20 HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY; DECEMBER 18, 1904 WANTED SALESMEN Nebraska Business College V. C. Ong, A. M.t I,L. B., resilient. A. J. Lowrr, Principal. Comer K-vriittM'iith a nl Harney Streets. Announcement of Winter Term This Is the time for you to enroll with us and rotfive a business eduction1 that will double the value of your service by Kjirinif. It has ever been the policy of tills school to tearb only the branches tlint are essential to a thoroiiKU business training. The name requirements enforced In the best regulated busi ness offices are also enforced in every department of the Institution. The Bookkeeping and Banking Department Is under the supervision of a practical and experienced bookkeeper and It means much to the student to be under such Instruction. The room presents the ap pearance of an immense counting room and the Interest taken In the work is worthy of comment In the Shorthand Department we make a specialty of the Gregg Shorthand. It requires but little more than half the time to learn it Our students hold positions where as many as 'four writing other systems have failed. Business men express themselves as sur prised at the proficiency of our ralu ates, who are not only able to write it rapidly, but transcribe it without any trouble. Kvery student entering for a full te rm Is given a year's membership in the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. without ex tra charge. To be a member of either means character, culture and refinement Apply for catalogue aud college 11 terature. BALKSMAN, experienced, selling patent medicine to dealers; advertised line; per manent position; references; bond re quired. Box 665, Chicago. &'J- 18x WE WANT five or six experienced scheme nlMmpn. men of unnucstlonable ability, the sort of men who can show records of $2,500 a year er better; a new attractive rebate proposition for big merchant. An swer, giving reference, statins exper ience, age and past record. A big propo sition for big men. Address O 6, care llee. Dl lsx WANTED Middle-aged business mnn to meet merchant and phys'clin In country towns; no peddling. in.tirnce nor bocks. McGregor, Sec., MetroMlltan Hlk., Chi cago, III. 600 lsx SALESMAN WANTED. For 8. E. Neo. and N. K. Kansas territory by a leading Chicago fancy dry goods and notion house; must have established trado; to such Al proposition will be mad; house las trick in Neb. Full particulars confidential. Address PAUL ME Y Lit, ISO Adams St., Chicago, 111. 641 IS SALESMAN for manager; experienced fell ing Jewelry assortment, Perfumes, Crock ery, Raking Powder, C.gars or l.ke specialties, for new proposition ready January 15. backed by Jjnu.uuu. Man capa ble of handling large force of men suc cessfully. Also man to travel, employ and Instruct salesmen. Applicants must show large successful experience on road. State exierlence fully records you made and home address. Address L 26, Bee. 574 18x LJVE, hustling salesmen to Introduce a new line for old established house. An absolute trade winner and quick seller. , lllgli-tirlced men Investigate, ii. M. Ar thur Co.. Detroit, Mich. 678 18x rVANTED Everywhere, people to copy let ters at liome spare time, and return to us. Gcod pay; materials sent free; no mailing or canvassing; enclose addressed envelope for particulars and wages we pay. Ouur- ! antes Co., Dept. 448, Philadelphia, Pa. 6T7 18X CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions with advance of $100.00 monthly, permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 676 18x EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen: two exceptionally good position open for 1905 by large Cleveland lobbing house; sales manship, energy and business ability will make the position permanent; genernl mercantile trade: high commissions with $36 weekly. W. 8. Flnley Co., SO Prospect SC., Cleveland, Ohio. 673 lSx SALESMEN We have an opening for bright, active, hustling salesmen to sell Banker's Chewing Ouni as side line; must have ability and good record; liberal ar rangements for good salesmen; simple and catalogues furnished; give rofc'ivnres and full particulars. Address E. H. Banker Mfg. Co., 161 S. Canal St.. Chlcngo, 671 lSx SALESMEN wanted everywhere to handle "Novelty Sigh Card;" every merchant buys from 10 to 1U0 on sight; 800 varieties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1139 Maple wood Ave., Chicago, 111. 667 18x .V ANTED, representatives, local and traveling; a gulden opportunity for neat, Intolllg nt men and women; wrltn todav; tomorrow may be too late; g ve age, occu u iLn. NEW ART ilt(i. CO.. i.incoin, 111. M703 19x SALESMEN for complete line gloves, mit ten and corn buskers; established trade; liberal commission. Box li8, Iowa City, Iowa. tit lux rr15 LINE traveling men can make $26 to C0 per week carrying side line of most up-to-date advertising fans of our ex clusive and special designs; season now opening. Apply at once. The Kemper Thomas Company, Fan Dept., Bta. H, Cincinnati, Ohio. 629 lSx TRAVELING salesman, by large wholesale house for Nebraska, to All vacancy; IMS contract; stats experience.. Drawer "8," Chicago. 