1904. T9 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBEK 6, Mew Sheet Music Dipt. Arcidi ni- HANDKERCHIEF Special LintVL SWISS EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS -ALL LINEN MEXICAN DRAWN WORK HANDKER CHIEFS ALL SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. SILK EM BROIDERED MEN'S ALL SILK HAND. KERCHIEFS, PLAIN AND INITIALED. ABOUT 50 STYLES Extra BARGAIN MONDAY. Worth 50c. at 25c All Linen Handkerchiefs at 12lc Ladies' and men's all linen hemstitched fl 1 handkerchiefs all widths of hems a SL? genuine 25c handkerchief, at M FANCY PIN CUSHIONS AND GIFT NOVELTIES Big special sale of fancy hand decorated silk and satin pin cushions they mane very pretty girts all plain and novelty shapes also novelty watch receivers, fancy boxes, etc. lay them aside for holiday gifts extra bargains, at 25c Tuesday Extra Special Bargains in Tapestry Curtain Sale Tuesday will be a great day in the wile of tapestry por tieres great lots of fresh new goods brought, forward to re place goods as fast as they are sold. The bargains tomor row are the greatest of the entire sale. Very heavy imitation hand-woven tapestries, and those very heavy drapy plain colored curtains with wide tapestry borders you have to inspect them very closely to tell they are not the real silk goods; they wholesaled as high as $15 per pair, at, each We will sell all the beautiful plain colored and heavy mer cerized curtains, with wide velour border, fJOQ I ' OMAHA WEATHtn . j ISSf ia:K:Bry1adiUsiajaps g M (Uvf 222 that wholesaled at $10.00 per pair, at, each ALL THE CURTAINS THAT WHOLESALED UP TO $3.50 rf f A PAIR at, 100 CARDS J Priced for 49c ALL THE COUCH COV ERS AND PORTIERES Regular $2. 50 quality at each ) 59c Cards Printed Lr ...... - n aw n s. w a aa ii;ai ntl"1" t-tlWi4 "IIIIC IUU TY all Jt Mil I I FATHER SCHELL ENCOURiCED Returns from Washingtai Strengtheied by OoifeTence with President Ktosevelt. REPEATS THAT THE GRAFTERS MUST GO Hecla New Comniiaaloner of Indian Affair a, with Whom He Haa 8a t lifMterr Tllk of Win. aebago Outrages. "We are better than ever prepared to my to the grafters, 'You must go,' " said Father Joseph Schell on his return from Washington, where he had consulted .with . president Rookkve.lt on the crime and cor .'uptlon existing at the Winnebago Indian reservation, (or the annihilation ot which ae haa ao persistently fought. , "I had a most satisfactory Interview aith the president," continued Father Schell, "and left Washington much mora tncouiagt'd than I had any idea of hoping tor before I went there. I lulu the whole platter before tfhe president, expos. ng to Dim the system of fraud and vice which these grafters have practiced for years Upon the poor Indians, and while It Is not tny port now to go Into details, I can tell the people of Nebraska that in a general hray the outlook for the extermination of this base Iniquity Is most bright. . "I come (back to Nebraska Infused with new life In this fight and prepa.ed to re peat to these grafters what we liave told them, 'You must cease your neiariuus bus iness and get out.' The grafle a are Roomed; that's all theie Is to It. Cordially Greeted by President. ' ''W-hen I left Nebraska certulu press re ports were .conveying the informal n that the president would not see me. On he contrary, 1 wish to fay the president gave me a most cordial greeting and 1 was flut tered beyond Ueacnp.lon tlt my cause . eelved'such generous const Jera. Ion at the. hands of this man a man in eviTy aonsj of the word, big of mind, body and heuru ' "Did I tea Secretary Hitchcock? No. My conference with the president was suffi cient. Derides motlng the pield nt I me: and talked hn Mr. l.eupp, u.e new com mls.sloner of lnulan affairs, and urn gre .tl,' pleased at M 1 view ;f the s tuutl.m." ' Father Schell left Monday afternoon for Bloux City, whence he Hill go to fender ' "You know." he fald. h.a face brimming with tm lei, "my tr ai on the charge of forgery comes up at Pender D.