it I'M. V! i ' i ill 10 SPECIAL NOTICES - Advertl-. to TOese eel a ease rill be lakes til IS tm. ter la ventre, mm wattl 8 . a, (a the matala id litlar alilaa. Kate 1 ward ret taserllarai la m war tkaraaftar. Mothl take, far lee Ihaa StOo for tka Aral laser- las. Tfceaa TrtlaaiBaalB aaast ka rn eeasee-tsltvelf'. Advertiser! ay rll tiered check, tu fcaa aaawera dr4 ta a a)abrd letter la eara f Tka B"e. Aaawara aa addressed will ka delivered aa yraaeatatlaa af rhaok. MISCELLANEOUS Boyles College Business, Shorthand and Type-writing! Normal. F.ngllsh. Uvll Service and Te eg raphy Course, MalL Day and Mabt, Couriot; Catalogue Free. Btate when writing whether Interested In re1dene work or correspondence couraaa. Addra.ja: II. B. Boyles. Pra. THT KELLT'S TOWEL BUFPLtTtM. 8S30. JK 8 f CTTT SAVING! BANK pays t per cent. R JF TOU want to buy. sell or rent property, borrow money, sell note or account, call at R. I. N. T. Life. Tel. 188. Glover A Son. R iaO ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Baa BKdSJ CITY STEAM LAUNDRY - 211 SOUTH 11TH. 'PHONE i. IvV trust everybody. Hare our wiM call. Express work 0'lclu1B1jen DVT Pianos for Rent, BJ.on-84.OT. New pianos. grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. PerAeld Piano Company, 1U Farnam, Telephone 701. Open evenings. R 383 JSAOLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all bualneaa eonndentlai. 1801 "J ANTI-MONOPOLT Oarbaga Co., m N. lth. Tel. 1779, R-8 WANTED, horse to wtntar. 11.60 per Sonth: good feed, plenty of water. A. H. ad, BIS Ware block. R-M147 6ION PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1301 Dougla. R 386 , STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. WO. 1207 Doug. Omaha Btove KepVVka r. MELCHOIR. machine works, ,13th and Howard. R-88 Electro plating. Om. Plat'g Co., 1606 Harney H XKA Ti n EL8A6SER A PRICE, machine and gen eral repair work. 117 B. 13 th at Tel. 1477. R-M666 Jl I). W, DUDGEON, the axpert; two 'phonxs. R-MH M7 SPECIAL attention given architects' plana and specifications .contractor ahould in vestigate. Lew Wentworth, 6UL PaxUn blk. R-M994 J7 . OMAHA "Bafe and Iron worka make a spe cialty of Ore escapee, shutters, door and eafea O. Andrecn. prop,, 108 S. 10th st. R-M166 PRESSORIUM KPrMMd- mi R Mill . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Jr'OR ALE, new and 'second-hand billiard id pool tablea. bar fixtures of all klnda; eaay payment. Send for catalogue. Rrunswlok-Balke-Collender, 407 B. 10th at., Omaha, Q-Mia COMPLETE Una new and 2d-hand furnj . tura. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. ton. 2ND-HAND safe cheap. De right. 1111 Far nam. , Q 393 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We have about UW feet 00 atranded electric light cabld and one (00 ampere knife witch. ddree Bee Building Co.. or aee : w. H. linages, engineer, te puuaing, Omaha. Q-638 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in lea in nttings call and look over the following auppllea: I 6-Inch Jenkins Olobe valvea. 1 6-inch 'Gate valve. 1.8-tnch Austin horlsonal separator. 1 4-lncb Austin vertical separator. 16 H. P. hoiicontal angina. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Addreas Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridge, engineer. Bee build ing, Omaha. Q 6U ' TWO HEAVT STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOlLlfcHa FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used out six years, made of firebox steel, triple riveted but and strap joints, insurance company permits of pressure of 125 pound. They are now In usa and can bo aeen at boiler house, rear of Bee . building. Can be delivered at once. Call or addreas W. li. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building, Omaha, Q-M902 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., OmahA. Q 3M h. P. ENGINE. We have on six-horse power horixontal engine. The engine has never been used. , Will sell It for about one-half prioe. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. Q 111 FOR SALE, several acholarnhlpe la a first class etandard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course la bueineas, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. - Q TO CORN cribbing tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypresa fence lath, 1-ply whltebasawood. m Douglaa ' Q 891 ClTT RATE railway ticket everywhere. P. H Philbin, M I'aruam, 'phone 7K4. Q-M3t3 6HOWCA8E. new design. , tit Paxton blk. Q idfsi J7 BUT randcen'a Antlseptlo Hair Tonic. FOR BALE, a Now Century typewriter taj good condition. E. R. McClellan, Twenti- tn ceixury r armer, n. iuu see uia. Q-101 lex WE RENT sewing' maohlnes TOo week. We repair all makes of machine. Sec ond band machine IS to 110. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1GO. Corner 16th and Harney. (J t " PULLETS AND COITNTKR8HAFT8 AT A BARGAIN. 0 Pulleys, from in. to 4a In. in diameter, I Countershafts complete. 90 Feet 1 7-14-la- shafting, with couplings and hanger. 40 Feet 1 U-l-ia. shafting, with coupling and hangars, together with about tut feet of belting from I to I in. Three are all In flrat-claea condition. W. II. Bridge. Engineer, Bee building. 