Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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WANTEt), stents, either sex. outside CM-ceia-o:
new, exclusive sale; riemjitHl large-.
( per cent profit; every family urea 1 to
6: (rgant samplers) centa. to cover ship
iln. K. I Wjliams Co., 170 Van B iren
t.. Chicago. J-M9U 7
Buy Hershey
Colony Ls)Lid
Then you'll own ft piece of ths
finest Irrigated land In the
country. 8.0K arre withpald
ob water rlihtn Is now offered
for aale. Pin Cllmits, Plat
Crap. Pine fell rabies three
crops Allalfa yearly, one to two
ton to wore earn cuttlnir. sells
Srt.Ou to 17.00 ton; tajir Bsrts
ten to twenty tons to acre, sells
now IS. 00 ton; other crops
potatoes, barley, oats, etc., eta.
I'rlce per acre 120 up, averag
ing I3H, on very eesr terms.
Kiwclal excursion next Tuedy
Dec. 13th. For full particulars
write or call at one.
IHIIIli IIUlAlll lLilll vvi n
(Should t read dally by all Interested,
aa changes may occur at any time.)
Foreign fnnlls for the Week ending De
eefnber 10K 1VH will clone irHOMPTLV In
11 cases) fit the General Postofflce aa fol
lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS cloae one
hour earlier than cluing time eh own, be
low. Parcels-Post malls for Germany close
at 3 p. m. December J2r per a. a. Kaiser
,-Wllbelm II.
Regular and Supplementary malls dose
at Foreign Station (corner of West and
' Morton streets) half hour later than clos-
ing time, shown Deiow,. (except mat supple
mentary Malls for Europe, and Central
- America, via Colon, cloae one hour later
at Foreign -Station). .
Trllsatlo Mall!.
.WEDNESDAY 7)At J a, m. for EUROPE,
per s. a. Cedrlc, via yucenstown nnd Liv
erpool (mall for France. Swltxerland,
Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, tigypt,
Greece and British India must be directed
. '"per s.'-s. Cedrlc'1); at 7:30 au.m. for
NETHERLANDS direct, per a. a. Staten
dam (mail- must be directed "per a. a.
Statahdnm"); at :30 a, m. for ITALY
direct," per t. St'ltta dl Kapoll (mall must
h illiwtnil "nai."a! a -Pitta ril Nartoll"):
Sat: 11 a. m. for NORWAY PARL'EIJJ
. . POST MAILS. Der a. a. Helllg Olav (regu-
lar: man for Denmark must be directed
"per -s. .a. . Helllg 'Olav").
''THURSDAY (). At 7 a. vn. for FRANCE,
'UriB.r. r ana lirii l idii iuijy. per
' B..VS. La Touralne, via Havre (mall for
other- parts of Europe must be directed
"per a. a. la Touralne .
FRIDAY O). At. 7 p. m. tor AZURKo
' ISLANDS, per a. a. Romanic, from Bos
ton. ' SATURDAY (10). At ft. m. for EUROPE,
per a. av Etrurla, via Queenstown and
'Liverpool; at 4:30 ft. m. for EUROPE, per
a. -a. Mkinehaha. via Southampton; at
."':) a.-m.for BELGIUM direct, per a. a.
Finland (mall must be directed "per a. a.
Finland"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY
' direct, per' a. a. Neckar (mall must he
' 'directed 'per a. s. Neckar"); at'8:S0 a. m.
:' for ITALY direct, per a, a. Lip-urla (mall
.. roust be directed "per a, a. Ltlguria").
.Tl p 1 1 lor Bunin m m iruirm aiuvtii;,
,: . . West ladles. Etc.
Wednesday (7). At :so a. m. for bra.
; Z1L, per s. a. Syracuaa, via Pernambuco,
Pantos and Rio Grande da Sul (mall for
' .Northern Braill hiust be directed "per
' a. a. Syracuaa"); at 9:30 a. m. (supple
- mentary Ji):80 a. m.) for INAOUA. HAITI,
V SANTA MARTA and other places In
p S. Ma'racas; nt 12:30 p. m. (supple
' mentary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND ,
., and DOMINICAN REPl'BUC, per a. a.
"TH VR8 PA T (?) .At ft- m. for CUBA,
"Ii Munterey (mall for other parts of Mexico
'fnust be directed "per a. a. Monterey");
Vi'l'A TAN Ann ( A H1 f4tA. rl I1.. I I
at 13 rn. lor MKAItJO, per s. fc. .Niagara, ,
, "VI Tamplco (mall must b directed "per.
''. a. Niagara").
FRIDAY (). At 12 til. for ARGENTINA,
URUGUAY and, PARAGUAY, per a. a.
Arabinian; nt 12 m. (or YUCATAN and
CAMPHCHE. per a. a. Daggry; at 12 m.
,, (supplementary 13:30 p. m.) for BA
HAMAS, per (. ft, Yucfttan (mall for
Santlligo" must be directed "ver s. a.
Yucatan"); at T p. m. for BERMUDA,
- per steamer from Hftllfax; at 7 p. m. for
: NEWFOUNDLAND, per ft. a. Carthagln-
'lan, from Philadelphia.
SATURDAY (10). At 8:30 a. m. (supple
mentary 9:S0 a. m.) for PORTO RICO,
'CURACAO and VENEZtTELA, per s. a.
Caracas (mail for Colombia, via Curacao,
must-ba directed "per a. a. Caracas"); at
-'0:80 a. m. (sonnlementarv 10:30 a. m. l for
Funit i m .n i i ' , maihaiva iiu iu
f LOMBIA, except Mngdalena Dop't, pr
a. a, Slblrla (mall tor Costa Rica, via
Umon.anuat be directed "per s. a, Slblrla");
at 9:30 a, m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m )
an Tuvf a a .an iTniv r ire
V GUIANA, per a a. Fontabelle; nt 10 a. m.
for-Cl:BA. - per a. a. Mflrro Castle, via
,1 Havana.; at 1Z:S0 p. m. . for CUBA, per
: a. Olinda, via Matnntu (mail must ba
directed "per a. a. Olinda").
