TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. DECEMDEH 12, 1C04. POSTOFFICE NOTICE ROPE, per a. s. Oceanic, vi Qiieenstown rid Liverpool: At 7: a. rti. for NETII KHLANIiH direct. pr s. a. Amsterdam (mull muat be directed "per . a. Amster itnrn"). THTRROAT fTS)-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. 8 W I TitF.H I. A N I , ITALY. SPAIN, PORT fflAI,, TIRKKT, EOYPT. OREWK and MKITI8H INDIA, per a. a. I .a. Dorralne. via Havre fmall for other parts or Kurope must he directed "per it. a. Ia Irralne '). lATfRDAT (17 At 6 a. m. for KI HOl'E. per s. a. New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mull for Iverpool, Scotland and Irelnnd must be directed "per s. a. New York"): at d;3u a. m. for El'ROPK. per a. a. Itirnnla, via 4J:ieenstown and Liverpool; at 8.30 a. m. for HtMlUM di rect, per a. a. Zecland tmall mum be di rected "per a. a. Zealand"); at :30 a. m. for BOOTIAND direct per a. a A-tirla (mall mu't be dl-erted "p r a. a. Aaorla' ); at 11 a. m. for DKNMAKK direct, per a. a. Hekla (mail muat b directed "per a. a. Hekla")- Malla for Sooth and nrnl America, Weat ladles, Ete. MONDAY 12-At 12:30 p. m. for BRAZIL. Per a. a. liritlsh, Prince, via Pernambiiro, Victoria and Rio Janeiro (mall for North ern Rrazll. Argentine, Cruguay and Parn- fnay muat be dlrecter "per a. a. British rlnce"). TCKBDAY 13)-At 7:30 a. m. for NEW- roi NDIAND, per Bllvla; nt 9 . a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for NIC ARAdl'A (except Kuat Coast). HON DI'RAB (except Eat Coastl, 8ALVA IKIlt PANAMA. CANAL, ZONK. HXJl'A- UOR, PERi:, HODIVIA and CHIM. per a. a. Advance, via Colon (mall for (Guate mala and Oaiica Department of Colombia muat b drrected "per a. a. Advance"). WEDNESDAY (14) At K. p. m. imippl" tnentarv 1 :H n. m ) for ST.' THOMAS. BT. CROIX, LKBWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and Oi;iANA per a. a. Manna (mall for Grenada and Trinidad muat be 'directed "tier a. a. Manna"). THURSDAY (15) At 3 :l a. m. for BRAZIL, per a. a. Cnprl, via Rio Janeiro, and Rio Oranda do Sul (mall for Northern Brazil. Argentine. Uruguay and Parnguay must be, directed "per a. a. Capri"); at 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCATAN and CAM I'ECHE, per a. Eaperanaa (mall for other pnrta of Mexico muat be directed "per a. a. Es peranza'): at 12 m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a. a Ama aonenae, via Bnrhndoa, Para and Manaoa; hi 12 m. for MEXICO, per Mataniaa, via Tamplco (mall muat be directed "rer k. a. Matanzaa"); at 1 :R0 p. m. (.iipple mentnry 2:30 p. m.) for 1NAOUA, HAITI. SANTA MART A nnd other places In MAGDALEN A DEI'T, COLOMBIA, per a a. Valencia. FRIDAY 1K)-At 12 m. for Ql'ANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per a. a. Clenfueaoi (mall muat be directed "per a. s. Clenfu egoV'). SATURDAY (17)-At 8 a. m. for BER MUDA, per a. a. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. a. Zulla (mall for Colombia, via Curacao, muat be di rected "per a. a. Zulla"); at a. m. for I"OHTO RICO, per a. a. Coamo, via San Juan: at 0:30 a- m. (supplementary 10:SO a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLANDS. JA MAICA and COLOMBIA, except Magda lena Dep't, per s. . Altai (mall lor Coata Rica, via Llmon, muat be directed "per a. i. Altai"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA: TRINIDAD. CIUDAD BOL IVAR and GUIANA, per a. a. Maraval. NOTICE Five centa per half ounce In ad dition to the regular postage, muat ba prepaid on all lettera forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and lettera deposited in the dropa marked "Lettera for Foreign Countries," after the CLOS ING OF THE KEGULAR MAIL, for dea patch by a particular veasel, will not ba ao forwarded unleaa auch additional poat age la fully prepaid thereon by atampa. Supplementary TransatmntTC Mails are also opened on the plera of the AMERI CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the Bailings occur at 9 a. m. or lateri and late mall may ba deposited In tha mH bos on the plera of the Gor man Llnea sailing from Hoboken. Tha malls on tha plera open one hour and a half before sailing time, and close .ten minutes before sailing time. Only regu lar postage (lettera 6 centa a half ounce) la required on artlclea mailed on the Slera of the American, White Star and erman (Sea Poat) ateamera; double poatage (letters 10 centa a half ounce) on other llnea. Mail Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:30 a. m. (the connecting mails close here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially oddreased for despatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:3u p. m. Sunday a at 1 p. m. and 10:30 n. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcela-Post Malls) By rail to North Sydney and thence by ateamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1 p. m.: Sunday at (1:30 p. m. (connecting malls cloae here very Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thence bv ateamer, closes at this office at 7 p. m, Tuesday. By fall to Philadelphia and thence by ateamer, cloaca at thia office at 10:30 p. m. Wednesday. MIQUELON By raH to Boaton and thence by ateamer, cinsea at mia omce nauy, ex cept Sunday, at 7 p. m. ; Sunday at 6:30 n. m BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS Otaat Coast) AND Ul'A TJSMALA By ran to New Orleana and thence by ateamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 110:30 p. in., Sunday at 1 p. m. and (10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mondays at Hi:ao p. m.). COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleann and thenca by steamer, closes nt this office daily, except Bttndny, at 11:80 p. m. and i 10:30 p. m. Sundaya at II p. m. and 10:30 p. m (connecting mall closes hers 'uesdaya at 110:80 p. m.). NICARAGUA (East Coast) By rail to New Orleans and thence by ateamer, cloaes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 11:80 p. m. and tl0:30 p. m.: Sundays at 11 p. m. and (10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Thursdays at 110:30 p. m.). (Registered mall cloaes at 4 p. m. previous day. Transparlfle Mails Forwarded Over land Dally. Tha sohedule of closing of Transpacific Malls la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted- overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (ex cept Registered Transpacific Mails, which close at a p. m. prevloua day) close at the General Postofflce, New York, as follow! : HAWAII, JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 p. m. December U for despatch per a. a. Siberia. JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via T a com a. close at p. in. December 16 for despatch per s. s. Yangtaye. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW .CALEDONIA. SAMOA, HA WAII AND FIJI ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, cloae at 4 p. m. December 17 for despatch per a. s. Ventura. (If the Cunard stuumer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 4 f. m. Sundaya at 4:S0 a. in.. 9 a. m and p. m will be made up and forwarded until tha arrival of the Cunard ateamer). JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and specially addressed mail for PHILIPPINE 1SL - ANDS, via Seattle, close at 6 p. m. De. cember 17 for despatch per a. a. Hyades. JAPAN (except Paroela-Poat Mallsi, CO REA, CHINA and specially addressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, cloBe at I p. m. December 20 for despatch per s. s. Em Dress of India. HAWAII. JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and speclully addreaatd mull for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Kraru'lsco, close at 6 p. m. Deoegnber 23 for despatch per s.s. Mongolia. