week. (Julie a liberal proportion of Ihe receipts consisted of Blockers and feeders nnd most of them were of rather Inferior utiHllty. The better grades were In active demand at prices running strong to a dime higher, but common Blockers were not vety active and only about nlrady. Representative sales: flElil'' STEERS. I 4 4?; 4 36 6 0 I I 4 4a; I U I (! i Hi 14 4 4 4', h it i 4 04. I 4 43 6 22! 6 J 4 6S! 4 41' 4 3,i 24' 0S. 4 4 89 I 1 $ 171 $ 0: 4 84 . 4 So ; 4 J7 I 4 4 l! 8 11 . 4 28 4 $2 $ 07 4 78! $ $3 4 31 4 S3 06 11 I $ l 4 3' 4 46' 6 12 13, 4 85; ,' 4 47' 6 OS 14 4 92, 3 92 4 43i 4 49 6 96 6 16. 4 7V 8 9tV 3 37 4 11 I I 5 981 ti 21, 4 81 ; 3 901 3 34 4 88! 4 46 I 6 21 4 Kt: 8 3 33 4 3 4 40, 6 09 4 84, 3 9i 3 .1 4 41, 4 2., Mi 26, ! 4 01 8 " 4 4o, 4 36; 2S, 6 34 4 83, 13 '.' 4 2,' 6 1.. 2o, 4 .'3! 3 9S I 4 4 31, 6 01 12 4 77: 3 92 1 3 2H No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 1 1 10 8 Hi) 3 1 9 25 I M 3 4 iil I n 1 i:t'l 3 I'll 1 1042 4 IK 1040 .1 2'l 20 im 4 1 1 940 20 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 11 t4S 8 7fi COVVS. 9 gnf, Ml 1 1 mm .11 1 no I 2il n 2 ID t sua 1 mi 1 mo t w 1 djii 1 o n I it 4 Ui 1 45 10 114 I 411 4 ma I ii I I 4t 4 .17 I 7S 50 I Ml t lima I 7:1 14 iim a 41) M 1 7'i t Il 1 60 Ik ML' I TS 1 1. via t to 1 ' 1 an 1 no 1 m t loin I r. II pioa 1 43 1 8uil I S II IllDO i 75 4 112 1 " 1 K'4 I 73 1 110 1 Oil I 1100 I M II 4 I Oil 4 1KHI t an I noil I i) 10 looa J on a ail l K I man s ii lost 5 :i 1 mo 1 10 COWS AND HEIFERS. I MS 2 00 21 ;'! I 2S 13 7al t L'i HKIFEHS. f 176 ! ;a 1 9il 2 io m i s:, Bl LLS. . 1 l:lli 1 7.1 1 M) 1 4B 1 1140 2 mi 1 1210 J (0 1 1240 t lai 1 11110 I Ml 1 4ll IM I U.'.O I Ml 2 H 1 21 1 1440 I 76 I limo 8 31. CALVES. 1 116 I 60 5 176 6 16 HTocKEKa AND FEEDERS. 6 (.! J 6" 18 Ill J 06 I 71 2 76 3 B.-.4 10:. I Kill 2 23 871 1 h 3 to I 61 3 3 40 34 63 t i 1 1004 t 60 10 714 i 06 NEBRASKA. 17 rowa. . 73;, 1 m 6 cows 70" 1 2.7 .'7 rows 950 3 45 1 bull 1570 3 26 2 calves. . . .'ml 6 rat 1 cow .. !i 1 3 On ... i.'iN 2 45 15 cows.. 3 calves... ) 4 TS COLORADO. 64 1 iS 6 heifers. . Ml 2 762 8 H 4 feeders.. 72 2 7A 7 mixed... 39 feeders. I ferder... 70 2 ( 15 feeder!.. 9ul 2 26 WYOMING. In73 2 90 10 ate pra.... liar, 3 0 13 cow.. D. M. Dorset! south Dakota. 12 cowb I'M I 3 15 fl coma 1113 Thomas Ba!l-Wyo. 1 steers ... 1124 8 60 A J Bernard Idaho. 4 cows 141 i m 81 feeder!.. 972 3 7'l 3 feeders.. IOCS 8 7o 1 feeder... 9-"0 3 on 1 cow ! t 70 1 cow 1160 2 70 1 cow. .1280 2 04 5 cows Wl 2(1 1 feeder... 1170 8 70 1 stag 1120 3 (0 2 c'jws 1135 170 Bear River Live Stock Co. Wyoming. 7 cows 974 2 95 17 steers.. ..1216 4(41 1 cow 1090 8 16 98 cows 10K9 3 16 19 cowl Ki94 3 15 D. M. Rorsett-8. D. 27 sleer....H90 3 9u 4 steeri. ...1186 $40 2 ileeri....1120 3 40 J. H Gore-8 D. 17 helferi.. 777 2 15 Scowl 862 I Jo M B. Rutherford Wyo. Slcoava K'lU 2 00 1 feeder. .. 