-ctmber 12, and I must be there then. I look forward to this trial with considerable int iest, as we will then have the pilv.l ge of divulging matters of, the utmost Importance to our cause which we have not yet been abl to make public. It comes just in the rick of time to facilitate the tight .on ti e to grafters and outlaws. They have played into our bands in this matter." Seventeen More Days Till Christmas The early Christmas shopper has decidedly the best or it. Heavy Christmas sh -pping will be tne rule every hour or every day this wee at Bennett's. Think It out! Help us and our clerks In our efforts to plea e everybody, and meet ever demand put upon us BY DOINU YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. APPLES! APPLES I! APPLES 111 ONE CAR FANCY WASHINGTON APPLES, LARGE, RED, FIRM, FINE FRUIT, IN HUSUEL BONES. SALE STARTS TUESDAY MORNING 1 1C PER BOX 1.&J Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with each box. ONE CAR FANCY NEW YORK APPLES, GREENINGS AND BALDWINS per barrel. There's a stock of no less than two cars. You never had a bigger, richer choice to dip into. The sale will con tinue for two days Tuesday and Wednesday. FRUIT SECTION -BASEMENT 3.00 GROCERY We not only save you money on the best groceries produced, but we offer special ales daily. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Golden Santos 2fic ('off ee Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stumps with pound Tea (any CU kind) OOW Five (5uc) Green Trading Stamps fflfi with can Pumpkin IVL The finest line of Dried Fruits, Candied Peel. Spices, etc., for the holidays. Cleaned Currants, round California Raisins, SSC pound OW Mixed Peel, pound I Ten ($1.00) Green Trnding Stamps with gallon medium Bour lKr w-r 10c 25c Ten (11.00) Green Trnding Stamps with mree-pouna can vatue ivlr a a H syrup tickles. Five (.jOc) Green Trading Stamps with three packages I!nnclt's Capitol Mince Meat aiCJ Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with six large boxes Parlor 0fr Matches Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Pound Imperial Japan 25c Candy Department Filled to overflowing with a greit variety of finest Candles at low prices. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps f Er with pound Salted Peanuts ACCOUNTS OPENED FOR ONE DOLLAR OR MORE. PLAN TO BAR THE RUNNERS Efforts of Clothing; Merchants Re Hewed to. Shut Off Curbstone Orators for nualneea. Clothing merchants, headed by Albert Cahn, are pieparing to make another at tempt to have an ordinance passed by the council which will prohibit "runners" or "cappers" of any Arm from soliciting busi ness on the street other thsn on the sh e walk directly In front of the establishment that employs thtm. A year or more ago the sume thing was tried and an ordinance prepare!, but when it went before the council it was prune 1 down bo it was worthless for the purpose Intended. Only two clothing h:u.-es now try this system of getting buslne.s, ac cording to Mr. Cahn, but the merchants who are feeklng to draw trade fcy adver tising only find It extremely unple uant to have a prosp ctive customer approached while Inspecting ihelr wind ws and ;nd .cd to enter a comp?tl.or's bush. ess place Haj den Bros, have declared that "run ners" hive actually taken patrons away from their counters, so bold and Inst.llois are their method. A year or more ag the Nebraska Cluthlng company found tha: one of the small concerns was dolag a floutlbhlng business, piloting buyers from out In the country to Its store on tha strength of the statement that the place was the temporary quarters of the Ne braska company, which had been burned out by fire. As certuln tradesmen who formerly thought the only way to get buslneis was to drag a customer in by ma.n force if neeo-sary, have ub.ll:hed the cu-t ta. It is thought that opposition to the propo.