4 TIIK OMAHA DAILY BKE: TUESDAY, PKCEMBKK fi. IWU. CSAM INI PRtDCCE MARIET Wheit Very ltren Sborti feared tnd Frici Two Cnt Higher. 9 m -sa ssssn- CORN WEAK- DECEMBER OVER CENT LOWER I.IgM Receipts Boom Whftt-FliK Weather Bears ('rk-Uin 1-S ta 1-A Uwtr-Flaaaelal Ooaslp a ad Botes from Pita. OMAHA. Dec. 5, 1JM. Wheat wan strong and corn waa easy. This iudm up the markets lor the two leaning ceiealj. The receipts at idinne apons and Luiuth of wheat were I .ah er than hud be.-n expected, wnlle the euuth west continual to lall tff la a manner .ua. Indicates the marketing of a large '.art of the crop. The demand for c:trh wh.-at is excellent, millers coming to the front from all aectlona and buyl.g treely. The rh.et Inteieai In future la In the May del very, the December having been ab.ut cio ed up. There are stilt a.me shoits to elre heir trades, however, and then there are buy ers of December, outMue of the si-ecu.a-tlve element, that really want the wheal, and the mIh now are either against con tracts or with th Intent of tiellwer eg li.er on. For this reason the trades of a spn ulative chnrartar are for the May and July future. Liverpool waa strong and higher. Armour Is a large buyer and apparently tanged on the long aide nf the market. St. Louis was o higher, Kansas City !i,c and Minneapolis ana Duluth c above Saturday a clcslng. December wheat In Chicago opened at 11.10, a Kn In of V,c and advar.ced to 1.107; May. l.llS'al.l2S. a gain of lVto; July, j99:o. an advance of c. In the closing hour of 1110 day the market aaaumed more headway, the firmness alarming the shorts and turning the clove very strong and at about outside prices. December advanced to 11.11V a good 2 advance, and May followed with t'tc gln. , CORN Market weak The fine weather la fan changing the grade to No. 2 mid the rece pts are Increasing. . There la an excellent export demand, and right here In Omaha three full trains have recently left for Oalveston. Tex., for export. The price for December wns 4714c earlv. a loss of 3-7e. droppod to 46e; May, 4fVa447c. The low flgurea were 46--,c nnd 44sc for December and May. respectively. OATS-Market slightly eff at the opening, but recovered and remained without ma terial change. In the closing hour of the market the usual n decline materialised and the close waa soft. Oaaab Fntarea. Corn . Open. High. Low. Close. December 41V 4o',H 4yA 40A May J9?,A 39",iA 39 A 39 A Omaha Cash Salea. WHEAT 1 car No. 3 hard, private terms; 1 car No. 8 hard. 64 lbs , 99o; 2 cars No. 3 hard, 60 lbs., $1.01; 3 cars No. 3 hard, lbs., $1.02; 1 car No. 3 hard, 67 lbs., 11.08; I car No. 3 hard, tflA lbs., 11.02; 1 car No. 3 hard. 66 lbs., 11.02; 1 car No. 4, 60 lbs., 96c; 1 car No. 4, 60 lbs.. 94c. CORN 2 cars No. 3. at 3Hc; 2 cars No. 4. at 3So: 1 car No. 3 white. 29c. RYK-1 car No. 4, at 68e. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT N 5. S hard. 11 04A1.M; No. 3 hard. 9o,&K.03: No. 2 spring. fc'.tiUSc; No. 3 spring. 31.06. CORN No. 2, 40c; N-. 3. SSc; No. 4. 38c; no grade. 36f'.17c; No. '.' yellow. 41c; No. 3 yellow, 39c; No. 2 whl'.o, 4nc; No. 3 white, 3Sc. UAT8-N0 2 mixed. 2$le.-; No. 3 mixed, 27c; No. 4 mixed, iiic; No. 2 while, 29e; No. 3 white. 29c; No. 4 white, 27V4h2Sc; stand ard. 29c. RYE 68c Visible Supply. 1 Total Increase. Wheat 36.858.ixlo bu. 1.2S5,Oi'0 bu. Corn S.lxl. NO bu. 1,321.000 bu. Oats . , 24.497,000 bu. 265.000 bu. Grain Markets Ktteirher. Closing prlcei at the following markets today and Saturday were: CHICAGO. Close Wheat Today. Sut'day. December l.llt 1.0944 Mltv 1.13 July l.uoi, Corn December 46i May 44T, July 45 - Oatw Decemajr-;i is. .v..W.v.V. WS T" Msy 3H4 SI July 304 30T4 ST. LOUIS. track December, 2S'c; May JNO. i wn ie, jh:, FI U K Stronger. Red winter wtents, $.vi.-uo..i6. special branot, 5.WS.6fl; extra fancy. 8 70'u4; rleer. 84 15i4 4o TIMOTHt SEEI-Steadv. $ii4j2.45. CORN MEAL Steady i an It KAN Dull. SacKe.i. Ht track. ii7c. HAY Firm for best grades, limoiny, 7 !'! U.on; prairie, p. d.fi imai. IKON CIViTON TltS l.lc.' RAOU1NO 7Sc. HEMP TWINE-4V. 'KO 18ION! It ihK Lower. Jobbing, 111.7". Lard, lower; prime steam. 3' s Macon, steady; boxerj extra eh'.rts, 7.7i; clear rllie. t.fi; short clear, !".-' rolLTKV Market firm. Chickens. 7Vc; springs 11V; turkeys, 13V; ducks, ec; geese, V.ic HL TTtR-Market firm. CreametT. 2Vc; dairy, IfoUc. LUOd Market ateadv at 24c. case Count. 'Recelr'- Shipments. Flour, barrels lo.'i i.f Wheat, bushels 7o"0 W Corn, bushels i." Xi Oats, bushels i7.W lS.yoi) '994 4V Wheat December May Corn December May Wheat December May CV' -December Mi Whear . May Wheat- May Wheat- Decemfcer May ....1.12 ... 1.14 4-r-i KANSAS CITY. 1.04 1.04i . 40', 41 NEW YORIC : 1.153 MINNEAPOLIS. 1.10 1.13Vi v 44, v43Vi 1.03 1.0S, DULUTH. l.lBVi 1.17 1.15T, l.H'i 1.13 1.14 CHICAGO ORAM AMU rROVIIOS Featares of the Trad lag aaa Closlaif Prices oa Board Trade. CHICAOO, Dec. 6. Sensational reports of rust dsmage In Argentina caused a 2c advance here today In the price of May wheat. The market closed at practically the highest point of the day. jl'orn Is down V. Oats are off VflVc and provlslone 2't tjlOc. Wheat at the openlng'manlfested a firm tone. Aa the session advanced the Inltlul firmness developed Into rampant bullish ness. Rather Indefinite news from Argen tina to the effect that harvesting Is being delayed by wet weather waa the principal cause of the firm opening. May was up a shade to ViKc at ll.llfil.liV With an active commixslon house demand prices steadily advanced. Additional bullish en thusiasm was croated about the middle of the day by a report from a Chicago crop expert who la now In Argentina. Accord ing to this authority the wheat crop of the South American country Is In a critical condition, nearly one-half of the total crop having been damaged by rust. The report was not replete with detail, but It sug gested that notwithstanding an increase of nearly 2.0i0.tti In acreage the total crop Is l.voro.ooo bushels leas than last year. These figures were alarming to shorts and throughout the remainder of the day there was an urgent demand from that source. Just prior to the close May sold at 31. UW The market closed at I1.13S- Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 6,fi0 bush ells. The amount on passage Increased 192,000 bushels and the viHible supply showed a gain of 1.2ilo,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.2t.l'J0 bushels, compared with 1,410.7 bushels a year ago. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of l.iito cars against 1.144 cars last week and l.ObC cars a year ago. A large Increase In the movement of the lew crop waa the dominating Influence in the corn market. In consequence of the liberal receipts and Improved grading con siderable weakness developed notwithstand ing the sharp advance In wheat. An addi tional bear factor waa a report from Argen tina claiming that the new crop was ex pected to be very large. May opened Wl tc to W5iC lower at 45Vfl 454C sold off to 44io and closed at 447vu 4fic. Local re ceipts were 702 cars with 7 of contract grade. Weakness of corn had a depressing effect on the oata market. Lower prices at the sample tables tended to weaken specula tive values.. Trading was only modera'te. May opened a shade to Vc lower at 30V: to 30V!31c, sold down to and closed at SoVa30,ic. Local receipts were 99 cars. Considering the Immensity of hog re ceipts the provision market held remark ably steady, although prices showed a small decline. Offerings were rather free, but the market received fair support from packers around Ir'lde figures. At the clos-s May pork was off 7Vdl0c at 313.06. May lard was down 2V,c at $7.15. Ribs were -a fcfie lower at $H.77HSi.80. Estimated receipts ror tomorrow: Wheat 142 cars; corn, 937 cars; oats, 152 cars; hogs. 36,000 head. Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oata Dec. May July Pork Jan. May Lardi---.Tan. May Rlha Jan. May 1 1 flefri 1 lO'il 11 un 1 ns; 199 Va 4' I l474rH 2S7i 30V31I 3WI I 1 Ilk 1 09k 1 Ilk' 1 09 ; 1 llkW 1 US,! 1 V. 1 11 99U 1 0V99HV l.T( i"1 13 824j 1,1 10 0 95 7 16 57H S 76 47H! 4.V.. 46? 29 31 30k 12 36 ' 13 12! C " I 97H 7 17', 60 6 SO 2SJ 2SV 30s 3o r; 30SI 30 I 444r,kW?,! 47 4-tk 447fi 46:45V '4 46M 46 I 46U 29Vi 31 30Ts 13 sr. 13 li 97Mi 7 17V4 3 82i 1" TS 13 Oi'i 92'4 7 15", 57; It 824 6 92V, 7 15 6 60 6 80 KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatloaa of the Day on Various t'ommodlttea. NEW YORK, Dec. 5.-FLOUR Receipts, 2.203 bbla.; exe rts, 6.180 bbls.; marker, turn and partially higher, Minnesota patents, 36.85tU5; Minnesota bakers. 34.00m4.76; winter patents, tb.bmuo 90; winter straights, 36.26cj6.46: winter extras, 3.6i((i4.J0; winter low grades. 33.45&4.10. Rye flour, Arm; ales. 360 bbls.; fair to good. 34.60(n4.76; choice to fancy, $4.76ti6 00. buckwheat flour, steady; per cwt., 32.lkj2.26. HYK Nominal. BARLEY Steady ; feeding. 4kc, e. I. f.. New York; malting, 45'u2c. o. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 92.000 bu.; exports, 12.800 bu.: No. 2 red. nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. 11.21V o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth. 31.261, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, $1.1. f. o. b. afloat. Options weer strong and higher today on bullish crop news from Australia nnd Argentina, sup plemented by a better nnrthwent flour demand. Heavy covering and notable bull iipport were triidln. features. Final fiices showed Vfllkc net Advance. May. M3H$1.16 1-16, closed. $1.15; July, 31 04'd 1.05V,. closed $1.05Vi; December, $1.17kflri.l91. closed $1.19',. CORN Receipts, 46.150 bu.; spot market easy; No. $ easy, nominal, elevator, 12 u 54c, f. o. b ; No. 3 white. 64'o. Option mar ket was unusually active and weaker, fol lowing heavy receipts at Chicago. Con siderable long corn was unloaded here. Last prices were He net lower; May, 6k2f 61,c, cloaed 60c; December, 66virf66tc, closed 660. OATS Recelpta, 88,500 bu.; spot dull; mixed. 2ti4j.l2 lbs, 34H1i35V; natural white, H(32 lbs . 3tfl-J7o. Clipped white, 36(840 Iba., 374fWV.c. Options nominal. FEED Steady; spring bran, $20-00; mid dlings, 3U.90; rlty. $17.004117.60. HOPS u(et: state, roinmnn to choice, 104 crop. 30i38c: 1903 crop, 3"fH6c; olda, 14c; raclflc coast, 1904 crop, S03tc; 1903 crop, 4c: olds. 14 17c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California. 20 to 36 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 4 to 30 lbs.. 14V. LT ATH KR Finn; acid. 24T?n. PROVISIONS-Beef. Arm; mess, $9.0ftr 6?1 ; beef hams. $22.01 23.60; packet. $10.(KKalo.5i1; city extra India mess. 114.601516 60. Cut meats: easy;- pickled bellies, $7.60fj8.12H.: pickled shoulders. $7.60; pickled hams, tit 00 i50. Lard, quiet; western steamed, $7.30; December closed at $7.30 nominal; p-'nH dull; continent. $7.86; compound. K.Kft i'.s. Pork, steady; family. 816 Oui 15.60; ahort clear. $1.1.761160; mesa, $13.26(U 13.75. TALLOW Easy; oty ($2 per pkg). 4Sc; countrv kgs. free), k- RICrt-FIrm; domestic, fair to extra, STa9 gate; Jipan. nominal. BI'TTKH-HirnitH: street nrlce: Kxtra creamery, 27h27Vc. Official prices: Cream- i ery, common to extra. i;anr; ueia common to extra. UiV:4o; state dairy, common to extra. 16iS26c: renovated, common to extra. 1.1i '0c; western factory, common to choice. 1Jil6i4,e; western Imitation creamery, com- mon to choice. 16V,t'?nr. CH F, KB E Firm ; state full cream, small, September, colored and white, fancy. 12c; state, late made, poor to choice. sWVllo; state, large, September, colored and white, fancy. 13c; state, late made, colored, (rood to choice, loyiokc; state, late made, white, funcv. loUo; state, poor to nrlme, Wiluc. EdGS Strong; western finest selected, SlftiS.'c: western average lest, 30c. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens, lie; fowls. 12c: turkeys, lTlic. Dressed, easy; western chickens, 14ijl6c; fowls. 10.&11C, turkeys. 16!in8c. It. Loala Grala aad Frny lelous. 8T. LOUIS. I. -WHEAT-Market blgber. No. 3 red cash, elevator. $113: -ack. 1.W; December $1 12; May. n.l4jk0 a". No. 1 hard. 81 .lotol.ll CI N Market lower. No. t i spli,. porsl il ;track. 4.i''b 4tio; December. 43ic; May, VaTS Market eaey. No. 1 cash,. rVse No. 2. Cssh quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 33.VVr 6.20; straights. $4.80$e.on. stirlng patents, $4.906.40; straight. $4.80(4.90; bakers, $3.60 (&.190. WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1.18; No. 3, $1.03 tfl.14: No. 2 red, $1.11V('1-1&H- CORN-No. 2, 4(i'rg474c; No. i yellow. 47Hc. OATS No. 2. 28Ttfl29.-: No. white, 30 31kc: No. 3 white, 30&314c. RYE No. 2. 744c. BARLEY Good feeding, S8c; fair to choice malting, 42051c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.15; No. 1 north western. $1.23; clover, contract grade, $12.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl $11 45 (R 11.60. Lard, Per 100 lba.. $ti.90. Short ribs sides (loose), $H.37H'8.62. Short clear sides (boxed), $6.87H(S'7.0O. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 15.400 20,i Wheat, bu 69,Oi0 106,900 Corn, bu 4O9.0O0 rVH,40o Oats, bu 137,800 111,100 Rye, bu 13,200 Barley, bu 88 000 73.3f On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady to firm- creameries, 16fi22c; dairies, 1Mj22c. Egga firm, at mark, cases Included, 9Vu-'4o', firsts. 25Hc; prima firsts. 27c; extras, Z94c. Cheese, steady, 11-11 12o. Kansas City Grala and Povlalons. KANSAS CITY, Dec 5 WHEAT Higher; December, $1.04; May, $1.04 Vi 1.04'; July, 917,t!'J-'c; cash. No. 3 hard, tl.061.08; No. 3. $1 03'ul.Ofl; No. 4, 96c0$l.O2; No. 2 red, tl.4KWil.08; No. 3, $1.03. CORN Steady; December. 40(ff41c; May, 41Sc: cash, No. 3 mixed, 42(?i424c; No. 3, 4HaJ(4?c; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3, 41',c. OATS Steady; No. 3 white, SOkftttlc; No. 2 mixed. 30c. HAY-Steudy; choice timothy. $9.009.50; choice prairie. $7.60(f7.75. RYE Steady at 70c EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewond cases Included. 26c; case count, 23c; canes returned, Ho less BUTTER Creamery, 21 (023a; dnlry. 17c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat btt : 121. 600 28, 800 Corn, bu 136.000 13.600 Oats, bu 20,000 . 10,000 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. Dec. 6 EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows no change: com mon are quoted at 3H,i4c; prime, at 4 4Uc; choice. 