TI1E OMAHA DAILY HEE: ' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1904. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MISOR MF.STIOV Davis sell dtuga. Leffert's glasaea fit. Stoekert sella carpet. Domeetlc cooking. 23 No. M. In at. Duncan sella the beat school shot. Night arhool at Western Iowa college. Drs. .Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl at For rent, modern home, 723 8lxth ave. D-.moan doea th. oeat repairing". 32 Main. Picture for glfta. Alexander's. 333 B'iy. Oi n eve ning;. Neariy 1.10 students have .enrolled In West ern la. College since Hcpt. 1. , Horn, to Mr. and Mr. A. K. Jones, too Witl Broadway, a daughter. Mlaanurl oak dry cordwood M cord deliv ered. Wm. Welch, 16 N. Main at. Tel. LA Twenty-four karat gold plated photo frame,, the latent ihing out. BorwicK, ill B. Main. Tel. 6X3. John Koedlck waa granted In dlstrlrt court yesteiday a rilvorie from Gertrude Fndlk on the. ground uf desertion. Palm grove ilarw Tmsday evening. Woodmen of the World hall. Admission, b"u per couple. r.. Hughes, musician. Council Bluffs lodge of F.Ik will enter tain Its nvmbera and friend Thuraday evening with a card party In lla clubhouse. A. T. and I. M. Fllcklnger have bten fiillid to Independence, la., hy the death of their filler nruthcr, John M. Fllcklr.ger. Norman W. Sherman, n baker of Carroll, la., haa filed a vountury petition in bank ruptcy In the federal court here. His lia bilities uKKr.Kiite about 3.1'). A marrhige licenae waa laaued yesterday to Henry Thacker, aged 21, and Kiln Thorwia. iigvd 111, both of thia city. They were married hy Justice Ourcn. Fidelity council, Royal Arcanum, will en tertain lla members and wives at a card anil dancing liarty Monday evening In Its hall In the Kliugart-Heno block. Chrlptlun Science lecture at New theater, Tuesday evening, December 13, a o'clock, by Judge 8. J. Manna, formerly of this city. Public Invited. Admlgidon tree. i.uwlb. 'to t'ia ton guaranteed. Morton & Brldi natein, the new llrm. Prompt serv ice, beat uoul and wooi, loweai prn es Yards. 14th avenua and 6th at. Tel. IK!. J. ('. nixby ft Bun huvo been awarded the rontract by Mr. K. K. Hart for the heating mill plumbing work In hla elegant new home, now under construction In this city. The preliminary hearing of Joseph Dunn, charged with Illicit relatione with Mrs. Mo ran, wan begun before Justice Carson ' leniuy, and will be resumed Monday morn ing. The P. luff City dun club has been reor ganised with these offlcera: President. Mel lon Urout; secretary, O. C. Brown; treas urer. Joseph Wallace; captain, Charles C'onley. Owing to the absence of Commissioner A. T. FUcklnger from the city the further urlng In the matter of the Insanity of 5"ied Dletaoh wa postponed yesterday un til Wedneaday. The funeral of Joseph Miller of 12'i Ben ton street will be held Monday morning ut 8 o'clock from 8t. Peter s CHthodc church. Rev. Father Herman will conduct tho serv ices and burial will l" in St. Joseph's cem etery. Jumps, the Infant son of Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Preaton. 1W Harrison street, died yes terday morning. Tim funeral, which will be private, will be held this afternoon from the residence, and Intel mcnt will le In Fuirvlew cemetery. Emma Hhodea began suit for divorce yes terday from Willard Rhodes, to whom she was married In Atlantic, Cas county la., on April 8, Had. She ullegea cruel ami ln liumun treatment and asks the custody of their minor daughter, aged 18 month. J. Katelman, dealer In hay and grain on South Main street, waa arrested yesterday, charged with maintaining a nuisance, and will Tiavo a hearing in police court Monday morning. Katelman Is charged with keep ing his wagon on the aireet, although re peatedly ordered to remove It. A. Perdue has been nrrested on an In formation filed In tho curt of Justice Ouren charging him with cutting down and re moving about 1U cotMinwiKid trees from land owned by George B. Wright and George H. Mayne on tho Missouri river bot toms. His hearing whh act for December It nd he gave bonds for hla appeuruncc. Dr. Ada 11. Mlchcll. whllo driving yester day afternoon off First avenue onto Peurl street had the top of her buggy torn off by coming in contact with the epool on the iHle at the corner used for lowering and raising the electric light at this point. The ,7r took lrlKlrt and It wan with consld-l'rSf-'i' STh,7. ir Michel! restrained rruuir iimi..j ...... .. It from running away. Leffcrt'B mock of mantel clocks, parlor clocks and bedroom clocks Is tho finest In the city. These clocks are all of tHe latest designs and make exceedingly fine Xmu glfta, and prices positively the most reas onable. liy Official Held l'. J. Lundy. city meat Insitor, was held up and robhid shortly before midnight Frlduy nt the corner of Avenue A ur.d Ninth street hy two men who took from him hi watch and chain and J19 la cash. Mr. Dundy was on Ids way to his home nt H13 Avenue B and afte;- loving Broad- way turned north on Ninth etreet. Reach- Ing the cornir of Avenu-.