Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Suffering Uomon Cured
Urateful Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Beans. Restored to Vigorous Health
by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Hsartily Recommend Its
Usa to Alt Women Who Suffer From Nervous
Break-down and Heart Trouble.
New Haven, Conn., April I. !"
i i i iasrmesrawwawweEaawfawrwewa"
it mk
W IfPPili
310 pleasant Avenue,
New YOrk City, May SI,
For over a year I have Buffered Intense
agony from nervous debility and prostra
tion. I could neither eat nor sleep and
Was reduced to a mere shadow. The dor
tura recommended various klnda of treat
ment, none of which helped me. They
finally put me on your Malt Whiskey, and
In two month it ha completely restored
pi to health. I am able to sleep, my appe
tite la food and I have gained rapidly In
J am very thankful to be able to recom
mend your medicine to ail sufferers.
Tours truly, Mrs. A. Dawson.
Ruilda nn tha nerve tlaanea. tones nn the
and elasticity to the muscles, richness to the blood, and stimulates circulation. It
brings Into auction all the vital foroes, makes digestion perfect and enubles yon to Ret
from food all the nourishment It contains. It la Invaluable for overworked men. tired,
nervous, delicate women and alckly children. It la a promoter of good health and
longevity maJkea the old young and keeps tha young strong
Duffy's Pur Malt Whiskey cures roughs, colds, catarrh, grip, bronchitis, con
urription, and all diseases of throat and lungs.
CACTIOJI. Wheat row stale roar dmsalst or grocer for DolTy'a Pare Malt
Whisker, he n yn sret tha ajeaalne. It'a the only absolately pure medi
cinal whiskey, ana la Bold la sealed bottles only, l-ook for the trade-mark,
the "Old Chemist," ea tha label, and make aare the seal over the eork la
aot hrakea. Prlea 4U.OO. Daffy Malt Whiskey To., Rochester, X. T.
They can all YALK ThS GOAL
Ours speaks for itself your money's 'worth guaranteed.
WhiteliOllSO (Ohio) Bt Soft Coal on the Market.... $7. 50
Keystone (Illinois) Best soft coai for the rric....$6.00
All Grades of Soft Coal at Lowest Prices
Goss-Johnson Bros.
Oror FIt Hundrsd Ihoti Find at ths
Stockade Around the Lsitsr Mines.
rrealdeat of tha United Miners' Local
ays There Has Bae Is Violence
suid that Troop Are Not
Ifoeded. '
BENTON. Ill, Nor. SfrV-Oeia-ler waa fired
on laat night from sundown to daylight.
It la estimated that no leas than 600 shots
war fired at the town. Tha town was
completely surrounded and tha firing came
from every quarter. Response to this
XuslUada was made by four Galling- guns
placed at various polnta about tha mine
Assistant Adjutant General Reeca and the
Carbondala militia company arrived in
Zelgler today and General Reeoe will re
main several days to Investigate tha situa
tion. It la thought that still mora troops
will bo brought. ,
Joseph Letter reached Zelgler today with
mora miners from Chicago. Examination
of tha ground this morning showed that
the men who war firing have powerful
suns. They were stationed from one-half
to three-quarters of a mils from the town.
Almost a bushel of empty 'shells of every
slse and make were found in the woods.
A trail of blood was found on a rail fence
and front this it la supposed tliat at leant
one person waa wounded. Further trouble
is anticipated.
Shots rired at Troep Train.
ST. IUI8, Nov. 2.-A special to tha
Post-Plnpatch from Carbondale, III., says
that Company C of the Fourth Infantry
reached Zelgler today and reported to
Sheriff Stein, under orders of Adjutant
Uenerat Scott, for riot duty. The Illinois
Central railroad agent at Hallldayboro,
fully eight miles from Zelgler, reports that
s-ores of shots were distinctly heard by
hliu aa tha train bearing the Carboudale
Sickness rarely eomes
Liquozone. And no
without it. Won't you , try
IJquoKjue Is upt ouly for . sick people. ImoMt helpful thhijr In the world to
Millions of well people use it to keep
Weil. othIug el no in tin.' . v.oi'M Is o
good for you so vitalizing'. Nothing
else can ward off germ attacks.
