Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1904, PART 1, Page 3, Image 3

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revvhvnifjojonnJ aP-BjBjnnvs4 0S
i uuay is nui iuo
early, tomorrow
Buying Days
Till Christmas
Z5 ,
$10 3
Brtly Bondsman Hu Conf.reice with
But. Board f Oompromii.
TIU MMkra Jarfsmrnt If ere4
flBl4 Wrhlaa Mtata
ar4 Tiiti Mallar 0ar la
tha lUlalr.
rrm a BtaS Corrpondent.)
LIMOI.N, Ife. I (BpUI Tel'irrmn.)
t'poa lha arnl af(wal of W. A. Piston
f (nuht, kTrnor Mirhrjr thla afternoon
axarxt a m(ln( of tha Board of Com
anlaa, rrimpoawt of Auditor Vton,
Traaawr' Morlanarn and Attorney General
fvaut. la diM-uae tha Hartley bond cvae.
Tka k-nard reviewed tha hiatnry of the lltl
aUoa with Ihe gnvemor and dlacueaed
etelja af Ine caa al preaenl, but aa
laya wma propoaltkm made, no vole
lakea aad bo record of tha meeting
Mr I'aitnn. who wu here thla morning,
ataayted with tha governor to order the
ameirutWm ef tha vaaa alopped and told
Ika governor thai even If a Judgment nil
exorvd It cauld ri" he ellrtel. llovrriMir
jflraey referree I'aiton la lha Board of
t'eeasrowilea aa lha proper body to ap
riexh. ima member af lha board ex
I j-.j 1 1 hViue-lf agalnet a compmmUe. In
imw'I aa lha legulalura will aoon meet
enl thai braty ean aa II aeea HI with
lhe ejtMi'er Another ajtaraber elated that
hlia lha elate might aot ba able to realise
ae a jwlgmeal agalnel rton, aa long
a4 ihe) elate prnaerutetl tha raae. Mr.
ra wull eertatnly ba hampered. In
that ba e.rail awn Ultta property In hie
mamm and) lhal he rould not traneact
in wMataea thai he other We could. Tha
mAi will ba argued la the aupreme court
ht January s rehruary.
Iweeaa la . Dawt.
Tha aeml-annuaJ report of lha auditor
give) wtt h Oovernur Ukhey tody, ahowa
lha warraa tmloblmlneaa of tha atata to be!. ee an Im-reaaa during lha lual
twa year af aa4.eaa.Hn. Una ago lha
iMandlng warrant IndKbtmlneaa waa
a. Tha ku'PMM In tha warrunl In
4bUmtaa waa aceaetunetl hy tha warranta
laaued r lha payment of tha permanent
niiweovementa pa authorised by tha lual
b-aialafara nad by lha lnbluary of Ihe
4 raeenaa U t bring In aufflVtent money
wit a h'k h aiael lha atate's obligntluna.
At lha preaenl lima tha warranta out
aMia the pmeml fund amount la tl.3U.
i m mm. aaoilnet lha lamporury unlverelty
td bit, at Tha warriuiia agninat theee
H mon wakeful sights if vty
Hi youf bdby UUia FooJ.
IIlli'w FM4 bt)l Sldtp
. il .1 ii ii'UIMMallIWilln
m p-Me am a.
eaw.a rvKttt aVrVM. nVadaV
nf l$2o
favorably with to order $35
baits, of plain black and fancy col
oring! long, broad and loose
fitting, at
Stou., Extra Stout, Long and Short, Suits and Overcoats, Fully Here
$10-$12-$15-$20-$22.50-$25 to $50
Tailored from confined cloths and
for $22.50, but specially priced
at $15black and fancy colorings
in single and double breasted styles
Fhose swagger, broad,
coat, craved by swell young men
with belts, without belts, of the
foremost prevalent fabrics.
two funda are the only warranta that draw
Intereat. In the next sixty days, however,
Treasurer Mertensen expects to retire all
the warrants ngalnt the temporary univer
sity fund and thus stop this Interest.
