v DECEMBER 1904. 6. I i',1 :fi 8 1 , ' 1 . " I SPECIAL NOTICES A4Trr(ltrMili for these ioIiimi will he takes aatll 11 for ths e-vcalaa- eilltloa mm asjtil H . at. far 1ke mlac dltloa. Rates 11-M a word ret lmrloi is a wara thereafter. Notatas taken for leas tkaa JtO for the arst taer tloa. These aertleaata aat be raa roaaeeatlvrly. Advert laers, , hy reaeatta a aam ttered tktck, eaa have aaswers ad rfreaesd to a wasnhered letter la care of The Bee. Aaswers ao addressed will be delivered oa areaeatatloa ef rheelc MISCELLAINEOUS Boy les' College Business. Shorthand and Typewriting; Normal, p'.ngllsh. Civil fcervlce and Te.eg raphy Courses; Mail, Day and Mtiht, Coumas; Catalogue Free. State when wilting whether Interested In residence vork or ri.rrespondencs course. Aidies: M. B. Bcyles, Pres. H 3.6 CC fVl Bring; an Edition phonograph Into JO.lA.your home. See L. Flescher, 132 Capitol Ave. R M144 DIP SPECIAL attention given srehltects' pl'ia aiMnlfiallmi: contractors Should In vestigate. Dew Wentworth, 818 Paxton Illk. Phone 1673. R-M375 THY KEIA.Y'8 TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. S30. CMfll'P PRIDE OF HASTINGS. Best OiYlwNC 6-cent cigar on earth. R-377 CITY 8AVIN08 BANK pays 4 percent. J. E. WALLACE, taxidermist. 606 8. 13th. R 87 IF TOIJ want to buy, sell or rent property. . borrow money, sell note or Account, cull at R. 3, X.- Y. Life. Tel. 188. Glover ft Son. , R 380 ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bee Pl(l. R 383 OMAHA School Supply Co., 1831 Howard at R Mb0 D12 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 SOUTH 11TH. 'PHONE 264. We trust everybody. Have our wagons call. Express work solicited. . R M908 D17 Pianos for Rent, 3 .4O-I4.00. New Pianos. High grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. Perfleld Piano ' .Company. Mil Far nam. Telephone Tl. Open evenings. R 388 EAGLE Loan Office: reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Dmulaj. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 21 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R 885 WANTED, horses to winter, 1260 per month; rood feed, plenty of water. A. H. Read. 610 Ware block. R M347 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. R-384 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. 960. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wk'i R-387 r. MELCHOIR. machine works, 13th end ' Howard. R-8S8 Electro plating. Om. Plafg Co., 1508 Harney. R 356 D27 EI.8A8SER RRICE. machine and gen eral repair works, 817 S. 12th at Tel. 1477. R-M555 J2 OMAHA PLUMBING CO.. Tel. 3fi48. John Morrissey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 3914. R 3X1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEARLY new piano, cheapi need the money. 307 No. 25th St. Q &2 6 BEAUTIFUL Chlckerlng upright piano, $135.00. , Schmoller at Mueller, 1313 Far inm. 'Phonl 1626. QS63 6 FOR SALE, new ml second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Hrunswick-Balke-Collender. 407 8. 10th st. Omaha. Q-M439 (- POOL tabloa, ahow cases. 1407 Harney st. ' - Q-391 CORN cribbing, tel. pole. Jong fir timbers, cypress fence lath. 3-ply whltebasswood. HOI Douglas. Q 3il FOR BALE., several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omana, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q-863 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. ' Tel. 2030. Q 392 IND-HAND aafa cheap. Derlght, 1119 Fa;--nam. Q 391 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain W't have about 100 feel 00 stranded electrlo liahr. cabin and one 800 amDere knife switch. Address Bee Building Co., or see w. i.. linages, engineer, tiee punning, Ofr.aha. Q 533 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years, maae or nrebox steel, triple riveiea nui ana strap joints, insurance company permits of preasu. of 125 pounds. They are now in use and can bo seen at boiler house, rear of Bee building. Can be delivered at once. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building. Omaha. Q M902 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR S ALL". If you want a bargain In ateam fittings call and look over the following supplies: 2.6-lncli Jankln's Globe valves. l.iMnch Gate valve. 1. 8-Inch Austin hortxonal separator. 1 4-Inch Austin vertical separator. 1 H. P. horizontal engine, tl-lnch pipe and flttings. These nave been taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Build.'ng Co.. or see V H. Bridges, engineer. Bee build ing. Omaha. Q 633 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 391 JlRICK. pressed and sidewalk. 618 Paxton block, Q-M976 D7 . II. P. ENGINE. We hare one six -horse power horizontal engine. The engine has never been used. Will sell It for about one-lmlf price. W. H. Bridges, Engineer. Bee building. Q 113 , WE RENT sewing machines 76c week. We repair all makes of machines. Sec ond band machines 86 to 110. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1AO, Corner 15th and Harney. Q-SSS ENGINE BARGAINS. Two, i h. p. Olds gasoline engines, one t h. p. Olds gasoline engine, two 26 h. p. olds gasoline engines; several of other makes, cheap. OLDS GAS ENGINE WORKS, 1116 Farnam st. Q PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS . AT A BARGAIN. 