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, cloee at p. m. December 2tt for despatch per s. a. Mariposa. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, cloae at 6 p. m. December for despatch per U. 8. Transport. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at p. m. December M for deapatch per a. s. Alameda. FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except West) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C. cloae at 6 p. m. December SI for despatch per a. a Aorangl. MANCHURIA (except Nawchwang) and EASTERN SIBERIA la at preaent for. warded via Russia. " NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia la forwarded viu Europe: New Zealand via San Francisco and certain place In the Clilnese Province of Yunnan, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Eu rope'' muat ba fully prepaid at ths for eign ratea. Hawaii la forwarded Via San Francisco exclusively. EDWARD M. MORGAN. Artlnr Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y., December 1 1!M LEUAL NOTICES. omcs of the City Clem. Eoutb Omaha, Neb., December 4. 104. Sealed bids ad dressed to the undomlgned aud plainly marked "Proposals fur Bunds" will be re ceived until o'clock p. m. of December luth, A. D. 1904, at the orttca of the city I'lnrk. South Omaha, Neb.; For the purcnaa of the following Isauaa of city bonds, these said bonds so ottered bring general obligations of the city. Uli.l Seventy Thousand (STOuuu) Dollara f Cilv Hall Bonds ill denominations of On Thvuaaot lUtUOO) DvUms, or Fiv LEGAL NOTICES Hundred (ivn Dollars each, at the option of the purchaser, dated December L lfc. payalile In twenty a years after date. Interest four (4 per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually on the first days (of Decemlier and May of each year. These are bonds to be issued and ds vo(ed exclusively to the purchase of a atte, the erection and furnishing and equipment of a city hall, and are optional after five (5) years. Interest rounona payable at Ne braska fi3cal agency. New York City, New York. Second. Forty Thousand (4n,ofi0) Dollara of "Park Bonds" In denominations of One Thousand ifl.000) Dollars, or Elve. Hundred (ti"l) Dollars each, at the option of the purchasers, dated December 1, 14. payable twenty (30) yeara after date. Ir.terest four (4i per cnl per annum, payable semi annually on the firat days of December and May of each year. These are bonds to be Issued and de voted to the purchasing of lots. Isnda and ground within said cltv, to be used and Improved for park and park way pur pose. Interest roupone pavable at Ne braska fiscal agency. New Tork City, New York. An annua tax upon all the taxable prop erty of the clntv will be levied by tha city to pay the Interest and principal upon these snld bonds at maturity. A sinking fund being provided for that purpose. The fnlth and credit, the revenue and taxing powers and all the property of aald city leng Irrevocably pledged for the prompt pavment thereof. Each bid shall state aepsrstelv the amount offered aa "Principal and Pre mium." and that "Accrued Interest" will be paid to data of delivery and payment of bonds. Each bid muat be accompanied bv a cer tified check on a nn'lonsl or state bank In the sum of One Thousand f1 000) Dol lars and made pavable to the cltv as evl dence of good faith on the part of the bidder. The cltr council reserves unto Itself the He-M to reject any or all bids, or to walva de'ects. By order of the council. JOHN J fiai.'N. DTdlStm City Clerk. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Office of Te-Glas-Andreeaen Hsrdwsre Comnsnv. Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 11. 1904. No tice 1 he-bv given to the tockhotders of the T ee-OHss-Andreesen Hardware com pany that the annual meeting of the stock holder of the company will be held at the offices of the said comrnny. corner of 0th and Hamev streets. In the cltv of Omsha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesdav. Jan. 10. A. D.. ims. at S o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the comnanv to serve during the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as ntv be presented at such meetlnc (Seal ) H. J T.EE, President. V M nT,A. leeretarv. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS Office Constructing quartermaster, Chey ennj, Wyo., Nov. 14, 1D4. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual condi tions, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., mountain time, December 14, 1904, ana then ope.ied, In the presence of bidders, for the construction, plumbing, steam heating and electric wiring of six teen buildings at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Information furnished on application to this ofhee, also to the office of Constructing Quartermaster, -Denver, Omaha "nd St. Paul, and to ghe office of Constructing quartermaster Salt Lake City. Utah and Fort Leavenworth, Kan. The United States reserves the right to accept or re ject any bid received, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposalB ahould be end rsed "Proposal for Public Buildings at Fort D. A. RuBsell, Wyo," and addressed to Captain W. S. Scott, Qr. Mr., U. 8. Army, In charge of construction, Cheyenne, Wyo. N 14-15-l-17-D-t-13 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER, CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 14. 1D04. Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to the usual condltiona, will be received at thla office until 2- o'clock p. m , mountain time, December 14, 1904, and then opened In the presence of blddera for furnishing and Installing electric light fixtures In cer tain buildings and connecting the wiring of certain buildings to the Post lighting ays tem at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Informa tion furnished on application to this office, also to the office ot the chief quartermas ter, Denver, Omaha and Et. Paul, and to the office of constructing quartermaster, Salt Lake City. Utah, and Fort Leaven worth, Kan. The United Statea reserves the right to accept or reject any bid re ceived or any part thereof. Envelopea con. talnlng proposala should be endoraed "Pro- Busal for Electrical Fixtures, etc., at Fort i. A. Russell, AVyo.," and addressed to Captain W. 8. Scott, Qr. Mr., U. B. A.. In charge of construction, Cheyonne, Wyo. . ... N 14-U-J6-17-D 12-13 OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUARTER maater, Sheridan. Wyo., Dec. 10. 1904. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received hers until 10 a. m., Deo. 31, 1904, mountain time, for the constructing of a frame Ice house and a orm aaah and storm doors for bar racks and quarters ' at Fort Mackenila, Wyo. Information In thla office and office of chief quartermaster, Denver, Omaha and St. Paul. U. S. reserves right to ac cept or reject any or all proposala or any part thereof. Envelopea containing pro- Fosals ahould be marked, "Proposala for ce House and Storm Wlndowa, etc.." and addreased to Captain Jamea 8. Parker, constructing quartermaster, Sheridan, Wyo. Decl0-l-13-l4-2-30 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION" STATIOil TEltTII AND MARCY Chicago, nock Island St Pacific. EAST. Ieave. Chicago Limited ........a 8:65 am Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:00 am Chicago Express D12:01 pm Dea Moinea Express. ...a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Express.. .a 6:40 pm Arrive, a 7:10 am a 9:36 pm a 6:13 pm bll:50 am a 1:20 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am a 1:60 pm Lincoln. Denver A west. a 1:30 pm a 6:06 pm Oklahoma & Tex. Ex.. .a 6:26 pm all:65 am rhlcsxo Great Weatern. St. P. Minn. Ltd. ...,a 8:30 pm St. P. & Minn. Ex a 7:35 am Chicago Limited a 4:60 pm Chicago Express a 4:30 am Cnlcagt A Hortfcvraatern. a 7:15 am a 8:25 pm al0:80 am a 4:06 pm Local Chicago all:30 am Mall a 8:10 p.u Daylight St. Paul a 7:60 am Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am Limited Chicago a :2S pin Local Carroll a 4:00 pm Fast St. Padl a 8:15 pm Ixcat Sioux C. & St. P.b 4:00 pm Fast Mail Chicago ExDress 8 :30 am K':00 pm 11:60 pm 9:15 am 9:30 am 7:06 am a 9:30 am 8:30 am 8:4 pm 10:35 am 10:35 am 6:16 pm s 6:15 pm 8:15 pm 8:90 am NT fir r.iTk A Honesteel a 7:40 am l.lncoln At Long Pln....b 7:40 am Dead wood & Lincoln,. ..a t:50 pm Casper & Wyoming. Haatlnga-Alblon .d 2:60 pm .b 8:60 pm Wabash. St. Loula Express 6:30 pm 8t. Louis Local (from- Council Bluffs; 9:16 am Shenandoah Local (from Council Blurts) 6:45 pm ' Mlaaaart Paelfto. 10:80 pm 8:30 pm St. Louis Express a 9:30 am K. C. 4 St. L. EX......aU:15 pm t Bloat Pnclo. The Overland Llmltedi.'a 9:40 am Colo. At Cala. Ex a 4:10 pm Chicago-Portland Sp'l. .a 4:20 pm Eastern Express Columbus Local b 6:00 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am Chicago Special Beatrice Local b 8:60 pm Fast Mall a 8:60 am Illinois Central. a 6:00 am a 646 pm a 8:06 pm a 6:40 am a 6:80 pm b 9: am a 4.60 b :! 1:20 am pm pm Chicago Express. Chicago Limited.. .a 7:26 am al0:3S pm a 8:06 am bl0:36 pm a 4:06 tim a 7:50 pm Minn Bt. raui Ex...b I 2S urn Minn at tit. Paul Ltd. .a T:&0 sm Calcago, Blllwank.ee at at. Panl. Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:56 am all OO pm California-Oregon Ex. ..a 6:45 pin a 1 10 pm Overland Limited a :-'0 pm a 7:35 am Dea U. & Okobojl Ex.. a 7.45 km u 8.10 pm BCHLISGTO STATION-IOTH MA SO Darlington. Leave. ..a 4:lu pm ..all :lo pm ..a 8 60 am ,.b 2:67 put Arrlvs. a 3:3 pm a 6 o pin a 7:40 pm aU.U pm alO S5 am b ii am aVUaii a 8:66pm a 1 16 am all ay pm all 46 am a 6 45 are a 4 o6 pm Denver California. Northwest Expreae... Nebraska points Lincoln Fast Mall.... Fort Crook Platts mouth b 2 52 pm Bellevue at Plattaroouth.a7:6G pm Ucllrvua at racinp Junction Denver Limited Chicago Special... Chicago E i press.. Chicago Flyer.. .. Iowa Local , til Loula EXDreas. ..a I JO am !!a"7:'l'6 am ..a 4:oo pm ..a 8:05 pm ..a 9:15 am ..a 4:26 pin Kansas City St. Joe. .aiD: pm Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 916 am Kent City A St. Jos. .a 4:J5 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH at WEBSTER Mlseoarl Paella. Nebraska Local ' via " Weeping Water b 4:60 pm bll :40 am raleaga, St. rani, Mlnneasolla at Omana. ' ' Twin City Passenger.. ..b 6'30 am b 4:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. a I 00 pin alp.iO am Oakland Local bl ii pfn b 910 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, a Dmiy scepi Daturas, a Daily aacepi Monday. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wbtst Frio8 Off About 3-8 Light Cash Demand and Liberal Seceipta. GOVERNMENT ACREAGEREPORT DUE TODAY Deferred Cora Fatarea Are Lower Oats 1-S Off Steady Flaw ( Corn te Galveston Rasslaa Wheat Sens aad Gossip. OMAHA. Dec. 10, 1904. The general trend of a heat values la to a lower range, with nurket ao out of rela tion that there la but little opportunity for shippers to make, money In aendlng grain forward, and millers have but little In clination to buy, their efforta being ad Juated to the agreeable effort of bringing valuee to a lower range. The retelpta at northwestern points were quite large, but the arrivals at aouthwestern clilea ar light. The government crop report for the month of December will be given to the public thla afternoon and la awaited by the grain trade everywhere with consider able Interest. The winter wheat area a year ago at thla time was 82,oon.ono acres. Percentage condltiona will compare with the following: June, Dec, Dec, 4-year liM. 19u3. 13o2. Ave. Kansas M 7 95 92 Colorado 80 97 1"0 M Missouri 86 87 h'l 94 Indiana 68 4 V9 92 Nebraska 85 90 97 1 Ohio M HO 98 . 89 Illinois 81 85 101 94 Pennsylvania 75 81 97 9ti Oklahoma 56 80 1 07 98 Texaa 72 84 108 91 Tennessee 83 0 1(0 90 Michigan o4 85 92 87 United States 77.7 86.6 97.7 9J.7 Speculative traders are rather disposed to give the wheat market a small share of their attention at thia time, evidently waiting for information of aumclent force to make a turn one way or the other probable. Then, too, corn la attracting much more than lta usual share of atten tion. The movement is enormous and ironi all sections of the corn belt a steady stream la flowing Into elevators, and thia keepe traders busy. The only actual weakness waa In De cember. The ahorts have cleared their trades quite generally and -the receipts en courage those still out to stay out for a few daya more. Thla brought a break of c, or to 8107S. with a subsequent re covery to and close at 81.07V May wheat actually closed He higher than on Friday, and this followed a 'v break, with a good recovery on profit-taking. July waa at one time Uc off, but cloaed well up to the linals of Friday. There waa but little cash wheat offered In Omaha and the quality of the few samples for sale waa decidedly poor. Changes In corn prices were unimpor tant. There were loasea of Hfrc early, but they were for the most part recovered and the final figures showed no change In December, He In May and c in July, the deferred futures making leas recovery than December because of the large flow of corn from elevatora to primary polnta. The rush of corn from Galveston enroute to Liverpool la enormous and most of the cara received continue their onward move ment to the gulf. Prices are steady. The oata market was moderately active, with c decline In all futures. Omaha Cash Salea. WH EAT 1 car No. 4, teat 61 Iha., 90c. CORN 1 car No. 8 yellow, 3XHc. OATS 1 car No. 3 white. 31 lba., ZSc. Omaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 11.0301.06; No. 3 hard, 98ctl,03; No. 4 hard, 90c; No. 8 spring, tl.oo. CORN-No. 2, 384c; No. 3, SSc; No. 4. 8737Hc; no grade, Sfiflftc; No. 2 yellow, mc; No. 3 yellow. $Hc; No. 2 white, 3Mtc; No. white, 8814c. OATS No. 2 mixed, 2Sc: No. 8 mixed, 27c; No. 4 mixed, 26c; No. white, 29c; No. I white, 2SHc; No. 4 white, 27fe7V4c; stand ard, 2Hc Car Lot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. .... US 6ti3 81 .... 648 .... 133 .... 49 83 81 .... 72 123 . 9 .... IS 114 21 Chicago Minneapolis Duluth St. Louis Kansas City Omaha Rnsslan Crop. Broonball. Russia The central statistical committee has laaued lta final estimates for aeventy-two governments on the following cereals, these being given below, together with their final estimate for last year: 1304 1903 Spring wheat 467.oi4.000 419.768,000 bu. Barley S29.184.O0O 342,iflO.OOO bu. Oata 1,139.000.000 843.350.000 bu. Corn 25.980,000 60,732.000 bu Grain Markets F.Inewliers. Closing prices at tha following markets today and Friday were: CHICAGO. Wheat December May July Corn December May July Today, Friday. I.0744 1.10 1.0814 1.11 98 44 46vJ 28 30 30 va lilt Oats- December zx1 May July 30U Sot, ST. LOUIB. Wheat December May Corn December May 1.0814 1.12 42. 