Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1904, PART 2, Page 15, Image 15

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tn. tMrmbor I., for dispatch per . a.
M on rim.
JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA snil sp-llly 4-1rss-1
via Beat tie, close it I p. e December 4
for dlspatrh per s. . Lyla.
HAWAII. San Fran-lsro, close at 6 p.
m. I-rrnbr t for dispatch per t. (.
rlaro, clot at p. m. December I for dlf-rati-h
per a. a. Gaelic.
PINE ISLANDS, via Taooraa, close at
p. m nwmbr It for dispatch per a. a,
JAPAN (except Farcels-Pnst Mall). KO
REA. CHINA ami epeclslly nrMresseil
mall for PHILIPPINE IBLAM'8, via
Vancouver and Victoria. B. C . close at (
p. m. December 20 for dispatch per a. a.
Empress of India.
Han Frnnrlsrn, clone at p. m. December
ii8 for dispatch per a. a. Mariposa.
8n Francisco, clone at p. m. December
2 for dHnntch per I'. 8. Transport.
MANrHtRIA fexcept Newrhwang) and
EASTERN SIBERIA Is at present for
wnrded via Rusl.
NOTE I'nless otherwise addressed, West
Australia la forwarded via Europe; New
Zealand via Pin Francisco and certain
places in tha Chinese Province of Tunnnn.
via British India tha qulckeat routes.
Philippines specl-tllv addressed "via Eu
rope" must ha fully prepaid at th for
eign rates. Han-all la forwarded via Ban
Franolsco ex'lual vely.
Aetlnjr Postmaater.
rosfoffliv, New York, N. Y., November
J... 19o4.
8. Gel' g cal Survey, Washing. on, D. C,
November 17, ll4. Healed pri.poals will be
received at tha office of th Cta el Kng.neer
of the RHclamailon Service, L . (1. U.-uioi-cal
Purvey, Washington, D. t'., until 1
o'clock p. tn. January 9, V.i, for the con
triicllni of s an outlet tunnel utmut li
square tect cross section and about o)
tect long, ami two vertical rhatta. In
olid granite, to perve as a diversion tun
! for the PaihMnder dam. about fifty
miles southwent of Casper, Wo., on Nortn
Platte rivet. Forms of proposal, pliirie an I
Bliei ltl 'Hl Ions mav be si-i n Ht the otllce of
the Chief Engineer, Washington, D. ,C, or
i.t tha ottlra of the (lilted States
Reclamation Service, Chnmbor of Com
merce building, -Denver, Colo. Luch
Md must be accompanied by a
certified check for payable to tho
order of tha Secretary of the lnter.or. as
a guaranty tnat the tuace: win. it Mines
fill, promptly eeiute a rat sfac ry con
tract, and furi.i'i bond In the fum of
30 per cent of the contract piUe fir the
laitnrui pirn.rmanc or the wura. ini
- right la reserved to reject any or all bids,
to acctpt ono part and reject the other
and to waive technical deftcts as the in
terest of the service may require. Pro
posals must be marked "Proposals for
Pathfinder Tunnel. North Platte PnJect."
Bidders are Invited to be present. THOMAS
RYAN, Acting Secretary.
Nov. ii Dl. J, t. 8. 10, 13, IS, IT, SO.
Notice In hereby given that the Bonrd of
Publlo Landa and Buildings of the Stale
of Nebraska will receive bids for the fur
nishing of stationery, office supplies and
printing-, etc.. for the coming session of the
legislature. Speclflcatlnnp will be on file In
the oftlca of the secretary of state on and
after December 1, 1904. All bids moat be
hied with the secretary of state by noon of
lie. em bar t. 104. Tha Board reserves tha
right to reject any and all bids.
N24dlOt Secretary B. P. L. & B.
araaartoua.cauas much I
pats and discomfort,
and somatliuas actual
Tbara mar tie ItcMsf I
1 aeilerteil. ulrarata, becoming Tory aarlom and
I painful. Tncuralhaiunulcklyandpaln'aatlruaa
Inatant rallef. G'uraa In several dara. 1 ft ft
Atdruflsta,oraaotwitli8rrlnfefor t,UU
Maltdor Mfg. Co., Lancaster, 0., II. S. A. 1
For Menstrual Suppreisloci',",.
lain in Ou,.u tir saarauia Drug Co
Mall eidara slltd. Trada aa sella., tl a boil I boias it
Office and Infirmary, 28th and Maaon 6ts.
OMAHA. NEB. Telephone 632.
Chinas;, Roek l.lanal A Paelta.
K AST. Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Daylight Ltd. ..a 3:36 ivrn t
Chicago Daylight Local. b 7.-0U am l:3S pm
Chicago Express bl2:01 pm a K:16 pm
Pes Moines Express a 4:30 pm hll:60 am
Chicago Fast Express... 6:40 pm 1:20 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd.... 7:20 am a 1:50 pm
Lincoln, Denver & west. a 1:30 pm a 6:06 pm
(iklahoma and Tex. ix..a 6:36 pm all 65 am
Past Chicago a 1:20 pin 7 :3a am
Cklcaajo Qreat Western.
St. P. at Minn. Ltd a S:W pm
St. P. & Minn. Ex a 1:86 am
Chicago Limited a 4 60 pm
Chicago Express a 4:30 uni
CMcaao ct Northwsai.ra..