6rti6yiC. and fancv. (Wi6Ve. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are held rather more firm, but the general range of idiiSc for California fruit Is un changed; apricots are unchanged; choice are quoted at 9'u"10c: extra choice. 10'ii lOHc; fancy. Il(i15c. Peaches also remain quiet at former figures; choice. 9t9'4c; extra choice, 9'idflOc; fancy, lO'allc. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 5. BUTTER Flrnt, Ho higher; extra western creamery. 27Hc; extra nearby prints, 30c. EGGS Firm, le hlgber; nearby fresh, 8bu at mark; wesurn fresh, 33j04o at mark. CHEESE Finn: New York full creams, fancy, 12c; New York full creams, choice, llHfillkc: New York full creams, fair to good, 113'llke. Bloax City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. Deo. 5.-(Speclal Telegram) CATTLE Receipts. 3.5u0 head; market tesdy. Beeves. $4.60(&(i.o0; cows, bulls and mixed. 82.25ft3.35; stockers and feeders $2.60"M3.SO; calves and yearling. 32 2oi 26' HOGS-oelpts. 6,.'H) head; nTarket E-STSo lower, selling, $4.25&146; bulk, $436 J4 40. Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec 6. WH EAT De cember, $1.12k: Mav. $116T,; July. II 16V; No. 1 hard. 115; No. 1 northern, $1,141; No. 2 northern. $1.09Vt- FIjOUR Higher: flrst patents. l6.004je.lQ; second patents, $5.(104j6.o: first clears, $.26& 4.35: second clears, $2 76j2.S5. BRAN In bulk. $14.60. Mllwankee Grala Karket. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 5.-WH EAT-Hlgher; No. 1 northern. $1.15: No. $ northern, $1.H 1.13: May. $1.13 asked. RYE Steady ; No. 1, 808U,c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 64c; sample, 36tt toe. CORN Lower; No. 3. 46Q4Hc; May, 44SC 46u bid. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 8 WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures easy; December, 7s 2kd; March, "s 4Sd; May, 7s 4Sd- CORN Spot, firm; American mixed. 4s lod: futures, quiet; January, 4e 4d; March, 4s 3kd. NEWYORK STOCKS AND BUNDS Dealiogt Exptnd Largely, bat the Lt?el of Prici Hecedts. GOLD BARS ENGAGED FOR EUROPE Annonncemenl that All the Atallahle apply Is to Be Bent Abroad lasses a Slump In Valaes. NEW YORK, Dec. 6 Dealings In etockj expanded today and the level of prices receded. In spite of marked gains In a num ber of the stocks In which the trading was heaviest. The sustaining power of these marked advances was effective during the early part of the day and made possible large profit taking with small eftct on prices. But on the unexpected snnounce ment of the purchase of 3l.oo0.0oo in gold bars at the assay office for export to Europe tomorrow thg market gave way quite generally. The effect of this news was aggravated by the Information that all available supplies nf gold bars had been bespoken for contemplated further ship ment. The agents In this transaction were exceedingly reticent regarding It and the mystery surrounding It gave It additional Influence. The gold Is generally supposed to be destined for Berlin The sharp de cline In the price of exchange on Saturday and again this morning under the largely augmented supply of cotton bills caused the definite dismissal of possible gold ex ports from the realm of stock market fac tors. Sentiment was sll the more affected on that account by the news of the en gagement. The transfer through the Treusury'depart ment of $6n.0u0 to San Francisco and of $.'!iio.0no to New Orleans mad the feeling over the money outlook addltlonaly sensi tive. The money rule Itself was barely affected. London discounts receded this morning and the price nf gold wns marked down an additional fraction. The undis turbed trsnquilllty of the money market effected some rassnrsnce and contributed to the later rally in stocks. The strength of the market was general at the opening Induced by the strong closing on Saturday, the good bank statement and the govern ment's estimate of a bumper cotton crop. The cotton carriers proved rather hard to move owing to the weight of the real izing which was encountered. The Reading movement then became the center of In terest. Its rise to nenr 83 wax not ac counted for by nny news ressrdlng the property and there was a disposition to regard the movement hs Involving a cam paign against sn outside line of bucket shops. Some of the coalers In both the anthracite and hltumlnnus groups sympa thized with Reading and there was gossip cf a coming Increase In the coming Balti more Ohio dividend A number of the Industrials made striking movements, not ably the leather stocks. Rallrosd earnings for the fourth week of November showed good increases and traffic officials spoke In sanguine mood of prospects. Assem bling officials Invited some discussion, and the possibility wns canvassed of develop ments at Washington which might prove sensitive. The market closed nnove the low point, but -was rather Indifferently held. P,onfls were rather heavv; total sales, par value. $5,115,000. United States 2s and old 4s advanced , and the new 4, regis tered. M per cent on call. Quotations ranged as follows on the New York Stock exchange: Stocks. Sales. High. Low. CToso Atchison 12.700 W, KS'i HK'i Atchison pfd 600 103'"i 1 103' Baltimore & Ohio... 83,3oO loo", 9!H 99v, 2ii0 954 95k 9.),4 6.500 1344, i:k U'!k Z.OIO J9414 191 JHa 6.4O0 50 Vj 49k 1,300 45 43k dsr were Irregulsr and at the close the tone was heavy. Rusian Imperial 4s were quoted at 83 and Russlsn bonds of 1304 at su2. BERLIN. Dec- Prices on the Borrse today were depressed. The following stocks nnd bonds I'. 8. ref Is, reg.... So rouses oo . rss So eoupen So a 4, r.. So rnspon ..... so old 4. reg dn coupon Atrhlvnn gen. 4. . So to). Atlsntti '. U 4. B. O. 4s ... do ,s Central of i. ta. do 1st Inr r. o. 4m Chiracs A A. IS c , n q n f r. m. st. r. s ' V. N. W. . ? : C. R t. A P. 4s. do rol. 5s CCC. St. L. I CMesfo Ter. 4d. . . , Con. Tobsee i. . Colo. So 41 P. R. 0. 4li ... Erls prior Itsn 4f do gen. 4 Offered. re the quotations on l4V4iHoflins Vsl. 4 t4N Minn r St. I.. 4... IMS !.. K. T. IS do in IJ04 V. R. R. nf M c. 4S hi r. t. c. 1. l(S s. J r. s. l 1iH No. Psriflr 4s in: S do 1 , S N. W. e 4f IS O. S L 4 pur... jnSVPftin. con. I1! , ft 'Kfii'linf sen. 411 lilt L. I. M. r In. rl t. L. A r. f. 4 07SSt. U s W. 1 , 12VSwlord A. U 4k... tne!o r-ll 4i linVSs. Ral'wtf lriS'TCTtli P. in ll-T . SI. 1. A W. 4i. , 4 fnlos P.-!llr It .lul I do conv. 4. . 4H . .lelH .im S S(erl Id H With In do db n.. W . s L K Win Centrtl 4 . lIColo. run a . . intx " llM, IS l toi'S J6I, tnsvt " im '.(Ul 114 , I ft tro .1"4 .i4 If 114 . W 117 . t Boston gtock Market. BOSTON. Dec. 6 Call loans, cent: time loans, 45 per cent. closing of stocks and bonds Atrhlaon adj. 4i do 4s Met. Onlrnl 4l . Ati-hlton do pfd Homos A Albany Bmton A Mains Ronton Rlerated ... Kttotihurg pfd Mvilcan Central ... N. V.. N H H . t'nlon Pseiflc Amer. Ants. Cbton.. do pfd Amor. Pneu. Tubs. Amor. Su(ar do pfd Amor. T. A T Amer. Woolsn do pfd Dominion I. ft 8 Rdlaon Klertrlc- Ills.. 161 General Rlrrlrle ... Maw. Klectrlr do pfd Mans. Ota t nlted Prult I'nltsd Shoo Marh.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Weallns. eommon . Asked. "Bid. ni AdTontnrs ..10l Allout .. 