80 Pulleys, from 6 In. to 48 In. In diameter, I Countershafts complete. SO Feet 1 7-lS-ln. shafting, with couplings and hangers. 40 Feet 1 1-16-ln. shafting, with couplings and hangers, together with about 300 feet of belting from 3 to 6 In. These are all In first-class condition. W. 11. Bridges, Engineer, Boe building. a -112 EBSALEn HORSES & WAGONS FINE 8376 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, open pneumatic runabout, loo. Drum inond, Uth and Harney. p iji GOOD station wagon, cheap; also second hand carriage, at a bargain. Johnson ft Daiiforth, S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones sta P-M306 D2U WANTED Light depot wagon In exchange for nocaaway ana rent wagon, aliitwt flaw. Aouresa, J v, nee. r-UIH-l FLORISTS HESS 8WOBOPA. UU Farnam. 46 CHAB. EDERER. Reasonable. Bristol. Tel. 1791. 80th and M93 I- HENDERSON, lilt Farnam. Bend for price list of cut flowers and plains. ALFRED DONAGirUE, JR., 1807 Farnam, J tl, SwM. WANTEO -MALE HELP Mosher Shorthand Modern, simple, legible and rapid. Bet system now in use. Bend for particulars. Address: Omaha' Commeicial College, 17th and Douglas Sis. B 396 EXPERIENCED solicitors for Ohio steam coukers. Address K8. Bee. B-M&37 6x TELEGRAPH department open In Decem ber. Hoyles college. MOLER'S barber college. Denver. Colo.. teaches the barber trade in s weens in guarantees positions. Special terms. Write. . B fW Dec. 13 SAY, fellows, how Is tkls? How to win at cards taught In ten daT. One thor ough system. ' Easily learned; can win eouugh in one hour to pay for whole sys tem, including cards, ale. Address for particulars, J 39, Bee. B-M361 D38 WE have thlrty-8even vacancies and need tne same number ol good appncaina iu fill them. Write for list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS 40 N. Y. Life. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY-Able-bodled unmarried men, between ages of 21 nxid 83, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For information epply to Recruiting Officer, 13th ' and Douelas sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City. la. B M297 EXPERIENCED grocery oler". -, I others, can get work. Malns-Ca 6.14-35 Paxton Blk. and no se Co., B 897 IF YOU are in need of a position, call and have a tieart-to-hearf talk with HART. THE EXPERT. 923 N. Y. Life. B M614 D3 WANTED Five good boys with wheels. 213 S. Uth St. B-122 D MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, must practical barber college In the. United States. Write for catalogue todav. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaia, Neb. B 399 WANTED By well established school In Illinois, a telegraph teacher; must be competent to assume entire control of telegraph department: good salary; must be able to make small Investment. Ad dress J 87. Omaha Bee. B 334 t6 DRUG CLERKS, Knieat. R. P., N. Y. Lite Bldg. B 400 BA.Y, fellows, how Is this? How to win it cards taught In ten dsys. One thor ough system. Easily learned; can win enough In one hour to pay for whole system. Including cards, etc. Address for particulars. J 39, Bee. B-M363 D28 PORTRAIT men. why work for someone else at fifty to seventy-five cents an order when you cn buy guaranteed work of us st wholesnle? Investigate our credit plan. Ripley Art Co., lock box 679. Omaha, Neb. B-74 D31 MEN, we teach the barber trade In few weeks by our method of constant prac tice and expert Instructions. Tools do nated, diplomas given. Can nearly earn expenses before finishing. Call or write, Moler Barber college, 1302 Douglas st. B M569 8x PERSON to call on retail trade. Estab lished business: $3? and expenses paid weekly: expense money advanced; posi tion permanent; previous experience not essential. Address Trade Manager. 833 Dearborn. Chicago. B M652 10k SIX mngazlnes for $2.65; four of them dollar magazines: ask me about tnem; solicitors wanted. Grumlaux, Co., 307 Brown block. B 649 6 WANTED, big man, must -weigh not less than ZftO pounds; good naiurea. lona ot children and be able to play a bugle. Ad dress K 4. care Bee. .,B MRU 6 WANTED Two cltv salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard Bt. B 393 WANTED Ladv or gent for outside work. City Savlngo bank. B M893 11 WANTED At once. flrst-eWa coachman. Mrs. T. Kllnatrlck, 8100 Chicago t. B-896 7 IF YOU are In need oT a position, call and hnve a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT, 923 N. Y. Life. B-406 J4 WANTED Good packtnr house carnenter; steady position to right party; mut be willing to leave city. Address K 19 Ree, Omaha. Neb. B M918 8 WANTED General agent for Nebraska to sell lodge regalia. Wm. S. Hatcher. Sec'y, at Millard between 4 and 6. B 903 Ex WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS, Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 401 LADIES, we teach hairdresslng, manicur ing or facial massage. Short time com pletes. Busy season now. Positions wait ing. Top wages paid graduates. Call or write, Moler college, 13u2 Douglas st. C-M570 8x MONOGRAM, 6c; 10c value. Hloecker Cigar Stores. C 364 10 BIX magazines for 82. do; four of them dollar magazines; my catalog has 8,500 publica tions at cut rates; we duplicate club of. fers mnde by eastern concerns. Gruml aux, Co., 307 Brown block, Omuha. C 661 A GLOVE saleslady and fitter; .none other need apply, western Ret. & Bona Assn., 840 N. t. Life, C M912 6 WANTED Girl attending school to help lth work for room, board and car fars '.322 S. 33d St. C-M723 6 JIRL for general housework. 