.VOTICE Flv centa per half ounce In ad-
"- 'prepaid ori! all letters forwarded by the
, iUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters
posited In. the drop marked "Letters
for Foreign Countries," after tha CLOS-
an rriivvn rTit a -- ii tt m .a
lixw ur lmicj iriUUiAn mail, iur ucb
- patch by a particular vessel, will not b
i i ii ii v nrwna in nsirnri nv ear si mrai
-: Supplementary Transatlantic, Malls art
. I' also opened on the piers of tha AMERI
CAN; ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers,
whenever th sailings occur at I a. m. or
later; and lata mall may be deposited In
the mftll,box-s on tha piara of the Ger
man Lines stilling from . Hobnken. Tha
malls on tha piers open- one hour and a
half before sailing time,' and cloae ten
minutes before Balling time. Only regu
"' lar postage (letters 8 centa a half ounce)
la reaulred on artlclea . mailed on the
8lrs o( the American, White Star and
rormftn TS Post) steamers: double
' postage (letters 10 centa a half ounce)
. on other llpta. . '.."
'i Mil TriBiSielle,
CUBA VI Port Tamp. Florida, "closea at
this ofnie dally, except Thursday, at 15:30
a. m. (the connecting malls close here on
Monday," Wednesdava and Saturdays).
MICXICO CITY Overlajid, unless specially
' addressed for desDatch by steamer, closes
. at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30
and 10 ) -to. m.
JlCWFOUNnLAND (except Parcels-Post
Malls) By rail to .North Bydney nud
tlienoa .by steamer, closes at this office
dally,' except Sunday,1 at T p. m.: Sunday
at 1:30 p.m.' tconrrectlna; malls close hera
avert Mptiday,' Wedneailay and Saturday).
JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thenca
by steunsr, closes at this office at 7 p. m.
By rail to Philadelphia and thenca by
steamer, closea at thla office at 10:10 p. m.
M1QLELON By rail to Boston and thenca
br steamer, closes at thla office daily, ex-
cept Sunday, t-T p.. n.;. Sunday. at 8 30
-CoaaO AND GUATEMALA By rail to
AiY .. vricana .ana. invitww vj iiramsr,
s closes at thla office dally, except Sunday.
at 11:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m.. Sunday at
II p. tn. and I10:V p. m. (connecting mail
Closes nera llonaays at iio:au n. m.t.
COSTA RICA Br ra.1 to New Orleans a
; thence ty stesm'T, closes at this office
dally, Axoept Sunday, at 1:M p. m. and
10:30 d. m. 8inday at II P. m. and
r.O.iO p. re. (conneotlng mall cloae her
.; -l uesnaya at iio:ao p. m.).
NICARAGUA (East Coanti Bv rail to Ne
Orleans and thenca by steamer, closes at
thla offloe daily, except Bunday, at 11.80
"p. m. and 110:30 p. m.; Stiudaya at II p.
' ',n. aad 10:80 p. m. (connecting mall closes
. her Thursdays at 10:30 p. m ).
. ItuglsUred mall closea at ( p. m. previous
Trasa.elf. Malls Forwaritt Over.
! Dally. - , , ..
'Tha achedula of closing of Transpacifle
Malls- la arrangad on the preaumptlon of
their untntsn-upted ovsriand transit to port
of aailiiut. The final ounnsotiug mails (ex
oept Rtstered TransiMu-lfla Malls, which
rloM-at P- i. prevloua day) close at the
'Qwieral Fostofflca,- Nw Yora. as follows:
JAPAN. CORE A. CHINA and kpeclally ad
dressed mail for PlliLiPPlNE ISLANDS,
via, Bvattla, close at 8 p. ra. December 4
for despatch par m, a. I.yla.
HAWAII. At Ban Franclaio, close at p.
m. IWamW .t lor du4atiu par a. a.
Alamedm. .
addr.aad mall for PHILIPPINE IL
, AHl vU bcattltt, Clua at I 8n. L-
, rem her 7 for despatch per ft. a. lyo Maru.
clson, clone nt p. m. December 8 fo dea
pstch per s. . Gaelic.
cisco, close at t p. m. December 13 f"f
doepatch per s a. B!r.-ri. .
Francisco, clone at 8 p. m. Dcemner w
for despatch per a. s. Ventura, til the
Cunard steamer carrying the Britten fnan
for New Znlnnd does not arrive In time
to connect with this despatch, extra malia
closing at 5:30 a. m . 9:30 a. m. and 8
r. m.; sundnys at 4 3) a. m , 9 ft. m nd
p. m will be made tip and forwarded
until the arrival of the Cunard steamer).
Japan, corka, china and Philip
pine ISLANDS, via Tacoma. close at I
p. m. December 18 for despatch per a. a.
JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Malls). CO
REA, CHINA and specially Rddreese 1
Vancouver and Victoria., B. C. -close at 8
p m. December 10 for despatch per a. a.
Empress of India.
San Francisco, cii-ea at 8 p. m. December
2l for despatch per s s. Mariposa,
San Francisco, close at 8 p. m. December
28 for despatch per V. S. Transport.
West) and NEW CALEDONIA, via an.
couver and Victoria, B. C. close at 8 p.
m. December 81 for despatch per ft. a.
Aornngl. ' ,
MANCHURIA (except Newchwang) and
EASTERN SIBERIA la ftt present for
warded via Russia. .-. .
NOTE Unless otherwise: addressed, ' West
Australia Is forwarded via Europe: New
Zealand via Snn Francisco and certain
- places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan,
via British India the quickest routes.
Philippines specially addressed Vvlft- En-
- rope'1 must be fully prepaid at the for
elgn rates. Hnwsil la forwarded' via San
Francisco exHtistveiy. ..
Acting Postmaster.
Prmtofflce,' New York, N. Y., December t
ntHea of tha City Cleric. South Omaha,
Neb., December b, 1MM. Sealed blda ad.
dressed to inu unaersigneu ana piauuy
maiKed "Proposals for ionda" will be re
ceived until o clock p. m. of December
lam, A. D. 1H04, at the otilca of the city
cleric. South Omaha, Neb.:
For tha purchase of the following Issues
of city bonds, these said bonds so offered
being general obligations ef the city.
. First. Seventy Thousand tt70,Oi)0) Dollars
of City Hall lionds In denominations of
One Thousand (11,000) .Dollars, or Five
Hundred (luoo) Dollars each, at the option
Of tha purchaser, dated December 1, 1WX,
fiayable In twenty (20) years after date,
merest four (4) ber. cent Der annum, buy
able semi-annually on the flrst duys ot
December and Msy of each year.