1.09H 1.11 42T, 4314 42 KANSAS CITT. Wheat December lot May 1.02 Corn December 4014 May 41 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat December 1.07 May 1.11 I.O344 1.0BT 41H 414 1.0814 t. Loots Grain and 9-rovlsloaa. ST. LOUIB, Dec. 10. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 red, cash, elevator, $1 084il 10; track, fl.lSt3rl.l6tt; May, fl.12; July, fc; No. hard, fl.lixjjl.13. CORN Iower; No. I caah, nominal; track, 43i43tto; December, 42c; May, 42o. OATS Dull; No. 2 caah, St'ttc; track, flttc; December, 294c; May, 31c; No. white, Slttc. FWrn-Steady; red winter patents, f5.206.30; special brands, f5.45rrr5.00; extra fancy, 64.704.80; clear, f4. 16(04.40. SEED Timothy steady at f2.40. TORN MEAL Steady at t2.40. BRAN Firm; sacked, eaat track, 88(9 89c HAT Dull ; timothy, f8.00612.60: prairie. f6 0"310.00. IRON COTTON TIES-BSc BAOOINO 7Uc. HEMP TWINE ttc PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, fll.50. Lard, lower; prime steam, fit 55. Bacon, steady : boxed, extra aborts, t7.62tt; clear ribs. f7.07tti short clear, f.12tt. POULTRY ateady, chlckena, 7c aprlnga, lOo; turkeys, 13Sc; ducks, 9c: geese, 7o, BUTTER Firm ; Creamery, 80a28ci dairy. 15u'.!8c EGGS Steady at 84c, case count. Kaasaa City Gram and Piuvlelona. KANSAS CITY, Deo. 10.-WHEAT-Pteady; December, fl.03; May, tl0:; July, 9oo. Cash: No. I hard, fl.04Vil-Mtt; No. t, fl.02ai.06; No. 4. 90cfl.02; No. I red, 1. 064(1. ue; No. t, fl.03iSri.07; No. 4. 96cl.of. CORN Steady; December, 4oc; May, 41Vo41tt: January, 3f7-c. Cash: No. 1 mixed. 41tt&42c; No. I. 41ii41ttc; No. 3 white. 43c; No. 4, 41tto. OATS-Steady; No. I white. 0V44J31c: No. I mixed, foo. HAY-Steady; choice timothy, f9 0019.60; Choice prairie. f7.75ifj8.O0. RYE Steady at 70c. EOG8 Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 3 whltewood cases Included. 26c; case count. 23tte: esses returned tt leaa. BUTTER Creamery, iric: da'rv. 17c Racelo a. Shipments Wheat, bu 82.000 67 no Corn, bu 44.000 39. MO Oats, bu 14.000 13,000 Philadelphia Prodaco Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dee. IB-BUTTER Market ateady; extra weatern creamery, tTttc; extra nearby prlnta, 30c. EGGS Market firm and Zo higher; nearby fresh, 82e at mark; weatern fresh, Sic at mark. CHEESE Market firm and In good de mand; New York full creams, fancy, viit 12e; New York full creama, choice, lltta Up: Naw York full creams, fair to good, 1131114c Nllwaokee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE.' Dec 10,-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, tl 15ul isu. No, northern. fl.0 tjl lOtt; May; tl.lufcl.Wtt. RTK-Market weak; No. 1. 40c. BARLEY Market dull; No. J. 2c; sam ples 3Wi4Sttc. CORN-Market le lower; No. 1 42ttfl-43c; May. 44V, Ualnth Grata Market. DULUTH, Minn . Dec. 10-WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern, tl.0; No. I north eru, fl.oJV On Uack; No. 1 northern, tu; S1-03V December. H OPS; May. Jl.lV OATS On track and to arrive. Se. OMAHA WHOLBI4I B MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qaotatlana on Staple and Faarr Prodae. EGGS Candled stock, o. LIVE POULTRY Hens. TV4?; roosters, 60; turkeys, lSttfltc; ducks, Sic; geese, c; spring chickens, 8'c. BUTTER Parking Block. 15c: choice to fancy dairy, 17ijlc; cr.amsry. 2S4324:; iancy prints. 27c. FRESH FPOZES FIH Treut. 1V: pick erel. c; pike, be: percn. 7c; biuflh. 12c; whl'.eflih, 10c; saimr.n, 14c; redsnappcr, llo; lobster (green), 2uc; lobster (boi.edi. 3ix-; bullheads, 11c; catflch. He; black bass. 2t i halibut, 10c; crapplea. 12-; roe shad, 81; buffalo, 7c: wbila Uc; frog Ugi. per dox.. 26c. BRAN Per ton. f1500. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whol-aals I'ealtrs' afsoclatpin: Choice No. 1 'iplind. Bye atraw, 86.60. The e prices are tor hay good color and quality. OVSTERS Naw York counts, per can. 46c; extra selects, per can, 87c; s:andanla, (er can, 32c: bulk (standard;, 1 er gal., 1.36; bulk (extra selects), per gal . fl 75; bulk (New York counts), per gal.. t2.0v. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. CHRISTMAS TREES 3 to 5 feet, per dos., fl.75; 5 to 7 feet, per dox., f:.5j; 7 to t feet, per dox., f3.60; 9 to 11 feet, per dox.. 14.50. Large school and church purp., each fl to fl.50; extra large, lb to to teet, each f2 to t5. EVERGREEN WREATHING In coils of 20 yard, per coll. 8.x- to fl. WREATHS Magnoll and gain wrea ha. per dox.. tl.2645l.5o; evergreen wreatl.s, per dox.. tl.2otol.5u; holly wreaths, per dux., fl.2t.!f1.50. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 24x2x4 feet, about 50 lbs., f4.f0; per bbl.. fl.50. LONG NEEDLE PINES Per rton.. 2.00 2.50. M 1 8TLETOE Mistletoe branches, per -lb. box, fl.25; per lb., 30c. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, alfcea 12b. 1S. 176. 200, 21 and 2ft0. 42 002.26; California navels, all ires. 2.75'S3.00. LEMONS-Callfornla fancy, 12.7S; 300 and V. f4 25; choice, t3 50. DATES Per box of 80-lh. tkirs.. f2.0O; Ha Howl. In 70-lb. box. per lb., 6ttSc. FIGS California, per 10-lb. canon. 75U 85c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. i2c; 5 crown, 14c;. 7-crown. 16c; fancy Imported (wathed), In 1-lb. pkgs.. 16Slc; Calltornla, per case of 86 pkgs., f2 3. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, $2.i"fi2.60; Jumbos. f;.7yi3.f. ...RAPB RUIT-Per box of E4 to 64, f6.0wij6.50. FRU1T3. tppljF:s Home-grown Jonathans, per bbl.. f3.26; Ben Davla, f2 26; New York Kings, f3.25; New York Plpplna. f2.76; New York Greenings, f2.H0; New York Bald wine, f2.76: Colorado Jonathana, fl.66; Wine Sapa, per bu. box, fl.50. PEARS Utah. Colorado and California, fall varieties per bog, fl. 752.25. ..i5A.p,8rmPor,e1 Malagas, per keg, CRANBERRIES - Wisconsin Bell and P bbl., f8 .609.00; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jerseya, per bbl., f7.76; per box, Iz.to. TANGERINES Florida or California, per H box, f2.60. VEGETABLES. I'OTATOES-New home grown. In sacks, per bu., 40c; Colorado, per bu., 80c. 1 LKNli'o Per uu., due; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. CARROTS Per bu., 40e. PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. BEETS Per bu.. 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. fl.95S2.00. ONIONS Home grown, In sacks, per bu.. 0cfifl.C0; Spanlah, per crate, f2.10. CUCUMBERS Per case of 3 doi.. 42 50. TOMATOES California, per 4-baaket crate, J2.60. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lba., fl; SWEET POTATOES-K per bbl.. f2.25. -Kansas kiln-dried, SQUASH Home grown, per dox., 60e. CELERY Per doi., 26&0oc; California. 6e. . RADISHES Per dox.. 0O. LETTUCE Hot house, per dog, 4OS50c: head lettuce, per dox., fl.OO. SHALLOTS Per dox., 6Uc. CAULIFLOWER Southern, per bbl . f4.60. MISCELLANEOUS. BAUER KRAUl--WiaconsIn, per keg, CIDER New York, per bbl., f5.20; per tt bbl.. f3.26. v 11 CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream 12ttc; WlsconBin Young America, 13c; block Swiss, new, 16c; 0I0V ltiiS17e; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. nuiu-nainun, inoc l, solt Bhell, new roaated peanuta, per lh 8c; Chill walnuta per lb., 12(Grl3ttc; almqods, soft ahell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15e; chestnuts per Ih, 12tt4fl5c; new black walnuts, per yvt lwU "tew .".