Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Congress Listen te Communication from
tha nation's Executi?.
pesteo at Horn and Abroad tta RmiII
of the Poller Adopted hy Ike
Leaders ot the Oreat R
pabllean Party.
(Continued from Fane Four.)
Ionian institution should he authorised to
accept any additions to said collection that
may be received by Rift, bequest or devise.
Rational quarantine Law.
It la desirable to enact a proper national
quarantine law. It Is most undesirable that
a state should on Its own Initiative en
feres quarantine regulations which are In
effect a restriction upon Interstate and
International commerce The question
should properly be assumed by the gov
ernment alone. ' The surgeon general of
the national public health and marine hos
pital service has repeatedly and convin
cingly set forth the need for such legisla
tion. Estravaa-aae In Printing.
I tall your attention to 'the great ex
travagance In printing and binding gov
ernment publications, and especially to the
fact that altogether too many of these
publications are printed. There Is a con
stant tendency to Increase their number
and their volume. It Is an understatement
to aay that no appreciable harm would be
caused by, and substantial benefit would
accrue from, decreasing the amount of
printing now done by at least one-half.
Probably the great majority of the govern
ment reports and the Ilka now printed are
never read at all, and furthermore the
printing of much of the material contained
In many of the remaining ones serves no
useful purpose whatever.
The attention of the congress should be
especially given to the currency question,
and that ths standing committees on the
matter ta the two houses charged with
the duty, take up the matter of our cur
rency and see whether it is not possible
to secure an agreement In the business
world for bettering the system; the com
mittees should consider the question of the
retirement of the greenbacks and the prob
lem of securing In our currency such elas
ticity as Is consistent with safety. Every
silver dollar should be made by law re
deemable In gold at the option of the
holder. .
I especially commend to your Immediate
attention ths encouragement of our mer
chant marine by appropriate legislation.
Trade With the Orient and Coming: of
Foreigners to America.
The growing Importance of the Orient as
a field' for American exports drew from
my predecessor, President McKlnley, an
urgent request for Its special consideration
by the congress, in his message of 1899
he staled: .
In this relation, as showing the peculiar
volume and value of our trade with China
and the peculiarly favorable conditions
which exist for their expansion In the
normal course of trade, I refer to the com
munication addressed to the speaker of the
house of representatives by the secretary
Of ths treasury on the 14th of last June,
With its accompanying letter of the secre
tary of state, recommending an appropria
tion for a commission to study the Indus
trial and commercial conditions In the Chi
nese empire and to report as to the oppor
tunities for and the obstacles to the en
largement of markets In China for the
raw products and manufactures of i the
Vnlted Suites. Action was not taken
thereon during the last session. I cordially
urge that the , recommendation receive at
your hands the consideration which Its Im
portance and timeliness merit.
In his annual message of 1899 he again
called attention to this recommendation,
quoting It, and stated further:
V amaut thfn MmmnvnilftHnn. us the
first importance of the subject has steadily
grown since It was first eubmttted to you,
and no time should be lost In studying for
ourselves the resources of this great Held
for American trade and enterprise.
The Importance of securing proper In
formation and data with a view to the
enlargement of our trade with Asia Is un
diminished. Our consular representatives
In China have strongly urged a place for
permanent display of American products
In some prominent trade center of that
empire, under government control and man
agement, as an effective means of advan
cing our export trade therein. I call the at
tention of the congress to the desirability
of carrying out these suggestions.
Immigration and Naturalisation.
In dealing with the questions of Immigra
tion and naturalization It Is Indispensable
to keep certnin facts ever before the minds
of those' who share In enacting the laws.
First and foremost, let us remember that
the question of being a good American ha
nothing whatever to do with a man's birth
place any more than it has to do with lila
creed. In every generation from the time
this government was founded men of for
eign blrtii have stood In the very fore
most rank of good citizenship, and that not
merely In one but In every field of Ameri
can activity; while to try to draw a dis
tinction between the man whost parents
came to this country and the man whose
a not titers came to It several generations
back la a mere absurdity. Good American"
ism Is a matter of heart, of conscience, of
lofty aspiration, of sound common sense,
but not of birthplace or of craed. iho
medal of honor, the highest prize to be won
by those who serve in the army and the
navy of the United States, decorates men
born hero, and it also decorates men born
In Oreat Britain and Ireland, In Germany,
In Scandinavia, In France, and doubtless
In other countries also. In the field of
statesmanship, In the field of business, In
the field of philanthropic endeavor. It is
equally true that among the men of whom
we are most proud as Americans no dis
tinction whatever can be drawn between
those who themselves or whose parents
came over in sailing ship or steamer from
across the water and those whose an
cestors stepped ashore Into the wooded
wilderness at Plymouth or at the mouth of
the Hudson, the Delaware or the James
nearly three centuries ago. No fellow citi
zen of ours is entitled to any peculiar re
gard because of the way in which he wor
hips his Maker, or because of the birth
place of himself or his parents, nor should
lie be in any way discriminated against
therefor. Each must stand on his worth
as a man and each Is entitled to be judged
soleljv thereby.
Thure is no danger of having too many
Immigrants of the right kind. It makes no
difference from what country they come. If
they are sound In body and In mind, and,
above, all. if they are of good character, so
that we can rest assured that their chil
dren and grandchildren will bo worthy fel
low citizens of our children, and grand
children, then we should welcome them
with Cordial hospitality,.
f Keep the Standard High.