- A near the little frame church, which 1m a dark sput, two men teppcd out of tho hhadow of tho churc'h and ordered hii.i t hold up his band. The order was enforced by a re volver which onn of the thugs thrust Into I.undy'a face while the other went through Ills pockets. In taking the watch the fel low broke the chain, but secured 'the por tion to which wa attached an Eagle' charm. A soon as the thug had secured the booty they ordered Mr. Lundy to continue on hla way and not to venture to look back. Mr. Lundy complied with the order, but when he reached Avenue B he turned cast Instead of wtwt and hastened to police litadiuarlers and notified tho office n of the holdup. He was unable, owing to the darkness of thn jinc where he waa rolibod, to give a good description of the highwaymen. Honest Time Keeper. Irf-ffert can fit you out with a watch In olid gold, gold filled or sliver r ise, with a even to twenty-four-Jwel movement, at price that cannot bo duplicated. Our aa Hortment la luice and complete. THE Ranid Delivery Go. 10 PEARL STREET. Wt Uiiurantot! Quick and Safe! Delivery of Ilnjujiifce unci 1'urctis. O'JR PRICES ARE RICHT. TRY US. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Western Iowa College Enter Row. Catalesra Pro. E. P. MILLER, President. Maasnle Temple Phon U1 1. CHATTEL LOAtMS A. A. CLARK 4. CO. EiubUaa.4 IW. BroMwar an Milu ut.-ovtr tirv' Sho Sue y ca bmi aar amount oa cauia, , SOUMBola furultura or any c4tti Bacurlljr. raMuui ca ha out. m yrlnriDai at or tins to utt borrow., ana btir.t r4ukd acrarainsip- . AU Bnlr.c coi,14iaUI. !-. ram. one a. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN 23 PEARL ST.HO'E, o..w Idy Attendant If Denlred 1 Office k-uu.o 1 8 1 ,'Phoiw 827. 'Phona 74. 1 BLUFFS FOURTEEN YOUXC PRISONERS Judge Green Spends Day in Hearing Cases in ths Jnrenils Court TWO SENTENCED TO THE REFORM SCHOOL Other Are t.lven Another Trial After Heeelvlnc m I.eetnre from the Cnnrt I'atr Little One Are Deatltate. The scene waa In many respect a pa thetic one when fourteen youthful prlson er were lined up yesterday morning In the Juvenile division of the district court be fore Judge Oreen. Several of the children were but mere tots, little boys In knicker bockers and equally small girls In short frccks. Some of them were charged with not attending school and other with petty thieving, such as stealing coal from rail road cars. Walter Konkler, the boy charged with the theft of randy from the Burlington freight depot and who escaped from the Juvenile detention ward in the basement of the county court house by prying loose the bars of a window, was ordered com mitted to the reform school at Eldora. The same sentence was Imposed upon Walter Williams, a boy from Crescent City, charged with being Incorrigible, but execu tion of the commitment was ordered sus pended pending good behavior. In order to give the youngster another opportunity to reform. The remaining boys and girls were at the reiiuest of Rev. Henry DeLong, who is both truant officer of the school board and probation officer of the juvenile court, dis charged after receiving some good advice from the court and notice that if brought before him again that they would not be so leniently dealt with. , Before the court also were tiie four chil dren of Mr. Algood, living In the southern part of the city. Tho children, three girls, aged respectively 13, 10 and 6, and one boy, aged 8, have not been attending school. It waa stated that their futher had deserted them and their mother had made no ef fort. to aee that they went to school. The mother refused to appear in court and it is thought that her troubles have made her more or less mentally deranged and her j case will probably be Investigated by the Insanity commissioner. As a temporary expedient the four children were turned over to the custody of the Associated Char ities by order of the court and for the present, until some other arrangement can be made, will be cared for at the creche. Fine atatuary and pottery for home dec orations at 1. 