THE OMAHA DAILY REE: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1004. CHAIN AM PRODUCE MARKET Wheat SbtiU Hrroui tod Bid Up Prices About On Point. RECEIPTS ARE LIGHT, fEWS UNFAVORABLE spread of Twe Oats Rrlwrrii Deceaa her aad Mir-Ctri Holds Its Owi tdaallty laiarovlaaj - Gala OMAHA. Nov. , 1904. At the Immediate opening of the flay1 wtitat operations the equation seemed favorable to the bears but It d'd not take long to chan( this to positively faveraDle i mi ineniM 01 niftier prices, cm in cnii isctors In this aooui lace move ment was the southeastern receipt which wera vary small, Kansas City and at Louis together reporting only w) rara ni wnaat wmla Minneapolis and Duluth wera In receipt of 644 cars all told. Thla was followed by ratnef unfavorable reports a to Argentina conditions, and later on by a rapori that to per cent of the bpanlsh Import duty had been takan off. uroutn auiafa and that resultant rrom necsian fly caused further uneasiness and the spec ulators on tiua norl aula of the trade ois- piayed commendaol energy In getting In out of the cold, it was anner ttieee innu encaa that the rillTrranr between May and December futures In Chicago widened to H centa a bushel In favor of ine May. Quit a number nf traders were uevemi.e: and buying May and this caueet tne steamer tune tor tne oeterrea lcember deliveries tomorrow are not likely to be very heavy, although mod erate rl he onenlrar m Ire for May In Chi- rago Was el.C1, a alight decline, ral.led to ti.oo1 and neia tne advantage tainy w-n. December tl.Otrt to (1.9,. July advanced In 4JUL-. from an nnAnlnv n t tlijui. There la aimi lroprovemont lr. the graae of corn. The first car of No. 2 waa received in umana tooay. ine wnmirr i unexcelled for the maturing of tr.e crop. There Is a large December anort Interest In Chicago and the ahorU are buying com all over the country and drying it for delivery in December. Prices are barely steauy opening it lower but recover. nn this advanced H above yesterday a alone, Msy steady at a alight change. Oaaaha Cash galea. WHfcAT-4 car t hard, 66 lbs, WHc. CORN 1 car No. 2 yellow, 4zc. OA1S- ear. I white, lc; 2 car No. 1 white 28Voj 1 car No. 4 white, 28c. Oniki Cash Prices. WHEAT No. I hard wheat, $108; No. I hard wheat, Mc; No. 4 hard wheat, 88 tjWc; No. spring wheat, 11.06. CORN No. corn, 41ct No. 8 corn; No. 4 corn Hc; No. grade corn, tf(sc; NO. 1 yellow corn, 4zc; No. t yellow corn. lc: No. 2 white corn ale; No. 1 white corn, eHc OATS No. t mUed oats, 28c; No. 8 mixed oats. 27Vc; No. 4 mixed oats, 28c: (Texas Ked) No. I white oata, 29c; No. I white oats, 28HQ2(ioi No. 4 white oats, rH'uac; standard oata, ae. RYE-74C. Carlat Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. chicsgo 24 a n Bt Uuls It! 32 Kunnu City 68 . 64 , 14 Minneapolis 841 ' Duluth 193 Orala Markets Klaeteaere. Closing prices at the following markets todsy and Tuesday were: CHlCAtaJ. Wheat December May July Corn Peoember May July Oata December May July Wheat December May Corn December May ....... Wheat December , May , Corn December May Wheat December May Today, Tuesday. .. l.Ol! ., l.OS- .. .. 4Vi .. 4514 .. 46 l.Ws l.its till 48 45 29 814 3M an , 31 ST, LOUIS. .07 .10 44 43 i.iiv 44 48 KANSAS CITY. 1.014 1.01 -'41 l.oo .15 MINNEAPOLIS. 1.07 .1.11 1.0 1-11 MEW YORK. GEJUaAL, MARKET aaotatleaa of the Dar Varlows Coaatnodltlea. NEW YORK, Nov. 0.-FIiOUR Receipts. 80,0m bbls.) exports, 18,991 bbla.; sales, 4.M) pkga.; market dull and lower; Minnesota patents, 6.MJ.lo; Minnesota bakers, UH'tt 4.70; winter patents, $. 60S 6.80; winter si might. fg.3frG.46; winter extras, (3.660 4.9o; winter low grades, M. 46 a 4. 10. Rye flour, quiet; sales, (60 bbls.; fair to good, 4.h-4.'6; choice to fancy, f4.76ae.O0, Buck wheat flour, steady; per 100 lbs., tJ.lWr.i. CORNMKAL Quiet; yellow western. l.lo((1.16; city, ll.164fl.ll; kiln dried, tl.00 (78.29. BARLEY Slow ; feeding, 44e, c. I. f , New York; malting, bio, a. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Reeelpta, 67,100 bu.; aalea, 4 760, 000 bu. futures.' Bpot market firm; No. 2 red. 11.18, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. $1.80, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options, under bull control; practically all day wheat was active and higher. Influenced by small western receipts, bad Argentina weather news, strong western markets and extensive covering of shorts; closed a lks above last night; sales Included No. 1 red May, 11.10 7-lt-111. closed at 11.11; July closed at tl.01; December, 1.140 1.16. closed at $1.16. CORN-Kerrtpts. U2S bu.; exports, 1,(90 bu.; salea, 30,000 bu. futurea. 24.0UO bu. spot. Spot market steady; No. 1. (4c, nominal, elevator, and 66o f. o. b. afloat; No. ( yel low, 66c; No. t white, 65c. Option market opened eeay on big receipts and good iner. du raiuea eventually wnn wneat closing partially o net higher; May closed at oic; December. 66(36o, closed at 6a. OATS Receipts. U.600 bu.: axnorta. 6(0 bu. Bpot market easy: mixed. 29 to 81! lbs.. S4fiS6o: natural white, SO to it lbs., 8t) (7c: clipped white. M to 40 lbs., (738c Op tions, nominal. FE1T.D Quiet; aprlng bran. (U.6020.00; middling. (J.t; city. (20.OOiffn.fln. 1IAY Irreaular; ahlpplng, 6tf70c; good to cholre. (Oflttc. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, 1904. (ltrSc; 1WS, (lMo; olds, 14fflftc; Pa clrte coaat, lu (mfjOTc; 1908, S34o; olds. 14Jrie. - HIOKS Firm; Oalveetnn. 20 to 26 lb.. le; Texas dry, 24 to lbs.. 14e. l.EATH ER Firm : acid, 24Ac. PPOVlSIONft Beef, firm; family, (1060 fll (0; meaa. (S) 00tf 60; beet hams, (2) 009 a.lO: packet. (I0.0tv410.60; city, extra India mess. (M.6i((?16 60 Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. (7.76p.75; pickled shoulders, (1.611: pickled hams. 9.0it 60. Lard, quiet; aestern steamed, (7.36; November closed at (7.30. nominal; refined, eaay: continent. (7.60: South America. (810; compound. (6.60 '.7S. Pork, ateady: family. (1(0071660; short clesr. (13 764JK60: mess, (IS.rMi 13.7J. TALLOW Firm; cltv ((3 per pkg.). 4c; cnuntrv (pkgs. free). 4C. HICK rlrm; domestic, fair to extrs. 1 66Vc: Japanese, nominal BUTTBR Quiet; cfflclal price, creamery, common to etra. litKo. CHEESE Firm; stats, full cream, small, September, colored and white, fancy, llc; late inude. colored and white, poor to choice, V(fflOr: large. September, oolored. fancy, ll; late made, colored, good to ihulce, 9'810Wc; large. September, white, fanny. llc; late made, 10c; poor to prime. 7i ee: c. ' KOUS Strong; extra fancy selected, 89e; average best. avSc. POL I.TRY Alive, steady: western chick ens. Uc; fowls. Hot turkeys, 10i2c. I r eased. Irrea-ular; western chickens, lOfi lie; fowls, 10jl2c; turkeys. 16r21c, .. Kaasaa Cltv Urala sad ProTlaloaa. KANSAS CITY. Nov. (O.-WHEAT-Ieermber, (1.0l91.n; Mav. C.00; July. 91c; caah. No. J hard, (l.3&-.fl6; No. (. fj.011.0; No. 4. 9cl.f0; No. 1 red, (l.OlaiO; No. (. (1.01 02; No. 4, 9"(1 00. CtlHN December, Jle;-My, 4:,jN2,a; cash. No. ( mixed, 4VCtc; No. (. ic; No. 1 whe. 41r44c. ' OATS No. I mixed. 