-, unw uiolji walnuta, per ou., 76ii90c: aliellbark hickory nuts, per bu fl.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., fl 50 HIDES-No. 1 green, 7c; No. 3 green 6c No. 1 aalted, 8ttc; No. t aajted, 7ttc; No. 1 veal calf, 9c; No. 3 veal calf. 7c: dry Baited loaiRc; sheep pelts, i5cCfl.00 horse hides, f 1.60(3 3.00. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 10.-WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures, steady; December, nom inal: March, 7s 3d; May, 7a 4d. CORN Spot, ateady; American mixed, 4a lOd; futures; steady; January, 4&4s d; May, 4b 3U. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 10. COTTON Futurss fliinrl Bun.Iw I tanaimKaf 1 t7- . V v r -v u eve-nu, yrt riiiuc: , .UU, IdllUUry 7.63d; February, 7.70c; March, 7.81c; April August, 7.98c. Spot (lobi dull; middling uplands, 8c; middling : gulf, b.Z'jc. HuXjh, none. NKW ORLEANS, D?c. 10. COTTON Call. eaUa 1 Tr.ii V..lAa. ApUhr ... tl . . a-" J i aacwtas, A.itsv u n o , vr untax jr U-V. f RtMI(l ordinary. 7-16c; low middling, 7 3 16c: mid- rlllnir "fLr. cw.xnA ml t A . I i . T 11 . ij 'va gist.UiB, ( IO- JJVt II11U- dltng futr. 8 5-16c. Receipts, 9,026 ba e; O (,(i4.r, orjo.ITOj DHIC9, ST. IX3UI8, Dec. 10 -COTTON-Mark -t quiet, unchanged; midd Ing, 7V4c. Sal a, 140 bales; receipts, 600 ba esj shipments, 303 bales: etnek. 30,611 bales. LIVERPOOL, Dec. iO-COTTON - Epot Sulet, prices 1 point lower: American n IJ llng fair. 4.52d; goo I middling, 4.28J; mld dllns. 4.181; low middling 4.(01; tool or dinary. 8.92d: ordlna y, 3.76d. The i-alis o the day were 6,000 bales, of which 2 0 0 were for speculation and export and In cluded 6,200 bales of American; receipla 3 -OO1) bales, Including S3 Tuo bales of merl cnn. Futures opened easy and clo-ed e ny American .middling, g. o. c, December. 4 07d; December and January, 4 07d; J nu. ary and February. 4.13d: February end March. 4.18d; March and April, 4.221; April and May, 4 25d; May and June, 4.28'; June and July, 4.30d; July and August, 4.33d. Oils and Roaln. NEW YORK. Dee. 10 OILS Cotton aned oil firmer nnd active; prime crude, nominal: yellow. 24f254c: petroleum ateady; refined New York, 87.59; Philadelphia and Balti more. f7.90; bulk, f5.00. Turpentine quiet at 6161 c ROSIN Market quiet; strained, common to good. 12 10. OIL CITY, Dec. 10. OILS Credit bal ancoa. tl.fiO; certlficatee. no bid. Shlpmenta 68.797 bbla. ; average, 70,621 bhla. ; runa 84 618 bbla.; average, 72.090 bbls.; shlpmenta Lima, 69.773 bbla.; average, 65 092 bbls- runa' tlmn. 74.996 bbla.: average, 69.274 bbls SAVANNAH. Dec. 10 Tt'RPENTINE-1-Market firm at i'c; receipts. 238 bbls Bales. 293 bbla ; shipments. 280 bbla '' ROSIN Market firm; receipts, 1.952 bbla Bales, 1 630 bbls.; ahlnmenta. 928 bhls : A r' C. D. E. f2 "S2; F. f2.67V4&2.0; O. f2.62V4 2 to II. f2 8i2.IRH: I. ft 36; K. f3 90; NT7 ft 50: WO, t4.76; WW. tfi.16. ' "'"" near and Molaases. NEW YORK. Dee. lO.-SL'QAR-Raw firm; fair refining, 4lc; centrifugal, 96 teat 83Hc; molasses sugar. 4Hc; refined. firm No. 6. t6.05; No. 7. tS.OO; No. 8. fi.SO; No 9 f4 86; No. 10, f4 80; No. 11, f4.70; No. 12, f4 65: No. IS. f4-3U; No. 14, t4.80. Con faction era'' at 85.50; mould. f8.00; cut loaf, 16 35; crushed f6.se; powdered, f6.76; granuluted, t6 66: cubes. f5.90. NEW ORLEANS Deo. 10 SITQAR Market strong; open kettle, SVate; open kettle, centrifugal, 4i84Hc; centrifugal whites. 4 13-1664c; yellows, 4c?a4Vc: sec onds. 3H&4io. ' MOLASSES Market ateady; open kettle lftosoc; centrifugal, 7Q'20c. Byrup easy at Metal Mkat. NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-METAL8-AI1 metals were less active and in the case of tin easy, owing to the continued dispo sition of consumers to hold off tha ,uP. kst. Lead, spelter and iron were firm copper dull. Spot tin, f28.6528.l7U- ake copper, tl4.rV'l6.12U; electrolytic, kuai 1S.W; casting, f!4 6ofcJ4.76. Lead. M.o4 7o; siielter. f5 756.87. Iron, unchanged from yesterday. BT. LOl'I8. reo. M. METALS Lead, Arm at H-K.ttV Spelter strong at f5.76. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralta NEW YORK. Dec 10.-EVAPORATED A PPLK Market appears to be rather firmer In tone: common, 30 4c; prime 4S4 64c; choice, 6(&t)Wc; fancy, 6u6Uc. ' CALIFORNIA DRIED FRL ITS Coaat advices Indicate an Increasing interest in prunes, with prices still ranging from 2o to 6e for California fruit. Apricots are In moderate demand and scarce; choice are quoted at lOo; extra choice, lotillc; fancy, imbl6c. Peaches are firm; choice 9 9c; M'ra choice, 81'101,ci fancy, loi,'llo. No. t northern. crop, per iu., uc; nam 'aneii, per lb. 13c No. t, aoft ahell.' per -,1b.. Uc; No. 2 hani Bhell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large per lb 12c: small, tier lb.. 10c: ceanois ner ih 7! OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET X snnnBnn If eaiam Grades of Cswf Lower for Week, bat Other Cattlo About Steady. WEEK CLOSED WITH HOGS ADVANCING Leas Than Half aa Many Sheep and I-amtia on ale Daring Week aa Ar rived a Year 4i, and Market Rated Active aad strong. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 10. 19M. Receipts werer Cattle. Hog. Eheep. Official Monday 39 9 14 fifnoial Tuesday 4.6TS ll.:t 7 Ofnclnl Wednesday j,-, t 6 1.-9 (ifflclal Thiirsdsv a 13 ?"S ' f.VJ Official Friday 2 r2 8 WO Official Saturday ft,2 6.U0 1 95J Total thla week 18 2 Total last we,-k WA Total week before 24 613 Same three weeks ago. .SO 3T4 game four weeks ago...14.49 66.638 58 K22 49. 83 41.6 9 84 r? 23.247 21.077 as o.'7 43,3t 3604 wt-r iai yea r. ... is 4 di.i- (--RKrFlPTi , r ii vc-.r, TO nATE. 61.77J 48 9A2 - ' inr. . i . . - v . T.h,e frllowlnf table shows tha rere'pte of rjttle. hogs and sheep at Sou'h Omaht for lie year to date, with romnarL-ona With last v l, . .., 1?04. 1903 i.B,M 9U0.2K8 1.033,311 HOgS . 9 171 Q-.O ...S Inc. Da 133,03 6h"'P 1.695 492 1 7SS ' W 1 The following triblo shovrs the average 11'? of .hflf at South Omaha for tho last u.iym, wiin cimpariaona: Data. 1Q4. it903".iwLll90frr.n8 6 rv. 4 63' 6 2' R 891 4 671 I til I No. 16... Nov. 6 Nov. 17... Nov. in.. Nov. 19 ,' Nov, JO..' Nov, 21 Nov. 22..', Nov. 23 Nov. 24.'.. Nov. 25.. Nov. 2f.. Nov. 27 . Nov 2 . Nov. 29.. Nov. r... r"c. i... Hee. S... Deo, I... Dec. 4.... Dec. 5..., Deo. ... Deo. 7.... Deo. 8..., Dee. 8... Dec. 9..., Dc. 10... 4 4 a 4 71 I 4 6NHI 4 ft.3141 I 4 67T4' 61HI 4 4 I V 31 S 671 4 82' 3 9-H 3 R6 I t 641 4 90! I 841 I 4 4l 6 41 4 8'.: 4 39 ' 6 311 4 461 6 291 4 4l 6 29! 4 441 ?H I 6 261 4 3V ' 4 TOI 131 4 181 6 01' I 6 99 4 fO V 4 241 s r?l I 6 09' 4 841 I 4 ?5' 8 09' 4 32j 6 08 4 411 6 14 4 431 6 221 4 371 24' If 171 4 371 I 4 921 6 071 4 321 6 071 4 331 6 Ml 4 4n 6 12 6 Ml 6 631 5 731 6 1l 6 75 6 60 I 6 7l 6 7l 6 73I I K US' V 6 96i 5 W 6 92I 6 0SI 09' 6 06I I 4 781 t 861 I 1 4 751 4 7i! 3 ! 3 4 781 X 4 74i 3 W 3 6 86 4 47l 4 62T4,' I 4 49t,l 4m 4 42'4I 4 4 '14! I : t 771 8 4 7I 4 7l 4 711 4 741 4 6l 4 631 I 4 641 4 681 4 771 4 84 4 811 4 78! 4 781 I 4 85 I 8 13 3 761 8 731 3 iki 9 711 3 741 8 7)1 "0 9 19 1 21 3 23 i 4SSI 4 47TI 3 28 f 29 t 811 " 3 8i 3 S 981 S 8 Nil t 3 831 3 8 831 3 3 901 8 l 4 4i 4 394' ao 4 2ST, 4 Mtfcl 4 381 6 11! 