-a 7:11 am
a S 25 pm
a 10:) am
a 1:06 pnt
Local Chicago ...
Lay light Bt. Paul
Daylight Chicago
Limited Chicago
Local Carroll ....
. .all:30 am
..a a. 10 pm
..a 7.60 am
,.a 7.10 am
..a 1:36 pm 4:uu lull
:m am
lo:vo pin
11:60 pm
1:16 am
H:W an.
7iJ0 am
a 130 am
l:3C am
a 3:46 pin
10 3a am
iO 85 am
6 15 pm
6:16 pm
6:16 pre
a t:09 pm
a 3:u0 pnt
ta) am
a 1:00 pm
a (.u) pm
a l:0f pm
a t:4t aa
a 6:30 pm
b :d& lm
a :(0 are
b 1 16 pm
J:.0 pm
aid: 36 pm
6:06 am
blU:J6 pm
a :0 put
aU 00 pm
a 1:10 pm
a ?.3o am
l.lll put
Kaat St. Paul
a 1:16 pm
..! Klnux C. at St P.b 4:00 pm
Fast Mall
Chicago Express
Norfolk A Honesleel..,..a T:40 am
Lincoln Long Plna....b 7:40 am
Peadwood A Lincoln. ...a t:60 pm
Casper A Wyoming d 150 pm
Hastlnss-Alblon b 1:60 pm
New vVorld'a Fair a t:46 an
Local from C. Bluffs. .a :ll am
St. L. Cannon Ball Ex.. a 1:30 pm
Mlsaoart pacta
Bt Loul Expreaa :S0 am
K. C. A St L. Kx .all:16 pm
Laloa t'aelflo.
The Overland Limited.. a 1:40 am
Colo. A Cala. Ex a 4:10 pm
Chicago-Portia-. 6p l..a i;4 pm
Eastern fcxprea
Columbus Loca. l.-OO pm
'oorado Spax-lai a t: am
Chicago SpecU
Beatrice Ixct. o I:W pm
Fast Ml an
HUuula CcatraV
Chicago Exprasa a 7:2S am
Chicago Limited a 7;so pm
Minn. A Bt Paul Ex...b 7:l(o am
Minn. A St Paul, &id..a 7:60 pui
Chlcaao, Mllnaakta at at. Pan
Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:a6 am
Cailfuruta-uregcn E...a i:4a om
Overland iJiuuca a a.ju pin
pas. M. A Okobuji Ex.. a (uw aut
Borllartoa 4k Mlaaoftrl Rrv-ar.
YV'imore. Beatrice and
Lincoln a 1:60 am bU:05 pm
Nebraska K xl ret a :a0 am a 7:40 pia
Denver Llmiud .a 4:lu piu a 4:46 am
B. Hills A Pugat 8 ExkUUO put a 1. 0 pm
CMo. VesVibuled riyer.. a 3 30 pm
Llucoln Fast Mall b 1:57 pm al2:u3 pm
Pi. Crook APlutlsia'th.b !:52 pm J0:Jj urn
Bellevue A Pac. Juno. .a 7:60 pm a :U aiu
BellevueA Pao. June. .a I:3b am
Kansas City, It. Ju A Caaacll UlaVa,
htnsaa City Pay Ex. ...a I.H am a Of pm
Loula ; Flyj'.. ....... .a 5:li pm all:Oi am
nansus City Night Ex..aiu:4s pm a 1.4s am
Cblcaga, Btllf A ataF.
Chicago Limited pm a 7:40 pnt
Chicago Bpeoial .... ..... :W aw a ,
Chicago estibuled k.x.. 4:uo pin a J,n
Clilcago l'--al 1 t.lj uu aU wipm
l ast WaU :4a pm
Mlaaearl Pcl.
.e4i-nsk Ik-I via
Weeping Water .b 4:60 pm all:40am
Chlrago, it.' ' Pa" I. aiiaaeapalla
Ttln City Paaaenger....b :30 am b 1:10 pm
.oux City ps'ucr....a t:v pin all ) am
uiHmi.1 Uxl b I i pm kl.lOa.-a
a Dallv. t Dnlljr xi-pt 0inday. 4 Dal'y
ivcept Baturday. a vJavUy axcevt alunday.
Pa via sella drugs.
LelTert s glasses fit
Stockert sella carpets.
Domestic cooking. 33 No. M.I.i at
Puncan sella the best school shoes.
Night school at Western Iowa college.
Prs. Woodbury, dcntlsta, Pearl at.
For rent, modern house. 723 Sixth ave.
Puncan doe th oeat repairing-, 23 Main.
New stock of pictures and moMlng-i. Bor
wlck, 211 So. Main si. Tel. 683.
20 per cent discount on picture moldings,
this week. C. E. Alexander. 833 B way.
Missouri oak drv cordwood ( cord deliv
ered. Wm. Welch. 16 N. Main st. Tel: K.
F. L. Reed, clerk of the district court.
and Mra Reed left laat evening for a vls-.t
in Chicago.
Wanted, at once, all parties nwlnsr me to
call and settle their accounta and save
coats. Oeorge S. Davia
Board and room, by young man In pri
vate family. In walking distance from Mil
waukee railway rienot. Ooo:l reference.
