11 We've Wound the Christmas Clock Twill tlrk with cpasIpm rrmilHrity from now until onr doors lo on Christmas Kvp. Pet your Christ Dins nlami clock now place the pointer p,rlyl.fore Ohrlntnma don't wiiit till prrrybndy Is at fever hmit. Tiny your Christmas presents parly ami lelmirrly while stocks nrc In best slinpe. To te sure, the most natlfartory Christmas shopplt. Is done now nnil here. Hegin Saturday, or am soon as you can the sooner the letter. Don't Wait Till (he Eleventh Hour To Do Your Christmas Shopping 3flffl The selection of sensible presents can't le made by those who wait till the holiday rush becomes a wild scramble and inle, and you lose your wits from excitement. Yon buy what you don't want because you don't know ""what you do want. You select Rifts that make you blush and feel foolish over when yon come to recover your senses. at!:ia& feSE w.-VijJi TFTE OMAITA DAILY PEE: 6ATI7HDAY, DECEMBER 17, 190. WdMmdm Mi Boys' Siits and Overcoats Reduced mtkt. m They Make Desirable' Xmas Presents Saturday wo Inaugurate a general Clearing Sale of Boys Suits and Overcoats. Observe the following reductions then come early and make your selections. $6 Boys' Suits for $3 dlzes 4 to 16 Years Suits made of the very finest (positively none better made) Scotch cheviots and cassi mere, the tlnest of workmiin uhlp, tho finest of trimmings, and the bent of styles, that o!d up to ?0.0O-All SMALL LOTS beginning Z Saturday morning f ON SALE FOH. v v $4 Doys Suits for $2 blzca 4 to 16 years Suits made of high grade strictly all wool cheviots anfi casslmeres. all seams reinforced and doublo stitched, guaranteed never to rip, fit ff perfectly, sold up to $4.00 all small lots beginning Sat- urUay morning, and as long as they last for , v v $5 Boys' Overcoats for $3.50 Size 7 to 16 Years Overcoats made of high grade cheviots, In plain gray, olive or fancy Scotch patterns, tho new long mannish cut, WITH or WITHOUT T f belt, well made, trimmed throughout, fit guaranteed, made j ill to sell for $5.00 SATURDAY $4 Boys' Overcoats for $2.50 Sizes 7 to 16 Years Made of plain Oxford grey, olive or blue cheviots, plain loose, long cut, made expressly for durability, made to sell for $4.00 beginning Saturday morning SrECIAL 2.50 Men's and Ladies' Slippers for Xmas Always Make Useful Presents Men's Black Kid Opera Slippers, hand 1.00-1.25-1.50 Men's Wine Kid. Everett ff style, at Men's Black and Tan 1 Cfl1 OH Vict Kid Slippers, at. IW Ladles' Brown and BInck Pelt Toilet Hllppers, alio Black Fur OOo Trimmed Juliets, at Ladles' Vlcl Kid Blucher Lace, dull tup, patent learner tip, military neei shoo, worth $3.00 and $3.60, 2.50 Men's Box Vrlour and Vlcl Kid Lace and Blucher Shoes, Goodyear welt, all up-to-date toes, worth O Sft $3.00 and $3.60. at W Boys' and Youths, Casoo Calf Shoes, wire quilted soles, with extension soles, sizes 2 to 6tt. Sl.e. " to 1.50 Sale of Smoking Jackets and Bath Rotes Saturday We purchased 310 Smoking Jackets and '2i IJath Robes from one of New York's famous maker. Wo bought them at a price that means a great saving to our customers. A Great Opportunity to Make a Fine Christmas Present THE JACKETS ARE DIVIDED INTO SIX GREAT LOTS: Lot 13.50 Lot 24.75 Lot 35.75 Worth 15.00 Worth 18.00 Worth fS.OO Lot 4 -6.90 Lot 57.90 Lot 6 10 50 Worth 110.00 Worth $12.00 Worth $16.00 BATH AND LOUNGING ROBES Divided Into 6 Great Lots: Lot 11.90 Lot 2 2.90 Lot 3 3.90 Lot 4 4.90 Lot 56.90 Lot 67.90 Every Hobe Worth One-Third More. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR. MEN Pilk Umbrellas $6.00 to $2.00 Night Iiobes $3.00 to 50c Fancy Vests $5 C0 to $1.50 Fine New Neckties $1.00 to 25c Holiday Suspenders $2.00 to 25c New Hosiery $1.00 to 10(5 Derby and Soft Hats $5.00 to $1.50 Cuff Muttons and Watch Fobs. .. .$3.00 to 25c Fine Underwear $3.00 to 50c Up-to-date Shirts : $2.00 to 75c Tasty Scarf Fins $2.E0 to 25c Fine Silk Mufflers and Full Dress Protectors $3.00 to 500 Reduction Sale In Women's Coads and Furs SATURDAY Two Very Special Bargains in COATS l. i., 14. 1) $10 Men's Hats and Caps Men's hats make very appropriate Christmas pres ents. We have the strongest line of the latest styles in the west. r nxr.i i. e ; l - 1,-4. .4. 