-wr-' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY. PECEMTTEH 7, 1004. .1 COMMITTEE VISITS GOVERNOR Citio rdratiraiits Aik Him to Take Hud la Omaha Affair. NO SUGGESTION AS TO WHAT TO DO Addison Walt R thm Seat I M( Clerk. ( naaklsa- lNri-1f folk Oaatraeiara tlrnsad El tension af Tl. fKrotn Buff Correspondent.) , LINCOLN. Dec. s.-(Bpela1 -T. J. Me honey, president, and W. T. Graham, sec retary of tha Omaha Civic federathm. np points! aa a committee to confer with Gov ernor Mickey and to suggest to him how ha could improve condition In Omaha, have been hara and gone and tha iwernor la atill at a loaa to know what ha can do that will bring Omaha nearer the Ideal In dty governments. E. Rosewater, who cam to Lincoln laat right and who waa at tha atata hous when tha committee arrived. wi Invited by Owemw Mickey to be come a pert of tha conference. The CI via federation committee failed to suggest., tafia plan "whereby Governor Mickey could do anything1 that would help out matters and apparently they not only did not have any definite plan for reform, and neither did they know what they did want. ' Aa far aa any tangible results are concerned tha whole affair was a farce. Mr. Rowatr aaked Mr. Mahoney Why tha Civic federation did not file complaints sgalnst tha owueis of houses of prostitu tion If tha federation wanted to wipe out thai evil. Instead of arresting tha Inmates. '"There la no ore brave enough to file ueh complaint," retorted the purifier. "Be. idea, som of tha own are non-real, dents fcr.S we could not get at them." Mr. Rnae water's suggestion that thay could fat iWv the agent of tha property did not ciiot wlt'j th approval of the com mittee, but la Old draw on quite a lot of personalities, which had nothing to do with the questions before tha governor, but whioh ' took up about three hours of his time to hear. Want lUraertere Exeladcd. MV. Mahoney and Mr. Oraham arrived in Ulneota at 10:st and cam at one to tha ofTlc of tha governor. Both requested that no reporters be admitted to the conference and It was some twenty. minute later when Mr. Rose water cam Into the offlo and wa invited by Governor Mickey to take part In the meeting, as was Secretary Allen. After some discussion the committee an nounced that It desired Governor Mickey to use his position In compelling the ea loons to clone on Sundays; While this was being discussed Mr. Roserwater said there were a good many more evils In Omaha, probably, that needed attention aa much as the enforcement of the Sunday closing law. He pointed out to the oommltte that com ' plaints could be filed in the state courts If the Slocumb law wa being violated, and that f the city ordinances were being vio lated complaint could be filed In the city courts.' He then suggested when the ques tion of prosecution wa brought up that th owner of the house should be prose cuted, as well as th Inmates. After th meeting wa over Mr. Mahoney said no recommendation had been made to thev governor, no resignations had been demanded and no epedflo caeca of law lireaJcing had been mentioned exoept that saloon were, open on Sunday. "We cam down," he said, "to see Gov ernor Mickey and to explain to him the ob ject af the Civic federation. We invited the gotrernbr "to attend our roam meeting and he accepted th Invitation. Later son of the- governor' friend thought It was our indention to got th governor to Omaha and make him a target of abue. and he cancelled th engagement. We cam to Lincoln to tell th governor such wa not our Intention and that we are trying- to eradicate soma of tha evtla now existing In th city." Mr. Mahoney wa asked If ha eould not get a fair hearing- before th Board of Fir and Polios Commission. He replied: "I - ttsre acouaed a court or board of being unfair until after a hearing. But I know that last year w filed charge against sa loons and this year they wore granted license Just the same, when they shouldn't have received them." At th conclusion of the hearing Governor Mickey suggested to th oommltte