690 I JO 16COW! 9t'l 190 1 feeder... 930 880 8 calves.. .1150 2 26 2 Iteeii....lll5 3 60 34 htifera.. 703 3 75 I Hear 10 3 50 2 leera....l"24 8 50 1 eteer. ....1(4.0 3 60 HOGS Receipt! were )Ulte moderate this tnnridng, and with a good local demand and encouraging reports from other point the market ruled fairly active and 5c higher. The market was a little slow In getting started, but after buyers and sell ers got together II was only a short tuna before everything In sight wai disposed of. The bulk of lbs desirable bogs went at $4.60 and $4 62. with the heavier and com moner hogs largely at $4 47. As I igh as )4 56 was paid for choice bogs. Today's advance tarries tho naikel to tha highest point reachrd so tar ibli month. Aa compared' with a year, ago ihe market li about 2uc hiehrr. but 11 ii piwar than 19 iar ggu. 'ilia tablo abnt will how tha rcmpirlohs for tha lat aeveral years: Representative sal": Ne At 9a rr. Ms. ' 5 Tr (7 331 1.11 (. 4' ... . ! " a i7 aa 4 4; ? ( v 1 10 ;u it; aa . . . rM to 1 5,1 a 114 is 4 :a 71 2M r 4 3 J IfO I IV, Ft .. . .. al H 44 . . :t la i 4TS ' :i 4n t M a.t r4 ao 4 m a ttj an t ?. . .!. 4 Do 67 . . Wl IH js .. .. : n 1 ;.i M ... t7 ia 1 w 271 ei 4 fci 71 .. . fM nai 4 aa aa .. .. .171 40 4 r.a aa 2"t io so a; r-a i o r3 ?4. 4 io I - t1 , 4 6a n . . tt :i 1 J." 71 . . ?af i 4 mi 75 . . . .aa ao 4 Mi t a on 71 :o i i m : . . . ?4t IM 4 M 7 H4 Jo 4 7 .. . ?! 411 4 6 ?tt . i: t l Ml I IM fl If 4" 4 ?', 43 23 - 4 ia 21 2 . . 4 62 U 312 ltd I to Ill 40 4 62', I :'t4 200 4 JO r 2t " 4 I aa .?4f ao 4 Mi 4 jn . IK aa rac ai 1 in 77 rrti r"" a as SHEEP Quite a liberal run of sheep ar rlvert today, and with other maikcts quel m lower, local packers were nai iraiiy in cluieil to be bearish. Some of tha crnicer grades, such ss a taw natives, soul at not tar trom steady pnree, bin a-ioe irom thoae the market wss tslher s.ow ami right around 1 dime lower Some ealea in tact were lt'tjlac lower. .1lot ot the b"ttt grades cnanard han.1i In isirlv god sea son, but it was lather late nature n cl'sr ance was made M "Sicrn wethers oid s high aa 6 2o. ewes It 00. Ismha ls 10 Native lamhs so il up to $ts ;U and ewes i.U There were quite a taw teeners mti.ide 1 In the ofTerlnga. but tha demand was equal to tha occasion, and pricet he.d lust ab ic ateauy, with trading talily acllte. WU' iaiiona lor it-.t stoca. iiunti to cboh e jeaiilnga. $."1 v:,4j. 4; lalt to good year lings a.i (Vjo.2i; good to cnob e wethers. $4 9"fli 15; lair to good wethers, $4.n4f4 9: goott in choice ewes. 81 1S4T4 ); f a ir to gool ewea. $3aiI4i3; .million to fair ewes. Wll).fi; good to choice lambs. aaiU'ttaSo. fair to g.dil bimha. 86.7e.a; (cedar year ling. $4 2vf4): teadar wethers. 4 1.1r4 4-; feeder ewes. 1,1 flSft J t ; feeder lamba, $5 (a) e6 60. Representative sales. No. av. rr 6 native cull ewes Ill 8 00 7 native bucks 17i 3 50 11 native ewes Ill 3 9i 17 native ewes 11:1 4 2. 