r IS THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1904. X. GRAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKET Sharp Aurascea it December aid May Wheat on Manipulation. DtCEIiBtR CORN CONTINUES VERY tRRATlC wasall Xet Hales far lb Day Oats rirmrr What tno Tit 0r atorn Think Ooaal a of tkt Market. OMAHA. Dec. it, 104. Just why wheal t.,u . jrn should so up RWay cine of the i.uc.i...iin mat ,-rr,- .. lo be nui.ed when xtiinltuuliH trt lorm "Hnin Vr:8 gieat kuvanoe in fo ember aMiu rHi-li. r in n, present month irm tuaca r.r target) by me drouth. Now the drouth la broken, annw and ruin have been quite generally reported and It la prolieLiy the one reason tor the advance on the theory that it la a. poor mi that o.e not work both waya. Tnera ti tioth- " ! in tiie situation Ihat promised trouble for the ahorta, except the develop ment tit a d-mand. It pointed out , the other day tha. the clearing out of long 1 1 n of wheat had piac-ed ihe market in oette.- condition. The receipt are ma terially lighter. Valentine, a name that ansumes importance with the firm with which he la connected. Armour Co. waa reported to be buying. Corn consigning business la rather light t this time, for the reason that the bid ' sent into the country every evening are hher thah market warrant, evidently Indicating that the December ahorta have Aim beer, eliminated aa yet, Chicago bid :.re getting the corn, except the eteady flow of Nebraska corn through to the gulf. Oats huve displayed unusual firmness the last few day and ar recovering by quar tar tli decltr.ea sustained by eighth. TV UK AT When they, meaning the Chi cog.i bull, start t boll campaign . they usually discover conditions that they knew exit-ted before. There la an estimate of wheat In farmer' hand lighter than ever Wore, the comparative figures taken on .March 1 of each year for twelve year showing T5.000.U(h to lOS.ftiO.OOO bushels In fanners' control, so that the period named, when It comes around. I predicted to how .less than 7S.00O.0UO buahela In producer' hnnds. There waa an excellent demand for Ifc-cember wheat, and under thl Inquiry It advanced to 11.09 aa compared with a close at l.7 yesterday. May Waa active and strong, but the advance waa comparatively lighter than on December, the price Im- J roving from 11.10. yesterday's close, to l.ll1. Julv wan c better. CORN December wns erratic and Irreg ulnr, opening at 4SHo and advancing to 46o. or c above Thursday's close, then easllng off to 4r,o, losing the entire gain. The deferred future were firm, but without particular change. OATS Market moderately active and lie higher on all deliveries. Omaha. Cash, Prices. WHEAT No. I hard. tl.03OT.0S: No. S liard, 97rfi$l.02; No. 4 hard. &S96C; No. I spring. $1.04. CORN No. 2, 39c: No. J. Sc! No. 4. Me; no grade, 3M37c; No. 3 yellow, 39c; No. 3 yellow, 39c; No. 2 white, 39c; No. 3 white, 3lc. OATS No. t mixed, 28c; No. 3 mixed, 27 e': No. 4 mixed, 26c; No. 2 white, 29o; No. I white. 2c; No. white, 728o; stan dard. 28c. Omaha Cash Sales. Wheat-1 car No. 2. $1.02; 1 car No. I, 54 pounds, 97c. Corn I car No. 3, 39o. Grain Markets Elsewhere. Cloilng prices at the following markets today and Thursday were: CHICAGO. los OATS Steady; No, 2 white. Ho: No. 1 mixed. "uc. HA t -Firm, choice timothy, t9.0o10.00; choice prairie, li.7o.00. H I E fcteaay, 7ic. fcAiOS-titeauy; Missouri and Kansas new No. I whitewood cases Included, c, case count. Juic; case returneo, ho less. . i l.i creamery, ;i.3c; ua.iry. 17c, .... . Receipts, fcoipment. Wheat, bu 46.uai Corn, bu e.t4 Oats, bu gut i,gou CHICAGO GRAI ASD PROVISIONS rest a res of tha Tradlagr and Clesteg Prices am Board at Trade. CHICAUO. Dee. 16. Widespread demsnd for caan wneat was the maun cause ot a strong market In speculative options here todsy. At the close May wheat was up St c. Corn snows a gain of u-c. Oals ar up Vav. Provisions are practically un changed. Sentiment In the Wheat pit at the opening was rather bearish aa a result of lower cable and a material Increase In shlo- i ments from Argentina, Initial quotations on May were ore H'oHo to ai.ivVtii.iuv. Newa from the northwest, however, was of continued bullish tenor. As a result the market here soon developed a stronger tone. A feature of trading during the lat ter part of the session was an urgent de mand for December delivery. There was a resultant advance of 24c In the price of that option. Phort were the prlncipnl buy ers of December. Meantime May advanced ISc from the low point of the day, selling up to tl.llV Part of the gain was subse quently lost on profit-taking, but the mar ket closed strong. Final quotation on May were at 31 1141.11H. Clearances ot wheat and flour were equal to 69,9u0 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Brad street's, were 1.144.000 bushels. Primary re ceipts were 729..W bushels, compared wltn 641.900 a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 61 oars, agatnat 714 cars last week and 424 a year ago. Influenced by lower rabies and Increased shipments from Argentina, an easier tone fire vailed In the corn market at the open ng. On active covering by shorts, how ever, a firm undertone soon developed. An Improved demand for the cash grain had a bullish effect in December option, but dis tant deliveries were held In check by the Immense else of the new crop. May opened unchanged to c lower at o1H&c, sold up to 4iSc and closed at 4rViS-kie. Local re ceipts were 444 care, with 3 of contract grade. The oats market waa firm throughout the entire dsy. Prices were bid up by loca.1 shorts and were bought on the light re ceipts. Later the market acted in sympathy with the advance in wheat. Cash prlcca were higher. May opened unchanged to Ho higher at 3lo to 31H$314c, sold up to 31V0 31 Wo and closed at 31S31Hc. Local re ceipts were 42 cars. On fair support by packers, the provision market held firm the entire day. Trading wa comparatively quiet. At the close May pork waa up ZWISa at I12.2J. Lard was a shade lower at 7.13tt. Ribs were unchanged at 3i o. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 38 cars; corn, 6n cara; oata, a cars; hog, 21Ono head. Th leading futures ranged aa follow: Wheat Today, Thura. December 1.09H 1.07i May . l.llv 1-10S July 9 98 Corn December 46 4T4 Mav V' 46 July 46 45 H Oats December 294 May 3l 31V July 3l 81 ST. LOUIS. Wheat December 1.10U 1.08U May l.U 1.12 Corn December 42'i 42 May '. '43 42 KANSAS CITY. Wheat December ..V.'. l.OMf' . 103 - May 1.01., IM Corn December 41 H 42 May 42Vi 2 NEW YORK. Wheat--December May Wheat May Wheat-May 1.1TH 1.12T MINNEAPOLIS. 1.17 1.12 DULUTH. 1.13 l.W 1.12 1.12 SEW YORK GGKEHAL MARKET tlaotatloa ot th Day Vartsas Commodities. NEW YORK. Dec. 16. FLOUR Receipts, 14.a bbls.; exports. 