1 (Tort's. Sunday Service. The Antl-Suloon league, by arrangement with the Council Bluffs Pastors' associa tion, will have a number of speakers in the different churches of the city today. There will auto be held a1 ma hp meeting at 3 o'clock In the Fifth Avenue Methodist church, at which a number of addresses In the Interest of the organisation will be made. The speaker have been assigned as follows: Dr. I. N. McCaah, chancellor of Drake university, morning, Broadway Meth odist; evening, Firat Presbyterian. Presi dent McCall and wife of tho Lincoln league, morning. Fifth Avenue Methodist; evening, Second Proeby terlan. J. Mad Wil liams, editor of the official organ of the league, morning, First Baptist; evening, Trinity Methodist. G. R. Malone, morning, St. John's English Lutheran; evening, First Congregational. John Houser, morning, Hp worth Methodist; evening, First Christian. At the First Congregational church Rev. James Thomson, pastor, there will be preaching services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:39 p. m. At the morning service the pastor will take as the subject of hla sermon "Consecration to Christ." In the evening the pulpit will be occupied by Mr. G. R. Malone of Dcs Moines, in the interest of the Antl-Suloon league, who will speak on "Good Government." Sunday school will be at noon and the Christian Endeavor meeting at 0:30 p. m. "The Lonely Christ" will be the subject 0f Rev. llarvry Hoatetler'a sermon this morning at the Secjnd Presbyterian church. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McCall will eak and sing in the lnteieet of the Anti-Saloon league. At the Swedish Baptipt church today there will be preaching services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m The pator. Rev. C. J. Chris, tlanson, will preach at both services. Sun day school will be at noon and Young Peo ple's meeting at 7:15 p. m. The regular midweek prayer meeting will be held Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock. The First Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services this morning at 11 o'clock In the Sapp building, when the subject for dU'Ctisalon will be "Is the I'nlverae, Includ ing Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?"' Sun day school will be ut noon, and the regu lar testimony meeting Wednesday evening af k n'l'lfick The Second Church of Chrijt( Scientist) will hold services at 10:45 a. m. In the Wood pan hall In the Merrlam block. The sub ject will be "Is the L'nlvere, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Action?" Sunday school will be at lt:45 u. m. and the mid week testimony meeting Wednesday even ing at 7:46 o'clock. At St. John's English Lutheran church there will be public worship at U a. ni, and 7:3Up. m. In the morning G. R. Malone of Des Moines, assistant state su perintendent of the Iowa Aiul-S.iloou league, will speak und In the evening the pastor, Rev. G. W. Snyder, will occupy the pulpit. Sunday school will bo at 9:45 a. m. and young people' meeting at H:40. There will b& preaching service at the I'nlun Christian rhunh. Thirty-fifth streel and Broadway, this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday echoed will be held at 3 p. ni. There Will be public worship at the Firat Christian church at 11 a. m. and 7:o0 p. in. In the morning the pastor, Rev. W. B. liemmer, will take as the aubje.-t of his erraon, "The Grace of Giving." In th evening John T. Houser of De Muines, attorne;' for the lowu. Anil-Saloon league, will speak. Sunday school will bo at 9:45 a. m. and 4he young people' meeting at :30 p. m. Fine laad), lOe Pound. DeLong. ul Broadway, 1 Signet lings, signet cufTbutton. signet : scarfpin. signet hatpins, artistically en- graved at Lefferf. Piuniblu nd ha;-n. Blxby ft Hon. Milk Dealer on Trial. After lying dormant for nearly two months tha caea against Mrs. 8. Leonard and A. C. Ellsworth, proprietors of local dairies, charged by Milk Inapeotor H. A. liKiinox with placing formaldehyde In the milk old by them, were brought up yeater day In tho court of Justice Ouren. It was agreed that the teatiniony offered by the prosecution should apply In both cases, and as a starter the evidence tf Charlo F. Crowley, chemtat at Cielghtou college, Omaha, Wa taken. Crowley an- alyted the samples of milk furnished hlro by Inspector Innox and he testified that he found In each of the four sample give him trace of formaldehyde, but In what quantity he did not ascertain. Chemist Crowley testified that he merely made a chemical analysis of the sample of milk and declined to give evidence as a medical or any other kind of expert. A an antiseptic, he expressed the opinion that formaldehyde could be safely used In small quantities, but he was not prepared to state what effect It would have upon the person using the same. At the close of Mr. Crowley's testimony the hearing was continued for the Intro duction of further evidence. For high grade leather goods, handbags, shopping bags, matinee bags, purses, card rape and wallet go to Leffert's. He. has the largeat line In the city, with prices