2.1 natlie ewes 143 4 40 io native cull lambs ss 600 1.1 native wethers 17 h 25 19 PI live wethers 149 5 26 24 nitlve lambs I'l 2.' 46 native lamb l' 8 35 6 Nehmska ewes 06 2 ( 2" Montana feeder ewes "t2 2 00 5KS Souih Dakota feeder ewes 87 2 26 80 western cu'l ewes 8: 2 t 498 Montana feeder ewea 78 3 15 10 Montana feeder ewes 86 3 25 '.'5 South Dakota feeder ewes. ... 87 3 26 2M South I Hi Kola feeder ewes... 87 3 26 115 Nehrseka ewes 74 3 35 n western ewes 9S 3 75 ISO western .asm ,-. S6 3 76 2 western ewee 1' 3 76 552 western ewes 81 3 75 240 South Dakota ewes 92 3 80 145 Nebraska ewe M 3 90 407 Nebraekii ewes 86 3 90 96 Nebraska ewes K7 8 9o 1 Nebraska ewe 90 3 90 484 Montana ewes 101 4 () 72 western owes so 4 10 151 western ewe 96 4 10 213 western ewes 97 4 10 6(4) 8. D. feeder yearlings.- 73 4 60 8d1 S. D. feeder Yearling 73 4 50 18 S. D feeder yearlings 72 4 80 129 Nebraska wethers 77 4 let 2711 Western wether 11 4 90 360 s. D. feeder lambs 46 6 lo 4 west, welhera and yearlings. 85 6 36 11 west, wethers and yearlings. 110 6 35 29 west, wethers and yenrllngs. 84 5 36 4 western lambs 75 6 10 96 western lambs OH 6 10 218 western lambs 70 6 10 Hit 4;(i i nc. noiK miicket tattle Steady lo lllaber, loa lllaher anil Sheep I. oner. CHICAGO, Dec. 19.-CATTLE Receipts. 24 no bead; steady to 10c higher; good to prime steers. $8,Hfi7.oo; poor lo medium, 3.75ij6 90; cows. $l.fl0(;4 20; heifers, $l.75fi 4.75: rentiers. $1 .Oi82.35; bulls, $2.oofcfl.o; calves. $3.0(Kj7 (10. HOGS Receipts. 39.(i bead; estimated to morrow, 35,(3)0; market 6c higher; mixed and butchers. $4.4lKfi.6; good to choice heavy, $4.Wh'l.7ll; rough heavy. $4.4(XU'4.50; light. $4.3614.57; bulk of sale. $4 . 66(tl 4 . 5 . SHEEP AND I4AMKH Receipts. 30.0tl Itrml; sheep Kk' lower; Iambs slettdv to weuk; good to choice wethers, $4 6"(; fair to choice mixed. til.nufH.HO: western sheep, $.1. (Kofi. no; native lambs, $3.(6ti7.00; western lambs, $6.60iQl.76. Near York I. lie Stork Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 19.-REEVE8 Re celpte. 4.858 head: market for steers, alow to a shade lower; bulls, slow to lac. lower; good cows, easier; others, ateady: steers, $3 6r&6 5; oxen, $4.30; bulls, $2.26S.'; cows. $1. Slab... 06; few extra, $3.oia9 4 on. Cables quoted live cattle firm at lotjl0o per lb., dressed weight; Christmas steers. lStflto. Exports. 90 cattle and a.3iKl n.' tiers of beef; estimated for tomorrow, X85 cattle and 2.500 quarters of beef. CALVES-Receipts, Kt;8 bend: market, steady to Strong; veals, $5.0O(fi5.90; little calves. $4.fflj!4.60; barnyard calves, $2 501 3 60; western!, $3.26; dresaed calves, steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16.8011 head; market for sheep. 26c lower; for Iambi, 25i9Sii' off; fancy export wethers, $5 80; culls. $.100; lambs, $1.ioj6 26; culls, $5.0(7f5.76; Canada lambs. $6.