Address C, Bee, Council Bluffs.
John W Ilnwpr frftierlv of Shenandoah.
Ia., who was married to Miss Grace Reaa
oner of Uils cltv laj.t September, died
Thursday at Colorado Springs-, Colo.
2.l) lbs. to the ton guarantee!. Morton
A lirldi natein, the new lirm." Prompt serv
ice, nest coal and wood, lowest prices.
Tarda, lnh avenue and 6th St. Tel. lsi.
The records of the Board of Health of
tha city lor Novemlur show that twenty
one cases of diphtheria and twenty-four
ca of smallpox were reported during the
The district court grand lurv will com
plete ita deliberations this morning and re
port Its findings. It has had twenty-five
cases before It, tliia bt-lng an unusually
large number at one term.
The blrvcle bclnna-lna- to A. W. Hannibal
of Haxel Dell township, which was atoien
while the owner waa in a dentist'a office,
Wxlnesclay, hits been found in an Omaha
pawnshop, where It had been sold by the
thief for lu.
General Manager 9. Stlckney and a party
of officials of the Great Western railroad
were In the city yesterday inspecting tha
IochI terminals. From here they went to
Omaha, and left last evening In their ape
clal train for St. Paul.
A meeting of Concordia lodge, Knlghta of
l'ythliitt, will he luld Saturday evening for
the purpose of considering new byiawa.
Owing to the importance of the buslneina
to cume before the meeting all member
are requested to be present.
Council Bluffs camp No. 715, Modern
Woodmen of Ainerlcu, at Its meeting Thurs
day night, elected the following officer":
Consul, Jamea Knuth; ndviser, Arthur
Stine; banker, M. B. Sutton; clerk, William
Hush; escort, John Timberman; watchman,
Harry Davis; sentry, William Bettey; phy
sician. Dr. C. W. Bower; fliat manager, T.
Morgan A Klein, whose upholstery stock
waa badly damaged by the tire in the frame
building occupied by them on Main street,
Thursday night, stated yesterday that they
estimated their loan would be covered by
the Insurance which they carriid. It is
thought the Are started from the boiler
uaed for renovating in the second story of
the building.
Mahlon Bethers, Charles Franks and W.
F. Uminick, charged with stealing coal from
the llllno4a Central, were found guilty In
police court yeaterday morning. Bether
waa fined 350 and cofts, Franks fib and
costs and Bannlck was sentenced to ten
days in the county Jail. Belhera and
Franka were committed to the county Jail
to hoard out their tinea Elijah Tlminel,
who was also charged with the same of
fense, waa discharged. The case against
Muhlon Bethers on the charge of threaten
ing to kill the officer who went to arrest
him has been presented to the grand Jury.
Mrs. Mary Meneray, wife of R. C, Men
eray, us Stutsmun street, died at an early
hour yesterday morning from apoplexy,
aged 43 years. Besldea her husband, two
daughters and three sons survive h-er. Mrs.
Meneray waa a member of Rebekah lodge
No. 3, Lilly camp, Royal Neighbors of
America and Homestead lodge. Brother
hood of American Ifeomen. The funeral
will be held Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock
from the Flrat Baptist church, where ihe
aervlcea will be conducted by the pastor.
Rev. F. A. Case. Interment will be In the
Creacent City cemetery and the Daughters
of Rebekah wil have charge of the aervlcea
at the grave.
Doabt Abont Vail Story.
Investigation by the police yesterday led
them to cast suspicion on the story of
Jamea Vail that he had been dragged Into
Hoagland'a lumber yard Thursday night by
three men, who robbed him of $71, after
beating him almost into Insensibility. The
police learned that the electric light In
front of the yard was burning brightly and
that there were several of the employes In
the office at the time Vail said he was
robbed. . Vail failed to put In an appearance
at police headquarters yesterday, as he
promised, and Is thought to have left the
city. By a somewhat strange coincidence
a woman who keeps a boarding house In
the south part of the city notified the
police that a James Vall had recently
skipped a IX board bill.
Specials for Saturday at
Brown's C.O.D. Market
128 W. Broadway. Tel. 65
Smoked Bacon f f
at HC
Fresh Dressed Spring f f
Chicken 1IC
Our Bust Tot Boast C
Beef JC-OC
Boiling f
Beef n-2V
Mutton " , ' T
Btew JC
Boast DC
Prime Rib Boast 7 O,
Beef C-OC
pounds Sirloin angj
I pounds Porterhouse - B Lg. f
t pounds Round m B I
Steak I Ml
pounds Home Made Eanj Taw M
Pure Pork Sausage..
Remember, we will not charge over
Sc to Oc for our best Pot Roast '
Beef. Ilegular price to to 10c,
Rapid Delivery Co.
We Guarantee Quick and Safe
Delivery of Baggage and Tareels.
Phono 827.
' Eatabllabas IM4.
reaSvay an Mala at evar Plarea't Sao. star
Vo raa nnn aar a mo a at aa aattla. haraaa,
kouahol luraitura ar any ckattal aacuriir.
r-aym.nta iu ba onada aa principal at aar time
to aull borrow., and lutaraat ra4m-4 eocorthagi.
