THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1901. Sale of Tapestry Curtains Monday 8 LADIES 9 1, SILK WAIST SALE Monday Is the Sale of Tapestry Curtains $10 Waists at $3.98 A fortunate deal was made by our resident New York buyer. He secured a big lot of beautiful silk waists at an extraordinary bargain figure. These waists are made in the latent stylo from peau de soles, crepe da china, taffeta. mas.alines. plaid silks elaborately pleated and tucked and made with elegant lace medallions krnani hlnua. whit. black, etc, -all new ft IV ard worth up to Vsw flO at. . lues, piaiu Q.98 Ladies' Cloak and Fur Specials J Om""h" WEATHER REPORT Thursday Fir and Warmer. A $10 FUR SCARF at 4.98- Jlere is the big fur bargain of the year double shaped fox scarfs in Isabella or sable made with two big brush tails and rr Clft with tail trimmed ad' ylj O justable cord a gen- ' H, nine $10 scarf'- JX. at Ladies' SKort Winter Coats Popu- . ular new ihort coats with Norfolk bolts, guaranteed liniocs, made of m QQ heavy kerseys, black, brown ZrJ or jcastor right up to date fj at. Full Length Tourist Coats Smart- lv fashioned full length coats of extra heavy kerseys, stitched velvet QQ collar, half satin lined, petal and strap trimming wide M - tourist belt in back at A $25.00 Tailored Suit at $12.50 Newest winter styles ,2.50 made In the popular military Dlrectoire and tnurlnt styles newest fashion features, at.... I A BIG SALE OF RAZORS A highly tempered steel blade, nollow ground, ivory, bone, horn or cocobola handle. It's regular price is $1.50 J tf and worth that much too. price Thursday And forty (J) Green Trading Stamps with each raw. Cutltry Section, Bastmtni. Another Day of Ladies' Neck furs on Main floor NEARLY THREE HUNDRED FUR BOAS AND SCARFS FROM 08c to $9.90 ON OUR GREAT BARGAIN CIRCLE THURSDAY. THESE FURS ARE THE GREATEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN OMAHA. LADIES APRONS A GREAT DISPLAY OF KITCHEN APRONS, NURSES APRONS, MAID APRONS AND FANCY HOLI- )Cr DAY APRONS, THURSDAY PRICES UP FROM. 01 New Walking Skirts Mannish cloths, strap and button with pretty correct w lota of ton trl timed a. f Q ty side pleats m l winter we.ght' v' style, at Millinery SpeciaJsVh? Tootle-Kessler Stock All the new and up-to-date trimmed fall and winter hatB from the Tootle -Kessler millinery stock, both dress hats and street hats, worth $3.50 to $5, at tl Street hats and untrimmed hats a big va $8.oo, at v nety, ai Stunning dress hats, evening hats and street hats, the choicest models i worth up to ill 15c BIG SALE OF HOSIERY Ladies Men's and Children's Hosiery in f p blacks and fancy colors plain, ribbed, fleecy v lined and part wool, regular 25c hosiery at... I Ladies' Winter Weight Vest and fants all sizes, "Z 1.1 9JM Children's Winter Underwear big assortment, CA OCM at i.9K-.9i I at LADIES' GOLF GLOVES The warmest and best gloves for winter, pretty plaids and plain colors worth 50c a pair, on big bargain square at, pr. m JC J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS-BOSTON STORE LADIES SHORT COATS ALL OUR STOCK, from $3.93 to $13.00, on Sale Thurs day with DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. LADIES' REAL ANGORA TAM8, WORTH $1.00 BIG DRESS GOODS SALE Thursday we will place on sale fifty pieces fine Dress QC- Goods worth $1.50, at, yard All the $1.50 Kerseys, ALL ONE PRICE All the $1.50 Baltic Suitings, THURSDAY ONLY All the $1.50 Embroidered Twills, ( All the $1.50 Scotch Tweeds, pj All the $1.50 Panne Zibelines, f YARD All the $1.50 Cheviots, RAGhG sale of flannelette waistings. Thursday two big tables, all the 23c qualities at, yard 27 to 36 inch wide, embracing the new Persian stripes, small dots, Roman Stripes and a host of other styles, suitable for Kimonas, Waists, Wrappers and Tea Gowns, f A Remember they are worth 25c a yard, one price, yd." LADIES NECKWEAR 1000 Sample Pieces of extra fine neckwear, in all the new late styles, worth up to 75c each, all day Thursday 'lCf, on front Bargain counter, each &v GOLF GLOVES Another big lot of German Golf Gloves, a big lot of samples some very fine ones, worth up to 7uc a pair, all day iff Thursday, pair ...OpL 10c Start the Month Right Open a bank account and deposit reg ularly each month. We open accounts for " $1 or more and pay 4 per cent interest com pounded four times a year. J. L BRANDEIS & SONS, Checks on all banks cashed. BBnkCtS. OLD OFFENDER IS SUSPECTED Aaale Lewis, CI rex tmaggUr, Be lieved to Be Operating at - Preseat In Omaha. .' It Is