624 18x SALESMEN wanted by an eastern manu facturer to handle a line of high grade leather goods. as a side Issue for adver tising; commission only. Applicants must be active, energetic and reliable, with best reference and well experienced in this class of work. Those handling lltho fraphlo and art calendars preferred. Salesman, P. O. Bos 1592, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, by manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles and flavoring extracts, two mors salesmen for 1906. Regular line with specialty feature. Address O , care Bee. 60J 18X FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. TEL. sll. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGB. y-411 METROPOLITAN restaurant, regular meals 15c; meals to order. 13' 1 Douglas. TeL A426. jr M560 J2 TUB SH ELTON. Sth and Dodgo, Ideal home for the winter, pleasant rooms, strictly modern, homo cooking; reason able. F-378 STEAM HEATED rooms, close In; board If desired. 1911 Davenport F M4o3 18 NICELY furnished rooms with board; walking distance. The Rose, 2020 Harney. F-M477 lSx NICELY rurnlshed front parlor, with board". for two for $6 per week; modern. 2218 California. F M648 19 $3 50 UP; single meals 15c. 1619 Dodge. F M7S8 Jan 18 '08 NICELY furnished south front room and alcove, with first-class board 2411 Cass. F-702 18x FRONT ROOM with large alcove, suitable for two; private family: good home rook ing; references given. 609 S; 25th ave F-M59T Wfl rent rnomi and furnish boarders. Omaha Information bureau, room 534, Pa x I : on bl oc k. E:! 18 x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR rooms, rlosec, bath, telephone, heat; fl7. 'Phono Kite. O M3 THREE wsrm rooms; gas and wa'ter; 17 00. 3318 S. 20th. Q 424 t)NK or two floors, furnished or unfur nished for housekeeping; modern: close In. 2JC6 Furnain. G si y - . TWO largo housekeeping rooms, water In kitchen and largo pantry. 606 8. ttd st i 77 18s FO R R E NT FUR N IS H E D R 0 OiViS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th & Chicago E 4o9 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. K-410 VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E 411 HOI'S 10 KEEPING Three or four very de sirable, partly furnished rooms, bath and gas. references required. 2126 St Maiy'l ave. E-4U MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago; steam heated; medium price; cafe In connection. K UJ FfRNir.HED and unfurnished, all parts of city. Room 3. N. Y Life. E-414 1 TWO nicely furnished front rooms; hot and cold water, electric lieht, pas. telephone, good board In vlreinltv; convenient for gentlemen. 217 P. 25th St. E M77S NICELY furnished front room. o'Hel. good location: gentleman preferred 1921 Dodge. 'Phone 8166. E M5MI THREE plensa .t partly furnished rooms, modern; can be arranged for housekeep ing. References required. 2701 Wo .lworth avo. E- 7u LARGE, pleasant front room: modern; , 'phone. im Douglas. E M52I LARGE, well furnished room. mnWti 706 S. 18th St. E Mi NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 2310 Webster. Tel. L3218. E M30 MODERN furnished rooms; best locntlon. 113 S. 20tn. 1-M DESIRABLE rooms, first-class location, walking distance. 2224 Farnam. E M964 ALL MODERN furnished room for rent T-0. 2418 Dodge St. E-MS6417x NICELY furnished room; modern; quiet, t-o o. a in ave. r. mv ix NICE, warm room; modern; 'phone. 2018 Webster. E M481 18x NICELY furnished front room: modern quiet place; gentlemen preferred. 1921 uoage. Tel. 3166. E M485 18x TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished; modern; 115. 2578 Harney. E M4S4 18 DINING ROOM and kitchen In boarding iiuuw, iurnisnea complete, isn cnicago. E M4S2 18x FOR RENT, large nicely furnished room; private family; furnace, telephone: gentle men. 2123 California st. E M4.S8 18 NICELY furnished and well kept rooms, good board, at 618 a 19th. Tel. E M504 1 HANDSOMELY furnished parlors; house keeping privileges; cheap to parties em ployed; modern. 2104 Burt St. E M521 llx NICELY furnished room, all modern. 2018 Burt st E M52 19x FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms. 20' 0 Dsv enport. E M512 23x NEWLY furnished front room, south ex posure: private family: walking dlstanoe; all modern. 2223 Douglas. E M522 18x WARM rooms and board, modern: homo cooking. 626 S. lth st. E-M528 18x NICELY furnished rooms, modern 6" S. 19th st. E M524 19X I.ARGE south front room, modem, six dol ".montn; on Harney car lino. 1211 Psrlr Wild ave. E 531 19 ROOM.- wl!h or without bosrd. private family. 2223 Burt. E M546 19x SMALL, well-furnished, steam heated room for rent; reasonable. 1623 Douglas. E M738 19 FURNISHED rooms, hot water hat. 818 N. lTth. E M734 20x BTEAM heated front room; ressv-n'e. 218 N. 23d. B-M73S W COMFORTABLE rooms on 3rd floor: suitable for men. 2X11 Douglas EV-M7M 19 x STEAM heated, well furnished rtt Far nam; flat 1 &-M787 20 NJS'IFL rurnlshed room, strictly modern; 40 S. 26th are. E M789 20x NICE warm room; very cheap WW 8. 25th v. E M740 20x NICELY furnished room for gentlemen: modern, congenial company. 2061 N. 19th. B M540 20x ROOMS wo furnish rent readily, been use thev are fum'shed In rood tatta, at very moderate prices. Terms. 2S worth tl pes week. Omaha Furniture ft Carpet Co. Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St, f E 61 18 NICELY furnished strictly modern rooms telephone. 704 S. 17th st. E 89 20x FURNISHED room to party with refer, ence. 17K Jackson. fe M768 20x CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER, SclenUflo palmist, 714 N. 23d. S-421 A WONDERFUL trial reading; the only dead trance medium lit the world; his .startling revelations ate the wonder of all: past, present and future events told correctly: send 10 cents, 2c stamp. dte of birth, own writing, to DR. JOSEPH LESTER. Box 62. Merchants Station. SL Louis, Mo. Mention this paper. 