10,72a bbls. Tim mar ket was quiet but steady; Minnesota putenu, lo.tto4jti.10; Minnesota bakers, H. luHH ,5; winter patents, d.bWo.86; winter straights, lo.rj.tO; winter extras, 24.&i? 4.3i; winter low grades, f3.4oo4.10. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 34.404t4.70; choice to iancy, t4.itda.00. Buckwneat flour slow; per 100 lbs., 2.00ifr2.2O. CORNMEAL Steady; tine white ard yel low, ll.WKul.36; coarse, L24(il-26; kiln dr.ed, RYE Steady. HARU1.Y yulet; feeding, 44c, C. 1. f , New York; malting. 44u&lo, c 1. t.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 4MMX bu.; spot mar ket Irregular; No. 2 red. nominal elevator and fl.lfVi f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, (1.23, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal t. o. b., afloat. Good support, light southwest wheat movement, buying by ahorta and liberal northwest buying promoted further advances In wheat today, the market holding strong until near the close, when it yielded slightly to realising. Last prices were partly o net higher; May, tl.ll7. closed at 31.12; July, $I.WU1.03, closed at llOuV; December, I1.171.17. closed at $1.17. CORN Hecelpts, 146,12i bu.; exports. 27. 040 bu. Spot market firm: No. 2, die, asked; -levator, r4o, f. o. I , afloat; No. 3 yellow, u4c; No. 2 white, 64c. Option market waa again quiet, but somewhat firmer with wheat, closing H'Kc net higher; May. 61 tiMu, cloted at tlVc; December closed at UWc. OATS-Recelpts, 66,000 bu.; export, 64.700 pu. Spot market dull: mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., ."HSfi'3ic; natural white. 30 to 32 lbs., Sa'd 36V: clipped whit. 86 to 40 lbs,, 8ti39c. HAY yulet; shipping, BOftuoc; good to choice. 75Ji82,e. HtAPS yulet: state, common to choice, 1904 crop, 2i"'u3uc; lnu3 crop. 3tt36c; olds, 14c; l'aclflo coast, W4 crop, 29&&c; 19C3 Crop, 9HI8.V; olds. 14i 17c. ,.mKE.8-8lad'; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. cn"(or"i- 20 to 25 lb., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to JO lhs.. i4Uc. LEATHER Firm; acid, 2426c. PROVI8lON8-Reef. firm; famlljr, 311.00 4512.00; me8s, $l.0rt; beef hams. 22 Wcf 28.30; packet, tlo.Jn4ill.fti; cily, extra India me, tl4.6"H16 6i Cut meats, steady; pickled bel les. ti.26fn7.76; pickled shoulders. 36.75; Mrkled hams, 89. Lard, steady; western r-t"1"' i72": r,1nned, steady; continent. !v.8ou,.h AmPflcan, 38 .00; compound. 6 35 i6.62 Pork, steady; family, 114 6ttrl5 03; P. SXr' ,:, '6''il6.M; mesa, $13 0iB 13.75. TALLOW Firm ; city, 4c; country, 4 7E-S,tMay: oniestlc, fair to axtra, 8Ti?fi.c: JHpan. nominal. POI LTRY-Allve. dull: western chicken. He; fowls, llc; turkey, 12(&lSc: dressed. w,;s,rn chickens, 10'i5c; fowls, BUTTER Steady; street price, extra creamery, 27i527u. OfTiolal prices: Cream tJi CHmm"n to extra, l727c: creamery, held, common to extra. l624Hc; state ?u,ommon to ". 15:c; renovated, cemmon to extra, la&'Oc: western factory, common to choice. I3i7e; western Imlta- ?nrtSHrry'. common 10 eholce. Uft20e. tOOS-Steady; western finest selected. rvrBVln?v,K, net- fiSlo. RVjr,,rm:J,uu fun mall. col'lrel white, fancy. 13c; I, 1,1' i r nl?de' tWM'r t0 choice. 8Wllc; fanev : ,emb"-. colored and.lte Jfi; t,S,",at"- ' colored, good fancy. loc; slate, poor to prime, 610c, .i,??,",,,fcU ''-- Markat. PHILADKIJ'HJA. Dec 1S.-BITTTER Flrtu. good demand; 'extra nearby prl ".T frehaT,"?w. nl So nearby, mirk!'. 1 w""rn tieah. S96JU0 ai fuU1c7e.8nEii',m "Tl a'mnd: New York juu ireanis. fmrv. ljUc: i lmii-, naiflnc fair to good. llinc. l"'ce, uoi-c, J??""-"'7 '"U " I'roTlslaaa. Article. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Dec, May ' July Corn Dee, May July Oats Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lrd Jan. May Rlhs Jan. May i m l losfT 1 10H H-I 1 10 ml 4W4' 4j45 45 46a'145SJ &ift() 29S 12 60 12 90 87 7 16 6 60 ' 80 12 RS 13 00 90 7 17 62 a k 1 07 9S 109 SOT4 46 4K1 46 45 4&'3H 45 6 46a,3I 1 07V 1 UQ 1 10 tf!28 31 ; 12 60 12 30 85 712 6 60 1 3 60 77 80 129029 M si 8i31(S31 12 6S 12 65 11 92 12 90 85 7 12 60 80 No. 2. Cash quotation were a follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patent, tS.10 (.20; straights, 34.806.0O; spring patents, 84 905.40; stralghu, 4.8CkS4.90; baker. 33.J0 63 90. WHBAT-No. 2 spring. il.OMri.lB; No. J. 3l.001il.l0; No. 2 red, tl.l2'u1.16. CORN No. 2. 45g46c; No. 2 yellow, 469 OATS No. 2. 2Mic: No. 2 white. 3114c: No. S white, 3031c. Kirj ino. 2, 7e. BARLEY Good feeding. 37038c: fair to choice malting, 41 48c. tsKnUJo No. 1 naxr X1.I67 No. 1 north western. 31.14U. Prlne flniothv. 82.72M. Clover, contract grade, 812.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., til SOfl 11.40. Lard, per 100 lbs., 36.80. Short rib Idea (loone), $1.2fng6.50. Short clear aids (boxed), t6.62Q.75. iteceiprs. enipmenrs Flour, bbla 15.400 44.600 H7I...I K,. rv c, tttti com, fcu. .'..!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!327i2oo 276.9110 Oats, bu 69.600 106,400 Rye, bu. 6.000 700 Barley, bu 61.400 18.60Q On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady: creameries. lttfI26c: dairies, 16?2c. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases included, i!K(ioc; nrsts, zto; prime nrsts. 26c: extras, 28c. Cheese, steady at Uif 12c, St. Ioals Orala ssi Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Deo. 18. WHEAT H! gher ; No. i red, cash, elevator, 31.00; track, 31.Hfl.l6; May, l.UtfL13; July, 6c; No. 2 hard, 31. 101.12. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 42c; track, 4343c; December, 42c; May. 4343o. OATS Firmer: No. 2 cash. 80c: track. 30fi3Oc: December, 2c; May, 31 c; No. 3 white. Sic. FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents, 35.209 R..16: snei lai brands, tl. 4i5.60; extra fancy. t4.70fff4.80; clear, t4.1554.40. pfc.r.u nmotny, sieaay, I'ORNMKAI-Steady. 40. BRAN Steady to strong; sacked, east track. 89Sr90c. HAY Steady; timothy, 38.00ffl3.00; prairie, $6.009.60. IRON COTTON TIES-We. BAOGINO 7V4o. HEMP TW1NE-6HC. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; Jobbing, tll.55. Lard, weaker; prime steam, 34.50. Rscnn rhoxedV steady: extra shorts; 37.62U: clear ribs. 37.87; short clear, 38 13. POULTnr Turkeys, lower; cnioKens, ic; springs, c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 20820o; dairy. 16fi23c. EQGS Irm at Z4C. case counr. Receipts. Bhlpments. 6,0f 13,000 38.000 60.000 6.1.01)0 67.000 43,000 21.000 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Mlnnespolls Grain Market- .VH?. k XrT .TO lllnn Airt 1A WIT1PAT winrtriv"'o, ..,.. - . . , ...... . December. 81.0ft: Mav. 1.13: July. 31 No. 2 hard, tl.12: No. 1 northern, tl.07; Nat northern, tl.06. M r IjtJLitt rjrsi oaienis, to.w-fio.w; wiuhi patents, t6.70ff5o- first clears, t4.104.S5; second clears. f!.70?rj.5. BRAN In bulk, 314.7616.0O. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKKB. Wis., Dec. 16.-WHKAT-Market io hlrhor: No. 1 northern. 81.14: No. "orthern. 