THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BUSVAY, DECEMBER 11, 1304. T5 CITT OFFICIAL VncF.. 7.83 7.2$ 7.25 7.25 NOTICT5 OF THE BITTING OF TMW CITY COI'NCIL AM A HUAKU OK rV CALI BRATION. 'Jo the ornifn of the lots, p.tris of lot anil rnl null dtvirrihed here4n or abutting on or adjacent ii tne mrwta, a Ir-ys c avenues herein nnmml, or 4lualed in whole or iu part within atiy of tiw dis tricts herein s)icltted, and mi being within the. City of Oinahu, Duugiaa county, Ne braska: oh, and each of you, are hereby notified that th city Council ot the City of Omaha will alt aa a board of Equalisation, at the Council t liamir In the Ity Hull. Omaha, Nebraska, three days, from K o'clock a, m. until o'clock p. m , communclng Tuesday. I number 13, 14, at 1') o'clock a. m , for tha purpn of considering and eijualirlng the proposed levy of special taK.-s and u wninfnu, aa shown by proposed plana of aeaesmnt prepared by the City iingmeer ami approved by tha Board ot i"ublio Works, and now on file In the office of the t'lty Clerk, and correcting any error therHn and bearing all complaints that the owneia of property so to be assessed and taxed miiy make; said epeclal taxes and nssesments proposed to be levied being necessary to cover tue com of the several improvement duly authorised to be mada and now completed, aa follow: To rover the roat of damage awarded for property appropriated under and In pur suance of the provision of Ordinance No. 62M. for the purpose of opening and widen ing 27th street from Hickory aireet to Ltn coTn avenue amounting to the turn of 1175 00, which aum It la proposed to asnese upon the Iota and real estate specially ben-r-nted by reason of said opening and widen ing, aa follow: ' lot 1 to 11, Inclusive, block 30, liana- com F ace. at if 24 eacn T lot 12. block 20. Hanaeom Place East 127 feet aub lot 2, lax lot 6, sec tion 28-16-13 East 91 feet tub lot , tax lot S, auc tion 28-15-13 East 92 feet aub lot 4, tax lot 6. sec tlon 18-16-13 u. ii 1.1,1 t an 12 feet of west 12132 feet tax lot 6, ejection 28-15-13.... 14.4$ North 864 feet of south, 664 feet of it 92 feet of weat 126 feet tax lot 6, gee- tlon 28-15-13 , 61.S To cover the coat of damages awarded for property appropriated under and In pursuance of provlalona of Ordinance No. 6296, for the purpose of widening alley be tween 20 in atreet and tn avenue from Curlew Lane to the north line of ub lot , tax lot 21. seotlon 84-16-12. amounting to the mi m of $411.80, wulch aum It la proposed to assess Upon the lota and real estate specially benefited by reason of said widen ing, as follows: , . West 127V feat of lot F. Hascalla a- dltlon to Okahoma J Lot 1. Mlchels' Bub i: : i; li lots 2. and 4, Mlchals Bub, at $13.86 each. ,. 41. ra Lot 6. Mlchels' Bub Lot . Mlchels' Bub i Vlii'ii U a lots 7 and , MioheUV sub, at 128.82 eaoh 67. ot East 167H feet subdivision 1 of sub lot 2. tax lot 8L section 84-16-13.......... 36.58 East 167H feet subdivision I of sub lot 8, tax lot 81. section 84-16-TS.... ........ East 167H feet subdivision 3 of sub lot 2. taxlot 31, section 84-15-18......... L East 167H feet sub lot 2, tax lot 31, aectlon 84-14-18 71. U North H sub Jot , tax tot SX, seo- tlon 84-lt-18 ! 1"7 To oover ths one-half coat of grading th street, from Bancroft street to a point 80 feet north of Bancroft street, amount ing to ths sum of 8M8.78, which sum It Is proposed to sssees upon ths lots and real state on both aldea of Sild street, accord ing to the usual scaling baok process, pro rats, per foot fronts", at the rate of 80.28189 p' foot, as follows: Lot t. block 1, Mcintosh's subdivision. 814. J9 Lot , block 1, Molntoah's subdivision. 8.74 Lots 7, 8, 8 and 10, block 1, Mcln- tosh's subdivision, at 814.09 each.... M M Lot 7, block 2, Molntooh's subdivision. 14.00 Lot 8. block , Mcintosh's subdivision. 8.74 Lots . 10, 11 and 12, bloei. 8, M Intoah's subdivision, at $14.10 each.. &S.40 Vacated alley, lying between lots 7 and 8, . block 2. Molntosh's eubdl- vision ; t M To oover the cost of constructing sewer In Sewer District No. 284, Wirt street, be tween 24th street and 27th street, amounting to the sum of $1,821.07, which sum It 1 proposed to susesa upon the lots and real estate Included within said district, pro rata, per foot frontnge, at the rate of 80 MCI 42 per foot, as follows: Lot 15, Xiavenport's sub... 129.80 Lot W to 24 Inclusive, Davenport's ub., at $29.31 each 2C2.79 Et feet of north 132 feet of south 15985 feet, lot 45, Diss's addition.... 46.89 North 122 feet of south 15H.85 feet of lots 4H to 61 Inclusive, Glse's addl- tlon. at $77.85 each 467.10 South 133 feet of north 1M.15 feet lots 68 to 63 Inclusive, Glse's addition, fit 377.85 each 487.10 Kst 80 feet of south 132 feet of north 158.1$ feet lot 44, UlaVs addition . 48.89 To cover the cot of constructing aewer In Bewer District No. 288, alley between Jackson and Jones etreeta from 36th street to 8th street, amounting to the sum of $735 34, which sum It Is proposed to assess upon tha lots and rual estate Included within said district pro rnta per foot front ge at the rate of fo.79683 per foot, as fol low: . , Lot t to 3, lnclulve. Isaao & Sel- don'S addition, at 85JB2 each .$420.16 lots 1, 2, 3. 6. 7 and 8, block 12, Isaao Beldeu's addition, at $52.63 each.... 8U.18 To cover the cost of constructing sewers In Sewer District No. Z2. Clifton Hill, amounting to tho sum of $11,664.69, which sum It Is proposed to assess upon the lots, parts of lots and real estate Included within , said district specially benefited by reason of said sewer construction, according to the usual scaling back process, pro rata per foot frontage at the rate of 80.6378 per foot, as followa. Lot 1. block 1. Clifton Hill addition. .$ 51.02 Ix)ts 2 and 3. block 1. Clifton Hill ad- dltlon. at $26.61 each 61.03 Lot 4. block 1, Clifton Hill addition.. 26.79 Lots 6 to 22, Inclusive, block 1, Clifton Hill addition, at Hl.W each 674.02 Lot 23, block 1. Clifton Hill addition.. 26.16 Lots 24 and 26, block 1, Clifton Hill addition, at $25.61 each Lot 26, block 1, Clifton Hill addition.. Lot I. block 2. Clifton Hllll addition. . Lot 4. block 2, Clifton Hill addition.. Tvta k tit Inclusive, hlock 2. Clifton Hill addition, ut $31.89 each 610.24 Lot 21, block 2, Clifton Hill addition. 28.U6 Lots 26 and 26. block 2, ClUlon Mill addition, at $25 51 each Lot 1. block 3, Clifton Hill addition.. Lot I, block 8, Clltton Hill addition.. Lot $. block 3. Clifton iillt addition., lot 4, block 3, Clifton Hill addition lxit 7. block 8. Clifton Hill addition.. Lots. 8 to 17, Inclusive, block 3, Clifton Hill addition, at eacn . Lot 1H, Work .1, Clirion Hill additUfti.. lt 22, block 3, Clifton Hill addition., lxit 23, Mock 3, Clifton Hill addition.. Lot 24, block 3, Clifton Hill addition.. Lot 26, block 3, Clifton Hill addition. . U.t 26, block 3, Clifton Hill addition . Ixt I, blix-k 4, Clifton Hill addition.. Lot 2. block 4. Clifton Hill addition.. Lot 3, block 4. Clifton Hill addition.. lots 4 and 6, block 4, Cliltou Hill Hddltlon, at tai.sS each 63.78 Lot 6, block 4, Clifton Hill addition.. 