THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13. lPOt. ' RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET V heat Valuta Enow Dowaward Trancl on Continued Heaty Rsceipta. DECt VBL3 CORN o'TMiTS Off fcOnRUD Drier Isnaet tirade It Faet F.nnaga Heavy Meeelpte Here Ueaerally old Br for Arrival 4nt rirmer Joeslp, learnings. OMAHA. Dec. 12. IM. 'i l.e trnd wheat ra'ues Is to a Inner ine The receipts at northwestern polnt continue large and tha stornge rapacity I being tested Miller appear to havo annul il the wheat on hand tliev cere to carry and ahow an Indisposition toward :iw purchases that augurs bad for tha nimeolate futura of tha wheat situation. M tha aairo time weather conditions are reported mora favorable for the growing '"p and foreljrn markets ara easier. The visible supply figures wera another argu ment nn the bear aide of the market. Speculator took a bearish view of the situation and made Inroads on prloee Im mediately afler the opening, keeping It tip nil through the session., occasionally cover ing a trade and causing a alight reaction, out It waa not held, that la ao far aa tho fiecemher future la concerned. It fluctuated o -tween fl 074 and tl 074. May waa relatively steadier, recovering after break ing to $1.014, pr 14c. and eased off to and recovered to tl.104, going back "gain Sr. July waa 40 of- In the last half hour the market became flat again and cloaed with 4e net loss for December and 4e for May. Com Enormous receipts of corn bare, but practically all of It had been sold to rrlve, and after Inspection kept on flowing to tha gulf for export, although quite a large amount was Included In the purchase made soma days ago by the Nebraska Iowa Ora In company for their new storage house. Thar remain outatandlng a world f short corn for tha current month In Chicago and the grade la not coming for delivery. Dryer are working overtime, but there are not enough houre In the day to get It ready In time. December opened at 47o. dropped to 44c then turned to 474c May waa 4e lower and finally He higher than Saturday'! final fig urea Jan uary slightly batter. Oats Market surprised Its friends by ad vancing 4?4c and remaining steady at the ln. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. I hard. Bl.Kr91.06: No. S hard. ;cfrtl.02; No. 4 hard, BOc&tl.OO; No. t spring, 11.04. TORN No, i. 3Hc: No. t, 8t4d No. 4, S7j,".7Wo; no grade, R.V&So; No. 1 yellow, ?4o: No. I yellow. 38Wc; No. 2 white. S4c; No. white. 384c. OATH No. t mixed. 28c: No. I mixed. J7r: "No. 4 mixed, 2c; No. 2 while 28c: No. I white. 284o; No. 4 white. 274rJc; stan dard, 24c. Omaka CaeU Sales. . One car No. I corn, 314c. Omaha Fatarea. Wheat- Dec. ., . Open. High. low. Close. ... 1.01H MTa Carlot 1.0l 1-W tr 3H Si's Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Ht. I ahU ... Kansaa City Omaha 1,03 194 1.044 65 l4 7J 2(1 141 .VS Total Vlalble-Wheat, today. ST.KM.u'A bu.: year ago. 4.4O4.nfi0 bu.; Increase, i.704,Oil bu. Corn, todav, 4,5ht.rViO bit.; year ago, R.bM.OOO bti.i decrease, l.CJs.OOO bu. Oats, today, 24 1,iV)0 bu.; year ago, .277.0n0 bu.; Increase, 16.24,O0O bu. On Paaaaae atatenienl. . Wheat, today, 39,104,000 bu.; decrease, 63S - bu.: week ago. fH,7M.0i)n bu.; Increase, 19t,fl00 bu.; year ago, f WiS.OtjO bu.; decreaas, 440,000 bu. Corn, 1.,46.000 bu.: decrease, 702,. 1100 bu.; week ago, 18.171.000 bu.; (Increase, 986.000 bu.: year ago, 14,196,(m0 bu.; de reas, 1,441.000 bu. . . Cirala Marketa F.lscvrbere. Closing price at the following markets todiiy and Baturdny were: , -'. CHICAGO. ' Wbeat-1 December May :SJ , Today. Saturdiiy. J.osTa. . 107S vJ,iW .l.oShi .t4Vi..J.'.,.V.i..A. J8- 'r!,'.' vurn December .. May July Oats Decembef . May July ....... Wheat- 11 December . May Corn December .. IT'i 44S 44 's SOS JuH 4T'.i 44H . W. IX)UI9. 1.07 1.11S 1.0' t 1.12V 42H 424 ... 42 42H 42 May Wheat December May Corn December May Wheat December May Wheat December -May Wheat December May ;.... KANSAS CITT. 1.02 1.01H . ... . 4H "1H NB7W TORK. 1.11 1.11H MINNEAPOLIS. 1.0 1.02s 4014 4IH 1.1CH 1.12 1.0M V.10H, 1.07', l.U DCL.CTU. 1.07 1.10 I4BVV - YORK GENERAL MARKET tiaatatloas of (ha Day Varlaaa toramodltlea. NEW TOIVK, Dec. 12.-KIXJUIl-Uecelpta, 11,746 bbla. ; exports. 25.04 bbls.; market unlet and lower; Minnesota patents, f5.a6 '010, Mlnne.otu bakers, f4.1044.76; winter patents, t.6lO.KS; winter stratgnts. eo.l'ji 0. 40, winter extras. W 6f34.30; winter low grades, f3.4i04.lO. Rye Hour, steady; fair to good, t4.4th4.7u; choice to fancy, f4.7f 0 00. Buckwlieat flour, quiet; per 100 lbs.. tf MUIil . COKNMEAI-ateady; fine white and vel low. fl.40tji.46; ooarse, 1 241.; kiln dried. HM(t'J.20. It Vfc) Nominal. DARIJCY yulet ; feeding. 44c, o. I f New York; tnaltlng. ibac, c. I. f.. Buffalo' 1M1RAT Hecelpta. 144.000 bu.; axportal 1. tt bu.; spot market easy; No. 2 red nominal elevator and fl.KH f. o. b.. afloat No. 1 northern Duluth, il.ailk. t. o. h. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b.. afloat. Acting on big northwest re ceipts, foreign selling and snow in the west, wheat declined a cent this morning, rallied at noon by tha small visible supply and yielded later to renewed liquidation and Wall street heaviness, closing lHc net lower; May, I1.11H1.12. closed at fl.HH: July. fl.0-JH91.WH. closed at fl.02H. CORN Receipts, 74.176 bu. ; exports, 103,113 bu.; No. t yellow. 64c; No. I white, 64Hc. Option market was exceedingly dull In New York and featureless, closing Ho net lower; May ; closed at 60,c; December rioted at 66c. OATS Keoelbta. 12.080 bu.; exports, IS 2lu bu.; spot market dull: mixed, 2 to if lbs., MHV'l6Hc: natural white, SO to K lbs , 3W7c: clipped white, .1 to tH lbs., S7jjrtc liAY Market dull; slilpplng, (rW good to choloe. T7Hte82H'. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice 1904 crop. 2&(fU7c; 14 crop, ate ; elds, 14c I'aclflc coast, 1804 crop. tUtMc; 19it crop! :-SuSo: olds. 14l7c. liiDES Strong; aalveston, SO to S lbs IKc; California. i to 26 I ha., jSc; lexaa dry 24 to So Ihs.. l4Hc. . I.EATtlKR-Stroni: acid. S4)2flc. xu fr Tci 1 . ,m a 11 .. r . .4 . . . . 1. . . . . . . OU.60; mess, beef ham, 122 i)ttiW imiiivi. fiu.w-uivp', iiui inoia mess, flt.lirirU.W. Cut meats, quiet; plckiei bellies. nvb&tM-. ilckled shoulders: f7.6 pickled bams, ft O0"fi.i. Lard, quiet; west ern gleamed, 17.110; refined, jjulet; tonti neni, f7 3b: Houtli American, 17.50; com iound. tA.60f.a2H. Pork, steadv; ramily tl4.i16 0u; short dear. I U.7tt(l.o0; mess. IIS US3U.76. TAIAJW - guJet; Vlty. 4Sc; 4H4'-. ccuntry, ' K1CB Steady; domeeilc. fair to ftWVe: Japan, nominal. xtra. ! POL LTRt Alive, nominal: dressed. Ann; western chickens. lOHfclic; fowls. IvSUHc: turksve. 1.S4J17C- Ht TTKH Steady: street price, extra creamery. 37K7V. Official i.rlcea: ieain erv. common to extra. 17'7e: creamery, held, vwiumon to txira. llsu24Hc; state dairy, cominon to extra. U1i26c; renovated icinmun to extra. 