31 !: May, l.U61.11. RYB-DulI: No. 1. W. BARLET Weaker; No.' t B2o; sample, 361 IVic CORN-Market o higher; No. 3. 4S44c; May. 46'e. Dalath Grain Market. DULUTH. Deo 16. WH'BAT To arrive: rlo. 1 northern, 8109: No. 2 northern. 1.03. On track: No. 1 northern. $l.9Jo; Nx I northern. 31.03: December. 31.09; May. $1.124. . , OATS To arrive and on track, 29c. Liverpool Grain Market. L.1VERPOOU Deo. 1. WHEAT Spot, nominal: futures easy; December, nominal; March, 7s 2d; Msy, 7s 3d. ... CORN Spot, firm: American 'mixed. 4s lOUd; futures, quiet; January, 4s 4d; March. 4a 3d. Toledo gee Market. TOLEDO. O., Dee, 16 BEEDB-Clover, raah and Decm1er. 37.87: February. t76: March, $ on. prims alslke, $S.OO ; prime timothy. 31.30. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Deo. 16.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 1 43c; No. 4. o. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Deo. lA-COFFEE-future ooened steady at unchanged prices to. an aosnoe of if points on reports of (6'lo a H In one of the brsjds of package coffee and talk of better Interior demand Ss suggeSted by larger warehouse delivery Ii.ii Th mark-t was finally steady rA flr'mV Cordova. 10C13.. Treasary gtatesaeat. WASHINGTON. De. rii in the division '?l?"'0a: A vailabU sash baJaJicu. Hs,4w.k. goid. M, 321,Ja. SEW YORK STOCKS ASDBWDS Market it Again 8teady and Adranee ii Ooneiatent aid Uninterrupted. DEMAND FOR UNITED STATES STEEL ISSUES Late Market I Active aa the Closing ' Is Strang, with Prices at th Top Level Money Easy nasi Lower. NEW TORK, Dec 14 -The nervous tremor which hsv afflicted th stock market all through the week were quieted today and the advancing tendency, which has been in evidence practically ever since the downward course was arrested on Tuesday, waa more consistent and unln terrupted than at any previous time on the recovery. The constant set-backs and hesi tations which have developed at some time every day were lacking and the day s gains were held wltn comparative firmness. However, thfs may have been due to the almost mlllenlal mildness of the adjust ment of personal differences growing out or the stock market contest and Monday's sharp break and the ronaeouent relief nf a state of nervous tension which has ex tended tO both alria nt lh. Atlontl It would be difficult to say. But the prevailing ....,, wim wiucn tne anair has been re garded took on less of sffeotatlon today and viMoi-iuence oi ins restored connoence manifest In the market ti.i not -an notice. Notwithstanding the restoration of the market's resisting power there was no corresponding revival of animation, the flay s dealings showing little Increase over those Of Vesterriav. Thm msrlrt h , .... tirely free from any presence of liquidation, so that the small buying waa effective in lifting prices and the supply of stocks was so scanty as to enable holders to advance the asking price with effect on the selling The United States Steel stock were In continued large demand and were helped by the report of the placing of a large order for steel rails for Pennsylvsnla. The Increase In the Louisville Nnshvllle dlvl dnd radiated a sympathetic effect amongst Its affiliated properties and the whole southern group. Reports of a definite ad justment of the Oould-Pennevlvanla trou bles met with some disclaimers, but the impression was allowed that the serious nes of the dispute had been exaggerated. The November foreign trade report dis closed a decline In the excess value of ex ports of over $20,000,000. But It waa ob served that the Imports In November of last year, with which the comparison Is made, were the smallest of any month for more than two year past, while for the month Jut past the Import are greater with one exception than for anv preceding month. The fact that the decrease of over 317,000.000 In export of domestic product for the month Is modified to a decrease of only $2.r8. by the Inclusion of all report, argues a further expansion In the export trade In manufactured products, which I rersrded with satisfaction. The outgoing gold movement was prac tlcillv Ignored, as money wns offered In abundance, and at lower interest rates. The continued Inflow of currency from the Interior promises to larsely offset the week's drain of gold exports and on other accounts. The premium on New York ex change at Chicago, however, was slightly lessened today. Dnie In the day the per ception of the freedom from pressure on the market led to a lively bidding up of prices throughout and the closing was rerv strong at the top level. Oains of 1 to 3 poln's are frequent amongst the leading stocks. Bonds were strong. Total sales, par value. $4,195,000. T'nlted State bonds were unchanged on call. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Ha les. High Dow. Close. were cheerful. Imperial Japsnese ts ot 1904 were quoted at . BERLIN. Dec 16 Prices on the Bourse today were unchanged and trading wa very quiet. PARIS, Dec. 16 The tone on the Bourse today wan dull Russian imperial 4 were quoted at 92.29 and Russian bond of 1904 at 503. tKsIXESS OF ASSOCIATED BARKS Clearlag at the Great Cossmerelsl Centers nf Country. NEW TORK, Deo. 11 The following table, compiled by Bradstreet, showa the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ending December 15. with the percentage of increase and decrease as compared with tb corrcspundir.g week last year: CITIES. Cleartiigs.l Inc. Dae, 11,000 85 83 8 8i) 102 102 102 24.700 100 100 100 95 , 6,500 130 123 130 7,600 6,000 BOO 4i0 Sit '22 2"4 47 39 'a" 204 4 42 . 78 2-: I 204 I 16,500 169 167 1! 300 13 11 11 1.9O0 22 21 21 700 90 9 04 3,000 23 21 22 300 68 67 67 600 34 34 84 -1,200 186 1S5 185 100 3X6 835 315 600 31 30 31 8.300 83 8 88 12,100 86 36 76 2.700 74 74 74 400 65 65 65 300 89 89 89 100 92 92 92 8.800 154 153 164 1,400 29 28 2 500 66 55 55 4.200 .30 29 29 6.6'K) 64 53 64 2,400 141 139 14IHi 9"0 lt$ 1H3 1A3 l.SOO 78 78 77 2,400 131 120 120 900 63 61 63 M.. 400 88 87 84 100 146 146 14 11, 0 107 10- 107 8.900 & 30 80 1,300 41 40 41 8,000 78 7K 7K 300 94 94 92 . 8.400 44 43 43 . 63,61-10 196 135 136 L.... . 77 77 76 ....A 44,000 79 78 7!i 400 90 90 89 81 82 '81 32 84 S3' 83 65 67 5 2VI 67 62H 12,000 L1O0 700 2.000 24,900 Atchison do pfd B. & O do preferred Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Shea & Ohio Chicago As Alton .... do pfd Chicago Q. W C. A N. W C. M. A St. P do pfd Chicago T & T do pfd C, C, C. A St. L.... Colorado Southern .. do 1st pfd do 2d tfd Del, & Hudson D. , U & W Denver St R. O do pfd Erie do st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley .... do pfd Illinois Ceneral Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville tt Nash... Manhattan I. Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn. A St. L M.. S. P. A S.Ste. do prd Missouri Paclfla M., K. A T N. R. R, M.. pfd Norfolk A Western. . do pfd Ontario A Western. Pennsylvania P., CCA St. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St L. A S. F. 2d pfd. St. U 8. W do pfd Southern Pacific .... Southern Paciflo pfd. Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas A Paciflo T., St, D. A W Union Paciflo do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A U E... Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Mexican Central .... Adama Express American Express . U. S. Express Wells-Fargo Exp.... Amal. Copper Amer. C. A F do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil .... do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive .. do pfd Amer. 8. A R y. do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Anaconda lMn. Co... Brooklyn K. 1 Colo. F. A I Consol. Gan Corn Products Distillers Sec General Electric Internat. Paper do pfd Internet. Pump do pfd National Lead North American .... Paciflo Mall Peoples Oas Pressod Steel Car.., do pfd " Pullman Palace Car, Republic. Steel do pfd Rubber Goods Arm. rt A ........4 Tenn'Coal A Iron.. 120 tt a T anther 60.300 tt c 'nealtv A ImD. 100 61 it! 8. Rubber Jo0 do pfd 700 U.. 8. Steel ,78 0 do Dia Weetlnghous Else. Western Union .... SKx-LilV. Sales of tha day. 9U.80O aharea.. Hew Ynrk Mlnlnar Stacks. NEW YORK. Deo. 11 The following are the closing quotationa n mining alocksi - M ,l.ll CMaf I New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orloanfl Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence) Buffalo IndlanaDolla Br. Paul Ios Angeiea St. JoeeDh Denver Columbus MemDhis Seattle Richmond Washington Savannah Albany Portland, Ore Fort Worth Toledo, O Salt Lake City peon a Atlanta Rochester Hartford Nashville Dea Moines Spokane, Wash Tacoma Grand Raplda New Haven Dayton Norfolk Springfield, Mass.... Worcester Portland, Me Augusta, Ga Topeka Sioux City Syracuse EVanavllle Birmingham Wilmington, Del Knoxvllle Davenport Little Rock Wilkefbarra Fall River Macon Wheeling, W. Va.... Wichita Akron Chattanooga Springfield, III Kalamasoo, Mich.... Youngstown Helena Lexington Fargo, N. D New Bedford Canton, O .. Jacksonville, Fla.... Lowell Chester. Pa Groensburg, Pa Rockford, 111 Blngbamton Springfield O Bloomlngton, 111..... Qulncy. 111... Bloux Falls, 8. D.... Mansfield. O Decatur, 111 Jacksonville, 111 Fremont, Neb tHouston tOalveeton Charleston, S. C... Cedar Rapids Total. IT. 8 Outside New York ! $2.19.031. 770! 3ii.l,6;i 11.0X3.312 130.SS0.9;2i 61.236.5s8l 46.196.&4 S3.1ti7.12 2S.M4.fh2l 26.IJS2.100I 24.1K1.03! 24.4S6.1. 13.974. 543l 21.915.0S4 11.939.671 11.944.362 9.2M.772: 9,H.fX 7.9J0O' 6 617.131 7.21 4. 133 7,104.92 9.044., 6.409.61W 6.860.938 4.720.6H0 6.7', 814 4.949.94i 6.422.019 4. 641.1 XX 4.69i;,:41 4.430.7M 4.3M 4,1 4.949.976 3.6T4.H 3.819.S7S 4.036.6M 4.047,3X0 3.975.678 2,7S?079 i.a,i 2.421.187 2.8Hl.H7 8.il7.91i 2.016.073 1.932. tsiS 1 fA ll l'.9r.595i. 6"9.(iK9 1,400.316 1,B!).44K 198.9X0 1.0n6.67 1.786.83!; 1.372,2781 1.641.107 1.429.511 1.124.197 1,219,920 778.274 1.123.719 1,105.679 (13.8!11 68U.587 8ti4.4K4 8NO,27 600.000 8H8.947 90.831 918.612 557.fi90 819.740 6H4.757 835.118 494.611 648.000 1,012.834 6.'6.618 442.642 4O1.0O2 631.614 447,500 377.439 474.534 364.013 328.170 257.670 3?2.816 242,311 263. 188 14.2vi.485 12.542, 000 1,151,620 476.114 74 31. 13.6. 19.7 . 16.8 . 12 1. 26.4.. 8 2'. 12 6 . 19 2 . 6 8. 6.0. I 31 .0!... 11 1... 12 5 ... 19.41... 4.4... 9 8 ii. 1 ... 17.1'... 25 81... 4.6 ... 24. I1... .. : 18.6', 18.4 . 8.8 . "ih'.i . .s 1.1 23.6 , "i i , 4.1 ... 64.4 ... 28.7 ... 8 6 ... 6.6 ... 21.2 ... 87.8 ... 40 0 ... 6.0, , It s "i'.i 'ib'.i "4.4 9.0 87.7 13.4 2.7 '83 !9 9 6 28.9 3.1 16 49 24.6 10.9 14.0 , 8.9! 6.9 33.4 41.7 30.2 13 3 3.1 6.8 1.8 84.7 60.9 6.8 80.1 17.2 14.8 19.1 7.1 31.7 18.2 6.1 9.9 .1 2.8 4.3 33.1 6.1 2.3 12.7 22.6 64.1 62.1 10.0 11.4 12.2 83,175.931.8781 49. 61 wau,yy,oul u.si CANADA. 25 67 65 62 614. 4i0 118 11SW 118U 23.300 85 84 35 1.200 Mil IM MSVi 21 45 21 900 700 92 i "8 89 3 0 78 2,600 1)0 4O0 113 112V 13,300 141 139 141 200 103 103 103 t.700 60 68 69 11.600 45 43 46 2.300 203 201 H 100 79 79 78 1,90 37 37 17 , 7"0 184 183 184 2.300 24 24 244 300 77 77 7 ft "i'16 "is" '" 66 TOO 23 23 23 3O0 101 100 101 1000 45 42 44 40 106 106 VkM 10 39 38 38 700 90 89 90 234 tW 15 16 16 4'0 68 68 67 4o0 tT 26 27 300 96 94 92 93 2 29 91 60) 1H0 8.900 94 Itasi Cos JJ DIMM " Brumwlcli Cea 11 Comslnck Tuansl .... Cos. r.i. V 1W Hra "liver J" ros Sllvsr la Lm41II Cea 3 LJttla Chlst Ontrle ....,.. Ophlr Pwol ( Slrira NTd Hum WlUlt . t . u . . 44 . M ,.! rorclgn riaaaelal. LONDON, Dec. 11-Money was In good demand In the market today and the ten dency wa towards supplies being scarcer as th year-end approached. Operators on ths Stock Exchange were much relieved at th conclusion of the account without the disclosure of difficulties. Jf were firm and business was quiet. Consols, were biaheV; Home rails had a slightly better tone. Amerioans opened firm; were gen erally nalutalnd at above parity, became UilcUv a4 cla4 ttrm. . JuuroaiWuaJg Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebec Vancouver, B. C. Hamilton Tendon. Ont Pt. John, N. B... Victoria, B. C... 26.443.8831 24.0 19.918.348 25.5 7.980,150 2.020. 276 1,824,9. 1,765.696 1.463.400 1,413,487 972.4S0 1,015.182 ' 673,327 37.4 27.7 16.3 14.5, 11.6 15.6 2.0 9.9 'ii'.i Total. Canada It 65.481.1941 21.11, tNot included In totals because containing other items than clearing. Not Included In totals because of n comparison for last year. New York Money Mnrket. "NEW YORK, Deo. 16. MON E Y On call, steady at IWUi per cent; closing bid and offered, 2 per cent: time loans eusy; slx;y days and ninety days, per cent; six montns, awan per cu, iuch STERLN EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual buslnesp In bankers' bills at t4.871w 4 8720 for demand and at 34.8455i4 8460 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. H864.1(7; commercial bills, $4.S4&4.84. SILVER Bar, 60c; Mexican dollars. 48c. BC ONt)S Government, steady, railroad, "The'" following ar tha quotation on t,t0.kr.f"lt .WataatatU. 4....W 4s eoupoa to U. reg do eoupoa do bow 4s. g. do eoupoa do old . rog., ,104V M. Central 4s. .104 Si ....104ie ,...130, ,...11 .iocs. do eoupoa todsj Atchison tea. ao sal. mm Atlantla C. L. 4s. Bsl. Ohio 4s... do H Outral of 0. 4.. do lit tnc CbM. Ohio 4Vi. ChlrafO A A. IWs. c, B. a v C. M. A C P. C. N. W. C. B. I. A P. 4s do col. 6s CCC. It. U g. Chioaso Tor. 4s... Con. Toboo .. Colo. A 80. 1014 .. 4 .. M! ..103 ..1 ..111 .. 91 ..101 .. (1 ..10OH g. 4(..110 is. ...in . 404. . tt . 