the loweat. Tannin; Company Locate. The factory of the Growers' Canning company will be located on Third street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth nuca, on ground belonging to the Great Western Railroad company. Thl wa dellnitely decided upon yesterday after it had been determined that the proposed site on the south side of Ninth avenue, be tween Seventh and Eighth streets, wa not large enough for the plant. The site on Third street will have a frontage of 325 feet and a depth of WQ feet, and Immediately adjacent to the track of the Great Western railroad. Now that the question of the site for the factory ha been definitely settled the company will at once commence the con struction of the plant, and according to present plans It will be completed anJ ready for operation next season. While here W. J. Reed, Industrial agent fur the Great Western, offered the Com mercial club n site for another factory which the club expects to locate In this city In the near future. The proposed plant will manufacture steel tanks for the farm implement trade. F. R. Davis and other local Implement men are Interested In the company which will operate It. Ne gotiation, however, for the location of this factory here have not been consum mated nud are mill pending. Ie Long's Fountain Pen Club. Mooney $4.00 ,slf-fllllng fountain pen were awarded at Del-ong' last night to Gus Meyer, Louis Marcus, A. Stlne. Qordon Sanders, Glenn U Sclti and Robert Dun- ii . .... . . . . lets. It costs 25 cents to Join the club, and every member receives a pen. Diamond. Scarf Pin, Hlngs. Our prloe will save you from 10 to 25 per cent and we can show you the largest as sortment in the west. Ileal Estate Tranafer. These transfc were reported to The Bee December 10 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: 11. G. Fisher und wife to Thomas Costln. lot 4, block 3, Fisher's 1st add I'nderwood, w d $ 175 Treasurer to J. M. Jetter, lot 2, block 1, East Omaha park, t d 13 William H. Kimball and wife to Charles E. Kimball, lots 4 and 7, Judd's Court, w d 1.800 Fred Rapp, trustee, to WIUIs H. Kim ball, lot 9, block 17, Howard add, s w d 3,no Kate W. Shaw to M. M. Iarson, lot 12, block 2, Sunnyslde add, ci c d George H. Brown and wife to Peter Petersen, lot 3, Auditor's sub, aw' nei 21-75-43; lot 2, Auditor's sub nw sci 21-75-43, w d J. W. Squire and wife to V. S. Walden, lot It, block 21, Omaha add, s w d 20 Seven transfers, aggregating Go to Leffert for the "l'p-to-Date" brellas of the city. N. V. Plumbing Co. Tel. 230; night, F667. Improvement t'lab Entertainment. The West Council Bluffs Improvement club will give the second of the series of Its entertainments next Wedneaday In the club building at Thirty-fifth street and Broad way. This program has been arranged by the committee in charge: Violin Selection A. C. A. Wood Phonograph Suunee River Recitation Mrs. Frute Hamilton Instrumental Selection Mrs. Catherine Dempsey PlionoKiMpli I'nele Tom's Cabin Mandolin and Guitar .Evans Brothers Recitation Miss Marie Peterson Instrumental Selection . .Miss Dorothy Hoag Piano Solo Chester Anderson Vocal Selection Modern Woodmen Quartet of Omaha Phonograph Blest Be ihe Tie th-tt Hinds. For a gentleman' Christmas gift there Is nothing better than a fine fountain pen, a gold pen or pencil. Jxnrt handle the best In the city at price the lowest. Children' Hooka 'Ac Kacb. Children's books, board cover, 8x10, cents each. DeLong, 40t Broadway. at 3 Rooms and cafe. Ogden hotel. PAST WEEK IX I1I.IFFS SOCIETY Inaanal aniher of Pleat Social Gatherings. Mr. Fred Johnson is spending Sunday In Lincoln. Mrs. Mayme Dent of Seventh avenue en tertained the L. T. club Tuesday tvenlng. Mrs. C. C. Cook of First avenue enter tained the Euchre club Wednesday after noon. Mrs. W. F. Arnold of Woodbine. Ia.. is the guest of Mrs. H. A. Qulnn of Oaklund avenue. Mr. and Mra. John Kvers of Fourth street entertained the AJah club Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. I.. Douglass of South Kighth street entertained informally at luncheon Tuesday. Mia Nlta Boquet entertained at dinner Tueaday in honor of Mlsa Etna lilllls. Covera were laid for ten. Mr. and Mra. John Kcllar left Thuraday evening for Santa Monica, Cal., where they will remain until next June. Mrs. F. T. True haa issued Invitations for card parties to be given on Monday after noun and Wedneaday evening. Mlaa Weaver and Miss Mae Weaver will bt, hoHteasea at u large card party to be given at their home next Saturday. Mr. and Mra. J. J. Hcas gave a supiwr Sunday evening in honor of Colonel and Mra. Hull. Covera wrre laid for ten. Mrs. William Coppock of South Kighth street ntertalnnd at cards Monday In honor of Mr. Hull of