2e: No. S white, itiAio. HAT Steady: choice timothy. $9.0OjrJO; chnlce prairie, rnaf7.76. PVK-rlMdv; No. I. 74e. BOOS Fresh Missouri and Ksnsas, whltewood esse Included. 26c; caas count, Saccas returned. o lemS. BITTTKK-Maraet steady; creamery. 21 23o; dairy,; fancy, 17o. RecetnU. Shipments Mheat, bu-. ..' , 49o nana Corn. bu. 4.rt u Oats, bu. t0U 14.000 Mtnaesaalls Orala Market. . MINNEAPOI.ia - Nov. ). WHEAT-. December, (107; May. tl.H; Julv. (110: September, 94c: No. 1 hard, (lit; No. 1 "'iriTf.'m northern H tf FLOVR-rii-st patenta, (Kjil4, second patents. (5 VJ8.i; first clears, (4 S&04 45; aecond clears, (1.7&I.S. BRAN In bulk, (14 SO. CHICAGO GRAI AM) PROVISIOSf Featsres at the Tradlaa: ! ( loelaC Prices oa Besrd ef 1'rade. CHICAGO, Nov. SO. Reduction In Ameri can primary receipts caused a strong wheat market hre today. Reports of wet weather in Argentina heiped. At the close prlc were up lH?lc. Com shows a gain of c. Oata are down c. Provisions were unchanged to llc higher Following a moderate decline at Liver pool, the wheat market here opened barely steady. December waa lower to o higher st (1.0hfi w end Mav lower to tfe higher at ti.fc8l.i. The feel ing of uncertainty, however, waa quickly dispelled and sentiment became quite bul lish. Apparently the main Influence In af- i'rai mis change waa a raaioai lei up In the movement of the wheat crop. After the first few minutes offerings the market here wan verv lleht and with a Increased demand prices for both May and Decem ber optlona advanced about c. Toward the middle of the session a reaction oc curred on moderate profit-taking in Decem ber. As a result the price of that delivery dropped to limit Mav showed only a alight loss. During the last hour there was active buying of May by the leader of the duii crowd. At the same time uecemrjer short covered oulte freelv. The improved tlemand caused a sharp recovery, Decem- or auvancing to II and May to 1.09. The market closed strong with De cember at (1 07. Final quotations on May were St (1.09. Clearances of wheat anil flour were equal to 44,700 bu. Primary re ceipts were 19,200 bu., compared with 1.281, (no bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 67 cars, against i9 care last week, and 846 cars a year ago. unaer tn Influence or perfect weather conditions ths corn market waa rather weak early In the session, but yesterday's big xpnrt business soon caused a change In sentiment resulting tn a firm undertone. Htrength of wheat wss a late bull factor. December opened e lower, at 4S454c, sold up to 4Sc and closed at 48c. May ranged between 46c and 46c and dosed at 46e. Local receipts were i car, with one contract grade. Renewed liquidation of December furnished the feature of trad ing In oats. There was also considerable Change from December to Mav at 2Ud2V.c difference. The market heM ateady, prices showing' almost no change. December opened unchanged to c lower, at 29i(2tc, sold within the opening range and cloned at 1.9c. May ranged between 319Uc, and II He and closed at 81c. Local receipts were 11 cars. Provisions were easy early In the day owing to selling due to enormous hog re ceipts st the yards. Later the market sym pathised with the upturn In wheat, the close being quite firm. Final quotations on January pork were up 12c, at (12.90. Lard was unchanged at (7 00.' Rib were up 2c, . 1 tt fit Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 46 cara: corn. 272 cars: oats. 101 cars: boss. 43,009 head. leading futures ranged as follow: I Open. I Hlgh. Low. 1 (W 1 08 1 03 91 04 1 08 1 1 09 1 08 1 0S 1 09 9? 99 7 48 4S 48 48 46g' 46 46 460 46 4o 29"'b' "" ""29"" (1 !' . 81 (1 31 12 72 12 90 13 72 12 (2 13 10 12 87 7 00 7 00 M 7 17 7 20 7 07 62 6 67 6 60 60 77 , Wheat Dec. May July 1 07 1 09 1 C8 1 os 01 (8 9899?7& Corn- I 1 48 48 45 45 46!45J Dec. May July Oats Nov. Dec. May Julv 29 30 Z9 31 1 12 90 13 10 7 00 7 20 1 (1 Pork- Jan. Mav 12 77 12 96 7 00 7 2J 6 68 6 72 Lard- Jan. May Rl he- Jan. May 6 67 77 No. 1 Cash quotation were ns follows: 6.20; straights, (4.8"6 00; - spring patents, r . 9096.40; . straight, (4.64.90; bakers, 2.7 90. WHEAT No. 1 snrlna-. lrl.fl8(S1.14! No. 8. 102ffl.l2; No. 1 red, (1.09J1.11. JunrM ino. 1, soc; ro. 1 yenow, woohtc OATS No. 2. 29Vc: No. 1 white. (2fii32U.c: No. 3 white, 303tTlc. BARLEY Oood feeding. (8c: fair to choice malting, 424?61c. HEEDS No. 1 flax, (1.11; No. 1 northwest ern, (1.19; prime timothy, (2.70; clover, con tract grade, (12.28. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., (11.8 fill. 36, Lord, per 100 lbs., (7.00. Short rib side (loose). ( 2g.76. Short clear aides (boxed, (8.76i9.(7. Following were the receipt and ship ments of flour and grain: Rece'rts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 41.(00 81.400 Wheat, bu 118,000 K!,w Corn, bu.... 4(P,R0J 464,-00 Oats, bu 183,400 160.70 Rye, bu 11.000 4 600 Barley, bu 137,800 U.910 On tne l'roduce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, Jt'tfJo-c; oalrles, ttxao. Eggs, stead ai mark, liy 24c; firsts, WW, pi tine lirsts, 26c; extras, V0. Cheese, sttdy, lll&iiQ. St. Lonli Grata ail Prevlsloas. BT. LOUIS, Nov. 30. WHEAT Market higher; No. 2 red, cash, elevat r, 1(; track, (1.13; December. l.Uf; May, tfl l.; No. 2 hard, (1.10. CUN Market, sieaay; No. 2 cash, mar ket nominal; track, Uc; December, 4c; May, Wi&43c. OATH Mai ket, firm; No. 3 cash, 81c; track, 21c; December, 29c; May, (1 fe4ic; No. 8 white, 83c. FLOUR Quiet and weak; red winter patents, (o.iutjto.80; specUl brands, (a.stKO) (.60; extra lanoy, (4.7o4.80; clear, (4.kf 4.40. HEED Timothy. (2.0OQ2.46. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track," t&Q 1?AY Quiet, firm for best timothy; tim othy. (8.0(kq12.0O; prairie, .0Olu.0O. IKON COTTON TIES 930. BAQOINQ 7o. HEMP TVVINE-8C. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, ! 11.60. Laid, unchanged; prime atem, tf.70. Bacon, steady; boxrd, extra e,.ur a, 7.76; clear libs, 8.0); thorc clear, t(26. POULTRY-Matket, lie dy; ih ckens, 7c; rpring. lvc; tuikeys, lligl.c; ducks, 9c; geese, 7o. BUTTER Mai ket, steady; creamery, 30 26c; dairy, 15(&'-'lc. EGOS Market steady at 24c. case count. Rece pts. 1 Srnpm nts. Flour, bbl , 6.0,0 12 009 Wheat, bu 32,000 7o.0u0 Corn, bu 83.0 0 46.00 Oats, - bu 80. 000 30.0UO Mllwaaaea Orala Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. (O.-WHEAT-Qulet; No. 1 northern, (1.12; No. 3 northern, l.o7ur 1.08; May, (1.08&1.0k. RYE Easier: No. 1. 8081c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 600; sample. (7 61c. ' CORN-No. 8 old,. 624364c; new, 47ig.iOc; May, 4bW4oc. - Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH. Nov. JO.-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern, (1.09; No. 2 northern, (1.01;. on track. No. 1 northern, $1.1' ; No. 8 northern, $.0t-r December, (1.09; May. (1.1V4. OATS On track and to arrive, 29V. Llrerpoel Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. No. (O.