113 UPRIGHT plane, used t months, original price 8275; will sell for 81 on easy pay- t' inent. Omaha Furniture A Carpet Co., between 12th and 18th on Farnam. Q-890 19 100 FTECTJ8 of furniture suitable for Xma f-lfts, the lsrgest stock In Omaha. Terma. 26 worth, 81 per week. Omaha Furniture it Carpet Co., between 18th. and l.Vh on Farnam Bt. Q 8V8 18 PIAN08 at coat; we quit the piano business . January 1; all our at oik muat be disposed of regardless of price. Omaha Furniture ' ft Carpet Co., between 11th and 18th on Farnam. . Q Ks5 U - ONE carload of fine Xma treee. C. Hansen. 7ul lath. Q Mul 14 O I .D8 gaaolln engine are reliable and durable. Several allghtly used bargains. 1118 Farnam St. . Q DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIUS, Mlas Sturdy. 'Phone A-7 -M1U0 Jl MRS. M. EL OARCEAU. bow at f Bher- . , nuui ave. -MM Jli Mr A- W. Smith, reaaunable, 3m 5 Cali fornia.- atavi ju FANCT embroidering. Mia N. Anrierenn, i rAKCTNTT ACADEMY fuJj.MJBKKS.eoeiely aod UTelF18Tt WANTED MALE HELP Mosher Shorthand Modern. slmpe. legible and rapid. Bt system now in use. tsena tor naruoum Address: Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglaa Hi TELEGRAPH department rpen In Decem ber, boy lea College. B Mail WE HAVE a pine for good Rate and revision clerk. ttood express transfer man Man to take charge of offloe. Solicitors, salary and commission. Oood harwsre ealeamnn. Mechaniu to rvpalr res and traction en gine. Oood stenographer. Open Tuewlay and Thursday evenings. Call or write for list of vacanclea. WESTERN RKK. AND BOND ASS N, JUO IMaw Ynrk LJfM. I WANTED FOR V. S. ARMT Able-tmT!ed unmarried men, between ages of 11 and H, cltlsens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who apeak, read and write Englleh. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 13th and Douglas st., Omaha: Lincoln, Neb., or Bioux City, la. B M287 MEN TO LEARN barber trsde; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, moot practical barber college In the united States. Write for catalogue tncjay. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 19 PORTRAIT men, why work for someone elee at fifty to seventy-five cents an order when you can buy guaranteed work of us at wholesale? Investigate our credit plan. Ripley Art Co., lock box Omaha, Neb. B 74 D31 WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard st. B W IF TOU are In need of a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT, 923 N. T. Life. B 006 J4 WANTED, salesman to ell butcher up plies In Nebraska. South Dukota and Black Hills, for Milwaukee house. Ad dree K 24, Bee. B M990 14 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; can nearly earn ex penses before finishing; graduates earn 116.00 weekly. Call or write, Molar Bar ber College, 130K Douglaa St. B-M2SSUX WANTEn An experienced man who un derstands hanging draperies and window shades. Orchard Wilheim Carpet Co.. Omaha, Neb. B-864 1J EXPERIENCED offic and shorthand man with some experience In -Jraml estate and banking. Hart, 923 N. T. Life. B 168 14 10 WELL dressed solicitors, 17. W per week and per cent commission. Hart, vza . T. Lif Bldg. B 350 14 SCANDINAVIAN drugalst at dnca: out of mm ciiy. nnri, o ix. x. xiia. o uo a WANTED A good all-around blacksmith at once; must ho a good shoar and sober! no bums or sots need apply. Call on or address C. T. Held, Emerson, la. B MSB 14x EXPERIENCED men wanted to set pot and put up bsrbwlr. Apply Champion Iron and Wire Worka, 611 8. 16th st. B-M3M IS WANTED A few young men for directory work. Omaha Directory Co. B 397 lix SEVERAL young men for furnishing goods department. Apply main office, Bennett's. B M409 16X MEN WANTED to sell full line of hardy fruit and ornamental trees. Work full or part time an you prefer. Pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nuraery Company, Fort Madlaon, la. B WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS, Canadian offloe, 15th and Dodge. C 401 . WANTED Competent girl for general nousewom; gooa wage. Appiy is no. SSth st. C 17 WANTED Ladle to learn hairdreaalng, ' manicuring or facial msasager few weeks " completes ty our method; graduates earn 810 to flG weekly; little expenses. Call or writ, Moler College, . 1302 Donglns St. . C-M234 1X WANTED Good girl or general house work, at one at tux b.. lotn x. C-55 U WANTED Experienced . bindery girl. Stoneclpher, 1807 Howard. C M865 14 WANTED Girl for general housework; email family; no washing. Apply 2408 . Chicago St. C M369 lBx WOMEN to aew at homo, 89 per week; materials sent everywhere tree, ateaay work, plain sewing only; send addressed envelope for full particular. W. E. M., Du Pont. Philadelphia, Pa. O M401 14x BEVERAL young ladle wanted for fnr- nlHhlng goods department. Apply main office, Bennett's. O M410 18x WANTED, a cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 1506 S. 8th st. C M406 1X LADIES. 