14 . T7V4 0 D. A R. O. 40 10! Erlo prior lloa 4s.... 101 H do (on. 4i 'H T. W. A D. C. U...KW44 Hocking Vl. 4 111 U N. ni. 4s lMn Offered. do lot Ino Minn. A St. L. 4i II., K. A T. 4. J., do ts N. R. R. of M. N. T. C. g. N. 1. C. g. ka.., No. Psella 4t... do ( N 4 W. I. 4s.. O. 8. L. 4s A par.. ..10344 Ponn. coot. s...,..102W Kudlns son. 4a lua St. U A 1. af. a. (S..1KH St. U. A 8. T. It. 4s. MV. 7 t4 7-4 0.4s. SI 101 "4 1JC 106 Si ...101 8t. b. g. W. IS Hoaboard A. U 4a.., bo. fscldo 4a , So. Hallway to , Toiaa A P. la T., St. L. A W. 4a. Union Pacific 4s do oonv. 4o C. I. Stool td 6a.... W.bm.h la do dob. B W. A L. B. 4a Wla. Central 4s Colo. Fuol s. U . S44 . 481 .lit ,liV. . tl .104S4 .110S4 . IH .117S4 . ISS4 . 3Vt . '4 . H't Boston Stock Mnrket. BOSTON, Dec. 11 Call loan, 34per cent; time loan, 406 per cent. Official closing of stocks ana nonas Atoblsoa sdj. do 4S Hoi. Contra! 4a Atchlaoa do p(d Bnnon A Albany... 'Boot on Maine... Boiton Klevatoa .. Fttehburg pld lieilcan Central ... N. T . N. H. A H. Por Marquette .1014 . 74 Adventure Allouea Amalgamated .... "American Zlno .IMUiAtlantle .IM Bingham .171 Cal. A Heels .lot Centennial ,13St Copper Ban ... . 1"4 iDolf Weet .lMSij'Doaiinloa Coal .. 71 I franklin t'in Paclflu 10 Oraacr Amer. Arse. Chant... it le Rorel do pfd Ajnor. Pneu. Tub Amor. Sugar da Did Amer. T. AT. Amer. Woolen .. do ptd Pomlnlon I. A 8 Edlaos ElM. Ill Maea. Elect rto .. do pld Maaa. Oa l;mMt Sralt U sited sbos Mack 6I 14 41 II .1044k Ha 1 tt do Bid ll Weattn. eomntoB .... si Asked. Bid. Eg-dlvMend. ea0 Bfd ... V. a. iteel... . 44 I Meu. Mining . 4 Si Michigan , .HIS, Mohawk .Ill Mont. C. AO., .14404 Old Dominion , . Voeoeola . tISe Parrot lS4,Mulner ananaoa Tamarack Trlnltf r. 8. Mining... V. 8. Oil I'tah Victoria Winona Wolrertn ::: ,! ... 1714 ... list ... i'4 ... 4414 ...460 ... H ... I7S4 ... 11 ... 44 ... 11 :::sS ... ist ... l6St ... S ... I ...lot ... 1 ...lit ...111st ... Kit ... 11 ... 41st ... 4S4 ... 11S4 ...104 London Stoek Qantatlaaa. LONDON, Deo. 11 Closing on stock and bonds: " M. T. Central 1S t4kl Norfolk 4, w SOS. 4W do old N , M Ontario A W..., lttSilPeniuirlvnnl ... im mm Mlnea Console, money do aceount Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Obi. Caaadlaa Pacloe .. Chee. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W..... C. M. A St. P .. tleBears fnve A R. O.... do pld Brl do let pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central ... Loela A Kaak M.. K. A T ..13 Si .. 41 .. t1 ..171 St ,.. It .. US. .. s. .. ! .. tt .. MS. ..1ST ..las alw Keadlna do let pfd do td pfd r"trn Railway da Ufa Sumatra Paella .. Inloa Paoifta so pio V. 8. ttael da sia Wabaab .do pfd Span lea 4s ,. 114 ,. 40s, .. 4.S, ,. 41 St at .. .. test ..111 .. J ,. 't ,. lw .. U . .. 44 ,. IS SILVER Bar, firm, 2811-144 per ounce. MONLY-iy per tent. The rat of discount In ths opea market for short bills Is 2V' -7 per cent; for Uifet tuuuUia' biiia, 1 U-luuii jxtr csbt. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Ban of Cattle aid Hot Koch Cotngt in lfaiket Took Place. HOGS SHOWED SOME IMPROVEMENT A Few t tha Choicest Banekes of Sheen and Lnsna Sold A boat Steady, hat Others Were Extremely Dall and Inevenly Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Pee. Is. 1904. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday i.l 3 M 4 4. Official Tuesday 5.2?7 9.6S 7.6C7 Official Wednesday 6.169 10,3-6 ,,m Offlciai Thursday 4.1:4 10,! 3.o"8 Offlclal Friday LfroO 6.100 5.41 Five days this week. ..21.248 39.6. 23.318 Same days last week. ...17.673 49 Mi 213"J Same days week before.. 19. 7?3 47.6HS '.M9 Same three week ago...24.17 4i'.19 34 b6 Sam four week ago....30.2SJ 34.845 40.8i4 Same day last year ls.tot 49.659 2.3o9 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the rece.pl o.' cattle, hog aud sheep at South Otoilu lor tne year to uaie, with comparuons siw n ri 4 11 m 4 1?4 " rt M III 47 n ... 4 tit 44 t"t IM t rt ... 4 4 M It 1M 4 40 04 St 4 at r e7 40 4 4 77 t ... 4 4 H4 4 4 4 4 .t M I M BJT ... 4 4 ti H ... 4 4t It Ml S IM 14 I I M 4 44 II Mt l 4 4 It IM ... 4 4 U I"4 ... 140 III tu ... Ill Tt ri IS I 4 U J;7 ... 4 41 1 11 ... 4 40 tl ft I 4 41 7 Ml tn I 4 IT I I ... I 41 it ri ry 4 40 ii tJ 40 4 a it in 11 44 10 til st 1 a rr 114 e 4 40 in im m n tfo is ih in te 4 41 It 174 SO 4 4 14 ' 4 tt to 3 n im tt .t:t 40 4 4 17 149 100 4 40 I 141 IM H IM 10 4 41 IT Ill SO 4 W 41 IT 4 424 74 Sfl BO 4 41 last years Uoi. 1903. Cattle a,45 l.fHs.iuft Hog 2,211.634 3.U7.7-9 Sheep .l,;2o,bl0 1.KU.044 Th followina tauie .tiuei price ot hog at South Omaha for tha last over I day, with comparisons:' Data. 1 not 11803. lues. iioi.iKio. isst. pjse. Ina. Dae. l,Nt4 8,t0 97.234 the average SHEEP There was oulte a liberal run ct sheep and lambs here today for a Friday and, following the weakness on the close of yesterday's market, prices suffered a de cline today. At the opening of the market some of the buyers went around and ph ked out a few bunches of the choicest grades for which they had a special order. After that was done Ihe mnrket was very slow and safely a dime lower. In many cases, though, salesmen could scarcely get a bid, aa the market seemed to come almost to a standstill. It waa late before even the bulk of the offerings waa disposed of. A bunch of wethers a. .Id ss high as $i.tV and native lambs sold for K50. There were not enough feeders here this I morning to mske a test of ths market. 1 There were not very many buyers In tight. though, and the market could not be quoted ! anything but steady. I uunimlnn.' 3u1 to rhnlce vearllngs. $.Y(U5.26: fair to good yearlings, $4.75tiolO good wethers, $4 2MM.40; good to choirs ewts, $4.15434.40: fair to good ewe $3.86r 4.15; good lo choice lambs. $3.754ii.0O; fair to good lambs. $55055.75; feeder vearllngs. t4'iow4.60; feeder wethera, $4 OOi4.25: feder ewes. $3 00350; feeder lamb, $4 .605.35 Representative sales: No. Dec, 1.. Dea $.. Dea, I,. Dec 4... Deo. 6... Dec. ... Dec 7... Deo. 8... Dec. ... Dec. 10.. Deo. 11.. Dec. 12.. Dec. 13.. Dec. 14.. Dec. 15., Dec 16.. 4 42! 8 i 4 414 4 3V t so 4 28 t el 4 Mi . e 4 43 4 41 4 ' 4 8rV 4 41 4 3t 4 U 4 4i 4 43 4 37j 4 17 4 82 4 33 4 4ni 4 47 4 491 4-461 4 4U 4 281 6 091 st 6 141 e 24 17 ee7 t 06 6 1? e f 6 96 6 6 09 6 16 I 4 63 I 86 4 ol 4 64 i l.'l 4 6 bsi i t; 4 01 4 84 6 06. 4 M a 4 78 111 13; 4 85 6 U 4 M S li I It t 21 e 21 6 26 4 81 4 86 4 04 t 711 Sli t 2S I 28 3 -it $81 3 8n! 3 37 36 t SS 3 M t S3 8 ) t a 3 30 8 3 ill 3 931 3 Hi 13 37 3 9b 3 33 3 96 3 33 3 9.i 8 Hi 4 0l t 30 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cara of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle, liogs. Bneep. C. M. A St. P wibuh , Missouri Paclfio Union Pad rto C. A N. W F., E. A M. V C, St. P.. M. A O B. A M Ry C, B. A Q C, R. I. A P., east C, R. I. A P., west Illinois Central Chicago Q. W 2 a .. 1 .. 6 io .. 1 .. 8 .. 4 .. e .. 