Kvery tlay In every family there Is
something fur LlquoBona to do. There
Is headache to be stopped by It, tt cold
to be warded off, a wound to le healed,
lttinirinir water is purified by It; stom
ach and bowel troubles are Instantly
ended; languor is at once overcome.
Wheo you .don't feel well, Ltiiuoxono
will usually do more than anything
else for you. And it will save nearly
sll of your sickness. Kor your owu
sake, let us show you what a constant,
What a powerful help tt Is.
We Paid $100,000
For the American riKhts to I.lquo
sono. . We did this after testing the
product for two years, through physi
cians aud hospitals. After proving, lu
thousands of difficult euttee, that Uiiuo
Bouo destroy e the cause of any genu
Llquoxone ban. for more thtn .'0
years, been the constant hubjeet of
scientific and chemical research. It Is
not made by compounding druK. nor
with alcohol. Its virVnea are derived
solely from g largely oxygeu saw
by a pr0-etta requiring inuncuse ap
paratus aud 14 days' time. The result
is a liquid that doe what oxyfreu does.
It Is nerve food and blood food the
I sm now a years of age and for a num.
hr of )pr have been troubled with rny
heart nd the leant excitement make ma
ver;- nervou.
Your Malt Whiskey wai recommended to
Mr four years ago. and It ha been my ""jj
medicine ever since, doing me more good
thHii all the doctors, whom I now have
little uae for.
1 urn never without a bottle and ran
rc cinmerid It to nil nervous people or those
affllrted with any heart trouble. It I truly
ii wonderful m-dlrine. Mrs. Lueretla, i.
Beans, 133 Bradley Street.
' '- : ;:' : , 'V. "
hMrL sivea Dower to the brain, strength
Goal & Supply Go.
'Phono 1307
troops waa 'passing through a woody tract
near there.
While martial law has not been declared
at Zelgler. the eituatlon closely approaches
It. Ne one not properly vouched for can
enter the town. The entire Leiter truct of
land, containing 8,000 acres, Is to be put
under military surveillance. The poeitlon
taken by the Franklin county officials is
generally approved. . , .
No one at all conversant with- the situa
tion believes that serious trouble Is proba
ble, unless from a few foreigners, who quit
Lelter's employ and have been unable to
return to their homes In Pennsylvania.
No outbreak occurred last night.
Miners' Official Talks.
DUQUOIN, 111.. Nov. 29.-John Conroy,
president of the local branch of the United
Mine Workers, said today:
There Is no need of soldiers at Zelgler.
There has been no violence, nor Is any an
ticipated. Our men are comfortably quar
tered at their camp and have made no
demonxt ration whatever. It is presumed
that Ieiter intends importing expert miners
from Pennsylvania today or tomorrow and
that he has Induced Sheriff Stein to ask
for BHalHtance simply to have the soldiers
aot aa guards the utmie as deputy sheriffs
have bucn doing since the strike began
July 10.
I bellevo Governor Yates has been mlsln
foinied as to the situation. The miners are
convinced that Letter la undertaking a
hopelefis task; other have tried what he Is
now trying and gave it up. lie will find
his efforts more expensive than his failure
to corner wheat.
All persons, including newspaper men, are
barred from the stockades at Zelgler. No
one hut Joseph letter, it is snld can Issue
permits passing anyone through the line.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Cincinnati Coroner Decides that C. A,
Parker TMed from Poison,
CINCINNATI, Nov. 29.-Coroner Weaver
today rendered a verdict i- the case of
C. A. Parker, vice president of the Cin
cinnati, Hamilton & Dayton . and Pare
Marquette railroads, who died suddenly In
his office November 19, finding that death
was caused by suicide with pruhsic Wid.