All bualnm cualil.ntlal. Lvvaat rataa OIBca opts
ar ovanius till t all; Balurday saaaliis till t
28 PEARLST.'-oiS
Lady Attendant If Desired.
1 1 'Phooa.827. j.PhoneF784. 11
Pretnt Company Mocti Surjgettioii of
BeUilen' Aiiociation.
Retailers State Their Reasons for
Opposing; the Installation of m
erond System or the Granting-
of a Franchise.
The committee consisting of H. F. Knud.
sen chairman, Charles H. Huber and J. C.
Jcnaen, appointed at the meeting of the
Retail Grocers' and Butchers' association
Thursday night to confer with the Ne
braska, Telephone company with a view to
securing a reduction of rates for residence
'phones lost no time In getting to work and
yesterday waa successful In securing from
General Manager Vance Lnne a written
agreement to make the reduction aaked for
on and after January 1,
In compliance with the request of the
committee Genera) Manager Laine promised
that commencing January 1 the Nebraska
Telephone company would make a reduc
tion of SO rents a month on residence
'phones, providing patrons would pay their
hills for such service on or before tha loth
of the current month.
Cnder the reduced schedule the rate for
individual 'phones will be 13. 60 Instead o
$3; two-party line 'phones, $2, tn place of
$2.60, and four-party line 'phones, (1.60, In
stead of 12.
Mr. Lane also assured the committee that
his company fully expected to Install l.OUl
more residence 'phones within the next
year and that no expense would be spared
to make the service as near perfect aa pos
alble. The meeting between the committee
and Manager Lane was a most cordial one
I and the committee was greatly pleased at
the success of Its mission.
Who Retailers Oppose.
Chairman Knudseo of the committee yes
terday explained the reasons why the Re
tail Grocers' and Butchers' aaosclatlon was
opposed to the granting by the city of a
franchise for another telephone company
In the city. He said experience had shown
that franchises had been secured in th
past for the there purpose of enabling the
parties receiving them to dispose of them
at considerable pecuniary profit to the com
pany, an he cited as Instances the gua
and electrlo light franchise which was se
cured by pereons claiming to represent an
Independent company and who lost no time
in disposing of their charter to the old
company, and the street car franchise se
cured by the promoters of the Suburban
company, who finally sold out to the old
motor compuny. The association, he said,
waa also opposed to having the paved
streets of the city again torn up for the
purpose of placing underground conduits
especially as but few business 'men would
be benefited by the establishment of an
other telephone system. Again the mem
bers of the association, he said, failed tc
see where the benefits they would derive
from a second telephone system would com
pensate them for the extra expense they
would be put to by maintaining two "phones
In their stores and also possibly In thelt
FearlDK Attest M Was Attempting; to
Get Ont of Town.
Ray Laungeway, one of the five small
boys against whom informations had been
filed In the Juvenile division of the district
court, charging them with stealing coal
from Illinois Central cars, la lying seriously
Injured at hla home on Sixteenth avenue.
His injuries are the result of his attempt
to escape arrest by leaving ths city on a
freight train.
Young Laungeway, who Is but 10 years
of age, learned that the officers were likely
to take him Into custody, and he became
terribly frightened. He left home hur
riedly without saying anything to other
members of the family and went to tne
,.-. ..-- a .-irh train waa
ureal nraieui jmuo. ,vo -
JuHt pulling out and the lad tried to Jump
It, but missed his hold ana was tnrown
against the adjoining tracks. When found
by some of tha yardmen he was, uncon
scious and It was some tlma before he
could be Identified and eent to his home.
The boy Is sufferig from spinal Injuries
and concussion of the brain. His condition
yesterday was said to be quite serious. (
Working on Flectrle Line.
The committee appointed to take charge
a ... lln,f. nnr.naai4 Wl t h thft fCT-
matlon of a company to construct an elec-
trio railroad between Council BlufTs and
Carson In Pottawattamie county met yes
terday afternoon In the rooms of the Com
mercial club, those present being Henry
H. Van Brunt of this city, chairman; Dr.
W. F. Pierce of Carson, secretary; Oeorge
Dye, Thomas Flood, Perry Kerney and C.
F. Kimball,
Reports from the several members of the
committee showed that the project waa
meeting with much encouragement from
farmers along the proposed route of tho
line and that If they carried out their
promises there would ba little difficulty In
obtaining the required capital.
At the former meeting of the committee
in Treynor laat week It was decided that
10 per cent of tha subscriptions would be
called for as soon as $100,000 had been sub
scribed. At yesterday's meeting It was de
cided to call for only 6 per cent, as this
amount would be sufficient, in the opinion
of the committee, to defray ths preliminary
expenses of the survey, etc.
H. II. Van Brunt, Thomas Flood and Pr.
Pierce were appointed a committee on pub
lication. The next meeting of tha com
mittee will ba held at Carson on call of
the chairman.
Hatters In District Conrt.
