THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATfRDAY. HF-CEMHEI! fl. 1001. T-i H r. ' -r, aAfTPDATS AT P. M I ! la aenffcsr win f-MiM.i in; Ai rirrL i:w walkinu hkiktk liun.i Wi.m.i I i.f r,i.r. HTYM.H in rHIHI HllllCT WAISTS Inn, tin. I f lltK.'I.Hi,,.' C,, SILK AM) COTTON IT.TTI COA'IS t'M ty (, (i f oi'Mi I fiifxl- -t fl.v !o our i"ltT. WY uiak lot .f lin-f nlun ni' nil f 1 si f f mil iimi' n-inl y-to-wt ;ir par in M f-r !' iiv limn iinv Hon1 In I In V. S. N-xt (ir, mIkii ! f ritf our luiiiitifiil new Moiv, wi- expert to inriflhiH' llil ii'l I fill 'iiiii'ii. Hirm fck fun I'll ! 1 1 allh f"nl tfnh Mil". f I ! v lr, 'Kit, I.. srid I ''. 't lit ISItMi ',i IMMKI, M, K 't IIH, f'l.'i- mur In-i'l'. i"'1iii(i. llS.'O, i iM, MHI I I l ll SKi'li Alll'a al I' '".. li 7t, .Vi, tl i'H ii n ! I t lisa AMI I llll.t liLN ) H KI'A I7I'. f AHM nn I !, i draining of flal rtMiff ..rvl atwrfa, Ml ape tally iuw pit Separate Skirts T'.e hiM I'l l Tlittiiiinn. Il-lden A o .,i- nil rad- I, MKN T A I IX IIH. The tli-l.i'. mul work. elo I In. pressing. i -a iliffff i ,.., r .ruin e t' o ir g ir. i' iiis hn Hi. i ' mi. .f 1 1 y ii,, at illnr store... W dm II i "in to price, a kfiuw tint ri at'iri li aa ti l ten rrii"iil n as we. tin f-.r Ida pfW - tia.b , our flltlnK Ik h'I ili.fin fr- .f rtinr". Wo hate skirts nt y v. m. ii-'ii, lijw Hrni fir. ThOHF50N.PELDEW&f,0. Y. M. C A. Builiinf. Coriur Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. know ( Hio-ffl IkhI that he will nak I Ma (i,i.,it tu holil out to th" liat iimiii mil ila tin' hint fHrtrhlgf In 1'ott .St tlmr. Tha l'l' In Ilia luii hiir, II i an now h latai) mi Math autlit rlty, nra In no contli tl'tfi In utiarrii't tu hr.-iik tlirtiiiuh tha In ilfi' 'i'i I'li'ni 1 he (tuna of the wai - tilfta aur I . ri ac i,n IhihI' il. anil thi m i flh nii'l liii Mir hin nrtli l;uitlii: In lha I i ii. I ti farm... H.iine of the ahlpn hI lima l..' ri Irijiinil hy ahalln. If tin f rira f'lia It a unlrt iuil th-y will b- I ikii it'iiiili' in I aunk In ilci p wnti r In rd' r In n mil tlm 'iihi;ily of their f i.f r li to II." nt niy. Til'- ! ' ! "I i " of thf llllvl-ilhliitv if ri Infori Inaj Vica A -1 r 1 1 r . 1 Ituji-atvenxky 'a '4'imii..i uliti tin. Ill.i' k a. n tli'i t h nm n lia.l , 'I hy . . of tl(. (Ml n. not- hlv tha .Ntlvu' Vlf-IIIVll !illl IHihlt-i out Hnt Willi Hi.- lohhtl.iu of the ICI.n k a. i raa. la ft' Ji M v ana v will liav a aui'rlor Itf M' li Dill Iriaura Utury uvir AUmir il Tn i a nVet Tha Nui,t Vi mfi ealla tit lanth n to li. a f;n t th;it J ip in wa not oni' of lha ltilnt,f tu the Ira.itla I lualliK Iha Imnliri. I. ii ri't aaarria thai If J.ipim till th" t'"r aha rritaht fnf nn entr-ui' -int.. i,a tu,i. k aa i ami anaaaa tha l:u- lan fiarl. I'onvi ra. ly tha p.ti"r continuaa. lib tha n. ni of tha (inrle. thara la li I. iar In lha lratjr lo rravant lha lt of lha I'lai k ae tlaat In flht aoma power Mt-h l In no wlaa Involved In tha treaty. II la araieil I hut Ureal flnlain la thn only l"'l whit h nilnl atlarnpf lo make troul.lM iar lha Junitiira of tha Iwo fleet. The fT"Jei v ia wtirmty ailvucHteij hy ami!" of fVara if lha ailmlralty hef.ire lha w,ir, but II rt"f w.i .im il'ineil ami tha admiralty rf'Hia not H'lmU Ihiil the auhject haa heeti rye. .Vairher ilnea lha Foreign offl-a a. ralt lh.l any pr"aure l In Imj exerclaert to er.ire lh n naent of the porta for the f.aan of lha liard.ine.l.' by tha Rlnck 'eai fl". GRAND JtKY WITH SCIIELL fonllmiail from Flrat Taa Mia a rlerk In th Fort Rohfnaon poat ffloii M. Follna. for iiaina; tha mall with tajtant In aafrand, rUehnrd iwnith, for la in aj kilter from tha mall containing a artlrla of ralue. and John V. Brown, far paaMina) eooafarfelt money at Kru tark latai aummar Another Indlrtmant is kalii mp aacauaa ih Indicted party haa to yat keen arrested. Taa ar fifteen "nt Mh" wer return I aaonaf other striker, as it was l ff arn4 Jiry tlat4 S Tf pana) had teen rommitiaM nt It ws h pufposai af InatMct A torn.' Fnsier t ailvl tha mfy tu return no lndictmnta In c;n "laaa. no alulercrt ww to huva teat eemmit tad f rrataal faaarkat VtoaalaiT. TIW tft of tha