1 en in Kjur nvui noun, ccumi, tx uai at a.tv 'j The 'Tike. " a new one this fall, at 2.00 J I Our popular grades at 2 50 "Stetson's' famous hats, stiff or soft 3.50 Men's Seal Caps chYrsrmilriioeclnrt0 $3.50 Worth $5.00 $4.50 Worth $6.50 $8.75 Worth $12.00 & 1 il 250 Women's Coats In 27 and 42 inch lengths made of fine kerseys, chev iots and mixtures loose and fitted backB coats in this lot that fold at $12.75, ?14.7o and $Ki.75 Now reduced to... 175 Women's f Coats Made of the very finest ker seys, mixtures and coverts all new nobby shapes per fect fitting and well made garments that were bar gains at $18.75, $19.75 and $22.50 Now Keduced to 14.75 All our high grade Women's Coats, including some imported models, have been reduced $5.00 to $20.00 on erery garment. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Women's Furs Saturday 4 On tor women' J8.00 Sable and Isabella Fox Boas. 6 Qfk for women's $10.00 Sable W or iHubolla Kox Vane, Ifi flfl r women's ?15.(i SnbU or Isabella Fox linns. O 75 for wornen'8 HS.00 Isabella Ak ixmble Fox Boas. 14.75 for women's I'JO.no Isabella Doublo Fox Hon. f 7C for women's I25.UO Isabella lU.O Double Fox Hoas. eifl for .women's :io.(H) Isabella 'ou Double Fox Hons. Ol Tt' for women's fS.oo Isabella Double Fox Boos. WOMEN'S FUR COATS WOMEN'S ASTRAKHAN COATS Made of tho very best selected skins, 1'4 in. long, lined with the best guaranteed satin Saturday WOMEN'S ELECTRIC SEAL COATS 22 in. lonj?. made of the best grade of skins, new high storm collar and new sleeve, lined with the best satin Saturday WOMEN'S NEAR SEAL COATS The very best skins used in these garments that money can buy; looks as good as a genuine seal coat and made and lined as well Saturday. . 29.75 29.75 37.50 WILL BRYAN BITE THE BAIT? Ptrtinent Question Among Looal Dmorata Orar JackBtnian Olub Inviutioa. SILVER LEADER'S FRIENDS SAY HE WILL NOT Denounce Action of Club In InTltlns; Bryan as Orator aa Scheme i to RctIt Dead Organisation. Even In these days of "plptng- peace" and no politics local democrats are lying awake nights to study out new tricks In the great game of "get-even" which they have been playing for the last eight years, and from events which have transpired within the last week the suggestion is apparent that the "unterrifled" are still "unterrifled" and the "faithful" still faith ful. All of which goes to show that Bryan's friends are more determined than ever to get the scalp of their ancient foes and that the ancient foes are simply wait ing for the sweet hour to come when they shall one more Insert the harpoon Into their enemies. Last Saturday night the Jacksonlan club elected Its officers for the new year and planned for Its annual banquet January 7, intending to make this the biggest func tion of the kind ever held. The Jackson Ions at this meeting determined to Issue an Invitation to WlllianV Jennings Bryan, Joseph W. Folk and John Llnd. proposing, however, that Mr. Bryan should be the foremost orator at this important event. "KUaer" in the Woodpile. The uniiliited may not have perceived in this apparent act of cordial friendship and esteem for the distinguished Nebraskan anything sinister on the part of the Jack sonlans. But friends of Mr. Bryan did. Ha'rdys THE 99 CENT STORE 1513 Dodge Street Big Special Doll Sale Saturday. 500 Kestner Kid Bodv Do! s, the 50c kind, on sale ch....25c TOYS X' ft wfi 1 TOYS TOYS loo for Toy Tables worth Xe. lo for Toy Cradles worth t"o. 0j for Wire Doll Ileds worth ttc Vie tor Rlesell Carpet Sweepers. lvc for 6-piece Laundry Bet. loo for Iron Cane loaded with barrels. 1"0 for Toy Mlr Lanterns. Thousands of fcifts specially priced tor Baturriay's selling. orm KKMaS. They saw a neat piece of political chicanery and they are quick to resent what they regard as an attempted effrontery to Mr. Bryan's friends and a gross presumption upon the credulity, of Mr. Bryan. "Who are these Jacksonlans who Invite Mr. Bryan to come here and address them on this occasion?" asks a Bryan man, and In his own language he proceeds to an swer his own question. "They are the same men who have fought him at every turn of the road since he became the party leader In 1896; the men who organized the 'Success league' here In Omaha last spring as a means of resisting the Bryan Influence and knocking Mr. Bryan and his friends throughout the campaign; the Herdmans, Howell, Weaver In fact, the same old crowd. Weaver Is re-elected president, and who has been more hostile to Mr. Bryan than Frank L. Weaver? "You ask me if this does not mean the Jacksonlans are through