believed by the police that one of the women reported to be around town selling valuable lace at ridiculously low prices ia none other than Annie Lewis, alias Anna Ketcham, who. 1b known, to eaBtern au thorities to be. a clever smuggler. She already has served a term for such an of fense and recently was reported to be some where In the country trying; to dispose of a quantity of Imported lace. : The first Intimation Chief Donahue had of the presence of the woman here was a telephone call from 621 South Twenty- igntu street, saying- such a person had Called at that number and offered laoes for aula at such a price aa to arouse suspicions. , Tbs woman said she was selling- for the Xilpatriclc company and that the lace had been In left In bond and bought In large quantities for a low price. The Kllpatrlck company has no knowledge of the woman or the lace except the Information received from people who reported the matter. 'It Is known that a considerable quantity of tha lace already has been sold here by the woman, who is said to have two com panions. (Chief Donahue has Issued special instruc tions to his men to be on the lookout for. people selling lace. Harrison & Morton, real estate, 913-913 New York Ufs, Telephone 4, present an attractive list of Wednesday bargains In today's special .columns of The Bee. Marriage Licenses. ' The following marriage licenses were Is sued up to noon November 30: "Name and Residence. Age. Jamvs Jenfiiiiya, Omaha 21 Lulu Hayea. Omaha fcj Orland R. Livingston, Omaha Si Mr ue Johnson, Omalia U iohn J , Dua, Bralnard, Neb IJ .nil D. cMtula. Bralnard, Neb. ........... 21 Richard J. Morris, Omaha SS Flora Waldun, Omaha 2i I w II. Btoley, Omaha 2D feilhel Kyle, Omaha Do U-K. Wedding Rings.. ICdnolos. Jeweler. Mortality Statistics. The following deaths have been reported to the Board of Health during the twenty four hours ending at noon Wednesday. There were no births reported: leaths Mrs. Thomas Wade. Battle Neb., 49; Mrs. CordalU Long, Oil '..rah fc'iatitaauth. as. in lJv nufh ,j S : J u f - . T, J ' n , Jii... Nothing personal Intended, and we do not pretend to sell "live coals." but, "begorra," If we sold "dead coal" we would own up to It. "LIVE COAL" MAKES "LIVE COALS." TUY US. Central Goal & Coke Co., UTH AND HARNEY. PHONES 1221-4718-1693. Ghirardelli's Spe cialties. around Chocolate Very palata ble, easily digested and delicious, put up in 1-pound fin caD9 Jt In half-pound cans 20c Double Qreen Trading; Stamps (2 to the dime, 20 to the dollar) Thursday. Ghirardelli's Cocoa Delightful, convenient and very economical, put up iu 1-pound 'lfs cans JUv Half-pound can...' 25c Double Green Trading Stamps (2 to the dime, 20 to the dollar) Thursday. Ghirardelli's Chocolate Flicks (little buttons) come in pretty lit tle boxes, per box 30c C w and IJC Double Green Trading Stamps i2 to the dime, 20 to the dollar) Ihursday. Demonstrations of these fine goods on booth, giain floor, Thursday. GROCERY Great dally sales and special stamp offers, the best, freshest and greatest varieties of groceries. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Golden Santos fr Coffee : Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with nait-pouna pacnage Bennett a siAr Capitol Tea J' Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with package Vanilla IC, Wafers IOw Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with package Cheese 1 Er Sandwich liJL. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol- Of, Baking Powder fci'w Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with can Brock port solid pack tOLr Tomatofes "3W New Corn, two-pound can Three cans, ior 9c 25c Twelve can. , QQ Five (60c) Grenn Trading Stamps with can HnKed Means. 5c Ten ($1.00) Grwn Trading Stamps fi with Jar Table Syrup I WW Ten (l.o) ureen Trading stamps to with dozen Dill Pickles IsSfc. Candy Department Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps win-. package Lemon En . Drops 1 POCKET BOOK SALE TVe hare Jnet received a eotuplete line of 1,000 or more styles Sample POCKET BOOKS. These are what is known In the trade as "OUT8" meaning that as the season's output has been exhausted, the house sample has been put aside to be closed ont at a sacrifice. Our price on these books and 1 .i(rm will In every instance be Just the ivjm lar factory price at wholesale. BEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW. Sherman & McDonnell Dm? Co. Corner lata a4 Badge 8U., Onu:-. x U PENINSULAR. STOVES SSfu vuat , iv. ou JNo. 816 Oak