er'mlruil doekot of tha rniravt atta;-- rifrlc: court will begin r a aoth Jmlgea f'arlard and Mungor ara.,tigi In tha erimliml emirt. Tra first aaaa ti ka tthd w II fca that cf Lulu Fell, karVvre J'ulga ( land, which will b con ie t kv f'tatr'rt At or: ay Uixtir Aawsiaiir f latrict Attorney Rjah will ae tn on tha trlak of tho potofnY eases j i.i g. i M inger on tha same day. I th giirpo'S to flrat tllapoaa of lha IB glrtmenta fournt agnlnat parties wko aja Km m hJiis win u$ I i! know ah it la alvlish and pi "D rfr in j . o ii i a iip.erel, sad we g:eas Luiin -ii.tu i. roth, a ar-i more than i Ul'lo tK-Uur lliail Ilia n at at tlm i.i.nn ,lv.... . THE L.AUIE3 ( " Cap.-- iej tot-lUO lf J eu JSel A, ii a ad Stn j it aa 50i ! Vuili trs p.e, vc !. IW. in uur Cloak Section Saturday 'Shirt Waists We have Just r- rlvtd some new plain. I black ntitl pl.-iln while br'lllantln w.ilst. 1 whl'h nri very j-r.-tty. Prl-e. 2.5" ':"'h ; others In nuns veiling. Scotch flannel, silk and other fabrics, from IR.OO to 112.8'. Silk Petticoats l!luk anil nil ttio nc culnr. matle of mfrii fin t iffrla fllK. frum 7.5) to J15.(0. Astrakhan fur Coats Oiiiirnnl' nl tu wonr, nia.l of beautiful rl li I intri! nklnn, nt 1 1.0 anil 115. w). Ihrre Are No baiins as Good as Jkinner s T:.i y arc yarn J' nml vnr ynrtl wiilc. 1i'-r' l no uniortnlnty n to mr when n liuy Hkltini r's we siet Ully rwonuiietnl it. Tli'Ti nr a (treat iniiny s.itlns mil'i m Fklrin.r which lire only liiiltjUotin. th" wlil I'll yu lii'-y am i K'"tl. but tin j- nm nut. Io not Iw ilTlvnl hy nny piicIi tnti rner.t. Th" Kcnultic tuny nlwnj ? he hi iitlllfil by the words "s'klnn.'r'n Hntln" woven In tliP hack of the nilvcilg". All liiilc color ami blnck. hnnilnoine, rich luati-r. :K Inclii'i wlilc. J'rloe, 1.5o jier yarJ. new In Jail. Thtae being illfpced of, tho indictments found by the Jury in November and May, l!ei3. wl 1 bo taken U) In thilr turn. Theio are llfiy of these In ilh tmints to be d.apn e I of, which .nc ud the W. M. t.eer f..lif! acc uniliiK cae. tin ('"iliy nil K' I rnihi'zz emeu caan .iul : ho c.inei Haril'U, inla and ot licr. Tl.a i Int. -a for thett tr'als hua roi yl hct'ii lixed, nor wl I they le until tho i t u it cr.mlnal cni' are dl iotd iSt. PLAN TO PAY ALL SALARIES lena I'rmlileil li ( onncil to Meet o ember lioll for City l.m ilo ea. Tha rlty council held a speolal meeting at !i o i lock laat nlKht and took action that wl.l enable tht aalnries due city offlceri and imi'lcij.n for November to bo paid In full. The part of the monthly appropriation or dinance, i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n k the wagon of the mayor, cuiini llmen and other rlty hall people, llre fnt'n anil atreet cleancra, which wt hi'ld up by the hortan of certain funds, will be imaged Tuesday night. All that was done at the meeting yesterday waa to re wind the resolution of Novemlier 9. di reetlng that money diTlved from the scav enger tax sale be used to reimburse the funding bund fund. Instead of this a reso lution was adopted directing that all hack tarns received ran placed in the general fund. This fjnd then will he used to make up delinquencies all around. A remittance of from the. county treasurer for back regular taxes collected dirring November relieved tha financial train at the city ball. At the conference of tho councilman It was decided to keep the lln.i'im set aside for an asphalt plant and $.'..'tiD for Ak-Sar-Ren afreet lighting for IIM Intact. The money received made If. possible to pay all November salaries, but leaves the general fund absolutely dry. Inasmuch aa about $50,0(10 Is coming from the scavengnr sale for November, however, It t propoaed to throw thin In the hole and to continue to do business In all branches ef thn city government. The action Is against the wishes of City Attorney Wright, who wanta the funding bond fund reimbursed to the amount of nil, 000, but the council thought the only way to get out of straights waa to take the action It did. Notice was given that all street work will b ordered stopped Tuesday night, to be resumed again no more this year. All laborers