-WHEAT-Bpot. nominal; futures, steady; December. 7a lUd; May. 7a 3d. CORN Spot. American mixed. 4s lOd; futures, quiet; December, nomlnsl; Jan uary, 4 4d. Taleda Seed Msrket. TOLEDO. Nov. (O.-SEED-Clover, cash end December. (7.70; February, (7.(): March. (7H6. Prime-alslke, V-tZ Prime timothy, (1.30. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Nov. SO.-CORN-Lower; No. X new. 43(fj'l4Hc; No. 4. new, ttt 43c; no grad1jKHio. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. (0. BUTTER Firm; good demand; extra western cream ery. Kc: extra nearby prints, 2c. EOOS Firm; good demand, nearby and western fresh, (2c at mark. CHEESE.-Firm, but qulst; New York full creams, fsncy, Uo; choice, HW(fllc; fair t(J gOOd. 10yilC. r (agar aad Malasses. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 80. 8UOAR Mar ket firm; open kettle. 34H (-160; open ket tie centrifugal. 4(&4c: centrifugal whlta, 4 13-r&U4c; yellows, 4$41(-lc; seconds, (irM 6-lt'. MOLASSES. Steady; open kettle, 16auc; centrlfubal, 7tf23c. Syrup. 2fl3uc. Oils aad Hesla. . 8AVANAH. Qa.. Nov. 80.-TURPENTINB Steady at 46c. ROblN-Flrni: A. B. C, (2.67560: K. (ISO; V, 6; O. (2.70;. H. (I W; I, ( K, fct n, ij, (2,40; M, (4.60; WO. (4.76; WW, (6.00. OIL CITY. Nov. 30,-OILS-Credit bal a nor. 81 to. rertlfloate no bid. Shipinenta, 46 Ids bbl.; average. 77 W bbl. Run. tr. 199 bbla: average, 71.(92 bbls : shipments. tlo 44.779 bbla ; average, .r bble t runs, lma, i0,W bpla; average, K.KM bbls. NEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS Market i( Irregularly Strong oa 8omwht Diminished Vlnn of Business. TENDENCY TOWARI REACTION IN MORNING After st Period of Heailaess the Steel laaaea Rally dad Contmaa Teachea a Xevr High Rerord for the Mevemeat. NEW YORK. Nov. SO.-The stock mar ket contlnutd Irregularly strong on a iome- 1 what aiinl..lrietl vuiiitue vt iu.i.. . i.e tenaency toward reac Ion wis g.eatcat our. ling the wi.en the p.eure to take I proflta was counterbalance,! by only a few strong point In the m.rset. nut iste 111 the day the Inroads maje on .he p. lis level were largely repaired and new points In the list weie pu htd upwards. H was evident that the lurae and pwrful epec- I ulatlve parties, which have teen .eauing j the trading, were still active In the mar- ket and were diligent in conducting the I leadership from one stock cr g otip of rtocus 10 anoiner. i ne succr;.ui . -tics of rotation of bulng orders irom one point to another, whl e e.l ng Is pursued In the stocks from which the ou.lng It turned away, was very palpable In lie trading. News affecting property valu received little attention, but there was plenty of rumor of changes projreted In property relations and of future plum or stock market operations toy this or that party of trsders. .. During the early operations Reading was about the onlv effective sustaining point and Its eympathe ic effect was nar row, even In the group of coalert. w I h the shift In the speculation to the 'Western and Pacific railroad stocks, the market broadened and the streng h became mo-e general. The wide advance In North rn -Securities on the curb preceded the move ment in the Pacific and every stcck whlfh has been connected at any ilme with the gossip concerning the eupprred North rn Securities fttUment re-pondcS. 1 hre van the usual list of shnrp gains In a he' erogeneon collection of specialties and Industrials, which hrd been a prominent feature of each day's market recently arid a "number of high grade Investment stocks made marked response to a demand for absorption. The heavlnes of the esrly market was due largely to the dliqulet otuscd by the Important llquldntlon In the United States Steel stocks. This gave erf d t to the supposition thst the recen suuport of I these stocks ra been for the purpose of hclp'ng the distribute n of tne sinking tuna bonds, which has been evidenily going on and which It is rumored Is a forerunner of the conversion of sn adlltlcnal T80 000.0IW of preferred Into these bond.. 8 ork ac cumulated In this way for supporting pur pose is expected to return to the maik;t after the oMect Is accomplished The steel stocks rallied strongly, however, a nl the common touched a new hlih retord on the movement. In view of the r qulre ments of the December 1 setM mnts. the 4 per cent call money rate In the afternoin was not unexpected and sem"d to have no effect on stocks, wh'ch reached he hltrhest of the day aft-rwards. Bc-ttered selling at the last, however, made the clos ing Irregular. Bonds were Irregular. TotiJ sues, par value. (8.765.0(10. United State bond were unchanged on call. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Balss. High. Low. Close. Atchison !w hi 67 do pl'd a. 103 liM ltM'A Baltimore at Ohio 29.UU0 9s 9 do ptd 300 94 94- 94 Canadian Pacific 12,liiu 134 l.t3 134 Central of N. J K ll ll 11 Clieeapeake A Ohio... 3,W w 49 60 Chicago St Alton 43 42 42 do pid am 80 M W Chicago Ot. Weatern. 9.900 26 24 26 Chicago N. W 7.900 211 20 210 C, M. A. St. P 72,400 17ti 1,3 17b do pfd boO 183 1H3 183 Chicago Term. 4 T... W 16 14 14 do pfd 1.200' 2i 24 2 C, C, C. & St. L K 89 R 8 Colo. Southern 7 22 ii 22 do 1st pfd 800 6H' do id pfd 70 84 Del. & Hud., ex-dlv... 8.2UO 1KX D., L. at W 100 331 Denver sV Rio Grande do pfd W. Erie 54.8110 to", do 1st pfd ............ 2,9U 74 do 2d pfd 6") 67V Hocking Valley 600 86 do pfd 800 90Vj IlUnoT Central ....... 7,9u0 157 Iowa Central Sort 80V, do pfd 200 MV, K. C7 Southern 4.800 30 do pfd 2,4o 62V, Loul. Nashville. ...16,200 142 Manhattan L 1,300 18 Met. Securities 700 81M Met. St. Ry 4,S0 124 140 141 17 167 81 81 123 123 Minn, ft St. L-ouls M., St. P. & 8. S. M do pfd Missouri Pacific 40,700 110 M., K. ft T 1.700 33 do pfd 1,000 62j N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 2,300 483, N. Y. Central 16.900 142 Nor. West., ex-dlv. 9,300 76 do pfd 100 93 108 33 Ontario ft Western... 4,200 Pennsylvania 98X) P.. C, C. ft St. L Reading do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd Rock Island Co... do pfd St. L. ft S. F. 2d St. Louis 8. W... do pfd B. Pacific S. Railway do pfd Texas ft Pacific... T.. St. L. ft W... do pfd Union Pacific ...... BIO ..1,2U0 ... m ... 1.8H0 ...38,100 . ?100 0 00 86 86 ...lrfl.Sl ...67.fl ... 1.000 .... C.JO0 ... 8.200 .14.8110 i 56 .116.000 116 116 do pfd Wabash do pfd W. ft L. E Wisconsin Central ... do pfd Mexican Central Adam Ex American Ex., ex-dlv. United States Ex 7(W ro 4 1.100 28 23 2,000 47 48 300 20 20 600 24 23Tj 100 48 48i 6.900 22 22 Wells-Fargo KX.,.,.. Amal. Copper ....... Am. Car ft Foundry do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ice do pfd ..'. Am. Linseed Oil ,.31.100 . 1.700 . 800 . 2W . 200 . ftO . 400 do pfd Am. Lccomotlvs 6.000 (S . do pfd 400 104 Am. Smelt. & Refng.. 4.800 81 (4 84 103 lt 81 81 113 112 140 149 116 114 do pfd 1.300 Am. Suaar Refng Anaconda M. Co '"no Brooklyn R. T 1O0OO Colo. Fuel A Iron lii.HK) Consolidated Gas ,,.,.1(.9"0 Corn Products 2,603 113 160 11ft 6S 67 217 24 67 66i 67 66 216 74 (0 88 191 2(1 ,79 40 8 23 104 4 1P i? 90 23S P ?s 98 78A 1 98 91 88 914 n MM 216 :? '38 19HU 20 .