Uoal...... 17.50 No. 814 Oak Coal 15.50 500 ($50) Utile Green Slicker with each Thursday No. 818 Oak Hot Blast 20.50 No. 816 Oak Hot Blast , 18.50 No 814 Oak Hot Blast 16.50 500 (J50) Utile Green Slickers with each Thursday. Base burners, steel ranges, laundry stoves, gas heaters, Perfection oil stoves, all of the highest standard manufac ture and every one better finished than the other. PRICES WAY DO WIN. Dr. Bradbury .1506 FARNAM DENTIST 'PHONE 1756 Teeth Extracted With out Fain. Flllinxs 50c up Crowns $2-50 up Bridg-d Work $i.50 up Plates. .. $2.00 up Fourteen Years ame Location The most aensatlve nerves removed with out pain Loose teeth made olid. Written Guarantee i 'T'HE moft beautiful and inter- t eAing of all the Chriitmai periodicals is the great Christmas Metropolitan in which you will find ftirring To ries and articles by Thomas Nelson Page, W. A. Fraser, E. S. Martin, Joel Chandler Harris, Richard Le Gallienne, Charles G. D. Roberts, Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison Rhodes, and many others. The 150illustrations,intwo,threeand four colors, are by Gucrin, Rhead, Clay. Bull, Cond. Penfield, Par rish, and Haskell, and repro ductions from many photographs. "THIS Xmas issue is filled with good, reading and fine pic tures; it is a delight from cover to cover; it is a worthy Chrislmas gift in itself and is now on sale everywhere for 1 5 cents a copy. FOR the entertainment of the whole family there is no bet ter magazine published than The Ivjetropolitan. TTHE following special offer is . presented in the interests of those who wish to send to a friend a gift and at the same time receive four free holiday gifts for themselves: Cut oat this Coaporu CHRISTMAS PRESENT COUPON J any one sending us immedi ately $1.80 (and this coupon) we will send free of coft GIFT 1 A superb portfolio. , stamped in gilt, and containing photo-Audies of beautiful wo men, models, and players. ull 1 & A lac-timile water- color, readyfor framing, show ing the sky-scrapers of New York as seen at twilight an exquisite work of art W TT V T . , , , use a j rn art booklet, in brown covers, stamped in gold, and containing sixteen full-page rtraits of well-known society eautiei printed on plate paper. GIFT 4 Copie of the Novem- berand December (Christmai) issues of The Metropolitan, in cluding all the color insert il- - luttraUons. Q The four gifts can be sent to the r nutter oi the 91.00. H The two gifts belsw can be saat to tha remitter t (fiend. q If you prefer, we will tend ALL SIX direct to you. GIFT 5 A full year's subscrip tion to 1 he Metropolitan, com mencing withthe January, I 05, number. GIFT 6 A beautiful subscrip tion certificate to be sent to I the recipient of the magazine and bearing the name of the sender. ALL of the above for the price of the magazine alone -$ 1 .80. Have The Metropolitan sent for a year to your friend, together with the illuminated subscription certifi cate, and have the "Portfolio of Beau y " the book of American So ciety Types, the fac-simile water- color and the November and De cember issues of the magazine all sent to your own address. This fJer is only good for one month from date. Mention this paper, and send us this Coupon. The Metropolitan Magazine, 3 West 29th St., New York. LADIES' IACE COLLARS Worth 25c and 35c, on Sal Thursday, 5c BWDBS lADIES'LACE COLLARS. Worth 25c and 55c, On Salt Ttursday, 5c l : M Interesting Cloak Department Specials 200 new J-length coats just rem ived by ex press. Newest styles at lowest juices. LADIES' 30-INCII COATS In tine kerseys, cheviots, frieKes, etc silk and satin lined, either plain or strap back, made to sell at ?10.00, f 12.50 and $ 15.00 C f)f choice JJJ SWELL NEW COATS In fancy brown and gray mixtures, trimmed and piped with green and brown velvet, 200 of thm just received, they are worth f 12.50, y Cf your choice Thursday I oDU 115.00 KERSEY COATS, $9.90 Extremely handsome garments, made from best grade Washington Mills kersey, a garment that will cost you 15.00 to duplicate Thursday PEGGY FROM PARIS COATS And many other newest stylec garments, manufactured specially for Hayden Bros., f I f( 2.50 9.90 at would cost you $22.50 elsewhere our price. Fur Scarfs at , sh.oo Fur Bcarfs qj Doubla Fox Scarf, lanre, bushy' O fQ tails, at O.VO S2f00 Scarfs tA RD a" .5.98 .7.50 CRAVKXKTTS! PfliT DinnilK'9 Wft ar rln..lnv ntit nil ruin pmla flhotit half nrlrn liono Cruvencttes, for $12.50 Cravenettes. for IIS.W CTavrnpttos, Q Of for CLEARING SALE OF SUITS. Your unrestricted choice of any $12.60 or To. nun in wit- niuise great variotv or style, color and fabric g qq All $1.50, $18.00 and $20.00 Suits. tA flT Thursday .....I.Vll All $25.00, $27.60 and $30.00 Suits. SO fifl i nursaay a A few very fine costumes at half price. OREAT BARGAINS IN FURS. " An enormous purchase- late in the an. son secure: us the furs at m rmi (rain. You should profit by It $1.50 Coney Scarfs 75c $200 River Mink' Scarf qq $3.00 Scarfs 4 n at a.ou at Handsome Astrakhan JQ QQ $35.00Neitr 'Seal' Coats 2Q. 00 4K!'