But the citizenship of this country should
not be debased. It Is vital that we should
keep .high .the standard of well being
among our wageworkers, and therefore we
should not admit masses of men whose
standards ot Uvtng and whose personal
customs and habits are such that they tend
to lower the level of the American wage
worker; and above all we should not admit
Colds. Headaches
anii La Grippo
stopped, ana yniur druggist guarantees
It. it u falls La will iviuxu ) u xour nwuejr.
Contains No Quinine.'
Re Calomel. Ne Opiate.
ItlesnotMerrecta.butltdGesthework. yor
sal hi sit JniKguu, Hie. bos Uimt tue lutwl raj
B rem o-La a (Contains No Quinine).
fcvJnan .at- McCenneH Drug Co., cox 1ft
and Dudge atresia, r"ialta
any man (t an unworthy type, any man
concerning whom we can say that he will
himself be a bad citizen, or that his thil
dren and grandchildren will detract from
Instead of adding to the sum of the good
citizenship of the country. Similarly we
should take the greatest care nbmit natura
lization. Fraudulent naturalization, the
naturalization of Improper persons. Is a
curse to our government; and It Is the af
fair of every honest voter, wherever born,
to see that no fraudulent voting Is allowed,
that no frsud In connection with naturali
zation Is permitted.
In the past year the cases of false, fraud
ulent and Improper naturalization of aliens
rnmlng to the attention of the executive
branches of the government have Increased
to an alarming degree. Extensive sales of
forged certificates of naturalization have
been discovered, as well as many cases of
naturalization secured by perjury and
fraud; and In addition. Instances have ac
cumulated showing that many courts Issue
certificates of naturalization carelessly and
upon Insufficient evidence.
Under the constitution It Is In the rower
of the congress "to establish a uniform
rule of naturalization." and numerous laws
have from time to time been enacted for
that purpose, which have been supple
mented In a few states hy state laws hav
ing special application. The federal statutes
permit naturalization by any court of rec
ord In the United States having common
law Jurisdiction and a seal and clerk, ex
cept the police court of the District of Co
lumbia, and nearly all these courts exer
cise this Important function. It results
that where so many courts of such varying
grades have Jurisdiction, there Is lack of
uniformity In the rules applied in confer
ring naturalization. Some courts are strict
and others lax. An alien who may secure
naturalization In one place might be denied
it In another, and the Intent of the con
stitutional provision la in fact defeated.
Furthermore, the certificates of naturaliza
tion Issued by the courts differ widely Jn
wording and appearance, and when they
are brought Into use In foreign countries
are frequently subject to suspicion.
Xatarallsatloa Laws Should Be Hf
vised. There should be a comprehensive revision
of the naturalization laws. The courts
having power to naturalize should be def
initely named by national authority; the
testimony upon which naturalization aiay
be conferred should be definitely prescribed,
publication of impending naturalization ap
plications should be required In advance
of their hearing In court; the form and
wording of all certificates Issued should be
uniform throughout the country and the
courts should be required to make returns
to the secretary of state at stated periods
of all naturalizations conferred.
Uwi Concerning; Cltlsenahlp.
Not only the laws relating to naturaliza
tion now dofectlve, but those relating to
citizenship of the United States ought also
to be made the subject of scientific Inquiry
with a view to probable further legislation.
By what acts expatriation may be assumed
to have been accomplished, how long an
American citizen may reside abroad and
receive the protection of our passport,
whether any degree of protection should be
extended to one who has made the declara
tion of Intention to become a citizen of the
United States but has not secured naturali
zation, are questions of serious Import, In
volving personal rights and often produc
ing friction between this government and
foreign governments. Yet upon these ques
tions our laws are silent. I recommend
that an examination be made Into the sub
jects of citizenship, expatriation and pro
tection of Americans abroad, with a view
to appropriate legislation.
Protection of Elections.
The power of the government to protect
the Integrity of the elections of Its own
officials Is Inherent and has been recognized
and affirmed by repeated declarations of
the supreme court. There Is no enemy of
free government more dangerous and none
so insidious as the corruption of the elector
ate. No one defends or excuses corruption,
and it would seem to follow that none
would oppose vigorous measures to eradi
cate It. I recommend the enactment of a
law directed against bribery and corrup
tion In federal elections. The details of
such a law may be safely left' to the wise
discretion of the congress,, but It should
go as far as under the constitution It Is
possible to go, and should Include severe
penalties against him who gives or receives
a bribe Intended to Influence his act or opln.
Ion as an elector; and provisions for the
publication not only of the expenditures
for nominations and elections of all candi
dates, but also of all contributions received
and expenditures made by political com
mittees. Delays In Criminal Prosecutions.
No better subject Is worthy the attention
of the congress than that portion of the
report of the attorney general dealing1 with
the long delays and the great obstruction
to justice experienced In the cases of
Beavers, Oreen and Oaynor, and Benson.
Were these isolated and special cases, I
should not call your attention to them; but
the difficulties encountered as regards these
men who have been Indicted for criminal
practices are not exceptional; they are pre
cisely similar in kind to what occurs again
and again in the case of criminals who
have sufficient means to enable them to
take advantage of a system of procedure
which has grown up In the federal courts
and which amounts In effect to making the
law easy of enforcement against the man
who has no money, and difficult of en
forcement, even to the point of sometimes
securing Immunity, as regards the man
who has money. In criminal cases the writ
of the United States should run throughout
Its borders. The wheels of justice should
not be clogged, as they have been clogged
In the cases above mentioned, where It naa
proved absolutely Impossible to bring the
accused to the place appointed by the con
stitution for his trial. Of recent years there
has been grave and Increasing complaint
of the difficulty of bringing to justice those
criminals whose criminality, Instead of be
ing against one person in the republic, is
against all persons In the republic, because
It Is against the republic Itself. Under any
circumstance and from the very nature of
the case It Is often exceedingly difficult to
secure proper punishment of those who
have been guilty of wrongdoing against tha
government. By the time the offender can
be brought Into court the popular wrath
against him has generally subsided; and
there is In most Instances very slight dan
ger Indeed of any prejudice existing In the
minds of the Jury against him. At, present
the Interests of the innocent man are amply
safeguarded; but the Interests of the gov
ernment, that Is, the Interests of honest
administration, that Is the Interests of the
people, are not recognized as they should
be. No subject better warrants the atten
tion of the congress. Indeed, no subject
warrants the attention of the bench and the
bar throughout the United States.