. These are bonds to be Issued and de
voted exclusively to the purchase'of a nlte,
the. erection and furnishing and- equipment
of a city hall, and are optional after f)ve
(! years. Interest coupons payarowat Ne
braska fiscal agency. New York City, New
lor. - . -
Second.' Fortv Thousand (140.000) Dollars
of "Park Bonds" In denominations of One
Thousand (ll.OU)) Dollars, or Five Hundred
(8500) Dollars eHch, at the option' of the
purchasers, dated December 1, 1904, payable
twenty -(a)) years after date, Interest four
(4) ner cent ner annum-, payable Semi
annually on the first days of December and
May or each year. -These
are bonds tn be Issued and de
voted to the purchasing of lots, lands and
grounds within said city, to be used and
Improved for park and park way pur
poses. Interest coupons payable, at Ne
braska fiscal agency. New York City, New
York. '
An annual tax upon all the taxable prop
erty of the clnty will be levied by the
city to pay the Interest and principal upon
these said bonds at maturity. A sinking
fund belna provided for that purpose.
The faith and credit, the- revenue and
taxing powers and all the property -of :ild
cltv - being Irrevocably pledged for . the
prompt payment thereof. .
Each bid shall state separately the
amount' offered aa "Principal and Pre
mium." and that "Accrued Interest" will
be paid to date of delivery and payment of
bonds. . .
Each bid must be accompanied by a cer
tified check on a national , or Piute bank
In tha sum of Ona Thousand (tl.noo) Dol-1
Inn arM made navnhla to the cltv as evi
dence of good faith . on ' the , part of. the
biddsr. a- - ) - - . , i
The Cltr council reserves unto Itself the-'
right to, reject any or all .bids, or to walva
By order ot the council.
.. ; -, - City Clerk.'
NOTICE. -Lexington,
Neb., Nov. 25. 1904.
The county commissioners of Dawson
county are contemplating the construction
of one or more wooden, bridges during the
year 1906, ranging In length from 12 to 60
feet. Sealed bids per lineal foot, with plana
and specifications, will be-received ftt the
county clerk's office up until 12 o'clock,
noon, of, the 22nd day of December, 1904.
All bids must be accompanied by a good
and acceptable bond of 31,000. The commis
sioners reserva the right to reject any or
all bids. , ;
. W. J, If L.KM11NI,
Chairman County Commissioners.
. . N 80-D7-14-21
Chicago, Rack Island at PaclSc.
EAST. Leave. Arrive.
Phlcaarn Limited .ft 8:66 am a 7:10 am
Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:00 am a 9:36 pin
Chicago Express di:ii pm a o:to pm
Dea Molhes Express.:.. a 4:30 pm bll:50 am
Chicago Fast Expresa...a 6:40 pm a 1:20 pm
Qonbv MniiniHln Ltd a 7:20 am a 3:60 Dm
Lincoln, Denver' west. a 1:30 pm, ft B:05 pm
UKianoma a rex. ex. ..a d.s pii nm
Cblcaaro Great. 'VyeaterB).,-. ,:
8t. P. & Minn. Ltd 8:80 pn a 7:16 am
St.- P. & Minn. Ex a 7:86 am ' a 8:25 pm
Chicago Limited ........a 4:60 pm , a40:30 am
Chicago Express ...a 4:30 am a 4:06 pm
Chicago-at Hofthwsstsra,
Local Chicago all:30 am
Mull - 11"
8:30 am
10:00 pin
11:60 pm
: 9:)i am
9:80 am
7:06 am
a S JO am
ft:30 am
S:4K pm
M:8- am
10:35 am
Daylight St. rnui..,.....a couarn
Daylight t nicago as.vuam
Limited Chicugo a 8:86 pm
Ical Carroll a 4:00 pm
E-aat St. Paul....... a 8:15 pm
Jxcal Bloux C. & St. P.b 4:00 pm
Fast Mall
Chicago Express ......
Lincoln Long Plna..
Deadwood & Lincoln..
Casper & Wyoming...
.a 7:40 am
.b 7:40 am
.a 8:60 pm
6:16 pm
.d 1:60 Din a 6:16 tim
.b 1:60 pm 6:15 pm
St. Louis Express.. 8:80 pm 8:20 am
St. Louis Loeal (ITom-
Council Bluffs) 1:16 am 10:30 era
Shenandoah Local (from
Council uiurs) :ta pm i:so pm
Missouri Pacific. . .
St. Louis Express..... '..a 9:30 am a 6:00 am
K. C. St. L. Ex U:16 pm a 6:00 pm
t'sloa raclMc.
Tha Overlarid Limited.. a 1:40 am a 8:06 pm
Colo. & Cala.' Ex. a 4:10 pm ft 6:40 am
Chicago-Portland Sp'L.a 4:20 pm
Eastern Express
a s:isu pm
Columbus Local..
Colorado Special
Chicago . Special ........
Beatrice Local
Fast Mall...
llllBsIa C'eatral.
Chicago E press.....
Chicago Limited....;.
Minn & St. Paul Ex
...h 6:80 pm b :S6 am
...ft 7:46 am
ft l:B0-m
...b 8:60 pm. b 1 16 pm
...ft 8:66 am J: 20 pin
...a 7:26 am alO SS pm
,,.a 7:60 pm' a 8:06 am
...b 7:26 am bl0:3S nm
Minn St. Paul Ltd.. a 7:60 pm ft 8:06 Dm
Chicago, Mllmaakee at at. Paal.
Chicago Daylight Ex...a7:66am all:00pm
Calif 01 nla-Orgon Ex.. .a t;46 pm .a 3:10 pm
Overland Limited t !:: 11m a 7:86 am
LX Al. ukousmi ex. .a 7:66 ant a 3U0 pm
a 4:iu pm
.aU:10 pm
.a i fc) am
b 2:67 pm
a 1:30 pm
a :US pm
a 7:40 pm
12:1 pm
a 8:32 am
bl0:S am
a ': in
i :U pm
a 7 36 km
all:00 pm
all. 46 am
a 4& am
a :U6 pm
Denver tk CallfSrnla.,
Northwewt Kxpreu.,.,
Nebraska points ,
Lincoln Fast Mall.....