8313 Cum ing. C-S98 7x WANTED Experienced second girl. Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm. 2341 Howard. C-97 , WANTED SITUATION RELIABLE resident of Omaha wishes In side work of any kind during winter. Small wages. K 10. Bee. A 868 6x POSITION as stenographer by man with family. Address. Harry O'Connor. Care Be Office, Council Bluffs, la. A-Mti2-8x YOUNG lady stenographer wants place to work In physician's office. 11 33, Bee. A-M631 tlx WOMAN wants work addressing envelopes at home. H 80, Bee. A MH22 6x SHORT story writer nuiiclts work for local publications. 11 17, Bee. A-M623-6X YOUNG man, stenographer. Just from col lege, wants position. air salary to start. H 16, Beo A M016 x POSITION by young man as grocery clerk; not long in this country; speaK itussian. 11 43. Bee. A M617 6x POSITION by accoiuitant and bookkeeper. State salary and line or work, u bJ, tsee. A M619 fix YOUNG woman with some experience de sires position In doctor s or dentist s omce. Address J 60, Bee. A 602 tlx r WANTED TO RENT WANTED Desk room in clean office cen vtrally located. Rent must be reasonable. Addrees. J 67, Bee. K-M7IW x WE can rent your rooms and houses. Room 1. N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glovur at Bon. - K 418 WANTED Room and board in Bo. Omaha convenient to packing houses; private family preierrea. n i, net) omce. K-M606 6x WANTED i or -room house near South Omaha. G 46, Bee omce. K M6o6 6x BOARD in private family 1n Bemla park, or adjacent to It. G 57, Bee. K M 6x in private family by young man who la employed night; dinner at a p. m.; state terms in reply, rt .'6, Ree. K MO4 6x PATENTS BT'Kd A CO.. Patent lawyers: advice free. Three offices: Ree building. Omaha, Neb.; H4 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. and lout F St., Waahlngton, D. C. Tel. -M.u8 D12x J. ETHERY LErfTER. Patents and patent law. mechanical draughting and blua printing. Nulla 43 Paxton block. Omaha. Nab. Phone 17D&. ri 11U The Bee The Bee Sunday published a total of S03 paid want ads, hich was 2T more than its nearest competitor's total, including both free and paid, and nearly 100 ahead in TA1D. The Bees want columns apgre pated. 542 inches. It's nearest competitor had only 477 Inches. The Bee's real estate advertising measured 171 inches. It's nearest competitor measured onlr 00 inches. TA 73 ii rKINTH THE MOST PAID WANT ADS. i llC LJCC WANT ADS BRING THE BEST RESULTS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Omaha Plating Co.. 1508 Harney. Tel. 2535. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. E 4u9 DEWBY, European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E 410 VIENNA HOTEL, loll Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E 411 NICELY furnished modem room: two car lines; private family; gentlemen pre ferred; Tel. L8337. E M668 STOP! with us: we have the best room" In the city at 36c. 50c, "5c and 81 rrday; nine, clean beds. 25c; everything new, well kept and safe. Tel. 1112. HOTEL MONADNOCK, 119U N. 15th st. E M5S7 D31 HOUSEKEEPING Three or four very de sirable, partly Jurnlshed rooms; bath and gas; references required. 2436 St Mary's ave. E 412 MIDLAND hotel. 16th and Chicago; steam heated; medium price; cafe In connection. E 413 FURNISHED and unfurnished, all parts of city. Room 8, N. Y. Life. E 414 TWO nicely furnished front rooms: hot and cold water, electrlo light, gas. telephone; good board In vlnelnlty; convenient for gentlemen. 217 8. 26th St. E M778 HOT water heated room. 209 N. 20th st. B-M578 9x FOR RENT, fine front room Tor a gentle man; easy walking distance to business district. Addrees K L care Bee. E-MS10 HOT water heat, telephone. S16 N. 17th. E 559 SMALL alcove room, heat, light, etc.. mod ern, walking distance. K 9, Bee offlcs. E-855 6x NICELY furnished rooms, modern, for transients. . 712 8. 16th St. E 857 6x NICELY furnished rooms, modern, steam heat. 712 X. lfith st. E-S56 6x MODERN furnished rooms. 'Phone 536 So. 25th ave E 45 6x NICELY furnished rooms In good neigh borhood: reasonable walking distance. C 63, Bee. E-MS70 6r LARGE front room, modern; oulet neigh borhood. 2036 Harney. E M871 6x NICELY furnished front room, oulef. good location: gentleman preferred 1921 Dodge. 'Phone 3166. E M5 THREE pleasant partly furnished rooms, modem: can he nrrancred frr hrvuepkeen- Ing. References required. 2701 Woclworth ave. E 704 LET US furnish your rooms. We do It cheaper and better than any one In Omaha. Terms: J35 worth, tl per week; $50 worth. $1.50 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam St. E 886 LARGE, pleasant front room: modern; "phoni. 1821 Douglas. E M534 LARGE well furnished room, modem. 706 8. 