Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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(fenouM b r,d dully br all InlfrMlH
s change;! may occur at any time.)
Foreign msiis for the week ending Da.
Cember 10, i&H will clo-e il'HOMPTi.Y In
all rases) et the Genernl Po-tnrflce aa fol
low! : PARCKl.B-POHT MAII.8 close ona
hour earlier than clowlna time shown be
low. Parcels-Post malla for Germany close
al t p. m. December 12, xr a. a. Kaiser
Wllhelm II.
Regular and Supplementary malla close
St Foreign Btailon (corner of West an
Morton streets half hour later than clou.
Ing time shown below, (except that Bupple
mentarr Malla for Europe and Central
Amerl-a, via Colon, close one hour later
at Foreign Station).
Transatlantic Malta.
FRIDAV (9). At 7 p. m. for AZORES
ISLANDS, per a. a. Romanic, from Una
ton. BAT L'RDAT (10 At 4 a. m. for KtT.OFK.
per a. a. Etmrta. via Oii-en-town nn1
Liverpool: at 4:30 a m. for KUHOPE. Dr
a. a. Minnehaha, via Southampton; tit
SO a. m. for RELOIUM direct, per . .
Finland (mall must be directed "jwr . a.
t'll.. I ' 1 . . . G.4A . IT A V
. iinniiu n k m.tyt n. in. i' aai
direct, per a. a. Necknr (mall must b
directed 'per a. a. Nerkar"); at 8:30 m. m.
for ITALY direct, per -. a. Uifurla (mall
. " . t 1 ... I (111-, L, W . . m III If. i
must be directed "per a. a. Llgurla")
Malla tow Raath an 4 Central America,
West ladlea, Et.
FRIDAY 9).-At 11 m. for ARGENTINA.
I RI OITAY and PARAtlt'AY, per a. a.
Arnblntn; at 12 in. for YCCATAN and
CAMPETHK, per a a. Dagry; at 12 m.
mipp'ementary 12:80 p. m. for BA
HAMAS, per a. a. Yucatan (mall for
Fantlago mu-t be directed 'por a. a.
Yucatan"); at 7 p. m. for BERMUDA,
per st-tm-r from Halifax; at 7 p. m. for
NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. a. Carthagin
ian, from Philadelphia.
VATUnDAV Mm At k-M n- tn (nnnle.
ntary 8:30 a. in.) for I'ORTO RICO,
.''aracna (mall for Colombia, via Curacao.
mtiat ba directed "per a a. Caracaa"): at
i V a. m. (anpplementary 10:80 a. m.) for
' IOMBIA, except Mngdnlena Den't, per
8. a. Blhlrla (mall for Costs, Rica, via
Llmon. muat be directed "per a. 8. Blhlrla");
at 9:80 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m )
OUIANA. per a. a. Fontabelle; at 10 a. m.
for CUBA, per a. 8. Morro Castle, via
Havana: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per
8. a. Ollnda. via Matnnana (mall muat ba
directed ''per a. a. Ollnda").
NOTICE Five centa pr half ounce In ad
dition to the regular postage, must ba
prepaid on all letters forwarded by the
deposited In tha drop marked "letters
fjr Foreign Countries," after the CL08
patch by a particular vessel, will not be
ao forwarded unless such additional post
age la fully prepaid thereon by stamps.
Supplementary Transatmnttc Malla era
also opened on the piers of the AMERI
CAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH ateamers.
whenever the sailings occur at 9 a. m. or
later; and late mall may be deposited In
tha mall box -a on the piers of the Ger
man Lines Bailing from Hoboken. Tha
malla on the piers open one hour and a
half before sailing time, and close ten
minutes before sailing time. Only regu
lar pontage (letters t rents a half ounce)
Is required on artlclea mailed on the
piers of the American, White Star and
.Gorman (Sea Poat) steamers; double
postage (letters 10 centa a half ounce)
on other lines.
Walla Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex
cept Transpnrlne.
CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, cloaea at
. this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:30
. a. m. (the connecting mails close here on
" Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays).
t'VI'rt l1 T V n,i..f.4 nnl... II..
i V1 reused for despatch by steamer, closes
this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30
o. in. miu n. m. ounuavi at i d. m.
and 10:3o . m.
NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post
Main i jiy rail . to rxortn Hynney and
thence by steamer, closes at this office
. dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m.: Sunday
at 6:30 p. rrt. (connecting malls close here
every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday).
JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thence
by steamer, cloaca at this office at 7 p. m.
py rail to Philadelphia and thenca by
y ateamer, closes at this office at 10:80 p. m.
M1QUELOW By rail to Boston and thence
by steamer, closes at this office dally, ex
ccpt Sunday, at 7 p. m.; Sunday at 6:30
R. rn.
Coast) AND GUATEMALA By" mil to
New Orleans and thence by steamer,
closes at this office dally, except Sunday,
at 1:30 p. rn.' and 110:30 p. m.. Sunday at
11 p. n. and 10:: p. m. (connecting mall
TrrM-s here Mondays at 110:30 p. m.).
COBTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and
thence by steamer, closes at this office
j dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and
J (10:30 p. m. Sundays at II P. m. and
110:30 p. m. (connecting mnii closes her
Tuesdays nt 110:30 p. m.).
NIC AR AUl'A (Kust Co
oast) By rail to New
Orleans and thence by steamer, closes at
this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30
p. m. and 110:30 p. ni.; Sundays at II p.
til nrtrl llft'Vt n m rrinnAfitlnff tnnll plnaaa
here Thursdays at 1 10: SO p. m ).
