TITE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1004. 13 Public Sotlre. Notice la hereby given ihat H. M. Pan lar, late of this city, has tio authority to solicit Insurance or to receive money for the Aetna Life Insurance company, or for the undersigned. JOHN PALE, General Agent rharch Pale-. Bt. Mary's Guild of the Good Shepherd Episcopal church will hold a haiar and advertisement enle In the frulld room. Twentieth and Ohio streets. Wednesday and Thareday, December 14 and 15. The second grand ball will be given by the . North Omaha Improvement club Mon day evening, at Twenty-fourth and Ames venue. Good music. Don't mlns It. Tick ets, 60 cents a couple. ew Time far te Effective December 4. WabaFh trains will arrive and depart a follows: From Omaha Union station: Bt. I-ouls Express Leave :30 p. m.; ar rives 8:20 a. m. From Council Bluffs, Union Paclflo Transfer depot: St. Louis Local Leaves :18 a. m.j ar rives W:30 p m. Shenandoah Local Leaves 6:46 p. m I ar rives X:30 p. m. i Wabash City Office, 1IV1 Firnara Omaha, Neb. HARHT E. MOORE8. O. A. P. D. Did you ever eat Kopp's Molasses Fat Inetts? Try them. 1303 Farnam. Gas and electric taMe lamps make ac ceptable ChrWtmns i-r'scnt". Nebraska Electric Co.. l.lth and Harney. Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats; Indies' suits, skirts, millinery, etc.; ensh or; credit. I'cople'a Store, Kih and Farnam. For fine work, Chicago Laundry. 'Phone 205. Douglas Printing Co., 1308 Howard. TeL (44. 18-K. Wedding Kings. F-rholm, Jeweler If you have anything to trade advertise It In the For Exchange column of The Bee want ad page. sf" i x s ! Have Root print it. For the lald-np or laJd-off day. A dollar laid aside rTi week will soon mooat is and place yon on the road to success, whoa fortune knock at roar door. We pay 6 per rent en sav i lasjrs account. Omaha Loan & Building Association 1704 Farnam. Bee Building. G. W. Loamls. Pres. O. M. Nattlnger. Bec'y Ml Out Take a pep at the pretty shoes we're showing for Christmas. If you are thinking of making ft present to a girl friend, you will find the assortment here to please you. Christmas Shoes Patent Kid Shoes and Sandals for dress. Kid and Calf Shoes for walking and every day. Felt Shoes, Juliets and Slippers. There Is every thing here for you. FRY SHOE cq Pocket Book Sale at Sherman & McConnell's Our sample pocket book sale is now in full blast. We have thous ands of styles of , HAND BAGS SEAL AND WALRUS. WRIST BAGS ALLliOA'l'OR AND SEAI CHATELAINE BAGS SEAL AND WALRUS. SHOPPING BAGS LONG BHAl-ES. BLUE AND RED BAGS FANCY LEATHER. LONG BILL BOOKS FOK MEN. SMALL POCKET BOOKS FOR MEN AND WOMEN. CARD CASES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Our Ladles' Shopping Bags were ob talned by us at such prices that we are offering them at retail at exactly REGULAR FACTOR r" PRICES Sherman & McDonnell Drug Company DEALERS IN POCKET BOOKS AND PEKFUME8; ALSO SOME DRUGS. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. TBBSsK I Christmas j Sweaters . L 1 9 a s Now In t.h tim to ordpr thorn Remember, we can make you any style or color of sweater and stockings Send us your order early to avoid the rush. Yarns and beads as usual. iJOS. F. BILZ! 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. 80LE AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS WE HAVE MOVED We are moving every day great quantities of COAL Consequently it is fresh and clean. CRESCENT, WASHED EGG AND NUT HANNA AND ROCK SPRINGS. ' With best facilities for prompt delivery. South Omaha Ice & Goal Company. 411 South 15th Street, Telephone 45. 