13 :: i 5 2 26 1 30 9 14 3 7 2 2 4 19 1.760 6,170 4.188 a very moderate Total recelpta 53 The disposition of the dav's recelnta was as follows, each buyer purchasing the cum ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co H43 1,3 Swift and Company 1S9 i.b'20 91 Cudahy Packing Co 145 1,5:5 1,3)3 Armour A Co 86 2,262 i Cudahy Pk. Co., Ft. W'th 299 Vansant A Co 1.18 Dobman A Co g W. I. Stephen 183 Hill A Huntzlnger 146 Huston A Co 1 Rothschild 28 Mike Haggerty & Co.... 12 J. B. Root & Co 12 .... McQuarle A Carrey M It. F. Hamilton, 32 Other buyers 231 .... 2,378 Totals CATTLE There waa run of cattlo here this morning, but supply was ample to meet the nMiiir.mama r. , h. trade. There waa no activity or life to the trade, but mot of the cattle sold in much the same notches they did yesterday. A fairly good clearance was mad at a reason ably early hour. There were only a few cornfed steers In cluded In the offering' and prices held right around eteady with yesterday, or 2oc to 40o lower than a week ago. The greatest de cline haa been on the common to medium grades. Just how strictly prime cuttle would have sold la hard to tell, aa none have been offered, but there have been a tew cnoice Duncnes and they nave suffered, though not as much as the commoner kinds! There is not much to be said of the mar ket on western rangers, as not enough have been here to make a test of the situation. The cow market held about steady with yesterday except on canners, which were extremely dull and lower. In many cases in fact salesmen had a hard time to get any of the buyers to bid on them, as puckers did not seem to want them at any price As compared with a week ago, canners aro 400 to bUo lower and very dull at the de cline. The general market on cowa la iy 40o lower, except perhaps on something very choice in the way ot heifers, which may not be that much off. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold in much the same notches they did yesterday. Fat bulls are a little lower for the week, but feeder bulls nearly steady. Best veal calves have also sold steady. There were Just a few old bunches of Blockers and feeders on hand this morning and. as would naturally be expected, ths demand was limited and price a little lower. The general market on stock cattle is 15c to 25c lower than a week ago. Rep resentative sales: ttfeuir Bin.fc.ita. Ar. 1024 UVI 1121 HO 1110 1244 1170 60 110 MO 161. U0 ...... 10l!0 871 141 IM 130 110 It 710 TI M0 110 141 105 10M 1041 lil 17 M , 171 120 Pr. t 00 I ts I 10 I 10 t 10 t 60 No. 44..'.'.' 4!'.!! 17.... cowa 1 1! ...1311 ...n7 ...1750 ...1404 ...100 ... ISO ... 170 ...1170 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 IS 1 10 1 71 1 71 1 76 1 71 t 04 t 00 I 00 t 00 t 00 1 10 2 15 I 26 t 16 I 10 t II I I 15 HEIFERS. I 00 -4 , I 11 , CALVES. t io t 4 71 1 DLLLB. I. At. ...loeo ...no ...1040 ...1121 ...111s ...1074 ... 77 ...lost ... 12 ...loot ... IfiO ... 184 ... 30 ...1021 ...100 ...not ...1020 ...121 ... 181 ... Ml ...100 ...1260 ...12110 ...111! ... M ...1240 ...lUl . I4t .1061 , 141 toe 1 10 t 00 1 00 I 00 t 00 t 00 3 15 IfttS 14a0 1170 1210 15 W UO 1140 I. 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 25 NEBRASKA. 1 feeder... 810 110 Scow.... 80 feeders.. 975 8 86 8 cows..,. 13 feeders.. 750 t 10 19 cows.... 7 feeders.. 1004 t 15 4 feeders. BTOCKER8 AND Pr. t 75 4 IO 4 II 4 10 4 M I 64 I 40 t 40 1 40 t 4 I 4 I 40 I 40 t 45 I 43 t 6 t 00 I II I w t 70 t 71 I I 00 t 00 I 00 I 10 I 21 t t 3 II I 16 I 00 t it I at I 40 I 10 I It I 10 3 M 1. . no ,. TK0 . ISO . 110 . 121 . IV . IM .1040 , 721 ,. Kl . 130 . lit IT 130 a 876 973 8.'6 923 FEEDERS. lit I M TM lv 1047 1145 ino : Kit ! I OUT , .115 ..lltl 711 Tt! Ill moderate 1 65 1 65 1 40 too I 00 I II I 24 I 21 I II I II t 41 t 10 t 10 I 50 I H I It I run of I K I t 15 i to I 10 !7l 40 M I 00 I to 3 00 I o I 00 HOC a There was hog in sight this morning, and while Chi cago was reported steady, prices hers showed some little Improvement. Tha mar kot could be quoted fully 3o higher, with sales going all the way from strong to 5c higher. Trading was fairly active after buyers and seller got together, and except for a few late arrivals a clearance was made In good season. On th extreme close the feeling waa a little weaker, so that th tat arrivals did not sell a great deal better than ths prices paid at the high time yes terday. The bulk or an the sales today went iruin salea: 34.40 to Hit. Representative ho. it... HI.. f... 17... II... II... II... U... 4... AT. ...400 ...140 ...li4 .. 3 ...' ...I ...tt.t lit fl m 141 i r i t4 tf I! I HI m nt 11.4 I.I S'4 nl 4. 1 tt 14 8k. rr. ... 4 t tSst 4 ITS 4 tis ... t to It 4 40 tt 4 tt 4t 44 4 40 tl 14 We. 41... to., 41... 41.. TO.., I.. M... II .. 104.. II... It... It... to ts I 40 4 4 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 u 4 40 ... 4 4 t 4 4 14 4 to so 4 to to v4 te e 4 4 4 44 tl. 41 41 It 14 II 41 tl It II It 44 II. At. ..tr.7 . K.I .14 1 ..III , ..M ..rt ..4 .. ..!! ..ri .Ml ..2-4 ..Ixl .2.1 ..lit ..lit . 7 ..lei ..17 ..M .14 ..IX . I0 . l. . .lot . J7 ..111 1. Pr. 4 41', 4 42 si 4 42S 4 4? 4 lis. 4 42S, 12 44IS, .Mi.; in 4 110 so te ito Ml no 4 4lM 4 42t 4 41 4 42'i 4 42S, 4 42s 4 42 , 4 4.v, 41 , 4 42 , 4 42 , I 4! , 4 4 s, 4 42S 4 - 4 4.7 113 western wethers , 12 western lambs 1 western buck t western bucks 73 western ewes 2 western ewes 148 western ewes 1 western ewe 1 western buck lamb .. 37 yearling ewes 13 yearling ewes 199 western wethers 2 western cull lamb ... 4 western yearlings .... 32 western yearlings .... 2 western yearlings .... 10 western yearlings .... 1 western wether 4 western wethera 290 western feeder Iambs 153 western lsmb, "9 western lambs 20 western lambs 27 western lambs 7 western lambs 1 western buck 191 western ewes Ar. 113 80 180 200 C4 110 98 ia 1I 70 79 113 66 80 74 80 80 2W 192 69 64 70 64 100 110 110 87 Pr. t 00 50 8 00 t 50 4 00 4 4 IS 4 25 4 50 4 65 4 65 4 91 t 25 t 36 6 35 t 85 t 35 i 50 5 ro 6 65 t 90 e 06 e 16 6 35 6 50 3 50 3 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Strong- Sheep and Ltnbi Lower. CHICAGO. Dec. 16.-CATTI.E Recelnta. 3.000 head: market steady, good to prime steers, $6.00Ji7.tO; roor to medium, t3.755j5.76: stockors and feedcra, S2.10fct4.15; cows, tl.oo ti4.10; heifers. tUS'tib.OO; cnnnrs. tl.O0.g2.80; culls, $2.ij4.00; calves, $3.50ti7.O0. HOOS Receipts, 30,0(4 head; market strong; mixed and butchers, $4.35fij4.65; good to choice heavy, $4 67V84.67; rough heavy, $4.35124.45; light, $4.3ui4.65; bulk of sales, 4.6Uf& 14.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.0n0 head; market for sheep 15c lower; lambs 10c lower; good to choice wethers, $4.401J 5 25; fair to choice mixed, $3.50(84.60; west ern, sheep, t4.(Hs?J'3.30; native lambs, $5.00fJ 7:15; western lambs. $5.006.35. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4. 