1jsic: aeatem factory, common to choice, lQITc; western Imita tion cieamery. couunnn to choice. i:,mc CHEESE 1rm; state full craara. small September, co-ored and white, les-v, Ur; state. Iste mads, poor to choice. HfUc; state, lsrae. September, roloied end white, 'siicv. I3c: siate. lata made, colored, gtod to choice. lOQlOVr; state, late made, whl'e. fancy. lOHc: stais. poor to prima, kAUo. KUliSeUeadx ; western finest selected J'i. ; aeatern. average best, a'tJlc. Taleda eed Market. Tol.Klm P' IT SEED-Clover. csh., Deceuilrtuv IT.7.H; s'tt-luary, fTJJH; March. $:rvi Alslka. prime, WOn. Tim othy, prime, ti . CHKAt.O t.HAM AID mOTIHOS Fealares af tha Trad lag aal Claalag Prlees Marl el Trade. CHICACR). rec 12 -Enormous receipts of wheat In the northwest had a depressing Influence on speculative prices here toda. At the close wheat for May delivery was ofT 14914c. Corn sad oata are up 4- Pro vision range from 14c higher to l.- Iwr- Extreme weakneaa waa manifested In tha wheat market at the opening Initial n"r tatlons on May ware S&V" lower at tlX 1 lfl. Several elements tended to creete bearish sentiment. C)ae of the factor, was the largeness of the world's shipments, es pecially the liberal total from Russia. An olher Influence - - , i, anw which han (fallen on the drouth-stricken wheat fields or the southwest. From the "tart was fair scattered selling. The market lucked any food aupport. As a result addi tional weakneaa developed, May selling off to H.Val.tyi4 Throughout the day the market here waa affected by the weakness of tha northwea'era markets, wheat prices at Dututh and Minneapolis being down 14 tic. Lnillnea In tl.a flour trade waa ore reason assigned for tha lower prices In the northwest. A temporary rally occurred here toward the middle of the session on covering by short a, who were apparently surptlsed at the comparatively small In creaae In the visible supply. The Increase In available stocks was only 248.0" bu.. compared with an increase of 2,tt.' bu. a year ago. On tha rally May eold up to f1.liiH4Jl.10te. The market, however soon turned weal again. Mav declining to tl."94. A heavy tone prevailed throughout the re mainder of the day, final quotations on May being at tlu4l .04. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 1. bu The amount on passage decreased M,ono bu. Primary. receipts were LUa.aOO bu., com pared with sff.OOO bu. a year ago. Minne apolis. Duluth and Chlrag-o reported re ceipts of 1.14 care, against l.ufct care laat week and M car a year ago. Considering the weakneaa of wheat the corn market held remarkably firm through out the entire session. A little easier tone waa manifested at the start as a result of liberal local receipts, but the fact that out of total arrivals of l.tU cars only nine graded contract gave encouragement to bulls, causing a firmer feeling. There was considerable buying of December by shorts snd this helped to support the distant de liveries. May opened a shade to He lower at 444c to 444U444e, sold between 444P and 44Hc and closed at 444 An Improved caah demand caused a firm undertone In the oats market. Trading was of light volume and mostly for local ac count. May opened unchanged to He lower at Hil-'14c. sold nn to a4e-T"4c and closed at WV. Docal receipts were 184 cars. Karlv In the day the provision market waa Arm owing to entailer receipts of hogs than expected at tha yarda. Later the mar ket weakened on profit-taking, there being little aupport in evidence. At the close May pork was off 15c at 112 Ao, lard was lower Vf at f7.06. ribs were up H' at tK.KO. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 8k cars; com, 727 cars; oats, 1 cars; hogs, 34.0110 head The leading futures ranged as follows: ArUclae.1 Open. I High. I Ixw Close. Sat'y. I Dec. May 1.07 I 1.07HI 1.07i 'WW! .... ll.WfU l.oy'4 I.oshi i.K'H 4H 47S! 47h 44H! 44S 44H 44'5j 444 44 2S I 2a. 'I1; :,! soHi m, sos' 3H son Julv Corn I Dec. 4'4fi47 May July Oats Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Rlhe .Tan. May IM S 4VTij44T4l0't H! 30S'H SO, A, ; so! auvi: 12. W 12.60 12.82HI 12D6 12.S2H 12.36 12. So 12 tf 12.60 12. HO I 86 T.10 I 60 .7i 8.S2HI W 7.06 I 7.07H 7.10 I 1 50 I 6.72H: 7.06 I .42H (.46 I .67Hl c.r.o H.72H .C7H No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Easier; winter patents, fS 10$i 6.10; straights, H.UfNtfti Oo; spring patent:,, f49O4.40; strslghts, f4.04.W, bakers. UM WHEAT NO. 2 spring, f1.07fll.14; No. 3. fl. 0201. 12; No. 2 red, fl.llHH11.13V CORN No. !, 47H4Kc; No. I yellow. 47H 4Kc. OATS No. 3, SSHc: No. 2 white, 9H 8i'4c; No. 3 white. 2(f30'4c. RYE No. I. 75c. BARLEY Hood feeding. 3934H: alr to choice malting, 41(4Xc. SEED-No. 1 flax, No. 1 northwest ern. tl.24; prime timothy, f2.72H: clover, contrect grade. fl2S0. PROVISIONS-Meaa pork, pea- bbf. tlU3H fell. 26. laid, per WO lba.. f6.T7H. Short riba idea (loose), f6.2-14?.&0; short clear (boxed), x.7(4i,87H. Receipts. Shipments. ... 2.20O .00 ... 60.000 ' 7.000 ...667.600 6K0.1UO ...145.000 4.1H0 ... 8,000 1.600 ...104,800 (.400 Flour, bbla Wheat, bu...: Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu.. On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa easier; creamery, 16(626c; dairy. ltV3'22c Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 20HcQC6c; Arils, 26r; prime firsts, 28c; extras, 30c. Cheese, steady, llt&'12o. t. Laals Oratn and Provlslona. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 13. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, caah, elevator, fl.OiH; track. fl.l4H4Tl 16H: May, I1.11S; July. Hc; No. 3 hard fl.(ViJl.ll. CHJRN Lower; No. 3 cash, nominal; track, IZHiuSHc: December, 42V; May. 42Hc OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 30c; track. SOU 31c; December, 29'.4c; May, 31c; No. 2 white, Sl2c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, Eaff6 30; special brands, f6.4t.fT6.fG; extra fancy, f4.70fe4.80: eler, f4.1iVo4 40. SEED Timothy, steady at f2.O0i2.46. CORNMEAL Steady at t2 4ft BRAN Strong; sacked, tSUtrWa-. HAY Steady; timothy, f7.0OiO12.6O; prairie, fS.IKKIO.OO. IRON COTTON TIES-3c. HAtKlINO Ttic rlEMP TWINE Ac- PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, 111. 82H. Lard, unchanged: prime steam, fH66. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, f7.tU'4; short ribs. f7.874: short clear, f.12H. POl'LTRY Spring chickens, lower; chick, ens, 7c; springs, 9c; turkeys, 134c; ducks, fc: geese 7Hc- BcTTKIl 8teady; creamery, 3H2Sc; d.ilrv, lli23 ECIOS Hteady, ?, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 11.000 16.000 Whent. bu .' 64.000 4.0n0 Corn, bu 141.000 8.0 Uats. bu '. 70.000 28.0)4) Kataass City Grain sad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dee. 12-WHE.AT-Mar-ket steady to lower; December fl .12V,; May. fLOl'n'U'lOlH; July, 8s4, cash. No. 3 hard, fl.tcyio: No. 3, fl.oiH'(il.04S No. 4. OOrtr tLOO; No. 3 red, fl 07B'J.08; No. 3, fl. 04.1.07; No. 4. Kciufl 00, receipts. 142 cars. CORN Steady, to lower, December, 40,c; May, 41Hc; July. 40c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 4lc; No. 4. 404141c; No. 5 white. 41c; No. 3, OATSr-S'eailv; No. 2 white. 