-ed or dinance will not oe strong. DEPOSITS.... made now draw interest for the entire month at the rate of k per cent per annum, compounded four v times a year. J. L Brandeis & Sons, Banlfers. .CHECKS ON ALL BANKS CASHED. NEBRASKA CORN GOES TO GULF Shipped by Way f Galveston to Markt in Eurspe. BIG TRADE LOOKED FOR HEREAFTER Flrat Train of Fifteen Cars Leavea Sunday and Two More Trains Are Scheduled for This Week. Marriage Llcenaea. The following marriage licenses were Issued up to noon December 6: Name and Residence. Age. Charles Bevercornbe, Omaha n Margaret H. Popjoy, Linculn ft) George W. Fisher, Omaha 31 Mary E. H'arrlgan, Omaha Wllllum Kobs, Bennington U Antonla Poltyer, Omaha 20 18-K. Wedding Rings. Edholm, Jeweler. urii am i inn 11 1 f n n afSilti. Lira EST. 1047. PLASTERS aMaaanaaeaaajii auan ni ij J 1 iewii a A universal rencdf for women). rr salsi ta the atoaof tha fltitii, or fwr a k llaak, tU 1MI ioui4 b api-l4 a ahc-wa aborr. karavcr tMr u apaly pslns in the baek (so frequent In the case of They give instantaneous relief. Therever there is a pain a Plaster should be applied. Rheumatism, Colds, Coughs, Wiak Chut, Yi&k Baek, Lumbago, Solatlca, &&,tc. Allcock'a Plasters are superior to all others. : For MkMSMttoisa m Kim ti 1 raL. In kkiwii at. akal aV . " Z VUIR SJ IfOft. PlA!! F)ffai4 tOttl xiQ. Vlid b'uhbh rtuiiirvjsl tnil amii.a.1 J. "Omaha's hope," said a Kansas City man while conversing on the Grain ex change, "lies in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico, not through the trade that will come to its jobbers, but to the outlet for i the millions of bushels of corn raised by Nebraska farmers." I The matter was not seriously considered ! at the time, but Sunday the first trslnload j of corn, fifteen cars, carrying 1,000 bushels I each, started from Omr.ha over tha Mis I souri Pacific for Galves -on, whence it will I go on board steamer and be carried to England or possibly Into the conti nent. Wednesday or Thursday of this week two more trains, each of the same capacity, will make the run through on fast freight schedule, and It la likely the movement will reach larger proportions be fore the opening of navigation. The through rat to Galveston, New Or leans and other gulf ports, Including Port Arthur, the terminus of the Kansas City Southern, is 18 cent per 100 pounds, and this is much less than grain can be put down from Omaha at New York, Phlla- delphla or Baltimore. With the close of ' navigation the ralroads advance their rates : from Chicago east 1 cent 100, this going ; Into effect on the 12th of the current month. A large Chicago house is the buyer of I most of the corn going to the gulf, and as there Is a profit In shipping that way, it Is believed a steady stream of Nebraska's richest cereal will flow toward the gulf, after the example set by Its two great rivers. A corn merchant estimated that this state would receive $70,000,004 as a result of the corn crop of 1904. Changes on the Alton. Two -important changes are announced officially by the Chicago A Alton. J. N. Falthorn, vice president in charge of the trsfflo department, has resigned to devote Ms entire time and attention to the busi ness of the inter-Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad company at Chicago. Officials who heretofore reported to him are in structed to report to S. M. Felton, the president. Fred A. Wann, who has held the position of general freight agent, has resigned to accept the vice presidency of the Pere Marquette. Business communica tions are being addressed to C. A. King, assistant general freight agent of the Alton. The unusually large list of high-salaried men which the Pere Murr.uette has been taking over, beginning with Russell Hard ing, formerly of the Missouri