3i7'J Lot 1", block 4, Clifton Hill addition., 26.J3 Lola 11 to 18, Inclusive, block 4, Clifton Hill addition, at $31.89 each 159.46 lot 16, block 4, Cllrton Hill addition., 35 72 Lot DO. block 4, Cllflou 11111 audition.. . ,ot 21 to 23, Inclusive, blocK 4, Clifton Hill uddlilon, at $3l.s9 each lot 21, block 4, Clifton Hill ttdditiou. lot 2o, block 4. Cllfto.i Hill Md-Mt'-T!. . lot 26, block 4, Clifton Hill addition.. Lot 1, blan k 0. t iiuoii Jim uoaiiion.. a, w hMjib iw I' biiii linn Lots 3 to 8, Inclusive, block 6, Clifton 111 II addition, at .ii.s:i eacn lot 7, block 5. C, If ton Hill addition.. Lot 10 block 6, Clifton Hill addition., Lota ll and 12, block o, i l.fion stilt uJ dltlon, ut 31. l cMuii 1 .... ... Inrtl.i.lua S fit liUlU 1 HI lliriu.iT, ui.iv m v. tl. - ton Hill addition, at $31.89 each 382 Lots 1 to 24. inclusive. Mock i. CUT inn Hill addition, at 831 89 each Luis 1 to 24 inclusive, block 8. Clif ton Hill addition, at 831.86 each Lota 1 to 24. Inclusive, block . Cllf ton Hill addition, at $31. Ml each 766.36 Lota 1 to 24, Inclusive, block ID. Clif ton Hill Hddltlon, at 831.88 each 76S.3S 1his 1 to 10, Inclusive, block 11. Cllf- len Hill addition, at $31.89 each 318.80 lot 11, block 11, Clifton Hill addition. $1.82 Lots 12 to 13. inclusive, block 11. Clif ton Hill adllllon, at $26 61 each 102.04 Lots 17 to 26, Inclusive, block 11, Clif ton Hill addition, l $31.88 each 118. 90 Lot 1 to Iu. Inclusive, block 12. Clif ton Hill addition, ut $.11. K9 each $18.90 Lot 11, block 12. Clifton Hill addition.. 6182 lout 12 to 16. Inclusive, block 12. Cllf- ten Hill addition, at $26 51 each lirj.04 Lot 14. block 12. Clifton Hill addition. 51.82 Lota 17 to 26. Inclusive, block 12. Clif ton Hill addition, at $31 89 esch 318 90 Lois 1 to 9, Inclusive, block 13, Clifton Hill addition, at 8.11. 89 ech 287 01 Lot 10. block i:(. Clifton Hill addition., li .96 Lot 11. block 12. Cllflou Mill addition.. 42 41 lot 12. block 13. Clifton Hill addition.. 14 67 Lots 12 to Jo, Inclusive, block 13. Clif ton IIMI addition, at $15 92 each 126 56 lot 21. block 13. Clifton Hill addition.. 16.12 Lots 23 to 80. Inclusive, block 13, Clif ton Hill addition, at $31. 8 each 266.12 Lots t to T. Inclusive, block 14. Clifton . Hill addition, at Willi each 228 28 l.(H t, block 14. Clifton Hill addition. ll.4k lots to . inclusive, mock 14, Clifton IIMI uddlilon. at 815.82 etch lot 19. block 14. Cllflou Ulll addition Lot 21. block 14. Clifton Hill addition Lota 22 to , Inclusive, block 14, Cllf. lui Hill uildilldn, at $31.U rucli. .. Iota 1 to t. Inclusive, niocx lu. Clif ton Hill addition, at I.11 ;i each.... c Lot 6. block 15. Clifton Hill audition, u fcj lots 7 .mid . Mock in. iiuoii iiiiii sddltlou. at $'.$2 each , Lot Id K-k 16. Clifton Hill addition, lot 1, block 16. Clifton Hill ad llllon. Lot (. block In 4'hftou Hill a Inlitin Lots $ u 18, Inclusive, block 16. Cllf citv orriciAL sotice". 61.02 61.02 27.74 26.15 61.05 40.82 111.41 15.31 6.38 21.37 318.90 2S.70 Si. 8li 15 31 2i.4l 40.82 40. Ki 20.41 15.31 41.46 95.67 . lu.31 20.41 40.82 44.(3 28.86 127 66 26.78 23.91 63.78 766.38 766.38 toi Hill addition, st $15 .1 ench 210.70 Reserve lying between lot 13, block 6. ' sn.i lot 1. block . Clifton Hllll addi tion 11 liseivo lying between lot 12. bbx-k a. nnd lot 1. blo.-k 18. Clifton Hill addl- lion 31.91 Lots 13 to 24. Inclusive, block 4. Crelgli- ton Heights addition, at 841. 8S eacn.. 882 Lot 14. nlock 8. C rein h ton ile'gnt addition Ii3 Lot 16, block 6. Crelghton Helfciit addition 20.61 Lfit 14, block 6, Crelghton Heights . addition Lots 17 to 2i, inclusive, block 6. Crelgh- ton Heights addition, at $31.69 ea h.. 318. P0 lots 9. lu and II. block 4, Hitchcock 1st addition, at $3189 each fe Lots 10 to 18, Inclusive, block 6. Hitch- cock 1st addition, at $;il 9 each.... 2S7.01 Last 182 feet of tax lot 15, section 8-14-13 408.19 To cover he coat of constructing sewers In Heaer District No. 2l4. llarr.ey, Pamam and Ixjuglas streets, from 42d street to Huddle cieek, amounting to the sum of $AJ83. which sum It Is proposed to assess upon the lots, parts of lots and real estate, Included within aald district and specially benefited by reason of aid sewer con struction, pro rata per foot froniago. at the rate of $n.846707'i4 er foo'., as follow: tot is to 19. inclusive, niocs I'lac Addition, CITT OFFICIAL ftOTKES. Brlggs each .. Lota, 20 Brlggs each . . Lota 26 Brlggs each to 26, Place to "'," Place inclusive, Addition, Inclusive, Addition, at $31.i4 ...$124.16 block 5, at $2.33 19X98 blnnl , at 831.04 .. 124 1 Lot 80. block 6, Brlggs Place Addition 31 30 Lot so, Clock 6, lings; Ms.ce Auaiunn Lot II to I Inrlllsive block 6. Hrlggs Place addition, at $3183 each. 2F 8 64 eacn 264.64 Lot 1 to 8. Inclusive, block 9, Brlarm Plana Addition, at 832.83 ach 1 2M.64 Lot , block 9, Brlgg Place Addition 22 W Lot $0. block t Urigga Place Addition Lots 81 to 88, Inclusive, diock 9, Brlggs Place Addition, at $32.34 each 2."8 Lot 1. block 10, Brlggs Place Addition. 31.10 Lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block 10, Brlggs Place Addition, at $31 .04 each 124.16 Lots 6 to 11, Inclusive, block 1", Brlggs Place Addition, at $32.33 each Lots II Brlggs esch .. LoU 20 Brlggs each .. Lota Brlggs eacn to 19, Place t o" 26.' Place to" 29," Place Inclusive, Addition, Inclusive, Addition, Inclusive, Addition, block lo. at $31.04 block 10, at $3284 block 10, at $31.04 193.98 218.33 194.04 124.16 Lot 80, block 10, Brlggs Place addition 2i.t Lot i. oiock ll. Mr ass fiace auanion oi.o lots 1 tn K InMiialv. Vtlnol 11 Hrtirir Place addition, at $81.04 each 124. 16 Lots to ll. Inclusive, block 11, Brlggs Place addition, at 832.24 eacn 194.04 Lota 11 to 19 inolualv. hlock u. Bricaa Place addition, at 831.04 ach 248.32 Iota at to "F. Inflmlvi. hlnrll 11 Hriama Place addition, at 832.84 each 104.04 Lota 28 lo 2B. Inclusive block 11. BtIkkS Place addition, at $31.04 each 124.16 Lot 80, block 11, Brlggs Place addition 21. 3u LMia i to 8. inclusive, block 12, tfriggs Lot 9, block 12, Brlggs PIhcs addition.. 19.72 Lot 83, block 12. Brlggs Place addition 24.74 win M to 41, inclusive, diock vi, xinggs Plsoe addition, at H2.33 each 258.64 North one-hair lots 2 to 6, Inclusive. block IV Highland Pines addition, at $28.46 eacn 142.30 North one-half lot 1. hlnek 16. Hlchland Place addition 2910 North one-hair lots 9 to 12, Inclusive, block IK Highland Placa addition, at $28.46 each 142.30 lot 30 lliirhlanrl Place PsdilnckS. BUb of block 16, Smiths' addition 30.40 Tot 11 Hla-hlnn Plar.v PadnocKS SUD of block 16. Smiths' addition 30.40 Lot 33. Hirhhind Pino. Pnil. locks Bub of block 16. Smith's addition 29. 7S Lots 12 tn IB Inclusive, block 6. Jerome Park addition, nt 32X.48 each 142.30 Lot 37. block 6, Jerome Park addition 29.10 Lots 88 to 42. Inclusive, block 6, Jerome Park addition, at $28.46 each 142.30 Lot 48, block 6, Jiroine Park addition 80.40 lots 44, 45 snd 46, hiock li. jerome Park addition, at $29.75 each $9.-25 Lota 1 to 7. Inclusive, block 1. Lets enrlnr's addition, at $32.33 each 226.31 Lots 1. 1 and 1 block 2. Lelaenrlng'S addition, at 19'! 33 nach 96.99 Lot L block 1. Kalph Place addition.. 38.80 Lota 2 to 12, Inclusive, block 1. Ralph Place addition, at 812.84 each 388.08 To cover the cost of conatructlng sewer In Hewer District No. 21. 14tn street, irom Madison avenue, north, amounting to the sum of $452.55, which sum It I proposed to assess upon the lots and real estate spe cially benefited b reason of said sewer con struction, pro rata, per foot frontage, at the rate of $2.2972 per foot, aa follows: Lot 13, Washington Square $104.90 Lots 14 and 15. Washington Square. at $104 91 each W.82 Lot 16. Washington Square 137.83 To cover the cost of constructing perma nent sidewalks, amounting to tho sum of $8,294.61. which sum It la proposed to asaess upon the lots, parts of lots and nieces of real estate along and adjoining which aald walks were constructed, as follows: West H lot 8, block 102. city 66.03 West 2.3 feet east tt lot 6, block 102, city KuMt H lot 2, block 119, city Weat U lot 6. block 138. city Lot 1. block 4, Baker Place 3.70 87.15 64.24 36 25 06.34 14.15 127.60 Lota 2, 8 and 4, block 4, Baker Place, at $18.78 each j"."" East lit feet lot 6. block 4, Baker Place Lola 9, 10. 