(7". lSv, 47 111 40 9n 236 17S 5 Cit j 8 91 81 do pfd Distillers' Securities General Electric International Paper. do pfd tnternstlonal Pumi). 4 M0 39 1.100 191 i.m 21 '6U0 79 do pfd 100 87 National Lesd 1 10 24 North American 1,000 lirt Pacific Mall t."u 49 People's Gas 8 4"rt JUVi Prvsaed Steel Car I. KM .. 41 do pfd , S 0 Pullman Pslace Car.. 244 Republic Sttel 1.8u0 do pfd , 1 i0 T3 Rubber Goods 2' P do pfd 8K) t Tsnn. Cosl ft Iron.... 7. 7K U. S. Tssther, (OfiO MM, do pfd 1 9M4 1'. R. Realty ft Imp.. 2, U. S. Rubber M do pfd. ex-dlv 1 in 92 V..B. "'eel tl 8 do rfd (''.i'O M wrnhoise EleC... ( 14 Vern Union 400 921 8 9! Total ale for the day. 1,471.700 shares Londoa gtoek Qaotatlaas. LONDON, Nov. 30.-Closlng: Cossolo, mossy do ar-eount ... Ansoonds ...... Aublaos M 1-1' M. T. Oeatrsl.... ...ltt ... 44 ... 7114 ... II M, ... S4, 14 11-1 - .... 904 ....104 Norfolk A W ds pM hitsrto A W Hanoflronta .... Uod Ninas loadls do lot pfd do M sfd iuutsors Rallaajr do pfd outhorn PocKe . I'aloa Pociao do pfd V. 8. Siool do pfd do s'd oltlator A Ofele. . .10. .187V cd4Io Psclas Cho. a Oklo... (Tilcoso Ot. W. c . at. a gt. r Do Boors bonTor Ag.O., .. ..ITS .. l .. MS . 4t . 97 . M .119 . rr . W4 . . t4U . 4JH do ( u- Erio 41a do lot pfd tt do Hd pfd Mu, tlUsela Control IMrt, UiUl. A Noota 144b waoasli ds pfd ...... 7; - i SiPaalh 4s Ex-dlvlilei.d. e,1ty.i':i?B"r'. r'nr. 27 6-ld per ouno. MONEY 2i per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for shtirt Nils Is 8r3 per cent; for three nioutua bills. 3 per cent. Treasary glateaieat. WASHINQTON. Nov. 80-Today s slat . merit of th treisjry bsHmes In the gen eral fund. esHueive ef the (lso.otrMltie gold reserve In, ht division of redenplioi.. show: Available cash balance. (142. 74. Gold. C,99.;4. Sew Yarh Maaey Msrket. NEW YORK, Nov. (0-MONEY-On call, atrong. 8r4 per cent: cloelng Md. J per cent; offered at 4 per cent; time loans, stesdv; sixty dsvs, ninety days and six months. 34j4 per cent; prime mercantile pater. 4fi44k per cent. STT-Rl.INO EXCHANOR Orned wee.k, rloel steadier, with actual business In bankers' bills st (4 866j4.S.6 for demand and at (4 88TO4 KfTS for sixty-day bills; posted rates. (4 84 and (4.8;; commercial bills. (4 M&4 .88. SILVER Bar, 69c; Mexican dollars, 47V"C. B'ONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. . The following are the quotation on stocks and bonds: l'. . rtf Is i... 104 Msskattaa e. ( 4...1 to rousoa KM1 ''! 77 tn t. reg 1"4 l 1 Ine.. ... .... 95, lo consoe 1MV Wins. 6t. L. 4s... trn Mo sew H. re....!1 . K. T. 4 in Sn fr.ur.oB H o n s So ols 4, re. do coupon Atrhlona n. 4o in sdj. U N. It. R. of M r. 4. li mo' N. T. C. (. m. .101 104 N. J. C. (. Is.... .14 .1i . 1h 1U1V, .104 .1MV4 ti No. pscinc it .-. in It Atlantis C. L. 4 iMl. A Ohio in lt N. W. t. tt.... do H O . L. it sar Ontrsl of C. la Ill rnn. ronr. ih.. do 1st lor J Boonins n. 1I Ckoo. A UMo 4HS....1.T 8t- U I. . c. io .l!H sic A a. ia... 2s ' L g. r. tt. t. n C. B. A 4. n. 4o....l0,4 t- 1 8 w- Is ' C. M. A t. P. 4s..llt- SeoNlord A. L. 4s.. M r. a N. TV. t. to So. P-lll it K 1 C, R. I. A P. 4s 1 do eol. t I TCC. 8t. U . ' ' (.'hloogo Tor. 4o I Ton. Tobscoo 4o. . ' "Colo. A 80. 4o. if), ox R. O. 40 ... t SO. RSIIWOf tt Ill' 44 TM A P. In Itt 11 T . St. L. A Vt'. 40.. t 4i,t'nlos Psclne 4o US'. 14 w I do rnn. 4a ll'S 4 I'. I. Stool 14 is MS 101 IWsboth U "'4 lot I do deb. R (9 t w. A U K. 4o IJH lim Wis. Central 4o i Brio prior tla 4s do (on. 40 P W. A r. C. 1 Hofklns Vsl. 44js 111 Colo. rl . it M L. C; it. snl. it 10.1V Ex-Interest. Offered. Bostoa Stork Market. BOSTON, Nov. 30. Call loans, cent: time loans, 4Q6 per cent. J(74 per Official 17 101 closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlton adj. 4a... do 4a Mi. central 4o Atrhlaon do pfd IWton A Albany.. Bnaton ft Mains., floaton Rlovatod .. Kltrhburf pfd ... Moalean Central .. N. T.. N. H. A H t'nlos Paclflc Adronturo . .101 .. 15 Allouoa Amalgamated American Ulna Atlantic fllngham Cal. A Horla... Ctntonntal Copper Range . Daly Waal Dominion Coal franklin , irsncr lao RotsIo .... Mttt. Mining Michigan Mohawk Mont. C C. Old Dominion oacoola Parrot Qnlncr Hhannon Tamarack Trlnltr V. S. Mining..., f. b. on t'tah Victoria .. 97H ..mas ..HtA ..! .. 1 .. 174 . to .. .. IH ...1154 .. IJ Amor. Argo. Thorn do pfd Arnor. I'noj. Tube Amor. Sugar do pfd Amor. T AT Amor. Woolen .... do pfd dominion I. A 9. Fdlaon Rloc. Ills. Oonoral Kim He .. Maas. Rloctrto .... do pfd Ma so. Uaa t'nltod Fruit t'nlted Bhoe Mach. do pfd I'. 8. Htael do pfd Westing, common . Bid. Asked. . 19 . I 5-lt . 3U .. 5S .I4H .. 17 .. 94 .in .141 . 11 . 4S .. 5 .. St ..lit . 1IH .. 44 . 15 . U . 40H .101 . 5i . 11 . 1 . M-4 . 91 .. 14 .. ?TVt Wlnons . . Id's Wolvorlne ..IOT Kew Tork Mlnlnsj Htoeka. NEW TORJC. Nov. 30 The following- are the closing; quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con tt Alice 40 Breece II Little Chief 4 Ontario 30 Ophlr lit Brunawlrk Con 19 Comatock Tunnel .... I Con. Cal. A Vt 110 Horn SIlT.r 1(1 Iran Silver lib LoadTllio Con I Phoenix Poloal Baraga Sierra Norada Small Hopoo .. Stgndard II li .. n .. 43 .. : t Offered. Ferelsra Flnaacial. IX)NDON, Nov. 80. Money was much wanted In the market today In connection with stock exchange requirement and the month-end business calls on Canadian Pa cific and the payment of (2,600,000 of Chilean treasury bill. Operator on the stock ex change were mainly occupied with finish ing the settlement, which was heavy. The tone wa uncertain owing to the fears of difficulty In cerlaln quarters, but the ac count being concluded satisfactorily busi ness Improved. Contois and home rafle were In better demand. Americana opened Irregular and generully below parity. Erie, Norfolk A Weatern and Southern PrcIHc receding. New York Central wa an ex ceptional feature. The business transacted was unimportant. Prices hardened liter and closed Irregular. Japnnese were strong. Imperial Japanese government s of 19i4 were quoted at 96. PARIS, Nov. 80. PriCes on the Bourse today had an ipwnrd tendency. Russian Imperial 4a were quntit nt 94.14, and Rua slnti bends of 1904 at BW.,1' .' BERLIN, Nbv. Ju. price on th Bourse today were weak, In consequence of the failure of the commercial treaty negotia tions with Austria-Hungary, OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltlaa af Trade and Qaotatlon oa Staple aad Fancy Prodaee. EOOS Candled stock. 26c. r LIVE Pul'LTRV Mona, 7e; rooster j, 6c; turkeys. 12c: ducks, 9o; geese, tJc; spring chickens, 88c. BUTTER Packing stock, 14T16c; choice to fancy dairy, 17bKc; creamery, 21B2c; fancy prints, 25c. FREe'l FHO.EN FISH TrcUt, 10c: pick erel, sc; pike, loc; percn, 7c; b.uefltn. 