74 Amair.trated .. .. a&u, Anieilran Zlne . . . totH Atlantle ..2M Blpgham .171 lal ft Her la... ..ISI Contenntal ..lMropper Ran( .. .. J!'. Pal Waat . 'Dominion C oal .1144, Frnnklln . 24 ,Oranc y . Ifle Rnrale .... . I Maw. Mmlnf .. ! MO'htran .11 . J4TV4 S4 Mohask Mont V. ft C. Old Dominion toaroola .. lk Tarroi Qulncjr 197 Sliann in HVTamarark .... !ITrlnltr "WiC. MlnlnR.. 107 r. 8. Oil M H'lah r.... 31 IVlptorla '4 Winona 4 iWelverlns ... 2 I SiSyi per Official ' 17V Wk 1! IT S7 mo 4 Mi M' .... J-14 :' H 64 44 ;4 4 M 114 1 1!' 27S 11H 45 4i !( liSsdon stocU Ct-iotatlons. IX5NDON. TJec. S. Closing: 144V. 2H SnVt 45', 71k 111, 41 45', 41k 25 91 22'i 90 200 oo 1..TI0 400 4.400 1k9 1.300 365 800 34 3.01k) 23.300 22.300 2.2iO 2,900 700 rVSOO 300 600 800 1.3O0 L.... 2K1.10 43.000 3.300 14,400 l.KK) 3.600 A. N 10 23,7(0 10,600 do pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J dies. & Ohio , Chicago & Alton..., do pfd Chicago Ot. W ChlcHgo & N. W..., C. M. & St. P do nfd Chicago T. AT do nfd C, C. C. St. L... Colorado Southern., do 1st prd do 2d nfd Del. 4V Hudson Del., L. & &V Denver & R. Q do nfd Erie , do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd Hocking Valley , ... do pfd Illinois Central rr.,, Iowa Centra." do pfd K C. Southern do nfd Louis. & Nash Manhattan L Met. Becuritlej Met. St. Ry Minn. & St. L M. S. P. & S. St. M do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Tx do pfd N R. R. of M. pfd., N. Y. Central Norfolk & W do pfd Ontario & W Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. K & 8. F. 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd Southern Paclfio .... So. Pacific pfd Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. & W doVpfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & j. K Wis. Central do pfd Mex. Central Adams Kxpress Amer. Express U. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Ex Ama!. Copper Amer. C. & F do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer Unseed Oil .. do pfd Amer. Locomotive .. do pfd Amer. S. tt R do pfd Amer. Suger Refin.. Anaconda. Mln. Co... Brooklvn R. Tr Colorn do F. A I Consolidated fjas ... Corn Products do nfd Distillers' Securities General Electric International Paper. 17.FK10 do pfd 1.S0O international Pump. do pfd Nntlonal Lead No. American Pacific Mall People's Oas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Paluce Csr Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tennessee C. Sk I.... U. 8. leather do pfd U. 8 Realtv & I.... 17. S. Rubber do pfd V. S. Steel do nfd Westing. Electric .. western Union . 18.100 24k In.OOO ZKH SlWl, 174H 12.600 17S HO 184k 2,600 14k 184 k IS 24'i 91k 22iJ 58k 34'4 1H8 34S 331, 73k B6k . 90 Sl'i 6ti 30'i 51 4 82 88k 40k 74'4 87k 94 (Kt 159 ;m4 5Bk 3i 53 30.4O0 147k 145k z,Z"0 jos jts.n. z.wiu KZV, l.floO 124 k 2"0 3k 200 90k 3(10 147 3R.800 lllW 16.600 31k 17,700 6o'i 100 42k 4.600 141k 12..100 764 ' 94 12.4iO 45 12O.7O0 140 ,800 80 82H 91 83 37 854 69 29 0k 67 50 44 80 24k 210k 174T4 184 14 25 90 22 34 'J 188 k 325 34 87k Ik 74 67'4 93k 91k 137k 157k mi 29 82 145 167k 81k 123k 123k 63k 63 Oi il ' 0,1 147 110k 34k 64k 424 Conanla. mone 4 IK. Y. Central.... do account 81 S-ll Norfolk A W Anaconda 4 do pfd Atrhiaon 1S Ontario ft W do pfd Uis't Pennarlranls .... Baltimore A Ohio Wottj Rand Mines Canadian Paelflo 1.1W.Headlns Ches A Ohio 7 do 1st pM Chicago Ot. W 4 do M pfd. .. C, M St. T UC;g0iithern Railway DeOeera lam do pfd P. A K. 0 84', Southern paclBc do fvfd sos;i'nton Faclnc Erie 4IVi do pfd ... do lt pfd TSVT. 8- Utael... do td pfd r.C-,1 do pM ... Illinois Centrsl 1K.1 W'absah Loula. ft Kaah 161 do pfd ... M., K. ft T 36S:8panlih 4s ... SILVER Bar. steady. 274d per ounce mu r. 1 -lwai per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' -bills, 2kj27 per cent. New York Mining; Storks. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: ink 7, J3 '4, 7k 24V4 4KV M' Adamt Con Alice ftreeca ilrunswlclt Con . Lonihlock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn SI Ivor Iron Sliver LeadTllio Cos ... Offered. H Little Chief .... l Ontario .... 13 Ophlr .... 1J t-noenlx .... Potoal ....ISA gara(e ....HJ sierra Nevada ....Son r,uu.ii liopea .. .... (Standard 1 .. 17 .. 1 .. 28 .. 60 .. S ..180 Stock In Mght. Receipts of live stocg at the six principal western cities yesterday were aa follows: i Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omnha ........ 3,29 6,o4- 1,640 Sioux city 3,(k) Kansas (iity 12,200 St. Ixuls 3.;4k) St. Joseph 2,118 Chlcagj 30.(D Totals .... &.3io C.oOD 6,000 2,884 69.000 2,000 3.IIO0 243 28.0OU 05,247 r 85,724 34,885 floi, 140 1HH 34 42 139'4 140 ok mk 94 434 139 784 79k 89 82 36 84-k 68 274 584 6k 84.600 5.4(i0 6.800 300 100 374 36k 974 9(lk 377, 3i 654 374 56'.? 90 44 139k 784 81k 91 82k 364 84 64 27k 9k 66k 117 364 97 874 344 ...... s . Cottoswakaurket. NEW YORK. '"Deo. k--CXTTON-Spot closed quint, 60 points lower. Middling up lands, 8.10c; middling gulf, 8.35c; sales, 3,8oO bales. LIVERPOOL, Deo. 5 COTTON Spot Weak, prices 43 point a lower. American middling fair. 4.67d; good middling. 4.35d; middling, 4.25d; low middling. 4.13d; good ordinary. J.99d; ordinary, 3.o3d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which boo bales were for speculation and export and Included 7,90o bales American. Receipts. 15,000 bales. Including 9.800 American. Fu ture opened easy and closed steady. Amer ican middling, g. o. c, December, 4.19d; ; January-February, 4.24d; February-March, I 4.27d; March-April, 4.31d; April-May, 4 33d; May-June, 4.3bd; June-July, 4.3ea; Juiy-Au-gust, 4.40d: Auguat-September, 4.39d. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 6. COTTON Steady. Salea, 7,300 bales. Ordinary. 6c; food ordinary, 6 5-ltic; low middling, ll-18c; middling, 74c; good middling, 711-16c; middling fair, 8 3-16c. Recepts, 16.774 bales; stock, 410,494 bales. ST. LOUIS, Dea. 5.-W HISK Y-HIgh lower Middling, 8c. Sales, none. Receipts, 1,000 bales. Shipments, 149 bales. Stock, 28,182 bales. MAID LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl EettipU Very Light and Pricei Baled Steady to Ten Higher. HOGS SOLD FROM STEADY TO TEN LOWER Mot Knosgh Pat sheep and Lambs I" Mght to "niiply the Demand and Market Was Aetlre and 'Irons, Feeders Also stronger. SOUTH OMAHA. Dc . 5, 1904. Receipts were: Cuttle. Hugs. 6heep. Orh'-lal Moniiay i.929 s.W !.') Same day last week 5..U6 4.tst 9.,0 Same d.iy week before.. 9 6,ni 1t.lv) risme three weeks sgo.. 4.4M 3.151 11.3.4 Same lour weesa ago. 4. 8.4.A 3.4.U 18.221 Same d.iv lust year 4,ii2 .24j 13.3-1 RECK1PTS FOR THft tlvAR TO DAT t. i he lollowing table shows me receipts 01 cattle, hogs ai.d eneep at South Onuiis for the year to date, wltu comparison with last year: 1904. 19. Inc. .pec. Cattle IWv.082 l.Oib.135 130,iJ Hogs 2.122.:; 2,lwJ.-9 69,678 bhep ij,, l,it,i42 8-l,vl The (olluwing table snows in avergs price of iiogs st South Omaha ror U.e several days with compmisoni.i Date. I M04, 15o. lJj. ngul.UWW-le-tl- I Wl 8 8 9i 1 mi a A ., IM1 1 1 i 3 e8, 3 8 3 s: t Mi I J' 1 44 3 8-11 3 4e 4 ii 3 wS I 8 2i 1761 J ,.4, 2 20 i ti 8 19 3 711 3 1 H 'Hi 2a 3 m 4 M I 81! 