Washington, P. C. Mra. T. J. Brooka entertained the women of the Grace fepiacupal church at high five Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served. Tho Kensington club met with Mrs. Wil liam Ive Monday afternoon. About twelve were present. Dainty refreshment were served. Mia Mabel Nicholson of Madison ave nue gave a farewell party Tutaday evenlrg for Mlti irma, Wuoda, who will soon lravs for Bed Oak. About twenty were present. Mr. Josephine Thomaa left Tuesday morning for St. Paul to be present at the marriage of her coualn. Mlsa Frank Sever ett and Mr. Edward Skews of Mlnneapolla. Mlaa Nellie Johnaon entertained the H. 8. S. C. on Wednesday evening. High five waa the game of the evening. Prises were awarded Miss Grace Slgafooa and Mr. Kd Francis. Mra. R. O. Miller of Gould avenue -en-turtuined the Mornlngalde Social club Fri day afternoon. About eighteen were pres ent. The club will meet with Mr. C. Skinner of Mornlugalde next Friday. Mr. and Mrs. ii. A. Qulnn entertained a number of friends at dinner Tuesday In honor of Colonel W. J. Duvenpprt, who will pend the wlntar In Boulder, Colo. Cover were laid for ten. Mrs. W. Runyan of Park avenue enter Wiiii.l at a family dinner Thursday. Cov ers were laid for the Beeb family, the Houghton family, Mr. Grave of Hoatnri, Mra. Coy and Mlaa Nina Coy uf Stevana potnt. Wis. Mr. Frank I.. Greene of Fort Madiaon and MiM Etna lllllia of Council HI off a wei united In marriage at the Preabyterlan puiaonaga at Burlington Wedneaduv after uoou at 4 o'clock by the Rev, Dr. Souther- land. Mr. and Mr Greene will take two weeks' eaatern trip, after which they will go to Fort Madiaon, where they wOl make their home." Mrs. Itonald Macrae. Jr . of Fifth avenue entertained at luncheon Monday In honor of Mrs. Hull. Covera were laid for twelve. The centerpiece on the table wa a ship In a sea of smilsx and red roses and draped In the national flag. Mr. A. M. Hutchinson of Franklin ave nue entertained the member of her for mer Sunday school class of the Second Preshvteriun church Tuesday evening. Twenty-two young men were present and j a Jolly evening Wat rnjuyru. ncurniimeiitB were served. Mr. Victor K. Bender entertained at dinner Thursday. Cover were laid for Mr. and Mm. B. W. Hart. Mr. and Mra. K E. Hart. Dr. and Mr. Mnera, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Sargent. Mr. and Mra. W. A. Mauer. Mr. and Mr. J- J Heaa, Mr. Charles Teat Stewart and Mr. George 8. Wright. Mondav evening, at tho home of her sla ter. Mrs. Edson of South First street. Miss Stella McCarty entertained at a "heart'' dinner in honor of Miss Etna Hil- lis. The room were decorated with crim son hearts ami smtlax. In the dining roo.n a large bouquet ot American ueaunea formed the centerpiece on the tame, rro-n which extended four strand of red hearts. V ' f II fl I IT I II Ml I'll , , i . . . Mr. and Mr. Charles teat niewarc na I Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hart entertained at dinner Wednesday In honor of Colonel and Mrs. Hull of Washington. D. C. The room were decorated In yellow rlirysanthemum. a large bowl of the blossoms forming the centerpiece on the table. Those present were Mr. and Mra. Victor E. Hender. Mr. , and Mr. J. J. Hen. Dr. and Mrs. Macrae, Mr. nnc Mra. E. W. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mr. George S. Wright and Colonel and Mrs. Hull. Mr. F. T. True and Mrs. J. W. Michel) entertained at a kensington Thursday after noon at the home of Mr. True on Second avenue In honor of Mrs. 1. C. Bonham, who will soon le.tve for Seattle. Wash., whero he will make her home. The women were given paper hats to make, the prixe for the besi hat being awarded Mrs. Clay Platner. The parlors were beautifully decorated In yellow roses, and the dining room In red and green. Forty guests were present. The A. B. N. club met Friday evening at the home of Miss Mary Aten of Glerf avenue. Thone present were Mrs. Will Prior, Mrs. L. A. Grey, Miss Malwl Ken dall. Miss Dickey, Miss Ada Howard, Mlsa Minnie Hansen, Miss Theon Kendall, Miss Laura Dodge, Miss Lena Clausen, Miss Margaret O'Donnei and Mlsa Joe Clausen. The rooms were dfcorated In pink rose. An elaborate lunch waa served. Miss Clausen will be the next hostess. The Mirsea Virginia Meyers, Flora Cooper, Hazel Brown, Louise Stephan and Edith Organ, were the hosteasta at a daintily appointed luncheon given at tha home of Mis Meyers Friday evening at the close of the high school literary oon tet. Th comnanv consisted Of the con- testants, the ptesldlng officer and the time keepers. Misses Sara Beesely, Virginia M;yera, Flora Cooper, Haiel Brown, Louise Sienhan. Edith Organ. Mary W and Messrs. Harold Oay. Elmi Roland Ottls, Russell Nichols