aPclnc. gives the Impression that the spirit of progress has taken a good hold on the road and that Important changes in Its operating service may be looked for International Railway Cousrreaa. Tho Internatlurnl Railway congress hai Issued Ks first book, giving nn account of Us work tugether with an outllna of the arrangements for the sessions to be held at Washington, V. C, next May. Th meetings of the congress formerly were held at intervals of two or three years, but the custom has become established of hold lng these conferences every five years. The original Intention of the congress waa the establishment of a body somewhat upon the lines of the international postal and telegraph unions with a view of taking up auujeuia lur juiure international agree ments. To a considerable extent the congress has come to be a scientific body, discussing suDjecis in tne various departments of rail way affairs. The scope of matters taken up for discussion Includes motive power and rolling stock, operation, light railways and general topics. Including the service and operation of railroads. The official language of the congress French, although a provision of the constl tutlon allows the proceedings to be cor ried on in French or In the language of tne oountry where thi congress Is held ins approaching bps Ion in Washlngt.n wm be tne first one held In the United (States and the second time It ha been he.d In an English- p.-aking country, f-ea Ions thus far have been h(ld in Brussels, Milan, Paris, Bt. Petersburg' and Lntion, The congress has met twice in PHr:s. . - - . .... iiuu u-i v ' 1,1 til uibcjIi where a meeting was held to celebrate th fiftieth anniversary of the Inauguration of Belgium railway. The body ha grown rapidly and haa exerted a powerful infiu ence In the dissemination of knowledge of railway matters and In unifying the practice especially among the railrcads of Europe. Wann lorrrili Parker, unciNNATI, Dec. 6. The official an nouncement of the appointment of Freder ick w. wann a vioe president or the c n cinnatl, Hamilton Dayton, the Pere Mar quette and the Cincinnati, Chicago & Louisville railroad was made today. Mr. Wann, who succeeds the late C. A. Parker, win nave mm neaaquariers in irmcago. TAKE OFF YOUR HA i Don't you see the result of neglecting your hair t You certainly need a Hair Tonic, and the best on the market, regardless of oosb is It feeds the hair, oleanses the scalp and makes tha hair urow. Also makes tn hair soft, light and nuOy. No grease or injurious Ingredients in lt oompo Sitlua. A clear tonio. without coloring matter and sells fur ouly 15 GENTS A BOTTLE IS Cents, 40 Cents and 75 Cents a Bottle (By mall 6 coots extra for postage) IEAI-STREIT CO., 79-81 Certlanat St., HEW TORI rug Sales Co., Chicago. General Sales Agent. For sale locally by SCH'ABFiOh'S CIT WilCK PRI'a STOKE. E. T. Yatux, Prop.. 16th and Chi enxM Sis.. Omaha, 'i'honra 747 and 707; lU'.h snd N Sn eioulh Omaha. 'Phone No. 1, uiu jva. and Main Hi., 1 ouncn uiunm, 'Phona m. All goods doUvered la either city absolutely Ire. THE moSt beautiful and inter esting of all the Chriitmas periodicals is the great Christmas Metropolitan in which you will find Stirring Sto ries and articles by Thomas Nelson Page, W. A. Fraser, E. S. Martin, Joel Chandler Harris, Richard Le Gallienne, Charles G. D. Roberts, Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison Rhodes, and many others. The 1 50 illustrations.in two.threeand four colors, are by Guerin, Rhead, Clay, Bull, Conde, Penfield, Par rish, and Haskell, and repro ductions from many photographs. THIS Xmas issue is filled with good reading and fine pic tures; it is a delight from cover to cover; it is a worthy Christmas gift in itself and is now on sale everywhere for 15 cents a copy. FOR the entertainment of the whole family there is no bet ter magazine published than The Metropolitan. THE