8 S0i 3 ;77 Hi 1 TX A Jones Idsho. Iffi 3 1:1 1 lu'l 1.'i 9KI 3 iei 15 lecilcts.. .8.-9 2 I A. I! Maycock Wjo. . rt 2 5u 21 steels . ..1115 4 05 .770 2 o I.. Rnlnvllle-8 D .1J4I 8 M 8 steers . .. 1p)0 t f 1 steer..., .1244) 8 U 37 steers... L. Kslkner-S. I. . SfiV I 8S cow Oeorje CI. Ware Neb. . si; IK ' 1 steer 11: (. W. Hrewster -Wyo I Cows.....l16 2 75 15 steers... I cows 975 2 ,5 Western R.inche 8. D 1 steer ? 1 5 So steeri .. 3 80 Sparks Idsho. 3 (.5 11 teeders. 3 00 Stuart Idaho. 3 cows 27 feeders. 1 fierier.. 1 feeder.. 1 cow 1 cow....: 1 steer.... 1 steer 1 steer 1 cows 55 cows 15 steers.. ..1240 18 feeders 2 feeders 1K8 .1"W .in; . 9V .1'2 : n 3 kl 3 r. 3 55 3 i 2 n I Si 3 () 64 MXl L. 6rr 7R 1110 3 30 9T.1 3 43 No. 14.. Nov. 15.. NOV. iiov. 1,.. Nov. 15.. Vov. IK.. NOV. ZD.. Nov. 21.. Nov. li.. ov. Nov. ;4.. Nov. 2a. 0v. 2p.. Nov. i7 . .NOV. is.. No v Nov. I Dec. ; . . Dec. 2.. Dec. 8. . Dec. 4. . . Dec. b... ! 'kl .1 wsi I 4 M I I 4 .1 1 I 4 Mki I i hiki :i 4 W i M4I : I . 4 47k .,4 82., 1 :".' , 4 4-V .1 4 42V,: .1 4 4.',,, I I 4 "-i i ( I k s" 4 661 4 40 4 4 4 4; . 4 21 4 10 4 16, 4i 4 24, I 4 341 4 4 a-i 4 in 4 4; 4 r,t I 28' 31. I 6 41 1 ail 8 ill; let, 6 24 C 2l) 8 13! 6 (.hi a W 1 6 02t 6 (V 6 ni. (i un, u Id ! 2.'; 8 24; 5 8 si I i Wi; 8 M u) b Mi 8 7ai In, a 7d o 70; 6 73 1 5 8T w 5 92i 8 Oa; 4TI 4 82! 4 90i V' 4 78 4 i 4 in; 4 7 4 i 8G .1 4 87i 4 il 4 '.1 4 i4; 4 6 4 Wl I 4 b4, 4 KS; 4 "ill indicates holiday. of atock Indicates Sunday. The official number of cms brought in by men road was; CattAeiugs. Shiep.H rs. C, M. & St. I' t ! Publish 1 v Missouri l'ncltic 14 Lnion i'mltic system. 1 .. 4 X C. & N. W I 22 1 K. oi M. V 2b 14 1 1 C, SI. 1'.. M. & O... o s 14. at M h 7 1 C, H. A Q 2 8 1.. K. C. & St. J 9 C. R. 1. A P., east.... 4 4 Illinois Central 5 8 Chicago Gt. Western, t 4 " 1" 1( 7 4 Sheep. Oxif 171 1.129 4a.lti0 115 114W 114 1.300 1.701) l,7iK 100 6(41 2(0 14,HK 95 (:ia: 47V8 2oi 23'i 4774 Z3 100 240 73.800 2.9HO l.lort 11.000 824 S4 Ji '4 23 4H', 2iVi 2:H4 47i 22 240 8o4 8414 35 4.800 1.100 5(10 400 4.900 38U i"H 4; 34; 95 28 48 20V 23V4 23H 2V, 211 120 242 , S4V4 92 3H4 95 74 38', 18 41 35 84 17J 424 S5V4 700 1S4 103H, Ktfl. 4.600 82H R14 8I64 1.4O0 113 1121, H9U. S.fioO 149 148 14RU SlliO 68J 7 87 ,nio n 11.900 215 7.80O 24 80i 40 192 Bnn; fair rehnlng. 4-4c; centrirugiii, so 1, lc: molassea sugar. 4c. Refined, firm; No. $. 6.05c; No. 7, 8c: No. 8, 4.9c; No. 9, 4.i5c; No. 10. 4.80C.; No. 11. 4.70c; No. 12. 4.65c; No. 1.0"0 2.000 8rt4 213 23 35 m 20 100 1.4d0 m 774 85 244 87 23i 213 2314 80 39S 1C9V4 21S 78 394 85 24 103 44 1114 91 J 400 1041 iiyiiZ 2.100 474 454 8.1O0 1134 111 1.100 41 404 9o0 92 91114 2to k4 s4 r 1.000 174 IDTi 17 7i 774 174 1.900 9.500 900 147.2O0 23.1UO 1084 I'M S3 200 4(0 102.500 63.700 M4 834 954 9"0 1K4 800 924 I re-TJ I'm 28 28 764 7.14 15 17 94 W4 82 m: 924 32 4 94 1824 82 8-IU 94 5I 1824 Total aalca for the day, 673,500 shares. Kesr York Moner Market. NEW YORK. Dec. S.-MONET-On call steady at I4i34 per cent; closing bid 24 per cent; offered at 3 per cent; time loans firm; sixty divs and ninety days, 4 per cent: six months. 4'u4Vi per rent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-44 PsYkRI,IN3 EXCHANOE Opened weak, closed firmer, with actual business In bsnk ers' bills st .HliWsi HUM for demsnd and at t4.8350fl4 83K0 for slsty-dsy bills; posted rates. I4.84i4 844 an4 4.87(?t4. 87 4; commer clsl bills. 84.814. HILVKR-Hsr. 69c: Mexican dollars. 48c. RON D3 Government, strong; railroad, heavy. . Foreign Financial. LONDON; Dec. 8. MONET Waa fairly plentiful In the market today and discount were easv On the Stock exchange prices wars stesdy and trading was Inactive. Con sols hardened and home rails were dull. Americans ucned steady, grew firmer to above parity In cnnseMuencs of the cotton forecast and the gMd New Tcrk bank slaten.ent and closed oulet Foreigners gnera'ly were supported. Japanese were firm. Imperial Japanese government 6a or lf4 were uuuted at 85. PARIS, pec. Piiceg oa th Bourse to- Olls and Rosin. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Oll Cottoneeed oil. easy; prime crude nominal; yellow, 254 Si2oic. Petroleum sttady; refined New York, $7.96; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 17.90; bulk, 87.00. Turpentine, firm at 6146P 62c. ROSIN Steady. Stra ned, common to good. 12.90. OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec. 6. OIL Credit bal ances, $1,110; certificate!, no bid; shipments. 139,875 barrels; average, 69,191; runs, U2.773; average, ti8,23b; shipment, Lima, 147.617; average, 68,897; runs, Lima, 120.432; average, SAVANNAH. C,a.. Dec. 6. TURPEN TINE Market firm, $4.904i6,O0. ROSIN-Firm. A. H. C, $250; D, $2,524; E. $2.55; F, $2.80S 2.624; O. $2: H, $2.80; I, $3.35; M, $4.30; W O. $4.75; WW. $5.10. gngar and Molaaaea. NEW YORK, Dec. 6. SUGAR Raw wa firm; fair rehnlng. 4-4c; cenirirugiu, so test 44c s. 14. 4.60c; confectioners, A. 630c; cut loaf. 6.15c; crushed, tube; powaereo, .ooc; granu lated, 6.45c; cubes, 5.70c. NEW ORLEANS. Deo. 5. 8UO A R Mar ket easy; open kettle, SHtr: open kettle, centrifugal, 44(84Se; centrifugal whites, 4 13-ltic; yellows. iStHVc; seconds tWuiWc MOLASSES Steady; open kettle, 1K830C; centrifugal, 7(gJilc. Sugar, steady, 24j26c. Vlslblo Supply ot Grain. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. The visible supply of grain Saturday, December S, aa com piled by the New York produce exchange Is as follows: Wheat, 3fi.SC0.0ou bu.; Increase, l,2ti6,00O bu. Corn, 3.181. 0"0 bu.; Increase, 1 329 000 bu. Oats, 24.497,000 bu.; Increase, 2il6,0u0 bu. Rye, 2.OI8.O00 bu.; Increase, 148,000 bu. Barley, li.630.Ou0 bu.; Increase, 492,000 bu. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Deo. 6 DRY OOODS-Mar-ket Is held In abeyance, both 'buyers and sellers refualng to operate until something more definite Ts determined. The attitude of sellers on manv lines Is that the sta tistical position will obviate tlm necessity of a revision, while other lines would have been changed had cotton remained at Its recent level. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. Today's atate ment of the Treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of $ljn.oun.om gold re aerve In the division of redemption, shows available cash balance $143,oOl. ISti; gold, $85, 32o,434. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Dee. S.-WHEAT-To arrive, No. 1 northern, $1,154; No. $ northern, $1 164; on track, No. 1 northern nnd No. -4 northern, $1,074; December, $1,164; May, $1.17. OATS To arrive and on track, 284c Whisky Market. CINCINNATI. O., Dec. 6. WHISKEY Distillers' finished goods steady OIi basis or $1.24. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 5. WHISKEY High wine on basis of $1.27. Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN, Deo. B. BUTTER Advanced 14c. a pour.d on the R ard of Trade lodav. be ing quoted at 2t4c. Sales In ths district were 52?,0o0 pounds. Feorln Market. PEORIA. Dso. -CORN-Quoted lower; No. 1, 43c; No. 4. 4l!&42c; no grade, 37(&4oVjc. Toledo teed Market. TOLKlM. O.. Dec. . SEEDS Clover, cash and December. 7.96c: February 7 9"-Vc" March. 