THE OMAI1A DAILY BEE: TrKsiAY. DECEMBER 20. lf04. T - " ' NEW YORE IP TO OLD TRICE Utvp 8iifx u C-: IidAa 1:77:7 Sutra Aw7 fnrz Oxala. LOCAL PC-TSS PLAOY TOR ACTIOS Aree that roassaeeelal tlab beald Keeirt TVIe Cfert aad Ovaaka It et a I a Beadajwartera airh Cost Hard right. fi tap I i ' Let This I 8 Be An I S ORIGINAL I I Christinas ji I f 1 I The choosing of the little gift troubles everybody. The more you think and study, the more puzzling it becomes. How weary you grow of the same old shop suggestions year after year a handkerchief a necktie candy some useless trifle. But here is a new idea : give your friends, instead of the conventional gift, holiday pack ages of Nabisco Sugar Wafers the most delightfully original little gift ever conceived. These exquisite confections, in their glori ous coverings of white and red and gold, are, for Christmas giving, further adomed with dainty holly ribbons, under which are beauti fully illuminated cards to convey your compli ments and good wishes. Nothing quite so pleasing as Nabisco for the little Christmas gift has ever before been seen. Why not surprise your friends with this new expression of warmth and cheer this charmingly original thought for Christmas ? NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY it! t lECEESRIDCE MARES PLANS 'tzprt PeUilt fsr Aatrkai Bkf la rcnoc Ctxaittex'i Vettix;. TS SEVERAL STATE COMMISSIOStFS -- mt lillilliil latereat aad ".etlaaal I mt rf ee fat B Takes ( Tbls tea lea. P-i-j r. W. Ereeker rioge. who was elected . .-.kinrien of tbe I r rr.anert committee en : r t ;-e at lb tni;re of tbe Ammc l .- s'.tiauo. bld at Louis ia c' j t - tr.ter. is busy arranging tbe Arltili ' c:.rr,-;Ut'r. ita ire meeting of tbe com r.iiiKe. It it eapected the meeting will be fce'd M Wshlr.r"t). D C. witbfti a few weeks. Tre matters that will be considered ty tl.e memler of the comb It te are of oa tiecai tojriw ar.d Internal a Tact ma jority of tbe American people. Besides Mr. Brecktnriage tbe members f tbe eosninirtee a re Hon. Burr on Smith cf Atlanta. Oa.. Alfred Hrmrivtr of Bos toa, Rodney A Merctir of Towanda, Pa-, and W. R. Vance c-f Washing-ton. D. C The ffmm:it will make a fall report cf i's oetibereiio&a u La aaartcka bar aa- ciniaev Te oew t taavog-tzrats tale committee. .k l tiw la a ttaAvtaf one, wis m r1'' At'tu.i'r KrkiriH. vb Kaa r if . s-j-iJ tu(!y and wh i- k : f :f ..T' J . u-.t crHy on tba aktijKt Y1 ;.ii "t i .t 'unjnmw la la brief ' m it- iiv in (l:da. con- t'f ;.!.. ?!'.itiii ttrougbout ' - i : r . ; .-. oitir orcaoixa ,. : i 1 1 -i -t ! award national i ; ( r.rre ti-ra aj4 -i .f ir.aurarr Bran i- ; Trojaw h if , .',11 i ar.3 cvoa- innjraor butri- lnrurarx rc'ri'ra-c ta in isu-4 errry dfcjr thai (vnu'i lr.Ja.r iy arainvi kmia from th rrt-.! of t fx- t from fire. IM. wair. onath. cluve ae- taor.a. brckec windtwa, ld ittti. tyrjAra, ; ti! and fiuorxwt employ. The mutual rttrta tee arure J 01 the cooripiawa have xot ui Bi uaaa. bn uDderalocHi by tbe "nl rut'iJc cr lr the tr a a ,' !. nor hai Tt.e-e muical r.rhta ad oblta-auor.a bex-n a.trnAiy ana fairlr afliriirJaired fi f-ourt Our ar-ett ur.i vrs.'le are intUtaiir.f CTOre cn inur- ance ana ire jaw i" n i.w - f 1 '- - j of iauraix a a-cara:e topic Id tb.' 1 r-oarrra of rtuJy. Art.r