rnn omatta daily pee: Saturday. December 17. ido4. If u f See Santa J Caus Palace L IP STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS EIL HOLIDAY SAL EXTRA-Christmas Ms of kid gUn-cs that made of the finest quality lamb skinall the Urttfi and smartest shades for street and dress rear regular $1.00 and tl.tS qual ity, Saturday special for, per pair Highest Orsde Kid Oloves Perrlns, Monarchs, Dents, Reyniers, etj. including the new silk lined mooha irlove these are the very highest f f Cefl SO grade kid gloves made, I-I-Jlll- Z at, pair M Wt give toncy glovt boxtt fret w ith purchase. All Wool Golf Oloves The warmest and most sensible jfloves for Winter wear in plain and fancy Scotch p 1f mixed effecti in all sizes for ladies', misses' and TmA.Tm'm l children, at, pair Christmas Handkerchiefs Ladles' Handsomely Embroidered Handkerchiefs scalloped edge, revered, etc., 1 lft,f C scores of pretty holiday patterns U2VIUl lvls Ladles' Embroidered All Linen Handkerchiefs in the . most charming styles, every one C CO daintily made and worth up to tl J'J'JUt Ladles' All Unen Initial Handkerchiefs In elaborate Ideas as well as the neat, dalntle- effects scores of the mosi attractive ff 1 CA TC styles, at IIC-IJC-AJC flea's Plain Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs These are the large size all sheer linen handkerchiefs, that are worth up to 3)o la the f C y ti regular way Saturday, at lJC-iJ Hso s All Silk Initial Handkerchiefs -make splendid C J,Op AQn presents for any man exceptionally flne quality JC"T'rC"0C fllsser and Children's Handker chiefs -In fancy boxes lots of new styles, at, box 85c, 15c and 25c Ladies9 Beautiful 'No more delightful C'hrUtmaB gift could be imagined. These fine silk hose are in plain Rembrant ribbed and silk embroidered also many alUover lace effects the most elegant designs all silk hosiery selling at remark' able prices Saturday pair, 98c-l.75-l.98-2.75-3.50 LADIES' AND MEN'S PLAIN AND FANCY COLORED BORDER HANDKERCHIEFS They t make pretty and inexpensive presents kJp2'C'P C Pretty Christmas Ribbons All kinds of ribbons for Christmas decoration and holiday wear the newest and' most charming effects In plain and figured ribbon of all widths. Special prices for Saturday In our great ribbon department. CALLING CARDS MAKE SPLENDID GIFTS 100 of them In any tyya for 39c Card Case Fres. Tho Fashionable Craze Wooden Calling Cards 50 for 49c. IN THE ARCADE. Engraved Olsssware The pretty Ruby and Emerald Glassware a hand some assortment: Your name engraved free while you wait. - LUWj ON SALE AT BRANDEIS SATURDAY Louisa M. Alcott's BooksLittle Men, Little Women, JoVBoys, Eight Cousins. Rose in Bloom, Under "y l"k the Lilacs, Jack and Jill complete editions, n published by Little. Brown & Co Sat'd'y, vol C classic literature the books are printed on extra fine white woven paper, beautifully bound in cloth with f C medallion covers special, nt, each J aUC Young Peoples' Cloth Library Alice in Wonderland, Anderson's Fairy Tales, Little Lame Prince,, Black Beauty, Child's Life of Christ, Fables of Aesop, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Grandfather's Chair, Gulliver's Travels, The Presidents of the United States, and 50 other titles books have covered covers, fully illustrated, f C and a special bargain at. v UC Complete Story of R.obinson Crusoe A book 3 in. l0 thick,, worth 75c, special at, each JjF mm VISIT TOYLAND EHS Kuhn's Glycerole of Roses FOB SALE AT KUHN'8 DRUO GRAND ISLAND ROUTE DOUBLB DAILT SERVICE, with now 80-foot Acetylene Qua