3oH4iA,c; No. 3 mixed, 244l30c. HAY Market ateady: choice timothy, W.00 fj9.60: choice prairie, f7.7Vij8.flo. RYE Market steady; 70c. ExHtS Market steady; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2. white wood casts In cluded, Sue; case count, 23 '4; cares returned. W- lees. B 1 ' TT E R C reanwry , 3!fo38c; dalrv. 17c Recnts. Shpmts. 113.600 &.V4O0 148.400 49.600 22.000 2.00) Wheat, bushels. Corn, bushels ,, Oata. bushel ... . Philadelphia Pradare Market. PHILADELPHIA. Deo. 12.-BCTTER-Markrt firm and Hfllc higher; extra west ern creamery. 28c; extra heavy prints. 31c BOOS Firm and In good demand; nearby fresh. 32c at mark; western fresh, 31042c at mark. CHEESE Firm and In good demand; New A'ork full creams, fancy. 12Hc; New York full creams, choice. HH4jllVc: New York full cream, fair to good, llfc11'4c. Visible apply of (.rain. NEW YORK. Dec. 12 The visible supply of grain Saturday. December 10, a com plied br the New York Produce exchange, la as follows: Wheat. 37 pei.OflO bu.: Increase. I48O0O bu. Corn. 4 rn ik bu.; Incresse. 1 3M.0OO bu. Oat. Wo'.uin bu.: decrease :0ii0 bu Rve. Me""!!! bu.: decresae. 25.000 bu. rtary. 6. 74. bu.; decrease, 7S7.U4) bu. Mllnaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Dec. 12. WH K AT Mar kit. weak: No. I northern, tl.ll: No. 2 northern. tVUVMI U: May. tl fl",. HY K Week; No. . HARI.EI Stead) ; No. 2. 5.'c; aauiple. t'tiRN- Weaker; No. 1. Iultc; Mav, 444M Mlnneapallr Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dee. It WHEAT De cember tl.A; May. H UH; July, fl lovtt 1,10'H, No. I hard, fl.i; No. 1 northern, fl r. No 2 northern, tl 0J. FIOl'R First Mien is. f6.fctj6.S0; second patents. kVdupoTu: first clears. I'K4-S; second eleara. ft fc'fi! TS. FRAN In bulk, t'4 60. Pearl 4rket. I'KttKIA. IVc. II. -CORN Voted lower; Na 4. , 1, ,jic; no grade. 384C NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Mark l Finicky from Hftfy Sellint; nd Cloft Below that of Lut Thirtdtj. LEADERS ARE OFF TWO TO SIX POINTS Prices Ciiatlsst Fall Tbroaahoat the r.atlre Heealew 1 1 ter lek of Hesletlag Pewer Fea Ure af the Pay. NEW YORK. Dec 12-Ihe speculative demand for stocks seemed to be completely paralysed today ajd confidence entirely departed from all of thoae who wete such eager buyers up to a week ago at prices fur above those prevailing today. The feeling of doubt spread more and mure to holders of stock during the course of todays market and the pressure to sell long stocks steadily Increased. Iong buy ers In evidence were those who had llrst Sold, momiy bear operators, who went short of the market and then bought to cover at the Inviting profits accrued on the subsequent declines Buying or this character caused occasional feverish rallies from the violent declines. But the selling waa constantly renewed on the rallies and the fall touched new low levela at each re newal. The range of tne decllnee compared r s pec t ably with that In last Tnursdsy'a panicky break, but there waa far lea resilience to the market. 1'rlcea hardly got as low today aa the low prices touched on Thursday, out owing to the violent recoveries on that day and the weak clos ing of today at the lowest prices, the range of values is substantially lower tonight than It was on last Thursday night. The moat striking fact In today's market waa the utter lack of resisting power In the market. Il only needed a slight Increase In the rate of activity to start prices pre cipitately downward. Changes In the conditions of the properties affected or In tha general conditions of finance, com merce and Industry were not suggested by any of the leading sellers. Money nn call loaned down to 2 per cent In the late market and pressure for fundR did not seem to be the motive for selling any stocks. The comparative Im munity of the high grade Investment bonds from weakness was an evidence of this, as bonds of that class are almost tnvn rlably brought to market In any renl emergency for ready money. There i'an be no dispute that the enormous prestige acquired by the loudly proclaimed leader ship of last week's raid of the stock mar ket gave great power of Intimidation to the renewal of the same methods today and caused widespresd timidity, growing Into terror among the trading class of holders. lant week's quick recovery arouaed distrust in view of the demon strated Instability of prices at ths height to which tliev had been lifted by the In ludicluos speculation which preceded the break. To attempt an Immediate restora tion of this level was regarded aa an In discreet speculative enterprlae and this hitd much Influence In cutting short the buy ing for a further rise There was sn ex pectstlon again that ths Northern Securi ties decision wss Imminent, snd this helped to depress stocks, notwithstanding the effective use that has been made of It 00 other occasions to boom the market. Prices on the curb were as vlolsntly disturbed as on ths exchange, the slump In tJreene Consolidated Copper In that mar ket rlvslllng the break In Amalgamsted Copper on the exchange. But the dey's losses In stocks of all classes. Including standard rallroud and industrial propertlea, runs till the way from 2 to over 6 points. The tone of the closing was as weak as nt anv time (lining the day. Bonds were weak. In sympathy with stocks. Total sles, ir vnlue. fu.840,000. I'nlted Sines bonds were unchanged on call. Following were the sules snd range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sales. High. Low.Cloee. Atchison 15.700 KH 831 KC, do pfd 1.600 10S4j 102H IIK' Baltimore & Ohio.. do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chsepeake Ohio. Chicago & Alton... do pfd Chicago O. W C. & N. W., ex-dlv. C. M. V St. P do pfd Chicago T. T.... do pfd C. C. C. St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd ...... 42.KOO 100 '4 300 lo"4 8.600 131 4 954 1J 18K4 46 40 iis 1984 16 183 114 23 874 a 1 .68 ' 86 129 188 4'i 30 80 214 174 ! 1M0 12'4 23 874 214 67 1.0m 1111 13.700 400 ffl'.4'Vl 484 41 234 202 200 47.BOO 171 600 184 4 . 1.400 13 200 234 100 874 200 20rt iH do 2d pfd. .400 34 X34 S3 Delaware & Hudson 1.400 184 IN34 183 Denver A RIo Orande 600 31 31 81 D. 4V R. U., pfd 1.600 fc4 Del., L. ft W Erie 46,600 S8 do 1st pfd MOO 754 do 2d pfd 1.300 66 Hocking Valley do pfd 2W 3 Illinois Central 6.800 165 Iowa Central 100 304 864 854 734 63 ki" 1S0; S04 844 315 364 734 64 8 ir-'4 150i 24 66 264 60 1374 13 do pfd K. C. Southern... do pfd Louisville ft N... Manhattan L Met. Securities .. Met. Street Ry... Minn, ft St. Louis 600 284 . J.400 63 50 . 13.400 1424 137 . 2.600 1644 J634 . 3.100 7Mi 764 74 . 17,100 121'i 1174 11H Ml M.. St. P. ft S. 8. M. 1.200 374 do pfd 100 144 Missouri Pacific 39.400 IO84 Missouri. K. ft T.... 4.400 B24 do pfd .1 N. R. R. of M.. rfd. 200 404 N. Y. Central .!"0 1374 864 144 106 304 l4 S9'4 86 142 105 304 6l 3 1S44 76 82 Norfolk ft Western.. 