with th c-onmi-tee on unitorm ata:e law, atej mf It taken to ore-ore needed refnrma lntt & rectir vpon thia v:tal factor of oar com mrc aLd ociai orgtJ-aliu- Santa of tb remit to be oMaiiypd throufb the oprnmlrtc are tl-.e taiionklira 000 cf Inauranf comjianiea aid fccw to at conirllfh it kiid the adopuoa of a utufann Cra y axid tte that ought to be tmbodird In It. Thtre are abcut S.5 nct'r in ttt American Bar aaoodatioti. thlrtr re jdir. In Omaxia. axid the oelectJno of an Omaha member aa chairman of this impor tant committee m senertUy ocmatdorod aa a compihaest to tho local bar. 1 1 . f n . : r . 7tr It M O 'v. n. tr di.T ei.t siau to offer 1 tfgaTj.rc :r? s-t'.'f'Ct of wh.ko cab lite ociucaaoe. rl ml CoaaaaJlioo'a Keaert. t-r riaj ccenmltteo appolatod at the It M trx-f-.l: of the Amcraaa Bar aaoocia- c to i-ttm.dr Lb rwelutioo to amend t ' cTui-ion of the amoaatioB ao aa to r-u the atAiidu-c Cummitta on taauinjx. .i-cr!ej jr. part aa f l'.cwa: Jrwcti or InsSracily DUNN AND ABBOTT WANT CASH f-tltlOB DlttrM Coon for WItatM Feet Aawlatat Hooroa, Daalka ai Hcamlaara. Ictatroi Jehovah Twna and X-yrta I. Ab bott, who are cot now o prcizz.i&ent aa thr foed to bo In the bo&ttea of puri.'r Ice Omaha, r.ave rut4oD-d the d :rt:t court to rive them a judrment of tT.l acatce-t Mar"' Fratk E lioorea. Chief of Police rxnahue and City Treasure- Hen t!rfi for court cor. and wittesa feeo t rurred ia procurizic a mandate from the au rrme court claamc the ramond f-o j! room, the contest harii beca pu3d OS In the locai conns lart rTlr.g Xuna and Abbott ear the whole ooct of the case was Mft a. b Jt that they hare pa.d S9 M a hick is aB they tkobM par. but are peraonailr rorponatble for the remainder tin leas a )udrment Is obtaiae against the d feudanu who tost the tail. City Treasurer Hei.nlr.t-s was cover a partr to the pre codit action and wtr h.s tint Is tn rludrd is tict dear udf-e tho rw-tSers hop to make the cosia coroo out of the etyi strode bv'Z, Tfce members cf the Cre and joi-oe board, who were partita to the tali, are eaempt from the costs because tue supreme 00 an took their vit-w that their duties went osCr so far aa to maintain or der. dlcane ax4 effldeacy ta te two de-parusenta. FOR Sore Throat,. ; Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, FOR Weak Lungs And for painful and ym si ri ire parts of th ftbdomcn, AILm! PUsttrt khonld bm applied aa shown is iUu tratioa. Aakodca. RIMrM-f sr-Ak Ws Tbaw ara tLa ninI aavd reaaiaw oq tie nod as faim-wrmr. n aey piaeoa wiaasseer. lk hssm la cm ever SB ywara. ixaraais plaaiert hsvo see bessi slsMte ubiaia UI isiI tsu, mcJm JOSLYSS RETURN TO OMAHA IdisEiir Xigxktt ud rJiily Back ia Tbiir Cutle Hob. HAVE RESIDENCE SARATOGA, KEW YORK Ceserallr radrrsiood Omaha Will Oar Moro B-osao rrsamaest Bona of Wratera Sowa mm s-er l alea'i realdeaC GeTx A. itxlyn, iiruderit of tho Wms ern N wj a;tr vxJoo. and famy reiurcod to their old home la Omaha Xlondar and are a-aia eaiiihUhed In their castie rc-aVienoe at TT-irty-rinth and Darerport streeta. As readers t f The Bee knew some thU ago the iutfrz. were expe-cled tck from SaratCifi. X. T.. before Christmas and their beactifui boms had ben prepared for ther ccmur g rrerj- apirent prepara tioo. in fact, made for their