11 and 12, reallotment block 2. Bemls Park, at $31.90 each Lots 10, 11, 13 and 15, reallotment and subdivision block 3. Bemls Park, at $29.00 each 11800 Lots 11 and U subdivision block 6. Bemls Park, at $32.2a each....... M M Bub lot 14, of lot 3, Capitol addition.. Lots 1 to ll. Inclusive, block 8, Clifton Hill, at $29 each 319.08 Lots 13 to 24, Inclusive, block 9, Cllf ton Hill, at $29 each 34S.O0 Lots 14 and 15, block 11. Clifton HI.:, 6U.Cta . Lot 16. block li, Clifton Hill Lot 11, block 12. Clifton Hill Lot 13. block 12, Clifton Hill............ North 38 feelot 14, block 12, Clifton Lot 2! "8,' '9" and io" block 13, Clifton Hill, at a eacn.. 68.00 34. M) 85.63 27. 53 116.00 97.67 16.65 17.40 89.80 22.80 158.20 14. 4K 2T.4J li8 46 "I 64 28. 'in f i 63 43 la Lot ll, block 13. Clifton Hill Lot 12, block 13, Clifton Hill Lot 13. block 13, Clifton Mill..... ...... Lota 16 to 20, inclusive, block 13, Cllf ton Hill, at $17.96 each.... Lot 21. block 13, Clifton Hill........... t 1A rt IS InnlofllVA. block 14. CUf- ton Hill, at $17.96 each.... 161.64 Lot 19. block 14, Clifton Hill. ......... .. .'$.) Bouth 22.6 feet lot 2. block 16. Cllflou urn Lots 4 to 16, inclusive, block 16. Clifton mil ut 117.18 each 21.1.17 East 90 feet lot 12, block 7, Hanscom wVsTio feetV east' lib' 'feei."lot 12, biock 7. Hanscom Place...;....... ........... .. West 40 feet, east 1.0 fett, lot 12. block 7. Hanscom Place West 11 feel lot 12, block 7. Hanscom Kast feet lot 13." block 7, Hanscom H(.Q ', VrT 60 feet, est 79 feet, lot 18, block 7, Hanscom Place West 167 feet lot 16. block i. Hanscom Wst1) feet lot "u," block 8. Hanscom Pltvc ' West one-half lot 4. block 2, Isaac LoulTand l"b'lork"i"isiac aV Beiden's , Ii7 UT. each I.ot 4, block 3. Isaac 4k Belden' lot 7, DIOCK 1., .UUII1W m." Lot 8. block 1. Lakes' addition......... Bouth one-half lot 9. block 1. Lakee' M,l.lll..n South one-half lot 10. block 1. Lakes' addition Lot , block 4. Lakes' addition Lot 7. block 4. lakes' addition Lot W, block 4, Lakes' addition. North 22 fset lot 1. block "U." Lowes addition Lot 12, block "M." Lowes' addition.... Lots 17 and 18, block 1, Marysvllla ad dition, at $36.81 each T ni 10 block 1. Marvsvlllo Hddltlon. .. . Lots 20, 21 and 22. block 1, Marysvllla addition, at $36.25 each Lot 13, block 2, Mnrysvllln addition.... 46.85 Lot 14. block t. Murysvllle addition.... 36.26 East 40 fret lot 20, block 2. Murysvllle addition . 29.00 Wnst 18 9 feet lot 21. block J. Marys vllla addition 10.08 North lot 18. block 2, Orchard Hill addition 32 01 South one-half north one-half lot 13, block 2, Orchard Hill addition 23.55 South one-half lot 13, block 2, Orchard Hill addition 47.16 Lota 17. 18. 1 and 20. Mock 4. Orchard Hill addition, at tVM.n such 145.00 F-ust 100 feet north 1) feet lot 6, block 5. orchard. Hill addition........ 72 to Lt H8 feet north 130 feet lot 7, block 6. Orchard Hill addition 71. Oj .ot 11 block 6. Orchard Hill addition. . w ot 13. block 6. Orchard 14 ill addition.. 9. Lota 16 to 82, Inclusive, block 6. Or chard Hill addition, at $.16.25 each.. . Lots 3 and 4. block 6 Orchard HIU addliloit, at 136.25 each 72.60 Lot 14, 16. U. 23. M. 26. 27. l. 81. 3'. 34 36. 36. 37 and 38 Mo k I. Orchard llt'.l add tlon. at 136 (3 each 644 SO Lot 6 ai d 8. block 9. Orchard Hill ad dition, at (34 26 each 72.60 lolp l1 I" 16. Inclusive. blol 11. or charl Hill add tint , st $3 !i eirh.... HJ0 Lot 1. Penni'll till 5 1.6: lot 6. bloik 2 Perklis' sub ill i lot 6 block 2. Popiilfion park 11055 Lot 8 snd 11. block I. Pi ppletoii park. at $1626 each 72.50 Lots t. 4 6. T. 10 and 12 block 1, Kalph Place, st $3. 2 each MT.f 69.81 29.00 29.00 7.95 21.05 36.K 48.50 66.98 12.96 95.70 66.03 93.110 67.37 26.62 26.35 49.45 45.W 61.70 15.1 92.38 73.62 35.90 108.75 Lots 11. 12. 15. 16, 17 and 18, bl.xk 2. sub. div. John i. flean k , ui 8a(.b each U1.8 lot 5. block 1. sjb. di. Jokn I. Itedick'S 65.1's North one-half lot 7, block 6, sub. div. Jolm I. Redlck 32.61 Lots 9 and W. Idoik 7, Keed's 1H ad- d tlon, at 47.8i .ach 96.70 lot Is. Heed run , south one-half biock 12, He.d 1st add. .Inn 1B.1S lxt li. Bus tins addi. loo to Plaliiview 22.S4 Lots 1 and 2, block l," asunders at Himebaiigh s sddlllnn, ut $3S.os each TIJO Lot .1. blocK "D." Saunders A Hime- baugh's addition 40 33 Tot 1. tluk 8. Bhlnn's a dl.lon 51.64 lot 12. block 8, Shlnn 1 add tl n 63 25 North 66 teet lot 1, block 17, E. V. Smith's addition 62 21 I South nne-hali lot 2, block 17, V. c-mitns aaauiun North 17 feet lot 4. block 17. K. V. Smith's addition 14.78 lot 12, block 5. Kummlt place 66.68 Lots 3, 4. a and 6. block 1, Walnut Hill addition, at 843.79 tach 178.18 lot 7. block 1, Walnut H it sddltl ih.. 3 Lot 8, block 1. Walnut hill addi.lm.. 156.64 Lo;s 1 and 16, block 2, VVainut Hill addition, at 111 75 each :7.C0 Lota 11 to 16, Inclusive, hlock 13, Wal nut Hill addition, at $36 2 each 11.25. Lot 16. block 13, Walnut Hill addition 42(4 Lot 1. block 12. Ween End addition ... 13. 05 South 62i, feet lot 2, block 8. West Omaha addition 46.18 North s2V feet lot 3. block , West Omaha addition 46.18 West 40 feet eat 120 feet ub lot 10. tax lot 29, section 4-1.1-13 24.57 Bub lot 12. tax lot 29. section 4-15-13.. 26.57 Sub lot 4, tax lot 12. section 21-15-13.. 68.15 East 25 feet sub lot 6. tax lot 12, sec tion 21-15-13 Ills North 132 feet of that part of the northwest of the northwest section 36-15-13. lying west of South east Boulevard 471 ,2 To cover the cost of constructing per manent sidewalks, amounting to the sum of 23,163 40, which sum it is proposed to asses upon the lots, parts of lots and pieces of real estate along snd adjoining which said walks have been constructed, ac follows: Lot 8, block 38. city $ 43.72 Lot 4. block 61, city 100.63 South 90 28 feet lot 6. block 221. city.. 49 65 Lot 6, block 221, citv 36 31 lot 7, block 221, city 36 31 lot 8. block 221. city 61 31 Lot 7, block 222, city 36.31 Lot 8. block 222, city 66 86 lot 1. block 229, city 36.81 Strip lying east of and adjoining lot 1. block 239. city 25.36 Lot 2, block 2?9. city 86 31 Lot 8, block 229, city 36 31 lot 4. block 229, citv 44 16 lot 1. block 230. citv 8611 Strip lying east of and adjoining lot 1. Moqk 230, city 16 OS Lot 2. block 230. city 86 81 lot 8. hlock 230. citv 86.81 Lot 4. block 230. city 41.88 lot 4. block 260. City 100.68 East 31 feet lot 8, block 266, City 87.30 North 66 feet lot 1, block 844, City.... 65.20 North C6 feet lot 8. block 344, City.... 3631 CITT OFFICIAL ftOTICF.s. West 16 feet lot 11. Davenport's sub.. 6.65 East 80 feet lot 12. Davenport s sub.. 18 o West 80 feet lot it. Davenport's sub.. II (f lot 13 Davenport sub 27.64 East 10 feet lot 14 Davenport's sab.. 5 Vet 4" feet lot 14, Davenports sub.. 12.10 lot 1. block 1. Kred iellone addition. 79 44 Lot 9, block I. Fred Dellone's addition. 36.41 Lot 10. block 1. Kred Dellone s sddl- tlon 34. TS lot 1, block 4, Fred Dellone's addition. 144.76 Lots t and 9 hlock 4. Kred Delioue addition, at $36 41 each 72.82 tot lv, biock 4, Fred Dellone's aadl- tlon . 9$ Lot 1. block L Denman Place 73.61 East 10 feet lot 4, block 1, Denman Place M West 40 feet lot 4. block 1, Denman Place I 22.10 Lots 6, .6, 7 and 6, block 1, Denman nac. at 827.60 eacn J, 7- 2i.t,0 67 4 34.39 33 .10 27.28 11.69 99.28 Kt 3i I 21. 44.20 44 10 68.46 27.17 West 117 feet lot 10. block 187V4, City.. 4K.S4 South 62 feet lot 6. hlock 2004, City. Lot 6, block 200H. City 4P.97 43.62 East one-half lo; 7. block 20OV6. City.. 21.84 Weat 27 feet lot 8. block 2oo. City.... 17.S8 South 42 feet north 60 feet lot 18, block 2, Armstrong's lt Addition.. 