The Jury before which tha $20,000 per
sonal Injury damage suit of Mrs. Llllle
Smith Of Missouri Valley against the
motor company was tried In ths district
court decided yesterday that the plaintiff
wua not entitled to recover and accordingly
brought in a verdict tor tha defendant
The case was given to the Jury at I
o'clock last evening and half an hour later
ths verdict for tba defendant company was
As there are several juvenile cases to
coma before Judge Green today, tha trial
of the suit of Mrs. Bessie Harris as ad
ministratrix of her deceased husband
against tba Chicago Great Weatecn rail
road wikT, It is expected, not be taken up
before Monday. Mrs Harris sues for
$10,0(0 for the death of her husband, who
was fatally Injured ut McClellan October
IT, 1SUJ. while In the employ of the de
fendant company as' a brakeman.
Board Closes school.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Dec. 1 (Special
Telegram ) The Board of Education closed
the Monroe school building yesterday until
Monday on account of diphtheria. The little
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zlller, who at
tended that building, was. discovered to
have a alight attack of tba disease, and.
though no new cases have been reported,
the building Is being thoroughly fumigated
and precautions taken to prevent the Cpread
of the disease
Kntertalnment for Charity.
The members of the Council Bluffs Com
edy club scored an unqualified success last
night at the New theater when they pre
sented four short plays for Ihe benefit of
the Associated Charities' Creche. The en
tertainment attracted a large and fashion
able audience, which was evidently well
pleased with the performance. Judging from
the liberal applause showered on the dif
ferent members of the caste.
As a curtain raiser "My College Chum."
with Bernard Brown, Clifford Heyn. John
Stubbs. Carl Miller, Mlsa Edith Runyon
and Miss Helen Blxby as the caste, .was
presented. The stage settings were of the
most elegant character and tha costumes
of the young women most elaborate. This
was followed by the one-act romance. "The
Sword of Remembrance," In which Miss
Haiel Cook. Miss Helen Blxby, Oeorge
Phelps and Carl Miller took the several
parts. Mr. Phelps In the difficult role of
Colonel Washington Fltshugh- made a de
cided hit and had to respond to a curtain
call. The comedy In one act entitled "The
Dummy," with Miss Edith Runyon. Miss
Hazel Cook, Miss Elisabeth Macrae and
Miss Hasel Brown, John Stubbs and
Oeorga Phelps as the caste proved most
amusing and was thoroughly enjoyed by
the audience. By. special request the club
repeated "Jerry Burke." which It pre
sented last year, and this brought the even
ing's entertainment to a close. The char
acters In this were assumed by Miss Fan
nie Dietrich, Jack Byrne, CnrI Miller. Rich
ard Rutherford and Leah Jones. Ths en
tertainment was under the direction of
Miss Lillian Fitch of Omaha.
Object to Taking; Off Train,
The West End Improvement club at Its
meeting Thursday night started a move
ment to protest against the rroposed
changes on the I'nlon Pacific, which mean
the withdrawal of the train known as the
Columbus local, and adopted the following
Whereas. The proposed withdrawal of
the Columbus local passenger train on the
I nion Pacific railroad on Sunday next is
an injury to the wholesale and retail trade
of Council BlufTs and Its neighboring cities,
end this club condemns the proposed with
drawal and asks the Commercial club and
other Improvement clubs In this city to
take measures leading to the rescinding
of the withdrawal of such train.
The first Injury to the trade of our
cities will be felt In the retail establish
ments of our respective cities during the
Christmas season, to be followed later by
a further decrease In the Jobbing and re
tail trade, until Council BlufTs. Omaha
and South Omaha become mere "whistling
stations," with the home markets of west
ern Iowa and Nebraska tributary terri
tory removed hundreds of miles awav, to
Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Minne
apolis and St. Paul.
To remedy these arbitrary withdrawala
of our railroad train facilities, we are In
favor of the enlargement of the powers of
the Interstate commerce commission, giving
that body power similar to the powers of
the Iowa railroad commission to establish
ratea. to put on local freight and passen
ger trains where needed, and especially In
control of the Interstate local traffic rates
and trains between the cities of one slate
with the adjacent territory In an adjoin
ing state. The Interstate commerce com
mission should be given full power to en
force its decrees, with any suitable penalty
for the punishment of any company ne-
Bi-i mis ir MiHoneying us orders.
We ask our congressional delegation' at
v aahlngton to use their efforts to have
these suggestions Incorporated in the bill
now pending In congress.
Saturday Silver Special.
For today only, one Lily teaspoon large
slie), $1.26; one Lily dessert spoon, $2.00;
one Lily dessert fork, $2.00; alao 20 per
cent discount on all sterling silver butter
knives and cold meat forks. Every pattern
subject to this sale price. At Leffert's. Re
member that with every dollar's cash pur
chase you will receive a coupon entitling
you to an opportunity to receive free one
of the following presents December 31:
A fine diamond ring, a solid gold watch, a
rich cut glass dish, or one doien sterling
silver teaspoons.
Ensrles Elect Officers.
Council Bluffs Aerie 104. Fraternal Order
of Eagles, elected the following officers last
night: Worthy president, Thomas D. Met
calf; worthy vice president, Oeorge R. An
derson; corresponding secretary, J. T. Bry
ant; financial secretary, F. C, Hendricks;
treasurer, George S. Davis; chaplain, Lee
civans conductor. W. A. MrT.i.nn
"Ida guardian, E. A. Jones: outside. srunrH.
, . "
John Beech; physicians. Dr. Smith
Bellinger, Dr. C. H. Bowerj trustees, W.