In the sunpcnded uccount the report thai
the state has tied up 1666,711.91. a reduction
during tha administration of Auditor Wes
ton of W2.M2.66. This money Is tied up aa
follows: Capital National bank of Lincoln,
11M.&UZ.02; First National bank of Orleans,
a0,000; Merchants- bunk of Lincoln, S,731.86;
aloha Loan and Trust company of Omaha,
tl2.S92.M; Buffalo County National bunk,
$3,9!ej; J. 8. nartley, $J2S,o87.50.
The following table shows In detail tht
outstanding warrants ugHlnst the state and
the warrants issued during the lust six
Outstanding. Six Mos.
General fund JJ,2i3.4"l.n2
Teiiimirarv university..
Normal lntrest
I'. 8. Ag. Ex. station..
I'rlverslty cash
Iloepltul for Insane....
State library
Morrill fund
Temporary school
Live stock Indemnity..
Normal library
5. it;
2.0) .
Totals 2.342,;9.61 $882,.17
All tha Mabocaet.
After vainly trying to get Governor
Mickey to come to Its Indignation meeting
recently held In Omaha, the Omaha Civic
federation will bundle up Its belongings
and coma to Governor Mickey. Tomorrow
morning haa been set for the time of ths
anvlt chorus, but the subjact of the piece
to ha hammered on has not yet been an
nounced to the guvcrnor. Arrangements
were made with the governor thla morning
to receive number of the members of ths
federation, and while Governor Mickey
waa not Informed of tha whyness of the
meeting. It Is supposed the federation has
a few Jabs It desires to take at the Omaha
police board, tha chief of police and others,
falared Man Haa Rlgata.
It cost Kim Wan Just 125 In Justice Stev
ens' court thla morning to find out that a
colored man had n right to sit down to tha
tables In his reataurant alongside of white
folks. Kim will not pay the $25. however,
until a higher court has agreed with the
lower court. Tha colored man in tha case
aa Oscar Rand from Denver and when he
ant down at tha tuhla Kim told him the
tables were reserved for while folks and
thai ha would have to go up to the trough
with tha people up there. Oscar thereupon
had the fastidious Kim hauled up before
kla honor for atepplng on his rights as a
Jenalaaa la lha Oaly Owa.
Senator Jennings of Thayer county, tha
lone republican fiiHlonlst In the next senate.
la here today looking after hla candidacy ,
for president cf the aenate. Mr. Jennings
waa nominated by lha republicans of his
district, though he waa elected by tha en
tire district for lha reason that he had no
uppoaltlon. eoneeiiuently aa the lone fusion
member of tha dignified end of the next
Umlslature ha la sure to ba m iJe prvaldent
sf tha body or to be the one bona at which '
all lha other membe-s will pick.
Mr. Jenalnga thinks the policy of tha neat
Wglalatura ahould ba retrenchment tn
every direction poeeible. He bellevea tha
revenue law should be given fair trial be.
fore It la loaded up with amendmenta,
though ha aaid thera waa quite a feeling
out In tha slate la do away with tha county
aMeaaore and have lha wraclnit aaaeaaors
e lev led.
"I believe wa should go alow about
aawadliia- tha law." ha a Id. "hut If w
muei do away with tha eemnry aaaeaaora ba
um ef Ihe coal attached lo tha eiflca I
think tt would ba lean eapeaarve ta make
tha euunty cleik tha cwuary aa ean. As
lha htw etaJida, though wa have good ma
chinery for Ita eaforcaaaant. and If wa do
away with tha soualy aaaaaaav and elect
a gSatOttul II I to tfraM Um re
'Phe requirements for the winter season are most admira-
bly met by our splendid display of hand tailored suits
and overcoats at $10, $15, $20, $25. Novelty is the spice
of swagger attire for this season, and we've the new things
to invigorate it. Our stocks are brilliantly varied with un
exclusive weaves, in
were proudest of the novelties
Warm and Rich
coats, with and without
designs to
proportions. New stripes, checks
and mixtures, of imported worsteds
and silk mixed fabrics.
sult will be just the same as undei the old
Senator Jennings believes the railroads
are making a serious mistake In enjoining
the county treasurers from collecting their
taxes. "The move will certainly react
agalnBt the roads," he said, "for the people
have to pay their taxes and so should tha
railroads. They may be able to tie up the
money for a while, but in my opinion they
can never beat the case."