lighted Pullman Chair Cars (seata free) on night train and Y ullman hlgh-toark aeat Coaches on day tralna. between Kansas City and t. Jseih, Mo.; Hiawatha, Seneca, MaryavUla, Run., Fairbury, FairAeld. Haatinaa and Grand laland. Neb. Connections mad at Kansas and Wtat. , City At Grand laland direct connections are made with Union Paclflo taat Iraina tor California, and tbo Faclrto Northwest. . Snn nnQIT . iVlt HUOl If Boston gTDjjg ncfDo Kid Oloves at 75c a Pslr-.Fme nto are nicely adapted for gifts. They art 75c Ladles' and Hen's Hankerchlefs Neatly hemstitched, also all linen, many are initialed, In fancy box, at box 49c, 59c, 98c and 1.50 Silk Hosiery IMS BOOKS The Famous Elsie Books By Mar tha Finley a complete list of , CQ0 titles, special at, volume .ZJC The Piny of Little Men and Little Women By Louisa M. Alcott, extra special, at, each sSJC TllE CAMBRIDGE CLASSICS A series of over 300 titles of the world's VISIT TOYLAND 8TORO. UTH AND DOUGLAS. for all polnU Eumt, Bouth general pass, agent. ST. JOSEPH, MISSIOURI NOW GH SALE AT Sell Everywliero for $15.00 18.50 Useful Xmas Presents Fancy Suspenders, 25c, 45c, 75c, $1.09 ..FANCY VESTS. . 95c, $1.50, $2.00. $2.50 uarantee Company, 1519 AND 1521 DOUGLAS STREET. 9 zj o Saturday Great Sale of Xmas Waists and Skirts Especially selected for Holiday Tra.de by our New York resident buyer. Enormous Sale Saturday of Pattern Hats to $25, choice..., $5.00 16-lbs. Leaf Lard, $1.00 The reason we sell so cheap is because we buy in such large quantities that we get a close price and give you the benefit; Nothing sold at this market but first class.: Pork Boast 6c Pork Chops 7c Spare Ribs -. 5c Round Steak best, 3- lbs 23c Choice Rib Roast 10c and 8c ' Pot Roast 7c and 5c Boilng Beef 3Jc Lamb Roast 6c Lamb Stew 4 c Best Kettle Rendered Leaf Lard, 3 lbs 25c , Picnic Hams 6c Regular Hams 10 c Rex Bacon 12c Other Brands Choice Bacon ..lOJc Best Butterine 10c Special rates to boarding: houses and restaurants. flCPlTDAI ElADIfCTC lta and Capitol Avenue. Tel. 1796 UCif I II AL LlAllillL I Of 16th and Harney Streets. Tel. 2899 I -UinM. uii.nni.arfn, iiilli I - - r.m ,. ,J ' Importers of Western Distributors niflM filling Reichenbenr-Smith Co. UlnmUilUO Wholesale Jewelers (L--est In ths Waat.) litis. Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry. Etc. n nuDiOTnnnc H uiimu i mnu PRESENT A It will make no dlfffrenca how beautiful your ChrlMmaa tree will be and how roally the prem'iita you will roi ivo, our I hrl.-t-maa will not be ctimplote. thrre will be something- lacking unl.aa ou have a Polar. Ilia moat beautiful Uaae Hurnef mude In your house. Sd.uu down drllvira It complt t. Triuie off your dirty eo't ci atove and buy a Bolar Buae Kurner and ohear up your borne and family. Tho Stoefzol Stovo Co., 714 S. 16th it. mmm ' if Overcoats -OUR Belt Compare favorable with what ycu pay elsewhere $18.00 for. ...NECKWEAR... 25c, 45C and 75c. Clothin r -i "Lhnstmas Shoes dLivd Slippers! Handsome allppera for men In many siyJei and all aizea, from $1.00 to 13.00. Beautiful kid and patent leather party slippers for young; ladles, $1.50, Z. (2.60 and up. Men's dreas shoes. In patent kid or latent calf, button or laoa, perfect lining laats and correct styles, 13.50, . 