TIIK OMAHA DAILY I1EE: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1904. Real Santa Clstrs H oliday Sales JEWELRY SPECIALS IN THE ARCADE Fancy Military Brushes In ebony and rose- TK ' wood, purer mounted 0f iiVAfJX .... ,-.. fr'sM. Clothes Brushes-Ebony, TtV CI AfriB Btag and rosewood, silver UiQ. WCxX&d' mounted at Vi'v V 7 7X'li;X, ?tV Mirrors In rosewood and ebony, round and oval A shapes special at, fC each Miller Bros, silver plated oblld's knife, fork and n poon In fancy box X is worth II. at...... Embossed leatherette glove boxes, etc. in blue, green worth 50o eah, at.. Hat Brushes Ebony, it. and fO roewood, aterling diitoi iu'uu r-,i aw Quadruple ware creamers, sugar, butters, bread trayi, child cups. sto. at. Imported Clocks -Fancy glass caes, warranted perfect time pieces at, each handkerchief boxes, tie boxes. red. brown and silver plated 49c i n ti f v 1.49 boxes. 25c Special Bargains in Toy Dept. $1.25 Kid Body Dolls for 59c-18 inchea Ion?, bisque head, open and shut eve, sewed wijf, shoe and stock in?s, the well known Fl orodora make. It i a dill well worth $1.2-; we b urht an immense quantity of them so cheap we sell them each' Another Kid Body Doll 14 Inches long, shoe andf stockings, bisque head, regular 35c quality, ea. Uv One immense table of All Kinds of Framed Pictures These are all manner i f subjects and all kind cf frames large, very large and some small; they are worth from $1.25 to 82.50, they go, as long as they f,0 last, for, each T'C On Big Table of Henty Books -32 titles, regu- 1 "Xl lar price 25o each they go at, eacn 1C We Have All the New Card Oames-Pit, Bunco. Wig, Cabbage, Game, Bid, Djsperation, Sherlock Holmes, Flinch and many o'.herg. Croklnole Boards regular S1.25 Qo-Carts-Good well made go-ca-ts kind will go at, with four Iron wheels, QO uV for, each JUb RBSOSsK Bl aCaaaVaTaaaaVaatJaaaaaaTJaHaTna I I OMAHA WEATHER REPORTTaesdar Snow andjColder. mi 8 B FT 1FT TTTITT" IHhr'yP I jmuuu nil mi i;-' a m mhm mv hi lllltSM r y el T f a djl i temps! 1 8 eaoh. Handkerchief Sale Tuesday Ladies sneer linen nand-vl J kerchiefs, all widths of fine hem- I Jr"r stitching, worth up to 25a each II S. H at, each - Great assortment of ladies', men's and children's plain white end fancy colored T i . border handkerchiefs, some In- J?GmjCm U 2C Ladies' fine Swiss embroidered handkerchiefs, also all linen embroidered anrtfl f 1 E ir scalloped edge handkerchiefs! II I "IP, J J) C Misses' and children's all woulf C I Dent's all wool golf gloves 10, worth 50c, at aJK 1 vStvV golf gloves worth 25c, at. See Christmas J Windows L asMsv . r ri sua wom bsi IS. See Christmas Windows CARLAND REBUKES LAWYERS Fedtral Judge Telli Bummen and Blsaa ( They Insult ths Court. PRESUME ON IGNORANCE OF JURIST CoiihI for Ilenry Gnltar, AUeaed Horderer of Father, Seek to - I'rore Him Xot an Indian. W. 8. Bummers and T. J. Sloan, attor neys for Henry Guitar, Indian, and alleged murderer of his father, Stephen Guitar, were sharply rebuked In federal court yes terday by Judge Carland, who told them their questioning of a certain witness was an insult to the Intelligence of the court and would not be tolerated. A half-breed Indian by the name of Carey La Flesche, was on the wltneas stand. Ths attorneys for the defense sought to prove by La Fleacbe that Guitar was not an Indian and made some inquiries of the witness as to the allotment laws. Immediately District Attorney Baxter in terposed an objection. . "And ths objection is further sustained , from .the -fact . that question of counsel Is an insult to the court in seeking