6 131 ,u,i.nirn ounnnr. inulcaieTi nuuunr The official number of cars of stock w.uuaub in uy cacn roao wns: Cattle Hoes Sheen f.. M. St. P. Ry 1 19 3 waDasrt j Mo. Pa c. Ry 20 I'nlon Pacific system 1 12 C. N. W. Rv a F., E. M. V. R. R 19 5 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 19 1 n M. Ry 1 13 C, R. A Q. Ry 6 K. C. & St. J 2 2 C, R. I. ft P. Ry., east 6 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Great Western 2 Total receipts 28 98 The disposition of the day a recelpta was as iuiiows, eacn buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 931 Swift and Company 9 1;S 247 Cudahy Packing Co 31 1.8S0 Armour & Co 1,048 43 Omaha Packing Co.. K. C. 604 Cudahy Pack. Co.. 8. City. ... 849 221 Armour & Co., Soo City 222 S. & S 367 Other buyers 73 Total 65 6,032 613 CATTLE There were quite a few cattle reported this morning, but most of them were billed direct and no change in the market was noticeable. For the week re ceipts show a decrease of about 2,000 head as compared with last week, but as com pared with the same week of last year there has not been much change. The de mand for desirable gradea is fully equal to the supply, but some of the commoner kinds nave neen somewnat neglected. The recelpta of corn-fed ateera have been on the Increase, but the bulk of the offer ings hna been of common quality. Aa com pared with a week ago the better grades can aafely be quoted strong nnd active. On the short-fed varieties the market has been uneven, so that aome aulea have looked lower than others. That was the cnae lust wet'K, nowever, anu 11 is very evident that packera are not anxious for such kinds and tuke them only when they cannot get enough of the more desirable grades. The Bcnrclty of western rangers has, of course, relieved competition from that aource. hut still prices arc. If anything, a little lower ror tne week, uooa to choice corn-fed ateera may be quoted from t5.no to 86.26 nnrl something strictly prime would bring more tniin mat. rair to gooa Bell from 64.00 to to. 50 and common to fair from t3.25 to ft. The western range season has practically come to a close so fur as beef steers are cencerned. A few arrived tills week, but they were mostly of only fair quality. Packera. though, seemed to be anxious for them and the market could safely be quoted strong and aome salea have undoubtedly been higher. The top price of the week was 4.25. Good to choico cowa have not shown much change during the week and have been in good demand. Cannera have alao fluctuated but little In either direction. The medium clusa of cows, though, have suf fered a decline of 15((i2oc. The bulk of the recelpta coming forward now are from local polnta, though a few westerna are allll arriving. Good to choice cowa could be quoted from 82.76 to 3.50 and something fine would bring more than that. Fair to goou aeu irom z.zo to 12.75 and cannors and cutters from fl.75 to 2.25. Hulls are If anything a trifle lower than they were a week ago, except in case of the cholcent grades. Fat bulla aell from t2.50 to f3.25 and feeding bulla, which are fully ateady. Bell from f2 to 2.50. Veal calves are ateady for the week, beat grades Belling up to f6.6Q. The demand for atockera and feedera waa fully equal to the Bupuly all the week and prieea ruled atrong. At the close of the week, however, tlib demand from the coun try slackened and speculators experienced aome trouble In disposing of their holdings even at reduced prices. The demand Is still chiefly for the better gradea, common klndB being alow Bale. Good to choice grades may be quoted from t3.60 to f4, fair Urgood from f3.25 to f3.50 and the commoner kinds from 13.15 down. Representative salea; BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. at. Pr. I 10 0 ' 1147 4 00 1 1140 8 t4 COWB. I tt B0 7 nu f U J 1019 8 4 STAGS. 1 UN I 16 CALVES, 1 170 I 00 HOGS Receipts were rather moderate thla morning, und with favorable reports from other points pricea Improved. The market here oould be quoted active and gen erally 7Vo higher than yeaterday, sales go ing from 6c to loc higher. As soon as buy era and aellera got down to a trading basis the market became very brisk and every, thing except a few lute arrivals and aome of the commoner loads chunged handa In a hurry. The bulk of the salts went at 14. 37 and 64.40, with a top at f4.45. A few of the common heavy loads Bold from 4.36 For the week receipts have been heavy there being an increase over last week of about 8,0110 head and us compared with tha same week of last year there Is an Increaae of about 4.000 head. The tendency of pricea was downward until Friday, when there was a flight reaction, followed by the ad vance of today, which leaves pricea not quite a dime lower than a week ago Thursday was the low day of the week when the average was down to f4.28T4. Aa coinpiujed with a year ago the market Is about 64jlOc lower. About noon a few cars of bogs arrived, and the more urgent orders were filled the market cloaed very slow with the early advance moatly loat. Repreaentative salea; No. At. h. Pr. No. at. Sb. pr. 14 164 ... 4 IS 41 Ill) 100 4 nu II Ill ... 4 H 40 171 40 4 17 0 M 4 U 41 Si 40 4 l?u II Ill U 4 B 40 lit 40 4 31Z It !2 - 4 SS 61 Ill ... 4 7U II 170 ... 4 16 6 If,! M 4 1714, tl 1I ... 4 3 47 !- 40 4 17 71 ft! I0 4 7H 41 281 140 4 nZ II til M 4 I7V4j 40 lo 140 4 174; It IM M 4 (1 14 44 4 llli 10 ... 4 17 71 lit to ITU 14 114 40 4 37 70 124 110 4 17 'I 44 U 40 4 17 61 1K6 ... 4 17 ij II IM ... 4 7 47 17 40 4 17'i (1 171 40 4 ri 71 Ill 1441 4 17 IM 140 4 7. It 141 ... 4 17 44. J 40 4 17 Tl IM ... 4 171 tl.....,..fi HO 417 41 am 140 4 17 41 M 4 17 41 M ... 4 17 10 3tl IM 4 17 41 IU IM 4 40 II Ill 140 4 17 76 141 ... 4 40 II I4 110 4 17 7S 164 BO 4 40 17 IM 40 4 17 40 17 10 4 40 40 "0 ... 41 14 lit W fill 17 4i ... 4 17 Tl 131 ... 4 40 61 141 ... 4 7 T4 Ill ... 4 40 4 47 ... 4 17 TO M M 4 40 41 U 40 4 17 46 174 DO 4 40 W 177 tv 4 17 61 tv m 4 49 Tf in 4 4 rr rr m 4 ii t Ik B 4 17 M "I 4 47 174 M 4 17 tl IM ISO 4 4 74 1 40 4 7 M !. It" M 10 1W 4 17 4 144 ... 4 4" 6 ?4 I 4 7 44 f4 40 4 44 6 HI 4 17 44 !4 ... 4 40 tl toi ! 4 17 64 Ml ... 4 45 ( 110 44) 4 t7 71 17 ... 4 46 SHEEP There were quite a few sheep reported this morning for s Siturdiy, but only a portion of them were on sale. Tl e market could not be quoted anything but ateady. A string of ewea sold for 14 10. For the wmk receipts have been very light for th" time of ear. the decrease as compared wlt'i the same week of last year amounting to about 26.0i head. In o:her words the renelpta thla week have been less than half as large as they were a year ago. The weatern range season Is now prac tically at an end so far n klllera are con cerned Occaslonnl!v a hunch arrives and yeaterdnv some Wvomlng yearling sold up to ft.75. The bulk of the receipts though consists of short fed stuff. The demand has been normal all the week and owing to the light run there haa not been enoVah to meet the requirementa of the trade. As compared with a week ago prices are strong on both sheep and lambs and In muny rases salea have been made that looked considerably higher. The demand for feeders has also been In excess of the supply and the market for the week can safelv be quoted atrong nnd active. In fact the wei k closed with prices on both klllera and feeders at the nigh point of the seaaon. C-un-atlons: Good to choice yearllnxs. fT0('r15.2S: fair to good venrllngs. ft 7.vi6.ti0 od to rhol'-e wethers. 