reception axd permacect occupascr of tho home. Mr. Joayn could not be seen todar. but Mrs. Jaelra.. aaked if the tamilr ha4 re turned te star, aald: "I do dlalte Terr much to flnsi our private afiaira. I doo't know what we at. all da. Vr. Job:vb baa aald he would Eke te atar te Omaha, but I realty don't know what wra shall do." More than ordinarr Interest attaches te tho home eoBu&K of the JosJma, for the reaaon that tl.eir departure from Cmaha was mDOer such unique roxtOlUoca Vr. Jss:m toc'k exception to the aamx.t pUoed try local antbomles on his eJefxct crar stoTte castle ar.d place, occupy--" a full aquare: left Omaha for Saratoga, where he declared be would make his per manect home, cover again rodit.g la Cmaha. As was wtdelr heralded through. out the couctrr at the time, the elegant caatiO home was deeerted. wtndoas and doors boarded up ar.d atotk aa turned in cpcn the beautiful ground! ar.d t. ower gar. deoa. Then certain city sffic.a t annc.ui.oel that since the plaoe had been abudoned tt wouid be a good thief to park lu ft:K.n tbereafier came the iLiiMjtnmtct from air Jotlya that he would not enu.-oty do. eert h.s old noma, but might some dar Bxkke it his place ef residence. 6. oe weeka ago. mhen it became known the Jui)iii vera to return, some of Mr. JusJva s local r-preactaUre gave It out that their return was but for the holidays, tut it is now generally understood it Is to resiain permanenUr. Mr. Joe'yn s friends and tbooe of the fanuly have expraaaed pieaaure at their return and over tne fact that the magr:i cent home mUl agvia be occupied. The familr caae eurectlr from 81. Louia It Is nnderatucd. where a wop waa made en route frven Saratoga. prisoner crossed oyer and shoe hands with Attorney T.t. 'Jsh. REED GETS LIFE SENTENCE Cleaaa HlaeV Clare Wees a Vata Jadge Dar rreaeaarei Dwoaa ad Law er Appeals taao. Jsmes J. Reed, tne cocricted murderer of Oenna Hinea. added half a pin or ao of freah tears to the barrel or two be abed dunr-g the trial, when be waa ttktu -fore Jodgt ry Monday saornisg and for maily sestecoed to l:f impnsonmexa. H4 had aa sppc.uoa pendg lor the detrralnauon by jury whether be should be oc.ined ia the peniteauarr or a mad hbuar. but Us lawyer C. H Soott. warred this right acd gave eoUce that be wou:d ts rase to the supreme caurt on a writ of error. Esoruuoa e the aentance. therefore, was suapeedod ui-tfl March X. tit order te permit of these rroooedinga. Reed has baea m JaJ amoe the summer of IMS. whew he fired the buiXs that esaed the Ufe of his parameur. Be looked hag gard, won and cTTua. and whea the oowrt prenvenoed sextece be wept co p!ous and Ui lawyer answered for htm &d said ha had ae.LiX4 u aa. Thaw lh CIVIC REFORMS '-DISCUSSED ffaaiareetlaaa of Proper Methods Made by Edward Kwaewater te Mla tatertal Aaseeiatleav. At the meeting of the Omaha Minirtertal association, at the Torrg Men s ChriMian aasociation rooms Monday morrir.g EjwVTd Bosewater appeared and was gracifd ten mlntites In which to sddrera the bdy on the subject cf municipal reforms, which was the subject of a letter from hun read at a previous meeting cf the body. The time was placed at his disposal at the request of Rev. J Emlth. Mr. Rasewater gave as etplar.fc'.ion cf the reforms be fief.. red to have