following special offer is presented in the interests of those who wish to send to a friend a gift and at the same time receive four free holiday gifts for them selves: Cat out this Coupon. CHRISTMAS PRESENT COUPON TO any one sending us immed atcly $1.80 (and this coupon) we will send free of coft GIFT 1 A superb portfolio. stamped in gilt, and containing photo-Audies of beautiful wo men, models, and players. GIFT 2 A fac-fimile water color, readyfor framing, show ing the sky-scrapers of New York as seen at twilight an exquisite work of art GIFT 3 An art booklet, in brown covers, stamped in gold, and containing sixteen full-page portraits of well-known society beauties printed on plate paper, GIFT 4 Copies of the Novem ber and December (Christmas) issues ot I he Metropolitan, in. eluding all the color insert il lustrations. Q These four giftt can be tent to the re mitter oi the $1.60. J The two gifts below can be sent to the remitter Iriend. q II yoa prefer, we will tend ALL SIX direct to you. GIFT 5 A full year's subscrip tion to The Metropolitan, com mencing with the January, 1 905, number. GIFT 6 A beautiful subscrip tion certificate to be sent to the recipient of the magazine and bearing the name of the sender. A LL of the above for the price of the magazine alone $1.80. Have The Metropolitan sent for a year to your friend, together with the illuminated subscription certifi cate, and have the "Portfolio of Beau'y," the book of American So ciety Types, the fac-simile water color and the November and De cember issues of the magazine all sent to your own address. This offer is only good for on month from date. Mention this paper, and send us this Coupon. Tbe Metropolitan Magazine, a West 29th St., New York. n DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats aU forms ot DISEASES OF MEN S8 Years' Ezperleneo 1 a i aara la ITiuatta A Medical Espert -whose remarkable suocraa haa uever tiaan excelled. aj n , win f aatt Ciirftri. licailj jVSfWW Vrioocl. Hydroc.l.. BlooS Poison. Strlctara. Olaat, .... . ' a. .iL mnA V1L.ULV. nuui uaoimr. wm w " His Home Treatment Btl aanaaooniir curaa isHHaai ai N.noua, ttacul, Kldo.r aoa Bladdar ana Skis Ola aaM at mall eoat. Sava lima and mooar by Saa criblDf roiu eaaa sad wrlta lor 'BKB BOOK aa tarsia of traatmaat. Maslclns aat la alals aackaaa. inaratea kow. wgnsunsiivn rtooi Oataa Hoara t a. as. ta B SD a. m. I auaoajra, S to p ai. Call or wni. Stas laa. Boa III a. lata SI, Oauaa. Mas. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Best Farm Paper. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only Oat Pellar a Year, Headquarters for Holiday Bargains. nn THE) RELIABLE STORR. Headquarters for Holiday Bargains. Holiday Leather Goods Tuesday bogins our big Christmas sale on Pocketbooka, Hand UagH, Purses, Card Cases, Hell Hooks. Music Kolls, Carri age Bags, Opera I?ags. A flue unbroken line, including every new ftyle in the market Huy your Christmas gifts in this line early. ts.no Canlag-e Bags g , Q JI.OO Carriage Bnirs 50C 3.0 ) S5.UO Carriage Ha at $.'0 Carriage Bags at SI. 60 Carriage Bags at 2.00 75c $1.10 Genuine Seal Combination Pocket book Rnd card cas 50C S3 (w Fancy Tockctbonk at , 1.00 Grand Christmas Sate of Silks 49c 49c CREPE DE CHINE In alt colors, worth Sl. 0. for FRENCH roriJNS-Finest wear ing silk, only BKATJTIFI'L, K1MONA 8ILK-S2 Q inchps wide, 69c and VW WHITE WASH 8IL.K-AU silk, on 0 sale, at aSOC 2ft1 ppce FANCY SM.K leading stylea end c lor all on tale at ;c, rlir 4ic and The N w F.I ECTUA SILK Is handsomest silk mnie-lti all colors and liKr black, only ' 27-tncti 1'l.ACn M KSSA LINK pure fQc fine silk worth SI. 23 on sil Mend Our Famous Dress Goods Sale FROM 2:30 TO 8:30 P. M We ' wl 1 neil extra fine dress good patterns, ril -.ch. 5t-inch and 5S-lnch strictly all wo.il good that sold lrom $1.23 to S.i.00 '.rd snk and wool toilennes, crt-pes, aublnnes worth frvm $1.00 to $1 BO a yard, flOc and other goods one hour only vJfs FROM 4 TO 4:30 p. M. We w 11 se l 75c strictly all wool French Flannels IQC tinest printing and colors, only one pattern to customer, at, ard aw No dealers. ! , See These Furnishing Specials LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE In i MEN'S AND BOYS SVEATER9-ln ex fleectii and heavy ribbed worth Mir1 I ,ra beuvy cotton or pirt wool 2Sc up to 26c, at 12Ho and ogs worth up to $l.bJ. st 4c and ....,.'