32.300 78 do pfd Ohio ft Western . Pennsylvania P.. C. C. ft St. L. Reading dn 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co... Ho nfd 41 4 414 St. L. ft S. F.. 2d pfd 1.200 St. Li. ft Souinwa ., do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway.... do pfd Texae ft Pacific Toledo. St. L. ft W.. do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling ft L. E Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Mex. Central Adams American United States Wells-Fargo Amal. Copper Amer. Csr ft Found. do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... American Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil... 1I0 pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd Amer. 8. ft R do pfd Amer Sugar Ref... Anaconda Mining Co. Urnnk Ttatlld T A, 000 600 14.000 1.000 26.:oo 1.600 1'84 31. BOO '!4 Colo. Fuel and Iron. 36.600 424 Consolidated Gas.... .no 207 Corn Products ........ do Pfd nistlllera' Securities. S,94) , 2V4 200 784 4 600 3 General Electric International Paper. do pld International Pump. 3 100 184 18: 11 234 74 CD 86 22H 88 82."0O J3 784 2.000 :4 224 !t7 North American 1014 Pacific Mall 2.4l 4 41 49 P.rvi.l.' litis 1A.2IKI 1074 1044 lt44 4 nru as 1 a? i . Prexced Steel Car.... 1.000 884 do nfd 400 TO S8V 236 164 HA 4 24j 4 154 100 7T !to4 fsi4 4 Pullman Palsce Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Oood do pfd ........ Tenn. Coal and Iron 2.fn0 2.000 6. 800 7.400 14 14 4 714 i4 V?4 Hf4 3-4 !4 SfS 814 164 OA ?54 4 1M ax 784 1 MH T4 IV S. leather ...lOO.JllO dO Dfd.. ll.ino 6c MOO .... 1 .A ' fXt.snn . Really.. TT. S. Rubber.. d pfd V. 8 Steel .... do nfd Westlnahouse a..!!! Klec :.iO 1314 177 Western I'nlon 3 P-1 82 Total sales for the day, 2.0Aft.fta) shares. 100 s: 4.200 4S 16.200 ir,W 133'4 134 300 78 76 76'4 147,100 7 76 764 400 904 0 84 81 36.300 354 324 32' 4.100 86 F.'V 824 t'.i;4 66 66 I .msi zn. 4a 1 2.Hfi0 664 644 64 64.600 634 M4 6O4 II84 1174 1174 17.30ft 364 334 33 :) 8A4 864 954 6.200 354 364 334 2,000 364 344 344 H00 644 624 624 146,700 II04 1064 1064 1(10 Of, 96 944 2.300 J4 21 20 1,000 434 414 414 400 I84 184 184 1.600 22 ' 21 21 1.200 464 46 44 l.Otio 214 l4 194 '106 216 " 210 " ao 115 336 226.100 694 '4 614 3,900 34 31 314 1.30ft 9'.'4 90 894 2.100 364 344 344 2.300 84 74 74 1,700 S84 374 S74 :::: ":: :::: VP 32 81, 314 103 1004 101 804 77 774 11:4 1114 1114 14"V 138 138'4 10? 102 67H 674 42 42 V2 fl4 204 30 74 78 Fereln Flnnnelal. LONDON. Dec. 12. Money was In ample supply In the market today. Discounts weis eaav. Prhes on the Stock escbsnge were steadv and a fair amount of buglueae waa transucted. Cmiaols ware firm. Americans generally Improved at the opening In sym pathy with the New Yo-k bank statement Saturday, which c-eated a favorable Ini pieaelon. I'n'ted States Steal wae In re. rwe4 demand. There wraa a enenl rec ton efter the receir-t of New Vork'a npen e r-"r' snd mel'ens closed flst. 'rnd r,pf hardened Jansneee were In better f4A..(V Imperial .lsraaa rf,ranniTit a ioi were iunted nt 4,. Kaffirs were ,.!. -',. 1 p ilia Improreii nillDUt T'ARIS f-" J7--T' o;, !be 1 Tlnie etrenetlieneil en f-vcaMe 4in-'i-4, -H'1"ea tnte'na- ...-,J n t,m iri,MMi,,il RuS slun Imperial 4 were ipiot'd st t? VI and Ruaatan bonds of 1!M at fnt The prlval rate of discount was 3 5-1 pec cent. RKRL1N. Iec. 11 Business on the bourse todsv generally wss quiet. Americana were higher. e lark Market.. NEW TORK. Pec. it-MONF.Y-On call, steadv. 3034 per cent, closing bid snd of fered' at J per cent. Time losna. easy and dull; ao daya, o day and months. 4vil 'TprTmB MERCANTILK PAPKR-4444 STERLINO FXCIIANGE-f trong with actual business In hankers bills at M ";" 4 o for demand and at t4 Mb-b for A.dsy Mils; MKted rates. t4 844 t4 874; rcmimerclal bllla, t4 4. .. SILVER Bar, 04c; Mexican dollsrg. RONDIT tJovernment. steady; rsllroad. WThe following ara the quotations on V. rsf. 1s4 Maahatss e. I 104 S Ml. ss'rsl 4s H 104H ir, tit Inr...... J IM Mine A St 1.. H s eeusea 4a as. rag o rsapea aew 4. reg. csapea e el 4a. rag 4e rouesn Atrhleoe gen. 4 4i asJ. 4s ir M.. K T. 4 11 I 4o IMVX. n. . ef i N. T. r. ,it N J. r t u ... .. H1 ... M 4 it ...I'M ...l ...1S4' ... ?s ...inl ...iss . . .lt ivmi rt-m Atlsnlli! C. L. s r 4 Bal. mils 4s 1( ito 4 M Central af na. 4m 11H N. W. t. 4m.... o a b. 4s par Pens iM! IHS-.' as 1st Ibc 'h. A Ohio 4'4. ( hlnsfn A. C . B. A a a 1 H4iot rsu 1 ti HI ' St. i w. is 0 M. A S F. 4a. IKXt.Seahosr A I r. N. W. r. T ... ltl'4 So. P-l.- 4 1 s. . . - . . S' c. n. 1. a p. 4o eol . .. Se.' KIIT W ! I? t . a ti li'H CI O. Si I.. ( 4s .!( T SI 1. A W 4s. cnicago Ter. 4. ., Con. Tobacre 4t.. Cole. A s. 4t ... D A H. O 4. . BMs prior lien 41 Vslen Pi'-isc 4s. 60 ronT. 4s V s Steel M t Wsbas is Ss ab. B w A I. It. s Whv entrsl 4s . Cole. Kusl r. . It . It . .107H .. "H ..117H .. ii Hi -101 , o sen. 41 ft r. w. a r ;. n....nai4 nnriing vsl. 4S I'1 U A N. unl. It 1J Offered. WH Boston Stack Market. IiOST4)N. Dec. 12-Call loans. Str144 per rent; time loans, 4tr per cent. Offlclal rinsing of stock and bonds: Ati-hissn aU. I M .Westini .ommoa ... 4 4S 1" 44snlors V Wet. reniral it lAlloue ''" Alohlsos U4lAaislsSHte1 So pfd I!H Amen. sn Xlsr " Pnmon A Alhsar.... tt.? lAllsnllr "H H.i-Il A Males IT Blnsham Bnaien Rlale IM t'sl A Hsrla Kltrhburt pf H Ireatensial JJ Mex. eolral Jl'i topper Rani N y., N. H. A H....l7 iPalf Wet - Pere Marauetts 71 !rmlnlnn rosl J I nlon ParlBc I"s Franklin Amer. Araa. ( hem... SI ,rirasr " o pfit ...y c'le Rornle Aaer. Pntu. Tuba... I Mass. Mining Amer. Kuar IS Ml.hlia do r'l ' " 'Moliaw ' Amer T A T 14S Mnnl '. C A"r. ""-"olen ' 'I noailnlon 4s f (:'4 ananla I. A H 1, Jrrol . 1,, Inr ...... ... n ... 41 ... rt Cenei-sl Klertrlc li Shannon J Maaa. Kleftrlc Hli'TamarSik " 00 pM II ITrlnlly J! Maaa. Ilia Mujtr H. Mlnlni 2H Inlte rrult 104 l'. . Oil J fnlts boe Mac.... M ll'tah 4IH 4a pr II Vlftorla V. g. Steal 17 Winona ''. So pr ITS Wolverlae 'm Asked. London gtoek taotaltons. LONDON. Dec. 13. Closing: Couaola, moaa. do arrount ... Anaonda Aldhlaon ... nt. N. Y. t'eatral.... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Prnnayivanle 141 10', 11 in ... ss ... MS ...104 4 .... 44 .... 70 .... Il', 40', .... 4', .... 41 ... s:. .... .... 44 . ... 1 13 ' do ptd Halllmors A Hand Mines Canadian Paolflc 1H Kssilloa ( ha.. A Ohio 4l do lat pfd do i'4 pfd fhlragn Ot. W rm I-.. M. it St. I 17 DrBeera II Moiniiarn Hallway do pfd Denvsr A H. II 3:'4l Southern Pai'lOc . do phi Vnloa Pai-IAr .... do pfd Brla I 1 do lat ptd 77 do Id pfd 67 V. 8. Hi eel i74 4. M'4 do pfd Wabaah llllnola Ceutral lf.H lula A Naah H4 do pfd M.. K. A T SH laHah 4a SILVRR Bar. Arm. 234d per ounce. HONEY-224 per cent The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 13-16 per cent; for three months' bills. Z 13-16 per cent. Mew VOrk Mining; Stocka. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. The following are the closing quotntlons'on mining stocks: Adams Cod M Xlttls Chief 4 Alice so , Uniarlo Kit Breei-s I Ophlr lit. Brunalk Ton 17 ,,Plinenl 17 I'umatork Tunnal .... S iPotoal II Con. (al. A Vs....... 17 "aavaga ta Horn llat , a4r"srra Karada 40 Iron Bluer lfc) Small Hope 2 Leadviiie Coa 4standard li Offered. , . 1 , . Treesary Statement. ' WASHINGTON, D. 'C, Dec. 12. -Today's statement of the treasury bul an ce In the general fund, exclusive of the 1150,(00.00 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, 1143,714,276; gold, f87,122,;73. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 12. M ETA LS The London tin market was firm snd higher at 132 12a Ad for spot slid 130 6n for futures. iMJcally demand continued very iilcl, but the market was a little ateadler In sym pathy with the foreign advices ahroud and closed at M8fitli.1i. 10. Copper a I ho ruled Arm abroad, closing at AA for spot and AA 7a Ad for futures. The nittiHtion re mains unchanged In the New York market with lake quoted at f I4.874j I'16.124: elec trolytic, fl4.nVu 16.00; casting at fl4.uoti 14.76. Lead was unchanged st f4.A0n4.7O In the lo cal market and at 13 Aa Kd In Ixindon. Spelter cloaed at 24 17s Ad In London ami waa also unchanged In the New York market, where the ((notation stand at fu.Ad $6 874 Iron cloaed at Ms 9d In tlluagow und at 47s 74d in Middlenlioroiigh. Locally iron waa firm. No. 1 foundry northern, No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft st 817.00417760; No. 2 foundry northern at tlA.&Oti 17.00. ST. LOl'lB, Dec. 12. M RTALS Lead, t4.624flaV4. Spelter, f4.76. Olla and Roaln. NEW YORK. Dec. 12. OILS Cottonseed nil firmer und active: prime crude, nominal; yellow, 264tj264c; petroleum, steady; refined New York. 17,69; Philadelphia and Haiti more. t7.90; bulk, fS.00. Turpentine quiet at Jfc. ttUMin Mflrnei nun; siraincu, common to cood, f2.90. OIL CITY, De.-. 12.-01 LS-Credit bal ances, $1.60; cerllflcales. no bid; shipments, Pennsylvania. 86.236 bbls.; average, 71.422 bbls.; runs, Pennsylvania, lmi.lAK blilx .: average, A7.707 bbls.; shipments, Lima. Mi.fiirj bbls: average. 68.312 bbls.; runs, Lima, 132.AK6 bbla.; average, 30.387 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., Dec. 12. OlI TurjKMi. tine. Arm at 47c. ROSIN-Flrm; A. K C, D. 82624; K. f255; F, fi .674; O. f2.C24; H. t2.80j2.824; I. t3.3u; K, f.1.80: M, t4.30; S, f4.50; W U. tt.i6; W W, f6.15. J Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec, H.-COTTON-Bpnt closed dull: middling uplands, fc; middling gulf. t.2bc: ssles, 1.100 bales. ST. IX)i:iH. Dec. 12. COTTON tjuiel. unchanged: middling. 74c; sales, 100 hides; receipts, 700 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 12 COTTON Steadv; sales, 3. bales; ordinary. 64c; good brdlnsry. 7-1c: low middling. 7 3-ltV; middling. 74c: good middling. 7 13-lc: mid dling fair. 8 6-lAc; receipts, 17.A86 bales; stock. 384 A66 bales. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 12. -COTTON In mod erate demand: prices I nnint lower: Amer ican middling fair. 4. Bid; good mlddllnp. 4.27d: middling, 4l7d; low middling 4nd: good ordlnarv. 391d: nrdinarv, 3.76d. The sales of the day were 8.000 hales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export and Included 7.600 American. Receipts, none. asrar and Molaasea. NEW TORK. Dec. 12 SCUAR -Raw, Arm; fair refining. 44c; rentrlfuaal. 96 teat. 9S4c: molaasea sugar. 4r; reined. Arm: No. t. 14.06: No. 7. 86.00: No. 8. ft. 80: No. . 84 85: No 80; No '1 I' 70- Nr. la. ft Aft No. 13. t4 66; No. 14. t4 60. Confectioners' at 95 80; mould. MOO: cut loaf. f6S5: crushed, ft; J6, powdered. fJ.76: granulated. f5 5; C.v.a (60 MOLAS8ES-Stesdy; New Orleans, open kettle good to choice. 8flj7c. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 11-8COAR-Mar-ket slrona: oten kettle. 84 ft !(.; open ket tle rentrifuaal. 4444c: centrifugal whiles. 4 16-lAc; yellows, 141144c; se( onds. 34ir 4 6-IAc. MO I. ASSES Steady; open kettle. ISfiSflc; centrifugal. 7flK Syrup, steady at 2H02ic refer Market, NEW YORK. Deo. 13. COFFEE Market for futures Influenced bv small Hrasilian receipts and Steady European marketa. orned steadr at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 nolnts. The market cloaed higher on October and Novamir, and 6 to 10 points higher on other nusltlors. Sales were renorted of 70fJ bags. Including itvmhar s 77e- Jsnuarv LltV: March, 7 4o4r7 46o: Msr. TnT7 6oc: July. 70c; Wen tuirihai. TtSj.0Oc! November. 8 06c. Spot Rio Arm: No. 7 Invoice. t4e. Wanl Market. ST. I.Dl'IS, Iec II WOOL - Steadv: me dium grades, combing and ciotblt e.' K'JiWc; light Ane iHAC.'Vi heavy Ane. Hifltc: tub washed. 27 1 41c. Elgin Baler Market EliOIN. Dec. 13. BITTE R - Firm. un- rhaaed from last week al 2A4c. Hal'S for Uis waek, .! peunns. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle 8aiubl fgrChruVmtaTrtdt 8tej, Othtra Slow and Lower. HOGS SOLD MOSTLY FIVE CENTS HIGHER rat hees and l.anhi ctle anal Strnngr a Diane Htsher, Eveey thlng Selling as Rapidly aa OsTered, Feeders treng. , SOITII OMAHA. t)e,- 12. 14. Reraipt were: Cattle. Hogs, sheep Official Monday u I,' ol 4.U Some day last week .J t 2 1 4 Same day week before.. ..l 4 W Snnie three weeks ago.. 04 18.11 Same four weeks sgo.... t:in ?12 .5'd Same day last year 4.44 3 1.V3A RECEIPTS FOR TUB YEAR TO DATE. The following table thowt the receipts of cattle, huge and sheep at Sou'b Cmaba for the year to date, with comparison will! last )aar: r. ,., 104. 190X Inc. Dev. Ja'l'e fri.42.1 l.Kii.T L,U4 S.K6.;o 2.1itM'-'4 Vtl.Sfll 8,i-P 1.HH,718 1,78,024 . The following table shnas the average price of hga at South (imaha for the last severs I days, with comparisons: Data. I lto. tlSOstm"iol7liW No. 14.. Not. 16.. Nov. '.a.. Nov. 17.. Nov. 1.. Nov. u.. Nov. 3D.. Nov. II.. Nov. 22.. Nov. 23.. Nor. 24.. Nor, 35. Nov. .. Nov. 27 . Nov. 2K.. Nof. 29. . Nov. .. ! tP4 I 4 (.14, aV?i a 4 6t a 3 ' 2 2t: a tJ a 4 151 ti 111 1 6 4 471 I 67 4 82! f 4 4 I I HI I 11 3 sol I K I 841 I 36 8 t., 3 4 a 4 .1 , 4 ,4l 4M4i 1 4 tTTi' 4 614! 4 4 j - 4 474 4 J24, 4 0 4 4H 4 434 4 42V; 4 484; 4;:,: 4 4oi 4 3; 4 46 4 4 4-j 4 31 4 :o t m. f 63! 6 631 4 73 t 3i 1 n a 3 n 1 1; 1 44 t 4 3 3 3 13 a 3 2V 3 Yt 3 21 8 26 3 2 u U 3 :'7 7i 4 1l 6 ill 4 .v I 7a 4 7( J fi f 7 4 87 6 731 t "CI 4 71 6 ,V 4 741 3 H 4 31 I 4 bl 3 6t 3 1 1! 4 IS aa 4 Ml V4! 4 34 4 36 1 7; 8 7S 3 ft 02 OBI I 09' 08, 14 3 71 3 74 Dec. 1. nec. Dec, a. a 4 2 4 41 4 ll 4 37 4V! 4 82 4 32i 4 XI 4 4 4 471 4 4V, 6 b 0 ev 6'J 06 t o: 4 lit 4 t'.S 4 77i 4 84 4 81 ! 4 78i Uec. Pec. 4 . i 811 r... a.. 4 4141 4 834 4 36 24' 17! I ti 071 f 07 (nil 0 r:, A IX' 6 Mi 3 HO' Dec. Uec. 3 Hl 3 V. 3 Ml 3 28 3 Ml 8 : 3 Vl 3 30 3 i 3 28 I 3 Hi 3 K I 95i 3 37 f 06 lec. a... Pec. Dec. 1. 4 284! 4 814! 4 .I.V4: 4 78 I 11 Dec. 10.. ... A 13 14 ii; 4 86 Dee. 11.. Dec. 12.. uw 4 S2 4 77 Indicates Kund'iy. indicees holiday. The otticlul IliiiniKT wi cars u( aluck brought ill by each loud was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh''ses. C. M. St. 1. Ry 11 ti I nion 1'ttclttc evstem ' 4 14 1 Missouri I'ticlllc Ry 14 .. .. 1 C. A N. V. Ry 8 F E. it M. . R. H...r. 2 20 1 C, St. I., M. A O. RyT. 1 4 1 B. ,M. Ry 44 8 1 , C.. B. W. Ry 8 3 11 I K. C. et St. J C, R. 1. A 1. Ry., east 12 3 1 C, R. 1. 1 Ry., went .. 1 1 Illinois Central 12 5 Chicago Uieat Western 6 2 Total l-pii.lnt, nil 6A 18 The disposition nt the ituy s receipts waa mm IUOUW9, iiucii miyer purcnasing me num ber of head Indicated: Huvers. cumu u..B di Onulm Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co : Armour A Co Cudahy Pck. Co , Denver Armour Co.. Sinus City Vansunt oV Co Carey & Ronton Lohnmn A Co McCrcnrv W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Huston Co Livingstone Co L. F. HtiHg Mike Dagger!)