that they go into court and secure an opinion of the dutle of the board, and then If the board failed to do Its duty as Interpreted by th court nle a written complaint against th members with him. -Walt t Be Advanced. Unless aU signs fall Addison Walt will be th next chief clerk -tat th offlo of the Banking board. It wa said today that A. N. Dodion, the present chief clerk, would not be an applicant for hi old posi tion and that th board members were firorob; to th candidacy of Mr. Walt. Ti . I'.tter Is at present bookkeeper in th offtqe of th nrtary of state and was be. , fore the last republican state convention a candidate for' secretary of state. tea Crave tor a , Tarsea ; Dowi, Th Stat Board of Publlo Land and Buildings this afternoon refused th re quest of th contractors who are building : th Norfolk asylum for an ex enalon of the time of completion of th building to Feb ruary 1. The contract called" fur ccmple tien October 1 and there is attached a penalty ef 135 a day for every day over that time. Owing to th rainy weather, however. It I not likely that the penalty will be enforced for every dev. The build ing probably will be completed by th mid dle of January. t Deay II la at ef Appeal. Attorneys for K. A. Brodboll. who fllat the charges aglnt prs. Mimk and Walker before the State Board of Heilth. will In a few days file a motion In d strict court to quash proceeding, the dolors having secured a temporary Injunction to prevent the board from revrklng their cer tificates. Brodboll's attorney clslm the esse Is not appealable from the decision the board. ' Money for the School. There will be divided among the sol oil districts of the slate by reason of the bp mi-annual school apportionment ICT2. 267.06, against KS5.CO0 thu time last yeir. It wm supposed yesterday afternoon that the amount would reach 1274.000. but a war rant that wa expected to re .ch the treas urer's office failed to get here. The -.otal amount as certified to Superintendent Fowler was made up as follows: Btete school taxes $ 75 3nn.4T Interest on school land sold Jn., i04.il Internet on school land leased 78.1WM Interest on bond kS,1R 3 Interest on warrant !M7S 7 Gam and flh licenses J.O.O.m Bonus on Nance county bonds .. 619 42 Partial payment coupons Apportionment refund .H4 zo.to Total I272 2F.7.0 Boy Waste Liberty. fiarry Johnson, aged 18 years, an Inmate of the Kearney Industrial school, want to be released, end a number of his friends are working to that end. This afternoon John Dundas of Auburn, editor of th Granger, appeared before Governor Mickey and made an arg'ument to secure a commu tation of sentence. The boy was sent up for Incorrigibility. A number of people signed a petition for his release, while a number equally as large wrote the governor saying that it would be to the best Inter ests of the state as well as to the boy were he allowed to serve out his time. J earn a 1 Company Df nnri. The State Journal company, defendant In a suit for 172.500 brought by the state be cause it Is alleged the Journal sold copy righted supreme court reports to that amount, filed a brief In support of Ha de murrer today. I4v Stock Deleg-atea. These were appointed delegate to the annual convention of the National Live Stock association at Denver, Coin., January 10 to 13 1 A. C. Shallenberger, Alma, Neb.; W. R. Mellor, Loup City, Neb.; J. B. Dins more, Sutton, Neb. Delerates to Forestry Congress. Governor Mickey today appointed these delegates to the American Forest congress at Washington, D. C January to 8. 