Fort Crook i'latta-
.b l:Bl pna
Bellevue'aV Plattamoutb
Btllevua reel no
Deaver Limited ....
Chicago, Special
Chicago Eipr ....
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
.a 1:30 am
...a 7:i am
...a 4:00 pm
...a I 0 pm
...a S:15 am
.a 4 26 pra
Kansas City 61. .oe..aiu:tt pm
Kanaua City St. Joe. .a 116 am
Kansas City St, Joe. -a 4:2a pat
Miaaoarl Paele. . --4r .. .
Vebiaaka Local via ' . '
Weeping Water b 4:W pin bll.40 am
ralcaaro, St. Paal, Mlaaeaitaila t
'''In City Passenger. ...b JO am' b 10 pin
Sioux City Paaangar,.a I.OO pm alltlvain
Oakland Local b ( 4$ put b 10 am
a Dally, b Dally exeer l tunJsy d Dully
except Saturday. Daily except
Medical Anooiation 0ndemni Pnotloo tf
Mm j f tho SmalUr Towni.
Reeolatlcais Are Passed niseoaateaaa
rlaa; Prietlce of One Dsetor Dla
paraglag the Abllltlea of
That quarantine regulations should ba
more rigidly enforced was the prevailing
sentiment of the Pottawattamie County
Medical association at It annual meeting
yesterday, the sessions ot which were held
In the Grand hotel. During the discussion
It was stated that In many communities
there was practically no quarantine In
cases of contagious diseases of a malignant
type, the authorities being, either Ignorant
of tho law or careless as to Its enforce
ment. . Dr. Macrae expressed the opinion
that existing quarantine regulatioha would
be Ineffectual until the United States gov
ernment took hold of It, as It does In dla
eases of stock.
The practice of members of the profesalon
bidding for public work at rates not. com
mensurate with the duties performed was
condemned and the sentiment prevailed
that physicians holding public offices, such
as city and county physician, should re
ceive the same compensation they would
were the services rendered for private In
dividuals. The relation ot physicians to one another
was also dlscussed'and the practice of one
physician "knocking" against another was
heartily condemned. '
The election of offlderr. for the ensuing
year resulted as follows: President, Dr. F.
W. Houghton, Council 'Bluffs; Vice presi
dent, Dr. W. M. Beaaore, Macedonia r sec
retary and " treasurer. Dr. F. W. Dean,
Council Bluffs; member of board of ccn-.
sore, Dr. A. A. Robertson, Crescent; alter
nate to state association. Dr. D. Macrae, Jr.
The next meeting will be the first Tues
day In March and will be hold at Ayoca.
The attendance at yesterday's meeting was
not aa large aa usual, but few members
from outside the city being present.
Matters in District (Hurt.
. The fact that the action had been V rough t
against the wrong c .mpany prom p ed. the
attorneys for Mrs. Bestla I hi iris to dis
miss, without prejudice, yes erdny her suit
agtlrst the Qreat Western railroad for $10,
000 damages for the death of Dan C ancy,
the t:Ul of which was begun Saturday in,
the district court before Judge Green and
ft Jury. Dan'el Clancy, who wos the former
husband, of the plaintiff, was fatil y in
jured at McClelland on October 27, 1903,
while employed as a b'akeman. A few
daye after the accident, namely, November
1, 18C3, the Ma-on City & Fort Dodge Ra I
road company, which h3d bern op 'rating
the road between Fort Dodge and this city,
turned It over to the Great Western.. On
t'ehiK of the defendant company It vat
contended that suit should have beon
Lrnught against the M.-.son Cl'r'4 Fort
Doiige.Ral.road. Inasmuch, as tljs :t I ac
cident occurred before the Qreat .Western
had formally taken over the road.
' In view of this defene set up by. the
defendant, Mrs. Harris' attorneys dee ded
yesterday; to dismiss the action without
prejudice Vand wll Institute- a new 1 ult
agalnH nhe Mason Oty-Jt'Fo t Dodgi
Railroad .company1.6. , .
- The trial of the suit of the Moneywelght
Scale company against E. PHI resulted In
the Jury rinding tor the defendant. 1.
'The-trial of -the: replevin ult of A. A.
McCann against Constable Albert! was
commenced yesterday aft moon. It in
volves the 'owncrahip of certain billboards
In thla city which had been attached.
McCann some months ago purchued hi
bill-posting business of Fred WowiwarJ
and he subsequently dis; oped of It to A. B.
B'eaH of Sioux City, lessee of the New
theater. . .
.County Treasurer Conslgny yesterday
brought suit against Jessie B. Dennis
Bosley to recover $100 alleged to. be ' due
as tnxes oh personal property which had
been' omitted or concealed from rsse-a-ment
and which had been-unearthed by ths
tax ferret.
Mrs, Jessie M. Moffett, as admln'Xra'.rix
ot the estate of her decsiu ed nubinl, E.
Ii. MofTett, yesterday begdO .another suit
agal"st the Union Pacific Hal road com
pany for $1,990 damages tot the death of
her husband. A previous fuU brought by
Mrs. Moffett, which was trc turf erred ..( the
federal court, was decided against bar.
. This morning In district c urt Judge
Green will paaa sentence on Karl Karrer,
the Treynor bttnk robber; Frank Wnt kins
and Louts Brown, the negroes indicted for
breaking Into and robbing John Brennan'a
saloon and H. L. Banks' barber shop on
South. Main street cn the night cf Novem
ber 13 laet. ; James Ralph, Indicted for the I
theft of $30 and
gold watch r,m Claas ,
reier. on at Minaen, ia., ueptemoer 28 last.
and Andrew Anderson, lnd'c!ed fur tfe
theft of a fur coat from the residence of ,
Louis Hansen, in Lewis township, oh No- j
vember IS last. Watklni, Brown, Rlih 1
ana Anaerson enierea piea or guilty, yes
Plumbing and heatlna Vlxby & Hon
. Ors-aaialnar a T. W. C. A.
.A meeting will be held thla afternoon at
2:30 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. C. O.
Eaundera on Oakland avenue to
the advisability of organizing a
Woman's Christian assotlitlon In th s city.