830 thousand copying letter, no mailing to friends or furnishing ad tlresHea, stamped envelope particular. ' V.. S. Adv-artiBin- Ct., Dept. B 20, Clil cairo. C M404 14x WANTEDSITUATION EXPERT stenographer wants position, can furnish references. & 62, Baa. A 1Z 13x WANTED A position by a young lsdy, already eniployed; capable stenographer or salsuludy. L i. care Bee. Ar-t lix A. POSITION doing general housework . by young colored girl, L. 26, one Bee A-3M 19x WOULD like position aa housekeeper for widower or bachelor by oolored lady with small child; experienced. L. 14, Ben offlo. A-890 16x POSITION out of city aa housekeeper. L. 20, Bee. A Jx7 17x TOUNG lady with some experience want position aa stenographer. L. 12, Bee. A-&S 16s EXPERIENCED oolored man wants posi tion in offloe. L, , oare Bee. 16x MAN with sonis experience with electricity want permanent position. L. 84, Ree. A-88S 16x YOUNG man, 17, want position in office; can use typewriter. Address Harry O'Connor, general delivery. Council Bluffs. A 3&9 16x EXPERIENCED colleotor wants position. x e, oare oee. ou xsx FIRST CLASS newspaper solicitor want position In fir insurance business as solicitor or in office, with shanoe for promotion. L. 11, Omaha Bee. A-891 Ui GOOD salesman and solicitor desires change In position. L 18, Bee. A-891 Ux FIRST CLASS laundry man wants man agemant of laundry. L. 28. A 893 Ux CLAIRVOYANTS OTLMER, clenUna, palmist, 714 N. 88d. 8421 A WONDERFUL trial reading; the only dead trance medium In the world; his startling revelations ere the wonder of all; past, preaent and future events told correctly; aend 10 centa, 2c atamp. date of birth, own writing, to DR. JOSEPH LESTER. Box 62, Merchants Station, felt Louis, Mo. Mention this paper. S-M986 III LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MORBARTT, Attorney, 437 Paxton. Tel. jl naa. JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New Tork Life Bldg., rooms 804 and 819. Tel. 1561. -4S1 Huntington aV Stratton. 882 N. T. Ufa OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. US N.T.Llfe bldg. Tel. 1664 MRS JOHN R. MUBICK. Osteopathy Phy iidin; oRtce. Douglaa block. 'leL.Zx. 7 dlseaaa. DR. FAR WELL, specialUr nanroua, " ' THE OMAITA FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Omaha Plating Co., 1608 Harney. Tel. 8635. ROTAL HOTEL, European, lth ft Chicago. E 409 DEWET, European hotel. 18th and Farnam. E 410 VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladle' cafe, private dining r.i open night HOUSEKEEPING Three or four very de- Slrahle. nirtlv furnUh. nrmm' halh and (as; reference required. 242ti St- Mary's ave. V 411 MIDLAND hotel. 16h and Chicago: steam heated; medium price; cafe In connection. E 413 FTTRNMH7CD and unfurnished, all part of city. Room 8. N. T. Life. E 414 TWO nicely furnished front rooms; hot end cold water, electric light, gas, telephone; good board In vlnclnlty; convenient for gentlemen. 217 8. Sth Bt. E M778 NICELY furnished front room, ou'et. good lotion; gentleman preferred. 1921 Dodge. 'Phone 8166. E M6S THREE pleasant partly furnished rooms. iiuucni, can De arrangea inr nnunTiwp lng. Reference required. 1701 Woolworth ave. XV IV9 LARGE, pleasant front room: modem; phone. 1821 Douglas. E M524 LARGE, well furnished room, morlern. 708 S. 18th ,t. E MS NEWLT furnished rooms, modern. 2310 Webster. Tel. L8218. . E M530 MODERN furnished rooms; best location. 113 8. 10th. E MM DESIRABLE room, flrst-class location, walking distance. 1224 Farnam. E M9St NkwLT furnished room. trlctly modern. 811 8. 21L, 'phone B2267. B-380 18 NEATLT furnished room to parties with references. 1709 Jackson. E 3S1 13x FRONT parlor, strictly modern, reasonabl. 1818 Dodge, 'phone A 2407 E 874 13x 818 8. 19TH at, nicely furnished rooms! reasonable. E 888 14x ALI MODERN furnished room for fnt 110. 2418 podge St. B M364 17 BEST room for the money; married couple or two ladles; 88.60. 209 S. I8th ave. B M382 14x NICE furnished room, modern 4oo 9. 2fith ava E M379 14x TWO front rooms, cheap. 665 P. 25th ave. K MM) 14 X TWO nicely furnished room. 1!22 Cali fornia. E M374 16x MODERN sleeping rooms; gentlemen pre ferred. 1918 Douglas. E M37B 16x FOR RENT, large nicely furnished room: private family; furnace, telephone: gentle men. 2123 California at. E M284 14x FT'RNIPHED rooms, hot water heat. 818 No. 17th. E-M165 16 LKT US furnish your rooms; we do It bet ter and cheaper than all others; our terms, fx worth. 11 per, week; 8B0 worth, 11.60 tier week. Omalia Furniture Car pet Co., between 12th and llth on Frnm St. - E-391 13 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. BU. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F 41S MIDLAND hotel. 16th and Chicago; steam heated rooms, with or without board. F 418 609 8. tfith ave., pleasant room: good board; private family. F 417 METROPOLITAN reetaurant. regular , . . . .1 . ,n,n meai xih;, mews w viudi, x., i""i6'a' Tel. A426. F-M5U0 J2 THE SHELTON, 26th and Dodge, ideal home for the winter, pleasant rooms, trlctly modern, home cooking; reason able. F-376 NICE room and board, home cooking. 2S15 Leavenworth. F M381 14x TWO unfurnished and on furnished rooms; modern. 210 N. 2&ta. msjs idx WARM room and board. 626 8. 19rh st. - F M376 161 BACK parlor, eentral location, family stvle; reasonable. 2152 St. Mary's. F M377 15x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR room, closet bath, telephone, heat; 317. 'Phone 1026. G M9S3 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE FOP. RENT, after January 1, for several months, modern furnished eight-room house. Snap for right parly. - Referencea. Addreea H S. Bee. 396 13x PRINTING LTNGSTAD A RUFFNER. DDIMTCDC Crouns Block, Corner of r Iin 1 ClXO nth St. and Capitol Ave. -467 KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, 1106-06 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised I our hobby, - 468 J. M. STRPLESS, reliable printer; estab lished 12 years. 