Registered mail closes at 6 p. m. previous
paelfle Malla For warded Over
land Dally.
Tha achedule of clomns of Trananaclfle
Mails Is arranged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit to port
of sailing. The final connecting mails (ex
cept Registered Transpacific Malls, which
close at 6 p. m. previous day) close at the
General Postofflce, New York, as follows:
JAPAN. CO RE A, CHINA and specially ad
dressed mail for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS,
via Beattle, close at 6 p. m. December 4
for despatch per 8. a. I. via,
HAWAII, via Sun Francisco, close at p.
m. December 6 for despatch per 8. a.
JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and specially
addressed mail for PHILIPPINE ISL
ANDS, via Seattle, close at 6 p. m. De.
cemoer 7 for despatch per a. a. lyo Marti.
rlsco, close at 6 p. m. December 8 for des
patch per a. . Gaelic.
claco, close at t p. m. December 12 for
despatch per" 8. s. Blberlu.
Francisco, close at 6 p. in. December 17
for despatch per 8. 8. Ventura. (If the
C'unard steamer carrying the British mall
for New Zealand does not arrive In time
to connect with this despatch, extra malla
closing- at 4:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6
p. m. ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. ni and
6 p. m. will be made up and forwarded
until the arrival of the Cunard steamer).
ISLANDS, via Tacoma, close at 6
p. m. December 16 for despatch per a. a,
JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Mails). CO
REA, CHINA and specially addressed
Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, eluae at 4
p. ni. December 20 for despatch per a. a.
Empresa of India.
Han r rani lsco, ciixe at V p. in. December
vftr nespaicn per s. s. JMariposa.
tun Francisco, clone at 6 p. m. December
K for despatch per V. B. Transport.
West) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van
couver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6 p.
in. December 31 fur despatch per a. a.
MANCHURIA (except Kewchwang) and
EASTERN SIBERIA Is at -present for
warded via Russia.
NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West
Australia I forwarded via Europe; New
Zealand via San Francisco and certain
places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan,
via British India the quickest routes.
Philippines specially addreexed "via Eu
rope muat be fully prepaid at the for
eign rstrs, Hawaii is forwarded via San
Francisco ' exclusively.
Act In Postmaster.
Postofflce, New York, N. December I,
1904. '
Omaha, Neb., Nov. II, 1MH. Sealed propos
als, In triplicate, subject to the usual con
ditions, will be received here until lo a. m.,
central standard time, December 12. ltM,
for constructing a cast-iron water main at
Fort Mackensle, Wyo. Full Information
furnished ou application - to this office,
where plana and sp irteatlons may be
veil, or to the uuartermasier, Fot Mac
keusle, Wyo Proposals to be markel
"Proposals for Cast-Iron Water Main,"
and addressed to Major M. OKAY ZAL1N
K'vl, Chief Quartermaster.
N. its. -M. 30; D. 1. 9, 10
Oniuhu. Nb., Nov. 26 ISoi Seeled pro
posals, in triplicate, subject to the usual
conditions. Will be received here until 10
a. in., central standard time, December lo,
I'.4. for Heating. Plumbing and Elin-trio
4rlng and Adinliilm ration building at
irort Robinson, Nebraska. Full Information
furnished on appli" Hon to this office,
win r.- plans and .e Inmtlona my be seen,
lo the Uuul termeeter. Fort Robin. hi,
Nuhrskku. I rop.:,il to be marked "Pro
posals for Heating, Plumbing and Elm-trio
Wiring " and aUlies-d to Major M. GRAY
ZAL1N3K1, Acting Chief Quarrinier.
Office of the City Clera. South Omaha,
Neu., Detemiier , l.H- Sealed bids ail
oressed to the undersigned and pialmy
inaraed "Proposala for iionds" will oe re
ceived until o clock p. m. of December
lth, A. D. lw4, at the otllce of tha city
cleiK, South Omaha, Neb.:
For the purchase of the following Issues
of city bonds, three said bonds so offered
being general obligations of the city.
Fust. Seventy 'lhousand I7.(J0 Dollars
of City Hall Bonds In denominations of
One 'thousand HI iMI) Dollars, or Five
Hundred f.uo; Dollars each, at the option
of the purchaser, dated December 1, W4,
payable in twenty (2( years sfter date,
inteieet four (4) per cent per annum, paj
able semi-annually on the first days of
leoember and May of each year.
These are bonds to be Issued and de
voted exclusively to the purchase of a site,
the erection and furnishing and equipment
of a city hall, and are optional after five
(6) years. Interest coupona payable at Ne
braska fiscal agency. New York City, New
Second. Forty Thousand ($40,000) Pollers
of "Par Bonds" In denominations of One
Thousand l,(wo) Dollars, or Five Hundred
(." Dollars each, at the option of the
purchasers, dated December 1, 13n4, payable
twenty (20) years after data. Interest four
(4) per cent per annum, payable semi
annually on the drat daya of December ana
May of each year. .
These are bonde to be Issued and de
voted to the purchasing of lots, lands and
ground within said city, to be used ana
Improved for park and park way pur-
Eosre. Interest coupons paysble at
raska fiscal agency. New York City, New
An annual tax upon all the taxable Prop
erty of the clnty will be levied by the
city to pay the Interest and principal upon
these said bonds at maturity. A sinking
fund being provided for that purpose.
The faith and credit, the revenue and
taxing powers and all the property of nutd
city being Irrevocably pledged for the
prompt payment thereof. , . .