18th St. E M526 NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 2310 Webster. Tel. L3218. E M530 MODERN furnished rooms; best location. 113 8. 20th. E-M5-" FOR RENT Nicely fur"l"hej front par lor, modern, furnace heat, 'pho-e. 1711 Dodge st. E 900 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD o. m. e., tel. en. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-41B MIDLAND hotel, lfith and Chicago; steam heated rooms, with or without board. F 41 609 8. 26th ave.. pleasant room; good board; private family. . F 417 METROPOLITAN restaurant, regular meals 15c; meals to order. 1312 Douglas. Tel. A436, F-M500 J AN elegant furnished south front room and alcove, with first-class board- 'Phone A1994. 2418 Cass. F-MS89 ELEGANT rooms and board; good loca tion. 306 N. 25th. F M526 6x ROOMS and board, 84 up. 1811 Capitol Avs. F M761 6x FURNISHED rooms and board' home cooking; strictly modern. 116 No. 2Dth. F 846 6 BOARD and room for two gentlemen, reasonable, modern, private family. K 8, care Bee. F-S54 6x, NICE room and board; home cooking. 2816 Leavenworth. r msi- ox THE RHELTON Nice furnished rooms and board; family style. am ana uonpe. F M873 6x NICELY furnished rooms with board; rea sonable; walking distance; modern, irujo Harney st. F-MS74 6x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR unfurnished rooms, south front. very desirable, lor lignt nouseKeeping. 19K8 Emmet. G Mi'43 6x WANTED SALESMEN EXCELLENT chance tor a few hustlers who are capable or presenting a splendid proposition to merchants. Experienced salesmen or insurance men preferred. The National Home Trade League, room 203, Karbach block, Omaha. MG10 WANTED Representatives; local and traveling; a good oportunlty for neat, in telligent men and women. Write today, to-morrow may be too late. Give age, oc cupation. New Era Mfg. Co., Lincoln, Neb. M721 6x WANTED, man for machine salesman; good position for tne ngnt person. Also want young man for collector and supply salesman. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. M783 8 MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds ot anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief in a to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure. Mall orders promptly filled. Price, 83. DR. R. O. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., R. 87, 84 Adams St., Chicago. 4S4 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; sale, reiiaoie; taae no other. Send 4c stamps fur particulars, "Relief for Ladles, " in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES In trouble write to K16, Bee oftloe. iou will noi regret it. viv DR. PRIES treats HiiccexHf uly all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, UllVs Dodge Ht., Omaha. 4fc LADIES In trouble writing to post box 57, Omaha, Neb., will not regret 11. M777 PHIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 72a lat ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. -62 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardll, 2216 Charles. Tel. A 2611. 4.4 PRIVATE home during eenflnernent. Babies aaoptaa. Mrs. Dr, King, u X. 161 h. Tel, abca. Pi - Leads Others FOR SALE REAL ESTATE F. D. WEAD. 7-room house and barn, 2 lots, facing east on aeih, south Ames ave.; owner leaving city. Say unr for short time at $1,1(W. UOl-tfUA REMgM, Williamson Co.. rfoo?.Wg- RE 43 FOR SALE Two modern, brick houses, 7 rooms each; will rent for $40. Price, $3,600, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life bldg. RE 424 DESIRABLE LOTS ON "TUKEY'S TERMS" FOR MEN OF MODERATE MEANS. The lnterurban road between Omaha and Lincoln Is now an assured fact. While this road will help the wnole city, the lirst ad vantage will be noticed along the line from the grain terminals to ttouiti Omaha and beyond. We are going to sell about to lots In Thompson Goos' addition at the same prices we oncioo. them beore the road was located, and we make the choice of any lot for $30. City water on the ground. We have one entire block of about 4 acres which we tviil sell at a bargain. When the lnterurban line is in operation and the Hunscom park line extended to Vinton street and 33d this property will double In value. We have decided to sell thews lots on the now famous "Tukey's terms." A few years ago we started the selling of prop erty in. Omaha on monthly payments, without any Interest, in order to accom modate a large number of people who have not the ready cah. We make the same proposition on these lots $35 down and $10 per month, without interest, and give you your choice of lots until the 40 wo offer are sold. Call at office for plat. These lots are Just south of the 80 acres we sold the lnterurban a few days ago and are high and sightly, with good sur rouudiugs. A. P. TUKEY A SON. 444-445 Board of Trade lildg. RE 910 6x 13,500 WILL BUY a beautiful home In Kountze Place, full lot, south front, good barn, street puved, house newly painted and papered; everything modern THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 Now York Life Bldg. RE-M42I 68 feet on 37th street, near Jackson, for on $2,500.00. Right In the best neighbor hood In Omaha, fronting on the Klrken dall ground. Terms of sale reasonable. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th. RE 738 FOR SALE 33 ncres In Belnlr, southwest of Benson, Neb. Also, 2K4 acres Improved land 2V4 miles east of postofnee. Council Bluffs, composed of fruit, farm, pasture and garden lan 1, new 4-room house,- barn and other Im provements. W. H. Thomas, 1st Xat'l Bank Bldg. -! RE 746 6x 83.260 BUYS No. 940 27th ave.; that Is one of the best values' we can offer; east front lot In sightly locution; completely over hauled and remodeled; do not fall to fol low the crowd there today. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1614 Farnam st RE M8S0 6 FOR SALE One npte of $1,800. due In one year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,600, due on or before three years. Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, 8 36, Bee office. RE-M46S NEW HOUSE. Owner has told us to cut his price to $2,150 for his bran new modern cottage, 3330 Hamilton St., 6 rooms, best arrangement you ever saw, south front. You cannot beat this little Jrargaln. Half block from car. Can move right In. X. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Faniarn St. RE M87) 6 $2,000 BUYS the best bargain close In that we have on our list, a 7-room cottage, east front, new roof, new paint and paper and new porcelain, tub, with nickel plumb ing; handsome shade trees, large lot 63HX 135: barn; walk around this today and come In or telephone X. P. DODGE & CO.. 1614 FARNAM ST. 1 Jrvc. B6I a $1,200 BUYS 1920 and 1922 8. 10th St.. two rrame buildings, barn ana outbuildings on leased ground; one store, one shoe shop and three 7-room flats, all renting for $40 per month; cltv water In each flat; ground rent $S per month. Look at this today. X. P. Dodge & Cc, 1614 Farnam st. RE-8S2 $4,000 BUYS 2117 and 2119 Izard st; 4 houses. full city lot, 66xlK2, paving m street and alley all paid. Rents $41 per month, ex cellent condition, a) ways rented to good tenants. We have not lost a dollar of rent In 4 years. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1C14 Farnnm et. RE M78 F. D. WEA.D. 6-room house, corner lot, Blondo St.; con venient to Hartley car; easy payments; $&0. . 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 838 80-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. ' WEST DODGE ST., 6 MILES WEST OF CITY. A very desirable farm. $H0 per acre. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1001 Farnam St. RE 34 FOR SALE. 2314 Boulevard Avenue Price $850: $150 cash and balance easy; 4 rooms, city water, rents $8 per month. 3013 and 2014 South Second St. These ropert1es rent for $13 monthly and will e aold for $1,000; $200 cash, balance on easy terms. WALTER BREEN, R. 416, Karbach Rlock. RE 733- XICE home of 8 rooms, all newly painted and papered; combination gas and electrlo lights, new furnace, cemented basement Who Is the luckv man? Only $2,700. SHIMER A CHASE. 1609 FARNAM ST. RE 642 NINE residence lots In Ogden City. Utah; what have you In Omaha to offer for ex change? J 68. Bee office. RE 6Sr7 ONE-HALF ACRE Three-quarters mile south woer of Hanscom gark: lies high and sightly; beautiful ulldlnir site. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE SS8 CUBAN INVESTMENTS Ex ?u la Ion rates Deo. 10, 8r7.H0; good - to return Jui.s 1, 1u6. C. R. GLOVER & SON. 'Phone 133. Main floor N. Y. Life. RE 840 1 HAVE II. OuO to buy nice little cottage In good condition. Addrees J 66. Bee. RE 539 FOR BALE, l.ooo-acre Improved farm I miles from Logan, i I beet Borer valley and table land; beat farm in Harrison county. 140-acre farm, $ miles from Logan; fine valley land. 80-a re farm t miles from Ixgan; splendid farm. 8. I. KING, Logon, la. Kb kit EASY TERMS $'! for 3-roorn cottage and corner lot. $450 for (-room cottage. 21rt and Center. $ouo fur 6-roum cottage and barn. O. C. Olsen, 1704 Farnam U. ; l: . i . tun-tot Follow: FOR SALE REAL ESTATE New -Room Cottage North part of city, walking distance, five rooms, porcelain bath, open plumbing, cement walks and cellar. Built for a home. East front. Close to car line. Good neighborhood. E. K. LOWER & Co. Tel. 443. 203 Brown Bloc. RE 001 6x TUKEY & SON ANSWER QUESTIONS. Yes. Part of these lots are situated In the same block as Mr. W. I. Stephen's residence on South 31st. Yes. We give you choice of lots for $335 Yes. The city water Is In the street in front of them. , Yes. We charge no Interest Straight "Tukey's terms." Yes. It Is like putting money In a bank, and It will bring you greater returns Yes. We have plats at this office, or will mall you one if you call up 2181, or our residence. F3S1H0 after supper. Yes. "Tukey's terms" on these lots have brought in a good many customers. Yes. $X down and lift per month without interest until tne 3 is paid win Duy one of these lots. Yes. This property Is right In 'line with the proposed street car lines. Yes. We are making all this fuss about 40 lots on BZd and Vinton. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. RE-M909 8 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Titles Perfected and Guaranteed. Tel. 2244 JAMES F. KERR, ions N. Y. L. RE M566 D31 TIMBER, coal and farm land's, south and southwest, locations for Industrie; mag azine free. Jo. A. Parker. Louisville. Ky. RE 73 DO YOU want a whole section of land for a homestead and stock ranch? For Infor mation write W. 11. Tompkins. Rapid City. 8. D. REM5S3 IF YOU want to buy. sell. rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at It J. X. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover & Son. RE M422 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT . Southwest corner 36th and Dodge Sts. A stately row of four new houses, Containing 8 rooms each and possess ing every modern convenience. Situated in the West Farnam District, a short, convenient distance from Farnam car line. $42.50 per month for the inside houses. $45 per month for the two outsideones. R. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR, BEE BLD'G. D-M -827 HOUSES, Block. insurance. RIngwalt. Barker D 4-7 HOI KFC. In all parts of the city. Ths IIUU3LJ o. F bavU Co., 508 Bee bldg. D 438 FOR RENT, 6-room house, In first-class condition, with large lot; convenient to car line. $16. 959 X. 26th st. D Ms55 MnCauley Express Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 616 8. 16th. Tel. 1454. D 439 FOR RENT, two 8-room modern houses, without furnaces. Will rent either one for $30 per month. Located 8. W. corner 34th and Center. Last occupants paid 60 per cent more rent. Do you want one for the winter? R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. D M826 A HOME on Blnney st, 10-room house, tc dexlrabie party; $40 per month. Telephone B3637. D 430 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store II. H goods. Storehouse, 1130-24 N. 19th. Office, lulllj Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-431 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel 14t. Office 1713 Webster St UVii 14 m I" U Prtv it the city. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Building. D 433 PAYNE-BOSTW1CK tk CO.. choice houses. 601-608 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 431 FOR RENT Modern 8-room flat opposite Hanscom park, $34. 'Phone 633. D 436 (-ROOM cottage, 2012 South 2d street: city water. In good condition; rent, $6. Waller Breen, r. 416 Karbach block. D 436 FOR RENT, after January 1, for several months, modern furnished eight-room house. Snap for right party. References. Address H . Bee. . D M780 7-ROOM cottage, 1630 8. 28th st. Clarke Powell, 1616 Capitol ave. 'Phone 921. D M498 1101 8. 3pth St., ten-room, all-modern house, oak finish. A- G. Elllck, 802 City Hall. D-15J FROM $6 up. Borer, 22d and Cuming 8ts. Tel. 2049. D 847 D22 HOUSES FOR RENT. $302016 Elm St.. 7-room cottage, modern but furnace, good repair. $172916 Shirley, I rooms, modern but furnace. , 820844 Park ave., 6-room cottage. $16-837 So. 22d. -7 rooms, barn. $15 New, 7 rooms, near Krug park. $13-2004 N. 22d. 6 rooms. $12.602321 So. 16th. 6-room flat. $113421 Mason, 6-room cctiage. $8-2816 N. 81st. 4 rooms. GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam. D 533 FOR RENT H-room house; all modern ex cept furnace; 'o N. 80th St.; $18. C. M. Bachman, 4S6 Paxton Block. D 553 FOR RENT, 4022 Farnam St.. 8 rooms, all modern, barn, convenient to Farnam car line, only $36 per month. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee bldg. D M833 FOR RENT. Walking distance, close in, near center of city, a new brick house of 8 rooms. Every conver'" ce obtainable. No. 2220 Douglas st. On y $50 per month. Look at it R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee Building. D-M-$:t FOR RENT. 9-room modern house, northwest corner 24th nd Templeton ave.; $36. GEORGE ac COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. D MfclS 11 (.ROOM cottage. 1921 8. 11th at. D-M757 Wx FOR RENT 8-room flat on Dewey ave., modern In every respect, $40.0orer mouth. John F. Flack. 16th and Douglas sts. D MBf5 11 FOR RENT House 4 rooms. 3134 Mason st, $7 per month. C. M. Buchmaii, 4J6-37 pax ton block. . - I mi3 DRESSMAKING URJB. EARL WINE, VOX CAJFOKXIA- HOUSE rooms and bath, modern, corner lot, nice lawn, one block from car line; bouse In good repair. $33 00. m Ohio Bt. inquire at 36a X. luth St. D 614 7x PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chlropndv i j a, i 1W Fernsm. V 440 M AflWCTtr trin. Hath Mme. "'"UM - ' BmTih 118 N- 15. a fl. R. 2. U 300 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'rnONjB- TRUSSES made snrt fitted to men. women and children. 14 Farnam St. THE IL J. PEN FOLD CO. U-442 K Z COR DION and SUNBURST PLEATING, MJCHING, BUTTONS Send for Fries list and Samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. TeU 19 to L 444 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 730 S. 13th. t DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we tewt eyes free for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE II. J. PENKOLD CO. Leading Opticians, 140a Farnam. V 448 DRAWING and painting from life. Case's Art Class, 1604 Farnam, room 4, rear. U 447 LARSON JOHNSON, cut rates to all Cilnta. 