4 40fl4 75: fair to g od wethers f4 2"tf4.40; s;-cd 'o rh.l'-a ewes, t4.15'g4.40; fair to good ewes, f3.So'f 4.15; good to chol,-e lambs. fR 75'rti ( fair to goi-d lambs. t5.5ff5 75: feeder yearllnga. t40nU4.6ft; feeder wethers. f40O"i4.2T; feeder ewea. t3.0O4i3.5o; feeder lamb, f45t''t76.i5 Hcpreaentatlve sales: No. Av. Pr. 4 Iowa cull ewes 77 1 76 2 Iowa cull ewes 110 1 73 I Iowa bock 14TI 3 CO 10 western cull ewes 96 3 25 27 fed Iowa ewes Ill 4 10 237 fed western ewes 14 4 20 11 fed Iowa lamba 60 6 00 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK M 4HKET Cattle and l.amha Steady, Hosts Higher and Sheep Strong. CHICAGO. Dec. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 200 head. Market ateady; good to prl"'" ateers. t.orv(j7.20: poor to medium, 13.60 6 80; Blockers and feeilera. f2.2oiii4.10; rowa, 91.41X0 4.00; heifers, f2.H01f6.0fl; cannera. fl.35'rf 2.40; bulla. M.W4Y4.10; calvea, f3.5O-37.00; west ern steers, f.1 ScV,i4.S6. HOGS-Reeelpta, 17.000 head; estimated Monday, 22,000 head. Market 6c higher; mixed and botchers. t4.3534.S0; good to choice heavy, f4 42V" 4. 66; rough heavy. f4.30 474 35; light, f4.25iis4.40; bulk of sales, fl.tunf 4.47W SHEEP AND N LAMBS Recelpta, 3.000 head. Sheep atrong; lamba ateady: good to choice wethera. f4.50fi6.26; fair to choice mixed, fS.60r4.4O: western sheep, t3.5(V(i6.O0; native lambs, t4.75(S6.60; weatern lambs, 5.008 6.36. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 10. CATTLE Recelptl 000 head, including 300 head Texana; mn -ket, Bteadv to easier for Texana: natl shipping and export eteers. t4.5o4f7.00. tie top being obtainable for fancy grades; dressed beef and butcher steers. t4.0Mi6.oo; steers under 1,000 pounds. t3.OO4fS.00; stock era and feeders, t2.25h3.fi0; cows nnd hei fers, f2.25(f?6.00, the top for fancy fed hei fers; cannera. tl.75ft2.10; bulls, t2.OOtfM.00; Texaa and Indian ateera. f2.50fi4.50; calvea, f2.50i6.n6; cowa and heifers. f2.0o4(3.O0. HOGS Receipts. 1.800 head; market, active, strong and higher: pigs and lights. f3.5Of?4.10; packera. 4. 304 4.40; butchers and best heavy, f4.35fti4.50. SHEEP AND LAMMS RecPlptB, 200 hand; market, Bteadv: native muttons. f3.50 i4.75; lambs, t4.50f.?5: culls and bucks. 2 004)4.00; stockers, 2. 00$ 3. 00; Texans, 3.00 65.00. Kansas Cltr live ritnrk Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 10.-4"ATTLE-Re-celpts, 200 head; market, unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, f5.004ifi.5o; fair to good, f.1.6OH5.O0; western steers, f.1. 50 4i5.60: stockers and feeders, f2.50r4.15; southern steera, t2.6o5T4.50; southern cows, f1.7IVfr3.25r nntlve cowa, fl.75fi3.75; native heifers. t2.6Ofi5.00; bulls. f2.OW4.00: calves. f3.00ifiii 25; receipts for the week. 40,500 head. HOGS Receipts. 3.500 head; market, stendv to 6c higher; ton. ft. 60; bulk of salea, f4 304465; heavv, t4. 5OW4.00: packera. f4.30tf 4.55; pigs and lights, t3.754f4.40; recelpta for the week. 68.700 head. ETHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnta, none; market, nominally steady: nntlve lamba, t4. 604)6.00: nntlve wethers, t4.00ifi6.00: native ewes. t4.00f'4.6O; western lamba, t4.50i600; weatern yearllnga. t4.0OffrR.00; weatern sheen. f3.754.75: atockera and feedera. f2.5044.35; recelpta for the week, 15.200 head. Jew York Live Stork Market. NEW TORK. Deo. 10. BEEVES Re ceipts, none: no tradlns-. Market weak; dressed beef, slow at 7i9V4c: extra beef. 9c. Exports today, 1,770 cattle and 3,000 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 8 head; 64 head on snle. Market quiet but ateady; veala. f4.60ffji 8 7B: one car enatern left; city dressed veals ftendv. HOGS Receipts, 4,775 head. Market noml nallv ateady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 759 head. Market for sheep, steady; for lambs In good condition, nulet to a ahade higher; sheep sold-t f4.36ffr4.76; lambs ftl.75ffiv7.37i4,: dresed mutton, onlet at 7Wff3UR; 'dressed lamba, alow at 8V& 10c; some gales at lOiic. Sloox Cltv Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec. 10. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 400 head; mar ket weak; Blockers, ateady: Iveves. f 3 50fi 6.00; cows, bulla nnd mixed, f?00ff;S.50; stock ers and feeders, f2.76J3.50; calves and year-ling-. 2.2Fffi3.2fi. HOGS Recelpta, 6 3D hend; market B" bla-her, selling at f4.25fJ4.4f); bulk, $4.82V4& 4.35. St. Joseph live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Dec. 10. CATTLE Recelpta. 388 head; market steady; natives, f3.50"fi4l.OO; cows and helfera, fl.764j4.26; atockera and feeders. 25O4j4.00. HOGS Recelnta. 10.137 head; market steady with Friday; light, f4.254?4.46; me dium nnd heavv, t4. 3544. 80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, none; demand strong. Stork In Slsrht. Receipts cf live stock at tha six prl-iclcal Cattle. Hogs. Sh-en. . 66.! 6100 1.953 .4 0 6.0v . 2 0 3,5(10 . 60 l.KKt 2;o . 3h8 10.137 . 2 0 17.0 0 3,' 00 .2,450 43,837 5153 South Omaha Sliux Cliy ... Knn-as City , St. IuN St. Joaeph .... Chicago Totals 2,450 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Dee. 10. Money was In auiet demand and fairly abundant in the mar ket today. Dlacounts were firm in view of the prospect of dearer money. Prices on the stock exchange were fairly steady, but trading was inactive In view of the uiiproHChlng aettlement. The uncertainty of Americana atlll affected the market. Consols were firmer. Americana opened nrm at parny, a lew aovancea to tne highest Quotations of the year and thev remained auletly steady, though consider able nervousneKB waa evident. PiiceB cloaed firm. Rio TlntoB Improved. Urand Trunk hardened, owing to favorable traffic re turiiB. Japanese were cheerful. I in Deri a 1 Japanese government 6s of 19o4 were quoted at 9444. p A K La, uec. io. ine tone on tne Bourse waa excited at the opening today, but Im proved upon the receipt of favorable re ports from New York and the buoyancy or Rio Tlntoa. which gained 32 franca. Towards the close the market waa calm and prices closed Arm. Internationals shared In the Improvement. Russian Im- erlal 4s were quoted at 92.56 and Russian onda of 1904 at 601. The private rate of discount Was 2Vi4?2S per rent. HtiiU, uec. io. r-ncea on the liourse today were somewhat higher. Clearing- Honae Averages, NEW YORK. Dec. 10 The statement of averages of tha clearing house banks of this city for this week shows: Amount. Decrease. Increase. Loans t1.(2.fK9.400 H.hiiM0 Deooslte 1,118.040,000 8.838.100 Circulation ... 42.f34.loO f 407,600 Legal tenders. 76.910,100 1,037.400 Specie 211.(tt5,100 f.06 Keserve zaa,Bio,JO l,taj,40 Reserve r a aulred 179.910.000 2.459.525 Surplus 9,396,300 826,12a Ex-lJ. B. de posits 13,191,700 819,323 New York Imports and Baporta. NEW YORK. Dec. 10. Total Imnorta of dry gooda and general merchandise at the port of New York fur the week ending today were valued at til. 948.264. Exoorta of specie from New York reported for the week were 14,000.000 gold and turn. mo allver. Four million dollars of the above was I'nKed States sold coin shipped to Havana In November and not previously reported. imports or specie at jvew ror a ouring tho week were fJ8,To2 silver and fJ16,7U gold. Coffee Market. NETW YORK. Deo. 10. -COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 polnta on con tinued encouraged nrm ttui'opan cables nd small primary receipts. 1 fie closing was barely sttotdy at net unchanged prices to an advance of only 6 points. Salea weia reported Of 137,750 bugs, Including pec ml rr nt 7 f'T.Kc; January. ..1!T ;ae; Marc It. 7.3ii.i ; Miy, i,V"'J7.-; Julv. 7 ;.