(inri(.90. Cables quoted lambs at 14c per lb., dressed weight. Estimated exports of sheep for tomorrow, 1.600 head. HOGS Receipt s, 15.163 head: slate and Pennsylvania. It.sTrifi.OO; a few choice light, $4.H61i5.i3i; pigs, $6. 'jSt'tlft. 36. gt. Louis Live Block Market. ST. LOCIS, Dec. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 5.500 head. Including 2.uo Texans; market glow Slid steady lo strong; native spriig and export steers, $1.04ifl.60, wilh extra fancy sierra up lo $7.00W8 .(in; dresaed beef and 'butcher stears, $4.(KnS.(0; steers under 1.000 lbs.. $3.5ot94."i(l; stockers and feed 'is, $2.00Cn.9o; cows and helferi, $2.25f6.2Ii. Ilia top for fancy fed lieltera; canners. t.UU 2.(61; bulls, $2.00ttl'4.l6): calvra, $;i.OXtt7.50; Texas and lndlt.ii steers, $2.(0413.30; cows and lieirers, $2.5(4,oo. HOGS Becalms. 7 6"0 bend: in-rWo-strong and higher; pig ami lights. $3.7."tf 4.50; packer. $4 45u4.u5; butclieri' heat heavy. $4 604 00. SHEEP AM) LAM BS Receipts, S.OOi In nil; market ateudy: native mutlons, 13.75 4t6.0O: lambs. $4.76iifi7o; culls and bucks. $2.00164.26; stockers, $2.0cffl25; Texan, 13. 00 fjii.on. , Kansas I Ity Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 19 CATTI E Re ceipts. 7,6() head. Including 5( southerns. Market steady lo 10c higher; choice ex port and dressed beef slaera, $5 8ffuo: fair lo good, $3.50&6.oo; we tt arn Ted, I3.P.0 il550; slockeri and feeders, I2.iV tri.iKi; southern steers. $2.6(kS4.60: southern cews, II 7M3 25; nailva cows, $1 75di 25; native In If era. 12.500'?'. 00; bulls, $2.ooij4.oo; calves. $3.("ft6 50. I IOCS -Receipts, 5,1410 head: market oiasned 6c higher, closul 10c higher, lop. $4.70: bulk nf as Ice, 14 4"i-(i4 (V heavy, $4.8; 64.70; packer!, $4.6010 4.06; pigs und lights, $4.0014 62. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 3 Hal head; market strong and active; tiMlvo lambs, 85 85: native wethtcs. $4.r(1i'''v2"i: niitlve ewes, $4.604i500; watarn lamus, $.00 (Q'i.nO; wtstern sheep. $3.75ijl4.75; stockers and feeders, $2.E4.6d; western yearlings, $4.6(tifi.(). SI. Joseph Live ttlork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 19 CATTLE He. celpta. 2,840 head: market acllvr itendv; native. $3.75415.50; cows and bal'en. II 75 (4 25: ato"kers and feeder!, $2.60 3 90. 1 1 OGH Hw I pt a. 3.141 bead: market fjlO hlglirr: light. $4.S(tW et); niedluni and heavy, $4.46j4 67. SHEEP AND LA M R8 Receipts 80 bead: market loo lower; lambs, $6.50; with er, A."6. along I lly Line fltork Market. 8IOCX CITY, la., Dec. 19 (Special Tale. gram. 1-i.CATTLE Receipt!, 3 400 bead; beeves. $2 2(8' cilvel market lining, stockers. aleady; $3. 60416.00: cows, bulla and mixed, 8.611: stin kers and feeders, $2.76f8 ) and yearlings. 12. 263.25. HOGS Receipt, 4.H(aj bead: strong, selling at $4.2604.60; hulk, 4.47. market 14 4 ' lloek In Right. Receipts nf live stork at tbe western cities yesterday were six prlnrlpnl a follows: Ho-s. Sheen 3 410 .U5 4X1 Catt'e. South Omaha Hloux City ... 