The matter will be presented to the meet
ing by Ml is McElroy of Dea Moine-i, state
organiser. . Mrs. HarfoTd and Mrs. Byers,
p esldent and aecfetary respectively of iha
Omaha aasoclatlon, nd Mrs. Tllden,- a so
of that city, will be .preient and addreei
the meeting. Every woman Interested In
the proposition U urgently invited to at-
Rapid Delivery Go.
We Guarantee Quick and Safe!
Delivery of Baggufe and I'arces.
KsUbllshM IUI
rosar aUls at -anr rime's Shoe Star
Ton aa trr t sar laasBt as UI, karaaa,
koiawbaU rarntisr ar say vkaltal swurltr. .
r?muu en m ui, on prlu'lp.l si "T tls
u inn borrow, r. mitd IntArMt rMuc4 c r4lo. J.
All InwiiMM MiiMnilil, 4M raiea Ottcs 9tm
?8 PEAPLST.'omeaa1?
f Aitrudant If Desli ed.
R OMIc ' II Ksaldenca 5
H 'Phona 637. j 'Haooe t-7av g
tenl the meeting this afternoon and bring
ft friend with her.
Lodge Elertlosja.
The following lodges have elected officers
for the ensuring year, as follows:
St. Alban's Lodge. Knights of Pvthlas
Chancellor commander, W. B. Ickf ; vice
chancellor. A. W. Huber; prelate. D. A.
Moore; master of work, E. D. Carr: keeper
of records, E. J. Aonott; mssler of nnsncs.
R. E. lngrahamt master of the exchequer,
A. C. Lane; master-at-arms, F. Hobcr;
inner guard. George Hunter; outer guard.
Peter Nelson; trut"es, M. Bourrtcluu, L.
Kost and F. T. Degroat..
Abe IJncoln Woman's Relief Corns Presi
dent. Mrs. Stella Tslbott: senior vice presi
dent. Mrs. Elisabeth Ward; junior vice
president. Mrs.Favoritj eatherbce; treas
urer, Mrs. Leonora Frown; chspln'n. Mrs.
Mary Crsla: conductress. Mrs. Warren:
guard, Mrs. Williams; delegate to depart
ment convention, mre. warren; alternate,
Mrs. E. Spencer. . .
Council Bluffs Lodge No. 270, Ancient
Order of I'nlted . Workmen Master work-
mnn. Oeorn H. Acker: foreman. D. I
Pile, overseer, , W. C. W'lttman; recorder.
T. A. Brewlck; financier. . o. Hochmsn; re
reiver. F. T. True; guide, Hans Bandwlck
Inside watchman, C. C. Lirsen; , n'ltside
watchman. A. K. Moen: trustee, W. A.
Hlghsmlth: medical examlnriH, N. J. Rice,
H. B. Jennings. William Oreen.
John Huss. Castle. Royal Highlanders
ovlde Vein. I. v.; Mrs. A. v. Wilson, c tT.
Mrs. J. F. Collins, W. E. ; Fred Rasmussen
treasurer; Mrs. Laura J. Morris, secretary;
Valentine Nelson, wardonj Henry HofTmsn,
sentry; F. S. Hamilton, E. H. Evcrs. man
Oak Leaf ramp No. 3042. R-al N lehbOM
of A re lea: Orac'e. Laura McMu len; v e
oracle. Pearl Atkinson; recorder. Kmmi
l uce; receiver. Mrs. L. Youigkn: marsh H.
Mrs. Obermeler; Inner set tlnel, Minnie
Fries; outer sen'lne'. "trs. M. A. Knuth;
chance'lor. Mrs. Msry E. lrgal's; rca-ager,
three years, Mrs. S J. Watts; one 'ear.
Mrs. jesse wan"; pn'""ciant. n-s. Dean
and Reller; deJtMri'e. Mrs, lr gall; al er
nste. Mrs. Ohermeir. . .
Haxel camp No. 171. Modern Woodm-nen
of America: Cor-sul,.Errmt Tlnlv; worthy
adviser. A, J. Lenox; cie k. 8. R. Snyder;
banf. J. J S-eW-t- nsrort. M "in);
watchman. Albert Moulrham; sentry. Mr.
Strayer; man--eer. D. W. 8plby; ph1 sl lans.
Drs. M. A. Tlnley and M. B. Snyder.
Roya Escape from Jail.
Earl Solomon of Omaha and W'a'tr
Konkler of this city, the two boya held
on the charge, of, breaking Into the Bur
lington freight -rVpot and stealing candy,
made their escape last evening from, the
J'tvenile detention, ward In the county c-vrt
house. With the leg of a table they suc
ceeded In prying ,'looe the I'on bars frcm
one pf the window's and then the rest was
.The boys waited until after their supper
had been given them before m k ng their
escape. Their escape was dl covered wh n
Jailer' Gallup went to- the room to rov
the supper dishes. . .
Young Solomon, who at first gave t e
name of Dean when, arrrsted and clilmed
his home was In Salt Lake, 1 4 w-nted by
tht Omahn authorities to answer to a
charge of lnrceny.
Improvers to Rnlld t'lnh Ilnnse.
At the meeting pf the West Side Improve
ment club Monday right It was de-Jrte1 to
form a stock company to build a clu' house,
There wllf be 500 shirei 'at $1 each and a
number of -chares' were cubrcilbcd at the
The club plrced itrelf on record as fa
voring a fifty-foot pavement on.Wctt
Broadway In place, of the ihlrty-foot sug
ges'ed by members f the city cnuncl1. The
c:u' also adopted )i rceo'utlcn ffivrrl-g ihe
purchase by the' Park board of te tl nber
belt on the river back for a public pa k.
The constitution and byliwa were ndr.pted
and the regular meeting 1 lihts of the cl-jb
chang d to tha, first-and third Wed 1 s.'ays
of each mr nth. (!'.
'Real ,HiWe y masters.
These, transfers 'were repented to The
Bee tece-nbprhyheTltle,, Guaranty and
Trust teaipang istiCounctl Bluff": -Conrad
Oeise. f Anna O. end
Mary E. Murphr, tetf. 6-:-41. w. d $9,936
Cora A. WINon E. C. .Salomon, lot
4, block ST. Beefs' sub., w. d - 400
Chariee E. Rr(fii'y'"nnd Wife t Jeffe--
pon--Perks, part Mots IS, 14, block 12,
Cnrs n. w d u
iiwa icwnmif I. K. Klliworth,
lot 8, block 11. McClelland, w. d
Four transfer, total ...