and teamsters will be paid off In full atatf dlnchiirgvd. CJty Attorney Wright expects mandamus aulta to follow in tha wake of the failure to reimburse the funding bond fund from individuals holding warrants and judgments against the city properly payable from this particular coffer. CONNOLLY CASE ONCE MORE l a raellla Wilt Have Motion for a Trial .raaad Ba tor Fatelle. The motion for a new trial In the case of John T. Connolly against the Union Paeltio Railway company will come up this morning at 9 o'clock before Judge Eatelln in the district eo-irt. This is the ease in which Connolly, for the loss of both legs, was given damages of J7.5nO. It haa hod several trials, in the motion for a new trial the road's attorneys charge improper conduct on the part of the at torneys for the plaintiff In that they held sei-ret conversations with one of the Jury men, and on the part of the Juelge In thut he is said to have shown marked pir tiallty for Connolly. He la charged among other thlnga with telling the man he had belter go and get a chicken dinner. W. H. RGBERSCN DIES IN EAST form Omaha Mas raaas Away la j lava- lark City Tuesday of ! Thla Weak. Word has been received by Dr. W. F. ..Mllniy of the death in New Yoik City of W H. Rolieraem. formerly a resident Of O ma hit and for several y.-ar local- man ager for K. G. Hun. It la learned Mr. Rob. 1-i.son di.d November .9. and his funeral took place Friday. A largo number of peo ple in e'maha remember nun with much re ttpeiit. among these being Dr. Mllroy, who w is . i lose friend. Hea.lacfcea Kruia lulda. Lax iilv.i Br. mo Quinine re moves the an..!. To get the genuine, call for the full uanm and look for the signature uf E. W. Grove. Jjc. J aaniv.'w,we.-.eenaie'fr tUM hMt imai by Hilllwuxiof .thr- for hlr -LilU u au.i4 Ttw uiiigt fur a t Kifty Y ivj . i it iu Utt oiai oi, f tcit tU (UUa, tiA t i alt fail. Oil I US - Hid rwltO, ajllt 1 Visa jfu I tiaitiki nr Uafrn ng, 'I K -If IV bft CKNTft jV SttTTLK. FAIRBANKS AT WASHINGTON Vice President-Elect Beaches Capital for Seuioi of Congress. SENATOR PUTT SEES THE PRESIDENT ftf York Man Ihe Appolnlmeat of I'liMniotrr for w Vrk Vtiy l Asreril I pon Output of the Mint. WASHINGTON. lie.-. I Senator Fair banks, vice president-elect, arrived In Washington today to fenialn durn g the session of congress. He was ncc.niiinted by Mm. Fairbanks. Later the senator and Mrs. Fairbanks called at the While House, where they received a cordial welcome from Irt.iilent and Mrs. Itousevelt. It Whs the first meeting of the president and the vice president-elect since the election. Today was the cititeenth wealduig unnl verswry ef 1'rcsldent anel Mrs. Hutni'Vi'lt. They were tho recipients ofyongrutulatory messages and let tent from all parts) of the country. Thei anniversary was quietly cel ebrated tonight by a family dinner party. Iatmatrr for ew lurk. The question of the appointment of n postmaster at New York City to succeed tiie late pistmiistiT, Cornelius Van Coil, has heen se-ttled by the prevalent, but 1 cannot say anything about the prosH'ctlve apintee ton ght. An announcement will be niado bv the president in a tew elis. John A. Merrill, now postmaster al Wash ington, will be reappointed to that po.-ltioti. The above statement was made tonight by Senator Thomas C I'lalt, after a con ference with rreshleiit Ki.oacvelt nt tho White House which lasted more than an hour. The avnator, with Mrs. IMatl, had ! arrived from New York during the after noon, preparatory to the reconvening of congress next weeine'suay. lie weni io me White House! about 9 o'clock In accordance with a prearrai ged understanding with the president. Of the se'vernl names which the president is said to have had under con sideration for the place the statement If made that Mr. I'lalt was oppeiax-d ' Marcus N. Marks, whom tho president favored, and that tho senator was favorable to cither Me-ssrs. Theodore Oilman of New York or William I. Wilcox, to whom the pr.sldent was said to be not oppimi'd. The impres sion tonight In some circles Is that tho choli'e lies either between Messrs. Oilman or Wilcox, nllhough no otllclul information on the subject is available. Mr. Metrltt, who baa be-en sile'cted for the it-appointment to the postmaf'i rshlyi of this city, waa heartily endorsed by Senator l'latt. Mr. Merrill s term exi Ired some months ago. but the iiue.