00 and 6.00 Pretty new styles In ladles' fur rimmed Rumeoa," COO, 11.60 and 12.00. Misses' and children's fur-trimmed Romaoa, different colors, $100. Plain felt slippers, warm add com fcrtable, $1.00 . Boys' slippers, mads like men's, 11.00. Women's atyllsh patent kid drta. ahoes on the new and fashionable I lasts, 3. and 15.00. $10 ws" i . FRY SHOE ca 1 s " THE moA beautiful and inter eiting of all the Chriitmat periodicals is the great Christmas Metropolitan in which you will find stirring sto ries and articles by Thomas Nelson Page, W. A. Fraser, E. S. Martin, JoelChandlerHarris, Richard Le Gallienne, Charles G. D. Roberts, Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison Rhodes, and many others. The ISO illustrations, intwo.threeand four colors, are by Gucrin, Rhead, Clay, Bull, Conde, Penfield, Par rish, and Haskell, and repro ductions from many photographs. THIS Xmas issue is filled with good reading and fine pic tures; it is a delight from cover to cover; it is a worthy Christmas gift in itself and is now on sale everywhere for 15 cents a copy. FOR the entertainment of the whole family there is no bet ter magazine published than The Metropolitan. THE following special offer is presented in the interests of those who wish to send to a friend a gift and at the same time receive four free holiday gifts for themselves:- Cot oof this Coopoit CHRISTMAS PRESENT COUPON TO anv one tending as immedi 1 ately $ 1 .80 (and this coupon) we will send free ot coft GIFT 1 A superb portfolio, stamped in gilt, and containing photo-ftudiei of beautiful wo men, models, and players. GIFT 2 A fac-simile water color, ready for framing, show - ft t ing tne sky-scrapers ot iNew York as seen at twilight an exquisite work of art UIC 1 3 An art booklet, in brown covers, stamped in gold, and containing sixteen full-page portraits of well-known society beauties printed on plate paper. GIFT- 4 Copies of the Novem ber and December (Christmas issues "of The Metropolitan, in cluding all the color insert il- a lustrations. J These four gifts can be sen! to the re' nutter ot the SI. 80. H The two gifts below esa be sent to tne remitter trie do. q If you prefer, we will send ALL SIX direct to you. GIFT 5 A full year's subscrip tion to The Metropolitan, com mencing with the January, 1 905, number. GIFT 6 A beautiful subscrip tion certificate to be sent to the recipient of the magazine - and bearing the same of the sender. LL of the above for the price of the magazine alone $ 1 .80. Have The Metropolitan sent for a year to your friend, together with the illuminated subscription certifi cate, and have the "Portfolio of Beau'y," the book of American So ciety Types, the fac-simile water color and the November and De cember issues of the magazine all sent to your own address. This offer is only good for one month from date. Mention this paper, and send us this Coupon. The Metropolitan Magazine, a West 29tb St.. New York. What Shall tho Children Have for Christmas? ' A blackboard. A desk like papa ha?. - AH kinds of kindergarten materials. All these can be bought very cheap and good at the Omaha School Supply Co,, 1621 Howard Street. ,- H. L RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S. CITY VKTEHItAHIAM. ORloa and Infirmary, nth and Maaon 8a OMAHA. H&ti, Telephone US. WE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS TILL Christmas BUYDEK THD RBMABLB STORE. HOLIDAY CLOTHING SPECIALS I ff7 M Stilly mmmmm Copyright I 904' bj Hart Schaffner W Marx IHIAYDEN BROS, Would you see how the world was made? Visit Grand Canyon of Arizona r""gL-.