23.17 South 74 feet lot 18, block 2. Arm strong's 1st Addltl.11 41.61 North 1.6 feet lot ill block 2. Arm strong 1st Addition 30.59 Bouth one-l.alf bit 20. block 2. Arm strong's In Addition 1155 Lot 21. block 2. Arfntti oner's 1st Add! tlon 83.10 Lot 22. block 2. Armstrong's 1st Addl tlon 83.10 South half lot 23. blo.k 2. Armstrong's 1st Addition 16.53 North one-half lot 23. block 2. Arm strong's 1st Addition 1665 South 2 feet lot 25. block 2. Arm strong's 1st Addition 28.67 North one-half lot 27. block 2. Arm strongs 1st AdiU lon ' 17.14 Lot 28. block 2. Armstrone-'a 1st Addi tion 33.10 Lot 30. block 2. Armstrong's lit Ad 11 tlon S3.10 North one-half lot 81. block 2. Aim- strong's 1st Addition 7I.C South one-half lo- 4. block 3. Arm strongs 1st Addition 36.91 Bouth one-half lot 5. block 3, Arm strong's 1st Addition 36.94 south one-half lot 6, block J. Arm strong's 1st Addition 38.94 Bouth one-half lot 7. block 3. Arm strong's 1st Addition 36.94 cast m.b reet south one-half lot 8 block 3. Armstrong's 1st Addition... 9.13 West 60 feet lot 3. Armstrong's Sub.. 27.87 South one-half lot 1. Andrews. Wil liams A Troxells" Sub S1.f9 noutn one-half lot 2. Andrew". W llnms A TroxellV Sub 26.38 lot a. Andrews. Williams & Troxel Is .Sub 25.36 Xjoib 4 nnd o. Andrews. Williams Ac Troxells Sub., at $25.36 each 50.72 oourn one-half lot 6 Andrews, Wil liams A Troxells" Sub 23.86 ,01 u, Andrews. Williams A Troxell s llhHIvlal.. - Lot 9, Barkalow 'pia'ca'addition'.' .'.'.' 26.95 tot w, uarkaiow Place addition i4.21 west 40 reel east 56 fet south 117.6 feet lot 11. Barker's allotment., 17.07 west -4 loet, south 100 feet lot 12. Barker's allotment 19.00 t,Hsi 4U reet. south 100 feet, lot 12, Barker's allotment 17.87 a reet. west 40 reet lot 16. Bart lett s ndflitlon , 21 19 Lot 3, block "A," Bedford ' 29 79 Lot 4, block "A," Bedford 28.79 L.01 24, diock , Hccond addition to Bedford Place 76.66 1.01 1, Minings nut) 14 5; Lot 4, block 2, Hoggs & Hill's 1st ad dition 26.84 Lot , diock 6, Hoggs & Hill's 1st ad dition iti.34 Lot 10, block 1, Boyd's addition 75 73 Lot 1. block 8, Boyd's addition 78.13 loi iv, luocK a, noyu s addition 74.47 Lot 10, block 4, Boyd's addition... a.... 68.44 Lot 1, block 6 Boyd's addition 107.67 Lots 2, 3 and 4. block 6, Boyd's ad dition, at $29.79 each.'. 89.37 Lot 6, block 5, Boyd's addition 86 41 lot 1, block 8, Boyd's addition 8614 Lots 2, 3 and 4, block 8, Boyd's ad dition, at $29.79 each 89.37 Lot 5, block 8, Boyd's addition - 36.14 South 1V& feet lot 2. block 17, Boyd's addition go Lot 4, block 17, Boyd's addition 29.79 Lot 6, block 17, Boyd's addition 26.14 Lot 1. block 20. Boyd's addition a7 M Lots 2, i and 4, block 20. Bovd's addition, at 329.78 each . ST Lot 6, block 20, Boyd's adidtion 37.63 South U- V4 block 1, Bowery Hill addition 40.26 East 60 feet of aajiool lot In block t, Bowery Hill addition 27,00 West 137 feet of north 238 feet block 9, Bowery Hill addition 6803 lot 16, block 7. Brlggs' Place 28.48 Lots 16, 17 and 18. block 7. Brlggs' Place, at $21.19 each 63 67 Lola 19 to 24, inclusive, block 7, Brlgtts' Place, at $22.06 each 132.30 Lots 26, 26 and 27, block 7, Brlggs' Place, at $21.19 each iia KI lot 28, block 7. Brlgga' Place 2MI6 South 60 feet lot 2!, burr Oak J5.U8 North 60 feet west luo feet lot 31, Burr Oak g,uo West H lot 32, Burr Oak 3310 North U west H lot 83, Burr Oak lti.iS North Va west V, lot 35, Burr Oak.... 46.84 Lots 44 to 48, Inclusive, Burr Oak, at $33.10 each rifis en Lot 49, Burr Oak 4.39 West 80 feet lot 10. block 1. Camp bell's addition on Lots 12. 14 16 and 18, block 1. Camp bell's addition, ut $33.10 each 132 40 Lot 20, block 1, Campbell's addition... 35 08 lot 30, block 1, Campbell's addition... 99 94 Lot 9. block 4. Campbell's addition 11a 'a West 99 feet lot 10, block 4. Campbell s addition 33 10 North S west 99 reet lot 16. block 4, Campbell's addition 1953 South t west 99 fret lot 24. block 4, Campbell addition 117 West 99 feet lot 28. block 4, Camp bell's addition as 74 South H lot 32, block 4, Campbell's ad dition 18.41 South 4 lot 33, block 4, Campbell's ad-. dltion 2310 East H south 1 lot 34. block 4, Camp bell's addition 18 55 West H lot li, block 4. Campbell's ad dition 17.19 South 4 lots 86 and 87. block 4, Camp tie) l' addition, at $33.10 each 66.20 vdltlon, ut $33 10 each East M, south V lot 39, block 4, Camp bell's addition 16 6( Lot lu, block 17, Central Park addi tion $9(1 Lots 11, 12 and 14. block 17, Central Park addition, at $38.10 each 9930 lot 16. block 17, Central Park addi tion 69.78 South 133 feet lot 34. Clark Place 96 Y Bouth one-lwJf lot 2, block 1, Collier Plane 4.8B Lota 8. 4 and 6. block 1. Collier Place. at $29 79 each 8) 37 Lot 6, block I. Collier Place 37 24 lit 1. block 2. Collier Place 87.6a Loi 2 3 4 and $, block 2. Collier Place. ut $29.79 each 119.16 Lot 6. bloc k 2. Collier Place 87. U Iota 7 and 18. block 4. Collier Place, ut $27.60 each $3.80 lots 1 to 14, Inclusive, block 6, Collier , Mace addition, at $27 60 each 2TO.80 Lot 1p, block 6. Collier Placs addition. 321 Lot J. C0III11B' Plsce r, V6 lot tl Colllna' Place ' 91 Lot 14. block 2. Cottage Park 112 4.1 lot 3. block 21. Credit Fonder 29.15 lot 4. block 21. Credit Fonder 42 IN lot 1 blink 2., Credit Fonder 41.17 lots .'and 3. block 22. Credit Fonder. at $?U15 each ' (W.30 Lot 4. block 22. Credit FviKier 43 41 I.ot lo, Davenport's sub . . "7 01 East 40 feet lot 11. Davenport's' u'b'. 12 10 49.01 71.6 9.60 9.60 9.72 14.79 19 22 20.18 18.21 49.08 36.41 36.68 36.68 lot 1. block 4, Denman Place.... Lot it', block 4, Denman Mac Lota 16 and 17 block 4. Drakes' ad- . dltlon, at $38.74 each Lot 1. block 8, Drakes' Addition Lot 2, block 8, Drakes' Addition.... lot 19, blick 7. Drakes' Addition.... Btrlp west of lot 18. block 7, Druid Hill addition Lot 18, 19, 20 and 21. block 7, Druld Hill Addition, at $24 82 each T, 91 I.UAt -. 1 ,-...A llio AilHlfion.. lot 6,'block 8,'Druld Hill Addition... 76.9V west 5 reet. lot 15, block s. uruni Hill Addition lot 16. block 8, Druld Hill Addition... Lota 3 and 4. block 1, Dupont Place, . at $22.10 each Lots 2 and 4, block 2, Dupont Place, m sj.iu eacn South H lot 6, block 2, Dupont Place.. 22.10 Bouin 4114 reel, tot t, oiock i. uuiiuhi Place North 41H feet, lot 6, block 2, Dupont Place Tits 9 K anrt hlnflr Duivont Place. at $22.10 each lot 1, block 4, Dupont Place 114-26 Lots t and 8. block 4, Dupont Place, at $22.10 each .20 Tots i tn 7 inclusive block 4 .Duuont Place, at 122.10 each 88.40 Lot 1, block 6, Dupont Place 1.7 Lots 2, 8, 4, 6 and 7. block 6, Dupont Place, at $22.10 each 110.60 North H lot 8. block 5. Dupont Place.. 23 .10 North lot 9. block 5. Dupont Place.. 24 19 Lot 10, block 6, Dupont Pi.ioe ss.JJ Lot 10. sub Div., block 6. Dupont Place IO.61 Lota 15 to 19. Inclualve. block 7. Dupont Plaoe. at 122.11) each HO-60 South 75 feet north 100 feet, lot 22, block 7, Dupont Place North one-half west 100 feet, lot 10, Elisabeth Place Lot 7, Ellis Place lot 8, Ellis Place Lot 11, Ellis Place Lot 12, Ellis Place Lot 2, Flack sub lot 274. Millard tc caidweu s addition Lot 6, Flack's sub lot 27H. Millard 4V Caldwell's audition East 33 feet lot 7, Ulae's addition East 68.82 feet north one-half lot 45, Glse's addition Weat 66.41 feet north one-hlilf lot 47, Cilse's addition East one-halt north one-hulf lot 58, Glse's addition West one-hHlf north one-half lot 00, Glee's addition Hnnth nne.l.alf nt tots Mil. til. If' 63 and 64, Glse's addition, at $73.94 each.... 369. iO West 44 feet south 134 feot lot 66, Glse's addition 34 29 Font 44 feet south 127 feet lot 66. Glse's addition 24.19 Lot 89, Glse's addition 173.24 Lots 96 and 98. Uise's addition, at 173.26 ench 146.62 North 24 feet and east 50 feet lot 99, Glse's addition Lot 100. Glse's addition Lot 1, block 1. L. P. Hammond's addi tion Lot 6, block 1, L. P. Hammond's uddl ilon I .t s to li inclualve. block 13. Hans com Plnce addition, each $33.10 each 297.90 lot 12. block 18, Hanscom Place aaai tlon Lot 22, block 19, Hanscom Place addi tion Wet 100 feet lot 24, block 19, Hans com Place addition Bouth 30 feet west one-half lot 31, Hartman's addition West 110 feet lot 39, Hartman's uddl tlon West one-half lot 40, Hartman's. addi tion Weat one. ha If of lot 57. 