12c; wnizensn, iuc; saimun, in. 1 cusimpjrr, nu; lobster (green), 2ic; lobster (boi.edl, 80c; bullheads, 11c; catllh, 14c; b ack baas. 2o; halibut, ioc; 'crapplea, 12c; roe ehad, (1; inles. Dai. bulla lo, tc; wnite 11c; frog Ugi, pir doc, Z6c. RRAN Per ton. (15.00. HAY Prices quo ed by Omaha Wholesale Dealt aesoclatlon: Cnolcj No. 1 Lpl ind, (7.00; No. 3. $6.60; medium, (ti.U); coarse, 16.60. Rye straw, (6.00. Theat price are tot hay of good color and quality. OYSTKK8 New York counts, per can, 46c; extra 1 elects, per can, 87c: a andais, per can, (3c; bulk (standards), 1 er nal., tl.35; bulk (extra , relecta). P!r. gal . (1.76; bulk (New York count), per gal.. (2.00. TROPICAL FRl'ITd. ORANGES Flo. Ida, (Ises 126, 156 176. 200. 216 and 260. 13.23; California, navels, all ises, H OftjS.26. . . LEMONS California fancy. 27c; 300 and (60. (4 25: choice. (8 60. DATES Per box of Sv-io. bks.. w.uu; Hallowl. In 70-lb. box per lb., 6Hi6 FlOS California, ner 10-lb. canon. 75fl! 85c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 12c; f - crown, Itc; i-crown. joc; tancy impori (wathed). In 1-lb. pkgs.. 16lc; Calllornta, per case of 36 pkgs., (2..?5. BANANAS Per medlum-siied bunch, (2.O02.b0; Jumbos, (2.76'fiS.50. UltAfU FKU1T rer dox or 94 V3 t, so.ou. FRUITS. APPLES Home-grown Jonathans, per bbl., (4 00; Ben Davla, 12 26; New Y.rk lal msn and Pound Sweets, (3.00; New To k Kings, (3.00; New Yoik Pippins, (2 76; New York Oratualngs, (J.6; New York Bald wins. (2.75: Colorado Jonathans. II. J: Wins Saps, per bit. box. (1.40. PEAKS I tab. Colorado ana calltornia, fall varlt tes, per b x. (1.7Sj'2.2&. ORAPEB 1 inputted Malsgas, per keg, (6.0fl3.W. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl.. (8.303.00; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl., (7.75; per box. 82.76. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home grown, In sacks, per bu., 40c; Colorado, per bu., 66iB60c. TCRNIP8 Per bu., 88c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc C A RROTS Per bu., 40c. ' . PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40c. " BEETS Per hu:. 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. (1.d2.00. ONIONS Home grown. In sack, per bu., 76c: Spanish, per crate. (2.09. . Cl'CrMBERB Per case of ( dos., (2.60. TOMATOES California, per 4-baaket crate. (2.50. CABBAGE Home grown, per 100 lbe., 70c. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per bu. basket, 60c; Kansas kiln-dried, per bbl., (2.00. . .. OREEN PEPPERS Per bu. basket, 60c. 8QOASH Home grown, per dos., 60c. CjsLERY Per do., iS60c; California, 48c. RADISHES Per do.. (0c. LETTI CB Hot house, eer doc , 4Oj60c; head lettuce, per do., (1.00. SHALLOTS Per do., 60c. ' CAl'LIFLOWER Southern, per bbl., (3.6094.50. 1 Cattaa Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 30 -COTTON-Spot, closed quiet, 20 point decline: middling up land. ( 3uc; middling gulg, (.66c; aalea, 10 NEW ORLEANS, Nov. (0.-COTTON-Irregular. Sale. 1,040 bale; ordinary, 7c; good ordinary, 7 11-lSc; low middling, 8 7-16o; middling, 8c; good middling, 9 l-lc: middling, fair, 19-iec. Receipt, u.lll balss; lock. 379.904 bale. LIVERPOOL, Nov. (0.-4 p. m. COTTON Spot, moderat business done; prices, 14 points lower; American middling fair, 626' good middling. (6 .03; low middling, f s;, uoli ordinary, 4 87: ordinary, 4.61. ST. LOCIS. Nov. (o.-COTTON-Oulet; (-Ida lower: middling, 9e,' salea, none; re ceipts, 1.900 bale, shlpmeul. bales; stock. 26.26 bale. . .. - Cade Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 30 -COFFEE-Futures opened steady at a dacllrie of 6 potntt under moderate liquidation and) a IHtl selling b exporter. The market closed steady at a decline of 104JU5 roints. ftaitf4, 62.w baas. Inciuding PamUr, iy&oi. ; January, 7c; March, (7 f ; !,,-; May. 7. 7.4c: July, 7.4ut(r7 e6cr September, 1tf7.-, October. '7.90c. Spot Rlv quiet: No. 7 In voice, (c; mild firm. mHA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Quality of Cattle Inferior, lut Market Boled 8trong and Ac'. be. HOGS SHADE TO FIVE CENTS LOWER " a Ket Kaeasjh Sbeea aad I as tea aa Sals ta Meet ' Reaalresseats ef Trade at Killers Sola Stroas; ta Tea Hither. Feeders Stroasr. SOUTH rjMAHA, Nov. 30. 19fH. Receipts were: Ofrlcial Monday Oltlclal Tuesday .., Official Wednesday Ct;.e. Hots. Sheep. , 0.446 4,t.4 9.A.'i . 4.0M 10.7M . 6,ia lo.taiu 2,UW Three day this week. 14.417 30.S74 17.891 Same days last week... C.2W 39.. 99 Bame dais week before. 23.4 22 24 4.6 Same three weeks ago.. I.Ul 11.6 17.63a Same four weeks ago.. 19.9t 14.115 61.0W fame d.iv last year... Mb 22.14( 44.106 Total this month ln1.69il 14.7 ll OW Total November, 19f....100.7M loO.OB 2'.2'3 Tutal November, 19 .... 15.907 IfA.'SM 231.942 Total November, 1901.... S8.73 242,27 16 .114 Total November, 1900.... 61.641 177.9SO K.m Total November. 18 9.... 90 .29 7 4.440 Total November, 11J.... 72 MS 190.958 74 9'" Total November. 78 851 12 .( 6 6j.iW Total November. 52.41 7.0 32 i9! Total November. 1S95.... 64. M0 134.094 14.101 Totnl November. 1x94.... 7S .993 1M 4i 20.8 7 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATB. The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omat a for the year to date, with comparison with last yer: 1904. 1908. Inc. Dec. Csttle 875,704 126,(J Hogs 2.07 Ml 2.013.399 74.412 Sheep l.6.5:4 1.7:3.114 66.590 Ths following table snows th avtrag price of hog at 6outh Omar.a ror the last sveral day with comparlaoaa: Date. I 1(04. 19.l(0ll00.lose.lo. Not. Vov. 1., 2., I. t. 4 93i 4 99i ( 66! 6 73' I ( 721 ( 49 t nf 6 611 ( 7 6 B 5 711 SR W ( 44i I 71 1741 6 .tfi I 4 611 4 OH 4 901 4 041 4 Wl 4 04 I 4 ' 4(61 I 4 641 4 Oil 4 S7I 4 01 4 711 4 PSI 4 99) 4 0l 4 741 4 031 Nov. 4 a 4 971 Nov. 4 90 4 79 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov (.. e. 1.. 4 8.'4 4 4 96 4(7 4 97U 4 8 4 74! 4 73! 4 78: I t 801 4 7' 4 621 Nov. 'nif. 9. 10. Nov. Ill 6 XI I 731 I 4 021 4 S4l ' 4 74! ( 941 4 (71 ( 91! 4 (21 8 Ol 4 Ml S 841 4 9.; I 87i I 8 (6 4 78 I 4 74 1 a Ml 4 7 .7 891 4 7l ( M 4 78 9 V5 Nov. I?.. Nov. 13.. No 14.. Nov. lb.. Nov. 16.. Nov. 17.. Nov. 18.. Nov. 19.. Nov. 20.. Nov. 21.. Nov, 22.. Nov. 23.. Nov. 24.. Nov. 35. Nov. 2c.. Nov. 27 . Nov 29.. 4 J0 4 'S 4 64 4 67 9 1 5 :i 6 691 6 (9 5 671 6 64 ( 211 ' ( 3t 4 rf i 9i s x 8 3ci 3 M ( 29 o 8 SI I'' i 44 ( 4 ( 88 ( 33 o 3 TO 8 19 ( 21 4 6.1 4 A3 4 : 4 66 4 4ti ( 41 4 60 4 ( 31 6 68! ( 29! 6 631 tKi 73! R 241 6 Rll 201 6 76! 4 3 4 4ul 1 4 41 4 57' 4 44' 4 61 I 4 49 I 4 8V 4 Ml 4 47 4 18 4 52 I 4 (01 4 49 I 4 241 I4'! 4V 8 131 6 SCI 3 ('-' 6 04 6 76 6 99 5 79 3 77 4 87 4 76 8 71 I7 6 0?l 0 4 71 8 73 Nov. 29.. 6 85 4 741 ( 68 Nov. 30.. 6 00 4 t 3 1 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. The official number of cara of stock brought In today bv cch roRd ws: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'e. C, M. A St. P. Ry.... 3 13 1 Wabash 1 .. ,. Mo. P. Ry 11 2 1 V. P. system 22 83 2 C. & N. W. Ry 3 22 1 F., E. A M. V. R. R.. 48 43 1 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 13 B. & M. Ry 106 28 1 4 C. B. & Q. Ry 4 8 K. C. A Bt. J 1 C, R. I. A P., east.. 4 18 .. .. C. R. I. ft P., west.. .. 