Rooms and, cafe1, psraen ljfttet. .
. Marrlnjre Xlceavea.
. Licenses to wed were issued Ve'terday to
the following-:
Name, and Refldenc.v . - Ag-.
Joseph Roux. Council Btt'Vt- 95
uannah Burke. Council Bluffs 22 i
jonn mcnum. mwson. City, Cinada
'(Yukon territory'1..". 45
Lula Helm, Crelghton. Neb..,.., 21
' N. .T. Plumblnj- Co.. Tel. Z30; night, FC67.
Davis sells drug. 1
Iffert's glasses fit' '
Btockert -sella carpets: . " '
Domestic cooking. 33 No. Main at
Duncan sells the best school ahoes.
Night school at Western .Iowa college.
Dra. Woodbury,, dentists, 30 Pearl at
For rent; modern house, 723 Sixth ave.
Duncan doe the -oest repairing, 23 Main.
Pyrography outfits and supplies. Alex
ander, 333 Broadway- .
8. T. Miller cf Shelby, la., is visiting Ser
geant Dent in r of the police force.
A Successful, crofcresslve suhaiiintiaJ
AhlVtl la , V. a nTufurn I
Missouri oak dry cordwood M cord dellv-
ered. Wm. Welch, IS N. Main at. Tel. liS
-Twenty-four karat gold plated photo
s'in T l'"?1 tM"" Ut' Borwlckl m
J',. Reed, clerk if the' district court,
and. wife, returned home yesterday from a
viHit in Chicago
Take notice, all old accounts not settled
at once will be given an attorney or col
lector. Settle now and save costs. Ueorge
8. Davis. ,
The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's Eng
lish Lutheran church will meet Thursday
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. L. Ii.
Oreil, tuo Avenue C.
Contraotor Wlckham commenced tho
Pvlng of Vine street eater-clay. He nan
7- ". , . . .""IJZ. " ePc
to complete the Job before snow flies.
2.UU0 lbs. to tha ton guaranteed. - Morton
a, Bridt-nsteln, the nw flm. Prompt serv
ice, beat coal and wood, lowest
Yards, 14th avenue and 6ih at. Tel. lU.
The city council will meet Saturday after-
1 noon in committee of the whole to consider
the bids received Monday niaht for l.ouo
feet of fire hose for the new engine house
In the southern part of the city.
Thomaa Shuaghneasey, aged bi. died yes
terday al Mercy hospital of organic heart
disease. One son, out -brother and MiHter
survive him. The remains were taken to At
lautio City, la., yeateruay by the brother,
Patrick bhauKhncssey. where Interment
will be. .. I . .
i Joseph Blesaendorfer, 3640 Avenue B, died
I yesterday, aged 66 year. Besides his wle,
' live sons and six daughters survive him.
Tha tuneral will be held Thursday aflur-
' -noon at it o'clock from St.- Krancis Xavler's
church and burial will be in Ut. Joseph
cemetery. '-
The district court grand Jury Ignored the
charge against William Bowen and H. W
U. ureer, the colored dining car porters,
- who were alleged to have stolen a sum of
money from J. Simon, proprietor of a
Broadway grocery. Oreer waa discharged
at the preliminary heartnlg, but Bowen was
; held to the grand Jury.
John McNutt of Duwsun City, Yukon ter-
' rltory, and Mrs. Lula Helm or Crelghtun,
Meb., were married in this city yesteruay.
Justice Carson oittctailng. The groom Is a
miner who has been Seven years In the
Yukon and has amasssU considerable
wealth. Tlia bride wore a handsopie brace
let made of gold nuggela trom one ot her
husband a mines. Mr. and Mra. McNutt
slated ihey would return to the Yukon In
the spring
Seotl taodiaata for Messenger.
ATLANTIC, la.. Deo. i.-l8ptclal.)cap-ISIn
John W. Scott of Atlantic, elector from
the fourth district, I being' put forward
aa a candidate (or messenger to carry the
Iowa vou to Washington next month.
bastaeas la Atlaatle.
ATLANTIC. It , Dec. ;-tSveclal.)-0. W.
Bruwu and R. A. fcuerry' have bought ths
Phelpa a. Temple grocery store and will
lake iniiitcdlatpoeslou.
Sick Women,
ANY remarkable enres of
the disoBses from which
women so often . Buffer
have occurred in oar
, town. The reason for thia
was that when one woman
waa cured, she. told her
neighbors, and so others
were cured. The 'reason
for this was a prescription
originally put np by a
physician in active prac
tice, who mada the din
eases of women a special-
It very seldom fails, and that is the
reason that the manufacturers now offer
a $."00 reward for any case of Leucor-
rhea, Female Weakness. Prolapsus, or
Falling of Womb, which they .cannot
cure. All they ask is a fair trial.
We ask all afflicted women to write
a woman, who is well-known in her
city Mrs." II. Harrinon, of 112. West
2nd Street, Sioux City. Also to any-
SliOOO SFLo-wirdL
contains no alcohol, opium, of any aarmtut drat, Ay onm
publishing lata mtatementm concerning tt ingredient will
be proBucuted. Tbl medicine I compounded ot medicinal
principles, scientifically extracted from Indigenous roots that,
cure the diseases tor which It Is recommended. It baa aa
toyed the public confidence tor oyer tt third ot m century.
Iowa Exposition Commission Keeps Within
State Officials Hope for Test of Le
gality of Amendments at Early
Date Before Any Complica
tions Over Them Arise.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 M01NE3, Dec. . (Special.) Ex
Governor Larrabce president of the lowu
commission on the Louisiana Purchase ex
position, with Secretary Freeman Cona
way of the same commission, arrived h nv;
today from St. Louis, where they h tve
attended the exposition and closed up af
fairs for Iowa. An executive commltlee
meeting was held today to go over th-j
accounts and arrange for a settlement.
Secretary Conaway will tuke an office at
the state capltol and devote hla time for
two or three montha to closing up affairs.
The commission will be ftblo to pay all
bills and settle everything without making
use of any of the 326,000 additional appro
priated for specific purposes, but It wat
provided that none of It could be unej
until all the other appropriation was used.
While some departments nettled tho addi
tional sums ik was not needed In all de
partments . and none of it was touched.