bro-ght about and said tt would be Tieceuiirn' to have action taken by the police comminnonert before Januarr L as at that time liceneee would be granted; that he lheved the plan eojld be accon:p::hed titjer by a general anderstanding- with the board than by .irg complaints ag-E.inrt ir,i:viduaJ sa loon keepers, and that he wculd Lke the aasoriatloe to take the rteps receasary te brlg pressure upon the bcrd at the proper tin. a. He sugz-fted that the asso ciation send for the governor, and when ha came to Omaha have a conference with him and the n-.ezr.bcrs of the police com missi cn. ao that an undrrtanding could be reached. The speaker a.d he was not tryir g to lr.terfere with the plans of the ClTie Federation, but that if it accom plished Its present purjic mtcy of the evils at present existing siill would re main; that if Tern tniiaon should leave Omaha, or be fcroed to leave Omaha. It would have no bearig upcn the real ques tion at issue, which must be settled by the police comxriftMoner. v. to no dcubt would act as der:red should Hit)- be approached la a friendly zr.anzer. and cot by ptrt-om recorn'aed as political er.emje Rev. H. E. Herring and Rev. B F. Feil snan oipced the procueiiion to allow Mr Rosewa'er to address the meeur-g. feanrii it would but "open up the same o'.d con troversy." which, thty main-ained. had been dosed when the afsociatica sent Mr. Rosewater a letter rt'!y in reply to l-;s community tion S certain meth ods of reform. However, the Herring-Fellman sentimert did cot prei-aJl. Rev. D. K. Tlrdhll t f South Omaha. Rev J. Randolph Smith and others, lr.finir.g on accordirg Mr. Rct water the courtesy of a heanr.g The old f?M1 to have the 1-d ac f-.rn'r tal'juarier mcved to New Tcrk has been r3 ccc core ia the et ard ea.'tem P; rs are prir:irg ail kids cf aleg'-d reasons why th tb?!;ia te iore. The power back cf thss arrett chene are swd to be re?v-.r.g vrr-n the rew crjm.f ioser cf Indian a?airs rnmrit C Leupp. tr aftiaace in its pre mourn. RtCrd-z this Mr O W. Watt:ee CKislmas Presents for Men. F k n-hrr at Sk to N'tt r .v at tlii ;o Far-CT v-rt at f"i- to Fine r'w re at fh to.. ... H.jJt susprr-der ai T. V te New hii!-T at li w to a-.l at ri!X' 2fin IT' ,r(1 miA ha .'JU . ,t gr 50c 1.50 25c ..25c 10c to OvfT -jt:cn F.r -:r:iraer at ti'V to l"t-tf-iie tir it ft to Tj arf ;irs at ri V- t" . . . P- rt'k tr--Tlrt r-i full dres prw-.vtrs. t! to 1.50 25c 50c 75c 25c 50c It is bet the od attempt to get the 4", t away frcm (ma ha We fcught f T it fcr a lor Ust here ard rjccetded in g"t'i- g the drot located hre ar.d a coTEmifH: ner a;pirted. Tte result las been very sacrfactory to the gove-cmen h Omaha ia a primary base cf sjpphe for tcsry cf the arr: bright fr.r the irrtmer-A. This is evrwC.tly true In the matter cf lef and meat product.. Our l'b 1T tee can sei; to the cVpartmer.t wl-h en t-ry advaitage claimed hy Ntw Tork, Cmaha is the natural suptvy depct lit the entire Indian ccurtry. This is a matter that should te taken up at once ty the Commercial club atd the covt tuett in New Tcrk lorestalled " MO:r R. &. TVilocx of the Commercial c ub tr.aie rubPtartaJly the same state evert a made ty Mr Wat'.Vs and thought that tt Commercial club should taka the matter op st even bfre i's text regolar