3(0 head. Including 600 southerns; market slow and steady: choice export and dressed beef eteera, $5.0Ufb6 5o; fair to good. $3 6tXu6.00; western fed steers, t3.5tVh5.oo; Blockers and feeders, t2.6uti4.00; southern steers, $2.504.60: southern cows, $1.764i3.2ft; native cows, tl.7Wi4.25; native heifers, t2.50 5.O0; bulls. $2.40; calves. $3.006.50. HOOS Receipts, 8,200 head; market weak to to lower; top, $4 .67: bulk of sales, $4.10 fi4.66; heavy. $4 50414.67; packers, tMOttt . EC. I 1 ,U .O bf , . - w l.OO, IIIKO O.I1U llllt, eo.mr-.., 1.11 7. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 2 000 head; market steady; nntlve lambs, $5.0ivra 6.65; native wethers, $4.5in6.00; native ewes, $4.00(04.75; western lambs, $6.00(,i6.50; west ern yearlings, $4. 606.26; western sheep, t3.75iil4.75; Blockers and feeders, $2 6CKg 1.60. St. Loo Is Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 16. CATTLE Receipts, 2.5uO head. Including 1,500 head Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $5.0O6.5O; extra fancy, $7.0i8.O0; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.00ij5.75: steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.Hfr6.)0; Blockers and feeders, $2.U5.00; cows snd heifers, t2.25fl4.45, with fancy up to $6.0lXq6.00; can ners, $1.5082.25: bulls. $1.75(33.50; calves. $2.73 67.00; Texas and Indlin steers, t2,0u34.30; cows and heifers, tl.5offt3.00. HOGS Receipts, 7,5fW head: market fairly active; steady to 60 higher; pigs and lights, $3.75114.60; packers, t4.45&4.55; butchers and best heavy, $4.6Ktf4.60. SHEEP AND LAMnS Receipts. 2 5O0 head: market steady; native muttons, t3.76tfi 6 00; lambs, $4.50(&7.00; culls and bucks, $3.00 474.50; stockers, $2.50fu3.00; Texans, $3.00(9 6.00. St. Joseph Lire Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 16. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,125 head; market steady; natives, t3.7D4i5.75; cows and heifers, $1,7544.25; stock ers and feeders, t2.50fi3.76. . HOGS-Receipfs, 8.902 head; market a shade lower: light, tt.26S4.50; medium and heavv. 14.35(34 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 118 head; market steady; lambs, $6.60; wethers, $6.15; ewes, $4.60. Slonx City Live Stoek Market. SIOl'X CITY, Deo. 16.-(Hpeclal Telegram) CATTLE Receipts. 300 head; market un-changed- beeves, $3.5fV?ia.00; cows, bulls and mixed, S2.20ffJ.2fi; stockers and feeders, $2.76(3 8.60; calves and yearling. t2.25(fj3 25. . HOGS-Recelpts, 6 .200 head; market. 2ft e h'Sher; selling, t4.85Q4.60; bulk, $4.87S Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western cltlea yesterday were as follows: cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 1,50 6.KK) 5,415 ... 4.3(10 South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City . St. Ixiuls St. Joseph ... Chicago Total .... 2,600 .... 1 125 I.U00 6.KK) 6 tin 8.20O 7.900 8,903 30,000 t.000 2,500 8,000 12,725 66,992 18.033 Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 16. COTTON-Spot market closed oulet, t points lower; mid dling upland, 7.90c; middling gulf. 8. ino. Sales, 8011 bales. ST. LplIS. Dec. 16. COTTON Quiet; middling, 7p. Sales, 50 bales; receipts. 1,400 bales; ahlpment, none; stock, 33,567 bale. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 16. COTTON Spot In frood demand, prices 9 points lower; Amer can middling fair, 4.63d; good middling, 4.2d; middling, 4.19d; low middling, 4. 07(7; good ordinary. I.93d; ordinary. 8.73d;. The snle of the day were 15,000 bales, of which 5,000 were for speculation and export and Included 14.500 American. Receipts. 17,0u0 bales, Including 18.900 American. Futures opened easier and closed quiet; American middling, g. o. c, December, Decemlrer January, 407d; January-February, 4.1M: February-March. 4.1od; March-April, 4.19J; April-May, 4.22d: May-June, 4.2Vd; June July, 4.27d; July-August. August -September, 4.29d: Beptemlier-October, 4.21. NEW ORLEANS. Dee. 1H.-COTTON-Easy. Sales, 4,2ot bales. Ordinary, 6c; food ordinary, 6 5-16e; low middling, ll-16c; middling, 7c; good middling, 7o; middling fair, bc. Receipts, 10,694 bales; lock, 412.411 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. It. M ETA L8 Th London tin market waa rather Irregular with the premium on spot shrinking te some extent and final quotations standing at 136 for spot and 131 ts for futures Locally th price ws a little higher with spot held at 8 .'9.26'a2 60. Copper w aa lower in London with spot quoted at 66 lis Cd and futures at 66. Th local market la dull and practically nominal for the time being with prices snowing a comparatively wide range. Some dealers quots lake at from 114.75(915.00; others claim that noth ing can be bought under tl5.0odll.lt; electrolytic and casting are also variously ?uoted. with the official rang tandlng rom tH.75rilt.0O for electrolytic and from t!4 fcift'14 76 for casting, while som dealers ar holding a little above tha oulald fig ure maintained. I .end ruled steady but unchanged st t4. 601 4 70 In the local mar ket and 13 15a In I-ondon. Hpclter waa unchanged at 26 In lundon and at 5 TB tjt.87 In the New York market. Iron dosed at 62s 3d In Ulaagow and 4s In Vlld dlesboro. Locally Iron waa unchanged and quiet. No. 1 foundry, northern, No. I foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft. $17 Axjll.eO; No. t foundry, northern, t!" 17 0u. ST. LOt'ld. Dec. 16 METALS Lead, u-ady, t4.uGU4-6:. Spelter, firm. 86-7S. later aad Molasses. NEW YOKK. Dtc. le-SlOAR-Raw f nn; fair refining, 4c; rentrlf iigal, 98 tent, trtc: mnluKsrs nigtr. 4Sc; renned, firm; No. 6. tou6; N-. 7, thW; No. t, kki; No. , 4no; Nn M. $4 SO; No. 11. $4(0; No. 12. $4.t6; No. 13. IIU; No. 14, $4 &il. ('oi.f. ctl.jneis' at ti, k)t UiUUiJ. tW, cut loaf, lv.3; vtusUed, $6 36; powdered, $5 75; granulated. tG 65; cuea, t6rfl. , , MOLAfrSKS-Pteady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, Si.i.)rc. NtW tRlJiA.Nt4. Dec. 1 tl'OAR Market strcng; open kettle, 324Vc: open kettle centrifugal, 4,tl4ac; rentrlfugnl whites. 4 15-Hrjc; yellow, 4V94 13-16c; sec onds. $H4t-16o. MOLAesKS Stetdy ; centrifugal, liffX. Syrup, steady; 3?ti2io. OMAHA WHOI.ESAl.tS MARKET. Condition at Trad and Qantatlea an staple aad Faarr rrodnen. EGG ft " nd led tock, 35c. LJVM POULTRY Hens, 8c; fcoster. te; turkey. 14c; duck. K; geese. 8fl9c; eprlng Chickens. Sc ... DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys. 19c; ducks, lie; geese. 10c; hens, tv; spring chickens, 10c: roosters. 6c. BUTTER Parking stock. 15c: choice to ftncyNiairy. 174,19c; creamery, i3C2-'; fancy 1 VrKShVrOZEN FI3H-Trcut 10c; sick erel, Sc; mat. loc perc. 7c: t . nenso. 12u; wbitellth, rec: aimcc. 14c; rednspper. llo lobster (gtvwn). w, lobster (bored). 0V0; bullheads, Dcs catfish. 14o; b ack t-ssa. vcl halibut, 10c; trappiea. 