Ita effects are exhjhirtttlrtit. ritaltainir.
purifying. Vet it is a gertuiclde so cur
tain that we publish on every bottle
an offer of $l,to for a disease gerhi
thut It cannot kill. The reason in that
genus are vegetables; and Liquozolie
like -excess of oxygen Is deadly to
vegetal mutter.
There lies the great value of Llqito
sone. It in the only way known to kill
germs In thtt liody without killing the
tissues, too. Any drug that kills germs
Is a poison and It cannot W taken in
ternally. Every physician knows that
medicine is almost helpless in any
genu disease.
Germ Diseases
These are the known genu diseases.
All that medicine can do for these
troubles is to help Nature overcome
the genus, and such results are indi
rect and uncertain.. Llquozoue uttacks
the germs, wherever they are. And
when the germs which cause a disease
are destroyed, the disease must end, aud
forever. That is Inevitable.
Astkou -
'io4 Potaes
BnsUl's In,
Bul Trouhla
Tolie 4 'roup
M.r Feree Inlataaa
Kidur Dihun
lm Troubtos
ialrU fc.urlt
War Umj Trontti
PlAurLtr I4uuir
srauirpMUa . , '.
- Sua Ihium is . . ' i
lt MatU7-tJtariaeas
Clipping Bureau Brief Bait Ajaimt Late
Candidate for Vice President,
School Fnnd Apportionment Will
Show an Increase Over Antoantl
Ulstrlbated list December.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 19. (Special! Hon.
Thomas Tibbies, lots candidate for vtce
president on the populist ticket. Is now In
the throes of the cold gray dawn Of the
morning after. The carting of the votes
and the enormous majority of President
Roosevelt failed to settle everything for
Mr. Tibbies, as today he was msde the
defendant In a suit for $6.60, In Which the
Burrell Prees Clipping bureau of New Tork
is the plaintiff. According to the suit filed,
the pres bureau claims that on July 1
Mr. Tibbies made a contract with It to
furnish him with press references at S
cents a reference, and at a later date he
paid to the bureau S, ordering the bureau
to cease sending the clippings on August
30. The bureau alh-uea that it furnished
Mr. Tibbies 1.4.12 references, and it wants
the balance of the money. When the
officer served the papers on the lste candi
date he is quoted as saying In his charac
teristic way that the bureau "could go to."
Mr. Tibbies said he ordered $5 worth of
clippings from the bureau and he then left
town, and upon his return found it was
still sending the stuff and. that he again
ordered the stuff stopped. He will fight
the case and expects to win It.
Looks for tnlet Session.
Congressman Charles E. Littlefleld of the
Second district of Maine, who Is In Unooln,
the guest of Congressman Burkett, said to
day he looked for a quiet session of con
gress. "I know of nothing that Is likely to come
up between now and March I, when the
short session ends, that Is calculated ,to
create much of a stir," he declared. "There
may be some action on the trusts, and on
that question I stand where I stood severnl
years ago, where I have always stood upon
the proposition, that publicity was an ex
cellent remedy, and the trend of opinion
seems to be In the direction of the idea
that It Is a good thing."
Congressman Littlefleld leaves for the
east tomorrow.
Bin School Apportionment.
The statement of the condition of the
treasury to be Issued by State Treasure!
Mortensen tomorrow evening will- show a
balance on hand In all funds of $331,263.67.
Of this, amount between t7,000 and .'A0,0W
will be apportioned out among the various
school districts of the stute about Decem
ber i. This time a year ago' the apportion
ment amounted to J2G6.000. At the present
time there is not a rent uninvested In any
of the trust funds and Mr. Mortensen had
on hand In the general fund only $5.67.
Still Racking the Wild Cats.
A citizen of the west end of the state
has written Insurance Deputy Pierce to
find out some way to get ponsesslon of the
amount of a premium he paid for apollc
In the Firemen's Fire Insurance company
of Chicago. He has been advised to take
tha matter up with the county attorney
with a view to bringing action against the
local agent of the company, the organiza
tion having no standing or legal right to dc
business in Nebraska. The man wrote that
he had paid the premium to a citizen of
the wn in 'which both live and-that' the
agent said he had sent the money to the
company. Later he heard from the com.
pany that It had not received the premium
money and that the policy was no good
until the money was paid into the company.