Each bid shall state separately the
amount offered as "Principal and Pre
mium." and that "Accrued Interest' will
be paid to date of delivery and payment of
Ench bid must be sccompanled by cer
tified check on a national or state bank
In the sum of One Thousand (11.000) Dol
lars and made payable to the city as evi
dence of good faith on the part of the
bidder. . t
The city council reserves unto Itnelf the
right to reject any or all bids, or to waive
By order of the council.
D7dl3tm City Clerk.
Signed bj Boston Ston Druj,
Who Agrees to RiturJ Your Mom if
Dr. Cirlstedt't German Llnr -Powder
Fills to CureYoj.
We hereby agree to refund the
money paid for Dr. Carlstedfa Ger
man Liver Powder on the return of
the empty bottles, the purchaser stat
ing It has failed to relieve and cure
him of any of tha diseases for which
It Is recommended. This guarantee
covers the use of a fl bottle or four
Suo bottles or two months' treatment.
Dr. Carlstedt's German Liver powder li
a wonderful remedy, a prescription used
for over fifty years by an eminent German
physician in his practice both In Europe
and this country and sold by thousands ol
druggists all over the world. So mildly
natural are the effects of this remedy that
all Kidney and Liver troubles give way tc
perfeot health. It curea the worst cases
and manv have been cured who bad tried
every known remedy.
iimImi Htrtr nrnr Tlnnl. ran tell VOU all
about Dr. Carlstedt's Germun Liver Pow
der; It has cured many of their customers
wno are recomiiieiiuiiia i n,.. ...-.-.
. , . . . .u.... . nn....i.U la (hi an ra ntaA
tteuer vimii ' ra . .
under which Dr. Carlstedt's German Liver
powder la sold. If It does not relieve and
cure you It will cost you nothing, so go at
once ana pruuurw na . .mv"
along this. guarantee. .
For Menstrual Suppression ;m,..
old In Onuhi br antral. MrConnall bras Ca
lull erdsrs Slit Trade sslma. U bos: I koi
Only One Dollar m Year.
Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific,
Chicago Limited .
A rrlv-
.a 8:66 am
a 7:10 am
u !):& pm
a 5:15 pm
bi; :50 am
a 1:20 pm
Chlciigo Daylight Local
1. o i .w am
liia til iiiii
ChiciiKO KxpresH
Des Moines Express..
Chicago Fast Kxpress
.a 4:30 pin
..a 6:40 pin
Rockv Mountain Ltd...
Lincoln, Denver & west
Oklahoma 3c Tex. Ex..
.a 7:20 am u 3:50 pm
,a 1:90 pm a i:05 pm
a 6:26 pm all:66 am
Chicago Great Wester.
St. P. & Minn. Ltd a 1:30 pm
Hi. P. & Minn. Ex a 7:35 am
Chicago Limited a 4:60 pm
Chicago Express a 4:30 am
(slratD A Northwesters).
Local Chicago alI:IO am
Mall ' !" P
Daylight St. Paul a 7:5) Kin
Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am
Limited Chicugo a,:23 pm
Local Carroll a 4:00 pm
Fast Pt. Paul a 1:11 pm
Ixcal Bloux C. & St. P. b 4:00 pm
Fast Mall
Chicago Express
Norfolk & Bonesteel a 7:41 am
Lincoln A Ixng Plne....b 7:40 am
Deadwood & Lincoln. ...a 1:60 pm
Caspar at Wyoming d 2:50 pm
Hautlngs-Alblon b 2:60 pm
fit. Louis Express 8:30 pm
Hi. Louis Local (fmra-
Councll Bluff's) 9:15 am
Shenandoah I.ooal (from
Council Bluffs) 6:45 pm
Missouri PaclHe).
St. Louis Express. .. ,,..a 1:30 am
K. C. A. St. L. Kx all:16 pm
a 7:16 am
a 8:26 pm
al0:30 am
a 4:06 pm
8:80 am
Id :00 pin
11:60 fm
9:15 m
9:80 am
I'M am
a 9:30 am
8:30 am
a 8:46 pm
li:36 am
10:36 am
6:16 pm
e 6:16 pm
6:16 pm
8:20 am
10:30 pm
1:30 pm
a 8:00 am
a 6:00 pm
a 8: Of pm
a 0:40 am
8:30 pm
t ;86 am
a 6:60 am
b 1:1a pm
8:20 pm
al0:86 pm
a 8:06 am
bl0:36 pm
a 8:06 pm
lalaa Paelfle.
The Overland Limited.
Colo, dc Cala. Ex
Chicago-Portland Bp'l.
Eastern Express...
Columbus lxcal
Colorado Special
Chicago Special
Beatrice Local
a 9:40 am
a 4:10 pm
.a 4:20 pm
b 1:00 pm
.a 7:46 am
.b 8:60 pm
Fast Mall
Illinois Central.
.a m.ou am
Chicago Express...,,..
Chicago Limited
Minn St. Paul Ex..
Minn at St. Paul Ltd.
Chicago, Milwaukee
Chicago Daylight Ex..
California-Oregon Ex..
Overland Limited
Dea M. 4c Okobojl Ex.
a 7:26 am
a 7:60 pm
b 7:26 am
a 7:60 pm
a 7:66 am
.a 6:46 pm
a 8:20 pm
.a 7:66 am
all .-00 pm
a 3:10 pm
a 7:36 am
u. 8:10 pm
Denver California. ...a 410 pm
Northweat Expresa all:10 pm
Nebraska points.. ,.8.8:50 am
Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:67 pm
Fort Crook 4 Platte-
moutti !:? Pm
Bellevue A Plat tsmouth.a7 is) pm
a 1:30 pm
a I 08 Im
a 7:40 pm
all:06 pm
a 8:82 am
1 10:36 am
(Jellevue pacino
Denver Limited .......