Alaska. Especially Recommended for
Careful Consideration.
Alaska, like all our territorial acquisi
tions, has proved resourceful beyond the
expectations of those who made the pur
chase. It has beoume the home of many
hardy. InduBtrlous. and thrifty American
citizens. Towns of a permanent character
have been built. The extent of Its wealth
In minerals, timber, fisheries, and agricul
ture, while great, la probably not compre
hended yet In any just measure by our
people. We do know, however, that from
a very small beginning Its products have
grown until they are a steady and material
contribution to the wealth of the nation
Owing to the Immensity of Alaska and
Its locstlon In the far north. It Is difficult
matter to provide many things essential to
Its growth and to the happiness and com
fort of Its people hy. private enterprise
alone. It should, therefore, receive rea
sonable aid from the government. The
government has - already done excellent
work for Alaska in laying cables and bund
ing telegraph lines. This work has been
done In the most economical and efficient
way by the Blgnal corps of the army.
In some respects it. has outgrown Its
present laws, while In others those laws
have been found to be inadequate. In order
to obtain Information upon which I could
rely I caused an offk-fal of the Department
of Justice, In whose judgment I have confi
dence, to visit Alaska during the past sum
mer for the purpose of ascertaining how
government la administered there and what
legislation is actually needed at present. A
statement of ths conditions found to exist,
together . with spme recommendations and
the reasons therefor. In which I strongly
concur, will be found in the annual report
ef the attorney general. Ia some Instances
I fact that the legislation suggested la so
Imperatively needed that I am moved
briefly to emphasise the attorney general's
Alaskan Courts and Judiciary.
Under the code of Alaska as It now
stands many purely administrative powers
and duties, including by far the most Im
portant, devolve upon the district judges or
upon the clerks of the district court acting
under the direction of the Judges, while the
governor, upon whom these powers and
duties should logically fall, has nothing
specific to do except to make annual re
ports. Issue Thanksgiving day proclama
tions, and appoint Indian policemen and
notaries public. I believe It essential to
good government In Alaska, and therefore
recommend, that the congress divest the
district Judges the clerks of their
courts of the administration or executive
functions that they now exercise and cast
them upon the governor. This would not
be an Innovation; It would simply conform
the government of Alaska to fundamental
principles, making the governorship a real
Instead of a merely nominal office, and
leaving the Judges free to give their entire
attention to their Judicial duties and at the
same time removing them from a great
deal of the strife that now embarrasses the
Judicial office In Alaska.
I also recommend thst the salaries of the
district Judges and district attorneys In
Alaska be Increased so as to make then '
equal to those received by corresponding
officers In the United States after deducting i
the difference In the cost of living; that
the district attorneys should be prohibited
from engaging In private practice; that
United States commissioners be appointed
hy the governor of the territory Instead of
hy the district Judges, and that a fixed
salary be provided for them to take the
place of the discredited "fee system," which
should be abolished In all offices; that a
mounted constabulary be created to police
the territory outside the limits of Incor
porated towns vast section now wholly
without police protection; and that some
provision be made to at least lessen the
oppressive delays and costs that now at
tend the prosecution of appeals from the
district court of Alaska, There should be a
division of the existing Judicial districts
and an Increase In the number of Judges.
Should Have Representation.
Alaska should have a delegate In the con
gress. Where possible, the congress should
aid in the construction of needed wagon
roads. Additional lighthouses shoilld be
provided. In my Judgment. It Is especially
Important to aid in such manner as seems
Just and feasible In the construction of a
trunk line of railway to connect the Oulf
of Alaska with the Yukon river through
AmerUan territory. This would be most
beneficial to the development of the re
sources of the territory, and to the comfort
and welfaVe of Its people.
Salmon hatcheries should be established
in many different streams, so as to secure
the preservation of this valuable food fish.
Salmon fisheries and canneries should be
prohibited on certain of the rivers where
the mass of those Indians dwell who live
almost exclusively on fish.
The Alaskan natives are kindly. Intelli
gent, anxious to learn and willing to work.
Those who have come under the Influence
of civilization, even for a limited period,
have proved their capability of becoming
self-supporting, self-respecting citizens, and
ask only for the Just enforcement of law
and Intelligent Instruction and supervision.
Others, living In more remote regions, prim
itive, simple hunters and fisher folk, who
know only the life of the woqds and the
waters, are dally being confronted with
twentieth-century civilization with all of
Its complexities. Their country Is being
overrun by strangers, the game slaughtered
and driven away, the Bt reams depleted of
fish and hitherto unknown and fatal dis
eases brought to them, all of which com
bine to produce a state of abject poverty
and want which must result In their extinc
tion. Action In their Interest Is demanded
by every consideration of justice and hu
manity. The needs of these people are:
The abolition of the present fee system,
whereby the native Is degraded. Imposed
upon and taught the Injustice of law.
The establishment of hospitals at central
points, so that contagious diseases that are
brought to them continually by Incoming
whites may be localized and not allowed
to become epidemic, to spread death and
destitution over great areas.