8 0:4c. Alslka, vritne, so. Timothy, pilaw, $10, Total receipts 138 The disposition of the day's receipts was as tollown, each huer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Otutina Pncklng Co 183 , .00 Swift and Company S16 948 Cudahy Packing Co i 612 Armour & Co i 1.1 Omai.a, from Denver 80 Cudahv, from Sioux City. ... 1,2 W Armour, from Denver 83 ..... Armour, from Sioux City. ... 1.4i7 Vansani c Co 153 Carey A Hcnton H4 Lobinan & Co 197 McCreary & Clark li W. 1. Stephen 3 Hill & liuntxlnger 94 Huston & Co 3 J. li. Root 118 lee Rothschild 19 Wolf ei Murnan 438 Mike Haggerty 71 ..... 8. & S Parker & Webb 49 H. F. Hamilton H4 Other buyers 390 Totals 4.136 4.523 2.924 CATTLE There was a very light run of cattle here this morning for a Monday, and In fact supplies were smaller thun generally anticipated. Receipts at other points were not excessive, but still reports troin Chi cago showed the market tnero was steady to 10c lower, with Kunsus City steady 10 slow. In spite of these bcnnsli reports the demand here was suliicient to cuuse the market to rule active, wiih prices steady to a dime higher. There were just a few bunches of corn fed steers on sale this murnxig and none of them were strictly prime. Buyers were a little slow in taking nold of the short-ted kinds and prices were no more tnan steady with ttie close of last week. Western range beet steers met with good demand at nrm prices, and while the qual ity was rather Interior the market was fairly active and some of the more desir able bunches sold s4il0c. higher. Most ev erything was disposL-u of at an eany hour, as there dlu not seem to be enough cattid In sight to meet the requirements of the trade. 1 The cow market, although a little uneven, waa generally steady with last Friday. Sonio sulesmen thought they got a little stronger prices, while others complained that iliey had a hard time to get as much as the same kinds brought last week. As a general thing, though, there waa not enough chungu In ruling prices to be hardly worth mentioning. The prices paid for bulls, veal culves and stags looked Just about steady. Very few Blockers and feeders were car ried over from lust week in the hands of speculators and as prospects were fuver uiiUi for a fairly good demand from the country the market tills morning was ac tive, with anything at ull desirable tttrong to a dime higher. Common stuff, for widen the demand is limited, did nut show much of auy Improvement. Representative aules: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. i 765 t 11X6 to lit 20 1 12H0 1 1110 1 1(170 1 1(!0 17 lit II 1077 11..'!.' Pr. No. A. Pr, i 00 r, 311 3 lft 11 W 4 15 1 16 liii 4 tr 9 l.i 1340 4 11 w i tine 4 i.-, ) S ill UH 4 li 3 id Z 141 4 60 3 60 IK lAftl 5 K0 I 60 28 IM 6 40 4 10 42 1273 00 COWo. 1 Tr, 11 it m i Wl I LIS 1 40 1 00 17 ami J to 2 00 14 619 1 2 no in am 45 3 00 i4 141 I :, 3 "i lOixt 3 as 2 ' t luoii t 70 10 101 1 70 J IS 16 t 70 in 2 l.ido 1 70 t 10 1 K0 2 75 1 20 I 12to t 74 JI 20 U at 2 7h 2 t'l 11 t0 8 'ii I 2l 13 M0 i 7 5 23 10., t M 1 25 II IN III 2 25 1 1110 t U 2 to 1 100 t t5 2 25 t K 2 U 2 411 lima f .- 2 40 19 4 2 00 9 44 1 2 00 2 80 ' 14 til 2 OS 2 50 I 1U0 I IV I.. I . 1.. Ift.. 1.. 50.. .. 115 .. Km . .4110 . . 10WI .. M2 . . loMI .. 176 .. 540 .. 2112 .. i .. i'l .. 74 .. S'Jl ..KHMI .. 440 ..1126 ..1W0 .. 70 ..1!00 .. no .. K0 ..MM) ..1070 .. Ml ..1035 Hf.5 STEERS AND COWS. ..lout 00 CALVES. 270 00 ti 325 I St 9f ' iii'-ir r.1.3 .. t0 1 75 5 .. 510 I 15 7 .. 620 2 30 I .. 574 I 20 8 . .1120 I 50 1 -M '"Waus: - ...-1.V.0 2 10 si atotkara snd fedars 1. I.... 312 . . 44.1 .. 611 .. i0 ... 404 ..1280 ..1170 .Alto ..1110 ..low! . . uo 2 1 so 2 t9 I 20 9 35 HULLS. 4. II... 11... 11... 4... it... 1 40 1 75 2 25 t 56 1 25 2 ti 3 40 4 4.U . 4 Hi 2 . 670 tWI , 714 715 711 779 722 900 ..1410 ..14X0 ..1350 . . ISull ..1470 ..14 JO l.ao STOCKERS AND FEEDbRS. I It I 5 1 00 9 00 2 50 1 55 2 25 2 25 J T40 4 40 2 45 1 40 t 40 9 40 2 70 75 2 00 I 26 too I l 1.. NKUHASKA 30 feeders. .1 tet-iii-ra. 1 bull 1" 1 bull !. 1 calf.... 1 calf... 16 niUed. 613 U 80 4o6 2 tfc) 1 bull. Mil IU 870 $2 60 iiO 290 94j 1 bull... 1 bull... t tows.. 8 O..WI., 1 cow... ..1330 ..ltLO ,.. ( .. m .. 8v0 2 a 8 wl $ 00 8 2o WYOMIKU 1 f.edcr. 1 heii . I'.. 19 iiavi... 0 cw.,, 80) 840 Vol 1 78 8 61 2 8u 2 ki 2 Do 1 ilea.'., 2 s.cers,, 2 st e a. 4 s.ei-rj....ll.0 ,.12:0 .1x0 ..Iot6 SOU 1 H 19 feeders. .llfO 3j 19 calves... 34o 3 "0 1 cslf 440 2 10 8 feeders.. 10 1 feeoer 7 feeders.. 2 feeders.. In feeders.. 2 cows 7 cows 2 tows t cows-. 900 842 670 9'9 I5 . 7(0 .l'C4 1 Cow. DAKOTA. iki (IIWI li heifers.. DAKOTA. 3 calves... 14 calves... 8 cows I corns 8j 755 10 3 uo $ 28 t : S 25 2 25 2 00 COLORADO. ta 1 tuii. I heifers. 4 calves., . 228 . 80 . 3i0 . 705" . 652 3 00 8 00 2 -.5 .0 a ;o 3 50 J 50 3 50 I 10 1 ) 2 3i I 00 1 65 8 6 : tw S 85 2 H U feederr. 2 feeders. 14 feeders. . SS4 Hunter 42 fie'er. 88 feeders. 8 55 3 "I ss 1 bull... 4 bull 1S40 ..1150 83 steers. 3 steers. Orsy Td tho. 55 18 c w s St 9) 3 iW 4 le?.1er.. ?,0 J. E Rugg yn. .1158 3 70 7 S fers....K9- .1130 3 71 1 steer 1150 J. H. Kendrlcks-Wyo. J 30 2 30 3 00 3 00 15 cows 918 2 40 1 c-iw 840 2 40 1 steer 118.) 8 NO 1 steer l.V'O 3 80 47 steers... .1145 3 so i cows 9 2 3 !0 2 steers. ...1175 880 1 cow 1110 3 10 1 steer 119) 8 1 cow 970 3 10 2 steers... .1278 8 80 1 bull V'20 175 1 fteer 1190 8 80 2 bulls 1050 2 50 HUOS Receipts of higs were n'lltc l'h eral this morning at all i!..ta and as a re suit toe lendo.io 01 pries a.( ogul 1 downward. Chicago ws tiuo.ed aiOj loer and that- ws about th? stjullon l this p. int. At the op nl ig of the lua.ke. a few prime llghi-weight 1105,8 toll a. steady prce. or f r m t4-o to 4 55, w Ic 1 was the same ns Ba.Uiday t p. At.er that was done, however. th general n.sr kei wns tty.oc lowe . with the Lulh of h j hogs right around 4 40 and ti.e cnoicer fcinl lights.- loads at $4,424 and 4.4i. The x treme cbee was even weaker. psr;icuUrly on the heavy packing grnue. Pcers wanted to buy them under $4 40, or mo.ly at 84 3, ',4. As suleemen wee not v. II ing 10 accept that price, rad.ng wa slow, and It wss rather l ite lieio.e a romphte c ear an.e was made. Repr, seotstlve silc: it finally l.ecaliio .pn:leiil that pickers wanted the hogs, and. as snlesmm l.e'.d on they Anally succeeded In getting I Tac tically the same prices a wire paid eurl er In the (lay. Repiescntative saics: No At. Sh. rr II im 120 4 40 4 2M Wl 4 40 10 22 120 4 40 12 :i5 40 4 40 14 249 40 4 40 62 230 ... 4 40 61 25 120 4 40 64 20 HO 4 40 24 2l ... 4 40 61 385 120 4 40 67 920 ... 4 40 17 224 200 4 4( 14 2kO 30 4 40 21 10 4 40 S3 2l 40 4 40 52 311 10 4 40 32 22J ... 4 40 61 215 120 4 40 65 2X4 i 4 o 4 2fi3 1:0 4 40 f.l 300 ... 4 40 65 2l 200 4 40 232 ... 4 40 63.. 22 0 4 4o 4 200 240 4 4(1 17 2.11 40 4 4ft 69 32.1 10 4 40 14 271 120 4 4.) 61 301 ... 4 40 60 330 140 4 40 64 271 320 4 40 No Ar. Sh. Tr. 4 270 ... 4 40 51 32S 120 4 4(1 2 302 40 4 40 to soil no 4 4 yo :11 ho 4 40 73 M7 10 4 40 : -Ml 0 4 40 i: ;m lo 4 4o C.l 271 10 4 40 72 2r. 160 4 4. 14 2HS 40 4 4" r, l 40 4 42H 3 251 40 4 4-' 40 23 SO 4 42W 7; 227 0 4 42' 57 S3" 160 4 42 71 24 40 4 42 'i ', 221 ... 