Chicago Special
Chicago Expreea ,
Chicago Flyer
Iowa l.ocal
St. Louis Express
Kansas: City A St. Joe
K.neaa City A St. Joe
,.at:80 am
!!a '7:io ain
.a 4:00 pm
.a 8:06 pm
.a 9:16 am
.a 4:26 pro
66 pro
:x4 am
all :
11 aC 1
,aiu: pm
a 9:16 am
a 4:46 km
a l:uf pm
Kan oaa City A St. Joe.. a 4:2 pm
Mlsaoairl Paelfle.
Nebraska Local Via
Veeping W ater b 4 60 pm
b 11:40 am
rateage, tt. Pal,
aln City Psssenger....b 8:30 am b 1:18 pm
Elous City Paaaenger..a 100 pm ali:x0ara
,a l.w pna a ii
.! 46 pm W 1:10 am
Uaaiana iaOcal
a I ally, b Dally exee
t except altinday. 4 pally
a bally except Moaaa.
Mi-flyi oaiuiuajra
0 large is Made that He Set Fire to His
Owi Building at McOUlUnd.
!fo One Ready to File Formal Cam
plaint Aaalast Illm Bloodhoaads
Fnralah Clae Which Leads
to the Arrest.
Arthur Ellsworth, owner of the new two
story frame hotel building In McClelland,
an attempt to burn which was made early
Wednesday morning, was arrested shortly
after midnight Wednesday by Deputy
Sheriff McCaffery. Ellsworth was brought
to this city and lodged In the county Jail,
but as no one appeared to file any charge
against him he was released yesterday
When the cltisens of McClelland, which
Is a new town on the line of the Oreat
Western railroad, learned of the attempt to
burn the hotel, they raised a fund and aent
for R. N. Fulton and his bloodhounds from
Beatrice and later In the ay telephoned to
the nherlff'e office and requested that an
officer be sent there. In response to the
request Deputy McCaffery was detailed on
the case.
It devolved that the cltlxen of McClel
land suspected Ellsworth as being the
would-be Incendiary. The only evidence
they had, however, was the fact that tracks
showed where a buggy had been driven Into
a field southeast of town and footprints led
from the place toward the hotel. The blood
hounds, on reaching McClelland late
Wednesday night, were given the scent
from one of Ellsworth's shoes. After circ
ling around the hotel a few times the dogs
followed the trail through the field to the
point where the buggy had been driven
and then back to the hotel. The buggy.
It la said, had been previously Identified aa
being the property of Ellsworth,
Ellsworth, on being taken Into custody,
was Indignant and etoutly . denied the
charge against him. He denied, It Is said,
having any Insurance on the building, but
this statement was contradicted by Wil
liam Arnd, former county treasurer and
president of the bank In McClelland. Mr.
Arnd said his bank had a 84O0 mortgage on
the hotel and that he understood the build
ing was Insured.
The attempt to burn the building was
carefully planned and but for the timely
discovery would probably have succeeded.
A large Jar, filled with kerosene, contain
ing a piece of burlap, was set on the roof
and Ignited. It Is presumed the would-be
Incendiary expected that the heat would
burst the Jar and thus let the burning oil
spread over the roof. The blase from the
burning burlap attracted the attention of
several of the cltisens, who succeeded In
extinguishing It before any damage was
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 230; night, F867.
Hitch flchol Debate.
The debating contest between the Phllo
mathlan and Delta Tau Literary societies
of the high school will be held this evening,
when an Interesting program will be given.
The Philomathlan orchestra, composed of
ten pieces, wlnd and string, will make Its
Initial public appearance. Mlse Sarah E.
Besley, vice president of the Delta Tau
society, will preside. Judge J. R. Reed, At
torney J. M. Oalvln and Mrs. H. A. Bal
lenger will act as Judges. The timekeepers
will be Miss Mary M. Wadsworth and Rnl
land Otis. Miss Adelphla Frank and Charles
B. Orason comprise the oommlttee on ar
rangements. This Is the program:
Piano Solo Impromptu Schubert
Marguerite Morehouse.
Oration The Heretic of 1636
Flora Cooper.
Oration Jap or Slav?
James D. Sims.
Violin Sole Adagio Pathetlque Oodard
Gertrude Hulette.
Declamation The Soul of the Violin....
Georce B. Phelps.
Declamation A Telephone Romance....
Hazel Brown.
Piano Solo Royal Minuet Bachmann
C. Jay Selhy.
Debate Resolved. That Trusts are More
Beneficial than Detrimental to the United
Affirmative Virginia Meyers, Edith Or
gan, Louisa Btephan.
Negative Elmer Fisher, Russell Nlch
olls, Harold Oay.
Music Meditation Schwartz
Philomathlan Orchestra
Plumbing and heatln Blxby ft Bon.
Davis sells drugs.
I.effert's glasses fit.
Stockert sells carpets.
Domestic cooking. 83 No. Main at
Duncan sells the beat school shoes.
Night school at Western Iowa college. .
Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 80 Pearl St
For rent, modern house, 721 Sixth ave.
Duncan does the oest repairing", 23 Main.
Pyrography outfits and supplies. Alex
ander. 333 Broadway.
A successful, progressive, substantial
school Is the western Iowa college.
Excelsior Masonlo lodge will meet tbls
evening for work In the second degree.