-tlon of the app ilntineiit of his successor was deferred from time to time by the president until it was finally decided to let It go until after the cam pulgu had closed. Lieutenant Mohan ppeela. Second Lieutenant Albert J. Mohan, Fourth cavalry, recently convlrted at Jt-f-ferson Harracks, Mo., by court-martial on a charge of Insubordination and sentenced to a reduction !n ranks and forfeiture of .') a month for four months, has addres c 1 u complaint to the War department, al leging Improper treatment, injustice an I prejudice In connection with his trial. The charges will be Investigated by the de partment. Output uf the Mints. The director of the mint In his annual report shows that the output of the coin age, mint at Philadelphia, San Krancl.-co nnd New Orleans, which were In operation throughout the fiscal year, was the largest on record. It estimates the gold stock uf the world In use as money on De'oernber 21, lfloS, at approximately 5,tm,0nn,0i0l of which about one-half Is visible In banks and public treasuries. The estimate for the stock of the I'nlted States nt the time Is $1,i,ojVj0, of which a.mO.iuO was In the treasury and national banks. Chaffee la Ciraaid Marshal. General John M. Wilson, chairman of the Inauguration committee, has appoints 1 Lieutenant Oeneral Adna R. Chaffee, chief of staff, t'nlted States army, to be grand marshal of tho inaugural parade. Short Cabinet Meeting;. All members of the cabinet attended to day'a meeting except Secretary Taft. who la In Panama, but no business of Impor tance waa considered. W. C. T. U. ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Steven la Again President Tel egrara Received 'from Presi dent Roosevelt. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2.-Mra. William M. N. Stevens of Portland, Me., today waa re-elected president of the National Woman's Christian Temperance union. Mrs. Helen Morton Parker of Evanston, 111., who has been treasurer for eleven years, declined another nomination and Mrs. Harriet Wright Brand of Indianapolis was elected to succeed her. Mrs. Elisabeth Preston Anderson of North Dakota was elee-ted assistant re cording secretary. The other officers were re-elected. A telegram was received from President Roosevelt, In response to one sent to him by the convention, concerning the prohibitive clause with regard to the liquor clause In the pending legislation ad mitting the Indian territory to statehood rights. It was as follows: The telegram received. The preslelent has already taken the matter up on the line of your recommendation and Is consulting Senator Stewart as to tiie best means of making It effective. WILLIAM LOEB. JR.. Secretary. Among the resolutions reported and adopted today waa the following: We deplore the war now raging In the far east, with its merciless slaughter and deprecate the ae tinn of our government In fluttering the spirit of militarism In the t nited States I y increasing: our army and navy, furnishing Instructors to schools and colleges and by other methods, for teach ing the art uf killing breeds the desire to kill. A telegram from Susan B. Anthony was read, in which she urges the delegates to "push womuu's suffrage lo the limit of your powers." To Cat' a Coltf fin Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabieta. All druggists refund the money If It falls tc cure. K. W. Grove s signature Is on eacb box. Central Labor I ulon. Only routine business occupied the at tention of the Central I-ahor union last night. The constitution und bylaws were reudopled with a lew unimportant chanuai and ainendim-nts. The piine.pul altera tion was an amendment lo eimlt of cx-ee-utive se-sieiiis whenever ei.-sired and a change ut rules making the nr.