1906: J. R. P. Brown, Dodge, Neb.; Chsrles A. Scott, forest reserve, Halsey, Neb.; Wil liam H. Mast, forest reserve, Halsey, Neb.; Hon. Lorenrp Crounse, Omaha; Hon. Rob ert W. Furnas, Brownvllle, Neb. gnprem Cosrt Proceedings. Proceedings In th supreme court De cember 6, 1U0I: On motion of J. L McPheely, John E. Wilson of WaJioo and John A. McKensle of Omaha were admitted to practice In the supreme court. The following cases were marked for oral argument: Huddleson against Polk, argument on mo tion for rehearing; Gavin against Reed, Johnston agnlnst Phelps County Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company, Ashley against Burt County, Metcalt against MetcaifT City of Wahoo against Nntheway, Curtis against Zu tavern, Hwobe aKainst Marsh, Oxnard Bent Sugar Company against State, Nor folk Beet Sugar Company against State, Holmoa asalnst Seaman. The following cases were submitted on briefs: Aria Cattle Company against Burk, City of Omaha against Crocker. The following cases were continued: Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha Railway Company against McManigal, to January t, 19U6; Robinson against Strlcklln, to January 3, 1906; Miller against Kitchen, to January J, 19U6, aa per stipulation; Dan iels against the Mutual Benefit Insurance Company, to January i, W06; Connolly against State, to February 7, 1906; Chicago, Rock Island A Paciflo Railway Company against Kerr, to January S, 1J6. CHANGE lit CHARTER IS DESIRED Preaest System of Tax Collection, Too Costly. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Dec. 6.-Spe-clal.) At a meeting of the city council held last night a resolution was passed In structing tha finance committee to ask the senator and representative of this county to Introduce 'a bill in the legislature this winter amending the charter of the cities of this class In regard to the city treasurer collecting th city taxes. Under the present charter th county treasurer collects the city taxes and it Is claimed that it cost the city tJOO more to collect Its taxes'! through the county treasurer than it would by th city treasurer. Th city clerk haa been Instructed to write th city officials of dtles of this class requesting their co operation in the movement Grasd Jsry Illegally Drawn. AUBURN, Neb., Deo. (.(Special.) Dis trict court met her yesterday with Judge W. H. Kelllgar on the bench. Th first thing called to the attention of the court was the motion of the county attorney to quash th panel of th grand Jury on the ground that th same had not been called according to law. On hearing, the court found that th grand Jury had been called during the present November term, and he sustained the motion and discharged the Jury. There are only two important criminal cases for trial this term, and both of these are for crime against nature. One la the case of the State against Whlttiker and the other the case end net Mason. The day was taken up In motions and demurrers. Jury trials commence today. CO! RT M ATTKRS. V B TI.F.R COITTY Case Acslast ( series W. Derby At tracts Attestloa. DAVID CITY. Neb.. Dec. . 1 Special.) District court took a recess Saturday even ing for an Indefinite time. Judge Evans went to Wahoo Monday morning and will try equity cases there this week. This session of district court here has disposed of some Important cases, among them being Knight against Denman, which was an action by Mrs. Knight to recover possession of S?6 acres of land In the southesst corner of this county. From the evidence introduced at the trial Denman took possession of this land In 1SS8 and remained In possession for more than ten years, but did not pay the taxes or any part of them. Had hs paid those he could have held the land. For this reason the Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff. The case of Charles Krum bnch against the T.'nion Pacific Railway company was a case wherein Mr. Krum bach sued the company for Injuries sus tained by his wife In being struck by an engine near the depot in this city In No vember, l!a. The Jury found a verdict for the defendant company. The case of Mrs. Mary Hajek, administratrix, against Anton Sebota and John Due, saloonkeepers of Brainard, and the Metropolitan Bond and Hurety company of Omaha, was a case wherein Mrs. Hajek stisd for I6,0no for the death of her son, James Hajek. which she alleged occurred while Intoxicated with liquors furnished by the saloonkeepers. After deliberating thirty hours the Jury re turned a verdict for the plaintiff for