Friday evening. Merrlam block, annual
sale and basar. Myrtle Lodge of Honor.
Missouri oak dry cordwood IS cord deliv
ered. Wm. Welch. 1 N. Main st. Tel. 11
Congregational Ladles' basar and chicken
pie dinner, 33 Main street, thla afternoon
and evening.
An Information was filed yesterday tn
the juvenile division of the district court
Rapid Delivery Co.
We Guarantee Quick and Bafel
Delivery of Baggage ana l'arcels.
'Phono 827.
phOM F784.
Western Iowa College
Eater Haw. CasalsaT
E. P. MILLER, Prldnt.
Ma ax, la Tsbb)I. TbobS M14.
? aUia St.-ew rsWi atae Sura
Ih Ma torree say m asitia. linn
au.kol4 Mmliur r aii ck.ll.1 fwmrUy.
rajraieaM iu ks . as srlaolMl at 4ST Msm
to suit karraw.r, n4 uurut rMuo-4 aooorilofif.
All suslnws aUtatlal Uveal rstes. 0os ease
28 PaRLST."-?cV;."
. Lady Attendant If Iealre4.
charging Walter Williams of Crescent City
with being Incorrigible. A warrant was
Issued for the boy's arrest.
Twenty-four karat gold plated photo
frames, the latest thing out. Dorwlck, 811
B. Main. Tel. 6M.
A meeting of the Blurt City Gun club
will he. held this evening at the Illurf City
Laundry for the purpose of reorganising
the club.
Take notice, all old accounts not settled
st once will be given en attorney or col
lector. Settle now and save costs. Oeorge
8. Davla.
J,0u0 lbs. to the ton guaranteed. Morton
A tirldensteln, the new firm. Prompt serv
ice, best coal and wood, lowest prices,
lards, 14th avenue and 8th st. Tel. 182.
Andrew Anderson, who pleaded guilty to
the theft of a fur overcoat from the resi
dence of Louis Hansen, In Lewis town
ship, was yesterday sentenced by Judge
Green to six months In the penitentiary
at Fort Madison.
A motor collided shortly sfter midnight
Wednesday with a wagon containing the
scenery belonging to the "Qulncy Adams
Sawyer" company, which showed at the
New theater that night. The property man
of the company states that the scenery
was damaged to the extent of about loW.
The funeral of J. B. Crombie, 3Sf) Fifth
avenue, who died Wednesday night from
typhoid pneumonia, will be held Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family resi
dence and Interment will be In Falrvlew
cemetery. Mesldea his wife, two sons,
Henry of Chicago and Welford of Ulen
wood, la., survive him.
W. II. Thompson, who stole two sacks
of flour from the store of O. N. Apple
qulst, was sentenced to fifteen days in the
county jail yesterday. A like senlence was
meted out to J. Brown, who purloined Two
halters from the barn of M. Welker. The
police are satisfied both prisoners sought
an opportunity to break Into JalL
Rooms and cafe. Ogden notel.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
December 8 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company:
C. H. Converse and wife to Fred Chris
tensen, eH nel 23-76-39. wd 8 4,000
F. C. Lougee et al to John L. Merkle,
lot 17, Kvans' sub, w d 1,200
John S. Crooks and wife to Frank
Gum, lot 7, block Beers' sub, q c d 40
John Ambos and wife to A. O. Claw
son, lot 7, block 86, Ferry add, w d 600
C. E. Brlggs and husband to Caleb F.
Biggs, lot 6, part lot 4, block 15, Car
son, w d 1,800
B. Iombard. Jr., and wife to H. W.
Binder, part lot 7, block 12, Kvans'
2d Bridge add, wd 650
Cora B. Curtis et al to Anna Clawson,
lot 6. block 36, Ferrv add, w d 112
Painter Knox and wife to Eva Olson,
lot 11, block 11, Squires' add, w d 73
Eight transfers, aggregating..; 38,877
Burled In Saad pit.
MISSOURI VALLEY, Dec. 8.-(Speclal.)
Samuel Casslday, aged 22, who lives In
Missouri Valley, was killed yesterday aft
ernoon at S o'clock by being burled under
six feet of sand. ' Cassldy, together with
Thomas Dungan, Elmer Weatherly, George
Weitherly and Claude Cox, were working
at the Peter Cox sand pit, near the small
inland town of St John, three miles east
of Missouri Valley. He was working with
his team close to the edge of the pit, when
the bank caved In and horses, wagon and
man were burled from sight. Thomas Dun
gan was severed up to his knees, but was
soon dug out. Cassldy's body was not
recovered for several hours. The funeral
will be held tomorrow at Missouri Valley
tinder the auspices of the Modern Wood
men of America.. ...
Let Contract for Ditch.
; ONAWA, Ia Dec. 8. (Special.) The ditch
known as the "Crane outlet," which starts
In Sherman township, Monona county, and
extends about three and one-half miles
Into Harrison county, terminating at the
railroad ditch of the old Slqux(Ctty A Pa
cific railroad, waa let at Onawa today by
the boards of supervisors of Monona and
Harrison counties to Fred Crane of Harri
son county for 12 cents per cubic yard. There
are about 25,000 yards In the contract and
the ditch Is expected to drain several thou
sand acres of land In the two counties. It
Is hoped to do considerable of the work
this winter If the weather continues favor
able. Waterloo rnnH.lii 'nn.f.. jg
WATERLOO, la.. Dec. 8.-SpeciaJ.)-Klng
& Lambert, the Dea Molnea contrac
tors who accepted the Job of Installing un
derground conduits for the Iowa Telephone
company In this city, completed their work
on Tuesday and Waterloo now has three
miles of underground telephone to Its
credit. The conduits cover the principal
business sections In both East and West
Waterloo. This will do away with the un
sightly poles and accompanying wires, will
make the service better and greatly im
prove the appearance of the streets.
low Man Goes to Panama.