-t four unlet of business ini lulling the of the password, reading of tho minutes, .hi. gallon ot de-legule-a- and new bUnlmad secret. Paper Men at Uaaiul. C. ' Hhoiles, manager of the stationery de parti- eiit uf the Carpenter Paper eoin "in. oo a liaiuiuei hint night to i li men employed in Ills department. Afu.' illsiuMsing the viands the evening was client tu a must pleasant manner. A lit n OIKOI l l. IK ; UH I'll.F.s. Itching. liiir.j, likeding or Protruding Piles. Your druggist will refund money It PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure you in ii lo 11 duys. .Vic Huaainit iu Imnamlur Is llrad. VIENNA. I i.e. 3. -The Itussinn amhiia-a-dor. t'liiinn- I'eter Ivapninl. died today iioiii .ill aoopi. t He ni i,,a... He Want Atla ure the Heat Unslneaa H.kihi. rs. 3C TOVES Wonderful i-hsnco to get abseilutely reliable Waters at a great discount! Get a fuel SAVKll at less price than a fut'l KATKll. RUBY OAKS No. 1 1 -J7..10 vn Mu flit to NO. i: -$S.,-,i value, flit to No. l.V-JIO.oll ;llle cut to No. lS-.Ht m vnltio, flit to Radiant Home Base Burners The Standard i.f tho world over 4,0 ill told hy us QfJ (f in Oriaha, up f rom... sC vli U U Stoves and Ranges Sold on Payments. GRANITE WARE SALE Blue and White Four Coated flowing out the finest lot of Knamel War.' made at u disc nint of 1-3 OFF 13 OFF DON'T MIHS Tit 13 OPPOHTl'NITY. IT 18 OOINU FAST. miLTON ROGERS & SONS GO. Open Saturday Evenina. HZ RECEIVER FOR CHADWlClv Cleveland Court Declares Her Insolvent on Petition of Minor Creditors. SHE MAKES VISIT TO WALL STREET Her Altorneya Hay that All Just Claims Will lie Paid In Full Public Interest In the Cnae. NEW YoltK. Dec. 2. The Interest In the affairs of Mrs. Cassle Chadwick of Cleve land took a new turn tonight, when a dis patch from Cleveland announced that bank ruptcy proceedings . had been brought against her by Jacques Krnknuer, a New Yolk merchant, with an establishment on Fifth avenue'. Mr. Krakauer said that Mrs. Chadwick had been a customer In his es-tablishme-nt for some time, but he hnd not Instructed his Cleveland attorneys to tuke action npulnst her. He said: I simply followed my usunl business cus tom of having my Cleveland attorneys look after my Interests. Mrs. . Chadwlck's movements todny were nlso a subject of much Interest, nnd when she left the Holland house, where she has hi-en living, nnd went to the Central Trust company building In Wall stree-t, her np prarance attracted crowds of people. The result of her visit In .Wall street was not announced, but It Is known she called on a firm of lawyers there There was a story In circulation todny that Mrs. Chadwick contemplated leaving for Europe tomor row. Ilelatolve to this Thlllp Carpenter, one of her counsel, said tonight that his client would not leuve for Europe, and added: In fact she will not leave this country until every dollar of her Indebtedness has been paid. Mr. Carpenter nlso made the statement that Mrs. Chadwick Is a very wealthy woman, and amply nble to care for all the claims against her. Mrs. Chadwick was !n consultation this nftf-rnoon with the firm of nutlet, Not miin, Jollne & Myndersce, lawyers of Wall street. It was stated on good authority tonight that this firm has been Mrs. Chadwlck's counsel In this city for a num ber of years and one of her lawyer said that the fact that the firm had done busi ness for a prominent millionaire whose name has appeared In connection with notes In this case was simply a coinci dence. It was also stated this evening that no money or securities had been passed In the Newton suit, but that Mr. Newton had been given assurances aa to a settle ment and that the money would probably be paid within a few days. There were stories current tonight to the effect that there had been a hitch In the settlement of tiie Newton suit, but these Btories could not be oonflrmed. Say Many Claims Are I njuat. While it haa been officially an nounced that the claim of one if of her largest creditors the one whose suit brought about all the publicity given her uffulrs would be satisfactorily se ttled there was no diminution ...f in t todny iu the case of Mrs. Cassle Chadwick, the Cleve land woman whose financial affairs have furnished a series of sensations almost unparnlelled. The