912 South 13th Street, Telephone 373. Fourteen Ycara Sam Location Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DENTIST 'PHONE 1736 The most aensatlve nerves removed with- Fillings..... SOcup Jfe'." tu A Crowns $2.50 no I fX2-" ' X A. saT-uA Loose teeth made Bridge Work $i. 50 up vjl . T fHrYlMr' oUL Plates $2.00 ud 111 I Written Quaraotee Teeth Extracted With out Fain. holiday Excursions The Rock Island System announces the fol lowing arrangement for Christmas and New Year holiday rates: East of Missouri Ifiver: Tare and 'one-third for round trip between all points on Iiock Inland System, regardless of distance. West of Missouri lliver: One fare plus fifty cents for the round trip, between all points on Rock Island and Frisco Systems. Dates of Sale: December 24, 25, 2f and 31, 1904, and January 1 and 2, 1903. Final return limit leaving destination to and including January 4, 1905. Fo r further information call or write f. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 farnam St.. Omaha, Ntb. A Safe Investment for.a certain stipulated sum annu ally, semi-annually or quarter ly, with guaranteed dividends, may be found in the up-to-date policies of the Bankers Reserve Life Company, OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA. They are secured by a deposit exceeding One Hundred Thous and Dollars with the State of Nebraska. Money making agency contracts may be obtained by energetic, reliable men, on addressing a H. R0BIS0N, President. THREE CAR LOADS OF SPOT CASH PIANOS FOR XMAS PART OP THEM HAVE ARRIVED J. S. (gamm For twenty-four years has sold Fianos in Omaha, and the state of Nebraska. I have sold during that time over FOUR THOUSAND Pianos. I take this opportunity of thanking my many customers and friends for their past patronage and kind words spoken. And I now extend to them a cordial invitation to visit my 6tore at 106 North 15th street and, if possible, bring with you some of your many friends who, if thinking of buying a piano or or gan, and I assure you will be courteously treated. NEW PIANOS Direct from factory, from $148.00 up to ?900.00. TERMS per ex- Five to ten dollars cash and $5.00 to $10.00 month. Second hand pianos and organs taken in change for new pianos. PIANOS Shipped anywhere on approval. Write for catalogue and prices. All letters carefully and truthfully answered. Two first-class tuners. All work guaranteed. Do not fail to look over my stock before buying. J. S. Cameron, 106 N. 15th St., East Entrance Ground Floor, McCague Bank Bldg. 'PHONE 2S48. SI11" " 1 p - i- - - - -'j , '; JJ Open Evenings Hardy's THE 09 CENT STORE' 1513 DODGE ST. Open Evenings Omaha's Santa ClausToyland Big Specials for This Week Our toy stocks this season are noteworthy for their exceeding completeness all through. Tills, with the unparalleled low prices we quote, has made our toy section easily the most popular In Omaha, Boys' Iron Wagons, steel wheels and gearing, '7n ll.to down to "w Iron Hook and Ladder Wagon, 2 horses, 3 ladders, TCn with driver Mechanical Toy, cart and boy operator, works tutumatlcaily. Toy Drum,, extra embossed sides large size, 25c DOLLS all kinds all sizes 5C 9,85 Thousands of CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS are here for Men and Children. Cycle Wagons, steel s qe wheels J.tCj Rubber tired $4.t5 Bevel Black Board, hard wood, with chart, OB. $1.98 down to "C Western Kxpress, filled with building blocks, 0r Sue down lo AOfc, Toy Btove, all Iron, nickel plat ed, $3.95 down 25C Poli'hiVgfc'les snd do Carts, the lursretit selection In the city, , mm w Women to. OPEN EVENINGS. 1513 DODGE ST. Phonographs for the Family Juvenile Bicycles for the Children Edison Phonographs Sold on Easy Payments Machines from $10 to $75 U all prices. 'Boms bargains In second-band bicycles. VfjJ LOUIS FLESCHER 3 PHONB814. 