68. 63 and 61. Hartman's addition, at $41.96 each.. 167.84 East one-hair lot 68, Hartman s addi tion Lot 33, Hickory Place addition Lot 9, block 7, Hillside No. 1 South 47 feet lot 6, block 6, Improve ment association Lot 6, block 6, Improvement associa tion Lot 7, block 6, Improvement associa tion Lot 8, block 5, Improvement associa tion , Bouth 47 feet lot 6, block 8, Improve ment association North 47 feet lot 3, block 9, improve ment Association Bouth 47 feet lot 6, block 10. Improve, ment Association South 47 feet lot 7, block 10, Improve ment Association , Bouth H cast 142 feet lot 6, block 14, Improvement association East 142 feet lot 7, block 14, Improve ment Aociatlor. South 100 feet lot 12, block 14, Improve ment Association North 112 feet lot 6, block 16, Improve ment Association Eaat 4 lot 8, block 15, Improvement Association addition Lot 9, block 15, Improvement Associa tion Bouth 26 feet west lot 11, block 15, Imorovement Association West H lot 12, block 15, Improvement Association ., 41.38 North 50 feet West 4 lot, 13, block lo. Improvement Association Lot 15, block 16, Improvement Asso ciation lot 8, block 3, Isaac & Beiden's Lot 6, block 10, Isaao A Selden'a Lot 1, block 11, Isaac A Seidell's Lot 1, block 14, Isaac Beiden's Lot 1, block 4, Isabel adilition Lots 2, 3 and 4, block 4, Isabel addi tion, at $24.83 each Lot 4. Joesten's subdivision Ixi t $, Joesten's subdivision Lot 6, Karr's subdivision Lot 7, Ksrr's subdivision West 66 feet south 40 feet lot 1 block 1. Klikwood addition Lot 6, hlock 2, Kirk wood addition.... 81. 9j Lot 7. block 3. Klikwood addition . Lot 6, block 4, Klrkwood udditjon West H lot if, Kountre 2d South U east Vl lot 17. Kountse 2d... North H west 112.6 reet lot 24, Kountze M Lot 16, block 7, KounUe 4th Supple mentary Lot 2. block 8, Kountze 4th Supple mentary North 4 lot 4. block $, Kountse 4th Supplementary Lot 9, block 10, Kountse's 4th supple- mentarv East 88 reet and outh 42feiet of west 60 feet. lot 10. diock iu. ivountte 4tn suoulementary East 14) feel lot 7, block 2, Luke's addition Lot 6, block 6, Lake's addition 1W.04 Lot 4. block 1, Marysvllla addition.... 33.10 lot 6. block 1. Marsh a add'in Lot 10, bloc k 1. Marsh's addition Lots 2 and 4. block 4, Marsh addi tion, at 1:2.63 eacn Lns 2 and 6, block 6, Marsh's addi tion, at $22.27 each Lots 3, i and block 7, Marsh's ad dition, at 222. Id each Lot t', block 7, Marsh's addition Lot 12, block 7. Marsh's addition Lot 4. block 9, Marsh's addition lot 12. block 1. Marrh's addition Lot 1, block 1, Mayne Place Lot 1. block 2, Mayne Place Lot !, block 2, Mayne Place Lot 8. block 2, Mayne place Lot 12, McCandllsh Place lot 23. McCandllsh Place tot Jit. McCandllsh Plaoe West 4 of south Vi lot 25, MoCandlMi Plaoe lot i4. McCandllsh Place North 4 lot 27, McCandllsh Place 16.31 South 4 lot 27. McCandllsh Place 18.37 South 10 feet north 66 feet lot 3u, McCandlleh Place ... 22.21 Lot 6, block 8, MoCormlck's addition. 43.72 West 874 ft lot 7, biock 8, Mc- Cormick s addition 52 Lot 6, block 9, McCormlrk's addition. 43.72 lot 12. block 10. McCormlck's addition 44 n; Old street between lot 6, block 8. and lot 8, diock , jnev ornncs s addition. 83.83 Weat 66 feet, east 170 feet lot 10. Millard ACaldwell s addition Si' 57 East 24"4 feet, west 142 6 feet lot 17V'.. Millard A Caldwell's addition., is 1,1 I.ot 29. Millard ACaldwell'a addition V4M soum 111 teei iw , uiura , Aimatd ploos North one-half lot 9, block !, Mlliurd Placa lot 13, block 7, Monmouth Park , Lot leO Mock 7. Monmouth Park Lot 7, 9 and 9. block 6, Myers. Rich- ard Tiiaen , at jffi.ou each. L"t 10. block 6, Myer. Richard A Tilden'a Lot 6. block 6, Myers, Richard A Tii aen s lots 1. 8 and 9. hlock 6. Mvers. Dieh ard A Tllden's. at $27.60 each.... r 80 Lot 10. block 6, Myers, Klchurd & Tllden's Lot 6, block 7, Mysrs, Rlehsrds a Til- oen s Lots 7, 8 and t. block 7. Myt-rs. RjcIi ards A Tllden's. at $.'7.Mi each Lot lu. block 7. Myers. Richard A Tllden a Lot . block 8. MyrrJ. Itichards at Til dens Lots $ and 13. block ' Myer. Rich ard A Tlld41's, at $7.tu tach lot 14. block 8, Myers, Richard A 1 Uilen s 66.90 73.26 28.40 24.82 35.77 38.10 6.62 17.08 41.37 42.60 41.33 24.29 71.17 62.4$ 37.11 37.11 44.21 46.88 16.82 0.36 36.68 20.98 41.96 67.39 66.20 41.31 41.3$ 13.78 27.60 90.49 76.13 76.96 76.13 38.38 31.71 74 49 9.18 9.60 20.08 27.60 44.36 86.06 66.60 46.88 22.31 33.C3 33.10 1C.5S 86.66 78.87 46.02 72.29 69.16 45.06 44.64 66.80 19 69 59.79 22.53 69.16 30.06 19 86 11.68 23.38 S4.49 86.96 36.57 17 99 36.68 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. Lot 1. block 1, Mvers. Richards A Tllden's 17.09 1-ote i. 3. 4 and 6. block 9. Myers. - lilcharda 4k lliden . at $-. av 110 40 Lot 7, hlock 9, Myers. Ricnsros A Tllden's 34 21 lot 1. blovk 10. Myers, Richards at Tllden's 35.84 Lots 8 and 4. block 10, Myers. Rich ards A Tllden's, at 27.Hu each 66. W lot 6. block 10, Myera. Klchanls A Tllden's ., 84. 23 Lot 1. block 11. Mvers, Kiarmrds A Tllden's 84.76 Lots t. 3 and 4. block 11. Mvtr Kicn- ards A Tt.den's, at f-i.60 each 82.S0 Lot . block 11, Myers1. Richards ft Tllden's 34.7$ lot 1, block 12, Myers, Richards A Tllden's 36.14 Lots 2, 3 stid 4. block 12. Mvers. Rich ards A Tllden s. st 27.wi each 62 M North 23 feet lot 2, Nelson's addition. 14.61 South 29.6 feet lot 2, Nelson's Oil it 10 11. 18.24 Lot 8, la and l, AUoln'in, at $27.81 each.... S3.41 Lot 84, Nelaons' Addition 21. is! lot 35, 37 and JO, Nlaons' Addition, at $2,81 each.. 6J 41 North one-half lot ' 61, Nelsons' Ad dition li'H lot 64 Nelsons' Addition 17.81 Lots 59, 6. 6',, 71 -r.J i, Nr!r-:.'. .'-d- tlltlon, at 827 60 each 13S.O0 North 29 feet, lot S3 Nelsons' addition 12. M South 3.1.6 reet, lot 83, Nelsons ad dition 1479 South 27 feet, lot 6V. Nebcin Addition 15 21 Lot 99, Nelson Nelsons' Addition l'S-72 lot 100 Nelsons' Addition 34 49 Lot 1"l, Nelson' Addition 4'-1 25 lot 110 Nelsons' Addition 43.73 North 83 feet west 175 fact, lot 26. Okahoma tS. E. Rogers') 10O.99 North 33 feet of east 135 feet of West 810 feet, lot 26 Okahoma tS. E. Rogers'! 84 H North 1X3 feet, lot 43, Okahoma (8. E. Rogers') 1R8.14 lots 1 and 2. block 1, Okahoma Park, at $27.60 each 64.20 Lot 6. Olsens' Sub 18.86 Lota 1 to 6. Inclusive. blick 4. Omrfha View Addition, at $22.1i each 13360 Lot 7. block 4. Onmhn View Addition 25 95 lot 1, block 11. Omaha View Addition 33 64 Lots 2. 3, 4, 6, 7 8 and 9. block 11. Oinuha View Addition, at $21.60 eacn i; 20 Lots 3 and 4. Ho, k 3, wrcnard Hill Ad dition, at $33.10 each 66.20 Lot 6. block 3. orchard Hill Addition.. 34.43 Eost 64 feet lot 11, block 6, Parker's Addition East 64 feet lot 12, block 5, Parker's Addition East one-liBlf, lot 9, block 8, Purkera' Addition Lot 11, block 11, Parker.' Addition.... Lot 12, block 11, Parkers' Addition... lot 1. block 12. Patricks' 2nd Atlition Lots 4. 