the sum of 2S. The case of the state against Charle W. Derby, charged with committing perjury In the lillle murder trial In February, 1903, will be heard in Justice court Thursday, December 8. A large number of witnesses have beeu summoned and the case will be watched with Interest by all who are fa miliar with the Lillle murder case. It Is claimed that If Mr. Derby should be held to the district court this will delay the Lillle case In the supreme court. Rti NGTON TYPEWRITER WOKS NOTES MISSING FROM THE ASSETS Property on Its Face Not Esoagrh to ' Pay Depositors. O'NEILL. Nob.. Dec 6. (Special Tele gram.) County Attorney Mullen, acting for tho attorney general, today filed in the district court an application for a receiver of the failed Elkqom Valley bank. At tached Is a copy of the official report of the bank examiner, which did not contain any sensations as predicted. The mystery as to the whereabouts of the missing asset la yet unsolved.. The deficit is in tho loan account and the note register Is missing. The report shows the bank owes depos itors and other SS6.487.95. while assets found, consisting of notes, overdrafts due from banks, cash, checks, banking house and fixtures, amounts to only $40,377.42, leaving the difference between these amounts and the capital stock unaccounted for. The location of the missing notes can be guessed at by one person as good as another. Among the notes is one for $1,S against a farmer near town. This note wat acknowledged by him, but later another note of the same amount and date was pre sented by another bank held for a col lateral loan. The signatures are Identical, but the party aays he only owea one not. Investigation Indicates that depositors will get 25 and possibly 40 per cent. Tha banking house Is valuable. The Hagcrty real estate is all In the name of Mrs. Hagerty. but she, being the principal stock holder, is liable. Among tha 183 depositors the county has 14,819. city $779, school dis trict $2,711, Golden Irrigation district $312. lodges and churches $800. Tha county funda are secured by a bond, but some of the signatures are denied by the persons whose name appear on the bond. The county and Individuals have sub scribed a reward of $800 for the apprehen sion of the absent bank officials. Judge Harrington appointed O. F. Blglin as re ceiver and fixed his bond at $12,000. MOTHER LOSES HER . CHILDREN Mrs. Kepbart's Little Oaea Tamed Over to Children's Home Society. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dee. .-(SpedaI.) The case of the State of Nebrackt against Mrs. Harvey Kephart occupl d the alt n tlon of the county court yesterday af e- noon. Mrs. L. A. Truman filed ' the com plaint, alleging among; other things 'hat Mr. Kephart had deserted hi wife snd wa now living In Iowa and that Mr. Kepbar". was In the employ of the keeper of a house of ill fame In this city and is absent from home raont of the time and that ber two little daughters, Stellr aged 12 years, and Leva, aged T yean, we-e not suppll d with sufficient food and clothing, and were al lowed to visit the resort and run errands for their mother's empl yer,' and recom mended that the court order the ch Idren to be taken from the mother and placed in th care of the Nebraska Children' Hone society. Horses and Wasroa Stolen. STANTON. Neb.. Deo. 6. (Special.) Two horses, wagon snd harness were stolen from the farm of Henry Matnos, one-half mile east of this place, last night. The theft was committed, some time between 11 o'clock last night and ( this morning. The team are large geldings and very fat and cannot make a hard drive. The peculiar color of on of the horses will attract at tention anywhere, he being a roan and white calico. The other Is a gray. Twc suspicious looking strangers were In town We use ,1,250 bottles of gas to make one bottle, of Liquozone. The result is a wonderful product. The first bottle is free Each cubic Inch of ' Llquoxone iv iulres tha use of 1.2M cubic inches' of lb en. It. i. this. great condensation