The commission turned over all the Iowa
property to the State Board of Control
yesterday and that board Is now In charge.
It hna already started the work of oii
mantllng the Iowa building and It Is prob
able that building will be the first to be
torn down. The furniture and materials
are being shipped to various places Iq the
Earnlniii Have Decreased.
The annual report of the state ral!rcid
commissioners, filed today, shows that for
the year ended June 30 last the railroads
of Iowa earned 314,998,034, aa against SIC.
433,233 the year before. The revtnuea were
sliKhtly larger, but the expense ' much
greater. The mileage increased from 8,498
to 9,822, and the earnings per mile went
down from $1,730 'to $1,626. The commis
sion makes report on lla work in securing
from the railroad managers . in Chicago
last winter restoration of the stock pasrei
to stock shippers of the country after Ihe
railroad managers, had decided upon cut
ting them off. The commission held sev
eral conferences with the railroad com
panies on the subject. The commission
makes suggestions that the railroad man
agers secure more equipment and better
facilities for passenger traffic and that the
employes and officials be more willing to
give out Information as to all. matters In
which the public Is Interested. The com
panies are also scored for failure to main
tain the roadbed on branch lines up to
Test the Amendments. ,
It Is very much desired by state offi
cials and others who are directly con
cerned In the biennial elections amendment
and the one Increasing the eixe of tha
house of representatlvea that there shall
be some fair legal test of the whole mat
ter long before a crisis Is reachej and
before the matter cornea to the attention
of the courts In an unfavorable or unfair
"We would not want the 'question of
the force of the beiennlal elections amend
ment raised during a seaalon of the legln
latore," said a member the, other day.
"We would not like to have a legislative
session on hand at a time when the courta
were keeilng the people on the qui vlvs.
Let It be settled before that time."
Thla Is the attitude and feeling of a
number of persons who are directly Inler.
ested. It has been suggisted that a teat
case be up as soon as possible and that It
be got into the courts In a way that will
be . fair to 'both sides. ' '
A largely atttpded meeting of tha Iowa
Implement Deulers a.socUtio.i was com
one writing ns, we will send the names
and addresses of many women in your
state who have been cured. We only
ask you to investigate for yourself.
Without solicitation from Us Sirs.
Harrison wrote ns as follows :
" I suffered for more than seven years
with a very complicated form of female
trouble accompanied with nervous pros
tration, and after doctoring with six
physicians (all bearing excellent repu
tations) was informed that unless .an
operation was performed I would be an
invalid all my life. Hearing of the
wonderful cures effected by Dr. R. V
Pierce's remedies and believing that
there must be a cure for almost every
ailment. I determined to make one
more effort. I wrote to Doctor Pierce,
and I will never forget his kindly ad
vice, telling me to follow his instruo
tions faithfully and not to submit to an
operation. 1 commenced to improve
alter six weeks' treatment, and in JJve
months my improvement was so notice
able to friends that they began to in-
?uire about my method of treatment.
Was pleased to tell them of the won
derful means of cure that I had most
fortunately found, and, as so many
ladies applied to me for information
regarding Doctor Pierce's world -famed
medicines and his plans of treatment, I
felt in duty bound to give them the
benefit of my experience, so, told them
menced here this evening. Tho asaocla
tlon has nn extended program covering
two days, but the topic uppermost Is how
to curb the trusts, especially the Harvester
trust and tho Cordage trust. The mem
bers are confronted with the necessity of
signing contracts which are binding upon
them and prevent general business and the
association will endeavor to lay plans for
offsetting this influence.
State Auto Club Formed.
.The Iowa Automobile club was formed
here at a mtetlng attended by owners of
machines from all over tho state. The
club adopted a constitution and elected
the following officers: President, G. B.
Hippee; first vice president, D. B. Flem
ing; second vice president nnd captnln, W.
J. 11; secretary, W. L. Kearh; trcts
urer, Charles Denmnn; consulting engi
neer, F. 8. Dusenbury.
Attorneys Allege DralnsKe Law of
Iona Is Not Vnllil.
ONAWA, la., Dec. 6. The hearing In the
ditch appeal case of Addison Oliver from
the decision of the Board of Supervisors
of Monona and Harrison counties, on the
big Mononn-Harrisiin ditch closed Satur
day evening. As to the testimony of the
petitioners, Selbolt and others. Judge Ad
dison Oliver will have sixty days from
date to Introduce his side of the case.
Some Interesting loeal. points have been
raised by the appellant's attorneys, George
A. Oliver of Onawa and Wright & Call of
Sioux -City, 'who aet them out In th' lr ob
jections and exceptions flic!, They con
tend that the laws as passed by the Thir
tieth general assembly are unconstitutional
and that the whole proceeding In regard
to the Monona-Harrison ditch, so far are
Illegal and void. ...
Appellant claims that the supervisors
elected In Harrison county cannot act to
determine matters In Monona county and
that supervisors elected In Monona county
cannot act to determine assessments an!
costs levied In Harrison county and that
chapter 68 of the Thirtieth cenoral assem
bly authorising them so to do, Is In viola
tion of the constitution-of the state of
Iowa and unlawful; that the Boards of
Supervisors of Monona county are without
jurisdiction to establish a drainage dis
trict in Harrison county and that the au
thorities of Harrison county cannot act
In Monona county; that the Boards of
Supervisors of. aald counties are only re
sponsible to the people of their respective
county; that all of said meetings were
held without authority of law: that chap
ter 68 In regard to drainage is In violation
of section 18, article I of the constitution
of Iowa, which provides that "Private
property shall not be taken for public use
without full compensation being made."
Many other objections are cited.
The coHt of the Improvements Is esti
mated at 2X3,000 and 73.000 acres of land
are expected to be made good tillable land
by the work. About $150,100 was claimed
by land owr.era as damages and about
$35,000 allowed by the tribunal.
Poaltloa of President oa Hallroad
Regalatloa Kadoraed.
(From a Staff Corrcaponde.nt.)
DES mCiNEB, la., Deo. 6. (Special )
Governor Cummins read tht message of
President Roosevelt with great pleasure to
day and especially that part relating to
the question of rullroad rates and regula
tion of ths same by federal power.