claim of Herbert B. Newton, the Brookllne, Mass., man for nearly IJUi.iioo which apparently has been removed from further consideration ac cording to a statement of Mrs. Chadwlck's attorneys, was only an Incident. Other claims still pending are known to aggregate four times that amount they say and, for all they know, may total one hundred times the sum named by Newton. Many of the claims against her, the at torneys say, have no basis In fact and at the proper time th claims will tie shown to be fraudulent. That all the Just debts will be met they still maintain and at tha aame time make the announcement that Mrs. Chadwick will have mllll'Wis left when all her creditors have beeu aadistied. Edmund Powers, counsel fur Mis. Chad wick. said today that he did not expect lha promised statement from Mre. Chadwick will be made public before tomorrow. Mis. Chadwick, he said, would remain In New York until the affair waa settled and would then depart. Just when the settlement with Herbert D. Newton would he effected Mr. Powers was unable to say. Itecrlves Putverful AM. "Powerful aid has saved tha day for her." This statement waa made today by George Ryall. of local counsel for Herbert l. Newton. In discussing the settlemei t of his client's ilaliu against Mr. Chad wick. Where Mrs. Chadwick iblalned tha aid Mr. Itynll did not state, but It Is known that she sp.-nt considerable II ma in lha Wall street financial dlatrle-t yesterday and was for several huure In Ihe offices of a firm of atturneya which frequently has acted as leg il representative for one of the country's richest men. It was soon ufter the visit that Mr. Nrwlon a lawyar aiiouiicid thai ihey were aailsrted lhal I li. tr claim Would be Settled tVinslilersble Intrrekl was aroused Itxtay hy a statement ere Iliad Iu a Cleveland attorney to the etTeel that Mrs Chadwn k lost large auiua of niu'iey through bucket alio) a Another aiat. un lit muds III con la. ttoii with lb aa today waa that a nuniliar of ' ugo Ml a. Chadwick burrowed fioiii Mia Iianlay, th klng'lah wuataa :tc REDUCED $4.95 $6.35 $8.45 $13.50 Puritan 5teel Raneei A antocd bukor asliestos lined with hi oh closet and six holes 27.75 (4th and Farnam Sts ifillna uliaiirrnallaiiili i jaHJaaa who died several years ago possessed of many million dollars worth of property in Pittsburg. It la snld that notes for various sums niado by Mrs. Chadwick were found among Mrs. Schenley's papers after her death. Will settle All Out of Court. Mr. Powers said also: Mrs. Chadwick does not expect to leave the city for two or three elays. unless sud denly called to Cleveland. The case in Cleveland e-omes up tomorrow', but ll will probably be adjourned to u later elate to give a chance lor everything to be settled amicably out eif court. Mrs. Ch-idwlt-k will pay every dollar that she owes, not withstanding the gratuitous allowed stat" mi'iit of a Cleveland banker that sh- Is "broke." There will be no conferences here today that 1 know of. We are merelv uwaitlng certain developments in Cleveland and elsewhere. We have eleclded that It Is best for Mrs. Chadwick to postpone her personal state ment until after all the present suits against her have been sett'e l nnd dismissed. In due time she will explain who she Is and will deny that site is u relative of Andrew Carnegie. , Attorney George Ityall. for Hanker New ton of Boston, said today: Statements that Mrs. Cassle L. Chad wick Is lo Py only ITVOnu of Mr. Newton's claim nt this time nre untrue. The person who came to Mrs. Chadwlck's relief will pay to me In a few hours the full amount of the claim of JlrtO.Sini. with a reasonable., amount eif Interest besides. I will give that money to Mr. Newton and he will never know who paid It to me. 1 cannot reveal the Identity of Mrs. Chadwlck's friend. Receiver Appolnleil nt levclnint. CLEVELAND, Dec. 2. Jacques Krakauer of New York tiled a petition In bankruptcy against Mrs. C. L. Chadwick In the federal court here today. Krukouer 1 u dealer in laces nnd embroidery. He claims J6H) to be duo him from Mrs. Chadwick. Tho name of eGorge Couch, a liveryman -of this