to in struct ths court on law matters through the mouth of an Indian," asserted Judge Carland' with considerable warmth of feel ing. ' The testimony was concluded before Judge Carland in the United States circuit oourt yaetsrday at 4:10 p. m., with the de fendant as the last wltiuwe. District At torney Baxter . then began his argument and soen adjournment was taken to 1:30 this ' morning. A motion was made by the attorneys for the defense that the oourt Instruct ths Jury to find a verdict of not ru)lty. oij the hypothesis that the accused was not an Indian and that conse quently the court had no jurisdiction in the case. The motion was promptly overruled by the oyurt. j Line of Denfeaes. The whole line of defense Is to prove that Henry Guitar is not an Indian and re peated motions and objections have been made by the defense to establish this fact, but in each instance the motions and ob jections have been overruled. The essen tial point sought to be established by the defense Is -that tribal relations do not ex ist on -the Onutha Indian reservation and that the sauntered Stephen Guitar was not an Indian, at least not more than a half breed, his Indian blood being that of the Pawnee race, he having been adopted lit childhood by the Fontanelle family and subsequently adopted Into ths Omaha tribe. The son, Henry Guitar, also la said not to be aa Indian in a legal sense, al though It Is conceded he, aa well as his father, received an allotment of land as an Indian of the Omaha tribe. The purpoea of the defense Is to carry the case to the state courts, . Robert Cusraden's orchestra concert this evening et Creigbtun University audito rium. Tickets at Htups's. ' SEWERAGE FOR FORT OMAHA First Taalla ltes Toward Reeahlll tetlns Old Flae Ordered from Washington. Word was received from the War depart ment Sunday announcing the first steps In tl.e rehahUltatlun of old Fort Omaha. Uajor 74i I In ski, quartermaster at this point, was Instructed to advertlsa for bids for putting in a severags system on ths mili tary reservation and ths contract will be let In the near future. When Senator Millard left for Washing ton he announced he would give his par Bonal efforts toward hurrying on the work of preparing the qsarters for soldiers. Bvfe dently he has been successful In the Initia tory stages. Quartermaster Major Zalinskl expressed the opinion and the hope that the work of putting the post in good condition would go on with celerity. Robert Cuscaden's orchestra concert thi8 evening at Crelghton University audito rium. Tickets at Hospe's. MOORE PLEADS Nof GUILTY Policeman Charged with Man slaughter of George O'Nell la on Trial. Fred C. Moore was arraigned In the dis trict court before Judge Day, charged with manslaughter. He pleaded not guilty. This Is the policeman who, February 28, of the present year, in Henry Keatlng's sa loon on North Sixteenth street, beat up George O'Neil with his club so badly the latter died shortly afterward. ' The mother, sister and brother of the young fellow were in court, the women wearing mourning and the mother crying. Moore was arraigned' and hesitated to an swer the question, guilty or not guilty, until he was assured the latter was a perfectly safe plea to enter. A. 8. Ritchie was ap pointed to defend the prisoner and the Jury will be empanneled Tuesday morning. Considerable feeling exists against the prisoner, who, during his career on the force had beaten up Ane or two other prisoners. He, however, claimed he acted in self-defense. O'Nell st the time of the assau.t in the saloon was intoxicated. His skull sras fractured. Toys! Torsi The toy department at Orchard & Wll helm Carpet Co. Is attracting unusual at tention. There are so many new, novel Ideas in toys, that make their display par ticularly Interesting. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths lave been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday: Births-Frank F. Osborn, 2419 Binney, boy; Claud.) Mutiro 4ol North Twenty fifth avenue, boy; George m. llettle. Fif tieth and Burdette, boy. Deaths Hurry Meiawski, Courtland Beach, 11); Kddie Krugcr. Courtland Beach, lo; llattle Pollard 813 North Thirty-second. 2; Jan Kuncl, Florence. Mi; Mra Patrick Duugherty, Z&iO Chicago, 39. Marriage Licenses. , The following marriage licences were Is sued up to noon December 12: Name and Residence. Age. John W. Anderson, Omaha................ 44 IJIlie N. Culver, Omaha 39 Seth H. Rarden, Stevens Point, Wis 36 Annie Phillips, Omaha 34 Frank Roberts, Omaha 24 Jennie Hunter, Omaha 21 IS-K. Wedding Rings. Fc holm. Jeweler Ennui Still Absent. No word has yet been received regarding the whereabouts of K. A. Kmerson of-Benson, who left two weeks ago under the effects of what Is believed to be his second lapse of memory. Itst summer the young man was gone a week snd was as muni surprised at his sbsenre as were his family ana friends. He has been in the employ of the Hay ward Bros. Khn company, lie has a wife and child at Benson. Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Ustxl by people of refinement for over a quarter of a ceaturj PR! PARED BY Only Eleven Days Till Christmas Don't Wait Till the Eleventh Hour. Do Your Trading Tuesday Do It Now! Enjoy Christmas shopping while it's enjoyable, while complete selections are at your hand, while the pleasantest shopping renter in the entire west with it's broad, roomy, airy aisles and long sweeping counters is laden with just the goods you want and prices less than you look for. Do it now! Do it now! Do it now! Books! Books! Christmas Cards, Christmas Cards. Stationery novelties, hand some note paper with your monogram or crest, fancy desk mementoes, c o r r e -spondence trilles, fountain pens, ink stands no end to the lists of suitable gifts from our big stationery sec tion and book department. Main Floor. SeLiita Clans In all his glory on our sec ond flor. IMggest varieties, largest demonstration dis plays. Delights for the old and young. Second Floor. GROCERY FIN'R OROCRRIES MAKE A FINE TABLB, AND A FINK TABLE MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING. Twenty (12.0O) Orn Trading- Stnmps with pound package Ben- OQn nett s Capitol Coffee Ten ($1.00) Green Trading: Stnmps Teih...l!?.l :.. 38c Ten fll.OO) Oreen Trading Stumps with seven bars Swift's pride OEp Soap AJU Ten .00) Green Trading- Stamps with pound cn Bennett's Capitol OAr Baking Powder fS Ten (fl.OO) Green Trading Stamps wnn tnree packages Lemon f er aw Snaps. Ten (U.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Schepp's Oflr Cocoanut StL New Raisins, pound New Currants, pound New Cnndled Peel, pound ...8c 10c 25c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with three packages Rennett's OS. Capitol Mince Meat at sStJC Ten (fl.OO) Green Trading Stamps fnr with Glass Jar Syrup lu 5 (Dflc) Green Trading Stamps with can Pumpkin 10c CANDY Call on us earlv and make your se-lectlons-LOW PRICKS PREVAIL. Stick Candy Assorted Flavors Six Sticks ir, for Thirty Sticks for 5c B r Gold Will be given for any adulteration found in these candies or chocolates. Gunfiior's Famous , Chicago Oandios Sold at Chicago pricet by 1 MYERS-DILLON