.!r!.'."."!.'!!!"!!."! 57!so $6.00 SILK WAISTS $3.50. Ctv de rhlnes, taffetas or peau de S"le a most beautiful line In latest Cfl styles and best colors choice l.Ol HANI'SOMK DRESS AND WALK I NO SKIRTS Thousands of them nt aweep ln;ly reduced prices for Thursday's sell ing. Come early. $5 00 Skirts $2.!H Skirts $1 'i $7.nn Hklrts $S.W $10.00 mid $12.00 Skirts $7.W Women's $5 Bath Robes, at $2 M Women's $1 Dressing- Sacques, at Wo Women's $1 Wrappers, at 4!e HAYDER3 BROS. A Cold Spell Is liable to come at any time now, so don't- let It catch you unprepared with your coal bin mpty. We will All it with high grade, clean and well screened coal for furnace, range, grate or atove as low aa we ran handle It tor In fairness. It will soon be higher In price- Buy of us and then you are dealing with real cral men: Just one sample ton will prove the superiority of the genu, lne Trenton coal over other Illinois coal when you test It for your oven or range. 1 . Once a customer, always a customer. C. B. HAVENS &. CO. 210 So. 6h St. Tels. 317-825. Rheumatism Is Easy If treated with the ELIMINO REMEDIES. The great majority of medicines used for rheumatism relieve temporarily by precl- I pltatlng Uric Acid in the blood and leav tng It there In an insoluble form, thus dolnx more harm than good. THE ELIMINO REMEDIES DISSOLVE AND REMOVE URIC ACID THUS CURE RHEUMATISM. You tane no chances on i this medicine 'cause we guarantee It. Now wnars tne use 01 suneringr tau or write for descriptive circular. We have free samples for those who will call. When looking fur lowest prices Just remember one thing about drugs. We don't allow any one to undersell us. Our LONG suit Is CUT PRICES. We buy In large quanti ties, get gooda In our line as cheap as they can be bought and that EXI'LAlNsl WHT some druggists "Can't see how we can make any monev by cutting prices. ; The news says "THE DOCTORS DON'T 1 PKFSi-RIRE THB RE8T CURE FOR MERt HAN 1 B vvmu lMJN'T ADVERTISE and that's another secret of our sucoess. BALDUFF'S Party Suggestions JAPANESE NAPKINS in many pretty designs. COMICAL FOLDED NAPKINS, for children's parties, LACE PAPER DOILIES, round, square, hemstitched, oval, star and other patterns, tinted border, etc. COSTUME MOTTOES, containing paper caps.or aprons, toys, musical trifles, etc. SOUVENIRS and FAVORS in the form of pretty boxes of various designs and colors, imitations of musical instruments, small trunks and suit cases. We supply you with everything for parties, receptions and weddings. WANTEP- A BOY ' IN EVERY TOWN TO SELL OUR NEW SATURDAY BEE. It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogether 34 pages, a:d is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoon, wher the farmers are in town. WTe will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE. . Four weeks ago we sent Clifford Ilans, Germantown, Neb., 10 free copies and he is now selling 30 copies every Saturday afternoon, from which he gets 60 cents profit. You can do aa well if you try. For full particulars write to ' The Omaha Bee Omaha, Neb, CUT PRICR DRUG STO?B SCIIAEFER'S B T. YATES, Prop. lth and Chicago Bts., Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 77: S4lh arid N Sts., South Oinaba, 'Plione No. 1: 6th Ave. and Main bt , Coun cil Bluffs. 'Phone 831 All good. llverd in sillier city absolutely free, M'n'-T CUTTING PRICES e Jl OO, ON ENGRAVING 100 Cards, with plate 75c 100 Cards, from plate.. 50c Weddings, Announcement, At Home Cards, with Crane's Best Papers, at prices that will surprise you. MOYER STATIONERY CO. 220 So. 16th Street. Open Face and closed cased chateluine watches, nob by, tasty paterns gold filled . $10.00, $12 flS.OO similar styles in 14k gold, 18.00 20.00, $23.00 and $30.00, We are also showing a handsome line of closed rases same grades nothing nicer tliau one or these Tor a I lirisf nias gut. M Would be kept for years in memory of that day. Spend a few looking round In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. . SamisJM