-'' LADIES EXTRA HEAVY RIBBED VESTS AND PANTS Exceptionally 2?C '.29c good values, at. 39c and LA DlES' AND MISSES' COMBINA- tQ MEN'S HEAVY WORK TION SL1TB, at 49c. 7&C and 8HIUTS, special, at Big Grocery Sale Tuesday For your Christmas pudding, cake and mince meat buy your wants now. Chdce Mu'CHtH Raisins, per round 6c I FARINACEOl'S OOOD8, ETC Fancy Layer Raisins, per pound 7'c P.reakfitst Oalmt-al, rr pound . 2a C hoice Cleaned Currants, per pound. ..7'sc 1 hard 1 irked Navy B ans, i er pound So Fancy Cleaiifii V ostlzza Cuir.nts. lb. .8 ;.c i Oood JapHn Rice, per pound SWO California Peache1, per pound 6Vio ; Fancy ) earl 'lapioca, per pminil StjO Choice Mulr lea h. s, per pound 8 -j0 Xcelo, the new Breakfast Food, per Fancy Crawfo.d Peaches, per poi nl... 9c : puckago THo Choice California Piunes, tier pound.. 6c All Iiuidiy Foips, 10 bars for 2jo Fancy large bl.ick Italtn Prunes, lb..7ic yuan cans Table Syrup VP Fancy Mixed Lemon, Orange and Ci.ron I 3-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes ....iso Peel, per pound 19c 2-lb. cans Sweet Sugar Corn 7K All the best Spices, any kind ycu want, I SPECIAL Large Sweet Juicy per pounu mo oranges, per uoxen. -HAVDEN BROS, a i THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Brings gladness to most people. Could you not add to this gladness by presenting some article from the Jewel er's stock. Ours is such a nobby, taaty line this year. Watches. Diamonds, Silver, Oold Goods, Umbrellas. Toilet Goods, Clocks, Fountain Pens, Cut Glass. Spend . few minutes and' a few dollars In our store. LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. oooo093C8aaao3pgpoopoaaoooooooo8o o Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper That is the title of a special folder issued by the Koek Island for California travelers. It is brimful of information about the trip, the cars, the rates, tickets, meals, baggage, etc. ' It is finely illustrated and contains com plete map. Mailed on request. The Kock Island has more tourist car lines to California than any other route. You can go from Chicago, St. Louis or Kansas City through Colorado, or southern route through New Mexico. The folder will probably tell you all you need to know, but if you desire additional In formation ask the Rock Island agent. F.P. RUTHERFORD, 0. P. A., 1323 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. G BEE WANT PRODUCE RESULTS 3.50 kJ or s mucn or little 1 You hear a great deal lately about men's 13.60 shoes-and In many cases $3.60 Is a lot when you corntci-r the shoe you get but when you get the right shoe at the right place, sj.oo la a low price. You take no chances when you buy our Men s $3.60 Shoe-"Drexel s Spec ials" every vtt,r guaranteed to have the value In them. Patent Colt, Vlct Kid, Box Calf and Velour Calf all the new fall and win ter shapes. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET. Irnihi'i (I;-ti-0a!J Sim Ham abu- vriH OUR FRIH CATALOGUE. mm fH v J The Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUELE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOUM RIVER AND CHICAGO NO. t2. . The Daylight Special Now Carries Elegant Par lor Car Service, Leaving Omahe 8:00 Every Morn ing, irrlving at Chicago 8:50 O'clock p. m. Din ingCar Serving All Meals Tloket Orfloei 40J14C3 FARNAM TltEET, OUAHA. f Tatoeeoaoe km 5aMaaasT "f .i ii w r , i y