8-MSS3 17s YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clalrvoyatrts. Send blrtbdste, dime and stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollln, 490 N. C'ark St., Chicago. B 607 18x FLORISTS HESS & 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 463 CHAS. EDERER. Reasonable. SOth snd Bristol. Tel. 1796. M9J8 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Bend for price list ol cut nowera ana plants. ALFRED flNAQHUE. JR.. Iu7 Farnsm. Tel S'M LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY. Attorney, 437 Paxton. Tel. A 2633. tea JOHN M MACPARI.ANP, New York Ufs Bldg., rooms 804 and Slit. Tel. 16o2. v -461 Huntington IStratton. $a V, T. Life PERSONAL Omstia Plating Co.. 1601 Harney. TeL 2638. GOOD RESOLUTIONS are in order. Make up your mind to follow the crowd of well dressed men and have your clothes made by DHESHEk Suits 520 to 540. Trousers 6 to 510. Overcoats 525 to 550. DRESHER, 1515 Farnam St Tel. 1857. OPbN EVLNINGS. Too Busy Makin.,' Clothes to Close. GLOVES I'ickerlng, U6 South luth Street. DRAWING and p.ilntlng from U'e. "Cases Art Class, lio4 Farnam, room 4, rear PRESSORIUM VS'?- T J M41e OUR aim Is to please Chicago Laundry. LEARN right and you don't have to learn over Wisiern Harpers' Inst., 14 01 Dodge. DRESHER BROS., tailors, 1515 Farnam. Who sells candy? The Omaha Candy Kitchen LARSON A JOHNSON, cut ra'es to all points. 1408 Farnm. Tel. R21i3. . Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' Ass n. GLOVliS-I'lckerlng, 106 South 16th Street. PIIONK ?01nnd a man will call and tune your piano; U Perneld Piano Co . P.U Farnam. U 450 PRESSORIUM presses clothes. 1314 Farnam PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry. THKATRICAL maiq." costumes. LJ' bn' 1410-U Howard. U M451 UMBRELLAS I'ickerlng, luo South 10th St. VIAVI." way lo health. 300 Bee B-dg U w2 Bon-bons, Omaha Candy Kitchen, 610 N. 16th LEARN right and you don't have to learn over. Weslern Barbers' Inst., 14 & Dodge. EQUITABLE "Strongest in the World." THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact s.iythlng you do not need; we collect, repair and sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phono 4135 and wagon will call. U 611 UMBRELLAS Pickering, 106 South 16th St. OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge B'k. U 463 PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry. CALENDARS and calendar pads. Htirkley Printing Co., Omaha. U-M3.0 DS PICKERING Fine fans, 106 South llith St. WANTED, rarmers who want to make more money to wend for our pamphlet. "The One Hundred Per Cent Farmer. Correspondence Agricultural College, 443 Nebraska st., Sioux City, Ia. PICKERING Fine fans, 106 South ICth St. M A f"1N PTlf treatment ft baths. Mme. IVlALllN t 1 Smith, 11S N. 15. 2 fl. R. 2. U 360 Bon-bons, Omaha Candy Kitchen, 610 N. 16th EQUITABLE "Strongest in the World." HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Massacon cures middle-ear trouble. Aoousllcon aids the hearing as glasses do the eye. Hutchison Acoustic Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 198STM3((. PRESSORIUM preses clothes. 1324 Farnam 2d-hand machines, $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY, 'PHONE 3530. U 441 TRUSSES made snd fitted to men. women and children. 1408 Farnam St. THE H J. PENFOLD CO. vu) ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING. RUCH1NG BUTTONS Bend for price list and Samples. THK GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Block. TeL 1936 U-444 JOS. F. BILZ makes home-made stockings. TUB, vapor and alcohol hatha. 720 S. 13U). U 44a NEW and second-hand delivery wagons. A. J. SIMPSON & bON CO.. 140 Dodge. Ed'son & Victor phonographs. Neb. Cycle Co PICKERING Umbrellas, 106 South 16th St. DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who rj,uiig mom; we vemr eyo ' Classes and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam. GOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry, GET your confections at 610 North 16th. XMAS presents, sterling silver and gold headed umbrellas. Boston Umbrella Co., M B. 16th. U M9K5 MANY of our students are In business for themselves. Western Barbers' Institute. PIANO TUNING. $2. Maaon, W. R, Daibey, 2207 U-M336 18x Edison 4c Viotor phonographs. Neb. Cycle Co BILZ makes sweaters for the foot ball. WANTED, the name of every person suf fering from Indigestion or any stoma h i trouble (chronic dyspepsia preleired). ,v m flaw ageiiey lUI a nrw irmouj, a new method of curing dyspepsia, and the manufacturers want to give sou a full size 26o package free of ch.irge. Bring or send your name and addrtss to our drug store. . MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., U M400 20 PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry. OUR specialty burnt leather Cramer. Masq., theatrical costumes. Sack. 8318 8 20th U J Id GET your confections st 610 North 16th. NEW snd second-hand delivery wagons. A. J. SIMPSON & BON CO., 140S Dodge. EQUITABLE "Strongest In ths World.' GOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry. JOS. F. BILZ makes shirts. " Edison & Victor phonographs. Neb. Cycle Co WILL the person who placed "Found Ad" In Bee about ten days ago statin? that he found vent's nocketbook on Fsrnim street kindly address L 30. Bee? There was an important letter wun i nai nae not been answered yet. U- -400 17x SEE our new store Omaha Candy Kitchen. BLACK sells men's hosiery way down. OOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry. PRESSORIUM presses clothes. 