WATERLOO, la.. Dec. 8.-(Speclal.)-E.
C. Cummings, formerly foreman of the
Waterloo shops of the Illinois Central and
more recently employed by the company In
Chicago, has secured a position on the
Panama canal and within a month will
leave to take up his duties. The appoint
ment undoubtedly came from J. F. Wallace
formerly a high official of the Illinois Cen
tral, and now chief engineer of construc
tion of the Panama canal.
Atlantic Pytblana Elect.
ATLANTIC la., Dec. 8.-(8peclal.)-Laurel
lodge No, 102, Knights of Pythias,
of Atlantlo has elected the following offi
cers for the ensuing year: C. C, W. B. Em
erson; V. C., Leslie Smith; keeper of reo
ords and seal, Fred Herbert; master of
exchequer. John Rapp; master-at-arms,
Nela Nelson; prelate, John F. Lewis; outer
aruard, Albert Nelson; Inner guard, Frank
Barnhart; trustee, B. A. Ooodspeed.
Woman Seriously Burned.
CRESTON, la.. Dec. 8.-rSpeelal.)Whlle
taking a bath, Mra. E. E. Barr of this city
fainted away and fell against a hot stove,
burning her arm quite badly. Mra. Barr had
been 111 for some time, which accounts for
her fainting. Had she been clothed, It Is
possible her injuries would have been more
serious for she was alone at the time of
the accident.
Bplaespal Chnreh Convocation.
CRESTON, la,. Deo, 8.-(8peclal.)-The
Dea Moines deanery of the Episcopal
church are holding their annual convoca
tion in thla city, beginning with Tuesday
evening. A large number of rectors in this
district and delegates from the lay mem
bers are present and the meeting Is being
largely attended.
Arrest Allege Thief.
WATERLOO, la., Dec. 8.-(flpeclal.)-A
man answering to the name 8. D. Keene
and wanted at S. James, Minn., on a
charge of grand larceny, was arrested yes
terday afternoon. He aroused suspicion by
trying to Jump his board bill at the Logan
hotel In thla city.
Convicted ol Horn Slsallner.
LOGAN. Ia., Dec, 8.-(Speclal.)-The case
of the State against E. A. Quick has been
decided by the Jury returning a verdict
of guilty. Quick ia the farmer who stole
hogs at Dunlap. He was returned to the
county Jail and will be sentenced at the
end of the term.
Clllsals Case Proceeds.
RI8ING SUN. Ind., Dec. 8-The Judge at
today 'a session of court overruled a motion
to discbarge the four defendants In the
Gillespie case. The work of selectlnc a
Jury was then begun.
Neve .York Stork Broker Falls.
NEW YORKj Dec. 8.-W. E. Badeau, one
of the officials of the Consolidated Stock
exchange, has announced bis suspension.
Department Expert Prepariig Hit Beport
at Hii Home in Dea Moinee.
Executors Find Almost Million Dol
lars' Wortk of Notes Among the
Assets of the Late James
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOJNES, Dec. 8. (Special.)
Charles F. Baylor of this city, who has
been unde. Secretary Wilson, the speclsl
expert of -.he Agricultural department on
the beet sugar Industry In the United
States, Is preparing his annual report to
the department, covering beet sugar sta
tlstlcs for the past year. Mr. Baylor will
show the enormous Incresse In beet sugar
production In the United States in the past
eight years. When Secretary Wilson took
charge of the department and named for
the first time a beet sugar expert to work
continually In this line, there were only
seven or eight factories In actual operation
In the United State Now there are fifty
two factories, costing on an average nearly
1600,000 each, and tn the past eight years
at least $32,000,000 has been Invested In these
factories. There are a half dozen factories
to be erected next year, chiefly in Colorado,
California, Utah and Wisconsin. The great
est success has attended the manufacture
In the far west though the beets can be
grown cheaper In the states of the Mis
slsslppl valley. It Is probable there will be
at least one factory built In Iowa next
Prepare to Decorate.
Prof. E. E. Garnsey of New Tork arrived
in the city today with M. Phlllpp, his
superintendent, and together they planned
for erecting the scaffolding wltlfln the
great dome of the state capltol prepara
tory to commencing the actual work of
Interior decoration. Prof. Garnsey expects
to begin the work Immediately after Janu
ary 1. The Interior of the dome Is the
only portion of the Interior that was origi
nally decorated and this. will be decorated
anew. Prof. 8. Balshfield of New York
also looked over the capltol today with a
view to making an eatlmate on the cost of
the Immense central painting for the head
of the staircase, for which $10,000 has been
appropriated. This will be done within the
next two years.
Callanan Had Many Notes.
According to a report of the executors of
the estate of the late James Callanan, filed
today, he held nearly $1,000,000 worth of
notes at the time of his death and most of
them are secured by mortgages and are
good. The largest was a note of the Mexi
can National Iron Mountain company of
Durango for 8383,000 money advanced. This
was a company In which Mr. Callanan was
Des Moines Postal Profits,
The claim Is made, here today that, ac
cording to the report of the Postofflce de
partment, the Des Moines postofflce leads
all other large cities In the net profits to
the department, or in other words, that
the percentage of expenses to Income Is
less here than In any other place. The
total expense of the Des Moines office was
1128,522 and the receipts were $462,133.