- Co Rothschild H. 8 Hamilton Other buyers 243 1 26 6L'8 475 SM 1.IS7 .040 WW 811 87ii ,S!I2 81i i 281 HA 381 (X 4 304 221 40 74 !4 132 16 13 600 .... 1,073 Tofnl 4.947 3.161 4.417 CATTLl--There waa a fairly llberftl run of cattle here this morning for the time of jcr. uiiug camp sold to good advantage, but common kinds were neglected anil lower. In other word. - nackrra . i,oi...i cattla thai they could tisw for their Chrlst- nma intue anu cattle that were not good enough for that purpose were neglected. Several bunches of cornfed aleers arrived ntid the market on good to choice grsdea could he quoted steady. Common cattle, however, were rather slow and In moat cases were 11 trifle lower than ih nmn I kinds brought last week Packers nil ; seemed to be anxious for Christmas cattle snd had snythlng strictly prime been ; offered strong prices would undoubtedly ! have been puld. A few western rangera were on sale, but no psrtlcular change In ruling prlcea was noticeable. There were nof enough offered though, lo miike n fair test of the situation! The cow market was slow and lower ex cept on the choicest grades, which aoid about steady. The fair lo medium klndi suffered the worst and sold renerally a dime lower, and some of the buyers' bid much worse than that. Common cancers did tint show 11 great deal of cluingn. The market waa slow, -as buyers did not seem to care whether they got anything but the good stuff, nnd consequently It was la I before a clearance was made. The bulk of the offering wae from local points, but quite a string of wenteins arrived and Ihe better grades sold nt what looked to be just about steady prices. Tho market on bulls wm alow and weak. Common stuff in particular was hard to move. Veal culves sold In about the same notches they did I ant week. There were not a great many Mockers and feedera on sale tills morning and the demand was not as brisk as usual, gome of the choicer grades sold about steady, but common kinds were slow and weak. The feeling in fact was weak on all kinds. Ii-p-reeentHtlv sules: BEEF STEERS. . No. II.! !! 21.. A. .. 771 . . S4ti . . till ..10:4 ..121 ..1077 Pr. No. ' Af . . .101(1 ..12.6 . . 711 ..1211 ..1640 ..!(, Pr. 4 tl 4 10 4 711 4 10 i II I 10 I 10 I 3 ?r, 3 :r I 7f, I l I If. II.. :'. ! 11. 1. II. 14. . ,ior. 4 On .141(1 STEERS AND COWS .101 4 20 la. . . M4 I 40 COWS. ..lor.'i ..17 1 .. W0 .. 770 .. 770 .. 70 .. oo .. Ml .. ttt ..lino .. ai ..1070 .. uo . . imi ..1044 .. tn.11 .. 04 .. Ml .. KH .. 110 .. II .. M .. 174 .. IU .. Ill) ..1111 . . . .10011 . . 1 1 4 . MO 1 on 1 21 1 7:. 1 15 I 7r. 1 75 1 n 1 fi 1 t 00 I 00 f 00 I nn I 10 I lo ! If. X 20 I o I 2n : 20 t 16 t If. I -A Ml to I M t 1.1 I 35 1 40 2 4S k. ..1014 .. Hf.7 .. Ill ..lose .. IM .1011 ..I066 ..11146 ..ICWI ..104 ..1012 . 1074 .1010 ..1104 . . 140 .. Ill .. ii ..1040 . . 116 ..1021 .. Ill . . 167 ..1007 . .1164 ..1017 ..1104 .1004 . .1121 ..1112 ..loot ..;m .. 741 .. 706 .. 104 . . Ml .1001 .. 110 .. I0 .. I7J 2 ir, 2 10 2 10 2 60 2 1.0 2 ao 8 o 2 4(1 2 40 1 40 2 40 1 aa 2 M 2 IT. 8 M 1 M 2 10 1 Tl 2 76 I 76 I 71 76 I 71 I 16 ; u t 40 t M I ft I 06 I II I 40 1 40 70 2 16 I M 00 i on o I to .. S. . 1.. II. . III. . 4. . I.. .. 11.. 10. . I.. I . 14.. II.. 12.. I.. I. . 14.. to.. 20. . 15.. I . 7.. 12.. 20.. 17.. 4 . 14 . I 4r. 1 HEIFERS. I 04 I If. I li I 10 1 r, 2 41 2 46 t 10 : 40 P 1 Si 18. .. M .. I7 .. IT! .. 6'4 . . IHt .. InO .. Ill .. 4m .. IX . . 77 .. IM .. IM) ..10.-0 ..JIM) . . aM .Hit ..1020 .. IM .. :o .. 46 .. ao .. 4'J .. ta .. HI .. V I ... 10... 7... I t... I Rl'LLB. .1240 .li'Ml .1120 . aan .1010 UK .1470 . 1610 .1410 I 10 I 40 t 10 I M 1 4 t 4a 2 4.. I 76 3 6 t no 2 IS 2 21 1 to I 2 4 4!!!! 1 ... 2 41 I 30 I 8TAOS. !8 I CALVES. J 71 4 I U 1 I n 117 lto 4 21 I to i 1 I I I 1 4 I I 4 47 I 11 1 ) I hull J bulla.... 4 feedera. f feeders. 1 1 feeders. 14 feeders. 3 calves. . FEEEDKR8. 2 71 t 76 II Mi lis lav III! I 21 I n I ao 1 m it I 4 I 46 I a I 4d I 4 I IS I 44 J 10 I 74 I 76 I 00 I lai 8 ao I I 10 I I I 16 .. 10... II... el... il... II... I... 14 .. 40... 4... 46... IO 4M Tl ri 4 III . Ill . Ml . IM . 711 , 7('l . 711 1) .1J) . 727 . 78 , 84H . a.i; , .. . 70 . r I K 8 16 NKIIRASKA. 3 26 16 feeders., no:, .f I 114 lilt .1 as 2 o 1 . 2 Hi 2 !J 3 o 2 00 3 .6 2 lo 3 lat t 4o 3 3 " 3 I 4 coma 4 cons... . 6 cows 10 cows . . . 23 steel a. ... I bull X, feeder. 2 ; feedera. , MONTANA J) 22 1 ..1 1 cow 1 89 Z 60 Osear Stephens Vent bulls IT? t ? steers... V7U 3 t 4" iw . . . . 84 3 2S 1.1r..,. t " 110 cows.... ?4 J 76 cows 2 an 14 bulls 123 t "0 4 cows V 2 30 3 rows 866 3 36 A. Crowell Neb 1 cows 71 t 60 3 stags 1J30 t 7" MOOS4 There waa a moderate run of hogs here this morning and with favorable ad vices from other points the market Im proved a little. It was some time, though, before buyers and "11ers got tcgether on terms. Sellers wsnted mostly lor Ivgher. while packers were not willing to pay mors than a nickel more than Saturdav and Ihe morning waa well advanced before much bitssness waa transacted. Packers steadily refused to raise their bids and salesmen Anally cut loose at Just about a nickel ad vance. The bulk of the hegs sdd from 14 40 to 34.46. against a bulk cf fmm 14 3 to 14 40 on Saturday. As high ss 34 60 wss paid for prime bogs After packers got their more urgent orders Ailed the market weak ened a little and trading again became low. Packers complain that thee are pay ing too much for their hi gs here as com pared with Cblrsgo. Represenlativs ssles: No. . 8 rr No AT Sk. Tr. II . .. 101 ... 4 IV 64 71 20S 4 42 4 16 144 ... 4 40 4S ".. 4J, 14 . .. e4 ... 4 40 : 142 40 4 4f ' 1 y ... 4 4ia 4 tl 4 4 4.' aj. rl . . 4 42a V !! 4 42aj M t1 120 4 I2H 44 f 4 471 6 t ... 4 4I. t ll 4 4 , II !M 8 4 41 4 lo 4 4Jaj 40 t?6 ... 4 4'.' n 4 to 4 4!, III I4 . . 4 4, i 174 an 4 41'a. 64 90 tie 4 4;., 41 244 200 ll:i, M 17 ... 4 4f I I II" 4 4I 4 2M 10 4 4I'a M S' 4 41 i; 2 240 I 4;', 27 HI ' 4 42 71. 247 ... 4 41 ..1 41 c 41 . . 4 4?v, 47 212 140 4 4i 64 .HI l 4 4f 74 it M MS bX 4 42', "1 21 . . 4 46 44 2M 4 41' 44 f4' 14 4 46 44 114 ... I 4laj M 1 4 4 47 147 4 4 4!, 41 M4 IM 4 4 M MS 110 4 4?a 41 rl... 4 4S 64 Mt 40 4 t 40 24 4 4 44 66 .. fit 4 4i, aa s 4 4.. 6 ? lo 4 4, 72 24 40 4 4S tl 241 4ii 4 42 4j 44) t 4 8 SHEEP Receipts of sheep snd lambs were extremely light fr the time of .ar. snd with a brisk demand from all source the marset ruled very active and strong to a I'ime higher. Everything, in fact, sold Jusi about aa fast na offered and an eurl clearance was made. Practically evei thlng offered was led stuff, and heresfter In making quotations prices will ", fed stuff except when otherwise atated. Ewes sold thla morning aa high as 14 6... earllngs. f6 and a small btmcli brougnt 86.26. limba sold up to . There were few feeilers on sale, but the dem.tnd waa liheral enough to have taken a good many at fully steady prlcea. Vimialiuns: Oood to rnoics yearlings, t6i.4j6.26; ftlr to good yearlings. 