208 S. 13th St., Omaha. FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FINE 8876 pneumatic Btanhope, nearly new, 1126; open pneumatlo runabout. 860. Drunv mond. 18th and Harney. P 436 OOOD station wagon, cheap: also second hand carriage, at a bargain. Johnson at Danfortb, B. W. Cor. 10 Ui and Jones at P 11306 D2C FLORISTS HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 463 CHA8. EDERER. Reasonable. 80th and Briatoi. isi. xiva. M829 L- HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Send for prio 1ISI OI cut nuweie u ,'" ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR., 1607 Far num. Tel. 3338. g WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms and house. Room 8, N. T. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover Bon. K 418 WANTED Two modem rooms near high school furnished for light housekeeping; around floor preferred; references. AU rees L 1. Bee. K.-867 14x ROOM and board In private family, not more than 1 blocks from 81st and Leaven- worth; state terms and conveniences. L. 10, Bee. K-416 lCx WANTED Piano for use on account of storage. L. 84, Bee. K 410 16x WANTED To rent, 6 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. L. 18, care Bee. K 411 lx WANTED Unfurnished houaekeeplng rooms in private family; state terms and reference. L. 38. Bee. K ill 16x 6 OR t ROOM modern house, neur So. Omaha and on oar line. L. 90, this office. K 413 i:x S-ROOM eottage; reasonable; cloa in. L 29, Be. - K 414 lix WANTED room end en horsepower for llrht manufacturing buslne Address i-Ai3Si8 14 DAILY BEE I WEDXESDAT, DECEMBER li. 190 1. A Sunday Comparisofv Let Sunday The Bee printed 1,332 lines of real eJstato advertising, as againRt 851 lines published by its nearest competitor. Bee's Lead 461 Line. The public places its advertising where they will pet return the above goes to prove that to be The Bee. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Big Lot. Room for ) Houses, $950-00 look at the N. E. cor. 83d and Hamilton ts. ; 0 feet wide, running through' from Hamilton to Charles, room for one house and store fronting south and one house fronting north; nine high ground, on car line. This is the, beat bargain offered thl year In that neighborhood. Have one -foot lot on Hamilton, fronting south, be tween 33d and 84th. running through to Charles, room for two houses, for o. Hastings & Heyden, 1609H Farnam Street. 'Phone 1608. RE 3W 14 FOR SALE Ranch and farm combined; 1.120 acres, 640 acres deeded, .120 lease on school land, 160 homestesd 180 acres un der cultivation, 26 In alfalfa, 20 in hog tight pasture, balance under good cattle fence; plenty of wood, abundance of run ning water, rich soil; 816-W per acre for deeded land. A snap. 12 miles N. W. of Bassett. Neb., on N. W. R. R. For further' information address Jo Koenlg. Fremont. Neb. RE M2H3 14x KOUNTZE PLACE HOME Beautiful home of 9 rooms, exceptionally well built, fine location, N. E. corner 19ih and 6pencer; paved street, peinunent walks; everything complete; poueaa.on at once; key at our office. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam street. RBI 107 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Titles Perfected and Guaranteed. Tel. 2244 JAME3 F. KERR. 10u8 N. T. L, RE M56t D31 IF TOU want to buy, eH, rent, borrow money, sell note or account, call at R. 8, N. T. Life. 'Phone 183. Glover & Son. RE M422 GEO. W. EFFORT, M. M. 8HARPLESS, President. Secretary. Western Home Association, REAL ESTATE SPECIALISTS. 310 H CAUL'E BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. We have nice home of 80 aore we oan trade you for your residence or other Iiroperty. so ItiO-acre Iowa farm, very nice, for slock of goods. Also 320-aore Iowa farm, near town, for residence or any paying bualneaa. The owner aays to exchange hia home farm of 100 acre for residence property. Call or write us and let us tell you about tbeee place, RE M61 FOR SALE Two modern, brick house, 7 room each; will rent for 840. Prioe, 12,600, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life bldg. RE 424 CUBAN INVESTMENTS Excursion rates Deo. 10, 37.60; good to return Jure 1, 1906. v C, R. GLOVER A SON. 'Phons 133. Main floor N, T. Llfa RE-40 FOR SALE On not of 81,800, true In one year, secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for 81,600, due on or before three years. Interest at 6 per cent, payahle semi-annually, secured; by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, B 26, Bee office. , RE M46I 83.600 WILL BUT a beautiful home In Kountae Placer 4tBll lot, eouth front, good barn, street paved, house newly painted and papered? 