meetir.g on Tuesday. LCSES PAY BYBAD MESSAGE High leksel Teacher ees Westers tales for Telegrasa He fais Was Erresessi. Frank A. Barber, teacher of arithmetic and penmanship in the school, thinks he has a o; wor-.h t- C agaiut the Wttiem Vmoa Telegraph eompaxy. Mr. Eartier Is ao firmly convinced of this that te has ap-jtialed to the courts to collect the amount A Justice court found In his favor, but the telegrajh empaiy has carried the case Into the district court. Mr. Barber aa- the faulty trar-smiafdon of ac Aratue numeral reduced his salary tlv a month, or tX, for the school year. The C cents It added because it waa the price of the teiegranv The pedatrig-ue was teaching- at ATblon, Neb., ac-ooriir-g to his petition, a hen. Sep tember Z. 1.4. be received a teiegrara from Cm.ha reading. "Wire lowest salary will xxept teach writing in high school.- He atten-.ited to respond to the effect thai t was hs price, but wbem he received his Cm month's pay he found t.iat the West ern l"r.lon had made It Rta. Good faith and th curtcm of teachers made it neces sary for Mr. Barber to remain, he aars. ml beside, the school year had started and 11 was too late for him to secure an-c-ther position. Theref ore he a ants the Western Vnlon to make g-ood his loss, par ticularly because the Board of Education stood ready axid wilhrg to pay him H a mocth. INDIAN SAID T0BE DISGUISED ilesi Bays Llejaer. bat Salwaa Maa ajs He Thoagkt It Was White Mew. Lcuis Ha!berg. a saloor.lrt cf Lor.g Pine, was unale enough to sell aorne liciucr to a Sioux Indian of the Pine Ridge agency sometime tea and was before Judge Mun ger to answer to the charge. The In tn. whose ttrx Is Tobacco, was cne cf BufffJo Rill's Wild West )w Indians, and bcirg cn his return tome from Erglsnd. slot red over at Lor.g Pine and proceeded to lay in a supply of liquid refreshmerts to take with him to Pine Ridge, where prohibition laws prevail As the Ir.4ian w if dressrd in ahite mill's raimenta Hol berg d.d cot him to Se an In dian, acd thus unintentionally, he aays, fractured the government laws regarding the furnishing of Ucjucr to Indians. J. O Teiser. attcimey for Halberg. filed a motion this morning to ouaih the iridict mer.t c-n account of certain informalities In it- The motion has beer. takn under advisement br the court. Fe Watt Adr art the Best Busine B.i iers .MEN'S SEAL CPS A very Appropriate CKristmai Prtent $3.50 worth $5; $4.50 worth $630; $8.75 worth $12. Mea's aid Ladies Slippers for Xmas Always make Useful Presents. XIr s Mark kid opera slippers. l-i1 I Xti Mark ard ts f Q( tr:r-!tn-d f Cfl I 1 i kd at I: 5r and vs Bt C F. -5 I Lfcc,, hr.-wn ari b.n'k f-:t t e Mr s WTnt Kii i 'tt flfl Pl ' h a. k f-r Qflr ste at aVVf tr-.mmed Juljetaa. Xmas Leather Goods. WO.HEVS. WI5SE5' AND CH1LDREVS BAQj. We are showing the most baot:ful line cf Br Crd Ce--e. Furs. B'.'