5 and 6, block 12. Patricks' 2nd Addition, at f2t wi each South 31.6 feet, lot 1 hlock 5. Phillips' Addition Bouth 132 feet of troll ran of Phil Hps' adultiun lylnj east o1 8th St.. 7.74 North 4 east lot 6, I'rostt n & V illlnnis' sddltion 12 81 North 4 west 4 lot 6, Preston A Williams' addition 13.24 Lot 8, block E, lrospect Place 1U8.10 Lot 1, Pruyn's subdivision In Slilnn's addition 20.75 Lot 2, Pruyn's subdivision In Slilnn's addition 20.75 lot 22, Redlck's 2d addition 86.68 Lot 1-8, Redlck's .I'd addition 83.23 South 30 feet west 4 lot 29, Redlck's 2d addition 13.46 West 4 Jot 31, rtedlck s 2d addition.. 33.10 West 4 south 65 feet lot 32. Redlck's 2d addition 24.42 East 4 south u6 feet lot 32, Redlck's 2d addition 37.74 West 148 feet lot S3. Redlck's 2d ad dition 44.36 Lot 34. Redlck's 3d nddltlon 28.37 Lot 35, Redlck's 2d addition 28.37 Lot 36, Redlck's 2d addition 28.71 North 21 feet lot 46. Redlck's 2d ad dition 9.29 Lot 1, block 3. subdivision of John I. Redlck's addition 77.78 Lot 18, block 3. subdivision of John I. Redlck's uddlilon 84.41 Lot 9. block 6, subdivision of John I. Redlck's addition 82.48 Lot 9, block 10, east 4 blocks 10 and II, John I. Redlck's subdivision 27.60 Lot 10, block 10, east 4 blocks 10 and 11, John 1. Redlck's subdivision 27.60 Lot 3. block 11. east 4 blocks JO and 11, John I Redlck's subdivision 27.70 North 1-3 lot 4. block 11. 4 blocks 10 nnd 11. John I. Redlck's eubdl vision 18-33 South 1-3 lot 4, hlock 11, east 4 blocks 10 and 11, John 1. Kedick s subdt vision 34.76 39.72 19.5! 36.84 36.61 66.71 90.40 17.40 CITT OFFICIAL ROTim. Sub lot , tax lot 29. section 4-16-19.. 32.57 North 133 fret southeast 4 soutwest section 20-16-13 708.34 West lut feet, louth 131 reet, tax lot 11, section 26-16-13 7139 Tn "usual scaling back process" to which reference la made in this notice Is as fol low: one-third of such pro rsta cost upon the one-sixth part of the whole amount of the ground to be assessed nrst emitting upon the street line along said Improvements. One-fifth of such pro rata cost upon the second one-sixth pirn of the whole amount of ssld ground next adjacent. One-sixth of such pro rata cost upon the third one-sixth part of the whole amount next adjacent, and Three-tenth of said pro rata cast upon the adjacent or remaining one-half of said ground. You are further notified thst sBld pro posed plans of sssissment are now sub ject to the Inspection and examination of any or the owners 01 said lots or pieces of real estate, or of anr other person Inter ested In said proposed assessments, at the office of th City Clerk, and that It l pro posed that, unices tor good and sufficient cause It may be otherwise ordered and de termined, the cost of aald improvements, respectively, shall be assessed on the sev eral lots and piece of real estate, aa shown by said proposed plan of assessment Tou and each of jou are herehy notified to appear before said Board of Equalisation at the time and place above sped tied lo make any complaint, statement or objec tion you may desire concerning any of said proposed levies snd assessment ul special tsxes. Omaha, Nebraaka, Iecember 6, 1904. W. II. ELBOL RN. D 6-d7t City Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES. Lot 6, block 11. enst 4 blocks 10 and 11, John 1. Redlck s subdivision.. 18.21 66.20 Lots 7. 8 and 9, block 11. east 4 blocks 10 and 11. John I Kedick s subdlv: sion, at $12.71 each 2s.!3 Lot 10, block 11, east 4 blocks 10 and 11, John I. Redlck's subdivision 20.71 Lot 9, block 2, Reed's 3d addition 33.42 Lota 10 to 16, inclusive, block 2, Reed's 3d addition, ut $27.60 each 165.60 lot Hi, block 2, Heed's 3d addition 86.89 West 4 lot 2, block 1, S. K. Rogers' addition 72.84 East 124 feet lot 2, block 4, S. E. Rogers' additions 76.33 Lot 12, block 8, M. E. Rogers' addition 79.44 Lot 7, block 8, 8. E. Rogers' addition 78.90 Lot 3. block 11. 8. E. Rogers' addition 79.97 South 4 east 4 lot 3, block 14, 8. K. Rogers addition South 141.6 feet lot 5, A. II. Banders' addition East 4 south 111.6 feet lot 7, A. II. Sanders' addition East 36 feet south 141.6 feet lot S, A. 11. Sunders' addition Lc ft. block "A," Saunders A Hlme- buugh's' addition Lot 2, block "A." Baundcrs & Hlrae- baiiKh's addition Lot 1. block "B," Saunders A Hlme baugh's addition Lot 2, block "U," Saunders A Hlme baugh's addition Lot 22, block "B," Baunder's A Hlme 34.86 34.22 17.94 24.66 42.68 35.19 39.34 36.19 36.41 35.19 35.19 40.86 23.49 69 14.04 36 41 26.48 f 2 8l tt.84 34.75 34 75 34 $2.80 31 91 ::4.oi 530 hauirh's addition. Lot 15. block "'," Saunders A Hlme baugh' addition Lot lti, block "C," Saunders & Hlme baugh's addition Lot 17, block "C," Saunders A Hlme buugh's addition Lot 1. block 1, Saunders A Hims- baugh'a addition to Walnut Hill.... Lots 4. 6 and 6. block 1. Baunder A Hlmebaugh's addition, at $17.69 each 63.07 Lot 62, block 1, Saunders A Hlme baugh's Addition to Walnut Hill.... 17.68 Lot 1, block 2. Saunders A Hlme baugh's Addition to Wnlnut Hill.... 20.87 Lot 2, block 2, Saunders & Hlme baugh's Addition to Walnut Hill.... 14.57 Lot 1, block 1, Sheridan Place 37.63 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10 and 11, block 1, Sheridan Place, at 127.60 esch 276.00 lot 12 block 1, Sheridan Place 34.22 lot 1. block 2. Sheridan Place 33.10 Lots 2, 3, 4. 5 6 nnd 7. block 2 Sheridan Piut e, at $27.60 each 165. CO lot 10, block 2, Sheridan Pluce 387 Lot 10. block 4. Sherwood' sub 60.27 East 90 feet north 1274 feet, block "IT', Biilnns' Addition 56.20 Enst 120 feot south 1274 feet, block "C", Sliinns' Addition 7305 West 130 feet east 240 feet south 1274 feet block "C", Shiiin' Addition...:. 66 20 East 30 feet, lot 2, block 3. Sliinns' Ad dition 20.66 West 60 feet, lot 2, block 3, Shlnns' Addition 33.42 lot 4, hlock 3, Biilnns Addition 33 42 lot 3, block 16, Hhlnns' Addition 66.89 South one-half block )'N", Sliinns' 2nd Addition : 237.79 lot 2. block "W", Shlnns' 3rd Ad dition 72.65 Lois 3. 4, 6. biocx "W", Shlnns' Ad dition, nt $33.10 eac! 99.30 East 43.8 foet. lot 6, block 1, Sliulla' 1st. Addition 4). (16 West 152 feet, lot 6, block 1. Shiills'. 1st. Addition 10.58 Lot 7 and . block 1, Shulls' 1st. Ad dition, at $39.72 each 79.44 lot IU. block 1. Shulls' 1st. Addition.. 49.65 lot 18, block 7, Shull' 2nd. Addition.. 41. OB Lot 7, Smith Park 22.10 lot 8, Smith Park 22 96 Lots. 18 and 14, Smith Park, at $22.10 each 44.JO lot 18 Smith Park 29 79 lot 14, block 2, Stevens' Place 27 87 Lot 17, block 2, Stevens' Place 25 36 lot 20, block 2, Stevens' Place 27 go Lot 21. block 2. Stevens' Place 28 48 lot 22, 28 and 24. block 2. Steven' Place, at $26.38 each 74, nx Lot 26, block 2, Btevena' Place m s Ijt 1 block 1, Thornburg Place 1-6.65 lot 10, blix-k 1, Thornburg Place 80. J6 lot 1, block t. Thornburg Pluce 161.12 Lot 6. Troupe sub. t;9.M East 31 feot lot 7. Troup's aub 17.09 Lot 7, 20th and Amce Avenue sub.... 87. M Iot 8. 2otli and Ames Avenue sub.... 73.46 lot 15, 20th and Ames Avenue smb.. 11. 14 North 99 feet lot 1. block 24, Walnut Hill addition 40 41 North 99 feet lot 2 ar.d 3 block 24. Walnut HIU addition, at 8C!3.10 each. . K6.20 North 99 feet lut 4. block 24, Walnut Hill addition i.79 lot 21. Wufliltigton 8'iuure m.77 lot 22. Washington Suuare I9.73 East 75 feet lot S. block 1, W111I End addition 28. 