M. Ware, W. W. Rogers, W. B. Fisher.
Norse Pottery.
The latest thing at Leffert's. Look In Jils
east window.
das Plant Explodes.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Dec l.-(Speclal
Telegram. W. F. Hunter, a merchant of
Bertram, was severely burned by an ex
plosion of his acetyilne gas lighting plant
"J basement of his building. He was
cleaning and refilling the tank, when he
lit a match and some gas that was In the
tank, Ignited, causing an explosion that
severely burned Mr, Hunter about the faco
and head. It is thought that he will re
cover. N
. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 230; night, F67.
Committee on I.lshts and Water.
Mayor Macrae announced yesterday that
be had appointed Aldermen Maloney, Crlp
pen and Olaon as members of the special
committee to Investigate the matter of
water and. electric ratea This committee
win ub epciea to secure information for
" m city council in renewing the
city's contracts with the waterworks and
electrlo light companies, both of which ex
pire during the life of the present city
Rooms and cafe. OgCen hotel.
neat Estate Transfers.
These transfers were "Veported to The
Bee December 2 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
Basis J. Osier and wife to John Hard
ing, se'42-74-39. w. d
Christian Thom-:en and wife to Chris
tian Peterson, lot , block 3, Bab
bitt Place, w. d
Samuel Wood, referee, to John'''
Miicneu, set 2-71-sa, w. d 10.400
Three transfers, total
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son.
Searching- for Ills Sister.
SIOUX CITY, Ja Deo. 2.-(SpeclaI Tele
gram.) Charles Tripp of Akron called on
Chief of Police Dlneen today for assistance
In a search for hla sister, Loretta, aged
18, who recently left heme. She answered
an advertisement of "Rich bachelor who
wanted to marry a girl not older than 18
years." She then started out for Sioux
City or elsewhere to meet him. Corre found In her room showed his
name to be Beldon Manse and Webster City
wss given aa his horns. No trace of the
girl has been found.
First gitalin at Cedar Raulda.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia.. Dec. 2.-(Speclal.)
The first snow of the season fell here last
last night and the thermometer fell several
degrees, maklrvg It have the appearance of
winter. The snow was a light one. barely
covering the ground, and as most of ths
farmers are prepared for winter. Its ap
pearance waa not entirely unwelcome.' The
slough Is frosen over and part of the river
and the boys are already skating, though
the lee Is not yet safe.
Annual Foat Ilectien Etent Celebrated at
Iowa'i Capital.
Director Inge of tha Weather anal
Crop Rnreaa (ays Iowa's Corn Crop
Mill Exceed Three Honored
f Million Btishela.
(From a Staff . Correspondent.)
PES MOINES, Dec. 2. (Speclal.)-The
annual event In local and state political
circles, second only to a state convention,
was held tonight, the same being the in
nual 'possum supper of Hon. Jefferson
Logan, colored. For years Jeff Logan has
followed the custom of having a big 'pos
sum supper soon after election and In
viting thereto the state officers, members
of the legislature, Judges and others fro.n
all parts of the state. At thtse annual
gatherings at ths humble iome of a mod
est negro who roue from slavery to a
position of competence by his own efforts
snd who perhaps knows as many public
men of the state as anyone here, have
been the occasion of many brilliant de
bates and Impromptu discussions of greit
political qjestlons. This year Governor
Cummins, Secretary of State Mart'n.
Treasurer Ollbertsnn, Auditor Carroll, At
torney General Mullan, Senator Dowell
and many others participated In the event,
and after the repast there was a program
of responses to toasts. It waa an event
of the year In political circles.
Reduced Rate on Barreled OH.
The Iowa state railroad commissioners
went on record today as ready to do some
thing to help oppose the Oil trust, and
entered an order directing that the classi
fication of oil In barrels should l e change!
from third to fourth class. This reduces
the freight ratea In Iowa on barreled oil
of all kinds. As the larger companies oper
ating In connection with the trut handle
their oil entirely In tank cars and wagons,
and the Independent and smaller concerns
nearly all make use of barrels In their
rail shipments it Is figured that the bene
fit will be to the Independent concerns and
to the disadvantage of the trust. The
change has long been demanded by the
Independent operators.
Ion a and Nebraska Lead.
State Superintendent Riggs today la
sued the annual educational directory in
which he gives various statistics as to
Iowa's schools. He shows that as com
pared with other states Iowa leads all In
the lowest percentage of Illiteracy save
Nebraska, and is on a par with that state.
His figures show that the Iowa and Ne
braska Illiteracy Is 2.3 per cent, which Is
far below other states. The report shows
that there ere In Iowa now 12,492 schools
In the country, 6,468 rooms In the graded
schools, a total of 18,950, while there were
actually employed 29,625 teachers, of whom
3,606 were males. The total enrollment
was 645,023 and the attendance 373,369. There
are volumes in the school libraries to the
number of 714,492. The amount paid teach
ers for salaries was $6.641, 7C3, and for other
purposes there was paid $4,154,938.
Start Chicago Dally.