.l F-ks aTd jpra l.i-fr turc shaje and co.or t:b ar etyie of t r: rr, ttw .r.ij-es cf iraturtei leather, with silk lir.rrs in Ttij-.tch. ttt4 w:th I anfl I pc-e in .rt t.r.d s. t'iack. P f brown, tan aid ligM colors, fc ri. KH . "alijU dwn to WOMEN'S BAG3 Beautiful new ety ie of tr 1b grain, goaa and taticr ar.y shape and ry s-.yle frire. Kfln braidod er strap, t-, t- !, r.c i uv" CHILDREN 8 NKAT BA39 Pretty styiea c-f tancy 2C ooicred hand bags and purses at tec and w Women's Gloves Tixie QuaitT. faxcy and acCid coi-red g-lf gleves O E - with plain kxl or buttoned wrist avw Best quality fine &ar.r yarn and cahmere giorr. p"r colors. Or aiwo eo:.d tan. back. aray and shile. with ai.k lirurg. at ic. Tic rJr WOMEN'S HOLIDAY KID GLOVFS In all tbe new oo'.ortr.r alM black ar-d white ar.y st.e stltchlne on hack ary siae. aiso n ti-J Ceece lined kid ar.d moci.a giovees aid mittens. r.i US afcd BtJJ Women's Bells- Beautiful styles of ladies' fahric-s. elatic aad leather belts, la black, whtta aad fancy swell colors trimmed with lateft stj jes of hi kiw. p in mckeC gnit and g-urir&etkl burdreds of cauhy style te jg to selec t from at fLTa. c and ..... w w Store open srenins till Un far tba csnraalensa of Oar Customers. LOSES SELFAND PRESENTS Mas Drape Chrlstaaas Gifts aad Gets Lwst la Darkaeas af Xlatbt. Thomas Williams of 1U.1 North Eight-; eenth street has told tbe police department be is glad Cfcrinmas ccmes hut ence a ; year. He says he 1 as special reasons f'-r : expressing roch a thought Wil lam?. wh , says be is a palntv by tracfe. was iiirtnc i heme last Sacorday evenir.g ard tarried on the way to inspect tbe displays cf t -j In j tbe shop windows. He admils he also tar- . ried to take a "wee drap" now and then He bought a fne set of French china berry dishes with mews rose decorations. X'nder cne arm be had a putty knife, a painter's' duster and a pair of overalls. Tbe dishes were for a preaenh he cor.fiied to the po ire. After lo-'lrg tbe articles he waa car rying Williams then lost himself. A pc hoe man found Williams and aoot'mpanied h m to the station, but the dishes have not yet been located laaeeseeswstt ef the Tweeters. The bill cn at the Orpheum this week appeals to the lovers of fun for every act I -n the prcrero. exoeptlr.g two. emhrace r.imedy ar.d it Is cf te)e lively kir.d that ; does not escape notkc Oaneld and Carle- ten. in their absurdity called "A HocJoo" j soore heavily. C&nfld s ludlcrcms makeup i aad lgs are a funny shew In themselves. Marriage Lleesiaea. The fcllcwir.g licenses to aed have been Issued durir.g the fort -eight hours ending at noon Mcriay: Nar-,e arid R-denc Age Fitr.k M. Tt'irf-c. Chk-tro F. Chnit.a L Hsvea Cimhi C r;-g-ne S.mmore. Taylon-i le, III . i M Mane Kate, tiwaneco. m z. Ne s M P-asmuasep-. Omaha BccfcJ M Oiaen. Omai.a a Bert P Pucfter. Cmaha jt Mtble F.tid. Omai.a u liK Weddir.g Rirgs. Edho:m. ewe'er. Ballway sales aad Persaaala. Chief Engineer Berry ofhe VrJon Fa cihe has returned from Chicago. F. K. iamea. superintendent of the ILljiois Central at Fort Iocge, is in the city. General Manager Mohler and a number cf I'nion Pacific ofhclals are making an in spection of the western divisions. WUUam R McKeen. Jr . s-urerintendeet cf motive power and machinery f'.r the t'nlon Pacific, has ren.rr.t-d from Chic-agc. Fred Mortmorericy.- general freight ager.t Tor tbe fcurlirgion. 