This Is one of the companies that Mr.
Pierce has warned the people, has no right
to do business in Nebraska, but It Is evi
dent the people have not heeded the warn
ing. It is a misdemeanor by law to act aa
agent for such a qempany.
Saspen'se Almost Over.
Auditor-elect Soarle was here yesterday
and last night shaking hands with friends
and looking over what Is to be his office.
Mr. Searle said probably he would an
nounce his office force the latter part of
the week. ,
Gnest Has an Rxperlrnce.
John Mitchell, colored, broke the world's
running record about daylight this morn
ing and Incidentally tore up about a block
of pavement and made a few policemen un
limber limbs that hadn't been unlimbered
for ages. It all happened because John
was mistaken for a burglar by an over
nervous landlady in a block on O street.
With another colored man John rented a
room In the block and last nlqht, being his
first night in the new house, he didn't get
in until about daylight. As he went In the
room the landlady beard him, and forget
ting about renting the room, sent out a call
for the police. John heard that call and
saw the commotion gathering and started
on a hot-foot Just as the police arrived.
Several shots were fired at him before h
waa overtaken and the matter. was satis
factorily explained. Satisfactory to John
because ho still lived and had broken a
runnin record.
Governor Offers Reward.
For the arrest of the person who shot and
killed Lulu Johnson near Valentine on th
night of October 30 Governor Mickey has
by proclamation offered a reward of Juo.
to homes that use
one can keep well
a bottle free?
Dandruff Dropaj
Ecsatna Eryalpelaa
Favara Gall Staoas
Galtra Gout
Stomach Trottblas
Throat Troublat
Ttrcora Lloon
Vat leoor;
Womtn'.t Hmh,
Oonorrhaa Olaat
All 4laaaaa that bacta with tTr--..l lnnimm.ii.
all oatArrh all cootactoua Slaraaas i II Ika raaiilui
f I id pur or polaonaS blood.
la aarToua dabllliy Llquoaooa sets as vtuitsar,
tecoaipllahing hat no dross esa So.
' 50c. Bottle Free.
If you need Liquozone, . and hare
never tried it, pleaae send us this
coupon. We will then mail you an or
der on a local drugfrlst-for a full
size bottle, and we will pay the dnig
gist ourselves for It. This Is our free
gift, made to convince you; to show
you what Liquozone Is. and what It
can do. In justice to yourself, please
accept it today, for it places you. un
der no obllgution whatever. .
Liquozone costs ftOc and 1.
for thla agar our not appear ssala. Fill a at
tho blanki ana aaall It to ika Uvi Owu
a-4 W.baak At... Chtoaso.
Mr dla.taa I .'
1 ha.a ir triad Uuo.d. but It jao) ortU
susslr wiHi bout. in 1 wUl to U-
111 A
OIt. full odd
Ita puglr.
Ui a (Udl au.pus tt taat.
The bullrt that kin4 Miss Johnson waa
flrerl from a Hrs run and the persnn who
fired the shot lay In ambush and not only
killed Mtss Johnson, but shot one man
through a luna. another through an arm,
killed one horse and" wounded the ether,
the partlee being In a burtr at the time.
The sfro waa supposed to bars been fired
by a soldier or a eoMier- run Is supposed
to have been used. The msjor In chanre of
the troops at Niobrara fold the coroner thnt
several ;ins were mlsiins; from the racks
on the night of the murder and thnt he was
using his best endeavors to discover the
Identity of the murderers. The troops are
all colored.
Indicted for Stealing a Ride.