14 East I116 feet lot 4. block 1, West End addition 17.60 East part lot a, block I, Wist End addition 27.60 Jout ti, I ana s. mocu 1, warn t,mi addition, at 12, bt) each Office of the City Clerk. Bouth Omaha, Neb., Decern Per 6, lev4. Sealed bids ad dressed to the undersigned and plainly marked "Proposals for bond" will be re ceived Until o'clock p. m. of December 19th, A. D. 1904. at the office of the city clerk, Bouth Omaha, Neb.: For the purchase of the following Issue of 1 ity bonds, these said bonds so offered being general obligations or the city. First. Heventv Thousand ($70,000) Dollars of City Hall Bonds in denominations of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars, or Five Hundred (XAoni Dollars esch, at the option of the purchaser, dated December 1, 19"4, payable In twenty 20i years after date. Interest four (4) per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually on the drat days of December and May of eaoh year. These are bonds to be Issued and de voted exclusively to th purchase of a sit, the erection and furnishing and equipment of n city hall, and sre options! after flv (6) years. Interest coupons payable at Ne braska fiscal agency. New York City, New York. Second. Forty Thousand ($40.00") Dollars of "Pars- Bonds" In denominations of On Thousand ($1,000) Dollar, or Five Hundred ($600) Dollars each, at th option of the purchasers, dated December 1, 1904. payable twenty (10) yeara after datv Interest four (4i per cent per annum, payable seml anmiBlly on the first davs of December and May of esch year. These are bonds to be Issued snd de--oted to the purchasing of lots, lands snd grounds within said citv, to be used and improved for park snd park way pur pose. Interest coupons payable at N brsska fiscal agency. New York City, New York. An annual tax tipon all the taxable prop. rty of the rlnty will be levied by tha city tn pay the Interest nnd principal upon these said bonds at maturity. A sinking fond being provided for that purpose. The faith nnd credit, the revenue and taxing powers and all the property of said city lietng Irrevocably pledged for the prompt pnvment thereof Ench bid shall stale nepnratelv the amount offered aa "Principal and Pre mium." and that "Accrued Interest" will be paid to date of delivery and payment of bond. Ench bid must be acconinnnled by a cer tilled check on a nntlnnnl nr state bsnk In the sum of One Thousand (11 000) Dol lars and made pavnhle to 'he city ss evi dence of good fnlth on the part of the bidder. The city council reserves unto Itself the right to reject any or all bid, or to walvo defect. By order of the council. JOHN J. OIIJ.TN D'dlStm city Clerk. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETJNO. Office of Le-01a-Andreesen Hurdwsre Company. Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 11. 1!im. No tice Is hereby given to th stockholders of th Ifee-GlaM-Andreesen Hardware com nanv that the annual meeting of the stock holders of th company will be held at the nfflcen of the ssld company, corner of 8th and Harney streets. In th citv of Omaha, In the state of Nebrasks. on Tuesdav. Jn. 10. A. D.. 1906. at 8 o'clock n. m.. for th purpose of elm-ting a board of directors for the compsny to serve during the ensuing year, and to transact such other business ss may be presented at such meeting. (Seal.) ' H. J. LEE. President. W. M. GLASS. Secretary. TOO I.ATR TO CI.AMIFY. BUSINESS man with ability as salesman or solicitor, would like to hear from party with good business opening. K 6. Bee. A 344 11 x RAILWAY TIME CARD tlXIO STATION-TEXTIt AMD MARCY Chicago, Hock Island A Paclftc. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited a 3:65 am a 7:10 am Chicago Daylight local. b 7:00 am a 9:6 pm Chicago Express bl2:()l pm a 6:15 pm Lie Moine Express. .. .a 4:30 pm blliMam Chicago Fast Expres...a 6:40 pm a 1:20 pm WEBT. Rockv Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am a )t:60 pm Lincoln, Denver A went. a 1:30 pm a 6:05 pm Oklahoma A Tex. Ex. ..a 6:25 pin a 11:53 11 m Chicago Great Western. St. P. A Minn. Ltd a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am St. P. A Minn. Ex a 7:36 am a 8:25 pm Chicago Limited a 4:50 pm alo.tsi am Chicago Express a 4:30 am a pm Chicago Nartbwestern. Loral Chicago ... Mall Daylight St. Paul. Daylight Chicago Limited Chicago local Carroll .... Fast St. Paul ...,all:30 am ....a :0 pm ....a 7:3i am ....a 8:00 am a 6:23 pin ....11 4:00 pm .a s:m pm A Bt. P.b 4.u) pin Local Hloitx Fat Mull Chicago Express .... Norfolk A Boncsteel. Lincoln A long Pine Deadwcod A Lincoln Casper A VVvomlng. Wabash. Bt. Louis Express Bt. Louis Local (from- Council Hluffs; Bhenandi ah Local (from Council Blurts) Missouri Pacific. St. Loul Express..'. K. C. A Bt. L. Ex.. t'nlon Pacific. The Overland Limited.. a 1:40 am Colo. A Cala. Ex a 4:10 pm Chicago-Portland Bp'L.a 4:20 pm Eastorn Kxpres.. Culunibiia Local... Colorado Special.. Chicago Special... Beatrice Local.... Fait Mall... llltaola Ccatral. Chicago Express. Chlcaau Limited.. Minn A St. Paul Minn A St. Paul Ltd. .a 7:60 pm Chicago, Milwaukee A SI. Pa Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:66 am Calitoriila-Oregon Ex. ..a 6:46 pm Overland Limited .a:2upm Dea M. A OkoboJI Ex. a 7.66 am Bill Ll NUTO TATIOWIUTH Mi MO ..a 1:40 am ..b 7:40 nni ..a 2:50 pin . .d 2:50 pm ..b 2:5 pm 6:30 pm t:lt am 6:45 pm .a 9:30 am .all :16 pm .h 6:00 pm .a 7:45 am .'b 8:b0 pm a 1:60 am .. .a 7:26 am ...n 7:60 urn Ex...b 7:26 am 8:30 am lo:t pin 11:50 pm 9:1b um 9:80 am 7:i6 am a 9:3n am :30 am a S:4 pm 1 i:3i am 10:35 am 6:16 put e 6:15 pm 6:16 pm 8:30 am 10:30 pm l:M pm a 6:00 am a 6:00 pm a 8:05 pm a 6:40 am 11 6:30 pro b 9:85 am A 6:50 am b 1 :!6 pm 3:20 pm a 10:35 pm a 8:06 am bl0:36 pm a 8:u5 pm ul. (ilLOO pm a 8:10 pin a 5 :3i um M. U:lu piu Arrlvti. a 8:3n pm a li.i pm a 1 : to pm al..i p.n Hid: 33 um b 8:32 am a 6:56 am Lots 1 and 2, block 16. Weat Omaha addition, at $1.6 each 197. on lot 12. Winches' sub .H.7B , lot 1, Windsor Place Exuntlon 3ij.l4 1 ot 2. Windsor Place i:ti.-noion 21. 21 ot U: Windsor Place Extension 3.1. til loll 22. 23. 38 an! 89. Wlndoir Kvlension. at l- 21 each 1111 tl lot n. Windsor Place Extension ,'U ui tot 13. Wright Place 11. im I West 611 feet, south 128 feet, tax lot 18. rsotlon 8-16-13 19.72 West Ijii lei no 1111 li. teei, lax lot 1J71 15. section 4-15-13 : ... T9.4I Burlington. Lea ve. Denver A California.... a 4:iu pm Not lowest Expresa all:)u pm Nebraska points a lo am Lincoln Fast Mall b 2 57 pm Fort Crook A 1'latts- mouth b 2:5J pm Kellevue A Plattsrnouth.a7.6u pin liellevus A Paclfto Junction a 1:30 am Denver Limited Chicago Hpectul a 7:10 um Chicago Express. a : pin Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm 1 jwa loc 1 an ijeni St. loul Express a 4:25 pm Kansas City A St. Joe..aln 4i 111 Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 9:1., urn Kuiikub C'lty A St Joe. .a 4 25 pin EHMTKR UKI'lIT-10111 V W EBSTER Missouri Pacific. .Nebraska Local vln lVe ping Wsler b 4:uf pm till 4i)uin rnlcsBTA, Ml. Paul. Minneapolis A 4)uaus. '' s in Cily Passenger. ...h 6 4k ttn b 9:10 pm Sioux City l'nger, . : () pni sli :ntn Oakand Iocs I h $ iu pm b 9 10 am a Dally, h Dally except Sunday d Dally "vni Hati-'tsv. fiailv extepi Monday. a 3:55 pm a 7 26 um all:i pm all 45 am a 6 (5 am u 6:u6 pm $2 ftt OM An A WMOl.raAl.Wl MARKET. roadman of Trad anal Quntntlona en Staple sad Fancy Prudae. EJ08 I an.lled stork. 26c. LIVE POL 1.TH nen. 7H' ; roosters. Rc; turkevs. tjiyuntc, nuca. . gerre. sc; spring chli en. s'v. Bl'I'TKK--Parking Slock. 15-. choice to fancy dairy, 1 cr amsiy. j'. ; lancy pro.ts. 2,c. KHK"H KP.OZKN FISH Trout lo.-: pit k eie). sc; pike. In: percrt. ic: biu.-nh. 12c; whi:nn. , aaimn. Ur; rtd--Hipier. He; loosier (green), .(; 1 ns,er tbot.edt. 3uc; aulihesd. lie; ratfl'h. 14c; black ttisa. 9rj halibut. Ivc; crappien. 1; 10 shad, 1; buffalo. 7c; whit bass, 11c; frost Pg. per do , 25c. H KAN Per ton. $15 00. HAY Pi Ice titioted by Omaha WhnDsila Deal. rV ait'H latlne: Cnolcj No. 1 'iplsnd. Uo"; No. 3. 8A'; anedtum. '..'"; coarse, $." Kys etrsw, 5 4 The e prices ar for nay 01 good color and quality. Ol HI El US New Vora counts, per ran, 46c; extra selects, per can. 87c: g andarda, per can, 31 ; bulk (standard), per sal., 41.86; bulk (extra selects), per gal . 