1324 Farnam WOLF 8UPPI.Y CO. Furniture, easy pay. ments, installment plan. 620 No. 16th. R-&3 18 PICKERING Umbrellas, 106 South 16th St. TRY Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. U-456J-14 PERF1ELD PIANO CO.. Open evenings till 9 p. m. 1611 Farnam. U-Mul4 1$ JOS. F. BILZ makes sweaters to order. SKWIVG MACHINES rented. 7Gc a week. Neb. Cycle Co., Cur. 15th and lUrney Bta. GOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry. Edison ft Victor phonographs. Nsb. Cycle Co PERSONAL To the Deaf R. R. AND F.XmESS COMPA NIKS' KMPLOVKS. ' Can you hear the watch at twenty-seven Inches? If not. try U Mas.aion. an eiectro-nvch n Ical apparatus fnr correct!' g deafne s cf the ml lille 'nr. Fr. e ttsts. mly g"ld medal Wond's fair. 14. Hl'TCHINSON ACOI STIC CO., 618 N. Y. Life. 'Phone li99. U-693 18 WE DO all klnd9 of hurning Cramer. OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Alanul.'iclurcrs of pjste for all purpo-e.-t. itl. 2JiO Cuming. Esiabl.shed lSdS. WOLF SUPPLY CO. Furniture, easy pay ments, Installment plan. Wu No. loth. U W4 13 ADVCUTS-WHEATON, Bee Building. E(J 1'ITABLE "Strongest In the World." BLACK sells scarf pins for men. A WEALTHY and attractive maiden wants without delay, kind husbund lo relieve her of business cares. No objections to honorable, capable poor man. Address Cook, Hi Flouruoy, Cnicago. U 6,1 jfcx CRAMER, 1620Cap. ave., teaches pyrography HOW BIG IS YOUR BUST?-Dr. Conway's Bust Ji,..oidH in t lie on. ivoituy .n earth wmcu enlarges the bust 4 to 10 In' hes; no Injury, no appliances, no pol HitM; home treatment; l.i'W u ivu tan t. Sealed facts, 4c stumps. CONWAY 8PE- tiriu tu., io ieinple 'lace, Huston, mass. u bill 1SX NEW and second-hand station wagons A. J. SIMPSON & SON CU.. 14u9 Dodge. EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World.' PRESSORIUM presses clothes. 1324 Farnam WOLF SUPPLY CO. Furniture, easy pay ments, installment plan. WO No. Ititli. . U 634 18 GIRLS! OH. GIRI.S!-the tie that binds, at iei. sniri Co., 1617 Farnam. U CRAMER, 102oCap. ave., teaches pyrography YOUNG MAN wants to meet yound lady who gave him tie and suspenders at Neb. Biurt to., lull l'arnam St. U XMAS IS A GIVE-AWAY Nebraska Shirt Co., lal7 Farnam street. U LEARN Pyrography from Cramer. PICKERING Gloves, 106 South ICth St. GENEROUS PROFESSIONAL MAN. worth $50,0(10. desires deserving. Industrious wife: money no object. Address Mr. C. 67 Clark St., Chicago, 111. U 616 18x ADV. CUTS-WHEATON, Bee Building. DUNHAM & DUNHAM the $16.00 Tailors. U Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. WHY, Jos. F. Blls Is still at 322 S. 16th st. SEWING MACHINES rented, 75c a week. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. ATTRACTIVE WIDOW, very wealthy, wants, Immediately, good, honest hus band. Address Aetna. Oneonta b!dg., Chicago, 111. U 620 18x EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World." BLACK sells scarf pins for men. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per manently removed bv electricity; consul tation free and confidential; nil wo-k gonranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. , U GYLMER, scientific palmist, 715 N. 23d. HAVE BILZ malf your Christmas sweater VIAVI A wholesome, rational home trest memt. Invaluable In al' InflnmsMnn and fllsplneemente. Send for booklets. 350 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. U-2 18 Typewriters ail makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. PICKERING Gloves. 106 South 16th St. SAVE your gas: new burner; (rives twice the llp-ht. burn half the ra; fits any fix ture. Send 10c for sample. J. H Mc Danlels, 1224 Holmes St,, Kans Cltv. U-641 18x PROMPT attention. Chicago Laundry. JOS. F. BILZ has underwear for children. FINE FANS-Ptekerlng. 106 South 16th St. I GET In tn"ch with the absent customer; he fee's s llvlne Presence when he renst your GOODS SOLD bv mall. T. Bee. TTV74 is. Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. ppFiORIT'M presses clothes. 1S?4Fnmam PtTNTFI articles used every business finns Rnii home, wfotoe rorreonnndenre with nsrtv willing to take 1nteref or loan small sun to ret on rns'et. Pvifl im f""Tii. Investigate. Address T, i t,s Office. XT 648 lRx ppirqao'RTT'Tvf presses clothe 13?4Frnsm ITt'FVTnP tinusefcnld srtlc'e used erv norwe. witM e r1e''4 in eoreenrTid e Tweet with W""ifl n . 1 1 fn fnVe lte. est nr lonn fnr rtveetlwlnr (4 l"trlt tiow fnim Investigate. AiW""- T ?. Omss Pee.' TT ! 1x TviiH'r ell rnsVes rhesrv Neb. Cvrle Co TTnrrT ttent1nTi. Chlene-o T.ur1rv. QT-rr-Tvrj r t mnw ente1 "i- a ti. Veh rVr1 ro..Cnr. 18h snd F"nn' ffts! FOTTTA WT fV-'-Stronrest In ths Trnr'rt." TTteooOTTT'M presses elothex 1VM ts,rnsn, 'T!" T Toy morion rnt1n,an etl-e l!T!?ie1,hee, pltl v m frte nva m eomrnn1orsln. I ililrwi Me Coin 1714 Chestnut, room S09 Phl1adelr-- U-652 18x BLACK" sells men's hnslerv wsv down. Tvnew'1'e.rs all makes cbean. Neh. Cycle Co. M Trv"'n,, Bn(i hnnfv: .r.orrine-e di rectory free; my wen wiftri"l1- en'retv new nlan snd ronev. Add-ee T. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, e. U ?1 18x Eoultsble pcPele best protection. H. Neely. NEW BLOOD for the sick, chemical secret, sent ror i; ail dl-eate ireatea naturally. Dr. GleltHiiiann. Cero an soeciallst of nat ural healing, 682 Fullerton avenue. Chi cago. U-625 18x Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. PRESSORIUM presses clothes. 