Failed to Fight Trust.
A commotion was created among the
Iowa, implement dealers today by the re
fusal of that body to take any definite
steps In opposition to the harvester trust,
and the accusation la made by others that
there has been collusion between the offi
cers of the state association and the -officers
of the harvester combine which has
rendered this possible. The association
elected officers: President, E. P. Arm
knecht, Donnelson; vice president, A. J.
Sowers, Bedford; secretary, D. M. Grove,
Nevada. The association heard only those
who defended the trust and no action was
taken. It Is regarded as probable thla will
result In a spilt In the association.
Chicago Officer gays Mone- Waa Paid
for Passage of Ordl.
CHICAGO, Dec. 8. "My charge of brib
ery In connection with the passage of the
Ravenswood elevated railroad ordinance li
only a beginning of what I have to reveal.
I will follow the charge up with revelations
which will startle the public."
This statement was made today by Alder
man Butler, who In the city council Mon
day night declared he was offered money
for his vote on tha ordinance and hinted
that wholesale corruption had been used
to seoure passage.
If so, where?
Dry, hacking cough 7
Foul tongue?
Loss of appetite?
Lack of energy? '
Pain In stomach? .
General weakness?
These are but a few of the signs of Indi
gestion. Some others are; Wind In the stomach
or bowels; constipation or diarrhoea; pale
complexion; spots before the eyes; dlssl
ness; loss of flesh; Irritability; sleepless
ness; nervousness.
All theee symptoms will plague and tor
ment you, and will never permanently
leave you, once you suffer from them; only
are sure, In time, to get worse, If not
treated by the best known scientific method
of cure Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
These curative tablets are" composed of
ingredients which modern knowledge of tha
true inward processes of digestion approve
of, as forming the beat, aafest, surest and
most scientific combination of medicinal
drugs, that can be used to relieve all the
conditions of Hi-health brought on by this
much-dreaded disorder,
A disease so "protean" or changeable in
Its manifestations, assuming so many forms,
characterised by so many different symp
toms that, more times than not, It Is
mistaken for some other disease altogether,
and the poor patient may die, or at best
allow the seeds of permanent, chronic
alckneas, to germinate and take root in his
So it is a real danger we ask you to
avoid, when we say: In case of doubt,
take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Even If disordered digestion la not the
real eause of your sickness (which, prob
ably, though, tt Is), yet your digestion Is
nearly certali. to be out of order, and if
allowed to remain so will seriously compli
cate your alckneas for you.
Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets, then, will be
aura to do you good, and will not Interfere
with any other medicine you may be tak
ing. They will help to make your food make
you etrong, and thua, if In no ether way,
help you back to health by helping your
system to throw off dlaease like a healthy
duck shakes water off Its back,
Shake off your alcknesa with Stuart'a
Pyspepsla Tablets.
oromlnent club
forth. of St. Toseoh,
was cured of falling of tha wonib and
its accompanying pains and misery by
Lydia R Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"Dear Mrs. Tinkham: Dfo look dark indeed when a woman
foels that her strength is fading away and she has no hopes of ever
being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I was
advised that my poor health waa caused by prolapsus or falling: of the
womb. The words sounded like a knell to me, I felt that my sun had,
set but Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound came to me as
an elixir of life; it restored the lost forces and. built me up until my
Sood health returned to me. For four months I took the medicina
aily and each dose added health and strength. I am so thank al for
the help I obtained through its use." Mrs. Florence Uantorth,
1007 Miles Ave., St. Joseph, Mich. .
A medicine that has restored so many women to health and
can produce proof of the fact must be regarded with respect. This
Is the record of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, which
cannot be equalled by any other medicine the world has ever pro
duced, liere is another case t
a irw J
i : A
Si u-i 1 Lydla E.
1 ' W nt
I a aaaw M V ... . a, "J "
iA Sanative Wash and Liver 1111s, and am now
4 , JX. enjoying good health, and have gained in flesh.
It f-d 2w I thank you very much for what you
f yflr1 j? have done for me, and heartily re com-
efiaf 2Lmend your medicine to all suffering
V women." Miss Emha Sntdkr, 218 East
r Center St., Marion, Ohio,
Women would save time and much sickness If they would
write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice as soon as any distressing symp
toms appear. It Is free, and has put thousands of women on the
right road to recovery.
Mrs. Pinkham never violates the confidence thus entrusted to
her, and although she publishes thousands of testimonials from
women who have been benefited by her advice and medicine,
never In all her experience has she published such a letter without
the full consent, ana oiien Dy
Aann FORFEIT 1' esnr.ot forthwith pod
S5000 :MlLo,M'' wWohw,iXai..hrt
Dress with reference to your own style
and what you can afford was the keynote
of the lecture on artlstlo and economical
dressing; delivered by Mrs. Kvelyn Foote
of Des Moines before the Woman's club
yesterday afternoon, and the only pity
waa that more women did not embrace the
opportunley of hearlntc and seetnK her al
together consistent advice, illustrated with
five really artistic gowns. "Every home
should have a dress form and every woman
should be taught the art of shopping, de
signing and something at least of making
her own clothes," said Mrs. Foote. With
costumes that were models of simple ele
gance she illustrated the several kinds of
gowns for which the average woman has
necessity, pointing out where they are too
elaborate for practical wear or where they
might be made more so and Impressing
upon her audience through their fitness and
consistency the inconsistency of over-dressing
on ordinary occasions and the du
sirabillty of simple elegance. She explained
why the tailor suit, the simple, plain tailor
suit. Is the thing to wear on the street
and at conventions and with her own
model showed the most approved style for
this season. Another model showed the
combination afternoon reception and dinner
gown, convertible through two bodices worn
with the same skirt. She advocated good
material and good style that is, fashions
that are becoming and consistent with the
form and style of the wearer. Excessive
trimming was eliminated entirely, but
striking effects were produced by sppllca.
tlons of the same material or some other
contrasting material, corded or puffed or
applied In some other Ingenious fashion
that any woman may study out and su
materially relieve the tax upon her pocket-
At a meeting of the executive board of
the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs
held at Lincoln Tuesduy It was decided
to hold the next annual meeting of the
federation In Lincoln rather than at Paw
nee City.