D3J3 02., ISth and Farnam Sts. I VISITORS WELCOME TO OUR NEW MODEL FACTORY g None SuchMince Meat i 0 la 2-PIs 10c Packages with List of Valuable Premiums. - ftS-mm ! Cures dandruff. Stop Ulllnf 1 lr. Kllv Itcnln?. NEW3R.0'S HERPICIDE Tlw ORIQUHAL rssssdy that "kill ths Dandruff Oerm." CSOING-l GOING ! GONE 111 ODE WILL HER?! SfSlTt HEEPKIDC WILL SAVE IT TOO LATE FOR UERP1QD2 slous ulrease that will, sooner 01 Inter. cause baldness. A writer in Medical Review cf Reviews says, "School children should know thst it Is dirtv to use another's hair brush." Newbro's Herplclde renders public hair brushes harmless by destroying ths dandruff microbe. A delightful hair dress ing. Gives wonderful results. rsi Sor:t. II OS. Ststf Wc Stmsi te IflMCme CO.. D-st I. Dttrtll, Nick. tr a SHERMAN & MoCOMNELL DRUG CO.. Special Ajrna. APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER BHOPB. A noted dermatologist says, "Ths time Is coming when sn unsterlllzed puolic hair brush will be as rare as a publlo tooth brush." The reason Is that dirty hair brushes spread dandruff, and true dandruff is now known to be a coots. w BOY ANTED A in every town to sell our new Saturday Bee. It contains 18 page of special magazine features, including 10 colored pages with BUSTER RROW2, COMICS, altogether 34 pages, and Is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoon, when the fanners are in town. We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE. A few weeks sgo we sent Bemle McCafferty, O'Nefll. Neb., ten free copies, and he Is now selling 35 copies every Saturday afternoon, from which he gels 70 cents profit You can do as well if you try. - For Full Particulars Write to The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nebraska. CHRISTMAS PRESENT COUPON I J any one tending us immedi ately $1.80 (and this coupon, we will tend free of coir GIFT 1 A superb portfolio. stamped in gilt, and containing photo-Audies cf beautiful wo men, modeis, and players. GIFT 2 A fac-simile water color, readyfor framing, show ing the sky-scrapers of New York as seen at twilight an exquisite work of art. liIE i J An art booklet, in brown covers, stamped in sold, and containing sixteen full-page portraits of well-known society beauties printed on plate paper. GIFT 4 Copies of the Novem berand December (Christmas) issues of The Metropolitan, in cluding all the color insert il lustrations. Q These four gifts can be sent to the re milter of the $1.60. I The two gifts below can be sent to the remitter friend. q If you prefer, ws will scad ALL SIX direct to you. GIFT 5 A full year's subscrip tion to 1 he Metropolitan, com mencing with the January, 1 905, number. GIFT 6 A beautiful subscrip tion certificate to be sent to the recipient of the magazine and bearing toe name of the sender. A LL of the above for the price of the magazine alone $1.80. Have The Metropolitan sent for a year to your friend, together with the illuminated subscription certifi cate, and have the "Portfolio of Beau'y," the book of American So ciety Types, the fac-simile water color and the November and De- c ember issues ot I he magazine all sent to your own address. This offer is only good for one month from date. Mention this paper, and send us this Coupon, The Metropolitan Magazine, J West 29th St.. New York. DR. . McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats sU forms st DISEASES OF MEN XS Tears' Ks uerleaee IS Vears la Oma&s A Medical Esperl w haft semsrsable uaress has never been i eel led. Nearly 3J,wOO Cases Cured. '.rlcoo.U. Hrdrocl.. SlooS Polwe. Strlctr. OI OlMb Stnastk 4 VIUUU. Narrow Dabllltr. km His Home Treatment baa sarmsoanllr vaa Uanaaoaa ot m ml ikmli K.r.Vua7 Kcotal. Kulu.r . Biaddjr a.d Ski. bi ..... .. ..n nut. Sara tlaaa ana moan by urn ariblns roul caa. a rlta lor SRKS BOOK a larma ef Iraolmaot. btWielna at la Blata aJua, Charge Low. Consultation Fro: OSius Haura a a. aa. i wuaaa. a i. a u a n. Call ar riu. aw tea CiSce 114 a - Ostahs. Mas. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office snd Infirmary, IMh and Mason fits. Santa Claus Omaha Headquarters Toys. Dolls, llanos. Wagon. Hlda. etc. Our rear room, ground floor, is Tor land. THI KKMARI.B STORR. The Createst Stock of Holiday Goods THE moH beautiful and inter esting of all the Christmas periodical is the great Christmas Metropolitan in which you will find stirring sto ries and articles by Thomas Nelson Page, W. A. Fraser, E. S. Martin, Joel Chandler Harris, Richard Le Gallienne, Charles G. D. Roberts, Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison Rhodes, and many others. The 150illustrations,intwo,threeand four colors, are by Gucrin, Rhead, Clay, Bull, Conde, Penfield, Par rish, and Haskell, and repro ductions from many photographs. THIS Xmas issue is filled with good reading and fine pic tures; it is a delight from cover to cover; it is a worthy Christmas gift in itself and is now on sale everywhere for 15 cents a copy. FOR the entertainment of the whole family there is no bet ter magazine published than The Metropolitan. THE following special offer it presented in the interests of those who wish to send to a friend a gift and at the same time receive four free holiday gifts for them selves : Cat oat this Coupon. BUY HOLIDAY GIFTS NOW Gr:at Half-Price Sale Continues Tuesday Swiss. Hmislltohpd. KmKr-ilrtTrd snd Initial Hsndkrrrhlrfs snd a handsome Mmpla line of Toll.-t Sets, Military Bru.-hs, Combs snd Brush Seta, Cloth Vrushesv Mirrors, Hat Bnmhea, etc ON SALE TUESDAY t yro sr looklnir for Holiday Gifts remember you can save Just oria-hsjf st this arra.t sale. Come tarly. HANDKERCHIEF SALE TUESDAY ' Sc fancy Initial Handkerchiefs. at 10c pure Linen Handkerchiefs, at 15c si.tllored EmbroiJred Ha.nd- Kerchlffs, st. I 25c scalloped Embroidered Hand- ' a kerchiefs, at. ..2Jc ... 5c ...74 I2ic 35c pure linen Embroidered Hand kerchlofs, st 17ic 60c rure linen Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, at Jl.no pure linen Embroidered Crt,-. Handkerchiefs, tvery fli.. at CVJW BRUSHES AND TOILET SETS AT HALF PRICE TUESDAY 50c fancy Hair Brushes,. 2T 75c fancy Hair Brushes, at. 55c IL00 fancy Hair Brustus. at 50c n.O) fancy Hair Biushes. at $1.(0 1 $1.50 Clothes Brushes, St. bc j $7.00 Toilet S&U. at $3.50 I Every piece In perfect con S0rt Toilet Sets, at $:'.00 Toll-t Sets, at $.00 Toilet Sots, st $4.00 Toilet Pets, at J.i (O Toii.'t Pet a, at $S.OO Toilet Sets, st liO.OO Toilet bets, at dltlon and of the latest style. MM .H.'- .$1 50 .JJ..0 .p '0 .$ GREAT BARGAINS IN ART BEAt'TIFTT, PICTURES. HANDSOMELY FRAMKIV Oils, Water Colors, Tastels. Crayons, Steel Enaravli.ss. Etching. 1'h t iRravtn . etc. The nilre l:lgh gals stock of the IOWA AftT CO., Ltt WEST BROADWAY. COUNCIL HH'FKS, IOWA, NOW ON SALE AT HAIF I'KICE. Die greatest values ever shown In Omaha. As An Extra Special we are showing Tuesday BOO ColorgTaphs, 8x10 Inches with J-lnrh gilt frame, pretty studios in landsCMpe, figures and marines, splendid vajue at ito special 2ti0 at ORDER ENGRAVING NOW 1 100 Engraved Visiting Cnrds front OQfl 100 Ensraved VLltln Cards and CO 1 1 nlnl. .iuu.1.1 .. . L.I imli, r v nlnl. I .,s n 1 D 1 nl WK AKK OMAHA HKAJjyUAKTBiKSJ OK eUKAVlU. More Silks for Tuesday from the Goodman-Williamson Stock A visit to, the Silk Department will convince you that the bargains are simply Irresistible. BLACK TAFFETA Z! and 36-lnchtfjr-widths, worth Sl.iiO. at. yard U7i.