1324 Farnam OUR STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING. Pianos. $136. $ifn, is5 $2.5; easy payments accepted. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Far nam st U M519 18 SEE our new store Omaha Candy Kitchen. PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS' We will re serve the piano and ile Iver Christmas morning; easy terms Store ocen t il 9 p m every even'ng. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam sr. Store open evm g. U M517 18 EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World." PPWIVG MACHINES rented, TKee week. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney Sis. ST ATUA RY Remeneier that the only place In Omaha to get It is Qounella Rro . M12J Fernum st, U MU7 20 PERSONAL YES, ou can got notions at Jos. F. Bils. IF TOU 8MOKE a p pe rend &c fur sample package of pure (ouacto; not c.gaiete goods, but full, rich flavor of natural rear. RYAN-HAMPTON TOBACCO CO.. Newburgh. Ind. U 4U3 Ul GO TO 1S30 CAPITOL AVE. for the Xmas presents that will please Cramer. PRESSORIUM presses clothe. 1324 Farnam Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. READINGS. n.OO-Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. A RESPECTABLE mnn can secure s lnrgs sum cash hy marrying a pretty helres. Aildress Dr. Curran, 1JIJ Wabash. Chi cago. U j0 lSx OUR aim Is to please Chicago Laundry. SEWING MACHINES rented, T5e s week. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. loth and Hartley bts. any three firms In Omaha. SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylnier, 716 N. 23d. BEAUTIFUL square pianos and usod or gans, suitable ror beginners, imiuoing vose. Knalie, Kimliall nnil other makes 13. tJ. $.5 ami up; or $.1 monthly. Schmolkr He Mueller, 1313 Farnam st U 731 18 READINGS, 11.00-Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. Wlliva ..mi tailor? It sVioi.1,1 t,e llreslier. CULTURED gentleman. 32. holding good position, would be pleased to con esjio ia or meet witn vounu. arreoti naie. i ieny woman of means: liitte.- perhaps unneces sary. Address u Zi. Bee. OUR slm Is to please Chicago Laundry. CAUTION. beware of bogus. Instruments offered as genuine Stelnway pianos. A complete stock of new Stelnway pianos at lowest prices can be found at Schmoller Mueller's. They are the only author ized Stelnway agents In Omaha and tributary territories. Wareroonis, 1313 Farnam St. U-729 18 Edison & Victor phonographs. Neb. Cycle Co SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. ADV. CUTS-WH EATON, Bee Building. l'KESSOKi I'M presses clotlu-o. 1314 Farnam Everyone gi.es to Dunham's for clothes u RUBBER tiring a specialty. A. J. SIMP SON & SON CO., 14UI Dodge. NO SWEAT-SHOP goods at Dunham's. U THE latest patterns nt Dunham's. U CARRIAGE and wagon repairs, painting nnd trimming; estimates given. A. J. SIMPSON & SON CO., 14 Dodge. SEWING MACHINES rented. 75c a week. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney S.s. WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresher. READINGS, $1.00-Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. OUR aim Is to please Chicago Laundry. I HAVE In my possession as administrator a considerable am unt of money belong ing to the heirs of each of the following persons killed In a railroad wreck at Rhodes. Ia., August 6, 1SW2; John Allen, Michael Dovle, Frank Ray, Thomas Casey, Pntrlck Sullvnn. Michael Flynn and L. Bingham. Heirs can have the s-ime bv proving up claims. Don Barnes, Cedar Rapids, la. U 6S2 18 DRESHER BROS, make more clothes than OUR aim Is to please Chicago Laundry. Edison & Victor phonographs. Neb. Cycle Co SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylmer. 716 N. 23d. RUBBER tiring a specialty. A. J. SIMP SON A SON CO., 141.3 Dodge. BUSINESS CHANCES JOS. F. BILZ that Is the yarn store. FOR SALE Grain elevator, lumber yard, coal and live slock business, in eastern Nebraska, county seat town, with excel lent territory, doing a large and profit able business; $35.io0 to $40,uO0, according to Invoice. This will bear the. closest In vestigation. Address J 10. care Bee. Y 100 LOTS FREE Applicants sending stamps will receive deed of lot, -oxluu feet. Suburb, New York. 20th Century Realty Co., tf Wall street, New York. Y JOS. F. BILZ sells ladles' furnishings. YOU can never profit by business chances unless you nave some money; smaii sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. L. Brar.dels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas Sts. Assets over $400,000.00. Y- FOR BALD AND EXCHANGE. These are a few of our special bargains for sale: A well located blacksmith shop, tools and fixtures; a snap at $4uo.o0. Fine large 24-room hotel; only one in town, doing good business, $4,ouo,00. A nice, clean oonfectlonery stock, and a money maker, at Invoice price. A No. 1 stock hardware u-nd doing good business; only one other In town of 7oo; Invoice about $5.0u0; this is a snap. A well improved farm of 120 acres, 1 miles from town, at .; this Is a line farm, lays nice and level and the best of soli. A good 200-acre fairly well Improved farm, 2Va miles from good town of 1,100, and a bargain at $47.5o per acre. This property is all in Cuming county, Neb., and all first-class. For bargains, phone, wire, write or see i. v. j-ieming. Bemer, Neo. Y 686 Is Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. FUR SALE Natural gas plant In good business town; large mommy income; eveiy tning complete; will sell all or half intciest. Lock Box 732, Wichita, Kan. Mx GOLDF1ELD SWORN TO. Rex owns lau acres, uigfciiig and getting GOLD. Owns assay untie. riciures, sworn statements tree. (Juldtleld Rex Co., ooti iiuck, uenver, Colo. v 5o2 lsx BILZ makes stockings like mother used to make. Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. "NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS." OTHERS ARE MAKING MONEi. WHY NOT YOU? $100.00 lnvodieu uy our "conservative plan" in slocks, grain or cotton, should make $l,oou.uo prom in a moutn. Write for par ticulars and market letter. Mailed tree. V. A. LANE Hi CO, Banners uud Brokers, Keystone liidg., i'illsuui'g, l'a. Y-6SS 18X Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. CORPORATION whose products are han dled by leading wholesale and retail deal ers, want competent man to tune man agement of blanch olllce, salary $-.500 per annum aud commission; energeiic man should earn Pj.coj per aniim; must In vest from $1,000 to $5,000 In siuck of com pany; unquesllonuble references as to ability and Integrity required. Address Box i.36. Mudison, Wis. Y itfii lax Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co FOR SALE OR RENT, well located res- l"hJ)!L Wner.rnr",!i:Si ! ulcus L4 Main st.i Fremont, Neb. YSSi 18x Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co RPKXn the winter In Cuba: money making prepositions awaiting northern energy and a lilt money. ' Ron ml trip tickets, $77.60, good to June 1st, 1906. , Cattle raising nets 38 to 66 per cent; fruit ; and vegetables make grower's wealthy. October to May produces best garden l truck. Richest land In the world. C. R. Olover & Son. main floor N. Y. Life, . Omaha, 'phone 33. Y 7G8 RARE business opportunity: I want man to ioln me In pleasant and profitable manu facturing business that pays big; goods staple; man must be honest and sober; $R00 renulred: no risks; references ex changed. Call sin- Myers, iter ursna ho'.el. Y 768 18 Machines; all make, repairs Neb. Cycled LUMBER AND COAL The only business of the kind ood ton. Neimha: county, Neb.; business value $8,unu, real I estate $?v; volume of annual business , $.M.(iuO; tlds Is a tine opening. 1 'j. H. JOHNSON. N. Y. LIFE. 1 x o is FURNISHED ROOMINO HOUSE 9 to rooms; completely equipped; well lo cated: paving business; furniture for sale on rtaJK'nable terms. J. 11. JOHNSON, N. Y. LIFE Y-760 U PUEdSORlUM prsesee clothes. 1334 Farnam BUSINESS CHANCES THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. First Nat. Bank Bids. 'Phoned)?. O.naha, Neb. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHANCES AND INVESTMENTS Old established Omaha business for U.W; ' three of them steam heated. All worth In Clearing over ll"0 per month. Invoice more i vestlgatlng. than price a?ked. Do nnl buy a rooming or boarding hou I without seeing us. We have some good tWO for a good little saloon on North IRth ; places. street. Kent, sales, location, etc., make tnis very desirable. Investigate. Best restaurant In town of 2. nnn central Nebraska or $0. Dulng a good business, i but profits not enough for two families. Il.mn Omaha mantifacturlng concern, making good money. Duly snil to Omalri , whobsHlers r.t lliis lime. Buslriss can he ! largely Increased at once. Tills l a snap l?.5n lo $l.ft Int. with tnnnngenient. In Om.'ih.l. $10100 grocery. Business last year about $sc,c(. Want experienced man. llrtftiiO to $12.0(i hardware stork In N. brak t town of fl.'o. liuxlnes." established over 25 ytars. Pest location and business In town. III take out slock to suit pur chaser, or will give time on part. $?n0 for. h;ilf Interest In law library and oflice fixtures of n reil estate and instir- Slice piislnes that earned Jl;,!") list year. ronn of s.io near tjmaha. Owenr wants ' Anslsi tncA of (tiirlnar i " ""'"- o n ,oo "'" " l" r.3Vc,,. .vuinnnj land of about same value. Splendid grocery store. Invoicing about I1., cnly small amount In fixtures. Low expenses and good business. An ex- ceptlonal opportunity. Also best grocery In South Omaha for about $3,000, few fix tures; large business. tl.600 for best millinery store In town of lo.OW. Business runs about $6,000 annually. Also leading place In weslern Iowa town of 4.0(10 for about $7m. Also one In central Nebraska town of 3.000 for $600. These are all good. Rooming and boarding houses, furniture for sle: 10 room, close In on Farnam, $4i1, cn time; 7-room. 16th and Jack son, $.j0. and worth Jkjo, snap; 10 room1 I close In on Capitol nve., firt); ,-room, near lorium. on nowara St., tor xji; i i. So. jctli St.. for IToo: 14-room. So. 17;h St., close In, for t 0; 11 rooms, on Fnr nim st., close In, for $750; elegant place on Dodtre ?!10 on time, this Is a good money maker: 7-room. close in, on No. IS'tn. new, $K0. low rent; Hi rooms, close In. on SJih. St., for $l,l'W; five places on Douglas, THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. HEMP. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. MOST pioiitabie crop grown. Great fortunes In Its culture. A paving Invest ment for you and your family for life. H.ut'.raU'd nouitl -t I .. AhbaY . i E.tl f 1'I.ANATION CO., Ltb-a-spl, Philippine Island.-. , Y 017 lSx "GUIDE TO SUCCESS." GIVES complete Information as to what your money should earn. Our patrons a:e having big profits remitted to them weekly. Sent free with market letter. Tue Logan Roach Co. (inc.), -76 I. a ir'alle St., Chicago. Y 606 tX FOR SALE Wagon nnd burry repair shop, with property, on one of the bet streets in Clilc.igo; can clear $2."mi a year prollts: a bargain at $G,00. Miller & Co., 6n7. 