On the novel charge of "attempting to
steal a ride." accompanied by a charge of
assault and battery, Edgar Evans, who I
In Jail at Falls City, will be taken back M
Kansas for trial, novernor Mickey this
morning honored the requMlton of Gov
ernor Halley of Kansas for the return of
the man. In the complaint against Evans
It Is charged that he climbed onto a Hock
Island train In Kansas with the Intention
of stealing a ride and when the con
ductor tried to rut him off, he he-it up
that official and Incidentally dropped hint
off the train somewhere between stations.
County Retases to Pay.
The county of ThurMon having been
turned down by the lower court on its ap
plication for an Injunction against the
payment of a Judgment secured against
the county by H. II. Mclntyre, has ap
pealed to the supreme court. Mclntyre
purchased warrants amounting with Inter
est to J2.S96.S1, dating back as far as 1S3S,
for which he brought suit against the
county and secured Judgment. The county
authorities contended that It was due to
the negligence of the plaintiff that he had
failed to get his money and that he did
not proceed o collect It by the proper
course In law, henee the application for
the Injunction.
To Flaht for Ills Rights.
With a Chinaman on one side and a col
ored man on the other a test of civil rlghti
will be made before Justice Stevens next
Friday. Kim Wah, the defendant In the
case. Is the proprietor , of a restaurant
here and Oscar Rand, the plaintiff, is a
colored man from Denver. This noon he
went Into the restaurant and, sittingilown
to a table, proceeded to give an order.
Mr. Kim Wah hustled up to the table
and Informed the gentleman of color that
the table was reserved for white folks
and that he would have to eat at the
counter. This so' enraged the man from
Denver that ho nt once had Kim arrested,
and the ' case was set for Friday.
fir Corporations.
The Deuel County Dank of Oshkosh,
with a paid up capital of $1A,W0, has been
granted a charter by the State Ranking
board. The Incorporators are: J. W. Wihn,
C. H. Burke. J. H. AVetm and P. A. Burke.
The Hansen Cattle and Land company
of Sioux City, la., with, an authorized
capital stock of J25.0OO. . has filed articles
of Incorporation In the office of the sec
retary of state. Tho Incorporators are:
O. B. Long and Nicholas Hanicn.
Supreme Chancellor Shlvloy of the
Knights of Pythias, whose home is In
Indiana, and Grand Chancellor Kildow of
the Nebraska Jurisdiction, visited In Lin
coln today with Will Love, grand keeper
of records and seals. The three were en
tertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryan at
Watson to Start Maarnslne.
New York dlsputches reporting rumors
that Tom Watson, late populist candidate
for president, is soon to start a magazine
there, have been confirmed here. A- close
personal friend of the lute candidate re
ceived authentic Information today that
the reports are true.' The magazine will
hammer the eastern end of tho democratic
party In an efrort td"Trc6ah, alliance of
Western' and southern 4atycrats with1 pop
ulists. Hubbard's Place Is Filled.
James A. Green, a student of the en
gineering department Of the university,
was today appointed assistant state en
gineer, to take the place made vacant by
theresignation of Kay Hubbard.
Large Number Tome to York to Meet
Head of the Order.
YORK, Nob., Nov. 29. (Special.) Those
who have been attending the district con
ventions of the Knights of Pythias claim
that the meeting here was one of the best
ever held. Incoming trains yesterday over
the Burlington, Kansas City & Omaha and
the Northwestern brought delegates from
all directions, and nearly all held official
positions in the local lodges. The open
meeting was held In the Auditorium, which
was filled, and addresses were made by
William J. Bryan, and the supreme chan
cellor of the world of the Knights of
Pythias, Hon. W. Shively of Indiana.
Owing to an evening engagement at Lin
coln, Mr. Bryan could only occupy the
time between trains and his address was
cut a little short, owing to the lateness of
the train in arriving here. His address
was pronounced as beingoone of the best
sermons that any of the auditors had ever
had the pleasure of listening to. It dealt
principally with tho teachings and, good
that order does.