-Ji:" m MM All the Way. An IDEAL WATERMAN PEN makes ari excellent gift. HENRY. ,Hned do"1, eXT 1607 Farnam St. laTaliirtlJnaifllKi Florida Oranges The aupply of Florida Orangt ia about exhausted, owing t the extraordinary foreign Uc mand for thla fruit. It Is needless to dwell upoi the superiority of this fruit 'In point of flavor and juiciness, a: they exoel the products of th world. Saturday 'we will, sell th choicest, brightest, sweetest ant juiciest FLORIDA ORANGES which usually retail everywhere at 35o per dozen, at ' l8CPerDoz. t-t Fresh Dressed Chicken, tic per lb ,v I Fresh Dressed Oeese. 11c 1 per lb 1IW Fresh Dressed Ducks, 12c per lb Pork Loins, ' flr per lb "2 Pork Butts fic rr lh r - Spare Ribs, per lb.. 5c Sommer Bros. Exponents of Good Living 28th and .Farnam Sts. Telephones 736, 1329. sJ UMBRELLA SALE Sterling Silver and Cold Headed Umbrellas, worlh up to $20.00. Special Sale Saturday Other good Umbrellas 39c to $2. Boston Umbrella Co., ooa Soeta ltk street. VK1VTH Jl.Oti! IM. Um to p.m. th. Ssurva, MIbS R4- ot Sl.ta Wrltlnf. Etc Writ, tod.r. I'll Ull 0 " "' J' 'IB "V"1 '!' r. I n. on. aU(Wbeelar BUeet. Fort Worth Tsxas. DM2 WE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS TILL Christmas A So7 or Overcoat Is a Accept able Gift To Young and Old Alike. lira's hakt tahjohkd btttr. rllre yon trora worry as to Kanhlon, Faiiiia or fit. Thry bear tbe Ilart. 8chaA nrr & Marx label, which la a iraarantM of exoellnnco wheravr found. No mattaS bow much you'TO ahoppod around you'U rradlly mcosnUe these as tho very beat Tallies you'Te seen at the price. They come tn doable or Klagls hroaated. In all the now shadaa of brown. grT mixture, neat tripes, plaida and plain colors, and are wurth from CS.00 to ISlOO special H:....12.50-$15 KEN'S FINE OVERCOATS Lon oC medium length, loose or medium backs, with or without belt, in fancy mlzturea, rial da, Oxford CJrajra and plain blacks, all hand tailored, with splendid llainxs and trimming Uach ooat bears 11. a. AL. laeL m blrh inuLra-nteM the atyle and quaJHT aDd wurch from UlLyt to 1100 .Clilri...12. 50 and $15 HOTS' DOUBLK BILhLAJJTKD 8CIT3 Af t to IS Tears, all ahades and , i..:.':. 15 to 0.5(3 BOTST THREE PIECE StTT-ainewnti aa-ra t to 16 years, all colors - Cfl regular 16 values, and CH1IJ S KCSSIAN HLOUSB 8UIT9-Wlth detachable linen coloars, aea 1 to S yrars all shades, regular lb valuoa, 3 g BOT8' OVERCOATS Ages t to 14 years, lone: and medium length, plain and fanry mixed colors, - O QQ at 15.00, 3.60 and t.tJ TOUTH'S OVERCOATS, in all the new Styles and shade, worth ftl.OO tn f6.no more than the price we ask, S special, at $10.00, 17.60, $6.60 and... O- VIU BOY'S REEFERS, with hlfsh storm oollars. at 3.W, $2.60 and LVO .-l TT Deep down in the earth 70a go for more than a mile President EooBevelt says, every American should see it . New 1260,000 Grand Canyon hotel, "El Torar, open January 1, 1905. E. 1m PALMER Pass. A?t. 400 Equitable Bid?., Des Moines, la, I SCHOOL I Your Boy la probably aa hard on hla shoes as Mr. Hmlth's boy, for mot boys are alike when It cornea to shoes. Mr. Bmlth's boy has beon wearing our $1.60 shoe now for six yeara and Mr. Bmlth and the boy both tell us that they beat any shoe for wear thnt tliey can get. The shoes we sell Mr. Bmlth are no better than the onea you ran get, for all our $1.60 shoe are alike In quality. We guarantee a perfect fit and sat isfaction, if we don't give it to you we give your money back. Drexel Shoa Co. 1419 FARNAU STREET, Omaha's' Up-to-Oata Sboi Huts ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. fT. unrmninii nun i HWkWJVIHII Stllk SUNBURST PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A ttPkCIALTY. Bend for Price List and Samples. Goldman Pleating Co. as) Douglas Block. Opp. Harden lirue. Omaha, Neb. St lLl 1 1 7 - rs , IWf4r 9 ! i