167 Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. Y 56a lSx BEAUTIFUL neckwear, suspenders and hosiery Neb. Shirt Co., 1617 Farnam St. Y CAN manage your road salesmen by mall; ENCOURAGE and Inspire them to SUC CESS; beginners need such assistance, as I can give. Address O lit, Bee. Y-M746 18 EXPERIENCED mall correspondent cre ates desire for goods letter mentions. L 35, Bee. Y M741 1 FOR SALE, S-chalr barber shop; county seat; $500 cash will buy It. Address O 18, Bee. Y M716 lSx INVEST In a wonderful money making Improvement; ground floor opportunities for Investors to duplicate Bell telephone, Westlnghouse. etc., success; particulars free. Frederick Kunnecke, Room 1201, 108 Fulton St., New York. Y-6L6 18x PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, TRADE MARKS, promptly secured at extremely reasonable rates; legal advice by mall free: letters promptly answered. Ben Jamln F. Adams, Patent Attorney, Atlan tic Biag., Washington, u. c. x t-' isx ACTIVE MAN with $500 to Join advertiser In developing legitimate enterprise; in vestment secured; quick returns; big profits. References required. American Mfg. ft Supply Co., Chicago. Y 638 18x PRESSORIUM presses clothe 1324 Farnam FOR SALE Indiana oil stock, paying divi dend monthly; six wells, 600 barrels dally; 900 acres at ground-floor price; will double soon. Woodbury, 614 Monadnock bldg., Chicago. Y-637 18x AN INCOME FOR THE FAMILY Divi dends that will please you. Address In ternational Lumber & Development Co, (assets $13,000,000), Odd Fellows bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Y-633 18x 11-ROOM rooming house close in, well fur nished, rent nne. location; price, tnv. COMPTON-WATTS CO., 636 PAXTON BK. X Oil 15 PRESSORIUM presses clothes. 1324 Farnam 7-ROOM flat fully modern, down town, well rurnlshed, rent .; price, .ci. COMPTON-WATTS CO., 636 PAXTON BK. XOit 19 A FEW good men to take hilf Interest 'n a good paying mis'ness. jaii nasemeni, 623 N. 16th st. Hours, 8 to 4 dall". X Mius PRESSORIUM presses clothes. 1324 Farnam IF YOTT want half Interest In a good psy- Ing business call Sunday, Das-me"T tzj N. lth st. Hours, 9 to 4. Y 707 18 IF YOU wish to buy or sell sny legitimate business, stocks, bonds, reil estate, rarms, or wish to ret a nartner. city or coun- trv. It will be to your Interest to call or address us; we make a specialty of se- cu'lng ycur wants qulciy; can rumtsn you references of hundred of snt'Sed customers. Kaats Co., 716 Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. Y-694 18x 2d-h!Vnd machines. $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co PRESSORIUM presses clothes 1324 Farnam I TOLD you lsst week I needed $KO0 to put on a dividend psvlng bnsle ths best poor man's mine I had ever seen In my 18 years' experience; I have already recelvel remittances for over $500 and doubtless more Is on the way; I hsve answered fully every Inquiry and given every de tail asked for. If you have not alreidv written me better do so. I'll make you monev and It will be a bl help to me. too. Frank Thom". New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn Y 696 18x 2d-hand machines, $6 up. Neb. Cycle Co. PRBSSORIUM-presse. doth 1324 Farnam HARNESS shop fur sale, thirty miles due west of Lm oln; rich community; three elevators, in-., slock, $60J; rent, $5.00 per month. Address L. L Fisher. Tsinura, Neb. Y-657 l.x Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co - id-hand machines, $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. YOUNG man having two years' experience In savin bank wants to engage with good country bank sfier Jan. 1; can In vest $!.&. and lumish good r-. Terences. Address O 8, Bee. Y 653 lhx JOS. F. BILZ sells yarns. VALUABLE HORSE BOOK FR EE -It lulls all about lameness and how to locate It. Write for It. VEK. DEPT. PI A 1. Mil CHEMICAL CO., Troy, N. Y. P-tlls lax , , .,.. PRESSORIUM presses clothes. UlFamam HAHDWAR B f von have sood Income property or lm proved farm at right value let me ha-, s full particulars; perhaps we cun do bjsi ness. J. H. JOHNSON. N. Y. LIFE Y-761 18 DRUG STOCKS Several In city and live country towns; good business; clean and up to date; $2,500 to $."; cash nr gool Improved farm land con lbrei; desc-tbe your property fully first litter; I'll give It prompt attention. J. II. JOHNSON. N. Y. LIFE Y-703 18 Id-band maclilnss, $6 up. Nsb. Cycle Co. BUSINESS CHANCES Fn.ip In s arber shop. g'Kd western Iowa town, for I'"". Ever thing complete and best trade In town. WE HAVE ON OUR LIST OLD KSTAB I.ISIIKK OMAHA BUSINESSES UP TO SEE I S BEFOKU BL1N(1. WU CAN SLIT YUU. B.-t suburban cigar and confectionery we have ever listed. Invoice about Price, $4im). will clear over tX) per month. New '7.nnn clothing stock, town of 2..V.A Trade for land. Have you land to trade for s buslnessT Write or see us. We can match your trades. Undertaker and embalmer with $3,000 ran secure sn Interest in spienaiu uusinese. ; Write for full particulars. 4"0 bevs onlv steam laundry In town of s.o. cosn over 3.