Kollowiug Mr. Bryan, the supreme chan
cellor addressed the audience on the work
of the Knights of Pythias and gave con
siderable, liixtory of the order. In the
evening a closed session was held at the
Fraternity building, wiiere Supreme Chan
cellor Shively gave an explanation of the
ritualistic work and instructed the members
on the secret work. There were short ad
dresses by Dr. Ray of Fairfield. Neb.,
T. J. Kelly of Lincoln, Judge Holland of
Be ward, Judge Good of Wahoo, Judge G.
W. I'oat of York and Hon. Thomas O'Neal
of Lincoln.
It was midnight before the merry-making
aud speeches were over and a banquet
was nerved at which the -must substantial
refreshments and a Jolly good time were
enjoyed, and few in attendance left until
early morning.
Wife of Absconding; O'Meill Banker
Talks of His Affairs.
O'NEILL), Nob., Nov. 29. (Special.) Mrs.
Patrick Hagerty , said to The Bee repre
sentatlve today;
The newspapers have published the
statement that Mr. Hagerty took away a
large sum of money. TIiIh Is not true He
took only about too. Neither did he tuke
any notes. Any person who will rellect
will see that the note would be no good
to him. He could not sell iliem or collect
them under prevent condltloiin. The only
papers he took out of the bank were snne
private papers aud these are of no com
mercial value. Mr. Hagerty only left be
cause he could not pay and had not the
heart to meet the depooitors, most of whom
were old-time friend, who had placed im
plicit confidence In him. It Is a greut mis
fortune thiit be ever went into the bank
ing business. He was well off before be
engaged in banking and he Is the greatest
sufferer by the hank failure. The hank
had many heavy losses. Mr. Hagerty had
confidence in customers who borrowed from
the bank and would not or. could not pay
If the debts due the bank were all paid
nobody would lose anything. Tlinee who
are criticising Mr. Hagerty might also give
some attention to those who borrowed the
bank's money and never )ld it bark.
On leauing home he said: "It give me
the bitterest grief I ever have exx-rlenued
to have to cloee the doors of the hank in
a community of people who have placed lu
me inoxt explicit confidence and turn my
buck on my family and my home, but It i
not In my power to rfam-nt it. it will
be the aim of my life and that of my chil
dren to meet imy Just obligations.'!
'Kansas Man Arrested.' ' ''
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 2S (Special
Telegram ) John Thompson was 'lodged In
Jail hr this evening, oliargsd with uler
ifV'A Special Correspondence, -s. r
Special Correspondence,
From Wichita. Kansas.
with not
all hope,
The druttl"
for a perm..
rent cura.
1 he th
year old
C iven up by
three doctors,
new bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and while sitting in the coach I read a testimonial where children had been cured
by taking twenty drops when doctors had given them up, so I poured half of my new bottle in the old one, and 'when I
got back to Rjella, I stopped the engine in front of the section house and gave him the bottle and told him to read the
circular and use his own judgment, that the medicine had cured me. Next morning he was at Anthony smiling and said
.the child was better from the first dose. ' In two weeks she was up and running around, and a more grateful family
was never seen. With best wishes I remain, JOS. TACK, Engineer Mo. P.R.R., 423 W. 2nd St, Wichita. Kansas.
N Digests What You Eat
Relieves instantly and cures permanently Indigestion, Dyspepsia.
Sour Stomach, yeak Stomach, Gas on Stomach, Belching,
Puffed Stomach, Catarrh of the Sromach '
Dollar bottle holds 2Vt tim.a
aa much aa the trial,
or 60 cent alga.
lug; the hnrno of Mr. and Mrs. James
Schock, HvItiK southeast of the city, and
carrying; uwuy various articles to theNvalue
of about $M. Thompson appeared at the
Union Pacific dopot this evening; and made
inquiry about shipping; some Roods to Kan
sas. Immedlatrly after leaving; the depot
the cashier uotllli'd the police officers, who
soon had Thompson in Custody. He has a
wife and four children living; In Stockdale,
Kan., and Is believed to be the party who
hid the stolen articles that were found in a
haystuck Saturday by pome boys. It is
said he Is wanted in Jefferson county for
hog; stealing.