The Women's Christian association will
hold Its annual meeting Tuesday at the
First Baptist church. The work of the
association Is the maintenance of the Old
People's home at Twenty-fourth end Wirt
Streets. It Is to be an all-day ses-lon and
the business to be followed by a program
that will be announced later.
The women of Ahamo auxiliary to Typo
graphical union No. 190 will give a dancing
party Monday evening at Chambers' acad
emy, the proceeds to be used In preparing
a Christmas box for the residents of the
Printer's home. The work of the auxiliary
Is to promote acquaintance among the fami
lies of the members of ths union and to
further the interests of the union wherever
possible. They have rendered material aa
alstsnce during the last year by agitating
for the use of union-made clothing and so
increasing the demand for garmenta bear
ing the union label, which is a guarantee
that they are not made In sweatshupa nor
in violation of the child labor laws.
The women of the First liaptlst church
will demonstrate this week that their art
of using ths needle and putting up pre
woman, Mrs. Dan-
Mich., tells how she
44 Dear Mrs. Pinkham: For years I was
troubled with falling of the womb, irregular
and painful menstruation, leucorrhcea, bearing
down pains, backache, headache, dizzy and
tainting spells, ana stomacn irouuie.
I doctored for about five years but did
anam in ImnmvK T lipcan tllfl 11RB ol VOUr
W muu.viv, a, - O 7
a,., v,ni.A tolron aaTpn nnttlpfl rT
rinkham's Vegetable Compound,
lilrwl liirlfW. and also used the
special retfuca ui mo -.
luce the original letters and signatures ol
hanliit. ask! .llflakllsXaa.
Jpinkbaiu MfMiiclusi Co Lynn, MM
serves and like domestic accomplishment!
has. In no way suffered through their at
tention to other matters through tha
medium of the Woman's club. This after
noon and evening, in the parlors of thai
church, the women .are conducting a sale
of preserves and cookery and fancy and
useful articles all of their own moke and
all of which they are willing to own. At
6:30 o'clock they will serve a chloken pi
Fair Today and Tomorrow la Ne
braska. Colder Today In North -and
Kant Portions.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. Forecast of
the weather for Friday and Saturday;
For Nebraska Fair Friday and Satur
day; colder Friday in east and north por
tions. For Iowa Fair and colder Friday; Satur
day, fair. i
For Kansas Fair Friday and Saturday.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Friday
and Saturday.
For South Dakota Fair Friday and Sat
urday. I, oral Record,
OMAHA. Dec. 8. official record of temper
ature and precipitation compared with the
correftponding day of the Inst three rears:
im. 1D02. lWi.
Maximum temperature .. f7 33 12 tt
Minimum temperature.... 8.H IS 1 ft
Mean temperature 46 24 t m
precipitation 00 .01 T T
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March J,
Normal temperature M
ExceHs for the day .' 17
Totnl excess since March 1 117
Normal preclpllatlon 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Total rail. fnll since March 1 24. 19 Inches
Precipitation since March 1 S.33 inches
F.xi'i-hh for cor. period. 13 2.f-9lnche
IJenoleney for cor. period, 1902... 1 S3 Inches
. Reports from Stations at T P. H,
Station and Temper- Maximum
State of e I lire Temper- preelpl-
of Weather. at 7 p. m. ature. tatlnn.
Omit ha, partly cloudy., 51 47 .00
Valentine, cloudy ...... 44 54 .00
No. Platte, part cloudy 4 58 .00
Cheyenne, cloudy 36 4H T
Bait Lake City, cloudy, 4i 4H .00
Rapid City, clear 40 52 . 00
Huron, cloudy 28 48 .00
WllllHton, cloudy 80 . A .T
ChiiHKo. cloudy .12 31 .00
Bt. Louis, clear 52 54 .00
fit. Paul, partly cloudy 30" Sx .00
Davenport, cloudy 42 4d .00
Kansas City, cloudy.... 64 62 .00
Havre, cloudv 84 AH .00
Helena, cloudy 3X 48 .00
Blfmnrck, cloudy L'2 88 .00
Ualveston, cloudy 62 tl .00
T Indicates truce of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
"Contains Uo Quinine."
Breaks a Cold In s Fsw Hours,
Stops Headless In a Fsw Minute.
Prevsntt La Brippt.
Tarnm nsi Kait .ffwl. 11V a. anlnln nnmart.
tl'iiia. Ilrnmo Lax la a oil U, nothli.f lsxntlv
man- Ink It for J ft thst rm-on. Fur u' by
ail arutftfuu, jc, sua to I lit.! ti,s utiwi rAis
Uroma-I-Ms (Contain No Quinine).
bVssrsshs CC'rtHNTrrP ft r0 rVt BV-saasaa
Sherman MeConnell Drug Co.. asf, lata,
ad Dodge s tree u. Oman