UUHWUI III, Fiaher, O.'orge I Phelps, Walter Barnes and Jame 8ima. Hand-decorated Belleek cup and aaucers I a.t greatly reduced price at Lffert's. IOWA At; 11 It' I I.Tl R AI. IMO FORMED New Society of Amea College Will Meet In January at the Bchool. AMES, Ja.. Dec. 10 (Special.) On Jan uary 8, 1SHI4. a large number of the alumni und ex-student of the Iowa' State college, who are Interested In agriculture, met at Ames und formed an organisation to be 1 known as the "Iowa Agricultural Union This organization I slmilur to that of the Guelph Experimental union of Ontario and the Ohio Students' union of Ohio. Arrangements hart been made for the first annual meeting of this organisa tion, to be held January 12 and 13, 1905. at l the Iowa State college, Ames, la. This i meeting will afford an opportunity for all alumni nnd ex-students to visit their alma mater, to renew acquaintances and to come In direct contact with the men of the different departments engaged In the agrl cultural work. . Every alumnus and ex-student Is urged to attend this meeting as Important bus! ness matter are to be taken up at that time. Those who are interested will have an opportunity to attend the Live Stock Breeder' meeting, January 10 and 11, and the state drainage convention January 13 and 14. Reduced rates can be secured over all roads In Iowa. Further particulars may be had by ap plying to the secretary, G. I. Christie, Ames, la. PERRY'S JEW C.tnXEGIB LIBRARY Institution I Dedicated to I r of Public by Governor Cummin. PDRRY, la., Dec. 10. (Special Telegram.) The new Carnegie $10,000 library building waa dedicated tonight with an excellent musical and literary program. In which the Board of Trustees set forth the begin ning of a library, its various stages of life and the completion of the new build ing on the triangle, the ground being do nated by the city. Miss Alice F. Tyler, secretary of the State Library associa tion, made a scholarly and Instructive ad dress on the uses of a public library, and this was followed by a characteristic ad dress by Governor A. B. Cummins formally dedicating the new building with It 4,000 volumes to the use of the public. The city haa agreed to furnish 11,000 per yeur to maintain the Institution, which was In formally opened for business September 10, The building la a very tasteful one, fin ished In Omaha pressed brick. The plan conform with the triangle on which It ia built. Mra. A. W. MrPherson, the talented and popular president of the board, pre aided at the Grand Opera house during the rendering of the program and after It conclusion gave a reception In the new building. MISSING B.tK CASHIER RETIRs Father Pay the Shortage and He Jolrea that HI Son I Howe. SHENANDOAH. Ia., Dec. 10. (Special Telegram.) William McArdle returned to his home in Imogene, Ia., this evening. He was formerly cashier of the Cltlsens' bank of Imogene, but disappeared Novem ber a, und until last Thursday nothing had bten heard from him. At the time of his di.xrture It was announced that he owed the bank of which he wa cashier 130,000, money which he had loat speculating on the Board of Trade. Last Thursday even ins a friend received a letter from Mc Ardle, duted at St, Louis. Inquiring about the health of his family and his aged father. He enjoined th friend not to mention the fact that he bad received the letter, not even to hla family. The friend, however, at once notified the family and a sister of McArdle', Mia Ida, at once went to St. Louis and the result 1 the brother returned with her to Imogene. His father had settled the Indebtedness to the bank In full and the young man Ii In a position to start life anew. The family 1 quite wealthy and one of the best known In this section of Iowa. Laborer Inherit Million. Ml'SCATINE, Dec. 10.-(8peclal.)-J. D. Baker of this city haa been working for tl.0 a day In thla city for some time. He has now gone to New York In responae to notification that he I heir to a fortune of million. Valuable lands near Albany and New York City are a part of the estate. He will be possessed of unlimited means when the estate la settled up. Clrl Stodrnt Elope and Hrpent. IOWA CITY. Ia.. Dec. 10-(Hpeclal Tele gram.) Ruse Mysters of Dysart, la., a spe cial student In the university, disappeared with Roy Molcery of Dysart lute. Thurs day. The eloping couple waa not heard from until thl morning, when th girl telephoned her parent at Dysart that she was coiiunjf home. Important Announcement ! Ladies' WINTER COATS at Less Than One-Half Price No argument if you were bue of the many that took advantage ot these incom parable bargains Saturday. We have sweetened up the assortment and still greater values will be on sale for Monday's selling. The