4 42ii 70 271 IM 4 43' 74 S33 m 4 42V, 7H 234 JI0 4 42n 17 261 200 4 42i 63 243 90 4 42S II 2F.S ... 4 42S, C4 263 4 46 71 212 40 4 40 an 17 no 4 r,o I 259 ... 4 46 M 217 ... 4 60 77 3110 ... 4 60 76 171 ... IM SHEEP Onlv about seven rnrs of ahcey and lumbs were reported this mornlntt which was not enouan to supply even lot muro urgent lequliements of the trade. The genera! market on fat sti.ff ci ulj alelv be quoted ftradv to strong aod active. As hiuh b $5 90 was paid lor l.mi fed western iambs and tti! was pain lot some that came in lite on Saturd..y Fe.l western wcihera sold for $4 60 rd ewes $1.00 That was sbout the extent of the more desirable killers Include.: in tne of ferings and they all changed nnnds early. There were inr more ucJer buyeis In sight this morning ilun there were seller and as a result it was not hard to a .11 everything that arrived at good, f-trong pric . , Quotations: flood to choice yesrl'nss, $4.65'(i5.tO; fair to good yearllrgs, $l.4f(j46G; good to choice wethers. $4.40i,4 75; fair to g, od wethers. $4.25J4.40; g od to choice ewes, $4.2.i(F4.50: fair to good ewes. $l.0f 4.25; good to choice lambs. $'i7rti8 0; f.ilr to good lambs, $5.5C(ftS.7b: feeder yearlings, $4 0oC(X4.3.';; feeder wethers, $4.0 W4.25; ' eerier ewes, $3.oOft3.50; feeder Iambi, $4.5085.15. Representative pale4: No. 20 fed wetern cull ewei.. 540 Wyoming fefd r ewes .. 208 Wyoming feeder lambs 105 fed western iwes 28 native ewes 98 native ewes 8 nitive ewes 131 fed western w thers .... 380 Wyoming lamb B.M fed western lambs 377 fed western lambs 15 native Inmbs 4 native lambs 63 native 1 -mbs 11(1 fed wevtrn lambs los Iilano feerler ewes 3 Idaho ewes nnd wethers.... 125 Idaho ewea and wethers.... 4 Idaho culls 300 Nebraska feeder Iambs and yearlings 16? Idaho feeder lambs '.. 115 Idaho feeder lambs A. : 8 , 3 . 105 123 114 141 99 47 61 66 93 122 7 UK 93 06 95 42 Pr. 8 0) 3 25 3 75 4 00 4 10 4 25 4 S 4 60 4 5 60 5 6 5 65 5 S5 5 f6 5 90 3 30 3 71 3 7"i 4 00 51 61 59 4 50 B 15 5 15 .1240 t 00 CHICAGO I.I V 13 STOCK MARKET I Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Lower Hogra Lower on Large Receipts. CHICAGO, Dc. 5. (TATTLE Receipts, 80,000 head. Including l.ooO westerns; mar ket steady to ltc lower, good to prime steers, $6.O0(f(7.5O; poor to medium, 83.76( 5.90; stockers and feeders. $2. 441.15; cows, $1.50g4.10; heifers, 2.iXxa5.00; calibers, J1.3f.-y 2.40; hulls, J2.(K.'(4 10: calves, $3.00;7.00; western steers, $3.5o4i5.00. HOOS Receipts, 69,ooO head; estimated to morrow, S8,0(i0 head; market MtlOc lower; mixed and butchers, $4.6oy6.22ii; good to choice heavy, $4.n.-(H.ffi; rugh heavy, $1.85(je 4.50; light. $4.35(ii 1.66; bulk of sales. $4.529' 4.57. SHEEP AND LAMHS Reculpta, 24.000 head; sheep alrong. lambs Bhnde higher; good to choice wethers, $4.4of5.10; fair to cnolce mrxed, $3.5ofi4.10; sheep, $3.00ij5.00; native lambs, $4.5co.23; western lambs, J4.d( &6. 10. Xew York Lire Stork Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 5. CATTLE Receipts, 4,952 head; market, good and choice steers Hearty; common and medium, slow and 10c lower; bulls and cows, steauy; common to prime native steers sold at $3.50(fr5.80 per 100 lbs.: bulls. $2.25rd3.50, extra bulls, $3.o0' 4.15; cows. $1.30ii8.50; cables, unchanged. CALVES Receipts. 1,486 head; veals, teady to weak; western calves snd grass ers, 25c lower; veals sold at $4.60)8.75 per 100 lbs.: small calves, $2.GO&3,35; graesers, $2.WVh8.00. HOOS Receipts. 14.065 head; market, lower; prime state and Pennsylvania hogs, $4 soft 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,510; market for good and choice sheep, active demand nnd hrflne higher; others, steady: lambs. lO'dl.lc higher; sheep sold at $3 'rvif 4.75; export. $4.801i5.l'fl; culls. $2.50fft2 7R; lambs. f5 SOfffli .60; two cars sold at $0.62tt; culls. $4.60. Kansas 4 Ity Live toek Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, 12.2(0 head, including 300 southerns; market steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, S6.fv446.26; fair to food, $3.60ii6.00; western fed steers, ti-tMp 5fi; stockers and feeders. $3.50C(4.tiO; south ern steers. $2.5u'ii4.25; southern rows, 41.75 43.26: native cows, $1 75C(3.75: native heif ers. ii.MibM; bulls, $2.00(4.00; calves, 83.00 til'.ih. , HOOS Receipts, 6.5(0 head; market SfllOc lower; top, $4.0u; bulk of sales, $4.36'i4 55; heavy, $4.60r4.nri: packers, $4 2itj4.6&; pigs and lights, $3.7f,'ii4.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.(80 head; market strong ami active: native lambs, $4.5o(fi6 00; native wethers. $4.00190: native ewes. 13.7614.50; western lamhs. $ 4 50 416.90; western yearlings, 84 W"!(5.10: western slier-o, $2.75'u4.40; stockers and feeders, $.'.50 6J125- St. Joseph Live Itouk Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Dec. 5 -CATTLK-Rp. celpts, 2,118 head; msrket steady: natives. $3.75'i(j.6o; cows and heifers, $1.854j4.36; stock ers abd feeders, $2 6K(i3.0. HOUS-Reueipts, 2M head: maiket 61jl0c lower; light, $4.30i&4.66; medium and heavy, $4 4i.yi.Gf,. Slir:k:P AND LAMBS Receipts, 215 head; market strong. M. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. LOCIS. Dec. 6 CATTLE Receipts. 3,600 head, Including 1.2oo Texans; murKet steady to strung; native shipping and ex port steers. $4 bctidi 6o: fancy up to 87 (0; dressed beef and butchers steers. $4 to4( 600; steers under 1,000 pounds, $2.856.00; stockers snd feeders, $2 25u,176; cows und heifers. $2 264(5(0. the top for fancy heif ers; canncrs. $l.Cru2.2S; bull. $20c4.oo; calves, $2.6O'u6.50; 'i'exmis sr.d Indian steels, $26iii4 L5; cows and heifers, $2.uX T2.8. IKXiS Rerelptg. oio head; msrket lowei . ulgs and lights. $3DO'i4 26: packers. 14 &4j 400; butchers snd beet heavy. $4 414.6u. SHEEP AND LAMHH-Receipts, 300 head, market sieudy; nslive muttons. $3 .60 Q4.76; lambs, $i iW3.00, vulls und bucks, le; 3v; 2"i"; pr $."vwil0; stia-kers. $?0ifil; Tesins, 3 .vi 8.00. . 4)M.II Vl(lll:slK niRKRT. t'enaHtlnn of Trade anal aenltna Stsrle and fancy Prndnee. FOOS-camllei s ock rto. LIVE PvU'l.TH V nei-i". T'f: rorsteri. c; t:rkea. LVc; dink.', KirVc; gcete. (On-; s, rli's: cmcKet.e. se. Rt'TTKR-Pgik.bg sto.k. 14Vil8c; chel s o fancy dftuv. I,il8c; tiCairicry, i?tjiic; larcv rrlnts, J.V FRFH Frt'.EV FI.'M-fr t:t pick eiel c; p ke. I i: rerc'i. ,; 1 11 12c; wht ensh, Kn-; num. ,;. .:r; ro-iV(pner. lehster (green), in-; I ihs.rr 4L1.1 edi. n:il:hesd. 11c; cnirVh. 14c; bark lass halibut. Ice; ci ;inl.s. 1.1 : i-e ihad, buffdlo. "c; white biis, 1H ; frig lg. dox . :'5c. HKA N Per ton. 1". 00. HAY Pilcfs utto eJ bv Omnha Whol sile lel r" asollatl r: cholc No. t 'ipltnd, $700; No. 2. 5i'; nv-ol, m. o m toarye. 45 50. Rye straw, fo.or. Ihes1 pring are for hav of go-Hi color and qualitv. , OYSTERS-New Yi I k connt. H-t can, 4."c; extra selects, per cm. 3T.-; snrda-ra, per cnn. 32c : hu4 iststidardsi, i er nal., 11.35: Im'k (ejttra selectsi, t:cr gal $1.75; bulk (New Y rk countsi. per gsl., ti 00. TROPICAL FRV1TS. . ORANGES- Flo. Idn mi 111. 1T8. 7T Jin and 3n, $2. i5'i3.-; California navels, all sires. J2.754i3.0ii. LEMONS California fancy. St.) 84 2r.: clinics J.150. 