Toe development of the educational sys
tem In the fottn of practical training In
such industries as will assure the Indians
self-support under the changed conditions
In which they will have to live.
The duties of the office of governor
should be extended to Include the supervis
ion of Indian affairs, with necessary assist
ants in different districts. He should be
provided with the means and the power
to protect and advise the native people, to
furnish medical treatment In time of epi
demics and to extend material relief In
periods of famine and extreme destitution.
Hawaii and Porto Rico.
The Alaskan natives should be given the
right to acquire, hold and dispose of prop
erty upon the same conditions as given
other inhabitants; and the privilege of
citizenship should be given to such as may
be able to meet certain definite require
ments. In Hawaii congress should give
the governor power to remove all the of
ficials appointed under him. The harbor
of Honolulu should be dredged. The marine
hospital service should be empowered to
study leprosy In the Islands. I ask special
consideration for the report and recom
mendations of the governor of Porto Rico.
Attitude of This Country Toward
World at Large.
In treating of our foreign policy and of
the attltuist that this great nation should
assume In the world at large, It is abso
lutely necessary to consider the army and
the navy, and the congress, through which
the thought of the nation finds its expres
sion, should keep ever vividly In mind the
fundamental fact that It Is Impossible to
treat our foreign policy, whether this policy
takes shape In the effort to secure Justice
for others or justice for ourselves, save as
conditioned upon the attitude we are will
ing to take toward our army, and especially
toward our navy. It la not merely unwise.
It la contemptible, for a nation, as for an
Individual, to use high-sounding language
to proclaim Its purposes, or to take po
sitions which are ridiculous If unsupported
by potential force, and then to refuse to
provide this force. If there Is no Inten
tion of providing and of keeping the force
necessary to back up a strong attitude,
then It Is far better not to assume such an
Strives Toward Peace.
The steady aim of this nation, as of all
enlightened nations, should be to strive to
bring ever nearer the day when there shall
prevail throughout the world the peace
of Justice. There are kinds of peace which
are highly undesirable, which are In the
long run as destructive as any war. Ty
rants and oppressors have many times
made a wilderness and called It peace.
Many times peoples who were slothful or
timid or shortsighted, who had been ener
vated by ease' or by luxury, or misled by
false teachings, have shrunk In unmanly
fashion from doing duty . that was stern
and that needed self-sacrifice, and have
sought to hide from their own minds their
shortcomings, their ignoble motives, by
calling them love of peace. The peace of
tyrannous terror, the peace ot craven weak
ness, the peace of Injustice, all those should
be shunned as we shun unrighteous war.
The goal to set before us as a nation, the
goal which should be set before all man
kind. Is the attainment of the peace of
Justice, of the peace which comes when
each nation Is not merely safeguarded In
Its own rights, but scruplously recognises
and performs Its duty toward others. Gen
erally peace tells for righteousness; but If
there Is conflict between the two, then our
fealty is due first to the cause ot righteous-'
ness. Unrighteous wars are common, and
unrighteous peace Is rare; but both should
be shunned. The right of freedom and
the responsibility for the exercise of that
right cannot be divorced. One of eur great
poets has well and finely said that free
dom la not a gift that tarries long In the
hands of cowards. Neither does It tarry
long in the bands of those too slothful,
too dluhonest or too unintelligent to exer
cise It. The eternal vigilance which 1
the price of liberty must be exercised,
sometimes to guard against outside foes;
although of course far more often to guard
against our own selfish or thoughtless short
comings. Rights ot Mattous.
If these self-evident truths are kept be
fore us, and only If they are so kept be
fore us, we shall have a clear Idea of what
our foreign policy In Its larger aspects
should be. It is our duty to remember that
a nation has no more right to do Injustice
to another nation, strong or weak, than an
Individual has to do Injustice to another
Individual: that the same moral law applies
in one case as In the other. Hut we must
also remember that It Is as much the duty
of the nation to guard Its own rights and
its own Interests as It is the duty of the
individual so to do. Within the nation the
Individual has now delegated this right to
the state, that Is, to the representative of
all the Individuals, and It is a maxim of
the law that for every wrong there Is a
remedy. But in International law we have
not advanced by any means ns far as we
have advanced In municipal law. There Is
as yet no Judicial way of enforcing a right
In International law. When ono nation
wrongs another or wrongs many others,
there is no tribunal before whlrh the wrong
doer can be brought. Either It is neces
sary supinely to acquiesce In the wrong,
and thus put a premium upon brutality and
aggression, or else It Is necessary for the
aggrieved nation valiantly to stand up for
Its rights. Until some method is devised
by which there shall be a degree of Inter
national control over offending nations. It
would be a wicked thing for the most
civilized powers, for those with the most
sense of International obligations nnd with
keenest and most generous appreciation of
the difference between right and wrong, to
disarm. If Jhe great civilized nations of
the present day should completely disarm,
the result would mean an Immediate re
crudescence of barbarism In one form or
another. Under any circumstances a suffi
cient armament would have to be kept up
to serve the purposes of International
police; and until International cohesion and
the sense of International duties and rights
are far more advanced than at present, a
nation desirous both of securing respect
for Itself and of doing good to others must
have a force adequate for the work which
it feels is allotted to it as Its part of the
general world duty. Therefore It follows
that a self-respecting, just and far-seeing
nation should on the one hand endeavor by
every means to aid In the development of
the various movements which tend to pro
vide substitutes for war, which tend to
render nations In their actions toward one
another, and indeed toward . their own
peoples, more responsive to the general
sentiment of humane and civilized mankind;
and on the other hand that It should keep
prepared, while - scrupulously avoiding
wrongdoing Itself, to repel any wrong, nnd
In exceptional cases to take action which
In a more advanced stage of International
relations would come under tho head of
the exercise of the International police. A
great free people owes It to Itself and to all
mankind not to sink Into helplessness be
fore the powers of evil.