eitreme lowneas of prices due to the wonderfully heavy selling of the past several weeks, leaving by iar the largest collection of odd numbers and broken sizes that have ever accumulated iu this section. They are all desirable styles, in fact the best selling numbers of the season and they won't last long at the price. Ladies' 3-4 Length Coats, UJsters, in plain kerseys and fancy mixtures, that regular at $10, $15" and up to $2) grouped in our special assortment and go on sale at such remarkable low price as BEN0 SELLS IT m CHEAPER. MANUFACTURERS ARE BUSY rreparirf to Make a Tight on Insurinc Eate, Held t B Excessive. FIGHT AGAINST AMENDMENTS DROPPED State Auditor Cnrroll Propose to Start In ew Year with Examina tion of Insurance Companle Dolngr Bnalneaa In Iowa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Dec. W.(Specfal.)-Locttl organiser are out over the state of Iowa at work among the manufacturers to strengthen the association, which they formed last year, so that at the annual meeting to be held In Cedar Rapids, be ginning January 1!4, there will be a large attendance. They believe they will be able to practically double the state member ship of the association and make of It one of the strongest commercial bodies of the state. Two topics will receive first con sideration at the meeting In Cedar Rapids one that of railroad rates on Interstate commerce, and the other that of Insurance ratea The association Is preparing to make an effectual fight against exorbitant Insur ance rate. The manufacturer claim they arc Imposed on more in this regard than In the matter of freight rate. They will form a mutual Insurance association and Include practically all the large manufac turing plans of the state. The association Is working also In hand with the shipper of live stock for revision of freight rate and will be able to secure eome legislation in Iowa at the pext eslon. No Tot of Amendment .oir. The plans which have been forming among a few politicians for a test law suit in court Involving the two constitutional amendments, have fallen through and It la now anticipated that there will be nothing done unlesa it ia by some of the aggrieved parties who fought the amendments. The announcement that Congressmen Smith and Blrdsall have examined the amend ments and tha law and pronounce It a their opinion the amendments were legally adopted, has put a quietus on the flaw hunters, who have been claiming all along there was grave doubt about the legality of the amendments. State officials say they will take no action whatever. Examine All town Companies. State Auditor Carroll will have made, be ginning the first of next year, u complete ex amination of all the Insurance companies of Iowa. A few of them were examined last winter, but the work waa not completed be cause the examiner had some wortc ouratdo the state which took a long time, and later he resigned. Now a new examiner ha ar rived and the state auditor will he.v him cover all the companies of the state. Till ha not been done for some time. Th ex amination will Include the old line com panies, the mutuuls, both fire and life, and the fraternal. Some of the companies that were examined last year may be ex amined again. Old Soldier I.nw Appeal. The paper in the caa of C. 8. Shaw against Motthalltown were filed In the su preme court today, thl being the action which 1)00 been taken up by the Grand Army of the Republic department of Iowa to test the application cf the soldier pref erence law to municipal office under the control of the city council. The abstract only have been filed and It I understood that the arguments are being prepared by able lawyers of the Htatf . The law doea not affect position of a confidential or per sonal nature. Mra. Booth at Iowa I'rlauua. Mra. Maud Balllngton Booth haa recently paid visits to both of the Iowa !ate pris ons, where she has organized hands of her followers and Is doing a great work of iv form. At Anumnaa a large proportion of the prisoner fairly venerate the woman and her work and her association ha large membership. Stole Prise Apple. Some vandal secured a key to a vault at the stateliouae and laat night broke open a number of me uarrei containing priae apple which wtre shipped here from St. Louis, where they were part of the Iowa exhibit. All effort to detect tn perpe trator ha been In vain. The apple were to have been exhibited next week during the horticultural meeting. Only a few wera taken. lew Library Dedicated. Governor Cummin delivered the address at the dedication of a new Carnegie library In Perry this evening. The library haa been opened some time, but had not been form ally dedicated. It wa built on the "Tri angle," tbe moat conspicuous