8 859 7.KI0 6.60O J, am 24.0V! Kama City 6. OK) 7 6tl 3.141 39.') 9.000 S.'OI 80.1131 SI. louls St. Joseph ... Chicago Totals .47.299 &2.8.M 45.4i Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralli, NEW YORK. Dec. 19 EVAPORATED APPLE Mm kel abowi firmness for fruit of attractive quality, but It la reported that a considerable ftoliloii of the arrivals are uiideMirable and thla fact gave the general market a rather unsettled tone. Common are quoted at 34a4c, prime at 4a)4c, choice al 6q6c and fancv at alo. CALIFORNIA DRIED FR1 'ITS Prunei of the larger sixes are in light supply at the moment, but the absence of Important demand and aoina little mesaur to sail nn the part of the coast holder Is giving the market an easier tone on the whole and quotation range fruia 2c to 6c, according to grade. Apricot are scarce and firm, with choice quoted at 10c; extra choice. 10 rile; fancy, 1I4jiI6c Peacbee are held st 9c for trimlce. loiai('e for extra elude and' Tl ''tj 13c for fancy. OMtHA 4a.HOI.R9tl K MARKRT. ' ondlllon nf IrsiiTTrtg 4)aatalleaa tt Ft7GS t'sndl.-il slock .Trt-. I.1VK POl l.l'RY-Hen. c: no:er $c; tiirke, 14c. ducks. 9c; geese. 8w9c; prli g chl. ketta. c DRESSED 11)1 I.TR Y - Tiirket s. )ilV: duck, lie; grese, 91 V,-; hens. !c; swing rHrki in. : sj 1 -; tot-siera. 6e. BI'TTrn-l'ii kb -toil; if-: choice i farcy oaty. 17IJlc; cfamary. :."t)rw-; fancy pr.i l i.e. FRESH Ft07EN Ma'4"-Treul Dirk e:el. c . piae. i-- f''-'-- b;iintV l-: whi'nah. Ma.. saimr.. :(; rvdanappar, lie; lobster tgrevn). w; .ib;er iboi.eil). Soc: eullhaid. lie; catfish. 14c; b'ak bia !', hsllhut. 10c: crsppte. IV: roe nd. $1; buffalo. 7c, white bsra. Mc; trcg lags, par dos . 25c. Hll AN-Tar Ion. SI.1 a- HAY l'i Ices quoted bv Omaha WnoDeale Dealt r" ataoclatlon- t'holea No. I -.plstnl, IIK No. S. $60; medium. ' .50; coace. $" 09 Ke itvsw. $560. The e pticea ara for biy of good coler and qualltv. OYSTERS Sew Yelk counts, per CIO. 4.1c; extra select, per can, JTc; andarda, fuT cm. 8?t : bulk ttirdard), ir gal.. 1 36: bulk (extra selects), per 81 bulk t'New York vunts). per ail . $J 0 CHRISTMAS DKCt K ATIONS. CHRISTMAS TREES- -8 to 6 feat, per dos., $1 75; .1 to 7 feet, per dm , $2 50; 7 te $ feet, per dm., $3 60; 9 to 11 feat, per dm . $4 50 Large school and rburcr. purp.. each II 10 $1.50; extra large, 16 to 20 lrt, each $2 to $5 EVERGREEN WREATH! NG-ln colli of ro yatd. 1 . ..;;. ... .- $!. WRKATHS-Magnoil. and galas wraa hl per dot . $1 2510 1 No. evetgreeii wrastha. par tlm.. Ilt.il6". hollv wieaths, per don $1 2fyi 5o HOLLY RR A NCH ICR Per ceee of UiCti feet, about pi) i-n-. . It o0; par bhl., t? 0 LONG NEEDLE FINES-Per o . $2 TH M MISTLETOE Mlat'eioe branches, per - lb. box. $1 25; per r , 800. TROPICAL FRv'fa ORANGES-Florida, siaci lis. 1W. 17 IH, li Slid 26". $J.