Arbitration Treaties.
We are In every way endeavoring to help
on, with cordial good will, every movement
which will tend to bring us Into more
friendly relations with the rest of man
kind. In pursuance of this policy I shall
shortly lay before the senate treaties of
arbitration with all powers which are wil
ling to enter Into these treaties with us. It
Is not possible at this period of the world's
development to agree to arbitrate all mat
ters, but there are many matters of possi
ble difference between us and other na
tions which can be thus arbitrated. Fur
thermore, at the request of the Interparlia
mentary union, an eminent body composed
of practical statesmen from all countries,
I have asked the powers to Join with this
government In a second Hague conference,
at which It is hoped that the work already
so happily begun at The Hague may be
carried some steps further toward comple
tion. This carries out the desire expressed
by the first Hague conference Itself.
Policy Toward Other Nations of West
ern Hemisphere.
It Is not true that the United States feels
any land hunger or entertains any projects
as regards the other nations of the west
ern hemisphere save such as are for tholr
welfare. All that this country desires is to
see the neighboring countries stable, or
derly and prosperous. Any country whose
people conduct themselves well can count
upon our hearty friendship. If a nation
shows that it knows hew to act with rea
sonable efficiency and decency In social and
political matters. If it keeps order and pays
its obligations, It need fear no Interference
from the United 8ta-tea Chronic wrongdo
ing, or an Impotence" which results in a
general ' loosening of the ties of civilized
society, may In America, as elsewhere, ul
timately require Intervention by some civil
ized nation, and In the western hemisphere
the adherence of the United States to the
Monroe doctrine may force the United
States, however relunctantly, in flagrant
cases of such wrongdoing or Impotence, to
the exercise of an International police
power. If every country washed by the
Caribbean sea would show the progress In
stable and just civilization which with the
aid of the Piatt amendment Cuba has
shown since our troops left the Island, and
which so many of the republics In both
Americas are constantly and brilliantly
showing, all questions of interference by
this nation with their affairs would be at
an end. Our Interests and those of our
southern neighbors are In reality Identical.
They have great natural riches, and if
within their borders the reign of law and
Justice obtains, prosperity Is sure to come
to them. While they thus obey the pri
mary laws of civilized society they may
rest assured that they will be treated by
us in a spirit of cordial and helpful sym
pathy. We would Interfere with them only
in the last resort, and then only It It be
came evident that their inability or un
willingness to do Justice at home and
abroad had violated the rights of the
United States or had invited foreign ag
gression to the detriment of the entire body
of American nations. It Is a mere truism
to aay that every nation, whether In Amer
ica or anywhere else, which desires to
maintain its freedom. Its Independence,
must ultimately realize that the right of
such Independence can not be separated
from the responsibility of making good use
of It.
Effect of Action Taken.
In asserting the Monroe , doctrine. In
taking such steps as we have taken In
regard to Cuba. Venezuela and Panama,
and In endeavoring to circumscribe the
theater of war In the far east, and to se
cure the open door in China, we have
acted In our own Interest as well as in
the Interest of humanity at large. There
are, however, cases In which, while our
own interests are not greatly Involved,
strong appeal is made to our sympathies.
Ordinarily It is very much wiser and more
useful for us to concern ourselves with
striving for our own moral and material
betterment her at home than to con
cern ourselves with trying to better the
condition of things In other nations. We
have plenty of sins of our own to war
against, and under ordinary circumstances
we can do more for the general uy Idl
ing of humanity by striving with heart
and soul to put a stop to civic corruption,
to bVutal lawlessness and violent race
prejudices here at home than by passing
resolutions about wrongdoing elsewhere.
Nevertheless there are occasional crimes
committed en to vast a scale un.l of such
peculiar horror as to make uh doubt
whether it Is not our manifest duty to
endeavor at least to show our disapproval
of the deed and our sympathy with those
who have suffered by It. The cwhhs must
be extreme In which such a course is
justifiable. There must be no effort made
to remove the mote from our brother's
eye if we refuse to remove the beam
from our own. But in extreme cases action
may be justifiable and proper. ' What form
the action shall take must depend upon
the circumstances of the case; that is,
upon the degree of the atrocity and upon
our power to remedy it. The caso In
which we could interfere by force of
arms as ws interfered to put a stop to
Intolerable conditions In Cuba ure neces
sarily very few. Yet it Is. not to be ex
pected that a people like ours, which in
spite of certain very obvious shortcom
ings, nevertheless as a whole shows by
its consistent practice Its belief In the
principles of civil and religious liberty
and of orderly freedom, a pupln among
whom even tne worst crime, like the
crime of lynching, is never more than
sporadic, ao that Individuals and not
classes are molested In their fundamental
rights it Is inevitable that such a nation
should desire eagerly to give expression
to its horror on an occasion like thut i f
the massacre of the Jews la Ivishenef, or
when it witnesses such systematic and
long-extended qruelty and oppression as
the cruelty and oppression of which th
Armenians have been the victims, and
which have won for them the. indignant
pity of the civilized world.
Rights of American Citizens Abroad.