public place In the city and I fine building. Slow After Hrajnlaltlon. Th governor of South Dakota some tlm ago sent paper asking for a requisition from the governor of Iowa to take back to South Dakota front Sioux City on Kd Wil liam, accuted 'of attempting to rob a French hermit In I'nlon county. Th pa per were defective and were sent bark. Later some correspondent wa had, but no date fixed for a further hearing. Now It I learned that paper are on th way tu ecur WUUanua asd at th am Urn hi The John Council Q O O V? be AC O LBNAM 1612 & W (THE PEOPLE'S Fl'RTflTl'RE AD CARPET CO.) GUILDERS OF HAPPY HOMES. SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' DESKS. In oak or mahogany finish. Nothing better aa a gift, at 5.75 ROCKERS For Christmas gift. We have an endleas variety, all style, nniHnea ana prices special for Thursday Ia85 CENTER TABLES Sqlld sawed oak, polished, a most acceptable gift quarter- 2.35 1 SMYRNA RCGS-Good size, worth 13.50 special 1.98 LACE CURTAINS New effects, worth 14.50 special 1.98 A pair of handsome loop FREE with every pair of I.ace Curtains. CREDIT TO ALL-EASY PAYMENTS We Will Lay Aside Goods Selected Now and Deliver Later eopvnwMr attorney are making an effort to get him released. Williams was found nearly ahot to death in Sioux City tho next innrnlng after the old Inrmlt shot a hole through one of hi assailants. Dlacnaalon uf Consumption. At the quarterly conference of the heads of the state Inatltutlonr with the Board of Control next Tueday, the first paper to ho read will bo one by Dr. Klme of Fort Dodge on the treatment of tuberculosis In private Binltarluma. He haa made a rpeclal study of the subject and the state board Is seek ing all poasibl Information on the subject eo as to embody It In u report to the leg islature. THI HE 0 THE IOWA IIIVKR ,,u" " ttaln Jones 1b Rescued. IOWA CITY, Ia., Dec. 10. (Special Tele gram.) Nyle W. Jonea, cuptuin of the Iowa foot bull team during the paat ea aun, narrowly escaped drowning this morn ing In the Iowa river. He waa rescued by other member of the party after being In the water ten minute. Arthur Hawn, skating alone broke through the Ice and remained In the icy water fifty minutes before being rescue Hi Injuries are probably fatal. Watrhmaa Taken for Huralar. CREHTON, Iu., Dec. 10 (Spec lal.i Se e ing a light In the basement uf Lichty Bros.' building at a late hour last night. Night Watchmau Jame Gulden etitvied the and sold Cravenettes 98 Beno Co. Bluffs. o c: so r 30 STREETS. OMAHA. o o o HOLIDAY GOODS Nothing Is more appreciated or mure suitable aa nn Xnins gift than a hancisjme piece of Furniture, a nice Hug or a beautiful pair of Curtain. CA8H OR CREDIT. Select your good now while the stock is at Its bet PAY FOR THEM LATER. MORRIS CHAIRS. Solid oak' frame, fancy velour cushions; back adjuslulilc to any - hi mi 5.60 poKition. r.otning more cotnfortuble. On sale at CHILD'S ROCKERS W carry a large line, In cane or wood Beat, also In reed on sale upwards OQft from aJOli CHILDREN'S HIGH CHAIRS - In cane or wood seat upwards A On, from UUC VELVET RLaS-3(ix3. choice A AA assortment each tJO 1 A CHRISTMAS PRESENT..... of a Cna heading Lhiiiii la one of the most at'pptallt presents one can make. It guve the oj-pm by hrliiKlng litbt down where you want It. We carr tlm beat line In the city. J. C. BIXBY SON, StOU Mala and 2KI Pearl St., Tel. 103, Council Bind. Iowa. eaiCMiiTta' enqlibm ENHYROYAL PILLS . OrilI mmt Only Ocanlaa. It CM ICH STEM'S) KNtil.ISU Ilk klo. riktoa. 1 k slfccr. Btrnat lr Buk.lUBtlaa M lmlla tln. Bk, f fmr fkiucfi.t. f hmI . la ( I" farllrolnn. TaatlnaaUla "Krllcr ffcr l-a.llr,M biMr, r r Inn Malt. l.Bo t..ilniAatl.. I.I4H kvUaaUOi . Mb1mb NHit fMil.A , fjS building to Investigate It. Hp in turn wa regarded susplcluiialy by a roomer in the ntxt building, who called the police to the scene with the Idea thut Mr. Golden was a burglar. Mr. Uoldi-n luui no diffi culty In convincing his fclluw officers that he was not after booty. Girl ( au.e. Aaed Father's Arre.t, SIDNEY, la., Dec. c -(Special Telegram.) Lewis Herrv. ug'-d 6-1. wus arretted today at Phelps, Mo., by Sheriff Kent and a deputy, o:i H wurrunt aworn out by hla daughter, Kadle Berry, aged Itf, who charges liim with bring the father of her unborn bubo. The girl says her father has been criminally Intimate with her since he wuh IX The old man has been living in a farm a!x mllea from Kldm y: His wlfu lied xnmo yr irs alio, and he lui several ;rown children, of whom Sudle I the ouugext. When he realised tiie rondlllnu if hi daugliten t he eld niuu left home, but eturned a few ulglita ago. lie wa traced to Phelpa, where he wa arrested today. He, will b brought her tumorretr. A BI-.-K.-- n9