4.i(4e' gocd to chol.s wethers, f4 40n4 7; fair to g. od wethers. f4 24jf4.4o; f .i t to c-nolcs ewes, I4 1.j4,4' lair 10 good ew. a. k Mi 4.16; good to choice lambs. f."i.:6(rf '': ., lR'r to go. d lambs, t6.6cJ 7i: feedsr yearlings. t4.lij4-60; renter wetlirra, 14. to u4.; leeuer ewea. f3.0K3.t0; feeder lanio, t4to'a6.i He; resentatlve aalea: No. av. Hr 4 western bucks 142 00 1 western buck Ii0 8 60 1 Nebraska ewe 90 4 ou 1 Western wether 120 4 V) 1 western atag I6t 4 00 6,'tl western ewes 104 4 J 239 western ewes 1 3 4 26 2V western ewes LK 4 4" 33 weetern wethers 118 4 16 228 Neluaska wethers H' 4 90 118 western yenrllngs H ' 1X1 western lambs 84 A 00 27 western lambs 89 A ii 1 nallvs lamb 70 0 on A hHtlve lambs 94 A 26 88 culls ' - 8 western cull wethers 4 3 2i 184 western ewes 88 4 10 12 western ewes.....' !" 277t western ewes Ml 4 40 241 western ewes I'd 4 45 242 weetern ewes lo 4 ! u western wethers Hi 4 9' 1 western wether 13" 08 western yearlings j 70 western lambs 6 90 24A western lambs 72 5 4 western lambs NO 6 !l 1 western lamb l'4 (0 THICAUO 1,1 VK STOl K MARKET tattle steady, Horn, Sheep anil Lambs Five lo Fifteen Higher. CHICAC.O. Dec. 12.-CATTLE-Recepts, 30.0011 head. Including 500 westerns : market, steadv; good to prime steers. fA.noti 7.M; poor 'to medium. f3.iiOiti6.aO; stockers and feeders, t2.U4i4.tM; steers. t'J.0orn6.00; fan ner.. II .35412.40; bulls, f;.iK(i4.Hi; calves. it.Mxirfl i5: western steers, f3.4n1t5.2i). )i(j)S Receipts, So.tW head; estimated for tomorrow 40.0IKI head: maiitet. 541 10c. higher; closed weak; mined and butchers, 4 .411 a Mot a-ooH 10 choice be.ivv. l4.6ot4.A'J1'a; rough heavy. t4.Hn!4.4o; light, t4.3W94.A,; l.nlb malnm i af.rtl 4 iV SHEEP aK'D LAM 118 Receipts, 26.0OO head; market for sheep, loc higher; for lambs, lmHlftc higher; good to choice weth er, ft. Aura 6. 50; fair to choice mixed, 3.irii 4.W: western sheep, ta'hW.t'O; nallvs lambs, f6.0oojA.86; western lambs, f5.60rijA.76. , ev York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 12.-EEVE8-Re-celpts, 6,0o head; market for steers alow anu 16c lower; bulls, steady to loc lower; native steers, f3.76a6.40; choice, 33.80; half breeds and westerns, f:i.60fi4.7&; bulls, I.'.Mku 4.14); cows. fl.2oK3.ti6i choice fst, fa. 26; calves steady; exports tumorrow. estimated. 860 head catlle, 1,260 head sheep and 4,2(10 quar lers of beef. CALVES Receipts. 1.094 head: market for veals Arm to "ic higher: giassera higher; veiila, fo.iiku9.00; grapsers, t2.6O'ij3.00; com mon western. t2.30: fed calves. t4.iiiCa4.Vl; dressed cHlveM. strong; city dressed veals, 1IKQ 1:14c: country dieaaied. 7il2c. SIIKKP AND l.AMHS Re, elpts. 10.944 head; murket verv Arm: sheep. f3.26(h4 ill, choice wethers, f5.ii): culls, f2.(Kn3.oo; lamba, fil ruioii 76; culls. f.MKMIA .26. H HS Receipts. 15.136 head; market steady; prime state snd Pennsylvania, !". Kansas I lly Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 12. CATTLE Re ceipts 11,600 head. Including 5i southerns. Market steady lo strong. Choice export and dreised beef steers, f6.Otxu.0O; full- to good, tit.fjOCau.'iO; western fed steers, frt.foa 5.50; Blocker and feeders, f2.60trl.Ui; southern steers, 2.uO'i4.24; southern cows, f 1.764J4J.24 ; imtlve cows, 41.7.H. 1 j; nallvs heifers, f2.6sie.Oo; bulls, f2.Urii4.0O; calves, 3.(i(Hi 25. HOtlS Receipts 6,000 bead; market 6cfyl0 higher; top, 4.A6: bulk nt' sales, H..W 4.011; heavy, f4."Ko4.6; pat kers, f .5' ti Ao; pigs and light, :i.h64i4.A24. SIIKKP AND I.AM IIS Receips 2.700 head; msrket pic higher. Native lamb. I4oo'u1"1: native weihers, 4.l8'if i.oo; native ewes, f 4. 00(14. t0; western Intnl., f4.5 OiA.i.ii; westertvyerllngs. f4.KstMi.lii; wrstem sme.i, 3.ii.ij4 7i.; aesleru led stockir.4 and led ers, 12.604.36. t. I.onls Live Slock Market. ST. I.OC1B. Dec. 12. -CATTLE Receipts, 3.0H0 head. Including 1.600 Texans. Mai ki t steadv to strong, unlive shipping and ex port steers. t5.26'q7.00, the top grade avail able for fancy grades; dressed beef and butchers' steers, 84.6OCrtfi.60; steers under l.ixm lbs., f3.00ci6 011; stockera and feeders, f.26 Crf3.76; cows and heifers, f2.1&4i6.00. the top for fanev fed heirera: canners, fl.iMf2.lo; bulls, fl'.tavnl 18); calves. f2.6oq4i.6'i; Texas B4id Indian sleers, t2.60c.4 60; cowh und heifers, t-Oficyf fiO. HO( IS Receipts. 600 head. Market higher on small receipts; pigs and lights. l.t.V.'u 4 JO; packera. f4.40j'l.6o; butchers' and best beavv. .4.50140. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3 (mo heud. Market steady; native muttons, f.i.60 1i4.76; lambs. f4.6uca 26; culls snd bucks, f.'.f'0(Ji4.26; stockers, l2.wW3.2i; Texana. f3.(J0 G.I4I. 9)1, Joseph l.lve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec 1'-'. CATTLE Re. ceipts. 2,328 heud. Market IikuI5c higher; ns lives, f3.76tiA.06; cows snd heifers, fLae'if 4 86; stockers and feeders. $2.6u&4.4. IIHllH Receipts. 4.822 head. Market moetiv 10c higher; light, f4.Kri4.66; medium and heavy, f4 46474. SHEEP AND LA64 IIS Receipts, 934 head Market locpl&c higher. ainns I lly Mie Stock Market. - KIOCX CITY, Dec. 12 tSpeclal Tele, gram. 1 CATTLE Receipts, t.taw head; 111:11. let steadv; beeves, ff Witi lO; cows, bulls and mixed. tt.Vtftl.W; stockers and feeders, I" 76'&8.Mi; ,(.ls and yearlings, t3.2644 2S. fit A 18 Receipts. A.flOO hesd, market 64) lo higher, selling at f4.26ttt.6o; bulk. fl.U'.tT 4 40 lo-k In klglil. R?elpta (f live stock st the sit ri i l al westorn cities yesteraay we-a m ui.oag Csltl . Iligi. 8h ,. Hon 1 11 iimana Sioux City .... Kansas City . St. IxjuIs Fl. Joseph Chicago Total I I in I,.' I 4.220 '"0 .... 5.K4) c.;i) Wki S.lam 4.3.'2 !4 :I6.000 64.213 :j,90 11.6110 3.0i S 3 . So.tW W 964 l.lverpe! Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. It. WHKAT-Spct. nominal: fi.ture. easy; December, nominul; March. 7s 34d; May. 7a 34d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. 4s ld; future, stesdy; January, 4s 44d; March, 4 S(id kiiar Prices Derllae. NEW YORK. Dec. 12 The following le duction In rertned sugsr w m made lodsy: No 1-1. "J N"- " l'iu hundred. Ilululk Urals larkel. Dl I.I I H. Minn.. Dec. 12 - Wl I K A T- To anlve. No. 1 noiliiern, 11.07; No. 2. fl.01; on trsck. No 1 v.orthern, 11 "7, No. J norihern. fltd; tecem1et. t'Oi. May. tl l' OA18-T0 an-lve an.1 on track. aSc, omiM wnoi r.4i r. harkkt. taple and raarr rredaee. FOGS Candled stock. Jc. LIVE lM I.TR - lhn. .: ronters ; turkeys. 14c: ducks. 9c; geese. HttfV: fprinit chickens. 4c Bl TTKR-l srking siork. IV : choice lo fsncy dairy. K1.V; vr.ameiy, iiti ; fancy rrn ts 2,c. FRK'H rnorEN F!'I-Trcut. IV; pick erel ,-; pike, Pa-- rerjs, .: biU'nn. 12c; whl4flah, tin ; sairm n. :i?: ndnapper, lie; lobster gr-en. 3"c: b'bsler iboi edi. too; bullheads. He; catfish. 14c: black t-aaa. 20-; halibut. 10c; crappira. 12 ; ice mad, tl : buffalo. 7c; white bas. lie; frig bgi. per dos , 26c. PRAN-Ter ton. IISOO. HAT Tilces quoted bv OmahA Whol-snle Dealrra" gasorlatlon: Choice N1. 1 'iplsnil. If 50; No. 2, fiirt'; medium. ..6i); co.r-e. f S 0 Itje straw, 15 60. Tha e prices ar for hay of good color and quality. 