(NiJ'J6; California Redlsrd navels, all alios, $3n; choice navels. I.' So 473.75. . LEMON California fancy. $2 74 , 30 anl $r $4 2f,: choice. $8V. DATES Per box ef -W-lh. rksa . $3 0; Hillowi, In 701b. bc per in , i'-aaT- FIGS California oar loin canon. 76 1 85c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown. iic: 6 j rrnwn. 14c; 7-crown. 1c; faney imported iwiMian, in i-in pggs., itKjirc; wantornia, per case of 98 pkg., $2 r BANANAS r medium aiied bitnrh, $2"Hc?.f); Jumbo.. $J.7ixOS5ti. GRAPE FKUIT-Prr box of U U 84. $6.0taei6.50. FR171M APrLER Heme grown .lonathani, par bbl. $3:,6: Ben Davis, $2 25; New York Kings, $3.2.1; New York Pippins. $2.78; New Aork Greenings. $2.00; New York Bald wins. $2 76; Colorado Jonathans. $146; Wlna Saps, per bll. box. $1 60 PEARS Ctah, Colorado snd California, fall varieties, pef bog, $l.76JS.$k 'RANBEMRl KS Wtacnnsln Bell mrt Rugle, per bbl., $8 60; Wisconsin Ball and Cherry and Jersey!, per bbl., $7 78; per box. $2.78. GRAPES-Imporltd Malaga!,' per keg, tnnoflahn. , TANGERINES Florida or California, per box, $2 60. VEGETAR' El. roTATOKP New home grown. In sacks, par bu.. Jc; Colorado, par bu., i'L'HNIPS Per bu., 4oc, Canada rutar bag a a. per lb.. 1c. CARROTS -Per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPS Per bu . 40C. BEETS Per bu.. 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $l.95aJ2.00. ONlONS-llome grown. In trks, pet bu., 9Oc(b$1.00; Spanish, per crate, $2.00. Ct'( 'I'M HERS Per dog , $t.7iVji2.00. TOMATOES California, per 4-bllkl rrac, $2.7("i8.00. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb.. l',c SWEET POTATUKS Kunaaa klln-drled. par bbl.. $2.26 SQUASH Home grown, per dog., 80c. CELERY Par dog., 26fjWc: California, 4oe. RADISHES-Per doa.. 90c. LETT 1'CE Hot house, per dog, 40fJ60c( MISC JLLANEOt's. SAl'Ell KR"J1 Wliconsln. per keg, $2.60. CIDER New York, per bbl., I $5.20; per bbl.. $3 26. HIDES No. 1 green, 7e; No. 2 green. c; No. I salted, 8i; No. 2 salted. 7c; No. 1 veal calf, to; No t vast calf, !c; dry salted. 100315c: sheeo pelti, 26c(i31.00; horse hid, $1.6"f3 0(i. 1 CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, !2c: Wlsconiln Young Amarlea, 13c; blocg Swiss,' new, 16c; old, lotjl.e; M'liconala brick, '4c; Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. NUTK Walnut!, No. 1, 10ft shell, new crop, per lb., 14o; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. 8. soft shell, par lb., lie; No. 2 harii shall, per lh., 12c; pecans, large, per lb, 12c; small, per II).. 10c; peanuts, per lb., Tc; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, fier lb., 12i&l,1c; almondi, loft ihell, per b.. 17ci hard shell, par lh., 15a; chestnuts, per lhj 124J15c; new black walnut, pef mi.. 76Q90c; ihellhark hickory nut, per bu., $1.76; large hickory null, per bu., $1.60. Whisky Markat. CINCINNATI, Dec. 19. WH1SKY-DI-tlllers' finished good!, quiet, $1.24. ST. LOIIS. Dec. 19-WHISKY-Matket ateady, on basis nf $1.27 for high wlnea. London Stork Rxrhanae to Close. LONDON. Dec. 1.