which.. g)ves Liquozone its power the ppvtfr o do what oxygen does. . iTb result is . ft tonic . with which nothing ' else ran compare, and a germicide wb!ch no germ can resist. H' foes into :ue stomach, into the bowels and Into the Mood, to go wher ever the blood goes. It brings to every nerve center Jest the good that It needs. . Jt give new power to every function of .Nature. Aud no touch of Impunity, co germ of disease, can exist in th preeuce of Llquosone. lrt us buy you a bottle to show bow instant, Low wonderful are- these effects. We Paid $100,000 .. t'or.'lbe American rights to Llquo oe. , We did thia; after testing the product, for two "years, through physi cians ami hospital. After proving, in thousands of difficult cases that Liguo soua destroys the -cause ef any germ tlimratii Llquosone has, for more than 20 jraars, been ' tlie constant subject of sclcutlflc and chetnfral research. , It la not made by compounding drug. nor with alcohol. IU virtues are derived solely from teas largely oxygen, gas by a process miulrtng liuou'iise ap parrttua aud '14 day' tl ue. The result la a liquid that duea wba oxygen does. It la a nerve food and blood food the most helpful thing in the world for you. Its effects are exhilarating, vitalising, purifying. let it is a germicide so cer tain that we publish on every bottle au offer of Sl.OOO for a disease gtrui that it cannot kill. The reason Is that germs are vegetables; and Llquosone like excess of oxygen is deadly to vegetal matter. There lies the great value of Llquo sone. It Is the only way known to kill germs iu the body without killing the tissues, too. Any drug that kills germs U a poison snd it cannot be tnk.n in ternally. Every physician knows that medicine la. almost helpless in uuy germ disease. Germ Diseases. These are the known germ diseases. Ail that medicine, tan do' for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs snd such results are Indirect and uncertain. . Llquosone attacks the germs, wherever they are. . And when the germs which - cause a' disease are destroyed, the dlaeaae must end, and forever. That is inevitable. aal.-! ilMr Ui braeckttts ' UOnw BJuoS rolsoa kriskt's bin us , Sl Trvvblv CoM,Mttua r,lh-rm - , DTMUterr DiUTfcMa Dn4ni Drop? Drapaptla rvra lll atoaas Oaltra Oout Gonorrhea OlMt Skis Dim Slommcb Trouble Throat Troubiae Tubarouloals Tcmora Ulcers Varioooale WoDxa'a Diaaaare CtUrrl lQlir rk Cu Ursr Trouhlas Malaria Naurmlsla. , Mas Maasl Trvuulte fit ryaoals n Mrl U Uiar , koMiiniia autulav-aBbUI . All Staaam that basts with t.ar all InrWanaatlm -ll catarrh all contafloua alaaana all th naults VI inpur ar poiaooaa biooo. la narroaa Sahilitr Liquoaona sou as a vttallaar, aoooaaplUhioc what Be dross oa So. 50c. Bottle Free. If you need Llquosone, and have never tried It, please send us this coupon. We will then mail you an order on a local druggist for a full-size bottle, and we will pay the druggist ourselves for it This is our free gift, juade to convince you; to show you what Liquozone Is, and what It can do. In justice to your self, please accept it today, for it place you under no obligation whatever. Uquosone costs 00c aud II. -r- -m. . Yt t.J. . .. 1 ff l ?PSS3et i 1 3 rr If!! .WW Ktrv- ?e (Showing new Addition by which the Capacity of Plant has been increased to , R MAGHINE rH MINUTE Remington Typewriter Salesrooms Encircle the Globe: 0. AXXSICA Hew York Akron Albany Ann Arbor AMmnro Atlanta Aoatla Baltimore Rattle Craek -: Banfnr Blnshamtos Blrrnlnfrhan Blnomlnstoii Rolaa Bnatoo Buffalo Butte Cirsoa Cadar Rapids Charleston Charlotte Chattanooga Chleago Cincinnati CleTland Colorado Sp. Columbua, u. Da Haa Pa Ten port Pa 7 ton Denlaoa PanVar tx-a Moines Detroit PoTer, Del. Pubnqns Pnlutb Elmlra . El Paan ft. Worts Galreatoa Grand Rapids Herrlaburf .1 A .Cutteri Helena liouaton Indianapolis lihara JackaonTllls Kalamasno Kaneaa Cltr K Inn ton I .Inooln I.tttle Rook joa Ancles InnlaTllle Maron Manoheater Mernphta MHvauke Mtnoea pHa Mobile kliHitininiarr Naahvllle Newark New