-'i7 XV; rpi ni'icr. ;9 4i.iv: 4--tolw r. 8 ''. v -,; Spot lllo st'-a.lV; No. 7 Invoice, !-; mild, stcmlv; Cordova, K6 Lk? KEW YORK fJENEIl At, MARKET Quotations of the Day on Yarloal Cam mod I Ilea. . . NEW YORK. Ie lO.-FI.orR-Recslrts. 24.813 bbls : exports. S.IIS; mnrkt dull and featureless; Minnesota r- ter4a. ffc tnl.10; Minnesota hakrr. tl P4i4.7j; winter riitenis. f'i .Vifii-1.': winter straights. fi.2.li) 4; winter extras 3. I'D I. .10: winter low grade.. f3 4"4f4 10. five fl-nir, n"'et;flr tn g.xul. 14 4"c4.7ti; choice to fancy. f.7f4 5.00. Buckwheat flour, steady; pf r cwt., 2 t2 20. CORNVEAI Steady: fne while and vel low. f 1.404,1 1.45; Cfarst. 12441.26; kiln drl d. f2.1'2 20 RYE Nominal. 1UH1.KT-yulet : feeding. 44c. r; I f.. Nen- Vork; t)slt'n. 4f c. 1. f Ruff'lo WH EAT Receipts, fl.foo bu.: apct mnrkaj easv; No. 2 red. nomlnil. elevator; No. I r"d! tl.lP. f . o.. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, tl 22S, f- o. h . afloat. Option opend atendy on foreign luivlng. but at once broke severclv under ' Mg nnrthweat receipts, poor cables, light rreclpltatlon In the southwest and wk on'slde mke'a, closing 'i1c nrt lower: May. fl.12lil.13; r.sel. tl .12; J.ilv, II 01', fi 1.03't; closeif tlOSH; December, fl.lHSffl 17' ; closed. tl.1V CORN Receipts. 43.000 bu.: exports. 1 4R1 bu.: spot mnrket quid: No. t. Kc. nomtbal. elevator, and 54c f. o. h, afloat: No. 2 yel low, 61c: No. 2 white, 54Vc. Option market was neglected and barely steady with whent, closing partlv c net wcr.. Do cember. 55c: rlosxl. 55c. OATS Rocrlnts. in$.5n0 bu.; exports, t,740 bu.: spot mnrket dull; mixed oaia. 2H in 32 lba.,, S144il"c; naturnl white. JO to 81 lbs . 364r37c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lba., X7if,3SUc. HAY Market dull; shipping. 64Te. tToow to choice. 77lt''i'2,4c. IIOPS Oo'et: stMe. Mtnwni to eho'"a. 1904 crop, 2!fitt7c: 1913 crop, 30fj3fir; rl la, 14CJ Pacific const. 1904 crop, JWWc; - 19(f crop, 29ffi34c: olds. 144)l7c. HIDES Firm: (Inhesion. 20 to 2S lbs., 18c; California n to 25 lba.. 19o: Texaa dry, 24 to 30 lh.. 14V- 1 p Titi.-u inn; acid, NfJ'Vf PROVISIONS Berf : the mnrket wa Bteadv: family, tlfl 6ivh'H.W): mess, v 9 60: bcf hams. t22.i4i22.4&: picket, tlO.OOft 10.5ii; cltv extra ln1i- ni-s tM.6'',".sn. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 7yfrSr; pt K led. shoulders. 7ltc; pickled hams. 9ff9Hc. Lard, ateady; western s'med. 17.3-1; re fined ateady: continent, 87 35: South Amer Icnn. t7.6i: compound. f5.6oif!,5.6?H. Pork, onlet; famllv, tM M'i15 no; short clear, $13 75 4j15u: mess, tl3.0OffT13.75. TALLOW Steady; city, 4Hc; country, RICE Steady; domestic, . fair to extra, FMVr- Japan, nominal. . H I'TTER Firm ; oreamsry, sommon to extra. 10fi24i4e. . CHEESE Firm: atate full cream, small. September. eo:ored and white, fancv. 12c; atate, late made, poor to choloe, 8ffJllc; state, Inrae, September, colored nnd white, fancy, 13c: stats, late made, colored, good to choice. lOfjWic: atnte, la ts made, whits, fnncv. 104c; atate. poor to prima, rrlo. EGGS Strong: western, fine selected, 32c: western vrnr beet. SOffSle. POULTRY-Allve. qiHnt; westatn chick ens. 11c; fowls, 12c; turkeya, . 12ffflSj. Dressed easy; western rhckens. lOJfUc; fowls, 10llc; turkeys. 16ff?17c, ., Wool Market. LONDON, Dec. 10. WOOL The arrlvala of wool for the flrat aeries of tho If 6 suc tion sales amount to 34,954 boles. Including 10.000 balea forwarded direct to spinners. Tho Imnorta of wool thla week were: New South Walra, 1,317 balea: Queensland, 34, 654 bales; Victoria, 1,202 bales; South Aua tralia, 573 bales; New Zealand; 71 bales; Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 1,174 bales; elsewhere. 216 bales. ST. IXM'IS, Dec. 10. WOOL Steady to firm; medium grades, combing and cloth ing, 234,i'29c.; light fins, 184i224c;- heavy tine, 144j18c; tub wnahed, 274t-tlc. Minneapolis Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Deo. 10.-WHEAT De cember. tl.07; Mayt, $1.11; July, fl.119 1.11S: No. 1 hard, $1.10; No. 1 northern, fl.OTS: No. 2 northern, fl.02. FIX117R First patents, f6.90ff6.00: second patents, t5.7545.R5; first clears, $4,2544.85; second clears, t2.75ff2.86. BRAN In bulk, jUAO. ' Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Today's state ment of the treasury halaneea In the gen-, eral fund. Exclusive of fl50.000.000 gold re- , serve in the division of redemption, shows; ., Available caah balance, $144,881,744; gold. . f.S8,839,349. .. USES A. RIGHTEOUS DECEIT Unrrr Tells How He Saved Hla Client a Lot of Tronblo and Some Caah. "Our cleverest work," snld the old lawyer remlnlBcently,' "Is not always done lit court." "No?" said the young: man inquiringly, "Possibly you could give an Illustration." "Undoubtedly I could," replied .tha old lawyer. "In fact, I waa thinking of tha cose of an Irascible old fellow who once kicked a servant out of the house. I be lieve there waa a difference of opinion as to the amount ot wages the man was enti tled to. At any rate, the teaty old gentle man put himself In tho wrong when ho ejected tha man with violence of both lan guage and action and the man was rrnart enough to know It. "Ha hunted up a lawyer Immediately and put tha case in his hands and then I was called In. Tho wrathy old fellow was mad clear through and ha was going to fight tha case all the way up to ths highest court and back again If necessary. Hs waa a personal friend of mine and I didn't want to sea him waste his money foolishly, ao. I advised him to compromise It. " 'Not if he offers to compromise for 10 cents.'' he asserted vociferously. Tlr fight this case clear to the limit no matter what It costs.' "I argued with him, but It waa no use. He'd pay mo anything I wanted to fight tho case, but he wouldn't pay tha plaintiff a cent. I would have been Justified under tha clrcumstancea In going ahead and letting him run Into a lot of expensive and uaelesa litigation, but I didn't liko to do It. Bo I , went to see tho lawyer on the other side. He knew he "had a good case, but ho also knew that piy client had lots of money and ' could make a prolonged and costly fight. Consequently he waa Inclined to bo reason able. He hunted up his client and talked It over with him and tho client aald bo would compromise for 826. His lawyer made a reasonable charge and I closed with them on ths spot and paid them. "Then I went back to my client, told him I had put up such a bluff that ha never -would hear of the caso again, tumed In a bill that covered the coat of tho aettlement I had effected and ha pUd It without a murmur. He sometimes ipeaks to m( now of tho clever work I did In that oase, but Jia doesn't know how clever It really waa and what a tot of cash It saved him." New York Press. San Total of It. Tho sick man's regular physician had called lit two other pill dispensers for a consultation. "Well," said one of tha new arrivals, "have you summed up tha cast) thor oughly?" 1 "Only to the amount of f500 so far," an swered the M. D. In charge. Chicago News. Bes Want Ads ara tha lieat Business Boosters. 1 if. 1 1L Edwards - Wood Go- (Incorporated.) ... ruin Office: Fifth and Robart Streets, ST. PAUL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks. Grain, Provisions Ship Your (Iroln to Us Braaea Oai, Ilo-Ul Board of Trade tllda-, Oaaaha, Rah. Telenaoaa SS14.4 ; 112-214 Exchange fcldg.. south Omaha. Bill 'Phone iUS. Jciepeudeul 'tVhvue It