Douglas Spends Mark for gcboola.
Chief Clerk Harnley of the office of the
state superintendent is compiling statis
tics for the biennial report of that de
partment and figuring up the number of
school children In the state In order to
apportion out the school ' money to the
various districts. Douglas county at this
time, according to tha report of the county
superintendent, has 42,958. At the close
of the school year Douglas county had
expended for school purposes for the year
1750,301.10. Last year there was expended
In all the districts of the state M. 517,2-9.44,
or there was spent in Douglas county 16
per cent of all the money that was spent
In the entire state.
Implement Dealers to Meet.
December 21. 22 and 23 the South Platte
Implement Dealers' association will hold
its annual meeting at the Llndell hotel and
for the occasion tha railroads have made
a rate of one and one-thlra fare. The
North Platte Implement men and the
Western Iowa association have been in
vited and It Is expected, owing to the low
rate, that a large crowd will be In attend
ance. The program has not ytt been com
pleted, but there will be a number of good
speakers of prominence in attendance.
Tew Banks Are Slow.
Ten of the 517 state banks under the
Jurisdiction of the State Banking board
have neglected to file reports of their
condition at the close of business No
vember 10, at called for by the secretary
of the board several weeks ago, and the
presentatlor o' the report of the secre
tary to the members of the board is de
layed until they can be obtained. The
penalty for delinquency probably will be
Legal Points Dlacaaaed by Several
GENEVA. Neb.. Dec. t- Special.) The
twenty-fourth annual convention of the
Woman Suffrage association was formally
cloevd last night by the president. Mrs.
Toung, after an unusually good session.
The sessions, afternoon and evening, were
carried out according to the program. Hon.
D. L. Johnson of Omaha treated the sub
ject, "Tha Present Decedent Law of Ne
braska,"' In masterly way, and all felt
they had learned something from his talk
and chart, and Judge Sears, also of Omaha,
made tha subject, "Needed Changes In This
Law." very clear.
Hon. J. I. McBrlen was present ht ths
afternoon seaslon and read paper on
"Tha Importance of tha School Suffrage
and the Dutlea of School Boards and
Teachers to tha School."
Inarlng the afternoon Mlas Meredith con
ducted a "Question Box" In her delightful
Tha convention haa been a pleasant and
successful one. Oeneva rltlsens doing all In
their power to make It so, proud to have
had It here In our city, and are happy to
have the offica of atata suffrage president
vested In our local president, Mrs. Alice
Isabel Brayton. for tha riming year.
Miss Scare accompanied her father to
Oeneva and visited the convention yester
day. Tha money pledgee received )eeterday
reached about 7i, that promised from
Ueaeva being about 130.
raxing Is Broken.
FREMONT. Neb,. Dec t (Special V
Teaierilaf aiiarumm wfcUa n tantirg neigh-
Satisfaction Attained
all the designs that
that we alone show,
In Many Styles ALL CORRECT.
mixtures of brown, gray, black and swell des gna,
phatically best values returnable
at any time, for any cause
Grand Special Values
Rijhtness in trousers is a need, fully met
in the 1380 styles to be found here.
Tailored to better the to-order Jib. 00
and $12.00 kind. ALL SIZES, for men of
lng several tons, It being a part of a new
flywheel for the city electric light plant,
was being unloaded at the Northwestern
depot, It got away from the men and fell
from the platform. It broke Into several
pieces and will have to be replaced by a
new one. It cost 1500 and will delay the re
pairs for some time. The addition to the
building at the plant haa been completed
and everything fixed for putting In new
machinery. As soon as the additions to the
plant are completed a day electric light
circuit will be Installed, which it Is ex
pected will be a paying investment from
the beginning.
Pleads Gnllty to Robbery and In
Sentenced at I'apllllon.