-The Slock exchange will be closed December 24 and 20 and Jan uary 2. Klain Hotter Market. BU1IN, Dec. 19.-BCTTER-Flrm and un. changed nt 30c; sales for the week wera lbs. Peoria (.rain Market. PEORIA. Dec. ill. CORN Steady ; No. $, 43c; No. 4, 42c; no grade, 4ie. CHURCHES HAVE GOOD GROWTH Home Bodies Increase Membership of Population. NEW YORK, Dec. 19 -Nearly ill re. Ilglous seen, as their figures of growth for last year are announced, show a 1st gar pet . rentage of I' ail case than In previous year, says tli Herald. "In new nil denomination the ratio of growth exceeds the usual ratio of Increaa in the population. Thin Is notably tha case in the Episcopal church, which last year gained 8 per cent on lis memltershlp of the previous year, while Ihe population growth Is estimated at about 2 per rent. In the Presbyterian church the Increase in membership last year wai at the rate of 2 per cent. The ratio of gain by tha Methodist membership win 1 per cent, or I most as much 1 the estimated ratio of population growth. Wabash Honors Former President. NEW YORK, Dec. 19.-AI1 office of tha Wabssh Railroad company where It I poa ilhle to do so were closed at 1 p. m. today and all work on the road and hi Hat ahnp slopped from 1 o'clock until 1:10 In reipeot to Ihe memory 'of O. D. Ashley, former president of the company, who died In thl city on Friday last. An order to thl effect was iaautd today by President Rimsey. . Vessel Are Floatea. NEW BEDFORD. Mas . Dec. 19 -Of tha vessels' driven ashore In Sunday'a etnim In the harlsir at Vineyard Haven all hut three bad been floated. There were fully twenty Inches of now nn a level, but In many place huge drift are piled up. The alorirt, although very evre, waa not attended by loa of life In thl vicinity a far a could be learned today. nisfaon Phelan Still Live. PITTSBCRG. Dec. 19 -Right Rev. Rich aid Phelan, bishop of the Pittsburg dio cese of the Catholic church, was allll liv ing at 10 80 o'clock today. During the night he took a turn for the worse. HI phyalciaiis regarded his death a but a quest lun of a few hour. Deep Saner In Maaehatt. BOSTON, Dae. 19 Wire communication with Cape Cod. broken off with Sunday'a storm, w still Interrupted today. The snow Is from two to four feel deep and b, manv placei drifted by the gale ao aa to blotk highway and itreet car line. Edwards -Wood Co- (Inverporated ) lain Olficg: Fifth cod Robarta Straat ' ST. PAUL, nilNN. DEALERS IN . Stocks, Grain, Provisions bbbbbi aagaaaaaaaaaaal nnaaMannnBBBnnnnBaanW Ship Your Groin to Os atraaeb 0e. 380-488 Baara 4f TraVa, Bigg., Omaha, xak Talenhan ft (14. -' 213-111 Kxchang jlldg . geuth Omaha. Bll JPhon UI. adDiidaat 'f'be ft. t