Sheriff Ifnnts for Robbers.
PIjATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. 29-Spe-da!.)
Sheriff McBrldo whs called to Wa
bash tills morning to investigate the blow
ing open with dynamite of the safe In the
Farmers State bank by burglars early Sun
day morning. This makes the third bank
In Cass county that has been blown open
by dynamite within the last two . years.
Woman's Soffroae Convention.
GENEVA, Neb., Nov. 29 (Special.) The
twenty-fourth annual convention of the
Nebraska Woman Suffrage association hsJd
Its first eeoslon tonight in the Congrega
tional church, opened by an address by
Mrs. A. J. Marble, after which there was a
program of music and addresses.
Sens of Xfliroata.
GENEVA, Nov. 29. Yesterday, while
delivering bred to his customers.
Manning's hnrrw was caught In an electric
wire that extended into the Htrtet and
Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is not like any other cocoa preparation.
It is finer.
It is made from the nutritious and digestible substance of the choicest "
cocoa beans reinforced by the highest grade sugar.
There is enough nutriment in these constituents to supply the body and .
brain with more available nourishment than any other drink.
It is a delicious drink, appetizing, satisfying, comforting and strength
It embodies the goodness of other cocoas with a goodnesa-of its own.
Unlike other cocoa preparations, Ghirardelli's has a smooth, delicious
flavor which makes it an ideal refreshment as well as aJaily article of diet.
More convenient, delicious and economical for cakes ,and pastry than
cake chocolate. '
How an
Sdveda Child's Life
4 .'JUSfe
Mr. Joseph Tack, living" at 425 W. 2nd
Street, this city, one of tha oldest and best known engineers in
the State of Kansas, tells an interesting story in which he saved
the life of Mary, the beautiful child of section foreman Wade Roy.
Mary was sweet company for her mother, and she always rsrt
with smiling and joyful glee to meet her father as he
work, and her happy disposition banished any cares or
he may have had.
For two months little Mary lay at the point of death.
physician had called in consultation three of the most
professional brothers. ' These' good doctors did all in
a spark of improvement in Mary s condition,
and told the mother that her little darling could
Rescue as Told
by the Engineer
A year ago I was troubled so with my stomach I thought I had
cancer. One Sunday afternoon I had such pain I could hardly stand it.
1 was at Wichita, where we had three hours' lay over before going to
Salina. I went to Arch McVicar's drug store, and asked for a dose of Bromo
Soda. He said that would only help for a few minutes and recom
mended Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for a permanent cure. I bought a bottle
and had immediate relief. I took four bottles and am cured entirely.
I have run a locomotive engine for twenty-eight years,
twenty-five of that time on passenger, where we only have
twenty minutes for meals. That is what ruins railroad men's
stomachs; that is why I thought it my duty to tell you about
this medicine, so tbat my brothers could be relieved in case of
trouble of this kind.
I have been a B. L. E. for twenty-seven years ; run on
twenty years; am known nearly all Over Kansas. About a
our section foreman, Wade Roy, from Ruella, told me hia little
infantum, and was given up by three doctors. While I lay at
all Stomach Troubles
that are curable.
Jumped, throwing Mr. Manning out, bruis
ing him up and injuring his back.
BEATRICE, Nov. 29. Three new eases of
diphtheria were reported to the authorities
yesterday. One more death occurred from
the disease Sunday.
BEATRICE. Nov. 29. Work on the new
concrete dam belonging to Black Bros.,
the millers, was completed yesterday. It Is
one of tho finest structures of the kind in
southern Nebraska.
STANTON. Nov. 29.-Good land in this
county Is sold now almost as soon hs
placed upon the market. One dealer yes
terday sold two farms. One sold for $50
and the other for $75 per acre.
BEATRICE. Nov. 2. Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Plunimer have returned home from a two
months' trip to California and the Hawaiian
iKlands, Mr. Plummer Is Kllpatrick, Bros.,
& Collins' confidential secretary.