PAPILLION, Neb., Dec. 2. (Special. )
John W. Slater, who was arrested for rob
bing W. E. Campbell last Sunday after
noon, pleaded guilty at the preliminary
hearing and was bound over to district
court, where this morning he also pleaded
guilty and was sentenced by Judge Sutton
to five years in the penitentiary. The
other two men implicated in the robbery
have not yet been captured. This cane of
robbery was where Campbell, who claims
to be a telegraph operator, was walking
on the tracks east of Papllllon when uc-
costed by threo men. A small sum of
money, a gold watch and some clothing
were taken from him and he was left with
his hands bound. He went to the farm
house of j. l. Brown, was released and
the authorities notified. Sheriff McEvoy
went Ir pursuit and succeeded in cuptur-
Ing Slater, upon whose person the watch
was found. It la thought he Is one of the
men who held up several saloons in Souili
Omaha and a Hanscom park street car late
Sunday night.
Treasurer Refuses
PAPILLION. Neb., Dec. I.-iSpeciu! .)--
Tax Commissioner Pollard for the Kurling
ton railroad was in Papllllon and offered
County Treasurer Morrison j.!.75 in jmy
ment of taxes amounting to tS.H23.0ij. Mr.
Morrison refused the tender, but says ha
will accept the partial payment if it will
not Intefere with the collection of the bal
ance. ews of Nebraska.
BEATJIICE. Dec. 2 -O. N. Rcnwin of
this cily haa been appointed diti u t U. p
uty of thj fraternal uruer i.y tue
tate president.
BEATRICE. Dec. 2 -At a mo? i g of the
hook and ladder company ls-i n n il WU
Hum Krowles. Jr.. was elected . s a .e let
gate to the state fltemen'x convent. on to lie
held at t'ulumhus In January.
PLATTSMOl Til. Neb.. Dee. .-Superintendent
J. W. Pearson of WhIioo delivered
an Interesting and tnnpirlng mlilress In the
high school building In thlx iitv t,g Hrter
noon to the city teachers anil their friends.
PLATTSMOl :TH, Dec. :.-J,ulKe Paul
Jessen granted a- decree of divorce to Lu
clmla M. Hraiult from her !m;,iiid Emery
and allowed her the Hum of ullmnny
for herself and the name amount fur the
support of her infant clilld.
BEATRICE. Dec. 2.-S dney Wntfon. the
7-year-i.ld s n of Mr. ami Aird. IV . r vYat
so.i, was sh t In the arm eaterdHy af er
noon by ihe acu.deut w uirchirtt t.f a
2.' -caliber rifle wlt.i which he n pi.yj.,g.
The wound la not coniilori d sur.ou.
NEBRASKA CITY. Dec. 2.-A Daug. iters
of Kebekah lodge was uigHnizeU m t,.n
city l.tst night. The Keijekuli loilije i f
Nehswka attended and Intituled the num
bers Into the lodge. Alter the oiguiiUa
tlun was com!iletel, a banquet was n , n I
In honor of tue vtmiurs..
BEATRICE, Dec. 2. At the regur meet
ing oi Dudiey iat.e No. in i... 1 1,1k i
lander. these eMlcers mere ele ed: 1'rof.
K. A. McOutssoii. I.IumiiI us rn ct. i , J.
P. Harking chef ( n ; I : a Dew,
wo:thy evange ; O. 11. nyma i, a e et irv;
O. 11. Van Home, treaur. r; i eor ,e J.
Krai, waiden; La J. Kitchen, Hi nt y.
PLATTSMOl 'TH. Dec. 2. At a meeting
of the members of the commamlety In this
city lust evening Charles C. liriu le waa
raited to the highest degree of the .M.moiile
order. The woin -n of the Episcopal church
served an excdllent nine-coure banquet.
Orand Master Turner. Grand Hecrei.ny
siauk H. White, Mr. Allen ut Aliou
others show, but
of richest qualities
Recent arrivals in Scotch,
ent. slso a number from Weeping Water,
Louisville, Murray and other towns in this
county, and report having had an extra
gooa time.