1622 CAPITOL AV& Jit) ' H M SchmollerA nrr n Me rs Grand Sale of Highest Grade Pianos This Is not a sale of "old stocks" or of "plrs boxes" with celluloid keys that can be bought anytime fnr $85 to S100, THIS IS a sal of the finest planes made In this or any other coun trypianos that any home Is proud to have and Include the very latest advance Ideas of piano construction from the well known factories of "Stelnway," '"Sieger." "Emerson," McPhail," "A. B. Chase," "Hard man," "Steck," "Reed." "Baus," "Davis" and many others In upright and small grands, fancy or pialn, beautiful rare natural mahogany, walnut or oak of light and dirk shades, presenting altogether for your Inspection quality and . varUty not shown elsewhere. Beautiful patent grand uprights, em pire vtyle, something enmeiy new, expulslte tone; ask to see them. Our salesmen grow enthused when play ing on one of th se, made to s 11 at net. To Introduce them we J jln the manufacturer In reducing the price to (318 and we will accept tc ims as low aji $10 Cash and $5 Per Month $400 to $500 concert uprights with tone capacity equal to the la:get homes, brand new. Just out of the .ar; you will think the price must be a mistake when you tea them cut djwn to $268-$280-$292 It's a forcible Illustration of our natural advantage In merchandise Ing fine pianos. $300 to $400 brand new, upright pianos, specially high In quality, plttnoH that will carry Joy and con tentment to the l.ea.ts of their h ippy recipients, fully guaranteed. Now re duced to $210-$194-$182 Cash or $5.00 Moothly Payments New Sample Uprights $128-5-135 to $165 Made to sell at fully double our pr.ces, more positive bargains are be yond realization. Selec, your ilaup now. we will arrange the te.m. The "putter off" d,e.4 not secure the cream of the stock. Writ for cita logue, prices and terms, or vlsli' our wareroo.ns. wher) you are welcome whether you pu chase or nit. Pianos moved, tuned and r paired at lowest rates reliable, prompt servljo. Schmoller & Mueller Largest and Oldest Piano House In the west. ... it Thousands of Gift Sugges tions in Our Crockery Department TUB RELIABLE STORM. Fancy China, Classwate and Bronze Ware for the Holidays Great Holiday Clothing Specials W. mm I'm THERE'S NO USE ARGUING nnd you'll nprpr tlilnk of tlolns: o when you bo? thp WONDEKrTL Sl'IT VAIi I'ES we are offering f A AA Monday, at ll.UU Tou rc nerer worry about fit. fashion or fabric If you buy one of those suits They eome In all shades nrnl very latest styles, either single or double breastetl, nnd are made tip in series, cheviots, fancy worsteds, thibets, un finished worsteds and engsliuerea, etc. A most magnificent line, regular $!.' values- in sill 1U.UU special price mm IPlPW mmnmm f 15 MEN'S OVEIICOAT8, $10.00- lUgbt at the beginning of the real over coat weather, we place on sale this splendid line of stylish overcoats, at S3 1-3 per cent lees than their actual value fancy cheviots, Irish frieze, vicunas, kerseys and beavers, of splen, , did quality, in brown mixtures, ox ford grays, plain blues, browns and blacks, in long or medium length, with or without belted back, excellently lined and trimmed, well worth $1".(m our special sale price ....10.00 Copyright i 904, by Hart Schpffnrr ,5- Mar YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS In long and medium length, with or Without belt. In medlHm or dark shades, fancy mixtures and plain col ors, good serviceable linings special Monday at $3.0"), 7 C ( $5.00, $0.50 and .U YOUNG MEN'S SUITS- In ages from 13 to 19 years, In medium and dark shades, great variety of styles and fabrics, all well made and worth $5 to $10 our special sale price Monday 1 CA $3.50, $5.00, $0.50 and I.JU CHILDREN'S REEFERS In ages 4 to 16 years, In cheviots, Irish frieze and chinchillas, with high storm collai $1.05 and 2.5(1 HAVDER3 BROS. BETTER PIANOS CAN BE BOUGHT FROM THE BENNETT COMPANY For less money than anywhere else in Omaha. A call will prove it. EASY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED 11 -11 tvr ii I ...IK ' Mill - 11 - fl ...HOLLY-DAY SUGGESTIONS... Gillette Safety. Razors HERE ARE A FEW: Will shave any beard. A boy ean us them, 12 blades. M shavint edsea. tte lK shaves, Pr set tPtJ Heuckel's Emperor Razor, $2 each fdver7n' twThrSw your money away on cheap affairs. Then we have lower priced food Rasora. Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Scissor Sets Table Cutlery, Carvers, forjgpla CPIini I CA VX ti For the little folks, to the larger ones for jwbw fO0t power for larger bo tioya, Christmas Slippers ! manual thawing tools yvwb:zw After all the useful rifts are the ones that are appreciated the most every one ran use a new pair of slip pers. We have them displayed on a separate table, so that you can aslly select something for the baby, broth er, sister, papa, mamma,, uncle, aunt. grandpa or grandma. Every style, shap and slse. We Invite the Christmas choppers to look at this elegant display of Christmas slippers. Drexsl Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET, Omaha's Op-ti-Bati Shot Hons ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. Said They Would Starve to Death That's what a wholesale druggist told us they would do if every retail drug-gist boug-ht goods as we do. We told htm we bought goods wherever we could get the boat for the least money, and that what we expect our customers to do. We guarantee the MUCB and the qual ity of everything we sell. Here are a few Ztc Graves' Tooth Powder 10c $1.00 ller's Mult Whiskey 64c S1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 75o fl.Oft Hossack's Barsaparilla .c 1 os Huiinul's Vlolci Saichet Powder. .fc I os. Plevler's I Ttefle perfume 75c 1 os. Ouerluln's Jocky Perfume 76c jl 00 IJquosone all you want 7o bo Pozsoni Face Powder . 27o 6io Hind". Honey and Almond Cream.... 2Hc 6o Bocietle HVBeniiiue Boap 2c tsc Mennen's Talcum Powder 15o 2..0 Cutlcura Boap 2c 75c MelU-n s Food 6oc Our terms sre spot cash we have no bookkeeper you don't help pay for what some one gets for nothing see. SCHAEFER'S DttUd STORE E T. TATES. Prop. Itth snd Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 nd 77; 24th and N Bts., Bouth Omaha, 'Phone No. 1; (th Ave. and Main fit.. Coun cil bluffs. 'Phone m AH goods delivered lu ailber city absolutely Ires, I mm ma L HI a i h Never before have we shown such an Im- merne variety of patterns. All prices from 2f.c uDward to the finest Bterllnr silver and pearl handled scissor knives. Combination hunting knives . Don t miss our Pocket Knife Sale. Remember every one guaranteed. Sale lasts only for the Holly-Day trade. The largest line ever shown here, Just the gift for the man of the house or his son, or some other man's son. Nothing but th. Desi toois in tnem. Pocket Knives. Tool Cabinets.... wants. line. Remember, the rush for HOLLY-DAT shopping has commenced. delay. Maae your selection now. Don't JAS. MORTON SON CO. ""s?-"" J DBSJfJSJBSJBSjSSJBJSJBSJBJBQVJBSBBJSSJBJBJSj mWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmummmmmSSSm JUST COAL Coal Ibat cooks is the coal that the cook and house- that is more efiicient than the J u TRENTON COAL It is unsurjjassetl by any coal mined in Illinois. It is free from dirt and slate, thoroughly screened, free burner, burns to a lijht ash, and is satisfactory for every purpose. LUMP, S6.25. NUT, $6.00. Once a customer, always a customer. C. B. HAVENS & CO. 219 So. 16th St. Tels. 317-825. Importers of 1047 Roger Bios. Goods. Western Distributors Refcheiiberg-Smlth Co. Wholesale Jewelers (Largest In the West) Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc. Piles Cured WITHOUT AN OPERATION A written guarsntes given In every case treated by UK. MAXWELL. 6:4 Wee bldg., bnml.a. Nice Presant for Little foney Be and ular t nuslltv. silk, BTK.ni.INtl STLVEH UOLI HKAlKI I'MHHKLUB, regv r value 7.to to $-u.u0; KALE fHlCH i $3.90 to $9.50 Other good t'mbrellaa, 89c to l'J.00. EOSTQN U 1.1 BELLA CO., 606 S, 16th St. 1 m."