BEATRICE, Nov. 29. Mrs. Anna Morris,
who lives near Wymote, was adjudged In
sane yesterday by the Board of Insanity
commissioners. She was taken to the
nxyluin yesterday afternoon by Sheriff
STANTON". Nov .29. &ranton has a case
of diphtheria. Mrs. Heard, wife of Dr. E.
A. Beard. Is the victim. The patient has
neen Kept tinner strict quarantine and
there Is little fear of the spread of the
STANTON, Nov. 29 District court con
vened here yesterday, wiih Judge Guy
T. Graves on the bench. There are three
cases on the docket to be tried to a Jury
and the session promises to be an tntercst
ing one.
BEATRICE, Nov. 19. David Awtry, a
resident of tills city, was badly Injured by
falling downstairs at his horns yesterday
morning, and it will be some time before
he will be able to be out on account of the
BEATRICE, Nov. 29. Rev. O..W. Crofts,
known as the poet-preacher, delivered his
farewell sermon at the Congregational
church Sunday afternoon. The interior of
the church was beautifully decorated with
flowers and everywhere there was a
genuine feeling of sorrow that this good
QhirnrdeUi't it madt in Calijontia, uhert ill tali i$ double that
of all other cucoa preparation combined a proof oj ill perfection.
VSl ' .n Entlnner
VI "V' I Tack rad Ir,
a t.Mlmonta.
t v l where Kodol
I . I cure
I - II children.
came from
worries that
The family
skilled of his
their power.
i ney loss
not live.
At Happy Mary
Mo. P. R. R.
year ago, now.
Roy now
I wavet a
enTeiu i satire
girl had cholera
Kiowa 1 bought a
whail Joe
Tack train
files by.
Prepared at tha Laboratory
of E. O. O.Witt Co.,,
Ohlcaao, U. 8. A.
man waa forced to relinquish tile pulpit hs
lias filled for so many years because of
falling health. Dr. and Mis. Crofts will
retain their residence here for the present
and they may rest assured that they will
find no place where there Is a warmer feel
ing for them than In Beatrice.',
BEATRICE. Nov. 29. Miss Oeorgla San
ders was badly injured lira runaway acci
dent here yesterday morning by being
thrown out of the buggy in which she
was riding on to the hard road.- No bones
were broken, but her escape from serious
and probably fatal injury was miraculous.
Two other occupants of the vehicle escaped
BEATRICE, Nov. 2:1. An enthuslastln
and largely attended meeting of farmers
was held at Pickrell to consider the propo
sition of organizing a, farmers' elevator
company and erecting n building. About
$1.5IU were pledged at the meeting rind It
looks as though the organization would be
a certainty. The Intention Is to raise $5,000
for the erection of an elevator.
PI.ATTSMOI TH. Nov. flist case
to come up for trial before a jury ut this
term of district court was that Of Mrs.
Anna Searle against the city of Plutts
mouth. In which she sought to Teoover the
sum of !l,x dMinuges for Injuries alleged
to have been received by falling on A de
fective sidewalk. Aftr listening to the evi
dence of the plaintiff Judge Paul Jessen in
structed the Jury to find for the defendant,
which was done without leaving the. Jury
box. Judge A. N. Sullivan appeared for the
plaintiff and City Attorney H. 1). Travis for
the defendant.
Fifteen Years fur lloldop Men,
BALTIMORE, Nov. 29.-Kn1.ind B.' Rigor
and Ix B. Mooney were today sentenoed
by Judge Burke of Baltimore county to
fifteen years' Imprisonment in the peni
tentiary for the crime of holding up an
electric car at lakeside, -robbing the pas
sengers and shooting the oonducror last
June. After the commission of the crime
the perpetrators fled. Rigor being subse
quently captured n Columbus, O., an4
Mooney in Denver, Colo.
I . v.. f I
.' 1 his bottle of
P'S - -J Wade Roy for
I 3 hi' Mttie stir I
' -'-f;' '