GRAND ISLAND, Dec. 2. Work on the
bridges over the north and middle chan
nels of the Platte, due south of this city,
an entirely new bridge, was begun this
week. The bridge connects up a large is
land hitherto connected only at one ex
treme end with the mainland. The Stand
ard company of Omaha has tho contract.
Ht'MBOLDT, Dec. 2. The case- against
William Hicks, charged with operating a
bootlegging Joint at his home on Third
atreet In this city, was called in the
court of Justice Smith, but the prose
cuting attorney having failed to put in
an appearance, a second Bd Inurnment waa
nuked for and granted, the date of the
hearing being December 11.
BEATRICE, Dec. 2 Queen City council
No. 76, Fraternal A d association, el ctel
these officers lust night: A. H.
wonh, president; O. iv. Reedy, vice presi
dent; J. R., secret. ry; E. P. Wi t,
treasurer; Mrs. M. J. Browu, chaplain; F.
W. h'hel oi, gulds; Mr. Lol , . b-ei'ver;
D. R. Burn, teutinel; j. G. Carnahan and
Q. C We. ner trustees. A. H. H'dllng
worth chosen repres ntative to the dis
trict meeting.
BEATRICE. Dec. 2. Beatrice aerie No.
631, Fraternal Ordrr Earei, met last night
and e.ected the fol. owing officers for the
coming year: John R. .i1Ib, worthy presi
dent; W, A. Sto'.l wortiy vice pretflent;
Henry Bpnhn, Jr.. chaplain; R. B. Applrget,
worthy i.ecetury: J. A. Klein, wor.hy
treasurer; H. B. G ah. conductor; Frank
I owe. Inside eua d; Charles Mudge. outside
guard; A. J. Town'end, J. R. 8pe ler, J. S.
Walker,; Dr. (1. L. Roe, physician.
U it AND ISLAND, Doc. 2. A frightened
sheep, to which a Dell was attached, ran
under the family home of Foreman Pagan
nl the MiDoniild alioep r licit Jiist after
Mrs. Fngan and three children had en
tered the nuggy to drive ta her father's
place. The horpe took fright nnd threw
the occupants out on a corncob pile. All
were inure or less bruised and the Infant
child sustained an injury to its eye, which,
however, is not exj-tcied to result seri
ously, j
TECCM8EH, Dee. '.-Judge W. H. Kel
IIuh r lined William D. Juiien, the man
.nuiid guilty of the Illegal sale of liquor J
41IIU U1IU I ririuiiuru lion i'J jnu until in9
came Is paid. Jones Ik uccusid ot having
sold booze at Elk Creek, a village in this
county. The prosecution was l.y County
Attorney J. C. Moure and Thomas Durnall
tif Linioln, utlorney of the Siate Anii
Huloou league. The defense was by At
torneys K. M. Tracy and F. L. Diusmore
of thla city.
f..-,CEOLA, Dec. 2. The polk County
Democrat, puLllHhed here, has Just ot
one of lis best wo kme.i. Mr. 1" lis itus-musi-en,
who has gm.e to take ch .rge of
ihe Keith County isews at OgaUlla,. Frits
has had charite or been a in ihe
Democrat office hero for a number of
years. Besides that he h s been a leadsr
in all that Is go d In Osce 1 a fine printer,
a tine cornet l,ier, a number of the S-'c.
ni.d l eg. men ( . Nebraaku Na.i- nal Guard, a
line young gen. eman. Wh 1 his fr.enJa
hate to loae Inm. they m ke the saclnce
fur the beren' cf Flits and h"pe that he
will lwe long .-Kid pro p.r.
HCMHlil.uT, Dec. 2. Otis Btmms was
arrested by Sheriff Hossuck and taken to
Falls City, where he was plactd under
ji.imi bom la to answer in distr ct c urt to
the charge of nssuult with Int'nt to do
great bodily harm. The complaint was
sworn out by an aunt of Chris Stucke, the
young farmer who after a quarrel wiiti
PlmiiiH In a billiard hall one Suiiduy night
recently, was struck over the forehead
with a billiard cue, miffering a severe and
It waa thought fur a v.h le tu il fracure
to the xkull. Since the siirylctl oj einti in
performed upon the victim u few days
ago. he la reported In n fulr way to re
cover, although, not yet out of danger by
any means.