12c; 10 thad. tl: buffalo, 7c; white bass, lit; frog leg. pr dot , 25c. BRAN Per leu. $1500. HAT Prices quoted bv Omaha Whol-sla Dealers' ?soclailon: Choice No. 1 'iplind, 16 50; No. I t 00; medium. $5.50; cosrre. $i OS. hve atraw $5 50. The e prices ar for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 4Rc; extra selects, per can. 87c; standards, per can. 32c: bulk (standard), rT gal., $1.35; bulk (extra lect), per gal , tl.iii bulk (New York counts), per gal.. $1.00. CHRI8TMA3 DECORATIONS. CHRISTMAS TRKE8-4 to ( feet, per dos.. $1.75; 6 to 7 feet, per do., tl.t-i; 7 to i feet, per do.. $3.50; f to 11 fctt. per doa.. $4.50. Large school and church purp., eaclt tl to tl.ao; extra large, lo to 20 teei, each U to IS. EVERGREEN WREATH t NO In colls ot 20 yard, per coll, ao to $1. WREATHS Ma gnolU snd gala wreabs. per do., tl.25fjfl.po; evergreen wreitl a. per do.. tl.2u'al.5u; holly wreath, per doa., tl.l.&o HOLLY D RANCH KS Per case of 24x1x4 feet, about 5" lbs.. H.M; per bhi., $2.00. LONG NEEDLB PINES 1-er no.. $2.00fl I. 40. MISTLETOE Mlst'etoe branches, per -lb. box, $l.2e: per 1- , too TROPICAL KRl"'T. ORANGES-Floi Ida. sikrs 12k. IS. 171 200, 216 and 200, $2.06 .'.25; California Redland navels, all slles, $3.00; choice navels, $2.54 (1 2. 76. LfcMONS-Callfornla faney, $2.71; 800 and tea $4 26; choice, $3.5. . DATES I'er box of 30-lb. rkga, $3.00; tlallowl. In 70-lb. box. per lb., iHirc. FIGS California, per 10-1 h carton. 769 85c; -imported Smyrna. 4-crown. i2Sie; 6 crown. 14c; 7-erown. 18c; faney Imported (washed), In 1-lb. pkgs.. 1631c; Cklltornla. per rase of 36 pkgs., $2 26. BANANAS Per medium-sited bunch, $2.f"h2.W: Jumbos, t2.75fa3.50. G RA V FRUIT Per box ef 64 ts 64. t5.Oukjo.50. FRUITS APPLES Home-grown Jonathans, par bbl.. $3 25; Ben Davis, $2.25; New York Kings, $3.25; New York rinplns, $2.76; New York Greenings. $2.60; Now York Bald wins. $2.76: Colorado Jonathans, $1.66; Win Saps, per bu. box, $1.60 PEARS Utah, Colorado and California, fall varieties, per bug, II. 75(22.2. CHANlihlRRIKS ss'lsconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $8.60; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl., 17.75; per box, $176. GRAPES Imported Malagas, per keg. fA.004i6.50. TANGERINES Florida or California, per box, fj.uo. VEGETABLE. POTATOES New horn grown. In sacks, par bu., ic; Colorado, per bu., 60c i'L HNlPb Por bu., oC; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. CARROTS-Per bu.. 40o. PARSNIPS-Per bu., 40. , BEETS Per bu., 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. tl.954J2.00. ONIONS Home grown, in sucks, per bu., tOctitl.00; Spanish, per crate, $2.00, CLCUMBliRS Per doa., $1.753.00. TOMATotH California, per 4-basktt crae, t2.7o&3.00. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lc. SWEET POTATOES Kansaa kiln-drUd, per bbl.. $2.26. SQUASH Horn grown, per dos., tOc. CELERY Per do,, 26iiv0c; California, 45o. RADISHES Per do.. 90c. LETTUCE Hot house, per dog., 404JWc; MISCELIA NECK'S. 8AUER KRAU1 Wisconsin, per ktg, t2.50. CIDER-Nw York, per bbl., $5.20; per bbl.. $3 26. HIDES No. 1 grfen, 7ot No. t green, tcj No 1 Mted, 8c; No. 3 aaltod, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 9c; No. t venl calf, 7c: dry aalied, 104i(16c; sbeep pelts, 26c4tl.OO; hone hide. , II. 60453.00. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young Amerisa, 13c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 163T,c; Wisconsin brick, 14c. Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. soft shell, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No 2, soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. I herd shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, largo, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c- peanuts, per lb., 7c; roaated peanuts, per lb., 6c; Chill walnuts, Ficr lb., 12Q 13c; almonds, soft shell, per b., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 12Q15c: new black walnuts, par bu., 7i"(iT90c; snellbark hickory nuts, per bu., 11.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. Wool Market. BOSTON. Dec. 16. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say tomorrow: "The mar ket la dull with more interest In the con tracting movement In the west and foreign market developments than local trading, which has been confined to small parcels at full previous prices for all grades. Fine fleeces do not mov and at present are held above the views .of buyers. Speculation in scoured wools has died out. Pulled wools tend upward owing to the high cost of skins. Imports of foreign wools are large and there are big quantities headed this way from Australia and South Amer ica, where American buyers have been operating liberally. The indications are for the heaviest lmportstlons for years. The shipments of wool from Boston to data from December 31, 1903, according to the same authority are 246.605.320 pounds, against 227,68,124 pounds nt the same time last vear. The receipts to date are 801 239, Ptl pounds, sgalnat 272.628,493 pound for tha same period Inst year. ST. LOUIS. Dec, 16 WOOT-Medlum grades, combing snd clothing, tMriMc; light fine. I8(fj(?2c; heavy fine, 144jl8o; tub washed, 27(5 lie Otis and Roala. v NEW YORK, Dec. 16 OIL8 Cottonseed, barely steady; prime crude, nominal: yel low, 25c3'2Slc. Petroleum, quiet; refined New York, $7.59; Philadelphia end Balti more. $7.90; bulk, $5.00. Turpentine, dull at 6nfric. ROSIN Dull; strained, common to good, 12 54(2 f7. SAVANNAH., Oa.. Dec. 18.-TURPEN- 1- rs Maraei nrm ti twjvc. IS IS OIL CITY, Dec. l.-OIL8 Credit bal anues. $1.56. Certificates, no bid. Ship ments, 9?637 hbls. average, T7.o bbls. runs, 83,1.74 bbls.; average, 63,778 bbls.; Bhlpments, Lima, t9 964 bbls.; average, 56. 447 bbls.; runs, 66,660; average, W.UO bbls. ' Dry Goods Msrket. NEW YORK, Deo. 16.-DRY GOODS Market haa changed but little and yet tha manufacturer ana local merchant feel en couraged over the outlook. ROSIN Firm: A. B. C. 32.47: P, 82 60; , f2.62; F. 2 56; G. $2.67' H, 12.76; I. 33 : , $3.90; M, $4.30; N. $4.50;W O. tt.li; W W, REAL ESTATE THASiFKRS. DEEDS filed for record December 16, as furnished by th Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fsrnam street, for The lleo: Hastings and Heyden to 11. Blumen thai, went 16 acre of east 30 acres ' 4-16-13 $ 600 J. C. Havemeyer lo P. Andersen, east to feet of lut It and 16, Patrick's Second ..." 1,450 A. W. llayden to Hasting snd Hey den, east 80 acre of s of ne 4-It-is 1,200 Kqullablo Trust company, executor, to Equitable Trust company, trus tee, norlh 48 fet of lots 172. block 1, Rush A Belby'a addition and other property J W. L. Crosby and wlf to J. M. Buchanan, north 16 acres of tie of tbe nws 13-16-12 1.728 O. B. Morrell to A. A. Umnreu(, e of lot 2, block i. Lowe's Second.. 1,600 N. C Petersen to F. H. (Jarvln, lot 20, block 12, Kuuiitse A Ruth's 1 Edwa.uHVoiloT (Incorporated.) rtaiQ Offlcet Fiftb god Robert Streets 5T. PAUL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Ornin to Us Brnash Office, llo-llt Hoard el Trade tl1j Owaaha, Heb. Ttlrpboiie Hi 14. t ! . 4 t actisnsa 1! ' . Kouih ( m.-!. Is. 1 '1 1.JI11 i,. j v vojoui (...-. J.