08TEKS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per rip. 87c; t andarda, per can. S2c ; bulk (standard!, cer gai , 11 36: bulk textra selects), per gal . fl.6; bulk (New York counts!, per gal.. fJ.OO CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. CHRISTMAS TREES 3 10 t feet. rr dos., tl 76; to 7 feet, per dox . t.' 60; 7 to feet, per dox.. t3..'i0; 9 to 11 feet, per dot . 4.60. Large school and church purp., each tl to fl.6t, extra large, IS to 20 feet, each t2 to to LVEHtiREEN W HEATH 1 NO In coil of 20 srds, per coil. 80c to fl. WREATHS Mngnolli and gfllis areaih per dox. 11.2 .-(1I.60; evergreen vvreslls. Per do.. fUJoftl ie; holly wirnths, per do.. fl.2'4jl 60. HOLLY P RANCHES-Per cae ot 4xCx4 feet, about 60 lbs., fl TO; pee bbl . $l.6. I.ONO NEEDLE PINES Ter no.. 2.0iH ;.6 MISTLETOE Mistletoe branches, per t lb. bos, 1.2i; per lb., 30c. TROPICAL Flt' lTf ORANOES-Floilda. Slavs l'Je. If lit 2- 21 snd 2W. t.' On2.2ii. California navels, all sixes. IJ.;,V,i3 on. LEMON" -California fs"cy, t2 7i, 0 anil l, M 2."i; choice, 13.60. lATES Per hex of SiVlh. kss . 32 00; Hallowl, In 70 lb. bos. per ih . ."ttfl ic. FIOS Ciiliforrla. per 10 I h cirmn. 767 Ane; unporied Smyrna. 4-crown. i2 ,c; crown. 14c. 7-crown. lAc; fnnnv Imported iwaiiiedi. In 1-lb nkgs ltijl-o; California, per case of 3 pkg-.. t2 26 BANANAS IV' medium sled bunch, 12 ("iii!. Mi; jumboa 4: ;:,n,;: ri ORAPt; MiUIT-P 1 box of C4 ta 4. f6 tSirjo.uO FRt'lTa. ni i i.ttn urme-grewn Jonatnana, par bid., .. w; nen liavls. I.'.;.,; New Toik Kli gs. ::.2o; New York Pippin. 12 76: New Turk tlreenlng. f.'.AO; New York Pald- wlna, 12.78; Colorado Joniithaiis, tl A&; Wine Saps, per bu. box. $1.60. PEARS Utah. Colonulo snd California, fall vnrleti, per bis. fl.7V2.2. OR A I KS -Imported Mahisaa, per keg, tti.OifiA liO. a . a. CR AN HURRIES - Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per old., f8.6na9.ou: Wisconsin Pell and Cherry and Jerseys, per bid., tr.76; per box. I.' 76. TANC.ERINES-Floiidu or California, per 4 box, f2.50. VEfJETAHLrlt it 'TA'l'OES New home giuwn. In sacks, r bu.. 40c; Colorado, per bu., SOc, 1 I K.VH'b-I'er bu., ;ioc; (.anada ruts baKHM. per lb., Ic. CARROTS -Per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPS-Per bu . 40c. MEETS l'er bu.. 40c. NAVY BEAKS Per int., fl.5..ti2O0. ONIONS Home grown, in sicks, per bu., SOc'iifUO; Spanish per crate. 13. 10. Cl'CI'MHERS Per case of 2 dug., t'.'.sO. TOMATOES Cnllfoi'iiia, per 4-baaket crate. ,.'.50. CAHIiAOE Home-grown, per 100 lbg., fl; Hull. 11 (I seil. per lb,, 14c MVV'l.'l."C lillVlTlll.'U UuOMrf Llln.J.I-l J per bbl.. 32.26. nyt ami itome grown, per do . r,0c. CliLERY-Per do., 15'a0c; California, RADISHES Per do.. 80c. LETTl'CE Hot houae. per do., 40fc50c; head lettuce, per dos.. fl.00. SHALLOTS Per iloz., 60c. CACLIFLOWER - Southern, per bbl.. f4.60. MISCELLANEOUS. BALER KKAL"j- Wisconsin, per keg, f2.60. CIDER New York, per bbl., f6.20; per 4 bbl.. ft. 26. CHEESE Wisconsin twins. full cream 124c; Wisconsin Young Amerlsa, 13c; block Swiss, new, loc; old. lAtylic; Wisconsin brick. He; Wisconsin llmburger, If,-, NCTS Wnlnut. No. 1. soft shell, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per 11,., 13c; No. 2. soft shell, 'per II-.. 12c; No. 3 hard shell, per Ih.. 12c; pecans, large, per Ih 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanula, nor Ih 7c roasled peanuts, tier lb., 8c; chill walnuts, per lb., 12il.'l4c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., lie; hard shell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts, per lb., 12'tG16c: new black walnuts, per 011., 76t!tOc: shellbark hickory nuts, per1 bu., 1. 7R: birae lilckorv nuts, per bu., fl 60. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c: No. 2 green. Ac: No. 1 salted, 4c; No. 2 salted. 74c; No. 1 venl calf. 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 7c; drv sailed 1iiK. 1 sheep pells, 26c(ifl.0O; horse hides. ll.6oi3.00. Kvapnratrd Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Dee. 12. EVA PORATF5D APPLES Market ruled steadv to firm: common are qunied nt S'yfMe; prime, 14 44'i choice 511340; fancv, IVfiiiUc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRt ' ITS rtnnea nre In better demand for future shipment. Prlcea still range from 2c to Ho, Apricots are quiet but llrm. with choice quoted (it loc; extra choice. 1044llc; fuiicy, H4tiloe. I'chi hea me unchaiigid; choice are held nt 9 j34c; extra choice, !di104c; funcy, 104 4 lie. New York Broker In Trouble, NEW YORK Dei-. 12.-A ietltlon asking that tieorge H. and Alexander Monroe, couiposino; the (Irni of Monroe A Monroe, brokers, be declared Involiinlarv hankrtint was filed tod iy. The petition was filed bv John M. Shaw AV Co.. with a claim of $12.275 ; iKinald (lordon Co.. with a clnlni of t40.in3. and 8. D. Hraun A Co.. Willi a" claim of I.M.VBi. The creditors allege that Monroe AV Monroe, on December 7. being then Insolvent, transferred properly, thus constituting an act of Iwnkruptcy. Hee Want Ads nre the llrst Ruslua Blunders. .-:..- HI'MI. ESTATE TRIMKKRI. Deeds llled fur record December 12 as fur. nlsneu by ihe Midland tiuarantec. and Trust company, ixinued aostracteia, Ji4 Farnam streel, for The Reel Mary Altc Henson lo C. E. Henaon, lot t and eolith 10 feet of lot a, blin k 2. Euclid Place 1 Eoward Kneera and Katie Kneera to H. flowkner. west 40 feet uf lot 22, Muloney s iidd ; K40 Carl L. n1ndin and wife to Elixabefh J. Italuey, lot 8 and west lo feet of lot U, Washington b'luaie 1. J,40 Dora Toft and husband lo1 Ids 1,. Rylen. east 4 of blocks 3, 4 and i, Priiyn pnrk '. 1 William Tlghe et al to William O. I're. undivided 4 of I'd 1. Hock A, Lowe's 2d add., and other land........ 1 Lena R. Enwiisbury lo E. C. Oarvlti. south one loot in wldili of north lo feet of lot 23, block 1!j, Hanscnm Plae 15 I tlrunt T. Ledwlch and wife et al to Fawn E. Hexanson, lot 8, block I, Rose Hill !.. ' 2H Chilstlne Nikelsen and husband In U. Ftost. se'i of sw'i of sec, 19-1A 11. ... MHO M. tlreer and wife lo C. C. HUimlltun, part west 4 of lot 274. Florence 1 C. C. Hamilton and wlfu to Mary A. Oresr. same 1 Emma C. Juhiisun and liusband lo Allen Hever. lut 1, block 1, Spring Lake park 360 Ellen O Connor to Mary Kllker, lot 11, block 11, South Omaha 1 tl. M. les to C. A. Sanbeig, lot 10. block 8. Poppleton iiark 275 W. tl. Killingrr In W. H. Tiinkerlsev, lots I and 3, block I. Coiner Ar cher add 1,060 Crrlnda Sherry to Mary E. O'Conner, east 30 fet of weal Kit feel t l o 174. Millard & Caldwell's sdd. Esther II Wilcox lo Mule H. Kir stens. south 4 I'd n block A. poller tt Cobb's 2d add ,...', Sarah C. Dsre lo (I. K. Beck, part lot 5. block 10. Soulh Omaha J Emma K. Johnston to P H. Johnston, lot 1, block 7. Cllflon Hill 2.S60 P. H. Jolinalon et al to U. Foiguu, lot 1. block 7. Cllftnn Dill 1 Ka'e R. Rvmi et al lo Eupheha Nlck olls el al, iiw'. e4 sec. 17-16 13 1 Edwards -Wood Co. (Incorporated ) Haln Office: f ifth and Robert Streeta 3T. PAUL, fllNN. OKALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin lo lis Briath liatre, IIO-HI Beard at Trad Hldg.. OniKi, Nek. Telephone 8014. 2i:- :i4 Exchangs Hldg . 'South Omaha. Boll ThOns Sll Indt peiidsnl Phon 4