Kew York Policemen Kill Mam Who
Barrlcadea Himself In Brook,
lyn Shop.
NEW TORK. Dec. 2 After driving bit
employr and others from a candy ahop
In Brooklyn today Carabad K.ikonah, an
Armenian, barr.caded himse f in the place
and resisted srret until ha had been shot
to death by a detail of policemen who had
been summoned, to the scene. Krlkorlan
fired several shots, but none i t the police
men was wounded.
Tha Armenian had bten acting utraugel)
fur aooie time.
Outfitting Center for Men
Men's Warm Winter Underwear.
Wilson Bros., Norfolk and Pater
Underwear the finest produced
Grand Special Values
Holiday Showing Men s
New ascots, English squares
grandest assemblage ever
city incomparable best values
will go at ......
The Best
New brown, black and light
shaded hats, in soft, ultra
fashionable styles; crushers
and fedoras, to dent or to
crease, and the swell telescope
hat; worthy $4 and $3 values
over 300 distinct and differ
ent hats, at
$2.50 & $3.00
J. B. Stetson grand prize soft
and stiff hats, at
$3.50 & $5.00
Witnesses Against Joseph Leiter Irs Called
Before Illinois Inquisitors.
Report la that Militiamen at the
romping Station Took Part
in Ihe Shooting; Last
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2. A long distance tele
phone message from a Post Dispatch staff
correspondent at Duquoln, 111., says that
the witnesses who appeared before the
Perry county grand Jury and secured the
Indictment agalnnt Joseph Leiter and At
torney Piatt for bringing armed guards
into the state for service at the mining
town of Zeigler, have been examined by
the Franklin county grand Jury. Zeigler
Is In Franklin county. While witnesses and
officers will not talk. It Is understood that
all tha testimony wan In employment by
Leiter of forces of armed men.
Firing was beard again last night In the
vicinity of Zeigler. This continued about
an hour and It Is reported that the militia
men on guard at the pumping Btatlon where
the firing was heard took part.
Report from Zeigler.
DUQUOIN, ill., Dee. 2. Guards at the
Dyle block house, half way between the
town of Zeigler and the pumping station,
which are over two miles apart, were
driven to cover shortly after midnight by
an attack from the woods, In which about
fifty shots were fired. An attack wai alsj
made on the pumping station, which was
answered promptly by the guards and
deputy marshals guarding the plant. The
attacking parties seemed to have centered
their forces directly on the pumping sta
tion. It Is from this plant that all the
power which operates the Zeigler mines
la obtained and If the attackers should
succeed In destroying this it would shut
the mines down completely.
In the town of Zeigler proper the nljht
was exceedingly quiet. The first time elnce
the strike began newspaper correspondents
were permitted to remain In the town over
night. Box car No. 3361, which Is really
the Zeigler railway station, sheLered them
during the night.
Shortly after the fighting began at the
pumping station a squad of toldleis was
sent from Zeigler and by the aid of a
searchlight beat the brush around the
plant, but located no one. At one time
during the night the searchlight mi. n sail
he had spotted aomo men at the "en si
roads" and soldiers were sent there, but
no shots were fired. Ten machine gum ar ,
now ready for action in Ihe town of ,
Zeigler. It is ald five pomp m gunr, whl h
shoot 300 explosive shells a minute, have
been ordered by Joseph Leiter.
No Marshal Mw at Zeigler.
SPRINGFIELD, III., Dec. 2. Governor
Yates made a statement to the Associated
Press today that he has not the slightest
Intention of declaring martial ' law at
Qelgler, and that an Interview credited to
him Intimating such an Intention Is false.
SPRINGFIELD. III.. Dec. 2. Assistant
Adjutant General Recce returned today
from .Zeigler, where lie has been for sev
eral days. He states besides Companies C
of Carbondule and P of Mount Vernon,
Fourth Infantry, Illinois National Guaid,
there are forty United States deputy mar
shals at Zeigler, under command of Gen
eral Uarkley, formerly commander of tha
Second brigade, Illinois National Guard.