HuTen New Orleans Newport Norfolk Oakland Oa-den Oklahorna Omaha 'Padurah Tenaacola Peoria DilladelpMa Phoenla Ptttabura Portland i) Portamostli Pro.1 dance ,1'iieblo WaleJth Reidlnc Jilrbinond RfM?beter Bacrasients Salt Lilt City fian Antonio Han Franclaco San Joae Karannah . riernnton Seattle Hloux City Houth Bend Stokano Hprlngtleld (2) Ht. Joaepb St. Loula Ht. Paul H.rracuae Taroma Terre Haute Toledo T-peka ' Trenton I Ilea Vli kbur( Waco, Trx. Waahlnstnii Watprtown Waerl)iiry Wheellnf Wllllamanort Wilmington (2) Worcester Jnneao Toronto Montreal Halifax Hamilton Tjondon Ottawa Qnebee Kt. John Ht. John's Vanconrer Tlctorla Winnipeg Manaos trnro Para Rio da Janeiro San Paolo Santiago Taleabuano Traljrnen ValrilTla Valparalao Mexico I Monterey I JMirango tnailulajara t'hiliiiahna Tamnlco 8. I,. Putoal Haltllla I'ampeacby Merlda Harana 'ardnaa Oenf (legos Clbara Matancus Plnar d. Kin Pto. Prlncle Paetis la Orande Santn Clara Santiago San Juan Uirhailn.1 Ha ml Hon, Bermuda Burton-on-Trent amnriuge EUK0PE London Aberdeen Aberystwyth A ab ford Banbury Belfast Birmingham Bradford Rrlgbtoo rtristol Rellie ;uatemals Panama Han Joae Tegucigalpa 80. AKEHICA AntofagaatS Areijulpa Bnenna Aires allao Caracas Clillan Concepclnn fieorgetowa f.narsnull Iqulque Lima tanlltr Cardigan f'OTentry Dartmouth Dublin Dundee KantrHiurne Edinburgh Exeter Glasgow filoucester Oreat Yarmouth Guernsey Flarrowgate Hudderaflvld Hull Ipswich Klng'a I.ynn I.eamlngtou Leeds Leicester Llrerpoul Llanelly Londonderry Maidstone Manet, ester Mansfield Newrastle-on Newport Norwich Nottingham Plymouth Portsmouth Preston Scarrjrongb Sheffield Nhrewsbury 8outhamptoa ftewnrtstown Swansea Taunton Tunbrlilge Wells Walsall Worcester York Tnrla Ttuyonns Bcilers Bordeaux Carcassoae Harra La Kocnelle Llbourne Lille Llmogea I-orlent ' Lrona Marseille. Muntpelller Nantea ' Nnrboon Nice Nlmes Rochefort Toulon Tuulousa Ajacclo R-rlln Alx Bremen Brcslsii , Cologue Dortmund Dresden Duaaeldorf F.lberfeld Eesen I rank flirt Hamburg lUnoTer Konigaterg i ...t,i? Mannheim Magdeburg Munich Nuremberg Stettin Strsssburg Stuttgart St. Petersburg Moscow Astrakhan Baku Ekaterinburg iTanoro Jelets Kasnn Knyn . ' Khsrkor Kief - Helslngfors Mtnk Morhller MJnl NoTgorod Odessa Orel Orenburg Penza Perm Rostov on Don Samara Sara put Saratov Simbirsk Smolensk ' tfa VaronleJ Vllna Warsaw Turin Bologna I'lorence tienoa Milan Nnpl Palermo Roma Veulca Vienna Ruds pest Oraa Fragile Trieste Basel Jenera ' Lucerne . Zurich Madrid BsrceUina Bllliao .llaloga Sevlll,. Valencia Llsboo Oiwrtn Rrtissela Antwerr i'hnrlerol land Llfga Amsterdam tJrnnlngen Rotterdam The Hague Copenhagen Aalborg Aarhuua Stockholm tiotheuburg Mslmo Suudsrall Chrlstlanla Bergen I 'hrlstlnnsand Trondbjem Constantinople Athena Salonlcs Sotla Taletta Las Tnlmaa Canary la. AFRICA. Alexandria Cairo Algiers Rose Orsn Tunis Addis-Ababt Djibouti i' Hsrrar , Cape Town Rloemfonteln Btllawayo Durban Last lndon Tobanne..burg KHnberly KlnawiiH' mstown Krugersdorp Pletermarltshnrg Port Elizabeth Pretoria Rang Koej Stianghal Canton Fiwrlioa Hankow Tien Tala 1'ekls Klao Chan Toklo Yokohama Kobe Manila Tashkent Tints Tomsk Irkutsk Rlagowea (sen lash Vladivostok ASIA Krnvrna Beirut Calcutta Allahabad Romtay Mndraa Colombo Simla Rangoon -Singapore Penang , Soerabaya Batavla Samaraug etiertboa' Palemban Ranks v Saigon lialpuoDf OCZAMIA Melhoorss (iydney Newcaatls Adelaide Brisbane Perth Holiart Punedln Christchurch Wellington Auckland Napier Invercarglll . Oamarq Wanganul ' ttottoluhl Apia Noumea Contemplate for Thirty Seconds the Work' of Thirty Years! REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY durliia the afternoon- Conditions Indicate that the thlcf was after a, span of txiys owned by Perry Kennoy and who lives on the opposite side of the railroad from Mr. Matties, as both gates crossing- the track tc his farm were wide open this morning and were closed at 8 o'clock laat nltcht. The team could not be caught the evening: be fore and were In the pasture. NORFOLK Al DIKXt