3 .. Illinois Central 2 8 Chi. Great Western ..2 I Total receipts ...204 204 7 6 The disposition of the day s receipts was s follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or ncau inaicatea: Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co JnJ 1.H18 2S0 Swift and Company .... 981 1.3J2 643 Cudahy Packing Co 937 4,852 4K8 Armour A Co. 890 3,u 178 Vanaant & Co 42 Carey & Benton 188 Lobman A (Jo w McCreary A Clarke 2 W. I. Stephen 2 Hill A Huntilnger .. 7 ..... Huston at co n Hamilton A Rothschild.' i:iS . L. F. Hus 1S6 ...'.. Wolf A Murnan 469 Mike Haggerty 89 J. B. Root A Co 17 ' ,. Bulla A Kline 7 Boden Packing Co 104 8. I. S 271 Armour & Co., Denver.. 137 Armour A Co., 8. C 1,092 H. (jiarKo 1 - Other buyers 693 671 Totals 6,409 K.ira 2,lti0 CATi LE There was quite a liberal run 01 cattis here tins morning and .he quality was very common. In tact, there was not a choice load of cattle in the yards. Pack ers, though, ail seemed to be anxious (or supplies, and aa a lesult the market ruled fainy active and ateady to strong 011 such kinds as were, o tiered. several loads of warmed-up corn cattle were Included In the receipts, but none ot them were choice. Packer, though, took hold of them (airly well, and wmle tne market was uneven, the pricea paid on the ave.uge were tuny aa strong us those of yeaterday. ' lue.e were quite a few western range beet steers Included in the arrivals, but they were of Inferior qumity. 'the lack of good tuff, though, foroed buyer to take the commoner kinds, and the slse of their order made the market active and steady to strong. Most everything was sold In good season, and had any choice cattle ar rived they would uudouotedly commanded higher prices. A good portion of the receipt consisted of guoi stuft, but the demand was equal to the occasion and an active and steady to strong market was experienced on all grades. The cattle i.egan to move toward the scales in good season, and it wa not long before the milk if the arrivals was disposed of. Uuiis, veal calves and stags sold In much the same notches they did yesterday, not enough change being noted to be worthy of mention. The demand from the country for stocker and feeder was quite brisk, and aa re ceipts were light on both Monday and Tuesday, tpecuiators found thla morning that they had very few cattle on hand. As a remit they were all good buyers and the market waa nctlve and ateady to strong, the better grades showing the most strength. Representative aales: BEhr BltuEKS. Mo. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 47 ltt 3 J'J UiJ I 71 Ml 3 W COW a. 7 til I 10 Jl Mi IIS 1077 s is 4 loan i 70 1 100) I it to ,. 3i t li 1 ma 1 u it.... tn 1 go 1 140 t II II 12T I 1(1 21 477 t 1 107 t ' tv t W 1 , lono i o lo:il t li 1 764 I 00 " ( .1013 l I H4 I 00 1 1140 i fr I UTO I 0 I 100- I IJ 1 1100 I OS 11 1044 t 4 1 IJ t 90 HEIFERS. 1 410 i 90 I.. 450 t BULLS. 1 1144 t U 1.... Idllt J 70 1 lilt t U I.., 1110 t 7i I ,...! I 70 1 140 I N 1 ....1399 t 7" CALVES. 1 8I 9 li 1 SOt 4 0 1 H III 1..... 14 4 00 J Stu I 50 t U0 IX Hi I 40 t 135 i 44) 8TOCK.EHb AND s'EEDEHS. 1 M0 I 40 I "U It i 404 I 14 1 40 I 44 t too t it t ta 1 4a I Cot I to 44 ISO 9 44 NEBRASKA. 68 feeders.. 94 (40 Stow 887 3 70 10 cow 9'3 190 15 c,w..... tl fsO ( cows.....l3 2 70 3 hellers.. 696 3 90 1 bull 14H 2 60, 22 loeders.. 7 ( it cows 96 t 10 1 feeder... (30 tit) cow 918 1 70 1 half or.... fttio ( 70 1 cow 1170 1 70 , ( heifer.. (74 2 00 1 calf.:.... 100 4 60 1 bull 1090 2 30 calve... 2b0 1 75 9 cows (1 (70 13 oalve... (26- (cow 918 2 70 S halfer.. 30 3 20 6 teer.. 964 I i 1 bull Io40 i 60 ( cow 997 i 60 I bull 1013 3 26 11 cows 640 2 60 lit) feedar. 693 3 80 ( steer.... 820 2 90 e feeders.. 6W 1 60 64 feeder.. 867 S 20 4 feeder., 867 2 60 SOI.TH DAKOTA.- 1 eow 7so 2 60 3 cow 107( 80 . t cw 1110 ( 76 4 cows 1147 t 76 1 cow 7b0 2 38 WYOMING. 269 feeders. lOt-1 8 40 t steer..,, 986 f IS 1 feeder. ..Huo t 4u 1 steer 790 5 76 26 feeders.. 1000 3 74 46 feeders.. 810 3 26 4 feeders . 6.0 176 13 sows tmri 1 IS 1 bull 1130 2 20 86 cows r.t 2 96 cows 14 2 60 3 tows..... 9.1O 2 io 4 cow K'V6 S 70 1 cows lO&t 2 70 1 cow KM 1 70 16 co wa.... low 70 1 cow 9uo ( 70 '. row loIO 2 26 2 cow 9i 1 70 : 1 J. A. Jones Wyo. feeder.. ("0 (40 15c.j 917 ltd 1 feeder. ..' (TO 8 0) 3 rows 101O 2 09 Tolland Cattle Wyoming S3 row 919 8 10 1 bull 1316 yO 40 cos 609 !! 1 bull 13) J hi (V N. Walter -Wyo. IK rows ,...1'.M 3 70 S fe.ders.. li77 3 90 j 32 tows 1044 100 : letacM.. VA 3 00 (0 Steers.. ..1214 1 75 4 bul t ....10( 1 7l 38 steers.... 1J41 3 73 22 steers.. ..i2m 8 ! Walter Broa. cows 97 3 9 M row iml 2 7w Standard Csttle Co Nebraska. 3 cows 104S 3 0 I steer tii 2 10 61 rows TV 2 7" 1 steer 7 2 V cow..... 9-W 3 76 3 feeder.. 910 I li 11 cows K7 2 W 73 bulls 1144 1 71 28 cows .... 772 1 10 HOOS there were about t.Mn hogs on sale this morning, which Is the heaviest run received here since Isst August. For lbe first three day thi weak the supply is bout the same as for the same day last week, but about 8.000 head in excess of th corresponding days of last year. In aplte of this big run, however, every thing sold before 11 o'clock, with the ex ception of twelve losd that had not ar rived. Packers all seemed to b anxious for supplies, so that although other msr ket were quoted taloc lower, the decline here amounted to only 2Si6o. At Ih opening packers were bidding a big nickel lower, but they soon raised their bl.ts and trading became active st 14 40 snd (4 4JV,, or Just about 60 lower than yesterday s sverage. As the morning advanced the market gained In strength and activity, un til at the close the popular rrlcea were (4 42' and (4.46. As high sa (4 50 was paid for prim hoar. The bulk of the axles went from (4.40 to (4.C. Ho. at. sn. Pr. K , At. 8h. Pr. 1 MS 1M 4 40 47 !M 4a 4 44 tt t?l It 4 40 It 4k 4 414) 4 if 40 4 40 71 ...... Ml tt 4 4I tO I4 44 4 44) It ... t t!'-, to I ... 4 40 (4. HI 14 4 4ti 73 IH : 4 40 (t 110 4 411 14. ...... .Ml 40 4 40 44 144 ... 4 4JV so. :ti so 4 4 at in 40 i i M 304 t 4 4 4 114 ... 4 4I4) 47 1:1 to 4 to tt lit ft) 4 41 M ;..! ta) 4 40 47 . 170 10 4 4."4 ' 14 "1 104 4 40 t4 1" U0 4 4 It . ......tat tO t 44 44 ...Mo ... I lit, It 10 to 4 40 74 I 10 4 414 It tao 14 4 40 7 14 I 4 4! 14 t0 ... 4 40 M It4 S) 4 43 K in 14A 4 4 at 14 110 4 4J4j II ln 40 4 40 17 1? ... 4 4i ' 41....... ICt to 4 40 44 94 ... 4 41V, It K0 . . 4 40 17 Ml It 4 4: 0 tt lt 4 40 IS It ISO 4 4: 4 il ... 4 44 4 174 90 4 4t !4 141 10 4 40 44 1' 40 4 4JV, 50 144 to 4 40 li S77 ... 4 42 40 Ml 110 4 40 14 1 ... 4 411, tt 964 to 4 40 . . !4 140 4 41 M Ill 40 4 40 111 01 ... t 4."s M ttt 110 4 40 10 f ... 4 41 14.. ttt 90 4 49 41 IZt ... 4 41 70 10 4.1 4 40 44 14t ... t 4ii, 41 4 ... 4 40 17 140 10 4 4? It tan to 4 40 It 114 ... 4 41 ta It 40 4 40 44 mi 10 t 41 4; 104 ... 4 1M 4'. Wl Ml 4 4! 11 Ml ... 4 40 It lot ... 4 42 M (HI ... 