1ATES Per box of 30-lb. Hallowl. In 7(Wb. hex. iter, lb..' CViftln. FIGS Ca:ifori:la. per 10-Hi car. on, "It Sr: imported Pmrrnn. 4-orown. I2c; f crnsin. 14c: 7-crown. 1is; fancv imported iw.nhed). In l-:b. pkps.. I67jllic; Cilllomla, per cn-e of 36 pkg.. JiJS. HAiNArtAn Pit medlumlzcd bunch. $2.78 300 and ikrs.. B.oo; , 6V $:'.'i'''i2.-"i: Icmhos. 2.7.ii3.'4i. GRAPE FRCIT-l'or box. of 74 to 61. $5.3). FHC1TS. ,1. ATPI.FS llrm grown .intiat r'ans, re tbl., $l.r; Ren Davis. 25: New Y.rk Tal mun nnd Pound Sweets W.tyi; N w Yo-k Kings. J3 00: New Yo-k Pippins, $2 7T; New York Greening". J.'fi-; Aew York Bald wins. $2.75: Colorado J oa;h" i.fti: Wins 8sn pr bu. box. $1.4'. PEARS-rt.ih. Colorado pnd California, fall vsrl t e. per lv x, $1. 782.25. . C.RAl'ES-Imiiorled Ma'ug.is. for keg. $( 0"ifi l-o CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell end Bugle, per bbl.. f8.,V4i9.flO; Wisconsin Bell md Cherry nnd Jerseys, per bbl.. $7.73; per box. $2 75. . . T A NO ERIN KS Per t box. 12 50 VKO ETA !!I.K. POTATOES New home prown. In sacks, per bu., 40c; Colorado, per bu., MiSXV. TCRNIPS-Per bu.. ,ic; Canada ruta bsgsr. per lb., 1c. CARROTS Per bu , 40c. PARSMPS-Pcr bu., 40c. BEETS Per hu.. 4i'c. NAVY 1JEA NS Per bu., tl.Sufl'ICO. ONIONS Home grown, in Sticks, per bu 75c; Spanish, per crate, $2.00.. crci'MRERH Per case of 2 dot.. $2.50. TOMATOES California, per 4-basket crate. .2.60 CARHA4JK Horns, groam, per K4) lbs., 70c. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per bu. basket, 00c; Kansas kiln-dried, per bbl., t 25. ScJl'ASH Home grown, per do.. 50c. CELERY Per dos., 25(6oci California. 15c RADISHES Per dog., 90c. LETT! CE Hot houe. per dol., 40550c; head lettuce, per dot.. Il.oo. SHALLOTS Per dog.. 60c. CAI I.IFLOWER - Southern, per bbl., $3.50(1(4.60. MlSCKLLANEat'S. SAFER rRAI'T-Wlsconsin, per keg. $:.mi. . . . . CIDER New York, per bbl., $5.20; per ' bbl.. $.'.25. CHEESE Wl.iconsln twins, full crenm. 12V4c; Wisconsin 2 (111111 Ann i lea, 13c; block Swiss, new. 15c; old, '.1641 17c: Wisconsin brick 14c: Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. NL'T8-Walnuts, No. 1, soft shell, new crop, per lb.. 14c,-- hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2, soft si1.m1I. per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb,, 12c; pecans, large, per Hi., 12c; smsl', per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, prr lb.. Ke; Chill walnuts, per lb., 1?(f13'4c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 7c; bnrd shell, per lb., 15c ;- chestnuts, per lb.. 12li1ilac; new black walnuts, per bu.. TSfaPOe; shrllhark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75 large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. HIDES- No. 1 green, 7c: No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 8,,c; No. 2 salted. 7r; No. 1 veal cal 9c; No. 2 venl calf. 7c: drv raited, 10fr16c; sheep pelts, 26cj$1.00; horse hides, $1.60ft3.0O. Wool Market. BOSTON. Dec. 6. WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin says: The wool mar ket Is quiet and very firm. Buyers are after all weols of medium character, and (he best business of the week lias been In them. About Soo.000 pnundp of one-quarter and three-eighths llecce sold at SM-sfJ 32o. Medium territory has. been taken in the range of 24427c: Stocks and selections are poor, some of the largest houses having the smallest unsold supply on reoord nt this time. Contracting In tha west for the 1905 clip has stopiied for the time being. Foreign advices are strong aside from the decline of 5 per cent In merinos at Mel bourne. Crossbreds are Mrong everywhere. The-Argentina strike has temporarily, at least, suspended business st Buenos Ayres. The shipments of wool . from Ronton, to dale from December 31, 1903. acco ding to the samn authorities, are 1.13.479.415 lbs., against 218,872.196 Ibn. at the same time last yeur. The receipts to date are 201,856.897 lbs., against 260,376,212 I lv. for the same period last year. ST I)ri8, Dec. 6. WOOL Msrket steady to Arm; medium grades combing and clothing. 23ii29e; light fine 1(lf22Vic; heavy line, lttflhc; tub washed, J7(40c. Metal Market. , NEW YORK, Dec. 6. METALS The London tin market eased off slightly with nnot closed at 13.1 10s and 'futures at 122 lis 6d. Locally demand was quiet snd prlcea eased off in sympathy with the situ ation abroad. Spot closed at S2n.30'ii 29.60. Copper, unchanged at ial 16s for sisit and 67 3s 9d for futures. Locally the mar ket was oulet. Lake. $M.87Vr'nMS.25; electro lytic, I14.75141B.00; casting, $14. 6W1 14.75. Lead, unchanged at J4.C0.j-l. 70 In the lootil market. It was ulao Unchanged abroad, where spot la quoted at 12 17s 0d. Spoiler was un changed at J.r) T6''io.;5 in the local market and 24 17s (id in London. Iron closed at B.!s 9d In (II if now and 48s 74d in.-Mlddles-born. Lorul't- Iron was again flrnjer. No. 1 foundry, northern, No. 1 foundry, -southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, are quoted at $l7.9Vj17.Wi; No. 2 foundry-norther" $l..vnii7 CO. 1 ST. LOl'IS. Dec. K. MET I8 Lead : Market firm nt 84 .52Mifc4.62Vi- Spelter: Mar ket strong at $5.70. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 5 --COFFEE-Market for futures opened stesdy at a decline of 5 points In keeping with rather disappoint ing European markets und full primary re ceipts. A bullish emimate of -tht Rio crop placing It at 2.B00.i-r4) bags snd -the, next production at 3.6O0.f'X) to 4.(O.,0 bags and not sufficient to stimulate buying and the market after the osnlng showed little fea ture. The close was steady at a net de cline of BifllO points. Sales were reported of 12 7(0 bngs, including March, 7.10i'7.ljc; May, 7.30Cg7.35c; September, 1.6&C, ., REAL KSTATK TRAX8FERS. Detdri filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Ousruntee and Trust Company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Furnam, stret, for Tho Bee: J. H. Cooper and w fe to A. Forman. lot 2. block 17, Scully's addition $ 1 Benson Land Syndicate to F. A. Bai ley, lots 7. 8 and 9, block 11. Benson.. t E. C, Oarvln to D. M. Wyckoff. west! 50 feet of lot 107. (Use's addition 90) J. E. Wright and wife to Lydla J. V.in Orman, south 40 fci t of north W feet nf lots 9 and 10, l'nlon Square. 3,3ii0 Naomi Dewey Co D. D. Ilaney. lot US. block 5. Potter & Cobb's addition to. South Omaha , TO Marv K. Dennis and husband to r. j. Han-la, lota I and I, block 6, Hyde Park 200 Nebraska Loan and Ru Idlng Associa tion to A. F. Howk, lot 8, block 1, poppieton Park 1,0 J. Johansen and wife to II. V. Craig, lots 6 and 7, block 135. Florence JO Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust Com. tianv to Hastings & lleyden, lot 5, block 11. Dwlght & Lyman's add!. Hon 500 Florence Co. to R. P. Craig.- lot 8, block 13V Florence I E- A. Benson, trustee, and wife to M. Collin, block 81, Benson 4.500 Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated.) nin O.'flcr : Fifth and Roberts Streets, ST. PAUL, nirsN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain,-Provisions Ship Your Ciraitl tu Us Ilraarh IHIIrr, 1 1 II-I4I llonrd of Trade Dlilit-.. iiitiahi, Net. Telephone 31114. 212-214 Exchange Mdg.. South Omaha. B';II,'l h&ns Sit. ludependeut 's'boae 4