It was announced here today that a
company, chiefly of Des Moines persons,
associated with some from Chicago and
New York, will on December 10, commence
the publication of the Dally Review In
Chicago, an entirely new dally newspaper
on a new plan. It will be a cheap and
small dally paper largely for rural clrcula
tion In many states, condensing news and
having features much like those of the
magazines which are gaining enormous
circulations. It la understood the plant has
been purchased and la being Installed and
all arrangements are complete.- John J.
Hamilton, formerly and for many years
publisher of the Dully News here, la heat
of the company. His sister, Ella H. Dur
ley, will be editor of the departments, es
pecially the household and women's de
partments. It Is also announced that Mr.
Ora Williams will be managing editor.
Beports on Corn Crop.
Final reports received from various parts
of the state Indicate to Director John R.
Sage of the Weather and Crop Service,
that the Iowa corn yield will go beyond
Mr. Sage's estimate of 3(10,000,000 bushels,
made several weeks ago. The .total may
reach 323,000,000 bushels. Comparatively
few of the reports have been received, al
though Director Sage had planned to Issue
his final estimate about December 1.
"The, crop reporters all over the state ara
taking great pains to make their esti
mates accurate," said Mr. Sage. "They are
giving more time to the work this year
than heretofore, and the reault, I believe,
will ba a series of county reports from
which we will bo able to make up u good
estimate of the total yield. The county U
the unit from which the state estlmute li
made. Indications are that the yield will
be greater than wus estimated by the bu
reau earlier In the season.
Guilty of ManalaocMer.
A Jury today found Charles Morton, col
ored, guilty of manslaughter In the killing
of an unidentified man on the street a few
weeks ago. The stranger had approached
Morton, who waa washing windows at n
department Store, early In the morning. It
Is supposed that they quarreled and Mor
toa knocked the man down and he struck
his head on the curb, and this killed lilm
The stranger was evidently drunk at tha
time and Morton claimed he had first as
saulted him. The Identity of the stranger
was never established.
Des Moines College Gift.
Announcement Is made that Des Moines
college is to have a gift of $25,0u0 from some
donor, whose name has not been mentioned,
provided the college take cure of Its musical
depurtment and erects a musical conserva
tory. The trustees are planning to do thin
and to care for the musical department.
Baron Becomes Katurallaed.
Judge McPhersun, in the I'nlted States
court, has issued naturalisation papers tu
a member of Troop L, Eleventh cavalry,
who claims to have been a German baron.
This is Baron von Shmelts, or Frank M. 8.
A. Minsky, who came to this country
six years ago and enlisted in the army.
He has been In tha United States army
and now takes out naturalisation papers.
Shortage Was Known Here.
Tha shortage In the Wapello State bank
of Wapello, Louisa county, has been known
In the office of the auditor of state for
Some time, since the shortage was disclosed
there, when a verification of accounts waa
demanded from the bank's correspondents
In Chicago. The directors made good the
Impairment at one and the bank nor Its
customers will suffer. Then the bunk di
rectors brought pn a crisis by having ths
cashier arrested. He has confessed a short
age of .'3.0u0, covering a number of year.
scotch Society at Shenandoah.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., Dec. . (Special.)
The finest thing In a social way which has
corns to ths lot of Shenandoah was the
social given by ths Scottish people of this
community last evening at the horns of
lion, and Mrs. W. P. Ferguson on Thomas
avenue, where about alxty-tive guests aa-
semoiea ana uaienea to songs and toasts
aud readings and saw, many of them tor
the first time, the. old Scottish real danced
by three sons and one dnughter of the from a busgy In a runaway accident, la to
bnnnl land mho have come to ttila country be divided among the heirs. Mr. Trailer
responded 0 by Rev. Roe. C. tl. Wlllscn. (was the largt st land owner In this section,
William Orr of Clarinda. W. D. Jamleaon. being the nnnr of tTOn acre of land
W. P. Ferguson and John Berwick.' O'ffl- j In Case and Pottawattamie counties. Thl
cers were elected as follows: Piesiilent. C. estate Is to be divided Into fifteen equal
G. Willson; first vice president. Willi m j part, the widow of the deceased to get one.
Orr; second vice president. W. IV Jamie- 1 third and the remainder to be equally dl
son; treasurer. J. J. CardTcil; secretary, E. vlded among Mr. Trailer's ten children.
R. Ferguson; chaplain. Rev. lines; trustees. In the, event that the heirs cannot agree
John Berwick, W. P. Ferguson and F. J j on the division. J. 8. Harlan. M. A. Duvnl
Driver. The name of the new society Is : and H. W. Fulton, clerk of the court,
the Caledonian club and forty-five last ' have been appointed to parcel out tha
night signed the adopted constitution. It
Is expected that this society will dedicate
the hew $10.(X Carnegie library which I
being built here and which will he dedi
cated some time In January probably.
TnUe F.vldenre In nitcta Case.
ONAWA. Ia.. Dec. 2. (Special ) The
examination In the ditch appeal case of
Judge Addison Oliver from the decision of
the Monona and Harrison boards of super
visors on the big Monona-Harrison ditch
was commenced at 1 p. m. at the court
house before W. E. Cody of Sioux City
as commissioner. P. A. Sawyer of Ploux
City for the ditch petitioners and George
O. Oliver and Addison Oliver are taking an
active part as objectors. Measrs. Adams
and Harrison and Seibolt of Monona, who
spent considerable time at Des Moines lust
winter In Working for the new drainage
laws, are present and taking an active
part In the proceedings. Four witnesses
have been examined this afternoon and ob
jections and Interruptions are frequent.