(i0 and nearly new. Giaid business. Time on part. Dnmlv Jewelry business for Stout $l,40flk Western lowi town. Money maker. Brick building, '.,00 and $16,009 geo. mdse stock, good Illinois town. Business over .;.wo annually Trade for land. lidl'.g Hardware business tn town of 3fvV central Nebraska. Fixture) cost $2,000. Dlsc.iunt stJck 16 i-er cent for caslj. Invoice about $10,000 In all. Bear oloseol investigation. $500 buys Omaha buslress clearing; $78 tS) $1ik) per month. Easy work. Down Iowa location. Old established Omaha shoe) business Invoice about $;'0,000. Best reason for mU lug. $3,500 to $4 nno for business clearing aboit, $'J,500 annually. Very desirable. Have you anything to sell? IJst It with us. Do you wish to buy anything? See us. Our htiMness Is Ilia largest of its kind in tho west. -T WHEN you want to buy, sett or exchange Jour prtperty ur business quick, see J. 1L uhnsuii, S13 N. Y. Lite. Phone L2.'70. V 4u2 ATTORNEYS, everywhere. If you have ait uccount, note or claim of any kind i,gainst person, tirni or corporation we cin toti it for you. THE NEW g.NOW-i'li'L'HCH CO., Main Flour N. Y. Life. Phone si. Y -hit ABBOTT.COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of business. Y 406 SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO.. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel -S. Y 407 IF Y'OU wish to buy or sell any legitimate business, stocks, bonds, real -siale, or wish to get a partner, city or country, call or address the Western Home Associa tion, 310 McCague Bldg. Y M962 NEWSPAPER for snlf; good Missouri town of 1.000; no opposition; fine opening. Ads dress K30, care Bee. Y ML4 FOR SALE Good clean stock of general merchandise; Invoice $6.6nO; yearly busi ness, $.!; located In town of 600 In central Iowa; light expense olid cnmpetU tlon; good chance for business; trade es tablished; cash only. Address K 31, Bee Y M136 ' USE Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonle Y-465-J-1 YOUNG MAN wanted to Invest eight hun dred dollars; capable of taking charge ot office. AddreBS L 38, Bee. Y M470 17x ADVERTISERS SEEKING OUT OF TOWN BUSINESS And large returns should use this special Metropolitan iist, with a combined cir culation of 1,750.000 each Sunday. For $19 we will Inserst, one time, a J word classi fied ad In the following 26 Sunday papers! 1 Chicago Trllmn. 13 AtUnU Constitution. I St. Louis Pont-Dls- 14 New urletos Picayune, pitch. 16 8an Antonio Exurvse. 4-Kuiui City Sur. 16 Dallas Naws. 4 Omaha Be. 17 hlttaburs Press. 5 Milwaukee Sentinel. 11 Buffalo Times. Mliintaiiella Times. tf Cincinnati JCuqulrer. f Detroit Free Prose. 20 Cleveland Flalndealer, I Indianapolis Sentinel. SI Columbus Dispatch. prove Insertion of ad In e&ch paper. Ad vertising piact-d in all newspapers and magazines everywhere. Our Advertiser's Pocket Guide FREE. GUENTHER-HRAD-FOKD & CO.. (Established Uoa). luO Ran dolph St., Chicago, 111. Y PRESSORIUM presses clothes. 1324 Farnam BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ' ALL our clients are making money. Ao- counts can le wltnarawn on demand. Profits remitted weekly If desired. Book let explains. Mercantile and tinunolal re ferences furnished on request. Leslie, Morris & Co., Incorporated, The Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. Y 612 lax GOODS sold through mall. Hundreds buy If approached correctly. Address L 36. Bee. Y-M47S DO YOU want to buy, sell, rent or ex change your property or business, borrow" money quick? Sea Compton-Watts Co., 636 Paxton block. Y Mj27 2d-hand machines, $6 up. Neb. Cycle Co. YOUNG MAN wishes to Invest eight hun dred dollars; capable of taking elm rare ot office. Address L 38, Bee. V Mli33 1X PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEB RB. TL'KISfcilJ. BCTia niuuei ur SReiuu lur trvej opinion as to patentability, bend for Illus trated Guide Book. Contains 100 median have to sell ana give casn lm k o bii a nave to ti TON, wu,,ti: jr., Heal Entste Specliilst. 418 Y Kansas Ave., Tuptka, Kan, T STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN Cm D fooling your money sway t Ol Ul wasteful speoulutioiis and has aiuous si. ii.,ii . I rrw for safety, first; sure and rea HJVJr gonubly large protlts, second; and accessibility of your capital, third. I ICTCW to this tal inent of facts. For LI 9 1 Ell many years Investors In cot ton have been paid every month large and profits earned safely by the "Storey Method." Never a do'lnr lost. Capital al ways subject to wuhurawai subject to 1 .- 01 counsel. 0,, , Send fur "As others See Us. Mailed fr STOREY COTTON CO., buu aourao Bldg., Pulla Y-687 18x Ie()R SALE OK EXCIIAN'IE-Elegunt hotel property; nwnierti 2-siury -frame and bil -k. room; lot 132..lt); iinpr-ive-ments; line condition ; located S. W. la.; flux town; only hot. 1 of cunUm there; lease t monihly; reliable ten ant. Thl properly fur $13,uw csii or guod linpio.eil I1111I. J. 11. JOHNSON, N. Y. LIFE. Y-761 18 CASH for your real estate or bu-bie s. no matter where located. If you ileMire a gi.ii-k siiis tend us a descr ptlon und price. North w -stern Busln ss Agency, l 812 Bank or Commerce Bu.ldli.g, Mlu. nsapolis, Minn. td-hand machines, $6 up. Neb. Cycle Co. GENERAL mercbandlne slocks wanted; will pay spol cash for good, i lean slocks of general niercliH mlise invoicing $6,000 up ' to IL'0,000. MluUeU et i'augUt, Wooi Klver, JS si I- I"AIN AND SELL PATENTS, etc PAT. EM'S advertlned for sale at our expense, I -y."- v,t z ;r. wJsbi ;,.r. n n k . 1 PAH SELI, your UUllllBJ ur leal ritaie, no matter where located. Properties an business of all kinds sold quickly f.T fash In all pana of the I'nited Biale?; don't wall" write today, describing what you i, V'al'' ,f f-?" "