city, and II. E. Potter, a merchant, were also signers to tho petition on claims of jam) and ll!00 respectively. Th? letltlon era set forth that the giving of a note to the Elyrla bank by Mrs. Chadwick while she was Indebted tu them constituted an act of Insolvency. latter In the day Nathan Loeser was ap pointed receiver for nil tho property of every kind and description belonging to Mrs. Chadwick. The receiver was ap pointed by Keferee Harold Remington, who was empowered to act In the absence of Vnlted States District Judge Wing. Referee Remington fixed the bond of Loeser at SlO.OuO. The latter Is an attorney of this city. DRAWING THE NET CLOSER (Continued frum First Page.) tents. The witness the.i went back in his story and told how Puter sakc-d him to get the The m-s hoys to ilgn the papers and howv he gave each of them $10 ojI of the 110 wh eh Puter gave him at th i train at Albany. Here the witness entered upon a new feature of his narrative and mentioned tha name of B. Oimiby, then f -rest miurn temlent of the (.'arcade forest reserve. He raid he met orm-by at All nny. Ihe litter askid him If he waa tle man who went over the township with Locmls i. lid he a 11 he was. " 'Well,' said Ormsby, 'I've got to go all over that work again and I want yo i to go with me.' "I didn't want to go and made a'l k'tids of excuses," continued the withers. "I iieaked away and went downtown and left for Independence." Heiderke then t ild how he received a letter from Ormsby and then a seeond I I tir In wh ch Ormsby aked him to go wit him over the townsh p. Wl n -ss said he destroyed both ot those letter. Intplleatea Orenaby, Alao. The wltneaa suid that Ormsby, the su perintendent of the foreat reserve, had held out Inducementa lo hi in to rnler into th scheme to make false affidavit. "After signing the papers In Ormsby' office." continued the wltnesa, "1 heard thut Ormsby wanted to fc m again and muk affidavit to th Bub and Dora Pirns claims. I dictated tham from what I knew to be true. Later 1 had a Utter from Puter. He said he had gotten th patents and had ordered Tarpley to send ma th druft." "Did you gt the draft?" uaked Mr. Henry. "Yea, Tarpley sent ni the draft " At thla point tha preiaeculiull off. led la evlelete-e the Watson drft. Mr. lUney stated that th prosecution would Until th evLUnc lo TarpUy. Putr and Mrs Wat sou, aiid would subsequently Id- ulify th signature of Mrs. Watson "During lha summer of I'M' '" th wliuaaa continued. "I mat Mr by on th train near Detroit H a'su aal'l had to luuk lha real of tha township o . rr Isold I thought that lha thing ka-1 an d aad I ' wanted nothing t do wuk ii After ! ward w Went h. lo Inspect tl rest of th claim. Ii g it l i rumlcg and a did J th work fieiin lit vabiu whar a I slop.ed ." "What hip.eo.d after that aaltad lha lawvar "If I rrmanibrr lightly. Mr ll.u, Ihe special age :... ! up tt IKi, wantd la know U I knw mi, of th p. r Bema and I dnl not tell hita thr i.-uik It., aald h I lo ah. w aaa on t-f tn,-M r Hirl and teal to th h.-l.l iut h read oi v of th pepri It ina,l u kind eif auk and I aald I g.aa I k.e lo aland ihe osia-nun. ai ' "A ahoil lima f:.r that I tei euu lsiaiiur.1 l appear l-afoi lha graad l .rv wai I lo taleni t a Ormakv t told kha II 10"! & fARNAM STREETS. OMAHA. THE PEOPI.KS' I I KM It HK "III OF lltl'I'Y Ladies' Suits, Coats, Furs. Skirts, Etc. $13 Suits, $10 -Fino novelty mixtures and all wool cheviots, fft fill neatly trimmed, at lUeUU $25 Tourist Coats. $15 Made from line novelty mixtures, bolted hack, triiuniol with novelty bullous and contrasting color velvet, Q QQ 1 i U-Hi!'ir,t mm V it CCPVPICHT I0O4 BV laVr 'VJ wax ?nii:wvA mm m PK' n tIN $$i$mr&. -Ifi w iu Men's Clothing Specials for Saturday (iood, warm, up-to-date Men's Suits and Overcoats, all stylos, A 1C $.00 values, at IU Very swell Hen's 5u!ts and Overcoats, in tho best of poods, Q Cft hand made throughout, ll-i values, at UiUU Cold Weather Specials Men'a all wool black cheviot pants 1.45 Men's heavy duck lined coats 1.38 Mon's shoes, new lusts 1.35 Men's heavy fleece lined undnrwear 39c Men's stylish hats, soft or stitT