fighting Bryan and a determination y join with him in the future affairs of the party? No, It means nothing of the kind: And not a solitary friend of Mr. Bryan will be de ceived by it. Jacksonlan Clnb Political Corpjs. "Tho Jacksonlan club is a political corpse Its funeral was held on November 8, when Mr. Parker, who was nominated against the most powerful influence Bryan could command, led the party to the most over whelming slaughter It had ever suffered. But this corpse resists death and In its ghoulish attempt to revive itself, it haa picked out Mr. Bryan to Infuse life into Its nostrils. It would be a fine thing for Mr. Bryan to come here and lend his presence and influence to this JacksonJun function, sending the Impression broadcast over the.country that after all, even though Parker was burled In the battle of ballots, the anti-Bryan Jacksonlan club is still alive and able to command from Its cardinal enemy such respect as tlraw him before its banquet board oa . chief orator of the day! "Well, when William J. Bryan gets to be this kind of a fool I want somebody to tell me. For Mr. Bryan to accept this audacious Invitation would be a personal affront to every friend he has In Omnha and the state, but especially In Omaha, where they did all they could during the campaign to overcome tho subtle Influence of this crowd. "There is no spirit of conciliation or union or reorganization In this move at all; It Is simply as I have said, a bold attempt to get Mr. Bryan to infuse life Into this defunct body of his political enemies. And after this Is over these fellows would fight Mr. Bryan just as they always have done. I predict Mr. Bryan will not be at thut banquet. Watch and see if I am a good prophet." Announcements of tbe Theaters. This afternoon and evening will see the closing performances of "Glittering Gloria" at the Boyd theater. This clever comedy has proved a success here, as elsewhere. Miss Morton and the people who are with her are bringing out Its strength and pleasing the audiences immensely. On Stfnday afternoon and evening Marie Walnwrlght will present "Twelfth Night," taking the character of Viola, in which she has long been popular. Following on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and a special matinee on Wednesday "San Toy," with James Powers, George Fortes cue and others as well known will be the attraction at the Boyd. ' At matinee and night performances to day the Nelson family, Fllson and Errol and the other notables at the Orpheum will be seen for the last two times. For next week, commencing Sunday mat inee, a bright, new show Is exploited. Canfleld and Carleton will be the topllners. Canfleld has not appeared here In many years, but will be readily recalled as one of the lively comedians that helped make Hoyt's plays so popular. They will pre sent an absurdity called "The Hoodoos." William J. Sulllvar. and Clarice Pasquelena appear In an operatic comedy, "A News boy's Appeal." Comedy intermixed with expert cycling is the speciality of Camp bell and Johnson. Hastings and Burns, versatile entertainers, furnish mostly fun making. La Tina, a dainty little ex ponent of physical culture. Is an espe cially attractive card for the women. The pretty Esmeralda sisters, dancers; new mo tion pictures showing scenes of a trip through Italy. In memory of Frank Murphy, late presi dent of the Merchants' National bank, the clearing house banks will close Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, remaining closed during the time of the funeral. The banks will then reopen and remain open until 1 o'clock. pn wiinmwMn iH) i)ii H'M '' mfm i iiiniin win i iiiilh mini i i , MUMMIIMII llliiwVlM III! IIIIIHItHSSIIMMM , J FURS FOR ONE DAY W7 200 SABLE AHO ISABELLA DOUBLE FOX SCARFS, WORTH SI5, $20 AND $25 FOR ONE DAY CHOICE i. G. E. SHUKER 313-315 South 16th Street !M1 B..J ')"." .' ... 1 .." !,Tl"l."l ''"." .""Ill Mmtumwm TIMELY TIPS HERE ARE A FEW: Gillette Safely Razors 3&gri8, Henckel's Emperor Razor, $2 each lT"SSHntS!SS your money away on cheap affairs. Then we have lower priced good Razors, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Scissor Sots I Table Cutlery, Carvers, for OAMPl i HOAST STEAK crnni I C A W For th Httle folks, to the larger ones for SvlUIL 'w- foot power for larger boys. n , Never before have we shown such an lm- r HPhPI IVfllVAS! mens variety of patterns. All prices front A UtlVCl "l COm.m 25,, upward ,5 the finest Sterling silver and pearl handled scissor knives. Combination hunting knives . Don t miss our Pocket Knife Sale. Remember every one guaranteed. Bale lasts only for the Holly-Day trade. Tool Cabinets Morris chairs for gifts to men. Work tables for gifts to ladles. New line. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co Stiattuck School Fairbault, Minnesota. Is recognized by Its putrons ns tbe best boys' school In the west. In cli mate it is without a rival. It Is al.so difclingulahed by the carefullneas with whith unworthy boys are excluded; the happy eointiln.il ion In right pro ptrtloii or the niorul, intellectual, ath letic and military training; the ex cellence of the Instruction and dis cipline; the pel Holla! euro and traln lii; thut fit a boy of churucter and ability to muke his way In ttia world as tew schools do. Not a boy In at tondauoe who Is not Improving. A limited number can be admitted after Christmas. Kvt-ry one inuat be well recommended. K fer In Onuiha to the Kev.' T. 3. Mackay. Address for cat alogue. REV. JAKES DOBBIN, D. 0., Rector. Prices and au.'ilitv euuranteid at Ifnher. munn's Jewelry store. Watches and Jewelry rt all Kinas, uiamonus ui own import, nince at corner Thirteenth and Douglas. niasolBtlos) of Partnership. All persons are hereby notified that J, T. J. Lynch has withdrawn from the firm of Lyjich & Lynch, and will not be responsible for any debts contracted under aforesaid mentioned name in the future. THOMAS J. LYNCH. Ilonrarrkfri' Excursions. .Tuesday. December 20, very low rates will be In effect via the Missouri Paclflo Rail way to points In Kansas, Missouri, Okla homa, Indian Territory, Texas, etc; also colonists' one-way rates to certain states In the south For full Information call or address company's agents or Thos. F. Godfrey, P. T. A., southeast corner 16th and Farnam sts., Omaha. Neb. Special holiday sale Oriental rugs. They make acceptable gl.fts. Orchard & Wll helm Carpet Co. Attention. F. V. of A. Members of Mondamln lodge No. ill are requested to attend the funeral of our lat frater, Tina Auers, from Brailey & Dor slice's undertaking rooms. Twentieth and Cuming streets, Friday, December 16, at 1:30 p. m. Interment Pleasant Hill ceme tery. Sister lodges Invited. II. C. IL COOK, Secretary. S. 8. ALCOX. Fraternal Master. Holiday, vow afea. To accommodate holiday travelers th t'nlon Pacific has placed In effect a rate of cne fare plus to cents for the round trip. Dates of B4le December U. 2t, M, S and January 1 and 2, with final return limit Junuury 4. Impilre of City Ticket Office, Uii Faxnam lrt. 'Fbone UM TO THE TON WE ARE SLUING COAL Rock Springs, fc. $7.40 Uanna Lump, laiiiiu) oc on Egg or Nut OUiUU Pennsylvania Anthracite, $11,00 Arkansas Anthracite S8.50 ALSO HAVE ALL THE CHEAPER . GRADES. tT JLJLtttt TT IT A 192 IZARD ST, TEU29.09.7S The largest line ever shown here, Just the gift for the man of the house or his son. or some other man's son. Nothing but the . best tools In them. MANUAL TRAINING TOOLS Your bw.k,nhow ri X."'"1"- Itemcmber, the rush for HOLLY -DAY shopping is on. Don't delay. - Make your selection now. ' JAS. MORTON & SON CO. 1311 Dodge Street Call At Every Coal Has Its day. Every day has its coal. We have every coal every day. The kind you want Is the kind we want you to have. We are pleased to sell to please. If you know i what you want, tell us. If you have no special preference or wish to try "something else," we will advise you according to our best Judgment. We can furnish these and others: . Eclipse Nut, 1460; Cherokee Nut, $5.25; Walnut Wook. $5.00; Trenton Lump, fi.25; Economy Washed Nut, i.OO; Ohio, 17.75; Rock Springs, $7.40; Hunna, $ l.Wr Sheridan, $0.00; Ozark, $8.50; best Pennsylvania Hard Coul, $11.00. Automatically Screened Coal is better than any other. Bo are our big "Yell-O" Wagons. That's our system. Sunderland Bros. Co. HQS Harney Street. New Otfice f MADE IN 0im"l7cHEN TO SAVE WORKm7oURS "J .NoMiSuciiPMcE Meat! J la 2-PIe 10c Package, with List cf Valuable Premium. KuTti',!. 1 sM BBS K3E KW. Ms so. sWl 3s bbs bssi sksl sns. Mas sssi sna Sam ana ssh sna aJ Caidy Ws receive a fresh supply dallr of Gunther's Famous Chicago Candies Bon-bons and chocolates direct from haad quarters. t Hold at Chicayo prict$ by MYERS-DILLON DHUa CO., 13th tad Firnan Sit.