140 Farnam. Tel. B3113. Mem- American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. U 443 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; $1 Perfleld Piano Co.. 1U1 Farnam. , U 460 THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, 1410-12 Howard. U-M461 "VIAVT " mrav tr. health Res RldC. OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of pasts for all purposes. Tel. A-3652. 2210 Cuming. EstabIlshedl8.N8. THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4185 and wagon will call. U fcll OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Blk. U 463 WE DO expert piano moving: lowest rates. Hcnmolier & Mueller, i3ia r arnam. Tel. 1626. a; U 163 D10 WANTED The use of a piano for storage by a young married couple; can give best of references; will guarantee to keep piano In good condition. Address H 9. Ree office. U-110 Cx CALENDARS end calendar pads. Burkley Printing Co., Omaha. U M370 D28 Wanted The Deaf, to Hear Free tests of Instruments for the deaf. Hutchison Acoustic Co., 618 N. Y. 1 Bldg. U-366 WANTED, farmers who want to make more money to send for our pamphlet. "The One Hundred Per Cent Farmer. ' Correspondence Agricultural College, 442 Nebraska St., Sioux City, la. U-643 D29 SIX magazines for 82.65; Kur or them dollar magazines; ask me about them: solicitors wanted. Grumlaux Co., 307 Brown block. U 660 5 YOUNG man of 31. holding good position, desires to meet widow or bachelor maid with means, age 25 to 36, who desires marriage. Only1 those In Omaha need answer. Address K 17. Bee. U M908 8x FOR SALE, bed, stove, drnphead sewing machine; time or cash. 3408 Farnam st. U-6S9 S EMBROIDERY Hand embroidery of all kinds done cheap and quick. Apply 220 N. 17th St. U 687 6x NEW Steinway pianos are sold only by Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. U-861 6 CHRISTMAS designs in evergreen supplied prtmptly; reasonable prices. J. H. Holmes, Silver Lake. Mass. U-MSH1 6x FARNAM car, between 3 and 4 Sunday; will good-looking young woman dressed In black grant Interview to tall gentleman who sat opposite? - U 9u6 7x WANTED Information as to address of heirs of Irad Davis. Address was Taylor county, Iowa, about 1857. Small recovery can be made. Address Harvey Spalding A Sons. Washington, D. C. U M913 8x WANTED-To meet elderiygentleman with some means who would appreciate the rnenasmp ot wonting gin. t is. nee office. U 868 7x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTLES MONEY WE LOAN ON Furniture. Pianos. . Live Stock, Balaries, we Giva v Best Rates. Easy Payments, Quiet Service, Any time, WE WANT Your Business If You Ever Borrow Money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 806 S. 16th St X 466 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curl ties, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us if In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X 468 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, pianoa, horses, cows, jewelry, or on your plain note, if st aUlly employed. 703 N. Y. Life bldg. X-40-9 The J. A. Hutton Co. LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS. 614-616 Paxton Block. X-M563 MONEY LOANED 8ALAR1ED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, Room 714, X. Y. Life. X-470 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Preb bennw, room 214 at 209 8. 16th St. Tel. B-3864. X 471 SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 807-$ PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE I41L X 472 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co.. 8 Barker block. X 478 MONEY loaned on pianoa, furniture, lew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 8. 33th. X 474 MONEYvFOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X 476 SEE FULLER, 435 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-476 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam st. X 477 SALARY snd collateral loans. Temnletnn, 213 Bee Bldg. X-478 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY. Attorney. 437 Psxton, Tel. A 2639. JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New Toik Life Bldg., rooms 304 and Tel. 1662. Collections promptly reported. 634-5 Huntington 4k BUratton. 833 N. Y. Life. 964 PRINTING LYNGSTAD se RUFFNER. DDIMTCUC Crounae Block, t orner of rKlIN 1 CltJ J6th Bt and Capitol Ave. 467 KRAMER CHANDLER Q''K PRINTERS. 1106-Oa Jmoglaa St. 1o de liver work when promised Is our hohhy. v ha- u r n cn .Kflfl rctHMhl rrlritr: tub-. SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES M01C ASXOVSCKMESTS. Maannle Temsle, tor. mill 4 4 apHol Ae. NEBRASKA IMK1K No l, A. F. A, M Regular tneeilna- Tuesday evening. De cember . st 7. o ( lock. VIMtors wel come. CHARLES 1,. SHOOK. Master. A .C. MX I". AN, Secretary. OMAHA COUNCIL N7T ROYAL SE- LECT AND SUP. EXCELLENT Regular meeting Tuesday, lecemhr 6, at 8 p. ni. It Is desirable that every member bs present. HUGH A. HirPI.E. Master. OMAHA CHAPTER No. 1. R. A. M.-Regu-Isr convocation Tuexdiv evening. Decem ber 6. A. HUGH H1PPLE. Secretary. I. O. O. F. BEACON IODGE No. 20 Meets Tuesday evening. December 6. at 8 o'clock. In 1. o. O. F. hall. Fourteenth and Dodge sts. E. C. BURKETT, N. G J. L. ALBISO.N, Secretary. PIONEER COUNCIL No. 118 Meets In regular session second and fourth Tues days In each month In Continental block, Fifteenth and Douglas. Visitors invited. THOMAS O. MAG RAX E, Secretary. BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or bustnessqulck.seeJ.il. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. Y 402 DRUG Stores Knieat. R. P., X. T. Ia Bldg. Y 403 I CAX SELL your business or real estate, no matter where located. Properties and business of all kinds sold quickly for cash In all parts of the United States; don't wait; write today, describing what you have to sell and give cash price on same. A. P. TONE WILSON, JR.. Real Eatate Specialist, 413 Y Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Y PHYSICIANS located. Knlest, N. Y. L. Y-M404 FOR SALE A thrifty grooery business In Fremont, Neb. Reason for selling on ap plication. Address J 2, care Bee. Y-M937 ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE. If you have account, note or claim of any kind against person, firm or corporations, we can settle It for you. Call or writs THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. . 'Phone 133. Y 40$ ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 1st Xat. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of business. Y 406 FOR SALE The Elgin Creamery plant at Corning, la. Will sell the machinery separate or all (together to suit purchaser. Call on or address Mrs. 8. E, Day, Corn ing. Ia. Y M914 6x MANUFACTURER of protected staple article will carry a large part of cash of establishing branch factory In Omaha, with machinery, stock, etc. The right party with $1,000 can secure Interest that will pay out in a short time and clear $5,000 per year. Address K 18, Bee ofllce. Y-M917 6x 8HOLE8-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y 407 FINE opening in gen. stock, $4,000; cen. Xeb. town doing paying buslneaa. Quick turn desired. Address J 43, Bee. Y-M497 ( ' WANTED TO BUY BHOXFELD. ths ANTIQUARIAN, C2 N.. Y. Life, pays highest pries for bocks. Tel. ?036. N 419 WAXT TO BUY S to 6-room house to move. J. H. Parrotte, Paxton block. X M609 10 WANTED To buy scholarship In on of Omaha's leading commercial Colleges. Will pay cash. Address, G 61, Be. . N-M618 x WANTED To buy furniture stock where no competition. Christian, York. Xeb. X-M9U 7 FLAT top cabinet typewriter desk; must be In good condition and cheap. H 37, Bee. K M611 x LARGE-SIZED, slightly used rug for offlne. Address with description and terms H 20V Bee office. X-MS13 x CAST-OFF clothing still lo food condition. G 66, Bee. , X M016-4U FOR EXCHANGE WILL exchange fine piano for horse. Schmoller & Mueuer, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1626. -161 D10 WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Xeb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. Z 4t IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ad In and you will soon get It Z-M TRADE Fine corner, excellent Farnam st location: value, $15,000; will trade for Improved property. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1830 Faxnam Street. Z-M206 600-ACRE farm In Dent oounty, Mo. (110 miles southwest of Bt. Louis'), worth $10.00 per acre. Will exchange for Omaha property. Improved or unimproved. Ad dress K 15, Bee. Z-MJ94 11 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R, O. Peters A Co. W M7W FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Xat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 164s. W 7 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1520 Douglas W 40 WANTED City loans and warants. W. Farnam Smith tc. Co., 1330 Farnam Bt W 481 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Ca W 443 6 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., ISM Farnam. W 4W LOWEST rates. Bemla, Paxton block. W 434 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE In The Bee building carries with it all the oonvenlences and advan tages In the way of heat, light. Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday olavator service. A $10 oftloe Is now va cant. Cnll at once. R. C. peters & Co , ground floor. Bee building. I 833 8-STORY and basement brick building:, 1003 Farnam, 23x100, hydraullo elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 81 Flrvt Xat'l Bank building. 1437 IF A GOOD light is needed we can show you a north front ofl'co on th h in floor, a splendid room, at the moderate price of $30. R. C. Peters at Co., ground floor. Bee building. I-33 FOR RENT, the office room vacated by Judge Howard Kennedy. Inquire 4 Bae Bldg. 1-M532 6 FARMS FOR SALE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co.. Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." RE 433 YOUR FARM. RANCH. HOME OR OTHER property No matter where lo cated. If you desire a quick sale cull or send us deacriptlon and price. Before buying a. farm, ranch, home or property of any kind anywhere write us. We have or can get what you want. Address the Western Home association, room 3lu. Mc Cague bldg.. Omaha,. Neb. RE MalK DANCING ACADEMY MR. and MRS. MORAND S winter term for adult beginners opens this week, Tues day and Friday, 8 p. ni.i assemblies. Wednesday. 8 p. m.; children, Saturday, 3 p. ni. Reduced prices In all classes; pri vate lesons. Tel. 1041. 15th and Harney. 190 DU n i a i