shapes 98c PAY WHILE YOU WEAR that I had a mind to Jump tho subpoena. He ajild, 'There Is no power on earth that can break that report.' He said to see Tarpley. I went to Tarpley und said to him, 'You have got me Into a bud fix,' but he said, 'They cannot do anything with you; the statute of limitations has ex pired," or something like that. Then he told about the women In the papers, and I put the descriptions down in a little book so thut I could remember them. I went to Albany and met Lou Turpley (of O'Duy & Tarpley, attorneys for the defense!. After I had talked to Tarpley he gave me his card and told me that If any troublo came up to cull upon him. After a time Judgo O'Day came in and he told me that when I got Into the Jury room to demand the nffl davlts and to say they were true. Then if they pressed me too hard to tell them that I refused to answer." Announcenienta of the Theatera. This afternoon and evening the all-star cast will repeat "The Two Oiphana" at the Boyd theater. Tl is will be the last at traction ut this theater until a we k from Monday, when Esra Kendall will open hero In "Weather-Beaten Benson." The last two pei formancei by Valerie Betgere and her excellent company In the pretty little Japanese romance, "His Jnpt nese Wife," will be given at the Orph -um, matinee and night, t day. Next week an other woman of special Interest will le the principal luminary of the show. Dor o hy Ru-Fell. the diughter of Lillian Bus sell, will make her first apie nance In Omaha. Among the uttributea tlat are salleni In the list lalculited to win her aucreiislun to her m ther's ame ere her biauty and Vile, w hi h were foremost among the accomplishments that ell-UiM ft much admiration for Lillian Russell. Miss Russell, like her mother, has a penchant for pietty gowns and, knowing their value as an accessory to success, shows s me elalnty costumes. When afflicted with a hard cold, nothing Is so effective as Plso's Cure. 2fx v,sisVists-rs'ets - ' ! I Z The Best in Quality The Best in Flavor The Purest Type t I t -a lunter i jWhisIieyj '- . ti. i t t.-i'1' ' J a ue " . u.Uu. is. H Cash or Credit AMI fAHPKrtO.1" Cluster 5car(s --Made from well matched opiiosum skins. nhlu and Isabella blonil, trimmed with silk ornament and six C dfl ul' fx tails, at UaUU Scarfs) Sirlo ami double, M'arfs, well matched, (.elected skins, table and Isabella blend. two largo bushy talis, at Lndles' Cravenette Raincoats 15.00 10.00 am.llakai Cm.-. A- PLt-a .4 Mi-ICS y7Vts7 UO RIIU I a I Trial 3.98 j Ladles' $15 Short Kersey ft Cft i) Coats, at CJiwU Millinery A,.t$.,5..".".u: 6.98 Mlt!?.!!?: 5.98 All $10 Hats, Q Qg All $5 Hats, 2 50 AIL?.4.,.,.": 1.50 THE BEST SELLING BOOK IN THE UNITED STATES BEVERLY GRAUSTARK by Georjje Barr McCutcheon Author of "draustark," "Castle Craney crow," etc Dndd, Mead & Co. PublUh.rj . . New York S5a THE DAINTIEST SOAP MADE is HAND SAPOLIO. The only soap that makes ever pore respond, and emrgizes the who'e body. It is a summer necessity to every man, woman, and child whowou d be daintily clean. Keep? you fresh an4 sweet as a sea breeze; prevents sunburn and rougin:ss Make the test yourself. AMISEMK.-4 TS. CneiGHTON Every night: matlne Thura.. Sat . Sun. rVTODERN VAUDEVILLE a Valerie Bergere A Co. in His Jupanes Wife. ' Kmpire Corned v Four. Th Tohlna, Mile. Agouat C H Weston Co.. Jullua Tannen. Murphy A Willard. 8hie!d A Caul and' tha kinuelromt. price Its-. I6c. Sen-. Neat Week DOKelTH Y RCSisKLL. ta lented daughter of Lillian Kuell. Pte'lAL MATIN KK TODAY TON Kill X AT li ALL Sl'AK C.VsT KHU( (.Elllll.1:, MH. leMOVHIB. hh Tat tt. i i 1 1 r uur rus tiris Jtl-SJICW O'MCIIL, IUU1 JtLMttt, J. a. IMuao-. JMi- Ikk! IIVIL'T, I1IMI MI1MHIV III the Ciiratust Hay Kvwr Written THE TWO OUIMIAiNS Pricu sthi to ti Matlne. .jo lo U Csa. KRUGi TI!EATC 'Price 15-25-53-75: JStj-MATIMl: IUIUV-43 'IvMliMI teiia P A T IU C V: D1UVI N lrKOM no Ml a :li - eit-nUiih: SIL'.Nl-.V o I'- I---V fTivTAHA C0CERT PROMOTERS I'Kr.SI- .NT JC39ICA DC WOLf. Soprano IN V !iV i i.i t 1 VI- A I' kVk Hllt I Ul kl II, U, U ..M. la. St a. Ml. kela uu uio al lio'ke Stsi il A luou a v. a