There la a good attendance and Ihe hear
ing Is likely to last some days. All steps
In the case are taken Very carefully, with
a view to an appeal to the higher courts.
Ban on Tobacco t'aers.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Dec. z. (Special.)
In response to a lecture by Dean Stookey
of Coe college on the use of tobacco by
the male students of the college, tho fe
male students have taken it upon them
selves to assist the dean In breaking up the
habit among the boys of using tobacco,
and the girls have signed a solemn com
pact that they will have nothing tn do
with a young man who uses tobacco In
any form, and have adopted as their
motto, "The Hps that touch tobacco shall
never touch mine." They seem to ba In
earnest and the result of the experiment
is being watched with much Interest.
Blax F.atate to Be Divided.
ATLANTIC. Ia , Dec. 2-(Speclal.)-The
estate of William Trailer, who died last
year from injuries received by being thrown
Ml In
'Phono 24 600
best, per lb... . Js 2 C
Reef Steak,
per lb. . . ,
Roof Roast,
per lb. . . .
Oysters, per
We have a good many more, articles that we sell at
very low prices, that we cannot mention on account of
limited space in this paper. ' '
: :
and ElUiarket
640 Broadway. 'Phono A883
Our Special Prices for Saturday:
Pork Loins, per lb 6iC
Round Steak, 3J lbs 26c
Sirloin Steak, 3 lbs 26C
Porterhouse Steak, 3 lbs 2tC
Good Steak, 5 lbs 2C
Salt Pork, 3 lbs 26c
Good Roast, lb 5c Jq Qq
BllttOr, Soodi n rolls, lb I7C
Rice, whole Japan, 10 lbs
Table Syrup, per 'gal,..,
Turnips, per bushel
ah otiier groceries in proportion.
Breakfast Bacon, lb
Leaf Lard, IS lbs
Butter, gixid, lb
Hams, lb. . , . . ,
Kir loin Hteak, a lb
forterlioune fctenk, 3 lbs.,
Hound Kteak. 3 lbs
Good Steak, 5 lb
.. ic
. 25c
J'renh Oysters, quart. ....
ome-iunde Mince Meat. 2 lbs. 25c
estate. Mr. Trailer lived near Marne, and
was our of the oldest settlers, as well aa
one of the most highly respected.
Organise Connty Knde-.ror 1 nloa.
InuiN w ri t 9mrlal t At a re-
I. ,,.,,','. w.M , fh t.-n
j ,.,,,.,. ',-. i,rri. mnt.
.,, .... i..i
Christian Endeavor union was reorganised
and the following officers were elected for
tbe term of one year: President, Harriet
McWIUIams of Woodbine; . vice president.
Mrs. E. C. Ixinaman of Logan; secretary,
Ida Willis of Woodbine; treasurer, Hattle
I'uKsley of Woodbine; superintendent Junior
Christian Endeavor. Sadie Pugsley of Wood
bine. It was decided to hold a convention
at Logan in May, 1PH5.
Sew llratlna- Plant.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., IVc. 2.-(8ikHbJ.)
For the first time the heat was turned on
yesterday In the new city heating plant
here, which Is owned by the Shenandoah
Ice company, and which will soon be used
In nearly all of the store buildings cf the
city. The experiment showed 'the system
(A be a complete succese. About eight (
hlocks will be covered by this line of heat
Bee Ralslnsr 'ot Farming.
8IOCX CITY. Ia., Dec. 2. (Special Tele
gram. 1 Judge Henry T. Reed of tho fed
eral court, in a decision adjudging Bert
A. Aldrlch bankrupt, holds that a man
who raises hers Is not necessarily a farmer.
Aldrlch tried to dodge bankruptcy pro
ceedings on the ground that he waa a
rrralon Woman tn Philippines.
CRE8TON, la., Deo. i. (Special.) A
cablegram hna 'been received from Mrs.
Warren Ickls by relatives In this city an
nouncing her safe arrival In the Philip
pines November 30. after a pleasant voyage.
Mrs. Ickls was accompanied by Mrs. Brads
Hurst. They were met at Manila by Mr.
- 602 W. Broadway
sack! It 15
Ejrg O'Soe, per
Vigor, per
package ,
. 7c
60 c
Grape-Nuts, per
Swift's Pride Soap,
10 bars .
Best uncolored Japan
Tea, per lb. ,
Best band picked winter
Apples, per .
bushel .....
Rlue Hell, sack ,40
Reliance, sack. 1 .40
Cromo Valley, sack 1.45
Marshall's Rlend, sack 1.46
Gold Medal, sack ...J.BO
vis nmn
Telephone 46
Spare IUbs, lb....,..., jc
I'ot Roast, lb qc f
Boiling Beef, good, lb 2ic
SauHHge, houie-iuado, 3 Ibs..,,250
Pork Boast, lb 7
Pork Chops, 3 lbs 25
Lard, hoine-inade, 3 lbs -25c
Best Bait Pork, lb ....80
Dressed Hprlug Chicken, lb C
Mutton Stew. II ,4q k
Fresh Country Eggs, dot.,.,. -20O