11. i, bulk (New York counts), per gal.. $2 to. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. CHRISTMAS TREES--8 to 8 feet, per do., $1.15; 8 to 7 feet, per do., $2 60; 7 to 9 feet, per do.. $3.60; t to 11 feet, per do , $4 80. lirg school nd church purp., each 81 to ll.Mi; extra large, 1 to 20 leet, eactt $2 to $5. EVERGREEN WREATHING In coils of 20 yards, per roil, gic to 31. V REATHH Magnolia and galsx wreaths per do., 81.2(1.60; evergreen wreathe, per do. $I.S4l.av; holly wreaths, per do.. $1.2431.50. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 14x2x4 feet, about 6 lbs., 84 hO; per bbl , 81.60. LONG NEEDLE PINES Per dux.. 1 2.6-1. MISTLETOE Mistletoe branches, per t- 10. oox, i.a; per 10., sue. TROPICAL FR'. ITS. OR A NOES -Florida. ias 11. int. 17. 216 and 2M, $2 00452.26; California navels, all Biles, LEMONS California fsncy, $2.76; J0 and 160. $4 26; choice, $3 80. DATES Per box of 80-lh. pkrs . $2.4; Hallowl, In 70-lb. box. per lb.. SSOic. KIOH California, per 10-lh carton. 76f 86e; imported Smyrna. 4-crown. i2c; 6 crown. 14c; 7-crown. 16c; fancy Imported fwaihed). In 1-lb. pkgs.. 16919c; California, per case of 36 pkg.. $2.25. BANANAS per medium-slied bunch. $2(l2.3ii; jumbos. 82.76 .1.60. ORAPK FRUIT-Pfr box of 54 t 4H. $5.0v6.60. rnuiTa. APPLES Home-grown Jonathans, par bbl.. 8.128: Ben Dnvf.i, $2.25; New York Kings. $.1.25; New York Pippins. $2 75; New i"'k Oreenlnas. $2.00; New York Bald wins, $2.76; Colorado .lonathuns, 11 65; Win Ssps. per bu. box, $1 60. PKARrt-Ctah. Colorado snd California, fail varieties, per box, $l.7rv52..24. URAPKH Imported Malsgs, per keg. t6.nvg.iA CRANBERRIES - Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl.. $8.5(Vu9.00; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jersey, per bbl., $7.76; per box, $1? TS. TANar.niNES-FJnrlda or California, per H hox, $2.60. VEGET.tULtX )"OTATOES New home gn.wo. In sacks, per bu.. 40c; Colorado, per bu.. One. i LRN'lPa 4'r bu., 3oc; canuda ruta bagas, per lb., lc CARRuTS-iVr bu,. 40e. PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 40c. BEETS Per bu., 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.8&S;t.OO. ONIONS Home grown, In nncka, per bu 80c8?l.f0; Spanish, per crate, $ Cl'Cl'MBEKU Pi-r case ul 2 dos.. 12,60. TOMATOES Calirornla. per 4-bket crate. j2.60. ' CARHAGE Home-grown, per 100 lb.. $1: 1,.U1I mr'l, LIQI IO., ,v, SWEET l'OTATOEB-Knn rer bbl.. 12.26. Bul'ASli Home grown, per dos.. 60c. CELERY Per dos.. 26t5w)c; California, 45c. RADISHES Per dox., 90c. LETTCCE Hot house, tier dot., 104550c: head letttio. per doa., $1.00. SHALLOT 8 Per dot, 6uc. CAULIFLOWER Southern, per bbl.. $4.60. MISCELLANEOUS. BACER KRACV Wlaconsln, per kg, "ijl'DER New York, per bbl., $6.20; per H CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream 12,4c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block Bwlss, new, 16c; old. Mtjl'r; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmburgnr, 13c. NETS Walnuts, No. 1, soft shell, new crop, per lb.. 14c; bard shell, per U,.. He: No. 8, soft shell, per lb.. 12c; No. hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb, 12c; small, per lb., 10c- peanuts, per lb, 7c roasted pesnut. per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts' per lb., 12el8Hc; almond. Soft shell, per lb., 17c; bard shell, per lb.. 15f; chestnuts, per lb., 12416c; new black walnuts, ber ou., 7M(90c shellbtrk hlcknrv nut, per b u . $1.7$; lnrn hlckorv nuts, per tail., $f6o. HIDES No. l green, 7c! No. 2 green 6c: No. 1 salted. 84jc; No. 2 salted. 7V; No-. 1 veal calf. 9c; No. I vesl onlf, 7c: dry salted l(f515c; sheep prltt, 26c $1.00; horse hides, tl.60tj3.00. nss kiln-dried. Waal Market. LONDON, Dec, 10. WOOl-The arrlvalg of wool for the first series of the 1908 suc tion sales amount to 84.9M bales. Including balee .forwarded direct to spinners. . Th Import of wool this week Were: New South Wales, 1,317 Imles; (Jueenslntid, ,84, u4 bale; Victoria, 1.2rJ lile; South Aus tralia, 673 bales; New Zealand, 761 bales; Cupe of Good Hopend Natul, 1.174 bales; elsewhere 216 bales. ST. IXJI'IS. Dec. lO.-WOOr-Bteady tt) firm; medium grades, combing and cloth ing. Z.:i'M-; light fine. 1Pt",iT2Hc; heuvy fine. 14$i 18c; tub wanned. 37ff'4lc. Mlnnrapollr Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Den. 10.-WHEAT--D-cember, 31.07; May. $1.1174; July, $1 llia 1.11',; No. 1 hard. $1.10: No. 1 northern, W.07H; No. 2 northern, $1.02. FLOUR First patents, $A.9iin.W: second patents, 86.765.86; first clears, $4.25ttl.3ui second clears, $2,76D2.86. BRAN In bulk. $14.60. REAL EsTATU TIIAIirRRI, Deeds filed for record December 10, an fur nished by the Midland Guarantee anil Trust com i a n y. bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Ree: , Roxannu McLuiighlln In Francis X. McLaughlin, w!i lot 4. block 6, Jot ter's add C. H. Plerc and wife to MntlhewS Piano company, lot 9, block 4, Baker Plnce B4V) Pilgrim Coiigregntloniil church of Omaha to Congregiitloiml Church Building society of New l'ork. lot ' 30, block 5, Kelhy Pluce m A. Brunskl to Michael nnd Mary ' Briinrkl. lots 20, 21 and 22, block I. Albright Annex 2.008 Bankers Savings nnd Loan luwoclatlon to E. V. Smith, Jr.. lot 8, block 1, Boulevard Terrace , 673 J. K. Batlgernw nnd wife to J C. Bel den, lot 7, Hou-t A Btebblns' subdlv 2,300 J. K. MComhs et ul. to Myron M. Metxenger, lot 14, block 4. Central ' Park ;.. au KEI.IUIOIfl KOT6'., Rev. Francis Berry of th Methodist church of Ciinadn, father of Bishop Berry, though 83 years old, Is In fair health, an I preaches occasionally. Prof. Elian Handy of Iowa Wesleyan re signs to take the poHltlon of Held secretary and Institute director of the State Sunday School assnclutlon of Iowa. Among the MM.QflO Jews In Greater Man hattan there are now 180 Christian Work ers. Many of the Jews have cut loose from many of the traditions of their falls' era. Bishop William T. Manning of th re cently created diocese of litirrlsliuig. a 111 be one of the youngest, If not tho youn el. of the Protestant Episcopal bishops A a preacher he bus an enviable tepuiav lion and Ills personality is pleasing. The superior council of the ministry of public work In France by a recent vote recommends thut Parliament enact a rigid law providing for one compulsory day's rest weekly and thut Sunday be that day for all ell lxens except those whose occupa tions compel them to work ou that day. . Catholic congregations In all the churches of the New York diocese were made ac quainted lust Sunday with the letter from Archbishop Farley urgently calling for funds for the support of the Catholic Uni versity of America, which must b sus tained, the ar -hhlnhop aays, at all cost, ami every sacrifice. Rov. Edward E. Hale, D. I)., ssys: "I ' know one clergyman, snd only one. who places one s mom li in the anteroom of I.I church a list uf the newer book which ne think may he read to advantage by the members Of hi ungregatlon. Hy the lldi of It. h place a list of th lectures nnd classes In the neighborhood which h , thinks the same people might attend with irotlt." Dr. Hale ask. "I not her a good suggrt!on f ' The Hungarian, who rail themselves Magvaif, jnd of whom there are now over i) uo in America, are not held by church or priest sfler reaching then shores. It 1b Ultficiilt ulso to find enn ih prlct and Firiachers suitable for them, ss slight dlf eiVnces In lui.giiuge ell for differwnt pas tor. Ll Clevi bind alone it is stated 'the churcli on.1,1 ad 4nlaeniiH!y list) men of twenty nullolic. Illirs" lo Instruct the peo ple, among wnum "a rud atlislsm" pis vallr ' '