E STAMPEDES Women and Children Crushed and Bruised Following; Cry of Fire. NORFOLK, Neb., Dec. . (Special.) A repetition of the Iroquois' theater disaster waa narrowly averted in the Norfolk Audi torium during the matinee performance of 'Cinderella." played by the Chuae-Listcr repertoire company. The panic resulted from an alarm of fire caused through the blowing out of an electric fuse In an upper box. A number of women and children, who, formed the great majority of the audi ence, were severely bruised and trampled under foot of the excited mob, but fortu nately no one was killed. And, further carrying out of tho simi larity between this and tha JroquoU cir cumstance, when the crowd reached the exit doors, they found them fastened. There were about 800 women and children in the theater. The play had progresed to the second act when a moving picture machine, placed in the gallery, was- turned on with electricity. The wire running Into It shot out with jet of flume and a puff of smoke and two men In th gallery shouted "Fire!" The audience rose and began Insanely crushing toward the doors. Women shrieked and children cried out, but the stampede continued, with many going' un derfoot. Those In the gallery made for the windows and tried to Jump out, but were withheld. When the mob reached tha bolted doors the crush became precarious. Many fell. The stage managers pleaded for calmness and the ushers shouted for quiet. Finally the crowd sat down or stood still again. The Are department had ar lived by then. After the audience had been aent Into the street It came back and watched the finish of the play. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Use thu, aflar aaay aa aaaar ass la. rill aut ih kuaka tat stall U aa la lAauit Oaaue Ce aa-SM Wahaak Ave., take. My dUMaaa la . I tae aava trU Lteuaaaaa, aul II ra UI SUBBly uttat Iwtua traa, I wtU take B. ..a IMA. Blve tutl aSaraea wrtta alalary. Aay tbralciaa av haaptuu rsl Ujag Uasesas VUi k al4U ,ujrUta (or s Ml, Grand Island 1'nnts ew Depot. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. . (Special.) D. O. Ives, general freight agent; C. L. Eaton, superintendent of thcar service; J. J. Cox, division freight agent? John Petri, live stock agent; L,. M. Whitehead, travel ing passenger agent, and U W. Wakely, general passenger agent of th Burlington railroad, were In the city today on a tour of inspection of the Black 11111s line. The gentlemen met a considerable number of the business men of the city In the respective lines, and, thero Is reason to believe looked over the local situation In a cuisory way with respsvt to depot facilities. The Bur lington depot Is lit the extreme northeast em part of tha city, most inconvenient to th traveling public and Inadequate to th business need of the company. And It is expocted that a more modern, a large ami a mure conveniently situated depot will be boJlt within a J car or two. Among tu business men of the city no doubt Is felt whatever but that the company would naturally receive an Increase of buKineiw In n Incomparably short time to pay for a fctt.uM) passenger depot. braskans Divorced In Chlrnao. .ASHLAND, Neb.. Dec. 6. (Special.) Particulars of a sensational divorce suit which culminated in a decree In favor of the plaintiff at Chicago last Saturday, have reached thia city. Mrs. lnea Gerald ne Gould sued her husband, Don C. Gould, for divorce, naming Miss Tevy Fowlor, a telephone girl of Wabash, Ind., as co respondent. The parties are well known here, having been married in thia city Oc tober 21, 1S9&. The plaintiff was formerly Miss Ines Arnold, a Bister of Blon J. Ar nold, the Chicago electrician. One daugh ter will remain In the custody of her mother. Don Gould, who was formerly connected with the Nebraska Telephone company In Omaha, is now traveling In Nebraska,- with headquarters In Lincoln. Fatally Injured In Runaway. BEATRICE, Neb.. Dec. . (Special Tele gram.) Goorge Fritsen, a prominent Ger man farmer living northeast of this city, sustained injurlos