'everything modern THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New .Tork Life Bldg. RE M42 CHAEa Williamson Co.,ui8t: l!oJ?.,d- RS-429 RI7ILDING FOR SALE. 9-room house, se. corner 20th and Farnam St., must be removed at once. Submit bids. George & Co., 1601 Farnam st. RE M337 18 800 Acres For Omaha Property This land 1 on the Platte bottom and half or more is under cultivation. It In a great bargain at 120,000. Will accept good Omaha vacant or improved property. David C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam Bt. Ml- Facing south on West Farnam, a finely finished, eight-room, modern house with good barn, all new and up to date. Bar gain. 14.8UO. SHIMER & CHASE CO.. 1009 Farnam St. RE-M345 14 EIGHT acres; new house; barn; poultry houses; fine well; all kinds fruit. Will divide to suit. Address K 49, Bee office. RE 839 THOSE $325 LOTS ON 32ND AND VINTON SrS,. ARE BEING SOLD RAPini Y; 15 SOLD LAST WEEK. SOME NICE ONES LEFT. A GQOdI MANY SOUTH OMAHA PEOPLE ARE BUYING THEM. WILL MEET YOU SATURDAY AFTERNOON IF YOU TELEPHONE US. A. P. TUKEY & SON, BOARD OF TRAD E BLDG. RE M403 1 WANTED TO BUY 8HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest prio for booka Tel. 8u3. N419 WANTED Second hand fixtures for pool hall. L 7, Bee office. N 400 14x GOOD horse for about 118 to 125 for use on coal wagon. U 4, Be. N 401 16x WANTED Oood piano, reasonable, by January 1. L. S2, Bee office. N 402 15x WANTED To buy half interest In well paying down town saloon. L. 8. Bee. N 403 lx PRACTICAL butcher wants half interest in well paying country meat market; state price, etc L. 9, car Bee. N 404 17x WANTED within ten day a small priced lot between Leavenworth and Farnam and 35th and 37th; deal dlrec with owner. L 18, Bee. N-405 16x GOOD paying rooming house Immediately. L 17. Bee. N 40 16x BMALL confectionery store, with no com petition. L 81, Be. N 407 ltix WILL pay cash for good paying small restaurant. L 21. Bee. N 408 16x BARGAIN In Itt or 2-carat diamond. L 19, Bee. N 409 15x WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow 86.600 on Omaha Im proved real estate; value of property, 116, OuO; IntereHt not over per cent net. Ad dress K (7. Bee. 3u8 14x WANTED Loan of 81.200. three or five years, from private party; best real es tate security. Addreas L. 2, Bee. ' MJT0 Ux FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Nab. Cycle Co., 16ih and Harney. a 4K9 IF TOU do not And what you want in thl column put an ad in and you will soon get It. z-ta LOST LOST W I'k at Vhlt bull dog pup; left black eye; trap around neck. Return to 2114 Omaha, and Wc.iv. reward i. Bo. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES. Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker X3IOCB. - -l HOI IQCQ la all part of the city. The nvwx-wi U. a. Davis Co.. fru8 Bte bldg. 1 428 FOR RENT, 8-room house. In nrt-claa 1 1 1 . U , ... , .uiiuilivu, .Vll.ll IIIKC Ul, WU.rilirii, baggage delivery. 616 8. 16lb. - Tel. 14i4. A HOME on Blnney at-, 10-room house, tc desirable party; 840 per month. Telephone THE Omaha Van and Storsge Co. pack, move and store U. H goods. Storehouse, 11JQ-24 IV, 191ft. Uffice, IbUH r arnara. Tel. loot. u Mi WE MOVE nlanna. Mnaaard Van & St or age Co. Tel. 1469. Office 17U Webster Bt, U U4 Un ICPC In all part of the city. R. C I1UUOCO Peter & Co., Be Bulldlrg PATNE-B08TWICK A CO.. choice houses. C01-603 New Tork Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. L IM 7-ROOM cottage, 1630 8. 28th st Clark roweii, I6if Capitol ave. '.Phone rn. D-M498 FROM 16 up. Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sta Tel. 2049. D-947 D2S HOUSES FOR RENT. 8202018 Elm St.. f-room cottage, mod erf but furnace, good repslr. 8172916 Shirley, 8 room. - modern bul xurnsce. 820844 Park ave., 8-room cottage, ' 816837 So. 22d. 7 room, barn. 315 New, 7 rooms, near Krug park. 1132004 N. 22d. 6 rooms. 112.502321 So. lth. 6-rooro fiat. 8118421 Mason, 6-room cottagrs. 2616 N 81st. 4 rooms. GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam. D-es FOR RENT -room house; all modem ex cept rurnace; 706 in. aotn sui 818. C. M. Bachman. 436 Paxton Block. D 608 FOR RENT. 4022 Farnam t, 8 rooms, all modern, bam, convenient, to Farnam car line, only 336 per month. R, C. Peters t jo.. tie Diag. D M828 FOR RENT House 4 rooms. 8124 Mason St.. 17 per month. C. H. Bachman, 436-37 Pax- ton diock. I 902 FOR RENT House t rooms and bath, mod em. rorner lot. nice lawn, one hlnclr fmm car line; house In good repair. 123. 1501 Ohio t. Inqulr at 1:601 N. 15th st. D-974 13x FOR RENT-MODERN HOITRR9 1205 N. 20th St., 10 rooms J20 iui n. nisi si,, s rooms g' 1144 B. 82d St., 8 rooms 30 1 humao B lit IN IV AN, Room 1, Nw Tork Life Bldg. D M993 14 BIX-ROOM cotUge, all modern. 1431 N. 20th. 120.00. D-104 14X 120 N. 25TH, rooms, modem, 835.00. D-M118 HOUSES TO LET. Kna fiX740K1 C.nth 91 -, . . " " " - " 1 iv-vm. ."1 ll J I k lUlUlrB. H1CJU- ern except furnace; will be ready for occupancy soon No. 8109 Pacific, 9 rooms, strlctlv modem. No. 2908 Lake, 3-room cottage; city water; 18.00. No. 2o8 Lake, 6-room cottage; city water; 110.00. , No. 110; S. 82d at., rooms, modern: barn; 140.00. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam st. D M160 2 LEAVENWORTH, FIVE ROOMS, 118. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D M326 14 BARN at 2023 Burt St.. 110 per month, N. P. DODOS & CO.. 1614 Farnam St., Omaha. D-343 IS WE furnish the house complete: larireat stock In Omaha; at least 25 per cent cheaper than Installment stores. Terms: 125 worth, 11 por week. Omaha Furniture A Crpetn Co., between 12lh and 13th on lirnani Bt. L 394 II FARMS FOR SALE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha. Neb. Dept. "A." RE-4.3 Farms for Sale or Trade If you want to buy or trade for a good farm In eastern Nebraska right In the corn belt of the state, we have them from 40 acre up at price that are right Write ua lor particulars. Corona Live Stock and Investment Co., J. P. Falter, Manager, PlatUraouth. Neb. M222 17 FARMS FOR SALE. 80 acre only HVi mllta west of city. West Dodge st., 880.00 per acre. 80 acres improved, 11 miles N. W. of Omaha on Military road, 880.00 per acre, 106 acre 13 mile N. W. of city, JoS.oO per acre. 140 acre about 4 miles from Bo. Omaha, 175.00 Der acre. 150 acres 11 miles S. W. of Bo. Omaha, with good two-mory nouse, large barn and other buildings; Improvement alone worth 12.500.00. Price 110,000.00. 160 acres about 15 mile S. W. of Omaha, with new Improvements, 186.00 per acre. 290 acres well Improved about 25 miles 8. W. of Omaha, 8S0.00 per acres. 826 acres well Improved about 11 miles from So. Omaha, 880 00 per acre. 640 acrea well improved, near BU Edward, Neb., in Boone county, 342.60 per acre; also several well Improved quarter sec tions In Boone county, from 837.60 to $50.00 per acre, on very eaay terms. 760 acres In Dawson county. Neb., about 400 acre In alfalfa, with two good sets of Improvement, which cost over 36,000.00; 820.00 per acre. GEORGE A COM PANT, 1001 Farnam, Omaha. M3S9 14 FARMS FOR RENT TO LET LOTUS LANE DAIRY FARM. 70 acres la alfalfa, 30 acre farm land and 20 acres In pasture; modern stable, holds 64 cows: contract can be made for milk produced; 6-room cottage; six blocks from R. R. station; 16 miles from Omaha. W. FARNAM BMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam t. M-169 FARM FOR RENT. For rent, 40 acrea of bottom farm, near Blair. 1 acre in fruit, fair Improvement; low eajih rent, no danger of overflow. N. P. IX) DOE A CO., 1614 Farnam t. . M4u7 16 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED Clt y loan, a C. PeteniC, FARM and city losns; lowest rate. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1C41 W 479 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed. 1520 Douglaa W 464 WANTED City loan and wsranls. W. Farnam Smith A Co., li.'O Farnam St. W 481 MONET TO LOAN. Payne investment C. t PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 wr WX1 W 483 K LOWEST rates. Bemis, Paxton block. W 44 PIANOS FOR SALE PIANOS We retire from the piano bualneaa January 1; all our instrument at cost on very easy paymenta. Omaha Furniture A Carpet Co., between Lin and lth on Farmer- - 1A PERSONAL MAGNFT1P treatment A bah. Mmj. mwjn n i iv- 8mJUli 1U n. 16. i "jj,- HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TEST". Maenacon currs mlddle-er trouble, Acoustlcon aids the hearing a glasees do the eye, Hutchison Acoustic CO., N. T. Life Ridg. 'Phone 191. . TRT KELLETS LAUNDRT. 'FHONES0. TRUSSES made and flttM to men. women ana emmren. i Fsrnnm Ft. THE JL J. TENFOLD CO. UMJ ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS Send for Price list and Sample THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block, TeL 19VS U-444 TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 720 8. 13th. DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examinee them; we teat eye free for giassea ana guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. Leading Opticians, 140$ Farnam. U 446 DRAWING and painting from life. Case U 447 LARSON A .tnHNHDN cut rate to all Point. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B211S. Mem- oer American Ticket BroXers nmn. 'PHONE 7m anil man will call and tune four piano; 13 Per field Piano Co.. 1iU x-araam. u aow THEATRICAL maq. coatume. Lleben, 1410-11 Howard. U-M461 "VIA VI," way to health. 800 Be B, THE Salvation Armv eollclt cnt-off cloth Ing; In fact a.iythlng you do not ned; we collect, rennir nifil for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phoiurl ,nll .ni 1- A T ' K11 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ram go Blk. C 453 CALENDARS and calendar pads. Burkley Printing Co., Omaha. U-M370 D28 WANTED, farmer who want to mske more money to send for our pamphlet, "The One Hundred Per Cent Farmer. Correspondence Agricultural College, 442 Nebraska St., Sioux City, la. U-643 D29 XMA8 present, sterling silver and gold headed umbrellaa. Boston Umbrella Co., I S. 16th. U-M995 WANTED Permanent home for a colored boy, 9 years of age; also a temporary home In Omaha for a boy 12 years of ag where he may attend school and do chores to assist In paying his board. Other children, of nearly all ages, for adoption, at the Child Saving; Institute, 1608 Ohio. Tel. 1901. U-14S 15x PIANO TUNING, 12. W. R. Dalhev. 2207 Mason. U MXJ6 18x WILL pretty lsdy who crossed lfith St., st Farnam, Saturday about 1:15 and wore long brown fur and noticed tall gentle man in long overcoat waiting lor car ad- dress K 68, for an intent Hew 7 U-388 lSx WANTED, the name of every person suf fering from Indlg-estlon or any stomach trouble (chronic dyspepsia preferred). We have the agencjr for a new remedy, a new method of curing dyspepsia, and the manufacturers want to give you a full size 25c package free of charge. Bring or send your name and address to our drug store. MTERS-DILLON DRUG CO.. U M400 20 PRESSORIUM gsas,PMMet 1524 U-M412 MEDICAL FOR WOMEN- ONLT. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator ha brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief In 3 to 5 days. We have never known of a single failure. Mall orders promptly tilled. Price, S3. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO, R. 87, 84 Adams at., Chicago. 454 DR. PRIES treats auccessfuly all diseases and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address. with stamp, ur. l-ries, xoxljfc uodge tit., umana. o LADIES In trouble writing to post box 767, oman a, inud., win not regret it. -M777 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The uooa Samaritan Haul' tarlum, 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. -628 PRIVATE home during confinement: be biea boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden, 2216 Charles. Tel. A 2618. -466 PRIVATE home for ladiea during confine ment. All communications confidential. Address: K 45. Bte. M180 lu BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or otisiness quicx, see j. jl. Johnson. 843 N. T. Life. 'Phone L2270. Y 402 i ensn-nvTt7Ta atfaovsvhara If m ha rh . AIL KJI JLtJLK cm" o, jm ajsavw cx-41 aCCOUIlla (lift- ur uniui wi aiiij ninu ntii"V TJerBUII, III III V1 iwi'.a""li " . nit OCVUO It for you. IE NEW SNOW-CHURCH LU., Al tUIl f 1UV1 a, a. jio. c iiunw jiw. ABBOTT-COWAN CO., liit Nat. Bk. bldg , ttmt lit Sifa nut nf hi lH 1111 "V . Al Hh SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. T. Llf. Tel. 48. Y-40J IF TOU wish to buy or sell any legitimate or address the Western Home Associa tion, 310 McCague Bldg. Y M952 NEWSPAPER for sale: good Missouri town Or 1.IIW. 00 tppOBIllLll, UI1V VVIIIIIB. JU' dress K 30, care Bee. Y M126 vnn RAT.K Good clean stock of general merclianaise; invoice ao.onu. yearly ousi-u ness, 12i1.00il; located in town of 600 inl central lowa: ngni expense ana competi tion: good chance for buidneaa; trade es tablished; cash only. Address K 31. Bee. T M135 FOR SALE A clean up-to-date agricultural implement Dusinesa; invoire snoiu n,uv; may take land or other Income property in trade, A. Axen. Battle Creek. Neb. T M136 16x FOR SALE, hardware stock of 13,000 stock ... 1 1 V- - V. .1,,, .,,. r.. u .. - r... selling. Address K 87, 'care nf Bee. T-M150 16x CHOICE OFFERING 810 000 general stock In business town, cen- trai tllinoiB, in e.ww u,,n, tum ie-iii business; strictly best goods; right price. Quick action wanted; have other business. Address: K 87, Be. Y-lu2 13x RARE business opportunity; I want man to join me in pleasant and profitable manu facturing bueineas mat pays nig; goods staple: man must be honest and sober; 3bo0 required: no risks; references ex changed. Call Mr. Myers, Her Grand hotel. ' T-M385 14 FOR BALE, furniture 18-room hotl. good bualnesa; only hotel in town. w. a. Haasett. Oresham. Neb. Y M406 14x PATENTS -I . gv. XWB BT, a. M-AMHtJ a 4-M ( v fx iTDv t irflTrn -stent nd patent law, mechanical draughting and blue printing. Hulte 4J Paxton block. Omaha, Neb. P hone i 1798. M PM 1.I14X SUES A CO.. Patent Lawyer; advice free Three omces: oee uu.iuiu. yin.ii., j-""-, 184 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. and 10u8 F Bt.. Waahlngto... b. C. tel. Jg FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES 110 OFFICE In Ths Be building carries -Ti.i. i, il the conveiileiicea.anu advan tages In the. way of 'at. light. J-n'.'or : oil nlfrht pna Si ' I W JT BHU DUIIUaj Il.vfttcr irvce A lo mcj U now va- ,?ound floor. Be building. l-28 1 iTORY and basement brick building, ?-arnam 22x100. hydraulic elevator, i able for wholesale or manufacturing 103 jj isai x saxua v i-437 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES IF A aonn light Is needed w can show you a north tront office on the tloor. splendid room, at the moderate price of .i k. t meters t vo., ground noir. Bee building. I 122 TOR RENT, lio tore room 19:2 S. l.ih St . god centrsl location: flat In Mm. building of 6 rooms, for 19.00; also barn; splendid place for s-ond hand store. N. I'. IXUK5B A CO., 1614 Farnam St., Omalia. I -343 II FOR RF.XT STORES. For rent, store rmm No. 1:C3 f. 10th St.. also barn $19 Btore room. No. TtO 8 27th at 9 N. P. DODO IS A CO.. si4 FBrnm t. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTLES MONEY WE LOAN ON Furniture, Piano. ' ' J Live Stock, ,u, . Salaries, we oiva Beet Rate. Easy Payment, Wuiet Service, Any time, WE WANT Tour Businea If You Ever Borrow Money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. f. Established 1892J 106 8. lth "V X 4t LOANS made on alt kinds of chattel se curities, also on SALARIES. Low Rate. Easy Terma Quick and Confidential Servle Call on us If In peed of MONET. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 33 Paxton Block. BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, pianos, horse. cows, jeweiry, or on your plain note, if st ad unjr uuyiuvu. iw rt, x. xll Dldg bldx The J. A. Hutton Co. LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS 614-616 Paxton Block. ; X-M661 MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLP1 and others without security; easy pay ments, Itrgest business in 49 principal cities. Tolman, Room 714, N. T. Life. X 470 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Preb henow, room 214 at 209 B. 16th Bt. Tel. B-2864. X 471 SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 807-8 PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE 141L X-H72 MONEY loaned en salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., 8 Barker block. X 471 MONET loaned on piano, furnltur. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13th. X 474 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-475 SEE FI LLER, 426 Psxton block, for loan on watches, diamond and Jewelry. X 476 CHATTEL, salary arwl Jewelry loans. Fo ' ley Loan Co.., 1504 Farnam at X 477 SALARY and collateral loans. Temntetnn, tiz nee Hiag. jl 478 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN S A NT'S school. 717 N. T. Llf. 408 For Big Crops BUY PLATTE VALLEY IRRIGATED LANDS Splendid water supply. No drouth. Moods war heavy -rains,- No. -crop.' sTailur..,. , Dark, rich, sandy loam, easy to work, does not bake, por ous subsoil. Raise Alfalfa, Sugar Beets, Potatoes, Oats, ' Barley, Corn, Fruit, etc. Ex cellent railroad facilities. ICttsy reach of good market for all products at good prices. Good schools and churches. Price, per acre, SJO.iW up, averaging 138.00. Terms easy. Special excur sion Tuesday, December Hot It Join it. For full particular write or call at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO MAIN FLOOR N. Y. LIFB BUILDING.. OMAHA. NEBRASKA POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read dally by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending De cember 17. 1104, will close fPROMPTLT la all cases) st the General Postoflice a fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcels-Post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. December 12. per a. a. Kaiser Wllhelm II: December 14. per . '. Darm stadt; and December 16, per . a. Belgravla. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Station (corner of West ami Morton streets) half hour later than clos ing time shown below, (except that Supple mentary Mails for - Europe and Centrsl America, via Colon, close on hour letar at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Mall. WEDNESDAY (14)-At 6:S0 a. ro. for ETJ. ROPE, per a s. Oceanic, via Queenstown and Liverpool; at 7:30 a. m. for NETH ERLANDS direct, per a. s. Amsterdam (mall must be directed "per a. a Amster dam"). THURSDAY fl5)-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, PORT UGAL. TURK BY1, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Lorraine, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "per . a. I-a Lorrslne'J. SATURDAY (17) At 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. . Now York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Liverpool, Scotland and Ireland must be directed "per s. . New York")! 816:30 a. m. for EUROPE., per . s. Lucanlo, via Queenstown ani Liverpool; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM di-J rect, per s. B. Zeeland (mall roust be dl wAn.A "tioi" y.M unn i: kl it . m, m . ucnTi.AXT) direct, ner s. . Atorl imall mu t be dl acted "p r . s. A orl' ; at 11 a m. for DENMARK direct, per . s. Hekla (mull must be directed "per a. . Hekla"). Mall for th and Central America, Wat ladles. Etc. WEDNESDAY (14)-At 1230 p m. (fupple- CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and GUIANA, per a s. Manoa (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be 1: J 11 -,,..nnr," uireciea lei m. i,,anw . THLR8DAY (15) At S:3a. m. for BRAZIL. tier B. s. tHtn, via. ui" ii"iw nu Grande do Hul (mall for Northern Brazil. Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay muvt be directed "per a. s. Capri"); at 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN and CAMPECHK. per . a. Esperansa (mall for oilier pari of Mexico must be directed "per a. s. F.s peranza"): at 12 m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a s. Ami sonense, via Barbados, Para and Manaoa; at 12 m. for MEXICO, per . s. Matanzaa, via Tamplco (mail must be directed "per . s. Matanzaa"): at 1:30 p. m. (uupple mentary 2 30 p. ro.) for 1NAOUA, HAITI. SANTA MARTA and other place in MAGDALEN A DEPT. COLOMBIA, per FRIDAY (Hi)-At 12 m. for QUANTA NAJli anO. BAl, iiauv, rer . vivuiuep,, (mall muat be directed "per a. a. Cleiifu- BAll RDAY (17)-At a. m. for BER MUDA, per a. . inmaaa; at .J u. m (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CL KACA J and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mail for Colombia, via (Siraoao. must he di rected "per a. s. Zulia"; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. . Cimmo. vlu Sun Juan; at 9:30 a. m (siipplementary lo :w a. m ) for FORTUNE HiLANDS. JA MAICA and COLOMBIA, except Magda lena Dep't, per a. . Altai imall for Cosia Rica, via Llmon. must be dlrecied "por . Altai"); t 10 a. in. for CUBA, ptr s. Mexico, via Havana; st 1 a. m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD, Oil DAD BOL IVAR and GUIANA, per . Maraval. NOTICE Five cent per half ounce In ad dition to the regular noaiae. niuai na rreiiald on all tellers forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY M AlLrl. and lstters depoalied in th drop marked "letters lor Furalga CounUIaa," altar U. GVU- 1 1 I jo T i 7