Even where it Is not posslhlo to secure
In other nations the observance of the
principles which we accept as axiomatic,
it ia necessary for us firmly to Insist upon
the rights of our own citizens without re
gard to their creed or race; without re
gard to whether they were born here or
born abroad. It has proved very difficult to
secure from Russia the right for our Jew
ish fellow-citizens to receive passports and
travel through Russian territory. Such
conduct Is not only unjust nnd Irritating
toward us, but It Is difficult to see Its wis
dom from Russia's standpoint. No con
ceivable good Is accomplished by It. if an
American Jew or an American Christtnn
misbehaves himself In Russia lie can at
once be driven out; but the ordinary Amer
ican Jew, like the ordinary American Chris
tian, would behave Just about ns he be
haves here, that Is, behavrs as any goo I
citizen ought to behave; and where this Is
the case It Is a wrong against which we
are entitled to protest to refuse lilm Ms
passport without regard to his conduct and
character, mere!;- on racial and rcllgloua
grounds. In Turkey our difficulties arise
less from the way In which our citizens
are sometimes treated than from tho Indig
nation Inevitably excited In seeing such
fearful misrule as has been witnessed both
In Armenia and Macedonia.
lind and Naval Forces of the tutted
States of America.
Tho strong arm of the government In en
forcing respect for Its Just rights In Inter
national matters Is the navy of the United
States. 1 most earnestly recommend that
there be no halt In the work of upbuilding
the American navy. There Is no more pa
triotic duty before us as a people than to
keep the navy adequate to the needs of
this country's position. We have under
taken to build the isthmian canal. We
have undertaken to secure for ourselves our
Just share in the trade of jthe Orient. We
have undertaken to protect our citizens
from Improper treatment In foreign lands.
We continue steadily to Insist on the ap
plication of the Monroe doctrine to the
western hemisphere. Unless our nttltude'
In these and all similar matters is to be a
mere boastful sham we cannot afford to
abandon our naval program. Our voice Is
now potent for peace, and Is so potent be
cause we arc not afraid of war. But our
protestations upon behalf of peace would
neither receive nor decerve the slightest at
tention If wo were Impotent to mako them
Lessons from Port Arthur.
Tho war which now unfortunately rages
In the far east has emphasized In striking
fashion the new possibilities of naval war
fare. The lessons taught are both strategic
and tactical, and are political as well as
military. The experiences of the war have
shown In conclusive fashion that while
seagoing and seakeeplng torpedo destroyers
arc Indispensable, and fast lightly armed
and armored cruisers very useful, yet that
the main reliance, the main standby, In
any navy worthy the name must be the
great battleships, heavily nrmored and
heavily gunned. Not a Russian or Japa
nese battleship has been sunk by a tor
pedo boat, or by gunfire, while among the
less protected ships, cruiser after cruiser
has been destroyed whenever tho hostile
squadrons have gotten within range of one
another's weapons. There will always be
a large field of usefulness for cruisers,
especially ot the more formidable type.
We need to increase the number of tor
pedo boat destroyers, paying less heed to
their having a knot or two extra speed than
to their capacity to keep the seas for
weeks, and, If necessary, for months at a
time. It Is who to build submarine tor
pedo boats, as under certain circumstances
they might be useful. But most of all we
need to continue building our fleet of bat
tleships, or ships so powerfully armed that
they can inflict the maximum of damage
upon our opponents, and so well protected
that they can suffer a severe hammering
In return without fatal impairment of their
ability to fight and maneuver. Of course
ample means must be provided for enabling
the personnel of the nnvy to be brought to
the highest point of efficiency. Our great
fighting ships and torpedo boats must be
ceaselessly trained nnd maneuvered in
squadrons. The officers and men can only
learn their trade thoroughly by ceaseless
practice on the high soas. In the event of
wnr It would be for better to have no ships
nt all titan to have ships of a poor and
Ineffective type, or ships; which, however
good, were yet msnned by untrained and
unskillful crews. The best officers and men
in a poor ship could do nothing against
fairly good opponents; and on the other
hand a modern warship is useless unless
tho officers and men aboard It have be
come adepts In their duties. The marks
manship in our navy has improved In an
extraordinary degree during the last three
years, and on the whole the types of our
battleships are Improving;' but much re.
mains to be done. Sooner or later we shall
have to provide for some method by which
there will be promotions for merit as well
as for seniority, or else retirement of all
those who after a certain age have not
advanced beyond a certain grade; while
no effort must be spared to make the
service attractive to the enlisted men in
order that they may be kept as long as
possible In it- Reservation public schools
should be provided wherever there are navy
Army and Its Uses.
Within the last three years the United
States has set an example In disarmament
where disarmament was proper. By law
our army Is fixed at a maximum of 1 TO, 000
and a minimum of 60,000 men. When there
was Insurrection in the Philippines we kept
the army at the maximum. Peace came
in the Philippines and now our army has
been reduced to the minimum at which It
Is possible to keep It with due regard to
its efficiency. The guns now mounted re
quire JS.000 men, if the coast fortifications
are to be adequately manned. Relatively to
the nation, it Is not now no large as the
police force of Now York or Chicago rela
tively to the population of either city. We
need more officers; there are not enough to
perform the regular army work. It Is very
Important that the officers of the army
should be accustomed to handle their men
In masses, as It Is also Important that the
National gunrd of the several states should
be accustomed to actual field maneuvering,
especially in connection with the regulars.
For this reason we are to be congratulated
upon the success of the field maneuvers at
Manassas last fall, maneuvers In which a
lurg.-r number of regulars and National
guard took part than was ever before as
sembled together In time of peace. No other
elvlllzod nation has. relatively to Its pop
ulation, such a diminutive army as ours;
and while the army is so small we are not
to be excused If we fall to keep it at a
very high grade of proficiency. It must he
Incessantly practiced; the standard for tho
enlisted men should be kept very high,
while at the same time the service Khould
be made as attractive as possible; and the
standard for t!? officers should be kept
even higher which, as regards the upper
ranks, can best be done by Introducing some
system of selection and rejection into the
Within the last three years the United
of some sudden emergency, to put into the
field one first-class army corpe, which
should be, as a whole, at least the equal
of any body of troops of like number be
longing to any other nation.