There have been lively fusillades of firing
from timber near the pumping station
every night, but during the daytime all is
quiet, tie Is not prepared to stula whether
Mn's hew vy cotton and fleece
lined, derby ribbed shirt or
drawers, blue, brown A C
and ecru, 75c value tJC
Mn's derby ribbad wool un
, derwear, In blue and gal.
mon colors, grand special
values, regular $1 TP
qualities JC
Men's natural undyed wool
heavy fancy cotton and
camel's hair shirts ordraw.
ers exceptional 1 nn
values, at l.UU
Men's dovtble and single
breasted shirts and re-in
forced seat drawers blue
brown, natural, ecru, pink
and salmon coloring best
value in Omaha, J (JQ
American HoslrvCorr tjanv.
Wright's Hygienic Health
ff Kv mg
.UU ltL a&.jU
Neckwear Ready
and four-in-hands, iu the
brought to the
Hat Styles
LeHeVT" ",,OUld " wl,Mn. Joseph
Fair In Nebr.ak. Tod.y ,nd Tomorrow-Warmer
In North Per.
tlon Today.
WASHINGTON. "D2.Forecaj,t of
7" lr Sa,Urda Sunday:
For Nebraska-Fair Saturday and Sun
day; warmer in ,he north porUon 8aTr.
day; warmer Sunday.
nF;ra,Io;a and Misrourl-Falr Saturday
and Sunday; warmer 1 west portion
For the Dakotas-Folr Saturday and Sun
day; wly rising temperature
w2L? aCdTyFalr Bttturd,,y und r
oeMF C,ora"-Fa"- I" west, snow In east
portion Saturday; fair Sunday.
For Wyoming-Fair Saturday, except
no win tho southeast portion; Sunday, fair.
Local Record.
niTIPTfOT nn 'run . " '
OMAHA-Dec. Vltf oTt:
atuie and precipitation. nnm.,i-
corresponding Jay of the lait three yearn
Maximum temperature... 18j
Minimum temperature.... ig li . ?S
Mean temperature 2 a i H
Precipitation i".":: .So .00 0
1H04: ' anion march. J,
Normal temperature
I loKi.lnnnii . U j ' 01
" -.. if.-J .! mo uny ft
Totul excess since March 1. 1904 lnl
Deficiency for the day""":::";;; ;cj irlch
iL J i " aurcn l W.18lnchea
iTiiurmj aiouc untied i otMllichea
Kxcess for cor. period. W3 2 82 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1902.... 1.73 Inches
Reporta from Stations al 7 P. M.
Station and Temper-Maximum
State of ature Temper-Preolpl.
u , , y. m. .iure. latum.
I'liiumi, pnri ciuuuy ...
26 .00
12 .01
24 .00
36 .00
i'i -"
W .12
16 r
2 .00
30 .M
40 '!
22 .00
2 .00
32 T
6 .01
3d T
S .00
76 T
"orecaeter. 1
v tiicuiiiie, nuuwiiiK ...
X'..mW III..,,.. .. i , . .
, -2
Creyenne, cloudy
can ne, oiiri ciuuuy
Rapid City, clear
Huron, cloudy
Il'llllutnn i.l.....
Chlcugo, 'cloudy '
PL 14JU1H, ciuuuy
St. Paul, clear
l'avenpun, ciouuy ...
Kansaa City, cloudy...
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Hlamarck, cloudy
lveatin clear
"T" indicates trace
A mother wrote us recently ;
that she had to keep Scott's
Emulsion under lock and key !
her children used to drink
it whenever her back wai .
turned. Strange that children
should like something that U
so good for them. It's usu
ally the other way. Scott's
Emulsion makes children
comfortable, makes them fat
and rosy-checked. Perhaps
that's irvhy they like it so
much they know it makes
them feel good.
We'll mss yae a MunpU, has
SCOTT k BOYNK, e raarl Swart, Wr Tars. "