''I waa greatly pleased at what Presi
dent Roosevelt had to say on the sub
ject," said the governor. "He states tha
issue In tha clearest, way possible and
points the evil to be met. He emphatically
recommsnda the very remedy which the
Interstate Commerce association has advo
cated, and his expression Is In exact accord
wtb the vlewa which Governor Van Bant
and myself in person and Ouvernor La
Knllette by letter presented to the presi
dent, on the occasion of our -recent visit. I
agree with the president that there should,
be no effort to plaoe In the hands of the
Interstate Commerce commission-ths au-
the facts. The large nnmher ff poM
tive cores effected by Doctor Pierre's
remedies alone, naexl by my recommen
dation, seemed, in one year's time,
nothing short of a miracle. I couldn't
have- believed it had I not seen the
parties and known the facts.
Feeling so trateful to a kind Provl-denco-and
to Doctor Pierce for my res
toration to health, and wishing most
earnestly to have the pleasure of bring
ing relief to other sufferers, I have,
within the past fifteen years, suggested
and recommended Doctor Pierce s treat- :
ment to hundreds of ladies, and regard
my efforts in this direction as grand
missionary work.
If invalid ladies will call at my home,
112 West 2nd Street, $ioux City, Tues
day, Wednesday, or Friday afternoons,
from 2 until 4 o'clock, I will be pleased
to relate my experience and direct them
to a reliable source of relief and cure,
and for this no charge will be made.
Those interested but unable to call may
drop a postal and I will call at residence,
if agreeable."
(Signed) Mrs. H. Hakrisow,
112 West 2nd Street,
Sioux City, Iowa.
the U. 5. mall win bring yon tha best aiedlcaa
advice for only the cost of writing
' anaterials and stamps. .
Many people owe their present good
health to the fact that they consulted
Doctor Pierce by letter, giving him all
possible information about theif condl
tion, symptoms, etc., and received in
return good medical advice which cost
them nothing. Write to Dr. R. V.
Pierce, founder of the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, Ni Y.
Doctor Pierce by no means confines
hCniself to prescribing his well-known .
medicines. He' tells you in the most
common-sense way wnat ails you, what
you ought to do, what line of treatment
should be followed in your particular
case, and If your case- does not indi
cate the need of his proprietary medi
cines, he tells yon plainly and frankly
what you do need, and the best possible
method of improving your health.
Doctor Pierce treats many chronlo
cases at a distance, through the mail
and all you have to do is to write him
describing your symptoms.
A great deal of sickness may be saved
by keeping on hand a copy of Doctor
Pierce's thousand-page illustrated book,
"The Common bense meaicai Aavis
.a 1
er." Bent tree, paper -Douna, tor
twenty-one one-cent stamps, to par
cost of mailing only; or cloth-bound
for thirty -one stamps. Address,
World's Disnensarv Medical Associa
tion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Constipation and a bilious attack go
hand-in-hand. Doctor Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets are' a sure and speedy cure
for both. Tinv, sugar-coated granules.
One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxative
and two a mild cathartic. Ihey never
gripe. Nothing else is "just as good."
Is Ottered as a Guarantee that
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
thorlty to make rates and schedules for the
railroads, but the commission can be given
power to determine If a rate Is excessive
and what is' a reasonable rate In a given
case. The commission should have the
right to put this Ii force at once."
1 se So Much Explosive that Cllltesa
of Town Are Awakened.
AUBURN, In., Dec. 6.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Tho Peoples' bank of Jolly was
aynamitea tnis morning- oy six mnij wuw
were evidently amateurs. Tho Interior of
the bank was entirely ruined and ! plate
gluRs was blowrt Into the street by the
explosion. Several of the Inhabitants ot
the town were awakened and Henry Rets,
a merchant, called three of his neighbors
nearby who armed themselves with rifles
and shotguns and started out to ascertain
the trouble Upon their arrival at the
corner opposite the bank they were halted
by the robbers nnd a fusillade of shots
was exchanged, but nn one was wounded.
The robbers drove, the citizens back and
then Jumped Into a spring wagon whicn
they had previously. stolen from the livery
barn and made their escape in the direc
tion of Auburn without securing any
A large posse soon formed, but waa un
able to get a sight of the robbers. - The
team was turned loose shout two miles east
of Yetter and the bandits took refuge In
a straw stack about eighty rods east of
I W. W. Clark's house. They concealed
themselves until about 4 o'clock this after
noon, when Mr. Clark's shepherd dog
I paased by the stack and discovered them In
! the straw. The' dog began barking and
continued until Mr. Clark went down to
ascertain the trouble, and when he mounted
the Ftack a revolver was drawn on him
and he waa ordered to skip, which he did
In ,the direction of hla house. He thea
telephoned to Yetter and Auburn, from his
residence and a povse of citizens responded
promptly and the robbers surrendered and
were taken to Rockwell City this evening
and lodged In jail.
They refused to make any statement.
They were well armed. Blankets and robes
stolen at 'Jolley found In their posse
were Identified.
Iowa Uoy Marderedf.
BOONE, In., Deo. .. 6 (Special.) Roy
Phillips, who left home six weeks ago to
join his uncle In California, was found deal
at Red Bluffs last Saturday. There are
evidences of murder. Phillips was about 23
years old and was a very popular young
man with all the society people here. Ths
telegraphic Information received Is very
meager. The place where Phillips' body
was found Is a lonely spot near. a silver
mine. The condition of the body allowed
that he had been dead for several days.
The body Is being shipped to Boone for
burial and an Investigation Is being carried
on to find the cause of his death. Sulcldt
Is believed Impossible, as .the young man
had comparatively no troubles. He went
to California to work for an uncle.
Funeral of Charles Rrawdy,
CRE8TON, la., Deo. (Bpeclal.) The
funeral of Charles Bruwdy, who was killed
at Pacific Junction Saturday morning, took
place at the residence Bunday afternoon
and the body was taken to Fontanelle for
t b'leaao Men Fall to la ' Drags
Ordered la Fllllag Pra.
CHICAGO, Pec .-Out of 138 decoy pre
acrlptlons sent out by the State Board of
Pharmacy to Chicago drugglatS to be filled,
twenty-three contained no true"- of the
drug called for, alxty-aix were SO per rent
Impure, ten 10 per cent Impure and only
thirty-one pure. ,
As a result the board will prosecute 101
druggists for selling Impure drugs.
Diamonds. Frensrr, 15th and Dodge. J