4 40 4 tSi 40 4 41 41 t ?4f 4 40 tt lt Ito 4 41 at 141 lit 4 40 4... I7S 4 4 41 U Sit 10 4 40 44 4 40 4 4t to... 171 ... 4 40 74 371 110 4 41 10 tt 90 4 4 , tt 171 240 4 42 42 IS4 10 4 40 71 Ml 40 4 42 II 101 10 4 40 71 1MJ 120 4 42 C4 20 120 4 40 44 110 10 4 41 t? If ... 4 40 tt 241 40 4 4t M 144 21 4 40 14. ."..'....MS ... 4 44 61 27S. 120 4 40 St 104 ... 4 4t st rt 40 4 40 40 14 40 4 4 M lat It 4 40 41 271 40 4 41 17 204 HO 4 40 7t ttt t t t 171 ... 4 40 70 V 90 t 44 42 273 ... 4 4 71 114 10 4 4 ! 271 49 4 40 tt 154 90 4 44 tt 2J ... 4 40 41 144 ... 4 41 It.: ttt It 4 40 7 ttt 110 4 4 Bt lit 120 4 40 47 140 180 4 48 4t . 144 12 4 41 77 114 110 4 41 41 24 40 4 4f 71 124 1M 4 44 41 ! IM 4 43 72 Itt 49 4 48 43 114 ... 4 41 47 1 ... 4 41 41 IM to 4 43 10 Itt ... 4 4S 14 101 120 4 42 44 Ml 120 4 48 44 34 ... 4 41 IJ 171 ... 4 4t 14 lit 100 4 43 CI. 241 ... 4 45 72 271 00 t 42 71 247 ... 1 4.1 tt. ...... .171 ... 4 42 70 ttl tt 4 4', 44 131 M 4 42 40 HI 129 4 4K tt 23 MO 4 41 i? 20 ... 4 41 tr, 0 40 4 42 tt 279 t 4 44 14 30 140 4 41 44 Ill 4 4 49 13 2ft 10 t 42 0 ltt ... 4 44 17 HI 40 4 41 41 Itt 40 4 41 tt 219 40 4 4 4t I7t 10 t 41 10 104 ... 4 43 2 20 M 4 41 14 154 in 4 42 tr, I4S ltO 4 41 tt.., n to 4 42 M Ml 4 4 44 60 M3 to 4 42 IS . 3 ... 4 4 4 344 90 4 42V, 71 lot 49 4 44 4t 121 ... 4 41 It I"! too 4 4t tt tt 10 t 43 74 223 300 4 45 S7 2t 130 4 41 91. ...... ..ttt ... 4 47l4j 10 tit ItO 4 42 tO 141 90 4 90 II 143 10 4 43 SHEEP There wa tu extremely light run of sheep and amb ner this morning, onlv about eight ears being on sale, ine demand from packers wu us brisk as ever ana a a result ine lew inai woum 00 to , kill sold st pi Ice ranging strong to a dime higher. As high a 4 a a lsld tor natlv lamb and weatern inmbi sold tor o.ts6. Western wether ana yearling mixed sold at (4.00. It took but a tew minutes for everything In sight to change hand aa the demand was far In excess of th Supply. The feeusr market was al.10 strong and sctlve and the aame aa with fat stuff there waa not enough to meet the demand of the trade. . uuumwo.. for graaa aheep and lambs: Oood to choice yearling. (4.U?4.7t; (air to good yearlings. 44.2biM.50; good u eholc wether. (4.2or4.5o; fair to good wethers, n. 0O4.25: good to choice ewe, I4.0iva-4.llo; ilr to good caM, (3.7001.00; good to choice lambs, (o.6ut75.90; rnlr tc good lambs. 6.i4 46.40; feeder yearlings, W..6t(4.: feeder wethers, (3.60I&4.2O; toeder wes. W-CftDdbu; feeder iambs, (4.2u6.o0: Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 3 Nebraska ewe 100 8 00 1 Native buck 170 " 8 oo ( Native mixed U3 (00 19 Native ew a 92 3 00 12 Native cull ewe and buck.. 96 9 26 1 Wyoming lamb 90 4 00 42 Nebraska ewes 114 4 00 60 Fed natlvea ewe 108 4 25 44 Native ewe 115 4 15 'Ot Native ewe 110 4 6o 430 Native wether 100 4 90 100 Native wethers 100 4 60 671 Wyoming feeder lambs 63 6 10 1 Native lamb 70 6 75 C2 Fed native lambs 77 6 76 ISO Fed western lambs 74 5 86 45 Nebraska lambs 78 00 2W NchraHka lamb 63 6 76 CHICAOO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle gteady Hog Tea Cent Lower Sheep and Lamb ateady. CHICAOO. Nov. 80. CATTLE Reeelpta, 22,1)00 head, Including 3,000 head western: market steady; good to prime steers. (VtA 7.25; poor to medium, 3.60u5.76; Blockers and leeder. t2.oiKtf4.bO; cows, (l.U'jn4.0o; heifer. (1.86tf5.86; can ner , (1.4t?2.46; bulla, 42.OOtf4.20; calves, (3.utx0ti.75; western steers. (3.0046. 15. HOCJS Receipt, 42.000 head; market 10c lower; mixed and butcher, (4.400f'4.60; good to choice heavy, (4.6U4I4.62H; rough heavy, t4.40r.i4.50; light, (4.30tf4.66; bulk of sale, i4.504.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25.001 head; market steady; good to choice moth ers. (4.86Q4.80; fair to choice mixed. (3.50 4.30: western sheep, (3.00(85.00: nstlve lambs, M.26I36.1&; western lambs, (4.00S6.M Kew Ysrk Lire Staek Market. NEW TOHK, Nov. (o.-BEh,VE3 Re eelpts, 1,136 head. Market slow but steady. Native ateers, (4.0oj6.40; westerns, (3.7itf 4.26; oxen, (2.76ft4.O0; bulla, t2.2vb3.wi; cows, (1. 808. 26. Cables quoted live cattle about ateady. with 12c for dreased weiaht aa the general top nt London, and 11 So as tne top at Liverpool. Shipments tomorrow, 4u0 neaa or came CA liVKa-Receipt. 1,042 head. Market for prime and choice veal, stesdv: others. 254)5oc lower; grassera, 26c lower; westerns, steady: veals. M.&t&'.'.OO; Utile calves. ti 0) 64.00; grassera, (2.6ofj3.60; westerns, (4.76; dressed calves, weak, except for top grades; city dressed veu's. 742lSVfcc per pound: country dressed. 7tV12c. SHEEP AND LA M B8 Receipts, 7.416 head. Market for aheep, quiet, but ateadv; lambs, slow, but not lower. Blieeu. t8.Mft 4.60; choice, (4.60: culls (..004j.7i; lambs, (5. 508.40; cull. (3.60Q4. 15. HOUS- rteceipt. 7.j neaa. Mark't ateady for all weight. Prime atate hoar. (5.16. Ksasas City Lire Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 80. CATTLE Re. oeipts. 9,900 head, including luo southerns market steady to strong: choice export and dreastd beef steers, (6.out3.26; fair to good (3.60?j.OO; western fed a leers, (3.5C$5.6; stocker- and feeders, 12 6o.6u; soiul e n teera, (2. 604 15; southern cows. (1 60&6 26 : native cowa, (1.60&4.75; native heifers, (2 10 ft.oo; Dun, a.ooian.ko: calves, U.fcsM.OO. VJ t U1U UM..lnt, M ,Vl b..4. 1. 6c lower and active; lop, 84. 63; bulk of sales, (4.3'JHD; packers, (44694 60; rij. SHEEP AND LAMBS RacelDt. 1.000 head: market atrong, active; native limbs, (4 6OS6.00; native wether, (1.35&4 7s; na tive ewea, (4.004.60- wtstern lumbs, (4.-4 6.00; western yearling. (4K&u.3.; weat ern aheep, (3.764.40; stuckers and feeders, 12.5C-fj4.26. ' tt. Laals Llvs g.eek Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 80. CA TT L E Re- celpts 4, Out) head, including 7"0 Tetans; market fairly actlva and steady; naive shipping and export steers, (4 6nr4.t0: dressed beef and butcher steers. (l.35(uv..C6; Starrs under l.uOO lbs., tS OUOO; ato ker and feeders, (30O&3.76; cows and half era, I'l KAJ til- n .. a.. t ) LU.t 'M. k ... 1 1 a. O, ( 75; calves. r 264 50; Tvx is and IiiIImii steers, -'.U4;f4.; cow ana nmrrs, u.itm -76. ... ilO(-.3 Kecelpt. 11,000 nead; market slow and lower: pig and lights, (.6li4.2&; pick ers. (4 4Otj4.a0; p.itcnn aim oest Heavy, (4.454 a. BHKKH AND LAMBS Receipts, toy) head; Market steady; native muttons. 13 i) fi-t TS: Umlw. U.:Ji.i-'ii: culls and bu k. (1 60(94.60; stocker. OofrJ .00; Texan. 13. 0 to.uo. (Ust City (Its Meek Market. SIOVX CITY. Nov. (0.(Specll Tl. gram ) CATTI.E-Recelpl. - I fsx) head; marktt strong; beeves. J.4o4.00, cows. bull snd mixed. (2r3(; i;.;(kn and teniers. (2.iinja.i; -aives and yearling. 4U.AM1I 40. 1 ttje Receipts, lit 41 head; mitrkct sc loser; semng, 4.4n; mux. (ton) 1. 40. St. Joseph live Stork Msrket. fT. jOPEPIv Nov v-CATrLK-F-Cf.pts. a.aoi tesd; slow, mem, p tl.e-. M 0.11611; cows 9t d neile.s. (!..i4 so. stoo,ei-; ana ttedcrs, t?.o04 3. ittktS tcei;ns. il.4s; market it l'c. lowei ; I i l. (4.ior4.4o; nifdluin and hejvy, Mjii.'