Oreat progress has been madr- In pro.
tectiug our coasts by adequate for ' lllcatlons
with sufficient guns. Wo should, however,
pay much more heed than at present to the
development of an extensive system of
floating mines for use In all our more Im
portant harbors. These mines have been
proved to be a most formidable safeguard
against hostile fleets.
Medals of Honor In the Navy.
I earnestly call tne attention of con
gress to the need of amending the exist
ing law relating to the award of con
gressional medals of honor In the navy
bo as to provide that they may be
awarded to commissioned officers und war
rant officer as well as to enlisted men.
These Justly prized medals are given In
the army alike to the officers und the en
listed men. and It la most unjust that the
commissioned officers and warrant officers
nf the navy Khould nut in this respect
i have the same rights as their brethren
the navy. '
Necessity for Mnlntulnlun- Control
Over the Islands,
In the Philippine Islands there has been
during tho past year a continuation of
the steady progress which has obtained
ever rlnce our troops definitely gut the
upper hand of the Insurgenlx. Tho Phil.
Ipplne people, or, to speak mure accu
rately, the many tribes, and even races,
sundered from one another more or lest
sharply, .who go to make up the people
of the Phlllpp lue Islands, contain many
no pail
Mrs. Louisa Cox, Who Is
Like a Girl, And Says
What It Is to Have
aw w v.'.-. - w. . .'. - ..... -
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
There 4,iKp0 men nnd women In this country nlone who have passed the hundred,
year mark, and nearly everv ono of them has publicly acknowledged that he or she
owis heatlh. strength, continued use ot all the faculties, and extreme old age to
Duffy's Pure Malt Whlskev. the great cure and preventive of disease, the true ellxer
of life. We will send vou free a booklet containing portraits and letters of many ot
these old people, and valuable meuicai in
formation. If you would bo strong and vigorous, and
able to enjoy th- wtuk and pleasures of life
to the fullest; If you would live to ripe old
age without aches and pains, take Duffy's
I'ure Malt Whiskey as directed and avoid
all drugs. Doctors say It is the most power
ful aid they have in fighting and curing
diseases of throat, limps and stomach, low
fevers and all weakening, wasting, nerv
ous, run-down, diseased conditions from
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It acts quickly and builds up the whole
system. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is used
exclusively in leading hospitals. The old
reliable- family remedy of hundreds of
thousands for over fifty years, its purity
Is vouched for by chemists, and by the fact
that It's the only whiskey recognized by
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Every testimonial Is published In good
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Be lore you get the genuine Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, sold In bottles
Only, hy all reliable drngalsts nnd Krncers, or direct, price 1.1M. It is tho
only absolutely pure medlclnnl Whiskey and contains no fusel oil. Look
for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist." on the label, nnd he certnin .the aeal
over the cork Is on broken, Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, Si. Y :
elements of goon, and some elements
which we have a right to hope stand for
progress. At present they are utterly ln
capuble of existing in Independence at all
or of building up a civilization of their
own. I firmly believe that we can help
them to rise higher and higher In the
scale of civilization nnd of capacity for
self-government, nnd I most earnestly
hope that In the end they will be able to
stand, lf not entirely alone, yet In some
such relation to the United States as
Cuba now stands. This end Is not yet
In sight, and It may be Indefinitely post
poned If our people are foolish enough to
turn the attention of the Filipinos away
from the problems of achieving mral
and material prosperity, of working for
a stable, orderly and Just government,
and toward foolish and dangerous Intri
gues for a complete Independence for
which they are ns yet totally unfit.
Why We Are There.
On the other hand, our people must
keep steadily before their minds the fact
that the Justification for our stay In the
Philippines must ultimately rest chiefly
upon the good we aro able to do In the
islands. I do not overlook the fact that
In the development of our Interests In
the Pacific ocean and along Its coasts, the
Philippines have played and will play an
Important part, and that our Interests
have been served In more than one way
by the possession of the Islands. Hut our
chief reason for continuing to hold them
must be that we ought In good faith to
try to do our share of the world's work,
and this particular piece of work has
been imposed upon us by the results of
the wnr with Spain. The problem pre
sented to us In the Philippine inlands is
akin to, but not exactly like, the prob
lems presented to the other great civil
ized powers which have possessions In
the orient. There are points of resem
blance in our work to the work which Is
being done by the British in India and
Egypt, by the French in Algiers, by the
Dutch In Java, by the Russians in
Turkestan, by the Japanese In Formosa;
but more distinctly than any of these
powers wo are endeavoilng to develop the
natives themselves so that they shall take
an ever-Increasing share In their own
government, ind as far as Is prudent we
are already admitting their representa
tives to a governmental equality with our
own. There are commissioners, judges
and governors in the islands who are
Filipinos and who have exactly the same
share in the government of the Islands
as have their colleagues who are Ameri
cans, while in tho lower ranks, of course,
the great majority of the public servants
are Filipinos.
Elective ' Legislature Promised.