In runaway accident last night while en route homo which will probably result fatally. Doctors expreas little hope for his recovery. Xewa of Xebraskn, STANTON. Dec. . The Northwestern railroad has ln 111 Its tuxes at this place, amounting to 3,6"70.14, leaving only a bal ance of 5!.74 unpaid. This amount is road tax aud thcro Is some question as to its validity. PAPIL.T.ION, Dec. . Foil wing Is ths record of mortgages filed In Sarpy couny du:lrg the month of December:' Farm mortgages filed $4,550, released $S 973; town mortguges filed n,S26, rele sed f 1,6 0; rhut lel ninr gages filed I17.801.U9. r ea ed $b"Ji.0i. PAI'ILLI. N, . Dec. 6 Ye erday work ermm ured in the m vlng of the Kpl -copal church irom the lowlands to Nor.li Pap 1 llun. During the floods this c ,urch sai Inundated several times, so the me rbe s decided that it woulil be best to have It moved to hi her ground. BEATRICE. Dec. o Frank Pmlth and Mike Ryan, two erraderj who have been workng on the Burlington road near Vy more, were tent to the 'ouniy Jal li de fault of payment f fines of $5 a d crists for assault upon two voung Danes, who are also ral'road laborers. CRETE, Dec. 6. What proved to be one of the best entertainments heard in this city during recent years was given in the opera house last night by the Wunderle trio. The trio in composed of Madam Wun derle, harpist; Miss Lehnmanii, a contralto singer, and Victoria Lynn, a reader. A crowded house greeted them. PAPILLION, Dec. 6 The fall term of district court has been the most expensive one held in this county for many years, the expense of the Jury being tl.017.30, o about double the amount paid for o hr terms. The numter cf Jury rases thU term was in excess of other terras. There wi six rr mlnal cases and a conviction received in each. BKATRICK, Dec. B.-The Gag County Rural Car Its' association has elected th fol.ow ng otticers: President. C W. T nib" lin. Wymote; le presl unt. 'iheojf Leech; tecr larv. Thei d re Reldln; tr as urer. Charles Elliott. A I officers except, the president are frrm t catrlc . lion. H. W. L. J'ckion. sta e Benaorcl ct ad dressed the association on 'Good Roads Problem." ; . - BEATRICE. Dee. 6. Willi S V ew of nr ven ing the possible sp ead of cont gi us disea a, the Boa id o; Eduction has In structed teachers In the el'y schools lo Mscvrtu'n In every cki" possl Is the exact i ause of absence of each pupil 'n her room. A reHrhition was also adopted request. ng the mayor and city council to t ke morw vlgo oiih uctl n in enfo-ci g all quarantine legulutons and la" s governing ttie repo. t lng of contagious dlbeases. FREMONT, Dec. o.-rThe cause of the Are which destroyed the Masonic Temple Fri day morning has been ascertained t have been a delect In the electric wiring. Th contents of the property rooms were found only partially burned. All indications show that tho tire started near tho electric meter. Everything around this was totally burned. The buildln? wi'! be rebuilt, but the lodg rooms may lie located In the second story and the third story taken down. The Ma sonic fair, which was to be held In th ternrile this week. o;iens this evening in Turner ball, which has been elaborately decorated tor thu occasion. . , n i ma .aSBBaakw I TTTTTTiTftn iTnTTftTOTT IT TP A cup of Gbirardelli's Ground Chocolate at breakfast is the right way to begin the day. It has all the good of other cocoa preparations without their acridity. It is made from the finest quality of cocoa beans, scientifically facor porated with high grade sugar, and being ground is more delicious, conven ient and economical than any other brand. Ghirardelli's is used by weak people as well as strong children as well as grown ups. It's smooth, rich, elegant flavor, its invigorating, nutritive qualities and rare comforting influences make it the ideal drink. ' Try a cup every morning for a week and you - won't ever want to change. TKt eontumption of Ghirardrlli'i Ground Chocolate in Calijorttia U (tviCs that of all other cocoa prtparrutomi combined.