-liH. Yard wide Black Taffe.a, genuine Swiss, worth $1.75, at, yard Still more Crepe de Chine, black and all colors, at, yard .1.10 49c The new Rajah Bilk, SO-lnch, all f OS colors, at, yard ,,,lJ The new Klectrlo Silks, Messaline nRf finitih, at. yard ." w Fancy Silks galore. Over 2v) pieces go OA sale at most amaslng low pi Ices. GRAND XMAS GROCERY OPENING ETC. WE ARB FOR YOUR XMAS PUDDINGS, PIES, CAKES, DESSERTS, HEADQUARTERS. 19n i 8-lb can Green Gnge or Egg Plums 10a 3"0 2-lb. can Sweet Sugar Corn 7Vw 2-lb can fancy Wax, Siring or Lima Fancy Imon, Orange or Citron, lb The best pure g.ou:ul Spleen, lb Choice Muscatel Kal.sln, lb Fancy London Layer Raisins, lb.... Choice Cleaneti Currants, lb 7c f ancy jungiisn Cleaned currant.", lo.... sVn caiirornia crawroru fescues, lb.... Fancy Mulr Peaches, lb California Apricots, lb Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb 1J40 California Bartlett Pears, lb 12-' CANNED GOODS, ETC. 5c 1UC Beans 7Vi 2- lb. can Early June Peas 70 10 bars best laundry 6oap 26o Quart can fancy Table Syrup 7rJ 4-lb. pnekago Gold Dust 15o Sapolio, bar 6o Pearlino, iwckage 3- lb. can Michigan Apples , 5o 1-lb. Jar puis Fruit Preserves 7Ho UooU Japan Rice, lb 2HJ Hand picked Navy Beans, lb 80 Breakfast Kolled oats, id.... fa ia 3-lb. can solid packed Tomatoes 71Ae 8-lb. ran Boaion Baked l:n 7KL 8-lb. can Hominy or Sauer Kraut 7c Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, lb GRAND XMAS FRUIT OPENING OMAHA'S GREATEST. Fresh arrival of our famous Highland Oranges will go on sale large, sweet 12c and Juicy, at, dozen NUTS. NUTS. NUTS. I Funcy Soft Shell Almonds, lb..... 20o Fancy Brazil Nuts, lb 12 I Fancy, large, polished Pecans lb..... .12VW Fancy Spanish Filbert, lb 15c I ALL OF THE ABOVE KINDS 12C Fancy Soft Shell Walnuts, lb 17Vc J MIXED-pound , -aaw HAVDEft! BROS. SIGNETS, OPALS AND FANCY Rlnrs nobby, tasty designs; new patterns. We are show ing the largest line of these goods we have ever shown. You ought to see our Bead Necklaces and Solid Gold Bracelets. Our Gold Brooches are hantlsomo pieces; ,nnd lave you ever seen our Hand fainted i ninar rxo nice cods In the cl;y. Spend a few minutes In our store .ook for the name. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. Of acres of land situated along the line of the UNION PACIFIC RICH in Soil ADMIRABLE in Location, with ABUNDANCE of Water, and IMMUNITY from Malaria And at an altitude where every sort of product, not tropical, can be grown FOR INFORMATION about that vast region traversed by th Union Pacifia and itt connections drop a letter or postal card to City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St. " nitons aia. Holiday Excursions The IJock Island Hystem announces the following arrangement for Christinas and New Year holiday rates: East of MiHHOuri Kiver; Fare and one-third for round trip between all points on Iiock Island System, regardless of diutance. West of Missouri Kiver; One fare plus fifty cents for the round trip, between all points on Iiock Island and Frisco Systems. Dates of Rale: December 24, 25, 26 and 31, 1904, and January 1 and 2, 1905. Final return limit leaving destination to and in cluding January 4, 1903. , For further information call or write F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. aa I v OMAHA. NEB. Telephone tU