Within two years we shall be trying the
experiment of an elective lower house In
tho Philippine legislature. It may be that
the Filipinos will misuse this legislature,
and they certainly will misuse it If they are
misled by foolish persons here at home Into
starting an agitation for their own inde
pendence or Into any factious or Improper
action. In Buch case they will do themselves
no good and will stop for the time being
all further effort to advance them und give
them a greater share In their own govern
ment. But if they act with wisdom and
self-restraint, If they show that they are
capable of electing a legislature which in
Its turn Is capable of taking a sane and
efficient part in the actual work of gov
ernment, they can rest assured that a full
and Increasing measure of recognition will
be given them. Above all they should re
member that their prime needs are moral
and industrial, not political. It Is a good
thing to try the experiment of giving them
a legislature; but it is a far better thing
to give them schools, good roads, railroads
which will enable them to get their prod
ucts to market, honest courts, an honest
and efficient constabulary, and all that
tends to produce order, peace, fair dealing
as between man and man, and habits of
Intelligent Industry and thrift. If they are
safeguarded against oppression, and If their
real wants, material and spiritual, are
studied Intelligently and In a spirit of
friendly sympathy, much more good will
be done them than by any effort to give
them political power, though this effort
may In its own proper time and place be
proper enough.
Example, from America.
Meanwhile our own people should remcm.
ber thut there 1b need for the highest
standard of conduct among the Americans
sent to the Philippine islands, not only
among the pulTlic uervaiita but among the
private individuals who go to them. It Is
because I feel thin so deeply that in the
administration of these islands I have pes- ;
ltively refused to permit any discrimination
whatsoever for political reasons and have
Insisted that In choosing the public servants
We will send sample copies three weeks fres. If you like it, subscribe other
wise it will slop promptly at the end of the three weeks. Trice Si 00 per year.
105 Years Old, Sloops
She Dass Not Know
a Pain or Ache.
Her Only Medicine Is
WHISKEY, "Tho Ranew
er of Youth."
Harrington. Maine, May 20, 14.
Gentlemen : I am 106 years old. I am
well, without a pain or ache. I sleep a
well as I did w hen I was a girl. I use your
whiskey end like It very much. Puffy'
Pure Malt Whiskey is the only medicine I
use. I get water from the well, bring la
wood, and do my housework.
Mrs. Louisa Co.
4,993 Cnlenrhni Ows
Health and Old Ae to
consideration should be paid eolety to th
worth of the men chosen and to the need
of the Islands. There la no higher body ol
men In our public service than we have in
tho Philippine islands under Governor
Wright and his associates. So far as pos
sible these men should be given a free hand
nnd their suggestions should receive the
hearty backing botli of the executive and
of the congress. There Is need of a vigilant
and disinterested . support of our public
servants In tho Philippines by good citizens
here In the United States.. Unfortunately
hitherto those of our people here at home
who have specially claimed to be the cham.
plons of tho Filipinos have In realty been
their worst enemies. This will continue to
be the case as long as they strive to make
tho Filipinos Independent, and stop all In
dustrial development of the Islands by cry
ing out against the' laws "which would
bring It on the ground that capitalists must
not "exploit" the Islands. Such proceedings
are not only unwise, but are most harmful
to the Filipinos, who do not need Independ
ence at all. but who do need good laws,
good public servants and the industrial
development that can only come If the In
vestment of (American and foreign capital
In the Islands Is favored In all legitimate
ways. . -r - .
Every measure. - taken concerning tha
Islands should be taken primarily with a
view to their advantage. We should cer
tainly give them lower tariff rates on their
exports .o the United States; If this Is not'
done It will be a wrong to extend our ship
ping laws to them. I earnestly hope for,
the Immediate enactment Into law of tha
legislation now pending to encourage Amer
ican capital to seek Investment in tha
Islands In railroads. In factories, In plant a-,
Hons and In lumberlhg and mining.
The White House. Dec, 1904.
I suffered for a ldng time with a bad case
of Catarrh, and took a great deal of medi
cine without any benefit. .
I had a continual headache, my cheeks
had grown purple, my nose was always
stopped up, my breath had a sickening and
disgusting odor, and I coughed incessantly,
I heard of your S. S. S. and wrote to you.
I commenced to use it, and after taking
Eeveral bottles I was cured and have never
since had the slightest symptom of the dis
ease. MiS9 Mary L. Storm.
Cor. 7th & Felix SU., St Joseph, Mo.
Wheeling, W. Va., May S9, 1903.
I had Nasal Catarrh for years for which I
used S. S. S. with very gratifying results.
1 tried local applications for some time,
and getting no permanent relief I came to
the conclusion that the seat of the trouble
was in the blood. Knowing S. S. S. to be
a good blood medicine I began its use, and
after using it for some little while it did
away entirely with the offensive mucus in
the nostrils, and I did not have to hawk
and spit, especially in the morning, to dis
lodge the catarrhal matter.
1627 South St. Fred H Prxssy.
The filthy secretions and foul mucus that
are continually dropping back into the
throat, find their way into the stomach and
are v absorbed Into tne Dlooa. (..atarrn
then becomes con
atitutional, and the
only way to get rid
of it Is through the
Write us if you
have Catarrh, and
our physicians will
advise you without
The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Office and Infirmary, 28th and Mason 81.
OMAHA, NEB. Telephone 632.
"One Out of A Hundred"
Frederic W. Taylor,
Chief of the Afrricultural Department
of the St. Louis Exposition says of
"Of mora than s hundred papers relatlnf to n
SKricuitute, as claasified at thia Lipoaition, The
Twentieth Century farmer ia 011a of four or five
that 1 always look through even In Diy buaieat
tiuiea. 1 know nf no paper which eeema 10 Die to
be a more helpful weekly viaiior to the farm, aud '
the clfcar-ciit ariiclea written by practical uiua
and illuMiatdJ ia an illuminating way, terra to
mt ideal."