. Hrtr.Er' .M LAMBS Rei elpt 2l( hena; market steady tn a. rung; 1 mi.. (aiw; ytariing wetners. it.i. Stork la sight. Receipts of me Iukk at tne six principal western lil?s yesterday: caltle. Hos. Sheep. Fonlh Omsha S.tnti 2.009 Sioux Cltv .. 1tat l.os Kansas City .!l s..") 2X) St. Uiuls 41 ll.0 2,(t St. Joseph 4.6H1 . 1I.4SH S 0 Chicago . K.Ot 12.01 if,0u Totals ,4ol 87.48 iioa Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 10.-WOOL Market ha been more quiet than In recent weeks, with firm tone prevlent. The quiet ton re sults from a genuine scarcity of wool in th grades chiefly In demand. The surplus hs disappeared and buyers are now seek ing for enough wool to surplv the trads tor the rest of the year. Territory wool have sold freelv In the generally quiet niar krt. Pulled grade are strong at advanced pricea. Tho foreign market la firmer. H notations: Territory: Idaho Fine. 19Ll - ; heavy fine. 1$ilic: fine medium. ly 19c; medium. 21tV2l'p; low medium, 8i:3o. Wyoming Fine. WViilsvc: heavy fine, lot lc; fine medium, i;y(i te; medium. t2) fc; low medium. iT.Ti'.Mc. t'tah and Ne vada rine, I'ltriMc; fine mrdlum. 17ty4Ji8c; medium. J-.alc; low medium. W?t Da kotaFine, 174l9c; fine medium. Hiiiic; me dium, 21'H'22c; low medium. M'ij:4c. Slon tana Fine choice, Iluf'iic; fine average, 19 ft Wo; fine medium, choice. 2lH22c; avernga, 191J2oc; staple, 2.',u23c; medium, choice, liii 26c: average, fliJ2c. ST. LOl IS. Nov. 80. WOOI. Firm; me dium grades rninbing snd clothing. ;f'-9'; light hue. laajim; heavy flnr. 13dil9c;' tub washed, 27$fMc. Metal Maiket. NEW TORK. Nov SO. MET A L8 The London market broke quite sharply w.tlv final price atandlng nt 136 for spot snd futures at 134 6. l.ncall;- th market wa quiet ami lower on outside prices In sympathy with the foreign decline, flpof la quoted at Ctt).7u429.9f. Copper was n. llttls steadier abroad, closing at 67 7a 1?4 for spot and 87 2s d for futures. Lake Is quoted at (16.2.ff 16.35: casting. I14-ftxtf 14.T,i Lend closest at 12 Iris 9d In london. Lo cally It was alio unchanged at II. :!(. 70. Spelter Was eaiHer In the English msrk?t. closing At 24 17s M. New York pi I.e were unchanged at (S.Jolfi J.87H. Iron closed . at 61s 4d In Olnsgow and at 46s lVd In Middiesborough. Locally Iron was un changed. No. 1 founirv northern Is quoted at (t6.7517.Hi; No. S foundry northern. lA25t3 18.76: No. 1 foundry southern ana No. 1 foundry southern soft, tl8.7MJl7.35. Evaporated Apples snd Dried Frslt. NEW YORK, Nov. 30. EVAPORATED APPLES-Futur delivery tlll offeilng freely below spot quotations and the mar ket for Immediate supplies consequently Is quiet and neglected with the ton In favor of buyer. Common are quoted at StitHc; prime at 4"s44ic; choice, ittlc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRCITS Prunet are firm; apricots are firm, with choice at (HftlOc; extra ch- . 10iifj)10rc; fancy, 11 ftIoc. Peaches t. .in dull, with rholta held at JVQWic; exiia choic. Mrfloc; fancy( loittjiie. , NEGLECTS FIELD ARTILLERY C Met of Artillery, Vnlted States Army, Hobnails Aanaal Report of Division. WASHINOTON. Nov. 30.Brtgadler Oen' eral Story, chief of artillery, V. B. A.. In his annual report to General Chaffe, the chief of taff, dwells upon what he re gards a ths most Urgent demand of ths coast defenses. Ha saya that the best and most economical use of the entlr arma ment for the coast require one complete' . relief to man each and every element ot defense. The report says further that even wltlt complete material for torpedo ' defense It ts practically valueless without a trained; personnel carefully Instructed how to ope rate It, and that today we are substantially without such a force. Only 400 men can be assigned, he aays, for a service requir ing about 6,010. It would be unwise, ths report remarks, to attempt to provide a personnel for the submarine defense from the present fores of rosst artillery sines there are today only one-half th number af officers and men required to man and serve the armament already provided. General Story says there has been de veloped In our coast artillery a syalam of fire action which, a far a he can ascer tain, is not equalled, in the world, but f ta accomplishment, he says, depend upon a standard equipment, which la not com pletely Installed In any of our harbor, and he ay that they have to Improvise In many harbors mean of position finding la order to conduct artillery practice. There la no flrst-clnss powef -which has o yatematlcally neglected It fjolj artil- icijr se me tniLeu Biaies. ,'.... In his judgment the experience of th Russo-Japanese war shows ths ..foreign practice of having usually about four guns per 1,000 men. Is better than the1 ons pro posed for our service.. ' . , Ta I nlte Librarians. RICHMOND. Iml.. Nov.. W.-A moverhsnf of national significance having It orlglt In Indiana, contemplate the co-operaMon of I ths stat library commlaalong'' lu . th rnlfed States. The stats , wmittilsalona which have united thus, .far are Indiana, Wisconsin. Iowa, Delaware Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio and Pennayl vnla. '::".'', ' Moasy for th Philippine. ,. SAN rRANCISCO, Nov. 80. -The ' r mint will turn over to the Wr depart ment today a large conalgnment of JPhrip. pine money. The coin will go to the islands on the transport Logan, which " -tomorrow. There will be 8.000 peso In twenty centa vo piece and 160,000 pesos In ten cetv tavo pieces. REAL. KSTATK TRASiFER,y Deeds filed for rccorii Wednesday, No-v-e ta bor 30, a furnished by th Midland. Uuar antes and Trust company, bonded ab stracters, 1614 Farnam street, tor -.Ths Bee: A. L. Patrick, wife end others to , Frank C. Plerson, north 43 feet Of lota 1 and 1, block 16, West End ad dition .....MA Board of County Conimiaaloiters lo .. Fred F. Curtis, part of ne of r ' ' 16-10 ,....,....,.,,.'.,,,. I Almlra C. Millard and husband to Paul Caltlu, lot 10, block 1, Moea' subdivision ! -12 Fred L.-Ooodrich and wlf to John S. -Harper, lot 1, block 18, Weat Omaha 1,250 N. E. Carter, huaband and othtra to Ixieua M. Johnson, lot 1, Holmes' ad dition u Tho Byron-Reed company to Jsldof Soinmer and Ha muni Kommer, west ' . 37, feet of lot 4. and the east 2H feet ' of lot I. block 8, McCormlck's addi tion ; SOO The Omaha Auditorium coin pa nv to John A. Johnaon and John S. Walt--el, lot 3, blook 35, Kountis Place.. 1 Rosanna MoLaughlln to Francis X. McLaughlin, the south V of lot 4, block . Jetter' -addition 700 Edgar ). Stovall and Beasl Mav -Btc vnll. north 29 feet of lot 16, and. , all of lot 14, block L Seymour ad dition ("g Hlldo O. Kolsen to Blanch C. Wll- . Hams, lot 6, block 14. Omaha View addition .. 1 Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated.) fUia Offlcri Fifth and Roberta Streets, 5T. PAUL, niNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us ajraasa Ontee, lttll Board at Trads Id.. Oanaaa. Sea. Trleabsae An 14. :-n4 Bxchangs feldg.. ttouth Omaha Bali 1'hon 216. Independent, 'Phoa i