1 at Katsaa City attending a meeting of the Transmisacuri Fre .ght aJwiaiKt.. John A Muoroe. freight traffr manager and E. L Loon. grx,ral iu.sser.eer ar.d ticket agevt f-r the Vr.K-n Paciric have returned from a bu&mets trip to Chicago. GIVE HIM SLIPPERS That wl?l rrsk rttn war.t to srsy home evej-ir-g ve tf kmci of a slijper he want r,d il you min It on Kise well exchare them after Christmas. We've a big lire of w omen's and children's siipjrs thatre priced Just for Sinta Clau. Ccne lr. l o Brc and lk at cur lir.e of Ci.riet mci si: pfers ard rcljg warm st.;pers ftr tnmmtd. for evtrj tdy. Drexel Shoe Co. UI3 FARIAM SHEET. Osiki's C U In She line AIK FOR OU'R FREE CATALOG'.'! VON HALLE R CASE GOES OVER Trial warder t barge Faatpaaed lattl Seat Trras ( Me tric Ceart. Tbe murder case against George Von Heller, which was set for Mond.y in the criminal dtrisloa of tbe district court, has beea carried over to the next term cwir.g to the inability of important aiineaea f ir the state to be present EowIocrwrS h take tbe tnaa to Ell Cie lack if be doe sot stop the Leaki To attest to oocnfh tbe body when tbt tiosnaca is dis eased is like try- , icy; to J tie eck with tbe I bole in tt Wbea ' tbe stomach aad other c! festive and nutritive or- fiii are dis-j cased, there is a j oooataot loss ct mitntxm. i Eaousb is eaten I tot tbe body aoaes fiesh,-Tlaia troof that tbe food eatca it larftir wasted broinee it is Dot entreated atad aa- teaesl Halldag Rates ia -The Kawtb. weetera 1-1 ae" To all systtm points in lcwa. I.lmoia. Wis ronain. Mk-h'4rsn. MinneaMa. the akotaa, Nebraska and Wyoming. Rcund tnp rate one and one-third fare east of V.saocrl rlr and to poms on C-. St p.. kl. A O. la Nebraska and ore fare p!j ve eer-. west, oa sale Ier. H. 3. X . Jan i and t Good until Jan. . City Ofhres. lt-lV Ft, Ctic "taucc. Webster fitreet Piatl'-n. Hat gpriags. iraaaut, RadtO-ArUte wairra. owned and eAdorwrd by the Uuted States gevemnMet for rhenmansra. gout, atomack, hwr. akia. kidney troabiss aad effecta of g-rtp aad rerwora. Oolf. bar back ndiag and dnriBg Hotels for all rlaasiw. Write Bureaa of IafarsoaUow, HM fipnega. Ark., far liiustraiwd book af IiJtvi Bee Waax Ads FtadtK Reaita, -n, ' , Jewelry on CREDIT OMAHA CLOTHING COMPANY 1316 FARNAM SI. Dr. Pierce' Coidea' Medial Diaoovery cures diaewaes of tbe j stomach and otber orraas of I digrwtion sad isntritioa. It stops tbe leaks br wbicb nutn- tioo is lost, and CBables the buUdisg trp of tbe body br tbe rmtrU tioa deneed frorn iaod. Tbg gtia im weight proves the Thre ears ago I was takra sack wwk wbat tbe ojci js ta.d amtmucat aad tacirWJoa wrec Mia Warrea E. raraer. td Ca-aXige iarro. Kaatacae. Mam. He ra ace ar.nn trx tee irofci.. Wut 1 caald aca eatea a U34 Soeai, m eatmea'i w mom widrr-.atf muni la a fcrw I bad catarrk ef fa ae sn-m-w east da mot du aay gcu. km at anaaiis m tares sacsika I taea ooaa- ss"see Uu Dr run- aed lais aad saoa '. tans 1 ae laaea u bacuea t ' ' twa ml rnww at Im hmti rri-1 Dr. PacfcCt rrstl fcgtd cart cw. mVjXjmmm - W -oaaorw EBscoMr fixxnptM aad ai eaaa ana 1 aasagiiard ata ssnea Caa tag An the best Makes ch as Erln. Wattbaai aad ftams-dca aaovaw Sbeatsv ..Sl.OO A WEEK.. FOR A FINE LAIHES OH GENTLEMEN S WATCH CALL AND bEE L5 CLOTIIING, SHOES AND HATS ...O N CREDI T... EASY TEEMS T8 ALL THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO Please See Local Columns for Extraordinary Holiday Rates Tlaket Orftsw IMMWt FAR Raal ITBUT, AHA. g, t asaet. D I The 'Best of Everything TWENTIETH CENTURY FARUEA VaJy vaa Ueiiar Tea a.